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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

Disease c syndrome
Comorbidity C0376545|hematologic malignancies
Sentences 5
PubMedID- 25471791 Metabolic syndrome in hematologic malignancies survivors: a meta-analysis.
PubMedID- 22106561 This case report is followed by a review of the diagnosis and treatment of other cutaneous paraneoplastic syndromes that are associated with hematologic malignancies.
PubMedID- 26342744 hematologic malignancies identified in patients with hypereosinophilia and hypereosinophilic syndromes.
PubMedID- 24940820 The relationship between treatment for hematologic malignancies and risk of developing metabolic syndrome (ms) is controversial; in addition, metabolic changes following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (hsct) is an area of growing interest.
PubMedID- 24216483 In particular, asxl1 mutations are common in patients with hematologic malignancies associated with myelodysplasia, including myelodysplastic syndromes (mdss), and chronic myelomonocytic leukemia.

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