narcolepsy |
Disease ID | 404 |
Disease | narcolepsy |
Definition | A condition characterized by recurrent episodes of daytime somnolence and lapses in consciousness (microsomnias) that may be associated with automatic behaviors and AMNESIA. CATAPLEXY; SLEEP PARALYSIS, and hypnagogic HALLUCINATIONS frequently accompany narcolepsy. The pathophysiology of this disorder includes sleep-onset rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which normally follows stage III or IV sleep. (From Neurology 1998 Feb;50(2 Suppl 1):S2-S7) |
Synonym | excessive uncontrollable daytime sleepiness gelineau syndrome gelineau's syndrome gelineau's syndromes gelineaus syndrome narcolepsies narcolepsy (disorder) narcolepsy [disease/finding] narcolepsy disorder narcolepsy nos narcoleptic syndrome narcoleptic syndromes paroxysmal sleep sleep, paroxysmal syndrome, gelineau syndrome, gelineau's syndrome, narcoleptic syndromes, gelineau's syndromes, narcoleptic |
DOID | |
UMLS | C0027404 |
MeSH | |
Comorbidity | UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:25) C0520679 | obstructive sleep apnea | 3 C0021400 | influenza | 3 C0033975 | psychosis | 2 C0751772 | rem sleep behavior disorder | 2 C0004134 | ataxia | 2 C0035258 | restless legs syndrome | 2 C0036341 | schizophrenia | 2 C0028754 | obesity | 2 C0030567 | parkinson's disease | 2 C0035258 | restless legs | 2 C0037315 | sleep apnea | 2 C0007758 | cerebellar ataxia | 1 C0003873 | rheumatoid arthritis | 1 C0751774 | periodic limb movement | 1 C0003469 | anxiety disorders | 1 C0037315 | sleep disordered breathing | 1 C0149931 | migraines | 1 C0016667 | fragile-x syndrome | 1 C0011570 | depression | 1 C0013261 | duane's syndrome | 1 C0003469 | anxiety disorder | 1 C0028768 | obsessive-compulsive disorder | 1 C0851578 | sleep disorders | 1 C0025362 | mental retardation | 1 C0278652 | childhood craniopharyngioma | 1 |
Curated Gene | Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:24) 3123 | HLA-DRB1 | CTD_human;ORPHANET;GHR 7124 | TNF | GHR 3117 | HLA-DQA1 | GHR 3062 | HCRTR2 | CTD_human 3119 | HLA-DQB1 | CTD_human;GWASCAT;GHR;ORPHANET 7292 | TNFSF4 | ORPHANET 1120 | CHKB | CTD_human;GWASCAT;GHR 7200 | TRH | CTD_human 7133 | TNFRSF1B | GHR 386593 | CHKB-CPT1B | GWASCAT 22891 | ZNF365 | GWASCAT;ORPHANET 1512 | CTSH | ORPHANET 692229 | SNORD105 | GWASCAT 4340 | MOG | ORPHANET 5179 | PENK | CTD_human 8835 | SOCS2 | CTD_human 1375 | CPT1B | CTD_human;GHR 692312 | PPAN-P2RY11 | GWASCAT 3060 | HCRT | ORPHANET 5032 | P2RY11 | CTD_human;ORPHANET 6863 | TAC1 | CTD_human 6957 | TRB | GWASCAT 6955 | TRA | CTD_human;GWASCAT 56342 | PPAN | GWASCAT |
Inferring Gene | Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:209) 18 | ABAT | CIPHER 8310 | ACOX3 | CIPHER 90 | ACVR1 | CIPHER 102 | ADAM10 | CIPHER 114 | ADCY8 | CIPHER 128 | ADH5 | CIPHER 8165 | AKAP1 | CIPHER 9472 | AKAP6 | CIPHER 224 | ALDH3A2 | CIPHER 247 | ALOX15B | CIPHER 240 | ALOX5 | CIPHER 9546 | APBA3 | CIPHER 323 | APBB2 | CIPHER 79754 | ASB13 | CIPHER 570 | BAAT | CIPHER 573 | BAG1 | CIPHER 55973 | BCAP29 | CIPHER 79370 | BCL2L14 | CIPHER 650 | BMP2 | CIPHER 655 | BMP7 | CIPHER 663 | BNIP2 | CIPHER 672 | BRCA1 | CIPHER 675 | BRCA2 | CIPHER 775 | CACNA1C | CIPHER 783 | CACNB2 | CIPHER 23705 | CADM1 | CIPHER 57118 | CAMK1D | CIPHER 814 | CAMK4 | CIPHER 841 | CASP8 | CIPHER 6347 | CCL2 | CIPHER 894 | CCND2 | CIPHER 901 | CCNG2 | CIPHER 9034 | CCRL2 | CIPHER 929 | CD14 | CIPHER 29126 | CD274 | CIPHER 51654 | CDK5RAP1 | CIPHER 1033 | CDKN3 | CIPHER 375298 | CERKL | CIPHER 10668 | CGRRF1 | CIPHER 654377 | CHES1L1 | CIPHER 1120 | CHKB | CIPHER;CTD_human 1138 | CHRNA5 | CIPHER 1141 | CHRNB2 | CIPHER 9435 | CHST2 | CIPHER 1312 | COMT | CIPHER 1375 | CPT1B | CIPHER;CTD_human 8738 | CRADD | CIPHER 1384 | CRAT | CIPHER 8727 | CTNNAL1 | CIPHER 143884 | CWF19L2 | CIPHER 1539 | CYLC2 | CIPHER 1586 | CYP17A1 | CIPHER 1555 | CYP2B6 | CIPHER 1603 | DAD1 | CIPHER 1612 | DAPK1 | CIPHER 1630 | DCC | CIPHER 123099 | DEGS2 | CIPHER 1607 | DGKB | CIPHER 374407 | DNAJB13 | CIPHER 8448 | DOC2A | CIPHER 1812 | DRD1 | CIPHER 1813 | DRD2 | CIPHER 1778 | DYNC1H1 | CIPHER 55531 | ELMOD1 | CIPHER 2059 | EPS8 | CIPHER 2170 | FABP3 | CIPHER 131177 | FAM3D | CIPHER 9982 | FGFBP1 | CIPHER 2271 | FH | CIPHER 2549 | GAB1 | CIPHER 2550 | GABBR1 | CIPHER 8484 | GALR3 | CIPHER 2620 | GAS2 | CIPHER 151449 | GDF7 | CIPHER 2668 | GDNF | CIPHER 28964 | GIT1 | CIPHER 165829 | GPR156 | CIPHER 11245 | GPR176 | CIPHER 2830 | GPR6 | CIPHER 2903 | GRIN2A | CIPHER 2869 | GRK5 | CIPHER 2965 | GTF2H1 | CIPHER 3060 | HCRT | CIPHER 10114 | HIPK3 | CIPHER 3117 | HLA-DQA1 | CIPHER 3118 | HLA-DQA2 | CIPHER 3119 | HLA-DQB1 | CIPHER;CTD_human 3123 | HLA-DRB1 | CIPHER;CTD_human 3125 | HLA-DRB3 | CIPHER 3126 | HLA-DRB4 | CIPHER 3127 | HLA-DRB5 | CIPHER 51144 | HSD17B12 | CIPHER 3293 | HSD17B3 | CIPHER 3356 | HTR2A | CIPHER 23308 | ICOSLG | CIPHER 3452 | IFNA21 | CIPHER 3459 | IFNGR1 | CIPHER 3467 | IFNW1 | CIPHER 3486 | IGFBP3 | CIPHER 3550 | IK | CIPHER 3552 | IL1A | CIPHER 3689 | ITGB2 | CIPHER 3778 | KCNMA1 | CIPHER 9735 | KNTC1 | CIPHER 3939 | LDHA | CIPHER 51747 | LUC7L3 | CIPHER 8379 | MAD1L1 | CIPHER 6885 | MAP3K7 | CIPHER 5594 | MAPK1 | CIPHER 1432 | MAPK14 | CIPHER 4170 | MCL1 | CIPHER 4194 | MDM4 | CIPHER 4210 | MEFV | CIPHER 4353 | MPO | CIPHER 932 | MS4A3 | CIPHER 4598 | MVK | CIPHER 4628 | MYH10 | CIPHER 10783 | NEK6 | CIPHER 10725 | NFAT5 | CIPHER 4773 | NFATC2 | CIPHER 22871 | NLGN1 | CIPHER 3164 | NR4A1 | CIPHER 391109 | OR10K1 | CIPHER 128360 | OR10T2 | CIPHER 128368 | OR10Z1 | CIPHER 56656 | OR2S2 | CIPHER 143496 | OR52B4 | CIPHER 390066 | OR52D1 | CIPHER 390078 | OR52E6 | CIPHER 390321 | OR6C1 | CIPHER 341568 | OR8S1 | CIPHER 5018 | OXA1L | CIPHER 5032 | P2RY11 | CIPHER;CTD_human 117583 | PARD3B | CIPHER 5081 | PAX7 | CIPHER 27445 | PCLO | CIPHER 255738 | PCSK9 | CIPHER 11235 | PDCD10 | CIPHER 5330 | PLCB2 | CIPHER 51196 | PLCE1 | CIPHER 257068 | PLCXD2 | CIPHER 5426 | POLE | CIPHER 10891 | PPARGC1A | CIPHER 133522 | PPARGC1B | CIPHER 5515 | PPP2CA | CIPHER 5581 | PRKCE | CIPHER 5583 | PRKCH | CIPHER 5588 | PRKCQ | CIPHER 5587 | PRKD1 | CIPHER 5663 | PSEN1 | CIPHER 5664 | PSEN2 | CIPHER 5728 | PTEN | CIPHER 9232 | PTTG1 | CIPHER 5810 | RAD1 | CIPHER 117584 | RFFL | CIPHER 64326 | RFWD2 | CIPHER 55183 | RIF1 | CIPHER 864 | RUNX3 | CIPHER 6273 | S100A2 | CIPHER 949 | SCARB1 | CIPHER 7356 | SCGB1A1 | CIPHER 6342 | SCP2 | CIPHER 6390 | SDHB | CIPHER 6570 | SLC18A1 | CIPHER 6571 | SLC18A2 | CIPHER 6616 | SNAP25 | CIPHER 114815 | SORCS1 | CIPHER 6672 | SP100 | CIPHER 200734 | SPRED2 | CIPHER 10011 | SRA1 | CIPHER 55620 | STAP2 | CIPHER 9263 | STK17A | CIPHER 8801 | SUCLG2 | CIPHER 23213 | SULF1 | CIPHER 8224 | SYN3 | CIPHER 6910 | TBX5 | CIPHER 6916 | TBXAS1 | CIPHER 7006 | TEC | CIPHER 7068 | THRB | CIPHER 7100 | TLR5 | CIPHER 387522 | TMEM189-UBE2V1 | CIPHER 7124 | TNF | CIPHER 8797 | TNFRSF10A | CIPHER 7132 | TNFRSF1A | CIPHER 7133 | TNFRSF1B | CIPHER 8740 | TNFSF14 | CIPHER 7292 | TNFSF4 | CIPHER 112858 | TP53RK | CIPHER 286016 | TPI1P2 | CIPHER 7189 | TRAF6 | CIPHER 28745 | TRAJ10 | CIPHER 140691 | TRIM69 | CIPHER 7222 | TRPC3 | CIPHER 7227 | TRPS1 | CIPHER 203068 | TUBB | CIPHER 7385 | UQCRC2 | CIPHER 7416 | VDAC1 | CIPHER 22884 | WDR37 | CIPHER 8840 | WISP1 | CIPHER 3062 | HCRTR2 | CTD_human 8835 | SOCS2 | CTD_human 7200 | TRH | CTD_human 6955 | TRA | CTD_human 100302514 | NRCLP5 | CTD_human 6863 | TAC1 | CTD_human 5179 | PENK | CTD_human 494446 | NRCLP3 | CTD_human 100918 | NRCLP2 | CTD_human 100216484 | NRCLP4 | CTD_human |
Text Mined Gene | Entrez_id | Symbol | Score | Resource(Total Genes:95) 34 | ACADM | 2.115 | DISEASES 414149 | ACBD7 | 3.343 | DISEASES 8751 | ADAM15 | 1.104 | DISEASES 361 | AQP4 | 2.261 | DISEASES 1388 | ATF6B | 2.74 | DISEASES 84938 | ATG4C | 1.137 | DISEASES 4287 | ATXN3 | 4.621 | DISEASES 114781 | BTBD9 | 1.553 | DISEASES 8814 | CDKL1 | 2.364 | DISEASES 1081 | CGA | 2.065 | DISEASES 1103 | CHAT | 1.259 | DISEASES 1120 | CHKB | 3.669 | DISEASES 1132 | CHRM4 | 1.632 | DISEASES 26047 | CNTNAP2 | 1.3 | DISEASES 1312 | COMT | 1.741 | DISEASES 56259 | CTNNBL1 | 5.242 | DISEASES 1740 | DLG2 | 1.291 | DISEASES 58511 | DNASE2B | 2.698 | DISEASES 1786 | DNMT1 | 3.356 | DISEASES 6990 | DYNLT3 | 2.235 | DISEASES 64641 | EBF2 | 1.699 | DISEASES 54898 | ELOVL2 | 1.476 | DISEASES 60481 | ELOVL5 | 1.245 | DISEASES 131177 | FAM3D | 2.323 | DISEASES 201456 | FBXO15 | 2.588 | DISEASES 5348 | FXYD1 | 3.361 | DISEASES 2569 | GABRR1 | 1.853 | DISEASES 2570 | GABRR2 | 1.949 | DISEASES 200959 | GABRR3 | 2.072 | DISEASES 2617 | GARS | 1.057 | DISEASES 51738 | GHRL | 2.244 | DISEASES 9001 | HAP1 | 1.348 | DISEASES 3061 | HCRTR1 | 5.269 | DISEASES 3062 | HCRTR2 | 6.38 | DISEASES 3105 | HLA-A | 1.883 | DISEASES 3106 | HLA-B | 1.883 | DISEASES 3113 | HLA-DPA1 | 1.187 | DISEASES 3115 | HLA-DPB1 | 2.424 | DISEASES 3117 | HLA-DQA1 | 3.324 | DISEASES 3118 | HLA-DQA2 | 1.977 | DISEASES 3119 | HLA-DQB1 | 4.21 | DISEASES 3120 | HLA-DQB2 | 4.26 | DISEASES 3123 | HLA-DRB1 | 3.55 | DISEASES 3127 | HLA-DRB5 | 3.88 | DISEASES 100316868 | HOTTIP | 1.588 | DISEASES 3269 | HRH1 | 1.673 | DISEASES 11255 | HRH3 | 4.757 | DISEASES 3363 | HTR7 | 1.403 | DISEASES 3446 | IFNA10 | 1.871 | DISEASES 50618 | ITSN2 | 1.054 | DISEASES 3812 | KIR3DL2 | 1.202 | DISEASES 56956 | LHX9 | 3.094 | DISEASES 727699 | LINC00163 | 3.87 | DISEASES 727701 | LINC00165 | 3.87 | DISEASES 4129 | MAOB | 1.067 | DISEASES 6885 | MAP3K7 | 1.524 | DISEASES 79091 | METTL22 | 3.87 | DISEASES 64223 | MLST8 | 3.452 | DISEASES 4340 | MOG | 1.372 | DISEASES 4600 | MX2 | 1.81 | DISEASES 344148 | NCKAP5 | 2.286 | DISEASES 4773 | NFATC2 | 1.631 | DISEASES 4862 | NPAS2 | 1.11 | DISEASES 594857 | NPS | 5.54 | DISEASES 55074 | OXR1 | 3.619 | DISEASES 22953 | P2RX2 | 1.206 | DISEASES 5032 | P2RY11 | 4.826 | DISEASES 10039 | PARP3 | 1.627 | DISEASES 10015 | PDCD6IP | 1.852 | DISEASES 5138 | PDE2A | 1.668 | DISEASES 10687 | PNMA2 | 3.243 | DISEASES 56342 | PPAN | 1.135 | DISEASES 9374 | PPT2 | 1.137 | DISEASES 5730 | PTGDS | 1.428 | DISEASES 5867 | RAB4A | 1.015 | DISEASES 146713 | RBFOX3 | 2.335 | DISEASES 5996 | RGS1 | 1.058 | DISEASES 390598 | SKOR1 | 1.859 | DISEASES 6566 | SLC16A1 | 1.52 | DISEASES 26503 | SLC17A5 | 2.261 | DISEASES 6572 | SLC18A3 | 2.142 | DISEASES 338427 | SNORD108 | 2.938 | DISEASES 338429 | SNORD109B | 2.456 | DISEASES 692236 | SNORD116@ | 1.956 | DISEASES 347686 | SNORD64 | 2.532 | DISEASES 8926 | SNURF | 2.043 | DISEASES 114815 | SORCS1 | 1.315 | DISEASES 9145 | SYNGR1 | 2.133 | DISEASES 7004 | TEAD4 | 1.627 | DISEASES 7124 | TNF | 1.965 | DISEASES 112858 | TP53RK | 2.387 | DISEASES 137886 | UBXN2B | 3.817 | DISEASES 7453 | WARS | 1.314 | DISEASES 7456 | WIPF1 | 1.434 | DISEASES 22891 | ZNF365 | 1.509 | DISEASES |
Locus | (Waiting for update.) |
Disease ID | 404 |
Disease | narcolepsy |
Manually Symptom | UMLS | Name(Total Manually Symptoms:36) C2712048 | overweight C2364072 | depression C2219848 | daytime somnolence C1456784 | paranoid psychosis C1417325 | multiple sclerosis C1366535 | diabetes insipidus C1313952 | periodic breathing C1260922 | breathing disorder C0917799 | hypersomnia C0917799 | excessive sleepiness C0871189 | psychotic symptoms C0858618 | dyschromatopsia C0751772 | rem sleep behaviour disorder C0751772 | rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder C0751229 | hypersomnolence C0700201 | sleep disturbance C0694563 | excessive daytime somnolence C0694563 | excessive daytime sleepiness C0679466 | cognitive deficits C0520679 | obstructive sleep apnea C0426980 | motor symptom C0422833 | ent symptoms C0235169 | excitability C0233773 | hypnagogic hallucinations C0086132 | depressive symptoms C0037315 | sleep apnea C0036341 | schizophrenia C0035258 | restless legs syndrome C0033975 | psychosis C0033845 | pseudotumor cerebri C0030975 | perceptual disorders C0030508 | parasomnias C0018524 | hallucinations C0013473 | eating disorders C0007384 | cataplexy C0003469 | anxiety disorders |
Text Mined Symptom | UMLS | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Symptoms:19) C0007384 | cataplexy | 170 C0694563 | excessive daytime sleepiness | 8 C0917799 | excessive sleepiness | 3 C0520679 | obstructive sleep apnea | 3 C0871189 | psychotic symptoms | 3 C0035258 | restless legs syndrome | 2 C0033975 | psychosis | 2 C0036341 | schizophrenia | 2 C0037315 | sleep apnea | 2 C0235169 | excitability | 2 C0751772 | rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder | 1 C2219848 | daytime somnolence | 1 C0011570 | depression | 1 C0018524 | hallucinations | 1 C0497406 | overweight | 1 C0917799 | hypersomnia | 1 C0003469 | anxiety disorders | 1 C0694563 | excessive daytime somnolence | 1 C0751772 | rem sleep behaviour disorder | 1 |
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0) |
(Waiting for update.) |
Text Mining Genotype(Total Genotypes:0) | |
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All Snps(Total Genotypes:26) | |||||||||||||
snpId | pubmedId | geneId | geneSymbol | diseaseId | sourceId | sentence | score | Year | geneSymbol_dbSNP | CHROMOSOME | POS | REF | ALT |
rs10995245 | 24204295 | 22891 | ZNF365 | umls:C0027404 | GWASCAT | Genome wide analysis of narcolepsy in China implicates novel immune loci and reveals changes in association prior to versus after the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. | 0.24 | 2013 | ZNF365;LOC105378327 | 10 | 62631615 | G | A |
rs1154155 | 22177342 | 6955 | TRA | umls:C0027404 | BeFree | Chinese narcolepsy was strongly and dose dependently associated with TCRA (rs1154155C) and P2RY11 (rs2305795A) but not CPT1B/CHKB (rs5770917C) polymorphisms. | 0.243181358 | 2012 | NA | 14 | 22533736 | G | T |
rs1154155 | 24204295 | 6955 | TRA | umls:C0027404 | GWASCAT | Genome wide analysis of narcolepsy in China implicates novel immune loci and reveals changes in association prior to versus after the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. | 0.243181358 | 2013 | NA | 14 | 22533736 | G | T |
rs1154155 | 20711174 | 6955 | TRA | umls:C0027404 | GWASCAT | Genome-wide association study identifies new HLA class II haplotypes strongly protective against narcolepsy. | 0.243181358 | 2010 | NA | 14 | 22533736 | G | T |
rs1154155 | 19412176 | 6955 | TRA | umls:C0027404 | GWASCAT | Narcolepsy is strongly associated with the T-cell receptor alpha locus. | 0.243181358 | 2009 | NA | 14 | 22533736 | G | T |
rs1154155 | 22177342 | 1120 | CHKB | umls:C0027404 | BeFree | Chinese narcolepsy was strongly and dose dependently associated with TCRA (rs1154155C) and P2RY11 (rs2305795A) but not CPT1B/CHKB (rs5770917C) polymorphisms. | 0.243452799 | 2012 | NA | 14 | 22533736 | G | T |
rs1154155 | 22177342 | 1375 | CPT1B | umls:C0027404 | BeFree | Chinese narcolepsy was strongly and dose dependently associated with TCRA (rs1154155C) and P2RY11 (rs2305795A) but not CPT1B/CHKB (rs5770917C) polymorphisms. | 0.123724241 | 2012 | NA | 14 | 22533736 | G | T |
rs1551570 | 24204295 | 692229 | SNORD105 | umls:C0027404 | GWASCAT | Genome wide analysis of narcolepsy in China implicates novel immune loci and reveals changes in association prior to versus after the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. | 0.12 | 2013 | PPAN;ANGPTL6;SNORD105;PPAN-P2RY11 | 19 | 10107354 | C | T |
rs1551570 | 24204295 | 692312 | PPAN-P2RY11 | umls:C0027404 | GWASCAT | Genome wide analysis of narcolepsy in China implicates novel immune loci and reveals changes in association prior to versus after the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. | 0.12 | 2013 | PPAN;ANGPTL6;SNORD105;PPAN-P2RY11 | 19 | 10107354 | C | T |
rs1551570 | 24204295 | 56342 | PPAN | umls:C0027404 | GWASCAT | Genome wide analysis of narcolepsy in China implicates novel immune loci and reveals changes in association prior to versus after the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. | 0.12 | 2013 | PPAN;ANGPTL6;SNORD105;PPAN-P2RY11 | 19 | 10107354 | C | T |
rs2305795 | 21170044 | 5026 | P2RX5 | umls:C0027404 | BeFree | We identify a SNP in the 3' untranslated region of P2RY11, the purinergic receptor subtype P2Y₁₁ gene, which is associated with narcolepsy (rs2305795, combined P = 6.1 × 10⁻¹⁰, odds ratio = 1.28, 95% CI 1.19-1.39, n = 5689). | 0.000271442 | 2011 | P2RY11;EIF3G;PPAN-P2RY11 | 19 | 10115376 | G | A |
rs2305795 | 22177342 | 6955 | TRA | umls:C0027404 | BeFree | Chinese narcolepsy was strongly and dose dependently associated with TCRA (rs1154155C) and P2RY11 (rs2305795A) but not CPT1B/CHKB (rs5770917C) polymorphisms. | 0.243181358 | 2012 | P2RY11;EIF3G;PPAN-P2RY11 | 19 | 10115376 | G | A |
rs2305795 | 22177342 | 1375 | CPT1B | umls:C0027404 | BeFree | Chinese narcolepsy was strongly and dose dependently associated with TCRA (rs1154155C) and P2RY11 (rs2305795A) but not CPT1B/CHKB (rs5770917C) polymorphisms. | 0.123724241 | 2012 | P2RY11;EIF3G;PPAN-P2RY11 | 19 | 10115376 | G | A |
rs2305795 | 22177342 | 1120 | CHKB | umls:C0027404 | BeFree | Chinese narcolepsy was strongly and dose dependently associated with TCRA (rs1154155C) and P2RY11 (rs2305795A) but not CPT1B/CHKB (rs5770917C) polymorphisms. | 0.243452799 | 2012 | P2RY11;EIF3G;PPAN-P2RY11 | 19 | 10115376 | G | A |
rs2854536 | 24204295 | 6957 | TRB | umls:C0027404 | GWASCAT | Genome wide analysis of narcolepsy in China implicates novel immune loci and reveals changes in association prior to versus after the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. | 0.12 | 2013 | NA | 7 | 142357119 | C | T |
rs2858884 | 20711174 | 3119 | HLA-DQB1 | umls:C0027404 | GAD | [Genome-wide association study identifies new HLA class II haplotypes strongly protective against narcolepsy.] | 0.40901156 | 2010 | NA | 6 | 32732306 | A | C |
rs5770917 | 22177342 | 28755 | TRAC | umls:C0027404 | BeFree | The study extends on the observation of a strong multiethnic association of polymorphisms in the TCRA and P2RY11 with narcolepsy, but does not confirm the association of CPT1B/CHKB (rs5770917) in the Chinese population. | 0.000271442 | 2012 | CHKB;CPT1B;CHKB-CPT1B | 22 | 50578924 | T | C |
rs5770917 | 18820697 | 386593 | CHKB-CPT1B | umls:C0027404 | GWASCAT | Variant between CPT1B and CHKB associated with susceptibility to narcolepsy. | 0.12 | 2008 | CHKB;CPT1B;CHKB-CPT1B | 22 | 50578924 | T | C |
rs5770917 | 22177342 | 6955 | TRA | umls:C0027404 | BeFree | Chinese narcolepsy was strongly and dose dependently associated with TCRA (rs1154155C) and P2RY11 (rs2305795A) but not CPT1B/CHKB (rs5770917C) polymorphisms. | 0.243181358 | 2012 | CHKB;CPT1B;CHKB-CPT1B | 22 | 50578924 | T | C |
rs5770917 | 22177342 | 1375 | CPT1B | umls:C0027404 | BeFree | Chinese narcolepsy was strongly and dose dependently associated with TCRA (rs1154155C) and P2RY11 (rs2305795A) but not CPT1B/CHKB (rs5770917C) polymorphisms. | 0.123724241 | 2012 | CHKB;CPT1B;CHKB-CPT1B | 22 | 50578924 | T | C |
rs5770917 | 18820697 | 1120 | CHKB | umls:C0027404 | GAD | [Variant between CPT1B and CHKB associated with susceptibility to narcolepsy.] | 0.243452799 | 2008 | CHKB;CPT1B;CHKB-CPT1B | 22 | 50578924 | T | C |
rs5770917 | 22177342 | 1120 | CHKB | umls:C0027404 | BeFree | Chinese narcolepsy was strongly and dose dependently associated with TCRA (rs1154155C) and P2RY11 (rs2305795A) but not CPT1B/CHKB (rs5770917C) polymorphisms. | 0.243452799 | 2012 | CHKB;CPT1B;CHKB-CPT1B | 22 | 50578924 | T | C |
rs5770917 | 18820697 | 1120 | CHKB | umls:C0027404 | GWASCAT | Variant between CPT1B and CHKB associated with susceptibility to narcolepsy. | 0.243452799 | 2008 | CHKB;CPT1B;CHKB-CPT1B | 22 | 50578924 | T | C |
rs5770917 | 18820697 | 1375 | CPT1B | umls:C0027404 | GAD | [Variant between CPT1B and CHKB associated with susceptibility to narcolepsy.] | 0.123724241 | 2008 | CHKB;CPT1B;CHKB-CPT1B | 22 | 50578924 | T | C |
rs5770917 | 22177342 | 5032 | P2RY11 | umls:C0027404 | BeFree | The study extends on the observation of a strong multiethnic association of polymorphisms in the TCRA and P2RY11 with narcolepsy, but does not confirm the association of CPT1B/CHKB (rs5770917) in the Chinese population. | 0.242909916 | 2012 | CHKB;CPT1B;CHKB-CPT1B | 22 | 50578924 | T | C |
rs9274477 | 24204295 | 3119 | HLA-DQB1 | umls:C0027404 | GWASCAT | Genome wide analysis of narcolepsy in China implicates novel immune loci and reveals changes in association prior to versus after the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. | 0.40901156 | 2013 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0) | |
(Waiting for update.) |
GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:519) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 5030660 | rs7525837 | G | A | rs7525837 | 19629137 | 9.29E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
1 | 11499388 | rs3099627 | A | G | rs3099627 | 19629137 | 3.80E-28 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
1 | 12702393 | rs7512542 | C | T | rs7512542 | 19629137 | 1.36E-28 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
1 | 26526439 | rs17257155 | A | G | rs17257155 | 19629137 | 7.68E-32 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | CATSPER4 |
1 | 34985459 | rs3845485 | A | G | rs3845485 | 19629137 | 1.63E-28 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
1 | 35148448 | rs725790 | A | C | rs725790 | 23459209 | 0.00000693 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G |
1 | 35157716 | rs10915020 | T | A | rs10915020 | 23459209 | 0.00000054 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T |
1 | 35159859 | rs16836898 | C | T | rs16836898 | 23459209 | 0.000000728 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C |
1 | 35165972 | rs1932768 | G | A | rs1932768 | 23459209 | 0.00000136 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C |
1 | 42623672 | rs11210604 | T | G | rs11210604 | 19629137 | 3.64E-23 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
1 | 43596384 | rs16830359 | G | A | rs16830359 | 19629137 | 8.59E-31 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
1 | 53251860 | rs505444 | T | C | rs505444 | 19629137 | 4.68E-30 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | ZYG11B |
1 | 57450486 | rs11206948 | T | C | rs11206948 | 19629137 | 2.06E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
1 | 62135356 | rs9783018 | T | C | rs9783018 | 19629137 | 2.52E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
1 | 64147162 | rs1395246 | G | C | rs1395246 | 19629137 | 4.61E-32 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
1 | 66647385 | rs490094 | A | G | rs490094 | 19629137 | 2.08E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | PDE4B |
1 | 70219191 | rs17131023 | T | C | rs17131023 | 19629137 | 3.70E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
1 | 77945635 | rs6695572 | G | A | rs6695572 | 19629137 | 2.63E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | AK5 |
1 | 80384756 | rs12123414 | G | A | rs12123414 | 19629137 | 8.67E-29 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
1 | 85798038 | rs2474121 | G | A | rs2474121 | 19629137 | 2.46E-23 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | DDAH1 |
1 | 88965798 | rs2044264 | A | G | rs2044264 | 23459209 | 0.000097 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T |
1 | 88972879 | rs306336 | A | G | rs306336 | 23459209 | 0.00000194 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T |
1 | 88973472 | rs12409611 | T | C | rs12409611 | 23459209 | 0.0000102 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T |
1 | 88979447 | rs6671025 | C | A | rs6671025 | 23459209 | 0.0000122 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C |
1 | 92014051 | rs963911 | G | T | rs963911 | 19629137 | 1.22E-39 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
1 | 97152559 | rs1496116 | T | C | rs1496116 | 19629137 | 1.78E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
1 | 97845577 | rs11165851 | T | A | rs11165851 | 19629137 | 4.63E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | DPYD |
1 | 106328719 | rs1163521 | T | C | rs1163521 | 19629137 | 3.45E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
1 | 109955569 | rs17586966 | T | C | rs17586966 | 19629137 | 4.17E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | PSMA5 |
1 | 120109260 | rs41427946 | C | T | rs41427946 | 19629137 | 4.22E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
1 | 147288276 | rs1086603 | G | A | rs1086603 | 19629137 | 1.12E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
1 | 155697810 | rs348184 | A | G | rs348184 | 19629137 | 1.05E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | DAP3 |
1 | 156707775 | rs6670122 | T | G | rs6670122 | 19629137 | 2.25E-41 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | MRPL24 |
1 | 161786495 | rs16849542 | A | G | rs16849542 | 19629137 | 1.77E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | ATF6 |
1 | 168562091 | rs10918931 | T | C | rs10918931 | 19629137 | 9.29E-10 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
1 | 173131908 | rs7553711 | T | C | rs7553711 | 23459209 | 4.08E-08 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T |
1 | 173132965 | rs10157163 | C | T | rs10157163 | 23459209 | 9.67E-08 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T |
1 | 173140765 | rs6665456 | T | C | rs6665456 | 23459209 | 0.000000074 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C |
1 | 173141800 | rs16845506 | T | A,G | rs16845506 | 23459209 | 0.0000049 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T |
1 | 173145017 | rs6676785 | A | G | rs6676785 | 23459209 | 8.08E-08 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G |
1 | 173146357 | rs4916312 | G | A | rs4916312 | 23459209 | 0.000000099 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A |
1 | 173147090 | rs4090391 | C | T | rs4090391 | 23459209 | 7.73E-08 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T |
1 | 173148671 | rs10127495 | A | C | rs10127495 | 23459209 | 8.49E-08 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C |
1 | 173150727 | rs11811788 | C | G | rs11811788 | 23459209 | 0.00003 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G |
1 | 173150964 | rs10127727 | G | A | rs10127727 | 23459209 | 0.00000561 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A |
1 | 173152036 | rs6691738 | T | G | rs6691738 | 23459209 | 9.88E-08 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G |
1 | 173156292 | rs3861950 | T | C | rs3861950 | 23459209 | 5.42E-08 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C |
1 | 173159516 | rs4081545 | T | C | rs4081545 | 23459209 | 0.000000073 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C |
1 | 173162439 | rs10465507 | C | A | rs10465507 | 23459209 | 0.00000633 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A |
1 | 173163357 | rs10798264 | G | A | rs10798264 | 23459209 | 0.00000726 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A |
1 | 173164457 | rs10912560 | A | G | rs10912560 | 23459209 | 0.0000139 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A |
1 | 173164565 | rs10912561 | C | T | rs10912561 | 23459209 | 0.00000657 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T |
1 | 173164787 | rs4916313 | T | C | rs4916313 | 23459209 | 0.000000157 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C |
1 | 173168230 | rs13343108 | T | C | rs13343108 | 23459209 | 0.0000171 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C |
1 | 173168397 | rs7525284 | G | A | rs7525284 | 23459209 | 0.0000119 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A |
1 | 173171673 | rs11811856 | C | G | rs11811856 | 23459209 | 0.0000287 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G |
1 | 177041997 | rs2861887 | C | T | rs2861887 | 19629137 | 1.10E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | ASTN1 |
1 | 193291244 | rs1749432 | T | A | rs1749432 | 19629137 | 4.51E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
1 | 196180344 | rs1925335 | A | G | rs1925335 | 19629137 | 9.91E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
1 | 201549933 | rs516701 | A | G | rs516701 | 19629137 | 8.54E-12 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A,G | NA |
1 | 206624018 | rs2480408 | G | A | rs2480408 | 19629137 | 8.19E-30 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
1 | 224984367 | rs2997477 | G | C | rs2997477 | 19629137 | 7.13E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
1 | 237285607 | rs2485570 | G | T | rs2485570 | 19629137 | 2.08E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | RYR2 |
2 | 3769141 | rs17017928 | G | A | rs17017928 | 19629137 | 4.96E-23 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | DCDC2C |
2 | 9256210 | rs2015061 | T | C | rs2015061 | 19629137 | 1.14E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
2 | 28693648 | rs7579759 | A | C | rs7579759 | 19629137 | 1.97E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
2 | 29247845 | rs17007459 | C | A | rs17007459 | 19629137 | 2.52E-10 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | FAM179A |
2 | 31340646 | rs11687856 | G | A | rs11687856 | 19629137 | 1.16E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | GALNT14 |
2 | 40691468 | rs11679585 | C | A | rs11679585 | 23459209 | 0.0000573 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T,C |
2 | 44025628 | rs3792015 | T | C | rs3792015 | 19629137 | 2.85E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | DYNC2LI1 |
2 | 51188566 | rs10490165 | T | C | rs10490165 | 19629137 | 4.15E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NRXN1 |
2 | 53129090 | rs2839750 | A | C | rs2839750 | 19629137 | 4.02E-13 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
2 | 80182604 | rs6745989 | G | A | rs6745989 | 19629137 | 2.67E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | CTNNA2 |
2 | 81485448 | rs6707716 | T | C | rs6707716 | 19629137 | 4.42E-28 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
2 | 102691535 | rs58340896 | G | C | rs58340896 | 23459209 | 0.0000774 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G |
2 | 116164570 | rs2677290 | C | G | rs2677290 | 19629137 | 5.46E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | DPP10 |
2 | 148215682 | rs4662505 | C | T | rs4662505 | 19629137 | 3.53E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
2 | 151908948 | rs6433132 | T | C | rs6433132 | 19629137 | 1.20E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
2 | 153696433 | rs6728402 | T | C | rs6728402 | 19629137 | 2.48E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
2 | 177000616 | rs1348808 | T | C | rs1348808 | 19629137 | 1.63E-10 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | HOXD-AS2 |
2 | 177210511 | rs818361 | T | C | rs818361 | 19629137 | 2.27E-11 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
2 | 177321586 | rs13416965 | C | A | rs13416965 | 19629137 | 2.14E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
2 | 178454764 | rs41493944 | C | T | rs41493944 | 19629137 | 4.03E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
2 | 220220503 | rs7586419 | A | G | rs7586419 | 19629137 | 1.87E-29 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
2 | 223952836 | rs10200800 | T | C | rs10200800 | 19629137 | 1.42E-30 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
2 | 236180811 | rs6431360 | T | G | rs6431360 | 19629137 | 1.45E-29 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
3 | 3869513 | rs1488455 | A | T | rs1488455 | 19629137 | 9.46E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | LRRN1 |
3 | 6341499 | rs17044542 | A | C | rs17044542 | 19629137 | 2.02E-29 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
3 | 8606839 | rs1027327 | A | G | rs1027327 | 23459209 | 0.00000868 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C |
3 | 10686437 | rs9880149 | G | A | rs9880149 | 19629137 | 2.51E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
3 | 21798340 | rs7641603 | C | T | rs7641603 | 19629137 | 2.09E-29 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
3 | 24143301 | rs2063481 | T | G | rs2063481 | 19629137 | 5.02E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | LOC152024 |
3 | 29738025 | rs9883185 | A | G | rs9883185 | 19629137 | 1.74E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | RBMS3 |
3 | 36344479 | rs1479151 | G | A | rs1479151 | 19629137 | 4.75E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
3 | 39127685 | rs2370860 | T | C | rs2370860 | 19629137 | 8.96E-30 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | WDR48 |
3 | 59373745 | rs2886671 | C | T | rs2886671 | 19629137 | 2.06E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
3 | 60016317 | rs9874888 | T | A | rs9874888 | 19629137 | 1.36E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | FHIT |
3 | 60025505 | rs17257269 | T | C | rs17257269 | 19629137 | 9.79E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | FHIT |
3 | 65410395 | rs12485896 | T | A | rs12485896 | 19629137 | 3.66E-28 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | MAGI1 |
3 | 70807623 | rs17007780 | C | T | rs17007780 | 19629137 | 9.12E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C,T | NA |
3 | 112441098 | rs4682115 | A | G | rs4682115 | 19629137 | 2.82E-36 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
3 | 120088887 | rs2943754 | G | A | rs2943754 | 19629137 | 1.60E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
3 | 123942339 | rs6789134 | A | G | rs6789134 | 19629137 | 6.78E-10 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | KALRN |
3 | 132911040 | rs1450050 | A | G | rs1450050 | 19629137 | 5.85E-30 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | TMEM108 |
3 | 133475961 | rs8177233 | A | G | rs8177233 | 19629137 | 1.02E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | TF |
3 | 134619642 | rs16842236 | A | G | rs16842236 | 19629137 | 1.44E-13 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | EPHB1 |
3 | 138106698 | rs1209710 | C | T | rs1209710 | 19629137 | 3.71E-23 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | MRAS |
3 | 139485456 | rs4683698 | G | A | rs4683698 | 19629137 | 1.36E-12 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
3 | 148442640 | rs12695894 | A | G | rs12695894 | 19629137 | 1.48E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | AGTR1 |
3 | 157553508 | rs1515474 | A | G | rs1515474 | 19629137 | 1.33E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
3 | 165489266 | rs10049436 | C | T | rs10049436 | 19629137 | 2.39E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
3 | 176894837 | rs7426956 | C | T | rs7426956 | 19629137 | 6.61E-11 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | TBL1XR1 |
3 | 184223930 | rs4912575 | G | A | rs4912575 | 19629137 | 5.69E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
4 | 10031163 | rs6856396 | A | T | rs6856396 | 20711174 | 5.14E-06 | NA | NA | NA | 562 European cases; 954 European controls | European(1516) | ALL(1516) | EUR(1516) | ALL(1516) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | SLC2A9 |
4 | 13899000 | rs807773 | T | A | rs807773 | 19629137 | 7.32E-28 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
4 | 14242857 | rs16889909 | A | G | rs16889909 | 19629137 | 2.54E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
4 | 18293439 | rs6829260 | C | G | rs6829260 | 19629137 | 4.77E-28 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
4 | 24790163 | rs800437 | A | G | rs800437 | 19629137 | 3.31E-23 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
4 | 37737524 | rs17495870 | G | C | rs17495870 | 19629137 | 6.13E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
4 | 44960444 | rs10032741 | T | A | rs10032741 | 19629137 | 4.92E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
4 | 64158622 | rs1462601 | G | A | rs1462601 | 19629137 | 1.63E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
4 | 68361240 | rs768244 | C | T | rs768244 | 19629137 | 7.40E-39 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | CENPC1 |
4 | 70259544 | rs17147266 | A | G,T | rs17147266 | 20711174 | 6.50E-06 | NA | NA | NA | 562 European cases; 954 European controls | European(1516) | ALL(1516) | EUR(1516) | ALL(1516) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
4 | 72978658 | rs4543076 | A | G | rs4543076 | 19629137 | 8.22E-34 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NPFFR2 |
4 | 78962008 | rs17002887 | T | C | rs17002887 | 19629137 | 2.30E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
4 | 79540050 | rs41440045 | G | A | rs41440045 | 19629137 | 7.18E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
4 | 80850805 | rs4234848 | G | A | rs4234848 | 19629137 | 2.77E-23 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | ANTXR2 |
4 | 105037729 | rs1354090 | A | T | rs1354090 | 19629137 | 1.67E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
4 | 119160676 | rs17049695 | C | T | rs17049695 | 19629137 | 9.75E-30 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NDST3 |
4 | 138010397 | rs28429570 | A | G | rs28429570 | 19629137 | 5.31E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
4 | 147888331 | rs7678787 | G | A | rs7678787 | 19629137 | 1.63E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
4 | 148437512 | rs6822565 | T | C | rs6822565 | 19629137 | 5.63E-13 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | EDNRA |
4 | 150347573 | rs4835580 | C | T | rs4835580 | 19629137 | 3.29E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
4 | 152809738 | rs17028049 | G | A | rs17028049 | 19629137 | 2.71E-28 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
4 | 153625027 | rs6839665 | G | A | rs6839665 | 19629137 | 2.23E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
4 | 154492055 | rs10024442 | T | G | rs10024442 | 19629137 | 3.07E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | KIAA0922 |
4 | 162389274 | rs41433445 | A | T | rs41433445 | 19629137 | 8.89E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | FSTL5 |
4 | 163493092 | rs7694400 | T | C | rs7694400 | 19629137 | 6.38E-32 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
4 | 169606920 | rs10013443 | T | C | rs10013443 | 19629137 | 4.37E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | PALLD |
5 | 3246919 | rs1691016 | G | T | rs1691016 | 19629137 | 1.78E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
5 | 11073282 | rs16901233 | T | C | rs16901233 | 19629137 | 7.39E-33 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | CTNND2 |
5 | 25972821 | rs4327572 | C | T | rs4327572 | 19629137 | 1.82E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
5 | 28809054 | rs2548014 | T | C | rs2548014 | 19629137 | 1.16E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
5 | 34604636 | rs10035360 | C | T | rs10035360 | 19629137 | 3.22E-32 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
5 | 38445553 | rs6875081 | G | A | rs6875081 | 19629137 | 1.40E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | EGFLAM |
5 | 44364007 | rs339502 | A | T | rs339502 | 19629137 | 1.66E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | FGF10 |
5 | 56451035 | rs331038 | C | T | rs331038 | 19629137 | 6.04E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
5 | 66661694 | rs7725744 | A | G | rs7725744 | 19629137 | 6.90E-23 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
5 | 99614601 | rs1824777 | G | T | rs1824777 | 19629137 | 2.16E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
5 | 109354719 | rs2966780 | T | C | rs2966780 | 19629137 | 1.43E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
5 | 112374408 | rs6594658 | A | G | rs6594658 | 19629137 | 1.35E-30 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | MCC |
5 | 114911565 | rs256989 | T | C | rs256989 | 19629137 | 4.50E-10 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
5 | 117924208 | rs995881 | C | G | rs995881 | 19629137 | 4.23E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
5 | 131904757 | rs2706346 | G | A | rs2706346 | 19629137 | 6.98E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | RAD50 |
5 | 141185061 | rs457518 | A | G | rs457518 | 19629137 | 3.76E-23 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
5 | 141880078 | rs17098760 | C | G | rs17098760 | 19629137 | 4.05E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
5 | 145873365 | rs3797299 | T | C | rs3797299 | 19629137 | 1.36E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | TCERG1 |
5 | 147059645 | rs6580493 | G | A | rs6580493 | 19629137 | 9.14E-35 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | JAKMIP2 |
5 | 159155509 | rs41321151 | C | T | rs41321151 | 19629137 | 1.45E-33 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
5 | 167031862 | rs172137 | G | A | rs172137 | 19629137 | 5.95E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | ODZ2 |
5 | 167230004 | rs10045595 | T | G | rs10045595 | 19629137 | 8.06E-10 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | ODZ2 |
6 | 5246118 | rs13212749 | T | C | rs13212749 | 19629137 | 1.71E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | LYRM4 |
6 | 19631215 | rs1936900 | T | G | rs1936900 | 19629137 | 1.71E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
6 | 20953611 | rs2015426 | C | A | rs2015426 | 19629137 | 3.88E-33 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | CDKAL1 |
6 | 29356587 | rs379157 | G | A | rs379157 | 20711174 | 1.44E-06 | NA | NA | NA | 562 European cases; 954 European controls | European(1516) | ALL(1516) | EUR(1516) | ALL(1516) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
6 | 29566369 | rs3095273 | A | G | rs3095273 | 20711174 | 2.04E-06 | NA | NA | NA | 562 European cases; 954 European controls | European(1516) | ALL(1516) | EUR(1516) | ALL(1516) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
6 | 29695305 | rs2523405 | T | G | rs2523405 | 19629137 | 3.84E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | HLA-F-AS1 |
6 | 29698031 | rs2735057 | G | C | rs2735057 | 19629137 | 9.31E-10 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | HLA-F-AS1 |
6 | 29730546 | rs1737070 | C | A | rs1737070 | 19629137 | 4.45E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
6 | 29835834 | rs3094159 | G | A | rs3094159 | 19629137 | 7.84E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
6 | 29836577 | rs3132718 | T | C | rs3132718 | 19629137 | 7.47E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
6 | 29837142 | rs577545656 | G | A | rs9258881 | 19629137 | 8.26E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
6 | 29837142 | rs9258881 | G | A | rs9258881 | 19629137 | 8.26E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
6 | 29841021 | rs3132712 | A | G | rs3132712 | 19629137 | 9.32E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
6 | 31042608 | rs2523881 | T | G | rs2523881 | 19629137 | 8.62E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
6 | 32187783 | rs8192590 | C | G | rs8192590 | 19629137 | 1.66E-34 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NOTCH4 |
6 | 32189032 | rs415929 | T | C | rs415929 | 19629137 | 1.91E-11 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NOTCH4 |
6 | 32200147 | rs3134926 | C | G | rs3134926 | 19629137 | 7.26E-12 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
6 | 32212233 | rs9267948 | G | A | rs9267948 | 20711174 | 5.68E-06 | NA | NA | NA | 562 European cases; 954 European controls | European(1516) | ALL(1516) | EUR(1516) | ALL(1516) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
6 | 32213052 | rs9267954 | A | T | rs9267954 | 19629137 | 6.39E-41 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
6 | 32216850 | rs3115576 | T | A | rs3115576 | 19629137 | 5.47E-15 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
6 | 32217185 | rs9267971 | T | C | rs9267971 | 19629137 | 1.87E-14 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
6 | 32217367 | rs3130311 | A | G | rs3130311 | 19629137 | 3.11E-14 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A,G | NA |
6 | 32273158 | rs544358 | G | C | rs544358 | 19629137 | 2.81E-35 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | C6orf10 |
6 | 32288190 | rs574710 | T | C | rs574710 | 19629137 | 2.48E-32 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | C6orf10 |
6 | 32288462 | rs539703 | A | C | rs539703 | 19629137 | 8.58E-34 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | C6orf10 |
6 | 32305690 | rs926591 | C | A | rs926591 | 19629137 | 3.44E-34 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | C6orf10 |
6 | 32305979 | rs3129900 | G | T | rs3129900 | 20711174 | 1.14E-07 | NA | NA | NA | 562 European cases; 954 European controls | European(1516) | ALL(1516) | EUR(1516) | ALL(1516) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | C6orf10 |
6 | 32306090 | rs9368716 | G | A | rs9368716 | 19629137 | 2.20E-39 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | C6orf10 |
6 | 32313097 | rs4959093 | T | C | rs4959093 | 19629137 | 3.05E-33 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | C6orf10 |
6 | 32315654 | rs910050 | G | C | rs910050 | 19629137 | 1.07E-31 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | C6orf10 |
6 | 32324817 | rs9268302 | C | T | rs9268302 | 19629137 | 9.87E-32 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | C6orf10 |
6 | 32324945 | rs6907322 | G | A | rs6907322 | 19629137 | 6.89E-29 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | C6orf10 |
6 | 32341353 | rs9268402 | G | A | rs9268402 | 19629137 | 3.83E-19 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | C6orf10 |
6 | 32354520 | rs1555115 | C | G | rs1555115 | 20711174 | 8.62E-07 | NA | NA | NA | 562 European cases; 954 European controls | European(1516) | ALL(1516) | EUR(1516) | ALL(1516) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
6 | 32359431 | rs17495612 | T | C | rs17495612 | 19629137 | 7.67E-10 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T,C | NA |
6 | 32363527 | rs2076533 | C | T | rs2076533 | 19629137 | 2.74E-17 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | BTNL2 |
6 | 32363816 | rs2076530 | T | C | rs2076530 | 19629137 | 4.21E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | BTNL2 |
6 | 32373232 | rs10947261 | G | T | rs10947261 | 19629137 | 5.66E-11 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | BTNL2 |
6 | 32373698 | rs3806156 | G | T | rs3806156 | 19629137 | 5.86E-18 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | BTNL2 |
6 | 32389305 | rs9268557 | T | C | rs9268557 | 19629137 | 5.81E-21 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
6 | 32389512 | rs9268560 | C | G | rs9268560 | 19629137 | 2.69E-17 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
6 | 32398675 | rs7756262 | T | A | rs7756262 | 19629137 | 1.25E-11 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
6 | 32408527 | rs9268645 | C | G | rs9268645 | 19629137 | 2.72E-15 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | HLA-DRA |
6 | 32412480 | rs7194 | G | A | rs7194 | 19629137 | 6.93E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | HLA-DRA |
6 | 32427748 | rs9268831 | C | T | rs9268831 | 19629137 | 1.22E-19 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
6 | 32429643 | rs9268853 | T | C | rs9268853 | 19629137 | 1.90E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
6 | 32429719 | rs9268856 | C | A | rs9268856 | 19629137 | 1.06E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
6 | 32429758 | rs9268858 | T | C | rs9268858 | 19629137 | 1.10E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
6 | 32430362 | rs4428528 | C | G | rs4428528 | 19629137 | 1.32E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
6 | 32430729 | rs7766843 | C | T | rs7766843 | 19629137 | 9.45E-10 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
6 | 32430975 | rs7746922 | C | A | rs7746922 | 19629137 | 1.01E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
6 | 32431147 | rs9268877 | A | G | rs9268877 | 19629137 | 1.41E-30 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
6 | 32431292 | rs9268878 | T | A | rs9268878 | 19629137 | 1.01E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
6 | 32448098 | rs4999342 | T | C | rs4999342 | 19629137 | 8.21E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
6 | 32449050 | rs7749092 | T | C | rs7749092 | 19629137 | 1.14E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C,T | NA |
6 | 32573471 | rs9270965 | A | G | rs9270965 | 24204295 | 5.00E-12 | NA | 1.72 | NA | up to 893 Chinese ancestry cases with onset before the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic; up to 373 Chinese ancestry cases with onset after the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic | Chinese(1266) | ALL(1266) | ASN(1266) | ALL(1266) | Narcolepsy (onset before 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A |
6 | 32574060 | rs9270986 | A | C | rs9270986 | 19629137 | 1.18E-43 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | LOC100507709 |
6 | 32574171 | rs615672 | G | C | rs615672 | 19629137 | 6.75E-20 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | LOC100507709 |
6 | 32576795 | rs9271117 | C | T | rs9271117 | 24204295 | 6.00E-14 | NA | 1.75 | NA | up to 893 Chinese ancestry cases with onset before the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic; up to 373 Chinese ancestry cases with onset after the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic | Chinese(1266) | ALL(1266) | ASN(1266) | ALL(1266) | Narcolepsy (onset before 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C |
6 | 32579003 | rs502055 | T | C | rs502055 | 19629137 | 1.82E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
6 | 32595083 | rs3129768 | G | T | rs3129768 | 19629137 | 7.05E-36 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
6 | 32604372 | rs9272346 | G | A | rs9272346 | 19629137 | 1.71E-19 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | HLA-DQA1 |
6 | 32609427 | rs9272723 | T | C | rs9272723 | 19629137 | 2.22E-28 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | HLA-DQA1 |
6 | 32626130 | rs7744020 | G | A | rs7744020 | 24204295 | 8.00E-09 | NA | 1.9 | [NA] year decrease | at least 1,000 Chinese ancestry cases | Chinese(1000) | ALL(1000) | ASN(1000) | ALL(1000) | Narcolepsy (age of onset) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | rs7744020-A | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G |
6 | 32626272 | rs9273363 | C | A | rs9273363 | 19629137 | 3.13E-19 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
6 | 32633713 | rs9274477 | A | G | rs9274477 | 24204295 | 2.00E-08 | NA | 1.82 | [NA] year decrease | at least 1,000 Chinese ancestry cases | Chinese(1000) | ALL(1000) | ASN(1000) | ALL(1000) | Narcolepsy (age of onset) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | rs9274477-G | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A |
6 | 32650612 | rs9275134 | C | G | rs9275134 | 19629137 | 5.41E-17 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
6 | 32651540 | rs17212223 | C | T | rs17212223 | 24204295 | 3.00E-08 | NA | 1.95 | [NA] year decrease | at least 1,000 Chinese ancestry cases | Chinese(1000) | ALL(1000) | ASN(1000) | ALL(1000) | Narcolepsy (age of onset) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | rs17212223-T | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C |
6 | 32654640 | rs2856688 | G | T | rs2856688 | 19629137 | 3.80E-18 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
6 | 32658079 | rs7775228 | T | C | rs7775228 | 19629137 | 6.18E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T,C | NA |
6 | 32658310 | rs9469220 | G | A | rs9469220 | 19629137 | 7.19E-38 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
6 | 32663851 | rs6457617 | C | T | rs6457617 | 19629137 | 3.41E-28 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
6 | 32663999 | rs6457620 | G | C | rs6457620 | 19629137 | 3.22E-28 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
6 | 32668336 | rs2647046 | A | C | rs2647046 | 19629137 | 1.04E-46 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
6 | 32670244 | rs9275418 | A | G | rs9275418 | 19629137 | 2.15E-10 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
6 | 32678999 | rs9275572 | A | G | rs9275572 | 19629137 | 1.14E-33 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
6 | 32682174 | rs3104404 | C | A | rs3104404 | 19629137 | 3.11E-12 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
6 | 32684029 | rs6936863 | C | G | rs6936863 | 19629137 | 3.20E-13 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
6 | 32689529 | rs9461799 | T | C | rs9461799 | 19629137 | 2.28E-13 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
6 | 32690001 | rs9469240 | C | T | rs9469240 | 19629137 | 2.18E-12 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
6 | 32700083 | rs2858884 | A | C | rs2858884 | 20711174 | 3.00E-08 | NA | 1.79 | [1.45-2.17] | 562 European cases; 954 European controls | European(1516) | ALL(1516) | EUR(1516) | ALL(1516) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | rs2858884-A | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
6 | 32711782 | rs2227127 | A | G | rs2227127 | 19629137 | 5.63E-12 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | HLA-DQA2 |
6 | 32713267 | rs2239800 | A | G | rs2239800 | 19629137 | 3.29E-34 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | HLA-DQA2 |
6 | 32714783 | rs9276440 | A | T | rs9276440 | 19629137 | 3.27E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | HLA-DQA2 |
6 | 32719804 | rs2213572 | A | G | rs2213572 | 19629137 | 5.71E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
6 | 32731960 | rs6902723 | G | A | rs6902723 | 19629137 | 4.23E-13 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | HLA-DQB2 |
6 | 32732210 | rs6903130 | G | A | rs6903130 | 19629137 | 1.61E-14 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | HLA-DQB2 |
6 | 32741868 | rs2621416 | T | C | rs2621416 | 19629137 | 6.44E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
6 | 32787175 | rs9784858 | G | C | rs9784858 | 19629137 | 7.77E-31 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
6 | 32795032 | rs10484565 | G | A | rs10484565 | 19629137 | 1.00E-38 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | TAP2 |
6 | 32816958 | rs4148882 | G | A | rs4148882 | 19629137 | 5.08E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | TAP1 |
6 | 32865997 | rs241404 | T | C | rs241404 | 19629137 | 2.43E-10 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | LOC100294145 |
6 | 32866992 | rs241403 | T | C | rs241403 | 19629137 | 7.38E-11 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | LOC100294145 |
6 | 32870057 | rs3101942 | G | A | rs3101942 | 19629137 | 4.42E-11 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
6 | 32871536 | rs241400 | G | A | rs241400 | 19629137 | 2.11E-11 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | LOC100294145 |
6 | 38692437 | rs9296260 | C | T | rs9296260 | 19629137 | 6.63E-30 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | DNAH8 |
6 | 39736402 | rs455674 | C | T | rs455674 | 19629137 | 7.08E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
6 | 58146054 | rs4598117 | C | T | rs4598117 | 19629137 | 3.81E-12 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | NA | NA |
6 | 87264702 | rs12661195 | T | C | rs12661195 | 19629137 | 7.46E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
6 | 89362020 | rs16880995 | A | T | rs16880995 | 19629137 | 5.15E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | RNGTT |
6 | 91264093 | rs10944489 | G | A | rs10944489 | 19629137 | 3.57E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G,A | MAP3K7 |
6 | 106683876 | rs538557 | T | C | rs538557 | 19629137 | 1.36E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | ATG5 |
6 | 114966599 | rs9481463 | G | A | rs9481463 | 19629137 | 8.03E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
6 | 116546866 | rs1204803 | G | T | rs1204803 | 19629137 | 1.82E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NT5DC1 |
6 | 116756667 | rs479454 | G | A | rs479454 | 23459209 | 0.0000785 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C |
6 | 124216302 | rs11963900 | G | T | rs11963900 | 19629137 | 6.60E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NKAIN2 |
6 | 126285333 | rs17053722 | A | G | rs17053722 | 19629137 | 4.60E-23 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | HINT3 |
6 | 132724298 | rs6901304 | G | A | rs6901304 | 19629137 | 1.62E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
6 | 136482727 | rs3823159 | A | G | rs3823159 | 19629137 | 1.95E-11 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G,A | PDE7B |
6 | 141519830 | rs9373298 | A | C | rs9373298 | 19629137 | 6.58E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
6 | 142306066 | rs17054023 | C | T | rs17054023 | 19629137 | 1.32E-33 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
6 | 145728314 | rs1396644 | G | A | rs1396644 | 19629137 | 2.20E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
6 | 158584409 | rs9942466 | T | G | rs9942466 | 19629137 | 1.60E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | SERAC1 |
6 | 169082211 | rs646277 | T | C | rs646277 | 19629137 | 3.97E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
6 | 169117380 | rs196458 | T | G | rs196458 | 19629137 | 1.44E-16 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
7 | 4107640 | rs10226621 | A | C | rs10226621 | 19629137 | 1.03E-28 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | SDK1 |
7 | 8561945 | rs2040765 | T | C | rs2040765 | 19629137 | 3.79E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NXPH1 |
7 | 18285373 | rs302147 | C | T | rs302147 | 19629137 | 1.60E-14 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | HDAC9 |
7 | 31520800 | rs13232983 | C | T | rs13232983 | 19629137 | 8.68E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
7 | 33883752 | rs1421344 | G | A | rs1421344 | 19629137 | 1.19E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
7 | 35412363 | rs340397 | T | G | rs340397 | 19629137 | 3.18E-14 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | LOC401324 |
7 | 37087232 | rs17170851 | A | T | rs17170851 | 19629137 | 3.87E-31 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | ELMO1 |
7 | 46918848 | rs4724515 | G | A | rs4724515 | 19629137 | 2.10E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
7 | 54227617 | rs1524405 | G | A | rs1524405 | 19629137 | 1.19E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
7 | 70434599 | rs6460606 | C | G | rs6460606 | 19629137 | 1.33E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
7 | 88118126 | rs17167034 | A | G | rs17167034 | 19629137 | 2.30E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
7 | 89884167 | rs11563921 | G | A | rs11563921 | 20711174 | 2.31E-06 | NA | NA | NA | 562 European cases; 954 European controls | European(1516) | ALL(1516) | EUR(1516) | ALL(1516) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G,A | C7orf63 |
7 | 114214120 | rs17374201 | A | T | rs17374201 | 19629137 | 1.00E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | FOXP2 |
7 | 122727551 | rs2177755 | T | C | rs2177755 | 19629137 | 4.80E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
7 | 126696781 | rs10487465 | T | C | rs10487465 | 19629137 | 2.04E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | GRM8 |
7 | 139236512 | rs2190933 | A | G | rs2190933 | 19629137 | 5.90E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
7 | 142140446 | rs10240026 | T | A | rs10240026 | 19629137 | 1.83E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
7 | 142274854 | rs2854536 | G | A | rs2854536 | 24204295 | 4.00E-08 | NA | 1.28 | [1.18-1.41] | 1,189 Chinese ancestry cases; 1,997 Chinese ancestry controls | Chinese(3186) | ALL(3186) | ASN(3186) | ALL(3186) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T |
7 | 154404264 | rs6975879 | A | G | rs6975879 | 19629137 | 3.50E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
8 | 782845 | rs1393703 | A | G | rs1393703 | 19629137 | 1.86E-10 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
8 | 8898704 | rs895253 | G | A | rs895253 | 19629137 | 1.55E-31 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
8 | 33073498 | rs10091183 | A | G | rs10091183 | 19629137 | 3.02E-28 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
8 | 35253634 | rs16875831 | A | G | rs16875831 | 19629137 | 1.82E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | UNC5D |
8 | 37209522 | rs2843813 | T | A | rs2843813 | 19629137 | 1.30E-10 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
8 | 41137442 | rs11774662 | T | C | rs11774662 | 19629137 | 1.54E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | SFRP1 |
8 | 47286693 | rs2353447 | C | T | rs2353447 | 19629137 | 1.40E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
8 | 59324162 | rs2859998 | G | A | rs2859998 | 23496005 | 1.00E-07 | Age EDS onset | 4.41 | [NA] unit decrease | 585 European ancestry cases | European(585) | ALL(585) | EUR(585) | ALL(585) | Narcolepsy with cataplexy | HPOID:0002524 | HPOID:0100786 | Cataplexy | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't |
8 | 63422929 | rs16929095 | A | G | rs16929095 | 19629137 | 6.71E-29 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NKAIN3 |
8 | 69582073 | rs17478857 | A | G | rs17478857 | 19629137 | 1.46E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | C8orf34 |
8 | 75220022 | rs6983232 | C | A,T | rs6983232 | 19629137 | 7.32E-33 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | JPH1 |
8 | 81279782 | rs16907620 | A | G | rs16907620 | 19629137 | 8.43E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
8 | 87864480 | rs41486944 | A | G | rs41486944 | 19629137 | 7.49E-23 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
8 | 107533392 | rs16874819 | G | A | rs16874819 | 19629137 | 5.60E-34 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | OXR1 |
8 | 114034531 | rs10094069 | C | T | rs10094069 | 19629137 | 2.06E-32 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | CSMD3 |
8 | 117190718 | rs17662374 | A | G | rs17662374 | 19629137 | 3.66E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | LINC00536 |
8 | 121116156 | rs4633103 | G | A | rs4633103 | 19629137 | 4.17E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
8 | 125971035 | rs7842994 | G | A | rs7842994 | 19629137 | 2.13E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
8 | 126966158 | rs10956273 | A | G | rs10956273 | 19629137 | 7.40E-14 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | NA | NA |
8 | 142198596 | rs7001673 | G | T | rs7001673 | 19629137 | 4.97E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | DENND3 |
9 | 4028700 | rs10974284 | T | C | rs10974284 | 19629137 | 1.05E-23 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | GLIS3 |
9 | 16265819 | rs1105358 | G | C | rs1105358 | 19629137 | 2.43E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
9 | 17130156 | rs17754109 | C | T | rs17754109 | 19629137 | 9.74E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
9 | 33406297 | rs7029953 | G | A | rs7029953 | 19629137 | 3.78E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
9 | 71686476 | rs7870295 | G | A | rs7870295 | 19629137 | 3.54E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | FXN |
9 | 86926307 | rs10780661 | A | G | rs10780661 | 19629137 | 1.70E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | SLC28A3 |
9 | 93752522 | rs7047670 | A | G | rs7047670 | 19629137 | 3.15E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
9 | 111081694 | rs1923964 | C | G | rs1923964 | 19629137 | 8.67E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
9 | 116887405 | rs7856967 | C | A | rs7856967 | 19629137 | 1.27E-23 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
9 | 136816065 | rs3780786 | C | G | rs3780786 | 19629137 | 1.23E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | VAV2 |
10 | 3550613 | rs12264969 | T | C | rs12264969 | 19629137 | 1.69E-23 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
10 | 15383780 | rs4750624 | A | G | rs4750624 | 19629137 | 2.09E-34 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | FAM171A1 |
10 | 31565621 | rs1314014 | A | G | rs1314014 | 19629137 | 4.85E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
10 | 44840479 | rs11238999 | G | C | rs11238999 | 19629137 | 5.80E-33 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
10 | 48452661 | rs732315 | A | G | rs732315 | 19629137 | 1.25E-23 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
10 | 49445675 | rs745708 | A | G | rs745708 | 19629137 | 1.23E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | FRMPD2 |
10 | 64391375 | rs10995245 | G | A | rs10995245 | 23459209 | 0.000000324 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G |
10 | 64391375 | rs10995245 | G | A | rs10995245 | 24204295 | 1.00E-11 | NA | 1.23 | [1.16-1.31] | 1,189 Chinese ancestry cases; 1,997 Chinese ancestry controls | Chinese(3186) | ALL(3186) | ASN(3186) | ALL(3186) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | rs10995245-A | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G |
10 | 64396790 | rs12098699 | A | G | rs12098699 | 23459209 | 0.0000363 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A |
10 | 64404034 | rs10761653 | T | A | rs10761653 | 23459209 | 0.0000386 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T |
10 | 64405646 | rs10761654 | A | G | rs10761654 | 23459209 | 0.000069 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G |
10 | 64407359 | rs2393907 | C | G | rs2393907 | 23459209 | 0.0000854 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G |
10 | 64407851 | rs4237305 | T | A | rs4237305 | 23459209 | 0.0000578 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A |
10 | 64413809 | rs4745874 | T | A | rs4745874 | 23459209 | 0.0000493 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A |
10 | 64418739 | rs6479830 | T | C | rs6479830 | 23459209 | 0.0000728 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C |
10 | 64427649 | rs7075349 | G | A | rs7075349 | 23459209 | 0.0000128 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A |
10 | 83018377 | rs11189017 | T | G | rs11189017 | 19629137 | 8.19E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
10 | 87521968 | rs1880381 | C | T | rs1880381 | 19629137 | 9.96E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | GRID1 |
10 | 88162682 | rs731171 | G | A | rs731171 | 19629137 | 1.35E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
10 | 98384807 | rs4320890 | C | T | rs4320890 | 19629137 | 4.41E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | PIK3AP1 |
10 | 100145129 | rs17109605 | T | C | rs17109605 | 19629137 | 3.29E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | PYROXD2 |
10 | 103527782 | rs17697512 | A | G | rs17697512 | 19629137 | 6.50E-23 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
10 | 109161645 | rs11193407 | A | C | rs11193407 | 20711174 | 7.37E-06 | NA | NA | NA | 562 European cases; 954 European controls | European(1516) | ALL(1516) | EUR(1516) | ALL(1516) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
10 | 109171971 | rs10787024 | T | C | rs10787024 | 20711174 | 7.32E-06 | NA | NA | NA | 562 European cases; 954 European controls | European(1516) | ALL(1516) | EUR(1516) | ALL(1516) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
10 | 113857979 | rs2804619 | C | T | rs2804619 | 19629137 | 4.24E-23 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
10 | 119027411 | rs363271 | G | T | rs363271 | 19629137 | 2.42E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | SLC18A2 |
10 | 120621489 | rs7087205 | G | A | rs7087205 | 19629137 | 1.27E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
11 | 4019401 | rs2959056 | T | A | rs2959056 | 19629137 | 1.95E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | STIM1 |
11 | 4923182 | rs7935375 | T | C | rs7935375 | 19629137 | 3.43E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
11 | 6665694 | rs10160659 | A | C | rs10160659 | 19629137 | 6.17E-23 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | DCHS1 |
11 | 9735608 | rs920081 | A | G | rs920081 | 19629137 | 4.14E-11 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | SWAP70 |
11 | 12154093 | rs7105164 | A | G | rs7105164 | 19629137 | 5.43E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | MICAL2 |
11 | 25816175 | rs1873962 | G | C | rs1873962 | 19629137 | 6.74E-23 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
11 | 26555396 | rs293942 | G | A | rs293942 | 19629137 | 1.86E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | ANO3 |
11 | 29196242 | rs11030600 | T | G | rs11030600 | 19629137 | 6.17E-29 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
11 | 33706166 | rs1009449 | A | G | rs1009449 | 19629137 | 1.25E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
11 | 37213421 | rs1461347 | T | C | rs1461347 | 19629137 | 5.09E-31 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
11 | 40658002 | rs11604865 | T | C | rs11604865 | 19629137 | 6.26E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | LRRC4C |
11 | 45466720 | rs991986 | G | A | rs991986 | 19629137 | 2.38E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
11 | 55722033 | rs17599128 | T | A | rs17599128 | 19629137 | 8.02E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
11 | 57374332 | rs11603020 | T | C | rs11603020 | 19629137 | 2.93E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | SERPING1 |
11 | 71901491 | rs1540087 | G | A | rs1540087 | 19629137 | 6.40E-30 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | FOLR1 |
11 | 79192987 | rs17138435 | A | G | rs17138435 | 19629137 | 5.08E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
11 | 82569806 | rs12289095 | G | A | rs12289095 | 19629137 | 2.07E-28 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | PRCP |
11 | 88252699 | rs12273907 | G | A | rs12273907 | 19629137 | 2.31E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | GRM5 |
11 | 89094606 | rs1847138 | T | C | rs1847138 | 19629137 | 1.32E-30 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NOX4 |
11 | 100498729 | rs10894993 | T | G | rs10894993 | 19629137 | 8.62E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
11 | 102530431 | rs12270184 | C | T | rs12270184 | 19629137 | 9.71E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
11 | 107391023 | rs515555 | G | A | rs515555 | 19629137 | 3.31E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C,T | ALKBH8 |
11 | 121578945 | rs662333 | G | A | rs662333 | 19629137 | 8.31E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
11 | 127693694 | rs11221067 | C | T | rs11221067 | 19629137 | 3.19E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
11 | 129315586 | rs3019793 | A | G | rs3019793 | 19629137 | 3.97E-11 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | BARX2 |
11 | 129762407 | rs1650820 | G | A | rs1650820 | 19629137 | 4.54E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NFRKB |
12 | 3164923 | rs12425451 | C | T | rs12425451 | 23496005 | 2.00E-07 | Age cataplexy onset | 6.79 | [NA] unit decrease | 585 European ancestry cases | European(585) | ALL(585) | EUR(585) | ALL(585) | Narcolepsy with cataplexy | HPOID:0002524 | HPOID:0100786 | Cataplexy | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't |
12 | 5492460 | rs1002101 | G | A | rs1002101 | 20711174 | 5.98E-06 | NA | NA | NA | 562 European cases; 954 European controls | European(1516) | ALL(1516) | EUR(1516) | ALL(1516) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
12 | 30220676 | rs4931251 | C | T | rs4931251 | 19629137 | 1.12E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T,C | NA |
12 | 33122213 | rs16920456 | G | C | rs16920456 | 19629137 | 8.53E-32 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C,G | NA |
12 | 48272515 | rs11574049 | A | G | rs11574049 | 19629137 | 1.19E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | VDR |
12 | 60725389 | rs1857728 | T | G | rs1857728 | 19629137 | 9.71E-34 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
12 | 61788767 | rs2674887 | A | G | rs2674887 | 19629137 | 2.95E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
12 | 74638630 | rs17113229 | C | T | rs17113229 | 19629137 | 1.88E-30 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | LOC100507377 |
12 | 92161384 | rs10777331 | T | C | rs10777331 | 20711174 | 8.94E-06 | NA | NA | NA | 562 European cases; 954 European controls | European(1516) | ALL(1516) | EUR(1516) | ALL(1516) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
12 | 92421472 | rs17019941 | C | T | rs17019941 | 19629137 | 1.17E-32 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | LOC256021 |
12 | 96368255 | rs2068662 | A | G | rs2068662 | 20711174 | 4.67E-06 | NA | NA | NA | 562 European cases; 954 European controls | European(1516) | ALL(1516) | EUR(1516) | ALL(1516) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | HAL |
12 | 102480423 | rs12425639 | C | T | rs12425639 | 19629137 | 5.82E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NUP37 |
12 | 126052404 | rs7956979 | A | G | rs7956979 | 19629137 | 1.22E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | TMEM132B |
13 | 25246838 | rs9511411 | T | C | rs9511411 | 20711174 | 7.54E-06 | NA | NA | NA | 562 European cases; 954 European controls | European(1516) | ALL(1516) | EUR(1516) | ALL(1516) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
13 | 26881568 | rs711214 | A | G | rs711214 | 19629137 | 1.24E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | CDK8 |
13 | 29577996 | rs3899582 | T | G | rs3899582 | 19629137 | 8.82E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
13 | 32764327 | rs798957 | G | A | rs798957 | 19629137 | 2.61E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | FRY |
13 | 39298845 | rs2442360 | G | C | rs2442360 | 19629137 | 6.24E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | FREM2 |
13 | 61729829 | rs1483695 | T | C | rs1483695 | 19629137 | 8.18E-12 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
13 | 63424975 | rs4489877 | A | T | rs4489877 | 19629137 | 2.14E-28 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
13 | 74347092 | rs2325562 | G | T | rs2325562 | 19629137 | 3.59E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | KLF12 |
13 | 79512298 | rs41463550 | T | A | rs41463550 | 19629137 | 1.67E-23 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
13 | 90253979 | rs1201324 | A | G | rs1201324 | 19629137 | 3.93E-30 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
13 | 92753852 | rs1411741 | A | G | rs1411741 | 19629137 | 4.13E-33 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | GPC5 |
13 | 96921287 | rs1927793 | C | G | rs1927793 | 19629137 | 2.59E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | HS6ST3 |
13 | 105400379 | rs1652901 | T | G | rs1652901 | 19629137 | 3.29E-30 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
13 | 105482056 | rs4772643 | G | A | rs4772643 | 19629137 | 1.33E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
13 | 107543751 | rs41388549 | A | G | rs41388549 | 19629137 | 1.64E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
14 | 20957433 | rs12147450 | T | C | rs12147450 | 19629137 | 8.04E-29 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
14 | 23002684 | rs1154155 | T | G | rs1154155 | 19412176 | 3.00E-22 | NA | 1.69 | [1.52-1.88] | 807 European ancestry cases; 1,074 European ancestry controls | European(1881) | ALL(1881) | EUR(1881) | ALL(1881) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | rs1154155-C | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T |
14 | 23002684 | rs1154155 | T | G | rs1154155 | 20711174 | 5.00E-07 | NA | 1.54 | [1.30-1.95] | 562 European cases; 954 European controls | European(1516) | ALL(1516) | EUR(1516) | ALL(1516) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | rs1154155-G | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
14 | 23002684 | rs1154155 | T | G | rs1154155 | 23459209 | 8.87E-30 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T |
14 | 23002684 | rs1154155 | T | G | rs1154155 | 24204295 | 5.00E-49 | NA | 1.64 | [1.53-1.75] | 1,189 Chinese ancestry cases; 1,997 Chinese ancestry controls | Chinese(3186) | ALL(3186) | ASN(3186) | ALL(3186) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | rs1154155-G | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T |
14 | 28794895 | rs17113859 | T | A | rs17113859 | 19629137 | 1.80E-28 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
14 | 32819041 | rs8020364 | T | C | rs8020364 | 19629137 | 4.49E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | AKAP6 |
14 | 35076347 | rs17102628 | T | G | rs17102628 | 20711174 | 5.81E-06 | NA | NA | NA | 562 European cases; 954 European controls | European(1516) | ALL(1516) | EUR(1516) | ALL(1516) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | SNX6 |
14 | 40233121 | rs17109786 | T | A | rs17109786 | 19629137 | 2.08E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
14 | 48004600 | rs1955811 | A | T | rs1955811 | 19629137 | 1.44E-23 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | MDGA2 |
14 | 51552126 | rs4901076 | G | A | rs4901076 | 19629137 | 6.31E-32 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | TRIM9 |
14 | 59138971 | rs311844 | G | T | rs311844 | 19629137 | 3.69E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
14 | 59383756 | rs17833380 | C | T | rs17833380 | 19629137 | 1.68E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
14 | 73247844 | rs7154229 | G | A | rs7154229 | 23459209 | 0.000000224 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G |
14 | 77145214 | rs1011356 | C | G | rs1011356 | 19629137 | 1.75E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
14 | 101301261 | rs11160606 | C | T | rs11160606 | 23459209 | 0.000016 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C |
14 | 101302305 | rs12890215 | T | C | rs12890215 | 23459209 | 0.0000784 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T |
15 | 26641589 | rs7169488 | T | C | rs7169488 | 19629137 | 5.31E-35 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
15 | 27769859 | rs3101640 | C | T | rs3101640 | 19629137 | 1.54E-10 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | GABRG3 |
15 | 30142373 | rs11853442 | G | A | rs11853442 | 19629137 | 3.41E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
15 | 49192791 | rs8023445 | T | C | rs8023445 | 19629137 | 2.98E-13 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | SHC4 |
15 | 55301370 | rs1728897 | T | C | rs1728897 | 19629137 | 1.61E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
15 | 65497396 | rs2679120 | C | G | rs2679120 | 19629137 | 4.03E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | CILP |
15 | 65523681 | rs8027881 | C | G | rs8027881 | 19629137 | 1.62E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
15 | 77875268 | rs2682912 | T | G | rs2682912 | 19629137 | 5.28E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
15 | 79219188 | rs3784539 | C | T | rs3784539 | 23459209 | 0.00000309 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C |
15 | 79231478 | rs12148472 | T | C | rs12148472 | 23459209 | 0.00000388 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T |
15 | 79234470 | rs34843303 | T | C | rs34843303 | 23459209 | 2.79E-08 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T |
15 | 79234957 | rs34593439 | G | A | rs34593439 | 23459209 | 1.78E-08 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G |
15 | 79259009 | rs8039661 | C | T | rs8039661 | 23459209 | 0.0000531 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C |
15 | 79261077 | rs57623551 | A | G | rs57623551 | 23459209 | 0.0000864 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A |
15 | 84569102 | rs7175718 | A | C | rs7175718 | 19629137 | 3.43E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | ADAMTSL3 |
15 | 86984240 | rs16977195 | A | G | rs16977195 | 19629137 | 5.03E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | AGBL1 |
15 | 101244572 | rs1626645 | T | C | rs1626645 | 19629137 | 4.80E-45 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
16 | 6807690 | rs10775354 | A | C | rs10775354 | 19629137 | 2.58E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | RBFOX1 |
16 | 10095199 | rs4107019 | T | C | rs4107019 | 19629137 | 1.15E-35 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | GRIN2A |
16 | 12502757 | rs6498293 | C | G | rs6498293 | 19629137 | 5.18E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | SNX29 |
16 | 26527271 | rs1363761 | T | C | rs1363761 | 23459209 | 0.0000541 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T |
16 | 49444746 | rs152654 | A | G | rs152654 | 19629137 | 1.60E-16 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
16 | 55139434 | rs6499748 | C | G | rs6499748 | 19629137 | 2.65E-28 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
16 | 69494279 | rs7187262 | A | C | rs7187262 | 19629137 | 3.80E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | CYB5B |
16 | 72046211 | rs8057016 | G | T | rs8057016 | 19629137 | 5.02E-23 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | DHODH |
16 | 77663037 | rs1449202 | G | A | rs1449202 | 19629137 | 4.11E-33 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
16 | 77978061 | rs370063 | A | T | rs370063 | 19629137 | 4.43E-29 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | VAT1L |
16 | 82007607 | rs12716930 | G | A | rs12716930 | 19629137 | 2.63E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
17 | 5689785 | rs17645516 | C | A | rs17645516 | 19629137 | 3.24E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | LOC339166 |
17 | 6058341 | rs7211276 | G | C,T | rs7211276 | 19629137 | 3.96E-32 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
17 | 28579270 | rs16965645 | A | G | rs16965645 | 19629137 | 1.53E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | BLMH |
17 | 32288468 | rs9907580 | T | C | rs9907580 | 19629137 | 1.71E-10 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | ASIC2 |
17 | 34824604 | rs9906158 | C | T | rs9906158 | 19629137 | 1.32E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | NA | NA |
17 | 39666594 | rs8082575 | C | G | rs8082575 | 19629137 | 2.30E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
17 | 43935631 | rs962885 | T | C | rs962885 | 19629137 | 7.04E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | MAPT-AS1 |
17 | 48139500 | rs4793636 | G | A | rs4793636 | 19629137 | 1.08E-33 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | ITGA3 |
17 | 49952858 | rs8073930 | A | G | rs8073930 | 19629137 | 5.96E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | CA10 |
17 | 53062180 | rs17817382 | A | G | rs17817382 | 23459209 | 0.0000386 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A |
17 | 61150419 | rs8072580 | T | C | rs8072580 | 19629137 | 6.46E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | TANC2 |
17 | 63253687 | rs8076584 | T | C | rs8076584 | 19629137 | 4.29E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
17 | 64172189 | rs16958921 | G | A | rs16958921 | 19629137 | 1.79E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | CEP112 |
17 | 64908600 | rs2109266 | C | T | rs2109266 | 20711174 | 2.90E-06 | NA | NA | NA | 562 European cases; 954 European controls | European(1516) | ALL(1516) | EUR(1516) | ALL(1516) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
17 | 69111098 | rs9674957 | G | A | rs9674957 | 19629137 | 2.29E-10 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
17 | 74815685 | rs2411036 | T | C | rs2411036 | 19629137 | 3.86E-10 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
18 | 3544662 | rs641299 | T | A | rs641299 | 19629137 | 3.15E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | DLGAP1 |
18 | 5923280 | rs1940613 | G | A | rs1940613 | 19629137 | 1.66E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
18 | 6999628 | rs625106 | T | C | rs625106 | 20711174 | 3.38E-06 | NA | NA | NA | 562 European cases; 954 European controls | European(1516) | ALL(1516) | EUR(1516) | ALL(1516) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | LAMA1 |
18 | 31683596 | rs11081843 | T | C | rs11081843 | 19629137 | 2.56E-23 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NOL4 |
18 | 34001343 | rs8088004 | C | T | rs8088004 | 19629137 | 5.13E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | FHOD3 |
18 | 40655156 | rs7244651 | T | C | rs7244651 | 19629137 | 1.58E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | RIT2 |
18 | 40808798 | rs17664267 | G | T | rs17664267 | 19629137 | 3.85E-28 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
18 | 43233400 | rs16978435 | T | C | rs16978435 | 19629137 | 7.89E-23 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | SLC14A2 |
18 | 49299819 | rs16954006 | C | T | rs16954006 | 19629137 | 1.09E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C,T | NA |
18 | 51813534 | rs686881 | A | G | rs686881 | 19629137 | 4.00E-33 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | POLI |
18 | 52571434 | rs4801109 | T | C | rs4801109 | 19629137 | 3.03E-34 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | CCDC68 |
18 | 58529953 | rs9646627 | A | G | rs9646627 | 19629137 | 1.45E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
18 | 61164602 | rs6567365 | T | C | rs6567365 | 19629137 | 1.79E-16 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | SERPINB5 |
18 | 67928211 | rs9964939 | G | A | rs9964939 | 19629137 | 6.25E-35 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
18 | 72057164 | rs17089177 | G | A | rs17089177 | 19629137 | 1.49E-22 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
18 | 76136951 | rs7240015 | A | G | rs7240015 | 19629137 | 4.77E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
19 | 6806689 | rs8108646 | A | G | rs8108646 | 19629137 | 2.04E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | VAV1 |
19 | 10218030 | rs1551570 | C | T | rs1551570 | 24204295 | 4.00E-10 | NA | 1.32 | [1.20-1.43] | 1,189 Chinese ancestry cases; 1,997 Chinese ancestry controls | Chinese(3186) | ALL(3186) | ASN(3186) | ALL(3186) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T |
19 | 13951790 | rs1531213 | G | A | rs1531213 | 19629137 | 1.64E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
19 | 17680101 | rs10418441 | C | T | rs10418441 | 19629137 | 7.07E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | GLT25D1 |
19 | 29095875 | rs11083572 | T | C | rs11083572 | 19629137 | 5.00E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
19 | 32158464 | rs16966122 | A | G | rs16966122 | 23496005 | 2.00E-06 | ESS | 1.6 | [NA] unit decrease | 585 European ancestry cases | European(585) | ALL(585) | EUR(585) | ALL(585) | Narcolepsy with cataplexy | HPOID:0002524 | HPOID:0100786 | Cataplexy | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't |
19 | 39757572 | rs664893 | G | A | rs664893 | 19629137 | 1.37E-32 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
19 | 41087817 | rs418007 | T | C | rs418007 | 19629137 | 2.98E-12 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | SHKBP1 |
19 | 51083595 | rs8100750 | T | C | rs8100750 | 19629137 | 1.89E-11 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
19 | 54219769 | rs4801998 | G | A | rs4801998 | 19629137 | 7.10E-10 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
20 | 11790702 | rs2423611 | G | A | rs2423611 | 19629137 | 2.48E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
20 | 22846508 | rs16984704 | C | T | rs16984704 | 19629137 | 2.27E-30 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
20 | 24995014 | rs11697253 | A | G | rs11697253 | 19629137 | 1.28E-31 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | ACSS1 |
20 | 31589773 | rs17123980 | G | A | rs17123980 | 19629137 | 3.55E-28 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | SUN5 |
20 | 33075810 | rs6059866 | T | G | rs6059866 | 19629137 | 4.85E-11 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | ITCH |
20 | 34489565 | rs7267005 | T | C | rs7267005 | 19629137 | 6.10E-32 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | PHF20 |
20 | 42538019 | rs11697653 | T | A | rs11697653 | 19629137 | 6.36E-09 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
20 | 47379811 | rs2426087 | G | A | rs2426087 | 23496005 | 2.00E-06 | SE | 10.46 | [NA] unit increase | 585 European ancestry cases | European(585) | ALL(585) | EUR(585) | ALL(585) | Narcolepsy with cataplexy | HPOID:0002524 | HPOID:0100786 | Cataplexy | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't |
20 | 53360093 | rs6023560 | A | G | rs6023560 | 19629137 | 2.38E-25 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | NA |
20 | 53918329 | rs9679820 | A | G | rs9679820 | 19629137 | 7.15E-23 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
20 | 59625880 | rs6065036 | T | C | rs6065036 | 19629137 | 2.69E-10 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
21 | 16242577 | rs1980424 | C | T | rs1980424 | 19629137 | 3.11E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
21 | 23444685 | rs17004107 | G | A | rs17004107 | 19629137 | 6.76E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
21 | 32846583 | rs13045986 | G | A | rs13045986 | 19629137 | 1.73E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A,G | TIAM1 |
21 | 34650791 | rs2834168 | A | G | rs2834168 | 23459209 | 0.0000053 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A |
21 | 34689253 | rs2834188 | A | G | rs2834188 | 24204295 | 2.00E-08 | NA | 1.3 | [1.18-1.41] | 1,189 Chinese ancestry cases; 1,997 Chinese ancestry controls | Chinese(3186) | ALL(3186) | ASN(3186) | ALL(3186) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G |
21 | 40146540 | rs2836681 | T | C | rs2836681 | 19629137 | 2.26E-28 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | NA |
21 | 41233613 | rs2837262 | G | A | rs2837262 | 19629137 | 4.82E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | NA |
22 | 23554311 | rs6003555 | T | C | rs6003555 | 19629137 | 4.48E-26 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | BCR |
22 | 30613841 | rs16988402 | C | T | rs16988402 | 23459209 | 0.0000485 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C |
22 | 30615511 | rs67087719 | C | T | rs67087719 | 23459209 | 0.0000485 | NA | NA | NA | 1886 cases; 10421 controls | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | NOPOP(12307) | ALL(12307) | Narcolepsy (non-HLA narcolepsy) | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | NA | NA | NA | NA | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C |
22 | 31685256 | rs2073861 | C | G | rs2073861 | 19629137 | 6.01E-08 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | PIK3IP1 |
22 | 37010867 | rs6000351 | G | A | rs6000351 | 19629137 | 9.16E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | G | CACNG2 |
22 | 46637254 | rs9626814 | G | A | rs9626814 | 19629137 | 1.34E-24 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | A | PPARA |
22 | 48130194 | rs132192 | T | C | rs132192 | 19629137 | 2.23E-27 | GWAS of narcolepsy in a Japanese population | NA | NA | 0 Japanese individuals | Japanese(0) | ALL(0) | ASN(0) | ALL(0) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | NA | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | C | NA |
22 | 51017353 | rs5770917 | T | C | rs5770917 | 18820697 | 6.00E-08 | 1.63 | [1.37-1.95] | 222 Japanese ancestry cases; 389 Japanese ancestry controls | Japanese(611) | ALL(611) | ASN(611) | ALL(611) | Narcolepsy | HPOID:0100786 | Hypersomnia | DOID:8986 | narcolepsy | D009290 | Narcolepsy | EFOID:0000614 | narcolepsy | Narcolepsy | rs5770917-C | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | T | CHKB-CPT1B |
Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:0) |
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Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:0) |
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Disease ID | 404 |
Disease | narcolepsy |
Case | (Waiting for update.) |