ataxia with isolated vitamin e deficiency |
Disease ID | 1647 |
Disease | ataxia with isolated vitamin e deficiency |
Synonym | ataxia with vitamin e deficiency ataxia with vitamin e deficiency (disorder) ataxia, friedreich-like, with selective vitamin e deficiency aved familial isolated deficiency of vitamin e familial isolated vitamin e deficiency friedreich ataxia phenotype with selective vitamin e deficiency friedreich-like ataxia friedreich-like ataxia with selective vitamin e deficiency ved vitamin e, familial isolated deficiency of |
Orphanet | |
OMIM | |
UMLS | C1848533 |
Comorbidity | UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:5) C0004134 | ataxia | 4 C0031117 | peripheral neuropathy | 1 C0042875 | vitamin e deficiency | 1 C0442874 | neuropathy | 1 C0024437 | macular degeneration | 1 |
Curated Gene | Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:3) |
Inferring Gene | (Waiting for update.) |
Text Mined Gene | Entrez_id | Symbol | Score | Resource(Total Genes:5) |
Locus | (Waiting for update.) |
Disease ID | 1647 |
Disease | ataxia with isolated vitamin e deficiency |
Integrated Phenotype | HPO | Name(Total Integrated Phenotypes:8) HP:0002155 | Increased triglycerides HP:0003141 | Hyperbetalipoproteinemia HP:0001251 | Ataxia HP:0100513 | Vitamin E deficiency HP:0001284 | Areflexia HP:0010874 | Tendon xanthomatosis HP:0003124 | Elevated serum cholesterol HP:0001114 | Fatty deposits on eyelids |
Text Mined Phenotype | HPO | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Phenotypes:4) HP:0001251 | Ataxia | 4 HP:0000608 | Macular degeneration | 1 HP:0100513 | Vitamin E deficiency | 1 HP:0009830 | Peripheral neuritis | 1 |
Disease ID | 1647 |
Disease | ataxia with isolated vitamin e deficiency |
Manually Symptom | (Waiting for update.) |
Text Mined Symptom | (Waiting for update.) |
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0) |
(Waiting for update.) |
Text Mining Genotype(Total Genotypes:0) | |
(Waiting for update.) |
All Snps(Total Genotypes:18) | |||||||||||||
snpId | pubmedId | geneId | geneSymbol | diseaseId | sourceId | sentence | score | Year | geneSymbol_dbSNP | CHROMOSOME | POS | REF | ALT |
rs121917849 | NA | 7274 | TTPA | umls:C1848533 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.565971721 | NA | TTPA | 8 | 63072990 | A | C |
rs121917850 | NA | 7274 | TTPA | umls:C1848533 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.565971721 | NA | TTPA | 8 | 63064294 | C | T |
rs121917851 | NA | 7274 | TTPA | umls:C1848533 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.565971721 | NA | TTPA | 8 | 63066056 | G | A |
rs143010236 | NA | 7274 | TTPA | umls:C1848533 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.565971721 | NA | TTPA | 8 | 63072935 | C | T |
rs28936369 | 15065857 | 7274 | TTPA | umls:C1848533 | UNIPROT | We report the biochemical characterization of six missense mutations TTP(1) that are found in human AVED patients. | 0.565971721 | 2004 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
rs35916840 | 15065857 | 7274 | TTPA | umls:C1848533 | UNIPROT | We report the biochemical characterization of six missense mutations TTP(1) that are found in human AVED patients. | 0.565971721 | 2004 | TTPA | 8 | 63064208 | G | A |
rs35916840 | NA | 7274 | TTPA | umls:C1848533 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.565971721 | NA | TTPA | 8 | 63064208 | G | A |
rs397515377 | NA | 7274 | TTPA | umls:C1848533 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.565971721 | NA | TTPA | 8 | 63061345 | T | - |
rs397515378 | NA | 7274 | TTPA | umls:C1848533 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.565971721 | NA | TTPA | 8 | 63065970 | A | - |
rs397515379 | NA | 7274 | TTPA | umls:C1848533 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.565971721 | NA | TTPA | 8 | 63065942 | - | AA |
rs397515522 | NA | 7274 | TTPA | umls:C1848533 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.565971721 | NA | TTPA | 8 | 63085847 | G | A |
rs397515523 | NA | 7274 | TTPA | umls:C1848533 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.565971721 | NA | TTPA | 8 | 63085831 | T | C |
rs397515524 | NA | 7274 | TTPA | umls:C1848533 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.565971721 | NA | TTPA | 8 | 63066035 | C | T |
rs397515525 | NA | 7274 | TTPA | umls:C1848533 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.565971721 | NA | TTPA | 8 | 63065908 | A | G |
rs397515526 | NA | 7274 | TTPA | umls:C1848533 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.565971721 | NA | TTPA | 8 | 63061353 | C | G |
rs748164236 | NA | 7274 | TTPA | umls:C1848533 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.565971721 | NA | TTPA | 8 | 63065969 | A | - |
rs760014795 | NA | 7274 | TTPA | umls:C1848533 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.565971721 | NA | TTPA | 8 | 63086003 | G | - |
rs786204758 | NA | 7274 | TTPA | umls:C1848533 | CLINVAR | NA | 0.565971721 | NA | TTPA | 8 | 63086020 | A | G |
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0) | |
(Waiting for update.) |
GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0) | |
(Waiting for update.) |
Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:1) | ||||
HP ID | HP Name | MP ID | MP Name | Annotation |
HP:0100513 | Vitamin E deficiency | MP:0011231 | abnormal vitamin E level | any anomaly in the concentration of vitamin E, tocopherol, including a series of eight structurally similar compounds; alpha-tocopherol is the most active form in humans and is a powerful biological antioxidant |
Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:8) | ||||
HP ID | HP Name | MP ID | MP Name | Annotation |
HP:0003141 | Hyperbetalipoproteinemia | MP:0020215 | impaired blood coagulation | impaired ability of the blood to clot |
HP:0010874 | Tendon xanthomatosis | MP:0011231 | abnormal vitamin E level | any anomaly in the concentration of vitamin E, tocopherol, including a series of eight structurally similar compounds; alpha-tocopherol is the most active form in humans and is a powerful biological antioxidant |
HP:0001114 | Xanthelasma | MP:0011231 | abnormal vitamin E level | any anomaly in the concentration of vitamin E, tocopherol, including a series of eight structurally similar compounds; alpha-tocopherol is the most active form in humans and is a powerful biological antioxidant |
HP:0003124 | Hypercholesterolemia | MP:0014169 | decreased brown adipose tissue mass | decreased physical bulk or volume of brown adipose tissue |
HP:0001284 | Areflexia | MP:0020220 | decreased tear production | decreased production of the amount of fluid produced in the eye |
HP:0002155 | Hypertriglyceridemia | MP:0020234 | decreased basal metabolism | decrease in heat production of an organism at the lowest level of cell chemistry in an inactive, awake, and fasting state |
HP:0001251 | Ataxia | MP:0020301 | short tongue | decreased length of the mobile mass of muscular tissue and surrounding epithelial tissue occupying the cavity of the mouth and forming part of the floor |
HP:0100513 | Vitamin E deficiency | MP:0011231 | abnormal vitamin E level | any anomaly in the concentration of vitamin E, tocopherol, including a series of eight structurally similar compounds; alpha-tocopherol is the most active form in humans and is a powerful biological antioxidant |
Disease ID | 1647 |
Disease | ataxia with isolated vitamin e deficiency |
Case | (Waiting for update.) |