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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

   spondylometaphyseal dysplasia

Disease ID 567
Disease spondylometaphyseal dysplasia
dappled metaphysis syndrome
sed strudwick
semd - spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, strudwick type
semd, strudwick type
smed, strudwick type
smed, type i
spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, strudwick type
spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, strudwick type (disorder)
spondylometaepiphyseal dysplasia congenita, strudwick type
spondylometaphyseal dysplasia (smd)
strudwick syndrome
UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:4)
C0035334  |  cone-rod dystrophy  |  6
C0035333  |  retinitis  |  1
C0022821  |  kyphosis  |  1
C0035334  |  retinitis pigmentosa  |  1
Curated Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:1)
Inferring Gene(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Score | Resource(Total Genes:1)
1280  |  COL2A1  |  4.615  |  DISEASES
Locus(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 567
Disease spondylometaphyseal dysplasia
Integrated Phenotype
HPO | Name(Total Integrated Phenotypes:6)
HP:0001385  |  Hip dysplasia
HP:0001288  |  Gait disturbance
HP:0004322  |  Short stature
HP:0000926  |  Platyspondyly
HP:0000944  |  Abnormality of the metaphyses
HP:0008905  |  Rhizomelia
Text Mined Phenotype
HPO | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Phenotypes:4)
Disease ID 567
Disease spondylometaphyseal dysplasia
Manually Symptom
UMLS  | Name(Total Manually Symptoms:1)
C0037928  |  myelopathy
Text Mined Symptom(Waiting for update.)
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Text Mining Genotype(Total Genotypes:0)
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All Snps(Total Genotypes:5)
snpId pubmedId geneId geneSymbol diseaseId sourceId sentence score Year geneSymbol_dbSNP CHROMOSOME POS REF ALT
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0)
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Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:1)
HP ID HP Name MP ID MP Name Annotation
HP:0000944Abnormality of the metaphysesMP:0013621decreased internal diameter of femurreduced cross-sectional distance that extends from one lateral edge of the femur long bone marrow cavity, through its center and to the opposite lateral edge of the bone marrow cavity through the mid point of the femur
Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:6)
HP ID HP Name MP ID MP Name Annotation
HP:0008905RhizomeliaMP:0020254decreased collagen leveldecreased level of the main structural protein of the various connective tissues in animals
HP:0001385Hip dysplasiaMP:0013293embryonic lethality prior to tooth bud stagedeath prior to the appearance of tooth buds (Mus: E12-E12.5)
HP:0000926PlatyspondylyMP:0020254decreased collagen leveldecreased level of the main structural protein of the various connective tissues in animals
HP:0001288Gait disturbanceMP:0020329decreased capillary densityreduction in the number of capillaries in a given cross-sectional area of a tissue
HP:0004322Short statureMP:3000003abnormal Ebner's gland morphologyany structural anomaly of the serous salivary glands which reside adjacent to the moats surrounding the circumvallate and foliate papillae just anterior to the posterior third of the tongue, anterior to the terminal sulcus; these exocrine glands secrete l
HP:0000944Abnormality of the metaphysesMP:0020137decreased bone mineralizationdecrease in the rate at which minerals are deposited into bone
Disease ID 567
Disease spondylometaphyseal dysplasia
Case(Waiting for update.)