osteosarcoma |
Disease ID | 179 |
Disease | osteosarcoma |
Definition | A sarcoma originating in bone-forming cells, affecting the ends of long bones. It is the most common and most malignant of sarcomas of the bones, and occurs chiefly among 10- to 25-year-old youths. (From Stedman, 25th ed) |
Synonym | [m]osteosarcoma nos bone cancer, osteogenic sarcoma bone sarcoma bone sarcomas osrc osteochondrosarcoma osteogenic sarcoma osteogenic sarcoma, nos osteogenic sarcomas osteoid sarcoma osteosarcoma (disorder) osteosarcoma - disorder osteosarcoma - disorder (disorder) osteosarcoma [disease/finding] osteosarcoma tumor osteosarcoma tumors osteosarcoma, malignant osteosarcoma, no icd-o subtype osteosarcoma, no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality) osteosarcoma, no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype osteosarcoma, no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality) osteosarcoma, nos osteosarcomas sarcoma osteogenic sarcoma, osteogenic sarcomas, osteogenic tumor, osteosarcoma tumors, osteosarcoma |
Orphanet | |
OMIM | |
DOID | |
UMLS | C0029463 |
MeSH | |
Comorbidity | UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:47) C0153676 | pulmonary metastasis | 10 C0153676 | pulmonary metastases | 8 C1261473 | sarcoma | 6 C0153676 | lung metastases | 6 C0153676 | lung metastasis | 5 C0553580 | ewing sarcoma | 3 C0007134 | renal cell carcinoma | 3 C1266042 | chromophobe renal cell carcinoma | 3 C0007140 | carcinosarcoma | 3 C1261473 | sarcomas | 2 C0008479 | chondrosarcoma | 2 C0032339 | rothmund-thomson syndrome | 2 C0007137 | squamous carcinoma | 2 C0026764 | myeloma | 2 C0035335 | retinoblastoma | 2 C0040053 | thrombus | 2 C0206623 | adenosquamous carcinoma | 2 C0029423 | osteochondroma | 2 C0079419 | li-fraumeni syndrome | 2 C0220650 | brain metastasis | 1 C0001418 | adenocarcinoma | 1 C0026764 | multiple myeloma | 1 C0023267 | leiomyoma | 1 C0011649 | dermoid | 1 C0020437 | hypercalcemia | 1 C0678222 | breast carcinoma | 1 C1704327 | bone sarcomas | 1 C0281267 | bilateral breast carcinoma | 1 C0029401 | paget disease | 1 C0016045 | fibroma | 1 C1704327 | bone sarcoma | 1 C0023827 | liposarcoma | 1 C0007140 | carcinosarcomas | 1 C0004779 | gorlin's syndrome | 1 C0017525 | giant cell tumor | 1 C0023348 | lepromatous leprosy | 1 C0011649 | dermoid cyst | 1 C0023418 | leukemia | 1 C0002871 | anemia | 1 C0007138 | urothelial carcinoma | 1 C0027122 | myositis ossificans | 1 C0740394 | hyperuricemia | 1 C0029401 | paget's disease | 1 C0029417 | osteoblastoma | 1 C0027121 | myositis | 1 C1334699 | mesenchymal neoplasm | 1 C0002895 | sickle cell anemia | 1 |
Curated Gene | Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:39) 1965 | EIF2S1 | CTD_human 11200 | CHEK2 | CLINVAR;CTD_human;ORPHANET;UNIPROT 7001 | PRDX2 | CTD_human 2101 | ESRRA | CTD_human 5925 | RB1 | CTD_human;UNIPROT 407050 | MIR93 | CTD_human 7422 | VEGFA | CTD_human 2348 | FOLR1 | CTD_human 406920 | MIR130B | CTD_human 85417 | CCNB3 | CTD_human 4609 | MYC | CTD_human 1956 | EGFR | CTD_human 7157 | TP53 | CLINVAR;CTD_human 4233 | MET | CTD_human 23476 | BRD4 | CTD_human 3725 | JUN | CTD_human 860 | RUNX2 | CTD_human 5981 | RFC1 | CTD_human 2950 | GSTP1 | CTD_human 54880 | BCOR | CTD_human 8792 | TNFRSF11A | CTD_human 7262 | PHLDA2 | CTD_human 4015 | LOX | CTD_human 8148 | TAF15 | CTD_human 2146 | EZH2 | CTD_human 1719 | DHFR | CTD_human 3756 | KCNH1 | CTD_human 1576 | CYP3A4 | CTD_human 442894 | MIR302B | CTD_human 11174 | ADAMTS6 | GWASCAT 8856 | NR1I2 | CTD_human 10210 | TOPORS | CTD_human 170691 | ADAMTS17 | GWASCAT 406900 | MIR106B | CTD_human 5996 | RGS1 | CTD_human 4486 | MST1R | CTD_human 648 | BMI1 | CTD_human 2914 | GRM4 | CTD_human;GWASCAT 9183 | ZW10 | CTD_human |
Inferring Gene | Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:43) 1956 | EGFR | CIPHER;CTD_human 3586 | IL10 | CIPHER 3569 | IL6 | CIPHER 4193 | MDM2 | CIPHER 4353 | MPO | CIPHER 5175 | PECAM1 | CIPHER 5925 | RB1 | CIPHER;CTD_human 7124 | TNF | CIPHER 7157 | TP53 | CIPHER;CTD_human 11200 | CHEK2 | CTD_human 2101 | ESRRA | CTD_human 407050 | MIR93 | CTD_human 406920 | MIR130B | CTD_human 85417 | CCNB3 | CTD_human 4609 | MYC | CTD_human 5981 | RFC1 | CTD_human 8792 | TNFRSF11A | CTD_human 7262 | PHLDA2 | CTD_human 3725 | JUN | CTD_human 54880 | BCOR | CTD_human 2348 | FOLR1 | CTD_human 1576 | CYP3A4 | CTD_human 860 | RUNX2 | CTD_human 3756 | KCNH1 | CTD_human 442894 | MIR302B | CTD_human 4015 | LOX | CTD_human 2950 | GSTP1 | CTD_human 1719 | DHFR | CTD_human 4233 | MET | CTD_human 10210 | TOPORS | CTD_human 406900 | MIR106B | CTD_human 5996 | RGS1 | CTD_human 7001 | PRDX2 | CTD_human 4486 | MST1R | CTD_human 648 | BMI1 | CTD_human 8148 | TAF15 | CTD_human 2146 | EZH2 | CTD_human 2914 | GRM4 | CTD_human 1965 | EIF2S1 | CTD_human 23476 | BRD4 | CTD_human 8856 | NR1I2 | CTD_human 7422 | VEGFA | CTD_human 9183 | ZW10 | CTD_human |
Text Mined Gene | Entrez_id | Symbol | Score | Resource(Total Genes:188) 86 | ACTL6A | 1.833 | DISEASES 11199 | ANXA10 | 1.362 | DISEASES 302 | ANXA2 | 1.218 | DISEASES 317 | APAF1 | 1.427 | DISEASES 9912 | ARHGAP44 | 2.01 | DISEASES 9181 | ARHGEF2 | 1.319 | DISEASES 468 | ATF4 | 1.212 | DISEASES 4287 | ATXN3 | 1.474 | DISEASES 632 | BGLAP | 3.368 | DISEASES 650 | BMP2 | 3.014 | DISEASES 29117 | BRD7 | 2.205 | DISEASES 27101 | CACYBP | 1.267 | DISEASES 800 | CALD1 | 1.035 | DISEASES 4076 | CAPRIN1 | 1.672 | DISEASES 841 | CASP8 | 2.267 | DISEASES 842 | CASP9 | 2.557 | DISEASES 6358 | CCL14 | 1.065 | DISEASES 896 | CCND3 | 1.251 | DISEASES 977 | CD151 | 1.367 | DISEASES 9332 | CD163 | 1.07 | DISEASES 960 | CD44 | 1.467 | DISEASES 4267 | CD99 | 2.246 | DISEASES 996 | CDC27 | 1.219 | DISEASES 988 | CDC5L | 2.832 | DISEASES 1002 | CDH4 | 2.291 | DISEASES 983 | CDK1 | 1.565 | DISEASES 23097 | CDK19 | 1.61 | DISEASES 1029 | CDKN2A | 1.406 | DISEASES 6900 | CNTN2 | 1.239 | DISEASES 1290 | COL5A2 | 1.926 | DISEASES 1314 | COPA | 1.107 | DISEASES 90993 | CREB3L1 | 1.409 | DISEASES 1400 | CRMP1 | 1.082 | DISEASES 9946 | CRYZL1 | 1.322 | DISEASES 1490 | CTGF | 1.741 | DISEASES 9811 | CTIF | 2.662 | DISEASES 1499 | CTNNB1 | 3.224 | DISEASES 6387 | CXCL12 | 2.162 | DISEASES 9547 | CXCL14 | 1.275 | DISEASES 7852 | CXCR4 | 2.173 | DISEASES 285440 | CYP4V2 | 3.709 | DISEASES 3491 | CYR61 | 2.884 | DISEASES 1719 | DHFR | 1.467 | DISEASES 1740 | DLG2 | 2.591 | DISEASES 1769 | DNAH8 | 2.322 | DISEASES 1849 | DUSP7 | 1.826 | DISEASES 100288687 | DUX4 | 1.556 | DISEASES 653545 | DUX4L5 | 1.556 | DISEASES 1870 | E2F2 | 1.917 | DISEASES 64641 | EBF2 | 1.392 | DISEASES 1982 | EIF4G2 | 1.1 | DISEASES 11117 | EMILIN1 | 2.02 | DISEASES 2021 | ENDOG | 1.767 | DISEASES 1969 | EPHA2 | 1.227 | DISEASES 2060 | EPS15 | 1.054 | DISEASES 2068 | ERCC2 | 1.778 | DISEASES 2073 | ERCC5 | 1.427 | DISEASES 54206 | ERRFI1 | 1.35 | DISEASES 283673 | EWSAT1 | 2.696 | DISEASES 2130 | EWSR1 | 2.651 | DISEASES 7430 | EZR | 3.672 | DISEASES 404636 | FAM45A | 3.428 | DISEASES 355 | FAS | 1.017 | DISEASES 356 | FASLG | 1.583 | DISEASES 2197 | FAU | 1.253 | DISEASES 2258 | FGF13 | 1.037 | DISEASES 2260 | FGFR1 | 1.423 | DISEASES 2313 | FLI1 | 1.014 | DISEASES 752 | FMNL1 | 1.429 | DISEASES 2778 | GNAS | 2.106 | DISEASES 2914 | GRM4 | 2.227 | DISEASES 2958 | GTF2A2 | 2.523 | DISEASES 3039 | HBA1 | 2.199 | DISEASES 9931 | HELZ | 1.565 | DISEASES 23462 | HEY1 | 1.307 | DISEASES 8969 | HIST1H2AG | 2.697 | DISEASES 85235 | HIST1H2AH | 1.808 | DISEASES 8329 | HIST1H2AI | 2.697 | DISEASES 8330 | HIST1H2AK | 2.567 | DISEASES 8332 | HIST1H2AL | 2.697 | DISEASES 8336 | HIST1H2AM | 1.831 | DISEASES 8350 | HIST1H3A | 1.348 | DISEASES 8352 | HIST1H3C | 1.134 | DISEASES 8351 | HIST1H3D | 1.348 | DISEASES 8353 | HIST1H3E | 1.14 | DISEASES 8968 | HIST1H3F | 1.348 | DISEASES 8355 | HIST1H3G | 1.348 | DISEASES 8357 | HIST1H3H | 1.348 | DISEASES 8354 | HIST1H3I | 1.348 | DISEASES 8356 | HIST1H3J | 1.138 | DISEASES 100124700 | HOTAIR | 1.123 | DISEASES 3297 | HSF1 | 1.091 | DISEASES 3320 | HSP90AA1 | 1.582 | DISEASES 3304 | HSPA1B | 1.063 | DISEASES 3481 | IGF2 | 1.523 | DISEASES 3482 | IGF2R | 1.013 | DISEASES 3570 | IL6R | 1.434 | DISEASES 3725 | JUN | 2.46 | DISEASES 8570 | KHSRP | 1.137 | DISEASES 55243 | KIRREL | 1.472 | DISEASES 9314 | KLF4 | 1.123 | DISEASES 3840 | KPNA4 | 1.502 | DISEASES 51474 | LIMA1 | 1.571 | DISEASES 3985 | LIMK2 | 1.154 | DISEASES 389421 | LIN28B | 1.458 | DISEASES 100506724 | LINC00901 | 3.027 | DISEASES 100505633 | LINC01133 | 2.358 | DISEASES 125144 | LRRC75A-AS1 | 3.666 | DISEASES 4045 | LSAMP | 1.579 | DISEASES 7975 | MAFK | 1.256 | DISEASES 5609 | MAP2K7 | 2.37 | DISEASES 4215 | MAP3K3 | 2.129 | DISEASES 4217 | MAP3K5 | 1.829 | DISEASES 5599 | MAPK8 | 2.29 | DISEASES 4170 | MCL1 | 1.783 | DISEASES 266727 | MDGA1 | 2.204 | DISEASES 4193 | MDM2 | 3.707 | DISEASES 219541 | MED19 | 1.072 | DISEASES 407975 | MIR17HG | 1.066 | DISEASES 4312 | MMP1 | 1.45 | DISEASES 4318 | MMP9 | 3.205 | DISEASES 64210 | MMS19 | 1.653 | DISEASES 4478 | MSN | 1.145 | DISEASES 92140 | MTDH | 1.284 | DISEASES 4524 | MTHFR | 1.855 | DISEASES 2475 | MTOR | 1.55 | DISEASES 4609 | MYC | 3.034 | DISEASES 4745 | NELL1 | 1.145 | DISEASES 9397 | NMT2 | 1.969 | DISEASES 80023 | NRSN2 | 2.269 | DISEASES 93034 | NT5C1B | 1.22 | DISEASES 152559 | PAQR3 | 1.595 | DISEASES 142 | PARP1 | 2.37 | DISEASES 57125 | PLXDC1 | 2.614 | DISEASES 25913 | POT1 | 1.518 | DISEASES 5728 | PTEN | 1.465 | DISEASES 5745 | PTH1R | 2.272 | DISEASES 5744 | PTHLH | 1.505 | DISEASES 5747 | PTK2 | 1.812 | DISEASES 5788 | PTPRC | 1.432 | DISEASES 55684 | RABL6 | 2.274 | DISEASES 25780 | RASGRP3 | 1.402 | DISEASES 10741 | RBBP9 | 1.91 | DISEASES 3516 | RBPJ | 1.643 | DISEASES 5962 | RDX | 1.308 | DISEASES 387 | RHOA | 2.418 | DISEASES 23221 | RHOBTB2 | 1.303 | DISEASES 6093 | ROCK1 | 3.152 | DISEASES 4920 | ROR2 | 1.984 | DISEASES 860 | RUNX2 | 4.122 | DISEASES 6275 | S100A4 | 2.14 | DISEASES 80031 | SEMA6D | 1.775 | DISEASES 27244 | SESN1 | 1.467 | DISEASES 8879 | SGPL1 | 1.23 | DISEASES 348235 | SKA2 | 1.798 | DISEASES 4088 | SMAD3 | 1.071 | DISEASES 23583 | SMUG1 | 2.101 | DISEASES 79622 | SNRNP25 | 3.428 | DISEASES 6654 | SOS1 | 1.52 | DISEASES 6657 | SOX2 | 2.015 | DISEASES 6696 | SPP1 | 2.242 | DISEASES 81848 | SPRY4 | 1.088 | DISEASES 100642175 | SPRY4-IT1 | 1.355 | DISEASES 6714 | SRC | 1.335 | DISEASES 9901 | SRGAP3 | 1.339 | DISEASES 10716 | TBR1 | 1.546 | DISEASES 7042 | TGFB2 | 1.303 | DISEASES 7059 | THBS3 | 1.706 | DISEASES 338773 | TMEM119 | 2.085 | DISEASES 7124 | TNF | 1.464 | DISEASES 79626 | TNFAIP8L2 | 1.165 | DISEASES 112858 | TP53RK | 2.08 | DISEASES 7175 | TPR | 1.151 | DISEASES 388630 | TRABD2B | 2.526 | DISEASES 9830 | TRIM14 | 2.14 | DISEASES 9322 | TRIP10 | 1.173 | DISEASES 285194 | TUSC7 | 2.714 | DISEASES 7398 | USP1 | 1.046 | DISEASES 7422 | VEGFA | 2.702 | DISEASES 7490 | WT1 | 1.653 | DISEASES 51741 | WWOX | 1.321 | DISEASES 331 | XIAP | 1.24 | DISEASES 7517 | XRCC3 | 1.305 | DISEASES 4904 | YBX1 | 1.043 | DISEASES 6935 | ZEB1 | 2.177 | DISEASES 55893 | ZNF395 | 1.843 | DISEASES 223082 | ZNRF2 | 3.027 | DISEASES 84133 | ZNRF3 | 1.368 | DISEASES |
Locus | Symbol | Locus(Total Locus:1) CHEK2 | 22q12.1 |
Disease ID | 179 |
Disease | osteosarcoma |
Manually Symptom | UMLS | Name(Total Manually Symptoms:36) C2364133 | infection C2119038 | pleural metastasis C1963077 | bone pain C1519670 | tumor angiogenesis C0686619 | lymph node metastases C0684830 | axillary metastasis C0555278 | cerebral metastases C0419203 | osteopathy C0346993 | breast metastasis C0333516 | tumour necrosis C0333516 | tumor necrosis C0238463 | thyroid papillary carcinoma C0220776 | spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda C0220650 | brain metastases C0153690 | bony metastases C0153690 | bone metastasis C0153690 | bone metastases C0153687 | cutaneous metastasis C0153685 | renal metastasis C0153676 | pulmonary metastasis C0153676 | pulmonary metastases C0153676 | lung metastasis C0153676 | lung metastases C0149781 | spontaneous pneumothorax C0085077 | sweet syndrome C0043119 | werner's syndrome C0041296 | tuberculosis C0032339 | rothmund-thomson syndrome C0032339 | rothmund thomson syndrome C0031117 | peripheral neuropathy C0029442 | osteomalacia C0024121 | lung tumor C0020598 | hypocalcemia C0007137 | squamous cell carcinoma C0003881 | arthrodesis C0000737 | abdominal pain |
Text Mined Symptom | UMLS | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Symptoms:13) C0153676 | pulmonary metastasis | 10 C0153676 | pulmonary metastases | 9 C0153676 | lung metastases | 5 C0153676 | lung metastasis | 4 C0009450 | infection | 2 C0032339 | rothmund-thomson syndrome | 2 C1519670 | tumor angiogenesis | 1 C0153690 | bone metastases | 1 C0040038 | thromboembolism | 1 C0153690 | bone metastasis | 1 C2119038 | pleural metastasis | 1 C0333516 | tumor necrosis | 1 C0149781 | spontaneous pneumothorax | 1 |
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0) |
(Waiting for update.) |
Text Mining Genotype(Total Genotypes:0) | |
(Waiting for update.) |
All Snps(Total Genotypes:69) | |||||||||||||
snpId | pubmedId | geneId | geneSymbol | diseaseId | sourceId | sentence | score | Year | geneSymbol_dbSNP | CHROMOSOME | POS | REF | ALT |
rs1042522 | 19451596 | 4193 | MDM2 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Effect of TP53 Arg72Pro and MDM2 SNP309 polymorphisms on the risk of high-grade osteosarcoma development and survival. | 0.012138939 | 2009 | TP53 | 17 | 7676154 | G | T,C |
rs1042522 | 19451596 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Effect of TP53 Arg72Pro and MDM2 SNP309 polymorphisms on the risk of high-grade osteosarcoma development and survival. | 0.382163696 | 2009 | TP53 | 17 | 7676154 | G | T,C |
rs1047768 | 23679317 | 2073 | ERCC5 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Our findings showed polymorphisms in ERCC5 rs1047768 and MMS19L rs29001322 to be associated with clinical outcome of osteosarcoma patients undergoing chemotherapy. | 0.003995683 | 2014 | ERCC5;BIVM-ERCC5 | 13 | 102852167 | T | C |
rs1047768 | 23679317 | 64210 | MMS19 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Our findings showed polymorphisms in ERCC5 rs1047768 and MMS19L rs29001322 to be associated with clinical outcome of osteosarcoma patients undergoing chemotherapy. | 0.000542884 | 2014 | ERCC5;BIVM-ERCC5 | 13 | 102852167 | T | C |
rs1052667 | 25136583 | 2909 | ARHGAP35 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Rho GTPase-activating protein 35 rs1052667 polymorphism and osteosarcoma risk and prognosis. | 0.000542884 | 2014 | ARHGAP35 | 19 | 47004177 | C | T |
rs11540652 | 16778209 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Osteosarcoma U2OS cell lines, which express inducible p53 mutants (V157F, R175H, and R248Q), were established, and the expression profiles of each cell line were then analyzed to detect genes specifically induced by mutant p53. | 0.382163696 | 2006 | TP53 | 17 | 7674220 | C | T |
rs11540654 | 19451596 | 4193 | MDM2 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Effect of TP53 Arg72Pro and MDM2 SNP309 polymorphisms on the risk of high-grade osteosarcoma development and survival. | 0.012138939 | 2009 | TP53 | 17 | 7676040 | C | T,G,A |
rs11540654 | 19451596 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Effect of TP53 Arg72Pro and MDM2 SNP309 polymorphisms on the risk of high-grade osteosarcoma development and survival. | 0.382163696 | 2009 | TP53 | 17 | 7676040 | C | T,G,A |
rs11615 | 25755792 | 2067 | ERCC1 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | In conclusion, our results suggest that ERCC1 rs11615 polymorphism in the DNA repair pathways play an important role in the response to chemotherapy and overall survival of osteosarcoma. | 0.002909916 | 2014 | ERCC1 | 19 | 45420395 | A | G |
rs11615 | 21826087 | 7507 | XPA | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Excision repair cross-complementing (ERCC) group 2 (XPD; rs13181 and rs1799793), group 5 (XPG; rs17655) and group 1 (XPA; rs3212986 and rs11615) polymorphisms were analyzed in a group of 130 homogenously treated patients with high-grade osteosarcoma, for association with event-free survival (EFS), using the Kaplan-Meier plots and log-rank test. | 0.002638474 | 2012 | ERCC1 | 19 | 45420395 | A | G |
rs11615 | 21826087 | 2073 | ERCC5 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Excision repair cross-complementing (ERCC) group 2 (XPD; rs13181 and rs1799793), group 5 (XPG; rs17655) and group 1 (XPA; rs3212986 and rs11615) polymorphisms were analyzed in a group of 130 homogenously treated patients with high-grade osteosarcoma, for association with event-free survival (EFS), using the Kaplan-Meier plots and log-rank test. | 0.003995683 | 2012 | ERCC1 | 19 | 45420395 | A | G |
rs11866002 | 25663449 | 59342 | SCPEP1 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | This study suggests that SNPs in RISC complex genes may be involved in osteosarcoma susceptibility, especially rs11866002 in CNOT1. | 0.000271442 | 2014 | CNOT1 | 16 | 58553833 | C | T |
rs11866002 | 25663449 | 23019 | CNOT1 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | This study suggests that SNPs in RISC complex genes may be involved in osteosarcoma susceptibility, especially rs11866002 in CNOT1. | 0.000271442 | 2014 | CNOT1 | 16 | 58553833 | C | T |
rs121912654 | 16778209 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Osteosarcoma U2OS cell lines, which express inducible p53 mutants (V157F, R175H, and R248Q), were established, and the expression profiles of each cell line were then analyzed to detect genes specifically induced by mutant p53. | 0.382163696 | 2006 | TP53 | 17 | 7675143 | C | T,A |
rs121912664 | 21192060 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Association of the highly prevalent TP53 R337H mutation with pediatric choroid plexus carcinoma and osteosarcoma in southeast Brazil. | 0.382163696 | 2011 | TP53 | 17 | 7670699 | C | T,G,A |
rs121913296 | 22006429 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Some of the genetic changes identified were in tumor suppressor genes previously identified as altered in osteosarcoma: p53 (arginine→histidine at codon 273 [R273H], R→cysteine at codon 723 [R273C], and tyrosine→C at codon 163 [Y163C]) and retinoblastoma 1 (RB1) (glutamic acid→* at codon 137 [E137*]). | 0.382163696 | 2012 | RB1 | 13 | 48345108 | G | T |
rs121913296 | 22006429 | 5925 | RB1 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Some of the genetic changes identified were in tumor suppressor genes previously identified as altered in osteosarcoma: p53 (arginine→histidine at codon 273 [R273H], R→cysteine at codon 723 [R273C], and tyrosine→C at codon 163 [Y163C]) and retinoblastoma 1 (RB1) (glutamic acid→* at codon 137 [E137*]). | 0.133767591 | 2012 | RB1 | 13 | 48345108 | G | T |
rs121913343 | 22006429 | 5925 | RB1 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Some of the genetic changes identified were in tumor suppressor genes previously identified as altered in osteosarcoma: p53 (arginine→histidine at codon 273 [R273H], R→cysteine at codon 723 [R273C], and tyrosine→C at codon 163 [Y163C]) and retinoblastoma 1 (RB1) (glutamic acid→* at codon 137 [E137*]). | 0.133767591 | 2012 | TP53 | 17 | 7673803 | G | T,A |
rs121913343 | 22006429 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Some of the genetic changes identified were in tumor suppressor genes previously identified as altered in osteosarcoma: p53 (arginine→histidine at codon 273 [R273H], R→cysteine at codon 723 [R273C], and tyrosine→C at codon 163 [Y163C]) and retinoblastoma 1 (RB1) (glutamic acid→* at codon 137 [E137*]). | 0.382163696 | 2012 | TP53 | 17 | 7673803 | G | T,A |
rs13181 | 23098477 | 2068 | ERCC2 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | We first report associations of four SNPs, ERCC1 Asn118Asn, ERCC1 Gln504Lys, ERCC2 Asp312Asn and ERCC2 Lys751Gln, with risk of death from osteosarcoma in a Chinese population, indicating ERCC1 118T/T and ERCC2 A/A may be used as surrogate markers for clinical outcome of osteosarcoma treatment with cisplatin. | 0.003995683 | 2012 | ERCC2;KLC3 | 19 | 45351661 | T | A,G |
rs13181 | 21826087 | 7507 | XPA | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Excision repair cross-complementing (ERCC) group 2 (XPD; rs13181 and rs1799793), group 5 (XPG; rs17655) and group 1 (XPA; rs3212986 and rs11615) polymorphisms were analyzed in a group of 130 homogenously treated patients with high-grade osteosarcoma, for association with event-free survival (EFS), using the Kaplan-Meier plots and log-rank test. | 0.002638474 | 2012 | ERCC2;KLC3 | 19 | 45351661 | T | A,G |
rs13181 | 21826087 | 2073 | ERCC5 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Excision repair cross-complementing (ERCC) group 2 (XPD; rs13181 and rs1799793), group 5 (XPG; rs17655) and group 1 (XPA; rs3212986 and rs11615) polymorphisms were analyzed in a group of 130 homogenously treated patients with high-grade osteosarcoma, for association with event-free survival (EFS), using the Kaplan-Meier plots and log-rank test. | 0.003995683 | 2012 | ERCC2;KLC3 | 19 | 45351661 | T | A,G |
rs13181 | 25023406 | 2068 | ERCC2 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | In summary, the ERCC2 Lys751Gln and ERCC5 His46His polymorphisms might influence osteosarcoma prognosis. | 0.003995683 | 2014 | ERCC2;KLC3 | 19 | 45351661 | T | A,G |
rs13181 | 23317281 | 2068 | ERCC2 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Our study indicated that GSTP1 and ERCC2 Lys751Gln polymorphisms might be candidate pharmacogenomic factors to be explored in the future to identify osteosarcoma patients who might benefit from chemotherapy. | 0.003995683 | 2012 | ERCC2;KLC3 | 19 | 45351661 | T | A,G |
rs13181 | 25023406 | 2073 | ERCC5 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | In summary, the ERCC2 Lys751Gln and ERCC5 His46His polymorphisms might influence osteosarcoma prognosis. | 0.003995683 | 2014 | ERCC2;KLC3 | 19 | 45351661 | T | A,G |
rs13181 | 23098477 | 2067 | ERCC1 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | We first report associations of four SNPs, ERCC1 Asn118Asn, ERCC1 Gln504Lys, ERCC2 Asp312Asn and ERCC2 Lys751Gln, with risk of death from osteosarcoma in a Chinese population, indicating ERCC1 118T/T and ERCC2 A/A may be used as surrogate markers for clinical outcome of osteosarcoma treatment with cisplatin. | 0.002909916 | 2012 | ERCC2;KLC3 | 19 | 45351661 | T | A,G |
rs13181 | 25824708 | 2073 | ERCC5 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Through quantitative analysis, the meta-analysis showed that ERCC2 Lys751Gln (ORGG vs. AA = 0.40 (95%CI = 0.1-0.86), P heterogeneity = 0.502; I (2) = 0 %) and ERCC5 His46His (ORCC vs. TT = 0.37 (95%CI = 0.15-0.93), P heterogeneity = 0.569; I (2) = 0 %) polymorphisms might influence the prognosis of patients with osteosarcoma [1]. | 0.003995683 | 2015 | ERCC2;KLC3 | 19 | 45351661 | T | A,G |
rs13181 | 25824708 | 2068 | ERCC2 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Through quantitative analysis, the meta-analysis showed that ERCC2 Lys751Gln (ORGG vs. AA = 0.40 (95%CI = 0.1-0.86), P heterogeneity = 0.502; I (2) = 0 %) and ERCC5 His46His (ORCC vs. TT = 0.37 (95%CI = 0.15-0.93), P heterogeneity = 0.569; I (2) = 0 %) polymorphisms might influence the prognosis of patients with osteosarcoma [1]. | 0.003995683 | 2015 | ERCC2;KLC3 | 19 | 45351661 | T | A,G |
rs137853008 | NA | 11200 | CHEK2 | umls:C0029463 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.363267234 | NA | CHEK2 | 22 | 28734673 | C | A |
rs148924904 | 22006429 | 5925 | RB1 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Some of the genetic changes identified were in tumor suppressor genes previously identified as altered in osteosarcoma: p53 (arginine→histidine at codon 273 [R273H], R→cysteine at codon 723 [R273C], and tyrosine→C at codon 163 [Y163C]) and retinoblastoma 1 (RB1) (glutamic acid→* at codon 137 [E137*]). | 0.133767591 | 2012 | TP53 | 17 | 7675124 | T | C |
rs148924904 | 22006429 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Some of the genetic changes identified were in tumor suppressor genes previously identified as altered in osteosarcoma: p53 (arginine→histidine at codon 273 [R273H], R→cysteine at codon 723 [R273C], and tyrosine→C at codon 163 [Y163C]) and retinoblastoma 1 (RB1) (glutamic acid→* at codon 137 [E137*]). | 0.382163696 | 2012 | TP53 | 17 | 7675124 | T | C |
rs17206779 | 23727862 | 11174 | ADAMTS6 | umls:C0029463 | GWASCAT | Genome-wide association study identifies two susceptibility loci for osteosarcoma. | 0.12 | 2013 | ADAMTS6 | 5 | 65151950 | C | T |
rs17655 | 21826087 | 2073 | ERCC5 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Excision repair cross-complementing (ERCC) group 2 (XPD; rs13181 and rs1799793), group 5 (XPG; rs17655) and group 1 (XPA; rs3212986 and rs11615) polymorphisms were analyzed in a group of 130 homogenously treated patients with high-grade osteosarcoma, for association with event-free survival (EFS), using the Kaplan-Meier plots and log-rank test. | 0.003995683 | 2012 | ERCC5;BIVM-ERCC5 | 13 | 102875652 | G | C |
rs17655 | 21826087 | 7507 | XPA | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Excision repair cross-complementing (ERCC) group 2 (XPD; rs13181 and rs1799793), group 5 (XPG; rs17655) and group 1 (XPA; rs3212986 and rs11615) polymorphisms were analyzed in a group of 130 homogenously treated patients with high-grade osteosarcoma, for association with event-free survival (EFS), using the Kaplan-Meier plots and log-rank test. | 0.002638474 | 2012 | ERCC5;BIVM-ERCC5 | 13 | 102875652 | G | C |
rs17883862 | NA | 11200 | CHEK2 | umls:C0029463 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.363267234 | NA | CHEK2 | 22 | 28734468 | G | A |
rs1799793 | 23098477 | 2068 | ERCC2 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | We first report associations of four SNPs, ERCC1 Asn118Asn, ERCC1 Gln504Lys, ERCC2 Asp312Asn and ERCC2 Lys751Gln, with risk of death from osteosarcoma in a Chinese population, indicating ERCC1 118T/T and ERCC2 A/A may be used as surrogate markers for clinical outcome of osteosarcoma treatment with cisplatin. | 0.003995683 | 2012 | ERCC2 | 19 | 45364001 | C | T |
rs1799793 | 21826087 | 2068 | ERCC2 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | This study suggests that XPD rs1799793 could be a marker of osteosarcoma associated with features conferring either a better prognosis or a better outcome after platinum therapy, or both. | 0.003995683 | 2012 | ERCC2 | 19 | 45364001 | C | T |
rs1799793 | 23098477 | 2067 | ERCC1 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | We first report associations of four SNPs, ERCC1 Asn118Asn, ERCC1 Gln504Lys, ERCC2 Asp312Asn and ERCC2 Lys751Gln, with risk of death from osteosarcoma in a Chinese population, indicating ERCC1 118T/T and ERCC2 A/A may be used as surrogate markers for clinical outcome of osteosarcoma treatment with cisplatin. | 0.002909916 | 2012 | ERCC2 | 19 | 45364001 | C | T |
rs1799793 | 21826087 | 7507 | XPA | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Excision repair cross-complementing (ERCC) group 2 (XPD; rs13181 and rs1799793), group 5 (XPG; rs17655) and group 1 (XPA; rs3212986 and rs11615) polymorphisms were analyzed in a group of 130 homogenously treated patients with high-grade osteosarcoma, for association with event-free survival (EFS), using the Kaplan-Meier plots and log-rank test. | 0.002638474 | 2012 | ERCC2 | 19 | 45364001 | C | T |
rs1799793 | 21826087 | 2073 | ERCC5 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Excision repair cross-complementing (ERCC) group 2 (XPD; rs13181 and rs1799793), group 5 (XPG; rs17655) and group 1 (XPA; rs3212986 and rs11615) polymorphisms were analyzed in a group of 130 homogenously treated patients with high-grade osteosarcoma, for association with event-free survival (EFS), using the Kaplan-Meier plots and log-rank test. | 0.003995683 | 2012 | ERCC2 | 19 | 45364001 | C | T |
rs1906953 | 23727862 | 2914 | GRM4 | umls:C0029463 | GWASCAT | Genome-wide association study identifies two susceptibility loci for osteosarcoma. | 0.240542884 | 2013 | GRM4 | 6 | 34068669 | C | T |
rs199476133 | 17276738 | 4508 | ATP6 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | In order to identify genes whose expression is altered as a result of the presence of mtDNA mutations, DNA microarray analysis was performed using human 143B osteosarcoma cells harboring 3243A>G [tRNA-Leu (UUR)] and 8993T>G [ATPase6 Leu156Arg] mtDNA mutations associated with MELAS and NARP syndromes (2SD and NARP3-1 cybrid cells), respectively. | 0.000542884 | 2007 | ATP6 | MT | 8993 | T | C,G |
rs2086452 | 23727862 | 170691 | ADAMTS17 | umls:C0029463 | GWASCAT | Genome-wide association study identifies two susceptibility loci for osteosarcoma. | 0.12 | 2013 | ADAMTS17 | 15 | 100188458 | G | A |
rs2279744 | 19451596 | 4193 | MDM2 | umls:C0029463 | GAD | [Effect of TP53 Arg72Pro and MDM2 SNP309 polymorphisms on the risk of high-grade osteosarcoma development and survival.] | 0.012138939 | 2009 | MDM2 | 12 | 68808800 | T | G |
rs231775 | 21612409 | 1493 | CTLA4 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | The current study evaluated the association of four CTLA-4 gene mutations, -1661A/G (rs4553808), -318C/T (rs5742909), +49G/A (rs231775), and CT60A/G (rs3087243), with osteosarcoma in the Chinese population. | 0.001628651 | 2011 | CTLA4 | 2 | 203867991 | A | G,T |
rs28934573 | NA | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0029463 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.382163696 | NA | TP53 | 17 | 7674241 | G | C,A |
rs28934574 | NA | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0029463 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.382163696 | NA | TP53 | 17 | 7673776 | G | C,A |
rs28934575 | NA | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0029463 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.382163696 | NA | TP53 | 17 | 7674230 | C | T,A |
rs28934576 | 17363498 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | On the other hand, transfection of p53-R273H into p53 null human osteosarcoma Saos-2 cells down-regulated procaspase-3 level and induced resistance to the drug toxicity and drug-induced apoptosis. | 0.382163696 | 2007 | TP53 | 17 | 7673802 | C | T,A |
rs28934576 | 22006429 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Some of the genetic changes identified were in tumor suppressor genes previously identified as altered in osteosarcoma: p53 (arginine→histidine at codon 273 [R273H], R→cysteine at codon 723 [R273C], and tyrosine→C at codon 163 [Y163C]) and retinoblastoma 1 (RB1) (glutamic acid→* at codon 137 [E137*]). | 0.382163696 | 2012 | TP53 | 17 | 7673802 | C | T,A |
rs28934576 | 22006429 | 5925 | RB1 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Some of the genetic changes identified were in tumor suppressor genes previously identified as altered in osteosarcoma: p53 (arginine→histidine at codon 273 [R273H], R→cysteine at codon 723 [R273C], and tyrosine→C at codon 163 [Y163C]) and retinoblastoma 1 (RB1) (glutamic acid→* at codon 137 [E137*]). | 0.133767591 | 2012 | TP53 | 17 | 7673802 | C | T,A |
rs28934578 | 16778209 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Osteosarcoma U2OS cell lines, which express inducible p53 mutants (V157F, R175H, and R248Q), were established, and the expression profiles of each cell line were then analyzed to detect genes specifically induced by mutant p53. | 0.382163696 | 2006 | TP53 | 17 | 7675088 | C | T,A |
rs28934578 | 15578696 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Transfection of mutant p53 (R175H) to p53-null osteosarcoma Saos-2 cells suppressed apoptosis induced by doxorubicin (DOX), cisplatin and gamma radiation. | 0.382163696 | 2005 | TP53 | 17 | 7675088 | C | T,A |
rs29001322 | 23679317 | 2073 | ERCC5 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Our findings showed polymorphisms in ERCC5 rs1047768 and MMS19L rs29001322 to be associated with clinical outcome of osteosarcoma patients undergoing chemotherapy. | 0.003995683 | 2014 | MMS19 | 10 | 97462918 | A | G |
rs29001322 | 23679317 | 64210 | MMS19 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Our findings showed polymorphisms in ERCC5 rs1047768 and MMS19L rs29001322 to be associated with clinical outcome of osteosarcoma patients undergoing chemotherapy. | 0.000542884 | 2014 | MMS19 | 10 | 97462918 | A | G |
rs3087243 | 21612409 | 1493 | CTLA4 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | The current study evaluated the association of four CTLA-4 gene mutations, -1661A/G (rs4553808), -318C/T (rs5742909), +49G/A (rs231775), and CT60A/G (rs3087243), with osteosarcoma in the Chinese population. | 0.001628651 | 2011 | CTLA4 | 2 | 203874196 | G | A |
rs3212227 | 23991654 | 3592 | IL12A | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | The IL-12A rs568408 and IL-12B rs3212227 may confer the susceptibility to osteosarcoma risk. | 0.000542884 | 2013 | IL12B | 5 | 159315942 | T | G |
rs3212986 | 21826087 | 7507 | XPA | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Excision repair cross-complementing (ERCC) group 2 (XPD; rs13181 and rs1799793), group 5 (XPG; rs17655) and group 1 (XPA; rs3212986 and rs11615) polymorphisms were analyzed in a group of 130 homogenously treated patients with high-grade osteosarcoma, for association with event-free survival (EFS), using the Kaplan-Meier plots and log-rank test. | 0.002638474 | 2012 | ERCC1;CD3EAP | 19 | 45409478 | C | A |
rs3212986 | 21826087 | 2073 | ERCC5 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Excision repair cross-complementing (ERCC) group 2 (XPD; rs13181 and rs1799793), group 5 (XPG; rs17655) and group 1 (XPA; rs3212986 and rs11615) polymorphisms were analyzed in a group of 130 homogenously treated patients with high-grade osteosarcoma, for association with event-free survival (EFS), using the Kaplan-Meier plots and log-rank test. | 0.003995683 | 2012 | ERCC1;CD3EAP | 19 | 45409478 | C | A |
rs3212986 | 23098477 | 2068 | ERCC2 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | We first report associations of four SNPs, ERCC1 Asn118Asn, ERCC1 Gln504Lys, ERCC2 Asp312Asn and ERCC2 Lys751Gln, with risk of death from osteosarcoma in a Chinese population, indicating ERCC1 118T/T and ERCC2 A/A may be used as surrogate markers for clinical outcome of osteosarcoma treatment with cisplatin. | 0.003995683 | 2012 | ERCC1;CD3EAP | 19 | 45409478 | C | A |
rs3212986 | 23098477 | 2067 | ERCC1 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | We first report associations of four SNPs, ERCC1 Asn118Asn, ERCC1 Gln504Lys, ERCC2 Asp312Asn and ERCC2 Lys751Gln, with risk of death from osteosarcoma in a Chinese population, indicating ERCC1 118T/T and ERCC2 A/A may be used as surrogate markers for clinical outcome of osteosarcoma treatment with cisplatin. | 0.002909916 | 2012 | ERCC1;CD3EAP | 19 | 45409478 | C | A |
rs386580934 | 23098477 | 2068 | ERCC2 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | We first report associations of four SNPs, ERCC1 Asn118Asn, ERCC1 Gln504Lys, ERCC2 Asp312Asn and ERCC2 Lys751Gln, with risk of death from osteosarcoma in a Chinese population, indicating ERCC1 118T/T and ERCC2 A/A may be used as surrogate markers for clinical outcome of osteosarcoma treatment with cisplatin. | 0.003995683 | 2012 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
rs386580934 | 23098477 | 2067 | ERCC1 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | We first report associations of four SNPs, ERCC1 Asn118Asn, ERCC1 Gln504Lys, ERCC2 Asp312Asn and ERCC2 Lys751Gln, with risk of death from osteosarcoma in a Chinese population, indicating ERCC1 118T/T and ERCC2 A/A may be used as surrogate markers for clinical outcome of osteosarcoma treatment with cisplatin. | 0.002909916 | 2012 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
rs4553808 | 21612409 | 1493 | CTLA4 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | The current study evaluated the association of four CTLA-4 gene mutations, -1661A/G (rs4553808), -318C/T (rs5742909), +49G/A (rs231775), and CT60A/G (rs3087243), with osteosarcoma in the Chinese population. | 0.001628651 | 2011 | CTLA4 | 2 | 203866282 | A | G |
rs568408 | 23991654 | 3592 | IL12A | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | The IL-12A rs568408 and IL-12B rs3212227 may confer the susceptibility to osteosarcoma risk. | 0.000542884 | 2013 | IL12A;IL12A-AS1 | 3 | 159995680 | G | A |
rs5742909 | 21612409 | 1493 | CTLA4 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | The current study evaluated the association of four CTLA-4 gene mutations, -1661A/G (rs4553808), -318C/T (rs5742909), +49G/A (rs231775), and CT60A/G (rs3087243), with osteosarcoma in the Chinese population. | 0.001628651 | 2011 | CTLA4 | 2 | 203867624 | C | T |
rs7023329 | 23361049 | 4507 | MTAP | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | One SNP in MTAP (methylthioadenosine phosphorylase) (rs7023329) that was previously associated with melanoma and nevi in multiple genome-wide association studies was associated with CRC, CA and OS by ASSET (P=0.007). | 0.000814326 | 2013 | MTAP | 9 | 21816529 | A | G |
rs79184941 | 15310757 | 2263 | FGFR2 | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Stable clones of the human MG63 osteosarcoma cells (MG63-Ap and MG63-IIIc) overexpressing a splice variant form of FGFR2 with or without the S252W mutation (FGFR2IIIcS252W and FGFR2IIIc) showed a higher RUNX2 mRNA expression than parental MG63 cells. | 0.003538676 | 2004 | FGFR2 | 10 | 121520163 | G | C,A |
rs9266193 | 21453059 | 3106 | HLA-B | umls:C0029463 | BeFree | Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 +49G/A polymorphism is associated with increased risk of osteosarcoma. | 0.001085767 | 2011 | HLA-B;MIR6891;LOC105375016 | 6 | 31357011 | T | A,C |
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0) | |
(Waiting for update.) |
GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:34) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | 6461421 | rs7591996 | A | C | rs7591996 | 23727862 | 1.00E-08 | NA | 1.39 | [1.23-1.54] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs7591996-C | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
2 | 6478838 | rs13403411 | G | A | rs13403411 | 23727862 | 5.20E-06 | NA | 1.3 | [1.16-1.46] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs13403411-T | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
2 | 6523994 | rs10208273 | A | G | rs10208273 | 23727862 | 2.93E-07 | NA | 1.35 | [1.21-1.52] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs10208273-C | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
2 | 40136231 | rs2888638 | T | G | rs2888638 | 23727862 | 1.03E-05 | NA | 1.77 | [1.38-2.29] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs2888638-G | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
2 | 154273475 | rs11673716 | G | A | rs11673716 | 23727862 | 2.06E-05 | NA | 1.35 | [1.18-1.56] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs11673716-C | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
3 | 154095778 | rs12488867 | C | T | rs12488867 | 23727862 | 3.78E-04 | NA | 1.28 | [1.12-1.46] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs12488867-T | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
4 | 28324928 | rs10025742 | T | C | rs10025742 | 23727862 | 2.79E-05 | NA | 1.31 | [1.15-1.48] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs10025742-G | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
5 | 64447777 | rs17206779 | C | T | rs17206779 | 23727862 | 5.00E-07 | NA | 1.33 | [1.19-1.47] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs17206779-G | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
5 | 131901225 | rs2244012 | A | G | rs2244012 | 23727862 | 8.94E-04 | NA | 1.25 | [1.10-1.42] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs2244012-G | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
6 | 34036446 | rs1906953 | C | T | rs1906953 | 23727862 | 8.00E-09 | NA | 1.57 | [1.35-1.83] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs1906953-A | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
7 | 28730009 | rs9691873 | A | C | rs9691873 | 23727862 | 9.61E-05 | NA | 1.25 | [1.12-1.41] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs9691873-A | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
7 | 28857606 | rs12531253 | G | A | rs12531253 | 23727862 | 2.11E-04 | NA | 1.27 | [1.12-1.44] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs12531253-G | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
8 | 1821516 | rs12545104 | A | G | rs12545104 | 23727862 | 1.86E-05 | NA | 1.27 | [1.14-1.42] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs12545104-G | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
8 | 120218302 | rs9297594 | C | T | rs9297594 | 23727862 | 2.24E-04 | NA | 1.26 | [1.11-1.42] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs9297594-T | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
8 | 125667226 | rs7813190 | T | C | rs7813190 | 23727862 | 2.50E-04 | NA | 1.69 | [1.27-2.22] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs7813190-T | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
8 | 128280808 | rs11777807 | C | T | rs11777807 | 23727862 | 4.60E-05 | NA | 1.29 | [1.14-1.46] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs11777807-T | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
8 | 128288920 | rs17378189 | C | T | rs17378189 | 23727862 | 8.16E-04 | NA | 1.24 | [1.09-1.41] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs17378189-T | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
8 | 128295710 | rs412835 | C | A | rs412835 | 23727862 | 8.50E-04 | NA | 1.23 | [1.09-1.41] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs412835-A | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
8 | 128482642 | rs4871799 | G | A | rs4871799 | 23727862 | 8.53E-04 | NA | 1.3 | [1.11-1.52] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs4871799-A | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
8 | 128599672 | rs4551307 | A | G | rs4551307 | 23727862 | 3.59E-05 | NA | 1.37 | [1.18-1.59] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs4551307-G | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
8 | 128599672 | rs4551307 | A | G | rs4551307 | 23727862 | 8.22E-04 | NA | 1.31 | [1.12-1.54] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs4551307-G | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
8 | 129532118 | rs10089519 | A | G | rs10089519 | 23727862 | 3.87E-04 | NA | 1.27 | [1.11-1.44] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs10089519-A | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
8 | 130727351 | rs4517087 | A | G | rs4517087 | 23727862 | 5.00E-04 | NA | 1.61 | [1.23-2.13] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs4517087-G | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
8 | 140963276 | rs2665917 | T | C | rs2665917 | 23727862 | 7.98E-04 | NA | 1.23 | [1.09-1.39] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs2665917-C | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
8 | 142480610 | rs4907398 | C | T | rs4907398 | 23727862 | 8.30E-04 | NA | 1.59 | [1.21-2.10] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs4907398-G | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
8 | 144548806 | rs369051 | A | G | rs369051 | 23727862 | 1.16E-04 | NA | 1.37 | [1.16-1.61] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs369051-G | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
10 | 5804531 | rs2797501 | G | A | rs2797501 | 23727862 | 8.00E-06 | NA | 1.61 | [1.30-1.96] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs2797501-A | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
10 | 79200117 | rs10762759 | A | G | rs10762759 | 23727862 | 1.23E-04 | NA | 1.33 | [1.15-1.53] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs10762759-C | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
13 | 51194405 | rs573666 | C | T | rs573666 | 23727862 | 9.00E-06 | NA | 1.3 | [1.16-1.47] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs573666-G | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
15 | 38118653 | rs8036460 | C | A | rs8036460 | 23727862 | 5.83E-05 | NA | 1.3 | [1.15-1.48] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs8036460-A | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
15 | 93157519 | rs432364 | T | G | rs432364 | 23727862 | 9.93E-05 | NA | 1.27 | [1.12-1.41] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs432364-A | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
15 | 93159737 | rs8043510 | A | G | rs8043510 | 23727862 | 4.73E-04 | NA | 1.23 | [1.10-1.38] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs8043510-C | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
15 | 100728663 | rs2086452 | G | A | rs2086452 | 23727862 | 1.00E-06 | NA | 1.35 | [1.19-1.52] | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs2086452-C | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
17 | 58048915 | rs4632189 | A | C | rs4632189 | 23727862 | 2.55E-05 | NA | 1.6 | NA | 694 European ancestry cases; 2,703 European ancestry controls | European(3397) | ALL(3397) | EUR(3397) | ALL(3397) | Osteosarcoma | HPOID:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | DOID:3347 | osteosarcoma | D012516 | Osteosarcoma | EFOID:0000637 | osteosarcoma | Osteosarcoma | rs4632189-G | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:6) | ||||
HP ID | HP Name | MP ID | MP Name | Annotation |
HP:0006489 | Abnormality of the femoral metaphysis | MP:0008274 | failure of bone ossification | failure to initiate or a block in the process of the formation of bone or of a bony substance, or the conversion of fibrous tissue or of cartilage into bone or a bony substance |
HP:0000944 | Abnormality of the metaphyses | MP:0013621 | decreased internal diameter of femur | reduced cross-sectional distance that extends from one lateral edge of the femur long bone marrow cavity, through its center and to the opposite lateral edge of the bone marrow cavity through the mid point of the femur |
HP:0001386 | Joint swelling | MP:0002936 | joint swelling | enlargement of the joints, usually due to an accumulation of fluid |
HP:0001939 | Abnormality of metabolism/homeostasis | MP:0020010 | decreased bone mineral density of femur | reduction in the quatitative measurment value of mineral content of bone in the long bone of the thigh |
HP:0003155 | Elevated alkaline phosphatase | MP:0011584 | increased alkaline phosphatase activity | greater ability to catalyze the reaction: an orthophosphoric monoester + H2O = an alcohol + phosphate, with an alkaline pH optimum |
HP:0001824 | Weight loss | MP:0005114 | premature hair loss | release of fur at an earlier than expected time |
Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:12) | ||||
HP ID | HP Name | MP ID | MP Name | Annotation |
HP:0012531 | Pain | MP:0011968 | decreased threshold for auditory brainstem response | reduction in the value at which one or more sound frequencies or broadband clicks first elicits a recordable response generated by electrical activity of neurons in the ascending auditory system |
HP:0009919 | Retinoblastoma | MP:0013886 | increased CD4-negative, CD25-positive NK T cell number | increase in the number of CD4-negative NK T cells expressing the activation marker CD25 |
HP:0002797 | Osteolysis | MP:0020137 | decreased bone mineralization | decrease in the rate at which minerals are deposited into bone |
HP:0001945 | Fever | MP:0020254 | decreased collagen level | decreased level of the main structural protein of the various connective tissues in animals |
HP:0001824 | Weight loss | MP:0020220 | decreased tear production | decreased production of the amount of fluid produced in the eye |
HP:0001386 | Joint swelling | MP:0013743 | ciliary body hypoplasia | underdevelopment or reduced size, usually due to a reduced number of cells, of the thickened portion of the vascular tunic which lies between the choroid and the iris |
HP:0003155 | Elevated alkaline phosphatase | MP:0020254 | decreased collagen level | decreased level of the main structural protein of the various connective tissues in animals |
HP:0006489 | Abnormality of the femoral metaphysis | MP:0011087 | neonatal lethality, complete penetrance | death of all organisms of a given genotype in a population within the neonatal period after birth (Mus: P0) |
HP:0001939 | Abnormality of metabolism/homeostasis | MP:0020254 | decreased collagen level | decreased level of the main structural protein of the various connective tissues in animals |
HP:0002756 | Pathologic fracture | MP:0020137 | decreased bone mineralization | decrease in the rate at which minerals are deposited into bone |
HP:0002669 | Osteosarcoma | MP:0020039 | increased bone ossification | increase in the formation of bone or of a bony substance, or the conversion of fibrous tissue or of cartilage into bone or a bony substance |
HP:0000944 | Abnormality of the metaphyses | MP:0020137 | decreased bone mineralization | decrease in the rate at which minerals are deposited into bone |
Disease ID | 179 |
Disease | osteosarcoma |
Case | (Waiting for update.) |