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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

Disease hyperthermia
Comorbidity |malaria
Sentences 147
PubMedID- 22846165 Children with symptoms and signs of malaria including: fever, chills, malaise, headache, vomiting or other systemic complaints were included in this study after informed consent was obtained from the parents/adolescent themselves.
PubMedID- 25880759 [12] reported a malaria prevalence of 25.7% (61/237) among febrile patients attending three health facilities in nouakchott in 2007. the majority of these cases were due to p. vivax (43/61, 70.5%), followed by p. ovale (15/61, 24.6%) and p. falciparum (3/61, 4.9%) by microscopy.
PubMedID- 22681769 A defined as patient or patient’s guardian reporting that the patient had had a febrile illness with a positive malaria slide.
PubMedID- 24748035 Mixed infections of plasmodium falciparum, the agent of the most malignant form of malaria, lead to less frequent fever episodes in young subjects [15].
PubMedID- 26311240 There is a need for improving diagnostic capacity for non-malaria causes of febrile illness at healthcare delivery points and limiting antibiotic use to patients with definite bacterial infections.
PubMedID- 21453493 fever was also associated with malaria infection in univariate analysis (p = 0.003), but this association was not significant anymore in multivariate analysis (aor = 1.6; p = 0.069).
PubMedID- 21083874 Among febrile systemic illnesses with identified pathogens, malaria (5.4%) accounted for most cases followed by dengue (1.9%) and others including chikungunya, rickettsial diseases, leptospirosis, brucellosis, epstein barr virus infections, tick-borne encephalitis (tbe) and viral hepatitis.
PubMedID- 20691048 When taking into account cases of fever with any positive malaria diagnostic test, eight malaria attacks were observed during follow-up.
PubMedID- 21304925 This threshold has previously been shown to be of value in differentiating symptomatic malaria from other causes of fever with coincidental parasitaemia [16].
PubMedID- 21999636 These cases highlight that change in the symptomatology, forgetfulness regarding malaria as a cause of acute febrile illness and deterioration of the competency of microscopists as a consequence of the low disease incidence, which are all likely to contribute to the delay in the diagnosis.
PubMedID- 21820166 Second, improvements in counselling tasks related to the correct timing of the second artemether-lumefantrine dose (nearly 30%) and the giving of the drug after a meal (nearly 20%) are encouraging findings that are important to ensure successful treatment outcomes in view of the poor oral bioavailability of artemether-lumefantrine and varied absorption between doses.26–28 third, febrile children with malaria often vomit after swallowing bitter antimalarial tablets.
PubMedID- 20925921 Houses where at least one member had experienced symptoms of malaria including fever and/or convulsions in the previous four weeks were included in the study.
PubMedID- 24090043 During the study period, finger-prick blood samples on filter paper from 449 febrile patients with malaria-like symptoms were taken.
PubMedID- 23217163 In tropical africa, the differentiation of malaria from other causes of fever in the absence of microscopy is notoriously difficult.
PubMedID- 25150266 The first patient of plasmodium falciparum malaria presented with fever and altered sensorium; mri of the brain suggested cerebral venous thrombosis.
PubMedID- 25890328 Discussion: potential alternative strategies include the use of standby emergency-treatment (sbet) for the management of fevers with an anti-malarial provided pre-travel, the provision of rapid diagnostic testing and treatment regimen based in general-practitioner surgeries, and urgent and walk-in care centres and local accident and emergency (a&e) departments to provide immediate diagnosis and accessible ambulatory treatment for malaria patients.
PubMedID- 21645402 Uncomplicated malaria generally presents with fever, malaise, and other non-specific symptoms; distinguishing malaria from other febrile illnesses based on clinical presentation is challenging [19-23].
PubMedID- 22952642 Since 2007, testing is recommended only for fever cases with malaria-related history and symptoms - body aches, joint pain, headache, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
PubMedID- 24112638 The resulting dataset consisted of febrile patients, both with and without malaria infections.
PubMedID- 20727214 Unfortunately, current practice by health care providers largely ignores the declining trend of p. falciparum parasite prevalence observed in community surveys and the proportion of fevers attributed to malaria does not seem to change.
PubMedID- 23941585 Written consent was obtained from all participating volunteers, who were vaccinated against yellow fever and provided with malaria prevention and curative treatments according to world health organization (who) recommended regimen (on the basis of fever and detectable p. falciparum parasitemia).
PubMedID- 22434978 All the 454 (100%) respondents had information about malaria and 394 (86.8%) of the respondents mentioned fever as a symptom of malaria.
PubMedID- 22973831 Globally, prostration, neurological symptoms like seizures and pallor are the main clinical forms of malaria among children with acute febrile illness as observed in other endemic countries[25,26].
PubMedID- 25141554 Awareness and practices of 101 consecutive clinically suspected malaria cases (presenting with fever) attending medical opd in satyawadi raja harishchandra hospital, narela in north west district of delhi regarding malaria were assessed using a 37 item pre-tested, semi-structured, semi-open ended, and investigator administered questionnaire.
PubMedID- 25886062 Conditions associated the neonatal deaths and identified via verbal autopsies were: cord prolapse, obstructed labour, antepartum haemorrhage, mal-presentations, preterm births, malaria and other causes of fever in pregnancy, neonatal tetanus and preeclampsia.
PubMedID- 20659316 Despite the significant association of fever with malaria parasitaemia, this was of limited usefulness due to the low parasitaemia rate.
PubMedID- 21486498 In areas where transmission intensity is high, disease burdens remain high and most fevers will be associated with malaria infection and ensuring more than 80% coverage of interventions for prevention and prompt treatment is critical.
PubMedID- 23136222 We aimed to define the malaria-attributable fraction of severe febrile illness, using the distributions of plasma p.
PubMedID- 24982865 Recent reports have already highlighted the greatest frequency of malaria in febrile older children in different areas of the country [6, 7].
PubMedID- 24564957 Written consent was obtained from all participating volunteers, who were vaccinated against yellow fever and provided with malaria prevention and curative treatments according to world health organization (who) recommended regimen (on the basis of fever and detectable p. falciparum parasitemia).
PubMedID- 20543656 Objectives: acute febrile illnesses consistent with malaria are the most common presentation at health clinics in sub-saharan africa, accounting for 30-50% of outpatient visits.
PubMedID- 25631099 The cut points for the categorical community level variables in the analysis are as follows: (i) bed nets use by children (less or equal to 60% as lower and over 60% as higher); (ii) prompt anti-malaria treatment of child with fever (less or equal to 45% as lower and over 45% as higher); (iii) anti-malaria drug use during pregnancy for prevention (less or equal to 44% as lower and over 44% as higher); and, (iv) mean breastfeeding duration (13.5 months or lower as shorter and over 13.5% as longer).
PubMedID- 23809889 The activation stimulus could be the febrile illness associated with acute malaria or a different febrile infection.
PubMedID- 22312572 Despite the fact that the main strategy for reducing childhood mortality and morbidity is presumptive treatment of all fevers in children with antimalarial drugs [2], the greatest challenge of malaria treatment still occurs during treatment as many children with malaria are treated at home [3].
PubMedID- 24188242 Leptospirosis and malaria as causes of febrile illness during a dengue epidemic in jamaica.
PubMedID- 20624312 Presumptive treatment of fever with anti-malarials is widely practised to reduce malaria-attributable morbidity and mortality especially at lower level health facilities where microscopy is not readily available [1-3].
PubMedID- 26471058 The seed extract of brassica nigra showed potent antiepileptic activity [16] which might be important for the management of cerebral malaria which is associated with protracted and/or febrile convulsions.
PubMedID- PMC4652944 In zambia, 68.6% of febrile children with negative malaria rdt results were nevertheless prescribed the expensive artemisinin combination therapy (act) coartem®.
PubMedID- 21703009 Overall, 55.9% of the febrile patients with suspected malaria in the present study had a positive blood slide, indicating that over half of the suspected cases referred to this hospital (matiranga uhc) had malaria.
PubMedID- 20594374 We reviewed evaluations of the delivery of itns, iptp, and case management of malaria in febrile children that were found in the pubmed electronic online database (us national library of medicine, bethseda, usa).
PubMedID- 25928117 This research was part of a larger cross-sectional study on uncomplicated malaria in febrile children that was conducted between july 2007 and april 2008. blood samples were collected through finger pricks from 1,211 febrile children (0–12 years) attending the outpatient clinics in both facilities.
PubMedID- 24626148 Most cases of neonatal malaria presented with fevers that did not closely resemble typical malaria paroxysms.
PubMedID- 23084022 Diagnostic efforts are usually centered on malaria in febrile travelers returning from the tropics.
PubMedID- 20339579 A total of 18 health workers out of 25 (72%) confirmed that they prescribed treatment in the absence of laboratory diagnosis arguing that fever is strongly associated with malaria in an endemic area, and such an attitude allows to exclude for the patient thick and thin blood film cost which is officially charged 0.76 usd.
PubMedID- 21457570 Presumptive treatment of fevers with anti-malarials may have a beneficial prophylactic effect that could also result in a reduction in malaria transmission by reducing the human infectious reservoir [6].
PubMedID- 25802432 However, with the roll back malaria initiative, the causes of fever in africa may change.
PubMedID- 25923210 Similar to previous studies that found malaria being overdiagnosed in patients with acute febrile illness [25–29], we found that among participants who could recall their diagnosis, all but one reported being diagnosed with malaria.

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