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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

   gestational choriocarcinoma

Disease ID 1874
Disease gestational choriocarcinoma
A rare, highly malignant epithelial tumor that develops from a hydatidiform mole (50%), following abortion (25%), or during normal pregnancy (22%). It is characterized by the presence of invasive and anaplastic trophoblastic tissue composed of intermediate trophoblastic cells, cytotrophoblasts and syncytiotrophoblasts, abundant vascularity, and secretion of human chorionic gonadotropin. Because of rapid growth and a high propensity for hemorrhage, this neoplasm often constitutes a medical emergency.
gestational choriocarcinoma (disorder)
gestational choriocarcinoma (morphologic abnormality)
gestational chorioepithelioma
gestational chorionepithelioma
molar pregnancy with choriocarcinoma
molar pregnancy with choriocarcinoma (disorder)
molar pregnancy with chorioepithelioma
molar pregnancy with chorionepithelioma
UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:3)
C0032987  |  ectopic pregnancy  |  2
C0476089  |  endometrial ca  |  1
C0476089  |  endometrial carcinoma  |  1
Curated Gene(Waiting for update.)
Inferring Gene(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Score | Resource(Total Genes:59)
60  |  ACTB  |  1.324  |  DISEASES
103  |  ADAR  |  1.42  |  DISEASES
116  |  ADCYAP1  |  1.238  |  DISEASES
174  |  AFP  |  1.379  |  DISEASES
430  |  ASCL2  |  2.323  |  DISEASES
23192  |  ATG4B  |  2.639  |  DISEASES
567  |  B2M  |  1.242  |  DISEASES
801  |  CALM1  |  2.841  |  DISEASES
1025  |  CDK9  |  1.039  |  DISEASES
1028  |  CDKN1C  |  2.051  |  DISEASES
1081  |  CGA  |  2.149  |  DISEASES
55743  |  CHFR  |  1.838  |  DISEASES
4850  |  CNOT4  |  2.064  |  DISEASES
1443  |  CSH2  |  3.404  |  DISEASES
8029  |  CUBN  |  1.701  |  DISEASES
22943  |  DKK1  |  1.839  |  DISEASES
1747  |  DLX3  |  2.302  |  DISEASES
1791  |  DNTT  |  1.023  |  DISEASES
10281  |  DSCR4  |  3.373  |  DISEASES
57593  |  EBF4  |  3.607  |  DISEASES
2103  |  ESRRB  |  2.194  |  DISEASES
2170  |  FABP3  |  1.444  |  DISEASES
2274  |  FHL2  |  1.338  |  DISEASES
27022  |  FOXD3  |  1.716  |  DISEASES
2689  |  GH2  |  2.116  |  DISEASES
8925  |  HERC1  |  3.135  |  DISEASES
55733  |  HHAT  |  1.943  |  DISEASES
3105  |  HLA-A  |  1.755  |  DISEASES
3135  |  HLA-G  |  1.095  |  DISEASES
3283  |  HSD3B1  |  1.955  |  DISEASES
3363  |  HTR7  |  2.159  |  DISEASES
284217  |  LAMA1  |  2.542  |  DISEASES
3927  |  LASP1  |  2.088  |  DISEASES
4094  |  MAF  |  1.997  |  DISEASES
23764  |  MAFF  |  1.119  |  DISEASES
4097  |  MAFG  |  2.676  |  DISEASES
57504  |  MTA3  |  2.653  |  DISEASES
4522  |  MTHFD1  |  1.836  |  DISEASES
4548  |  MTR  |  1.279  |  DISEASES
2649  |  NR6A1  |  2.11  |  DISEASES
5125  |  PCSK5  |  1.296  |  DISEASES
9159  |  PCSK7  |  1.971  |  DISEASES
10687  |  PNMA2  |  1.345  |  DISEASES
56980  |  PRDM10  |  1.061  |  DISEASES
100526737  |  RBM14-RBM4  |  2.887  |  DISEASES
6195  |  RPS6KA1  |  2.211  |  DISEASES
4891  |  SLC11A2  |  1.564  |  DISEASES
6510  |  SLC1A5  |  2.607  |  DISEASES
6582  |  SLC22A2  |  2.174  |  DISEASES
9962  |  SLC23A2  |  2.409  |  DISEASES
6520  |  SLC3A2  |  1.717  |  DISEASES
9152  |  SLC6A5  |  2.433  |  DISEASES
6533  |  SLC6A6  |  3.651  |  DISEASES
6658  |  SOX3  |  1.988  |  DISEASES
6714  |  SRC  |  1.239  |  DISEASES
6721  |  SREBF2  |  1.274  |  DISEASES
10948  |  STARD3  |  2.58  |  DISEASES
7005  |  TEAD3  |  3.492  |  DISEASES
7159  |  TP53BP2  |  2.17  |  DISEASES
Locus(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 1874
Disease gestational choriocarcinoma
Integrated Phenotype(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Phenotype
HPO | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Phenotypes:1)
Disease ID 1874
Disease gestational choriocarcinoma
Manually Symptom
UMLS  | Name(Total Manually Symptoms:5)
C1963220  |  pulmonary hypertension
C0494165  |  liver metastases
C0153687  |  cutaneous metastasis
C0153676  |  pulmonary metastasis
C0153676  |  pulmonary metastases
Text Mined Symptom(Waiting for update.)
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Text Mining Genotype(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
All Snps(Total Genotypes:0)
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GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0)
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GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:0)
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Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 1874
Disease gestational choriocarcinoma
Case(Waiting for update.)