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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

   arteriovenous fistula

Disease ID 1883
Disease arteriovenous fistula
An abnormal direct communication between an artery and a vein without passing through the CAPILLARIES. An A-V fistula usually leads to the formation of a dilated sac-like connection, arteriovenous aneurysm. The locations and size of the shunts determine the degree of effects on the cardiovascular functions such as BLOOD PRESSURE and HEART RATE.
a v fistula
a v fistulas
a-v fistula
arterio-venous fistula
arteriovenous aneurysm
arteriovenous av fistula
arteriovenous fistula (disorder)
arteriovenous fistula (morphologic abnormality)
arteriovenous fistula [disease/finding]
arteriovenous fistulas
arteriovenous shunt
av - arteriovenous fistula
av fistula
av fistulas
fistula arteriovenous
fistula, arteriovenous
fistulas arteriovenous
fistulas, arteriovenous
pathologic arteriovenous fistula
pathologic av fistula
UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:84)
C0018801  |  heart failure  |  15
C0040053  |  thrombosis  |  9
C0020538  |  hypertension  |  8
C0037928  |  myelopathy  |  6
C0022658  |  renal disease  |  6
C0018801  |  cardiac failure  |  5
C0039445  |  hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia  |  5
C0035078  |  renal failure  |  5
C0010051  |  coronary artery aneurysm  |  5
C0085113  |  neurofibromatosis  |  5
C0022661  |  chronic renal failure  |  4
C0020541  |  portal hypertension  |  4
C0497327  |  dementia  |  4
C0003857  |  arteriovenous malformation  |  3
C0030486  |  paraplegia  |  3
C0019204  |  hepatocellular carcinoma  |  3
C0015464  |  facial palsy  |  3
C0022661  |  end-stage renal disease  |  3
C0022661  |  end stage renal disease  |  3
C0016522  |  patent foramen ovale  |  2
C0026269  |  mitral stenosis  |  2
C0042373  |  vascular disease  |  2
C0034065  |  pulmonary embolism  |  2
C0743039  |  progressive dementia  |  2
C0040053  |  thrombus  |  2
C0018802  |  congestive heart failure  |  2
C1565489  |  renal insufficiency  |  2
C0020305  |  hydrops fetalis  |  1
C0041341  |  tuberous sclerosis  |  1
C0022661  |  chronic kidney failure  |  1
C0175703  |  tar syndrome  |  1
C0011991  |  diarrhea  |  1
C0728890  |  intravascular leiomyomatosis  |  1
C0003486  |  aortic aneurysm  |  1
C0155747  |  splenic artery aneurysm  |  1
C0037061  |  siderosis  |  1
C0861772  |  metastatic rectal cancer  |  1
C0007766  |  intracranial aneurysms  |  1
C0392548  |  cauda equina syndrome  |  1
C0024299  |  lymphoma  |  1
C0007766  |  intracranial aneurysm  |  1
C0242647  |  mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue  |  1
C0549471  |  superior sulcus tumor  |  1
C0018553  |  cowden disease  |  1
C0026975  |  myelitis  |  1
C0035078  |  kidney failure  |  1
C0015300  |  exophthalmos  |  1
C0022661  |  chronic kidney disease  |  1
C0022658  |  kidney disease  |  1
C0015624  |  fanconi syndrome  |  1
C0031154  |  peritonitis  |  1
C0008497  |  choriocarcinoma  |  1
C0005122  |  beriberi  |  1
C0007766  |  cranial aneurysm  |  1
C1535927  |  charge syndrome  |  1
C0003850  |  arteriosclerosis  |  1
C0241961  |  renal angiomyolipoma  |  1
C0264766  |  rheumatic mitral stenosis  |  1
C0155773  |  portal vein thrombosis  |  1
C0023895  |  liver disease  |  1
C0039445  |  rendu-osler-weber disease  |  1
C0700594  |  radiculopathy  |  1
C0242647  |  mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma  |  1
C0017601  |  glaucoma  |  1
C0002871  |  anemia  |  1
C0040961  |  tricuspid regurgitation  |  1
C0085096  |  peripheral vascular disease  |  1
C0003504  |  aortic valve regurgitation  |  1
C0023003  |  langer-giedion syndrome  |  1
C0162871  |  abdominal aortic aneurysm  |  1
C0206633  |  angiomyolipoma  |  1
C0038220  |  status epilepticus  |  1
C0003504  |  aortic regurgitation  |  1
C0016522  |  secundum atrial septal defect  |  1
C0007113  |  rectal cancer  |  1
C0039446  |  telangiectasia  |  1
C0034150  |  purpura  |  1
C0029089  |  ophthalmoplegia  |  1
C0206654  |  leiomyomatosis  |  1
C0011849  |  diabetes mellitus  |  1
C0011847  |  diabetes  |  1
C0038531  |  subclavian steal syndrome  |  1
C0022661  |  end stage renal disease (esrd)  |  1
C0020255  |  hydrocephalus  |  1
Curated Gene(Waiting for update.)
Inferring Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:1)
3162  |  HMOX1  |  CIPHER
Text Mined Gene(Waiting for update.)
Locus(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 1883
Disease arteriovenous fistula
Integrated Phenotype(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Phenotype
HPO | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Phenotypes:87)
HP:0002617  |  Aneurysmal dilatation  |  43
HP:0001635  |  Congestive heart failure  |  24
HP:0003774  |  End-stage renal failure  |  10
HP:0000822  |  Hypertension  |  8
HP:0000083  |  Renal insufficiency  |  7
HP:0002664  |  Neoplasia  |  7
HP:0002170  |  Intracranial hemorrhage  |  6
HP:0012531  |  Pain  |  6
HP:0002196  |  Myelopathy  |  6
HP:0001297  |  Cerebral vascular events  |  6
HP:0000726  |  Dementia  |  5
HP:0001067  |  Neurofibromas  |  5
HP:0008629  |  Pulsatile tinnitus  |  5
HP:0001409  |  Portal hypertension  |  4
HP:0004936  |  Blood clot in vein  |  4
HP:0012532  |  Chronic pain  |  3
HP:0010550  |  Paraplegia  |  3
HP:0001402  |  Hepatocellular carcinoma  |  3
HP:0002138  |  Subarachnoid hemorrhage  |  3
HP:0012721  |  Venous malformations  |  3
HP:0100026  |  Arteriovenous malformation  |  3
HP:0010628  |  Facial palsy, unilateral or bilateral  |  3
HP:0004942  |  Aortic aneurysm  |  2
HP:0002204  |  Pulmonary embolism  |  2
HP:0001342  |  Intracerebral hemorrhage  |  2
HP:0004953  |  Abdominal aortic aneurysm  |  2
HP:0000790  |  Hematuria  |  2
HP:0001655  |  Patent foramen ovale  |  2
HP:0001631  |  Atria septal defect  |  2
HP:0002315  |  Headaches  |  2
HP:0000360  |  Ringing in the ears  |  2
HP:0002140  |  Ischemic stroke  |  2
HP:0100309  |  Subdural hemorrhage  |  2
HP:0000969  |  Dropsy  |  2
HP:0001694  |  Right-to-left shunt  |  2
HP:0001300  |  Parkinsonism  |  2
HP:0000961  |  Cyanosis  |  2
HP:0001718  |  Mitral stenosis  |  2
HP:0030731  |  Carcinoma  |  2
HP:0012481  |  Developmental Venous Anomaly  |  2
HP:0100749  |  Thoracic pain  |  2
HP:0006554  |  Acute hepatic failure  |  1
HP:0000016  |  Urinary retention  |  1
HP:0000602  |  Ophthalmoplegia  |  1
HP:0002597  |  Abnormality of blood vessels  |  1
HP:0002039  |  Anorexia  |  1
HP:0001659  |  Aortic insufficiency  |  1
HP:0002063  |  Muscle rigidity  |  1
HP:0011626  |  Scimitar anomaly  |  1
HP:0012382  |  Left-to-right shunt  |  1
HP:0004944  |  Cerebral artery aneurysm  |  1
HP:0000238  |  Nonsyndromal hydrocephalus  |  1
HP:0001903  |  Anemia  |  1
HP:0002875  |  Exertional dyspnea  |  1
HP:0000819  |  Diabetes mellitus  |  1
HP:0000520  |  Anterior bulging of the globe of eye  |  1
HP:0001789  |  Hydrops fetalis  |  1
HP:0000501  |  Glaucoma  |  1
HP:0030713  |  Vein of Galen malformation  |  1
HP:0040184  |  Oral hemorrhage  |  1
HP:0002014  |  Diarrhea  |  1
HP:0100768  |  Choriocarcinoma  |  1
HP:0200058  |  Angiosarcoma  |  1
HP:0001684  |  Secundum atrial septal defect  |  1
HP:0011675  |  Arrhythmias  |  1
HP:0012375  |  Chemosis  |  1
HP:0012622  |  Chronic kidney disease  |  1
HP:0002318  |  Cervical myelopathy  |  1
HP:0005180  |  Tricuspid insufficiency  |  1
HP:0012418  |  Low blood oxygen level  |  1
HP:0030242  |  Blood clot in portal vein  |  1
HP:0000979  |  Purpura  |  1
HP:0001907  |  Thromboembolic disease  |  1
HP:0002133  |  Status epilepticus  |  1
HP:0100310  |  Extradural hematoma  |  1
HP:0006772  |  Angiomyolipoma  |  1
HP:0002665  |  Lymphoma  |  1
HP:0001945  |  Fever  |  1
HP:0010834  |  Trophic changes  |  1
HP:0030049  |  Brain abscess  |  1
HP:0001399  |  Liver failure  |  1
HP:0002634  |  Arteriosclerosis  |  1
HP:0002500  |  Leukoaraiosis  |  1
HP:0002586  |  Peritonitis  |  1
HP:0012486  |  Inflammation of spinal cord  |  1
HP:0001009  |  Telangiectases  |  1
HP:0005305  |  Cerebral vein thrombosis  |  1
Disease ID 1883
Disease arteriovenous fistula
Manually Symptom(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Symptom(Waiting for update.)
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Text Mining Genotype(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
All Snps(Total Genotypes:2)
snpId pubmedId geneId geneSymbol diseaseId sourceId sentence score Year geneSymbol_dbSNP CHROMOSOME POS REF ALT
rs1466535235596802153F5umls:C0003855BeFreeThe hazard ratio (95% confidence interval) of LRP1 rs1466535 was 1.75 (1.15 to 2.66) and patients with factor V Leiden had a hazard ratio of 2.54 (1.41 to 4.56) to develop AVF failure.0.0002714422014LRP11257140687GA
rs1466535235596804035LRP1umls:C0003855BeFreeThe hazard ratio (95% confidence interval) of LRP1 rs1466535 was 1.75 (1.15 to 2.66) and patients with factor V Leiden had a hazard ratio of 2.54 (1.41 to 4.56) to develop AVF failure.0.0002714422014LRP11257140687GA
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 1883
Disease arteriovenous fistula
Case(Waiting for update.)