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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

Disease cleft palate
Symptom C0029882|otitis media
Sentences 11
PubMedID- 26248454 Method: fifty-six cases of cleft palate children with secretory otitis media were randomly divided into observation group and control group.
PubMedID- 24237229 otitis media with effusion: experiences of children with cleft palate and their parents.
PubMedID- 23998070 The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of secretory otitis media that occurs in patients with cleft palates and to confirm the existence of these manifestations by doing a basic audiologic evaluation (bae).
PubMedID- 20654896 Particularity of otitis media with effusion in cleft palate.
PubMedID- 23379112 Objective: to study the effect of tympanostomy tube surgery in cleft palate children with secretory otitis media (som).
PubMedID- 22594401 Bacterial pathogens related to chronic suppurative otitis media in individuals with cleft palate: bacteriological culture and polymerase chain reaction.
PubMedID- 24560240 Objectives: to investigate whether there are differences in the short and long term outcomes of tympanoplasty performed due to childhood chronic mesotympanic otitis media in patients without and with cleft palate.
PubMedID- 19860527 Discussion and conclusions: intrinsic defects of the eustachian tube cartilage and of the insertion of the velopharyngeal muscles seem to contribute to the evolution of otitis media in patients with cleft palate, in addition to the actual defect of the soft palate.
PubMedID- 23497540 Moment--management of otitis media with effusion in cleft palate: protocol for a systematic review of the literature and identification of a core outcome set using a delphi survey.
PubMedID- 22518157 cleft palate is associated with recurrent otitis media with effusion and hearing loss.
PubMedID- 21271799 Conclusions: the high incidence of otitis media with effusion in cleft palate infants found in this study is consistent with that reported in the western literature.

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