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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

   idiopathic intracranial hypertension

Disease ID 271
Disease idiopathic intracranial hypertension
A condition marked by raised intracranial pressure and characterized clinically by HEADACHES; NAUSEA; PAPILLEDEMA, peripheral constriction of the visual fields, transient visual obscurations, and pulsatile TINNITUS. OBESITY is frequently associated with this condition, which primarily affects women between 20 and 44 years of age. Chronic PAPILLEDEMA may lead to optic nerve injury (see OPTIC NERVE DISEASES) and visual loss (see BLINDNESS).
benign hypertension intracranial
benign intracran. hypt.
benign intracranial hyperten.
benign intracranial hypertension
benign intracranial hypertension (disorder)
benign intracranial hypertensn
bih - benign intracranial hypertension
cerebri pseudotumor
hydrops, meningeal
hypertension, benign intracranial
hypertension, idiopathic intracranial
hypertension, intracranial benign
iih - idiopathic intracranial hypertension
intracranial hypertension, benign
intracranial hypertension, idiopathic
noninfective serous meningitis
nonne's syndrome
otitic hydrocephalus syndrome
pseudotumor cerebri
pseudotumor cerebri
pseudotumor cerebri [disease/finding]
pseudotumor cerebri benign intracranial hypertension
pseudotumour cerebri
reduced csf absorption syndrome
syndrome pseudotumor cerebri
UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:41)
C0033845  |  idiopathic intracranial hypertension  |  15
C0030353  |  papilledema  |  15
C0033845  |  benign intracranial hypertension  |  6
C0028754  |  obesity  |  3
C0037315  |  sleep apnea  |  2
C0151740  |  increased intracranial pressure  |  2
C0001403  |  addison's disease  |  2
C0154733  |  multiple cranial nerve palsies  |  2
C0032460  |  polycystic ovary syndrome  |  1
C0520679  |  obstructive sleep apnea  |  1
C0238111  |  lennox-gastaut syndrome  |  1
C0012569  |  diplopia  |  1
C0024141  |  systemic lupus erythematosus  |  1
C0152112  |  foster kennedy syndrome  |  1
C0018784  |  sensorineural hearing loss  |  1
C0029132  |  optic neuropathy  |  1
C0268450  |  gitelman syndrome  |  1
C0013720  |  ehlers-danlos syndrome  |  1
C0010674  |  cystic fibrosis  |  1
C0002895  |  sickle cell disease  |  1
C0456909  |  blindness  |  1
C0679466  |  cognitive deficits  |  1
C0007133  |  papillary carcinoma  |  1
C0020538  |  hypertension  |  1
C0524812  |  intracranial hypotension  |  1
C0149931  |  migraine  |  1
C0456909  |  vision loss  |  1
C0409974  |  lupus erythematosus  |  1
C0023487  |  acute promyelocytic leukemia  |  1
C0238463  |  thyroid papillary carcinoma  |  1
C0032460  |  polycystic ovarian syndrome  |  1
C0042580  |  vesicoureteral reflux  |  1
C0028756  |  morbid obesity  |  1
C0004134  |  ataxia  |  1
C0008049  |  varicella infection  |  1
C0008049  |  varicella  |  1
C0151740  |  raised intracranial pressure  |  1
C0041948  |  uremia  |  1
C0030353  |  papilloedema  |  1
C0442874  |  neuropathy  |  1
C0010273  |  crouzon syndrome  |  1
Curated Gene(Waiting for update.)
Inferring Gene(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Score | Resource(Total Genes:39)
29929  |  ALG6  |  2.854  |  DISEASES
361  |  AQP4  |  3.009  |  DISEASES
551  |  AVP  |  1.635  |  DISEASES
6354  |  CCL7  |  1.189  |  DISEASES
6355  |  CCL8  |  1.72  |  DISEASES
1114  |  CHGB  |  1.893  |  DISEASES
1123  |  CHN1  |  1.608  |  DISEASES
163882  |  CNST  |  2.574  |  DISEASES
9244  |  CRLF1  |  2.498  |  DISEASES
51428  |  DDX41  |  1.143  |  DISEASES
1832  |  DSP  |  1.238  |  DISEASES
2152  |  F3  |  2.347  |  DISEASES
2153  |  F5  |  1.389  |  DISEASES
26190  |  FBXW2  |  2.002  |  DISEASES
5349  |  FXYD3  |  2.311  |  DISEASES
2592  |  GALT  |  1.9  |  DISEASES
2813  |  GP2  |  1.65  |  DISEASES
3240  |  HP  |  2.135  |  DISEASES
3664  |  IRF6  |  3.761  |  DISEASES
102723508  |  KANTR  |  2.711  |  DISEASES
4524  |  MTHFR  |  2.557  |  DISEASES
344022  |  NOTO  |  2.239  |  DISEASES
94233  |  OPN4  |  1.875  |  DISEASES
27445  |  PCLO  |  3.399  |  DISEASES
5108  |  PCM1  |  2.757  |  DISEASES
84106  |  PRAM1  |  1.511  |  DISEASES
5549  |  PRELP  |  2.527  |  DISEASES
374308  |  PTCHD3  |  1.878  |  DISEASES
5730  |  PTGDS  |  2.432  |  DISEASES
4920  |  ROR2  |  2.382  |  DISEASES
462  |  SERPINC1  |  1.648  |  DISEASES
653509  |  SFTPA1  |  2.029  |  DISEASES
729238  |  SFTPA2  |  1.823  |  DISEASES
6559  |  SLC12A3  |  2.636  |  DISEASES
6708  |  SPTA1  |  1.328  |  DISEASES
6752  |  SSTR2  |  1.186  |  DISEASES
7018  |  TF  |  1.551  |  DISEASES
9652  |  TTC37  |  2.375  |  DISEASES
8266  |  UBL4A  |  1.259  |  DISEASES
Locus(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 271
Disease idiopathic intracranial hypertension
Integrated Phenotype
HPO | Name(Total Integrated Phenotypes:3)
HP:0000822  |  Hypertension
HP:0002516  |  Intracranial pressure elevation
HP:0001085  |  Papilledema
Text Mined Phenotype
HPO | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Phenotypes:39)
HP:0001085  |  Papilledema  |  16
HP:0002315  |  Headaches  |  13
HP:0000572  |  Visual loss  |  6
HP:0001513  |  Obesity  |  3
HP:0002516  |  Intracranial pressure elevation  |  2
HP:0008207  |  Addison's disease  |  2
HP:0001824  |  Weight loss  |  2
HP:0002013  |  Emesis  |  2
HP:0100543  |  Cognitive deficits  |  2
HP:0006824  |  Cranial nerve palsy  |  2
HP:0010535  |  Sleep apnea  |  2
HP:0002018  |  Nausea  |  1
HP:0000407  |  sensorineural hearing loss  |  1
HP:0002725  |  Systemic lupus erythematosus  |  1
HP:0001251  |  Ataxia  |  1
HP:0000822  |  Hypertension  |  1
HP:0001138  |  Damaged optic nerve  |  1
HP:0012533  |  Allodynia  |  1
HP:0000538  |  Pseudopapilledema  |  1
HP:0002326  |  TIA  |  1
HP:0008629  |  Pulsatile tinnitus  |  1
HP:0002104  |  Absence of spontaneous respiration  |  1
HP:0002690  |  Hyperplasia of sella turcica  |  1
HP:0000651  |  Diplopia  |  1
HP:0002615  |  Low blood pressure  |  1
HP:0002321  |  Vertigo  |  1
HP:0000529  |  Slowly progressive visual loss  |  1
HP:0004836  |  Acute promyelocytic leukemia  |  1
HP:0002076  |  Migraine headaches  |  1
HP:0000360  |  Ringing in the ears  |  1
HP:0000969  |  Dropsy  |  1
HP:0002017  |  Nausea and vomiting  |  1
HP:0002895  |  Papillary thyroid carcinoma  |  1
HP:0002870  |  Obstructive sleep apnea  |  1
HP:0000076  |  Vesicoureteric reflux  |  1
HP:0002308  |  Chiari malformation  |  1
HP:0000618  |  Blindness  |  1
HP:0007099  |  Arnold Chiari type I malformation  |  1
HP:0012641  |  Decreased intracranial pressure  |  1
Disease ID 271
Disease idiopathic intracranial hypertension
Manually Symptom
UMLS  | Name(Total Manually Symptoms:20)
C2632116  |  stenosis
C2364324  |  increased intracranial pressure
C2096315  |  headache
C1963179  |  nausea
C1847523  |  abducens palsy
C1735375  |  progressive optic neuropathy
C1527311  |  brain oedema
C0751559  |  pulsatile tinnitus
C0751401  |  ophthalmoparesis
C0730512  |  functional visual loss
C0422833  |  ent symptoms
C0233401  |  psychiatric symptoms
C0155288  |  papilloedema
C0155288  |  papilledema
C0151740  |  elevated intracranial pressure
C0151311  |  cranial nerve palsies
C0040053  |  thrombosis
C0036454  |  visual field loss
C0036454  |  visual field defects
C0018681  |  headaches
Text Mined Symptom
UMLS | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Symptoms:7)
C0030353  |  papilledema  |  16
C0018681  |  headache  |  8
C0009814  |  stenosis  |  2
C0151740  |  increased intracranial pressure  |  2
C0018681  |  headaches  |  1
C0030353  |  papilloedema  |  1
C1735375  |  progressive optic neuropathy  |  1
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Text Mining Genotype(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
All Snps(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:3)
HP ID HP Name MP ID MP Name Annotation
HP:0000822HypertensionMP:0020216decreased circulating complement protein levelless than normal levels of the serum proteins that act sequentially to allow for the direct killing of microbes, the disposal of immune complexes, and the regulation of other immune processes
HP:0002516Increased intracranial pressureMP:0020215impaired blood coagulationimpaired ability of the blood to clot
HP:0001085PapilledemaMP:0013640increased bone stiffnessincrease in material stiffness (N/mm) during elastic deformation
Disease ID 271
Disease idiopathic intracranial hypertension
Case(Waiting for update.)