craniosynostosis |
Disease ID | 174 |
Disease | craniosynostosis |
Definition | Premature closure of one or more CRANIAL SUTURES. It often results in plagiocephaly. Craniosynostoses that involve multiple sutures are sometimes associated with congenital syndromes such as ACROCEPHALOSYNDACTYLIA; and CRANIOFACIAL DYSOSTOSIS. |
Synonym | 1 craniosynostoses, type 1 craniosynostosis, type congenital ossification of cranial sutures congenital ossification of sutures of skull cranial suture synostosis cranial synostosis craniostenoses craniostenosis craniostosis craniosynostose craniosynostoses craniosynostoses [disease/finding] craniosynostoses, type 1 craniosynostosis (disorder) craniosynostosis 1 craniosynostosis plagiocephaly craniosynostosis syndrome craniosynostosis syndrome (disorder) craniosynostosis syndromes craniosynostosis, type 1 craniosyostosis crs crs1 cso - craniosynostosis early closure of the cranial sutures early fusion of cranial sutures plagiocephaly, craniosynostosis plagiocephaly, synostotic premature closure of cranial sutures premature closure of the cranial sutures premature cranial suture closure premature fontanel closure synostosis (cranial) synostotic plagiocephaly type 1 craniosynostoses type 1 craniosynostosis |
Orphanet | |
OMIM | |
DOID | |
ICD10 | |
UMLS | C0010278 |
MeSH | |
Comorbidity | UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:27) C0010273 | crouzon syndrome | 2 C0037315 | sleep apnea | 2 C0151740 | intracranial hypertension | 2 C0520679 | obstructive sleep apnea | 2 C0030353 | papilledema | 2 C0151740 | increased intracranial pressure | 2 C0238402 | pycnodysostosis | 1 C0010278 | craniosynostosis | 1 C0027051 | myocardial infarct | 1 C0001080 | achondroplasia | 1 C0020725 | i-cell disease | 1 C0038379 | strabismus | 1 C0265308 | baller-gerold syndrome | 1 C0037315 | sleep apnea syndrome | 1 C0028326 | noonan syndrome | 1 C0520679 | obstructive sleep apnea syndrome | 1 C0027051 | myocardial infarction | 1 C0025958 | microcephaly | 1 C0040128 | thyroid disease | 1 C0796004 | kabuki syndrome | 1 C0020630 | hypophosphatasia | 1 C0020538 | hypertension | 1 C0410528 | skeletal dysplasia | 1 C0037315 | sleep apnoea | 1 C0008029 | cherubism | 1 C0020255 | hydrocephalus | 1 C0015300 | proptosis | 1 |
Curated Gene | Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:28) 55764 | IFT122 | CTD_human 2260 | FGFR1 | UniProtKB-KW 2261 | FGFR3 | UniProtKB-KW 5034 | P4HB | UniProtKB-KW 7545 | ZIC1 | UniProtKB-KW 27241 | BBS9 | CTD_human 10225 | CD96 | UniProtKB-KW 7291 | TWIST1 | CTD_human;UniProtKB-KW;UNIPROT 57539 | WDR35 | CTD_human 5447 | POR | UniProtKB-KW 4091 | SMAD6 | UniProtKB-KW 171023 | ASXL1 | UniProtKB-KW 1954 | MEGF8 | UniProtKB-KW 1947 | EFNB1 | CTD_human;UniProtKB-KW 2263 | FGFR2 | CTD_human;UniProtKB-KW;GHR 7046 | TGFBR1 | UniProtKB-KW 6497 | SKI | UniProtKB-KW 158326 | FREM1 | UniProtKB-KW 56603 | CYP26B1 | UniProtKB-KW 4488 | MSX2 | UniProtKB-KW;UNIPROT 6938 | TCF12 | CTD_human;UniProtKB-KW 2077 | ERF | CTD_human;UniProtKB-KW 2146 | EZH2 | CTD_human 60529 | ALX4 | UniProtKB-KW 650 | BMP2 | CTD_human 3590 | IL11RA | UniProtKB-KW 51715 | RAB23 | UniProtKB-KW 4745 | NELL1 | CTD_human |
Inferring Gene | Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:13) 2260 | FGFR1 | CIPHER 2263 | FGFR2 | CIPHER;CTD_human 2261 | FGFR3 | CIPHER 7291 | TWIST1 | CIPHER;CTD_human 2077 | ERF | CTD_human 6938 | TCF12 | CTD_human 2146 | EZH2 | CTD_human 27241 | BBS9 | CTD_human 650 | BMP2 | CTD_human 4745 | NELL1 | CTD_human 55764 | IFT122 | CTD_human 1947 | EFNB1 | CTD_human 57539 | WDR35 | CTD_human |
Text Mined Gene | Entrez_id | Symbol | Score | Resource(Total Genes:111) 249 | ALPL | 3.773 | DISEASES 257 | ALX3 | 5.268 | DISEASES 60529 | ALX4 | 4.135 | DISEASES 57492 | ARID1B | 5.074 | DISEASES 64919 | BCL11B | 1.844 | DISEASES 632 | BGLAP | 3.254 | DISEASES 633 | BGN | 1.672 | DISEASES 650 | BMP2 | 3.747 | DISEASES 655 | BMP7 | 1.833 | DISEASES 221927 | BRAT1 | 1.818 | DISEASES 2972 | BRF1 | 1.526 | DISEASES 114899 | C1QTNF3 | 1.658 | DISEASES 8318 | CDC45 | 1.53 | DISEASES 9350 | CER1 | 1.139 | DISEASES 152330 | CNTN4 | 1.282 | DISEASES 1280 | COL2A1 | 2.593 | DISEASES 78989 | COLEC11 | 3.045 | DISEASES 10491 | CRTAP | 1.206 | DISEASES 1499 | CTNNB1 | 1.143 | DISEASES 26999 | CYFIP2 | 1.372 | DISEASES 1586 | CYP17A1 | 2.156 | DISEASES 1589 | CYP21A2 | 2.083 | DISEASES 1667 | DEFA1 | 1.407 | DISEASES 728358 | DEFA1B | 1.407 | DISEASES 1668 | DEFA3 | 1.181 | DISEASES 1687 | DFNA5 | 1.461 | DISEASES 1747 | DLX3 | 1.31 | DISEASES 1945 | EFNA4 | 3.336 | DISEASES 54845 | ESRP1 | 1.345 | DISEASES 2200 | FBN1 | 4.13 | DISEASES 2246 | FGF1 | 2.325 | DISEASES 2258 | FGF13 | 4.923 | DISEASES 2259 | FGF14 | 1.621 | DISEASES 2248 | FGF3 | 2.522 | DISEASES 2253 | FGF8 | 3.035 | DISEASES 2254 | FGF9 | 3.259 | DISEASES 2260 | FGFR1 | 5.979 | DISEASES 2263 | FGFR2 | 7.633 | DISEASES 2261 | FGFR3 | 6.626 | DISEASES 64778 | FNDC3B | 2.575 | DISEASES 2297 | FOXD1 | 1.728 | DISEASES 2306 | FOXD2 | 2.4 | DISEASES 158326 | FREM1 | 2.491 | DISEASES 51343 | FZR1 | 1.803 | DISEASES 2737 | GLI3 | 2.965 | DISEASES 169792 | GLIS3 | 1.929 | DISEASES 2778 | GNAS | 1.536 | DISEASES 2719 | GPC3 | 2.233 | DISEASES 10082 | GPC6 | 1.586 | DISEASES 2885 | GRB2 | 1.412 | DISEASES 2869 | GRK5 | 1.396 | DISEASES 3167 | HMX2 | 1.536 | DISEASES 84525 | HOPX | 1.002 | DISEASES 51098 | IFT52 | 2.51 | DISEASES 8100 | IFT88 | 1.125 | DISEASES 3590 | IL11RA | 3.74 | DISEASES 3664 | IRF6 | 1.385 | DISEASES 11127 | KIF3A | 2.142 | DISEASES 374654 | KIF7 | 1.467 | DISEASES 54900 | LAX1 | 1.237 | DISEASES 79648 | MCPH1 | 1.013 | DISEASES 219541 | MED19 | 1.25 | DISEASES 8510 | MMP23B | 2.643 | DISEASES 4487 | MSX1 | 3.324 | DISEASES 4745 | NELL1 | 5.403 | DISEASES 4774 | NFIA | 1.433 | DISEASES 1482 | NKX2-5 | 1.013 | DISEASES 9241 | NOG | 3.78 | DISEASES 64324 | NSD1 | 2.069 | DISEASES 8481 | OFD1 | 1.095 | DISEASES 25859 | PART1 | 1.918 | DISEASES 5083 | PAX9 | 1.055 | DISEASES 9468 | PCYT1B | 2.352 | DISEASES 5137 | PDE1C | 1.69 | DISEASES 5165 | PDK3 | 3.001 | DISEASES 5251 | PHEX | 1.997 | DISEASES 64219 | PJA1 | 3.431 | DISEASES 9842 | PLEKHM1 | 1.934 | DISEASES 5358 | PLS3 | 1.068 | DISEASES 10631 | POSTN | 1.397 | DISEASES 5578 | PRKCA | 1.997 | DISEASES 5727 | PTCH1 | 2.334 | DISEASES 90780 | PYGO2 | 1.615 | DISEASES 51715 | RAB23 | 4.508 | DISEASES 860 | RUNX2 | 4.851 | DISEASES 8036 | SHOC2 | 1.17 | DISEASES 114836 | SLAMF6 | 1.218 | DISEASES 6635 | SNRPE | 1.01 | DISEASES 55553 | SOX6 | 1.082 | DISEASES 23384 | SPECC1L | 2.685 | DISEASES 80309 | SPHKAP | 2.612 | DISEASES 6696 | SPP1 | 2.942 | DISEASES 10252 | SPRY1 | 1.659 | DISEASES 6708 | SPTA1 | 3.527 | DISEASES 9754 | STARD8 | 1.774 | DISEASES 64220 | STRA6 | 1.186 | DISEASES 161497 | STRC | 1.631 | DISEASES 8464 | SUPT3H | 2.801 | DISEASES 6938 | TCF12 | 3.317 | DISEASES 6932 | TCF7 | 1.108 | DISEASES 7042 | TGFB2 | 3.042 | DISEASES 7046 | TGFBR1 | 2.597 | DISEASES 7048 | TGFBR2 | 3.189 | DISEASES 100038246 | TLX1NB | 2.202 | DISEASES 56995 | TULP4 | 2.291 | DISEASES 117581 | TWIST2 | 2.389 | DISEASES 7441 | VPREB1 | 1.646 | DISEASES 64856 | VWA1 | 2.129 | DISEASES 57728 | WDR19 | 1.788 | DISEASES 7456 | WIPF1 | 1.305 | DISEASES 84107 | ZIC4 | 1.626 | DISEASES |
Locus | (Waiting for update.) |
Disease ID | 174 |
Disease | craniosynostosis |
Manually Symptom | UMLS | Name(Total Manually Symptoms:19) C2632116 | stenosis C2020541 | strabismus C1963137 | hydrocephalus C1839611 | n syndrome C1704212 | embolism C1532707 | v pattern strabismus C0796110 | w syndrome C0345617 | middle ear tumor C0266463 | lissencephaly C0231243 | early complication C0151740 | raised intracranial pressure C0151740 | intracranial hypertension C0040188 | tic disorders C0038015 | spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia C0025362 | mental retardation C0024141 | le syndrome C0015300 | proptosis C0010278 | premature cranial suture closure C0009951 | convulsions |
Text Mined Symptom | UMLS | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Symptoms:8) C1839611 | n syndrome | 6 C0020255 | hydrocephalus | 3 C0151740 | intracranial hypertension | 2 C0038379 | strabismus | 1 C0015300 | proptosis | 1 C0024141 | le syndrome | 1 C0019270 | herniation | 1 C0796110 | w syndrome | 1 |
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0) |
(Waiting for update.) |
Text Mining Genotype(Total Genotypes:0) | |
(Waiting for update.) |
All Snps(Total Genotypes:55) | |||||||||||||
snpId | pubmedId | geneId | geneSymbol | diseaseId | sourceId | sentence | score | Year | geneSymbol_dbSNP | CHROMOSOME | POS | REF | ALT |
rs10246939 | 24415641 | 5726 | TAS2R38 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | This study replicates previous work which showed that the coding SNP rs10246939 in the TAS2R38 gene is associated with CRS. | 0.000814326 | 2013 | TAS2R38;OR9A4 | 7 | 141972804 | T | C |
rs121908671 | 15940380 | 4041 | LRP5 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | A missense mutation 640G-->A (A214T) in the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5 (LRP5) gene was found in all affected individuals analyzed, including cases in whom craniosynostosis, a mild developmental delay, and/or macrocephaly is observed. | 0.000271442 | 2005 | LRP5 | 11 | 68357801 | G | A |
rs121909627 | 11277076 | 2261 | FGFR3 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | Pro-->Arg substitutions equivalent the Pro253Arg/FGFR2 mutation occur in both FGFR1 and FGFR3, and are also associated with craniosynostosis. | 0.030127505 | 2001 | FGFR1 | 8 | 38424690 | G | C |
rs121909627 | 11277076 | 2263 | FGFR2 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | Pro-->Arg substitutions equivalent the Pro253Arg/FGFR2 mutation occur in both FGFR1 and FGFR3, and are also associated with craniosynostosis. | 0.160071165 | 2001 | FGFR1 | 8 | 38424690 | G | C |
rs121909627 | 11277076 | 2260 | FGFR1 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | Pro-->Arg substitutions equivalent the Pro253Arg/FGFR2 mutation occur in both FGFR1 and FGFR3, and are also associated with craniosynostosis. | 0.014168516 | 2001 | FGFR1 | 8 | 38424690 | G | C |
rs121909627 | 23348274 | 2260 | FGFR1 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | In addition, the p.P252R mutation in FGFR1 was detected in 1 PS patient with unilateral coronal craniosynostosis expanding the phenotypic spectrum of PS with this particular mutation. | 0.014168516 | 2014 | FGFR1 | 8 | 38424690 | G | C |
rs121909627 | 10942429 | 2260 | FGFR1 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | Pfeiffer syndrome is a classic form of craniosynostosis that is caused by a proline-->arginine substitution at amino acid 252 (Pro252Arg) in fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1). | 0.014168516 | 2000 | FGFR1 | 8 | 38424690 | G | C |
rs121913478 | 22585574 | 2263 | FGFR2 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | Fgfr2+/Y394C mice exhibited epidermal hyperplasia and premature closure of cranial sutures (craniosynostosis) due to abnormal cell proliferation and differentiation. | 0.160071165 | 2012 | FGFR2 | 10 | 121515280 | T | C |
rs121918499 | 24036790 | 2263 | FGFR2 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | FGFR2 sequencing revealed a c.870G>T transversion in exon 8, which is predicted to encode a Trp290Cys substitution.The clinical features of severe exophthalmos and other features typical of PS without craniosynostosis were most consistent with a diagnosis of PS type III. | 0.160071165 | 2014 | FGFR2 | 10 | 121520048 | C | G,A |
rs121918501 | 22872266 | 2263 | FGFR2 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | Several of the defects observed in the Fgfr2 (W290R) homozygous mouse mutant are attributable to a loss-of-function mechanism in contrast to the frequently reported gain-of-function receptor function associated with mutated FGF receptors in craniosynostosis. | 0.160071165 | 2012 | FGFR2 | 10 | 121520050 | A | G,C |
rs121918502 | 12072807 | 2263 | FGFR2 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | We report a baby with craniosynostosis and a sacral appendage who has been found to have a Ser351Cys mutation in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 gene (FGFR2). | 0.160071165 | 2002 | FGFR2 | 10 | 121517351 | G | C |
rs121918504 | 10951518 | 2263 | FGFR2 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | A novel mutation, Ala315Ser, in FGFR2: a gene-environment interaction leading to craniosynostosis? | 0.160071165 | 2000 | FGFR2 | 10 | 121517460 | C | T,A |
rs121918504 | 15282208 | 2263 | FGFR2 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | In addition, a recently identified ligand-dependent S252L/A315S double mutation in FGFR2 was shown to cause syndactyly in the absence of craniosynostosis. | 0.160071165 | 2004 | FGFR2 | 10 | 121517460 | C | T,A |
rs121918504 | 12357470 | 2263 | FGFR2 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | A further test of this hypothesis is provided by a unique family segregating two FGFR2 mutations in cis (S252L; A315S), in which severe syndactyly occurs in the absence of the craniosynostosis that typically accompanies FGFR2 mutations. | 0.160071165 | 2002 | FGFR2 | 10 | 121517460 | C | T,A |
rs16944 | 20157068 | 3553 | IL1B | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | To replicate and extend recent findings in a Turkish population of associations between chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) with nasal polyposis and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the IL1A (rs17561 and Ser114Ala), IL1B (rs16944), and TNF (rs361525 and rs1800629) genes. | 0.000542884 | 2010 | IL1B | 2 | 112837290 | A | G |
rs16944 | 20157068 | 7124 | TNF | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | To replicate and extend recent findings in a Turkish population of associations between chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) with nasal polyposis and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the IL1A (rs17561 and Ser114Ala), IL1B (rs16944), and TNF (rs361525 and rs1800629) genes. | 0.000814326 | 2010 | IL1B | 2 | 112837290 | A | G |
rs17561 | 20157068 | 3553 | IL1B | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | To replicate and extend recent findings in a Turkish population of associations between chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) with nasal polyposis and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the IL1A (rs17561 and Ser114Ala), IL1B (rs16944), and TNF (rs361525 and rs1800629) genes. | 0.000542884 | 2010 | IL1A | 2 | 112779646 | C | A |
rs17561 | 20157068 | 7124 | TNF | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | To replicate and extend recent findings in a Turkish population of associations between chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) with nasal polyposis and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the IL1A (rs17561 and Ser114Ala), IL1B (rs16944), and TNF (rs361525 and rs1800629) genes. | 0.000814326 | 2010 | IL1A | 2 | 112779646 | C | A |
rs1800629 | 20157068 | 7124 | TNF | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | To replicate and extend recent findings in a Turkish population of associations between chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) with nasal polyposis and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the IL1A (rs17561 and Ser114Ala), IL1B (rs16944), and TNF (rs361525 and rs1800629) genes. | 0.000814326 | 2010 | TNF | 6 | 31575254 | G | A |
rs1800629 | 20157068 | 3553 | IL1B | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | To replicate and extend recent findings in a Turkish population of associations between chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) with nasal polyposis and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the IL1A (rs17561 and Ser114Ala), IL1B (rs16944), and TNF (rs361525 and rs1800629) genes. | 0.000542884 | 2010 | TNF | 6 | 31575254 | G | A |
rs2917454 | 24595210 | 56479 | KCNQ5 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | In addition to the top significant SNPs rs2917454 and rs6907229, imputation analysis uncovered additional genetic variants in KCNMA1 and in KCNQ5 that were associated with CRS. | 0.000271442 | 2014 | KCNMA1 | 10 | 77132657 | T | C |
rs2917454 | 24595210 | 3778 | KCNMA1 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | In addition to the top significant SNPs rs2917454 and rs6907229, imputation analysis uncovered additional genetic variants in KCNMA1 and in KCNQ5 that were associated with CRS. | 0.000271442 | 2014 | KCNMA1 | 10 | 77132657 | T | C |
rs361525 | 20157068 | 7124 | TNF | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | To replicate and extend recent findings in a Turkish population of associations between chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) with nasal polyposis and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the IL1A (rs17561 and Ser114Ala), IL1B (rs16944), and TNF (rs361525 and rs1800629) genes. | 0.000814326 | 2010 | TNF | 6 | 31575324 | G | A |
rs361525 | 20157068 | 3553 | IL1B | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | To replicate and extend recent findings in a Turkish population of associations between chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) with nasal polyposis and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the IL1A (rs17561 and Ser114Ala), IL1B (rs16944), and TNF (rs361525 and rs1800629) genes. | 0.000542884 | 2010 | TNF | 6 | 31575324 | G | A |
rs373496046 | 22038757 | 2261 | FGFR3 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | Mild isolated craniosynostosis due to a novel FGFR3 mutation, p.Ala334Thr. | 0.030127505 | 2011 | FGFR3 | 4 | 1803761 | G | A |
rs386543959 | 20157068 | 7124 | TNF | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | To replicate and extend recent findings in a Turkish population of associations between chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) with nasal polyposis and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the IL1A (rs17561 and Ser114Ala), IL1B (rs16944), and TNF (rs361525 and rs1800629) genes. | 0.000814326 | 2010 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
rs386543959 | 20157068 | 3553 | IL1B | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | To replicate and extend recent findings in a Turkish population of associations between chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) with nasal polyposis and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the IL1A (rs17561 and Ser114Ala), IL1B (rs16944), and TNF (rs361525 and rs1800629) genes. | 0.000542884 | 2010 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
rs4647924 | 15915095 | 2261 | FGFR3 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | FGFR3 P250R mutation increases the risk of reoperation in apparent 'nonsyndromic' coronal craniosynostosis. | 0.030127505 | 2005 | FGFR3 | 4 | 1801844 | C | G |
rs4647924 | 9107244 | 2261 | FGFR3 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | Prevalence of Pro250Arg mutation of fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 in coronal craniosynostosis. | 0.030127505 | 1997 | FGFR3 | 4 | 1801844 | C | G |
rs4647924 | 17103449 | 2261 | FGFR3 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | P250R mutation in the FGFR3 gene also known as Muenke syndrome is associated with coronal craniosynostosis, sensorineural deafness, craniofacial, and digital abnormalities. | 0.030127505 | 2006 | FGFR3 | 4 | 1801844 | C | G |
rs4647924 | 18818193 | 2261 | FGFR3 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | The heterozygous Pro250Arg substitution mutation in fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3), which increases ligand-dependent signalling, is the most common genetic cause of craniosynostosis in humans and defines Muenke syndrome. | 0.030127505 | 2009 | FGFR3 | 4 | 1801844 | C | G |
rs4647924 | 22872265 | 2261 | FGFR3 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | The Muenke syndrome mutation (FGFR3 (P250R)), which was discovered 15 years ago, represents the single most common craniosynostosis mutation. | 0.030127505 | 2012 | FGFR3 | 4 | 1801844 | C | G |
rs4647924 | 15915095 | 57492 | ARID1B | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | FGFR3 P250R mutation increases the risk of reoperation in apparent 'nonsyndromic' coronal craniosynostosis. | 0.001085767 | 2005 | FGFR3 | 4 | 1801844 | C | G |
rs4647924 | 9600744 | 2261 | FGFR3 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | We compare the clinical characteristics of previously reported cases of this unique Pro250Arg mutation with those of two additional families and suggest that this syndrome with a unique mutational basis be designated coronal craniosynostosis with brachydactyly and carpal/tarsal coalition due to Pro250Arg mutation in FGFR3 gene, to emphasize the distinctive findings which may be present even in the absence of coronal craniosynostosis. | 0.030127505 | 1998 | FGFR3 | 4 | 1801844 | C | G |
rs4647924 | 21403557 | 2261 | FGFR3 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | The Pro250Arg mutation in the FGFR3 gene is found in patients with Muenke syndrome and is one of the most frequently encountered mutations in craniosynostosis syndromes. | 0.030127505 | 2011 | FGFR3 | 4 | 1801844 | C | G |
rs4647924 | 9279764 | 57492 | ARID1B | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | Phenotypic expression of the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) mutation P250R in a large craniosynostosis family. | 0.001085767 | 1997 | FGFR3 | 4 | 1801844 | C | G |
rs4647924 | 9950359 | 2261 | FGFR3 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | A recurrent point mutation in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) gene that converts proline 250 into arginine is commonly associated with coronal craniosynostosis and has allowed definition of a new syndrome on a molecular basis. | 0.030127505 | 1999 | FGFR3 | 4 | 1801844 | C | G |
rs4647924 | 20707699 | 2261 | FGFR3 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | We report on a 3-year-old girl, from a 3-generation family with an FGFR3 Pro250Arg mutation, who in addition to craniosynostosis, had a laterality disorder and hepatoblastoma, following a pregnancy complicated by maternal insulin-dependent diabetes. | 0.030127505 | 2010 | FGFR3 | 4 | 1801844 | C | G |
rs4647924 | 9279764 | 2261 | FGFR3 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | Phenotypic expression of the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) mutation P250R in a large craniosynostosis family. | 0.030127505 | 1997 | FGFR3 | 4 | 1801844 | C | G |
rs4647924 | 17103449 | 57492 | ARID1B | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | P250R mutation in the FGFR3 gene also known as Muenke syndrome is associated with coronal craniosynostosis, sensorineural deafness, craniofacial, and digital abnormalities. | 0.001085767 | 2006 | FGFR3 | 4 | 1801844 | C | G |
rs4647924 | 11467490 | 2261 | FGFR3 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | New Zealand Maori family with the pro250arg fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 mutation associated with craniosynostosis. | 0.030127505 | 2001 | FGFR3 | 4 | 1801844 | C | G |
rs4647924 | 10761652 | 2261 | FGFR3 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | A recurrent point mutation in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 gene that converts proline 250 into arginine has been reported recently in cases of apparently nonsyndromic coronal craniosynostosis. | 0.030127505 | 2000 | FGFR3 | 4 | 1801844 | C | G |
rs4647924 | 9279753 | 2261 | FGFR3 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | Craniosynostosis associated with FGFR3 pro250arg mutation results in a range of clinical presentations including unisutural sporadic craniosynostosis. | 0.030127505 | 1997 | FGFR3 | 4 | 1801844 | C | G |
rs6907229 | 24595210 | 3778 | KCNMA1 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | In addition to the top significant SNPs rs2917454 and rs6907229, imputation analysis uncovered additional genetic variants in KCNMA1 and in KCNQ5 that were associated with CRS. | 0.000271442 | 2014 | KCNQ5 | 6 | 73174426 | C | T |
rs6907229 | 24595210 | 56479 | KCNQ5 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | In addition to the top significant SNPs rs2917454 and rs6907229, imputation analysis uncovered additional genetic variants in KCNMA1 and in KCNQ5 that were associated with CRS. | 0.000271442 | 2014 | KCNQ5 | 6 | 73174426 | C | T |
rs77543610 | 15310757 | 2263 | FGFR2 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | Apert syndrome is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by craniosynostosis and bony syndactyly associated with point mutations (S252W and P253R) in the fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) 2 that cause FGFR2 activation. | 0.160071165 | 2004 | FGFR2 | 10 | 121520160 | G | C |
rs77543610 | 11277076 | 2260 | FGFR1 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | Pro-->Arg substitutions equivalent the Pro253Arg/FGFR2 mutation occur in both FGFR1 and FGFR3, and are also associated with craniosynostosis. | 0.014168516 | 2001 | FGFR2 | 10 | 121520160 | G | C |
rs77543610 | 11277076 | 2263 | FGFR2 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | Pro-->Arg substitutions equivalent the Pro253Arg/FGFR2 mutation occur in both FGFR1 and FGFR3, and are also associated with craniosynostosis. | 0.160071165 | 2001 | FGFR2 | 10 | 121520160 | G | C |
rs77543610 | 11277076 | 2261 | FGFR3 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | Pro-->Arg substitutions equivalent the Pro253Arg/FGFR2 mutation occur in both FGFR1 and FGFR3, and are also associated with craniosynostosis. | 0.030127505 | 2001 | FGFR2 | 10 | 121520160 | G | C |
rs77543610 | 18242159 | 2263 | FGFR2 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | Apert syndrome is one of the most severe craniosynostosis that is mainly caused by either a Ser252Trp(S252W) or Pro253Arg(P253R) mutation in fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2). | 0.160071165 | 2008 | FGFR2 | 10 | 121520160 | G | C |
rs77543610 | 24580805 | 2263 | FGFR2 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | Here we investigate growth of the skull in two inbred mouse models each carrying one of two gain-of-function mutations in FGFR2 on neighboring amino acids (S252W and P253R) that in humans cause Apert syndrome, one of the most severe FGFR-related craniosynostosis syndromes. | 0.160071165 | 2014 | FGFR2 | 10 | 121520160 | G | C |
rs79184941 | 11341328 | 2263 | FGFR2 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | Role of N-cadherin and protein kinase C in osteoblast gene activation induced by the S252W fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 mutation in Apert craniosynostosis. | 0.160071165 | 2001 | FGFR2 | 10 | 121520163 | G | C,A |
rs79184941 | 15310757 | 2263 | FGFR2 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | Apert syndrome is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by craniosynostosis and bony syndactyly associated with point mutations (S252W and P253R) in the fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) 2 that cause FGFR2 activation. | 0.160071165 | 2004 | FGFR2 | 10 | 121520163 | G | C,A |
rs79184941 | 18242159 | 2263 | FGFR2 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | Apert syndrome is one of the most severe craniosynostosis that is mainly caused by either a Ser252Trp(S252W) or Pro253Arg(P253R) mutation in fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2). | 0.160071165 | 2008 | FGFR2 | 10 | 121520163 | G | C,A |
rs79184941 | 24580805 | 2263 | FGFR2 | umls:C0010278 | BeFree | Here we investigate growth of the skull in two inbred mouse models each carrying one of two gain-of-function mutations in FGFR2 on neighboring amino acids (S252W and P253R) that in humans cause Apert syndrome, one of the most severe FGFR-related craniosynostosis syndromes. | 0.160071165 | 2014 | FGFR2 | 10 | 121520163 | G | C,A |
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0) | |
(Waiting for update.) |
GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:2) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | 33256039 | rs10262453 | A | C | rs10262453 | 23160099 | 6.00E-20 | NA | 4.17 | [3.13-5.88] | 130 European ancestry trios | European(130) | ALL(130) | EUR(130) | ALL(130) | Sagittal craniosynostosis | HPOID:0005461 | Craniofacial disproportion | DOID:2340 | craniosynostosis | D003398 | Craniosynostoses | isolated scaphocephaly | Craniosynostosis | rs10262453-A | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S. | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
20 | 7106289 | rs1884302 | T | C | rs1884302 | 23160099 | 1.00E-39 | NA | 4.38 | [3.51-5.45] | 130 European ancestry trios | European(130) | ALL(130) | EUR(130) | ALL(130) | Sagittal craniosynostosis | HPOID:0005461 | Craniofacial disproportion | DOID:2340 | craniosynostosis | D003398 | Craniosynostoses | isolated scaphocephaly | Craniosynostosis | rs1884302-C | Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural | Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S. | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural |
Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:0) |
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Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:0) |
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Disease ID | 174 |
Disease | craniosynostosis |
Case | (Waiting for update.) |