glioma |
Disease ID | 708 |
Disease | glioma |
Definition | Benign and malignant central nervous system neoplasms derived from glial cells (i.e., astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and ependymocytes). Astrocytes may give rise to astrocytomas (ASTROCYTOMA) or glioblastoma multiforme (see GLIOBLASTOMA). Oligodendrocytes give rise to oligodendrogliomas (OLIGODENDROGLIOMA) and ependymocytes may undergo transformation to become EPENDYMOMA; CHOROID PLEXUS NEOPLASMS; or colloid cysts of the third ventricle. (From Escourolle et al., Manual of Basic Neuropathology, 2nd ed, p21) |
Synonym | [m]glioma nos [m]glioma nos (morphologic abnormality) [m]gliomas [m]gliomas (morphologic abnormality) glial cell tumor glial cell tumors glial neoplasm glial tumor glial tumors glioma (disorder) glioma (morphologic abnormality) glioma [disease/finding] glioma, nos gliomas neoplasm of neuroglia neoplasm of the neuroglia neuroglial neoplasm neuroglial tumor tumor of neuroglia tumor of the neuroglia tumor, glial cell tumors, glial cell |
Orphanet | |
DOID | |
UMLS | C0017638 |
MeSH | |
Comorbidity | UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:95) C0017636 | glioblastoma | 17 C0085113 | neurofibromatosis | 11 C0014544 | epilepsy | 11 C0004114 | astrocytomas | 8 C0014038 | encephalitis | 7 C0017636 | glioblastomas | 7 C1621958 | glioblastoma multiforme | 7 C0004114 | astrocytoma | 7 C0020255 | hydrocephalus | 6 C0028945 | oligodendroglioma | 4 C1096063 | intractable epilepsy | 3 C0679466 | cognitive deficits | 3 C0334583 | pilocytic astrocytoma | 3 C0042769 | virus infection | 3 C0025286 | meningioma | 2 C0011570 | depression | 2 C0014544 | epileptic seizure | 2 C0010678 | cysticercosis | 2 C0206716 | ganglioglioma | 2 C0014544 | epileptic seizures | 2 C0025149 | medulloblastoma | 2 C0334579 | anaplastic astrocytoma | 2 C0280793 | oligoastrocytoma | 2 C0025286 | meningiomas | 2 C0004030 | aspergillosis | 1 C0018991 | hemiplegia | 1 C0007137 | squamous cell carcinoma | 1 C0003857 | arteriovenous malformation | 1 C0007766 | intracranial aneurysm | 1 C1519214 | secondary glioblastoma | 1 C0206744 | cd4 lymphocytopenia | 1 C0007766 | cranial aneurysm | 1 C0021053 | immune disorders | 1 C0027708 | wilms tumor 1 | 1 C0028945 | oligodendrogliomas | 1 C1855995 | l-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria | 1 C0009402 | colorectal cancer | 1 C0021053 | immune disorder | 1 C0027708 | wilms tumor | 1 C0555198 | malignant gliomas | 1 C0006017 | pertussis | 1 C0014084 | ollier disease | 1 C0334590 | anaplastic oligodendroglioma | 1 C0242379 | lung cancer | 1 C0027092 | myopia | 1 C0334579 | anaplastic astrocytomas | 1 C0040053 | thrombosis | 1 C0442874 | neuropathy | 1 C1261473 | sarcoma | 1 C0040997 | trigeminal neuralgia | 1 C0007102 | colon cancer | 1 C0019348 | herpes simplex | 1 C0019360 | zoster | 1 C0220603 | pediatric brain tumor | 1 C0549423 | obstructive hydrocephalus | 1 C0041696 | major depressive disorder | 1 C0008354 | cholera | 1 C0014084 | ollier's disease | 1 C0004096 | asthma | 1 C0008049 | varicella | 1 C0205770 | choroid plexus papillomas | 1 C0555198 | malignant glioma | 1 C0004114 | astrocytic tumor | 1 C0205770 | choroid plexus papilloma | 1 C0029132 | optic neuropathy | 1 C0020456 | high blood glucose | 1 C0011616 | contact dermatitis | 1 C0242379 | lung cancers | 1 C0027819 | neuroblastoma | 1 C1527390 | intracranial tumor | 1 C0026769 | multiple sclerosis | 1 C0034372 | tetraplegia | 1 C0023418 | leukemia | 1 C0006142 | breast cancer | 1 C0007113 | rectal cancer | 1 C0020676 | hypothyroidism | 1 C0026975 | myelitis | 1 C0270726 | alexander disease | 1 C1527311 | brain edema | 1 C0270857 | reflex epilepsy | 1 C0027947 | neutropenia | 1 C0334583 | pilocytic astrocytomas | 1 C0031511 | pheochromocytoma | 1 C0030421 | paraganglioma | 1 C0039144 | syringomyelia | 1 C0023524 | progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy | 1 C0206659 | embryonal carcinoma | 1 C0022116 | ischemia | 1 C0153633 | brain cancer | 1 C1527390 | intracranial tumors | 1 C0270612 | leukoencephalopathy | 1 C0014547 | focal epilepsy | 1 C0040034 | thrombocytopenia | 1 C0007102 | colon cancers | 1 C0007131 | nsclc | 1 |
Curated Gene | Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:69) 3106 | HLA-B | CTD_human 1116 | CHI3L1 | CTD_human 2247 | FGF2 | CTD_human 8743 | TNFSF10 | CTD_human 7124 | TNF | CTD_human 2260 | FGFR1 | CTD_human 3417 | IDH1 | CTD_human 100048912 | CDKN2B-AS1 | GWASCAT 673 | BRAF | CTD_human 5894 | RAF1 | CTD_human 5728 | PTEN | CTD_human 11170 | FAM107A | CTD_human 6528 | SLC5A5 | CTD_human 7015 | TERT | CTD_human;GWASCAT 4192 | MDK | CTD_human 1956 | EGFR | GWASCAT 7157 | TP53 | CTD_human 3593 | IL12B | CTD_human 6098 | ROS1 | CTD_human 5468 | PPARG | CTD_human 3020 | H3F3A | CTD_human 4436 | MSH2 | CTD_human 1657 | DMXL1 | CTD_human 3925 | STMN1 | CTD_human 4255 | MGMT | CTD_human 4763 | NF1 | CTD_human 3105 | HLA-A | CTD_human 675 | BRCA2 | CTD_human 1029 | CDKN2A | CTD_human 6647 | SOD1 | CTD_human 51750 | RTEL1 | CTD_human;GWASCAT 546 | ATRX | CTD_human 847 | CAT | CTD_human 3592 | IL12A | CTD_human 7153 | TOP2A | CTD_human 7037 | TFRC | CTD_human 9211 | LGI1 | CTD_human 2950 | GSTP1 | CTD_human 137196 | CCDC26 | CTD_human 5743 | PTGS2 | CTD_human 55717 | WDR11 | CTD_human 2064 | ERBB2 | CTD_human 6696 | SPP1 | CTD_human 3107 | HLA-C | CTD_human 482 | ATP1B2 | CTD_human 2668 | GDNF | CTD_human 1755 | DMBT1 | CTD_human 55294 | FBXW7 | CTD_human 23362 | PSD3 | CTD_human 23512 | SUZ12 | CTD_human 347 | APOD | CTD_human 100533107 | RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | GWASCAT 4915 | NTRK2 | CTD_human 90 | ACVR1 | CTD_human 1030 | CDKN2B | CTD_human 23187 | PHLDB1 | CTD_human;GWASCAT 4916 | NTRK3 | CTD_human 2495 | FTH1 | CTD_human 4914 | NTRK1 | CTD_human 4638 | MYLK | CTD_human 4602 | MYB | CTD_human 1233 | CCR4 | CTD_human 7494 | XBP1 | CTD_human 5347 | PLK1 | CTD_human 8358 | HIST1H3B | CTD_human 648 | BMI1 | CTD_human 79782 | LRRC31 | GWASCAT 4603 | MYBL1 | CTD_human 8493 | PPM1D | CTD_human |
Inferring Gene | Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:85) 841 | CASP8 | CIPHER 137196 | CCDC26 | CIPHER;CTD_human 1019 | CDK4 | CIPHER 1029 | CDKN2A | CIPHER;CTD_human 1030 | CDKN2B | CIPHER;CTD_human 1950 | EGF | CIPHER 1956 | EGFR | CIPHER 2067 | ERCC1 | CIPHER 2068 | ERCC2 | CIPHER 2944 | GSTM1 | CIPHER 2947 | GSTM3 | CIPHER 2950 | GSTP1 | CIPHER;CTD_human 2952 | GSTT1 | CIPHER 3265 | HRAS | CIPHER 23187 | PHLDB1 | CIPHER;CTD_human 5728 | PTEN | CIPHER;CTD_human 5820 | PVT1 | CIPHER 51750 | RTEL1 | CIPHER;CTD_human 23480 | SEC61G | CIPHER 9353 | SLIT2 | CIPHER 6696 | SPP1 | CIPHER;CTD_human 7015 | TERT | CIPHER;CTD_human 7157 | TP53 | CIPHER;CTD_human 7486 | WRN | CIPHER 5925 | RB1 | CIPHER 2247 | FGF2 | CTD_human 673 | BRAF | CTD_human 11170 | FAM107A | CTD_human 4192 | MDK | CTD_human 3020 | H3F3A | CTD_human 3925 | STMN1 | CTD_human 6098 | ROS1 | CTD_human 7037 | TFRC | CTD_human 55717 | WDR11 | CTD_human 2064 | ERBB2 | CTD_human 3106 | HLA-B | CTD_human 3107 | HLA-C | CTD_human 3105 | HLA-A | CTD_human 1755 | DMBT1 | CTD_human 55294 | FBXW7 | CTD_human 23362 | PSD3 | CTD_human 347 | APOD | CTD_human 6528 | SLC5A5 | CTD_human 546 | ATRX | CTD_human 100316847 | GLM8 | CTD_human 100415894 | GLM5 | CTD_human 338030 | GLM4 | CTD_human 100415895 | GLM6 | CTD_human 482 | ATP1B2 | CTD_human 7153 | TOP2A | CTD_human 8743 | TNFSF10 | CTD_human 4916 | NTRK3 | CTD_human 4915 | NTRK2 | CTD_human 4255 | MGMT | CTD_human 4436 | MSH2 | CTD_human 404685 | RTE1 | CTD_human 4914 | NTRK1 | CTD_human 675 | BRCA2 | CTD_human 1233 | CCR4 | CTD_human 2495 | FTH1 | CTD_human 6647 | SOD1 | CTD_human 847 | CAT | CTD_human 5743 | PTGS2 | CTD_human 4763 | NF1 | CTD_human 5347 | PLK1 | CTD_human 90 | ACVR1 | CTD_human 8358 | HIST1H3B | CTD_human 3593 | IL12B | CTD_human 3592 | IL12A | CTD_human 1116 | CHI3L1 | CTD_human 23512 | SUZ12 | CTD_human 7124 | TNF | CTD_human 648 | BMI1 | CTD_human 1657 | DMXL1 | CTD_human 5894 | RAF1 | CTD_human 4638 | MYLK | CTD_human 8493 | PPM1D | CTD_human 5468 | PPARG | CTD_human 7494 | XBP1 | CTD_human 9211 | LGI1 | CTD_human 2260 | FGFR1 | CTD_human 4603 | MYBL1 | CTD_human 3417 | IDH1 | CTD_human 2668 | GDNF | CTD_human 4602 | MYB | CTD_human |
Text Mined Gene | (Waiting for update.) |
Locus | (Waiting for update.) |
Disease ID | 708 |
Disease | glioma |
Manually Symptom | UMLS | Name(Total Manually Symptoms:31) C2712332 | vomiting C2700478 | meningioma C2364133 | infection C2364072 | depression C2248595 | dedifferentiation C1963164 | lymphopenia C1839611 | n syndrome C1704231 | leptomeningeal metastasis C1373218 | immunosuppression C0517555 | venous thrombosis C0424755 | fever C0340708 | deep vein thrombosis C0338591 | transient global amnesia C0334533 | arteriovenous malformation C0333516 | oncolysis C0270871 | facial myokymia C0265325 | turcot's syndrome C0085436 | cryptococcal meningitis C0042769 | virus infection C0039585 | ar deficiency C0036572 | seizures C0031763 | photosensitization C0025202 | melanomas C0024454 | maffucci syndrome C0024305 | non-hodgkin's lymphoma C0023374 | hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency C0019080 | hemorrhage C0014544 | epileptic seizures C0014544 | epilepsy C0012236 | di george syndrome C0003130 | anoxia |
Text Mined Symptom | UMLS | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Symptoms:11) C0036572 | seizures | 17 C0014544 | epilepsy | 12 C0021079 | immunosuppression | 4 C0009450 | infection | 3 C0025286 | meningioma | 3 C0042769 | virus infection | 3 C0014544 | epileptic seizures | 2 C0011570 | depression | 2 C0019080 | hemorrhage | 1 C1262091 | lymphocytic infiltration | 1 C0026769 | multiple sclerosis | 1 |
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0) |
(Waiting for update.) |
Text Mining Genotype(Total Genotypes:0) | |
(Waiting for update.) |
All Snps(Total Genotypes:501) | |||||||||||||
snpId | pubmedId | geneId | geneSymbol | diseaseId | sourceId | sentence | score | Year | geneSymbol_dbSNP | CHROMOSOME | POS | REF | ALT |
rs1042522 | 23860773 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | The relationship of p53 codon 72 Arg/Pro polymorphism with the susceptibility to glioma needs further estimation by more individual studies with high quality across ethnicities. | 0.328651937 | 2013 | TP53 | 17 | 7676154 | G | T,C |
rs1042522 | 18393224 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Prognostic value of TP53 Pro47Ser and Arg72Pro single nucleotide polymorphisms and the susceptibility to gliomas in individuals from Southeast Brazil. | 0.328651937 | 2008 | TP53 | 17 | 7676154 | G | T,C |
rs1042522 | 24046089 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Quantitative assessment of the association between TP53 Arg72Pro polymorphism and risk of glioma. | 0.328651937 | 2013 | TP53 | 17 | 7676154 | G | T,C |
rs1042522 | 24488625 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | The effects of p53 Arg72Pro polymorphism on glioma susceptibility: a meta-analysis. | 0.328651937 | 2013 | TP53 | 17 | 7676154 | G | T,C |
rs1042522 | 23096687 | 4193 | MDM2 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Association of p53 Arg72Pro and MDM2 SNP309 polymorphisms with glioma. | 0.01596892 | 2012 | TP53 | 17 | 7676154 | G | T,C |
rs1042522 | 23096687 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Association of p53 Arg72Pro and MDM2 SNP309 polymorphisms with glioma. | 0.328651937 | 2012 | TP53 | 17 | 7676154 | G | T,C |
rs1045485 | 18398042 | 841 | CASP8 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | The common D302H variant of CASP8 is associated with risk of glioma. | 0.00916301 | 2008 | CASP8 | 2 | 201284866 | G | C |
rs1045642 | 15947495 | 5243 | ABCB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | The C3435T polymorphism of MDR1 and susceptibility to adult glioma. | 0.00979177 | 2005 | ABCB1 | 7 | 87509329 | A | T,G |
rs1052133 | 24500421 | 7517 | XRCC3 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | No evidence of significant associations between ERCC2 rs1799793, OGG1 rs1052133, XRCC1 rs25489, XRCC1 rs1799782, or XRCC3 rs861539 and risk of glioma was observed. | 0.009815515 | 2015 | OGG1;CAMK1 | 3 | 9757089 | C | G |
rs1058319 | 22387365 | 84619 | ZGPAT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Among 99 SNPs, five independent susceptibility loci (20-62315594 in RTEL1, 20-62335293 in adenosine diphosphate ribosylation factor-related protein 1, rs3761121 in ZGPAT, rs1058319 in SLC2A4RG and rs5019252 in ZBTB46) were identified for glioma. | 0.000271442 | 2012 | SLC2A4RG | 20 | 63743036 | C | T |
rs1058319 | 22387365 | 56731 | SLC2A4RG | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Among 99 SNPs, five independent susceptibility loci (20-62315594 in RTEL1, 20-62335293 in adenosine diphosphate ribosylation factor-related protein 1, rs3761121 in ZGPAT, rs1058319 in SLC2A4RG and rs5019252 in ZBTB46) were identified for glioma. | 0.000542884 | 2012 | SLC2A4RG | 20 | 63743036 | C | T |
rs1058319 | 22387365 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Among 99 SNPs, five independent susceptibility loci (20-62315594 in RTEL1, 20-62335293 in adenosine diphosphate ribosylation factor-related protein 1, rs3761121 in ZGPAT, rs1058319 in SLC2A4RG and rs5019252 in ZBTB46) were identified for glioma. | 0.257263997 | 2012 | SLC2A4RG | 20 | 63743036 | C | T |
rs1058319 | 22387365 | 140685 | ZBTB46 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Among 99 SNPs, five independent susceptibility loci (20-62315594 in RTEL1, 20-62335293 in adenosine diphosphate ribosylation factor-related protein 1, rs3761121 in ZGPAT, rs1058319 in SLC2A4RG and rs5019252 in ZBTB46) were identified for glioma. | 0.000271442 | 2012 | SLC2A4RG | 20 | 63743036 | C | T |
rs1059513 | 21196282 | 6778 | STAT6 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Among non-smokers, homozygote GG of STAT6 4610A/G showed an increased association with risk of glioma compared with AA (adjusted OR=1.691, 95%CI=1.152-2.481, p=0.007, corrected p=0.028), and the haplotype with A allele at rs1059513 and G allele at rs324015 was revealed to increase glioma risk significantly (OR=1.321,95%CI= 1.081-1.614, p=0.007,corrected p=0.028). | 0.000542884 | 2011 | NAB2;STAT6 | 12 | 57095926 | T | C |
rs11133391 | 24135790 | 9575 | CLOCK | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | The variant allele for CLOCK rs11133391 under a recessive model increased risk of oligodendroglioma (OR 2.41; 95 % CI 1.31-4.42; p = 0.005), though not other glioma subtypes (p for heterogeneity = 0.0033). | 0.001628651 | 2013 | CLOCK | 4 | 55501788 | T | C |
rs113488022 | 25346165 | 673 | BRAF | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our data indicate that BRAF(V600E) is a common genetic alteration in low-grade glial tumors with neuronal component or differentiation. | 0.129424521 | 2014 | BRAF | 7 | 140753336 | A | T,G,C |
rs113488022 | 22492957 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In this study a retrospective cohort of 198 pediatric low-grade gliomas (including 40 treated with adjuvant therapy) was analyzed for BRAF rearrangements, BRAF V600E, p16/CDKN2A deletion, p53 expression, and MIB1 proliferation index. | 0.17287254 | 2012 | BRAF | 7 | 140753336 | A | T,G,C |
rs113488022 | 22492957 | 673 | BRAF | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | These data suggest that p16 deletion adversely impacts the outcomes of BRAF-driven gliomas, that high proliferation index may be a better marker of progression risk than BRAF, that BRAF rearrangement and BRAF V600E might not necessarily produce comparable outcomes, and that none of these markers is stronger than tumor location in determining prognosis in pediatric low-grade gliomas. | 0.129424521 | 2012 | BRAF | 7 | 140753336 | A | T,G,C |
rs113488022 | 24721513 | 2048 | EPHB2 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | BRAF blockade with UAI-201 resulted in dose-dependent inhibition of MEK/ERK phosphorylations and increased G0/G1 arrest in glioma cells with BRAF-V600E. | 0.007881746 | 2014 | BRAF | 7 | 140753336 | A | T,G,C |
rs113488022 | 24721513 | 5594 | MAPK1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | BRAF blockade with UAI-201 resulted in dose-dependent inhibition of MEK/ERK phosphorylations and increased G0/G1 arrest in glioma cells with BRAF-V600E. | 0.008967513 | 2014 | BRAF | 7 | 140753336 | A | T,G,C |
rs113488022 | 24767714 | 673 | BRAF | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | A BRAF p.Thr599dup or p.V600E mutation was identified by Sanger sequencing in one and five gliomas, respectively, and a somatic TP53 mutation was identified in a fibrillary astrocytoma. | 0.129424521 | 2014 | BRAF | 7 | 140753336 | A | T,G,C |
rs113488022 | 24057326 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | These results suggest that (a) BRAF-KIAA1549 fusion may be common in PAs with atypical clinicoradiologic and histologic features, including those at extracerebellar sites, (b) BRAF V600E mutation is uncommon in extracerebellar PAs, and (c) TP53 mutation analysis remains a valuable tool in identifying childhood gliomas that will likely behave in a malignant fashion. | 0.328651937 | 2013 | BRAF | 7 | 140753336 | A | T,G,C |
rs113488022 | 24057326 | 57670 | KIAA1549 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | These results suggest that (a) BRAF-KIAA1549 fusion may be common in PAs with atypical clinicoradiologic and histologic features, including those at extracerebellar sites, (b) BRAF V600E mutation is uncommon in extracerebellar PAs, and (c) TP53 mutation analysis remains a valuable tool in identifying childhood gliomas that will likely behave in a malignant fashion. | 0.001085767 | 2013 | BRAF | 7 | 140753336 | A | T,G,C |
rs113488022 | 22492957 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In this study a retrospective cohort of 198 pediatric low-grade gliomas (including 40 treated with adjuvant therapy) was analyzed for BRAF rearrangements, BRAF V600E, p16/CDKN2A deletion, p53 expression, and MIB1 proliferation index. | 0.328651937 | 2012 | BRAF | 7 | 140753336 | A | T,G,C |
rs113488022 | 23822828 | 673 | BRAF | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | However, a previous study on BRAF V600E mutation in paediatric glioma revealed a BRAF mutation in one of two tested DIAs/DIGs. | 0.129424521 | 2013 | BRAF | 7 | 140753336 | A | T,G,C |
rs113488022 | 24071017 | 673 | BRAF | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Comparison of 2 monoclonal antibodies for immunohistochemical detection of BRAF V600E mutation in malignant melanoma, pulmonary carcinoma, gastrointestinal carcinoma, thyroid carcinoma, and gliomas. | 0.129424521 | 2013 | BRAF | 7 | 140753336 | A | T,G,C |
rs113488022 | 24857351 | 947 | CD34 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Although this glioma was difficult to clarify, diagnosis of pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma with anaplastic feature was suggested based on the association of some pathological feature (eosinophilic granular bodies, reticulin network and diffuse CD34 expression) and the BRAF V600E mutation. | 0.000814326 | 2014 | BRAF | 7 | 140753336 | A | T,G,C |
rs113488022 | 22038996 | 673 | BRAF | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Using the BRAF(V600E)-specific inhibitor PLX4720, pharmacologic blockade of BRAF revealed preferential antiproliferative activity against BRAF(V600E) mutant cells in vitro, in contrast to the use of shRNA-mediated knockdown of BRAF, which inhibited cell growth of glioma cell lines regardless of BRAF mutation status. | 0.129424521 | 2011 | BRAF | 7 | 140753336 | A | T,G,C |
rs113488022 | 24057326 | 673 | BRAF | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | These results suggest that (a) BRAF-KIAA1549 fusion may be common in PAs with atypical clinicoradiologic and histologic features, including those at extracerebellar sites, (b) BRAF V600E mutation is uncommon in extracerebellar PAs, and (c) TP53 mutation analysis remains a valuable tool in identifying childhood gliomas that will likely behave in a malignant fashion. | 0.129424521 | 2013 | BRAF | 7 | 140753336 | A | T,G,C |
rs1136410 | 24853559 | 142 | PARP1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | The present meta-analysis provides evidence that the PARP-1 Val762Ala may be involved in cancer development at least in some ethnic groups (Asian) or some specific cancer types (gastric, cervical, and lung cancers, and glioma). | 0.0112586 | 2014 | PARP1 | 1 | 226367601 | A | G |
rs1136410 | 19124499 | 142 | PARP1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Interestingly, the risk for glioma was dramatically increased in ionizing radiation exposure individuals who had the wild-type genotypes of MGMT F84L and PARP1 A762V (adjusted odds ratios, 5.95; 95% confidence intervals, 2.21-16.65). | 0.0112586 | 2009 | PARP1 | 1 | 226367601 | A | G |
rs1136410 | 19124499 | 4255 | MGMT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Interestingly, the risk for glioma was dramatically increased in ionizing radiation exposure individuals who had the wild-type genotypes of MGMT F84L and PARP1 A762V (adjusted odds ratios, 5.95; 95% confidence intervals, 2.21-16.65). | 0.176010291 | 2009 | PARP1 | 1 | 226367601 | A | G |
rs1136410 | 24500421 | 2068 | ERCC2 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We found that SNPs rs3212986 (odds ratio [OR] = 1.35 (1.08-1.68), P = .008), rs13181 (OR = 1.18 (1.06-1.31), P = .002), and rs25487 (OR = 1.12 (1.03-1.22), P = .007) in DNA repair genes ERCC1, ERCC2 (XPD), and XRCC1 may increase the risk of glioma, while polymorphisms rs1136410 (OR = 0.78 (0.68-0.89), P = .0004) and rs12917 (OR = 0.84 (0.73-0.96), P = .01) in PARP1(ADPRT) and MGMT are associated with decreased susceptibility to glioma. | 0.010901282 | 2015 | PARP1 | 1 | 226367601 | A | G |
rs1136410 | 24500421 | 2067 | ERCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We found that SNPs rs3212986 (odds ratio [OR] = 1.35 (1.08-1.68), P = .008), rs13181 (OR = 1.18 (1.06-1.31), P = .002), and rs25487 (OR = 1.12 (1.03-1.22), P = .007) in DNA repair genes ERCC1, ERCC2 (XPD), and XRCC1 may increase the risk of glioma, while polymorphisms rs1136410 (OR = 0.78 (0.68-0.89), P = .0004) and rs12917 (OR = 0.84 (0.73-0.96), P = .01) in PARP1(ADPRT) and MGMT are associated with decreased susceptibility to glioma. | 0.012072926 | 2015 | PARP1 | 1 | 226367601 | A | G |
rs1138272 | 23079710 | 2950 | GSTP1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | However, the significant risk elevation is present between GSTP1 A114V genotype and other histopathologic glioma except GBM. | 0.130825337 | 2013 | GSTP1 | 11 | 67586108 | C | T |
rs11540654 | 18393224 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Prognostic value of TP53 Pro47Ser and Arg72Pro single nucleotide polymorphisms and the susceptibility to gliomas in individuals from Southeast Brazil. | 0.328651937 | 2008 | TP53 | 17 | 7676040 | C | T,G,A |
rs11540654 | 24046089 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Quantitative assessment of the association between TP53 Arg72Pro polymorphism and risk of glioma. | 0.328651937 | 2013 | TP53 | 17 | 7676040 | C | T,G,A |
rs11540654 | 23096687 | 4193 | MDM2 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Association of p53 Arg72Pro and MDM2 SNP309 polymorphisms with glioma. | 0.01596892 | 2012 | TP53 | 17 | 7676040 | C | T,G,A |
rs11540654 | 23096687 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Association of p53 Arg72Pro and MDM2 SNP309 polymorphisms with glioma. | 0.328651937 | 2012 | TP53 | 17 | 7676040 | C | T,G,A |
rs11540654 | 24488625 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | The effects of p53 Arg72Pro polymorphism on glioma susceptibility: a meta-analysis. | 0.328651937 | 2013 | TP53 | 17 | 7676040 | C | T,G,A |
rs11540654 | 23860773 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | The relationship of p53 codon 72 Arg/Pro polymorphism with the susceptibility to glioma needs further estimation by more individual studies with high quality across ethnicities. | 0.328651937 | 2013 | TP53 | 17 | 7676040 | C | T,G,A |
rs11554137 | 23184331 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | A single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) located on codon 105 of the isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) gene (reference SNP rs11554137) is analyzed in 3 independent series of patients with gliomas. | 0.221550393 | 2013 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248468 | G | A |
rs117149346 | 19340432 | 10249 | GLYAT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Mutations of the IDH1 gene are frequent in gliomas, with R132H (CGT-->CAT) being the most common (>85%). | 0.000542884 | 2009 | GLYAT | 11 | 58710686 | C | T |
rs117149346 | 19340432 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Mutations of the IDH1 gene are frequent in gliomas, with R132H (CGT-->CAT) being the most common (>85%). | 0.221550393 | 2009 | GLYAT | 11 | 58710686 | C | T |
rs118101777 | 25324168 | 3418 | IDH2 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Furthermore, one of multi-specific mAbs, MsMab-1, recognizes IDH1 mutants (R132H, R132S, R132G) and IDH2 mutants (R172S, R172G), which are observed in gliomas. | 0.051942544 | 2014 | IDH2 | 15 | 90087472 | C | T |
rs11979158 | 21825990 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.129815515 | 2011 | EGFR | 7 | 55091656 | A | G,T |
rs11979158 | 21825990 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.257263997 | 2011 | EGFR | 7 | 55091656 | A | G,T |
rs11979158 | 21825990 | 1956 | EGFR | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.222572316 | 2011 | EGFR | 7 | 55091656 | A | G,T |
rs11979158 | 23161787 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.17287254 | 2013 | EGFR | 7 | 55091656 | A | G,T |
rs11979158 | 21531791 | 1956 | EGFR | umls:C0017638 | GAD | [Chromosome 7p11.2 (EGFR) variation influences glioma risk.] | 0.222572316 | 2011 | EGFR | 7 | 55091656 | A | G,T |
rs11979158 | 23161787 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.252182547 | 2013 | EGFR | 7 | 55091656 | A | G,T |
rs11979158 | 23161787 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.257263997 | 2013 | EGFR | 7 | 55091656 | A | G,T |
rs11979158 | 21825990 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.269237234 | 2011 | EGFR | 7 | 55091656 | A | G,T |
rs11979158 | 21825990 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.135982733 | 2011 | EGFR | 7 | 55091656 | A | G,T |
rs11979158 | 23161787 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.135982733 | 2013 | EGFR | 7 | 55091656 | A | G,T |
rs11979158 | 21531791 | 1956 | EGFR | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | Chromosome 7p11.2 (EGFR) variation influences glioma risk. | 0.222572316 | 2011 | EGFR | 7 | 55091656 | A | G,T |
rs11979158 | 21825990 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.252182547 | 2011 | EGFR | 7 | 55091656 | A | G,T |
rs11979158 | 23161787 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.129815515 | 2013 | EGFR | 7 | 55091656 | A | G,T |
rs121909224 | 10435616 | 5728 | PTEN | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In contrast, ectopic expression of wild type PTEN, but not the PTEN(G129R) mutant, in PTEN-mutant gliomas markedly sensitizes these cells to irradiation and to CD95-ligand (CD95L)-induced apoptosis. | 0.18229318 | 1999 | PTEN | 10 | 87933147 | C | G,T |
rs121909224 | 10435616 | 356 | FASLG | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In contrast, ectopic expression of wild type PTEN, but not the PTEN(G129R) mutant, in PTEN-mutant gliomas markedly sensitizes these cells to irradiation and to CD95-ligand (CD95L)-induced apoptosis. | 0.007348794 | 1999 | PTEN | 10 | 87933147 | C | G,T |
rs121912651 | 18202704 | 145270 | PRIMA1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Overexpression of the paradigmatic p53 mutants p53(R175H), p53(R248W) and p53(R273H) in the p53 null glioma cell line LN-308 reveals that P53R3 induces p53-dependent antiproliferative effects with much higher specificity and over a wider range of concentrations than the previously described p53 rescue drug p53 reactivation and induction of massive apoptosis (PRIMA-1). | 0.000271442 | 2008 | TP53 | 17 | 7674221 | G | A |
rs121912660 | 22999923 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our observations indicate that the R280T mutation of p53 regulates the proliferation of human glioma cells related to the GSK-3β/PTEN pathway. | 0.328651937 | 2012 | TP53 | 17 | 7673781 | C | G,A |
rs121913389 | 9366518 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In order to test the candidacy of p16beta as a glioma suppressor, we replaced p16(INK4a), p15(INK4b) and p16beta wild-type as well as a series of seven glioma-derived p16beta alleles (R87H, A112V, R120H, A121V, G125R, A128A and A128V), into glioma cell lines that had either CDKN2A-/RB+ (U-87MG and U-251MG) or CDKN2A+/RB- (LN-319) endogenous backgrounds and demonstrated that p16beta can act as a functional glioma cell growth suppressor. | 0.135982733 | 1997 | CDKN2A | 9 | 21971029 | C | T |
rs121913499 | 25324168 | 3418 | IDH2 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Furthermore, one of multi-specific mAbs, MsMab-1, recognizes IDH1 mutants (R132H, R132S, R132G) and IDH2 mutants (R172S, R172G), which are observed in gliomas. | 0.051942544 | 2014 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248389 | G | T,A |
rs121913499 | 21352804 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We newly established an anti-IDH1-R132S-specific mAb SMab-1 for use in diagnosis of mutation-bearing gliomas. | 0.221550393 | 2011 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248389 | G | T,A |
rs121913499 | 24242757 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | IDH1 sequencing revealed two mutations (IDH1 (R132G) , IDH1 (R132C) ) out of 7 DIBG whereas the R132H IDH1 enzyme was detected in 1/17 DIBG, suggesting that IDH1 mutations are mostly non R132H in DIBG (2/2), in contrast to supratentorial gliomas (31/313; p = 0.01). | 0.221550393 | 2013 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248389 | G | T,A |
rs121913499 | 22323113 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | The frequency of IDH1/2 mutations was 56%, and the IDH1 R132C mutation, which is not common in diffuse gliomas or AML, accounted for 40% of these mutations. | 0.221550393 | 2012 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248389 | G | T,A |
rs121913500 | 26017892 | 161742 | SPRED1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Moreover, a truncating CIC mutation resulted in a defect of nuclear targeting of CIC protein to the nucleus in a human glioma cell line expressing IDH1(R132H) and overexpression of CCND1 and other new target genes of CIC, such as DUSP4 and SPRED1. | 0.000542884 | 2015 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 22158715 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | To analyze infiltration patterns of IDH1 mutant diffuse gliomas into the brain by identification of single tumor cells applying an antibody specific to mutant IDH1 R132H protein. | 0.221550393 | 2012 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 19340432 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Mutations of the IDH1 gene are frequent in gliomas, with R132H (CGT-->CAT) being the most common (>85%). | 0.221550393 | 2009 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 20886613 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | The p.Arg132His mutation of isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1(R132H) ) is a frequent alteration and a major prognostic marker in gliomas. | 0.221550393 | 2010 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 19340432 | 10249 | GLYAT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Mutations of the IDH1 gene are frequent in gliomas, with R132H (CGT-->CAT) being the most common (>85%). | 0.000542884 | 2009 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 22445362 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | The absence of mutant IDH1 R132H protein expression in AG may help further distinguish this unique neoplasm from diffuse glioma. | 0.221550393 | 2012 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 25324168 | 3418 | IDH2 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Furthermore, one of multi-specific mAbs, MsMab-1, recognizes IDH1 mutants (R132H, R132S, R132G) and IDH2 mutants (R172S, R172G), which are observed in gliomas. | 0.051942544 | 2014 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 21516462 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Similarly, the R132H isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 IDH1 mutation, which can now be detected by use of a specific antibody, predicts better outcome in gliomas. | 0.221550393 | 2011 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 24473683 | 1410 | CRYAB | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In conclusion, the association of a C-terminally truncated form of αB-crystallin protein with the IDH1(R132H) mutation is a novel finding that could impact apoptosis and stress response in IDH1 mutant glioma. | 0.000542884 | 2014 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 20077503 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Segregation of non-p.R132H mutations in IDH1 in distinct molecular subtypes of glioma. | 0.221550393 | 2010 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 24242757 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | IDH1 sequencing revealed two mutations (IDH1 (R132G) , IDH1 (R132C) ) out of 7 DIBG whereas the R132H IDH1 enzyme was detected in 1/17 DIBG, suggesting that IDH1 mutations are mostly non R132H in DIBG (2/2), in contrast to supratentorial gliomas (31/313; p = 0.01). | 0.221550393 | 2013 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 22197544 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Absence of IDH1-R132H mutation predicts rapid progression of nonenhancing diffuse glioma in older adults. | 0.221550393 | 2012 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 24473683 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In conclusion, the association of a C-terminally truncated form of αB-crystallin protein with the IDH1(R132H) mutation is a novel finding that could impact apoptosis and stress response in IDH1 mutant glioma. | 0.221550393 | 2014 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 22821382 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Somatic mutations of the isocitrate dehydrogenase-1 gene (IDH1), most commonly resulting in replacement of arginine at position 132 by histidine (p.R132H), have been reported for WHO grade II and III diffuse gliomas and secondary glioblastomas. | 0.221550393 | 2012 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 21760534 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Value and limitations of immunohistochemistry and gene sequencing for detection of the IDH1-R132H mutation in diffuse glioma biopsy specimens. | 0.221550393 | 2011 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 23011765 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | All these findings indicated that R132H mutational IDH1 is involved in the regulation of proliferation, growth, and migration of glioma cells. | 0.221550393 | 2013 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 26017892 | 1846 | DUSP4 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Moreover, a truncating CIC mutation resulted in a defect of nuclear targeting of CIC protein to the nucleus in a human glioma cell line expressing IDH1(R132H) and overexpression of CCND1 and other new target genes of CIC, such as DUSP4 and SPRED1. | 0.000542884 | 2015 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 22385787 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Also, we have shown that the expression of IDH1 R132H in GTNI is largely concordant with that in diffuse gliomas, and that it can be dependent on each histologic component although the mutant IDH1 gene is ubiquitously present within the tumor. | 0.221550393 | 2012 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 22304788 | 4255 | MGMT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Activated leukocyte adhesion molecule expression in gliomas was independent of proliferative activity, MGMT status, patient survival, and age, whereas gliomas with IDH1 (R132H) mutation had significantly higher activated leukocyte adhesion molecule levels than their wild-type counterparts. | 0.176010291 | 2012 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 25271760 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Several inhibitors were found to be permeable through the blood-brain barrier in a cell-based model assay and exhibit potent and selective activity (EC50 = 0.26-1.8 μM) against glioma cells with the IDH1 R132H mutation. | 0.221550393 | 2015 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 22785212 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Somatic mutation of Isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) at the locus of R132 (IDH1 (R132H)) occurs in > 70% of WHO grade II-III gliomas and secondary glioblastomas. | 0.221550393 | 2012 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 23111200 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | The IDH1 R132H point mutation is common in gliomas and acute myelogenous leukemia, but this has not been previously reported in breast carcinoma. | 0.221550393 | 2012 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 24895549 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | IDH1(R132H) mutation increases U87 glioma cell sensitivity to radiation therapy in hypoxia. | 0.221550393 | 2014 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 23527265 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | This glioma xenograft is the first to display a pure oligodendroglioma histology and expression of R132H. | 0.221550393 | 2013 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 25257301 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Furthermore our OncoPanel analysis revealed that 15% of IDH1/2 mutant gliomas would not be detected by traditional IDH1 (p.R132H) antibody testing, supporting the use of genomic technologies in providing clinically relevant data. | 0.221550393 | 2015 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 21845536 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | The aim of this study was to evaluate the prognostic relevance of an antibody specifically detecting the R132H point mutation of IDH1 in tissue sections in a large series of human gliomas. | 0.221550393 | 2011 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 26017892 | 595 | CCND1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Moreover, a truncating CIC mutation resulted in a defect of nuclear targeting of CIC protein to the nucleus in a human glioma cell line expressing IDH1(R132H) and overexpression of CCND1 and other new target genes of CIC, such as DUSP4 and SPRED1. | 0.010791662 | 2015 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 22304788 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Activated leukocyte adhesion molecule expression in gliomas was independent of proliferative activity, MGMT status, patient survival, and age, whereas gliomas with IDH1 (R132H) mutation had significantly higher activated leukocyte adhesion molecule levels than their wild-type counterparts. | 0.221550393 | 2012 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 25005896 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | IDH1 R132H mutation generates a distinct phospholipid metabolite profile in glioma. | 0.221550393 | 2015 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 24511544 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | The distinctive mutation IDH1 R132H was uncovered to be a strong prognostic biomarker for glioma patients. | 0.221550393 | 2013 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 24922649 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We report that glioma cells showing the IDH1(R132H) mutation become rapidly and spontaneously senescent in vitro. | 0.221550393 | 2014 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 24384677 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Double staining for IDH1-R132H and Ki-67 demonstrated that most invading cells that expressed IDH1-R132H were not stained by the Ki-67 antibody, and the ratio of Ki-67-positive cells among IDH1-R132H-positive cells was significantly lower in the invasion area than in the tumor core in all grades of glioma. | 0.221550393 | 2013 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 21760534 | 3976 | LIF | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | To assess the value of anti-isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) immunohistochemistry for evaluating diffuse gliomas, we analyzed anti-IDH1-R132H immunohistochemistry using monoclonal antibodies DIA-H09 and IMab-1 and IDH1 gene sequencing in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded biopsy samples of 95 diffuse gliomas. | 0.001628651 | 2011 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 21343879 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) mutations arecommon in lower-grade gliomas, with most causing a specific amino acid change (R132H) that can be detected with a monoclonal antibody. | 0.221550393 | 2011 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 26017892 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Moreover, a truncating CIC mutation resulted in a defect of nuclear targeting of CIC protein to the nucleus in a human glioma cell line expressing IDH1(R132H) and overexpression of CCND1 and other new target genes of CIC, such as DUSP4 and SPRED1. | 0.221550393 | 2015 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs121913500 | 25043048 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | As IDH1(R132H) is present in all tumour cells of these slow-growing gliomas, a mutation-specific anti-IDH1(R132H) vaccine may represent a viable novel therapeutic strategy for IDH1(R132H)-mutated tumours. | 0.221550393 | 2014 | IDH1 | 2 | 208248388 | C | T |
rs12917 | 19124499 | 3978 | LIG1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In the single-locus analysis, six single-nucleotide polymorphisms [ERCC1 3' untranslated region (UTR), XRCC1 R399Q, APEX1 E148D, PARP1 A762V, MGMT F84L, and LIG1 5'UTR] showed a significant association with glioma risk. | 0.007729856 | 2009 | MGMT | 10 | 129708019 | C | T |
rs12917 | 19124499 | 2067 | ERCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In the single-locus analysis, six single-nucleotide polymorphisms [ERCC1 3' untranslated region (UTR), XRCC1 R399Q, APEX1 E148D, PARP1 A762V, MGMT F84L, and LIG1 5'UTR] showed a significant association with glioma risk. | 0.012072926 | 2009 | MGMT | 10 | 129708019 | C | T |
rs12917 | 19124499 | 4255 | MGMT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Interestingly, the risk for glioma was dramatically increased in ionizing radiation exposure individuals who had the wild-type genotypes of MGMT F84L and PARP1 A762V (adjusted odds ratios, 5.95; 95% confidence intervals, 2.21-16.65). | 0.176010291 | 2009 | MGMT | 10 | 129708019 | C | T |
rs12917 | 24500421 | 2068 | ERCC2 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We found that SNPs rs3212986 (odds ratio [OR] = 1.35 (1.08-1.68), P = .008), rs13181 (OR = 1.18 (1.06-1.31), P = .002), and rs25487 (OR = 1.12 (1.03-1.22), P = .007) in DNA repair genes ERCC1, ERCC2 (XPD), and XRCC1 may increase the risk of glioma, while polymorphisms rs1136410 (OR = 0.78 (0.68-0.89), P = .0004) and rs12917 (OR = 0.84 (0.73-0.96), P = .01) in PARP1(ADPRT) and MGMT are associated with decreased susceptibility to glioma. | 0.010901282 | 2015 | MGMT | 10 | 129708019 | C | T |
rs12917 | 19124499 | 26018 | LRIG1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In the single-locus analysis, six single-nucleotide polymorphisms [ERCC1 3' untranslated region (UTR), XRCC1 R399Q, APEX1 E148D, PARP1 A762V, MGMT F84L, and LIG1 5'UTR] showed a significant association with glioma risk. | 0.002985861 | 2009 | MGMT | 10 | 129708019 | C | T |
rs12917 | 19124499 | 142 | PARP1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Interestingly, the risk for glioma was dramatically increased in ionizing radiation exposure individuals who had the wild-type genotypes of MGMT F84L and PARP1 A762V (adjusted odds ratios, 5.95; 95% confidence intervals, 2.21-16.65). | 0.0112586 | 2009 | MGMT | 10 | 129708019 | C | T |
rs12917 | 24500421 | 2067 | ERCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We found that SNPs rs3212986 (odds ratio [OR] = 1.35 (1.08-1.68), P = .008), rs13181 (OR = 1.18 (1.06-1.31), P = .002), and rs25487 (OR = 1.12 (1.03-1.22), P = .007) in DNA repair genes ERCC1, ERCC2 (XPD), and XRCC1 may increase the risk of glioma, while polymorphisms rs1136410 (OR = 0.78 (0.68-0.89), P = .0004) and rs12917 (OR = 0.84 (0.73-0.96), P = .01) in PARP1(ADPRT) and MGMT are associated with decreased susceptibility to glioma. | 0.012072926 | 2015 | MGMT | 10 | 129708019 | C | T |
rs13181 | 24500421 | 2067 | ERCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We found that SNPs rs3212986 (odds ratio [OR] = 1.35 (1.08-1.68), P = .008), rs13181 (OR = 1.18 (1.06-1.31), P = .002), and rs25487 (OR = 1.12 (1.03-1.22), P = .007) in DNA repair genes ERCC1, ERCC2 (XPD), and XRCC1 may increase the risk of glioma, while polymorphisms rs1136410 (OR = 0.78 (0.68-0.89), P = .0004) and rs12917 (OR = 0.84 (0.73-0.96), P = .01) in PARP1(ADPRT) and MGMT are associated with decreased susceptibility to glioma. | 0.012072926 | 2015 | ERCC2;KLC3 | 19 | 45351661 | T | A,G |
rs13181 | 24254311 | 2068 | ERCC2 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Association between ERCC1 C8092A and ERCC2 K751Q polymorphisms and risk of adult glioma: a meta-analysis. | 0.010901282 | 2013 | ERCC2;KLC3 | 19 | 45351661 | T | A,G |
rs13181 | 25867436 | 2068 | ERCC2 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Systematic review on the association between ERCC1 rs3212986 and ERCC2 rs13181 polymorphisms and glioma risk. | 0.010901282 | 2016 | ERCC2;KLC3 | 19 | 45351661 | T | A,G |
rs13181 | 25867436 | 2067 | ERCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Systematic review on the association between ERCC1 rs3212986 and ERCC2 rs13181 polymorphisms and glioma risk. | 0.012072926 | 2016 | ERCC2;KLC3 | 19 | 45351661 | T | A,G |
rs13181 | 24500421 | 2068 | ERCC2 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We found that SNPs rs3212986 (odds ratio [OR] = 1.35 (1.08-1.68), P = .008), rs13181 (OR = 1.18 (1.06-1.31), P = .002), and rs25487 (OR = 1.12 (1.03-1.22), P = .007) in DNA repair genes ERCC1, ERCC2 (XPD), and XRCC1 may increase the risk of glioma, while polymorphisms rs1136410 (OR = 0.78 (0.68-0.89), P = .0004) and rs12917 (OR = 0.84 (0.73-0.96), P = .01) in PARP1(ADPRT) and MGMT are associated with decreased susceptibility to glioma. | 0.010901282 | 2015 | ERCC2;KLC3 | 19 | 45351661 | T | A,G |
rs13181 | 24763305 | 2068 | ERCC2 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Association of ERCC1 C8092A and ERCC2 Lys751Gln polymorphisms with the risk of glioma: a meta-analysis. | 0.010901282 | 2014 | ERCC2;KLC3 | 19 | 45351661 | T | A,G |
rs13181 | 24254311 | 2067 | ERCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | The results of this meta-analysis indicate that the AA genotype of ERCC1 C8092A may be associated with a higher risk of adult glioma than the CA and CC genotypes and that the risk allele of ERCC2 K751Q confers a significant susceptibility to adult glioma, especially in Asian populations. | 0.012072926 | 2013 | ERCC2;KLC3 | 19 | 45351661 | T | A,G |
rs13181 | 24763305 | 2067 | ERCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Association of ERCC1 C8092A and ERCC2 Lys751Gln polymorphisms with the risk of glioma: a meta-analysis. | 0.012072926 | 2014 | ERCC2;KLC3 | 19 | 45351661 | T | A,G |
rs1412829 | 19578366 | 100048912 | CDKN2B-AS1 | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | Variants in the CDKN2B and RTEL1 regions are associated with high-grade glioma susceptibility. | 0.120542884 | 2009 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22043927 | A | G |
rs1468727 | 23244079 | 7517 | XRCC3 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our comprehensive analysis of nine SNPs in eight genes suggests that the rs730437 and rs1468727 in ERGF, rs1799782 in XRCC1 gene, and rs861539 in XRCC3 gene are associated with glioma risk. | 0.009815515 | 2012 | EGFR | 7 | 55162412 | C | T |
rs1468727 | 23244079 | 7515 | XRCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our comprehensive analysis of nine SNPs in eight genes suggests that the rs730437 and rs1468727 in ERGF, rs1799782 in XRCC1 gene, and rs861539 in XRCC3 gene are associated with glioma risk. | 0.021074115 | 2012 | EGFR | 7 | 55162412 | C | T |
rs150899403 | 24747966 | 1956 | EGFR | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We have expressed, in human glioma cells, EGFR containing four glioma-specific EGFR missense mutations within Domain IV (C620Y, C624F, C628Y and C636Y) to analyze their biological properties and sensitivity to EGFR inhibition. | 0.222572316 | 2014 | EGFR | 7 | 55165416 | G | A |
rs1642785 | 21115003 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | TP53 polymorphisms in gliomas from Indian patients: Study of codon 72 genotype, rs1642785, rs1800370 and 16 base pair insertion in intron-3. | 0.328651937 | 2011 | TP53 | 17 | 7676483 | G | T,C |
rs1695 | 23975366 | 27306 | HPGDS | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Glutathione S-transferase P1 (GSTP1) gene Ile105Val polymorphism has been suggested to be involved in the development of glioma. | 0.004071628 | 2013 | GSTP1 | 11 | 67585218 | A | G |
rs1695 | 23975366 | 2950 | GSTP1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Glutathione S-transferase P1 (GSTP1) gene Ile105Val polymorphism has been suggested to be involved in the development of glioma. | 0.130825337 | 2013 | GSTP1 | 11 | 67585218 | A | G |
rs1695 | 12540498 | 1571 | CYP2E1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | There was evidence of supermultiplicativity of the joint effect of GSTP1 I105V and CYP2E1 RsaI variants on both glioma and acoustic neuroma, even following adjustment of estimates toward a common prior distribution using hierarchical regression models. | 0.000271442 | 2003 | GSTP1 | 11 | 67585218 | A | G |
rs1695 | 12540498 | 2950 | GSTP1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | There was evidence of supermultiplicativity of the joint effect of GSTP1 I105V and CYP2E1 RsaI variants on both glioma and acoustic neuroma, even following adjustment of estimates toward a common prior distribution using hierarchical regression models. | 0.130825337 | 2003 | GSTP1 | 11 | 67585218 | A | G |
rs17655 | 23534771 | 2073 | ERCC5 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In conclusion, our study has shown that XRCC1 Gln399Arg, XRCC1 Arg194Trp, XRCC3 Thr241Met and ERCC5 Asp1558His are associated with risk of gliomas and meningiomas. | 0.002909916 | 2013 | ERCC5;BIVM-ERCC5 | 13 | 102875652 | G | C |
rs17655 | 23534771 | 7515 | XRCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In conclusion, our study has shown that XRCC1 Gln399Arg, XRCC1 Arg194Trp, XRCC3 Thr241Met and ERCC5 Asp1558His are associated with risk of gliomas and meningiomas. | 0.021074115 | 2013 | ERCC5;BIVM-ERCC5 | 13 | 102875652 | G | C |
rs17655 | 23534771 | 7517 | XRCC3 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In conclusion, our study has shown that XRCC1 Gln399Arg, XRCC1 Arg194Trp, XRCC3 Thr241Met and ERCC5 Asp1558His are associated with risk of gliomas and meningiomas. | 0.009815515 | 2013 | ERCC5;BIVM-ERCC5 | 13 | 102875652 | G | C |
rs1799782 | 20150366 | 7515 | XRCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Decreased glioma risk was observed with the XRCC1 rs1799782 variant (P(trend) .04). | 0.021074115 | 2010 | XRCC1 | 19 | 43553422 | G | A |
rs1799782 | 23534771 | 7517 | XRCC3 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In conclusion, our study has shown that XRCC1 Gln399Arg, XRCC1 Arg194Trp, XRCC3 Thr241Met and ERCC5 Asp1558His are associated with risk of gliomas and meningiomas. | 0.009815515 | 2013 | XRCC1 | 19 | 43553422 | G | A |
rs1799782 | 23244079 | 7517 | XRCC3 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our comprehensive analysis of nine SNPs in eight genes suggests that the rs730437 and rs1468727 in ERGF, rs1799782 in XRCC1 gene, and rs861539 in XRCC3 gene are associated with glioma risk. | 0.009815515 | 2012 | XRCC1 | 19 | 43553422 | G | A |
rs1799782 | 23534771 | 7515 | XRCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In conclusion, our study has shown that XRCC1 Gln399Arg, XRCC1 Arg194Trp, XRCC3 Thr241Met and ERCC5 Asp1558His are associated with risk of gliomas and meningiomas. | 0.021074115 | 2013 | XRCC1 | 19 | 43553422 | G | A |
rs1799782 | 23534771 | 2073 | ERCC5 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In conclusion, our study has shown that XRCC1 Gln399Arg, XRCC1 Arg194Trp, XRCC3 Thr241Met and ERCC5 Asp1558His are associated with risk of gliomas and meningiomas. | 0.002909916 | 2013 | XRCC1 | 19 | 43553422 | G | A |
rs1799782 | 25227852 | 5111 | PCNA | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | The XRCC1 Arg194Trp variant affects the proliferating cell nuclear antigen( PCNA) binding region, which suggests that this mutation may contribute to gliomagenesis and a number of articles have examine the association between XRCC1 Arg194Trp and the susceptibility to glioma.However, the results were conflicting. | 0.006710102 | 2015 | XRCC1 | 19 | 43553422 | G | A |
rs1799782 | 23244079 | 7515 | XRCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our comprehensive analysis of nine SNPs in eight genes suggests that the rs730437 and rs1468727 in ERGF, rs1799782 in XRCC1 gene, and rs861539 in XRCC3 gene are associated with glioma risk. | 0.021074115 | 2012 | XRCC1 | 19 | 43553422 | G | A |
rs1799782 | 24500421 | 7517 | XRCC3 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | No evidence of significant associations between ERCC2 rs1799793, OGG1 rs1052133, XRCC1 rs25489, XRCC1 rs1799782, or XRCC3 rs861539 and risk of glioma was observed. | 0.009815515 | 2015 | XRCC1 | 19 | 43553422 | G | A |
rs1799782 | 25227852 | 7515 | XRCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Association between the XRCC1 Arg194Trp polymorphism and glioma risk: an updated meta-analysis. | 0.021074115 | 2015 | XRCC1 | 19 | 43553422 | G | A |
rs1799793 | 24500421 | 7517 | XRCC3 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | No evidence of significant associations between ERCC2 rs1799793, OGG1 rs1052133, XRCC1 rs25489, XRCC1 rs1799782, or XRCC3 rs861539 and risk of glioma was observed. | 0.009815515 | 2015 | ERCC2 | 19 | 45364001 | C | T |
rs1799931 | 22782629 | 1950 | EGF | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genetic polymorphisms of EGF 5'-UTR and NAT2 857G/A associated with glioma in a case control study of Malaysian patients. | 0.026850339 | 2012 | NAT2 | 8 | 18400860 | G | A |
rs1799931 | 22782629 | 10 | NAT2 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genetic polymorphisms of EGF 5'-UTR and NAT2 857G/A associated with glioma in a case control study of Malaysian patients. | 0.000542884 | 2012 | NAT2 | 8 | 18400860 | G | A |
rs1799969 | 24289603 | 3383 | ICAM1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Similarly, the frequency of the A mutant allele of ICAM-1 R241G was statistically significant in patients with brain tumors classified as glioma (p<0.001). | 0.003528744 | 2014 | ICAM1;LOC105372272 | 19 | 10284116 | G | A |
rs1800370 | 21115003 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | TP53 polymorphisms in gliomas from Indian patients: Study of codon 72 genotype, rs1642785, rs1800370 and 16 base pair insertion in intron-3. | 0.328651937 | 2011 | TP53 | 17 | 7676261 | C | T |
rs1800371 | 18393224 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Prognostic value of TP53 Pro47Ser and Arg72Pro single nucleotide polymorphisms and the susceptibility to gliomas in individuals from Southeast Brazil. | 0.328651937 | 2008 | TP53 | 17 | 7676230 | G | A |
rs1800562 | 21190189 | 3077 | HFE | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Both the human neuroblastoma and glioma cells that express the C282Y HFE variant are resistant to Temodar, geldanamycin and γ-radiation. | 0.000542884 | 2011 | HFE | 6 | 26092913 | G | A |
rs1800668 | 23259684 | 340719 | NANOS1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Using single-locus analysis, we identified four SNPs (SOD2 V16A, SOD3 T58A, GPX1 -46 C/T, and NOS1 3'-UTR) that were significantly associated with the risk of glioma development. | 0.000542884 | 2012 | GPX1 | 3 | 49358324 | G | A |
rs1800668 | 23259684 | 4842 | NOS1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Using single-locus analysis, we identified four SNPs (SOD2 V16A, SOD3 T58A, GPX1 -46 C/T, and NOS1 3'-UTR) that were significantly associated with the risk of glioma development. | 0.000542884 | 2012 | GPX1 | 3 | 49358324 | G | A |
rs1800668 | 23259684 | 6649 | SOD3 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Using single-locus analysis, we identified four SNPs (SOD2 V16A, SOD3 T58A, GPX1 -46 C/T, and NOS1 3'-UTR) that were significantly associated with the risk of glioma development. | 0.000542884 | 2012 | GPX1 | 3 | 49358324 | G | A |
rs1800668 | 23259684 | 2876 | GPX1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Using single-locus analysis, we identified four SNPs (SOD2 V16A, SOD3 T58A, GPX1 -46 C/T, and NOS1 3'-UTR) that were significantly associated with the risk of glioma development. | 0.000271442 | 2012 | GPX1 | 3 | 49358324 | G | A |
rs1800795 | 17916900 | 3565 | IL4 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | The IL4 (rs2243248, -1098T>G) and IL6 (rs1800795, -174G>C) polymorphisms were significantly associated with risk of glioma in the pooled analysis (P trend = 0.006 and 0.04, respectively), although these became attenuated after controlling for the false discovery rate (P trend = 0.07 and 0.22, respectively). | 0.005081451 | 2007 | IL6;LOC541472 | 7 | 22727026 | C | G |
rs1800795 | 17916900 | 3569 | IL6 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | The IL4 (rs2243248, -1098T>G) and IL6 (rs1800795, -174G>C) polymorphisms were significantly associated with risk of glioma in the pooled analysis (P trend = 0.006 and 0.04, respectively), although these became attenuated after controlling for the false discovery rate (P trend = 0.07 and 0.22, respectively). | 0.015134731 | 2007 | IL6;LOC541472 | 7 | 22727026 | C | G |
rs1800896 | 20406895 | 3596 | IL13 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In the single-locus analysis of the 23 examined SNPs, 1 pro-inflammatory and 2 anti-inflammatory gene SNPs were significantly associated with glioma risk (COX2/PTGS2, rs20417 [OR = 1.41]; IL10, rs1800896 [OR = 1.57]; and IL13, rs20541 [OR = 0.39], respectively). | 0.007057489 | 2010 | IL10 | 1 | 206773552 | T | C |
rs1800896 | 20406895 | 5743 | PTGS2 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In the single-locus analysis of the 23 examined SNPs, 1 pro-inflammatory and 2 anti-inflammatory gene SNPs were significantly associated with glioma risk (COX2/PTGS2, rs20417 [OR = 1.41]; IL10, rs1800896 [OR = 1.57]; and IL13, rs20541 [OR = 0.39], respectively). | 0.133601888 | 2010 | IL10 | 1 | 206773552 | T | C |
rs1800896 | 20406895 | 3586 | IL10 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In the single-locus analysis of the 23 examined SNPs, 1 pro-inflammatory and 2 anti-inflammatory gene SNPs were significantly associated with glioma risk (COX2/PTGS2, rs20417 [OR = 1.41]; IL10, rs1800896 [OR = 1.57]; and IL13, rs20541 [OR = 0.39], respectively). | 0.002985861 | 2010 | IL10 | 1 | 206773552 | T | C |
rs1800925 | 23246181 | 3596 | IL13 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our meta-analysis suggests that the IL13 rs20541 polymorphism contributes to susceptibility to cancer, especially for glioma; and the IL13 rs1800925 polymorphism may be associated with glioma risk. | 0.007057489 | 2013 | IL13;LOC101927761 | 5 | 132657117 | C | T |
rs1801275 | 21196282 | 3566 | IL4R | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Interaction between IL-13 Arg130Gln and IL-4Ra Gln576Arg was observed in decreasing glioma risk (p=0.045). | 0.001900093 | 2011 | IL4R | 16 | 27363079 | A | G |
rs1801275 | 23395224 | 3566 | IL4R | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | This meta-analysis suggests that the IL13 rs20541 but not the IL-4Rα rs1801275 polymorphism may be a genetic predictor for glioma. | 0.001900093 | 2013 | IL4R | 16 | 27363079 | A | G |
rs1801275 | 21196282 | 3596 | IL13 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Interaction between IL-13 Arg130Gln and IL-4Ra Gln576Arg was observed in decreasing glioma risk (p=0.045). | 0.007057489 | 2011 | IL4R | 16 | 27363079 | A | G |
rs1801275 | 23979976 | 3566 | IL4R | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our meta-analysis suggests that the polymorphism of IL-4Rα rs1801275 but not IL-4Rα rs1805015 plays a protective role in the glioma pathogenesis, particularly among Asians. | 0.001900093 | 2013 | IL4R | 16 | 27363079 | A | G |
rs1805015 | 23979976 | 3566 | IL4R | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our meta-analysis suggests that the polymorphism of IL-4Rα rs1801275 but not IL-4Rα rs1805015 plays a protective role in the glioma pathogenesis, particularly among Asians. | 0.001900093 | 2013 | IL4R | 16 | 27362859 | T | C |
rs1805377 | 23663450 | 7518 | XRCC4 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | These results indicate for the first time that LIG4 rs1805388 and XRCC4 rs1805377, alone or in combination, are associated with a risk of gliomas. | 0.007915422 | 2013 | XRCC4 | 5 | 83353124 | G | A |
rs1805377 | 23663450 | 3981 | LIG4 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | These results indicate for the first time that LIG4 rs1805388 and XRCC4 rs1805377, alone or in combination, are associated with a risk of gliomas. | 0.008458305 | 2013 | XRCC4 | 5 | 83353124 | G | A |
rs1805388 | 23663450 | 7518 | XRCC4 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | These results indicate for the first time that LIG4 rs1805388 and XRCC4 rs1805377, alone or in combination, are associated with a risk of gliomas. | 0.007915422 | 2013 | LIG4 | 13 | 108211243 | G | A |
rs1805388 | 23663450 | 3981 | LIG4 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | These results indicate for the first time that LIG4 rs1805388 and XRCC4 rs1805377, alone or in combination, are associated with a risk of gliomas. | 0.008458305 | 2013 | LIG4 | 13 | 108211243 | G | A |
rs1920116 | 24908248 | 79782 | LRRC31 | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | Variants near TERT and TERC influencing telomere length are associated with high-grade glioma risk. | 0.12 | 2014 | LRRC31 | 3 | 169862183 | G | A |
rs2016347 | 18562769 | 3480 | IGF1R | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | No indications of association were seen for glioblastoma, but for low-grade gliomas, the odds ratio under a dominant model was 0.56 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.35-0.90) for IGF1 rs6220, 2.98 (95% CI, 1.65-5.38) for IGF1R rs2272037, and 1.60 (95% CI, 0.90-2.83) for IGF1R rs2016347. | 0.006263026 | 2008 | IGF1R | 15 | 98960571 | G | T |
rs2016347 | 18562769 | 3479 | IGF1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | No indications of association were seen for glioblastoma, but for low-grade gliomas, the odds ratio under a dominant model was 0.56 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.35-0.90) for IGF1 rs6220, 2.98 (95% CI, 1.65-5.38) for IGF1R rs2272037, and 1.60 (95% CI, 0.90-2.83) for IGF1R rs2016347. | 0.006795978 | 2008 | IGF1R | 15 | 98960571 | G | T |
rs201652303 | 10435616 | 5728 | PTEN | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In contrast, ectopic expression of wild type PTEN, but not the PTEN(G129R) mutant, in PTEN-mutant gliomas markedly sensitizes these cells to irradiation and to CD95-ligand (CD95L)-induced apoptosis. | 0.18229318 | 1999 | PTEN;KLLN | 10 | 87862106 | G | C |
rs201652303 | 10435616 | 356 | FASLG | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In contrast, ectopic expression of wild type PTEN, but not the PTEN(G129R) mutant, in PTEN-mutant gliomas markedly sensitizes these cells to irradiation and to CD95-ligand (CD95L)-induced apoptosis. | 0.007348794 | 1999 | PTEN;KLLN | 10 | 87862106 | G | C |
rs20417 | 20406895 | 3586 | IL10 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In the single-locus analysis of the 23 examined SNPs, 1 pro-inflammatory and 2 anti-inflammatory gene SNPs were significantly associated with glioma risk (COX2/PTGS2, rs20417 [OR = 1.41]; IL10, rs1800896 [OR = 1.57]; and IL13, rs20541 [OR = 0.39], respectively). | 0.002985861 | 2010 | PTGS2;PACERR | 1 | 186681189 | C | G |
rs20417 | 20406895 | 3596 | IL13 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In the single-locus analysis of the 23 examined SNPs, 1 pro-inflammatory and 2 anti-inflammatory gene SNPs were significantly associated with glioma risk (COX2/PTGS2, rs20417 [OR = 1.41]; IL10, rs1800896 [OR = 1.57]; and IL13, rs20541 [OR = 0.39], respectively). | 0.007057489 | 2010 | PTGS2;PACERR | 1 | 186681189 | C | G |
rs20417 | 20406895 | 5743 | PTGS2 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In the single-locus analysis of the 23 examined SNPs, 1 pro-inflammatory and 2 anti-inflammatory gene SNPs were significantly associated with glioma risk (COX2/PTGS2, rs20417 [OR = 1.41]; IL10, rs1800896 [OR = 1.57]; and IL13, rs20541 [OR = 0.39], respectively). | 0.133601888 | 2010 | PTGS2;PACERR | 1 | 186681189 | C | G |
rs20541 | 23246181 | 3596 | IL13 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our meta-analysis suggests that the IL13 rs20541 polymorphism contributes to susceptibility to cancer, especially for glioma; and the IL13 rs1800925 polymorphism may be associated with glioma risk. | 0.007057489 | 2013 | IL13 | 5 | 132660272 | A | G |
rs20541 | 20406895 | 3586 | IL10 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In the single-locus analysis of the 23 examined SNPs, 1 pro-inflammatory and 2 anti-inflammatory gene SNPs were significantly associated with glioma risk (COX2/PTGS2, rs20417 [OR = 1.41]; IL10, rs1800896 [OR = 1.57]; and IL13, rs20541 [OR = 0.39], respectively). | 0.002985861 | 2010 | IL13 | 5 | 132660272 | A | G |
rs20541 | 20406895 | 5743 | PTGS2 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In the single-locus analysis of the 23 examined SNPs, 1 pro-inflammatory and 2 anti-inflammatory gene SNPs were significantly associated with glioma risk (COX2/PTGS2, rs20417 [OR = 1.41]; IL10, rs1800896 [OR = 1.57]; and IL13, rs20541 [OR = 0.39], respectively). | 0.133601888 | 2010 | IL13 | 5 | 132660272 | A | G |
rs20541 | 20406895 | 3596 | IL13 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In the single-locus analysis of the 23 examined SNPs, 1 pro-inflammatory and 2 anti-inflammatory gene SNPs were significantly associated with glioma risk (COX2/PTGS2, rs20417 [OR = 1.41]; IL10, rs1800896 [OR = 1.57]; and IL13, rs20541 [OR = 0.39], respectively). | 0.007057489 | 2010 | IL13 | 5 | 132660272 | A | G |
rs20541 | 23395224 | 3566 | IL4R | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | This meta-analysis suggests that the IL13 rs20541 but not the IL-4Rα rs1801275 polymorphism may be a genetic predictor for glioma. | 0.001900093 | 2013 | IL13 | 5 | 132660272 | A | G |
rs2157719 | 21531791 | 100048912 | CDKN2B-AS1 | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | Chromosome 7p11.2 (EGFR) variation influences glioma risk. | 0.120542884 | 2011 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22033367 | C | T |
rs2243248 | 17916900 | 3565 | IL4 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | The IL4 (rs2243248, -1098T>G) and IL6 (rs1800795, -174G>C) polymorphisms were significantly associated with risk of glioma in the pooled analysis (P trend = 0.006 and 0.04, respectively), although these became attenuated after controlling for the false discovery rate (P trend = 0.07 and 0.22, respectively). | 0.005081451 | 2007 | IL4 | 5 | 132672952 | T | G |
rs2243248 | 17916900 | 3569 | IL6 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | The IL4 (rs2243248, -1098T>G) and IL6 (rs1800795, -174G>C) polymorphisms were significantly associated with risk of glioma in the pooled analysis (P trend = 0.006 and 0.04, respectively), although these became attenuated after controlling for the false discovery rate (P trend = 0.07 and 0.22, respectively). | 0.015134731 | 2007 | IL4 | 5 | 132672952 | T | G |
rs2252586 | 21825990 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.269237234 | 2011 | NA | 7 | 54911231 | C | T |
rs2252586 | 21531791 | 23480 | SEC61G | umls:C0017638 | GAD | [Chromosome 7p11.2 (EGFR) variation influences glioma risk.] | 0.002367032 | 2011 | NA | 7 | 54911231 | C | T |
rs2252586 | 23161787 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.129815515 | 2013 | NA | 7 | 54911231 | C | T |
rs2252586 | 21825990 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.257263997 | 2011 | NA | 7 | 54911231 | C | T |
rs2252586 | 21825990 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.135982733 | 2011 | NA | 7 | 54911231 | C | T |
rs2252586 | 21825990 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.129815515 | 2011 | NA | 7 | 54911231 | C | T |
rs2252586 | 21825990 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.252182547 | 2011 | NA | 7 | 54911231 | C | T |
rs2252586 | 21825990 | 1956 | EGFR | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.222572316 | 2011 | NA | 7 | 54911231 | C | T |
rs2252586 | 23161787 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.135982733 | 2013 | NA | 7 | 54911231 | C | T |
rs2252586 | 23161787 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.252182547 | 2013 | NA | 7 | 54911231 | C | T |
rs2252586 | 23161787 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.17287254 | 2013 | NA | 7 | 54911231 | C | T |
rs2252586 | 23161787 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.257263997 | 2013 | NA | 7 | 54911231 | C | T |
rs2272037 | 18562769 | 3480 | IGF1R | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | No indications of association were seen for glioblastoma, but for low-grade gliomas, the odds ratio under a dominant model was 0.56 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.35-0.90) for IGF1 rs6220, 2.98 (95% CI, 1.65-5.38) for IGF1R rs2272037, and 1.60 (95% CI, 0.90-2.83) for IGF1R rs2016347. | 0.006263026 | 2008 | IGF1R | 15 | 98913024 | T | C |
rs2272037 | 18562769 | 3479 | IGF1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | No indications of association were seen for glioblastoma, but for low-grade gliomas, the odds ratio under a dominant model was 0.56 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.35-0.90) for IGF1 rs6220, 2.98 (95% CI, 1.65-5.38) for IGF1R rs2272037, and 1.60 (95% CI, 0.90-2.83) for IGF1R rs2016347. | 0.006795978 | 2008 | IGF1R | 15 | 98913024 | T | C |
rs2289591 | 24135790 | 5187 | PER1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | A variant in PER1 (rs2289591) was significantly associated with overall glioma risk (per variant allele OR 0.80; 95 % CI 0.66-0.97; p trend = 0.027). | 0.000542884 | 2013 | PER1;MIR6883;LOC105371522 | 17 | 8144692 | C | A |
rs2293157 | 24878107 | 6777 | STAT5B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Nevertheless, STAT5b rs2293157 G/T genotype was at increased risk of glioma (P=0.001). | 0.000814326 | 2014 | STAT5A | 17 | 42300657 | C | A |
rs2536512 | 23259684 | 2876 | GPX1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Using single-locus analysis, we identified four SNPs (SOD2 V16A, SOD3 T58A, GPX1 -46 C/T, and NOS1 3'-UTR) that were significantly associated with the risk of glioma development. | 0.000271442 | 2012 | SOD3 | 4 | 24799693 | G | A |
rs2536512 | 23259684 | 4842 | NOS1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Using single-locus analysis, we identified four SNPs (SOD2 V16A, SOD3 T58A, GPX1 -46 C/T, and NOS1 3'-UTR) that were significantly associated with the risk of glioma development. | 0.000542884 | 2012 | SOD3 | 4 | 24799693 | G | A |
rs2536512 | 23259684 | 340719 | NANOS1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Using single-locus analysis, we identified four SNPs (SOD2 V16A, SOD3 T58A, GPX1 -46 C/T, and NOS1 3'-UTR) that were significantly associated with the risk of glioma development. | 0.000542884 | 2012 | SOD3 | 4 | 24799693 | G | A |
rs2536512 | 23259684 | 6649 | SOD3 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Using single-locus analysis, we identified four SNPs (SOD2 V16A, SOD3 T58A, GPX1 -46 C/T, and NOS1 3'-UTR) that were significantly associated with the risk of glioma development. | 0.000542884 | 2012 | SOD3 | 4 | 24799693 | G | A |
rs25487 | 23534771 | 2073 | ERCC5 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In conclusion, our study has shown that XRCC1 Gln399Arg, XRCC1 Arg194Trp, XRCC3 Thr241Met and ERCC5 Asp1558His are associated with risk of gliomas and meningiomas. | 0.002909916 | 2013 | XRCC1 | 19 | 43551574 | T | C |
rs25487 | 24258108 | 7515 | XRCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Assessment of the association between XRCC1 Arg399Gln polymorphism and glioma susceptibility. | 0.021074115 | 2013 | XRCC1 | 19 | 43551574 | T | C |
rs25487 | 20868244 | 7515 | XRCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We conclude that XRCC1 Arg399Gln polymorphism is a significant risk factor, and 399Gln (G) allele carries a 3.5 times greater risk for glioma, while PARP1 Val/Ala genotype may be protective against it. | 0.021074115 | 2010 | XRCC1 | 19 | 43551574 | T | C |
rs25487 | 24500421 | 2067 | ERCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We found that SNPs rs3212986 (odds ratio [OR] = 1.35 (1.08-1.68), P = .008), rs13181 (OR = 1.18 (1.06-1.31), P = .002), and rs25487 (OR = 1.12 (1.03-1.22), P = .007) in DNA repair genes ERCC1, ERCC2 (XPD), and XRCC1 may increase the risk of glioma, while polymorphisms rs1136410 (OR = 0.78 (0.68-0.89), P = .0004) and rs12917 (OR = 0.84 (0.73-0.96), P = .01) in PARP1(ADPRT) and MGMT are associated with decreased susceptibility to glioma. | 0.012072926 | 2015 | XRCC1 | 19 | 43551574 | T | C |
rs25487 | 23534771 | 7517 | XRCC3 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In conclusion, our study has shown that XRCC1 Gln399Arg, XRCC1 Arg194Trp, XRCC3 Thr241Met and ERCC5 Asp1558His are associated with risk of gliomas and meningiomas. | 0.009815515 | 2013 | XRCC1 | 19 | 43551574 | T | C |
rs25487 | 24500421 | 2068 | ERCC2 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We found that SNPs rs3212986 (odds ratio [OR] = 1.35 (1.08-1.68), P = .008), rs13181 (OR = 1.18 (1.06-1.31), P = .002), and rs25487 (OR = 1.12 (1.03-1.22), P = .007) in DNA repair genes ERCC1, ERCC2 (XPD), and XRCC1 may increase the risk of glioma, while polymorphisms rs1136410 (OR = 0.78 (0.68-0.89), P = .0004) and rs12917 (OR = 0.84 (0.73-0.96), P = .01) in PARP1(ADPRT) and MGMT are associated with decreased susceptibility to glioma. | 0.010901282 | 2015 | XRCC1 | 19 | 43551574 | T | C |
rs25487 | 23534771 | 7515 | XRCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In conclusion, our study has shown that XRCC1 Gln399Arg, XRCC1 Arg194Trp, XRCC3 Thr241Met and ERCC5 Asp1558His are associated with risk of gliomas and meningiomas. | 0.021074115 | 2013 | XRCC1 | 19 | 43551574 | T | C |
rs25489 | 24500421 | 7517 | XRCC3 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | No evidence of significant associations between ERCC2 rs1799793, OGG1 rs1052133, XRCC1 rs25489, XRCC1 rs1799782, or XRCC3 rs861539 and risk of glioma was observed. | 0.009815515 | 2015 | XRCC1 | 19 | 43552260 | C | T,G |
rs2736098 | 21350045 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Overall, the authors identified 3 susceptibility loci for glioma risk at 20q13.33 (RTEL1 rs6010620 (P = 2.79 × 10(-6))), 11q23.3 (PHLDB1 rs498872 (P = 3.8 × 10(-6))), and 5p15.33 (TERT rs2736100 (P = 3.69 × 10(-4))) in this study population; these loci were also associated with glioblastoma risk (20q13.33: RTEL1 rs6010620 (P = 3.57 × 10(-7)); 11q23.3: PHLDB1 rs498872 (P = 7.24 × 10(-3)); 5p15.33: TERT rs2736100 and TERT rs2736098 (P = 1.21 × 10(-4) and P = 2.84 × 10(-4), respectively)). | 0.257263997 | 2011 | TERT | 5 | 1293971 | C | T |
rs2736098 | 21350045 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Overall, the authors identified 3 susceptibility loci for glioma risk at 20q13.33 (RTEL1 rs6010620 (P = 2.79 × 10(-6))), 11q23.3 (PHLDB1 rs498872 (P = 3.8 × 10(-6))), and 5p15.33 (TERT rs2736100 (P = 3.69 × 10(-4))) in this study population; these loci were also associated with glioblastoma risk (20q13.33: RTEL1 rs6010620 (P = 3.57 × 10(-7)); 11q23.3: PHLDB1 rs498872 (P = 7.24 × 10(-3)); 5p15.33: TERT rs2736100 and TERT rs2736098 (P = 1.21 × 10(-4) and P = 2.84 × 10(-4), respectively)). | 0.252182547 | 2011 | TERT | 5 | 1293971 | C | T |
rs2736098 | 21350045 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Overall, the authors identified 3 susceptibility loci for glioma risk at 20q13.33 (RTEL1 rs6010620 (P = 2.79 × 10(-6))), 11q23.3 (PHLDB1 rs498872 (P = 3.8 × 10(-6))), and 5p15.33 (TERT rs2736100 (P = 3.69 × 10(-4))) in this study population; these loci were also associated with glioblastoma risk (20q13.33: RTEL1 rs6010620 (P = 3.57 × 10(-7)); 11q23.3: PHLDB1 rs498872 (P = 7.24 × 10(-3)); 5p15.33: TERT rs2736100 and TERT rs2736098 (P = 1.21 × 10(-4) and P = 2.84 × 10(-4), respectively)). | 0.269237234 | 2011 | TERT | 5 | 1293971 | C | T |
rs2736100 | 22886559 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | We conducted a new independent GWAS of glioma using 1,856 cases and 4,955 controls (from 14 cohort studies, 3 case-control studies, and 1 population-based case-only study) and found evidence of strong replication for three of the seven previously reported associations at 20q13.33 (RTEL), 5p15.33 (TERT), and 9p21.3 (CDKN2BAS), and consistent association signals for the remaining four at 7p11.2 (EGFR both loci), 8q24.21 (CCDC26) and 11q23.3 (PHLDB1). | 0.269237234 | 2012 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 19578367 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.135982733 | 2009 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 20462933 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.135982733 | 2010 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 23115063 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In analyses including glioma cases with a family history of brain tumours (n = 104) and control subjects free of glioma at baseline, three of seven SNPs were associated with glioma risk: rs2736100 (5p15.33, TERT), rs4977756 (9p21.3, CDKN2A-CDKN2B) and rs6010620 (20q13.33, RTEL1). | 0.17287254 | 2013 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 19578367 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.257263997 | 2009 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 21350045 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Overall, the authors identified 3 susceptibility loci for glioma risk at 20q13.33 (RTEL1 rs6010620 (P = 2.79 × 10(-6))), 11q23.3 (PHLDB1 rs498872 (P = 3.8 × 10(-6))), and 5p15.33 (TERT rs2736100 (P = 3.69 × 10(-4))) in this study population; these loci were also associated with glioblastoma risk (20q13.33: RTEL1 rs6010620 (P = 3.57 × 10(-7)); 11q23.3: PHLDB1 rs498872 (P = 7.24 × 10(-3)); 5p15.33: TERT rs2736100 and TERT rs2736098 (P = 1.21 × 10(-4) and P = 2.84 × 10(-4), respectively)). | 0.257263997 | 2011 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 21350045 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Overall, the authors identified 3 susceptibility loci for glioma risk at 20q13.33 (RTEL1 rs6010620 (P = 2.79 × 10(-6))), 11q23.3 (PHLDB1 rs498872 (P = 3.8 × 10(-6))), and 5p15.33 (TERT rs2736100 (P = 3.69 × 10(-4))) in this study population; these loci were also associated with glioblastoma risk (20q13.33: RTEL1 rs6010620 (P = 3.57 × 10(-7)); 11q23.3: PHLDB1 rs498872 (P = 7.24 × 10(-3)); 5p15.33: TERT rs2736100 and TERT rs2736098 (P = 1.21 × 10(-4) and P = 2.84 × 10(-4), respectively)). | 0.252182547 | 2011 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 20212223 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our group identified 5 risk loci for glioma susceptibility (TERT rs2736100, CCDC26 rs4295627, CDKN2A/CDKN2B rs4977756, RTEL1 rs6010620, and PHLDB1 rs498872). | 0.129815515 | 2010 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 20847058 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.252182547 | 2010 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 21350045 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Overall, the authors identified 3 susceptibility loci for glioma risk at 20q13.33 (RTEL1 rs6010620 (P = 2.79 × 10(-6))), 11q23.3 (PHLDB1 rs498872 (P = 3.8 × 10(-6))), and 5p15.33 (TERT rs2736100 (P = 3.69 × 10(-4))) in this study population; these loci were also associated with glioblastoma risk (20q13.33: RTEL1 rs6010620 (P = 3.57 × 10(-7)); 11q23.3: PHLDB1 rs498872 (P = 7.24 × 10(-3)); 5p15.33: TERT rs2736100 and TERT rs2736098 (P = 1.21 × 10(-4) and P = 2.84 × 10(-4), respectively)). | 0.269237234 | 2011 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 23161787 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.129815515 | 2013 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 20212223 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our group identified 5 risk loci for glioma susceptibility (TERT rs2736100, CCDC26 rs4295627, CDKN2A/CDKN2B rs4977756, RTEL1 rs6010620, and PHLDB1 rs498872). | 0.269237234 | 2010 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 21827660 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | GAD | [Combinations of newly confirmed Glioma-Associated loci link regions on chromosomes 1 and 9 to increased disease risk.] | 0.269237234 | 2011 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 21825990 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.257263997 | 2011 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 20462933 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.17287254 | 2010 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 21825990 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.252182547 | 2011 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 21827660 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | Combinations of newly confirmed Glioma-Associated loci link regions on chromosomes 1 and 9 to increased disease risk. | 0.269237234 | 2011 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 20847058 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.129815515 | 2010 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 20212223 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our group identified 5 risk loci for glioma susceptibility (TERT rs2736100, CCDC26 rs4295627, CDKN2A/CDKN2B rs4977756, RTEL1 rs6010620, and PHLDB1 rs498872). | 0.17287254 | 2010 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 20462933 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.252182547 | 2010 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 20462933 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.269237234 | 2010 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 20212223 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our group identified 5 risk loci for glioma susceptibility (TERT rs2736100, CCDC26 rs4295627, CDKN2A/CDKN2B rs4977756, RTEL1 rs6010620, and PHLDB1 rs498872). | 0.135982733 | 2010 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 20847058 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.135982733 | 2010 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 24888789 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Association between telomerase reverse transcriptase rs2736100 polymorphism and risk of glioma. | 0.269237234 | 2014 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 19578367 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.129815515 | 2009 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 23115063 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In analyses including glioma cases with a family history of brain tumours (n = 104) and control subjects free of glioma at baseline, three of seven SNPs were associated with glioma risk: rs2736100 (5p15.33, TERT), rs4977756 (9p21.3, CDKN2A-CDKN2B) and rs6010620 (20q13.33, RTEL1). | 0.135982733 | 2013 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 20847058 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.257263997 | 2010 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 20462933 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.129815515 | 2010 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 19578367 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.17287254 | 2009 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 20462933 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.257263997 | 2010 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 23161787 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.17287254 | 2013 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 25314060 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | The role of telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) in gliomagenesis has been recently further strengthened by the frequent occurrence of TERT promoter mutations (TERTp-mut) in gliomas and evidence that the TERT SNP genetic rs2736100 influences glioma risk. | 0.269237234 | 2014 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 19578367 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | GAD | [We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)).] | 0.269237234 | 2009 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 23161787 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.135982733 | 2013 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 20847058 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.269237234 | 2010 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 24908248 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | Variants near TERT and TERC influencing telomere length are associated with high-grade glioma risk. | 0.269237234 | 2014 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 21531791 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | GAD | [Chromosome 7p11.2 (EGFR) variation influences glioma risk.] | 0.269237234 | 2011 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 20212223 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our group identified 5 risk loci for glioma susceptibility (TERT rs2736100, CCDC26 rs4295627, CDKN2A/CDKN2B rs4977756, RTEL1 rs6010620, and PHLDB1 rs498872). | 0.252182547 | 2010 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 23161787 | 3418 | IDH2 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Case-control analyses stratified into 4 molecular classes (defined by 1p-19q status, IDH mutation, and EGFR amplification) showed an association of rs4295627 and rs498872 with IDH-mutated gliomas (P < 10(-3)) and rs2736100 and rs6010620 with IDH wild-type gliomas (P < 10(-3) and P = .03). | 0.051942544 | 2013 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 23115063 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In analyses including glioma cases with a family history of brain tumours (n = 104) and control subjects free of glioma at baseline, three of seven SNPs were associated with glioma risk: rs2736100 (5p15.33, TERT), rs4977756 (9p21.3, CDKN2A-CDKN2B) and rs6010620 (20q13.33, RTEL1). | 0.269237234 | 2013 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 19578367 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.269237234 | 2009 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 21531791 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | Chromosome 7p11.2 (EGFR) variation influences glioma risk. | 0.269237234 | 2011 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 23161787 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.252182547 | 2013 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 20847058 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.17287254 | 2010 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 21825990 | 1956 | EGFR | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.222572316 | 2011 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 19578367 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.269237234 | 2009 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 21825990 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.129815515 | 2011 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 23161787 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.257263997 | 2013 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 21825990 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.135982733 | 2011 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs2736100 | 21825990 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.269237234 | 2011 | TERT | 5 | 1286401 | C | A |
rs28384376 | 24747966 | 1956 | EGFR | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We have expressed, in human glioma cells, EGFR containing four glioma-specific EGFR missense mutations within Domain IV (C620Y, C624F, C628Y and C636Y) to analyze their biological properties and sensitivity to EGFR inhibition. | 0.222572316 | 2014 | EGFR | 7 | 55165428 | G | T |
rs2853676 | 19578367 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | GAD | [We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)).] | 0.269237234 | 2009 | TERT | 5 | 1288432 | T | C |
rs2853676 | 19578367 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.269237234 | 2009 | TERT | 5 | 1288432 | T | C |
rs28934576 | 18202704 | 145270 | PRIMA1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Overexpression of the paradigmatic p53 mutants p53(R175H), p53(R248W) and p53(R273H) in the p53 null glioma cell line LN-308 reveals that P53R3 induces p53-dependent antiproliferative effects with much higher specificity and over a wider range of concentrations than the previously described p53 rescue drug p53 reactivation and induction of massive apoptosis (PRIMA-1). | 0.000271442 | 2008 | TP53 | 17 | 7673802 | C | T,A |
rs28934578 | 18202704 | 145270 | PRIMA1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Overexpression of the paradigmatic p53 mutants p53(R175H), p53(R248W) and p53(R273H) in the p53 null glioma cell line LN-308 reveals that P53R3 induces p53-dependent antiproliferative effects with much higher specificity and over a wider range of concentrations than the previously described p53 rescue drug p53 reactivation and induction of massive apoptosis (PRIMA-1). | 0.000271442 | 2008 | TP53 | 17 | 7675088 | C | T,A |
rs3212986 | 24500421 | 2067 | ERCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We found that SNPs rs3212986 (odds ratio [OR] = 1.35 (1.08-1.68), P = .008), rs13181 (OR = 1.18 (1.06-1.31), P = .002), and rs25487 (OR = 1.12 (1.03-1.22), P = .007) in DNA repair genes ERCC1, ERCC2 (XPD), and XRCC1 may increase the risk of glioma, while polymorphisms rs1136410 (OR = 0.78 (0.68-0.89), P = .0004) and rs12917 (OR = 0.84 (0.73-0.96), P = .01) in PARP1(ADPRT) and MGMT are associated with decreased susceptibility to glioma. | 0.012072926 | 2015 | ERCC1;CD3EAP | 19 | 45409478 | C | A |
rs3212986 | 24500421 | 2068 | ERCC2 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We found that SNPs rs3212986 (odds ratio [OR] = 1.35 (1.08-1.68), P = .008), rs13181 (OR = 1.18 (1.06-1.31), P = .002), and rs25487 (OR = 1.12 (1.03-1.22), P = .007) in DNA repair genes ERCC1, ERCC2 (XPD), and XRCC1 may increase the risk of glioma, while polymorphisms rs1136410 (OR = 0.78 (0.68-0.89), P = .0004) and rs12917 (OR = 0.84 (0.73-0.96), P = .01) in PARP1(ADPRT) and MGMT are associated with decreased susceptibility to glioma. | 0.010901282 | 2015 | ERCC1;CD3EAP | 19 | 45409478 | C | A |
rs3212986 | 25867436 | 2068 | ERCC2 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Systematic review on the association between ERCC1 rs3212986 and ERCC2 rs13181 polymorphisms and glioma risk. | 0.010901282 | 2016 | ERCC1;CD3EAP | 19 | 45409478 | C | A |
rs3212986 | 25867436 | 2067 | ERCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Systematic review on the association between ERCC1 rs3212986 and ERCC2 rs13181 polymorphisms and glioma risk. | 0.012072926 | 2016 | ERCC1;CD3EAP | 19 | 45409478 | C | A |
rs324015 | 21196282 | 6778 | STAT6 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Among non-smokers, homozygote GG of STAT6 4610A/G showed an increased association with risk of glioma compared with AA (adjusted OR=1.691, 95%CI=1.152-2.481, p=0.007, corrected p=0.028), and the haplotype with A allele at rs1059513 and G allele at rs324015 was revealed to increase glioma risk significantly (OR=1.321,95%CI= 1.081-1.614, p=0.007,corrected p=0.028). | 0.000542884 | 2011 | STAT6 | 12 | 57096317 | T | C |
rs3761121 | 22387365 | 84619 | ZGPAT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Among 99 SNPs, five independent susceptibility loci (20-62315594 in RTEL1, 20-62335293 in adenosine diphosphate ribosylation factor-related protein 1, rs3761121 in ZGPAT, rs1058319 in SLC2A4RG and rs5019252 in ZBTB46) were identified for glioma. | 0.000271442 | 2012 | ZGPAT | 20 | 63711343 | T | C |
rs3761121 | 22387365 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Among 99 SNPs, five independent susceptibility loci (20-62315594 in RTEL1, 20-62335293 in adenosine diphosphate ribosylation factor-related protein 1, rs3761121 in ZGPAT, rs1058319 in SLC2A4RG and rs5019252 in ZBTB46) were identified for glioma. | 0.257263997 | 2012 | ZGPAT | 20 | 63711343 | T | C |
rs3761121 | 22387365 | 140685 | ZBTB46 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Among 99 SNPs, five independent susceptibility loci (20-62315594 in RTEL1, 20-62335293 in adenosine diphosphate ribosylation factor-related protein 1, rs3761121 in ZGPAT, rs1058319 in SLC2A4RG and rs5019252 in ZBTB46) were identified for glioma. | 0.000271442 | 2012 | ZGPAT | 20 | 63711343 | T | C |
rs3761121 | 22387365 | 56731 | SLC2A4RG | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Among 99 SNPs, five independent susceptibility loci (20-62315594 in RTEL1, 20-62335293 in adenosine diphosphate ribosylation factor-related protein 1, rs3761121 in ZGPAT, rs1058319 in SLC2A4RG and rs5019252 in ZBTB46) were identified for glioma. | 0.000542884 | 2012 | ZGPAT | 20 | 63711343 | T | C |
rs3770502 | 17389609 | 6625 | SNRNP70 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We found that, in the single-locus analysis, glioma risk was statistically significantly associated with three XRCC5 tSNPs (SNP1 rs828704, SNP6 rs3770502 and SNP7 rs9288516, P = 0.005, 0.042 and 0.003, respectively), one XRCC6 tSNP (SNP4 rs6519265, P = 0.044) but none of XPCC7 tSNPs. | 0.000271442 | 2007 | XRCC5 | 2 | 216180336 | C | T |
rs386493716 | 23534771 | 2073 | ERCC5 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In conclusion, our study has shown that XRCC1 Gln399Arg, XRCC1 Arg194Trp, XRCC3 Thr241Met and ERCC5 Asp1558His are associated with risk of gliomas and meningiomas. | 0.002909916 | 2013 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
rs386493716 | 20868244 | 7515 | XRCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We conclude that XRCC1 Arg399Gln polymorphism is a significant risk factor, and 399Gln (G) allele carries a 3.5 times greater risk for glioma, while PARP1 Val/Ala genotype may be protective against it. | 0.021074115 | 2010 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
rs386493716 | 23534771 | 7515 | XRCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In conclusion, our study has shown that XRCC1 Gln399Arg, XRCC1 Arg194Trp, XRCC3 Thr241Met and ERCC5 Asp1558His are associated with risk of gliomas and meningiomas. | 0.021074115 | 2013 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
rs386493716 | 23534771 | 7517 | XRCC3 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In conclusion, our study has shown that XRCC1 Gln399Arg, XRCC1 Arg194Trp, XRCC3 Thr241Met and ERCC5 Asp1558His are associated with risk of gliomas and meningiomas. | 0.009815515 | 2013 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
rs386493716 | 24258108 | 7515 | XRCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Assessment of the association between XRCC1 Arg399Gln polymorphism and glioma susceptibility. | 0.021074115 | 2013 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
rs386526551 | 19124499 | 4255 | MGMT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Interestingly, the risk for glioma was dramatically increased in ionizing radiation exposure individuals who had the wild-type genotypes of MGMT F84L and PARP1 A762V (adjusted odds ratios, 5.95; 95% confidence intervals, 2.21-16.65). | 0.176010291 | 2009 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
rs386526551 | 19124499 | 142 | PARP1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Interestingly, the risk for glioma was dramatically increased in ionizing radiation exposure individuals who had the wild-type genotypes of MGMT F84L and PARP1 A762V (adjusted odds ratios, 5.95; 95% confidence intervals, 2.21-16.65). | 0.0112586 | 2009 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
rs386526551 | 19124499 | 2067 | ERCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In the single-locus analysis, six single-nucleotide polymorphisms [ERCC1 3' untranslated region (UTR), XRCC1 R399Q, APEX1 E148D, PARP1 A762V, MGMT F84L, and LIG1 5'UTR] showed a significant association with glioma risk. | 0.012072926 | 2009 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
rs386526551 | 19124499 | 3978 | LIG1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In the single-locus analysis, six single-nucleotide polymorphisms [ERCC1 3' untranslated region (UTR), XRCC1 R399Q, APEX1 E148D, PARP1 A762V, MGMT F84L, and LIG1 5'UTR] showed a significant association with glioma risk. | 0.007729856 | 2009 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
rs386526551 | 19124499 | 26018 | LRIG1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In the single-locus analysis, six single-nucleotide polymorphisms [ERCC1 3' untranslated region (UTR), XRCC1 R399Q, APEX1 E148D, PARP1 A762V, MGMT F84L, and LIG1 5'UTR] showed a significant association with glioma risk. | 0.002985861 | 2009 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
rs386545546 | 23534771 | 7515 | XRCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In conclusion, our study has shown that XRCC1 Gln399Arg, XRCC1 Arg194Trp, XRCC3 Thr241Met and ERCC5 Asp1558His are associated with risk of gliomas and meningiomas. | 0.021074115 | 2013 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
rs386545546 | 23534771 | 2073 | ERCC5 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In conclusion, our study has shown that XRCC1 Gln399Arg, XRCC1 Arg194Trp, XRCC3 Thr241Met and ERCC5 Asp1558His are associated with risk of gliomas and meningiomas. | 0.002909916 | 2013 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
rs386545546 | 25227852 | 5111 | PCNA | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | The XRCC1 Arg194Trp variant affects the proliferating cell nuclear antigen( PCNA) binding region, which suggests that this mutation may contribute to gliomagenesis and a number of articles have examine the association between XRCC1 Arg194Trp and the susceptibility to glioma.However, the results were conflicting. | 0.006710102 | 2015 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
rs386545546 | 25227852 | 7515 | XRCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Association between the XRCC1 Arg194Trp polymorphism and glioma risk: an updated meta-analysis. | 0.021074115 | 2015 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
rs386545546 | 23534771 | 7517 | XRCC3 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In conclusion, our study has shown that XRCC1 Gln399Arg, XRCC1 Arg194Trp, XRCC3 Thr241Met and ERCC5 Asp1558His are associated with risk of gliomas and meningiomas. | 0.009815515 | 2013 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
rs4295627 | 21920947 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Three of the gene variants (rs4295627, a variant of CCDC26; rs4977756, a variant of CDKN2A and CDKN2B; and rs6010620, a variant of RTEL1) were statistically significantly associated with glioma risk in the present population. | 0.257263997 | 2011 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 19578367 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.257263997 | 2009 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 20212223 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our group identified 5 risk loci for glioma susceptibility (TERT rs2736100, CCDC26 rs4295627, CDKN2A/CDKN2B rs4977756, RTEL1 rs6010620, and PHLDB1 rs498872). | 0.135982733 | 2010 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 20462933 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.257263997 | 2010 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 21920947 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Three of the gene variants (rs4295627, a variant of CCDC26; rs4977756, a variant of CDKN2A and CDKN2B; and rs6010620, a variant of RTEL1) were statistically significantly associated with glioma risk in the present population. | 0.17287254 | 2011 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 19578367 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.269237234 | 2009 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 21825990 | 1956 | EGFR | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.222572316 | 2011 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 23161787 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.257263997 | 2013 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 20462933 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.17287254 | 2010 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 23161787 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.135982733 | 2013 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 21825990 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.269237234 | 2011 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 20462933 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.129815515 | 2010 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 23161787 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.252182547 | 2013 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 20212223 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our group identified 5 risk loci for glioma susceptibility (TERT rs2736100, CCDC26 rs4295627, CDKN2A/CDKN2B rs4977756, RTEL1 rs6010620, and PHLDB1 rs498872). | 0.17287254 | 2010 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 21825990 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.252182547 | 2011 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 20847058 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.129815515 | 2010 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 23161787 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.17287254 | 2013 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 19578367 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.129815515 | 2009 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 21825990 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.135982733 | 2011 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 21825990 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.257263997 | 2011 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 23161787 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.129815515 | 2013 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 20847058 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.269237234 | 2010 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 20462933 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.252182547 | 2010 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 21825990 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.129815515 | 2011 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 20212223 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our group identified 5 risk loci for glioma susceptibility (TERT rs2736100, CCDC26 rs4295627, CDKN2A/CDKN2B rs4977756, RTEL1 rs6010620, and PHLDB1 rs498872). | 0.269237234 | 2010 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 20847058 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.135982733 | 2010 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 20847058 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.252182547 | 2010 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 23161787 | 3418 | IDH2 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Case-control analyses stratified into 4 molecular classes (defined by 1p-19q status, IDH mutation, and EGFR amplification) showed an association of rs4295627 and rs498872 with IDH-mutated gliomas (P < 10(-3)) and rs2736100 and rs6010620 with IDH wild-type gliomas (P < 10(-3) and P = .03). | 0.051942544 | 2013 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 20847058 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.257263997 | 2010 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 20847058 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.17287254 | 2010 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 20212223 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our group identified 5 risk loci for glioma susceptibility (TERT rs2736100, CCDC26 rs4295627, CDKN2A/CDKN2B rs4977756, RTEL1 rs6010620, and PHLDB1 rs498872). | 0.252182547 | 2010 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 19578367 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | GAD | [We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)).] | 0.129815515 | 2009 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 20462933 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.269237234 | 2010 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 20462933 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.135982733 | 2010 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 19578367 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.17287254 | 2009 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 19578367 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.135982733 | 2009 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 21920947 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Three of the gene variants (rs4295627, a variant of CCDC26; rs4977756, a variant of CDKN2A and CDKN2B; and rs6010620, a variant of RTEL1) were statistically significantly associated with glioma risk in the present population. | 0.135982733 | 2011 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4295627 | 20212223 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our group identified 5 risk loci for glioma susceptibility (TERT rs2736100, CCDC26 rs4295627, CDKN2A/CDKN2B rs4977756, RTEL1 rs6010620, and PHLDB1 rs498872). | 0.129815515 | 2010 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129673211 | T | G |
rs4444903 | 23645212 | 1950 | EGF | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Association between epidermal growth factor gene rs4444903 polymorphism and risk of glioma. | 0.026850339 | 2013 | EGF | 4 | 109912954 | A | G |
rs4809324 | 19578366 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | Variants in the CDKN2B and RTEL1 regions are associated with high-grade glioma susceptibility. | 0.257263997 | 2009 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63686867 | T | C |
rs4809324 | 19578366 | 100533107 | RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | Variants in the CDKN2B and RTEL1 regions are associated with high-grade glioma susceptibility. | 0.12 | 2009 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63686867 | T | C |
rs4977756 | 23161787 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.129815515 | 2013 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 20462933 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.252182547 | 2010 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 20212223 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our group identified 5 risk loci for glioma susceptibility (TERT rs2736100, CCDC26 rs4295627, CDKN2A/CDKN2B rs4977756, RTEL1 rs6010620, and PHLDB1 rs498872). | 0.17287254 | 2010 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 20847058 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.252182547 | 2010 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 21825990 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.252182547 | 2011 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 23161787 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.252182547 | 2013 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 20847058 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.257263997 | 2010 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 21825990 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.129815515 | 2011 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 19578367 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | GAD | [We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)).] | 0.17287254 | 2009 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 19578367 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | GAD | [We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)).] | 0.135982733 | 2009 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 21825990 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.135982733 | 2011 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 23115063 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In analyses including glioma cases with a family history of brain tumours (n = 104) and control subjects free of glioma at baseline, three of seven SNPs were associated with glioma risk: rs2736100 (5p15.33, TERT), rs4977756 (9p21.3, CDKN2A-CDKN2B) and rs6010620 (20q13.33, RTEL1). | 0.135982733 | 2013 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 19578367 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.269237234 | 2009 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 22886559 | 100048912 | CDKN2B-AS1 | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | We conducted a new independent GWAS of glioma using 1,856 cases and 4,955 controls (from 14 cohort studies, 3 case-control studies, and 1 population-based case-only study) and found evidence of strong replication for three of the seven previously reported associations at 20q13.33 (RTEL), 5p15.33 (TERT), and 9p21.3 (CDKN2BAS), and consistent association signals for the remaining four at 7p11.2 (EGFR both loci), 8q24.21 (CCDC26) and 11q23.3 (PHLDB1). | 0.120542884 | 2012 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 21825990 | 1956 | EGFR | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.222572316 | 2011 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 20462933 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.269237234 | 2010 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 20212223 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our group identified 5 risk loci for glioma susceptibility (TERT rs2736100, CCDC26 rs4295627, CDKN2A/CDKN2B rs4977756, RTEL1 rs6010620, and PHLDB1 rs498872). | 0.135982733 | 2010 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 20212223 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our group identified 5 risk loci for glioma susceptibility (TERT rs2736100, CCDC26 rs4295627, CDKN2A/CDKN2B rs4977756, RTEL1 rs6010620, and PHLDB1 rs498872). | 0.252182547 | 2010 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 20212223 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our group identified 5 risk loci for glioma susceptibility (TERT rs2736100, CCDC26 rs4295627, CDKN2A/CDKN2B rs4977756, RTEL1 rs6010620, and PHLDB1 rs498872). | 0.129815515 | 2010 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 20212223 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our group identified 5 risk loci for glioma susceptibility (TERT rs2736100, CCDC26 rs4295627, CDKN2A/CDKN2B rs4977756, RTEL1 rs6010620, and PHLDB1 rs498872). | 0.269237234 | 2010 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 20847058 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.129815515 | 2010 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 19578367 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.135982733 | 2009 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 19578367 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.129815515 | 2009 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 20462933 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.129815515 | 2010 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 20462933 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.17287254 | 2010 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 23161787 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.135982733 | 2013 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 20847058 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.135982733 | 2010 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 21825990 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.257263997 | 2011 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 19578367 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.257263997 | 2009 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 19578367 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.17287254 | 2009 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 21920947 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Three of the gene variants (rs4295627, a variant of CCDC26; rs4977756, a variant of CDKN2A and CDKN2B; and rs6010620, a variant of RTEL1) were statistically significantly associated with glioma risk in the present population. | 0.17287254 | 2011 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 20847058 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.269237234 | 2010 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 21825990 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.269237234 | 2011 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 21920947 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Three of the gene variants (rs4295627, a variant of CCDC26; rs4977756, a variant of CDKN2A and CDKN2B; and rs6010620, a variant of RTEL1) were statistically significantly associated with glioma risk in the present population. | 0.135982733 | 2011 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 20462933 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.135982733 | 2010 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 23115063 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In analyses including glioma cases with a family history of brain tumours (n = 104) and control subjects free of glioma at baseline, three of seven SNPs were associated with glioma risk: rs2736100 (5p15.33, TERT), rs4977756 (9p21.3, CDKN2A-CDKN2B) and rs6010620 (20q13.33, RTEL1). | 0.17287254 | 2013 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 23115063 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In analyses including glioma cases with a family history of brain tumours (n = 104) and control subjects free of glioma at baseline, three of seven SNPs were associated with glioma risk: rs2736100 (5p15.33, TERT), rs4977756 (9p21.3, CDKN2A-CDKN2B) and rs6010620 (20q13.33, RTEL1). | 0.269237234 | 2013 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 20847058 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.17287254 | 2010 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 19578367 | 100048912 | CDKN2B-AS1 | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | Genome-wide association study identifies five susceptibility loci for glioma. | 0.120542884 | 2009 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 20462933 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.257263997 | 2010 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 23161787 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.17287254 | 2013 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 23161787 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.257263997 | 2013 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs4977756 | 21920947 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Three of the gene variants (rs4295627, a variant of CCDC26; rs4977756, a variant of CDKN2A and CDKN2B; and rs6010620, a variant of RTEL1) were statistically significantly associated with glioma risk in the present population. | 0.257263997 | 2011 | CDKN2B-AS1 | 9 | 22068653 | G | A |
rs498872 | 19578367 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.252182547 | 2009 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 19578367 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.269237234 | 2009 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 20847058 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.257263997 | 2010 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 19578367 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | GAD | [We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)).] | 0.252182547 | 2009 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 21825990 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.269237234 | 2011 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 20462933 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.252182547 | 2010 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 21531791 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | Chromosome 7p11.2 (EGFR) variation influences glioma risk. | 0.252182547 | 2011 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 23161787 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.17287254 | 2013 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 20462933 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.17287254 | 2010 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 20212223 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our group identified 5 risk loci for glioma susceptibility (TERT rs2736100, CCDC26 rs4295627, CDKN2A/CDKN2B rs4977756, RTEL1 rs6010620, and PHLDB1 rs498872). | 0.129815515 | 2010 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 20462933 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.257263997 | 2010 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 23161787 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.257263997 | 2013 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 19578367 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.129815515 | 2009 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 19578367 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.17287254 | 2009 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 20847058 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.135982733 | 2010 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 21350045 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Overall, the authors identified 3 susceptibility loci for glioma risk at 20q13.33 (RTEL1 rs6010620 (P = 2.79 × 10(-6))), 11q23.3 (PHLDB1 rs498872 (P = 3.8 × 10(-6))), and 5p15.33 (TERT rs2736100 (P = 3.69 × 10(-4))) in this study population; these loci were also associated with glioblastoma risk (20q13.33: RTEL1 rs6010620 (P = 3.57 × 10(-7)); 11q23.3: PHLDB1 rs498872 (P = 7.24 × 10(-3)); 5p15.33: TERT rs2736100 and TERT rs2736098 (P = 1.21 × 10(-4) and P = 2.84 × 10(-4), respectively)). | 0.252182547 | 2011 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 20462933 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.129815515 | 2010 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 23161787 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.135982733 | 2013 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 20462933 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.135982733 | 2010 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 23161787 | 3418 | IDH2 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Case-control analyses stratified into 4 molecular classes (defined by 1p-19q status, IDH mutation, and EGFR amplification) showed an association of rs4295627 and rs498872 with IDH-mutated gliomas (P < 10(-3)) and rs2736100 and rs6010620 with IDH wild-type gliomas (P < 10(-3) and P = .03). | 0.051942544 | 2013 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 20847058 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.269237234 | 2010 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 21825990 | 1956 | EGFR | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.222572316 | 2011 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 23161787 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.129815515 | 2013 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 21825990 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.135982733 | 2011 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 21350045 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Overall, the authors identified 3 susceptibility loci for glioma risk at 20q13.33 (RTEL1 rs6010620 (P = 2.79 × 10(-6))), 11q23.3 (PHLDB1 rs498872 (P = 3.8 × 10(-6))), and 5p15.33 (TERT rs2736100 (P = 3.69 × 10(-4))) in this study population; these loci were also associated with glioblastoma risk (20q13.33: RTEL1 rs6010620 (P = 3.57 × 10(-7)); 11q23.3: PHLDB1 rs498872 (P = 7.24 × 10(-3)); 5p15.33: TERT rs2736100 and TERT rs2736098 (P = 1.21 × 10(-4) and P = 2.84 × 10(-4), respectively)). | 0.269237234 | 2011 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 19578367 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.135982733 | 2009 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 21825990 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.257263997 | 2011 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 20462933 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.269237234 | 2010 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 20847058 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.129815515 | 2010 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 21825990 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.129815515 | 2011 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 20847058 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.17287254 | 2010 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 20212223 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our group identified 5 risk loci for glioma susceptibility (TERT rs2736100, CCDC26 rs4295627, CDKN2A/CDKN2B rs4977756, RTEL1 rs6010620, and PHLDB1 rs498872). | 0.269237234 | 2010 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 20212223 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our group identified 5 risk loci for glioma susceptibility (TERT rs2736100, CCDC26 rs4295627, CDKN2A/CDKN2B rs4977756, RTEL1 rs6010620, and PHLDB1 rs498872). | 0.17287254 | 2010 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 20847058 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.252182547 | 2010 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 21350045 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Overall, the authors identified 3 susceptibility loci for glioma risk at 20q13.33 (RTEL1 rs6010620 (P = 2.79 × 10(-6))), 11q23.3 (PHLDB1 rs498872 (P = 3.8 × 10(-6))), and 5p15.33 (TERT rs2736100 (P = 3.69 × 10(-4))) in this study population; these loci were also associated with glioblastoma risk (20q13.33: RTEL1 rs6010620 (P = 3.57 × 10(-7)); 11q23.3: PHLDB1 rs498872 (P = 7.24 × 10(-3)); 5p15.33: TERT rs2736100 and TERT rs2736098 (P = 1.21 × 10(-4) and P = 2.84 × 10(-4), respectively)). | 0.257263997 | 2011 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 20212223 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our group identified 5 risk loci for glioma susceptibility (TERT rs2736100, CCDC26 rs4295627, CDKN2A/CDKN2B rs4977756, RTEL1 rs6010620, and PHLDB1 rs498872). | 0.135982733 | 2010 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 21531791 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | GAD | [Chromosome 7p11.2 (EGFR) variation influences glioma risk.] | 0.252182547 | 2011 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 20212223 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our group identified 5 risk loci for glioma susceptibility (TERT rs2736100, CCDC26 rs4295627, CDKN2A/CDKN2B rs4977756, RTEL1 rs6010620, and PHLDB1 rs498872). | 0.252182547 | 2010 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 21825990 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.252182547 | 2011 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 19578367 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.257263997 | 2009 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs498872 | 23161787 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.252182547 | 2013 | PHLDB1 | 11 | 118606652 | A | G |
rs5019252 | 22387365 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Among 99 SNPs, five independent susceptibility loci (20-62315594 in RTEL1, 20-62335293 in adenosine diphosphate ribosylation factor-related protein 1, rs3761121 in ZGPAT, rs1058319 in SLC2A4RG and rs5019252 in ZBTB46) were identified for glioma. | 0.257263997 | 2012 | ZBTB46 | 20 | 63746996 | C | T |
rs5019252 | 22387365 | 84619 | ZGPAT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Among 99 SNPs, five independent susceptibility loci (20-62315594 in RTEL1, 20-62335293 in adenosine diphosphate ribosylation factor-related protein 1, rs3761121 in ZGPAT, rs1058319 in SLC2A4RG and rs5019252 in ZBTB46) were identified for glioma. | 0.000271442 | 2012 | ZBTB46 | 20 | 63746996 | C | T |
rs5019252 | 22387365 | 56731 | SLC2A4RG | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Among 99 SNPs, five independent susceptibility loci (20-62315594 in RTEL1, 20-62335293 in adenosine diphosphate ribosylation factor-related protein 1, rs3761121 in ZGPAT, rs1058319 in SLC2A4RG and rs5019252 in ZBTB46) were identified for glioma. | 0.000542884 | 2012 | ZBTB46 | 20 | 63746996 | C | T |
rs5019252 | 22387365 | 140685 | ZBTB46 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Among 99 SNPs, five independent susceptibility loci (20-62315594 in RTEL1, 20-62335293 in adenosine diphosphate ribosylation factor-related protein 1, rs3761121 in ZGPAT, rs1058319 in SLC2A4RG and rs5019252 in ZBTB46) were identified for glioma. | 0.000271442 | 2012 | ZBTB46 | 20 | 63746996 | C | T |
rs55705857 | 22922872 | 3418 | IDH2 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | After stratifying by histological and tumor genetic subtype, the most significant associations of rs55705857 were with oligodendroglial tumors and gliomas with mutant IDH1 or IDH2 (odds ratio (OR)=5.1, P=1.1×10(-31) and OR=4.8, P=6.6×10(-22), respectively). | 0.051942544 | 2012 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129633446 | A | G |
rs55705857 | 22922872 | 3417 | IDH1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | After stratifying by histological and tumor genetic subtype, the most significant associations of rs55705857 were with oligodendroglial tumors and gliomas with mutant IDH1 or IDH2 (odds ratio (OR)=5.1, P=1.1×10(-31) and OR=4.8, P=6.6×10(-22), respectively). | 0.221550393 | 2012 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129633446 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 19578366 | 100533107 | RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | Variants in the CDKN2B and RTEL1 regions are associated with high-grade glioma susceptibility. | 0.12 | 2009 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 20847058 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.135982733 | 2010 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 21825990 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.257263997 | 2011 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 23115063 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In analyses including glioma cases with a family history of brain tumours (n = 104) and control subjects free of glioma at baseline, three of seven SNPs were associated with glioma risk: rs2736100 (5p15.33, TERT), rs4977756 (9p21.3, CDKN2A-CDKN2B) and rs6010620 (20q13.33, RTEL1). | 0.17287254 | 2013 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 20462933 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.129815515 | 2010 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 21825990 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.129815515 | 2011 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 19578366 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | Variants in the CDKN2B and RTEL1 regions are associated with high-grade glioma susceptibility. | 0.257263997 | 2009 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 21825990 | 1956 | EGFR | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.222572316 | 2011 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 23161787 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.17287254 | 2013 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 23161787 | 3418 | IDH2 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Case-control analyses stratified into 4 molecular classes (defined by 1p-19q status, IDH mutation, and EGFR amplification) showed an association of rs4295627 and rs498872 with IDH-mutated gliomas (P < 10(-3)) and rs2736100 and rs6010620 with IDH wild-type gliomas (P < 10(-3) and P = .03). | 0.051942544 | 2013 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 20847058 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.257263997 | 2010 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 21825990 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.269237234 | 2011 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 21920947 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Three of the gene variants (rs4295627, a variant of CCDC26; rs4977756, a variant of CDKN2A and CDKN2B; and rs6010620, a variant of RTEL1) were statistically significantly associated with glioma risk in the present population. | 0.257263997 | 2011 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 21825990 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.135982733 | 2011 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 23161787 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.135982733 | 2013 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 21920947 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Three of the gene variants (rs4295627, a variant of CCDC26; rs4977756, a variant of CDKN2A and CDKN2B; and rs6010620, a variant of RTEL1) were statistically significantly associated with glioma risk in the present population. | 0.135982733 | 2011 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 23115063 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In conclusion, as previously shown for glioma regardless of family history of brain tumours, rs6010620 (RTEL1) was associated with an increased risk of glioma when restricting to cases with family history of brain tumours. | 0.257263997 | 2013 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 22886559 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | We conducted a new independent GWAS of glioma using 1,856 cases and 4,955 controls (from 14 cohort studies, 3 case-control studies, and 1 population-based case-only study) and found evidence of strong replication for three of the seven previously reported associations at 20q13.33 (RTEL), 5p15.33 (TERT), and 9p21.3 (CDKN2BAS), and consistent association signals for the remaining four at 7p11.2 (EGFR both loci), 8q24.21 (CCDC26) and 11q23.3 (PHLDB1). | 0.257263997 | 2012 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 19578367 | 100533107 | RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | Genome-wide association study identifies five susceptibility loci for glioma. | 0.12 | 2009 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 20847058 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.17287254 | 2010 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 24908248 | 100533107 | RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | Variants near TERT and TERC influencing telomere length are associated with high-grade glioma risk. | 0.12 | 2014 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 21825990 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Seven independent chromosomal loci have robustly been associated with glioma risk: 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and two loci at 7p11.2 (rs11979158 and rs2252586, EGFR). | 0.252182547 | 2011 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 21531791 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | Chromosome 7p11.2 (EGFR) variation influences glioma risk. | 0.257263997 | 2011 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 20847058 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.129815515 | 2010 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 23161787 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.129815515 | 2013 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 20847058 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.252182547 | 2010 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 20462933 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.252182547 | 2010 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 19578367 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.17287254 | 2009 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 20462933 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.257263997 | 2010 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 20462933 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.17287254 | 2010 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 22886559 | 100533107 | RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | Genome-wide association study of glioma and meta-analysis. | 0.12 | 2012 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 19578367 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.135982733 | 2009 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 20212223 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our group identified 5 risk loci for glioma susceptibility (TERT rs2736100, CCDC26 rs4295627, CDKN2A/CDKN2B rs4977756, RTEL1 rs6010620, and PHLDB1 rs498872). | 0.129815515 | 2010 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 21920947 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Three of the gene variants (rs4295627, a variant of CCDC26; rs4977756, a variant of CDKN2A and CDKN2B; and rs6010620, a variant of RTEL1) were statistically significantly associated with glioma risk in the present population. | 0.17287254 | 2011 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 20462933 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.269237234 | 2010 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 24523019 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Regulator of telomere elongation helicase 1 (RTEL1) rs6010620 polymorphism contribute to increased risk of glioma. | 0.257263997 | 2014 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 19578367 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.257263997 | 2009 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 19578367 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.269237234 | 2009 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 21531791 | 100533107 | RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | Chromosome 7p11.2 (EGFR) variation influences glioma risk. | 0.12 | 2011 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 19578367 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.257263997 | 2009 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 20212223 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our group identified 5 risk loci for glioma susceptibility (TERT rs2736100, CCDC26 rs4295627, CDKN2A/CDKN2B rs4977756, RTEL1 rs6010620, and PHLDB1 rs498872). | 0.135982733 | 2010 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 25556444 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | The RTEL1 rs6010620 polymorphism and glioma risk: a meta-analysis based on 12 case-control studies. | 0.257263997 | 2015 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 23161787 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.257263997 | 2013 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 24908248 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | GWASCAT | Variants near TERT and TERC influencing telomere length are associated with high-grade glioma risk. | 0.257263997 | 2014 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 21350045 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Overall, the authors identified 3 susceptibility loci for glioma risk at 20q13.33 (RTEL1 rs6010620 (P = 2.79 × 10(-6))), 11q23.3 (PHLDB1 rs498872 (P = 3.8 × 10(-6))), and 5p15.33 (TERT rs2736100 (P = 3.69 × 10(-4))) in this study population; these loci were also associated with glioblastoma risk (20q13.33: RTEL1 rs6010620 (P = 3.57 × 10(-7)); 11q23.3: PHLDB1 rs498872 (P = 7.24 × 10(-3)); 5p15.33: TERT rs2736100 and TERT rs2736098 (P = 1.21 × 10(-4) and P = 2.84 × 10(-4), respectively)). | 0.252182547 | 2011 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 23115063 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In analyses including glioma cases with a family history of brain tumours (n = 104) and control subjects free of glioma at baseline, three of seven SNPs were associated with glioma risk: rs2736100 (5p15.33, TERT), rs4977756 (9p21.3, CDKN2A-CDKN2B) and rs6010620 (20q13.33, RTEL1). | 0.269237234 | 2013 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 19578367 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)). | 0.129815515 | 2009 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 20212223 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our group identified 5 risk loci for glioma susceptibility (TERT rs2736100, CCDC26 rs4295627, CDKN2A/CDKN2B rs4977756, RTEL1 rs6010620, and PHLDB1 rs498872). | 0.269237234 | 2010 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 21350045 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Overall, the authors identified 3 susceptibility loci for glioma risk at 20q13.33 (RTEL1 rs6010620 (P = 2.79 × 10(-6))), 11q23.3 (PHLDB1 rs498872 (P = 3.8 × 10(-6))), and 5p15.33 (TERT rs2736100 (P = 3.69 × 10(-4))) in this study population; these loci were also associated with glioblastoma risk (20q13.33: RTEL1 rs6010620 (P = 3.57 × 10(-7)); 11q23.3: PHLDB1 rs498872 (P = 7.24 × 10(-3)); 5p15.33: TERT rs2736100 and TERT rs2736098 (P = 1.21 × 10(-4) and P = 2.84 × 10(-4), respectively)). | 0.269237234 | 2011 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 20212223 | 1029 | CDKN2A | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our group identified 5 risk loci for glioma susceptibility (TERT rs2736100, CCDC26 rs4295627, CDKN2A/CDKN2B rs4977756, RTEL1 rs6010620, and PHLDB1 rs498872). | 0.17287254 | 2010 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 20847058 | 7015 | TERT | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have recently identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in five loci at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A/CDKN2B), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1), and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1) to be associated with glioma risk. | 0.269237234 | 2010 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 20212223 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our group identified 5 risk loci for glioma susceptibility (TERT rs2736100, CCDC26 rs4295627, CDKN2A/CDKN2B rs4977756, RTEL1 rs6010620, and PHLDB1 rs498872). | 0.252182547 | 2010 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 23161787 | 23187 | PHLDB1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 7 loci influencing glioma risk: rs2736100 (TERT), rs11979158 and rs2252586 (EGFR), rs4295627 (CCDC26), rs4977756 (CDKN2A/CDKN2B), rs498872 (PHLDB1), and rs6010620 (RTEL1). | 0.252182547 | 2013 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 25227808 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Associations between the rs6010620 polymorphism in RTEL1 and risk of glioma: a meta-analysis of 20,711 participants. | 0.257263997 | 2015 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 20462933 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Genome-wide association data have identified common genetic variants at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B), 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1), and 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1) as determinants of glioma risk. | 0.135982733 | 2010 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 23115063 | 1030 | CDKN2B | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In analyses including glioma cases with a family history of brain tumours (n = 104) and control subjects free of glioma at baseline, three of seven SNPs were associated with glioma risk: rs2736100 (5p15.33, TERT), rs4977756 (9p21.3, CDKN2A-CDKN2B) and rs6010620 (20q13.33, RTEL1). | 0.135982733 | 2013 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6010620 | 21350045 | 51750 | RTEL1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Overall, the authors identified 3 susceptibility loci for glioma risk at 20q13.33 (RTEL1 rs6010620 (P = 2.79 × 10(-6))), 11q23.3 (PHLDB1 rs498872 (P = 3.8 × 10(-6))), and 5p15.33 (TERT rs2736100 (P = 3.69 × 10(-4))) in this study population; these loci were also associated with glioblastoma risk (20q13.33: RTEL1 rs6010620 (P = 3.57 × 10(-7)); 11q23.3: PHLDB1 rs498872 (P = 7.24 × 10(-3)); 5p15.33: TERT rs2736100 and TERT rs2736098 (P = 1.21 × 10(-4) and P = 2.84 × 10(-4), respectively)). | 0.257263997 | 2011 | RTEL1;RTEL1-TNFRSF6B | 20 | 63678486 | A | G |
rs6220 | 18562769 | 3479 | IGF1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | No indications of association were seen for glioblastoma, but for low-grade gliomas, the odds ratio under a dominant model was 0.56 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.35-0.90) for IGF1 rs6220, 2.98 (95% CI, 1.65-5.38) for IGF1R rs2272037, and 1.60 (95% CI, 0.90-2.83) for IGF1R rs2016347. | 0.006795978 | 2008 | IGF1;LOC105369942 | 12 | 102400737 | G | A |
rs6220 | 18562769 | 3480 | IGF1R | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | No indications of association were seen for glioblastoma, but for low-grade gliomas, the odds ratio under a dominant model was 0.56 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.35-0.90) for IGF1 rs6220, 2.98 (95% CI, 1.65-5.38) for IGF1R rs2272037, and 1.60 (95% CI, 0.90-2.83) for IGF1R rs2016347. | 0.006263026 | 2008 | IGF1;LOC105369942 | 12 | 102400737 | G | A |
rs6519265 | 17389609 | 6625 | SNRNP70 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We found that, in the single-locus analysis, glioma risk was statistically significantly associated with three XRCC5 tSNPs (SNP1 rs828704, SNP6 rs3770502 and SNP7 rs9288516, P = 0.005, 0.042 and 0.003, respectively), one XRCC6 tSNP (SNP4 rs6519265, P = 0.044) but none of XPCC7 tSNPs. | 0.000271442 | 2007 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
rs699473 | 18682580 | 6649 | SOD3 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We observed increased risk of glioma (odds ratio [OR](CT/CC)=1.3; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], 1.0-1.7) and meningioma (OR(CT/CC)=1.7; 95% CI, 1.1-2.7) with the C variant of SOD3 rs699473. | 0.000542884 | 2008 | SOD3 | 4 | 24795181 | C | T |
rs7216389 | 20503266 | 94103 | ORMDL3 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | The SNP rs7216389, which tags the 3' flanking region of ORMDL3 at 17q21 and has been associated with childhood asthma, was correlated with increased glioma risk (OR = 1.10; 95% CI: 1.01-1.19). | 0.000271442 | 2011 | GSDMB | 17 | 39913696 | C | T |
rs730437 | 23244079 | 7517 | XRCC3 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our comprehensive analysis of nine SNPs in eight genes suggests that the rs730437 and rs1468727 in ERGF, rs1799782 in XRCC1 gene, and rs861539 in XRCC3 gene are associated with glioma risk. | 0.009815515 | 2012 | EGFR | 7 | 55147325 | A | C |
rs730437 | 23244079 | 7515 | XRCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our comprehensive analysis of nine SNPs in eight genes suggests that the rs730437 and rs1468727 in ERGF, rs1799782 in XRCC1 gene, and rs861539 in XRCC3 gene are associated with glioma risk. | 0.021074115 | 2012 | EGFR | 7 | 55147325 | A | C |
rs78378222 | 23571737 | 7157 | TP53 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Low penetrance susceptibility to glioma is caused by the TP53 variant rs78378222. | 0.328651937 | 2013 | TP53 | 17 | 7668434 | T | G |
rs828704 | 17389609 | 6625 | SNRNP70 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We found that, in the single-locus analysis, glioma risk was statistically significantly associated with three XRCC5 tSNPs (SNP1 rs828704, SNP6 rs3770502 and SNP7 rs9288516, P = 0.005, 0.042 and 0.003, respectively), one XRCC6 tSNP (SNP4 rs6519265, P = 0.044) but none of XPCC7 tSNPs. | 0.000271442 | 2007 | XRCC5 | 2 | 216128888 | C | A |
rs861539 | 23918307 | 7517 | XRCC3 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | This meta-analysis showed the evidence that XRCC3 Thr241Met polymorphism was associated with a low risk of glioma development. | 0.009815515 | 2013 | KLC1;XRCC3 | 14 | 103699416 | G | A |
rs861539 | 23244079 | 7515 | XRCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our comprehensive analysis of nine SNPs in eight genes suggests that the rs730437 and rs1468727 in ERGF, rs1799782 in XRCC1 gene, and rs861539 in XRCC3 gene are associated with glioma risk. | 0.021074115 | 2012 | KLC1;XRCC3 | 14 | 103699416 | G | A |
rs861539 | 24500421 | 7517 | XRCC3 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | No evidence of significant associations between ERCC2 rs1799793, OGG1 rs1052133, XRCC1 rs25489, XRCC1 rs1799782, or XRCC3 rs861539 and risk of glioma was observed. | 0.009815515 | 2015 | KLC1;XRCC3 | 14 | 103699416 | G | A |
rs861539 | 23534771 | 7515 | XRCC1 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In conclusion, our study has shown that XRCC1 Gln399Arg, XRCC1 Arg194Trp, XRCC3 Thr241Met and ERCC5 Asp1558His are associated with risk of gliomas and meningiomas. | 0.021074115 | 2013 | KLC1;XRCC3 | 14 | 103699416 | G | A |
rs861539 | 23244079 | 7517 | XRCC3 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Our comprehensive analysis of nine SNPs in eight genes suggests that the rs730437 and rs1468727 in ERGF, rs1799782 in XRCC1 gene, and rs861539 in XRCC3 gene are associated with glioma risk. | 0.009815515 | 2012 | KLC1;XRCC3 | 14 | 103699416 | G | A |
rs861539 | 23803098 | 7517 | XRCC3 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | The XRCC3 Thr241Met polymorphism influences glioma risk - a meta-analysis. | 0.009815515 | 2014 | KLC1;XRCC3 | 14 | 103699416 | G | A |
rs861539 | 24633885 | 7517 | XRCC3 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Association between XRCC3 T241M polymorphism and glioma risk: a meta-analysis. | 0.009815515 | 2014 | KLC1;XRCC3 | 14 | 103699416 | G | A |
rs861539 | 23534771 | 7517 | XRCC3 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In conclusion, our study has shown that XRCC1 Gln399Arg, XRCC1 Arg194Trp, XRCC3 Thr241Met and ERCC5 Asp1558His are associated with risk of gliomas and meningiomas. | 0.009815515 | 2013 | KLC1;XRCC3 | 14 | 103699416 | G | A |
rs861539 | 23991984 | 7517 | XRCC3 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | Association of XRCC3 Thr241Met polymorphisms and gliomas risk: evidence from a meta-analysis. | 0.009815515 | 2014 | KLC1;XRCC3 | 14 | 103699416 | G | A |
rs861539 | 23534771 | 2073 | ERCC5 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | In conclusion, our study has shown that XRCC1 Gln399Arg, XRCC1 Arg194Trp, XRCC3 Thr241Met and ERCC5 Asp1558His are associated with risk of gliomas and meningiomas. | 0.002909916 | 2013 | KLC1;XRCC3 | 14 | 103699416 | G | A |
rs891835 | 19578367 | 137196 | CCDC26 | umls:C0017638 | GAD | [We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.50 x 10(-17)), 8q24.21 (rs4295627, CCDC26; P = 2.34 x 10(-18)), 9p21.3 (rs4977756, CDKN2A-CDKN2B; P = 7.24 x 10(-15)), 20q13.33 (rs6010620, RTEL1; P = 2.52 x 10(-12)) and 11q23.3 (rs498872, PHLDB1; P = 1.07 x 10(-8)).] | 0.129815515 | 2009 | CCDC26 | 8 | 129479506 | T | G |
rs9288516 | 17389609 | 6625 | SNRNP70 | umls:C0017638 | BeFree | We found that, in the single-locus analysis, glioma risk was statistically significantly associated with three XRCC5 tSNPs (SNP1 rs828704, SNP6 rs3770502 and SNP7 rs9288516, P = 0.005, 0.042 and 0.003, respectively), one XRCC6 tSNP (SNP4 rs6519265, P = 0.044) but none of XPCC7 tSNPs. | 0.000271442 | 2007 | XRCC5 | 2 | 216188541 | T | A |
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0) | |
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GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0) | |
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Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:0) |
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Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:0) |
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Disease ID | 708 |
Disease | glioma |
Case | (Waiting for update.) |