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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

Disease hyperthermia
Symptom |infection
Sentences 280
PubMedID- 24097806 Susceptibility of tick cell lines to infection with alkhumra haemorrhagic fever virus.
PubMedID- 24884917 Following initiation of treatment of a suspected urinary tract infection due to symptoms of fever and dysuria supported by urinalysis findings, she developed mouth ulcers, which were considered a drug reaction.
PubMedID- 26486049 The fever could be attributed to infection in only 4 patients, and none of the patients with fever had proven deep vein thrombosis.
PubMedID- 22550493 Additionally, infection with chikungunya fever, a potentially oncogenic arbovirus, was associated with the onset of endemic burkitt's lymphoma in one study and also with space-time case clusters of the lymphoma.
PubMedID- 20515973 Objective: the identification of severe bacterial infection (sbi)in children with fever without source (fws) remains a diagnostic problem.
PubMedID- 25312201 Results: the results showed that all the interviewees believed that children got malaria infection along with fever or fever and other symptoms.
PubMedID- 23473815 Acute human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection presenting with fever, elevated amylase/lipase, and hematologic abnormalities.
PubMedID- PMC3360214 The infection rate with q fever was 23.7%.
PubMedID- 22937364 In some patients, actinomycosis is an acute, rapidly progressive infection associated with pain, fever, soreness, and swelling.
PubMedID- 20433689 Of those, 87 patients did not meet the inclusion criteria (44 patients refused to enroll in our study, 40 patients were confirmed as disease other than scrub typhus, and 3 patients had concurrent infection with hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome).
PubMedID- 22363640 Increased risk of infection was associated with: current fever (or = 1.2; 95%ci: 1.0–1.5) versus no fever; pig keeping (or = 3.2; 95%ci: 2.1–4.9) versus not keeping pigs; living in houses with a grass roof (or = 1.7; 95%ci: 1.3–2.4) versus other roofing materials and bigger household size (8–15 people: or = 1.6; 95%ci: 1.3–2.1) versus small households (1–4 persons).
PubMedID- 21829748 A dengue-like syndrome was defined as infection associated with fever and ≥ 2 of the following symptoms: grade 2 headache lasting 12 hours, grade 2 photophobia lasting ≥12 hours, grade 2 generalized myalgia lasting ≥12 hours.
PubMedID- 20683364 Specificity of 99mtc-ubi for detecting infection foci in patients with fever in study.
PubMedID- 24692447 In humans, denv infection can lead to severe hemorrhagic fever, dengue shock syndrome, and death (simmons and farrar, 2012; the world health organization, 2014; united states centers for disease control and prevention, 2014).
PubMedID- 21072159 Initially, the child had acute fever with evidence of infection as evidenced by polymorphonuclear leucocytosis.
PubMedID- 24473399 If patients had a neutrophil count less than 1000 mm−3, platelet count less than 75 × 103 mm−3, serum creatinine more than 1.2 mg dl−1, infection with fever, or anorexia, diarrhoea, oral mucositis, or rash of grade 2 or higher, treatment with s-1 was suspended.
PubMedID- 25061813 In june 2013, a subclinical infection with severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus (sftsv) was detected in zhejiang province, china, prompting seroprevalence studies in 6 districts within the province.
PubMedID- 21486453 While an influenza infection is generally associated with a high fever and cough, clinical symptoms associated with an influenza infection vary substantially, asymptomatic infections have been documented and case ascertainment remains a challenge.
PubMedID- 22153360 In addition, r. felis infection was diagnosed in patient with unknown fever in vientiane .
PubMedID- 26463422 Q fever patients with persistent focalized infection were found more at risk of lymphoma (hazard ratio 9.35 ).
PubMedID- 25884992 On multivariate analysis, hiv-infection was significantly associated with fever, anaemia, placenta previa, marital status, and district of residence.
PubMedID- 22457734 Participating donors were questioned about influenza-like symptoms (a respiratory infection with fever and cough and myalgia or fatigue) from october to december 2009, and vaccination against influenza h1n1pdm09.
PubMedID- 24479614 A typical salmonella infection can lead to fever, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and headache.
PubMedID- 26048373 Our results highlight the possible risk of infection with relapsing fever and lyme borreliosis spirochetes in forest habitats especially in the high-risk groups of hunters, forestry workers and hikers.
PubMedID- 23116371 West nile virus (wnv) infection may be associated with fever, neurologic disorders, and acute flaccid paralysis as a final clinical outcome.
PubMedID- 22168261 The mild malaria group consisted of 367 patients with mild symptoms characterized by fever without other causes of infection and by lack of the manifestations of severe malaria as described below.
PubMedID- 20653960 Any fever) in those with infection (x-axis) and the proportion of new infections that present with clinical symptoms (y-axis) span the relevant values for malaria.
PubMedID- 25229706 infection with colorado tick fever virus among humans and ticks in a national park and forest, wyoming, 2010.
PubMedID- 21693336 At 5.5 months posttransplantation he displayed a primary ebv infection with an high fever, hepatosplenomegaly, monocytosis, and positive ebv dna levels.
PubMedID- 22563515 Dengue infection may lead to fever, headache and joint pain in milder cases but may also lead to the more severe life-threatening dhf/dengue shock syndrome (dss) has plasma leakage, thrombocytopenia, and hemorrhagic manifestations, possibly leading to shock .
PubMedID- 23560024 The hemoglobin level of 9.5g% on admission, the 12th day of fever, with p. falciparum infection, is intriguing, as p. falciparum infection is accompanied with severe anemia, manifest as a rapid decline in the hemoglobin level.
PubMedID- 21811645 Sensitivity was highest in patients sampled during the first 3 days after onset of fever, in patients with primary infection, denv-1 infection, with high level of viremia and in df rather than dhf/dss.
PubMedID- 24047025 Findings confirm the heavy burden of infection was a cause of fever requiring hospitalization.
PubMedID- 24478484 The assay was further evaluated using 138 specimens from clinically suspected sfts and 40 laboratory-proven hantavirus infection with fever and renal syndrome patients, and the assay exhibited 97% agreement compared to real-time rt-pcr and conventional rt-pcr.
PubMedID- 21513128 However, hsv1 infection is occasionally associated with encephalitis (fever, seizures, frequently altered consciousness, elevated csf protein levels and lymphocyte counts, and eeg and mri abnormalities).
PubMedID- 22187596 Crises are often precipitated by dehydration, infection, exposure to extremes of temperature (fever or cold exposure), and hypoxia.
PubMedID- 22205883 A case of malaria was defined as fever with plasmodium infection (blood smear or rapid diagnostic test rdt), which identifies individuals who require antimalarial treatment.
PubMedID- 23991240 Several behavioral practices were identified as protective against infection with enteric fever, including water storage and hygienic habits.
PubMedID- 26485296 The most recent sari case definition proposed by who is: acute respiratory infection with history of fever and cough within 10 days of symptoms among persons requiring hospitalization .
PubMedID- 21575193 One study showed a significant univariate association of duration of fever at presentation with occult bacterial infection and another study showed a significant association in a multivariate model .
PubMedID- 21722253 Felis infection in patients with unexplained fever in sub-saharan africa.
PubMedID- 26435853 The present case underscores the need to exclude a stent-associated infection in the setting of persistent fever, normal inflammatory markers, and negative blood cultures and may require surgical extraction for treatment.
PubMedID- 26243514 Similarly, early after infection with dengue fever, large numbers of antigen-specific plasmablasts were encountered in blood.
PubMedID- 21694645 Twenty-four patients had disseminated infection with fever (75%, n = 18), weight loss (79%, n = 19), abdominal pain (71%, n = 17), diarrhea (62.5%, n = 15), splenomegaly (71%, n = 17), hepatomegaly (62.5%, n = 15), or abdominal adenopathy (62.5%, n = 15).
PubMedID- 25866731 This may be influenced by precedent viral infection with fever and cough in 53.8% of the cases of variceal bleeding.
PubMedID- 25945264 Seven days prior to admission, the patient had an upper respiratory tract infection with fever and chills.
PubMedID- 26244337 We hypothesize that, by modifying the host immune response, tick feeding enhances infection and pathology of pathogenic spotted fever group rickettsia sp.
PubMedID- 24599148 Jev infection manifests with fever, headache, vomiting, signs of meningeal irritation and altered consciousness leading to high mortality and neurological sequelae in some of those who survive 8.
PubMedID- 24359422 Objective: we aimed to assess the association between resting heart rate (rhr) and severe infection in children with crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever (cchf).
PubMedID- 25914892 Two notable examples are rheumatic fever with streptococcus pyogenes infection .

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