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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

   miller-dieker lissencephaly syndrome

Disease ID 1767
Disease miller-dieker lissencephaly syndrome
A rare syndrome caused by deletion of genetic material in the short arm of chromosome 17. It is characterized by an abnormally smooth brain with fewer folds and grooves. It results in intellectual disability, developmental delay, seizures, spasticity, hypotonia, and feeding difficulties. Affected individuals have distinctive facial features that include a prominent forehead, midface hypoplasia, small, upturned nose, low-set ears, small jaw, and thick upper lip.
chromosome 17p13.3 deletion syndrome
lissencephaly syndrome
lissencephaly syndrome, miller dieker
lissencephaly syndrome, miller-dieker
lissencephaly, miller dieker
lissencephaly, miller-dieker
miller dieker lissencephaly syndrome
miller dieker syndrome
miller dieker syndrome (disorder)
miller-dieker lissencephaly
miller-dieker syndrome
miller-dieker syndrome (disorder)
miller-dieker syndrome (disorder) [ambiguous]
syndrome, miller-dieker
syndrome, miller-dieker lissencephaly
Curated Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:3)
7531  |  YWHAE  |  ORPHANET
Inferring Gene(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Score | Resource(Total Genes:93)
65057  |  ACD  |  1.686  |  DISEASES
8038  |  ADAM12  |  1.115  |  DISEASES
23394  |  ADNP  |  1.53  |  DISEASES
257  |  ALX3  |  1.204  |  DISEASES
10564  |  ARFGEF2  |  2.262  |  DISEASES
415  |  ARSE  |  1.101  |  DISEASES
170302  |  ARX  |  2.433  |  DISEASES
487  |  ATP2A1  |  1.648  |  DISEASES
64919  |  BCL11B  |  1.456  |  DISEASES
144453  |  BEST3  |  2.167  |  DISEASES
727857  |  BHLHA9  |  3.869  |  DISEASES
765  |  CA6  |  1.058  |  DISEASES
23125  |  CAMTA2  |  3.539  |  DISEASES
825  |  CAPN3  |  1.844  |  DISEASES
859  |  CAV3  |  1.781  |  DISEASES
81669  |  CCNL2  |  2.22  |  DISEASES
23607  |  CD2AP  |  1.817  |  DISEASES
916  |  CD3E  |  1.586  |  DISEASES
962  |  CD48  |  1.227  |  DISEASES
1020  |  CDK5  |  1.746  |  DISEASES
1120  |  CHKB  |  1.842  |  DISEASES
9075  |  CLDN2  |  1.116  |  DISEASES
255631  |  COL24A1  |  3.225  |  DISEASES
85301  |  COL27A1  |  2.195  |  DISEASES
1291  |  COL6A1  |  1.244  |  DISEASES
1499  |  CTNNB1  |  1.003  |  DISEASES
1508  |  CTSB  |  1.283  |  DISEASES
1523  |  CUX1  |  1.295  |  DISEASES
57703  |  CWC22  |  1.237  |  DISEASES
1555  |  CYP2B6  |  1.198  |  DISEASES
1557  |  CYP2C19  |  1.256  |  DISEASES
1622  |  DBI  |  1.999  |  DISEASES
1641  |  DCX  |  2.393  |  DISEASES
7913  |  DEK  |  1.081  |  DISEASES
79947  |  DHDDS  |  1.697  |  DISEASES
27185  |  DISC1  |  1.022  |  DISEASES
1756  |  DMD  |  2.553  |  DISEASES
1778  |  DYNC1H1  |  1.833  |  DISEASES
8291  |  DYSF  |  2.681  |  DISEASES
2202  |  EFEMP1  |  1.15  |  DISEASES
2018  |  EMX2  |  1.839  |  DISEASES
5167  |  ENPP1  |  1.817  |  DISEASES
26190  |  FBXW2  |  4.87  |  DISEASES
2266  |  FGG  |  1.649  |  DISEASES
2316  |  FLNA  |  2.008  |  DISEASES
2804  |  GOLGB1  |  1.255  |  DISEASES
10243  |  GPHN  |  1.394  |  DISEASES
2879  |  GPX4  |  5.893  |  DISEASES
64344  |  HIF3A  |  1.602  |  DISEASES
60495  |  HPSE2  |  1.126  |  DISEASES
11255  |  HRH3  |  1.33  |  DISEASES
3476  |  IGBP1  |  1.435  |  DISEASES
3679  |  ITGA7  |  2.006  |  DISEASES
3776  |  KCNK2  |  1.43  |  DISEASES
154288  |  KHDC3L  |  2.636  |  DISEASES
10656  |  KHDRBS3  |  1.419  |  DISEASES
3996  |  LLGL1  |  1.138  |  DISEASES
4168  |  MCF2  |  1.27  |  DISEASES
79648  |  MCPH1  |  1.448  |  DISEASES
4291  |  MLF1  |  1.862  |  DISEASES
4300  |  MLLT3  |  1.219  |  DISEASES
9  |  NAT1  |  1.26  |  DISEASES
54820  |  NDE1  |  2.842  |  DISEASES
81565  |  NDEL1  |  3.24  |  DISEASES
4720  |  NDUFS2  |  1.086  |  DISEASES
51199  |  NIN  |  1.504  |  DISEASES
55655  |  NLRP2  |  2.053  |  DISEASES
126206  |  NLRP5  |  2.5  |  DISEASES
199713  |  NLRP7  |  1.896  |  DISEASES
4901  |  NRL  |  1.279  |  DISEASES
5048  |  PAFAH1B1  |  6.865  |  DISEASES
5049  |  PAFAH1B2  |  2.787  |  DISEASES
25859  |  PART1  |  2.442  |  DISEASES
10846  |  PDE10A  |  1.264  |  DISEASES
4860  |  PNP  |  3.759  |  DISEASES
5710  |  PSMD4  |  1.894  |  DISEASES
22930  |  RAB3GAP1  |  1.81  |  DISEASES
5649  |  RELN  |  2.221  |  DISEASES
6050  |  RNH1  |  1.06  |  DISEASES
6122  |  RPL3  |  2.349  |  DISEASES
6444  |  SGCD  |  2.026  |  DISEASES
27286  |  SRPX2  |  2.053  |  DISEASES
10716  |  TBR1  |  1.939  |  DISEASES
7088  |  TLE1  |  1.441  |  DISEASES
7156  |  TOP3A  |  1.093  |  DISEASES
113457  |  TUBA3D  |  2.819  |  DISEASES
286753  |  TUSC5  |  2.932  |  DISEASES
7436  |  VLDLR  |  1.948  |  DISEASES
23230  |  VPS13A  |  1.383  |  DISEASES
11169  |  WDHD1  |  1.755  |  DISEASES
23038  |  WDTC1  |  2  |  DISEASES
346171  |  ZFP57  |  2.107  |  DISEASES
7702  |  ZNF143  |  1.901  |  DISEASES
Locus(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 1767
Disease miller-dieker lissencephaly syndrome
Integrated Phenotype(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Phenotype(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 1767
Disease miller-dieker lissencephaly syndrome
Manually Symptom(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Symptom(Waiting for update.)
Manually Genotype(Total Manually Genotypes:2)
Gene Mutation DOI Article Title
17p13.3 -doi:10.1038/gim.2015.51Clinical performance of the CytoScan Dx Assay in diagnosing developmental delay/intellectual disability
PAFAH1B1-doi:10.1038/gim.2015.51Clinical performance of the CytoScan Dx Assay in diagnosing developmental delay/intellectual disability
Text Mining Genotype(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
All Snps(Total Genotypes:3)
snpId pubmedId geneId geneSymbol diseaseId sourceId sentence score Year geneSymbol_dbSNP CHROMOSOME POS REF ALT
rs3712462262531124410569SLU7umls:C0265219BeFreeWe previously identified missense mutations in the U2AF1 splicing factor affecting codons S34 (S34F and S34Y) or Q157 (Q157R and Q157P) in 11% of the patients with de novo myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS).0.0002714422014U2AF12143094667TC,G
rs3717694272531124410569SLU7umls:C0265219BeFreeWe previously identified missense mutations in the U2AF1 splicing factor affecting codons S34 (S34F and S34Y) or Q157 (Q157R and Q157P) in 11% of the patients with de novo myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS).0.0002714422014U2AF12143104346GA,T
rs371769427253112447307U2AF1umls:C0265219BeFreeThese data suggest that the S34F mutation alters U2AF1 function in the context of specific RNA sequences, leading to aberrant alternative splicing of target genes, some of which may be relevant for MDS pathogenesis.0.0002714422014U2AF12143104346GA,T
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 1767
Disease miller-dieker lissencephaly syndrome
Case(Waiting for update.)