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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

Disease systemic scleroderma
Comorbidity C1527336|sjogren\'s syndrome
Sentences 3
PubMedID- 25980318 Standardized incidence ratio (sir) of sjogren's syndrome in patients with systemic sclerosis and 95% confidence interval (95% ci) were calculated.
PubMedID- 23441777 Objective: the objectives are to detect the frequency of sicca symptoms and sjogren's syndrome (ss) in patients with systemic sclerosis (ssc) based on the diagnostic criteria of the american-european consensus group (aecg) and to evaluate demographic, clinical and serologic characteristics.
PubMedID- 23379597 Increased serum type i interferon activity in early systemic sclerosis patients is associated with antibodies against sjogren's syndrome antigens and nuclear ribonucleoprotein antigens.

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