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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

Disease duodenal ulcer
Symptom C0030193|pain
Sentences 3
PubMedID- 22220141 Gtt bid for alleviating abdominal pain due to past duodenal ulcer, and nitroglycerin tablets for dilating the coronary artery.
PubMedID- 21698891 Gastritis, as gastric and duodenal ulcer, is associated with epigastric abdominal pain, influenced by meals, associated with nausea and vomiting and weight loss.
PubMedID- 22722194 Cox-1 has housekeeping effects in the gastric mucosa,36 and its inhibition can lead to mucosal thinning and to gastroduodenal ulceration, leading to upper gastric pain and indeed the thousands of annual hospitalizations that associated with nsaid use.37 nsaids also inhibit platelet aggregation by direct inhibition of their endogenous cox-1 enzyme.38 intriguingly, this effect is unreported for other synthetic estrogens, which, to the contrary, are more likely to promote platelet aggregation.39,40 a widely accepted model for platelet aggregation may be run ex-vivo, in whole blood, allowing one to test for target engagement of cox-1 in this effect.

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