Disease | pancreatitis |
Symptom | C0030193|pain |
Sentences | 88 |
PubMedID- 22005656 | We investigated whether bilateral thoracoscopic splanchnicectomy (bts) to reduce nociceptive input in chronic pancreatitis patients (cpp) with poor pain control affects supraspinal and spinal sensitization. |
PubMedID- 19826273 | Efficacy of endoscopic ultrasound-guided celiac plexus block and celiac plexus neurolysis for managing abdominal pain associated with chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. |
PubMedID- 21064010 | Background and objective: acute pancreatitis is commonly associated with severe abdominal pain, making early pain relief a primary goal of the treatment. |
PubMedID- 25528028 | We present the first case of mild pancreatitis presenting with scrotal pain in the absence of any other symptoms or signs. |
PubMedID- 24379694 | Participants: resting state eeg data from 16 patients with persistent abdominal pain due to chronic pancreatitis (cp) were compared to data from healthy controls matched for age, sex and education. |
PubMedID- 24019667 | 1 a distinct non-alcoholic type of juvenile chronic pancreatitis presenting with abdominal pain, steatorrhea and diabetes mellitus with uncertain etiology called “tp” is prevalent in kerala, india. |
PubMedID- 22433523 | The transmural procedures were applied in case of pancreatic pseudicysts, whereas transpapillar endoscopic operations were applied in cases of the obstructive jaundice, pseudocyst, connected of the main pancreatic duct, virsungolithyasis or ductal pancreatitis with pain syndrome. |
PubMedID- 24259952 | It is well known that pancreatitis is associated with epigastric pain, but the understanding regarding to mechanisms and appropriate treatment of this pain is still unclear. |
PubMedID- 22171241 | The local resection of the pancreatic head with longitudinal pancreaticojejunostomy (lr-lpj), or frey procedure, has been shown to be as effective as pancreaticoduodenectomy (whipple) or duodenum-preserving pancreatic head resection (beger procedure) for the relief of pain due to chronic pancreatitis (cp). |
PubMedID- 26134774 | The effects of ethanol are much less reversible than the effects of bupivacaine and triamcinolone, and albeit rare, more severe adverse effects have been reported with eus-cpn than with eus-cpb 345. moreover, meta-analysis of eus-cpn showed results in patients with pain due to chronic pancreatitis (pain relief in 59 % of 376 patients in 9 studies) that were inferior to results in patients with pancreatic cancer (pain relief in 80 % of 283 patients in 8 studies) 6. for these reasons, eus-cpn is the technique of choice for patients with pancreatic cancer, whereas eus-cpb is preferred for patients affected with a benign condition, such as chronic pancreatitis. |
PubMedID- 21876748 | The cognitive profiles of 16 patients with severe pain due to chronic pancreatitis were determined using an extensive neuropsychological test battery. |
PubMedID- 24061626 | Background: thoracoscopic splanchnicectomy (ts) is a minimally invasive intervention to relieve pain in patients with chronic pancreatitis (cp) with equivocal results. |
PubMedID- PMC4062219 | But abdominal pain (with 1 proven pancreatitis) was more commonly observed in patients who had biopsy with pc than fna needle (5/50 vs. 0/47; p = 0.06). |
PubMedID- 22550479 | A more recent randomized controlled trial comparing surgical drainage (pancreaticojejunostomy) versus endoscopic therapy showed that the surgical alternative was superior in improving pain in patients with chronic pancreatitis and a dilated pancreatic duct . |
PubMedID- 21683078 | Pregabalin reduces pain in patients with chronic pancreatitis in a randomized, controlled trial. |
PubMedID- 26473133 | The patient experienced mild post-ercp pancreatitis presenting with abdominal pain, a serum amylase level of 1,380 iu/l, and a serum lipase level of 2,969 iu/l, but recovered with conservative treatment. |
PubMedID- 21412903 | We identified one rct comparing eus-guided or computed tomography (ct) -guided cpb but its aim was to assess efficacy in controlling chronic abdominal pain associated with chronic pancreatitis rather than pancreatic cancer, so it was excluded.for pain (vas) at four weeks the mean difference was -0.42 in favour of cpb (95% confidence interval (ci) -0.70 to - 0.13, p = 0.004, fixed-effect model). |
PubMedID- 21420431 | Deletion of the trpv4 gene inhibits the input to the spinal cord and the pain behavior associated with experimental pancreatitis due to caerulein (ceppa et al., 2010). |
PubMedID- 24039444 | A celiac plexus block is commonly used in cases of chronic pancreatitis with pain refractory to conservative pain management measures as described above. |
PubMedID- 25484508 | While typical symptoms may be elusive in the complex immunosuppressed patient, graft pain along with persistent graft pancreatitis and a positive epstein-barr viremia should raise suspicion for an underlying ptld. |
PubMedID- 25610147 | A 56-year-old non-alcoholic male was admitted with complaints of severe abdominal pain and was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis after blood investigations and a computed tomography scan of the abdomen. |
PubMedID- 25097683 | In 2 patients due to chronic, severe pain associated with chronic pancreatitis in the period of approximately 18 months since they had left hospital thoracoscopic splanchnicectomy was performed with very good outcomes. |
PubMedID- 21785738 | On the other hand, autologous islet cell transplantation after total pancreatectomy for the treatment of chronic pancreatitis with intractable abdominal pain has become the standard therapy 4. |
PubMedID- 23227332 | While the etiology of the pain associated with chronic pancreatitis is not well-understood, alcoholism is the presumed cause in 55–80% of patients . |
PubMedID- 20976128 | Clinical presentation resembles that of chronic pancreatitis, with postprandial abdominal pain of varying degrees. |
PubMedID- 23965475 | She subsequently developed severe epigastric pain attributable to necrotizing pancreatitis and extensive splenic infarcts. |
PubMedID- 20871856 | To perform thrombolysis or not: a case of acute pancreatitis presenting with chest pain and transient left bundle branch block. |
PubMedID- 21217894 | Abdominal pain associated with chronic pancreatitis is often difficult to control with analgesics and can be severely debilitating with significant impairment of quality of life. |
PubMedID- 21116340 | 32 long-term pain management in patients with chronic pancreatitis can be difficult. |
PubMedID- 20494872 | Physicians should keep in mind the possibility of an attack of pancreatitis in a patient with abdominal pain and ecg modifications who is a heavy drinker. |
PubMedID- 25424572 | Conclusions: mechanisms that determine patterns and severity of pain in patients with chronic pancreatitis are largely independent of structural variants observed by abdominal imaging techniques. |
PubMedID- 25430848 | Chronic pancreatitis can lead to intractable pain, pancreatic duct obstruction, duodenal stenosis and vascular compression syndromes. |
PubMedID- 21153480 | If one had to pick a single visceral disorder that literally reigns over the lives of the patients exactly the same way as described by hesse, then this would most likely be the tormenting pain due to chronic pancreatitis (cp). |
PubMedID- 22421712 | Octreotide was used to relieve severe pain associated with chronic pancreatitis perhaps by decreasing intraductal pressure caused by pancreatic secretions. |
PubMedID- 21484880 | Although the way for pain management associated with acute pancreatitis has been searched for, there are not enough medications available for it. |
PubMedID- 22701540 | Nociceptors express these trp channels and mediate the excruciating pain associated with pancreatitis . |
PubMedID- 20689708 | Therapy refractory pain associated with chronic pancreatitis has been reported as a further indication for tp . |
PubMedID- 25757947 | Study protocol for a randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, clinical trial of s-ketamine for pain treatment in patients with chronic pancreatitis (reset trial). |
PubMedID- 22395951 | Bts for pain relief in patients with chronic pancreatitis reduced adrenomedullary function, due to disruption of the efferent sympathetic fibers to the adrenal gland. |
PubMedID- 21168665 | Five patients (31.2%) needed relaparotomy: 2 due to enteric leakage, 2 due to acute abdominal pain with graft pancreatitis observed at laparotomy, and 1 due to acute hemorrhage. |
PubMedID- 25933581 | Background: total pancreatectomy (tp) with islet autotransplantation (iat) is a highly selected treatment for severe pain associated with chronic pancreatitis (cp) after exhausting medical and endoscopic therapies. |
PubMedID- 21929653 | At initial presentation, severe abdominal pain and presentation with acute pancreatitis were more frequent in patients with type 2 aip (p < 0.05). |
PubMedID- 23159354 | The patient was a 72-year-old man who had an alcoholic chronic pancreatitis with severe abdominal pain and hemorrhagic pseudocyst. |
PubMedID- 25184120 | Endoscopic ultrasound-guided celiac plexus block (cpb) is of uncertain value for pain due to chronic pancreatitis (cp), because of the absence of sham-controlled trials. |
PubMedID- 25831191 | Severe unrelenting pain associated with chronic pancreatitis was the major indication for surgery. |
PubMedID- 23008888 | This case report presents a case of a middle aged female, a known case of chronic pancreatitis who presented with severe epigastric pain and progressive shortness of breath. |
PubMedID- 23724387 | clinical presentation of pancreatic se may be similar to that of pancreatitis, with abdominal pain, elevations in serum amylase/lipase, leukocytosis, and peri-pancreatic inflammatory changes on imaging. |
PubMedID- 23431481 | We report a case of severe hypertriglycaeridemia of 149 mmol/l in a 36-year-old man with type 2 diabetes who presented to the surgical ward with abdominal pain due to pancreatitis and developed acute cholestasis, jaundice and eruptive xanthomata. |
PubMedID- 22529883 | Patients were categorized into those with abdominal pain due to pancreatitis and those with pain of non pancreatic etiology. |
PubMedID- 23411743 | Background: total pancreatectomy with islet autotransplantation (tp-iat) is safe and effective in the management of intractable pain associated with chronic pancreatitis (cp). |
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