giant axonal neuropathy |
Disease ID | 779 |
Disease | giant axonal neuropathy |
Definition | Rare autosomal recessive disorder of INTERMEDIATE FILAMENT PROTEINS. The disease is caused by mutations in the gene that codes gigaxonin protein. The mutations result in disorganization of axonal NEUROFILAMENT PROTEINS, formation of the characteristic giant axons, and progressive neuropathy. The clinical features of the disease include early-onset progressive peripheral motor and sensory neuropathies often associated with central nervous system involvement (INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY, seizures, DYSMETRIA, and CONGENITAL NYSTAGMUS). |
Synonym | axonal neuropathy, giant axonal neuropathy, giant (gan) giant axonal neuropathy (disorder) giant axonal neuropathy (gan) giant axonal neuropathy 1 giant axonal neuropathy 1 (gan1) giant axonal neuropathy 1, autosomal recessive giant axonal neuropathy [disease/finding] neuropathy, giant axonal neuropathy, giant axonal (gan) neuropathy, giant axonal, autosomal recessive |
Orphanet | |
OMIM | |
UMLS | C1850386 |
MeSH | |
Comorbidity | UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:1) |
Curated Gene | Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:1) |
Inferring Gene | (Waiting for update.) |
Text Mined Gene | Entrez_id | Symbol | Score | Resource(Total Genes:1) |
Locus | Symbol | Locus(Total Locus:1) GAN | 16q23.2 |
Disease ID | 779 |
Disease | giant axonal neuropathy |
Integrated Phenotype | HPO | Name(Total Integrated Phenotypes:26) HP:0001317 | Abnormality of the cerebellum HP:0002355 | Difficulty walking HP:0010628 | Facial palsy HP:0002527 | Falls HP:0001290 | Generalized hypotonia HP:0002224 | Woolly hair HP:0003429 | CNS hypomyelination HP:0003487 | Babinski sign HP:0001257 | Spasticity HP:0002235 | Pili canaliculi HP:0001762 | Talipes equinovarus HP:0005922 | Abnormal hand morphology HP:0003690 | Limb muscle weakness HP:0003701 | Proximal muscle weakness HP:0002650 | Scoliosis HP:0003405 | Diffuse axonal swelling HP:0001284 | Areflexia HP:0002857 | Genu valgum HP:0001761 | Pes cavus HP:0001249 | Intellectual disability HP:0002936 | Distal sensory impairment HP:0001382 | Joint hypermobility HP:0002317 | Unsteady gait HP:0012503 | Abnormality of the pituitary gland HP:0005109 | Abnormality of the Achilles tendon HP:0002460 | Distal muscle weakness |
Text Mined Phenotype | HPO | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Phenotypes:2) |
Disease ID | 779 |
Disease | giant axonal neuropathy |
Manually Symptom | (Waiting for update.) |
Text Mined Symptom | (Waiting for update.) |
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0) |
(Waiting for update.) |
Text Mining Genotype(Total Genotypes:0) | |
(Waiting for update.) |
All Snps(Total Genotypes:9) | |||||||||||||
snpId | pubmedId | geneId | geneSymbol | diseaseId | sourceId | sentence | score | Year | geneSymbol_dbSNP | CHROMOSOME | POS | REF | ALT |
rs119485088 | NA | 8139 | GAN | umls:C1850386 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.56434307 | NA | GAN | 16 | 81365432 | G | A,C |
rs119485089 | NA | 8139 | GAN | umls:C1850386 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.56434307 | NA | GAN | 16 | 81365423 | C | T |
rs119485090 | NA | 8139 | GAN | umls:C1850386 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.56434307 | NA | GAN | 16 | 81354723 | C | T |
rs119485091 | NA | 8139 | GAN | umls:C1850386 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.56434307 | NA | GAN | 16 | 81365005 | T | C |
rs119485092 | NA | 8139 | GAN | umls:C1850386 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.56434307 | NA | GAN | 16 | 81354535 | G | A |
rs119485093 | NA | 8139 | GAN | umls:C1850386 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.56434307 | NA | GAN | 16 | 81315156 | C | A |
rs119485094 | NA | 8139 | GAN | umls:C1850386 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.56434307 | NA | GAN | 16 | 81365405 | C | T |
rs119485095 | NA | 8139 | GAN | umls:C1850386 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.56434307 | NA | GAN | 16 | 81354627 | G | A |
rs144486241 | 17578852 | 8139 | GAN | umls:C1850386 | UNIPROT | We report some unusual clinical features associated with GAN and Gigaxonin mutations as well as confirm the heterogeneity in GAN and the identification of two families with manifesting carriers. | 0.56434307 | 2007 | GAN | 16 | 81357902 | C | G,T |
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0) | |
(Waiting for update.) |
GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0) | |
(Waiting for update.) |
Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:8) | ||||
HP ID | HP Name | MP ID | MP Name | Annotation |
HP:0003429 | CNS hypomyelination | MP:0004998 | decreased CNS synapse formation | a reduction in the frequency of the process of generating the initial connections between an axon and effector tissue or neuron |
HP:0003690 | Limb muscle weakness | MP:0000747 | muscle weakness | loss of muscle strength |
HP:0003701 | Proximal muscle weakness | MP:0000748 | progressive muscle weakness | increasing loss of muscle strength over time |
HP:0002317 | Unsteady gait | MP:0001406 | abnormal gait | abnormal pattern of movement of the limbs of animals, characterized by elements of progression, stability, speed and length over the ground |
HP:0002224 | Woolly hair | MP:0010685 | abnormal hair follicle inner root sheath morphology | any structural anomaly of the multilayered tube composed of terminally differentiated hair follicle keratinocytes that is surrounded by the outer root sheath; the layers of the inner root sheath include the companion layer, Henle's layer, Huxley's layer a |
HP:0002936 | Distal sensory impairment | MP:0000965 | abnormal sensory neuron morphology | any structural anomaly of cells that innervate an effector (muscle or glandular) tissue and are responsible for transmission of sensory impulses |
HP:0001290 | Generalized hypotonia | MP:0004144 | hypotonia | decreased muscle tension resulting in limpness of the muscles in the resting state, not to be confused with weakness |
HP:0002460 | Distal muscle weakness | MP:0000748 | progressive muscle weakness | increasing loss of muscle strength over time |
Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:24) | ||||
HP ID | HP Name | MP ID | MP Name | Annotation |
HP:0002650 | Scoliosis | MP:0020309 | increased creatine kinase activity | increased ability of to catalyze the reaction: ATP + creatine = N-phosphocreatine + ADP + 2 H(+). |
HP:0005922 | Abnormal hand morphology | MP:0012144 | decreased b wave amplitude | reduction in the size (height or maximum displacement) of the b wave as measured in the electroretinogram |
HP:0002355 | Difficulty walking | MP:0020137 | decreased bone mineralization | decrease in the rate at which minerals are deposited into bone |
HP:0001284 | Areflexia | MP:0020220 | decreased tear production | decreased production of the amount of fluid produced in the eye |
HP:0002224 | Woolly hair | MP:0014178 | increased brain apoptosis | increase in the number of cells of the brain undergoing programmed cell death |
HP:0001257 | Spasticity | MP:0020316 | decreased vascular endothelial cell proliferation | decrease in the expansion rate of any vascular endothelial cell population by cell division |
HP:0001290 | Generalized hypotonia | MP:0020254 | decreased collagen level | decreased level of the main structural protein of the various connective tissues in animals |
HP:0002857 | Genu valgum | MP:0020254 | decreased collagen level | decreased level of the main structural protein of the various connective tissues in animals |
HP:0002317 | Unsteady gait | MP:0020187 | altered susceptibility to prion infection | altered likelihood that an organism will develop ill effects from the small proteinaceous infectious particles which are resistant to inactivation by procedures that modify nucleic acids and which contain an abnormal isoform of a cellular protein that is |
HP:0003701 | Proximal muscle weakness | MP:0020329 | decreased capillary density | reduction in the number of capillaries in a given cross-sectional area of a tissue |
HP:0001317 | Abnormality of the cerebellum | MP:0011971 | increased circulating lactate dehydrogenase level | elevated blood level of the tetrameric enzyme that, along with the coenzyme NAD+, catalyzes the interconversion of lactate and pyruvate; measurements of circulating levels are used clinically as a diagnostic indicator of tissue breakdown, some forms of ca |
HP:0001761 | Pes cavus | MP:0020137 | decreased bone mineralization | decrease in the rate at which minerals are deposited into bone |
HP:0003690 | Limb muscle weakness | MP:0020137 | decreased bone mineralization | decrease in the rate at which minerals are deposited into bone |
HP:0001249 | Intellectual disability | MP:0020316 | decreased vascular endothelial cell proliferation | decrease in the expansion rate of any vascular endothelial cell population by cell division |
HP:0001382 | Joint hypermobility | MP:0020321 | increased vascular endothelial cell apoptosis | increase in the timing or the number of vascular endothelial cells undergoing programmed cell death |
HP:0003429 | CNS hypomyelination | MP:0020137 | decreased bone mineralization | decrease in the rate at which minerals are deposited into bone |
HP:0003405 | Diffuse axonal swelling | MP:0011965 | decreased total retina thickness | decreased width of the retina through the center plane |
HP:0002235 | Pili canaliculi | MP:0013282 | urinary bladder exstrophy | a herniation of the urinary bladder through an anterior abdominal wall defect; refers to congenital absence of a portion of the lower anterior abdominal wall and the anterior urinary bladder wall, with eversion of the posterior bladder wall through the de |
HP:0001762 | Talipes equinovarus | MP:0020137 | decreased bone mineralization | decrease in the rate at which minerals are deposited into bone |
HP:0010628 | Facial palsy | MP:0020240 | increased skeletal muscle cell apoptosis | increase in the number of skeletal muscle cells undergoing programmed cell death |
HP:0003487 | Babinski sign | MP:0020329 | decreased capillary density | reduction in the number of capillaries in a given cross-sectional area of a tissue |
HP:0002936 | Distal sensory impairment | MP:0020137 | decreased bone mineralization | decrease in the rate at which minerals are deposited into bone |
HP:0002527 | Falls | MP:0014059 | abnormal photoreceptor connecting cilium morphology | any structural anomaly of the nonmotile primary cilium that has a 9+0 microtubule array and forms the portion of the axoneme traversing the boundary between the retinal photoreceptor inner and outer segments |
HP:0002460 | Distal muscle weakness | MP:0020220 | decreased tear production | decreased production of the amount of fluid produced in the eye |
Disease ID | 779 |
Disease | giant axonal neuropathy |
Case | (Waiting for update.) |