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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

Disease hepatitis c
Comorbidity C0020538|hypertension
Sentences 4
PubMedID- 20655032 Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis can lead to portal hypertension, which can further manifest as upper gastrointestinal bleeding.
PubMedID- 23954997 Exclusion criteria were as follows: a) receiving interferon (ifn) or nucleoside analogues antiviral therapy in the last 2 years; b) a history of fever in the past 6 months; c) clinical and/or biochemical signs of chronic active hepatitis (spider angiomas, liver palm, splenomegaly, decreased serum albumin, or portal hypertension); d) co-infection with hepatitis c virus, hepatitis d virus or human immunodeficiency virus; e) coexisting serious medical or psychiatric illness; f) organ or bone marrow transplantation; g) recent treatment with systemic corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, or chemotherapeutic agents; h) a serum alpha-fetoprotein levels over 50 ng/ml.
PubMedID- 22331668 Pegylated interferon-associated retinopathy is frequent in hepatitis c virus patients with hypertension and justifies ophthalmologic screening.
PubMedID- 22911697 [2]–[3] in addition to traditional ckd risk factors such as diabetes and hypertension, co-infection with hepatitis c virus (hcv) has been suggested as a possible risk factor for ckd in hiv-positive individuals.

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