{% extends "base.html" %} {% block style %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

How to use...

TCMID provide information on six different areas (Fomula, Herb, Compound, Disease, Drug and Target) and the links between them.

Users can choose a tag due to their interests, then put the name or certain ID to the search form. In the result page,the hyperlinks will lead them to other kinds of informations.

Search by Prescription
{{ prescriptionform.pinyin_Name }}

The information of prescriptions available now is in Chinese, so user can search prescriptions by using their names in Chinese pinyin.

Please use just one field for query, or it will be confused.

Search by Herb
{{ herbform.chinese_Name }}
e.g. chuan xin lian
{{ herbform.english_Name }}
e.g. Common Andrographis

The herb can be queried with its name in Chinese pinyin name or English. e.g. chuan xin lian Common Andrographis

Please use just one field for query, or it will be confused.

Search by ingredient
{{ ingredientform.name }}

Compound name, STITCH database ID, CAS number are all accepted for the query. e.g.:Glycyrrhetinic acid

Please use just one field for query, or it will be confused.

Search by disease
{{ diseaseform.name }}
e.g. Coumarin resistance
{{ diseaseform.omim_ID }}
e.g. 122700

We have collected disease information from OMIM, so user can use OMIM phenotype name or Phenotype ID to conduct the query. e.g.:sex reversal

Please use just one field for query, or it will be confused.

Search by drug
{{ drugform.generic_Name }}
e.g. Naloxone
{{drugform.drugbank_ID }}
e.g. DB01183

The drug name and its Drugbank ID can be used.

Please use just one field for query, or it will be confused.

Search by target
{{ targetform.name }}
e.g. TLR2
{{ targetform.uniprot }}
e.g. O60603

Any kind of protein name or Uniprot AC ID is accepted.

Please use just one field for query, or it will be confused.

{% endblock %}