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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

Disease ankylosing spondylitis
Symptom C0003873|rheumatoid arthritis
Sentences 3
PubMedID- 25851594 Drug survival and causes of discontinuation of the first anti-tnf in ankylosing spondylitis compared with rheumatoid arthritis: analysis from biobadabrasil.
PubMedID- 24646632 More specifically, the hla complex appears to be important in the clinical expression of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, reiter’s syndrome, especially hla-b27 associated ankylosing spondylitis and hla-dr4 with rheumatoid arthritis .
PubMedID- 24149022 Onset of rheumatoid arthritis in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis.

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