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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

   hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type 1

Disease ID 1948
Disease hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type 1
acrodystrophic neuropathy
autosomal dominant sensory neuropathy
autosomal dominant sensory neuropathy (disorder)
dominant hereditary sensory neuropathy, type i
hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type i
hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type i (disorder)
hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy, type i
hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy, type i (disorder)
hereditary sensory autonomic neuropathy, type 1
hereditary sensory neuropathy type 1
hereditary sensory neuropathy type i
hereditary sensory neuropathy type ia
hsan 1
hsan i
hsan ia
hsan type i
hsn ia
hsn type i
neuropathy hereditary sensory and autonomic type 1
neuropathy hereditary sensory radicular, autosomal dominant
neuropathy, hereditary sensory and autonomic, type i
neuropathy, hereditary sensory and autonomic, type ia
neuropathy, hereditary sensory radicular, autosomal dominant
neuropathy, hereditary sensory radicular, autosomal dominant, type 1a
neuropathy, hereditary sensory, type i
neuropathy, hereditary sensory, type ia
type i, hsan
type i, hsn
UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:4)
C0497327  |  dementia  |  3
C0018784  |  sensorineural deafness  |  2
C0155550  |  neural deafness  |  2
C0442874  |  neuropathy  |  1
Curated Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:4)
25923  |  ATL3  |  ORPHANET
51062  |  ATL1  |  ORPHANET
9517  |  SPTLC2  |  ORPHANET
Inferring Gene(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Gene(Waiting for update.)
Symbol | Locus(Total Locus:4)
SPTLC1  |  9q22.31
SPTLC2  |  14q24.3
ATL1  |  14q22.1
ATL3  |  11q13.1
Disease ID 1948
Disease hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type 1
Integrated Phenotype(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Phenotype
HPO | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Phenotypes:5)
HP:0000726  |  Dementia  |  3
HP:0012531  |  Pain  |  3
HP:0000407  |  sensorineural hearing loss  |  2
HP:0000365  |  Hearing impairment  |  1
HP:0002066  |  Gait ataxia  |  1
Disease ID 1948
Disease hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type 1
Manually Symptom(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Symptom(Waiting for update.)
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0)
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Text Mining Genotype(Total Genotypes:0)
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All Snps(Total Genotypes:13)
snpId pubmedId geneId geneSymbol diseaseId sourceId sentence score Year geneSymbol_dbSNP CHROMOSOME POS REF ALT
rs1194820812417528410558SPTLC1umls:C0020071BeFreeThe core human enzyme is a membrane-bound heterodimer composed of two subunits (hLCB1 and hLCB2a/b), and mutations in both hLCB1 (e.g., C133W and C133Y) and hLCB2a (e.g., V359M, G382V, and I504F) have been identified in patients with hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type I (HSAN1), an inherited disorder that affects sensory and autonomic neurons.0.4848859542013SPTLC1992080045CT
rs1194820822204557010558SPTLC1umls:C0020071BeFreeIn mice bearing a transgene expressing the C133W SPTLC1 mutant linked to HSAN1, a 10% L-serine–enriched diet reduced dSL levels.0.4848859542011SPTLC1992080044AC
rs1194820822417528410558SPTLC1umls:C0020071BeFreeThe core human enzyme is a membrane-bound heterodimer composed of two subunits (hLCB1 and hLCB2a/b), and mutations in both hLCB1 (e.g., C133W and C133Y) and hLCB2a (e.g., V359M, G382V, and I504F) have been identified in patients with hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type I (HSAN1), an inherited disorder that affects sensory and autonomic neurons.0.4848859542013SPTLC1992080044AC
rs2676070872424725510558SPTLC1umls:C0020071BeFreeEarly-onset severe hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type 1 with S331F SPTLC1 mutation.0.4848859542013SPTLC1992047261GA
rs2676070892417528410558SPTLC1umls:C0020071BeFreeThe core human enzyme is a membrane-bound heterodimer composed of two subunits (hLCB1 and hLCB2a/b), and mutations in both hLCB1 (e.g., C133W and C133Y) and hLCB2a (e.g., V359M, G382V, and I504F) have been identified in patients with hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type I (HSAN1), an inherited disorder that affects sensory and autonomic neurons.0.4848859542013SPTLC21477555331CA
rs2676070902417528410558SPTLC1umls:C0020071BeFreeThe core human enzyme is a membrane-bound heterodimer composed of two subunits (hLCB1 and hLCB2a/b), and mutations in both hLCB1 (e.g., C133W and C133Y) and hLCB2a (e.g., V359M, G382V, and I504F) have been identified in patients with hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type I (HSAN1), an inherited disorder that affects sensory and autonomic neurons.0.4848859542013SPTLC21477555401CT
rs2676070912417528410558SPTLC1umls:C0020071BeFreeThe core human enzyme is a membrane-bound heterodimer composed of two subunits (hLCB1 and hLCB2a/b), and mutations in both hLCB1 (e.g., C133W and C133Y) and hLCB2a (e.g., V359M, G382V, and I504F) have been identified in patients with hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type I (HSAN1), an inherited disorder that affects sensory and autonomic neurons.0.4848859542013SPTLC21477518097TA
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0)
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GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0)
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Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:0)
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Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:0)
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Disease ID 1948
Disease hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type 1
Case(Waiting for update.)