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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

   distal arthrogryposis

Disease ID 1704
Disease distal arthrogryposis
A form of arthrogryposis primarily affecting the hands and the feet. [HPO:probinson]
arthrogryposis, distal
distal arthrogryposis syndrome
distal arthrogryposis syndrome (disorder)
Curated Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:1)
4621  |  MYH3  |  GHR
Inferring Gene(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Score | Resource(Total Genes:79)
58  |  ACTA1  |  2.136  |  DISEASES
375790  |  AGRN  |  1.391  |  DISEASES
51008  |  ASCC1  |  3.492  |  DISEASES
23299  |  BICD2  |  2.941  |  DISEASES
53841  |  CDHR5  |  3.21  |  DISEASES
1123  |  CHN1  |  1.462  |  DISEASES
1137  |  CHRNA4  |  1.586  |  DISEASES
1146  |  CHRNG  |  3.703  |  DISEASES
1272  |  CNTN1  |  2.262  |  DISEASES
26047  |  CNTNAP2  |  1.29  |  DISEASES
1280  |  COL2A1  |  1.971  |  DISEASES
144402  |  CPNE8  |  3.547  |  DISEASES
1465  |  CSRP1  |  3.184  |  DISEASES
1663  |  DDX11  |  2.645  |  DISEASES
10301  |  DLEU1  |  2.486  |  DISEASES
285489  |  DOK7  |  4.68  |  DISEASES
1798  |  DPAGT1  |  2.381  |  DISEASES
1847  |  DUSP5  |  1.378  |  DISEASES
1778  |  DYNC1H1  |  2.34  |  DISEASES
57222  |  ERGIC1  |  3.696  |  DISEASES
2138  |  EYA1  |  2.048  |  DISEASES
2317  |  FLNB  |  1.782  |  DISEASES
27022  |  FOXD3  |  1.667  |  DISEASES
57165  |  GJC2  |  2.042  |  DISEASES
342035  |  GLDN  |  2.756  |  DISEASES
23462  |  HEY1  |  1.559  |  DISEASES
64344  |  HIF3A  |  2.02  |  DISEASES
3339  |  HSPG2  |  2.359  |  DISEASES
3736  |  KCNA1  |  1.672  |  DISEASES
55605  |  KIF21A  |  2.002  |  DISEASES
3908  |  LAMA2  |  1.223  |  DISEASES
9211  |  LGI1  |  1.13  |  DISEASES
54551  |  MAGEL2  |  2.207  |  DISEASES
23164  |  MPRIP  |  3.021  |  DISEASES
92399  |  MRRF  |  2.233  |  DISEASES
4534  |  MTM1  |  1.382  |  DISEASES
4588  |  MUC6  |  1.033  |  DISEASES
4593  |  MUSK  |  1.974  |  DISEASES
4604  |  MYBPC1  |  6.139  |  DISEASES
4606  |  MYBPC2  |  3.612  |  DISEASES
4607  |  MYBPC3  |  3.181  |  DISEASES
4624  |  MYH6  |  3.604  |  DISEASES
4625  |  MYH7  |  2.722  |  DISEASES
4626  |  MYH8  |  6.107  |  DISEASES
4635  |  MYL4  |  3.1  |  DISEASES
4671  |  NAIP  |  1.672  |  DISEASES
54820  |  NDE1  |  2.179  |  DISEASES
4703  |  NEB  |  3.391  |  DISEASES
23114  |  NFASC  |  2.084  |  DISEASES
3164  |  NR4A1  |  1.22  |  DISEASES
26740  |  OR1J2  |  4.018  |  DISEASES
5160  |  PDHA1  |  1.931  |  DISEASES
5203  |  PFDN4  |  4.55  |  DISEASES
63895  |  PIEZO2  |  5.266  |  DISEASES
144165  |  PRICKLE1  |  2.654  |  DISEASES
5573  |  PRKAR1A  |  1.261  |  DISEASES
9770  |  RASSF2  |  2.289  |  DISEASES
65055  |  REEP1  |  2.385  |  DISEASES
64221  |  ROBO3  |  2.233  |  DISEASES
6334  |  SCN8A  |  1.742  |  DISEASES
23443  |  SLC35A3  |  2.768  |  DISEASES
6663  |  SOX10  |  1.055  |  DISEASES
10011  |  SRA1  |  1.665  |  DISEASES
27286  |  SRPX2  |  2.604  |  DISEASES
23345  |  SYNE1  |  1.856  |  DISEASES
7125  |  TNNC2  |  4.474  |  DISEASES
7135  |  TNNI1  |  2.815  |  DISEASES
7138  |  TNNT1  |  2.027  |  DISEASES
7169  |  TPM2  |  6.387  |  DISEASES
7170  |  TPM3  |  3.181  |  DISEASES
84676  |  TRIM63  |  1.572  |  DISEASES
51807  |  TUBA8  |  3.568  |  DISEASES
10381  |  TUBB3  |  1.252  |  DISEASES
63894  |  VIPAS39  |  2.904  |  DISEASES
26276  |  VPS33B  |  3.391  |  DISEASES
9278  |  ZBTB22  |  1.736  |  DISEASES
100128927  |  ZBTB42  |  4.665  |  DISEASES
55906  |  ZC4H2  |  3.191  |  DISEASES
23567  |  ZNF346  |  3.338  |  DISEASES
Locus(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 1704
Disease distal arthrogryposis
Integrated Phenotype(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Phenotype(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 1704
Disease distal arthrogryposis
Manually Symptom
UMLS  | Name(Total Manually Symptoms:1)
C1837245  |  carney complex variant
Text Mined Symptom(Waiting for update.)
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Text Mining Genotype(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
All Snps(Total Genotypes:3)
snpId pubmedId geneId geneSymbol diseaseId sourceId sentence score Year geneSymbol_dbSNP CHROMOSOME POS REF ALT
rs137853305204579037169TPM2umls:C0265213BeFreeHence, we recorded and analyzed the X-ray diffraction patterns of human membrane-permeabilized muscle cells expressing a particular beta-tropomyosin mutation (R133W) associated with a loss in cell force production, in vivo muscle weakness, and distal arthrogryposis.0.0029858612010TPM2935685529GA
rs387906657236578184604MYBPC1umls:C0265213BeFreeTwo missense mutations in the NH2 terminus (W236R) and COOH terminus (Y856H) of sMyBP-C have been causally linked to the development of distal arthrogryposis-1 (DA-1), a severe skeletal muscle disorder.0.0008143262013MYBPC112101642459TC
rs387906658236578184604MYBPC1umls:C0265213BeFreeTwo missense mutations in the NH2 terminus (W236R) and COOH terminus (Y856H) of sMyBP-C have been causally linked to the development of distal arthrogryposis-1 (DA-1), a severe skeletal muscle disorder.0.0008143262013MYBPC112101670362TC
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 1704
Disease distal arthrogryposis
Case(Waiting for update.)