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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine


Disease ID 1463
Disease mesothelioma
A tumor derived from mesothelial tissue (peritoneum, pleura, pericardium). It appears as broad sheets of cells, with some regions containing spindle-shaped, sarcoma-like cells and other regions showing adenomatous patterns. Pleural mesotheliomas have been linked to exposure to asbestos. (Dorland, 27th ed)
[m]mesothelioma, unspecified
[m]mesothelioma, unspecified (morphologic abnormality)
[x]mesothelioma, unspecified
[x]mesothelioma, unspecified (disorder)
mesothelioma (disorder)
mesothelioma [disease/finding]
mesothelioma, nos
UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:42)
C0014175  |  endometriosis  |  3
C0003949  |  asbestosis  |  2
C0027726  |  nephrotic syndrome  |  2
C0338106  |  colonic adenocarcinoma  |  2
C0206701  |  serous carcinoma  |  2
C0476089  |  endometrial ca  |  2
C0014859  |  esophageal tumor  |  1
C0206062  |  interstitial lung disease  |  1
C0149782  |  squamous cell carcinoma of the lung  |  1
C0024314  |  lymphoproliferative disorders  |  1
C0476089  |  endometrial carcinoma  |  1
C0019322  |  umbilical hernia  |  1
C0376545  |  hematologic malignancies  |  1
C0279130  |  cns metastases  |  1
C0476089  |  endometrial cancer  |  1
C0152013  |  lung adenocarcinoma  |  1
C0684249  |  carcinoma of the lung  |  1
C0031069  |  periodic disease  |  1
C0001418  |  adenocarcinoma  |  1
C0080032  |  malignant effusion  |  1
C0158699  |  renal agenesis  |  1
C0153676  |  pulmonary metastases  |  1
C0036421  |  systemic sclerosis  |  1
C0032326  |  pneumothorax  |  1
C0001418  |  adenocarcinomas  |  1
C0155912  |  pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis  |  1
C0031046  |  pericarditis  |  1
C0024299  |  lymphoma  |  1
C0205697  |  sarcomatoid carcinoma  |  1
C0031048  |  constrictive pericarditis  |  1
C0007137  |  squamous cell carcinoma  |  1
C0020598  |  hypoglycemia  |  1
C1266119  |  localized fibrous tumor  |  1
C0220650  |  brain metastases  |  1
C0024314  |  lymphoproliferative disorder  |  1
C1720771  |  hydrocele  |  1
C0024115  |  lung disease  |  1
C0024623  |  gastric cancer  |  1
C0206681  |  clear cell carcinoma  |  1
C1334811  |  mucinous tumor  |  1
C0334607  |  psammoma  |  1
C0079419  |  li-fraumeni syndrome  |  1
Curated Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:41)
2247  |  FGF2  |  CTD_human
4831  |  NME2  |  CTD_human
54716  |  SLC6A20  |  CTD_human
8314  |  BAP1  |  CTD_human
3458  |  IFNG  |  CTD_human
1956  |  EGFR  |  CTD_human
84700  |  MYO18B  |  CTD_human
8915  |  BCL10  |  CLINVAR
5241  |  PGR  |  CTD_human
1029  |  CDKN2A  |  CTD_human
6648  |  SOD2  |  CTD_human
23741  |  EID1  |  CTD_human
7490  |  WT1  |  CLINVAR
1958  |  EGR1  |  CTD_human
847  |  CAT  |  CTD_human
324  |  APC  |  CTD_human
22827  |  PUF60  |  CTD_human
2944  |  GSTM1  |  CTD_human
1027  |  CDKN1B  |  CTD_human
7517  |  XRCC3  |  CTD_human
10232  |  MSLN  |  CTD_human
999  |  CDH1  |  CTD_human
6696  |  SPP1  |  CTD_human
7515  |  XRCC1  |  CTD_human
2099  |  ESR1  |  CTD_human
4771  |  NF2  |  CTD_human
2934  |  GSN  |  CTD_human
2662  |  GDF10  |  CTD_human
11186  |  RASSF1  |  CTD_human
6850  |  SYK  |  CTD_human
55600  |  ITLN1  |  CTD_human
2475  |  MTOR  |  CTD_human
94274  |  PPP1R14A  |  CTD_human
4582  |  MUC1  |  CTD_human
5154  |  PDGFA  |  CTD_human
56034  |  PDGFC  |  CTD_human
2719  |  GPC3  |  CTD_human
1734  |  DIO2  |  CTD_human
7296  |  TXNRD1  |  CTD_human
2272  |  FHIT  |  CTD_human
2246  |  FGF1  |  CTD_human
Inferring Gene(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Gene(Waiting for update.)
Locus(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 1463
Disease mesothelioma
Integrated Phenotype(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Phenotype
HPO | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Phenotypes:30)
HP:0002664  |  Neoplasia  |  19
HP:0002202  |  Pleural effusion  |  9
HP:0030731  |  Carcinoma  |  4
HP:0012531  |  Pain  |  4
HP:0030127  |  Endometriosis  |  3
HP:0001541  |  Ascites  |  2
HP:0000100  |  Nephrosis  |  2
HP:0002716  |  Lymph node hyperplasia  |  2
HP:0030078  |  Lung adenocarcinoma  |  1
HP:0004872  |  Recurrent abdominal hernia  |  1
HP:0100751  |  Esophageal neoplasm  |  1
HP:0002665  |  Lymphoma  |  1
HP:0001945  |  Fever  |  1
HP:0001698  |  Pericardial effusions  |  1
HP:0012579  |  Minimal change glomerulonephritis  |  1
HP:0000104  |  Renal agenesis  |  1
HP:0005523  |  Lymphoproliferative disorder  |  1
HP:0001537  |  Umbilical hernias  |  1
HP:0012114  |  Endometrial carcinoma  |  1
HP:0002107  |  Collapsed lung  |  1
HP:0001943  |  Hypoglycemia  |  1
HP:0000718  |  Aggressive behaviour  |  1
HP:0002563  |  Constrictive pericarditis  |  1
HP:0006530  |  Interstitial lung disease  |  1
HP:0012889  |  Cervical endometriosis  |  1
HP:0002860  |  Squamous cell carcinoma  |  1
HP:0001701  |  Pericarditis  |  1
HP:0001510  |  Growth deficiency  |  1
HP:0012126  |  Gastric cancer  |  1
HP:0100615  |  Neoplasm of the ovary  |  1
Disease ID 1463
Disease mesothelioma
Manually Symptom
UMLS  | Name(Total Manually Symptoms:18)
C2364133  |  infection
C2119038  |  pleural metastasis
C2073625  |  pleural effusion
C1660219  |  analgesia
C1373218  |  immunosuppression
C0347016  |  spinal cord metastasis
C0333516  |  oncolysis
C0264545  |  pleural thickening
C0080032  |  malignant pleural effusion
C0080032  |  malignant effusion
C0042338  |  herpes zoster
C0032227  |  pleural effusions
C0020615  |  hypoglycemia
C0020437  |  hypercalcemia
C0018794  |  heart block
C0011168  |  dysphagia
C0008031  |  chest pain
C0002726  |  amyloidosis
Text Mined Symptom
UMLS | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Symptoms:5)
C0032227  |  pleural effusion  |  8
C0032227  |  pleural effusions  |  1
C0020598  |  hypoglycemia  |  1
C0347016  |  spinal cord metastasis  |  1
C0080032  |  malignant effusion  |  1
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Text Mining Genotype(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
All Snps(Total Genotypes:3)
snpId pubmedId geneId geneSymbol diseaseId sourceId sentence score Year geneSymbol_dbSNP CHROMOSOME POS REF ALT
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 1463
Disease mesothelioma
Case(Waiting for update.)