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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

   malignant hyperthermia

Disease ID 251
Disease malignant hyperthermia
Rapid and excessive rise of temperature accompanied by muscular rigidity following general anesthesia.
anesthesia hyperthermia
anesthesia hyperthermias
anesthesia related hyperthermia
anesthesia related hyperthermias
fever malignant
hyperpyrexia malignant
hyperpyrexia, fulminating
hyperpyrexia, malignant
hyperpyrexias, malignant
hyperthermia malignant
hyperthermia of anaesthesia
hyperthermia of anesthesia
hyperthermia, anesthesia related
hyperthermia, malignant
hyperthermias, anesthesia related
malignant fever
malignant hyperpyrexia
malignant hyperpyrexia -anaest
malignant hyperpyrexia -anest
malignant hyperpyrexia anaesth
malignant hyperpyrexia anesth
malignant hyperpyrexia caused by anaesthesia
malignant hyperpyrexia caused by anaesthetic
malignant hyperpyrexia caused by anesthesia
malignant hyperpyrexia caused by anesthetic
malignant hyperpyrexia caused by anesthetic (finding)
malignant hyperpyrexia due to anaesthesia
malignant hyperpyrexia due to anaesthetic
malignant hyperpyrexia due to anesthesia
malignant hyperpyrexia due to anesthesia (finding)
malignant hyperpyrexia due to anesthetic
malignant hyperpyrexia due to anesthetic (finding)
malignant hyperpyrexias
malignant hyperthemia
malignant hyperthermia (finding)
malignant hyperthermia [disease/finding]
malignant hyperthermia caused by anaesthesia
malignant hyperthermia caused by anesthesia
malignant hyperthermia due to anaesthesia
malignant hyperthermia due to anesthesia
malignant hyperthermia syndrome
malignant hyperthermia with anesthesia
malignant hyperthermia, susceptibility to, 1
malignant hyperthermias
mh - malignant hyperpyrexia
mhs - malignant hyperthermia
related hyperthermia, anesthesia
related hyperthermias, anesthesia
UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:6)
Curated Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:3)
6261  |  RYR1  |  CTD_human;GHR;UNIPROT;ORPHANET
781  |  CACNA2D1  |  GHR
Inferring Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:2)
6261  |  RYR1  |  CIPHER;CTD_human
779  |  CACNA1S  |  CIPHER
Text Mined Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Score | Resource(Total Genes:66)
58  |  ACTA1  |  1.484  |  DISEASES
55811  |  ADCY10  |  1.337  |  DISEASES
270  |  AMPD1  |  1.296  |  DISEASES
273  |  AMPH  |  1.748  |  DISEASES
309  |  ANXA6  |  1.353  |  DISEASES
444  |  ASPH  |  2.551  |  DISEASES
487  |  ATP2A1  |  3.051  |  DISEASES
488  |  ATP2A2  |  1.973  |  DISEASES
778  |  CACNA1F  |  1.046  |  DISEASES
779  |  CACNA1S  |  6.482  |  DISEASES
781  |  CACNA2D1  |  4.25  |  DISEASES
782  |  CACNB1  |  3.521  |  DISEASES
801  |  CALM1  |  3.856  |  DISEASES
811  |  CALR  |  1.457  |  DISEASES
844  |  CASQ1  |  5.345  |  DISEASES
1376  |  CPT2  |  2.901  |  DISEASES
1553  |  CYP2A13  |  2.994  |  DISEASES
1555  |  CYP2B6  |  1.053  |  DISEASES
1572  |  CYP2F1  |  2.125  |  DISEASES
1756  |  DMD  |  1.766  |  DISEASES
1759  |  DNM1  |  1.15  |  DISEASES
1785  |  DNM2  |  1.056  |  DISEASES
1798  |  DPAGT1  |  2.753  |  DISEASES
2098  |  ESD  |  1.473  |  DISEASES
2280  |  FKBP1A  |  3.941  |  DISEASES
2281  |  FKBP1B  |  1.329  |  DISEASES
642489  |  FKBP1C  |  3.856  |  DISEASES
2632  |  GBE1  |  1.017  |  DISEASES
2821  |  GPI  |  1.973  |  DISEASES
3339  |  HSPG2  |  2.067  |  DISEASES
3363  |  HTR7  |  1.068  |  DISEASES
102723508  |  KANTR  |  4.517  |  DISEASES
390594  |  KBTBD13  |  3.21  |  DISEASES
3736  |  KCNA1  |  1.02  |  DISEASES
3939  |  LDHA  |  1.311  |  DISEASES
4151  |  MB  |  4.761  |  DISEASES
8972  |  MGAM  |  3.41  |  DISEASES
23787  |  MTCH1  |  2.793  |  DISEASES
4534  |  MTM1  |  1.733  |  DISEASES
378884  |  NHLRC1  |  1.979  |  DISEASES
4831  |  NME2  |  1.204  |  DISEASES
84876  |  ORAI1  |  1.942  |  DISEASES
80228  |  ORAI2  |  2.307  |  DISEASES
93129  |  ORAI3  |  2.112  |  DISEASES
103164619  |  PCAT2  |  1.554  |  DISEASES
5213  |  PFKM  |  1.106  |  DISEASES
11040  |  PIM2  |  1.105  |  DISEASES
6164  |  RPL34  |  2.216  |  DISEASES
6261  |  RYR1  |  9.013  |  DISEASES
6262  |  RYR2  |  5.08  |  DISEASES
6263  |  RYR3  |  3.169  |  DISEASES
6329  |  SCN4A  |  3.498  |  DISEASES
9356  |  SLC22A6  |  1.489  |  DISEASES
10864  |  SLC22A7  |  1.501  |  DISEASES
9376  |  SLC22A8  |  1.164  |  DISEASES
6547  |  SLC8A3  |  1.773  |  DISEASES
6611  |  SMS  |  1.941  |  DISEASES
10011  |  SRA1  |  2.561  |  DISEASES
6345  |  SRL  |  2.853  |  DISEASES
284612  |  SYPL2  |  2.82  |  DISEASES
51270  |  TFDP3  |  4.563  |  DISEASES
7169  |  TPM2  |  1.327  |  DISEASES
7170  |  TPM3  |  1.939  |  DISEASES
10345  |  TRDN  |  3.619  |  DISEASES
7222  |  TRPC3  |  1.14  |  DISEASES
23038  |  WDTC1  |  1.167  |  DISEASES
Locus(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 251
Disease malignant hyperthermia
Integrated Phenotype(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Phenotype
HPO | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Phenotypes:8)
HP:0003198  |  Myopathic changes  |  2
HP:0002013  |  Emesis  |  1
HP:0002047  |  Malignant hyperthermia  |  1
HP:0002104  |  Absence of spontaneous respiration  |  1
HP:0100723  |  Gastrointestinal stroma tumor  |  1
HP:0002017  |  Nausea and vomiting  |  1
HP:0003201  |  Rhabdomyolysis  |  1
HP:0001945  |  Fever  |  1
Disease ID 251
Disease malignant hyperthermia
Manually Symptom
UMLS  | Name(Total Manually Symptoms:13)
C2697420  |  central core disease
C2364118  |  weakness
C1660219  |  analgesia
C0850569  |  allergic rash
C0796095  |  c syndrome
C0700109  |  rigidity
C0238358  |  hypokalemic periodic paralysis
C0040485  |  torticollis
C0027868  |  neuromyopathy
C0026848  |  muscular disorders
C0026837  |  muscular rigidity
C0026837  |  muscle rigidity
C0022660  |  acute renal failure
Text Mined Symptom(Waiting for update.)
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Text Mining Genotype(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
All Snps(Total Genotypes:57)
snpId pubmedId geneId geneSymbol diseaseId sourceId sentence score Year geneSymbol_dbSNP CHROMOSOME POS REF ALT
rs111888148191913336261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeCells expressing RYR1 variants in the N-terminal and in the central region of the protein (p.Arg530His, p.Arg2163Pro, p.Asn2342Ser, p.Glu2371Gly and p.Arg2454His) displayed higher activity compared with controls; this could account for the MH-susceptible phenotype.0.5549279542009RYR11938455463GA
rs112105381191913296261RYR1umls:C0024591UNIPROTThe 13 remaining MHS patients presented no known variants, neither in RYR1 nor in the CACNA1S binding regions to RYR1.0.5549279542009RYR11938473666CG
rs117886618112418526261RYR1umls:C0024591UNIPROTIdentification of a novel mutation in the ryanodine receptor gene (RYR1) in patients with malignant hyperthermia.0.5549279542001RYR11938494464CG,T
rs118192122191913336261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeCells expressing RYR1 variants in the N-terminal and in the central region of the protein (p.Arg530His, p.Arg2163Pro, p.Asn2342Ser, p.Glu2371Gly and p.Arg2454His) displayed higher activity compared with controls; this could account for the MH-susceptible phenotype.0.5549279542009RYR11938500643GA
rs118192123128100586261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeThe reduction of EC(50) indicates a facilitated calcium release from sarcoplasmic reticulum in the myotubes of the index patient suggesting that the RYR1 Ile2453Thr mutation is pathogenic for the malignant hyperthermia susceptibility and CCD of the two affected individuals.0.5549279542003RYR11938500640TC
rs118192124250869076261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeThese results indicate that the R2452W variant results in a hypersensitive ryanodine receptor 1 and suggest that the R2452W variant in the ryanodine receptor 1 is likely to be causative of MH.0.5549279542014RYR11938500636CT
rs11819216195027646261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeWe also present evidence demonstrating that overexpression of wild-type RYR1 in cells obtained from MH-susceptible individuals does not restore the MH-negative phenotype, as far as Ca2+ transients elicited by halothane are concerned; on the other hand, overexpression of a mutated RYR1 Arg163Cys Ca2+ channel in muscle cells obtained from MH-negative individuals conveys hypersensitivity to halothane.0.5549279541998RYR11938444211CT
rs118192161171225796261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreePharmacologic and functional characterization of malignant hyperthermia in the R163C RyR1 knock-in mouse.0.5549279542006RYR11938444211CT
rs118192161209781286261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeHeterozygous mice expressing the human MH/central core disease RyR1 R163C mutation exhibit MH when exposed to halothane or heat stress.0.5549279542011RYR11938444211CT
rs118192162183949896261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeMice with a malignant hyperthermia mutation (Y522S) in the ryanodine receptor (RyR1) display muscle contractures, rhabdomyolysis, and death in response to elevated environmental temperatures.0.5549279542008RYR11938455359AC,G
rs118192163191913336261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeCells expressing RYR1 variants in the N-terminal and in the central region of the protein (p.Arg530His, p.Arg2163Pro, p.Asn2342Ser, p.Glu2371Gly and p.Arg2454His) displayed higher activity compared with controls; this could account for the MH-susceptible phenotype.0.5549279542009RYR11938494565GA,C
rs11819217295202516261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeDiscordance between malignant hyperthermia susceptibility and RYR1 mutation C1840T in two Scandinavian MH families exhibiting this mutation.0.5549279541997RYR11938457545CT
rs11819217286026626261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeComparison of the segregation of the RYR1 C1840T mutation with segregation of the caffeine/halothane contracture test results for malignant hyperthermia susceptibility in a large Manitoba Mennonite family.0.5549279541996RYR11938457545CT
rs118192172103529316261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeHere we describe a rare case of discordance between genotype (characterised by the presence of the Arg614Cys mutation in the RYR1 gene) and MH-normal typed phenotype.0.5549279541999RYR11938457545CT
rs118192172114121506261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeAs a consequence, Ca2+ is released from the terminal cisternae of the SR. One of the human MH-mutations of RyR1 (Arg614Cys) is also found at the homologous location in the RyR of swine (Arg615Cys).0.5549279542001RYR11938457545CT
rs118192172115530456261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeDetermination of a positive malignant hyperthermia (MH) disposition without the in vitro contracture test in families carrying the RYR1 Arg614Cys mutation.0.5549279542001RYR11938457545CT
rs11819217215102676261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeA cysteine-for-arginine substitution (R614C) in the human skeletal muscle calcium release channel cosegregates with malignant hyperthermia.0.5549279541992RYR11938457545CT
rs118192172114934966261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeGenetic screening for MH-related mutations in the RYR1 gene revealed the presence of a homozygous 1840C-->T base exchange (Arg614Cys substitution) in this patient.0.5549279542001RYR11938457545CT
rs118192176124117866261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeA study of a family with the Val2168Met mutation demonstrated expression of the RYR1 mRNA mutant in B cells from the family members with MHS phenotype and a clear segregation of genotype with B-cell phenotype.0.5549279542002RYR11938494579GA
rs118192176152990036261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeThe functional impact on calcium release of RYR1 mutations linked to central core disease or malignant hyperthermia is different: human myotubes carrying the malignant hyperthermia-linked RYR1 mutation V2168M had a shift in their sensitivity to the RYR agonist 4-chloro-m-cresol to lower concentrations, whereas human myotubes harboring C-terminal mutations linked to central core disease exhibited reduced [Ca2+]i increase in response to 4-chloro-m-cresol, caffeine, and KCl.0.5549279542004RYR11938494579GA
rs118192177122204516261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeIncreased sensitivity to 4-chloro-m-cresol and caffeine in primary myotubes from malignant hyperthermia susceptible individuals carrying the ryanodine receptor 1 Thr2206Met (C6617T) mutation.0.5549279542002RYR11938496283CG,T
rs118192177199198146261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeMild clinical and histopathological features in patients who carry the frequent and causative malignant hyperthermia RyR1 mutation p.Thr2206Met.0.5549279542009RYR11938496283CG,T
rs12191859288289836261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeRYR mutation G1021A (Gly341Arg) is not frequent in Danish and Swedish families with malignant hyperthermia susceptibility.0.5549279541996RYR11938448712GA,C
rs12191859275543566261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeA simple method to detect the RYR1 mutation G1021A, a cause of malignant hyperthermia susceptibility.0.5549279541995RYR11938448712GA,C
rs12191859291065296261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeThe G1021A substitution in the RYR1 gene does not cosegregate with malignant hyperthermia susceptibility in a British pedigree.0.5549279541997RYR11938448712GA,C
rs12191859378814176261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeThe substitution of Arg for Gly2433 in the human skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor is associated with malignant hyperthermia.0.5549279541994RYR11938499993GA
rs121918593236283586261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeWe identified 9 heterozygous RYR1 mutations/variants in 14 families, 5 of them (p.Lys1393Arg; p.Gly2434Arg; p.Thr4288_Ala4290dup; p.Ala4295Val; and p.Arg4737Gln) previously associated with MH.0.5549279542013RYR11938499993GA
rs121918595221312686261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeMice expressing T4826I-RYR1 are viable but exhibit sex- and genotype-dependent susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia and muscle damage.0.5549279542012RYR11938580094CT
rs137933390236283586261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeWe identified 9 heterozygous RYR1 mutations/variants in 14 families, 5 of them (p.Lys1393Arg; p.Gly2434Arg; p.Thr4288_Ala4290dup; p.Ala4295Val; and p.Arg4737Gln) previously associated with MH.0.5549279542013RYR11938475335AG
rs147136339206819986261RYR1umls:C0024591UNIPROTNovel missense mutations and unexpected multiple changes of RYR1 gene in 75 malignant hyperthermia families.0.5549279542011RYR11938543551AG
rs147213895152218876261RYR1umls:C0024591UNIPROTAn A>G change at nucleotide 7025 was detected in the RYR1 gene in the HypoPP/MH-susceptible patient.0.5549279542004RYR11938499241AG
rs147213895191913336261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeCells expressing RYR1 variants in the N-terminal and in the central region of the protein (p.Arg530His, p.Arg2163Pro, p.Asn2342Ser, p.Glu2371Gly and p.Arg2454His) displayed higher activity compared with controls; this could account for the MH-susceptible phenotype.0.5549279542009RYR11938499241AG
rs180055911260227779CACNA1Sumls:C0024591BeFreeIdentification of the Arg1086His mutation in the alpha subunit of the voltage-dependent calcium channel (CACNA1S) in a North American family with malignant hyperthermia.0.132615812001CACNA1S1201060815CT,A
rs193922762128834026261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeA novel arginine 328 to tryptophan mutation in RYR1 was detected by direct sequencing of the RYR1 transcript from leukocytes of one MH-susceptible individual.0.5549279542003RYR11938448673CT
rs19392277091381516261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeWe describe here the identification of a novel mutation, Arg552Trp, in the RYR1 gene, which is clearly linked to the MHS phenotype in a large, well characterised Irish pedigree.0.5549279541997RYR11938455528CT
rs193922790146419966261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeThe RyR1 Ile2182Phe mutation and the RyR1 Gly2375Ala mutation have been identified in individuals susceptible to MH.0.5549279542003RYR11938494621AT
rs193922802115258816261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeIn a multigenerational North American family with a severe form of malignant hyperthermia that has caused four deaths, a novel RYR1 A2350T missense mutation was identified in all individuals testing positive for malignant hyperthermia susceptibility.0.5549279542001RYR11938499655GA
rs193922803243618446261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeWe propose that R2355W is confirmed as being an MH-causative mutation and suggest that V2354M is a RYR1 mutation likely to cause MH.0.5549279542014RYR11938499670CT
rs193922807146419966261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeThe RyR1 Ile2182Phe mutation and the RyR1 Gly2375Ala mutation have been identified in individuals susceptible to MH.0.5549279542003RYR11938499731GC
rs193922855236283586261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeWe identified 9 heterozygous RYR1 mutations/variants in 14 families, 5 of them (p.Lys1393Arg; p.Gly2434Arg; p.Thr4288_Ala4290dup; p.Ala4295Val; and p.Arg4737Gln) previously associated with MH.0.5549279542013RYR11938565218CT
rs193922868236283586261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeWe identified 9 heterozygous RYR1 mutations/variants in 14 families, 5 of them (p.Lys1393Arg; p.Gly2434Arg; p.Thr4288_Ala4290dup; p.Ala4295Val; and p.Arg4737Gln) previously associated with MH.0.5549279542013RYR11938577955GA
rs193922876204610006261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeThe functional assays validate recombinant human skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor for analysis of variants and add an additional mutation (H4833Y) to the repertoire of mutations that can be used for the genetic diagnosis of malignant hyperthermia.0.5549279542010RYR11938580114CT
rs193922878119287166261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeThe L4838V mutation is unique because it is the mutation first found within a hydrophobic transmembrane segment of the channel region and should provide further information on the function of the RyR1 as well as for genetic diagnosis of MH.0.5549279542002RYR11938580370CG
rs28933396120598936261RYR1umls:C0024591UNIPROTMutation screening in the ryanodine receptor 1 gene (RYR1) in patients susceptible to malignant hyperthermia who show definite IVCT results: identification of three novel mutations.0.5549279542002RYR11938499997GA,T
rs28933397122082346261RYR1umls:C0024591UNIPROTMutations in the RYR1 gene in Italian patients at risk for malignant hyperthermia: evidence for a cluster of novel mutations in the C-terminal region.0.5549279542002RYR11938500654CT
rs28933996115755296261RYR1umls:C0024591UNIPROTLarger-scale studies are necessary to clarify the type and frequency of mutations in RYR1 associated with MH in North American families.0.5549279542001NANANANANA
rs28933996114121506261RYR1umls:C0024591BeFreeAs a consequence, Ca2+ is released from the terminal cisternae of the SR. One of the human MH-mutations of RyR1 (Arg614Cys) is also found at the homologous location in the RyR of swine (Arg615Cys).0.5549279542001NANANANANA
rs28933997120598936261RYR1umls:C0024591UNIPROTMutation screening in the ryanodine receptor 1 gene (RYR1) in patients susceptible to malignant hyperthermia who show definite IVCT results: identification of three novel mutations.0.5549279542002NANANANANA
rs28933998154485136261RYR1umls:C0024591UNIPROTMalignant hyperthermia in North America: genetic screening of the three hot spots in the type I ryanodine receptor gene.0.5549279542004NANANANANA
rs28933999122082346261RYR1umls:C0024591UNIPROTMutations in the RYR1 gene in Italian patients at risk for malignant hyperthermia: evidence for a cluster of novel mutations in the C-terminal region.0.5549279542002NANANANANA
rs28934000115755296261RYR1umls:C0024591UNIPROTLarger-scale studies are necessary to clarify the type and frequency of mutations in RYR1 associated with MH in North American families.0.5549279542001NANANANANA
rs28934001147326276261RYR1umls:C0024591UNIPROTThis remarkably high occurrence of multiminicores in an MHS family is uncommon, and genetic analyses indicate that the association between multiminicores and MHS is linked to a novel R2656W and T2787S substitution present on the same allele of the RYR1 gene.0.5549279542004NANANANANA
rs3493492013546426261RYR1umls:C0024591UNIPROTPolymorphisms and deduced amino acid substitutions in the coding sequence of the ryanodine receptor (RYR1) gene in individuals with malignant hyperthermia.0.5549279541992RYR11938486015CT
rs35180584147326276261RYR1umls:C0024591UNIPROTThis remarkably high occurrence of multiminicores in an MHS family is uncommon, and genetic analyses indicate that the association between multiminicores and MHS is linked to a novel R2656W and T2787S substitution present on the same allele of the RYR1 gene.0.5549279542004RYR11938505358CG
rs3536437413546426261RYR1umls:C0024591UNIPROTPolymorphisms and deduced amino acid substitutions in the coding sequence of the ryanodine receptor (RYR1) gene in individuals with malignant hyperthermia.0.5549279541992RYR11938492540GT
rs73933023191913296261RYR1umls:C0024591UNIPROTThe 13 remaining MHS patients presented no known variants, neither in RYR1 nor in the CACNA1S binding regions to RYR1.0.5549279542009RYR11938566975CT
rs8033878220431982146ADRA1Dumls:C0024591BeFreeThe homozygous p.Arg1086Ser mutation of CACNA1S, the gene that encodes the alpha-1-subunit of the voltage-gated skeletal muscle L-type calcium channel, is a novel mutation associated with malignant hyperthermia.0.0010857672010CACNA1S1201060816GT,C,A
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0)
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GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0)
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Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:0)
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Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:0)
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Disease ID 251
Disease malignant hyperthermia
Case(Waiting for update.)