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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

Disease myelofibrosis
Symptom C0029464|osteosclerosis
Sentences 4
PubMedID- 26543328 In pmf, the stromal reaction that accompanies clonal hematopoietic stem cell proliferation is characterized by a consistent myelofibrosis associated with osteosclerosis and neoangiogenesis.
PubMedID- 23259918 It has been hypothesized that an increased production of osteoprotegerin by stromal and endothelial cells contributed to the unbalanced osteoblast production leading to the osteosclerosis frequently associated with myelofibrosis and to vascular complications .
PubMedID- 23259436 Advanced myelofibrosis with osteosclerosis and increase and thickening of bone trabeculae is typically contrasted by the absence or sparse presence of osteoclasts.
PubMedID- 26358171 Conclusions: we believe that et1 is responsible for the osteosclerosis that develops with advanced myelofibrosis and suggest that et1 signaling may play a role in other osteosclerotic settings as well.

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