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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

   splenic marginal zone lymphoma

Disease ID 1290
Disease splenic marginal zone lymphoma
A B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma composed of small lymphocytes which surround and replace the splenic white pulp germinal centers. It involves the spleen and splenic hilar lymph nodes, bone marrow, and often the peripheral blood. When lymphoma cells are present in the peripheral blood, they are usually, but not always, characterized by the presence of short polar villi. (WHO)
lymphoma splenic marginal zone
marginal zone lymphoma of spleen
marginal zone lymphoma of the spleen
marginal zone splenic lymphoma
splenic lymphoma with circulating villous lymphocytes
splenic lymphoma with villous lymphocytes
splenic lymphoma with villous lymphocytes (disorder)
splenic marginal zone b-cell lymphoma
splenic marginal zone b-cell lymphoma (morphologic abnormality)
splenic marginal zone b-cell lymphoma with villous lymphocytes
splenic marginal zone lymphoma with villous lymphocytes
UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:21)
C0024299  |  lymphoma  |  8
C0349632  |  splenic lymphoma with villous lymphocytes  |  6
C0019196  |  hepatitis c  |  2
C0002880  |  autoimmune hemolytic anemia  |  1
C0032463  |  polycythemia vera  |  1
C0021053  |  immune disorder  |  1
C0021053  |  immune disorders  |  1
C0002871  |  anemia  |  1
C0079731  |  b-cell lymphoma  |  1
C0019158  |  hepatitis  |  1
C0024899  |  mastocytosis  |  1
C0040053  |  thrombosis  |  1
C0002878  |  hemolytic anemia  |  1
C0032461  |  polycythemia  |  1
C0221013  |  systemic mastocytosis  |  1
C0017665  |  membranous glomerulonephritis  |  1
C0017658  |  glomerulonephritis  |  1
C0023443  |  hairy cell leukemia  |  1
C0023418  |  leukemia  |  1
C0032533  |  polymyalgia rheumatica  |  1
C0042769  |  virus infection  |  1
Curated Gene(Waiting for update.)
Inferring Gene(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Score | Resource(Total Genes:68)
154810  |  AMOTL1  |  3.89  |  DISEASES
8125  |  ANP32A  |  1.921  |  DISEASES
716  |  C1S  |  1.062  |  DISEASES
813  |  CALU  |  2.092  |  DISEASES
84433  |  CARD11  |  3.354  |  DISEASES
930  |  CD19  |  3.838  |  DISEASES
4345  |  CD200  |  1.155  |  DISEASES
958  |  CD40  |  1.311  |  DISEASES
959  |  CD40LG  |  3.137  |  DISEASES
921  |  CD5  |  4.24  |  DISEASES
974  |  CD79B  |  3.321  |  DISEASES
574028  |  CLLU1  |  2.645  |  DISEASES
26958  |  COPG2  |  3.5  |  DISEASES
1378  |  CR1  |  1.611  |  DISEASES
1380  |  CR2  |  2.345  |  DISEASES
8454  |  CUL1  |  1.355  |  DISEASES
4283  |  CXCL9  |  1.205  |  DISEASES
2833  |  CXCR3  |  1.29  |  DISEASES
1847  |  DUSP5  |  2.107  |  DISEASES
79633  |  FAT4  |  2.192  |  DISEASES
80204  |  FBXO11  |  2.403  |  DISEASES
3607  |  FOXK2  |  2.544  |  DISEASES
2885  |  GRB2  |  1.656  |  DISEASES
9734  |  HDAC9  |  1.344  |  DISEASES
219844  |  HYLS1  |  1.47  |  DISEASES
100423062  |  IGLL5  |  1.422  |  DISEASES
3563  |  IL3RA  |  2.692  |  DISEASES
3663  |  IRF5  |  2.066  |  DISEASES
3903  |  LAIR1  |  2.165  |  DISEASES
9404  |  LPXN  |  1.537  |  DISEASES
5609  |  MAP2K7  |  1.481  |  DISEASES
4311  |  MME  |  3.481  |  DISEASES
4332  |  MNDA  |  2.196  |  DISEASES
4615  |  MYD88  |  3.587  |  DISEASES
4720  |  NDUFS2  |  1.32  |  DISEASES
4791  |  NFKB2  |  1.306  |  DISEASES
5079  |  PAX5  |  2.43  |  DISEASES
5101  |  PCDH9  |  2.603  |  DISEASES
10846  |  PDE10A  |  1.587  |  DISEASES
5422  |  POLA1  |  2.025  |  DISEASES
5578  |  PRKCA  |  1.239  |  DISEASES
5788  |  PTPRC  |  1.325  |  DISEASES
5789  |  PTPRD  |  1.624  |  DISEASES
5889  |  RAD51C  |  1.43  |  DISEASES
64783  |  RBM15  |  3.374  |  DISEASES
1104  |  RCC1  |  1.771  |  DISEASES
399  |  RHOH  |  1.988  |  DISEASES
327657  |  SERPINA9  |  2.169  |  DISEASES
6418  |  SET  |  1.72  |  DISEASES
6614  |  SIGLEC1  |  1.731  |  DISEASES
347734  |  SLC35B2  |  1.265  |  DISEASES
150572  |  SMYD1  |  3.037  |  DISEASES
6622  |  SNCA  |  1.487  |  DISEASES
27044  |  SND1  |  1.659  |  DISEASES
6664  |  SOX11  |  2.49  |  DISEASES
23013  |  SPEN  |  2.748  |  DISEASES
6693  |  SPN  |  2.41  |  DISEASES
8115  |  TCL1A  |  3.53  |  DISEASES
7027  |  TFDP1  |  2.007  |  DISEASES
7096  |  TLR1  |  1.008  |  DISEASES
10333  |  TLR6  |  1.252  |  DISEASES
54106  |  TLR9  |  1.165  |  DISEASES
84928  |  TMEM209  |  3.838  |  DISEASES
7187  |  TRAF3  |  3.135  |  DISEASES
8295  |  TRRAP  |  2.232  |  DISEASES
127933  |  UHMK1  |  1.586  |  DISEASES
340152  |  ZC3H12D  |  1.566  |  DISEASES
51530  |  ZC3HC1  |  2.456  |  DISEASES
Locus(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 1290
Disease splenic marginal zone lymphoma
Integrated Phenotype(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Phenotype
HPO | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Phenotypes:14)
HP:0002665  |  Lymphoma  |  8
HP:0012191  |  B-cell lymphoma  |  1
HP:0001901  |  Abnormally shaped erythrocytes  |  1
HP:0012578  |  Membranous glomerulonephritis  |  1
HP:0001903  |  Anemia  |  1
HP:0001890  |  Autoimmune hemolytic anemia  |  1
HP:0001909  |  Leukemia  |  1
HP:0002960  |  Autoimmune condition  |  1
HP:0002721  |  Immunodeficiency  |  1
HP:0012115  |  Liver inflammation  |  1
HP:0001878  |  Haemolytic anaemia  |  1
HP:0000099  |  Glomerular nephritis  |  1
HP:0100495  |  Mastocytosis  |  1
HP:0002664  |  Neoplasia  |  1
Disease ID 1290
Disease splenic marginal zone lymphoma
Manually Symptom
UMLS  | Name(Total Manually Symptoms:6)
C1627365  |  littoral cell angioma
C0476273  |  respiratory distress
C0413236  |  acquired c1 esterase inhibitor deficiency
C0079731  |  b-cell lymphoma
C0024419  |  macroglobulinemia
C0002880  |  autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Text Mined Symptom
UMLS | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Symptoms:2)
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0)
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Text Mining Genotype(Total Genotypes:0)
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All Snps(Total Genotypes:8)
snpId pubmedId geneId geneSymbol diseaseId sourceId sentence score Year geneSymbol_dbSNP CHROMOSOME POS REF ALT
rs11348802222531170673BRAFumls:C0349632BeFreeIn this study we investigated the application of a BRAF V600E mutation-specific antibody (clone VE1) to differentiate HCL from HCL mimics, such as HCL variant and splenic marginal zone lymphoma.0.0010857672012BRAF7140753336AT,G,C
rs11348802225480661673BRAFumls:C0349632BeFreeBRAF-V600E is the key driver mutation in HCL and distinguishes it from other B-cell lymphomas, including HCL-like leukemias/lymphomas (HCL-variant and splenic marginal zone lymphoma).0.0010857672015BRAF7140753336AT,G,C
rs12191336422133769673BRAFumls:C0349632BeFreeA BRAF K601E mutation was detected in a patient with splenic marginal zone lymphoma.0.0010857672012BRAF7140753334TG,C
rs3879072722332125110584COLEC10umls:C0349632BeFreeUsing either assay, MYD88 L265P was detected in 97 of 104 (93%) WM and 13 of 24 (54%) IgM MGUS patients and was either absent or rarely expressed in samples from splenic marginal zone lymphoma (2/20; 10%), CLL (1/26; 4%), multiple myeloma (including IgM cases, 0/14), and immunoglobulin G MGUS (0/9) patients as well as healthy donors (0/40; P < 1.5 × 10(-5) for WM vs other cohorts).0.0002714422013MYD88338141150TC
rs387907272257231154615MYD88umls:C0349632BeFreeAfter reclassification, MYD88 L265P was detected in 13/86 (15%) SMZL and in 19/24 LPL (79%) cases.0.0008143262015MYD88338141150TC
rs387907272233555354615MYD88umls:C0349632BeFreeMYD88 (L265P) was detected in 58/58 (100%) patients with WM, 36/77 (47%) with IgM-MGUS, 5/84 (6%) with SMZL, and 3/52 (4%) with B-CLPD.0.0008143262013MYD88338141150TC
rs38790727223321251160364CLEC12Aumls:C0349632BeFreeUsing either assay, MYD88 L265P was detected in 97 of 104 (93%) WM and 13 of 24 (54%) IgM MGUS patients and was either absent or rarely expressed in samples from splenic marginal zone lymphoma (2/20; 10%), CLL (1/26; 4%), multiple myeloma (including IgM cases, 0/14), and immunoglobulin G MGUS (0/9) patients as well as healthy donors (0/40; P < 1.5 × 10(-5) for WM vs other cohorts).0.0002714422013MYD88338141150TC
rs387907272233212514615MYD88umls:C0349632BeFreeUsing either assay, MYD88 L265P was detected in 97 of 104 (93%) WM and 13 of 24 (54%) IgM MGUS patients and was either absent or rarely expressed in samples from splenic marginal zone lymphoma (2/20; 10%), CLL (1/26; 4%), multiple myeloma (including IgM cases, 0/14), and immunoglobulin G MGUS (0/9) patients as well as healthy donors (0/40; P < 1.5 × 10(-5) for WM vs other cohorts).0.0008143262013MYD88338141150TC
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0)
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GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0)
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Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:0)
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Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:0)
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Disease ID 1290
Disease splenic marginal zone lymphoma
Case(Waiting for update.)