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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine


Disease ID 1217
Disease strongyloidiasis
Infection with nematodes of the genus STRONGYLOIDES. The presence of larvae may produce pneumonitis and the presence of adult worms in the intestine could lead to moderate to severe diarrhea.
[x]strongyloidiasis, unspecified
[x]strongyloidiasis, unspecified (disorder)
infection by strongyloides
infection by strongyloides (disorder)
infection by strongyloides, nos
infection caused by strongyloides
infection caused by strongyloides (disorder)
strongyloides infection
strongyloidiasis [disease/finding]
UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:17)
C0025289  |  meningitis  |  3
C0085437  |  bacterial meningitis  |  2
C0235618  |  proliferative glomerulonephritis  |  2
C0017658  |  glomerulonephritis  |  2
C0017662  |  membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis  |  2
C1522378  |  large granular lymphocytosis  |  1
C0024141  |  systemic lupus erythematosus  |  1
C0002871  |  anemia  |  1
C0017536  |  giardiasis  |  1
C0178238  |  intestinal infections  |  1
C0001973  |  alcoholism  |  1
C0042769  |  virus infection  |  1
C0035435  |  rheumatic diseases  |  1
C0035435  |  rheumatic disease  |  1
C0409974  |  lupus erythematosus  |  1
C0036323  |  schistosomiasis  |  1
C0178238  |  intestinal infection  |  1
Curated Gene(Waiting for update.)
Inferring Gene(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Score | Resource(Total Genes:30)
279  |  AMY2A  |  2.164  |  DISEASES
408  |  ARRB1  |  2.116  |  DISEASES
833  |  CARS  |  1.739  |  DISEASES
959  |  CD40LG  |  2.251  |  DISEASES
80781  |  COL18A1  |  1.176  |  DISEASES
255324  |  EPGN  |  2.189  |  DISEASES
2213  |  FCGR2B  |  1.626  |  DISEASES
2235  |  FECH  |  1.993  |  DISEASES
2623  |  GATA1  |  1.332  |  DISEASES
3329  |  HSPD1  |  1.227  |  DISEASES
3418  |  IDH2  |  1.351  |  DISEASES
29949  |  IL19  |  2.308  |  DISEASES
90865  |  IL33  |  1.282  |  DISEASES
3712  |  IVD  |  3.606  |  DISEASES
84946  |  LTV1  |  3.782  |  DISEASES
4512  |  MT-CO1  |  2.683  |  DISEASES
4843  |  NOS2  |  1.139  |  DISEASES
4521  |  NUDT1  |  2.281  |  DISEASES
4942  |  OAT  |  1.592  |  DISEASES
7932  |  OR2H2  |  4.097  |  DISEASES
11201  |  POLI  |  2.041  |  DISEASES
56342  |  PPAN  |  2.692  |  DISEASES
56980  |  PRDM10  |  1.576  |  DISEASES
404552  |  SCGB1D4  |  2.184  |  DISEASES
6518  |  SLC2A5  |  2.383  |  DISEASES
503542  |  SPRN  |  2.616  |  DISEASES
246744  |  STH  |  1.955  |  DISEASES
9623  |  TCL1B  |  3.323  |  DISEASES
7110  |  TMF1  |  2.676  |  DISEASES
127262  |  TPRG1L  |  2.953  |  DISEASES
Locus(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 1217
Disease strongyloidiasis
Integrated Phenotype(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Phenotype
HPO | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Phenotypes:12)
Disease ID 1217
Disease strongyloidiasis
Manually Symptom
UMLS  | Name(Total Manually Symptoms:28)
C2240374  |  eosinophilia
C1963165  |  malabsorption
C1963084  |  colitis
C1839611  |  n syndrome
C1704321  |  minimal change nephrotic syndrome
C1522057  |  duodenitis
C1384353  |  parasitic infestation
C1257845  |  pseudomembranous enteritis
C1090821  |  sepsis
C0853793  |  enterococcal meningitis
C0277792  |  pathognomonic sign
C0267375  |  chronic colitis
C0264490  |  acute respiratory failure
C0263338  |  chronic urticaria
C0239182  |  watery diarrhea
C0033680  |  protein-losing enteropathy
C0030446  |  paralytic ileus
C0027726  |  nephrotic syndrome
C0024291  |  hemophagocytic syndrome
C0023501  |  leukemoid reaction
C0023048  |  larva migrans
C0021843  |  intestinal obstruction
C0021831  |  enteropathy
C0021141  |  syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone
C0020097  |  htlv-i infection
C0015230  |  rash
C0011991  |  diarrhoea
C0004623  |  bacterial infections
Text Mined Symptom
UMLS | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Symptoms:3)
C0014457  |  eosinophilia  |  4
C1839611  |  n syndrome  |  2
C0027721  |  minimal change nephrotic syndrome  |  1
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Text Mining Genotype(Total Genotypes:0)
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All Snps(Total Genotypes:0)
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GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0)
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GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:0)
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Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 1217
Disease strongyloidiasis
Case(Waiting for update.)