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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

Disease hepatitis a
Comorbidity C0034362|q fever
Sentences 6
PubMedID- 25033402 In patients with q fever, 95% and 13.5% of cases presented with hepatitis and pneumonia, respectively.
PubMedID- 20730052 Hyperinflammatory q fever with granulomatous hepatitis and auto-antibodies has been reported in male patients who respond poorly to antimicrobial agents [11].
PubMedID- 21519168 [q fever as a cause of acute hepatitis accompanying fever].
PubMedID- 20594295 Cases of acute q fever presenting with granulomatous hepatitis and persistent fever in spite of antimicrobial therapy that demanded combination therapy with steroids have been reported [2-4].
PubMedID- 22951661 [two cases of acute hepatitis associated with q fever].
PubMedID- 22792113 In conclusion, we described a case of chronic q fever with hepatitis and endocarditis that should help clinicians to consider this diagnosis, performing systematically c. burnetii serology, for all patients with heart valve lesions who present with nonspecific symptoms, even if they are apyretic and exhibit no elevation of inflammatory markers.

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