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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

   amish lethal microcephaly

Disease ID 1925
Disease amish lethal microcephaly
amish lethal microcephaly (disorder)
amish microcephaly
microcephaly, amish type
microcephaly, amish type (disorder)
thiamine metabolism dysfunction syndrome 3 (microcephaly type)
Curated Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:1)
Inferring Gene(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Gene(Waiting for update.)
Symbol | Locus(Total Locus:1)
SLC25A19  |  17q25.1
Disease ID 1925
Disease amish lethal microcephaly
Integrated Phenotype
HPO | Name(Total Integrated Phenotypes:25)
HP:0001274  |  Agenesis of corpus callosum
HP:0001320  |  Cerebellar vermis hypoplasia
HP:0002119  |  Ventriculomegaly
HP:0001992  |  Organic aciduria
HP:0001376  |  Limitation of joint mobility
HP:0001339  |  Lissencephaly
HP:0000347  |  Micrognathia
HP:0001522  |  Death in infancy
HP:0011344  |  Severe global developmental delay
HP:0004331  |  Decreased skull ossification
HP:0002414  |  Spina bifida
HP:0011968  |  Feeding difficulties
HP:0001942  |  Metabolic acidosis
HP:0000252  |  Microcephaly
HP:0000939  |  Osteoporosis
HP:0000648  |  Optic atrophy
HP:0002240  |  Hepatomegaly
HP:0002069  |  Generalized tonic-clonic seizures
HP:0001558  |  Decreased fetal movement
HP:0002509  |  Limb hypertonia
HP:0005968  |  Temperature instability
HP:0000737  |  Irritability
HP:0001252  |  Muscular hypotonia
HP:0000185  |  Cleft soft palate
HP:0000340  |  Sloping forehead
Text Mined Phenotype(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 1925
Disease amish lethal microcephaly
Manually Symptom(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Symptom(Waiting for update.)
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0)
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Text Mining Genotype(Total Genotypes:0)
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All Snps(Total Genotypes:1)
snpId pubmedId geneId geneSymbol diseaseId sourceId sentence score Year geneSymbol_dbSNP CHROMOSOME POS REF ALT
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0)
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GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0)
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Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:12)
HP ID HP Name MP ID MP Name Annotation
HP:0002069Generalized tonic-clonic seizuresMP:0003997tonic-clonic seizuresincreased number or decreased threshold for the induction of a seizure characterized by initial rigidity followed by rhythmic jerking movements
HP:0001376Limitation of joint mobilityMP:0010732abnormal node of Ranvier morphologyany structural anomaly of the short unmyelinated segments of an axon between myelinated segments, where voltage gated channels accumulate and regenerate an action potential as it is conducted along the axon
HP:0001274Agenesis of corpus callosumMP:0013808abnormal tunnel of Corti morphologyany structrual anomaly of the triangular, fluid-filled space normally found between the inner and outer rows of supporting pillar cells in the organ of Corti
HP:0001320Cerebellar vermis hypoplasiaMP:0000866cerebellum vermis hypoplasiaunderdevelopment or reduced size, usually due to a reduced number of cells, in the vermis
HP:0000648Optic atrophyMP:0012506brain atrophyacquired diminution of the size of the brain associated with wasting as from death and reabsorbtion of cells, diminished cellular proliferation, decreased cellular volume, pressure, ischemia, malnutrition, reduced function or malfunction, or hormonal chan
HP:0001942Metabolic acidosisMP:0012551metabolic acidosisdecreased pH and bicarbonate concentration in tissues and/or body fluids caused when the body produces too much acid or when the kidneys are not removing enough acid from the body, as in diarrhea or in kidney disease
HP:0001252Muscular hypotoniaMP:0004144hypotoniadecreased muscle tension resulting in limpness of the muscles in the resting state, not to be confused with weakness
HP:0002414Spina bifidaMP:0003054spina bifidacommon congenital midline defect of fusion of the vertebral arch
HP:0001522Death in infancyMP:0000790abnormal stratification in cerebral cortexabnormal formation or pattern of the layers of the cerebral cortex
HP:0001558Decreased fetal movementMP:0013603abnormal fetal Leydig cell differentiationatypical formation of or inability to produce the first or fetal population of Leydig cells (FLCs); in mice, FLCs arise in the testicular interstitium between E12.5 and E13.0, approximately 1 day after the appearance of Sertoli cells; Sertoli cells trigge
HP:0011344Severe global developmental delayMP:0002084abnormal developmental patterningabnormal systematic arrangement of the developing body along an axis
HP:0004331Decreased skull ossificationMP:0020040decreased bone ossificationdecrease in the formation of bone or of a bony substance, or the conversion of fibrous tissue or of cartilage into bone or a bony substance
Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:24)
HP ID HP Name MP ID MP Name Annotation
HP:0001252Muscular hypotoniaMP:3000003abnormal Ebner's gland morphologyany structural anomaly of the serous salivary glands which reside adjacent to the moats surrounding the circumvallate and foliate papillae just anterior to the posterior third of the tongue, anterior to the terminal sulcus; these exocrine glands secrete l
HP:0011344Severe global developmental delayMP:0020157abnormal behavioral response to alcoholany anomaly in the behavioral response induced by alcohol, such as induced hyperactivity or stereotypic behavior
HP:0002509Limb hypertoniaMP:0013293embryonic lethality prior to tooth bud stagedeath prior to the appearance of tooth buds (Mus: E12-E12.5)
HP:0001320Cerebellar vermis hypoplasiaMP:0014164abnormal ciliary process morphology any structural anomaly of any of the pigmented processes that radiate from the ciliary muscle and give attachments to ligaments supporting the lens of the eye; these processes increase in thickness as they advance from the orbiculus ciliaris to the exter
HP:0001522Death in infancyMP:0020254decreased collagen leveldecreased level of the main structural protein of the various connective tissues in animals
HP:0002119VentriculomegalyMP:0020329decreased capillary densityreduction in the number of capillaries in a given cross-sectional area of a tissue
HP:0001376Limitation of joint mobilityMP:0020254decreased collagen leveldecreased level of the main structural protein of the various connective tissues in animals
HP:0002240HepatomegalyMP:0020329decreased capillary densityreduction in the number of capillaries in a given cross-sectional area of a tissue
HP:0000347MicrognathiaMP:0020321increased vascular endothelial cell apoptosisincrease in the timing or the number of vascular endothelial cells undergoing programmed cell death
HP:0000340Sloping foreheadMP:0020040decreased bone ossificationdecrease in the formation of bone or of a bony substance, or the conversion of fibrous tissue or of cartilage into bone or a bony substance
HP:0011968Feeding difficultiesMP:0020234decreased basal metabolismdecrease in heat production of an organism at the lowest level of cell chemistry in an inactive, awake, and fasting state
HP:0000939OsteoporosisMP:0020254decreased collagen leveldecreased level of the main structural protein of the various connective tissues in animals
HP:0002414Spina bifidaMP:0013901absent female preputial glandabsence of the paired, lobulated, modified sebaceous glands located on the side of the clitoris in female rodents; in contrast to the preputial glands in male rodents, clitoral glands are a minor source of olfactory stimuli contributing to sexual attracti
HP:0001992Organic aciduriaMP:0011471decreased urine creatinine levela reduced amount of creatinine in the urine compared to the normal state
HP:0000737IrritabilityMP:0020329decreased capillary densityreduction in the number of capillaries in a given cross-sectional area of a tissue
HP:0002069Generalized tonic-clonic seizuresMP:0020301short tonguedecreased length of the mobile mass of muscular tissue and surrounding epithelial tissue occupying the cavity of the mouth and forming part of the floor
HP:0001558Decreased fetal movementMP:0020214susceptible to malignant hyperthermiaincreased susceptibility to hyperthermia triggered by exposure to certain drugs used for general anesthesia, specifically the volatile anesthetic agents and the neuromuscular blocking agent, succinylcholine
HP:0001339LissencephalyMP:0020137decreased bone mineralizationdecrease in the rate at which minerals are deposited into bone
HP:0005968Temperature instabilityMP:0011101prenatal lethality, incomplete penetrancethe appearance of lower than Mendelian ratios of organisms of a given genotype due to death of some, but not all of the organisms between fertilization and birth (Mus: approximately E18.5)
HP:0001274Agenesis of corpus callosumMP:3000003abnormal Ebner's gland morphologyany structural anomaly of the serous salivary glands which reside adjacent to the moats surrounding the circumvallate and foliate papillae just anterior to the posterior third of the tongue, anterior to the terminal sulcus; these exocrine glands secrete l
HP:0004331Decreased skull ossificationMP:0020254decreased collagen leveldecreased level of the main structural protein of the various connective tissues in animals
HP:0001942Metabolic acidosisMP:0014206decreased intestinal epithelial sodium ion transmembrane transport
HP:0000252MicrocephalyMP:3000003abnormal Ebner's gland morphologyany structural anomaly of the serous salivary glands which reside adjacent to the moats surrounding the circumvallate and foliate papillae just anterior to the posterior third of the tongue, anterior to the terminal sulcus; these exocrine glands secrete l
HP:0000648Optic atrophyMP:3000003abnormal Ebner's gland morphologyany structural anomaly of the serous salivary glands which reside adjacent to the moats surrounding the circumvallate and foliate papillae just anterior to the posterior third of the tongue, anterior to the terminal sulcus; these exocrine glands secrete l
Disease ID 1925
Disease amish lethal microcephaly
Case(Waiting for update.)