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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

Disease thalassemia
Symptom C0011847|diabetes
Sentences 9
PubMedID- 24111905 Cardiac complications and diabetes in thalassaemia major: a large historical multicentre study.
PubMedID- 25722965 The prevalence of diabetes in alfathalassaemia was 1.3 percent which was considerably lower than the previous our pervious study on beta thalassaemia, 8.5% 9.
PubMedID- 24115521 diabetes mellitus in patients with thalassemia major.
PubMedID- 25710019 thalassemia major patients with diabetes mellitus had a higher risk of cardiac complications, including heart failure, hyperkinetic arrhythmias, and myocardial fibrosis .
PubMedID- 20492708 Since treatment of diabetes in patients with thalassemia major is an additional burden, support from doctors and psychologists is needed.
PubMedID- 25236606 Besides iron accumulation fatty degeneration might be an additional risk factor for the development of diabetes in beta-thalassemia major, but this hypothesis needs further studies in prediabetic patients.
PubMedID- 20398341 The etiology of diabetes in β-thalassemia is increased peripheral resistance to insulin and direct toxic effect of excess iron in the acinar and beta cells of pancreas resulting in insulin deficiency 5.
PubMedID- 25834825 The development of diabetes in thalassemia is attributed to impaired insulin excretory function secondary to chronic iron overload in the pancreas , selective immune system activation against pancreatic β-cells leading to cell damage , and/or pancreatic cell death due to fat transformation .
PubMedID- 26023548 The prevalence of diabetes in patients with thalassemia varies from 6 to 14%.

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