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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

Disease cardiomyopathy
Symptom C0018801|heart failure
Sentences 218
PubMedID- 25635172 However, there are indications of hypercoagulation state in the plasma of patients suffering from arterial thrombosis: circulating factors xia and tf were detected in patients following ischemic cerebrovascular events , in stable angina patients , in patients with systolic heart failure due to ischemic cardiomyopathy .
PubMedID- 21947198 The most common initial presentation of bths is significant heart failure due to cardiomyopathy, which is the main cause of death in infancy or childhood.
PubMedID- 23580922 Ppcm is an idiopathic dcm cardiomyopathy with heart failure secondary to lv dysfunction occurring in the last month of gestation or in 5 months of delivery, where no other cause can be found.
PubMedID- 24364010 Isolated ventricular non-compaction is a rare cardiomyopathy associated with left heart failure, severe arrhythmias and thromboembolism.
PubMedID- 22305956 Different prognostic impact of the tissue doppler-derived e/e' ratio on mortality in chagas cardiomyopathy patients with heart failure.
PubMedID- 21264183 On the other hand, table 2 shows functional echocardiography findings in controls and heart failure patients due to idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy before and after 36 weeks of receiving allopurinol (300 mg/day).
PubMedID- 24477357 The aim of this prospective study was to assess the value of speckle tracking echocardiographic (2d-ste) parameters to predict response to heart failure therapy in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (dcm).
PubMedID- 22745835 Approximately 10 million people are infected with trypanosoma cruzi, the etiologic agent of chagas disease (american trypanosomiasis), of whom up to 30% will develop chagasic cardiomyopathy associated with heart failure, arrhythmias, and mural thrombi causing pulmonary and systemic emboli and sudden death –.
PubMedID- 24083195 The minor criteria are: 1) obesity and/or insulin resistance and/or type 2 diabetes; 2) history of dilated cardiomyopathy with congestive heart failure; 3) hearing loss; 4) hepatic dysfunction; 5) renal failure; 6) short stature; and 7) males: hypogonadism, females: irregular menses and/or hyperandrogenism.
PubMedID- 21976876 Hypocalcemia is a less known but treatable cause for dilated cardiomyopathy, leading to severe heart failure in children.
PubMedID- 23888231 Patients with heart failure symptoms due to ischemic cardiomyopathy face a poor prognosis without adequate treatment.
PubMedID- 20298698 Ventricular noncompaction cardiomyopathy (vncm) is associated with heart failure and arrhythmias.
PubMedID- 24273552 The use of anthracyclines at optimal efficacy is hampered by their cumulative dose-dependent adverse side effects, the most serious of which is the aic that with time can result in anthracycline associated cardiomyopathy (aac) leading to congestive heart failure.
PubMedID- 19181403 Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (hocm) often leads to heart failure, severe ischemia, severe symptoms and death.
PubMedID- 25784945 Dox, used in cancer patients, might induce cardiomyopathy, which can lead to heart failure .
PubMedID- 21641824 An unusual association of endomyocardial fibrosis and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in a patient with heart failure.
PubMedID- 21729325 Circulating levels of hfabp have a prognostic value regarding the future deterioration of congestive heart failure in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy , and persistently increased serum concentrations of hfabp predict adverse clinical outcomes in patients with shf .
PubMedID- 24308515 The treatment arm of the model consisted of mutually exclusive chd subgroups: patients hospitalized within the last year for an acute myocardial infarction (ami), or for unstable angina pectoris or heart failure due to ischemic cardiomyopathy, community-dwelling patients who were post-ami survivors, patients with chronic angina, patients receiving revascularisation cabg surgery or angioplasty, patients with heart failure in the community and, finally, hypertensive and hypercholesterolemia individuals eligible for primary prevention with lipid lowering therapy.
PubMedID- 26550569 Two of the four affected children died within 60 hours postpartum of metabolic crises and heart failure due to cardiomyopathy refractory to treatment.
PubMedID- 25336212 Ultrastructural features of cardiomyocytes in dilated cardiomyopathy with initially decompensated heart failure as a predictor of prognosis.
PubMedID- PMC4642074 Polyneuropathy and/or cardiomyopathy with heart failure dominates the clinical presentation of the disease.
PubMedID- 25112388 1b), was under investigation for global developmental delay and failure to thrive when, at the age of 2 years, he presented with congestive heart failure due to dilated cardiomyopathy (dcm).
PubMedID- 25710020 Nevertheless, cad, especially ami and heart failure due to ischemic cardiomyopathy are still critical problems in the world and so is exploring novel approaches which can advance the current therapeutics strategies.
PubMedID- 23437120 Conclusions/significance: we show that in adult heart, up-regulated expression of calreticulin induces cardiomyopathy in vivo leading to heart failure.
PubMedID- 26471898 Only taking a subset of heart failure patients with cardiomyopathy, another american study showed the prevalence of malnutrition to be about 50 % that may not be directly comparable with our study which included various causes of heart failure which contribute to higher prevalence of malnutrition .
PubMedID- 26427586 Background: cirrhotic cardiomyopathy may lead to heart failure in stressful circumstances, such as after transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (tips) placement.
PubMedID- 24398041 Main methods: left ventricular biopsies were taken from explanted hearts of patients with end-stage heart failure due to dilated cardiomyopathy (cmp; n=15) or ischemic heart disease (cad; n=9), and compared with homograft control preparations from organ donors deceased due to non-cardiac causes (n=7).
PubMedID- 21453830 Cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, oncosis, and autophagic vacuolization predict mortality in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy with advanced heart failure.
PubMedID- 22242020 Obesity cardiomyopathy with left- and right-heart failure secondary to eccentric right and left ventricular hypertrophy may result if these are present for a long period of time.
PubMedID- 24705294 The advent of next generation sequencing has ushered in a new era in the genetic diagnosis of cardiovascular disease, and this is especially evident when considering cardiomyopathy, a leading cause of heart failure.
PubMedID- 19959529 The current report describes two patients with severe heart failure due to dilated cardiomyopathy in whom discrepancy between thermodilution cardiac output and clinical status was due to left-to-right shunt.
PubMedID- 24665353 However, in those patients, the “pitting” type of pretibial edema as a result of increased sodium and fluid retention or vascular hyper-permeability rarely occurs, except in cases complicated by heart failures due to severe cardiomyopathy or pulmonary hypertension.
PubMedID- 23537813 Background: cardiac amyloidosis due to amyloid fibril deposition in the heart results in cardiomyopathy (cmp) with heart failure (hf) and/or conduction disturbances.
PubMedID- 23843848 However, there are many chronic side effects that limit the amount of doxorubicin that can be executed; the most detrimental side effect is the cardiomyopathy that may lead to irreversible congestive heart failures 3.
PubMedID- 23597573 Background: the hallmark of trypanosoma cruzi infection is cardiomyopathy that leads to end-stage heart failure.
PubMedID- 24447632 Aims: myocarditis and subsequent dilated cardiomyopathy are major causes of heart failure in young adults.
PubMedID- 24049653 The clinical spectrum of cardiovascular involvement is wide, ranging from asymptomatic atrioventricular and bundle branch block to severe, rapidly progressive heart failure owing to restrictive cardiomyopathy .
PubMedID- 25821130 Since chronic myocarditis may be a precursor of heart failure due to dilated cardiomyopathy , such information might be used to risk-stratify t1d mi patients and identify which patients would most likely benefit from antigen-specific immunotherapy.
PubMedID- 21105329 Clinical picture of anomalous origin of coronary artery from pulmonary artery is often erroneously related to cardiomyopathy or myocarditis because of signs of heart failure.
PubMedID- 20597231 An adult castrated male pet kinkajou (potos flavus) presented with dyspnea due to congestive heart failure and was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (hcm) and suspected pulmonary arterial hypertension.
PubMedID- 22798678 Myocarditis and subsequent dilated cardiomyopathy are major causes of heart failure in young adults.
PubMedID- 25379962 Conclusions: in heart failure patients with ischaemic cardiomyopathy, crt-d was associated with a mortality benefit compared with crt-p, but no benefit of crt-d over crt-p in mortality was observed in non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy.
PubMedID- 21739229 Although the infiltration of the heart from different types of amyloid results in restrictive cardiomyopathy that manifests with refractory congestive heart failure and conduction abnormalities, unequivocal identification of the deposited amyloidogenic protein is mandatory in order to avoid misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment.
PubMedID- 19937127 Echocardiography is still the mainstay of assessing left ventricular function but over the past years considerable progress has been made in the field of cmr, providing accurate evaluation of left ventricular function particularly in patients with heart failure due to ischemic cardiomyopathy .
PubMedID- 22973525 During the course of the disease cardiomyopathy leading to congestive heart failure may develop 4.
PubMedID- 22988490 These conditions include diastolic heart failure (often due to obesity of cardiomyopathy), restrictive lung disease, copd, obesity hypoventilation syndrome, and residence at a moderately high altitude .
PubMedID- 21398330 One patient, who did not complete the trial, developed cardiomyopathy with congestive heart failure at a point when she had largely discontinued the medication.
PubMedID- 24658885 To propose a clinical prognostic index for death and heart failure in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy implanted with an icd.
PubMedID- 22937299 It is also possible that the high concentration of estrogen contributed to his congestive heart failure due to dilated cardiomyopathy, which also resolved with normalization of serum estradiol.
PubMedID- 26310462 These lesions supported a diagnosis of dilated cardiomyopathy with right heart failure and secondary hepatic degeneration due to marked acute passive congestion.

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