diffuse panbronchiolitis |
Disease ID | 1277 |
Disease | diffuse panbronchiolitis |
Definition | Diffuse panbronchiolitis (DPB) is an inflammatory lung disease of unknown cause. It is a severe, progressive form of bronchiolitis, an inflammatory condition of the bronchioles (small air passages in the lungs). The term diffuse signifies that lesions appear throughout both lungs, while panbronchiolitis refers to inflammation found in all layers of the respiratory bronchioles (those involved in gas exchange). DPB causes severe inflammation and nodule-like lesions of terminal bronchioles, chronic sinusitis, and intense coughing with large amounts of sputum production. - Wikipedia Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/diffuse panbronchiolitis |
Synonym | diffuse panbronchiolitis (disorder) dpb panbronchiolitis, diffuse pblt |
Orphanet | |
OMIM | |
UMLS | C0878555 |
Comorbidity | UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:12) C0024115 | lung disease | 1 C0006271 | bronchiolitis | 1 C0205969 | malignant thymoma | 1 C0013384 | dyskinesia | 1 C0278846 | invasive thymoma | 1 C0040100 | thymoma | 1 C0004096 | asthma | 1 C0020542 | pulmonary hypertension | 1 C0020538 | hypertension | 1 C0009447 | common variable immunodeficiency | 1 C0008780 | primary ciliary dyskinesia | 1 C0079774 | peripheral t cell lymphoma | 1 |
Curated Gene | Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:2) |
Inferring Gene | Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:1) |
Text Mined Gene | (Waiting for update.) |
Locus | Symbol | Locus(Total Locus:2) |
Disease ID | 1277 |
Disease | diffuse panbronchiolitis |
Integrated Phenotype | (Waiting for update.) |
Text Mined Phenotype | HPO | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Phenotypes:7) HP:0012265 | Ciliary dyskinesia | 1 HP:0100522 | Thymoma | 1 HP:0002099 | Asthma | 1 HP:0011950 | Bronchiolitis | 1 HP:0000822 | Hypertension | 1 HP:0002092 | Pulmonary artery hypertension | 1 HP:0100660 | Dyskinesis | 1 |
Disease ID | 1277 |
Disease | diffuse panbronchiolitis |
Manually Symptom | UMLS | Name(Total Manually Symptoms:14) C2697391 | rheumatoid arthritis C1963215 | pneumothorax C1096584 | chlamydia pneumoniae infection C0876973 | pulmonary infection C0684249 | lung cancer C0343192 | microscopic polyangiitis C0275583 | pulmonary nocardiosis C0264372 | bronchiolectasis C0231819 | air trapping C0149725 | lower respiratory tract infection C0085129 | bronchial hyperresponsiveness C0035243 | respiratory infections C0024305 | non-hodgkin lymphoma C0008728 | allergic granulomatous angiitis (churg-strauss) |
Text Mined Symptom | (Waiting for update.) |
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0) |
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Text Mining Genotype(Total Genotypes:0) | |
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All Snps(Total Genotypes:0) | |
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GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:10) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chr | Pos | SNP_Id | RefGene | EnsemblGene | ENCODE_Factor | ENCODE_TFBS | Chromosome_interaction | GTEx_eQTL | SNP_TFBS_affinity_GWAS3D | SNP_miRNA_target_affinity_PolymiRTS | SNP_splicing_effect_Skippy | SNP_splicing_effect_MutPred_Splice | SNP_ns_protein_effect_dbNSFP | SNP_syn_effect_Silva | SNP_phosphorylation_effect_PhosSNP | PhastCons_score | PhyloP_score | GERP++_RS | Segway_state | Ancestral_allele | ESP_AF | ESP_AFR | ESP_AFR | ESP_EUR | TG_ASN | TG_AMR | TG_AFR | TG_EUR | Type | Consequence | bStatistic | EncH3K27Ac | EncH3K4Me1 | EncH3K4Me3 | EncNucleo | OMIM | Clinvar |
6 | 30912414 | rs9501035 | NM_080870,DPCR1 | ENST00000462446,ENSG00000168631 | ENST00000450344,ENSG00000168631 | NA | NA | chr6,30910001,30920000,chr6,30490001,30500000,5,Hi-C | NA | Homez_1063,77.2533 | PFF0200c,1.7076 | Rhox11_1765,1.9903 | Rhox11_2205,2.1107 | Stp2-primary,2.5696 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.221 | 0.446 | 1.23 | R1 | G | NA | NA | NA | 0.290 | 0.490 | 0.360 | 0.130 | 0.220 | Intergenic | DOWNSTREAM | 917 | 3.52 |
6 | 30913458 | rs3132581 | NM_080870,DPCR1 | ENST00000462446,ENSG00000168631 | ENST00000450344,ENSG00000168631 | ENST00000419481,ENSG00000233529 | NA | NA | chr6,30910001,30920000,chr6,30490001,30500000,5,Hi-C | NA | Aft1-primary,40.131 | Asg1-DBD-primary,1.6335 | Asg1-DBD-primary,1.7572 | Gal4-primary,1.3155 | Gal4-primary,1.3155 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.006 | 0.202 | 0.158 | R3 | G | NA | NA | NA | 0.060 | 0.020 | 0.030 | 0.060 | 0.100 | Intergenic | DOWNSTREAM | 917 |
6 | 30914751 | rs2517451 | NM_080870,DPCR1 | ENST00000462446,ENSG00000168631 | ENST00000450344,ENSG00000168631 | ENST00000419481,ENSG00000233529 | TFP.FOXA1 | MCV-2 | NA | chr6,30910001,30920000,chr6,30490001,30500000,5,Hi-C | NA | Barx1_2877,1.8061 | Mbp1-primary,9.4329 | Pbf1-primary,1.5162 | Pbf2-primary,1.3062 | Pho4-primary,2.6271 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.000 | -0.883 | -3.46 | R2 | C | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Transcript | INTRONIC |
6 | 30914843 | rs3130782 | NM_080870,DPCR1 | ENST00000462446,ENSG00000168631 | ENST00000450344,ENSG00000168631 | ENST00000419481,ENSG00000233529 | TFP.FOXA1 | MCV-2 | NA | chr6,30910001,30920000,chr6,30490001,30500000,5,Hi-C | NA | Ceh-22,1.5435 | Evx2_2645,1.4753 | Nkx2-9_3082,2.0558 | Nkx3-1_2923,3.0542 | Tcf2_0913,2.2643 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.000 | 0.021 | -0.148 | R1 | C | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Transcript | INTRONIC |
6 | 30919391 | rs3094086 | NM_080870,DPCR1 | ENST00000462446,ENSG00000168631 | ENST00000450344,ENSG00000168631 | ENST00000419481,ENSG00000233529 | ENST00000304311,ENSG00000168631 | NA | NA | chr6,30910001,30920000,chr6,30490001,30500000,5,Hi-C | NA | LM19,1.4355 | LM48,2.9728 | LM103,17.8257 | LM113,1.8761 | LM124,1.9775 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.000 | -1.076 | -5.96 | R5 | G | 0.116 | 0.071 | 0.135 | 0.060 | 0.020 | 0.030 | 0.060 | 0.110 | CodingTranscript | SYNONYMOUS |
6 | 30920124 | rs3132580 | NM_080870,DPCR1 | ENST00000462446,ENSG00000168631 | ENST00000450344,ENSG00000168631 | ENST00000419481,ENSG00000233529 | ENST00000304311,ENSG00000168631 | TFP.NFKB1 | NA | chr6,30920001,30930000,chr6,30900001,30910000,25,Hi-C | chr6,30920001,30930000,chr6,57690001,57700000,25,Hi-C | chr6,30920001,30930000,chr6,31270001,31280000,4,Hi-C | chr6,30920001,30930000,chr10,57240001,57250000,5,Hi-C | NA | Cep3-primary,1.4026 | Met32-primary,1.6489 | Rpn4-primary,1.7268 | LM161,3.3179 | ELF5,1.5551 | NA | NA | NA | DPCR1,G,A,E,K,0.003,1,0.560614,0.002335 | DPCR1,G,C,E,Q,0.082,1,0.564415,0.000723 | DPCR1,G,T,E,X,0.527352,0.829446,0.737452,1 | NA | NM_080870,TypeIII+,GAG->AAG,E->K,3.4 | NM_080870,TypeIII-,GAG->AAG,E->K,2.211 | NM_080870,TypeIII-,GAG->AAG,E->K,3.444 | NM_080870,TypeIII-,GAG->AAG,E->K,2.38 | NM_080870,TypeIII-,GAG->AAG,E->K,2.313 | NM_080870,TypeIII-,GAG->AAG,E->K,3.118 | NM_080870,TypeIII-,GAG->AAG,E->K,3.06 | NM_080870,TypeIII-,GAG->AAG,E->K,3.264 | NM_080870,TypeIII-,GAG->AAG,E->K,4 | NM_080870,TypeIII-,GAG->AAG,E->K,5 | NM_080870,TypeIII-,GAG->AAG,E->K,3.667 |
6 | 30920890 | rs2240804 | NM_080870,DPCR1 | ENST00000462446,ENSG00000168631 | ENST00000450344,ENSG00000168631 | ENST00000419481,ENSG00000233529 | ENST00000304311,ENSG00000168631 | MCV-1 | NA | chr6,30920001,30930000,chr6,30900001,30910000,25,Hi-C | chr6,30920001,30930000,chr6,57690001,57700000,25,Hi-C | chr6,30920001,30930000,chr6,31270001,31280000,4,Hi-C | chr6,30920001,30930000,chr10,57240001,57250000,5,Hi-C | NA | LM16,2.2174 | LM56,1.3968 | LM91,1.7111 | LM128,1.8022 | LM135,6.6279 | NA | NA | NA | DPCR1,G,A,R,Q,0.967,1,0.811807,0.000764 | DPCR1,G,C,R,P,0.985,1,0.854221,0.289388 | DPCR1,G,T,R,L,0.985,1,0.854221,0.289388 | NA | NM_080870,TypeIII+,CGG->CAG,R->Q,3.278 | NM_080870,TypeIII-,CGG->CAG,R->Q,5.5 | NM_080870,TypeIII-,CGG->CAG,R->Q,3 | NM_080870,TypeIII-,CGG->CAG,R->Q,5 | 0.018 | -0.364 | -1.63 | R5 | G | 0.272 | 0.098 |
6 | 30920957 | rs2240803 | NM_080870,DPCR1 | ENST00000462446,ENSG00000168631 | ENST00000450344,ENSG00000168631 | ENST00000419481,ENSG00000233529 | ENST00000304311,ENSG00000168631 | MCV-1 | NA | chr6,30920001,30930000,chr6,30900001,30910000,25,Hi-C | chr6,30920001,30930000,chr6,57690001,57700000,25,Hi-C | chr6,30920001,30930000,chr6,31270001,31280000,4,Hi-C | chr6,30920001,30930000,chr10,57240001,57250000,5,Hi-C | NA | Hal9-primary,18.9882 | Hal9-primary,18.9882 | Mcm1-primary,2.0051 | Pbf1-primary,1.3288 | Pbf2-primary,1.506 | hsa-miR-218-1-3p,-0.220000 | hsa-miR-29b-1-5p,-0.093000 | hsa-miR-627-5p,-0.149000 | hsa-miR-924,-0.127000 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.000 | -0.195 | -1.42 | R1 | G | NA | NA | NA | 0.240 |
6 | 30921364 | rs12190030 | NM_080870,DPCR1 | ENST00000462446,ENSG00000168631 | ENST00000450344,ENSG00000168631 | ENST00000419481,ENSG00000233529 | ENST00000304311,ENSG00000168631 | NA | NA | chr6,30920001,30930000,chr6,30900001,30910000,25,Hi-C | chr6,30920001,30930000,chr6,57690001,57700000,25,Hi-C | chr6,30920001,30930000,chr6,31270001,31280000,4,Hi-C | chr6,30920001,30930000,chr10,57240001,57250000,5,Hi-C | NA | Gsc_2327,1.4074 | Oaf1-DBD-primary,1.4981 | Pbf1-primary,1.3582 | Pbf2-primary,1.6503 | hsa-miR-4699-3p,0.058000 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.001 | -0.099 | -0.334 | R0 | C | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
6 | 30921882 | rs3757340 | NM_080870,DPCR1 | ENST00000462446,ENSG00000168631 | ENST00000450344,ENSG00000168631 | ENST00000419481,ENSG00000233529 | ENST00000304311,ENSG00000168631 | MCV-1 | NA | chr6,30920001,30930000,chr6,30900001,30910000,25,Hi-C | chr6,30920001,30930000,chr6,57690001,57700000,25,Hi-C | chr6,30920001,30930000,chr6,31270001,31280000,4,Hi-C | chr6,30920001,30930000,chr10,57240001,57250000,5,Hi-C | NA | Ceh-22,5.9398 | Meox1_2310,1.5731 | Rds1-primary,2.2604 | Skn7-primary,3.5578 | Skn7-primary,61.3526 | hsa-miR-4476,-0.078000 | hsa-miR-6077,-0.182000 | hsa-miR-6876-5p,-0.078000 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0.000 | -0.401 | -2.44 | R1 | T | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0) | |
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Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:0) |
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Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:0) |
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Disease ID | 1277 |
Disease | diffuse panbronchiolitis |
Case | (Waiting for update.) |