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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

Disease cardiomyopathy
Comorbidity C0878544|cardiomyopathies
Sentences 3
PubMedID- 26246349 cardiomyopathies are a group of heterogeneous myocardial diseases that are frequently inherited and are a recognised cause of premature sudden cardiac death in young individuals.
PubMedID- 25940334 Recently, a theory has been proposed to classify nsm as one of the stress-related cardiomyopathies, together with takotsubo cardiomyopathy, acute left ventricular failure in the critically ill, cardiomyopathy associated with pheochromacytoma and exogenous catecholamine administration.
PubMedID- 23484498 Expert opinion: the poor prognosis of cd cardiomyopathy when compared with non-inflammatory cardiomyopathies as well as the lack of effective drugs for its treatment elucidates the need for new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.

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