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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

Disease barrett esophagus
Symptom C0014859|esophageal cancer
Sentences 6
PubMedID- 22375181 Recently, there has been increasing incidence of esophageal cancers associated with barrett's esophagus.
PubMedID- 23600048 Prevalence of extra-esophageal cancers in patients with barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma.
PubMedID- 22449575 Immortal person-time bias in relation to the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and statins in the prevention of esophageal cancer in patients with barrett's esophagus.
PubMedID- 25097676 Interesting results were published by the authors applying emr as a stepwise radical endoscopic resection (srer) of esophageal lesions to eradicate barrett's esophagus with early-stage esophageal cancer.
PubMedID- 22891079 In the united states showed that use of statins correlates with 45% reduction of esophageal cancer risk in patients with barrett's esophagus (95% confidence interval ci 0.36–0.86) (10).
PubMedID- 23357487 Statins are associated with reduced risk of esophageal cancer, particularly in patients with barrett's esophagus: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

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