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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

   cutaneous mastocytoma

Disease ID 430
Disease cutaneous mastocytoma
A variant of cutaneous mastocytosis which occurs as a single lesion usually in infants. It is found mostly in the wrist and trunk and there is no atypical cytomorphology.
cutaneous solitary mastocytoma
mast cell naevus
mast cell nevus
mast cell nevus (disorder)
mastocytoma of skin
mastocytoma, skin
mastocytoma, skin [disease/finding]
skin mastocytoma
skin solitary mastocytoma
solitary cutaneous mastocytoma
solitary cutaneous mastocytoma (disorder)
solitary mastocytoma
solitary mastocytoma of skin
solitary mastocytoma of skin (morphologic abnormality)
solitary mastocytoma of the skin
UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:1)
C0042109  |  urticaria  |  1
Curated Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:1)
3815  |  KIT  |  ORPHANET
Inferring Gene(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Score | Resource(Total Genes:4)
914  |  CD2  |  1.672  |  DISEASES
5265  |  SERPINA1  |  2.202  |  DISEASES
12  |  SERPINA3  |  2.976  |  DISEASES
7316  |  UBC  |  2.819  |  DISEASES
Symbol | Locus(Total Locus:1)
KIT  |  4q12
Disease ID 430
Disease cutaneous mastocytoma
Integrated Phenotype
HPO | Name(Total Integrated Phenotypes:10)
HP:0001025  |  Urticaria
HP:0200151  |  Cutaneous mastocytosis
HP:0002027  |  Abdominal pain
HP:0001482  |  Subcutaneous nodule
HP:0001034  |  Hypermelanotic macule
HP:0000989  |  Pruritus
HP:0001000  |  Abnormality of skin pigmentation
HP:0001072  |  Thickened skin
HP:0008066  |  Abnormal blistering of the skin
HP:0002315  |  Headache
Text Mined Phenotype
HPO | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Phenotypes:2)
HP:0001025  |  Hives  |  1
HP:0100665  |  Angiooedema  |  1
Disease ID 430
Disease cutaneous mastocytoma
Manually Symptom
UMLS  | Name(Total Manually Symptoms:1)
C0333579  |  plane xanthoma
Text Mined Symptom(Waiting for update.)
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0)
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Text Mining Genotype(Total Genotypes:0)
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All Snps(Total Genotypes:0)
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GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0)
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GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0)
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Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:3)
HP ID HP Name MP ID MP Name Annotation
HP:0001000Abnormality of skin pigmentationMP:0009536abnormal interstitial cell of Cajal morphologyany structural anomaly in the type of cell found in the gastrointestinal tract and serving as a pacemaker that triggers gut contraction; ICCs mediate inputs from the enteric nervous system to smooth muscle cells and are thought to be the cells from which
HP:0001072Thickened skinMP:0009932skin fibrosisinvasion of fibrous connective tissue into the skin, often resulting from inflammation or injury
HP:0008066Abnormal blistering of the skinMP:0009536abnormal interstitial cell of Cajal morphologyany structural anomaly in the type of cell found in the gastrointestinal tract and serving as a pacemaker that triggers gut contraction; ICCs mediate inputs from the enteric nervous system to smooth muscle cells and are thought to be the cells from which
Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:10)
HP ID HP Name MP ID MP Name Annotation
HP:0002315HeadacheMP:0020137decreased bone mineralizationdecrease in the rate at which minerals are deposited into bone
HP:0002027Abdominal painMP:0020220decreased tear productiondecreased production of the amount of fluid produced in the eye
HP:0000989PruritusMP:0020254decreased collagen leveldecreased level of the main structural protein of the various connective tissues in animals
HP:0001000Abnormality of skin pigmentationMP:0020137decreased bone mineralizationdecrease in the rate at which minerals are deposited into bone
HP:0001025UrticariaMP:0020154impaired humoral immune responseimpaired response of the immune system that mediates secreted antibodies produced in B cells
HP:0001034Hypermelanotic maculeMP:0020154impaired humoral immune responseimpaired response of the immune system that mediates secreted antibodies produced in B cells
HP:0200151Cutaneous mastocytosisMP:0011967increased or absent threshold for auditory brainstem responseincrease in the value at which one or more sound frequencies or broadband clicks first elicits a recordable response generated by electrical activity of neurons in the ascending auditory system, or complete lack of a recordable response at any frequency o
HP:0001482Subcutaneous noduleMP:0013542abnormal submandibular gland branching morphogenesis
HP:0001072Thickened skinMP:0020329decreased capillary densityreduction in the number of capillaries in a given cross-sectional area of a tissue
HP:0008066Abnormal blistering of the skinMP:0020039increased bone ossificationincrease in the formation of bone or of a bony substance, or the conversion of fibrous tissue or of cartilage into bone or a bony substance
Disease ID 430
Disease cutaneous mastocytoma
Case(Waiting for update.)