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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

   fetal akinesia deformation sequence

Disease ID 1103
Disease fetal akinesia deformation sequence
Decreases fetal activity associated with multiple joint contractures, facial anomalies and pulmonary hypoplasia. Ultrasound examination may reveal polyhydramnios, ankylosis, scalp edema, and decreased chest movements (reflecting pulmonary hypoplasia). [HPO:probinson]
arthrogryposis multiplex congenita pulmonary hypoplasia
arthrogryposis multiplex congenita with pulmonary hypoplasia
arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, pulmonary hypoplasia, cryptorchidism, and unusual ophthalmological findings
fetal akinesia
fetal akinesia sequence
lethal pena-shokeir 1 syndrome
pena shokeir syndrome, type 1
pena-shokeir syndrome type i
pena-shokeir syndrome type i (disorder)
pena-shokeir syndrome, type 1
pena-shokeir syndrome, type i
UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:3)
C0003467  |  anxiety  |  1
C0206620  |  hygroma  |  1
C0013595  |  eczema  |  1
Curated Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:4)
285489  |  DOK7  |  CLINVAR;CTD_human;UNIPROT
80308  |  FLAD1  |  OMIM
5913  |  RAPSN  |  CLINVAR;CTD_human;UNIPROT
Inferring Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:3)
6261  |  RYR1  |  CIPHER
285489  |  DOK7  |  CTD_human
5913  |  RAPSN  |  CTD_human
Text Mined Gene(Waiting for update.)
Symbol | Locus(Total Locus:4)
DOK7  |  4p16.3
RAPSN  |  11p11.2
MYOD1  |  11p15.1
MUSK  |  9q31.3
Disease ID 1103
Disease fetal akinesia deformation sequence
Integrated Phenotype
HPO | Name(Total Integrated Phenotypes:24)
HP:0000028  |  Cryptorchidism
HP:0002089  |  Pulmonary hypoplasia
HP:0001059  |  Pterygium
HP:0000358  |  Posteriorly rotated ears
HP:0003700  |  Generalized amyotrophy
HP:0005280  |  Depressed nasal bridge
HP:0001262  |  Excessive daytime somnolence
HP:0005245  |  Intestinal hypoplasia
HP:0002375  |  Hypokinesia
HP:0000347  |  Micrognathia
HP:0000316  |  Hypertelorism
HP:0001511  |  Intrauterine growth retardation
HP:0002828  |  Multiple joint contractures
HP:0002804  |  Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita
HP:0000476  |  Cystic hygroma
HP:0000175  |  Cleft palate
HP:0002093  |  Respiratory insufficiency
HP:0002650  |  Scoliosis
HP:0001305  |  Dandy-Walker malformation
HP:0001989  |  Fetal akinesia sequence
HP:0100490  |  Camptodactyly of finger
HP:0002304  |  Akinesia
HP:0010489  |  Absent palmar crease
HP:0001561  |  Polyhydramnios
Text Mined Phenotype
HPO | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Phenotypes:9)
HP:0010880  |  Increased nuchal translucency  |  1
HP:0000476  |  Cystic hygroma  |  1
HP:0002126  |  Polymicrogyria  |  1
HP:0002804  |  Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita  |  1
HP:0001040  |  Multiple pterygia  |  1
HP:0000964  |  Eczema  |  1
HP:0000739  |  Anxiety  |  1
HP:0002664  |  Neoplasia  |  1
HP:0009025  |  Increased connective tissue  |  1
Disease ID 1103
Disease fetal akinesia deformation sequence
Manually Symptom(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Symptom(Waiting for update.)
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0)
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Text Mining Genotype(Total Genotypes:0)
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All Snps(Total Genotypes:2)
snpId pubmedId geneId geneSymbol diseaseId sourceId sentence score Year geneSymbol_dbSNP CHROMOSOME POS REF ALT
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0)
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GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0)
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Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:5)
HP ID HP Name MP ID MP Name Annotation
HP:0002089Pulmonary hypoplasiaMP:0013193sebaceous gland hypoplasiaunderdevelopment and decreased size of the sebum secreting glands of the hair shaft, usually due to a decrease in the number of cells
HP:0001511Intrauterine growth retardationMP:0011109lethality throughout fetal growth and development, incomplete penetrancethe appearance of lower than Mendelian ratios of organisms of a given genotype due to death of some, but not all of the organisms between the completion of organogenesis and birth (Mus: E14 to approximately E18.5)
HP:0000175Cleft palateMP:0013550abnormal secondary palate morphology
HP:0100490Camptodactyly of fingerMP:0020010decreased bone mineral density of femurreduction in the quatitative measurment value of mineral content of bone in the long bone of the thigh
HP:0005280Depressed nasal bridgeMP:0013582abnormal lateral nasal gland morphologyany structural anomaly of the lateral nasal glands (the largest nasal secretory glands in rodents) which surround the maxillary sinus located in the lateral wall adjacent to each nasal passage and are characterized by cytologic features similar to those d
Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:23)
HP ID HP Name MP ID MP Name Annotation
HP:0002650ScoliosisMP:0020309increased creatine kinase activityincreased ability of to catalyze the reaction: ATP + creatine = N-phosphocreatine + ADP + 2 H(+).
HP:0000476Cystic hygromaMP:0014164abnormal ciliary process morphology any structural anomaly of any of the pigmented processes that radiate from the ciliary muscle and give attachments to ligaments supporting the lens of the eye; these processes increase in thickness as they advance from the orbiculus ciliaris to the exter
HP:0000347MicrognathiaMP:0020321increased vascular endothelial cell apoptosisincrease in the timing or the number of vascular endothelial cells undergoing programmed cell death
HP:0003700Generalized amyotrophyMP:0020137decreased bone mineralizationdecrease in the rate at which minerals are deposited into bone
HP:0000316HypertelorismMP:0020321increased vascular endothelial cell apoptosisincrease in the timing or the number of vascular endothelial cells undergoing programmed cell death
HP:0002093Respiratory insufficiencyMP:0020254decreased collagen leveldecreased level of the main structural protein of the various connective tissues in animals
HP:0001511Intrauterine growth retardationMP:0020329decreased capillary densityreduction in the number of capillaries in a given cross-sectional area of a tissue
HP:0000028CryptorchidismMP:3000003abnormal Ebner's gland morphologyany structural anomaly of the serous salivary glands which reside adjacent to the moats surrounding the circumvallate and foliate papillae just anterior to the posterior third of the tongue, anterior to the terminal sulcus; these exocrine glands secrete l
HP:0002828Multiple joint contracturesMP:0013293embryonic lethality prior to tooth bud stagedeath prior to the appearance of tooth buds (Mus: E12-E12.5)
HP:0002804Arthrogryposis multiplex congenitaMP:0020137decreased bone mineralizationdecrease in the rate at which minerals are deposited into bone
HP:0000358Posteriorly rotated earsMP:0020137decreased bone mineralizationdecrease in the rate at which minerals are deposited into bone
HP:0001305Dandy-Walker malformationMP:0013785abnormal mammary gland bud morphologyany structural anomaly of the morphologically distinct bulb of epithelial cells formed once each mammary placode expands and invaginates into the underlying mesenchyme; in mouse embryos at E12.5, each epithelial bud with its contiguous mesenchyme is eleva
HP:0005280Depressed nasal bridgeMP:0020254decreased collagen leveldecreased level of the main structural protein of the various connective tissues in animals
HP:0100490Camptodactyly of fingerMP:0020137decreased bone mineralizationdecrease in the rate at which minerals are deposited into bone
HP:0001059PterygiumMP:0013258abnormal extracellular matrix morphologyany structural anomaly of the structure lying external to one or more cells, which provides structural support for cells or tissues; in mammals, the extracellular matrix is completely external to the cell
HP:0001561PolyhydramniosMP:0020214susceptible to malignant hyperthermiaincreased susceptibility to hyperthermia triggered by exposure to certain drugs used for general anesthesia, specifically the volatile anesthetic agents and the neuromuscular blocking agent, succinylcholine
HP:0010489Absent palmar creaseMP:0011100preweaning lethality, complete penetrancedeath of all organisms of a given genotype in a population between fertilization and weaning age (Mus: approximately 3-4 weeks of age)
HP:0000175Cleft palateMP:3000003abnormal Ebner's gland morphologyany structural anomaly of the serous salivary glands which reside adjacent to the moats surrounding the circumvallate and foliate papillae just anterior to the posterior third of the tongue, anterior to the terminal sulcus; these exocrine glands secrete l
HP:0002304AkinesiaMP:0014126increased mammary gland apoptosisincrease in the number of any cells of a mammary gland undergoing programmed cell death
HP:0001262SomnolenceMP:0013504increased embryonic tissue cell apoptosisincrease in the timing or the number of cells in embryonic tissue undergoing programmed cell death
HP:0002375HypokinesiaMP:0020240increased skeletal muscle cell apoptosisincrease in the number of skeletal muscle cells undergoing programmed cell death
HP:0001989Fetal akinesia sequenceMP:0020240increased skeletal muscle cell apoptosisincrease in the number of skeletal muscle cells undergoing programmed cell death
HP:0002089Pulmonary hypoplasiaMP:0020214susceptible to malignant hyperthermiaincreased susceptibility to hyperthermia triggered by exposure to certain drugs used for general anesthesia, specifically the volatile anesthetic agents and the neuromuscular blocking agent, succinylcholine
Disease ID 1103
Disease fetal akinesia deformation sequence
Case(Waiting for update.)