NA NA NA Aglaia oligophylla NA NA NA NA NA 18876,E| NA NA NA Aglaia ponapensis NA NA NA NA NA 19894,E|14706,E|1382,E|1383,E| NA NA NA Aglaia spectabilis NA NA NA NA NA 18871,E|18870,E|18873,E|18872,E|18875,E|18874,E|18876,E|18868,E|18869,E|10676,E|14706,E| NA NA NA Akebia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 12637,E| NA NA NA Alangium premnifolium NA NA NA NA NA 13637,E|13638,E| NA NA NA Albertisia papuana NA NA NA NA NA 9596,E|16428,E| NA NA NA Allanblackia floribunda . NA NA NA NA NA 21850,E| NA NA NA Allanblackia monticola . NA NA NA NA NA 919,E|918,E| NA NA NA Allium sp. NA NA NA NA NA 6500,E| NA NA NA Alnus spp. NA NA NA NA NA 5762,E|19297,E|17533,E| NA NA NA Aloe cremnophila NA NA NA NA NA 9614,E| NA NA NA Aloe distans NA NA NA NA NA 9614,E| NA NA NA Aloe jacksonii NA NA NA NA NA 9614,E| NA NA NA Aloe sp. NA NA NA NA NA 967,E| NA NA NA Alomia myriadenia . NA NA NA NA NA 10295,E|7077,E|18667,E|2048,E|10296,E| NA NA NA Alphonsea sclerocarpa NA NA NA NA NA 12636,E| NA NA NA Alphonsea spp. NA NA NA NA NA 15742,E| NA NA NA Alpinia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3695,E| NA NA NA Alsophila spp. NA NA NA NA NA 22565,E| NA NA NA Alstonia legouixiae NA NA NA NA NA 18288,E| NA NA NA Amanita spp. NA NA NA NA NA 10937,E| NA NA NA Ambrosia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 16663,E| NA NA NA Amelanchier spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17273,E| NA NA NA Ammi sp. NA NA NA NA NA 2309,E| NA NA NA Ammocharis coranica NA NA NA NA NA 472,E|4236,E|14345,E|13234,E|14382,E| NA NA NA Amorphophallus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 11023,E| NA NA NA Amphimedon paraviridis Sponge Amphimedon paraviridis. NA NA NA NA NA 6363,E| NA NA NA Amphoricarpos neumayeri ssp. murbeckii NA NA NA NA NA 11754,E|11753,E|5334,E|314,E| NA NA NA Amphoricarpos neumayeri ssp. neumayeri NA NA NA NA NA 11754,E|11753,E|5334,E|314,E| NA NA NA Anamirta cocculus NA NA NA NA NA 17334,E|6096,E| NA NA NA Andrographis neesiana NA NA NA NA NA 10793,E|6695,E|9505,E| NA NA NA Andrographis rothii NA NA NA NA NA 10021,E|21165,E|6694,E| NA NA NA Andropogon sp. NA NA NA NA NA 17441,E| NA NA NA Anethum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 22536,E|12415,E| NA NA NA Angelica spp. NA NA NA NA NA 22179,E| NA NA NA Antennaria geyeri NA NA NA NA NA 6064,E|10566,E| NA NA NA Anthemis carpatica NA NA NA NA NA 4714,E|10077,E|21357,E|5147,E|1357,E|1356,E|148,E|1354,E|11289,E|7047,E|17918,E|4354,E|11290,E|9729,E|11296,E|21363,E|11295,E| NA NA NA Anthemis sp. NA NA NA NA NA 19530,E| NA NA NA Anthemis spp. NA NA NA NA NA 549,E| NA NA NA Anthoxanthum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 5439,E| NA NA NA Anthyllis sericea NA NA NA NA NA 6193,E| NA NA NA Apium sp. NA NA NA NA NA 22179,E| NA NA NA Aplysia dactylomela NA NA NA NA NA 4594,E| NA NA NA Aplysia oculifera NA NA NA NA NA 20235,E| NA NA NA Aquilaria sp. NA NA NA NA NA 14050,E| NA NA NA Aragoa cundinamarcensis NA NA NA NA NA 1602,E| NA NA NA Araucaria imbricata NA NA NA NA NA 10994,E| NA NA NA Araucaria sp. NA NA NA NA NA 18849,E| NA NA NA Araujia sericifera NA NA NA NA NA 17786,E|21359,E|17784,E|17785,E|17782,E|17783,E|17780,E|17781,E|2269,E|19175,E|19174,E|17777,E|17776,E|17775,E|17774,E|17773,E|17772,E|17771,E|17779,E|17778,E|21362,E|2230,E|2232,E| NA NA NA Ardisia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 18531,E| NA NA NA Ardisia teysmanniana NA NA NA NA NA 1635,E|1636,E|1637,E| NA NA NA Argemone spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3498,E| NA NA NA Aristolochia ridicula NA NA NA NA NA 21837,E|21149,E|21148,E|18829,E|21147,E|21146,E|18831,E|18830,E|21150,E|21151,E| NA NA NA Aristolochia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 1709,E|1730,E| NA NA NA Arnica spp. NA NA NA NA NA 10791,E| NA NA NA Artemisia assoana NA NA NA NA NA 20543,E| NA NA NA Artemisia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 19293,E|2044,E|19530,E|5413,E|19298,E|3635,E|5235,E|15271,E|3076,E| NA NA NA Artemisia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17705,E|22179,E| NA NA NA Artocarpus fretessi NA NA NA NA NA 15030,E|1821,E|1819,E|14987,E|1820,E| NA NA NA Arum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 19444,E| NA NA NA Asarum spp. NA NA NA NA NA 1834,E| NA NA NA Ascochyta sonchi . NA NA NA NA NA 1846,E| NA NA NA Asparagus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 22320,E|3981,E| NA NA NA Aspergillus terreus NA NA NA NA NA 18283,E| NA NA NA Asphodelus spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3615,E| NA NA NA Aspidosperma album NA NA NA NA NA 1900,E| NA NA NA Aspidosperma formasanum NA NA NA NA NA 1900,E| NA NA NA Aspidosperma marcgravianum NA NA NA NA NA 11715,E|1900,E| NA NA NA Aspidosperma meglacarpon NA NA NA NA NA 1900,E| NA NA NA Aspidosperma neblinae NA NA NA NA NA 1900,E| NA NA NA Aspidosperma refractum NA NA NA NA NA 22353,E| NA NA NA Asteriscus vogelii NA NA NA NA NA 14484,E|16335,E|16336,E|16337,E|14638,E|1924,E|1925,E|1926,E|16416,E|14637,E| NA NA NA Astragalus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 12047,E|19661,E| NA NA NA Astrotrichilia voamatata NA NA NA NA NA 22584,E|22585,E|22582,E|22583,E| NA NA NA Atropa spp. NA NA NA NA NA 10869,E| NA NA NA Axinyssa sp. NA NA NA NA NA 2046,E|11357,E|4879,E| NA NA NA Azalea sp. NA NA NA NA NA 491,E| NA NA NA Azorella yareta NA NA NA NA NA 15054,E|2061,E|15051,E|9809,E|9808,E| NA NA NA Baccharis gaudichaudiana NA NA NA NA NA 2080,E| NA NA NA Baccharis sarothroides NA NA NA NA NA 21695,E| NA NA NA Baccharis spp. NA NA NA NA NA 22752,E|16031,E|3551,E|17385,E| NA NA NA Baptisia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3004,E|7882,E|16198,E| NA NA NA Barteria fistulosa NA NA NA NA NA 22592,E| NA NA NA Bazzania decrescens NA NA NA NA NA 10394,E| NA NA NA Bazzania madagassa NA NA NA NA NA 5289,E|559,E| NA NA NA Beauveria bassiana BAI JIANG JUN. NA NA NA NA NA 20916,E|2847,E|2855,E|9869,E|5783,E|9874,E|9875,E|9872,E|9873,E|9871,E| NA NA NA Berberis sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3142,E|7820,E| NA NA NA Berberis spp. NA NA NA NA NA 16428,E|16544,E| NA NA NA Beta sp. NA NA NA NA NA 22320,E| NA NA NA Betula alba NA NA NA NA NA 2329,E| NA NA NA Betula sp. NA NA NA NA NA 22904,E|18779,E|19159,E|9020,E| NA NA NA Betula spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17862,E|10886,E|17870,E|19297,E| NA NA NA Bidens sp. NA NA NA NA NA 16014,E| NA NA NA Bituminaria morisiana NA NA NA NA NA 7294,E|2495,E|4190,E|5850,E|10046,E|17816,E|5972,E|2365,E|4603,E| NA NA NA Bocconia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3498,E| NA NA NA Boenninghausenia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3457,E| NA NA NA Bonamia spectabilis NA NA NA NA NA 2543,E|2542,E|2541,E|15336,E|2544,E|15337,E| NA NA NA Botryodiplodia theobromae tropical fungus Botryodiplodia theobromae . NA NA NA NA NA 10268,E| NA NA NA Bowdichia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3004,E| NA NA NA Brenania brieyi . NA NA NA NA NA 8064,E| NA NA NA Brickellia arguta var. odontolepis JIAN CHI BU LI KE ER CAO. NA NA NA NA NA 16717,E|16714,E| NA NA NA Bupleurum spp. NA NA NA NA NA 19133,E|19132,E|19127,E| NA NA NA Cabucala fasciculata, CU SHENG KA BU MU. NA NA NA NA NA 22486,E| NA NA NA Cacospongia scalaris . NA NA NA NA NA 6112,E| NA NA NA Cadia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3004,E| NA NA NA Calendula sp. NA NA NA NA NA 15127,E| NA NA NA Calophyllum austroindium NA NA NA NA NA 2989,E|21106,E| NA NA NA Calophyllum blancoi NA NA NA NA NA 11229,E|335,E|18547,E|18237,E|2997,E|1472,E|11227,E|1470,E|1471,E|9856,E|11228,E|11083,E|11642,E| NA NA NA Calophyllum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 11805,E| NA NA NA Calophyllum spp. NA NA NA NA NA 6180,E| NA NA NA Calycophyllum spruceanum NA NA NA NA NA 5476,E|21360,E|19621,E|13898,E|376,E| NA NA NA Camassia leichtlinii NA NA NA NA NA 10720,E|10719,E|10715,E|10716,E|10717,E|8686,E|8721,E|8720,E|8653,E|8652,E|10718,E|8654,E| NA NA NA Campanula sp. NA NA NA NA NA 7943,E| NA NA NA Canarium sp. NA NA NA NA NA 20695,E| NA NA NA Carex fedia var. miyabei NA NA NA NA NA 14884,E| NA NA NA Careya arborea KA LI YU RUI. NA NA NA NA NA 3193,E| NA NA NA Casearia guianensis NA NA NA NA NA 3269,E|3272,E|3273,E|3270,E| NA NA NA Cassia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 1282,E| NA NA NA Cassia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3615,E| NA NA NA Castilla elastica . NA NA NA NA NA 9335,E|16946,E|16945,E| NA NA NA Caulophyllum spp. NA NA NA NA NA 12637,E| NA NA NA Cedrelopsis gracilis NA NA NA NA NA 3348,E|3347,E| NA NA NA Cedrelopsis grevei NA NA NA NA NA 19525,E|3349,E|2599,E|15712,E|14216,E| NA NA NA Cedrus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 1074,E| NA NA NA Bittersweet. NA NA root To transform stasis and disperse swelling. Wound swelling from knocks and falls. 12015,E|18372,E| NA NA NA Celastrus stephanotifolius NA NA NA NA NA 16017,E|13083,E|3362,E|3363,E| NA NA NA Celtis sp. NA NA NA NA NA 19530,E| NA NA NA Centaurea attica ssp. attica NA NA NA NA NA 2002,E|206,E|357,E|6029,E|3853,E|14305,E|13409,E|9759,E| NA NA NA Centaurea sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3635,E|19107,E| NA NA NA Centaurea thessala ssp. drakiensis NA NA NA NA NA 206,E|10081,E|357,E|6029,E|3853,E|14305,E|9758,E| NA NA NA Centranthus spp. NA NA NA NA NA 22296,E| NA NA NA Cereus pectenaboriginum NA NA NA NA NA 16734,E| NA NA NA Cestrum sendtenerianum NA NA NA NA NA 6125,E|6124,E|6130,E|6126,E|6123,E| NA NA NA Chaetomium quadrangulatum, SI LENG JIAO MAO KE JUN. NA NA NA NA NA 3450,E|3449,E|3448,E|3445,E|3444,E|3447,E|3446,E|3441,E|3440,E|3443,E|3442,E| NA NA NA Chaetomium thielavioideum . NA NA NA NA NA 3439,E| NA NA NA Chaetomorpha basiretorsa LV ZAO JI GEN YING MAO ZAO. NA NA NA NA NA 4360,E| NA NA NA Chamaecyparis spp. NA NA NA NA NA 15655,E| NA NA NA Chasmanthera spp. NA NA NA NA NA 15742,E| NA NA NA Chelidonium spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3498,E| NA NA NA Chlorella spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17715,E| NA NA NA Chlorophora sp. NA NA NA NA NA 15706,E| NA NA NA Chlorophyllum molybdites NA NA NA NA NA 22233,E|6901,E| NA NA NA Chrozophora spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3551,E| NA NA NA Chrysanthemum parthenium NA NA NA NA NA 16701,E| NA NA NA Chrysanthemum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 19293,E|7820,E| NA NA NA Chrysanthemum spp. NA NA NA NA NA 16663,E|17705,E|9495,E| NA NA NA Cicer spp. NA NA NA NA NA 12902,E| NA NA NA Cimicifuga sp. NA NA NA NA NA 238,E|3649,E|5488,E|5487,E|280,E|237,E|3652,E|10696,E| NA NA NA Cinchona sp. NA NA NA NA NA 5521,E| NA NA NA Cinchona spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3551,E| NA NA NA Cistanche sp. NA NA NA NA NA 17066,E| NA NA NA Citrullus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 4321,E| NA NA NA Citrus hassaku NA NA NA NA NA 22761,E|22765,E|5062,E|15728,E|16249,E|11967,E|14085,E|5685,E|16246,E|19769,E|8980,E| NA NA NA Citrus jambhiri NA NA NA NA NA 3788,E|22765,E|15728,E|17692,E|5097,E| NA NA NA Citrus medica var. etrog NA NA NA NA NA 22765,E|19525,E|3788,E|19527,E|17692,E|11967,E|7912,E|22179,E|15728,E|9642,E| NA NA NA Citrus rugulosa NA NA NA NA NA 22765,E|5097,E|7908,E|17692,E|11967,E|16249,E|16246,E|19769,E| NA NA NA Citrus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 15385,E|13205,E|11023,E|17691,E|16250,E|20550,E|17362,E|15279,E|13119,E|2833,E|20654,E| NA NA NA Citrus spp. NA NA NA NA NA 15270,E|17076,E|12841,E|12834,E| NA NA NA Citrus sulcata NA NA NA NA NA 10709,E|19525,E|5097,E|7908,E|16249,E|16246,E|22179,E|9642,E| NA NA NA Citrus tamurana NA NA NA NA NA 22761,E|10709,E|22765,E|21483,E|7202,E|3788,E|17692,E|5097,E|8979,E|16249,E|14085,E|19525,E|16246,E|15728,E|9642,E| NA NA NA Cladonia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 22266,E| NA NA NA Cladrastis spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3004,E| NA NA NA Clausena sp. NA NA NA NA NA 16250,E| NA NA NA Clerodendrum nucinatum NA NA NA NA NA 22197,E| NA NA NA Coffea sp. NA NA NA NA NA 1886,E|2886,E|11325,E| NA NA NA Colophospermum mopane . NA NA NA NA NA 14538,E|5622,E|5621,E| NA NA NA Colubrina spp. NA NA NA NA NA 15742,E| NA NA NA Connarus ritchiei NA NA NA NA NA 6766,E| NA NA NA Convolvulus cneorum NA NA NA NA NA 3960,E| NA NA NA Convolvulus sabatius ssp. sabatius NA NA NA NA NA 5565,E| NA NA NA Coprinopsis episcopalis Fungus Coprinopsis episcopalis. NA NA NA NA NA 10992,E|10989,E|10990,E|10991,E| NA NA NA Coprosma lineariifolia NA NA NA NA NA 15725,E| NA NA NA Coptis groenlandica NA NA NA NA NA 9010,E| NA NA NA Coreopsis sp. NA NA NA NA NA 16014,E| NA NA NA Coriaria sp. NA NA NA NA NA 22129,E| NA NA NA Coronilla spp. NA NA NA NA NA 22179,E| NA NA NA Cortinarius spp. NA NA NA NA NA 1999,E|21443,E|21444,E| NA NA NA Corydalis campulicarpa NA NA NA NA NA 16118,E| NA NA NA Corydalis spp. NA NA NA NA NA 16887,E|3498,E| NA NA NA Corydalis vaginans NA NA NA NA NA 15908,E| NA NA NA Costus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 6436,E|8967,E| NA NA NA Cotinus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 16823,E|20465,E| NA NA NA Cotoneaster spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17855,E| NA NA NA Cotylelobium lanceolatum NA NA NA NA NA 4130,E|4131,E|4132,E| NA NA NA Couepia ulei . NA NA NA NA NA 1384,E|7669,E| NA NA NA Coussarea brevicaulis . NA NA NA NA NA 7022,E|4194,E|19571,E|2149,E| NA NA NA Crataegus spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17069,E|17855,E| NA NA NA Crinum moorei NA NA NA NA NA 22213,E|460,E|4240,E|3516,E|6882,E|7037,E|17737,E|4235,E|6841,E| NA NA NA Crocus antalyensis NA NA NA NA NA 12038,E| NA NA NA Crotalaria sp. NA NA NA NA NA 9317,E| NA NA NA Croton hovarum NA NA NA NA NA 3538,E|5876,E|5877,E|6466,E| NA NA NA Croton hutchinsonianus NA NA NA NA NA 10040,E|10638,E| NA NA NA Croton joufra NA NA NA NA NA 9970,E| NA NA NA Cudrania sp. NA NA NA NA NA 4336,E| NA NA NA Cuphea sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3138,E| NA NA NA Curcuma sp. NA NA NA NA NA 22988,E| NA NA NA Curvularia lunata Fungus Curvularia lunata. NA NA NA NA NA 10082,E|9802,E|9801,E|9800,E|5757,E|5756,E|9799,E|20233,E| NA NA NA Cuscuta sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3210,E| NA NA NA Cussonia bancoensis NA NA NA NA NA 1573,E|10819,E|8678,E|22254,E| NA NA NA Cussonia racemosa NA NA NA NA NA 4428,E|4429,E|4422,E|4423,E|4426,E|4427,E|4424,E|4425,E|4431,E|4430,E|4432,E| NA NA NA Cyanostegia angustifolia . NA NA NA NA NA 21695,E|21841,E| NA NA NA Cyanostegia microphylla . NA NA NA NA NA 21695,E| NA NA NA Cyclobium spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3004,E| NA NA NA Cymbopogon polyneuros NA NA NA NA NA 16914,E| NA NA NA Cyperus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 4575,E| NA NA NA Cyrtanthus falcatus NA NA NA NA NA 14570,E|20875,E|13561,E| NA NA NA Cystopteris sp. NA NA NA NA NA 17986,E| NA NA NA Cytospora eucalypticola . NA NA NA NA NA 6368,E|6360,E| NA NA NA Dacrydium sp. NA NA NA NA NA 8400,E| NA NA NA Dahlia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 22320,E|15271,E| NA NA NA Dalbergia obtusa NA NA NA NA NA 15903,E| NA NA NA Dalbergia retusa NA NA NA NA NA 15903,E| NA NA NA Dalbergia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 18006,E|20885,E| NA NA NA Dalbergia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3004,E|12902,E| NA NA NA Damnacanthus major NA NA NA NA NA 11987,E|15725,E| NA NA NA Darlingia darlingiana . NA NA NA NA NA 4659,E| NA NA NA Datura spp. NA NA NA NA NA 10869,E| NA NA NA Davallia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 22449,E| NA NA NA Delphinium carduchorum NA NA NA NA NA 5001,E|3191,E| NA NA NA Deprea subtriflora . NA NA NA NA NA 1432,E|1427,E|1430,E|1431,E|1429,E|1428,E|1457,E|1433,E| NA NA NA Dermocybe sp. NA NA NA NA NA 2020,E|2019,E| NA NA NA Dianthus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3454,E| NA NA NA Dicentra spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3498,E| NA NA NA Dichelostemma multiflorum . NA NA NA NA NA 2614,E|2613,E|20198,E| NA NA NA Dicksonia gigantean NA NA NA NA NA 16088,E| NA NA NA Dicranostigma spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3498,E| NA NA NA Dictamnus spp. NA NA NA NA NA 12841,E| NA NA NA Didymocarpus pedicellata NA NA NA NA NA 9304,E|16685,E| NA NA NA Digitalis spp. NA NA NA NA NA 18202,E|18203,E| NA NA NA Dioscorea cayenensis NA NA NA NA NA 6446,E|6436,E|14691,E| NA NA NA Dioscorea sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3209,E| NA NA NA Diospyros angustifolia NA NA NA NA NA 6460,E|6461,E|6462,E| NA NA NA Diospyros sp. NA NA NA NA NA 6458,E|17554,E|20695,E| NA NA NA Diospyros sylvatica NA NA NA NA NA 14137,E|14836,E|6449,E| NA NA NA Diospyros zombensis NA NA NA NA NA 18215,E| NA NA NA Dipterus hispidus . NA NA NA NA NA 15921,E| NA NA NA Discaria americana NA NA NA NA NA 6505,E|6504,E| NA NA NA Dizygotheca kerchoveana . NA NA NA NA NA 8637,E|4162,E|4161,E|8638,E| NA NA NA Dodonaea spp. NA NA NA NA NA 19297,E| NA NA NA Dorstenia barteri var. subtriangularis NA NA NA NA NA 2154,E|2155,E|6336,E|2153,E| NA NA NA Dorstenia kameruniana NA NA NA NA NA 17809,E| NA NA NA Doryphora sassafras . NA NA NA NA NA 6573,E| NA NA NA Dracula chimaera NA NA NA NA NA 16891,E|4444,E|4445,E| NA NA NA Dracula cordobae NA NA NA NA NA 16891,E|4444,E|4445,E| NA NA NA Drechslera siccans NA NA NA NA NA 6597,E| NA NA NA Drimia robusta NA NA NA NA NA 22234,E|10692,E| NA NA NA Drosera sp. NA NA NA NA NA 14533,E|9567,E| NA NA NA Dryanobulanops spp. NA NA NA NA NA 15921,E| NA NA NA Drypetes molunduana NA NA NA NA NA 2178,E|7947,E|266,E|6615,E|6614,E| NA NA NA Ducrosia anethifolia . NA NA NA NA NA 4808,E|16477,E| NA NA NA Duguetia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 15742,E| NA NA NA Echinosophora koreensis. NA NA NA NA NA 6689,E| NA NA NA Egletes viscosa NIAN XING AI LEI JU. NA NA NA NA NA 20962,E| NA NA NA Embelia kilimandscharica NA NA NA NA NA 6766,E| NA NA NA Embelia tsjersium-cottam NA NA NA NA NA 6766,E| NA NA NA Emericella unguis NA NA NA NA NA 9083,E| NA NA NA Emerita analoga . NA NA NA NA NA 19416,E| NA NA NA Enantia polycarpa DUO GUO YI NAN MU. NA NA NA NA NA 4101,E|4100,E| NA NA NA Enkianthus nudipes NA NA NA NA NA 15855,E| NA NA NA Entandrophragma cylindricum. NA NA NA NA NA 19300,E| NA NA NA Ephedra sp. NA NA NA NA NA 15780,E|6813,E|6812,E| NA NA NA Ephedra tweediana NA NA NA NA NA 15780,E|18010,E|6814,E|15736,E| NA NA NA Epicoccum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 10494,E|21792,E|258,E|10376,E|10375,E|8011,E| NA NA NA Epilobium sp. NA NA NA NA NA 16823,E| NA NA NA Epimedium spp. NA NA NA NA NA 6959,E| NA NA NA Equisetum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 18800,E| NA NA NA Eremocitrus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 17691,E| NA NA NA Erigeron sp. NA NA NA NA NA 6192,E| NA NA NA Erinus alpinus. NA NA NA NA NA 7265,E| NA NA NA Eriosorus flexuosus . NA NA NA NA NA 18140,E| NA NA NA Eryngium campestre TIAN YE CI QIN. NA NA NA NA NA 8723,E|8724,E| NA NA NA Erythrina eriotriocha NA NA NA NA NA 17823,E| NA NA NA Erythrina sacleuxii NA NA NA NA NA 5585,E|19093,E| NA NA NA Erythrina spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17033,E| NA NA NA Erythrina vogelii NA NA NA NA NA 6495,E|22621,E|3217,E|22588,E|22589,E|5543,E|22587,E|1956,E|17809,E|2014,E|17823,E| NA NA NA Erythrina zeyheri NA NA NA NA NA 7353,E|7355,E|7354,E|7357,E|7356,E| NA NA NA Erythroxylon alaternifolium NA NA NA NA NA 5384,E| NA NA NA Escallonia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3600,E|8080,E|1892,E| NA NA NA Eschscholzia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3498,E| NA NA NA Esenbeckia yaaxhokob. NA NA NA NA NA 7828,E|20121,E|8313,E| NA NA NA Eucalyptus cypellocarpa NA NA NA NA NA 4570,E|4571,E|4569,E| NA NA NA Eucalyptus globoidea NA NA NA NA NA 8553,E| NA NA NA Eucalyptus kino NA NA NA NA NA 17160,E| NA NA NA Eucalyptus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 17269,E|7481,E|1951,E| NA NA NA Eucalyptus spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17440,E|17040,E| NA NA NA Euchresta spp. NA NA NA NA NA 16238,E| NA NA NA Euonymus nanoides NA NA NA NA NA 21624,E|5343,E|21015,E|6327,E|6326,E|14157,E|14161,E|2254,E| NA NA NA Eupatorium aschenbornianum NA NA NA NA NA 6796,E|319,E|318,E|7381,E| NA NA NA Euphorbia kamerunica NA NA NA NA NA 11061,E| NA NA NA Euphorbia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 8310,E| NA NA NA Euphorbia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 13431,E|17167,E| NA NA NA Euphorbia turczaninowii NA NA NA NA NA 9473,E|16806,E|16807,E|21011,E|16805,E|9474,E| NA NA NA Eurycoma harmandiana NA NA NA NA NA 773,E|8509,E|16683,E|13864,E|13860,E|9884,E|6214,E|3097,E|10934,E|10935,E|3098,E|10933,E|9889,E|3299,E| NA NA NA Eurycoma sp. NA NA NA NA NA 10115,E|12571,E|7942,E|7652,E|13859,E|9883,E|16681,E|7650,E|9998,E|5333,E|7653,E|7654,E|20015,E|20017,E|16879,E|5609,E|5608,E|7010,E|20023,E|10787,E|7638,E|7639,E|5940,E|9886,E|16684,E|13999,E|7637,E|16682,E|16683,E|4985,E|10020,E|421,E|420,E|10191,E|10392,E|5680,E|21743,E|20552,E|13864,E|10289,E|14000,E|17466,E|20556,E|10389,E|12958,E|12570,E|13861,E|13862,E|7643,E|381,E|5892,E|7640,E|7647,E|7646,E|7645,E|7644,E|389,E|7649,E|7648,E|20019,E|10502,E|21214,E|10390,E|10114,E|7642,E|5959,E|5610,E|4739,E|7641,E|2571,E|378,E|9885,E|10476,E|6213,E|20558,E|6252,E|6251,E|12516,E|9889,E|10391,E| NA NA NA Evernia prunastri LI BIAN ZHI YI. NA NA NA NA NA 18764,E| NA NA NA Evodia belahe NA NA NA NA NA 17019,E| NA NA NA Evodia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 12250,E| NA NA NA Evodia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 12841,E| NA NA NA Fagara sp. NA NA NA NA NA 19762,E|22758,E| NA NA NA Fagara spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3498,E| NA NA NA Fagara xanthoxyloides NA NA NA NA NA 14175,E|7703,E|7700,E|7701,E|2763,E|2762,E|2761,E|4421,E|11266,E|13091,E|19762,E|5577,E|10473,E|113,E|11281,E| NA NA NA Fagopyrum spp. NA NA NA NA NA 5762,E| NA NA NA family Amaryllidaceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 9645,E|9185,E|17559,E|9611,E| NA NA NA family Apiaceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 13130,E|18302,E| NA NA NA family Apocynaceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 12017,E|22586,E|22580,E|20561,E| NA NA NA family Asteraceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 21471,E|21018,E|20371,E|21470,E|21191,E|21192,E|19179,E|17705,E|13130,E|20000,E|22385,E|21312,E|21313,E| NA NA NA family Berberidaceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 16544,E| NA NA NA family Brassicaceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 6811,E|12017,E|17103,E| NA NA NA family Cactaceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 9645,E|19498,E| NA NA NA family Cistaceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 13130,E| NA NA NA family Dilleniaceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 12017,E| NA NA NA family Euphor biaceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 13130,E|20219,E| NA NA NA family Fabaceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 9645,E|18637,E|12017,E|7882,E|13130,E| NA NA NA family Fumariaceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3498,E| NA NA NA family Hydrophyllaceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 22126,E| NA NA NA family Liliaceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 9338,E| NA NA NA family Meliaceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 21537,E| NA NA NA family Menispermaceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 21373,E| NA NA NA family Papaveraceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3498,E| NA NA NA family Passifloraceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 13130,E| NA NA NA family Poaceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 9645,E| NA NA NA family Po lygonaceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 10886,E| NA NA NA family Pyrolaceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17462,E| NA NA NA family Ranunculaceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 12017,E|1179,E| NA NA NA family Resedaceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 13130,E| NA NA NA family Rutaceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 20119,E|3498,E| NA NA NA family Sapindaceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3498,E| NA NA NA family Scrophulariaceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 13130,E| NA NA NA family Simarubaceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 20092,E|19206,E| NA NA NA family Thymelaeaceae spp. NA NA NA NA NA 20534,E|17360,E| NA NA NA Fatsia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 12637,E| NA NA NA Ferula alliacea NA NA NA NA NA 17063,E| NA NA NA Ferula badrakema NA NA NA NA NA 2096,E| NA NA NA Ferula ferulago NA NA NA NA NA 7764,E|7765,E| NA NA NA Ferula kopetdaghensis NA NA NA NA NA 17065,E| NA NA NA Ferula pseudooreoselinum NA NA NA NA NA 19210,E| NA NA NA Ferula sinaica NA NA NA NA NA 12464,E|5889,E| NA NA NA Ferula sp. NA NA NA NA NA 22536,E| NA NA NA Ferula spp. NA NA NA NA NA 22179,E| NA NA NA Ferula xeromorpha NA NA NA NA NA 22769,E| NA NA NA Ficus spp. NA NA NA NA NA 13091,E| NA NA NA Flyriella parryi. NA NA NA NA NA 16083,E| NA NA NA Forsythia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3214,E|15468,E|15127,E|580,E| NA NA NA Fraxinus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 11425,E| NA NA NA Fuchsia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 7517,E|20894,E|16823,E|8310,E| NA NA NA Fusarium acutatum . NA NA NA NA NA 14444,E| NA NA NA Fusarium equiseta. NA NA NA NA NA 7220,E| NA NA NA Fusarium nivale. NA NA NA NA NA 15624,E| NA NA NA Fusarium roseum. NA NA NA NA NA 22602,E| NA NA NA Fusarium sp. NA NA NA NA NA 19281,E|14711,E| NA NA NA Fusarium tricinctum. NA NA NA NA NA 22054,E| NA NA NA Galium sp. NA NA NA NA NA 899,E|901,E|18208,E|13035,E| NA NA NA Gambeya boukokoensis NA NA NA NA NA 8130,E|8129,E|8128,E| NA NA NA Ganoderma lipsiense NA NA NA NA NA 8171,E|8161,E| NA NA NA Garcinia bancana NA NA NA NA NA 21116,E|8217,E| NA NA NA Garcinia macrophylla NA NA NA NA NA 9089,E|9088,E| NA NA NA Garcinia merguensis NA NA NA NA NA 13775,E| NA NA NA Garcinia scortechinii NA NA NA NA NA 19533,E|19532,E|19531,E|19541,E|19537,E|19536,E|19535,E|19534,E|19542,E|19543,E|19539,E|19538,E|19546,E|19544,E|19545,E|19540,E| NA NA NA Garcinia smeathmannii NA NA NA NA NA 20003,E|20002,E| NA NA NA Garcinia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 13802,E| NA NA NA Garcinia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 6180,E| NA NA NA Garcinia vilersiana NA NA NA NA NA 21944,E|20419,E|20420,E|20510,E|9993,E|14459,E|8557,E| NA NA NA Gardenia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 107,E| NA NA NA Garrya ovata var. lindheimeri NA NA NA NA NA 16268,E| NA NA NA Garrya veatchii NA NA NA NA NA 22344,E| NA NA NA Gelsemium rankinii NA NA NA NA NA 9659,E| NA NA NA Gentiana sp. NA NA NA NA NA 8306,E| NA NA NA Geraea canescens. NA NA NA NA NA 21695,E|21841,E| NA NA NA Geranium sp. NA NA NA NA NA 8310,E| NA NA NA Gerronema spp. NA NA NA NA NA 8361,E|8360,E|8363,E|8362,E|8364,E|8359,E| NA NA NA Geum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 15468,E| NA NA NA Gibberella fujikuroi TENG CANG CHI MEI. NA NA NA NA NA 5872,E|272,E|5871,E|21709,E|10083,E| NA NA NA Gibberella zeae DAO CHI MEI JUN. NA NA NA NA NA 22958,E| NA NA NA Gladiolus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 16769,E| NA NA NA Glaucium spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3498,E| NA NA NA Globularia davisiana NA NA NA NA NA 4697,E| NA NA NA Globularia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3695,E| NA NA NA Gloeophyllum odoratum . NA NA NA NA NA 8574,E|14047,E|14581,E| NA NA NA Gloeophyllum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 10731,E|8575,E|8576,E|8577,E|8578,E|8579,E| NA NA NA Glossocalyx brevipes NA NA NA NA NA 14454,E|14453,E|8320,E| NA NA NA Glossocarya calcicola . NA NA NA NA NA 2950,E|2952,E|2948,E| NA NA NA Glycine sp. NA NA NA NA NA 1866,E| NA NA NA Glycyrrhiza sp. NA NA NA NA NA 22503,E|17389,E|15516,E|3574,E|12752,E|12753,E|12750,E|11443,E|16163,E|12790,E|17032,E|10334,E|8143,E|6400,E|8144,E|17812,E|8551,E|19680,E|22727,E|5834,E|7332,E|12745,E|11694,E|12767,E|13274,E|17811,E|12327,E|12757,E|8836,E| NA NA NA Glycyrrhiza spp. NA NA NA NA NA 11769,E|12902,E|12773,E| NA NA NA Goniothalamus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 8944,E|3503,E|13540,E|13541,E|13542,E|9777,E| NA NA NA Goniothalamus thwaitesii NA NA NA NA NA 13621,E|1339,E| NA NA NA Gratiola sp. NA NA NA NA NA 4318,E| NA NA NA Grevillea spp. NA NA NA NA NA 8996,E| NA NA NA Grindelia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 21491,E| NA NA NA Guarea rhopalocarpa NA NA NA NA NA 12482,E|19219,E|10309,E|19527,E|20353,E|19220,E| NA NA NA Guatteria boliviana NA NA NA NA NA 12492,E|18174,E|19738,E|9071,E|16592,E|18173,E|17132,E|1460,E|21374,E|8003,E| NA NA NA Gutierrezia microcephala NA NA NA NA NA 21695,E| NA NA NA Gutierrezia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 21841,E| NA NA NA Gymnadenia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 22320,E| NA NA NA Haplopappus foliosus . NA NA NA NA NA 9923,E|143,E| NA NA NA Haplophyllum glabrinum NA NA NA NA NA 9223,E|16897,E| NA NA NA Haplophyllum patavinum NA NA NA NA NA 16691,E|1552,E|13396,E|11975,E|22061,E|6489,E| NA NA NA Haplophyllum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 7511,E|12250,E| NA NA NA Hedera pastuchowii NA NA NA NA NA 16686,E|16687,E|16688,E|16689,E|16690,E| NA NA NA Hedera sp. NA NA NA NA NA 19530,E| NA NA NA Hedera spp. NA NA NA NA NA 12637,E| NA NA NA Helianthus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 4738,E| NA NA NA Helichrysum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 17389,E|10774,E|3454,E| NA NA NA Helichrysum spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17385,E| NA NA NA Helichrysum sutherlandii NA NA NA NA NA 9304,E| NA NA NA Helioniopsis orientalis. NA NA NA NA NA 16796,E| NA NA NA Heliopsis sp. NA NA NA NA NA 13587,E| NA NA NA Heliotropium floridum var. latifolium NA NA NA NA NA 7833,E| NA NA NA Heliotropium sp. NA NA NA NA NA 9317,E|17456,E| NA NA NA Hemerocailis sp. NA NA NA NA NA 967,E| NA NA NA Heracleum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 2309,E|22179,E| NA NA NA Heracleum spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17361,E| NA NA NA Heterocentron roseum. NA NA NA NA NA 15633,E| NA NA NA Heteroscyphus billardierii NA NA NA NA NA 7193,E|9922,E|18900,E| NA NA NA Hodgkinsonia frutescens NA NA NA NA NA 18282,E|18281,E| NA NA NA Holostylis reniformis NA NA NA NA NA 6830,E|1709,E|19601,E|1730,E|14386,E|6932,E|19600,E|6931,E|6829,E|9591,E| NA NA NA Hunnemannia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3498,E| NA NA NA Hunteria elliotii NA NA NA NA NA 12264,E| NA NA NA Hyacinthus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3693,E| NA NA NA Hydrangea sp. NA NA NA NA NA 12944,E| NA NA NA Hygrophorus latitabundus NA NA NA NA NA 5340,E|5339,E|436,E|5338,E|434,E|435,E|10839,E|433,E| NA NA NA Hygrophorus persoonii NA NA NA NA NA 10840,E|10835,E|10841,E|21519,E|429,E|428,E|5335,E|5336,E|5919,E|427,E|426,E| NA NA NA Hygrophorus pustulatus NA NA NA NA NA 432,E|10838,E| NA NA NA Hylomecon spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3498,E| NA NA NA Hyoscyamus spp. NA NA NA NA NA 10869,E| NA NA NA Hypecoum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 7787,E| NA NA NA Hypericum papuanum NA NA NA NA NA 6781,E|6780,E|6779,E|10219,E|16617,E|16619,E|10930,E|10931,E|10884,E|10888,E|8028,E|16618,E|16620,E|10883,E|10929,E|10928,E|10220,E|10221,E|10932,E|16621,E| NA NA NA Hypericum polyanthemum NA NA NA NA NA 10239,E|10238,E|11291,E| NA NA NA Hypericum spp. NA NA NA NA NA 16576,E|2347,E|3551,E| NA NA NA Hypomyces sp. NA NA NA NA NA 10904,E|10903,E| NA NA NA Illicium merrillianum NA NA NA NA NA 16667,E|4895,E|18037,E|2809,E|5473,E|4810,E|320,E|5192,E|20700,E|10666,E|9954,E|9953,E|5804,E|13782,E|2812,E|16208,E|5202,E|9988,E|9986,E|1285,E|1286,E|1283,E|4916,E|4522,E|9968,E| NA NA NA Inula sp. NA NA NA NA NA 11791,E| NA NA NA Iris sp. NA NA NA NA NA 117,E| NA NA NA Iryanthera polyneura . NA NA NA NA NA 9597,E| NA NA NA Isolona maitlandii NA NA NA NA NA 15788,E| NA NA NA Isoplexis sceptrum NA NA NA NA NA 19447,E| NA NA NA Iva microcephala NA NA NA NA NA 18015,E| NA NA NA Iva sp. NA NA NA NA NA 4087,E| NA NA NA Jamesonia scammanae. NA NA NA NA NA 18140,E| NA NA NA Jasminum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 11023,E| NA NA NA Juglans sp. NA NA NA NA NA 19159,E| NA NA NA Juglans spp. NA NA NA NA NA 16753,E|10886,E| NA NA NA Juliania adstringens NA NA NA NA NA 6469,E|10088,E|10089,E|6470,E|6477,E|15921,E|16040,E|16391,E|10585,E|10584,E|13584,E|19967,E|10363,E|10362,E| NA NA NA Juniperus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 5542,E|18849,E| NA NA NA Justicia ghiesbreghtiana NA NA NA NA NA 11973,E| NA NA NA Justicia heterocarpa NA NA NA NA NA 12793,E| NA NA NA Justicia hyssopifolia NA NA NA NA NA 11979,E|19412,E| NA NA NA Kadsura matsudai NA NA NA NA NA 19487,E|19486,E|19485,E|20630,E|12001,E| NA NA NA Koelreuteria spp. NA NA NA NA NA 12637,E| NA NA NA Lactarius helvus NA NA NA NA NA 18259,E| NA NA NA Lactarius necator NA NA NA NA NA 17432,E|17419,E| NA NA NA Laetia corymbulosa NA NA NA NA NA 4112,E|4113,E|4111,E| NA NA NA Lamium sp. NA NA NA NA NA 9237,E| NA NA NA Larix sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3981,E| NA NA NA Larix spp. NA NA NA NA NA 22565,E|17385,E| NA NA NA Larrea sp. NA NA NA NA NA 15732,E| NA NA NA Lasiobema japonica NA NA NA NA NA 18308,E| NA NA NA Lastrea thelpteris NA NA NA NA NA 18148,E| NA NA NA Lathyrus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 10164,E|13631,E| NA NA NA Lathyrus spp. NA NA NA NA NA 16198,E| NA NA NA Launaea sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3635,E| NA NA NA Laurencia mariannensis NA NA NA NA NA 2620,E|12611,E| NA NA NA Laurencia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 15890,E|2451,E|2450,E|4594,E|12612,E|12610,E| NA NA NA Lavandula luisieri NA NA NA NA NA 6349,E|21177,E|14385,E| NA NA NA Lavandula sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3693,E| NA NA NA Lavandula spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17040,E| NA NA NA Leandra chaetodon NA NA NA NA NA 5772,E|1736,E| NA NA NA Leontice spp. NA NA NA NA NA 12637,E| NA NA NA Lespedeza spp. NA NA NA NA NA 22565,E| NA NA NA Lettowianthus stellatus NA NA NA NA NA 10153,E|15948,E|12911,E|13981,E|12701,E|14311,E|11985,E| NA NA NA Leucocarpus perfoliatus . NA NA NA NA NA 17499,E| NA NA NA Levisticum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 12415,E| NA NA NA Liatris sp. NA NA NA NA NA 21491,E| NA NA NA Libanotis pyrenaicum NA NA NA NA NA 17022,E| NA NA NA Libocedrus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 1372,E| NA NA NA Ligularia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 21491,E| NA NA NA Ligularia virgaurea ssp. oligocephala NA NA NA NA NA 10400,E|21413,E|21415,E|21414,E|10562,E|5882,E|6062,E| NA NA NA Ligusticum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 2309,E| NA NA NA Lilium sp. NA NA NA NA NA 4447,E| NA NA NA Liquor JIU Liquor. NA NA NA To quicken blood and free vessels, dissipate cold, free medicinal strength. Wind-cold impediment pain, hypertonicity of sinews and vessels, chest impediment, cold pain in heart and abdomen. 13449,E|7417,E|16000,E|1104,E|8807,E|7422,E|1103,E| NA NA NA Liriodendron spp. NA NA NA NA NA 15742,E| NA NA NA Lithocarpus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 20695,E| NA NA NA Lithraea caustica SHENG MU. NA NA NA NA NA 16610,E| NA NA NA Litsea salicifolia NA NA NA NA NA 15729,E| NA NA NA Lobophytum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 890,E|7247,E|10157,E|888,E|8673,E|1759,E|1760,E|1761,E|9487,E|15664,E| NA NA NA Lonchocarpus latifolius NA NA NA NA NA 13926,E|14361,E|6228,E|6221,E|6308,E| NA NA NA Lonchocarpus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 4871,E| NA NA NA Lonchocarpus xuul NA NA NA NA NA 5102,E|22794,E|20154,E|14098,E| NA NA NA Lonicera sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3981,E| NA NA NA Lophytum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 21804,E| NA NA NA Lotus helleri NA NA NA NA NA 9595,E| NA NA NA Lunaria sp. NA NA NA NA NA 833,E| NA NA NA Lupinus formosus NA NA NA NA NA 16777,E| NA NA NA Lupinus hartwegii NA NA NA NA NA 1478,E|1479,E| NA NA NA Lupinus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 8970,E|6557,E|22651,E| NA NA NA Lupinus varius NA NA NA NA NA 14077,E|6954,E| NA NA NA Luvunga spp. NA NA NA NA NA 12841,E| NA NA NA Lycopodium inundatum NA NA NA NA NA 16107,E| NA NA NA Lycopodium megastachyum NA NA NA NA NA 19755,E|17136,E| NA NA NA Lycopodium sitchense NA NA NA NA NA 16107,E| NA NA NA Maackia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 18006,E| NA NA NA Machaerium spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3004,E| NA NA NA Macleaya spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3498,E| NA NA NA Macrococculus pomiferus NA NA NA NA NA 5081,E|14099,E|5084,E| NA NA NA Magnolia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 15742,E| NA NA NA Mahonia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 16428,E|16544,E| NA NA NA Malbranchea aurantiaca NA NA NA NA NA 10563,E|16792,E| NA NA NA Malina elemi. NA NA NA NA NA 16031,E|16030,E| NA NA NA Mallotus furetianus NA NA NA NA NA 13418,E|13417,E| NA NA NA Malus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3214,E|7728,E|13119,E|17156,E|15468,E| NA NA NA Malus spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17855,E| NA NA NA Mammea harmandii NA NA NA NA NA 13463,E|13457,E|13461,E|13460,E|13465,E|13462,E| NA NA NA Mammea sp. NA NA NA NA NA 15706,E| NA NA NA Marchantia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 13077,E| NA NA NA Matayba arborescens. NA NA NA NA NA 3829,E| NA NA NA Maytenus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 21381,E| NA NA NA Meconopsis spp. NA NA NA NA NA 16616,E|16615,E| NA NA NA Medicago sp. NA NA NA NA NA 13631,E| NA NA NA Medicago spp. NA NA NA NA NA 12902,E| NA NA NA Melicope ptelefolia NA NA NA NA NA 13669,E|13670,E| NA NA NA Melicope sp. NA NA NA NA NA 12250,E| NA NA NA Melicope spp. NA NA NA NA NA 20962,E| NA NA NA Melodorum fruticosum NA NA NA NA NA 2257,E|2262,E|2261,E|463,E|13705,E| NA NA NA Mentha sp. NA NA NA NA NA 12837,E|13769,E| NA NA NA Mentha spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17440,E|18939,E| NA NA NA Menyanthes sp. NA NA NA NA NA 5190,E| NA NA NA Mesua thwaitesii NA NA NA NA NA 13457,E|6180,E| NA NA NA Miconia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 17843,E| NA NA NA Miliusa balansae NA NA NA NA NA 14844,E|14845,E|3623,E|2471,E|16487,E| NA NA NA Millettia griffoniana NA NA NA NA NA 9007,E|9006,E|9008,E| NA NA NA Millettia laurentii NA NA NA NA NA 12563,E|12562,E| NA NA NA Millettia pervilleana NA NA NA NA NA 16990,E|16991,E| NA NA NA Millettia thonningii NA NA NA NA NA 21065,E|10465,E|5726,E|21320,E|14124,E| NA NA NA Millettia usaramensis ssp. usaramensis NA NA NA NA NA 6970,E|4948,E|22263,E|22262,E|5732,E|8321,E|2148,E| NA NA NA Mimosa sp. NA NA NA NA NA 6532,E| NA NA NA Mollugo spergula NA NA NA NA NA 20126,E|20127,E|20128,E|20129,E| NA NA NA Mondia whitei MENG DI TENG. NA NA NA NA NA 3570,E| NA NA NA Monimia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 15742,E| NA NA NA Monochaetum multiflorum NA NA NA NA NA 8113,E|15634,E|8103,E|2286,E|14913,E| NA NA NA Montanoa tomentosa NA NA NA NA NA 23005,E| NA NA NA Montrouziera sphaeroidea NA NA NA NA NA 14939,E|14940,E| NA NA NA Morus insignis NA NA NA NA NA 14980,E|14976,E|14977,E|14978,E|14979,E| NA NA NA Morus lhou NA NA NA NA NA 847,E|15050,E|15044,E|15036,E|15035,E| NA NA NA Morus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 8052,E|13844,E|19250,E|14975,E|3010,E|3011,E|11891,E|2018,E|8613,E|18904,E|5699,E|4233,E|4342,E|19987,E| NA NA NA Morus spp. NA NA NA NA NA 16434,E| NA NA NA Muehlenbeckia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3615,E| NA NA NA Murraya spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17037,E| NA NA NA Mycobacterium phlei. NA NA NA NA NA 17249,E| NA NA NA Myoporum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 11140,E| NA NA NA Myrothecium roridum. NA NA NA NA NA 21543,E| NA NA NA Myrothecium sp. NA NA NA NA NA 4519,E|15199,E|15198,E|16884,E|21542,E| NA NA NA Myrothecium verrucaria. NA NA NA NA NA 22404,E| NA NA NA Myroxylon spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3004,E|12902,E| NA NA NA Myrsine seguinii NA NA NA NA NA 15205,E|15204,E|15206,E|15203,E|15202,E|19656,E|19657,E|19655,E|19658,E|19659,E| NA NA NA Myrsine sp. NA NA NA NA NA 18531,E| NA NA NA Narcissus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3693,E|7820,E| NA NA NA Narcissus spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17559,E| NA NA NA Neoboutonia glabrescens NA NA NA NA NA 8491,E|15390,E|15391,E|15338,E| NA NA NA Neolloydia texensis . NA NA NA NA NA 15920,E| NA NA NA Neopicrorhiza scrophulariiflora NA NA NA NA NA 19555,E|19554,E| NA NA NA Neorautanenia edulis. NA NA NA NA NA 16488,E|10058,E| NA NA NA Neorautanenia pseudopachyrhiza. NA NA NA NA NA 16488,E| NA NA NA Nepenthes sp. NA NA NA NA NA 9567,E| NA NA NA Nerium odorum NA NA NA NA NA 15483,E|15484,E| NA NA NA Neurospora spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17250,E| NA NA NA Niphogeton ternata NA NA NA NA NA 7706,E|3556,E|3560,E|3561,E|16477,E|10999,E|16447,E|196,E|7708,E|11831,E|3856,E|22758,E|16585,E|11459,E|5657,E|11575,E|11598,E|19415,E| NA NA NA Nothofagus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 17406,E| NA NA NA Notholaena sp. NA NA NA NA NA 5968,E| NA NA NA Notholaena spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17603,E| NA NA NA Nuxia sphaerocephala NA NA NA NA NA 6463,E|2914,E|10304,E|2916,E|2917,E|4181,E|56,E|10303,E|16040,E|10023,E|16363,E|16362,E|19971,E|10560,E|266,E|10339,E|20883,E|9924,E|9925,E| NA NA NA Occurs in many fungi. NA NA NA NA NA 21451,E| NA NA NA Occurs in many human foods. NA NA NA NA NA 22763,E| NA NA NA Occurs in many plants. NA NA NA NA NA 20430,E|3498,E|663,E|12837,E|7950,E|3040,E|3045,E|13367,E|8094,E|3551,E|2550,E|10886,E|9668,E|15195,E|3242,E|3241,E|17855,E|11029,E|4135,E|13091,E|7522,E|19896,E|17362,E|530,E|18396,E|6852,E|22153,E|19971,E|20353,E|22156,E|3308,E|5762,E|20428,E|16544,E|2309,E|12015,E|17862,E|12017,E|7520,E|7249,E|7882,E|580,E|12911,E|4549,E|1935,E|9645,E|11082,E|19967,E|17879,E|9485,E|4679,E|6775,E|10869,E|13130,E|22254,E|3615,E|22237,E|16888,E|3004,E|7787,E|2887,E|22565,E|3695,E|19762,E|16428,E|20550,E|9233,E|6756,E|18845,E|7767,E|11639,E|7995,E|19977,E|13119,E|17891,E|20152,E|19525,E|19527,E|20014,E|14881,E|9817,E|1110,E|1113,E|22320,E|22179,E|19072,E|18302,E|12887,E|12885,E|16040,E|15271,E|20264,E|1048,E|1476,E|18628,E|21399,E|20979,E| NA NA NA Occurs in wood. NA NA NA NA NA 10452,E| NA NA NA Ochna afzelii NA NA NA NA NA 11509,E|2985,E|2984,E|5661,E|12994,E|681,E|683,E|682,E| NA NA NA Ocimum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 7520,E| NA NA NA Olax sp. NA NA NA NA NA 16015,E| NA NA NA Onobrychis spp. NA NA NA NA NA 12902,E| NA NA NA Orchis sp. NA NA NA NA NA 16158,E| NA NA NA Oriciopsis glaberrima NA NA NA NA NA 16169,E|16172,E|16170,E|16171,E|21747,E| NA NA NA Orixa sp. NA NA NA NA NA 12250,E| NA NA NA Ormosia dasycarpa NA NA NA NA NA 16196,E| NA NA NA Ormosia jamaicensis NA NA NA NA NA 16196,E| NA NA NA Ormosia panamensis NA NA NA NA NA 16196,E| NA NA NA Ormosia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 16574,E| NA NA NA Ornithogalum saundersiae NA NA NA NA NA 3580,E|3581,E|3582,E|3583,E|19398,E|19397,E|19396,E|3577,E|3576,E|19393,E|19394,E|16254,E|5898,E|5899,E|19395,E| NA NA NA Orthosphenia mexicana. NA NA NA NA NA 16234,E| NA NA NA Oxalis cernua NA NA NA NA NA 3432,E| NA NA NA Oxalis sp. NA NA NA NA NA 16274,E| NA NA NA Oyedaea verbesinoides. NA NA NA NA NA 1216,E| NA NA NA Paederota lutea . NA NA NA NA NA 16507,E|20236,E| NA NA NA Paeonia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3454,E| NA NA NA Paeonia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 16892,E| NA NA NA Paepalanthus bromelioides NA NA NA NA NA 16524,E| NA NA NA Paepalanthus denudatus NA NA NA NA NA 14075,E|13974,E| NA NA NA Paepalanthus hilairei NA NA NA NA NA 14075,E|13974,E| NA NA NA Paepalanthus latipes NA NA NA NA NA 13895,E|18300,E|18297,E|18296,E|18299,E|18298,E| NA NA NA Paepalanthus polyanthus NA NA NA NA NA 14075,E|13974,E| NA NA NA Paepalanthus ramosus NA NA NA NA NA 14075,E|13974,E| NA NA NA Paepalanthus robustus NA NA NA NA NA 14075,E|13974,E| NA NA NA Paepalanthus vellozioides NA NA NA NA NA 18297,E|18296,E|18299,E|18298,E|18300,E| NA NA NA Pancratium maritimum NA NA NA NA NA 22024,E| NA NA NA Panda oleosa . NA NA NA NA NA 16590,E| NA NA NA Pandanus boninensis NA NA NA NA NA 14266,E|14261,E| NA NA NA Panulirus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3585,E| NA NA NA Papaver dubium var. glabrum NA NA NA NA NA 16435,E| NA NA NA Papaver spp. NA NA NA NA NA 7001,E|16612,E|16615,E|3498,E|16616,E| NA NA NA Papaver urbanianum NA NA NA NA NA 14244,E| NA NA NA Pararistolochia flos-avis . NA NA NA NA NA 17449,E| NA NA NA Parinari sprucei NA NA NA NA NA 21789,E|21788,E|21787,E|21786,E|21785,E|21782,E|21121,E|21120,E|6041,E|10511,E|21742,E|16842,E|16841,E|6065,E|6066,E|12175,E|10587,E|21791,E|21790,E|9503,E|21119,E|21739,E|5930,E| NA NA NA Paris sp. NA NA NA NA NA 6439,E| NA NA NA Paris spp. NA NA NA NA NA 16796,E| NA NA NA Parthenium spp. NA NA NA NA NA 16663,E| NA NA NA Passiflora sp. NA NA NA NA NA 9466,E|12997,E| NA NA NA Patrinia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3340,E| NA NA NA Patrinia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 12637,E| NA NA NA Pelargonium sp. NA NA NA NA NA 20699,E| NA NA NA Penicillium oxalicum . NA NA NA NA NA 6905,E| NA NA NA Penicillium steckii . NA NA NA NA NA 20674,E|20675,E|6361,E|6339,E| NA NA NA Pentopetia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 16945,E| NA NA NA Peperomia sui NA NA NA NA NA 16893,E|17857,E|20478,E|20479,E|2415,E|20477,E|20475,E| NA NA NA Peperomia villipetiola NA NA NA NA NA 14507,E|14109,E|14508,E|14580,E|14579,E|13814,E|13813,E| NA NA NA Periandra dulcis TIAN ZHOU WEI JIA XIONG RUI. NA NA NA NA NA 16907,E|16906,E|16905,E| NA NA NA Pericopsis angolensis . NA NA NA NA NA 6289,E|17264,E| NA NA NA Perilla spp. NA NA NA NA NA 19823,E| NA NA NA Persea borbonia NA NA NA NA NA 15894,E| NA NA NA Persea spp. NA NA NA NA NA 15894,E| NA NA NA Petasites sp. NA NA NA NA NA 7229,E|2119,E| NA NA NA Petroselinum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 2309,E| NA NA NA Petunia reitzii NA NA NA NA NA 17344,E|17345,E| NA NA NA Peucedanum hispanicum NA NA NA NA NA 16252,E| NA NA NA Peucedanum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 1960,E| NA NA NA Pfaffia paniculata BA XI REN SHEN. NA NA NA NA NA 17024,E|17023,E| NA NA NA Phaeanthus ebracteolatus NA NA NA NA NA 17025,E| NA NA NA Phaseolus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 1048,E| NA NA NA Phaseolus spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17033,E| NA NA NA Phellodendron spp. NA NA NA NA NA 15752,E| NA NA NA Phlojodicarpus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 22536,E| NA NA NA Phlomis spinidens NA NA NA NA NA 17152,E|17151,E| NA NA NA Phoebe molicella NA NA NA NA NA 21230,E| NA NA NA Phoma lingam JING DIAN MEI. NA NA NA NA NA 17593,E|17592,E|17591,E|17590,E|17594,E|17166,E|17164,E|17165,E|17163,E| NA NA NA Physalis chenopodifolia NA NA NA NA NA 17221,E|17222,E|17218,E|17219,E|17220,E| NA NA NA Phytolacca spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17253,E|12637,E| NA NA NA Picea sp. NA NA NA NA NA 15546,E|3194,E|1951,E|13587,E| NA NA NA Picea spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17273,E| NA NA NA Picrasma sp. NA NA NA NA NA 15445,E| NA NA NA Picrodendron baccatum JIANG GUO KU SHU. NA NA NA NA NA 17319,E|17318,E|17322,E|17320,E|17321,E| NA NA NA Pimpinella aurea NA NA NA NA NA 14595,E| NA NA NA Pimpinella corymbosa NA NA NA NA NA 14022,E|17911,E| NA NA NA Pimpinella isaurica NA NA NA NA NA 14023,E|17910,E|14021,E|17912,E|14072,E| NA NA NA Pimpinella sp. NA NA NA NA NA 22179,E| NA NA NA Pinus maritime NA NA NA NA NA 5698,E| NA NA NA Pinus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 1282,E|17989,E|1074,E|15546,E|5693,E|12949,E|17407,E|17406,E|17395,E| NA NA NA Pinus spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17385,E| NA NA NA Piper aff. pedicellatum NA NA NA NA NA 2563,E| NA NA NA Piper aurantiacum NA NA NA NA NA 17435,E| NA NA NA Piper cenocladum NA NA NA NA NA 3386,E|5258,E|17458,E| NA NA NA Piper chaba NA NA NA NA NA 17437,E|18643,E|17447,E|17427,E|14670,E|17429,E|17428,E|11270,E|4960,E|11278,E|17426,E|16373,E| NA NA NA Piper clarkii NA NA NA NA NA 17433,E| NA NA NA Piper hamiltonii NA NA NA NA NA 17449,E| NA NA NA Piper lhotzkyanum NA NA NA NA NA 12153,E| NA NA NA Piper peepuloides NA NA NA NA NA 17410,E| NA NA NA Piper regnelli NA NA NA NA NA 14360,E|10055,E|10087,E|14495,E| NA NA NA Piper solmsianum NA NA NA NA NA 8978,E|14377,E|6347,E| NA NA NA Pisum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 1048,E| NA NA NA Pithomyces chartarum . NA NA NA NA NA 20218,E| NA NA NA Plagiochila carringtonii NA NA NA NA NA 17483,E|17482,E| NA NA NA Plagiochila deltoidea NA NA NA NA NA 7193,E|9922,E|18900,E| NA NA NA Plagiochila rutilans NA NA NA NA NA 7460,E|14024,E|14025,E|7478,E|6381,E|14069,E|13910,E|14070,E|10388,E| NA NA NA Plagiochila siophila NA NA NA NA NA 17486,E| NA NA NA Plagiogyria matsumureana NA NA NA NA NA 17487,E|17488,E| NA NA NA Platanus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 5612,E|5282,E| NA NA NA Platanus spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17385,E| NA NA NA Platypodia granuiosa . NA NA NA NA NA 19416,E| NA NA NA Platystemon spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3498,E| NA NA NA Pleurotus eryngii NA NA NA NA NA 7250,E|192,E|5883,E|6904,E|6897,E|5884,E|6899,E|21713,E| NA NA NA Podocarpus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 17989,E|17569,E|15225,E| NA NA NA Podolepis longipedata . NA NA NA NA NA 16398,E| NA NA NA Pollia endiviifolia NA NA NA NA NA 16971,E| NA NA NA Polyalthia acuminata NA NA NA NA NA 15702,E| NA NA NA Polygonum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 19072,E| NA NA NA Polygonum spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17385,E| NA NA NA Polypodium spp. NA NA NA NA NA 15056,E| NA NA NA Populus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 20540,E|3600,E|3695,E|17814,E|19169,E| NA NA NA Populus spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17706,E|2890,E| NA NA NA Porphyra sp. NA NA NA NA NA 16334,E| NA NA NA Potentilla spp. NA NA NA NA NA 16753,E| NA NA NA Prangos tschimganica NA NA NA NA NA 22049,E|22048,E|22050,E| NA NA NA Prinostemma aspera . NA NA NA NA NA 17848,E| NA NA NA Prosopis spp. NA NA NA NA NA 22565,E| NA NA NA Protorhus thouvenotii NA NA NA NA NA 9387,E|21321,E|21322,E| NA NA NA Prunus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 8277,E|13119,E|17389,E| NA NA NA Prunus spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17385,E| NA NA NA Pseudoceratina purpurea . NA NA NA NA NA 110,E| NA NA NA Pseudognaphalium cheiranthifolium . NA NA NA NA NA 7014,E| NA NA NA Pseudognaphalium heterotrichium . NA NA NA NA NA 7014,E| NA NA NA Pseudophegopteris bukoensis NA NA NA NA NA 17960,E| NA NA NA Pseudophegopteris hirtirachis NA NA NA NA NA 17960,E| NA NA NA Pseuduvaria spp. NA NA NA NA NA 15742,E| NA NA NA Psiadia anchusifolia . NA NA NA NA NA 6371,E|21188,E| NA NA NA Psiadia dentata . NA NA NA NA NA 11566,E| NA NA NA Ptaeroxylon obliquum NA NA NA NA NA 14118,E|18083,E| NA NA NA Ptelea sp. NA NA NA NA NA 15636,E| NA NA NA Pteridophyllum spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3498,E| NA NA NA Pteris livida NA NA NA NA NA 18140,E| NA NA NA Pterocarpus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 18006,E|6852,E| NA NA NA Pterocarpus spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3004,E| NA NA NA Pueraria spp. NA NA NA NA NA 18166,E| NA NA NA Putoria calabrica NA NA NA NA NA 18213,E|18212,E| NA NA NA Putranjiva roxburghii NA NA NA NA NA 18215,E| NA NA NA Putterlickia verrucosa DUO ZHI PU TE MU. NA NA NA NA NA 15767,E| NA NA NA Pycnarrhena longifolia NA NA NA NA NA 9596,E| NA NA NA Pycnarrhena ozantha NA NA NA NA NA 15795,E| NA NA NA Pyrethrum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 22087,E| NA NA NA Pyrus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 7728,E| NA NA NA Quercus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 7517,E|19894,E|3983,E|20894,E|3301,E| NA NA NA Quercus spp. NA NA NA NA NA 16753,E| NA NA NA Quisqualis fructus NA NA NA NA NA 18437,E| NA NA NA Quivisia papinae . NA NA NA NA NA 9807,E|18438,E|4713,E| NA NA NA Rabdosia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 9649,E| NA NA NA Rapanea sp. NA NA NA NA NA 6766,E| NA NA NA Raucheria spp. NA NA NA NA NA 13091,E| NA NA NA Rauwolfia oreogiton NA NA NA NA NA 18620,E|18288,E| NA NA NA Rauwolfia volkensii NA NA NA NA NA 18620,E|18288,E| NA NA NA Renealmia nicolaioides NA NA NA NA NA 1418,E|1420,E| NA NA NA Reneilmia cincinnata NA NA NA NA NA 21734,E|16144,E|8334,E|7502,E|8335,E| NA NA NA Rheedia gardneriana NA NA NA NA NA 18739,E| NA NA NA Rheum palaestinum NA NA NA NA NA 17269,E|18729,E| NA NA NA Rheum spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3615,E|17864,E| NA NA NA Rhizoma rhei . NA NA NA NA NA 18635,E| NA NA NA Rhizopus oryzae DAO GEN MEI. NA NA NA NA NA 21137,E|20286,E|10729,E|10728,E|6132,E|6133,E|10727,E|6134,E|6135,E|21830,E|21831,E|20284,E|20285,E|20279,E|20287,E|20282,E|20281,E|20283,E|14151,E| NA NA NA Rhododendron sp. NA NA NA NA NA 17156,E| NA NA NA Rhododendron spp. NA NA NA NA NA 16887,E| NA NA NA Rhus pyroides NA NA NA NA NA 18805,E| NA NA NA Rhus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 5612,E|18849,E|16823,E| NA NA NA Rosa sp. NA NA NA NA NA 18251,E|1358,E|20894,E|3209,E|7517,E|16823,E|7820,E| NA NA NA Rouya polygama NA NA NA NA NA 18952,E|18950,E|18951,E|18947,E|18949,E|18948,E| NA NA NA Rubia iberica NA NA NA NA NA 15725,E| NA NA NA Rubus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3301,E| NA NA NA Rubus spp. NA NA NA NA NA 16753,E|17736,E| NA NA NA Rumex spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3615,E| NA NA NA Ruprechtia triflora NA NA NA NA NA 6900,E| NA NA NA Russula queletii NA NA NA NA NA 17432,E|17419,E| NA NA NA Ruta sp. NA NA NA NA NA 22320,E|22758,E| NA NA NA Ruta spp. NA NA NA NA NA 22179,E| NA NA NA Sabal blackburniana NA NA NA NA NA 19088,E| NA NA NA Sabal causiarum NA NA NA NA NA 19087,E| NA NA NA Saccogyna viticulosa NA NA NA NA NA 22567,E|11404,E|8952,E|8953,E|8950,E|8951,E|19091,E|22983,E|1758,E|11455,E|11788,E|11434,E|927,E| NA NA NA Salacia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 21381,E| NA NA NA Salix sp. NA NA NA NA NA 20418,E|19169,E|3674,E| NA NA NA Salix spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17706,E| NA NA NA Salsola micranthera NA NA NA NA NA 20513,E| NA NA NA Salvia bucharica NA NA NA NA NA 2696,E|2695,E| NA NA NA Salvia uliginosa NA NA NA NA NA 5016,E| NA NA NA Sambucus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 4450,E| NA NA NA Sanguinaria spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3498,E| NA NA NA Sanicula sp. NA NA NA NA NA 12415,E| NA NA NA Santolina oblongifolia . NA NA NA NA NA 149,E| NA NA NA Sapium spp. NA NA NA NA NA 17167,E| NA NA NA Saprolegnia ferax . NA NA NA NA NA 19960,E| NA NA NA Sarcomelicope glauca . NA NA NA NA NA 7829,E|19986,E|9225,E|12250,E| NA NA NA Sarcomelicope megistophylla . NA NA NA NA NA 569,E|776,E|19344,E|19603,E|13645,E|13644,E|8026,E|8027,E| NA NA NA Sarracenia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 9567,E| NA NA NA Saururus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 19382,E|13468,E|13467,E|19391,E|19390,E| NA NA NA Saussurea amarafisch NA NA NA NA NA 19072,E|20553,E| NA NA NA Saussurea petrovii NA NA NA NA NA 20681,E|20683,E|20685,E|20684,E|20686,E|7204,E| NA NA NA Saussurea prostrata NA NA NA NA NA 19072,E|20553,E| NA NA NA Saussurea soroseris NA NA NA NA NA 19072,E|20553,E| NA NA NA Scabiosa spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3551,E| NA NA NA Scaphopetalum thonneri NA NA NA NA NA 19442,E|19441,E| NA NA NA Schefflera fagueti NA NA NA NA NA 18677,E|18675,E|8748,E|8661,E|8716,E|8717,E| NA NA NA Schefflera spp. NA NA NA NA NA 12637,E| NA NA NA Schinopsis sp. NA NA NA NA NA 5612,E| NA NA NA Schinopsis spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3492,E| NA NA NA Schisandra sp. NA NA NA NA NA 19465,E|19464,E|19467,E|19466,E| NA NA NA Scilla dracomontana NA NA NA NA NA 5985,E| NA NA NA Scilla nervosa NA NA NA NA NA 9850,E|13847,E|10386,E|13849,E|10409,E|10385,E|5838,E|9835,E|9843,E|9842,E|9841,E|10384,E|6255,E|13848,E|6209,E|6233,E| NA NA NA Sclerotinia fruticola NA NA NA NA NA 19519,E| NA NA NA Scopolia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 10869,E| NA NA NA Sedum spp. NA NA NA NA NA 19632,E| NA NA NA Senecio aetnensis NA NA NA NA NA 19683,E| NA NA NA Senecio selloi NA NA NA NA NA 7087,E|7086,E| NA NA NA Senecio sp. NA NA NA NA NA 10774,E| NA NA NA Senecio spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3551,E|17532,E| NA NA NA Sequoia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3983,E| NA NA NA Seseli sp. NA NA NA NA NA 2309,E| NA NA NA Sideritis ozturkii NA NA NA NA NA 16473,E|12872,E|580,E|19858,E|19859,E|13573,E|7150,E|16471,E|12719,E|16472,E|6850,E| NA NA NA Sideritis sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3741,E| NA NA NA Sideritis spp. NA NA NA NA NA 22752,E| NA NA NA Siler trilobum . NA NA NA NA NA 21873,E| NA NA NA Smilax sp. NA NA NA NA NA 8833,E| NA NA NA Smyrniopsis aucheri . NA NA NA NA NA 15233,E| NA NA NA Solanum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 20053,E| NA NA NA Sonchus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3635,E| NA NA NA Sophora sp. NA NA NA NA NA 2455,E| NA NA NA Sophora spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3004,E| NA NA NA Sorocea bonplandii . NA NA NA NA NA 20089,E| NA NA NA Sorocea ilicifolia . NA NA NA NA NA 20090,E| NA NA NA Soulamea soulameoides . NA NA NA NA NA 3829,E| NA NA NA Sparaxis sp. NA NA NA NA NA 17554,E| NA NA NA Spathelia excelsa NA NA NA NA NA 10782,E|10200,E|10201,E|16420,E|10485,E|10486,E| NA NA NA Spatoglossum variabile YI BIAN HE SHE ZAO. NA NA NA NA NA 3557,E|3542,E| NA NA NA Speranskia leptostachya NA NA NA NA NA 17188,E| NA NA NA Spiraea sp. NA NA NA NA NA 22320,E| NA NA NA Spongia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 20210,E|20211,E| NA NA NA Stemona cf. pierrei NA NA NA NA NA 14669,E|17978,E|20363,E|20366,E|20364,E|20365,E|5693,E|20275,E|20276,E|20277,E|20278,E|17406,E|20291,E| NA NA NA Stemona curtisii NA NA NA NA NA 16464,E|16465,E|10730,E|16459,E|20288,E|4963,E|20280,E|17978,E| NA NA NA Stemona sp. NA NA NA NA NA 16680,E|18246,E|16464,E|16465,E| NA NA NA Stephania abyssinica NA NA NA NA NA 17942,E| NA NA NA Stephania sp. NA NA NA NA NA 4224,E|19583,E|2049,E| NA NA NA Stereocaulon alpinum NA NA NA NA NA 12930,E| NA NA NA Streptomyces griseus . NA NA NA NA NA 8307,E| NA NA NA Streptomyces hygroscopicus . NA NA NA NA NA 17596,E|17595,E| NA NA NA Streptothris chromogena . NA NA NA NA NA 18411,E| NA NA NA Strophanthus preussii NA NA NA NA NA 16946,E| NA NA NA Strophanthus sp. NA NA NA NA NA 21646,E|12945,E| NA NA NA Strophanthus spp. NA NA NA NA NA 16945,E| NA NA NA Strychnos camptoneura NA NA NA NA NA 817,E| NA NA NA Strychnos dale NA NA NA NA NA 14116,E| NA NA NA Strychnos elaeocarpa NA NA NA NA NA 14116,E| NA NA NA Strychnos gardneri NA NA NA NA NA 817,E| NA NA NA Strychnos guianensis NA NA NA NA NA 9076,E|9077,E|4926,E|4925,E|905,E|14017,E|13608,E|4209,E|13328,E|7840,E| NA NA NA Strychnos jobertiana NA NA NA NA NA 817,E| NA NA NA Strychnos mellodora NA NA NA NA NA 16530,E|21033,E|21034,E| NA NA NA Strychnos myrtoides NA NA NA NA NA 10078,E|13410,E|15218,E|5049,E| NA NA NA Strychnos nigritana NA NA NA NA NA 817,E| NA NA NA Strychnos parvifolia NA NA NA NA NA 817,E| NA NA NA Strychnos sp. NA NA NA NA NA 5190,E| NA NA NA Strychnos spinosa NA NA NA NA NA 817,E| NA NA NA Strychnos vanprukii NA NA NA NA NA 16530,E|14116,E|21034,E|10648,E|4957,E|817,E| NA NA NA Stylomecon spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3498,E| NA NA NA Stylophorum spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3498,E| NA NA NA Styrax sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3695,E| NA NA NA Swertia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 19530,E| NA NA NA Symphoricarpos sp. NA NA NA NA NA 7943,E| NA NA NA Synechocytis sp. NA NA NA NA NA 15234,E| NA NA NA Tagetes sp. NA NA NA NA NA 10774,E| NA NA NA Tanacetum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 19293,E| NA NA NA Tanacetum spp. NA NA NA NA NA 16663,E|17705,E| NA NA NA Ta x u s sp. NA NA NA NA NA 2078,E|20834,E|2075,E| NA NA NA Ta x u s spp. NA NA NA NA NA 20789,E| NA NA NA Teclea natalensis NA NA NA NA NA 20877,E|20878,E| NA NA NA Teclea oubanguiensi NA NA NA NA NA 20879,E| NA NA NA Telitoxicum peruvianum . NA NA NA NA NA 15783,E| NA NA NA Teph ros ia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 10679,E|4871,E| NA NA NA Terminalia calamansanai NA NA NA NA NA 17740,E| NA NA NA Tetradium daniellii . NA NA NA NA NA 10052,E| NA NA NA Thalictrum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 21248,E| NA NA NA Thamnosma rhodesica NA NA NA NA NA 18769,E|19062,E|10999,E|13564,E|3856,E|8984,E|10464,E|2833,E|11598,E| NA NA NA Thermopsis spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3004,E|16198,E| NA NA NA Thichothecium roseum . NA NA NA NA NA 21561,E| NA NA NA Thymbra spp. NA NA NA NA NA 6161,E|21693,E| NA NA NA Thymus longiflorus NA NA NA NA NA 15431,E| NA NA NA Thymus piperella NA NA NA NA NA 6161,E| NA NA NA Thymus spp. NA NA NA NA NA 22752,E| NA NA NA Tilia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 5612,E| NA NA NA Tilia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 21376,E|17385,E| NA NA NA Tinospora baenzigeri NA NA NA NA NA 2100,E|2099,E|2098,E| NA NA NA Toddalia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3498,E| NA NA NA Toddaliopsis bremekampii NA NA NA NA NA 21404,E|21405,E|21406,E|21403,E| NA NA NA Trachyrhamphus serratus CU WEN HAI LONG. NA NA NA NA NA 5673,E| NA NA NA Tragopogon sp. NA NA NA NA NA 2455,E|20489,E| NA NA NA Trattinickia rhoifolia . NA NA NA NA NA 7493,E| NA NA NA Trichilia prieuriana NA NA NA NA NA 17838,E|14916,E| NA NA NA Trichocline reptans . NA NA NA NA NA 418,E| NA NA NA Trichoderma virida LV SE MU MEI. NA NA NA NA NA 21543,E| NA NA NA Tricholoma muscarium NA NA NA NA NA 21546,E| NA NA NA Trifolium resupinatum NA NA NA NA NA 18688,E| NA NA NA Trifolium spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3004,E| NA NA NA Trigonella sp. NA NA NA NA NA 6436,E|6439,E|13631,E| NA NA NA Trigonostemon reidioides NA NA NA NA NA 18552,E|18549,E|18548,E|18550,E|18551,E| NA NA NA Trillium sp. NA NA NA NA NA 6439,E| NA NA NA Tristaniopsis calobuxus NA NA NA NA NA 21910,E|6756,E| NA NA NA Triticum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 12997,E| NA NA NA Tulipa sp. NA NA NA NA NA 7820,E| NA NA NA Turraea wakefieldii NA NA NA NA NA 5298,E|20879,E|5297,E|5310,E|5290,E|5315,E| NA NA NA Turreanthus africanus NA NA NA NA NA 6889,E|7159,E|185,E| NA NA NA Tylotella sp. NA NA NA NA NA 21343,E| NA NA NA Ulex sp. NA NA NA NA NA 3209,E| NA NA NA Uncaria barbata NA NA NA NA NA 9233,E| NA NA NA Uncaria bernaysii NA NA NA NA NA 11676,E|14881,E|11536,E|18100,E|18811,E|22190,E|22191,E|11633,E| NA NA NA Uncaria donisii NA NA NA NA NA 22190,E|18100,E|22191,E|11633,E| NA NA NA Uncaria kunstleri NA NA NA NA NA 9552,E|18811,E|4120,E|11676,E|4119,E| NA NA NA Uncaria perrottetii NA NA NA NA NA 14881,E|22190,E|11536,E|22191,E|18100,E| NA NA NA Uncaria roxburghiana NA NA NA NA NA 22190,E|18100,E|22191,E|11633,E| NA NA NA Uncaria sterrophylla NA NA NA NA NA 11676,E|14881,E|4120,E|11536,E|18100,E|22190,E|18811,E|4119,E|22191,E|11633,E| NA NA NA Uncaria talbotii NA NA NA NA NA 18811,E|11676,E| NA NA NA Uncaria thwaitesii NA NA NA NA NA 21846,E|6190,E| NA NA NA Unsteadiness mould’s metabolite. NA NA NA NA NA 15562,E| NA NA NA Upuna borneensis NA NA NA NA NA 22220,E|21664,E|21665,E|21667,E|17272,E|17270,E|22217,E|22218,E|22219,E| NA NA NA Ursinia anthemoides NA NA NA NA NA 22252,E| NA NA NA Vaccinium ashei NA NA NA NA NA 14567,E|22290,E| NA NA NA Vaccinium sp. NA NA NA NA NA 4438,E| NA NA NA Valeriana sp. NA NA NA NA NA 11751,E|5481,E| NA NA NA Valeriana spp. NA NA NA NA NA 22296,E|3551,E| NA NA NA Vanilla sp. NA NA NA NA NA 22320,E|17456,E|1282,E| NA NA NA Vernonia lasiopus NA NA NA NA NA 12536,E|7031,E|22390,E| NA NA NA Vernonia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 7225,E| NA NA NA Veronica liwanensis NA NA NA NA NA 10355,E|10351,E| NA NA NA Viburnum tinus NA NA NA NA NA 22446,E|19528,E|22447,E|6377,E| NA NA NA Vicia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 1048,E|9797,E|10164,E|1866,E| NA NA NA Vigna sp. NA NA NA NA NA 18844,E| NA NA NA Viguiera eriophora ssp. eriophora NA NA NA NA NA 9291,E|7285,E|12665,E|21710,E|390,E|2698,E|2946,E|12194,E|12195,E| NA NA NA Viguiera puruana NA NA NA NA NA 7407,E|12665,E|447,E|7285,E| NA NA NA Viguiera stenoloba NA NA NA NA NA 22459,E| NA NA NA Viguiera tucumanensis NA NA NA NA NA 3840,E| NA NA NA Vinca sp. NA NA NA NA NA 5190,E| NA NA NA Viola sp. NA NA NA NA NA 11180,E|11181,E|17456,E| NA NA NA Viscum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 19906,E| NA NA NA Vismia guianensis NA NA NA NA NA 22528,E|22529,E|22527,E|22531,E|22530,E|22533,E|22532,E| NA NA NA Vismia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 13801,E| NA NA NA Vitex megapotamica NA NA NA NA NA 18148,E| NA NA NA Vitis sp. NA NA NA NA NA 13453,E| NA NA NA Vitis spp. NA NA NA NA NA 18628,E| NA NA NA Waltheria douradinha NA NA NA NA NA 22618,E|22617,E|22616,E|14807,E| NA NA NA Warburgia salutaris . NA NA NA NA NA 22622,E| NA NA NA Warburgia stuhlmannii . NA NA NA NA NA 11667,E|15016,E|15015,E|6376,E|15017,E| NA NA NA Warburgia ugandensis . NA NA NA NA NA 12014,E|12096,E|18373,E|12080,E| NA NA NA Warionia saharae . NA NA NA NA NA 5274,E|14188,E|19113,E|19114,E|4940,E|10154,E|5273,E|14970,E|18658,E|9563,E|5793,E|7114,E|7181,E|5493,E| NA NA NA Wedelia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 11791,E| NA NA NA Wigandia urens NA NA NA NA NA 6007,E|14020,E|13997,E| NA NA NA Wikstroemia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 17395,E|20540,E| NA NA NA Xanthium sp. NA NA NA NA NA 22739,E| NA NA NA Xylaria sp. NA NA NA NA NA 6266,E|10206,E|10504,E| NA NA NA Yeast and other biological sources. NA NA NA NA NA 22239,E| NA NA NA Zanthoxylum rhesta NA NA NA NA NA 10116,E| NA NA NA Zanthoxylum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 13794,E|14114,E|16412,E|22956,E|14079,E|136,E|4348,E|4347,E|15327,E|5548,E|6260,E|6261,E|22952,E|16965,E|19456,E|1737,E|22954,E|2034,E|17397,E|4966,E|11283,E|20642,E|775,E|776,E|17399,E|126,E|11420,E|22949,E|12606,E|12607,E|17403,E|7062,E|19454,E|6039,E|5857,E| NA NA NA Zanthoxylum spp. NA NA NA NA NA 3498,E| NA NA NA Zizyphus xylopyrus NA NA NA NA NA 11310,E| NA NA NA Zygophyllum atriplicoides . NA NA NA NA NA 1998,E|1997,E|8731,E| NA widely distributed in nature NA NA NA NA NA 618,E|21326,E|19744,E|22308,E| TANG MU XUN DU HUO NA Thomson Cowparsnip* Heracleum thomsoni NA NA NA NA NA 1536,E| JIU LI XIANG 九里香 Common Jasminorange Equivalent plant: Murraya paniculata var exotica Murraya paniculata [Syn. Chalcas paniculata] NA NA leaf and branchlet To move qi and quicken blood, dissipate stasis and relieve pain, resolve toxin and disperse swelling, anesthetize and settle pain. Pain in stomach duct, wind-damp impediment pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls, sore and welling abscess, snake or insect bites, local anesthesia. 16605,E|31294,T4438|16603,E|12837,E|25463,T4438|25460,T4438|25461,T4438|30751,T4438|13923,E|7695,E|7696,E;T4438|31510,T4438|28746,T4438|5065,T4438|3768,E|3769,T4438|14842,T4438|22922,T4438|22921,E|15115,T4438|15114,E|13924,T4438|15110,E|15113,E;T4438|15698,E|15699,T4438|25851,T4438|3242,E|3241,E|7522,T4438|7520,E;M948|13391,T4438|13390,E|17362,E|17363,E|25462,T4438|30854,T4438|18176,E|15925,E|14833,E|16253,T4438|31865,T4438|16250,E|15102,E;T4438|15100,E|15101,E;T4438|16922,E|6264,E|6265,E|31770,T4438|4211,T4438|17037,E|17039,T4438|4193,E|16248,E|30454,T4438|23545,T4438|5088,E|10999,E|19679,E|9192,E|14818,T4438|16595,T4438|570,E;T4438|14135,E|14136,T4438|19913,E|25728,T4438|11586,T4438|31712,T4438|31560,T4438|13774,E|859,E|6282,T4438|9403,E|9402,E|9406,T4438|9405,E|9404,E|9508,E|19530,E;T4438|15092,E|15093,E|15094,E|15096,E|5555,E|5556,T4438|31812,T4438|16930,T4438|11533,E|11532,T4438|11531,E|23264,T4438|14817,E|10927,E|2354,E;T4438|2355,E;T4438|31444,T4438|14016,T4438|19527,E|14710,E|14712,T4438|5056,E|2137,E;T4438|4517,T4438|4514,E|19986,E|19987,T4438|25304,T4438|30743,T4438|19551,T4438|9193,T4438|16593,E|16594,E|8311,E;M948;C0304|8312,T4438|11311,T4438|11000,T4438|22599,E|16917,E|3194,E|9510,E|1763,E;T4438| DA QIAN HU NA Big Hogfennel* Peucedanum grande NA NA NA NA NA 30701,T3442|2833,E| BU DENG HONG HOU KE NA Disparate Beautyleaf* Calophyllum dispar NA NA NA NA NA 13458,E|13459,E|11377,E|6513,E|6514,E|6515,E|6512,E| NIU HAO NA Taurine Wormwood* Artemisia taurica NA NA NA NA NA 20715,T5101|20714,E| SHAO HUA RUI MU NA Fewflower Kopsia* Kopsia pauciflora NA NA NA NA NA 16720,E|16719,E| HONG MAO YE HAI TANG NA Tuberculate Bredia Bredia tuberculata NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and regulate menstruation. NA 15632,E|15633,E| ZHI ZI HUA GEN 栀子花根 Gardenia jasminoides Ellis NA NA NA NA NA NA 23021,C0357|8275,C0353| NAN TIAN ZHU GEN NA Common Nandina Root Nandina domestica NA NA root To clear heat, relieve cough, eliminate damp, resolve toxin. Lung heat cough, damp-heat jaundice, diarrhea, wind-damp impediment pain, sore, scrofula. 6554,T5056|15242,T5056|6551,E|15235,E|15237,E;T5056|14325,E|14326,T5056| E JIAO 阿胶 Donkey hide gelatin Colla Corii Asini Mild,Sweet Lung,Liver,Kidney NA 1. Treatment of blood deficiency manifested as dizziness, blurred vision and palpitations. Donkey hide gelatin (Ejiao) is used with Ginseng (Renshen), Chinese angelica root (Danggui) and Prepared rehmannia root (Shudihuang). 2. Treatment of hemorrhage manifested as vomiting with bl 1. Increase the amounts of erythrocyes, hemoglobin and thrombocytes in blood.2. Promote lymphocyte transformation.3. Facilitate the absorption and accumulation of calcium in the body. 25040,M233|24413,M233|23408,M233| MU JING JING 牡荆根 Root of Hempleaf Negundo Chastetree NA NA NA NA NA NA 2003,C0542| XIAN XI SHU YU NA Thinnest Ya m U s e d p a r t: rhizome Dioscorea gracillima NA NA NA See Dioscorea hypoglauca. See Dioscorea hypoglauca. 6437,T6098|6436,E|17959,E|22863,T6098|22862,E|31851,T6098|6439,E|17961,E|5215,E|6440,T6098|31849,T6098|8970,T6098|8967,E|5218,T6098| AO YE RUI XIANG NA Retuseleaf Daphne Daphne retusa NA NA stem bark and root cortex See Daphne tangutica. See Daphne tangutica. 4642,E|4644,T2931| YUN NAN HAN XIAO NA Yunnan Michelia Michelia yunnanensis NA NA flower To clear heat and resolve toxin. Pharyngolaryngitis, nasitis, conjunctivitis, brain leak. 16693,T6580|16663,E|5317,T6580|18659,T6580|18658,E|9796,E|5967,T6580|5966,E|31150,T6580| KUAI JING SHUI SU NA Chinese Artichoke Stachys tuberifera NA NA NA NA NA 20238,E|20239,T4541| XIA ZHI CAO NA Lagopsis Lagopsis supina NA NA whole herb To nourish body and quicken blood, clear heat and disinhibit damp. Menstrual disorder, postpartum abdominal pain due to stasis obstruction, dizzy head due to blood vacuity, hemiplegia, knocks and falls, edema, inhibited urination, red eyes with gall, welling abscess and sores, frostbite (kibe), toothache, itchy skin. 1487,E|1484,E| CHUAN E YIN YANG HUO NA Farges Epimedium Epimedium fargesii NA NA NA NA NA 6961,T3321|6960,E;T3321|6491,E|10962,T3321|1275,E|6959,E|30608,T3321|5256,E|25793,T3321| HAN SHENG XIANG CHA CAI NA Dry-living Rabdosia Isodon xerophilus NA NA NA NA NA 22777,E;T3969|12952,E|22775,E|22774,E|22773,E|6784,E|22771,E|22770,E|18489,E|22779,E|22778,E|32238,T3969|22776,E|22780,T3969|18916,E|22772,E| PI JIU HUA TU SI ZI NA Hop-shaped Dodder Cuscuta lupuliformis NA NA NA NA NA 12017,E|18302,E| QIAN LING YIN YANG HUO NA Thin-rhizome Epimedium Epimedium leptorrhizum NA NA NA NA NA 6960,E| TIE KUAI ZI NA Tibetan Hellebore Helleborus thibetanus NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and dissipate stasis, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Cystitis, urethritis, swelling toxin of sore and boil, knocks and falls. 9328,E|9329,E| E ZHANG CAO NA Flaccid Anemone Anemone flaccida NA NA rhizome To dispel wind-damp, disinhibit sinews and bones. Wind-damp pain, knocks and falls. 7805,E|7806,T3683| YU GAN YOU 鱼肝油 Fish Liver Oil Oleum Fecoris Piscis NA NA NA NA NA 24237,M811| JIA NA LI MEI DENG MU NA Canari Mayten* Maytenus canariensis NA NA NA NA NA 21381,E|17848,E|16348,E|16418,E| ZHAI YE YE WAN DOU NA Narrowleaf Vetch Vicia angustifolia NA NA NA NA NA 18310,E|22449,E|32198,T6617|18309,E| SHU LI 鼠李 Davurian Buckthorn Rhamnus davurica NA NA fruit To clear heat and resolve toxin, drain precipitation and kill worms, relieve cough and dispel phlegm. Sore and welling abscess, scrofula, scab and lichen, decayed toothache, mout h sore, abdominal distention and constipation, cough of phlegm asthma, edema distention fullness. 967,E|3615,E|6775,E;C0449|12017,E|23304,T5617|30775,T5617|25574,T5617|6776,T5617|18925,C0452| MAO GUO YANG NA Black Cottonwood Populus trichocarpa NA NA NA NA NA 21541,E|21543,T4863| MI HUA MEI DENG MU NA Crown-flowered Mayten Maytenus confertiflorus NA NA leaf To dispel stasis and relieve pain, resolve toxin and disperse swelling, anticancer. Knocks and falls, lumbago, carcinoma. 13614,E|12946,E|13613,E| MEI LI YE HUI MAO DOU NA Beautiful-leaf Tephrosia* Tephrosia calophylla NA NA NA NA NA 14457,E|20948,E|1935,E| XIAO MAO XIANG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23298,C0410| BI SHENG LI NA Mural Goosefoot* Chenopodium murale NA NA NA NA NA 12082,E| DU HONG HUA NA Taiwan Beautyberry Equivalent plant: Callicarpa japonica Callicarpa formosana NA NA leaf To promote contraction and stanch bleeding, clear heat and resolve toxin. Hemoptysis, retching blood, spontaneous external bleeding, gum hemorrhage, bloody urine, bloody stool, flooding and spotting, purpuric dermatosis, bleeding due to external injury, swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, poisonous snake bites, burns. 16854,E|580,E| BAO GAI LING ZHI NA Cape Ganoderma Ganoderma capense NA NA NA NA NA 8192,E|8193,E|8191,E|8194,T3065|31005,T3065|31006,T3065| SHI QI NA Immature Persimmon Fruit Juice Diospyros kaki NA NA unripe fruit juice To calm liver. Hypertension. 351,E;T5591| DA FENG ZI NA Chaulmoogratree Seed Hydnocarpus anthelminticus NA NA seed To dispel wind and dry damp, attack toxin and kill worms. Numbing wind, scab and lichen, red bayberry sore. 883,E|30464,T3408|8954,E|885,E|884,E|31127,T3408|3485,E|30466,T3408|3486,T3408|9696,E|25790,T3408| GAN LAN REN 橄榄仁 Semen Canarii albi NA NA NA NA NA NA 23046,C0479|23228,C0303|23145,C0478|23175,C0470| ZHONG JIAN HE SHI NA Intermediate Stickseed Lappula intermedia NA NA NA NA NA 12532,T6688|12530,E| ZI HUA JING TIAN NA Purpleflower Stonecrop Hylotelephium mingjinianum NA NA whole herb To quicken blood and stanch bleeding, clear heat and resolve toxin. Blood ejection, sprain, taxation damage in lumbar muscle, scalds, poisonous snake bite, zoster, indigestion. 14866,T6737|31848,T6737|14864,E|14865,E;T6737|12083,T6737|12079,E|5762,E| MI HOU TAO TENG ZHONG ZHI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23170,C0397|23040,C0396| JU LUO 橘络 Pericarpium Citri reticulatae NA NA NA NA NA NA 20654,C0256|9457,C0338|12837,C0287|15396,C0117| XI NAN SHI WEI NA Stilted Pyrr osia Pyrrosia gralla NA NA leaf See Pyrrosia lingua. See Pyrrosia lingua. 7282,E|3551,E| DUN YE GUI PI NA Obtuseleaf Cassia Bark, Wild Cinnamon Bark Cinnamomum bejolghota NA NA bark To dispel wind and dissipate cold, warm menstruation and quicken blood, relieve pain. Bleeding due to external injury (external use), wind-cold impediment pain, lumbago, menstrual block, dysmenorrhea, painful swelling from knocks and falls, cold pain in stomach duct, abdominal pain, vacuity cold diarrhea, snake bite. 17874,E|17855,E| ZI KOU CAO NA Canton Buttercup Ranunculus cantoniensis NA NA whole herb To clear liver and brighten eyes, resolve toxin and eliminate damp, interrupt malaria. Eye screen, red eyes, jaundice, swollen welling abscess, rheumatic arthritis, malaria. 1179,E;T6744| FAN SHI LIU PI NA Guava Bark Psidium guajava NA NA bark To promote astriction, check diarrhea, close sores. Damp toxin of scab sore, toothache, sore and boil in children. 1083,E;T3709|1736,E|12711,T3709|25455,T3709|12708,E|3296,E|13118,E|13119,T3709|30752,T3709| KUAI JING CAO SU NA Tuberousroot Jerusalemsage Phlomis tuberosa NA NA whole herb or root To resolve toxin and disperse swelling, quicken blood and regulate menstruation. Menstrual disorder, syphilis, swelling of sores. 2887,E|2918,E|30711,T4537|2892,T4537|23381,T4537|1494,E|2906,E| MA SANG SHU PI 马桑树皮 Coriaria sinica Maxim NA NA NA NA NA NA 22129,C0032| JUAN MAO HUANG TAN NA Sericeous-leaf Rosewood Dalbergia sericea NA NA NA NA NA 11502,T4466|11501,E| CU CAO SHE BIAN JU NA Scabrous Gay-feather* Liatris scabra NA NA NA NA NA 6736,E|6737,T3375| GE CONG 茖葱 Longroot Onion Allium victorialis NA NA bulb To dissipate stasis, stanch bleeding, resolve toxin. Knocks and falls, blood stasis swelling and pain, spontaneous external bleeding, swelling pain of welling abscess and sore. 14119,E|948,E;T3840|952,E|22154,T3840|14122,T3840|14120,T3840|15415,E|12191,E|15416,T3840|12192,T3840|22142,E;C0483| YUN SHI YE NA Caesalpinia* Caesalpinia decapetala NA NA leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel stasis and relieve pain, expel worms, free stool. Intervallic fever, acute gastritis, chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, dysentery, indigestion, intestinal worm accumulation, constipation, swollen boil. 2860,E|20221,E|18302,E|3243,E|13091,E|20353,E|1935,E|18628,E|20121,E| YE XIA ZHU NA Common Leafflower Phyllanthus urinaria NA NA whole herb with root To clear heat and calm liver, disinhibit water and resolve toxin. Cough, enteritis, dysentery, infective hepatitis, nephritis with edema, urinary tract infection, child gan accumulation, acute conjunctivitis nephelium, mouth sore, head sore, innominate toxin swelling. 19072,E|4055,E|8094,E|18302,E|21943,T6390|19075,T6390|5281,E|12017,E|17209,E|5051,E|30995,T6390|22242,E|17210,E|17211,T6390|25574,T6390|30094,T6390|14153,E|22241,E|21940,E| XIAO TOU LIANG HOU CHA NA Capitellate Hedyotis Hedyotis capitellata NA NA whole herb To dissipate cold and interrupt malaria, nourish blood and free network vessels. Wind-cold common cold, malaria, menstrual disorder, postpartum galactostasis, dry cough, lacquer sore, fracture with damage. 3629,E|4478,E|11360,E|3135,E|3134,E|11327,E|3133,E|3132,E| DU YI WEI 独一味 Common Lamiophlomis Lamiophlomis rotata [Syn. Phlomis rotata ] Minor cold,Bitter NA whole herb To quicken blood and transform stasis, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Knocks and falls, pain in sinews and bones, swelling pain in joints, dysmenorrhea, flooding and spotting. 24954,M152|24206,M152|23516,M152|19767,M152|1504,E|23175,M152;C0470|4961,T3614|24961,M152|25062,M152|18302,M152|23646,M152|23459,M152|1497,E|24529,M152|12455,E|12454,E|12457,E;M152;T3614|12456,E;T3614|12459,T3614|12458,E|4958,E|13130,M152;C0415|24640,M152| SHEN LIE YU HUANG CAO NA Deeplobed Merremia* Merremia dissecta NA NA NA NA NA 13779,E|13778,E|13777,E|13780,E|13781,E| BEI JING YANG NA Beijing Poplar Populus beijingensis NA NA NA NA NA 3600,E|19177,E|19169,E| RI BEN YU LIN SONG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31815,T5359| SU MI NA Foxtail Millet Setaria italica NA NA kernel To harmonize center, boost kidney, eliminate heat, resolve toxin. Spleen-stomach vacuity heat, stomach reflux vomiting, reduced food intake with abdominal distention, diabetes mellitus, diarrhea, scalds. 4649,E|1048,E|23042,T5710|13126,T5710|4656,T5710|5508,E|13119,E|8808,E| GUAN HUA MA DOU LING NA Tubeflower Dutchmanspipe Aristolochia tubiflora NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, move qi and relieve pain. Swelling of sores and boils, poisonous snake bite, pain in stomach duct, enteritis and dysentery, diarrhea, pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, dysmenorrhea, knocks and falls. 1724,E;T3883| MEI HUA SHI HU NA Loddiges Dendrobium Dendrobium loddigesii NA NA stem See Dendrobium nobile . See Dendrobium nobile . 14989,E|19787,E|19788,E;T4909|31707,T4909|25298,T4909| JIA ZHU TAO MA NA Black Indian Hemp Apocynum cannabinum NA NA NA NA NA 30622,T4329|4548,E|117,E|4549,T4329| SHANG ZUO JIAN YE GUANG E TAI. NA NA Porella acutifolia ssp. tosana NA NA NA NA NA 2429,E|601,E|600,E|10649,E|2433,E|2432,E|2431,E|2430,E|10650,E|2434,E|16396,E|6740,E|7088,E|2352,E|22295,E|16966,E| QUAN YUAN QIAN LI GUANG NA Entire Groundsel Senecio integerrimus NA NA NA NA NA 11089,T5310|11088,E| SHUANG SE JI DAN HUA NA Twocoloured Frangipani* Plumeria bicolor NA NA NA NA NA 10759,E|523,E| DUAN LONG MU 煅龙牡 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23648,M230|25060,M230|23471,M230|23782,M230|23972,M230|25069,M230|23378,M230| HONG MAO QI NA Robust Leontice Leontice robustum NA NA root and rhizome To quicken blood and dissipate stasis, dispel wind and eliminate damp, move qi and relieve pain. Menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, knocks and falls, wind-damp impediment pain. 3342,E;T4054|3343,E;T4054|3340,E|3341,E;T4054|13090,T4054|13082,E|3344,T4054|20701,E|21265,T4054| BAO ZI GAN LAN NA Brussels Sprout Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera NA NA NA NA NA 25671,T3074|8751,E|8589,T3074|8588,E|8598,T3074|8597,E|15392,E|8594,E|8595,T3074|25427,T3074| BI LU GU KE NA Peru Coca Shrub Erythroxylum novogranatense NA NA NA NA NA 3862,T3107|3860,E;C0510|32190,T3107|22305,E| BIAN SE SHI ZHU NA Versicolorous Pink Dianthus versicolor NA NA aerial parts See Dianthus superbus. See Dianthus superbus. 5357,E|5362,E;T3128|5360,E;T3128|5361,E;T3128|5364,E;T3128|5363,E;T3128|5359,E;T3128|5358,E;T3128|30895,T3128| CAI SI CANG ER NA Chase Cocklebur* Xanthium chasei NA NA NA NA NA 32237,T3173|22764,E| NIAN XING TU MU XIANG NA Woody Fleabane Inula viscosa NA NA NA NA NA 20775,E| LU LI LU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31023,T4718|22371,T4718|15388,T4718|11864,T4718|15389,T4718| JIANG ĺ§œ Soybean Paste Glycine max NA NA seed of beans To eliminate heat, resolve toxin. Bee sting, insect bites. 18216,E|12248,E|12249,T4358|2845,E|15519,E|2846,T4358|18241,T4358|22154,T4358|22142,E;C0483| GU TING HUA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1021,T3873|30734,T3873| MU ER NA Jew’s Ear Equivalent plant: Auricularia delicata Auricularia auricula NA NA sporocarp To supplement qi and nourish blood, moisten lung and relieve cough, stanch bleeding, lower blood pressure, anticancer. Qi vacuity and blood depletion, lung vacuity enduring cough, hemoptysis, spontaneous external bleeding, blood dysentery, bleeding from hemorrhoids, flooding and spotting, hypertension, eyeground hemorrhage, carcinoma of uterine cervix, carcinoma of vagina, painful wound from knocks and falls. 20140,T5003|3039,E|7249,E|20139,E|25924,T5003|7251,T5003| LING ZHI 灵芝 Lucid Ganoderma Equivalent plant: Ganoderma japonicum Ganoderma lucidum Mild,Sweet Lung,Spleen,Liver,Heart,Kidney dried sporocarp To boost qi- blood, quiet heart and spirit, fortify spleen and stomach, lower cholesterol. Hyperlipemia, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, septicemia, carcinoma, hepatitis, vacuity taxation, palpitation, insomnia, dizziness, fatigue hypodynamia, enduring cough and asthma, chronic bronchitis, silicosis. 23201,C0586|12480,E|12481,E|8158,E|8159,E|8156,E|8157,E|8154,E|8155,E|8152,E|8153,E|8150,E|8151,E|25509,T4672|24772,M460|25502,T4672|25505,T4672|23177,C0583|8149,E|8148,E|8147,E|8189,E|5618,E|5619,E|7250,E|7251,T4672|13017,E|13014,E|13015,E|13013,E|12479,E|13018,E|13019,E|8186,E|5607,E|14452,E|14450,E|7245,E|7249,E;M460;C0450|13023,E|13022,E|13021,E|13020,E|13027,E|13026,E|13025,E|13024,E|13029,E|13028,E|16325,E|16324,E|14230,E|31004,T4672|31007,T4672|31003,T4672|31002,T4672|8201,T4672|23386,M460|13034,E|13030,E|13031,E|13032,E|13033,E|14224,E|23081,C0585;T4672|23240,C0584|8192,M460|8190,E|5945,E|8196,E|8197,E;T4672|8194,E|8195,E|4742,E|8198,E;T4672|8199,E|13043,E|13042,E|13044,E|13046,E|10319,E|12477,E|8188,E|8185,E|8184,E|8187,E|12478,E|8181,E|8180,E|8183,E;T4672|8182,E|8170,E|8172,E|8173,E|8174,E|8175,E|8176,E|8177,E|8178,E|8179,E|22052,E|22053,E|23633,M460|14552,E|14553,E|14551,E|14556,E|14557,E|14554,E|14555,E|618,E|8160,E|8167,E|8166,E|8165,E|8164,E|8169,E|8168,E|24403,M460|18826,E|18827,T4672| MENG ZI CAO HU JIAO NA Mengzi Peperomia* Peperomia duclouxii NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, transform stasis and dissipate binds, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, swollen welling abscess and sore toxin, try to using for carcinoma of stomach and carcinoma of esophagus. 14100,E|14003,E|14004,E|14002,E|9817,E|2482,E|2483,E|10387,E|22154,E|18251,E|10015,E|10014,E| ZHANG SHU PI 樟树皮 Camphortree Bark Cinnamomum camphora NA NA bark To dispel wind and eliminate damp, warm stomach and harmonize center, kill worms and cure sores. Wind-damp impediment pain, pain in stomach duct, vomiting and diarrhea, leg qi swelling and pain, knocks and falls, scab and lichen with sore toxin, poisonous insect stings. 16871,E|15893,E|1186,C0041|17862,E|17855,E|23114,C0038|17876,E|20414,C0490|17879,E| SHAO CI DA YE QIANG WEI 少刺大叶蔷薇 Rosa acicularis Lindl. NA NA NA NA NA NA 23125,C0500| YUAN ZHI 远志 Thinleaf Milkwort Equivalent plant: Polygala sibirica Polygala tenuifolia Minor Warm,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Heart root To quiet heart and spirit, dispel phlegm and open orifices, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Pharyngitis, disquieted heart spirit, fright palpitation and insomnia, amnesia, fright epilepsy, cough with profuse phlegm, effusion of back from welling abscess and flat abscess, painful swollen breast. 17618,E|17619,E|15743,E|20939,E|10044,E|8742,E|16098,E|17625,T6562|24360,M822|31283,T6562|16093,E;M822|16095,E;M822|16094,E;M822|16097,M822|16096,M822|24359,M822|8308,T6562|16960,T6562|16861,E|6164,E|20942,E|25869,T6562|402,E;T6562|5841,E|20943,E|14313,E|20940,E|17621,E|17620,E|17622,E|20928,E|20929,E|21889,T6562|20924,E|20925,E|20926,E|20927,E|20946,E|20947,T6562|20944,E|20923,E|3156,E|16955,E|3171,T6562|24848,M822|15751,T6562|3158,E|23560,M822|9233,E|6010,E|20945,E|6298,E|20941,E|21886,E|5839,T6562|9234,T6562|30735,T6562|10755,E|10803,E| LUO MO ZI NA Japanese Metaplexis Seed Metaplexis japonica NA NA seed To supplement kidney and boost essence, engender flesh and stanch bleeding. Vacuity taxation, impotence, emission, incised wound and bleeding. 19362,T4761|19360,E|5532,T4761|18513,E|5526,E|16024,E|31750,T4761| DUO TOU GE NI DI MU. NA NA Gnidia polycephala NA NA NA NA NA 14462,E|8756,E| WANG MAI TOU WU NA Netvein Goldenray Ligularia dictyoneura [Syn. Senecio dictyoneurus ] NA NA root To diffuse lung and rectify qi , eliminate phlegm and suppress cough. Common cold, cough. 12798,E|12799,E|12797,E| MA YIN HUA NA Ovateleaf Rhodode ndron* Rhododendron ovatum NA NA root To clear damp heat, resolve sore toxin. Damp-heat vaginal discharge, swollen welling abscess and clove sores. 22055,E| GUANG XI JIU LI XIANG NA Kwangsi Jasminorange Murraya kwangsiensis NA NA branch-leaf To course wind and resolve exterior, quicken blood and disperse swelling. Common cold, measles papules, knocks and falls, keratitis, fracture. 12394,T3907|12391,E| SEN LIN BO HE NA Forest Mint Mentha sylvestris NA NA NA NA NA 17443,E| LUO KUI SHU NA NA Anredera cordifolia NA NA dried strumose bulbel in vine To supplement kidney and strengthen lumbus, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling. Impediment pain in lumbus and knees, weakness during convalescence, knocks and falls, fracture. 12521,E| ZHI XUAN HU 制玄胡 Prepared root of corydalis Rhizoma Corydalis Preparata Pungent,Slightly Bitter NA NA For stagnation of vital energy or blood stasis resulting in headache, chest pain, hypochondriac pain, epigastric pain, abdominal pain, backache, arthralgia, dysmenorrhea or trauma. Recently, alos used for angina pectoris, peptic ulcer and neuralgia. 1. Its components d-corydaline and d1-tetrahydropalmatine are analgesics.2. Decreasing the secretion of gastric juice and the amount of pepsin. 23558,M874|24048,M874| BIAN DOU 扁豆 Niger Bean* Lablab niger Mild,Sweet Spleen,Stomach NA 1. Treatment of deficient spleen not transforming and transporting water manifested as lassitude, poor appetite, loose stool or diarrhea, or leukorrhea due to downward flowing of turbid dampness. Hyacinth bean (Biandou) is used with Ginseng (Renshen), White atractylodes (Baizhu) and Poria (Fuling) in the formula Shen Ling Baizhu San. 2. Treatment of disharmony of the spleen and stomach due to invasion from exogenous pathogenic summer-damp-heat manifested as vomiting and diarrhea. Hyacinth bean (Biandou) is used with Elsholtzia (Xiangru) and Magnolia bark (Houpo) in the formula Xiangru San. Containing phytoagglutintin, trypsin and amylase inhibitors. 24118,M57|22959,C0010|17033,E|20239,M57|31817,T3120|18511,M57;C0580|23449,M57|23249,C0002|23037,T3120|32261,T3120|23887,T3120| QING JIAO NA Peppertree Pricklyash Zanthoxylum schinifolium NA NA pericarp See Zanthoxylum bungeanum . See Zanthoxylum bungeanum. 2309,E;T5276|147,E|3926,E|1186,E|19525,E|31575,T5276|3929,T5276|30449,T5276|25528,T5276|19455,E;T5276|19986,E|19452,E|19453,E;T5276|22180,T5276|14105,E|22179,E|2010,E|19526,T5276| XIAN E HUANG LIAN NA Linearisepal Goldthread* Coptis linearisepala NA NA NA NA NA 2303,E|4032,E|16544,E|11848,E| BAI HUA DAN SHEN 白花丹参 Whiteflower Danshen Salvia miltiorrhiza f. alba NA NA root See Salvia miltiorrhiza . See Salvia miltiorrhiza. 19072,C0514|23168,C0071|23205,C0254|4291,C0537|23028,C0229|23238,C0072|20669,C0046|7763,C0521|20663,T2975|20662,E|21064,E|32028,T2975| QI YE YI ZHI HUA 七叶一枝花 rhizome of Verticillate Paris Rhizoma Paridis verticillatae Cold,Bitter Liver NA Treatment of boils, carbuncies, sore throat, venomous snake bite, traumatic pain, convulsions. 1. Virustatic, esp. on Asia influenza A virus, and bacteriostatic. 2. Antitussive and antiasthmatic. 3. An active component, pariphyllin, exerts a sedative effect on mice and in synergistic with pentobarbital sodium. 4. Pariphyllin inhibits uterocervical carcinoma14 in mice. 16656,M559| JI DAN GUO NA Passionfruit Passiflora edulis NA NA fruit To clear lung and moisten dryness, quiet spirit and relieve pain, harmonize blood and check dysentery. Cough, dry throat, hoarseness, constipation, insomnia, dysmenorrhea, pain in joints, dysentery. 15916,E|22599,E|9234,E;T4260|9235,T4260|9231,E|9232,E;T4260|9233,E;T4260| YOU CI PO BU MU NA Spined Cordia* Cordia spinescens NA NA NA NA NA 2955,E|13362,E|13364,E| SUAN MO NA Garden Sorrel Rumex acetosa NA NA root To cool blood and stanch bleeding, drain heat and free stool, disinhibit urine, kill worms. Blood ejection, hematochezia, profuse menstruation, heat dysentery, red eyes, constipation, urinary stoppage, strangury-turbidity, malign sore, scab and lichen, eczema. 22504,E|22505,T5720|3615,E;T5720|3620,E|17234,E|15480,E|17233,E|6775,E| SU GENG 苏梗 stem of Common Perilla Caulis Perillae Frutescentis Minor Warm,Pungent,Sweet Lung,Spleen,Stomach NA NA NA 16880,M172|18176,M172|23910,M172|23775,M172|23184,M172|23421,M172|23695,M172|23852,M172|23316,M172|15683,C0398|2222,M172|24466,M172|23150,M172|17251,M172;C0263|24924,M172|23119,M172|15489,M172|25164,M172|4549,M172|24136,M172|23379,M172|23983,M172|12843,M172|17076,M172|23438,M172|25127,M172|23454,M172|24037,M172|5403,M172|24748,M172|3244,M172|20976,M172|7520,M172|15963,M172|9511,M172|15968,M172| HUI XIANG GEN NA Fennel Root Foeniculum vulgare NA NA root To warm kidney and harmonize center, move qi and relieve pain. Cold mounting, stomach cold with retching counterflow, abdominal pain, pain in joints due to rheumatalgia. 25857,T4242|7425,E|25749,T4242|6192,E| GUANG YE YAN ZI CAI NA Glabrousleaf Pondweed Potamogeton lucens NA NA NA NA NA 10545,E|8679,E|8699,E| LI NA Lambsquarters Juvenile Chenopodium album NA NA juvenile whole herb To clear heat and dispel damp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling, kill worms and relieve itch. Fever, cough, dysentery, diarrhea, abdominal pain, mounting qi , decayed toothache, eczema, scab and lichen, white patch wind, swelling pain of sores, poisonous insect stings. 14437,E|15947,E|14438,E|7777,E|7776,E|7787,E|31743,T4593| DAN LU CUI QUE NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 782,T3494| CHOU MO LI NA Fragrant Glorybower Clerodendron fragrans NA NA root and leaf To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and disperse swelling. Wind-damp bone pain, beriberi, edema, hemorrhoids, prolapse of rectum, itchy papules, scab sore, chronic medullitis. 10350,E|31211,T3301|16769,T3301|30845,T3301|16765,E|7427,E|9563,E|19573,T3301|19572,E|4433,E|19567,E|19569,T3301|7429,T3301|9565,T3301| NV ZHEN ZI NA Glossy Privet Fruit Ligustrum lucidum NA NA fruit To supplement liver and kidney, brighten eyes and blacken hair. Septicemia, chronic bronchitis, acute dysentery, dizziness and tinnitus, premature graying in beard and hair, dim vision. 10323,E|16071,E|16070,E|23043,C0018|16074,T5125|15430,E|11562,E|13498,T5125|26090,T5125|13049,E|13048,E|15863,T5125|16061,E|31751,T5125|23101,C0577|13047,E|20124,T5125|15864,E|32181,T5125|18777,E|16040,E|266,E|12824,E|23258,C0019|12822,E|7277,C0365|15856,E|15857,E|25558,T5125|530,E|23020,C0073|13050,E|13051,T5125|22254,E|13497,E| SAN XING HU JIAO NA Umbellate Pepper* Piper umbellatum NA NA NA NA NA 6378,E|15496,E| NI ZHAO MU JIANG ZI NA Sloughy Litse* Litsea turfosa NA NA NA NA NA 25949,T5073|2538,E;T5073|4905,E| HAI GE KE 海蛤壳 Clam shell Concha Cyclinae Bitter, salty,cold Lung,stomach NA 1. Treatment of phlegm-heat cough manifested as cough with thick yellow sputum, asthma, chest pain and hypochondriac pain. Sea clam shell (Haigeke) is used with Costazia bone (Haifushi), Swallowwort rhizome (Baiqian), Mulberry bark (Sangbaipi), Capejasmine (Zhizi) and Trichosanthes fruit (Gualou). 2. Treatment of scrofula and goiter. Sea clam shell (Haigeke) is used with Laminaria (Kunbu), Seaweed (Haizao) and Ark shell (Walengzi) in the formula Hanhua Wan. NA 23823,M957|23378,M957| NING XIA GOU QI GEN PI NA Barbary Wolfberry Root-bark* Lycium barbarum NA NA root cortex See Lycium chinense. See Lycium chinense. 19527,E| YOU CAI ZI NA Rapeseed* Brassica napus var. napus NA NA NA NA NA 17889,E|17890,T6495| SPONGE IOTROCHOTA BACULIFERA . NA NA Iotrochota baculifera XIAO BANG XIOU QIOU HAI MIAN NA NA NA NA NA 11121,E|20208,E| DU AI BA JIAO NA Poisonous-shrub Anise* Illicium tsangii NA NA NA NA NA 9733,E|9732,E|10688,E|10689,E|10242,E|11301,E|10241,E| JIAN TING MA BIAN CAO NA Strict Verbena* Verbena stricta NA NA NA NA NA 22382,T4338|22381,E| JU MI SHU WEI CAO NA Melliferous Sage* Salvia mellifera NA NA NA NA NA 17472,E| FENG XIAN NA Garden Balsam Impatiens balsamina NA NA stem To dispel wind-damp, quicken blood and relieve pain, resolve toxin. Wind-damp impediment pain, pain from arthritis, painful swelling from knocks and falls, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, swollen welling abscess, erysipelas, goose-foot wind, snake or insect bites. 11025,E|1500,E|32130,T3753|21795,E|31310,T3753| GAN LAN HE 橄榄核 Nux Canarii albi NA NA NA NA NA NA 23046,C0479|23228,C0303|23145,C0478|23175,C0470| YA ER QIN NA Japanese Cryptotaenia Cryptotaenia japonica NA NA stem-leaf To resolve toxin and eliminate inflammation, quicken blood and disperse swelling. Pneumonia, pulmonary welling abscess, strangury, mounting qi, wind-fire toothache, welling abscess and clove sore, zoster, itchy skin. 31359,T6272|31444,T6272|13793,E|15916,E|11532,E|31516,T6272|12837,E|6481,E|6484,T6272| XIANG CHE YE CAO NA Sweet Woodruff Asperula odorata NA NA NA NA NA 901,E|18208,E|899,E;T6110|18210,T6110|25560,T6110|25764,T6110|13035,E|1892,E;T6110| RI BEN DANG GUI 日本当归 Japanese Angelica* Angelica japonica NA NA NA NA NA 22517,T5332|11459,C0148|22514,E| SHU XING DU JUAN NA Treelike Rhododendron Rhododendron arboreum NA NA NA NA NA 24858,T5623|2334,E| ZHEN ZHU CAI 珍珠菜 Clethra Loosestrife Lysimachia clethroides NA NA root or herb To quicken blood and regulate menstruation, disinhibit water and disperse edema. Menstrual disorder, vaginal discharge, child gan accumulation, edema, dysentery, throat pain, mammary welling abscess, knocks and falls. 3034,E;T6655|17844,E|3030,E|3031,T6655|3032,E|3033,E;T6655|17845,T6655|3035,T6655|23422,M1084| YE JU HUA 野菊花 Indian Wild Chrysanthemum Flower Chrysanthemum indicum Minor cold,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Liver flower-head To lower blood pressure, clear heat and resolve toxin. Hypertension, headache and dizziness, insomnia, common cold, influenza, meningitis, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, red eyes with gall. 7283,E|7282,E|3597,E|3596,M796|3595,T6374|3594,E|3598,T6374|61,E;M796|6452,E|18330,E|23715,M796|3674,E|13140,E|11019,E;M796|3551,E|16789,M796|24298,M796|23839,M796|1492,E|24486,M796|25106,M796|9217,E|24036,M796|57,E|56,E|23431,M796|7581,E|17083,E|13130,E| LUAN YE HU JI SHENG 卵叶槲寄生 White Mistletoe Viscum album NA NA stem and branch-leaf To dispel wind-damp, strengthen sinews and bones, promote lactation. Wind-damp impediment pain, limp wilting sinew and bone, lumbago and limp leg, postpartum scant milk. 22142,E;C0483|22154,T4733| YANG QIAN CAO NA Madder Rubia tinctorum NA NA root See Rubia cordifolia. See Rubia cordifolia . 901,E|18208,E|899,E;T6326|18210,T6326|25560,T6326|25764,T6326|13035,E| GAO SHAN BIAN ZHI SHI SONG NA Alpine Clubmoss* Lycopodium alpinum [Syn. Diphasiastrum alpinum] NA NA whole herb To quicken blood, relieve pain. Impediment pain in joints, knocks and falls. 13180,E| DONG FANG WU TAN NA Oriental Fatheadtree* Nauclea orientalis NA NA NA NA NA 22480,E|18185,E|10732,E|19971,E|15302,E|15303,E|3186,E|21907,E|19967,E|515,E|20374,E|15283,E|15282,E| BA XIAN CAO NA Catchweed Bedstraw Galium aparine NA NA herb To clear damp heat, dissipate stasis, disperse swelling, resolve toxin. Strangury-turbidity, hematuria, knocks and falls, intestinal welling abscess, swollen boil, otitis media. 11809,E|9457,E|6453,E|31093,T2951|1892,E;T2951|6454,T2951| DAO LUAN YE FU SHI JUE NA Obovateleaf Lemmaphyllum* Lemmaphyllum microphyllum var. obovatum NA NA whole herb To clear lung and relieve cough, cool blood and stanch bleeding, free network vessels and relieve pain, clear heat and resolve toxin. Pulmonary welling abscess, coughing of blood, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria, blood strangury, wind-damp pain, toothache, dysentery, wind papules, damp itchy skin, swollen boil and malign sore, syphilis. 21389,E|21388,E|21158,E|20693,E|16100,E|16106,E|2079,E|13407,E|13406,E|19814,E|12613,E| NAN XI BAN YA HUAN YANG SHEN NA Southern-Spain Hawksbeard* Crepis tingitana NA NA NA NA NA 8705,E| PAO HE ZI 炮诃子 PreparedFruit of Medicine Terminalia Fructus Terminaliae Preparata Mild,Sour,Bitter,Punkery Lung,Large Intestine NA Treatment of protracted diarrhea with hematochezia and prolapse of the rectum, chronic cough with sore throat and hoarseness of voice. NA 24095,M541|23875,M541|25084,M541|24166,M541|23175,M541|9377,M541|25083,M541|24136,M541|23228,M541;C0303|23405,M541|23171,M541;C0484|23167,M541|6719,M541|23828,M541|9484,M541;C0280|23306,M541| PING WO DAO HUA NA Prostrate Rice-flower* Pimelea prostrata NA NA NA NA NA 17944,E| E ZHANG TENG NA Scandent Schefflera Schefflera arboricola NA NA root or stem-leaf To dispel wind and relieve pain, quicken blood and disperse swelling. Wind-damp impediment pain, headache, toothache, pain in stomach duct and abdomen, dysmenorrhea, postpartum abdominal pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls, fracture, swelling of sores. 18673,E|18672,E|16590,T3684|18706,E|18690,E|18689,E|18711,E|17715,E|1503,E|1515,E|18404,E| MO LUO SHI REN DONG NA Morrow Honeysuckle Lonicera morrowii NA NA NA NA NA 14974,E|12226,T4991|12225,E|14987,T4991| XIE SHI ZI JIN NA Sewerzow Corydalis* Corydalis sewerzowi NA NA NA NA NA 4059,T6203|4058,E| JIE MAO FEI LIAN NA Welted Thistle Carduus acanthoides NA NA root or whole herb See Carduus crispus . See Carduus crispus. 80,E;T4379| FEN XIN MU 分心木 Juglans regia NA NA NA NA NA NA 11900,C0300| XIAN YE JIN JI JU NA Lance Coreopsis Coreopsis lanceolata NA NA leaf To resolve heat toxin, disperse swollen welling abscess. Toxin swelling of sores. 12674,T6101|12463,T6101|12461,E|12672,E| NIU XI JING YE 牛膝茎叶 Caulis et Folium Achyranthi bidentatae NA NA NA NA NA NA 6678,C0526| CHUN HE QING HUA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4279,T3345| LU BO HUA LING CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4107,T4743| YUN ZHI 云芝 Coriolus versicolor Polysaccharidum Versicolor Minor cold,Sweet NA NA NA NA 23572,M825|23170,M825|23745,M825|22538,M825|23224,M825| YU TENG 鱼藤 Trifoliate Jewelvine Derris trifoliata NA NA root or whole herb To dissipate stasis and relieve pain, kill worms and relieve itch. Painful swelling from knocks and falls, lichen. 21468,E|20949,E|10066,E|20952,T6528|21467,E|6761,E|24157,T6528|21469,T6528|32081,T6528|4871,E|18925,T6528|18924,E;C0444| HONG SHU NA Sharpleaf Mangrove Rhizophora apiculata NA NA NA NA NA 3192,E| RI BEN DU JUAN HUA NA Japanese Azalea Rhododendron japonicum NA NA NA NA NA 31915,T5333|18787,E|18786,E|18785,E|18784,E| MA LAI XI YA RUI MU NA Malaysia Kopsia* Kopsia griffithii NA NA NA NA NA 827,E|14366,E|6878,E| SU TU CHONG 苏土虫 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 24237,M675| SAN HUA MI HUA SHU NA Umbellate Rapanea* Rapanea umbellata NA NA NA NA NA 6766,E| DA ZAO 大枣 Chinese Date Equivalent plant: Ziziphus jujuba var inermis Ziziphus jujuba Warm,Sweet Spleen,Stomach ripe fruit To supplement center and boost qi , nourish blood and quiet spirit. Reduced food intake due to spleen vacuity, lack of strength and sloppy stool, visceral agitation. 15520,T3484|22994,E|20156,E|20159,T3484|31449,T3484|4187,E|15519,E|20508,T3484|20353,E|22999,E|3308,E|7787,T3484|24491,M193|4190,T3484|19072,E|23002,E|22995,T3484|20699,E|4148,E|17969,E|3315,T3484|2303,E;T3484|22599,E|23383,M193|4169,E|1857,E;T3484|11910,T3484|18819,E|16391,E|23870,T3484|19075,T3484|3320,T3484|32264,T3484|20499,E|32266,T3484|11907,T3484|24191,M193|22997,E|30826,T3484|23887,T3484|9488,T3484|25215,T3484|12885,E|16040,E|3932,E|13412,E|3318,E|20265,T3484|20264,E|4160,T3484|984,E|13414,T3484|7786,E|4170,E|19906,T3484|20308,T3484|9485,E|19905,E|15195,E|2331,E;T3484|15196,T3484|2334,E|22540,T3484|2338,E|20306,E;M193|23001,E|17970,T3484|32265,T3484|11902,E;T3484|11903,E;T3484|23000,E|11901,E|11906,E;C0140|6058,E|11904,T3484|24858,T3484|22539,T3484|11908,E;M193|11909,E|22254,E|4147,E|25545,T3484|22538,E| YAN FU YE NA Chinese Sumac Leaf Rhus chinensis [Syn. Rhus semialata] NA NA fresh leaf To relieve cough and transform phlegm, promote contraction and resolve toxin. Phlegm cough, hematochezia, blood dysentery, night sweating, sore. 1869,T6296|14447,E| LIU JI NU NA Diverse Worm-wood Artemisia anomala NA NA Whole herb with flower To break stasis and free menstruation, stanch bleeding and disperse swelling, disperse food and transform accumulation. Menstrual block, dysmenorrhea, postpartum stasis stagnation abdominal pain, persistent flow of lochia, concretion and conglomeration, knocks and falls, incised wound and bleeding, wind-damp impediment pain, hematochezia, hematuria, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, scalds, food accumulatio n abdominal pain, diar rhea and dysentery. 1788,E|1781,E|19620,E|1345,E|1126,E|19196,E|19885,E|1787,E| HONG GUO JIAN MU NA Redfruit Pencilwood Dysoxylum binectariferum NA NA NA NA NA 6655,E|6661,T4036| HUA GOU TENG NA Chinese Gambirplant Uncaria sinensis NA NA hooked stem-branch See Uncaria rhynchophylla. See Uncaria rhynchophylla. 18099,E|19527,E|14879,E|11344,E|5549,E|2887,E|14880,E|17862,E|11681,T4114|31377,T4114|18812,E|11423,E|18810,E|19530,T4114|18100,E|22190,E|18811,E|4118,E|31917,T4114|11675,E|11676,E|11677,E|11374,E|31918,T4114|11535,E|11534,E|31360,T4114|31361,T4114|22191,E|14881,T4114|9551,E|11635,T4114|9552,E|18102,T4114|11632,E|11633,E| CAO YUAN DA JI NA Grassland Euphorbia* Euphorbia stepposa NA NA NA NA NA 25453,T3199|15162,E| BAI GEN BAI PI 柏根白皮 Cortex Platycladi orientalis NA NA NA NA NA NA 13772,C0122|15162,C0307|23038,C0121| MA SHI XIANG LIAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6550,T4812| MAO RUI HUA YE TU MU XIANG NA Mulleinleaf Inula* Inula verbascifolia NA NA NA NA NA 14659,E|474,E|475,E| JIA JING JIE NA Catnip Nepeta cataria NA NA whole herb To course wind and clear heat, quicken blood and stanch bleeding. Externally contracted wind-heat, headache and sore pharynx, non-eruption of measles, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, bleeding due to external injury, painful swelling from knocks and falls, poisonous snake bite. 5681,T4303|25415,T4303|25414,T4303|30751,T4303|11375,E|3242,E|3241,E|15480,T4303|15478,E|31362,T4303|7522,T4303|7520,E|15479,E|11376,T4303|11559,E|5679,E|15476,E|15477,E;T4303|11311,T4303|15475,E| CHANG GENG YU LI REN NA Longpedicel Chinese Buscherry Seed Prunus japonica var. nakaii NA NA ripe seed See Prunus japonica . See Prunus japonica . 15065,T3237|15064,E|15061,E|15062,T3237| CU BING TIE XIAN LIAN 粗柄铁线莲 Clematis crassipes NA NA NA NA NA NA 1178,C0553| WEI LIAN SI SHI MU. NA NA Sickingia williamsii NA NA NA NA NA 16142,E| YAO YONG QIAN HU NA Hog’s Fennel Peucedanum officinale NA NA NA NA NA 31775,T6351|17014,E| KAI KOU JIAN NA Chinese Tupistra Tupistra chinensis NA NA rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel wind and eliminate damp, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Diphtheria, swelling pain in throat, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, stomachache, swollen welling abscess and sore toxin, poisonous snake bites, rabid dog bite. 14247,E|19971,E|20353,E|20540,E|10380,E|9814,E|955,E|22320,E|22100,E|22101,E|6973,E|14644,E|22095,E|7008,E|20550,E|19967,E|16878,E|22096,E|22097,E|22316,E|22098,E|22099,E| BAI NIU XI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11514,T3010|13177,T3010| MEI ZHOU CHA MU NA Sassafras Sassafras albidum NA NA NA NA NA 2538,E;T4922|19106,E|19107,T4922| TENG HUANG SHAN ZHU ZI NA Camboge Garcinia* Garcinia cambogia NA NA NA NA NA 8226,T5773|8217,E| SHU ZHI DA JI NA Resinoid Euphorbia* Euphorbia resinifera NA NA NA NA NA 31904,T5626|31905,T5626|18624,E|18625,E| SHI HUA 石花 Parmelia Lichen Parmelia saxatilis NA NA lichen To supplement liver and boost kidney, brighten eyes, stanch bleeding, resolve toxin and disinhibit damp. Blurred vision, pain in lumbus and knees, blood ejection, flooding and spotting, jaundice, scab and lichen. 16662,T5579|1990,E;T5579|16661,E|19168,T5579|23043,C0018|23253,T5579|9184,E|9185,T5579|23258,C0019| BAI DUAN NA White Linden* Tilia alburnum NA NA NA NA NA 12015,E|12017,T2962| LAI JIANG TENG NA Hance Brandisia Brandisia hancei NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and disinhibit damp, clear heat and resolve toxin. Wind-damp pain in sinew and bone, edema, diarrhea, jaundice, taxation damage and blood ejection, medullitis, periostitis, sore and boil. 6072,E| HU LU BA 葫芦巴 Common Fenugreek Trigonella foenum -graecum Warm,Bitter Liver,Kidney seed To lower cholesterol, warm kidney, dispel cold, relieve pain. Hyperlipemia, kidney vacuity cold, cold pain in lesser-abdomen, mounting qi , beriberi. 21642,E|21643,E|21640,E|9615,E|21646,E;M350|21647,E|21644,E|21645,E|21660,E|21661,E|21648,E|19527,E|21629,E|32059,T4095|3220,T4095|21633,E|31018,T4095|21641,E|11575,T4095|32110,T4095|8296,E;M350|22571,T4095|18355,E|19530,T4095|21631,E|21632,E|22566,E;T4095|8094,E|20191,E|27388,T4095|21372,T4095|20192,E|21652,E|22565,E|3218,E;M350|6439,E|8969,E|8968,E|21635,E|21367,E|22448,E|9568,E|30447,T4095|8458,T4095|21662,E|1673,E;T4095|21651,E|21650,E|21653,E|21649,E|21655,E|21654,E|21657,E|21656,E|21659,E|21658,E|9569,T4095|30995,T4095|15271,E|21639,E|21573,E|21574,E|6443,E|16185,E|21577,T4095|12060,E|12061,E|12826,E|21630,E|21637,E|21636,E|6448,E|21634,E|8456,E|22863,T4095|22862,E|22920,E|21638,E|15274,T4095|19458,E|22538,E| JIN HUANG LIAN NA American Lotus Nelumbo lutea NA NA NA NA NA 15773,T4397|15772,E| MAO BAI YANG NA Chinese White Poplar Populus tomentosa NA NA bark or twig To clear heat and disinhibit damp, relieve cough and transform phlegm. Hepatitis, dysentery, strangury-turbidity, cough of phlegm asthma. 3600,E|19169,E|17706,E|30615,T4844|1485,E|19171,T4844|19177,E|21494,E| SHAO CHI XIAO BO NA Potanin Barberry Berberis potaninii NA NA NA NA NA 2300,E|2303,E|16544,E|11848,E| BAO PIAN SHI CHE JU NA Bracteole Centaurea* Centaurea bracteata NA NA NA NA NA 3387,E|2585,E|3398,E| A GEN TING SHANG LU NA Ombutree Pokeberry Phytolacca dioica NA NA NA NA NA 16083,E| RI BEN XIN YI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14217,T5357| HOU WANG ZAO. NA NA Pachydictyon coriaceum NA NA NA NA NA 16484,E| QIAN JIN ZI 千金子 Caper Euphorbia Seed Euphorbia lathyris NA NA ripe seed without seed coat To expel water and disperse swelling, break blood and disperse concretion. Edema, phlegm-rheum, accumulation and distention-fullness, urinary and fecal stoppage, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, intractable impediment, wart. 2331,E;T5242|23857,M1023|7378,T5242|12540,E|25180,M1023|7614,E|11419,E|7616,E|664,E;T5242|663,E|4644,E|12539,E|9488,E|12538,E|31095,T5242|11057,E|11058,E|7610,T5242|4645,T5242|12557,T5242|7615,T5242| XIAO HUA DUN YE SHU YU NA Smallflower Yam Dioscorea parviflora NA NA rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and disperse swelling. Swelling toxin of welling abscess and boil, soft tissue sprain, bee sting, insect bites. 16670,E|31851,T6164|5039,E|31852,T6164|22862,E|14645,E|6439,E|17961,E|22863,T6164|14280,E|5215,E|6440,T6164|8970,T6164|4793,E|8967,E|5042,T6164|5218,T6164|5040,E;T6164| YAO YONG BAI QIAN 药用白前 White Swallow-wort Vincetoxicum officinale [Syn. Cynanchum vincetoxicum] NA NA NA NA NA 22136,T6342|22135,E;C0031|22476,E|22477,T6342| BO YE DA HUANG 波叶大黄 Rheum undulatum Linn NA NA NA NA NA NA 18925,C0452| TIAN MEN DONG 天门冬 Cochinchinese Asparagus Asparagus cochinchinensis [Syn. Asparagus lucidus ] Sweet, bitter,Extremely cold Lung,kidney tuberoid To enrich yin and moisten dryness, clear lung and downbear fire. Yin vacuity fever, cough with blood ejection, lung wilting, pulmonary welling abscess, swelling pain in throat, diabetes mellitus, constipation. 1908,E|14018,T5787|14016,E|13838,E|23344,M1053|24126,M1053|6089,E|24128,M1053|1907,E|1905,E|18696,E|6439,C0330|14038,E|9545,E|19375,E|18042,E|1863,E|1865,E|1864,E|1866,E;T5787|1885,E|1906,E|24381,M1053|3982,E|10395,E| CHU JU NA English Daisy Bellis perennis NA NA NA NA NA 22510,E|32210,T3310| XING AN CHAI HU NA Siberia Thorowax Bupleurum sibiricum NA NA root See Bupleurum chinense. See Bupleurum chinense. 17791,E| MA LIAN NA Chittagong Chickrassy Chukrasia tabularis NA NA root cortex To course wind and clear heat. Common cold with fever. 20570,E|20568,E|20569,E|20565,E|20566,E|20567,E| SI TU JI XUE TENG NA Stuhlmann Millettia* Millettia stuhlmannii NA NA NA NA NA 18842,E| XI NANG MA WEI ZAO NA Parvivesiculose Gulfweed* Sargassum parvivesiculosum NA NA NA NA NA 9410,E|6479,E|14923,E|6480,E|5480,E| YOU YE HUANG QI NA Oily-leaf Milkvetch* Astragalus oleifolius NA NA NA NA NA 1939,E|1937,E|16057,E|4477,E|16058,E| JING JIE YE SHI ER CAO NA Nepetaleaf Leontis Leonotis nepetaefolia NA NA NA NA NA 15474,E| WAN ZHUO WU TOU NA Curvebeak Monkshood Aconitum campylorrhynchum NA NA NA NA NA 384,E;T5891| BI DONG QIE NA Common Petunia Petunia hybrida NA NA NA NA NA 17012,E|13454,E|13452,E|13451,E| AN GE LA HUANG GUA NA Angola Cucumber* Cucumis angolensis NA NA NA NA NA 4321,T2904|4320,E| E XI XIANG CHA CAI NA Henry Rabdosia Isodon henryi NA NA NA NA NA 6928,E|9361,E| XIAN CHI SHE PU TAO 显齿蛇葡萄 Bigdentate Ampelopsis Ampelopsis grossedentata [Syn. Ampelopsis cantoniesis var. grossedentata ] NA NA stem-leaf or root To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp and disperse swelling. Common cold with fever, swelling pain in throat, icterohepatitis, red eyes with gall, swollen sore of welling abscess and boil. 1026,E;T6081|15180,T6081|15176,E|1074,E;T6081|25453,T6081|25582,T6081|23102,C0119|15162,E| ZE LAN 泽兰 Shiny Bugleweed Lycopus lucidus Bitter, pungent,slightly warm Liver,spleen aerial parts To quicken blood and transform stasis, move water and disperse swelling, resolve toxin and eliminate welling abscess. Amenorrhea, concretion and conglomeration, postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, edema in body and face, knocks and falls, incised wound. 20239,M1082|13217,E;M1082|13228,T6610|18511,M1082|21451,T6610|6177,E| MI XIAO YING QIN NA NA Azorella compacta NA NA NA NA NA 10530,E|262,E|261,E|15054,E| DAN YE MAN JING NA Simpleleaf Shrub Chastetree Vitex rotundifolia [Syn. Vitex trifollia var. simplicifolia ] NA NA NA NA NA 22575,E|22574,E|22577,E|22576,E|22579,E|5280,E|5278,E|5279,E|22578,E| BAI HOU WU TOU NA Whitethroat Monkshood Aconitum leucostomum NA NA NA NA NA 12662,E|25854,T2972|6226,E|508,E| ZHAI YE NAN YANG SHAN NA Candelabar Tree Araucaria angustifolia NA NA NA NA NA 15949,E|15951,E|12515,E|31815,T6616|19499,E|21922,E|7511,E|15950,E|9546,T6616|9545,E|17395,E|25742,T6616| LIE GUO SHU NA Lobedfruit Tacca Tacca plantaginea [Syn. Schizocapsa plantaginea] NA NA tuber To cool blood and disperse stasis, eliminate inflammation and relieve pain. Peptic ulcer, enteritis, tuberculosis, pertussis, knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, sore pharynx, toothache, swollen welling abscess. 25227,T4653|20573,E;T4653|20572,E;T4653|20571,E|20577,E;T4653|20576,E;T4653|20575,E;T4653|20574,E;T4653|25228,T4653|20579,E;T4653|20578,E| NIU XIN FEN 牛心粉 Powder of Bull heart Pulvis Coris Bovis seu Bubali NA NA NA NA NA 23487,M534|7970,M534|20430,M534| WU ZHU FEI YAN CAO NA Fivestyle Larkspur* Delphinium pentagynum NA NA NA NA NA 8043,E|3202,T5980|3201,E|5082,E|4896,E|5055,E| BAI E GAO NA Goose Fat Anser cygnoides domestica NA NA fat of goose To moisten skin, disperse swollen welling abscess. Cracking, deafness, otitis media, dysphagia-occlusion and stomach reflux, drug poisoning, swollen welling abscess, scab and lichen. 3512,T2963|3511,E|21968,E|21971,T2963|20267,T2963|20265,E| LI ZHI 荔枝 Lychee Litchi chinensis NA NA fruit To engender liquid and boost blood, rectify qi and relieve pain. Vexation and thirst, hiccough, stomachache, scrofula, swelling of clove, toothache, bleeding due to external injury. 30968,T4620|7852,E|7853,T4620|7851,E|23154,C0493|23193,C0504| YIN HE HUAN NA Hedge Acacia Leucaena glauca [Syn. Leucaena leucocephala ] NA NA root cortex To resolve depression and quiet heart, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Insomnia and vexation, palpitation and fearful throbbing, knocks and falls, fracture, pulmonary welling abscess, swollen welling abscess, scab sore. 31697,T6464|14860,E|14861,E| HUANG HUA BAI JIANG NA Dahurian Patrinia Patrinia scabiosaefolia NA NA whole herb See Patrinia villosa . See Patrinia villosa. 9261,E|23101,C0577|19527,E|8606,E|19971,E|16709,E;T4159|16708,E|12637,E|20460,E|20461,E;T4159|12638,E|16707,E|3042,E|3043,T4159|18695,E|18694,E|4679,E|20463,T4159|19429,E;T4159|19428,E;T4159|31065,T4159|31751,T4159|19530,T4159|9275,E|25327,T4159|9259,E|25673,T4159|25676,T4159|16040,E|8718,E|25368,T4159|11578,T4159|16713,T4159|16710,E;T4159|16711,E;T4159|4684,T4159|31938,T4159|6755,E|19432,E;T4159|19433,T4159|19430,E;T4159|19431,E;T4159|8725,E|1576,E| QIU YUAN YE TAI. NA NA Jamesoniella autumnalis NA NA NA NA NA 6998,E| SHA MO QIANG WEI NA Desert Rose Adenium obesum NA NA NA NA NA 15488,E| AO YE YE BAI HE 凹叶野百合 Crotalaria retusa Linn NA NA NA NA NA NA 14915,C0413| FANG XIANG BAI ZHU NA Fragrant Gaultheria Gaultheria fragrantissima NA NA NA NA NA 13243,E|13970,E|8241,E| GUANG YE DI BU RONG NA Glabrousleaf Stephania* Stephania glabra NA NA tuberoid To dispel wind and move water, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Wind-damp impediment pain, edema, toxin swelling of sores. 26074,T3910|31845,T3910|4460,E|17895,E| YANG YE AN NA Bimble Box Eucalyptus populnea NA NA NA NA NA 18395,E|18396,T6333| LAI KE BA DOU NA Lechler Croton* Croton lechleri NA NA NA NA NA 20701,E|12266,E|12267,E|21265,T4572| CU YE XUAN GOU ZI 粗叶悬钩子 Roughleaf Raspberry Rubus alceaefolius NA NA root and leaf To clear heat and disinhibit damp, stanch bleeding, dispel stasis. Hepatitis, dysentery, enteritis, mastitis, stomatitis, march hematoglobinuria, bleeding due to external injury, liver spleen enlargement, knocks and falls, wind-damp bone pain. 15533,T3391|15530,E|4088,E|4089,T3391|23125,C0500|6177,E|25865,T3391| XU JIAN CAO GEN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23246,C0572| PO LUO ZHOU GOU TENG NA Borneo Gambirplant* Uncaria borneensis NA NA NA NA NA 11344,E|18811,E|11676,E|4118,E|9233,E| HUA SHAN FAN NA Chinese Sweetleaf Symplocos chinensis NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, transform phlegm and interrupt malaria, free network vessels and relieve pain. Common cold with fever, diarrhea and dysentery, swelling of sores and boils, poisonous snake bites, malaria, pain in sinews and bones, knocks and falls. 20524,E|20525,E|20526,E|20527,E|20528,E|20529,E| CHANG SHENG TIE JIAO JUE NA Prolongated Spleenwort Asplenium prolongatum NA NA whole herb or leaf To clear heat and remove damp, transform stasis and stanch bleeding. Cough and abundant phlegm, wind-damp impediment pain, enteritis and dysentery, urinary tract infection, mastitis, blood ejection, bleeding due to external injury, knocks and falls, burns and scalds. 12081,E| DENG LONG CAO NA Peruvian Groundcherry Physalis peruviana NA NA whole herb To clear heat and move qi, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Common cold, epidemic parotitis, throat pain, cough, abdominal distention, mounting qi, heaven-borne sore. 18376,E|16845,E|8636,E|7213,E|6730,E|6732,T3520|18375,E|16981,E|1563,E|1567,E| YE HE HUA NA Chinese Magnolia Flower Magnolia coco NA NA flower To move qi and dissipate stasis, relieve cough, check discharge. Liver depression and qi pain, knocks and falls, concretion and conglomeration, Vaginal discharge. 1344,E;T6364|20304,T6364|12911,E|19168,E|19169,T6364|20303,E|16428,T6364|13365,E|13366,T6364| KUAI JING MA LI JIN NA Tuberous Milkweed Asclepias tuberosa NA NA NA NA NA 7957,T4540|7950,E| XI LA SI MAO SHI NA Greek Silk-hair Yarrow* Achillea holosericea NA NA NA NA NA 16421,E|287,E| BAI HUA SHE GAN 白花射干 Vesper Iris Iris dichotoma NA NA root or whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and disperse swelling, relieve pain, relieve cough. Swelling pain in throat, gum swelling and pain, epidemic parotitis, mammary welling abscess, stomachache, hepatitis, liver spleen enlargement, lung heat cough, knocks and falls. 20885,E;C0251;T2979|20884,E|11151,E;C0153|5425,E|11161,E|30907,T2979|11139,T2979|11138,E| WU ZHAO LONG 五爪龙 Cairo Morningglory Ipomoea cairica [Syn. Ipomoea palmata ] Cold,Sweet,Bitter Lung,Large Intestine,Liver Root or stem-leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit water and free strangury. Lung heat cough, inhibited urination, strangury, edema, swollen welling abscess and toxin of clove. 1621,E;T5979|18983,M733|18208,M733|24245,M733|899,M733|21474,E|15078,E|23999,M733|15797,E|7232,T5979|21477,T5979|7231,E|23374,M733|15068,M733|15079,T5979|24796,M733|24820,M733| BAI JIN HUA 白槿花 Shrubalthea Flower Flos Hibisci Cool,Sweet,Slightly Bitter Lung,Spleen,Liver NA NA NA 19316,M29|11080,M29;C0458| SHI SHENG BIAN LEI NA Swampy Gentianopsis Gentianopsis paludosa NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin. Common cold with fever, hepatitis, cholecystitis, nephropyelitis, red eyes with gall, infant diarrhea, swelling toxin of sore and boil. 32181,T5594|22254,E|13130,E|25550,T5594| SHI SUAN 石蒜 Shorttube Lycoris Equivalent plant: Lycoris chinensis Lycoris radiata [Syn. Amaryllis radiata] NA NA bulb To dispel phlegm and promote vomiting, resolve toxin and dissipate binds. Poliomyelitis, muscle weakness, rheumatic arthritis, pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, throat wind, nipple moth, swelling pain in throat, phlegm-drool and congesting lung, food poisoning, seeper in chest and abdomen, malign sore and swelling toxin, hemorrhoids and fistulas, knocks and falls, intractable lichen, burns and scalds, snake bite. 23736,T5598|9612,T5598|17559,E|9611,E|31112,T5598|4240,E|9186,E|18036,E|18038,T5598|22580,T5598|17842,T5598|13229,E|6185,T5598|9546,E|17569,T5598|6920,T5598|20875,E|9191,T5598|15779,E|5990,E|6919,E|17836,E|8084,T5598|8082,E|5080,E|5086,T5598|14282,T5598|20583,T5598|22216,E|14281,E|13232,E;C0126;T5598|13233,E|13230,E;T5598|13231,E;T5598|13236,T5598|13234,E;C0335;T5598| DAN ZI ZI MAO NA Bengal Kino Butea monosperma NA NA NA NA NA 2787,T3506|2786,E| HU BEI GUA LOU NA Hupeh Snakegourd Trichosanthes hupehensis NA NA NA NA NA 2687,E| HUANG BI 黄蘗 bark of Amur corktree Cortex Phellodendri Cold,Bitter Bladder,Large Intestine,Kidney NA NA NA 24413,M363|21646,M363|617,M363|23193,M363| DUO ZHI KUO BAO JU NA Ramose Pluchea* Baccharis ramosissima NA NA NA NA NA 14112,E| YAN CAO 烟草 Common Tobacco Nicotiana tabacum NA NA leaf To move qi and relieve pain, resolve toxin and kill worms. Food stagnation, qi bind pain, welling abscess and flat abscess, clove sore, scab and lichen, snake bite, dog bite. 1140,E;T6291|1124,E;T6291|1125,E|15518,E|116,E;T6291|3145,E|3146,T6291|23223,T6291|20131,T6291|20130,E|4473,T6291|4472,E|20054,E|20056,T6291|6642,E|6643,E|26012,T6291|18834,E|4965,T6291|18839,T6291|23032,C0561|19530,E|19551,T6291|19090,E|30591,T6291|22042,E|21596,E|11752,T6291|16871,E|4815,E|11751,E|6655,T6291|4962,E|23165,T6291| NI BO ER LU RONG HAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31661,T5066| JIN DONG YING SU NA Oriental Poppy Papaver orientale NA NA NA NA NA 16613,E|7838,T4386|11743,T4386|11738,E|7836,E| TIAN XIONG 天雄 Radix Aconiti carmichaeli NA NA NA NA NA NA 23264,C0158|22221,C0487| HE TAO REN 核桃仁 English Walnut Seed Semen Juglandis NA NA NA Treatment of aching and weakness of the loins and knees, asthma and cough of deficiency-cold type, seminal emission, impotence. It contains about 50% of fatty oil, exerting antitussive effect. 11900,M962;C0300| MO XI GE XIANG RI KUI NA Mexican Sunflower Tithonia tagiliflora NA NA NA NA NA 16194,E|20596,E| MANG GUO YE 杧果叶 Mango Leaf Mangifera indica NA NA leaf To allay thirst, transform stagnation, relieve itch. Gan accumulation, diabetes mellitus, eczema titillation, wart. 13474,E;C0334|9716,E|31132,T4839| BO NIANG HAO NA Flixweed Tansymustard Seed Descurainia sophia NA NA seed See Lepidium apetalum . See Lepidium apetalum. 7290,E|9334,E|19898,E|948,E|949,E|5245,E|5244,E|20381,E|5246,E|9451,E|2294,E|19897,E|19893,E|11639,E|12056,E|18349,E|16874,E|11645,E|11656,E|11654,E|19899,E| TIE PO LUO NA Marshmarigold-leaved Beesia Beesia calthaefolia NA NA rhizome or whole herb To clear heat, resolve toxin, dispel wind. Wind-heat common cold, wind-damp bone pain, throat pain, red eyes with gall, sore and boil, poisonous snake bites. 2200,E|2201,E|2202,E|2203,E|2204,E|2205,E|2206,E|2207,E|2208,E|2209,E|9454,E|2192,E|2193,E|2194,E|2195,E|2196,E|2197,E|2198,E|2199,E|4464,E| XI CHANG NAN MEI DOU. NA NA Anadenanthera colubrine NA NA NA NA NA 1110,E|1131,E|13090,E|13091,E| MEI ZHOU GAN CAO NA Scale Licorice* Glycyrrhiza lepidota NA NA NA NA NA 8552,T4924|8550,E|8549,E;T4924|8548,E;T4924|8486,E|8488,T4924|8547,E|17819,T4924|17817,E| MAO DOU NA Cochinchina Mucuna* Mucuna cochinchinensis NA NA NA NA NA 6557,E|6558,T4851| JI CHA KAI LA RUI A NA Spreading Creosote-bush Larrea divaricata NA NA NA NA NA 31017,T4258|12521,E|8288,E| FU ZI 附子 Prepared Common Monkshood Daughter Root Equivalent plant: Aconitum carmichaeli cv Aconitum carmichaeli Extreme Hot,Pungent,Sweet Spleen,Heart,Kidney daughter root To return yang and treat collapse, supplement fire and reinforce yang. Yan g -collapse vacuity desertion, cold limbs and faint pulse, impotence, uterus cold, cold pain in heart and abdomen, vacuity cold chronic diarrhea and dysentery, yin cold edema, yang vacuity external contraction, wind-cold-damp impediment, yin flat abscess and sores. 30853,T3783|22378,E|3713,E|5002,T3783|5036,E;T3783|554,E;M257;T3783|23512,M257|5035,E|2738,E|2739,E|12893,E;M257|12892,E|23362,M257|23264,M257;C0158|5066,E|25422,T3783|5007,E|5070,E;T3783|5071,E;T3783|15410,E|5135,E|25110,M257|5165,E|10960,M257|23934,M257|304,M257|24143,M257|23791,M257|5458,T3783|1059,E|24156,M257|5009,T3783|24162,M257|5457,E|13788,T3783|30859,T3783|11725,E|25223,T3783|12159,T3783|22466,E|1292,E|25585,T3783|12157,E|10874,E;M257|13787,E;M257|10876,T3783|24996,M257|8041,E|24315,M257|5000,E;T3783|4211,E|5006,E|5148,E;M257|5032,E|5034,T3783|25586,T3783|22221,E;M257;C0487|24027,M257|5033,E;T3783|20634,E;M257|5038,T3783|23728,M257|23583,M257|23827,M257|4992,T3783|2247,M257|3202,T3783|3201,E|24525,M257|1061,E|1060,E|5151,T3783|23841,M257|11370,E|25587,T3783|25931,T3783|2231,M257|24582,M257|24874,M257|4991,E|5166,T3783|24422,M257|24701,M257|4998,E;T3783|4999,E| XIAO HUA SUAN TENG ZI NA Smallflower Embelia Embelia parviflora NA NA root or vine To supplement blood, quicken blood, strengthen lumbus and knees. Blood vaculty, menstrual disorder, amenorrhea, postpartum vacuity weakness, aching in lumbus and legs, fracture due to knocks and falls. 23720,T6166|13680,E|20152,E|21525,T6166| MAO HUA SHI NAN NA Hairyflower Photinia* Photinia lactiflora NA NA NA NA NA 1935,E| SONG ZHEN 松针 leaf of Pine Folium Pini NA NA NA 1. To tranquilize the mind. For palpitation, insomnia, amnesia. Recently used for neurasthenia, chronic Keshan disease, hypertension, coronary heart diseases and cor pulmonale. 2. External use for depriving dampness, killing parasite and alleviate itching. For exudative dermatitis, scabies and tinea. NA 24407,M1048|23743,M1048|24093,M1048| YUAN DANG GUI NA Angelica Angelica archangelica NA NA NA NA NA 25387,T6544|22759,E;T6544|21355,E|21356,T6544|1619,E;T6544|16253,T6544|22761,T6544|12390,E|22758,E|16252,E|16250,E|16446,E| FEI ZHOU FANG JI NA Calumba Root Jateorhiza palmata NA NA NA NA NA 30763,T3727|16540,E|3484,E|16544,E;T3727| TOU XU SONG MU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31067,T5836|10557,T5836| CHANG LV GOU WEN NA Carolina Jasmine Gelsemium sempervirens NA NA NA NA NA 8255,E|8256,E|9015,E|9016,E|9017,E|19682,E|9018,E|10697,E| YE ZHU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23195,C0497| YUN NAN ZAO JIA NA Delacay Honeylocust Gleditsia delavayi NA NA fruit To break phlegm and open orifices, resolve toxin and kill worms. Wind stroke, epilepsy, phlegm reversal with stupor, cough asthma qith phlegm-drool and atrophicexuberant, malign sore. 8527,E| YOU SE BAN JIU JU NA Colorful Bitterleaf Vernonia colorata NA NA NA NA NA 22397,T6504|22396,E| CI BO NA Hirsute Respberry Rubus hirsutus NA NA root or leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling and relieve pain, stanch bleeding. Influenza, common cold, infant ardent fever convulsion, swelling pain in throat, toothache, headache, wind-damp pain in sinew and bone, scrofula, swollen boil. 21618,E|24248,T3347| GAO SHAN YAN SHEN NA Alpine Sowthistle Cicerbita alpina NA NA NA NA NA 16252,E| XIAO HEI YANG NA Slamm Black Poplar Populus xiaohei NA NA NA NA NA 3600,E|19177,E|19169,E| SHAN DI XIANG CHA CAI NA Montane Rabdosia Isodon oresbia NA NA NA NA NA 620,E|15330,E|22565,E|6806,E|32181,T5470|6805,E|21545,E|6803,E|21547,E|20024,E|13522,E|16168,E|16167,E|16166,E|6177,E|22254,E|6713,E|15643,E|25865,T5470| DAN JI ER YUAN WE I NA Tingit Iris Iris tingitana NA NA NA NA NA 833,E| MEI SUI XIAO BO NA Beautiful-raceme Barberry Berberis calliobotrys NA NA NA NA NA 16526,E| QIU HUA ZUI YU CAO NA Orange-ball-tree Buddleja globosa NA NA NA NA NA 22381,T5292|14215,E|580,E| HUANG SI TAN BAO NA Winter Daffodil Sternbergia lutea NA NA NA NA NA 9546,E|31112,T4203| HUANG KUI NA Musk-mallow Abelmoschus moschatus [Syn. Hibiscus abelmoschus] NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, promote lactation and free stool. Ardent fever incessant, lung heat cough, dysentery, constipation, postpartum galactostasis, fracture, welling abscess with pus swelling, innominate toxin swelling, burns and scalds. 1027,E|31938,T4182|19971,E|7733,E|25633,T4182|7734,T4182| CUI TU LUO FU MU NA Emitic Devilpepper Rauvolfia vomitoria NA NA root See Rauvolfia verticillata. See Rauvolfia verticillata. 784,E|18618,E|18608,E|19748,E|19371,E|16896,E|18196,E|18615,E|5247,E|18541,E|18543,E|18542,E|18620,E|1680,E|22905,E|21039,E|18536,E|6203,E|1002,E|18288,E| REN SHEN LU 人参芦 Ginseng Reed Panax ginseng [Syn. Panax schinseng ] NA NA rhizome To upbear yang and raise fall. Spleen vacuity qi fall, enduring diarrhea, prolapse of rectum. 13772,C0122|23034,C0170|23129,C0173|23181,C0178|16585,C0095|16586,C0094|23066,C0171|23117,C0168|16583,C0096|16582,C0097|23038,C0121|23271,C0569|18263,E|23085,C0172| TAI WAN JI NA Taiwan Thistle* Cirisum japonica var. takaoense NA NA NA NA NA 16744,E|31762,T5746| YIN DI KUAN YE XIANG CHA CAI NA Shady Broadleaf Rabdosia* Isodon umbrosa NA NA NA NA NA 18494,E|3952,E|3950,E|3957,E|3955,E|3954,E|22184,E|22185,E|22186,E| MU BIE ZI 木龞子 Cochinhina Momordica Seed Momordica cochinchinensis Warm,Slightly Sweet,Bitter Spleen,Stomach,Liver ripe seed To dissipate binds and disperse swelling, attack toxin and cure sores. Swollen welling abscess, mammary welling abscess, scrofula, hemorrhoids and fistulas, dry lichen, bald sores. 14901,E|3589,M515|23419,M515|23713,M515|16040,E| YI ZU SUO SHA CAN NA Heterofoot Lumbrinereis* Lumbriconeis heteropoda NA NA whole body NA Leg qi . 15481,E| LENG ZHUANG BAI JIAN MU NA Rhombicsign White Quebracho* Aspidosperma rhombeosignatum NA NA NA NA NA 1904,E;T4592| TAI WAN RUI FANG RUN NAN NA Zuiho Machilus Machilus zuihoensis NA NA NA NA NA 13287,E|23013,E|14040,E|19613,E| NAN SHE TENG NA Oriental Bittersweet Celastrus orbiculatus [Syn. Celastrus articulatus ] NA NA stem vine To dispel wind and eliminate damp, free menstruation and relieve pain, quicken blood and resolve toxin. Painful joints due to rheumatalgia, numbness in limbs, paralysis, headache, toothache, mounting qi [=hernia], dysmenorrhea, menstrual block, infant fright wind, sprain from knocks and falls, dysentery, sand, zoster. 6864,E|6818,E|6852,E| YANG JIAO TENG NA Common Indianmulberry Morinda umbellata NA NA root or bark To dispel wind-damp. Swelling pain in joints, kidney vacuity lumbago. 18985,T6319|18984,E;T6319|31564,T6319|18983,E|14139,T6319|18210,E|14137,E|31866,T6319|25560,T6319|20353,E|13995,E|15068,E|31149,T6319|25770,T6319|31229,T6319|23887,T6319|899,E;T6319|10466,E|900,E|901,E|15070,T6319|9791,E|25764,T6319|13035,E| FEI CHENG SUAN JIANG NA Philadelphia Groundcherry* Physalis philadelphica NA NA NA NA NA 5670,E|11801,E|10826,E|22689,E|5671,E|3568,E|1454,E|1455,E|1456,E|1451,E|1452,E|1453,E|5656,E|22699,E|1392,E|1391,E|21818,E| GUI DENG LONG NA Redcalyx Glotybower Clerodendron fortunatum NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, suppress cough and dispel wind. Common cold, throat pain, cough, lung disease, stomachache, abdominal pain, swollen boil, knocks and falls, rheumatism. 3841,E|3843,E;T3919|3842,E;T3919|3845,T3919|3844,E;T3919| RUAN TIAO QI QIANG WEI NA Henry’s Rose Rosa henryi NA NA root To quicken blood and regulate menstruation, transform stasis and stanch bleeding. Menstrual disorder [=menoxenia], infertility, bleeding due to external injury. 17870,E| SHE GUO HUANG JIN NA Snakefruit Corydalis Corydalis ophiocarpa NA NA whole herb To quicken blood and relieve pain, dispel wind and relieve itch. Knocks and falls, itchy skin. 643,E;T5538|16118,E|4121,E|16119,E| XIAN MAI ZHANG YA CAI NA Veined Swertia* Swertia nervosa NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and regulate menstruation. Jaundice (icterus, ICT), bitter taste, tidal fever. 20494,E|20487,E|8303,E|20493,E| YAO YONG QIU GUO ZI JIN NA Medicinal Fumaria Fumaria officinalis NA NA NA NA NA 2734,E;T6352|19280,T6352|19269,E|4289,E|30982,T6352|7996,E;T6352|7995,E|4279,T6352|12946,E| XUAN FU HUA GEN 旋覆花根 Radix Inulae japoniae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23243,C0454| JIANG PI 姜皮 Ginger peel Cortex Zingiberis Warm,Pungent Lung,Spleen,Stomach NA NA NA 3760,M390;C0191|24051,M390|23188,C0350|19831,C0058| DA ER MA WEI YA LIU CHUAN YU NA Balkan Toadflax Linaria dalmatica NA NA NA NA NA 12015,T3406|12012,E| XUAN CHUI GEN NAI LA CAO. NA NA Gunnera perpensa NA NA NA NA NA 14584,E|10483,E|10507,E| HE CAO YA 鹤草芽 Agrimonia bud Gemma Agrimoniae Bitter,cool Liver, small intestine,large intestine NA To kill tapeworm. Agrimonia bud (Hecaoya) is taken with warm boiled water in the morning before breakfast. The tapeworm should be discharged within five to six hours. NA 762,M959|23637,M959| XIANG GUO ZHI 香果脂 Spiceleaf Kernel Oil Oleum Linderae NA NA NA NA NA 23424,M1065|23975,M1065| LUO HAN BAI NA Broadleaf Arborvitae Hiba Thujopsis dolobrata NA NA NA NA NA 17862,E|5203,T4749|1372,E| CHANG YE HOU KE GUI NA Longleaf Cryptocarya* Cryptocarya longifolia NA NA NA NA NA 21239,E| YU JIA REN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23046,C0479|23145,C0478| ROU MAO HUANG QI NA Darkhairy Milkvetch* Astragalus atropubescens NA NA NA NA NA 14877,E|31699,T5372| XI SI GUO XIANG CHA CAI NA West-Shiko Rabdosia* Isodon shikokiana var. occidentalis NA NA NA NA NA 14719,E|19791,E|7200,E|14402,E|19792,E| LIN DI XIANG RI KUI NA Woodland Sunflower Helianthus strumosus NA NA NA NA NA 107,E;T4660| SHI CHANG PU YE NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23158,T5564|24898,T5564|957,T5564| CONG HUA 葱花 Flos Allii fistulosi NA NA NA NA NA NA 920,C0323| CHUAN JU NA King Orange Citrus nobilis NA NA NA NA NA 15626,E|15628,T3323| QING FENG TENG 清风藤 Orientvine Sinomenium acutum Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Liver stem To dispel wind and free network vessels, dispel damp and relieve pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, pain from arthritis, swelling in joints, paralytic and pruritus. 603,E;T5273|602,E;T5273|19939,E;M579;C0259;T5273|19185,E|13368,T5273|20353,E|20540,E|13367,E|6511,E|6516,T5273|14476,E|29509,T5273|22084,E|22085,T5273|31634,T5273|23887,T5273|14820,T5273|25231,T5273|19940,T5273|19967,E|23373,T5273|20308,T5273|20306,E|19892,E|11714,E|31385,T5273|14819,E| SHAN KU MAI 山苦荬 China Ixeris Ixeris chinensis Cool,Bitter Lung,Liver whole herb or root To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling and expel pus, cool blood and stanch bleeding. Intestinal welling abscess, pulmonary welling abscess, lung heat cough, enteritis, dysentery, cholecystitis, pelvic inflamation, swelling toxin of sore and boil, scrotal eczema, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, flooding, knocks and falls. 11799,E|12441,E|11800,E|11795,E|3533,E|3535,E|3534,E|24237,M621| MEI LI MAO ZHU MU NA Beautiful Mitragyna* Mitragyna speciosa NA NA NA NA NA 10527,E|16723,E|14878,E|20122,E|20123,E| MAO JIE XIE CAO NA Hairnode Valeriana* Valeriana alternifolia var. stolonifera NA NA NA NA NA 22296,E| DUAN YE JIA MU ZEI NA Shortleaf Anabasis Anabasis brevifolia NA NA NA NA NA 8624,E|14168,E|10798,E| CHUAN XI ZHANG YA CAI NA Mussot Swertia Swertia mussotii NA NA whole herb To clear liver and disinhibit gallbladder, abate jaundice, disinhibit water and disperse edema. Acute icterohepatitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, edema. 13474,E|31493,T3334|23101,C0577|31751,T3334|16040,E| RI BEN WU TOU 日本乌头 Japanese Monkshood* Aconitum japonicum NA NA NA NA NA 20632,E|5066,E|11725,E|23264,C0158|9539,T5354| WAN JUE NA Scabrous Boulder Fern Dennstaedtia scabra [Syn. Dicksonia scabra] NA NA whole herb To dispel wind, clear heat and resolve exterior. Common cold with headache, wind-damp impediment pain. 18084,E|18143,E|16092,E| PEI LI LU HUI NA Perry Aloe* Aloe perryi NA NA NA NA NA 981,E;T5180| ZAN BI XI BA DOU NA Zambesi Croton* Croton zambesicus NA NA NA NA NA 4273,E|4272,E|21478,E|21481,E|4266,E|4274,E|4269,E|21482,E|2933,E|10772,E|1110,E|20353,E|11592,E|17251,E|19967,E|291,E| LUO YU SHAN NA Deciduous Cypress Taxodium distichum NA NA NA NA NA 20794,E|20793,E| CHANG PU 菖蒲 rhizome of Grassleaf sweetflag. Rhizoma Acori graminei Warm,Pungent,Bitter Stomach,Heart NA NA NA 24898,M83| MA DAN GUO NA Fragrant Gynocardia Gynocardia odorata NA NA seed To dispel wind, eliminate damp, resolve toxin. Leprosy, elephantiasis, skin diseases. 1465,E|9120,T4785|9113,E| CAI JI NA Gl obe Artichoke Cynara scolymus NA NA leaf To course liver and disinhibit gallbladder, clear damp heat. Jaundice, distending pain in chest and rib-side, damp-heat diarrhea dysentery. 9014,E|4563,E|30904,T3171|11324,E|4564,E|4568,T3171|9020,T3171| SHUI LONG GU NA Japanese Polypody Polypodium niponicum NA NA rhizome To clear heat and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and free network vessels. Opacity of urine, diarrhea, strangury, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls. 3773,E|15722,E;T5647|15720,E|15721,E|17570,E|4468,T5647|15724,T5647|10065,E|14348,E|9638,E|7979,T5647|7977,E|15723,E|16246,T5647|9637,E|16240,E|3774,T5647|30934,T5647|6678,E;T5647|16028,E|30088,T5647|16020,E|30087,T5647|7757,E|7756,T5647|16027,E|14350,T5647|17604,E|4884,E|25952,T5647|6677,E|4503,T5647|4502,E|4467,E|16415,E|9641,E;T5647|9640,E|14427,E|20682,E|15058,E;T5647|15059,E|17571,E|15056,E|15057,E;T5647|14428,T5647|10085,T5647|20693,E|16019,E|23146,T5647|19753,T5647|19752,E| XIN XING GOU TENG NA Cordate Gambirplant* Uncaria cordata NA NA NA NA NA 18811,E|4120,E|5568,E|11676,E|4119,E| MI GUO HUANG GUA NA Densefruit Cucumber* Cucumis myriocarpus NA NA NA NA NA 4314,E| GAO DA HU JIAO NA Pepper-tree Macropiper excelsum NA NA NA NA NA 6745,T3812|6744,E| SHENG TENG NA Common Stelmatocrypton Stelmatocrypton khasianum NA NA lianoid stem or whole herb To dispel wind and dissipate cold, move qi and free network vessels. Common cold, cough, distending pain in stomach duct, wind-cold-damp impediment. 20271,E|19972,E|14082,T5562|14081,E|20272,E|20273,E|20274,E| TIAN CHENG NA Sweet Orange Citrus sinensis NA NA ripe fruit To move qi, precipitate qi, relieve pain, disperse distention, free milk. Galactostasis. 15127,E|31443,T5780|15627,E|9455,E|9456,T5780|15873,E|19919,T5780|12833,E|15278,T5780|32139,T5780|15260,T5780|19911,E|19913,E;T5780|19912,E|25440,T5780|3214,E|11689,E|21897,E|31731,T5780|25286,T5780|29639,T5780|3760,E|30746,T5780|31796,T5780|17157,E|15275,E|12842,E|15279,E|30792,T5780|22838,E|15258,E|15257,T5780|11690,T5780|32252,T5780|15490,T5780|15491,E|25457,T5780| YING SHUI HUANG LIAN NA Slim-top Meadowrue Thalictrum simplex [Syn. Thalictrum simplex var. brevipes] NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp and abate jaundice. Jaundice, dysentery, lung heat cough, red eyes with gall, gan of nose. 21237,E|21246,E|21233,E|21225,E|21226,E|17969,E|2300,E|2303,E|4289,E|9440,E|21230,E|21218,E|4032,E|16428,E|11733,E|11848,E|930,E|16544,E| ZAO CI 皂刺 spine of Chinese Honeylocust Spina gleditsiae Warm,Pungent Lung,Large Intestine NA Treatment of carbuncle and boil at the early stage or formation of abscess difficult to burst, external use for scabies and leprosy. 1. To relieve carbuncle and drain pus. For the early stage of carbuncle or carbuncle with unruptured abscess. 2. To expel wind and kill parasites. For tinea infection and leprosy. 15651,M827|23175,M827|24839,M827| JING JI SHU YU NA Thorny Yam* Dioscorea dumetorum NA NA NA NA NA 2163,E;T4428| RI BEN BAI SI CAO NA Japanese Chionographis* Chionographis japonica NA NA NA NA NA 16796,E| LIU YE CAI HUANG QIN NA Willowweedleaf Skullcap Scutellaria epilobifolia NA NA NA NA NA 15806,E|31729,T4684| YANG DI HUANG YE 洋地黄叶 Digitalis Leaf Folium Digitalis NA NA NA Cardiotonic. NA 24345,M1076|24225,M1076|24106,M1076|23975,M1076| LV YUAN SUAN 绿原酸 Chlorogenic acid Acidum Chlorogenicum NA NA NA NA NA 23122,M489| WU WEI CAO NA Tali Corydalis Corydalis taliensis NA NA whole herb To dispel wind, clear heat, relieve pain, clear liver and brighten eyes. Wind-heat common cold, lung heat cough, tuberculosis and coughing of blood, hepatitis, wind-damp pain in sinews and bones, toothache, red eyes, eye screen. 2350,E|15655,E| CHA SHU NA Common Sassafras Sassafras tzumu NA NA root, stem-leaf To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and dissipate stasis, stanch bleeding. Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, taxation damage in lumbar muscle, hemiplegia, bleeding due to external injury. 7522,T3208|7520,E| LU DOU LE HUA NA Thatch Screwpine Flower Pandanus tectorius NA NA flower To clear heat, disinhibit water. Common cold with cough, strangury-turbidity, inhibited urination, heat diarrhea, mounting qi, mouth-level nape sore. 31444,T4712|6481,E|14664,E|12837,E|17097,E|25481,T4712|17099,T4712|6484,T4712| XIANG MAN TUO LUO NA Fragrant Datura* Datura metaloides NA NA NA NA NA 13812,E| DIAN ZI CAO NA Paniculate Onosma Onosma paniculatum NA NA root or root cortex To clear heat, resolve toxin, cool blood, quicken blood. Measles papules, pneumonia, febrile diseases macular eruption, ulcerating sores, eczema, scalds. 309,E|10265,E|19804,E;C0581|10272,T3557|30919,T3557|6301,E|514,E;T3557|19812,T3557|6302,E| BA JIAO HUI XIANG YOU 八角茴香油 Oleum Anisi Stellati NA NA NA NA NA NA 1186,C0041|23098,C0552| JIA NA DA XI XIN NA Canadian Snakeroot Asarum canadense NA NA NA NA NA 1713,E|3456,E|24175,T4317|3455,E| DA QING MU GEN 大青木根 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2785,M146|10886,M146|24221,M146|23975,M146| YUN NAN DI HUA JUN NA Yunnan Landflower Mushroom* Albatrellus confluens NA NA NA NA NA 843,E| GUANG E ZHU SHI DOU 光萼猪屎豆 Glabroussepal Crotalaria Crotalaria usaramoensis NA NA NA NA NA 22261,E;C0028|18652,E| XIA MA DAN NA Rice Frog Gall Rana limnocharis NA NA gall juice To disinhibit throat and restore voice. Child aphonia. 30686,T6068|2720,E| KUO JIA HE HUAN NA Siris-acacia Albizzia lebbeck NA NA bark To disperse swelling and relieve pain, promote astriction and check drain. Painful swelling from knocks and falls, sore and boil, toxin swelling, ophthalmia, gum erosion, hemorrhoids, diarrhea. 7957,T4557|18392,E|7950,E| E SHEN 峨参 Woodland Beakchervil Anthriscus sylvestris NA NA root To supplement spleen and boost qi, disperse swelling. Spleen vacuity and food distention, stomachache, lassitude in limbs, cough and asthma due to lung vacuity, senile nocturia, blood ejection from knocks and falls. 15638,E|9543,E|1621,E|1280,E|1232,E|5542,E|17578,E|31919,T3681|14958,E|2764,E|16252,E|5203,T3681|1372,E;T3681|10832,E|9788,E|11231,T3681|11225,E|23247,C0528|18817,E|6366,E|31714,T3681| PING ER XIAO CAO NA Adder’s Tongue Ophioglossum vulgatum NA NA whole herb To clear heat and cool blood, resolve toxin and settle pain. Lung heat cough, pulmonary welling abscess, tuberculosis with blood ejection, infant ardent fever, red eyes with gall, stomachache, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, painful swelling from knocks and falls. 31671,T5201|14702,E| HAO WANG JIAO XIANG PU NA Cape-of-Good-Hope Cattail Typha capensis NA NA NA NA NA 22139,E|22140,E| DA LI ZI 大力子 achene of Great Burdock Fructus Arctii lappae Cold,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Stomach NA Treament of cough and expectroation in influenza or upper respiratory infection, measles, rubella, sore throat, mumps, erysipelas, carbuncles and sores. 1. Its extract exerts a significant and prolonged effect of lowering blood sugar in rats.2. Mildly diuretic and laxative.3. An active component, arctiin, can induce tonic convulsion, feeble respiration and eventually paralysis in frogs, mice and rabbits. 1623,M143;C0548|24410,M143|25155,M143|24166,M143|2222,M143|23075,M143;C0221|24735,M143|24939,M143| E BU SHI CAO 鹅不食草 Small Centipeda Centipeda minima NA NA herb with flower To free nasal orifices, relieve cough. Wind-cold common cold, cough with profuse phlegm, nasal congestion, deep-source nasal congestion and runny nose. 1345,E|23952,M928|20353,E|25013,M928|23887,T3669|20692,E|3435,M928|25535,T3669|2602,E|20688,M928|17544,M928|18361,E|24225,M928|24329,M928|24221,M928|23968,M928|24034,M928|6401,E|13091,M928|24586,M928|1476,M928|1749,E;M928;T3669|24932,M928| LING XIANG CAO NA Strongfragrant Loosestrife Lysimachia foenum-graecum NA NA whole herb To resolve exterior, relieve pain, move qi , expel roundworm. Common cold with headache, swelling pain in throat, toothache, distention fullness in chest and abdomen, ascariasis. 9499,E| DI TANG CAO NA Japanese Hypecoum* Hypecoum japonicum NA NA NA NA NA 4032,E|4036,T3536| DA MA JIN NA Kenaf Hibiscus Hibiscus cannabinus NA NA NA NA NA 3054,E|9013,E|9012,E|6351,E| NIU BANG JING YE 牛蒡茎叶 Great Burdock NA NA NA NA NA NA 1623,C0548|23018,C0549|23075,C0221| HUANG SHU KUI HUA NA Setose Abelmoschus Abelmoschus manihot NA NA flower To disinhibit urine and free strangury, quicken blood and stanch bleeding, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Strangury syndrome, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, flooding and spotting [= metrorrhagia and metrostaxis], retention of afterbirth, swollen welling abscess and sore toxin, burns and scalds. 15162,E|10886,E|18375,E|11639,E|18302,E| FENG RU NA Royal Jelly Apis cerana NA NA royal jelly To enrich and supplement, enrich and invigorate, boost liver, fortify spleen. Weakness during convalescence, gan accumulation, senile vacuity weakness, septicemia, chronic hepatitis, duodenal ulcer, rheumatic arthritis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, infertility. 31315,T3751|31316,T3751|31177,T3751|7853,T3751|12394,E|30343,T3751|7852,E|9965,E|9966,E|2393,E;T3751|351,E;T3751|11082,E|11081,E|11080,E|9983,T3751|11085,T3751| OU ZI CAO NA Dyer’s Alkanet Alkanna tinctoria NA NA NA NA NA 4376,T5169|909,E|6301,E| MU JIN ZI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 32215,T5013|31942,T5013|32216,T5013|13449,T5013|32217,T5013| DA CHAO CAI NA Common Vetch Vicia sativa NA NA whole herb or seed To boost kidney, disinhibit water, relieve cough, stanch bleeding. Kidney vacuity lumbago, jaundice, edema, malaria, nosebleed(epistaxis), palpitation, emission, menstrual disorder, toxin swelling of sores. 22450,E|32198,T3401|22449,E|22458,T3401|31132,T3401|4452,T3401|4451,E|9797,E|11639,E|9716,E|31151,T3401| JI DAN 鸡胆 Chicken Bile fel gallus domesticus Mild,Sweet Lung NA NA NA 23866,M377| ZHI JIANG CAN 制僵蚕 Prepared Stiff Silkworm Bombyx Batryticatus Preparata Mild,Pungent,Salty Lung,Liver NA 1. Treatment of convulsions due to high fever and epileptic spasms. White-stiff silkworm (Baijiangcan) is used with Gastrodia tuber (Tianma), Arisaema tuber with bile (Dannanxing) and Ox gallstone (Niuhuang) in the formula Qianjin San. 2. Treatment of chronic convulsions with prolo NA 23363,M855|23976,M855|23851,M855|23175,M855| WANG JIANG 王浆 Royal jelly Lac Regis Apis Mild,Sweet,Sour Spleen,Liver NA NA NA 23487,M718|25073,M718|23170,M718| HEI JIANG 黑姜 Prepared Ginger Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens Preparata Warm,Pungent Lung,Spleen,Stomach NA Treatment of hmatemesis, hemafecia, hemoptysis and metrorrhagia of asthenia-cold type. NA 3760,M332;C0191|23697,M332|22987,M332|22988,M332|23860,M332|24070,M332|23763,M332|24308,M332|23899,M332|24540,M332|23451,M332|24562,M332|3045,M332|23758,M332|24797,M332| CAN DOU KE NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6558,T3178| BAI ZI REN 柏子仁 Chinese Arborvitae Kernel* Biota orientalis Mild,Sweet Large Intestine,Heart,Kidney kernel To nourish heart and quiet spirit, constrain sweat, moisten intestines and free stool. Fright palpitation and fearful throbbing, sleepless and amnesia, night sweating, intestinal dry and constipation. 24671,M41|13772,C0122|22023,E|14621,M41|2488,E|2489,E|23047,C0578|23647,M41|11594,E|24598,M41|24817,M41|17408,E|23038,M41;C0121|14063,E| CONG 葱 Allium bulb, Wild scallion, Chinese green onion Bulbus Allii Fistulosi Warm,Pungent Lung,Stomach NA NA NA 920,M128;C0323| XIN XING YE QING NIU DAN NA Cardialeaf Tinospora* Tinospora cordifolia NA NA NA NA NA 1087,E|1086,E|1085,E|1084,E| HUA BEI BAI QIAN NA Hancock Swallowwort Cynanchum hancockianum NA NA whole herb To quicken blood, relieve pain, eliminate inflammation. Pain in joints, toothache, bald sores. 31061,T4111|22476,E|9222,T4111|13737,T4111|15393,E|15394,E;T4111|13733,E|15395,T4111|31060,T4111|9212,E|9213,E|9211,E;T4111|9216,E;T4111|31062,T4111|9214,E|9215,E| YAN LING CAO NA Tschonosk Trillium Equivalent plant: Trillium kamtschaticum Trillium tschonoskii NA NA rhizome To calm, relieve pain, quicken blood, stanch bleeding. Hypertension, neurasthenia, dizziness and headache, pain in lumbus and legs, menstrual disorder [=menoxenia], flooding and spotting [=metrorrhagia and metrostaxis], bleeding due to external injury, knocks and falls. 3546,E|21855,E|21860,T6306|30934,T6306|23122,T6306|6444,T6306|6442,E|4455,T6306|4454,E|6678,E| JIE SUI 芥穗 all-grass of Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herba Schizonepetae Warm,Pungent Lung,Liver NA Treatment of common cold, headache, measles rubella, sores at theearly stage.Carbonized Herba Schizonepetae Hematochezia, abnormal uterine bleeding, fainting after delivery due to excessive bleeding. 1. Mils antipyretic effect.2. Oral use of its decoction can promote the secretion of sweat glands and improve cutaneous blood circulation 24784,M399| CHANG HUA GOU TENG NA Longflower Gambirplant* Uncaria longiflora NA NA NA NA NA 5568,E|11676,E|14881,E|11536,E|11344,E|22190,E|6190,E|18100,E|8487,E|22191,E|18811,E|8124,E|4118,E|11633,E| LIU YE CEN NA Willowleaf Ash Bark Fraxinus stylosa NA NA bark See Fraxinus rhynchophylla . See Fraxinus rhynchophylla . 664,E;T4685|663,E;T4685|7944,T4685|20553,E|7943,E|6231,T4685| CHU CHONG JU 除虫菊 Dalmatian Pyrethrum Equivalent plant: Chrysanthemum coccineum Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium NA NA capitulum and whole herb To kill worms. Scab and lichen. 3593,E|30757,T3309|3594,T3309|3692,E|3693,T3309|3388,E;C0199|18243,E|18247,T3309| SANG CHAI HUI 桑柴灰 Pulvis Lignum Mori NA NA NA NA NA NA 23297,C0308|14963,C0311|23078,C0137|617,C0403|6678,C0526| TAO HUA XIN MU NA West Indian Mahogany Swietenia mahogany NA NA NA NA NA 10767,E|4771,E|20502,E|20503,E|20500,E|20501,E|20506,E|20504,E|20505,E| CHANG BING FENG WEI JUE NA Pretty Brake Pteris bella NA NA NA NA NA 18141,E| QI LIN JIE NA Draco Yellowvine* Daemonorops draco NA NA balsam See Dracaena cochinchinensis . See Dracaena cochinchinensis. 18149,E|2224,E|15735,E|15734,E|19221,E| SUAN WEI XIANG KE KE NA Garlicsmell Germander* Teucrium scordium NA NA NA NA NA 524,E|525,E|10761,E|21197,E| HUAN YU 鲩鱼 Ctenopharyngodon idllus NA NA NA NA NA NA 23193,C0504| DOU CHI 豆豉 Prepared Soja, or Prepared soybean Semen Sojae Preparatum Cold,Pungent,Sweet,Slightly Bitter Lung,Stomach NA 1. Treatment of wind-cold exterior syndrome. Prepared soybean (Douchi) is used with Chinese green onion (Congbai) in the formula Cong Chi Tang. 2. Treatment of wind-heat exterior syndrome. Prepared soybean (Douchi) is used with Arctium fruit (Niubangzi) and Forsythia fruit (Lianqiao). 3. Treatment of irritability, restlessness and insomnia following febrile disease. Prepared soybean (Douchi) is used with Capejasmine (Zhizi) in the formula Zhizi Chi Tang. NA 24757,M150|23125,M150|24167,M150|24698,M150| CHONG BAI LA 虫白蜡 Cera Chinensis Wax Ericerus pela NA NA insect wax To stanch bleeding, engender flesh, settle pain. Incised wound and bleeding, hematuria, hematochezia, enduring sores. 3438,E;T3292|13701,E|31739,T3292|9371,E|13703,T3292|9372,E;T3292|3434,E|3435,T3292|3436,E|3437,E;T3292|15927,E|30759,T3292|31076,T3292|24237,M913| BO LING HAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9335,T3157|7291,T3157|948,T3157|25190,T3157|949,T3157|9455,T3157|19894,T3157| TIE ZI NA African Myrsine Myrsine africana NA NA root or herb To dispel wind and relieve pain, clear heat and disinhibit damp, promote contraction and stanch bleeding. Wind-damp impediment pain, toothache, diarrhea, dysentery, flooding, hematochezia, tuberculosis and hemoptysis. 15776,T5822|6768,T5822|17845,T5822|6766,E|6776,T5822|14133,E|14801,E|17844,E|6775,E|18395,E|15773,E|31891,T5822| JI CAI 荠菜 Shepherdspurse Capsella bursa- pastoris NA NA whole herb with root To cool liver and stanch bleeding, calm liver and brighten eyes, clear heat and disinhibit damp. Blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hemoptysis, hematuria, flooding and spotting, red eyes with gall, eyeground hemorrhage, hypertension, red and white dysentery, nephritis with edema, chyluria. 9457,E;C0338|19919,E|6453,E|31093,T4256|22154,T4256|23633,M976|13142,E|13143,T4256|31920,T4256|12012,E|8963,T4256|8962,E|18267,E|20451,E|25285,T4256|351,E;T4256|20456,T4256|8049,T4256|6631,E|23090,C0492|22142,E;C0483|5612,E;T4256|5613,E|18842,E|5614,T4256|645,E;T4256|7996,T4256|7995,E|6454,T4256| SU ZHU YANG YANG NA Hedge Bedstraw Galium mollugo NA NA NA NA NA 9457,E|14893,E|31093,T5717| LI CHUN HUA 丽春花 Corn Poppy Papaver commutatum [Syn. Papaver rhoeas ] NA NA whole herb, flower or fruit To suppress cough, settle pain, check diarrhea. Cough, migraine, abdominal pain, dysentery. 3498,E|3499,T4597|14974,T4597|19269,E|11343,T4597|14973,E;C0512|11341,E|15260,T4597|5767,E|25440,T4597|24595,T4597|16613,E|16612,E|9829,E|16616,E|16615,E|23373,T4597|13625,E|19280,T4597|15258,E|13626,T4597|11674,E|18801,E|18802,E;T4597|11676,T4597|21292,T4597|19892,E|21276,E| ZHI MU 知母 Common Anemarrhena Anemarrhena asphodeloides Cold,Sweet,Bitter Lung,Stomach,Kidney rhizome To clear heat and drain fire, enrich yin and moisten dryness, eliminate vexation and allay thirst. Diabetes mellitus, warm heat disease, ardent fever with vexation and thirst, cough and asthma, dry cough, constipation, steaming bone tidal fever, vacuity vexation and insomnia, strangury-turbidity. 19375,E;M862|14918,E|14919,T6670|3592,T6670|23654,M862|15389,E;M862|13324,E|20011,E|21378,E|21379,E|11521,E;M862|8400,E|25680,T6670|32072,T6670|30603,T6670|21377,E;M862|15517,E|31493,T6670|25262,T6670|5249,T6670|20193,E|31498,T6670|13562,E;M862|13563,E|25149,T6670|30602,T6670|4869,E|23307,T6670|24962,M862|9546,T6670|9545,E|31358,T6670|1177,E;T6670|1176,E;T6670|1175,E;T6670|1174,E;T6670|1173,E;T6670|1172,E|1171,E|25329,T6670|3589,E|21381,T6670|25043,M862|20012,T6670|22780,E|13474,E;M862;C0334|15392,T6670|15520,T6670|20009,E|15519,E|23926,M862|20201,E|4297,E|20209,T6670|16814,E;M862|24683,M862|25276,T6670|10614,E|8669,E|32239,T6670|13564,T6670|32071,T6670| LONG XU CAO NA Hard Bluegrass Poa sphondylodes NA NA aerial parts To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit urine and free strangury. Dribbling and inhibited voidings of urination, yellow-water sore. 1113,E|8788,E|7758,E|1823,E|7950,E| SHI LIU XIN CAI NA Pomegranate Heartwood Punica granatum NA NA root To expel worms, astringe intestines, check discharge. Ascariasis, taeniasis, enduring diarrhea, enduring dysentery, red and white vaginal discharge. 14337,E|5484,E|8114,E|6346,E| TAN XIANG YOU 檀香油 Oleum Santali albi NA NA NA NA NA NA 23044,C0070| KU DI DING 苦地丁 Bunge Corydalis Corydalis bungeana Cold,Pungent,Bitter Liver,Heart whole herb To clear heat toxin, disperse swollen welling abscess. Influenza, infection of upper respiratory tract, tonsillitis, infective hepatitis, enteritis, dysentery, nephritis, parotitis, conjunctivitis, acute appendicitis, clove sore and swollen welling abscess, scrofula. 21045,E|18312,E|14353,E|20061,M428;C0053|13599,M428;C0333|17969,E|14365,E|20084,M428;C0055|24947,M428|4116,E|12025,E|12026,E|18313,E|2744,E|22942,E|15808,E|2350,E|9937,E|16440,M428|359,E| BAI CI GUO TUN CAO NA White Bur Sage Ambrosia dumosa NA NA NA NA NA 3972,E|20648,E|22087,T2957|7029,E|30805,T2957|25220,T2957| E GUO XI MEN FEI CAO NA Russian Comfrey Symphytum x uplandicum NA NA NA NA NA 20511,E|13228,E| ZHI MA 芝麻 white seed of Oriental Sesame Semen Sesami Mild,Sweet Lung,Spleen,Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of dizziness, blurred vision, tinnitus, impaired hearing, premature greying of the hair and beard, loss of hair after a serious disease, constipation. NA 19762,M857|16745,M857|19764,M857;C0570|19765,M857;C0059| BI TAO GAN 碧桃干 Fructus pruni immaturus NA NA NA NA NA NA 4048,C0360| YU YE 芋叶 Folium Colocasiae esculenta NA NA NA NA NA NA 23046,C0479|23145,C0478| ZHU JIE SAN QI NA Japanese Ginseng Panax pseudo - ginseng var. japonicus NA NA rhizome To supplement vacuity, relieve cough and dispel phlegm, stanch bleeding and dissipate stasis, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Weakness during convalescence, inappetence, vacuity taxation cough, hemoptysis, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, hematuria, aberratio mensium, flooding and spotting, bleeding due to external injury, concretion and conglomeration, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, postpartum stasis stagnation abdominal pain, knocks and falls, pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, swollen welling abscess, hemorrhoids, poisonous snake bite. 8426,E|8427,E|8424,E|8425,E|8422,E|22469,E|22468,E|22467,E|8429,E|8444,E|18012,E|18011,E|22877,E|22878,E|22879,E|15827,E|22884,E|8754,E|13436,E|1608,E;T6701|22882,E|22885,E|13398,E|15830,E|15831,E|22881,E|22880,E|22883,E|15813,E|15814,E|15815,E|15816,E|22886,E| MAN TUO LUO ZI NA Hindu Datura Seed Equivalent plant: Datura innoxiaor fruit Datura metel NA NA NA To calm asthma, dispel wind, relieve pain. Cough and asthma, fright epilepsy, wind-cold-damp impediment, dysentery, prolapse of rectum, knocks and falls. 3773,E|15892,E|16056,E|22034,E|22035,T4834|3774,T4834|12885,E|31449,T4834|10874,T4834|31755,T4834|4491,T4834|4490,E|10871,E|15762,E|15763,E| A LA BO JIAO JIN HE HUAN NA Gum-arabic Tree Acacia nilotica NA NA NA NA NA 205,E|18302,E|3551,E|6852,E|18841,E|3308,E|5509,E|12709,E|6920,E| YI DA LI JUE MING ZI NA Italian Senna* Cassia italika NA NA NA NA NA 6015,E| MU FU RONG HUA NA Cottonrose Hibiscus Flower Hibiscus mutabilis NA NA flower To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and stanch bleeding, disperse swelling and expel pus. Lung heat cough, blood ejection, red eyes with gall, flooding and spotting, vaginal discharge, diarrhea, abdominal pain, swollen welling abscess, sore and boil, poisonous insect stings, burns and scalds, knocks and falls. 20179,T5005|26077,T5005|4450,E|4446,E|4448,T5005|31883,T5005|18353,E| SPHAGNUM CYMBIFOLIUM ] (SPHAGNACEAE) NA NI TAN XIAN Sphagnum palustre [Syn. Sphagnum obtusifolium NA NA plant body To clear heat and brighten eyes, relieve itch. Eye screen, skin diseases, insect bites with itching. 13120,E| GANG SONG NA Northern Pitch Pine Pinus rigida NA NA NA NA NA 2550,T3805|31444,T3805|2555,T3805|2097,T3805|26058,T3805|25205,T3805|18626,E|6484,T3805|7752,T3805| JIN JI ZE LAN NA Halberd-like Eupatorium* Eupatorium subhastatum NA NA NA NA NA 7277,E|7555,E| XIAO YE HEI CHAI HU 小叶黑柴胡 Smallleaf Black Thorowax Bupleurum smithii var. parvifolium NA NA root See Bupleurum chinense. See Bupleurum chinense. 23079,C0074|19094,T6188|19139,E|15210,E|15211,T6188|19119,E|19121,E|19135,T6188|19133,E|19127,E;T6188|19120,E;T6188|19147,T6188|30451,T6188|19140,E|19141,E| FEI ZHOU HUANG GUA NA African Cucumber* Cucumis africanus NA NA NA NA NA 4316,E|4317,T3729| MAO MAI WU ZHU YU 毛脉吴茱萸 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23264,C0158|12841,C0132|23284,C0201|7664,C0362|19066,C0346| XIA YE L ONG SHE LAN NA Shortleaf Agave Agave cantala NA NA NA NA NA 15454,E|3552,E|719,E|718,E|717,E|9252,E|3090,E|3092,E|3093,E|724,E|3091,E|722,E|723,E|720,E|721,E|3089,E|13503,E|21367,E|15356,E| CI REN SHEN 刺人参 Echinopanax elatus Nakai NA NA NA NA NA NA 23284,C0201|23256,C0557|15967,C0425| CHAO MAI YA 炒麦芽 Prepared Germinated Barley Fructus Hordei germinatus Preparata Mild,Sweet Spleen,Stomach,Liver NA Treament of unprocessed Fructus Hordei Germinatus: Anorexia due to diminished function of the spleen , galactostasis.Fructus Hordei Germinatus (stir-fried): Indigestion, weaning a baby.Fructurs Hordei Germinatus (charred): Retention of undigested food with epigastric distension and pain. Its decoction promotes the secretion of pepsin and gastric juice. 25140,M85|13447,M85| BEI SHA SHEN 北沙参 Coastal Glehnia Glehnia littoralis Minor cold,Sweet Lung,Stomach root To nourish yin and clear lung, boost stomach and engender liquid. Dry cough due to lung dryness, vacuity taxation hemoptysis, stomach yin insufficiency, fluid damage and thirst. 11272,E|3775,E|23535,M50|22236,E|13759,E|19527,E|2777,E|17283,E|6387,E|6386,E|10230,E|10470,E|8545,E|8544,E|4226,E|8546,E|10361,E|16439,E|19072,E|2308,E|18072,E;M50;C0467|2887,E|3551,E|10999,E;M50|13565,E|5191,E|13758,E|23368,M50|22759,E|19987,E|10951,E|11639,E|22760,E|618,E|18302,E|19604,E|19603,E|11618,E|4033,E|7442,E|18073,T3096|5207,E|16247,E|17071,E|7706,E|21323,E|2276,E|7333,E|13753,E|2311,E|11617,E|7767,E|11960,E|11459,E;M50;C0148|22316,E|20353,E|2107,E|1513,E|13732,E| JIN SHUA BA NA Fallax Cladonia Lichen Cladonia fallax NA NA lichen To relieve pain, calm. Epilepsy, schizophrenia, neurasthenia, dizziness and dim vision. 7995,E|7997,E|7996,T4413|22267,T4413|22266,E|7998,T4413| DU JING SHAN NA Japanese Maesa Maesa japonica NA NA root and leaf To dispel wind, resolve epidemic toxin, disperse swelling. Febrile infectious diseases, generalized pain, vexation and agitation, thirst, edema, painful swelling from knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury. 13343,E|13357,T3604| DING XIANG YE 丁香叶 Clove leaf Folium Caryophylli Warm,Pungent Spleen,Stomach,Kidney NA Treatment of hiccup, vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea and epigastric and abdominal pain with cold sensation in deficiencycold syndromes of the spleen and stomach, impotence due to deficiency of the kidney yang. NA 3242,M221|7520,M221| MA LAI BAN DAO RAN MU SHU NA Malaya Dieingtree* Saprosma scortechinii NA NA NA NA NA 13907,E|21730,E|13945,E|13946,E|19336,E|5784,E|21766,E|6868,E|19337,E|5914,E| LONG DAN CAO 龙胆草 root of Przewalsk Gentian Radix Gentianae Cold,Bitter Bladder,Liver,Gallbladder NA Treatment of jaundice caused by damp-heat, swelling and itching of the vulva with excessive leukorrhea, prolonged erection of the penis with spontaneous emission, eczema accompanied by itching, blood-shot eyes, impairment of hearing, pain in the costal regions and bitter taste in the mouth, convulsion. NA 20493,M466|25017,M466|8296,M466| FENG GUA NA Entireleaf Gymnopetalum Gymnopetalum integrifolium NA NA NA NA NA 2686,E|12210,E|339,E|5385,E| YI WO JI 一窝鸡 Asparagus lycopodineus Wall. ex Baker NA NA NA NA NA NA 23125,C0500| BAI HUA DAN 白花丹 Whiteflower Leadword Plumbago zeylanica NA NA whole herb and root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, move qi and quicken blood, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Wind-damp impediment pain, liver spleen enlargement, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, sprain from knocks and falls, swollen welling abscess and scrofula, scab and lichen with itching, poisonous snake bite. 17554,E;C0573;T2974|3541,E|30770,T2974|3569,E|17553,E|8711,E|8712,E|11787,E|2402,E;T2974|17556,T2974| ZHI GEN DANG GUI NA Taproot Angelica* Angelica radix NA NA NA NA NA 2799,T6659|2797,E| SHAN DI WU TOU NA Country Monkshood Aconitum monticola NA NA NA NA NA 5034,E|5035,T5469|20061,T5469|20060,E| TUN XING GUO NA Topeng Pygeum Pygeum topengii NA NA bark NA Maybe cure prostatauxe. 4684,T5867|21451,T5867|4679,E|25731,T5867|7957,T5867|7656,E|7950,E|6177,E|25865,T5867| SAN XING OU SHI NAN NA Umbels Heath Erica umbellata NA NA NA NA NA 16159,E|16173,T5430| HUAI NA Japanese Pagodatree Sophora japonica NA NA flower and bud To cool blood and stanch bleeding, clear liver and brighten eyes. Intestinal wind bleeding, bleeding from hemorrhoids, blood dysentery, hematuria, hematochezia, blood strangury, flooding and spotting, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, liver fire headache, red eyes with gall, swollen welling abscess and sores. 1935,E|8279,E|8278,E|8277,E|12072,E|15516,E|19072,E|19075,T4139|17988,E|13444,E|20112,E|18302,E|20083,E|20085,T4139|8062,E|8061,E|8284,E|8285,T4139|8282,T4139|8283,E|8280,E|8281,E|12107,E|20064,E;T4139|20067,E|20063,E|12109,E|12108,E|2069,E|11639,E|2370,E|2065,E|2066,E| NIAN YE YOU(2) NA Glutinose Bluebeard Caryopteris glutinosa NA NA aerial parts To clear heat and resolve toxin. NA 8786,E| GOU GU SHU PI 枸骨树皮 Chinese Holly Bark Ilex cornuta NA NA bark To supplement yin, boost liver and kidney, strengthen lumbus and legs. Liver kidney vacuity, weakness in lumbus and knees. 26070,T3848|2858,E|618,E|13093,T3848|2893,T3848|13091,E|2892,E;C0420|30706,T3848| XUE YU TAN 血余炭 Carbonized Hair Crinis Carbonisatus Mild,Bitter,Punkery Bladder,Stomach,Liver NA Treatment of hematemesis, epistaxis, hematuria, abnormal uterine bleeding, traumatic bleeding. 1. Inhibiting the growth of various pathogenic bacteria2. Shortening the bleeding time , blood clotting time and plasma recalcification time. 13652,M177;C0414|24006,M177| DANG SHEN 党参 Pilose Asiabell Equivalent plant: Codonopsis pilosula var modesta, Codonopsis tangshen , Codonopsis tubulosa , Codonopsis subglobosa, Codonopsis canescens, Codonopsis clematidea Codonopsis pilosula Mild,Sweet Lung,Spleen root To fortify spleen and supplement lung, boost qi and engender liquid. Spleen-stomach vacuity, reduced food intake and sloppy stool, lassitude in limbs, cough and asthma due to lung vacuity, shortness of breath and spontaneous sweating, qi-blood depletion. 25077,M203|23326,M203;T3508|9362,T3508|20697,E;M203|15519,E|15518,E|7950,E|23440,M203|8013,T3508|24994,M203|8011,E|24310,M203|4389,E|25252,T3508|16960,T3508|4672,T3508|4671,E|14476,E|23171,M203;C0484|31107,T3508|20657,T3508|10668,E;M203|15940,T3508|2550,M203|31571,T3508|15938,E|23927,M203|9377,E;M203|24308,M203|24988,M203|15196,T3508|23379,T3508|6719,M203|13924,E|3139,E|24306,M203|15195,E|7957,T3508|6794,E|6795,T3508|24213,M203|20360,T3508|31666,T3508|18253,E|6535,T3508|23165,T3508|17362,E|24704,M203|2790,T3508|23678,M203|3140,E|20356,E|14208,E|32244,T3508|20353,E;M203|20352,E|20351,E|7970,E;M203|23307,M203;C0381|7972,T3508|20696,T3508|2788,E|20695,E;M203|7437,E|23175,C0470|24770,T3508|24497,M203|3592,T3508|24479,M203|15520,T3508|30843,T3508|14046,E|3589,E;M203|20538,E;M203|23099,T3508|25232,T3508|23945,M203|9488,T3508|16955,E|14602,E|9485,E|16818,E|14720,T3508|25249,T3508|24681,M203|16817,E|23863,M203|8817,T3508|8816,E|31073,T3508|24933,M203|18724,E|20656,E|9378,T3508|31235,T3508|31782,T3508|24957,M203|31541,T3508|23651,M203|9530,E|23828,M203|24088,M203|6533,E;M203|24890,M203|23243,M203;C0454|20335,E|13772,C0122|20336,E|30460,T3508|2056,E|12564,E|23703,M203|24593,M203|24923,M203|23521,M203|24407,T3508|23880,M203|23886,M203|14621,E|23336,M203|23784,T3508|23647,M203|20553,E|24227,M203|23720,M203;T3508|3887,E|23809,M203|14209,T3508|24507,M203|3889,T3508|30339,T3508|7767,E|31420,T3508|3886,T3508|10492,E|20153,E|20152,E|20155,T3508|14018,T3508|14016,E|10670,T3508|16820,T3508|13500,E|15669,E|31943,T3508|23831,M203|13501,T3508|13816,E|15662,E|15666,E|23887,M203;T3508|31910,T3508|1966,E;T3508|1967,E;C0544;T3508|6187,E|24863,M203|30733,T3508|23038,M203;C0121|31634,T3508|6188,T3508|15675,E|23214,M203|15670,T3508|14647,E;M203|9359,E|9358,E;M203|23052,M203|23545,T3508|17079,E|22827,E|9042,T3508|9041,E|23457,M203|13817,T3508|6231,T3508|7469,T3508|7468,E|15967,C0425|18825,T3508|18822,E|15677,T3508| JUAN BAI 卷柏 Tamariskoid Spikemoss Equivalent plant: Selaginella pulvinata Selaginella tamariscina Mild,Pungent Liver,Heart dried whole herb To quicken blood and free menstruation (raw), transform stasis and stanch bleeding (scorch-fry). Amenorrhea, concretion and conglomeration, knocks and falls, abdominal pain, asthma (raw), blood ejection, hematuria, hematochezia, prolapse of rectum (scorch-fry). 20638,E|20639,E|20091,E|31111,T4464|31341,T4464|21488,E|21489,E|20637,E|5600,E|24106,M426|23975,M426|32084,T4464|32083,T4464|1030,E;T4464|9542,E|618,E|24345,M426|21491,T4464|21490,E|4375,E|11350,E|1476,E;T4464| LI PI 梨皮 pericarp of bretschneider Pear pericarpium pyri Cool,Sweet,Slightly Sour Lung,Stomach NA NA NA 1618,M444| FEI ZHOU JIAN XUE FENG HOU NA African Antiaris* Antiaris africana NA NA NA NA NA 1377,E| SANG CHENG NA Osage Orange Maclura pomifera NA NA NA NA NA 15709,T5444|16462,T5444|31827,T5444|9856,E|4336,E|15706,E|16238,E|13289,T5444|17681,E| XI MA LA YA YUAN WEI NA Himalayan Iris* Iris kumaonensis NA NA NA NA NA 11173,E|11172,E|11171,E|11170,E|11175,E|11174,E| LING NAN DU JUAN NA Lingnan Rhododendron* Rhododendron mariae NA NA Flower, leaf, twig or root To dispel phlegm and relieve cough, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Cough of profuse phlegm, asthma, knocks and falls, mouth-lever nape sore (nuchal phlegmon). 18302,E|18396,E| GAN LU ROU 干鹿肉 Dried Venison Caro Verci Warm,Sweet Spleen,Stomach,Kidney NA NA NA 23917,M262|24297,M262|23236,M262| ZHONG GUO HONG SHEN 中国红参 RadixGinsengRubra RedHalloysite NA NA NA NA NA NA 23181,C0178|23117,C0168|23129,C0173|23034,C0170|23085,C0172| GUANG BU DING GONG TENG NA Expanse Erycibe* Erycibe expansa NA NA NA NA NA 7300,E|7301,E|5833,E|993,E|13631,E|7299,E|21902,E|5234,E|10006,E|3004,E|13274,E|16198,E|8277,E|10008,E|14630,E|22651,E|18089,E|6289,E| E GAO 鹅膏 Amanita spp NA NA NA NA NA NA 23065,C0272| BAI SHUI XIAN NA Paper-white Narcissus Narcissus papyraceus NA NA NA NA NA 13229,E|8084,T3024|13230,T3024|8082,E| YI ZHI XIANG NA Bastard Speedwell Veronica spuria NA NA herb To suppress cough, transform phlegm, calm asthma. Chronic trachitis. 31211,T6440|13498,T6440|10350,E|13497,E| WEN ZHU NA Setose Asparagus Asparagus setaceus [Syn. Asparagus plumosus] NA NA tuberoid or whole herb To cool blood and resolve toxin, disinhibit urine and free strangury. Yin vacuity lung dryness, cough, hemoptysis, dribbling urination. 9259,T5922|9252,E|22865,T5922|22864,E| GUAN MU TIAN MEN DONG NA Shrubby Asparagus* Asparagus dumosus NA NA NA NA NA 6635,E| HUA RUI SHI 花蕊石 Ophicalcite Ophicalcitum Mild,Sour,Punkery Liver NA Treatment of hemoptysis, hematemesis, traumatic bleeding and pain. NA 24208,M356|23378,M356| JI CAI ZI 荠菜子 Shepherdspurse Seed Capsella bursa- pastoris NA NA seed To dispel wind and brighten eyes. Eye pain, eye screen, clear-eye blindness. 6453,E|9457,C0338|6454,T4257| SONG MU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1608,T5694|1611,T5694| SHAN YING TAO NA Downy Cherry Prunus tomentosa NA NA fruit To fortify spleen, boost qi, secure essence. Food stagnation and diarrhea, constipation, beriberi, emission. 21420,E|21421,T5517|3308,E|3315,T5517|18396,E|18397,T5517| RI BEN YING HUA NA Tokyo Cherry Prunus yedoensis NA NA NA NA NA 15271,E|15274,T5358|19158,E| MENG ZONG ZHU NA Edible Bamboo Phyllostachys edulis NA NA NA NA NA 17215,E|17216,E| YE DIAN QIE NA Soda-apple Nightshade Solanum surattense‡ NA NA whole herb To suppress cough and calm asthma, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Asthma, chronic bronchitis, stomachache, wind-damp pain, scrofula, cold suppurative sore, knocks and falls. 20029,E|20054,T6356|25273,T6356|20053,E| LU JIAO SHUANG 鹿角霜 Degelatined Deer-horn Cornu Cervi Degelatinatum Warm,Salty Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of yang deficiency of the spleen and the kidney characterized by anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive leukorrhea, enuresis or frequent urination, abnormal uterine bleeding, subcutaneous infections and modulations. NA 25060,M477|23378,M477| BIAN SE HE KE BAO. NA NA Emericella variecolor NA NA NA NA NA 11407,E|7659,E| TIAN DONG 天冬 Cochinchinese Asparagus Root Radix Asparagi Cold,Sweet,Bitter Lung,Kidney NA Treatment of dryness of the lung marked by dry cough, or paroxysmal cough with sticky sputum, dry throat, thirst, ano constipation. 1. Asparamide is an expectorant, antitussive and antiasthmatic.2. Inhibiting the cell growth of acute lymphocytic, acute monocytic and chronic granulocytic leukemias in vitro. 24684,M687|23609,M687|6439,M687;C0330|24872,M687|24609,M687|20009,M687| YUE JI HUA 月季花 Chinese Rose Rosa chinensis Sweet,warm NA flower To quicken blood and regulate menstruation, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, knocks and falls, blood stasis swelling and pain, scrofula, swollen welling abscess, scalds. 24047,M1081|3768,M1081|8094,E|30995,T6568|24948,M1081| MA DAO HA NI MU NA Madagascar Hani-wood* Harungana madagascariensis NA NA bark and leaf NA Hypertension (bark), hepatic disease and anemia (leaf). 9241,E|9240,E|9242,E|9239,E| BAI PI SONG NA Lacebark Pine Pinus bungeana NA NA cone To dispel phlegm, relieve cough, calm asthma. Chronic trachitis, asthma, cough and shortness of breath, abundant phlegm. 31444,T3011|12837,E| XI GUO JIAN HUI XIANG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 19280,T6002|4036,T6002|10880,T6002|3499,T6002| NAN FEI ZHANG GUI. NA NA Ocotea bullata NA NA NA NA NA 11569,E|15918,E|19856,E| DA HEI TOU CAO 大黑头草 Herba Elsholtziae penduliflorae NA NA NA NA NA NA 12843,C0305|21344,C0293|15244,C0409| YIN XING CAO 阴行草 Chinese Siphonostegia Siphonostegia chinensis Bitter,warm Heart,spleen whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and dispel stasis. Jaundice, inhibited urination, abdominal distention with edema, stasis pain from knocks and falls, blood dysentery, blood strangury, vaginal discharge, menstrual disorder, concretion conglomeration accumulation and gathering, postpartum abdomin al pain. 23468,M808|11304,T6469|2222,M808|14474,T6469|24682,M808|7522,T6469|3048,M808|7520,E|1476,M808;C0378|13130,M808|11302,E|24766,M808|12946,E|23097,M808| XI SHU PI 喜树皮 Cortex Camptothecae acuminatae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23173,C0238|23292,C0329|14710,C0313|23252,C0109|23260,C0225|23025,C0384| QI YI PU TAO FENG XIN ZI NA Paradoxy Grape-hyacinth* Muscari paradoxum NA NA NA NA NA 19506,E|13052,E|12476,E|19507,E|13054,E|19508,E|7139,E|7138,E|1507,E|7129,E|7131,E|7130,E|1508,E|7137,E|13053,E| SHI HU 石斛 Dendrobium Herba Dendrobii Minor cold,Sweet Stomach,Kidney NA Treatment of thirst due to impairment to yin or deficiency of body fluid, loss of appetite with nausea, fever in deficiency conditions after a severe disease, impaired vision. 1. Dendrobine, one of its components, exerts the effects of raising the level of blood sugar, hypotensive, antipyretic and analgesic.2. Its infusion is cardio-inhibitory.3. Low dosage causes excitation while high dosage causes inhibition of the intestine of rabbits in vitro. 5114,T5577|30857,T5577|15629,M652|24696,M652|15631,M652|23033,C0529|15636,T5577|5107,M652;T5577|23955,M652|5133,T5577|31178,T5577|5126,M652|5106,M652|9983,M652|5105,M652| DUO ZHI LONG XUE SHU. NA NA Dracaena surculosa NA NA NA NA NA 7975,E|7976,E|8689,E|8693,E| XIAN LING PI 仙灵脾 all-grass of Longspur epimedium herba epimedii Warm,Pungent,Sweet Lung,Kidney NA Treatment of impotence, seminal emission, weakness of the limbs, rheumatic or rheumatoid arthralgia with numbness and muscle contracture, climacteric hypertension. 1. Dilating coronary artery and increasing coronary flow.2. Acting as androgenic hormone, such as increasing the weight of prostate, seminal vesicle and musculi levator ani in mice.3. Enhancing lymphocyte-blastogenesis rate. 23160,M751;C0271|23987,M751|24885,M751|24776,M751| DA YE YANG NA Bigleaf Poplar Populus lasiocarpa NA NA NA NA NA 19169,E| DA HUA HUANG HUA HAO 大花黄花蒿 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3048,C0377|23113,C0142| CU MAO NAN SHE TENG NA Hirsute Bittersweet* Celastrus strigillosus NA NA NA NA NA 3368,E|3369,T3382| MEI WEI CHI JUN NA Sweet Tooth Hydnum repandum NA NA NA NA NA 19342,E|19343,E| AI JI TIAN JING NA Indian Sesbania Sesbania sesban NA NA NA NA NA 18215,E| SANG PIAO XIAO 桑螵蛸 Egg Capsule of Mantid Ootheca Mantidis Mild,Sweet,Salty Liver,Kidney NA To arrest spontaneous emission, to reduce excessive urination, and to cure turbid discharge from the urethra. cturnal emission, spermatorrhea, enuresis, frequent urination, turbid discharge with urine. NA 23469,M606|25163,M606|23957,M606| DUAN YE SHAN MA HUANG NA Lindenleaf Tickclover* Desmodium tiliaefolium NA NA NA NA NA 9645,E|9652,T3630| YING SU 罂粟 Opium Poppy Papaver somniferum NA NA seed To fortify spleen and promote digestion, clear heat and disinhibit urine. Stomach reflux, abdominal pain, diarrhea, prolapse of rectum. 18640,E|9348,E|9349,E|19269,E|15443,T6483|14973,E;C0512|7838,T6483|16613,T6483|25393,T6483|20353,E|21276,E|15260,E;T6483|8522,T6483|4473,T6483|4472,E|16419,E|25373,T6483|7836,E|2887,E|17969,E|25440,T6483|4289,E|15264,T6483|25441,T6483|14974,T6483|8512,E|23887,T6483|15440,E|4279,T6483|23927,T6483|12556,E|12558,E;T6483|12559,T6483|16611,E|3885,E;C0361|19280,T6483|15258,E|17970,T6483|15255,E|23381,T6483|21292,T6483|18652,T6483| BIAN DOU HUA 扁豆花 flower of Hyacinth Dolichos Flos Dolichoris Mild,Sweet NA NA To clear summer-heat and eliminate dampness from the upper-jiao, invigorate the spleen and strengthen the stomach: For summer heat-dampness syndrome with feeling of oppression in the chest, dysuria and diarrhea, vomiting, diarrhea and dysentery of dampness-heat type, leucorrhagia, especially suitable for those with dampness-heat in the spleen. NA 23449,M58|24118,M58|18511,M58;C0580|20239,M58| YE JIA TENG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6775,C0449|21573,C0037| NIU YAN PENG QI JU. NA NA Zexmenia buphthalmiflora NA NA NA NA NA 18215,E| LU XIAN CAO 鹿衔草 Chinese Pyrola Equivalent plant: Pyrola decorata, Pyrola japonica, Pyrola incarnata, Pyrola rotundifolia , Pyrola atropurpurea, Pyrola calliantha var tibetana Pyrola calliantha [Syn. Pyrola rotundifolia ssp. chinensis] Warm,Sweet,Bitter Liver,Kidney whole herb To dispel wind-damp, strengthen sinews and bones, stanch bleeding. Pulmonary infection, intestinal infection, urinary tract infection, infant diarrhea, acute dysentery, wind-damp impediment pain, lassitude in lumbus and knees, profuse menstruation, enduring cough. 9594,T4727|31848,T4727|8094,E|18302,E;C0183|1618,E;M482|6160,T4727|30995,T4727|18605,E|3526,E|3527,T4727|10886,E|25128,M482|18256,E;M482|23275,T4727|24705,M482|31878,T4727|31903,T4727|5762,E|9593,E| DI ZHONG HAI JU. NA NA Cnicus benedictu NA NA NA NA NA 15797,E|15800,E| YU YE SHE PU TAO NA Chaffanjon Ampelopsis Ampelopsis chaffanjonii NA NA NA NA NA 1079,E;T6532| SHAN XING KUO BAO JU NA Sector Pluchea Baccharis flabellata NA NA NA NA NA 7175,E|5496,E|7198,E| ZI SU GENG 紫苏梗 Common Perilla Stem Equivalent plant: Perilla frutescens var crispa Perilla frutescens var. arguta NA NA stem To loosen center and rectify qi, quiet fetus, harmonize blood. Spleen-stomach qi stagnation, glomus fullness, fetus qi disharmony, beriberi with edema, hemoptysis, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding. 16917,M1094|12888,T6759|16922,T6759|12887,E|16916,E|13767,M1094;C0347|30937,T6759|23171,C0484|6715,E|15683,C0398|23306,C0424| XUAN HU SU 玄胡素 root of corydalis Rhizoma Corydalis Warm,Pungent,Slightly Bitter NA NA For stagnation of vital energy or blood stasis resulting in headache, chest pain, hypochondriac pain, epigastric pain, abdominal pain, backache, arthralgia, dysmenorrhea or trauma. Recently, alos used for angina pectoris, peptic ulcer and neuralgia. 1. Its components d-corydaline and d1-tetrahydropalmatine are analgesics.2. Decreasing the secretion of gastric juice and the amount of pepsin. 23558,M780|24048,M780| BAI JIE ZI 白芥子 White Mustard Seed Sinapis alba Warm,Pungent Lung seed To transform phlegm and expel rheum, dissipate binds and disperse swelling. Cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, fullness in chest and rib-side pain, numbness in limbs, swelling pain in joints, damp phlegm streaming sore, swelling toxin of flat abscess. 16846,E|19967,E|23209,C0309|23869,M28|25289,T2989|9833,M28|24512,M28|19894,T2989|25698,T2989|9821,E|8598,E|19893,E|16829,E|19901,E|16839,E|23373,M28| ZI DAN TENG NA Taiwan Tournefortia* Tournefortia sarmentosa NA NA NA NA NA 12919,E|19191,E|19186,E|21461,E|12415,E|21464,E|11691,E|21462,E|21463,E| ZI WAN 紫菀 Tatarion Aster Aster tataricus Warm,Pungent,Sweet,Bitter Lung root and rhizome To moisten lung and precipitate qi, relieve cough and dispel phlegm. Cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, consumption cough and hemoptysis. 1927,E|7957,T6766|31878,T6766|1922,E|1923,E|12424,E|12425,E;T6766|7950,E|19815,E|19816,E|19817,E|18302,E|31410,T6766|1933,E|1932,E|1931,E|6917,E|25799,T6766|19822,T6766|1929,E|1186,E;M188;T6766|1930,E|19818,E| MAO YU TENG 毛鱼藤 Tubaroot Jewelvine Derris elliptica NA NA NA NA NA 24157,T4894|4871,E|6027,E|21467,E|32081,T4894|6030,T4894|18925,T4894|18924,E;C0444| HE NAN TANG SONG CAO NA Honan Meadowrue Thalictrum honanenae NA NA NA NA NA 631,E|21238,E|11848,E| CAO XIANG WAN DOU NA Indian Pea Lathyrus sativus NA NA NA NA NA 1058,E|2845,E|2846,T3196|9595,E|25588,T3196|9596,T3196| ZONG ZHUANG TU MU XIANG NA Racemose Inula Inula racemosa NA NA root See Inula helenium. See Inula helenium . 31324,T6782|11200,E|834,E| LIANG YE YAN DOU TENG NA Shiningleaf Millettia Millettia nitida NA NA rattan To supplement blood and quicken blood, soothe channels and quicken network vessels. Blood vacuity, postpartum vacuity weakness, dizziness, menstrual disorder, wind-damp impediment pain, numbness in limbs. 6917,E|25799,T4644| FEI ZHOU BI QIAO JIANG NA African Costus* Costus afer NA NA NA NA NA 668,E| FLOS ASTERIS 紫菀花 NA Flos Asteris NA NA NA NA NA 23392,M247|19815,M247|9259,M247| CHUI ZI MAI MA TENG NA Pendentseed Jointfir Gnetum pendulum NA NA NA NA NA 8897,E|8896,E| HEI GUO BA QIA NA Blackfruit Greenbrier Smilax glauco-china NA NA rhizome or tender leaf To dispel wind, clear heat, disinhibit damp, resolve toxin. Wind-damp impediment, pain in lumbus and legs, knocks and falls, dribbling and inhibited voidings of urination, scrofula, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, ulcer of lower limb. 7747,E| LUO KUI HUA NA Red Vinespinach flower Basella rubra NA NA flower To cool blood and resolve toxin. Cracked nipple. 2323,E|20149,E|14902,E|2160,E|2157,E|9587,E|2158,E|2159,E| DONG KUI ZI 冬葵子 seed of Cluster Mallow Semen Malvae verticillatae Cold,Sweet Bladder,Large Intestine,Small Intestine NA 1. Treatment of dysuria and edema. Abutilon (Dongkuizi) is used with Poria (Fuling) and White atractylodes (Baizhu). 2. Treatment of scanty urine with blood and painful urination. Abutilon (Dongkuizi) is used with Plantain seed (Cheqianzi), Lygodium spores (Haijinsha) and Talc (Huashi). 3. Treatment of obstructed lactation and breast distension. Abutilon (Dongkuizi) is used with Amomum fruit (Sharen) and Ricepaper pith (Tongcao). 4. Treatment of constipation. Abutilon (Dongkuizi) is used with herbs that moisten intestines and move feces, such as Chinese angelica root (Danggui), Peach seed (Taoren) and Arborvitae seed (Baiziren). Its fatty oil is a purgative. 24757,M149|24129,M149|20430,M149|24136,M149| YOU YAN AO TUO SI TE CAO NA Limbate Otostegia Otostegia limbata NA NA NA NA NA 12828,E|7834,E|12829,E| LIU SU JIN SHI HU NA Fimbriate Dendrobium* Dendrobium fimbriatum NA NA whole herb To clear heat, moisten lung, relieve cough. Cough, asthma, tuberculosis, pleuritis, fluid damage and thirst. 7798,E| LEI A WEI. NA NA Ferulago brachyloba NA NA NA NA NA 10657,E| YIN HUA ZI 银花子 Fructus Lonicerae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23122,C0442| XI FEI HONG DOU SHU NA West Africa Afrormosia Afrormosia elata NA NA NA NA NA 676,E|3300,T5996| ZHI HONG QI 炙红芪 Prepared Manyinflorescenced Sweetvetch Root Radix Hedysari Preparata NA NA NA Treatment of deficiency of qi with lack of strength, anorexia and loose stools, sinking of the spleen qi marked by protracted diarrhea and prolapse of the rectum, hematochezia and abnormal uterine bleeding, spontaneous sweating due to weakened superficial resistance, edema due to deficiency of qi , abscess or boil difficult to burst, anemia, diabetes mellitus, albuminuria in chronic nephritis. to promote the drainage of pus and the growth of new tissue. 25121,M1086|23171,M1086|23306,M1086|23175,M1086| SHAN DOU GEN 山豆根 Tonkin Sophora Root Sophora subprostrata [Syn. Sophora tonkinensis] Cold,Bitter Lung,Stomach root and rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit throat and disperse swelling. Septicemia, ulcer of uterine cervix, chronic cervicitis, bacillary dysentery, enteritis, hydatid moles, chorioblastoma, asthma, chronic bronchitis, acute tonsillitis, laryngitis, accumulated fire toxin, swelling pain in throat, gingiva painful swelling. 24181,M618|31466,T5472|18090,T5472|13093,T5472|23593,M618|23594,M618|22681,E|8277,E;M618;C0249|22684,T5472|4604,T5472|6538,E|23377,M618|20072,T5472|22,E|20071,M618|26095,T5472|24029,M618|20078,M618;C0054|20079,E;M618|4593,M618;C0281|24867,M618|18089,E|23505,M618|23642,M618|20083,T5472|20082,E;M618|20081,T5472|20080,E;M618|32107,T5472|13600,T5472|8282,T5472|20108,T5472|20107,E|16440,E;M618|1134,E;M618;T5472|4603,E|25020,M618|25388,T5472|20067,E|20066,E|20061,E;M618;C0053|24248,M618|17,E;T5472|16,E;T5472|18,E;T5472|20069,E;M618;T5472|30924,T5472|13599,E;M618;C0333|13091,E|13274,E|13275,E| SHI LONG RUI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 18531,T5588|1179,T5588|1178,T5588| MA QIAN ZI 马钱子 Nut-vomitive Poisonnut Equivalent plant: Strychnos wallichiana Strychnos nux-vomica Cold,Bitter Spleen,Liver seed To free network vessels and relieve pain, dissipate binds and disperse swelling. Hemiplegia, numbness and paralysis, muscle weakness, impotence, hypertrophic spinitis, chronic anemia, wind-damp intractable impediment, sequel of poliomyelitis, rheumatoid arthritis, knocks and falls, swelling pain of welling abscess and flat abscess. 18056,E|22598,E;M495|31296,T4805|23232,T4805|31170,T4805|454,E|455,E|456,E|457,E|23481,M495|30833,T4805|27849,T4805|10456,E|15768,T4805|15766,E|10458,E;T4805|20395,E|12944,E;M495|17980,E|17981,T4805|23980,M495|3552,T4805|3551,E|4942,E|11263,E|11262,E|30684,T4805|23814,M495|18058,T4805|1110,E|10938,E|12945,T4805|31330,T4805|9930,E|19176,T4805|31553,T4805|4310,E|31331,T4805|25061,M495;T4805|20394,E;C0495|13965,E|15840,T4805|3931,E|3930,E|18777,E|10733,E|31273,T4805|10467,T4805|18008,T4805|3933,T4805|31387,T4805|18007,E;M495|15838,E;M495|13611,T4805|22599,T4805|13608,E|25241,T4805|31171,T4805|9929,E|20400,T4805|31388,T4805|31389,T4805|2679,E|2678,E;M495;C0209;T4805|11719,E|11718,E| JI SHI TEN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 25381,T4278|19440,T4278|9748,T4278|1892,T4278|1618,T4278| MI HUA YAN FENG NA Denseflower Libanotis Libanotis condensata NA NA root To dispel wind and free network vessels, relieve pain. Pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, chest pain. 18166,T4957|18151,E| GAO HUI MAO DOU NA High Tephrosia* Tephrosia elata NA NA NA NA NA 22621,E|20949,E|20952,T3820| NIAN MAO SHU WEI CAO NA Roborowsk Sage Salvia roborowskii NA NA whole herb To clear liver, brighten eyes, relieve pain. Red eyes with gall, eye screen, hepatitis, toothache. 21498,E|199,E|21503,E|21502,E| CHANG MAO XIANG KE KE NA Pilose Germander Teucrium pilosum [Syn. Teucrium japonicum var. pilosum] NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and effuse exterior, clear heat and resolve toxin, relieve itch. Wind-heat common cold, sore swollen throat, mumps, pulmonary welling abscess, dysentery, lacquer sore, eczema, scab and lichen, wind papules [=rubella]. 21200,E|21205,E| AI SHENG YA CONG NA Viper’s-glass Scorzonera humilis NA NA NA NA NA 22144,E|22145,E| CONG BAI 葱白 Fistular Onion Allium fistulosum Warm,Pungent Lung,Stomach fresh bulb To effuse exterior, free yang , resolve toxin, kill worms. Wind-cold common cold, yin cold abdominal pain, inhibited urine and stool, dysentery, swelling pain of welling abscess and sore, abdominal pain due to worm accumulation. 920,E;M129;C0323;T3371|953,E;T3371| RAN LIAO MU NA Common Woadwaxen Genista tinctoria NA NA NA NA NA 8277,E|8285,T5316|8282,T5316|8281,E| ZONG ZHUANG JIA RUI XIANG. NA NA Daphnopsis racemosa NA NA NA NA NA 17944,E| HAN SHUI SHI 寒水石 mirabilitum crystallina Calcitum Cold,Pungent,Salty Stomach,Heart,Kidney NA NA NA 25060,M319|23378,M319| CHANG ZHU TANG SONG CAO NA Longstyle Meadowrue* Thalictrum longistylum NA NA NA NA NA 5099,E|5100,T3258| SHAN QIAN HU NA Mountain Parsley Peucedanum oreoselinum NA NA NA NA NA 17024,T5495|12741,E|17022,E|31428,T5495| MA CHI XIAN 马齿苋 Purslane Portulaca oleracea Cold,Sour Large Intestine,Liver aerial parts To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and stanch bleeding. Heat toxin blood dysentery, acute bacillary dysentery, pertussis, enteritis, appendicitis, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, eczema, erysipelas, bleeding, postpartum bleeding, hematochezia, bleeding from hemorrhoids, flooding and spotting, ascariasis, ancylostomiasis, snake or insect bites. 6557,E;M491|11249,E|25067,M491|24622,M491|24533,M491|24469,M491|11247,E|6558,E;M491;T4784|6559,T4784|16064,E|16065,E|16066,E|15699,E|16067,E|31721,T4784|16068,E|23224,M491| HAN MAI PING CAO NA Dry Silene Silene jenisseensis NA NA root See Gypsophila pacifica. See Gypsophila pacifica. 18403,E|8075,T3966|8055,E| KE SHI MI ZI LAN NA Edible Aglaia* Aglaia edulis NA NA NA NA NA 740,E|741,E|16606,E|21260,E|21261,E|11736,E|737,E|736,E|9622,E|21259,E|21258,E|21262,E| TONG LUO HAN. NA NA Milingtonia hortensis NA NA bark or leaf To dispel wind and relieve itch, transform phlegm and relieve cough, expel roundworm. Wind papule itching, cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, ascariasis. 18601,E|18602,E|18600,E|18599,E| NU ZHEN YE 女贞叶 Folium Ligustri lucidi NA NA NA NA NA NA 23258,C0019|23043,C0018| DIAN FEN 淀粉 Starch Amylum NA NA NA NA NA 24757,M217| WEI XIN GAN NA Hedge hog Heart and Liver Erinaceus europaeus , Hemiechinus dauuricus, Hemiechinus auritus NA NA heart and liver To resolve toxin and cure sores. Ant-fistula, bee-fistula, scrofula, malign sore. 31721,T5913|15699,E|653,E|26026,T5913| XIANG ZHANG MU 香樟木 stem of Yellow cinnamon Ligum Cinnamomi Camphorae Warm,Slightly Pungent Spleen,Stomach NA NA NA 19106,M760|23468,M760|24540,M760|23436,M760|24896,M760|3046,M760| CONG MU NA Japanese Aralia Equivalent plant: Aralia dasyphylla Aralia chinensis NA NA bast To dispel wind and eliminate damp, disinhibit water and harmonize center, quicken blood and resolve toxin. Pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, aching in lumbus and legs, kidney vacuity and edema, diabetes mellitus, knocks and falls, fracture, pain in stomach duct, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, malaria, lacquer sore, medullitis, deep pus ulcer. 1608,E|9539,E|16040,E|1611,E| SHUAN ZHUANG CI TONG NA Suberose Coralbean* Erythrina suberosa NA NA NA NA NA 7326,E|7327,T5628| HUAN ZHUANG JIN SI TAO NA Circularity StJohn’swort* Hypericum annulatum NA NA NA NA NA 1340,E|321,E| BAI LA SHU NA Chinese Ash Bark Fraxinus chinensis NA NA bark See Fraxinus rhynchophylla. See Fraxinus rhynchophylla . 16070,E|663,E;T2990|7941,E|7943,T2990|16074,T2990| SHI SHENG JIN SI TAO NA Wetland StJohn’swort* Hypericum uliginosum NA NA NA NA NA 22175,E;T5595|22174,E|22176,T5595| YAN YANG CHUN NA Cigarbox Cedrela Cedrela odorata NA NA NA NA NA 15982,E| YUAN E CI XU DUAN NA Chinese Morina Morina chinensis NA NA whole herb or seed To dispel wind-damp, supplement liver and kidney, disperse swollen welling abscess. Wind-damp impediment pain, aching in lumbus and knees, dizziness, frequent urination, swelling and pain of sore and welling abscess. 14969,E|14968,E| LI YU DAN NA Carp Gall Cyprinus carpio NA NA gall To clear heat and brighten eyes, dissipate screen and disperse swelling, disinhibit throat. Red eyes and distending pain, clear-eye blindness with internal obstruction, throat impediment. 929,E|4581,E|4583,T4618|25732,T4618| DU MA QIAN NA Toxic Poisonnut* Strychnos toxifera NA NA NA NA NA 21470,T3607|13608,E|21469,E| GUI GAI NA Coprinus Sporocarp Coprinus atramentarius NA NA sporocarp To boost intestines and stomach, rectify qi and transform phlegm, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Inappetence, cough with phlegm, child epilepsy, swelling of clove, malign sore. 31306,T3920|31305,T3920|17069,E|10999,T3920|10996,E|10997,E|10995,E|31779,T3920|10914,T3920|10912,E|22246,T3920|22244,E|9067,T3920|9066,E|617,E;T3920|22045,T3920|4030,E|11216,E|30807,T3920|11218,T3920|22044,E|13093,T3920|13091,E| HAN SAN QI 汉三七 Sanchi Radix Notoginseng Warm,Pungent,Slightly Bitter Stomach,Liver NA Treatment of hemoptysis, hematemesis, epistaxis, hematochezia, abnormal uterine bleeding, traumatic bleeding, pricking pain in the chest and abdomen, traumatic swelling and pain. 1. Flavonoid glycoside, one of its components, increases coronary flow, reduces myocardial oxygen consumption and lowers arterial pressure.2.Cardiotonic on frogs' hearts in vitro; low concentration of its extract exerts a vasoconstrictive effect on the vessels of frogs' leg and high concentration, vasodilative3. Its liquid extract shortens clotting time and exerts hemostatic effect in rabbit. 23262,C0176|23181,C0178|23060,M317;C0520|23219,M317;C0169|23085,C0172| WU SE MEI NA Common Lantana Lantana camara NA NA leaf or branchlet To resolve toxin and disperse swelling, dispel wind and relieve itch. Swollen welling abscess, damp toxin, scab and lai, sore toxin. 12486,E;T5962|12487,E|12485,E|31016,T5962|12488,E|12489,E;T5962|32058,T5962|6536,E|6168,E|19971,E|8275,E|14201,E|21311,E|23935,T5962|20239,E|3028,E|3027,E|3026,E|3025,E|3024,E|25868,T5962|26058,T5962|11311,T5962|30720,T5962|12491,E|12490,E;T5962|12492,T5962|31416,T5962|31122,T5962|31414,T5962|31415,T5962|4549,E|17685,T5962|20264,E|17682,E|22380,E|9485,E|9668,E|3242,E|3241,E|3030,T5962|20246,T5962|30751,T5962| SAN YE FANG FE NG NA Bambooleaf Seseli Equivalent plant: Seseli yunnanense Seseli meirei NA NA root To dispel wind and overcome damp, relieve pain and check tetany. Common cold, headache, toothache, distending pain in stomach duct, diarrhea, wind-damp impediment pain, paralysis, tetanus, fright wi nd, wind papules, eczema, swe lling of sores. 2309,E| MENG GU HUANG QI NA Mongolian Milkvetch Astragalus mongholicus NA NA root See Astragalus membranaceus. See Astragalus membranaceus. 10412,E|31449,T4941|10418,T4941|11542,E|11543,E|11541,E|10456,T4941|10250,E|19967,E|13631,E|12017,E|29509,T4941|7882,E|7884,T4941|12888,T4941|12887,E|12885,E|20435,T4941|15014,E|1936,E;T4941|20430,E|15018,T4941|22808,E|1939,E;T4941|1938,E;T4941|14526,T4941|14525,E|3004,E|12515,E|6292,T4941|6290,E|10519,E|1937,E;T4941| ZHUO SE LI NA Black Oak Quercus tinctoria NA NA NA NA NA 18396,E|18397,T6721| MI HUA XIANG MAO NA Denseflower Lemongrass* Cymbopogon densiflorus NA NA NA NA NA 3768,T4956|6458,T4956|6454,E|3767,E| MIN HUAI NA Franchet Sophora Sophora franchetiana NA NA NA NA NA 1068,E;T4983| FU SANG HUA NA Chinese Hibiscus Flower Hibiscus rosa - sinensis NA NA flower To clear lung, cool blood, transform damp, resolve toxin. Lung heat cough, hemoptysis, nosebleed(epistaxis), flooding and spotting, vaginal discharge, dysentery, red and white turbidity, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore. 18328,T3774|4448,E|4449,T3774|18330,E|18331,T3774|18327,E| HUANG GAN CAO 黄甘草 Yellow Licorice Glycyrrhiza kansuensis NA NA root and rhizome See Glycyrrhiza uralensis . See Glycyrrhiza uralensis. 8500,E;T4150|8502,T4150|22503,E|2455,E|7636,E|22230,T4150|16108,T4150|13632,E|13633,T4150|20071,E|11502,E|11503,T4150|8848,T4150|12907,E;C0131|11769,E|29509,T4150|8840,E|8498,E|8845,E|8846,E;T4150|31455,T4150|22228,E;T4150|22227,E|25733,T4150|22449,T4150|17155,E|19967,E|12761,T4150|12760,E|7884,E|8839,E|12145,E|30455,T4150| FAN MA NA American Agave Agave americana NA NA leaf To resolve toxin and draw out pus, kill worms, stanch bleeding. Sores with welling abscess and flat abscess, scab and lichen, pelvic inflammation, flooding. 18881,T3704|21372,T3704|21370,E|13503,E|13506,T3704|4944,E|4927,E|697,E|18878,E|698,E|699,E|3558,T3704|7007,E;T3704|8458,T3704|715,E|9259,T3704|716,E|17465,E|714,E|713,E|712,E|22029,E|8456,E|21367,E|3552,E|4933,T3704|20200,E|32160,T3704|727,E;T3704|725,E|9252,E| CAN SHA 蚕砂 Silkworm excrement Excrementum Bombycis Mori Warm,Pungent,Sweet Spleen,Stomach,Liver NA 1. Treatment of damp-heat obstruction syndrome. Silkworm excrement (Cansha) is used with Tetrandra root (Fangji), Coix seed (Yiyiren) and Talc (Huashi) in the formula Xuanbi Tang .2. Eczema. The decoction of the herb is used for external washing. 3. Treatment of turbid dampness blocking the spleen and stomach manifested as vomiting, diarrhea, cramps and abdominal pain. Silkworm excrement (Cansha) is used with Scutellaria root (Huangqin), Chaenomeles fruit (Mugua) and Evodia fruit (Wuzhuyu) in the formula Canshi Tang. NA 23356,M69|24071,M69| HUI YE GEN 灰叶根 Purple Tephrosia Root Tephrosia purpurea NA NA root To clear heat and disperse stagnation, move qi and relieve pain, contract damp and relieve itch. Indigestion, gastritis, abdominal distention, stomachache, eczema, dermatitis. 18056,T4245|10679,E|20949,E|4871,E|18209,E|18049,E|14675,E|20952,T4245|4897,E|21467,E|31223,T4245|24157,T4245|17694,E|32081,T4245|17700,T4245|10420,E|25483,T4245|25950,T4245|18925,T4245|18924,E;C0444;T4245| ZI SU ZI 紫苏子 Perilia Fruit Fructus Perillae NA NA NA Treatment of cough and dyspnea due to accumulation of phleg , constipation. NA 15683,C0398|16917,M1096|23171,C0484|13767,M1096;C0347|23306,C0424| FU SHEN MU 茯神木 Radix Pini in Poria NA NA NA NA NA NA 617,C0403| ZAI ZHONG LANG SE MU NA Cultivated Langsat* Lansium domesticum NA NA NA NA NA 16294,E| PAO JIANG 炮姜 Prepared Ginger Rhizoma Zingiberis Praeparata Warm,Pungent Lung,Spleen,Stomach NA Treatment of hmatemesis, hemafecia, hemoptysis and metrorrhagia of asthenia-cold type. NA 3760,M542;C0191|23697,M542|22987,M542|22988,M542|23860,M542|24070,M542|23763,M542|24308,M542|23899,M542|24540,M542|23451,M542|24562,M542|3045,M542|23758,M542|24797,M542| JIA XI ZHUI XIANG CHA CAI NA Falselittleconical Rabdosia Rabdosia coetsoides NA NA NA NA NA 3904,E|3905,E|3906,T4320|3900,E|3901,E|3902,E|3903,E|3898,E|3899,E| SU MEN DA LA WEN SHU LAN NA Lovely Crinum* Crinum amabile NA NA NA NA NA 9546,E|31112,T5709| RI BEN NIU XI NA Japanese Achyranthes Achyranthes fauriei NA NA NA NA NA 11065,E|11074,T5348| MU KU ER MO YAO NA Muhul Myrrhtree* Commiphora mukul NA NA NA NA NA 23138,T5016|15201,E|15200,E|16769,E| WANG BU LIU XING 王不留行 Cowherb Vaccaria segetalis [Syn. Vaccaria pyramidata ] Mild,Bitter Stomach,Liver seed To quicken blood and free menstruation, promote lactation and disperse edema. Galactostasis, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, mammary welling abscess. 32198,T5892|22449,E|31132,T5892|13652,E|13654,T5892|9716,E|22292,E|24793,M717|19643,E|19645,E|19644,E|19647,E|19646,E|19649,E|19648,E|31379,T5892|19338,E|22287,E|22286,E;M717|22288,E|11692,E|19652,E|19653,E|19650,E|19651,E| GU CHUI SHI HU NA Yellowbow Dendrobium Dendrobium chrysotoxum NA NA NA NA NA 3628,E|3630,T3869|30779,T3869|3627,E| TIAN DI DING 甜地丁 Manyflower Gueldenstaedtid Herb Herba Gueldenstaedtiae Multiflorae Cold,Pungent,Bitter Liver,Heart NA NA NA 23644,M686|24286,M686| FEI ZHOU KU MU NA African Quassia* Quassia africana NA NA NA NA NA 15545,E|19886,T3732|19884,E| SHAN FAN YE NA Caudate Sweetleaf Leaf Symplocos caudata NA NA leaf To clear heat and promote contraction. Tuberculosis and hemoptysis, hematochezia, chronic dysentery, acute tonsillitis, acute otitis media, wind eye with ulceration of eyelid rim. 31651,T5473|31652,T5473|14545,E|14544,E| DA PING SI YU 大平丝芋 rhizome of Gigantic Homalomena Rhizoma Homalomenae NA NA NA NA NA 24514,M145|23964,M145|24342,M145| YE TAI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31412,T6387|5187,T6387| JI XUAN HUA NA Mucronate Glorybind* Convolvulus erinaceus NA NA NA NA NA 4416,E|4420,T4284| DIAN DI MEI YE CHA YE HUA NA Spreading Dogbane Apocynum androsaemifolium NA NA NA NA NA 30622,T3547|4548,E|117,E|4549,T3547| JIN JIN BANG NA Sericeous Cinquefoil Potentilla reptans var. sericophylla NA NA root To engender liquid and allay thirst, enrich yin and remove heat. Vacuity taxation with fever, vacuity asthma, febrile diseases fluid damage, thirst with dry throat, turbid vaginal discharge. 18332,E|31881,T4401| XI MING NA Boor’s Mustard Thlaspi arvense NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit water and disperse edema. Red eyes with gall, pulmonary welling abscess, diarrhea, dysentery, leukorrhea, postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, indigestion, nephritis with edema, cirrhosis with ascites, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore. 19919,E|25285,T6019| CI SHI 磁石 Magnetite Magnetitum Cold,Salty Liver,Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of dizziness, blurring of vision, tinnitus, impairment of hearing, palpitation, insomnia, dyspnea due to diminished function of the kidney. NA 23782,M125| YANG XIN TIAN JIE CAI NA Supine Heliotrope* Heliotropium supinum NA NA NA NA NA 20472,E|31070,T6332|9315,E|20473,T6332| AO SHI DAN NI SU MU. NA NA Daniellia oliveri NA NA NA NA NA 7160,E| AO SHI LONG DAN NA Olivier Gentian* Gentiana olivieri NA NA NA NA NA 8291,E|8292,E;T2927|8295,T2927|8294,E;T2927| CHU YE HUA JIAO NA Ailanthus-like Pricklyash Zanthoxylum ailanthoides NA NA fruit To warm center, dry damp, kill worms, relieve pain. Cold pain in heart and abdomen, cold rheum, diarrhea, cold dysentery, damp impediment, red and white vaginal discharge, toothache. 775,E|12568,T3311|776,E|22765,E|22766,T3311|15624,T3311|15622,E|19603,E|12566,E|5457,T3311|5444,E| YE YAN YE NA Mullein Nightbrier Leaf Solanum verbascifolium NA NA leaf To move qi- blood, disperse swelling toxin, relieve pain. Yellow swelling, pain wind, flooding, painful swelling from knocks and falls, toothache, scrofula, welling abscess, eczema, dermatitis. 20054,T6395|20053,E| FEI LV BIN SHI ZI NA Philippine Bushbeech* Gmelina philippensis NA NA NA NA NA 5380,E|5381,E|13886,E|8863,E|5387,E|5388,E|5389,E|8233,E|21528,E|2234,E|19089,E|13885,E|8276,E|3306,E|6951,E|18679,E| YE SHENG MA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 30708,T6384|14235,T6384|1066,T6384|354,T6384|352,T6384|12220,T6384|3670,T6384|14238,T6384|3652,T6384|3653,T6384| SI MA LI JIN SHI LIAN. NA NA Sinocrassula asclepiadea NA NA NA NA NA 19920,E|19921,E|19922,E|19923,E|19924,E|19925,E|19926,E|19927,E|19928,E|19929,E|19930,E| SAN ZUAN FENG NA Japanese Spicebush Lindera obtusiloba NA NA bark To warm center and move qi , quicken blood and dissipate stasis. Pain in heart and abdomen, knocks and falls, blood stasis swelling and pain, sore toxin. 15893,E|15894,E|15895,E|21029,E|3041,T5442|25958,T5442|31363,T5442|20353,E|23887,T5442|3040,E|2837,E|2836,E|11563,E|11564,E|11565,E|4842,E|4843,E| MAO GUO YI ZHI HUANG HUA NA European Goldenrod Solidago virgaurea NA NA whole herb or root To course wind and clear heat, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Wind-heat common cold, swelling pain in throat, nephritis, cystitis, swollen welling abscess and toxin of clove, knocks and falls. 19072,E|12615,T4865|12603,E|32210,T4865|22510,E| ZI SHI YING 紫石英 Fluorite Fluoritum NA NA NA Treatment of insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep and cardiac palpitation, cough and asthma in deficiency syndromes of the lung, infertility. NA 24237,M1093| XIA XUE PIAN LIAN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8084,T6072|13231,T6072| HU BEI BEI MU NA Hupeh Fritillary Fritillaria hupehensis NA NA bulb To relieve cough and transform phlegm, resolve toxin and dissipate binds. Externally contracted wind-heat cough, phlegm-heat cough, cough with profuse phlegm, scrofula, swollen welling abscess, mammary welling abscess, pulmonary welling abscess. 9688,T4080|9684,E|12165,E|12164,E|9681,E;T4080|9680,E|9683,E|9682,E|9678,E|9679,E|7959,E| MO XI GE LUO YU SHAN NA Mexican Cypress* Taxodium mucronatum NA NA NA NA NA 6313,E|1030,E|17574,E| JI LI 蒺藜 Puncturevine Caltrop Fruit Fructus Tribuli NA NA NA Treatment of headache and dizziness, distending pain in the chest and costal regions, cessation of milk secretion, mastitis, redness of the eye with formation of nebula, urticaria with itching. 1. Antitussive, expectorant and antiasthmatic. 2. Its alcoholic infusion exerts hypotensive effect in anesthetized animals. 9234,M977|6436,M977| TAI WAN PU GONG YING NA Taiwan Dandelion* Taraxacum formosanum NA NA NA NA NA 20676,E|20677,E|20678,E|20679,E|14796,E|20353,E|15517,E|20698,E|14436,E|2887,E|3551,E|9814,E|874,E|9817,E|14518,E|22320,E|14644,E|20538,E|20550,E|19967,E|1284,E|20680,E|14726,E|22316,E|3983,E| YU SHU 榆树 Siberian Elm Ulmus pumila NA NA branch To disinhibit urine and free strangury. Qi strangury. 23046,C0479|23145,C0478|20353,E|23887,T6525| TIAN HUA FEN 天花粉 Mongolian Snakegourd Root Trichosanthes kirilowii Bitter, slightly sweet,cold Lung,stomach root To clear heat and engender liquid, disperse swelling and expel pus. Febrile diseases thirst, lung heat dry cough, diabetes mellitus due to internal heat, toxin swelling of sores, induce abortion. 23200,M1052|23518,M1052|20153,E|23557,M1052|20155,T5783|3776,T5783|23897,M1052|23553,M1052|23849,M1052|23042,C0511;T5783|25136,M1052|111,M1052|6533,M1052|20351,E|23612,M1052|23221,M1052;C0466|24573,M1052|23241,M1052;C0245|23614,M1052|23438,M1052|5379,M1052|23919,M1052|23790,M1052|23852,M1052|23226,M1052;C0244|3774,E|2222,M1052|15244,M1052|26238,T5783|15973,M1052|24984,M1052|17251,M1052;C0263|24456,M1052|2687,E|24436,M1052|15938,T5783|23667,M1052|9488,T5783|10520,E|12887,E|14647,M1052|12885,E|9377,M1052|23775,M1052|24050,M1052|24787,M1052|24204,M1052|24782,M1052|23543,M1052|24695,M1052|24234,M1052|23647,M1052|9485,E|9484,M1052|24697,M1052|24742,M1052|24923,M1052|5403,M1052|24751,M1052|1048,E|23326,T5783|14546,M1052|24079,M1052|24989,M1052|23973,M1052|31239,T5783|31742,T5783| SI MAO TENG NA Longeared Epigynum Epigynum auritum NA NA root cortex and bark To strengthen sinews and lumbus. NA 6924,E| CU SUAN DI SAI MI SONG 醋酸地塞米松 NA Dexamethasoni Acetas NA NA NA NA NA 25005,M132| JIA NA DA CANG ER 加拿大苍耳 Canadian Cocklebur* Xanthium canadense NA NA NA NA NA 9739,E;C0462|11200,E|31324,T4313|9748,T4313| SHENG QI NA True Lacquer Rhus verniciflua [Syn. Toxicadendron verniciflum ] NA NA balsam To kill worms. Worm accumulation, water gu . 12419,E|12420,E|12422,E|12421,E| AI JU NA Tansy Chrysanthemum vulgare NA NA NA NA NA 3048,E|30723,T2887| RU BAI LONG DAN NA Milky Gentian* Gentiana lactea NA NA NA NA NA 20487,T5376|20486,E|2220,E;T5376| HUANG YANG YE DUI CI TENG NA Boxleaf Scutia* Scutia buxifolia NA NA NA NA NA 19577,E|19576,E|19575,E|19574,E|3962,E|19580,E|19579,E|19578,E| JUE MING ZI 决明子 Sickle Senna Seed Cassia tora Sweet, bitter,slightly cold Liver,large intestine ripe seed See Cassia obtusifolia. See Cassia obtusifolia. 15891,E|3612,E|3613,E|3615,E;M950|3617,E|30774,T4471|15899,E;T4471|3599,T4471|3598,E|25356,T4471|30773,T4471|21440,T4471|15782,E|21443,M950|15784,T4471|25682,T4471|25686,T4471|19027,E|3293,T4471|31803,T4471|23304,T4471|30775,T4471|18401,M950|25685,T4471|15914,T4471|30192,T4471|17236,E|30620,T4471|17235,T4471|25677,T4471|17233,E|28288,T4471|24052,T4471|21436,E;M950|23824,M950|8695,E|3284,E|2008,E|967,E|6778,E|30946,T4471|6775,E;C0449|6776,E;T4471|21439,E|18745,T4471|18744,E;C0562|19028,T4471|8648,E|24938,M950|1514,E|8644,E|19026,E|29431,T4471|8643,E|18925,C0452| TIAN NIU ZHI NA Sweet Marjoram Origanum majorana NA NA NA NA NA 7522,T5791|7520,E|1618,E;T5791| XIAN ZE LAN NA Glandulous Eupatorium* Eupatorium glandulosum NA NA NA NA NA 30948,T6106|6795,E| DIAO DENG SHU NA Sausagetree Kigelia pinnata NA NA NA NA NA 5173,E|12496,E|10824,E|10104,E|12221,E|9987,E|10106,E| MA LA BA CHU NA Hairyleaf South Ailanthus Ailanthus malabarica NA NA NA NA NA 3171,T4795|3158,E| LU SUI GE MU NA Greenspike Erythrophleum* Erythrophleum chlorostachyum NA NA NA NA NA 31726,T4724|25340,T4724|15737,E|265,E| HONG SAN YE CAO 红三叶草 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8277,C0249| FEI ZI 榧子 Torrya seed Semen Torreyae Sweet,neutral Lung,large intestine NA For ascariasis and taeniasis. For constipation due to dryness of intestine. As an anthelmintic for tapeworm and hookworm, more effective than that of tetrachloroethylene. 24756,M931|23822,M931|23171,M931|23306,M931|23175,M931| YU ER QI NA Whiteflower Trillium Equivalent plant: YAN LING CAO Trillium camtschaticum NA NA rhizome To dispel wind and soothe liver, quicken blood and stanch bleeding. Hypertension, dizziness and headache, pain in lumbus and legs, bleeding due to external injury, knocks and falls, fracture. 16796,E|30653,T6511|4280,T6511|21860,E|5039,E|4279,E|2324,E|4455,T6511|4454,E|21861,T6511|25364,T6511|5040,T6511| WU WEI ZI 五味子 Chinese Magnoliavine Equivalent plant: Schisandra sphenanthera Schisandra chinensis Warm,Sour Lung,Heart,Kidney fruit To promote contraction and secure astriction, boost qi and engender liquid, quiet heart and spirit. Enduring cough and vacuity asthma, dream emission, frequent urination and enuresis, incessant chronic diarrhea, spontaneous sweating and night sweating, fluid damage and thirst, palpitation and insomnia. 5177,E|30750,T5970|32233,T5970|32232,T5970|32234,T5970|12837,E|3045,E|3046,T5970|26058,T5970|20974,E|8909,E;T5970|8908,E;T5970|8905,E;T5970|2245,E|8907,E;T5970|8906,E;T5970|2240,E;T5970|2241,E;T5970|2242,E;T5970|3760,E|25185,T5970|22543,E|7391,E|27220,T5970|3768,E|3769,E;T5970|2852,E|19463,E;T5970|17792,E|25341,T5970|24380,M728;T5970|15692,E|3242,E|15696,E|15694,T5970|2411,E|17082,E|17084,T5970|17362,E|17089,E|3848,E|31745,T5970|25355,T5970|3770,T5970|19476,E;T5970|19474,E;T5970|19475,E;T5970|17793,T5970|27221,T5970|25207,T5970|25205,T5970|25200,T5970|32070,T5970|14592,T5970|14591,E|30837,T5970|17090,T5970|2412,E|30605,T5970|30448,T5970|30446,T5970|30447,T5970|4498,E|15959,E|15958,E|15732,E|25324,T5970|25326,T5970|25735,T5970|30704,T5970|4549,E|31746,T5970|15138,E|12843,E|18067,T5970|23545,T5970|3467,T5970|3466,E|3465,E|11696,T5970|19288,E|11695,E|11512,T5970|19771,E|19672,E|336,E;T5970|22544,E|22545,E|22546,T5970|21337,E|31446,T5970|6925,E|15146,T5970|6927,T5970|12963,E|31099,T5970|19291,E|11507,E|11623,E|11624,T5970|31045,T5970|32217,T5970|1212,E;T5970|17115,E|32216,T5970|18047,E|25306,T5970|9500,E|9504,T5970|17118,T5970|31098,T5970|14149,E|12951,T5970|22725,T5970|12974,T5970|32067,T5970|30792,T5970|6357,T5970|5180,T5970|30795,T5970|23805,T5970|19029,E|19458,E;T5970|19459,E|5213,T5970|31444,T5970|4366,E|1209,E;T5970|1208,E|32215,T5970|1207,E|1206,E|25642,T5970|25643,T5970|30325,T5970|6744,T5970|12949,E|5212,E|6740,E|25299,T5970|14150,T5970|20976,E|27358,T5970|8926,T5970|8925,E;T5970|8924,E;T5970|8923,E;T5970|8922,E;T5970|8921,E|8920,E;T5970|9497,T5970|20972,E|25644,T5970|19482,E|19488,T5970|4501,T5970|8311,E|8312,T5970|21361,E|19462,E;T5970|6372,E|24070,T5970|8912,E;T5970|8913,E;T5970|8910,E;T5970|8911,E;T5970|8916,E;T5970|8917,E|8914,E|8915,E;T5970|8918,E|8919,E|21399,E|20979,E|25836,T5970| SHI YONG DA HUANG NA Rhubarb Rheum rhaponticum NA NA NA NA NA 16274,E|16283,T5604| MI ZI LAN NA Chu-lan Tree Aglaia odorata NA NA flower or leaf To dispel wind-damp, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling. Distention fullness in chest and diaphragm, dysphagia-occlusion, cough and heavy head (flower), knocks and falls, flat abscess (leaf). 18867,E|14706,E|18868,E|15993,E|10676,E|31867,T4966|5752,E|9767,E|10378,E|11963,E|739,E;T4966|9768,E|11968,T4966|18248,E|9980,E|15992,E| JU QU NA Common Chicory Cichorium intybus NA NA aerial parts To clear heat and resolve exterior, disinhibit urine and disperse edema. Damp-heat jaundice, nephritis with edema, distending pain in stomach duct, inappetence. 3636,T4453|664,E;T4453|663,E;T4453|14914,T4453|5584,E|3518,E|12442,E;T4453|12441,E|20696,E|20697,T4453|5588,T4453|14912,E|1110,E|3635,E|31412,T4453|5020,E|5027,E|3521,T4453|11803,T4453|23232,T4453|13371,T4453|13370,E|7378,T4453|5186,E|5187,T4453|11794,E| SHE XIANG CAO SUAN 麝香草酸 NA Acidum Thymici NA NA NA NA NA 15121,M634|15122,M634|15769,M634| TAI WAN SHAN DOU GEN NA Taiwan Euchresta Euchresta formosana NA NA NA NA NA 7485,E|7888,E|7889,E|7890,E|7891,E| WEI GAN JU ZE LAN NA Mikanioid Eupatorium* Eupatorium mikanioides NA NA NA NA NA 4738,E|30870,T5903| A FU ZE ER MA QIAN ZI NA Afzel Poisonnut* Strychnos afzelii NA NA NA NA NA 3148,E|5684,T2871|3150,T2871|5681,E| JU HUA GUO LU HUANG NA Denseflower Loosestrife Lysimachia congestiflora NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and dissipate cold, relieve cough and transform phlegm, resolve toxin and disinhibit damp, disperse accumulation and expel stone. Wind-cold common cold, cough with profuse phlegm, swelling pain in throat, jaundice, gallstones, urethral stone, child gan accumulation, welling abscess and flat ab scess with clove sore, poisonous snake bite. 13256,E|13257,T4446| TUO YUAN DUO TAN CAO. NA NA Dorstenia elliptica NA NA NA NA NA 10811,E|6388,E|6303,E| SHAN ZHI MA NA Narrowleaf Screwtree Helicteres angustifolia NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve exterior, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Common cold with fever, headache, thirst, epidemic parotitis, measles papules, dysentery, enteritis, swollen welling abscess, scrofula, sore toxin, eczema, hemorrhoids. 14471,E|14472,E|13508,E|31629,T5522|31630,T5522|13510,T5522| NAN CHUAN GUAN CHUN HUA NA Prain Microtoena Microtoena prainiana NA NA NA NA NA 14839,E|19527,E|13144,E|12327,E|16487,E|874,E|9457,E|14840,E|14841,E|14254,E|11347,E|1476,E|7423,E|1485,E|4225,E|13130,E| HUI XIANG CHONG 茴香虫 Papilio machaon Linnaeus NA NA NA NA NA NA 23112,C0296| HUANG XI XIN NA Diffuse Boerhavia Boerhavia diffusa NA NA root To quicken blood and dissipate stasis, strengthen sinews and bones, regulate menstruation, disperse gan . Knocks and falls, pain in sinews and bones, menstrual disorder [= menoxenia], child gan accumulation. 2532,E|2533,E|2536,E|2537,E|2534,E|2535,E| SHUI HONG HUA ZI 水红花子 Prince's-feather Fruit Fructus Polygoni Orientalis NA NA NA Treatment of mass in the abdomen, goitre with pain, epigastric pain and distension due to indigestion. NA 24757,M1042|24136,M1042|16185,C0104| JING DOU NA Common Gorse Ulex europaeus NA NA NA NA NA 4593,E| SHI DIAO LAN NA Fewflower Lysionotus Lysionotus pauciflorus NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, relieve cough and transform phlegm, dispel stasis and regulate menstruation. Tuberculosis, bone tuberculosis, scrofula, chronic bronchitis, wind-damp impediment pain, cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, knocks and falls, boil. 13257,E|13259,T5572| MA CHANG LI ZI JIN NA Marschall Corydalis * Corydalis marschalliana NA NA NA NA NA 2734,E;T4783|4107,T4783|4106,E| JI YU DAN NA Treasure Maesa Maesa perlarius NA NA whole herb To joint bones and disperse swelling, eliminate putridity and engender flesh. Fracture due to knocks and falls, knife wound, swelling of clove. 13342,E|13351,E|31475,T4291|13343,T4291| ZHAO ZE QIAN HU NA Marsh Parsley Peucedanum palustre NA NA NA NA NA 25387,T6643|16252,E|16446,E| GAN GE TENG GEN 甘葛藤根 Thomson Kudzuvine Root Pueraria thomsonii NA NA tuberoid See Pueraria lobata . See Pueraria lobata. 18166,E;C0539|14698,E|31578,T3788|31861,T3788|4606,T3788|4604,E|4605,E;T3788| JIN JI WEI NA Figuerleaved Brake Pteris dactylina NA NA whole herb or rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit water and transform damp, settle fright. Dysentery, diarrhea, mumps, lymphnoditis, leukorrhea, edema, infant fright wind, rabid dog bite. 18136,E|18138,E| LIE YE YE YING SU NA Splidleaf Poppy* Papaver nudicaule var. chinense NA NA fruit shell or whole herb To constrain lung and relieve cough, astringe intestines and check diarrhea, settle pain. Enduring cough and asthma, enduring diarrhea, enduring dysentery, headache, stomachache, pain in heart and abdomen, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls. 1096,E|18555,E|15852,E|1100,E|15853,E| DA BA JIAO 大芭蕉 Big Anisetree* Illicium majus NA NA bark See Illicium difengpi . See Illicium difengpi . 12843,C0305|18037,E|8311,C0304|15423,E|23256,C0557| NIU FANG FENG NA Hogweed Heracleum sphondylium NA NA NA NA NA 22759,T5098|22758,E|23880,T5098|17361,E| YA MEI DUI XIN JU NA Elegant Sneezeweed* Helenium elegans NA NA NA NA NA 30328,T6283|20947,E| BAI YE MI ZI LAN NA Whiteleaf Aglaia* Aglaia leucophylla NA NA NA NA NA 15589,E| DAN LI XIAO MAI NA Einkorn Triticum monococcum NA NA NA NA NA 13004,T3493|12997,E| CHANG E QU MAI NA Longcalyx Pink* Dianthus superbus var. longicalycinus NA NA NA NA NA 5357,E|5363,E|12948,E|5358,T3234| CHANG RUI LIU LI CAO NA Circinate Solenanthus Solenanthus circinatus NA NA NA NA NA 18528,T3247|18832,E| YANG MEI 杨梅 Chinese Waxmyrtle Myrica rubra NA NA fruit To engender liquid and allay thirst, harmonize stomach and disperse food. Vexation and thirst, vomiting and diarrhea, dysentery, abdominal pain. 15180,T6322|15176,E|15162,E;C0307|23764,T6322|13093,T6322|13091,E|25453,T6322|1110,E|1113,E|23102,C0119|11082,E|23232,T6322|11085,T6322| DUAN GENG HU ZHI ZI NA Shortstalk Bushclover Lespedeza cyrtobotrya NA NA NA NA NA 12015,E| JIA DI DAN CAO NA Spicate Pseudoelephantopus Pseudoelephantopus spicatus NA NA NA NA NA 4203,E| RU XIANG BAI NA Mastic Juniper* Juniperus thurifera NA NA NA NA NA 17323,E|3353,E|3352,E| YUAN JING HUAN YANG SHEN NA Turnip-shaped Hawksbeard Crepis napifera NA NA root or whole herb To clear lung and relieve cough, nourish liver and brighten eyes. Lung heat cough, pertussis, night blindness. 5723,E|20698,E|15254,E| FAN SHI LIU GAN NA Guava Unripe Fruit Psidium guajava NA NA unripe fruit To promote contraction and check drain, stanch bleeding. Chronic dysentery, flooding and spotting. 3305,T3708|8094,E|20894,E|3302,T3708|30995,T3708|9043,T3708|12711,T3708|12708,E|32004,T3708|9042,E|18825,T3708|18822,E|3303,E|2039,E;T3708|3301,E| TU MU XIANG 土木香 Elecampane Inula Equivalent plant: Inula racemosa Inula helenium Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Liver root To fortify spleen and harmonize stomach, regulate qi and resolve depression, relieve pain and quiet fetus. Distending pain in chest and rib-side, distending pain in stomach duct, vomiting and diarrhea, contusion in chest and rib-side, forking qi with pain, stirring fetus in pregnancy. 4128,C0359|834,E;M712|31324,T5853|23810,M712|24064,M712|149,E|26049,T5853|11200,E|25811,T5853|30351,T5853|23545,M712|23150,M712|5647,E| CHUAN CHAN JIU JIE LONG NA Tiny Ardisia Ardisia pusilla NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and disperse swelling. Wind-damp impediment pain, jaundice, blood dysentery, dysmenorrhea, knocks and falls, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, snake bite. 1627,E;T3317|1626,E;T3317| CHAI HUNG JIANG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6440,T3218|5218,T3218| ZHANG GUO QIN NA Siberian Phlojodicarpus Phlojodicarpus sibiricus NA NA root See Angelica sinensis. See Angelica sinensis. 5707,T6626|5706,E|22536,E|22537,T6626|25833,T6626| LUO HUA NAN MEI ROU DOU KOU. NA NA Virola caducifolia NA NA NA NA NA 7882,E| LI MI ZI LAN NA Pear Aglaia* Aglaia pirifera NA NA NA NA NA 17461,E| LI XIAN XIANG CHA CAI NA Lihsien Rabdosia Isodon lihsienensis NA NA NA NA NA 12825,E| MAN SHAN HONG YOU 满山红油 Daurian Rhododendron Oil Oleum Rhododendri Daurici NA NA NA Treament of acute and chronic bronchitis. NA 24882,M1005| MI SAN QIAN LI GUANG NA Faber Groundsel Senecio faberi NA NA NA NA NA 11089,T4962|11088,E| FU PIAN 附片 Common Monkshood Daughter Root Rhizoma Aconiti Lateralis Extreme Hot,Pungent,Sweet Spleen,Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of collapse with cold limbs and faint pulse, impotence, frigidity, precordial and abdominal pain with cold sensation, vomiting and diarrhea or edema accompanied by aversion to cold and cold extremities, colds in patients with yang deficiency, chronic arthritis due to attack of cold and damp (marked by persistent severe joint pain, fixed in place and accompanied by heaviness sensation and numbness). NA 24946,M253|24347,M253|23719,M253| ZHI RU XIANG 制乳香 Prepared Frankincense Resina Olibani Praparata Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Liver,Heart NA Treatment of pains caused by blood stagnation 1. Exerting significant analgesic effect.2. Dilating the peripheral blood vessels.3. Enhancing the phagocytosis of macrophages in the abdominal cavity of mice. 12435,M868|24297,M868|24368,M868| XI MA LA YA HONG DOU SHAN NA Himalayan Yew Taxus wallichiana NA NA NA NA NA 150,E|20737,E|22620,T6014|20739,E;T6014|20738,E;T6014|337,E;T6014|25358,T6014|32092,T6014|20797,T6014|5477,E|20795,E|25787,T6014|21145,E|25789,T6014|4783,E|4782,E|4800,E|4706,E|4802,E|4704,T6014|4703,E|4701,E|4807,E|9814,T6014|31960,T6014|9810,E|9811,E;T6014|26015,T6014|4707,T6014|26019,T6014|20723,E|20740,E;T6014|20741,E;T6014|20742,E;T6014|4801,E|30848,T6014|22614,E|21012,E|7045,E|25210,T6014|5481,T6014|21517,E|20796,E;T6014|25957,T6014|519,E|26021,T6014|26020,T6014|31175,T6014|9961,E|6314,E|26041,T6014|30476,T6014|30475,T6014|4850,E| SAN YING JIAN GUA LOU NA Tri-hard-tip Snakegourd* Trichosanthes tricuspidata NA NA NA NA NA 4538,E|4539,E|12214,E|4325,E|4324,E|12213,E|12212,E|12211,E|12210,E|12208,E|12209,E|12215,E|12205,E|12204,E|4540,E|12206,E|12207,E| XIA TIAN JU 下田菊 Common Adenostema Herb Herba Adenostemmatis Warm,Pungent,Bitter Liver NA NA NA 23671,M749|23670,M749|23673,M749|23672,M749|23674,M749|23669,M749|23668,M749|24835,M749|24814,M749|24816,M749|24810,M749|24811,M749|24812,M749|24813,M749| XIANG TANG SONG CAO NA Tibetan Meadowrue Thalictrum foetidum NA NA root and rhizome To clear heat and dry damp, resolve toxin. Damp-heat dysentery, jaundice, red eyes with gall, swollen welling abscess, sore and boil, wind-damp-heat impediment. 21236,E|32054,T6137|31524,T6137|21219,E|21251,E|21252,T6137|8522,T6137|7792,E|7794,T6137|13367,E|19072,E|4679,E|19075,T6137|4494,T6137|4491,E|21220,E|21221,T6137|8512,E|13829,E|9234,E|9235,T6137|13368,T6137|4684,T6137|11256,T6137|11253,E|11733,E|11738,T6137| XUE JIE 血竭 Calamus gum, Dragon's blood Sanguis Draconis Mild,Sweet,Salty Liver,Heart NA Treatment of: 1. Hemorrhages due to external injuries. Dragon's blood (Xuejie) can be taken alone for external use, or it can be combined with Cattail pollen (Puhuang). 2. Chronic ulcers. Dragon's blood (Xuejie) is used with Frankincense (Ruxiang) and Myrrh (Moyao) for external use. 3. Swelling and pain due to blood stagnation caused by external injuries. Dragon's blood (Xuejie) is used with Frankincense (Ruxiang) and Myrrh (Moyao) in the formula Qili San. 1. Hemostatic.2. Inhibiting the growth of various kinds of dermatomyces. 24397,M174|23327,M174|24157,M174|23394,M174|15735,M174|15734,M174|23994,M174|23766,M174|6578,M174|24950,M174|24105,M174|24122,M174|24205,M174|23413,M174|24130,M174|24230,M174|23388,M174|23721,M174|23101,M174| OW ZHOU YOU CAI NA Rape Brassica napus NA NA NA NA NA 22021,E|2596,E|6508,E|13854,E|2905,E|22020,E|6507,E|2598,E|6509,E|15392,E|8588,E|12091,E|12090,E|12092,E|3040,E|18396,E|12088,E| XUE TONG NA Common Macaranga Macaranga tanarius NA NA NA NA NA 7616,E|7610,T6265|30978,T6265|7949,E|20652,E|15867,E|20651,E| HUI BAI DU HUO NA Canescent Cowparsnip* Heracleum canescens NA NA NA NA NA 9418,E|31780,T4220|2284,E| RAN SE JI YAN TENG NA Dyed Morinda Morinda tinctoria NA NA NA NA NA 14966,E|15725,E| ZHI JU GEN NA Japanese Raisin Tree Root Hovenia dulcis NA NA root To dispel wind and quicken network vessels, stanch bleeding, resolve liquor. Vacuity taxation blood ejection, wind-damp pain in sinew and bone. 9652,E|7938,T6662|31120,T6662|7937,E| SU TIE SHU GUO NA Sago Seed Cycas revoluta NA NA seed To calm liver and lower blood pressure, suppress cough and dispel phlegm, promote astriction and secure astriction. Hypertension, chronic hepatitis, cough with profuse phlegm, dysentery, emission, vaginal discharge, knocks and falls, knife wound. 15384,T5714|25057,T5714|31111,T5714|15128,E|14145,T5714|25428,T5714|22960,E|4455,E|25430,T5714|15376,E|25432,T5714|1030,E;T5714|9542,E|617,E;T5714|25431,T5714|14144,E|25433,T5714|15655,E|25434,T5714|15378,E|15373,E|15372,E|15375,E|15374,E|15377,E|22961,T5714|4456,T5714| MEI LI MA LI JIN NA Beautiful Milkweed* Asclepias speciosa NA NA NA NA NA 1887,E;T4914| DA HUO XUE 大活血 Stem of Sargentgloryvine Caulis Sargentodoxae Mild,Bitter Large Intestine,Liver NA Treatment of acute appendicitis, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, rheumatic arthralgia, traumatic swelling and pain. Its decoction possess bacteriostatic effect on Staphylococcus aureus and B-streptococcus.. 6775,M140|24225,M140|23975,M140|24106,M140|24345,M140| LIAN YE WU ZHU YU NA Dyebark Evodia Evodia meliifolia NA NA fruit To warm center and dissipate cold, move qi and relieve pain. Pain in stomach duct and abdomen, vomiting, headache. 15873,E|31731,T4633| BAI HUA XIA KU CAO 白花夏枯草 Dracoccephalum heterophyllum Benth NA NA NA NA NA NA 17251,C0263|23233,C0006|23212,C0004|12843,C0305| SHAN TAO ZHI NA David Peach Juvenile Branch Prunus davidiana NA NA branchlet See Prunus persica. See Prunus persica. 15271,E|15274,T5502| HEI KUN BU NA Tangle Thallus Ecklonia kurome NA NA dried thallus See Laminaria japonica. See Laminaria japonica. 21820,E|32131,T4011|30911,T4011|6699,E|17160,T4011|2367,E;T4011|2366,E;T4011|17159,E|17158,E|5483,E|6704,T4011| HEI YAN SHE GEN CAO NA Black-rock Ophiorrhiza* Ophiorrhiza kuroiwai NA NA NA NA NA 16142,E|16141,E| YI LI LI YADA CHI JI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16125,T6415| RI BEN KU LIAN NA Japanese Chinaberry-tree Melia azedarach var. japonica NA NA NA NA NA 3308,E|3315,T5337|13663,T5337|13662,E|19690,E|19691,T5337|4790,E|26024,T5337| GAO DA CUI QUE HUA NA High Larkspur* Delphinium excelsum NA NA NA NA NA 10500,E|14279,E|10542,E| LV XIAN REN ZHANG NA Common Prickly Pear Opuntia vulgaris NA NA root and stem See Opuntia dillenii . See Opuntia dillenii. 11249,E| XIU LI YING ZHAO NA Venus Tailgrape* Artabotrys venustus NA NA NA NA NA 15788,E| MO TAN 墨炭 Carbonized Chinese Ink Carbonized Chinese Ink Warm,Pungent Liver NA NA NA 24237,M513| YANG JIAN QIU LUO NA German Catchfly Lychnis viscaria NA NA NA NA NA 6851,E| XIANG YING ZHAO NA Fragrant Tailgrape* Artabotrys suaveolens NA NA NA NA NA 11341,E|11343,T6145| NING XIA BEI MU NA Ningxia Fritillary Fritillaria taipaiensis var. ningxiaensis NA NA NA NA NA 31307,T5087|11000,E|20629,T5087|20608,E|16765,T5087|16764,E|3630,E|3631,T5087| LAO GUAN CAO 老鹳草 Wilford Cranesbill Equivalent plant: Erodium stephanianum , Geranium sibiricum , Geranium nepalense , Geranium pratense Geranium wilfordii Mild,Pungent,Bitter Stomach,Liver aerial parts To dispel wind-damp, free channels and network vessels, check dysentery and diarrhea. Wind-damp impediment pain, hypertonicity and numbness, aching sinews and bones, diarrhea and dysentery. 23275,T4582|10886,E|8311,M440;C0304| AN GU SI TU LA SHU NA Angostura-bark Tree Galipea officinalis NA NA NA NA NA 4420,E|4433,T2906| ZHI MA CAI NA Roquette Eruca sativa NA NA seed To precipitate qi and move water, dispel phlegm and settle asthma. Cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, edema, ascites. 8594,E|8595,T6669|18382,E|18389,E|18379,E| GUO LU HUANG 过路黄 all-grass of Heavyspike Loosestrife Herba Lysimachiae Minor Warm,Pungent,Sweet Bladder,Liver,Kidney,Gallbladder NA NA NA 24413,M304|21646,M304|617,M304| WEN CHUAN CHAI HU NA Wenchuan Thorowax* Bupleurum wenchuanense NA NA root See Bupleurum chinense . See Bupleurum chinense . 5345,E|21124,E|8729,E|499,E|21807,E|17928,E|22824,E|500,E|21805,E| HUANG YANG XIAO BO NA Box-leaved Barberry Berberis buxifolia NA NA NA NA NA 2938,E|2939,T4211| MEI GUAN MA XIAN HAO NA Smallcalyx Woodbetony Pedicularis decora NA NA root To enrich yin and supplement kidney, boost qi and fortify spleen. Spleen-kidney vacuity, steaming bone tidal fever, pain in joints, no thought of food and drink. 16752,E|16753,T4896|16751,E| CHE SHI NAN NA Chemens Phoebe* Phoebe chemensii NA NA NA NA NA 13624,E|25542,T3268| OU ZE QIN NA Greater Water-parsnip Sium latifolium NA NA whole herb with root To dispel wind and relieve pain, lower blood pressure. Common cold, headache, hypertension. 31771,T5146|16917,E| GANG MEI 岗梅 root of Roughhaired Holly Radix Ilicis Asprellae NA NA NA 1. To clear heat and toxic materials, promote production of body fluid and ease the throat. For common cold of wind-heat type, summer-heat syndrome, seasonal febrile disease with fever, headache and thirst and sorethroat, cough due to lung-heat, etc. 2. To disperse blood stasis and alleviate pain. For arthralagia of wind-dampness heat type. Recently, also for angina pectoris. NA 23239,M938|19967,M938|24753,M938|23588,M938| XIN YI 辛荑 Lily Magnolia Buds Equivalent plant: Magnolia liliflora, Magnolia sprengeri , Magnolia biondii , Magnolia denudata Magnolia liliflora Warm,Pungent Lung,Stomach flower bud To dissipate wind-cold, relieve stuffed nose. Wind-cold common cold, headache, nasal congestion and runny nose, nasitis, nasosinusitis. 23462,M772|23867,M772|16887,E|7522,T6222|19084,M772|23126,M772|23880,M772|24047,M772|3048,M772|23953,M772|5403,M772|23260,M772;C0225|23184,M772|3244,M772|3045,M772|23421,M772|21582,M772|24024,M772|3231,M772|22368,T6222|22383,M772|23910,M772|15244,M772|23974,M772|3768,M772|22367,E|13380,E|13381,T6222|7733,M772|24921,M772|12843,M772|24431,M772|7751,M772|24842,M772|7734,M772|3760,E|30792,T6222|15489,M772|12492,E|12496,T6222|24803,M772|3769,M772|16513,T6222|15678,M772|24301,M772|23739,M772|4549,M772|23150,M772|15138,M772|8311,M772|8312,M772|23983,M772|15503,M772|23624,M772|25127,M772|24650,M772|23545,M772|2550,M772|24037,M772|3689,M772|19106,M772|20983,M772|15211,M772|20982,M772|2557,M772|25123,M772|21344,M772|23119,M772|24465,M772|20976,M772|7520,E|24466,M772|9511,M772|7750,M772|23590,M772|24956,M772|24854,M772|18905,M772| YIN BU HUAN 银不换 Barbate Cyclea Cyclea barbata NA NA root and stem To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse stasis and relieve pain, disinhibit urine and free strangury. Wind-heat common cold, throat pain, toothache, stomachache, abdominal pain, damp-heat dysentery, malaria, dribbling pain of urination, painful wound from knocks and falls, sprain and contusion. 3878,E|3879,T6447|32055,T6447|21190,E;C0317|21191,T6447|21254,E|11326,E|11733,E|9599,T6447|11328,T6447|9596,E|11738,T6447| LONG SHU DU JUAN NA Przewallsk Rhododendron* Rhododendron przewalskii NA NA leaf To clear lung, relieve cough and transform phlegm. Cough and asthma, abundant and sticky phlegm. 1161,E| YI HUA NA Redbracted Lysidice Lysidice rhodostegia NA NA root To quicken blood and relieve pain, disperse swelling and stanch bleeding. Knocks and falls, fracture, wind-damp impediment pain, bleeding due to external injury. 14941,E|14942,E|18636,E|17269,E|13254,E|13255,E|13253,E| GUANG GUO GAN CAO 光果甘草 Licorice Glycyrrhiza glabra NA NA root and rhizome See Glycyrrhiza uralensis . See Glycyrrhiza uralensis . 8498,E;T3898|8502,T3898|14018,E|31207,T3898|14019,T3898|8500,E;T3898|12907,E;C0131|10148,E|12897,E|12902,E|12901,E|31198,T3898|259,E;T3898|8488,T3898|19448,E|5177,T3898|31453,T3898|11501,E|25888,T3898|22651,E|12151,E|5728,E|5729,E|12787,E|12758,T3898|49,E|17989,T3898|12908,E|11502,E;T3898|6023,E|5724,E|5725,E|12751,E|8492,E;T3898|8497,E|8496,E|8495,E|31134,T3898|8840,E|11640,T3898|8499,E|6306,E|6024,E|7884,E;T3898|12152,E|6027,T3898|10152,E|10151,E|22228,E|12910,T3898|5143,E|12761,E|24754,T3898|5730,E|7483,E|1886,E|9984,E|10246,E|17987,E|8288,E|7882,E|12749,E;T3898|12748,E;T3898|8846,T3898|12745,E|12150,E|11694,E|12746,E|31017,T3898|12766,E|8845,E|11438,E|17389,E|11639,E|8486,E|10498,E|31179,T3898|8489,E|12149,E|12148,E|12747,E;T3898|9557,E|9556,E| CHUAN SHANG LONG MI GOU TENG NA Kawakami Gambirplant* Uncaria kawakamii NA NA NA NA NA 14881,E|14886,T3333| XIANG YIN YU NA Japanese Skimmia Skimmia japonica NA NA NA NA NA 19986,E|19987,E;T6144| CHAO XIAN YIN YANG HUO NA Korean Epimedium Epimedium koreanum NA NA aerial parts See Epimedium brevicornum . See Epimedium brevicornum. 6960,E|18727,E|18726,E|12902,E|8400,E|27388,T3264|3551,E|2138,E|2139,E;T3264|25149,T3264|10601,E|22224,T3264|12271,T3264|12270,E|31453,T3264|3481,T3264|3480,E|31353,T3264|1273,E;T3264|1275,E|22223,E|6958,E|6959,E|10886,E|21573,E|30608,T3264|10962,E|6775,E|6776,T3264|10945,T3264|31255,T3264|12268,E;T3264|12269,E;T3264|10941,E|11436,E| GOU WEN NA Graceful Jessamine Gelsemium elegans NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and attack toxin, disperse swelling and relieve pain, anticancer (itself with high toxicity). Nose carcinoma, eczema, neuralgia, wind-damp impediment pain, scab and lai , scrofula, clove sore, knocks and falls. 8255,T3864|8254,E;T3864|8257,E|8256,E|8251,E|10001,E;T3864|8253,E;T3864|8252,E;T3864|10167,E|31545,T3864|10007,T3864|6737,E|8259,E;T3864|10009,E|31543,T3864|9999,E|20564,T3864|5660,E|9657,E|5664,T3864|7038,E|10000,E;T3864|9658,E;T3864|9659,E;T3864|13931,E|10168,E|20563,E|5252,E|5253,E|5256,T3864|10002,E|10003,E;T3864|12295,T3864|31181,T3864|18529,T3864|18528,E|30874,T3864|31409,T3864|28336,T3864|31202,T3864|31201,T3864|16327,E|10135,E|10136,T3864|10670,E|31268,T3864|31012,T3864|13941,E|13954,E|31013,T3864|12284,E|12285,E;T3864|12286,E|9664,T3864|7040,T3864|9660,E;T3864|16328,T3864|8260,E|161,E|8262,T3864|10016,T3864|31932,T3864|31551,T3864|825,E|824,E;T3864|25819,T3864|26100,T3864| ZAI PEI HEI ZHONG CAO NA Cultivated Fennelflower* Nigella sativa NA NA NA NA NA 15560,E|15555,E|15554,E|15557,E|15556,E|15559,E| HUA QIAN JIN TENG 华千金藤 root of Chinese Stephania Radix Stephaniae Sinicae NA NA NA 1. To remove blood stasis and alleviate pain. For stomachache, headache, toothache, trauma and rheumatism. 2. To clear heat and toxic material. For sorethroat, aphthae, carbuncle, burn, snake bite, dysentery and diarrhea. 3. To relax the muscles. As a muscle relaxant for restoration of fracture and surgical operation. NA 25154,M970| CHI CHI JUE MING NA Toothwing Senna* Cassia dentata NA NA NA NA NA 18628,E|6008,T3282| HUANG JING YE 黄精叶 Negundo Chastetree Leaf Vitex negundo NA NA leaf To clear heat and resolve exterior, resolve toxin and disinhibit damp. Common cold, summerheat stroke, vomiting and diarrhea, dysentery, malaria, jaundice, rheumatism, painful swelling from knocks and falls, sore and welling abscess, scab and lichen. 2003,C0542|5318,E|5535,E|5386,E|5400,E|9506,E|15619,E|6499,E|10251,E|2259,E|6482,E|10253,T4181|107,E;T4181|3300,E|15316,E| JIE LIAO NA Pale Persicaria Polygonum nodosum NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, stanch bleeding, quicken blood and dissipate stasis. Swelling of sores, yin flat abscess, scrofula, poisonous snake bite, toothache, summerheat stroke, dysentery, knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury. 12046,E|18345,E|17385,E| YU LIN CAI NA Broadleaf Blainvillea* Blainvillea acmella NA NA whole herb To course wind and clear heat, relieve cough. Common cold with fever, lung vacuity consumption cough, hemoptysis, sprain and contusion. 19031,E| SHI ER RUI CHOU SHI CAI NA Dodecapistil Spiderflower* Polanisia dodecandra NA NA NA NA NA 17589,E| MO GU 蘑菇 Mushroom Equivalent plant: Agaricus bisporus Agaricus campestris NA NA sporocarp To fortify spleen and promote digestion, calm liver and raise spirit. Non-digestion of food accumulation, torpid intake, scant breast milk, hypertension, fatigued spirit and desire to sleep. 9603,T4987|22238,E|22799,T4987|22798,E|625,E;T4987|3774,E|19345,E|19346,T4987|21488,E|701,E;T4987|7852,E|7853,T4987|4226,T4987|4223,E|3776,T4987|32084,T4987|1055,E|30893,T4987|5350,E|12394,E|32177,T4987|23116,C0502|25611,T4987|4590,E;C0429|25591,T4987|18247,E|32083,T4987|18248,T4987|31868,T4987|26054,T4987|9601,E|10356,E|21489,E|21491,T4987|21490,E|3206,T4987|3205,E|1040,E|30892,T4987|5349,E|30343,T4987|18252,E|18256,T4987|31213,T4987| ZAO FAN 皂矾 Copperas Ferrosi Sulfas Cold,Sour Lung,Spleen,Large Intestine,Liver NA NA NA 24790,M828| LI BA NEN XIE HAO NA Moon-carrot Seseli libanotis NA NA NA NA NA 1960,E;T4594|6506,E|25816,T4594| DONG FANG JIA GUO JUE NA Oriental Ostrich Fern Matteuccia orientalis NA NA rhizome or stem-leaf To dispel wind, stanch bleeding. Wind-damp impediment pain, bleeding due to external injury. 13603,T3580|13602,E|13605,T3580|13604,E|13986,E|13987,T3580| CHI DOU NA Assuki Bean Vigna angularis NA NA seed To disinhibit water, disperse edema and abate jaundice, clear heat, resolve toxin and disperse welling abscess. Edema, leg qi , jaundice, strangury, hematochezia, swelling toxin sores, lichen papules. 2059,E|2058,E|2068,E|2069,E|17862,E|2060,E|2070,E|13100,E|2065,E|2066,E|2067,E| BIAN DA XIU QIU NA Diversifolious Hemiphragma Hemiphragma heterophyllum NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and relieve pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, menstrual block and abdominal pain, scrofula, swelling of sores and damp toxin, sore pharynx, ging iva painful swelling, knocks and falls. 17496,E|9347,E| HE TUN NA Globefish Fugu ocellatus NA NA meat To supplement liver and kidney, dispel damp and relieve pain. Impotence, enuresis, dizziness, limp aching lumbus and knees, wind-damp impediment pain, itchy skin. 21196,T3993|21194,E|21195,E;T3993| YA MA NA Common Flax Linum usitatissimum NA NA root, leaf To calm liver, quicken blood. Liver wind headache, knocks and falls, swollen welling abscess and clove sores. 9615,E|22448,E|12891,T6278|12890,E|11575,T6278|16192,T6278|8370,T6278|13004,T6278|12888,T6278|12889,E|12887,E|12885,E|8315,E|12848,E|12849,T6278|15421,T6278|15420,E|16185,E|12997,E|31449,T6278|11778,T6278|11770,E| BA QIA 菝契 Chinaroot Greenbrier Smilax china [Syn. Smilax japonica ] NA NA rhizome To dispel wind and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin and eliminate welling abscess. Wind-damp impediment pain, strangury-turbidity, vaginal discharge, dysentery, diarrhea, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, intractable lichen, burns and scalds. 23925,M898|18042,E|24195,M898|15456,E|15457,E|25022,M898|16654,M898|24355,M898|5658,E|8970,T2946|19967,E|8967,E|24997,M898| ZA XING TANG SONG CAO NA Tall Meadowrue Thalictrum polygamum NA NA NA NA NA 21223,E|32053,T6597|16803,E|2304,E;T6597|21244,T6597|21250,E|21241,E|21224,T6597| ZHEN ZHU GAN 珍珠杆 stem of Red and Yellow Garden Raspberry caulis Rubi idaei Cold,Bitter Liver,Kidney NA NA NA 25007,M183|23471,M183|25168,M183|23972,M183|24821,M183|23497,M183|24115,M183|23378,M183|24283,M183| HUA NAN GONG LAO ZI NA Japanese Mahonia Fruit Mahonia japonica NA NA fruit See Mahonia bealei. See Mahonia bealei. 11738,T4126|11733,E| JIN YING ZI 金樱子 Cherokee Rose Seed Rosa laevigata Mild,Sour,Punkery Bladder,Large Intestine,Kidney fruit To secure essence and reduce urine, astringe intestines and check diarrhea. Emission, enuresis and frequent urination, flooding and spotting with vaginal discharge, chronic diarrhea and dysentery. 14504,E|19261,E|14515,E|757,E|14433,E|14434,T4421|31646,T4421|14758,T4421|758,E|25731,T4421|21442,E|16411,E|14757,E|7656,E|14517,T4421|14585,T4421|17870,E|18901,E|23234,M411;C0368|14583,E|17736,E| GE LUN BI YA BA DOU NA Colombia Croton*, Almizclillo Croton schiedeanus NA NA NA NA NA 9918,E|4891,E|14509,E|13922,E|9896,E|5792,E|9971,E|7834,E|9221,E|11893,E| CU SHE BIAN JU NA Scaly Blazing Star Liatris squarrosa NA NA NA NA NA 20144,E|20145,T3386| HUANG YAO NA Oriental Buckthorn Rhamnus crenatus NA NA NA NA NA 4225,E| LA MEI HUA NA Wintersweet Bud Chimonanthus fragrans [Syn. Chimonanthus praecox] NA NA flower bud To clear heat and resolve summerheat, rectify qi and open depression. Summerheat-heat vexation and thirst, dizziness, oppression in chest due to glomus, globus hystericus, swelling pain in throat, pertussis, child measles, burns and scalds. 2550,E;T4565|14624,E|30767,T4565|11023,E|2273,E;T4565|3002,E|3023,T4565|21533,E|25488,T4565|3527,E|7944,T4565|7943,E|7733,E|20789,E|31309,T4565|31511,T4565|18327,E|7734,T4565| XIN HE LAN HU JIAO NA Novel-Holland Pepper* Piper nove - hollandae NA NA NA NA NA 25857,T6208|6192,E| YAN BAI 岩柏 NA NA Mild,Slightly Sweet NA NA NA NA 24345,M785|24106,M785|23975,M785| MAO GAO CAI 茅膏菜 Lunate Peltate Sundew Drosera peltata var. lunata NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and relieve pain, quicken blood, resolve toxin. Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, taxation damage in lumbar muscle, stomachache, common cold, swelling pain in throat, red and white dysentery, malaria, child gan accumulation, eye screen, scrofula, eczema, scab sore. 9724,E;T4854|9723,E|10059,E|17556,T4854|17554,E;C0573|9737,T4854|6604,E|6605,T4854|31187,T4854| BAI HUA TENG NA Threeflower Clematis Clematis terniflora [Syn. Clematis maximowicziana] NA NA root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling, cool blood and stanch bleeding. Wind-damp impediment pain, swelling toxin of clove sore, throat impediment, snake bite, dog bite, blood ejection, hemoptysis, flooding and spotting. 17951,E|31847,T2981| GUAN ZI YU PAN NA Angola Uvaria* Uvaria angolensis NA NA NA NA NA 11748,E|11749,T3892|2224,E|32183,T3892|22271,E|22274,E|24166,T3892| JIAN YE LONG XUE SHU NA Swordleaf Dracaena Equivalent plant: Daemonorops draco Dracaena cochinchinensis NA NA balsam To dissipate stasis and settle pain, stanch bleeding, close sores and engender flesh. Knocks and falls, internal damage stasis pain, dysmenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, incessant bleeding, scrofula, ulcer of lower limb, hemorrhoids. 8629,E|9369,T4344|14228,E|9367,E|14015,E|31540,T4344|31569,T4344|18151,T4344|31221,T4344|10025,T4344|13005,E|30667,T4344|13010,T4344|10407,E|3867,E|2449,E|5753,E|10018,E|12995,T4344|9482,T4344|9481,E|13921,E|18149,E|30796,T4344|11597,E|7524,E|30471,T4344| MAO BA JIAO FENG NA Kurz Alangium Alangium kurzii NA NA lateral root or fibril To soothe sinews and quicken blood, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Stasis swelling from knocks and falls, fracture. 1293,E;T4843|1124,E;T4843| LUO YU SHAN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 20795,T4774|20794,T4774| BIAN BAO MA LI JIN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 32186,T3117| ZA JIAO YIN JIAO JU NA Hybrid Pathenium* Parthenium argentatum x P . tomentosa NA NA NA NA NA 1670,E|1671,E|1669,E|1668,E| HAI ER SHEN 孩儿参 Prince Ginseng Root Radix Pseudostellariae NA NA NA To supplement vital Qi and promote the production of body fluid. For insufficiency of spleen-yin, spleen-energy, lung-yin and lung-energy manifested as poor appetite, fatigue, thirst and general debilityduring convalescence, for dryness of lung with non-productive cough, febrile diseases with consumption of body fluid and thirst, especially for insufficiency of yin and vital energy in children and spontaneous perspiration in debilitated persons. NA 23836,M947|23097,M947|23287,C0400| DA WEI YAO NA Indian Heliotrope Heliotropium indicum NA NA whole herb or root To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit urine. Pneumonia, pyothorax, sore pharynx, oral ulcer, vesical calculus, swollen welling abscess. 11021,T3449|20473,T3449|11018,E|11017,E|31308,T3449|9322,T3449|9319,E|18531,E|20472,E|437,E;T3449|6685,E|6687,T3449| HUI BAO HAO NA Roxburgh Wormwood Artemisia roxbugiana NA NA NA NA NA 7957,T4227|6574,E|15924,T4227|15925,E|6578,T4227|14937,T4227|23105,T4227|1111,E|1110,E|1112,E|14936,E|7950,E|24760,T4227|23232,T4227| TIE HAI TANG NA Crownofhorns Euphorbia Euphorbia milii NA NA Stem-leaf and root To expel pus, resolve toxin, expel water, quicken blood. Swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, burns and scalds, knocks and falls, bubo, hepatitis, ascites ulcer. 14853,E;T5813|14852,E;T5813|14851,E|14854,T5813| XIAO WU MAO JUE NA Minus Hard-fern* Blechnum minus NA NA NA NA NA 6677,E|6678,T6182| FENG XIN ZI NA Common Hyacinth Hyacinthus orientalis NA NA NA NA NA 9695,E| CAO GUO 草果 Tsaoko Fructus tsaoko Warm,Pungent Spleen,Stomach NA Treatment of accumulation of cold-damp in the spleen and the stomach manifested by epigastric distension, fullness and pain accompanied by vomiting, malaria with paroxysms of chills and fever. NA 3689,M74;C0316|23861,M74|23299,C0231| JIN TIE SUO NA Tuniclike Psammosilene Psammosilene tunicoides NA NA root To dissipate stasis and settle pain, stanch bleeding, disperse welling abscess and expel pus. Knocks and falls, wind-damp pain, stomachache, welling abscess and boil, bleeding due to external injury. 26072,T4417|26073,T4417|8057,E|8056,E|18000,E|8073,E|8072,E|31856,T4417|8074,E|4533,E|14394,E|14395,T4417|18403,E|4462,E|4463,E|18001,E;T4417|4461,E| ZHONG GUO XUAN FU HUA NA Chinese Inula Inula britannica var. chinensis NA NA capitulum See Inula britannica . See Inula britannica . 15195,E|20688,E|11108,E|2052,E;T6683|25574,T6683|4679,E|8046,E|12017,E|30993,T6683|11115,T6683|4684,T6683|20267,T6683|31878,T6683|20265,E|15196,T6683|25216,T6683|17751,E|31836,T6683|18302,E| CHAN SU 蟾酥 Toad Skin Secretion Cake Bufo bufo gargarizans, Bufo melanostictus Warm,Pungent Heart dried secretion of skin glands To resolve toxin, relieve pain, open orifices and arouse spirit. Welling abscess and flat abscess with clove sores, swelling pain in throat, summerheat stroke with vomiting and diarrhea, abdominal pain and clouded spirit, local anesthesia. 2716,E;M81;T3224|2717,E;T3224|2714,E;T3224|2715,E;T3224|24955,M81|10672,E|2718,E|23042,T3224|14973,E|20895,E;M81|20424,T3224|16318,E|13560,T3224|20423,E|23577,M81|9858,E|3040,E|7911,E|9992,E|3733,E;T3224|3732,E;M81;T3224|3731,E;T3224|3730,E|5238,E;T3224|24108,M81|3734,T3224|24393,M81;T3224|3586,T3224|9917,E|9916,E|5236,E|5237,E;T3224|19745,E|14974,T3224|9905,T3224|29509,T3224|653,E|7192,E|7191,E|7190,E|10671,E|19747,T3224|2727,E;T3224|2726,E;M81|2725,M81|26026,T3224|2723,E;T3224|3585,E|2721,E;M81;T3224|24199,M81|4884,T3224|4883,E|31001,T3224|30688,T3224|20923,T3224|23354,M81|30791,T3224|3729,E|30869,T3224|22042,E|16301,E|9860,E|2722,E;M81;T3224|19967,E|8122,E|8121,T3224|8120,E|23223,T3224|24551,M81|13559,E;T3224|18621,E|9903,E|1048,E|16285,E|7189,E|18622,E;M81;T3224|18623,E;T3224|3041,T3224|18625,T3224|1664,E;T3224|25012,M81| GUANG XI E ZHU 广西莪术 rhizome of Kwangsi Turmeric Rhizoma Curcumae Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Liver NA Treatment of mass in the abdomen, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, distension and pain due to stagnation of undigested food, carcinoma of cervix at early stage. NA 4399,M295|4415,M295|4392,M295|6875,M295|24922,M295|24694,M295| GAN JIANG 干姜 Common Ginger Dried Rhizome Zingiber officinale Hot,Pungent Lung,Spleen,Stomach,Heart,Kidney dried rhizome To warm center and dissipate cold, return yang and free vessels, warm lung and transform rheum. Cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea, yang -collapse reversal flow, cold rheum asthma cough, cold-damp impediment pain. 10178,E|31081,T3789|4832,E|13795,E|8389,E;T3789|8388,E;T3789|8387,E|8386,E|8385,E|22989,T3789|15678,T3789|15676,E|31444,T3789|19837,T3789|12837,E|19831,E;M260;C0058|23188,M260;C0350|3045,E|7178,T3789|9497,E|4389,E|29674,T3789|23697,M260|28358,T3789|13796,T3789|31029,T3789|10188,E|29275,T3789|23468,M260|26058,T3789|19772,E|9408,E|31633,T3789|23899,T3789|31031,T3789|3760,E;C0191|3761,E|3762,E|15481,T3789|15672,E|15673,T3789|8394,E|8395,E|8396,E|8397,E|8390,E;T3789|8393,E|4549,E|30782,T3789|8310,T3789|8311,E|8312,T3789|3046,T3789|12843,M260|10177,E|30792,T3789|24308,M260|3689,E|31033,T3789|30883,T3789|23763,T3789|22987,E;C0009|22988,E;M260;T3789|5301,E|4833,T3789|7161,E|24584,M260|2412,E|31030,T3789|28770,T3789|31032,T3789|19776,T3789|17041,E|30843,T3789|11435,E|11436,T3789|24070,T3789|7727,E| CHE SANG ZI YE NA Clammy Hopseedbush Leaf Dodonaea viscosa NA NA leaf To clear heat and percolate damp, disperse swelling and resolve toxin. Dribbling urination, dribbling urinary block, shoulder swelling, clove boil, swelling pain in perineum, burns and scalds. 9249,T3267|9248,E|3837,T3267|3830,T3267|2887,E|3551,E|3829,E|23381,T3267|20353,E|23887,T3267|11645,E|3552,T3267|11647,T3267|3831,E| WEI JING BAI HE NA Schoenocoulon officinale Schoenocaulon officinale NA NA NA NA NA 16460,E|16461,E|14955,E|19497,E|4336,E|15050,E|22366,E|18632,E|17269,E| LUO TUO PENG NA Common Peganum Peganum harmala NA NA whole herb To diffuse lung qi, dispel wind-damp, disperse swelling toxin. Cough and shortness of breath, wind-damp impediment pain, itchy skin, innominate toxin swelling. 25354,T4767|23247,T4767|16756,E;T4767|16757,E|16754,E|19047,E|16758,E;T4767|16759,E;T4767|5226,T4767|16761,T4767|5200,E|25365,T4767|5218,E|9234,E|9235,T4767|22335,T4767|22334,E|22333,T4767|9231,E|9232,E;T4767|9233,T4767| MA HUANG 麻黄 Chinese Ephedra Equivalent plant: Ephedra equisetina , Ephedra intermedia , Ephedra minuta , Ephedra monosperma, Ephedra likiangensis, Ephedra saxatilis, Ephedra gerardiana Ephedra sinica Warm,Pungent,Slightly Bitter Lung,Bladder herbaceous twigs To effuse sweat and resolve exterior, diffuse lung and calm asthma, disinhibit water and disperse edema. Wind-cold exterior repletion syndrome, headache without sweating, headache and generalized pain, cough, fever, fever and aversion to wind, absence of sweating, congesting lung, non-diffusion of lung qi, cough and asthma, bronchial asthma, wind water edema, nasal congestion, allergic rhinitis, inhibited urination, wind-damp impediment pain, muscle numbness, wind papule itching, yin flat abscess and phlegm node. 23046,M493;C0479|3048,M493|18011,T4793|18010,E|23365,M493|12078,E|24396,M493|24323,M493|5379,M493|23919,M493|23852,M493|23910,M493|14390,T4793|23119,M493|24655,M493|21344,M493;C0293|3768,M493|23038,M493;C0121|9377,M493|21573,M493;C0037|23379,M493|1498,E;M493;T4793|25206,T4793|24266,M493|6395,E|24852,M493|23287,M493|23462,M493|12079,T4793|23678,M493|23775,M493|6397,T4793|115,M493|12711,E;M493|23260,C0225|24578,M493|14697,T4793|14693,E|12017,E;M493;C0453|5097,T4793|23507,M493|31779,T4793|25808,T4793|17251,C0263|25807,T4793|15737,T4793|15736,E;M493|8751,T4793|4549,M493|23252,M493;C0109|23318,M493|15138,E|13536,E|13539,T4793|12843,M493|23311,M493|23701,M493|9511,M493|23545,M493|23948,M493|5403,M493|24136,M493|24685,M493|24417,M493|23789,M493|24443,M493|18905,M493|23145,C0478|24934,M493|23142,M493;C0318|23325,M493|14388,E|8743,E|23950,M493|23983,M493|9037,M493|32005,T4793|23241,M493;C0245|13772,C0122|24519,M493|21525,E|21524,T4793|24697,M493|24695,M493|24357,M493|15244,M493|23454,M493|24299,M493|21934,E|21936,T4793|24292,M493|24924,M493|23330,M493|21957,E|23880,M493|17442,M493|24943,M493|21958,T4793|3633,E|20414,M493;C0490|24177,M493|23233,C0006|12712,T4793|3689,M493|3688,M493|19105,M493|24748,M493|24296,M493|15782,T4793|13763,T4793|25205,T4793|23736,M493|23867,M493|15146,T4793|19084,M493|3634,T4793|6815,E|6814,E;M493|15780,E|23228,C0303|23184,M493|23425,M493|17069,E|23421,M493|31088,T4793|3231,M493|25574,T4793|25095,M493|2222,M493|24148,M493|15973,M493|24866,M493|9420,E;M493|24431,M493|23214,C0289|23059,M493;C0568|23212,C0004|13940,E;M493|13941,T4793|9358,M493|23052,M493|23458,M493|24520,M493|8311,M493;C0304|23828,M493|23624,M493|23191,M493;C0160|23620,M493|24480,M493|23907,M493|20977,E|20976,M493|1476,E;M493;C0378;T4793|9513,M493|15967,C0425|20979,E|20978,E| LA LIAO NA Flaccid Knotweed Polygonum hydropiper var. flaccidum [Syn. Polygonum flaccidum] NA NA whole herb To resolve toxin, eliminate damp, dissipate stasis, stanch bleeding. Dysentery, diarrhea, nipple moth, malaria, wind-damp impediment pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls, flooding and spotting [=metrorrhagia and metrostaxis], swollen welling abscess and clove sores, scrofula, poisonous snake bites, eczema, foot lichen. 17633,E|16978,E| YE WU TONG NA Japanese Mallotus Mallotus japonicus NA NA bark To clear heat and resolve toxin, promote contraction and stanch bleeding. Gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, hepatitis, hematuria, vaginal discharge, sores, bleeding due to external injury. 18195,T6389|18189,E|13425,E;T6389|13424,E|13423,E;T6389|13420,E;T6389|19072,E|19075,T6389|6922,E|31333,T6389|2816,T6389|2811,E;T6389|2810,E|8310,E|8311,T6389|13431,E|13419,E|31481,T6389|31480,T6389|11519,E|11518,E|2312,E;T6389|11292,E| ZI HU 紫胡 Sickle-leaved Hare’s-ear Bupleurum falcatum NA NA NA NA NA 20153,E|20155,T6734|13441,E|21123,E|17067,E|19130,E|17068,E|19117,E|19135,T6734|19134,E|19133,E|13442,E|11581,E|502,E|23079,C0074|10686,E|10684,E|10685,E|19128,E|19129,E|19127,E|2756,E|2754,E|2755,E|2753,E|30451,T6734|30450,T6734| YI YE JIA FAN LV NA Heterophylla Falsestarwort Pseudostellaria heterophylla NA NA root To boost qi and fortify spleen, moisten lung and engender liquid. Spleen vacuity and fatigued body, inappetence, weakness during convalescence, qi and yin vacuity, thirst due to spontaneous sweating, dry cough due to lung dryness. 18055,E|18054,E|14862,E|18052,E|18051,E|18050,E|1526,E|9568,E|18053,E|1673,E| HAI NAN GOU YA HUA NA Heyne Ervatamia* Ervatamia hainanensis NA NA NA NA NA 22586,E| SI SHI TIAN JIE CAI NA Steudner Heliotrope* Heliotropium steudneri NA NA NA NA NA 13229,T5688|13228,E| LIAN XIANG SHU GUO 连香树果 Cercidiphyllum japonicum Sieb. et Zucc. NA NA NA NA NA NA 23090,C0492| GUI PI DIAO ZHANG NA Spicebush Lindera benzoin NA NA NA NA NA 16819,E|15893,E|15894,E| DA PO WAN HUA HUA NA Hupeh Anemone Anemone hupehensis NA NA root To clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin and kill worms, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling. Dysentery, diarrhea, malaria, ascariasis, swollen welling abscess, sore and boil, scrofula, knocks and falls, acute icterohepatitis. 1178,E;T3441| BAI GUO YE 白果叶 Ginkgo Leaf Ginkgo biloba sweet,bitter,astringent,neutral heart,lung leaf To quicken blood and nourish heart, constrain lung and astringe intestines. Coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, hypercholesterolemia, Parkinson’s disease, peripheral arterial diseases, chest impediment and heart pain, cough of phlegm asthma, diarrhea and dysentery, vaginal discharge, emission, retinal insufficiency syndrome. 1128,E|18397,T2968|6853,E|19499,E|30997,T2968|7819,E|12050,E|20545,E|8407,T2968|12079,T2968|12078,E|8400,E;M1099|8401,E|8402,E|8403,E;C0180|8404,E;C0179;T2968|8405,E;C0181;T2968|8406,C0182|15516,E|8097,E|11666,E|15660,T2968|23933,M1099|18350,E|12017,E;M1099|12030,E|9388,E|24492,M1099|31374,T2968|24920,M1099|25805,T2968|19742,E|20549,E|11645,E|11639,E|19072,M1099|23881,M1099|18302,E;M1099|25149,T2968|31353,T2968|1935,E|15659,E|18321,E|18320,E|7820,T2968|12029,E|15650,E|15651,T2968|1476,E;T2968|2379,E;M1099|2376,E|11651,E|11436,E;M1099|11437,E|18396,E|11655,E| GUANG ZAO 广枣 fruit of Axillary choerospondias Fructus Choerospondiatis Cold,Sour,Punkery Spleen,Liver NA Treatment of stagnation of qi and blood with pectoral pain, palpitation and shortness of breath, uneasiness in mind. NA 24191,M296|25073,M296|23781,M296|23923,M296|23487,M296|20306,M296|23383,M296|11908,M296|25068,M296| YE JU NA Indian Wild Chrysanthemum Equivalent plant: Chrysanthemum lavandulifolium, Chrysanthemum boreale Chrysanthemum indicum NA NA whole herb and root To clear heat and resolve toxin. Common cold, trachitis, hepatitis, hypertension, dysentery, swollen welling abscess, clove sore, red eyes and distending pain, scrofula, eczema. 1789,E;T6373|3237,E|3595,E;T6373|3594,E|15696,E|31043,T6373|8752,E|21334,E|21335,T6373|30772,T6373|23412,T6373|3592,E|3596,T6373| DA DU WU TOU NA Franchet Monkshood Aconitum franchetll NA NA NA NA NA 20634,E| CAO WEN JING NA Meadaw Horsetail Equisetum pratense NA NA whole herb To quicken blood, disinhibit urine, expel worms. Atherosclerosis, pain of hot urine and inhibited urination, intestinal parasitic disease. 18376,E|12040,E| BO AI DA JI NA Petty Euphorbia Euphorbia peplus NA NA NA NA NA 21016,E| SHENG JUN 生军 root and rhziome of Sorrel Rhubarb Radix et Rhizoma Rhei Cold,Bitter Large Intestine,Stomach,Liver NA Treatment of fever with constipation, retention of the feces and abdominal pain, dysentery with inadequate discharge from the bowels, jaundice caused by damp-heat, haematemesis, epistaxis, inflammation of eye and swelling of the throat due to heat in the blood, appendicitis with abdominal pain, boils, sores and abscess, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, traumatic injuries, hemorrhage from the upper gastrointestinal tract. External use for scalds and burns.Radixet Rhizoma Rhei (stir-fried with wine) Inflammation of the eye, swelling of the throat and painful swelling of the gums. Radix et Rhizoma Rhei (prepared) Boils, sores and abscess. Radix et Rhizoma Rhei (carbonized) Hemorrhage with blood stasis due to heat in the blood. 1. Sennoside A is the component for purgation.2. Promoting biliary secretion and enhancing the amount of bilirubin and bile acid.3. Rhein and Emodin exert bacteriostatic effect by inhibting the synthesis of DNA, RNA and protein in bacteria4. Emodin is a component for hypotensive5. Oral use of its extract reduces the raio of serum cholesterol and total phospholipid in rabbits with hypercholesterolemia.6. Chrysophanol, an other active component, exerts a hemostatic effect. 6775,M642;C0449|18744,M642|3615,M642|19734,M642| SHI SHANG BAI 石上柏 Doederlein's Spikemoss Herb Herba Selaginellae Doederleinii NA NA NA To clear heat and dampness, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis: For jaundice of dampness-heat type and abdominal mass. Recently used for acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecysitis, etc., also for diarrhea, desentery and leucorrhagia of dampness-heat type, ough of lung-heat type, sorethroat, silicosis, and tumors such as lung cancer, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, chorionic epithelioma, tumor of the digestive tract, etc. 2. To stop bleeding. For hematemesis, hemafecia, hemoptysis and epistaxis. External use for bleeding after trauma and after separation of umbilical cord in infants. NA 24345,M1040|24106,M1040|23975,M1040| AN GE LA ZI TAN NA Angola Padauk* Pterocarpus angolensis NA NA NA NA NA 15988,E|17987,E| SHI DAN CAO NA Fan-shaped Corallodiscus Corallodiscus flabellatus [Syn. Didissandra flabellat] NA NA whole herb To clear damp heat, resolve sore toxin, quicken blood and relieve pain. Damp-heat impediment pain, toxin swelling of sores, swelling pain in throat, red and white vaginal discharge, knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury. 21745,E|5948,E|6077,E|6076,E|6075,E|6084,E|6079,E|6078,E| SA BA LU HUI NA Saba Aloe Aloe sabaea NA NA NA NA NA 3545,T5392|3543,E|6331,E|6332,T5392|3979,E|3981,T5392| HEI DA DOU YE NA Black Soyabean Leaf Glycine max NA NA leaf To disinhibit water and free strangury, cool blood and resolve toxin. Blood strangury, snake bite. 26089,T4004|26088,T4004|553,E|552,E|7852,E|7853,T4004| JU SHI QIE NA Juzepczuk Nightshade* Solanum juzepczukii NA NA NA NA NA 5103,E|5105,T4457| XIAN MAI JU NA Glandularnerve Pepper Piper bavinum NA NA NA NA NA 22612,E| JIAO RANG MU NA Macropodous Daphniphyllum Daphniphyllum macropodum NA NA leaf and seed To clear heat and resolve toxin. Swelling toxin of sore and boil. 4715,E|26036,T4369|4658,E|1892,E;T4369| SAN HUA LONG DAN NA Threeflower Gentian Gentiana triflora NA NA root and rhizome See Gentiana scabra . See Gentiana scabra . 8304,T5408|8303,E|1020,E;T5408| FENG XIAN TOU GU CAO 凤仙透骨草 all-grass of Tubercultae speranskia Herba Speranskiae tuberculatae Mild,Pungent,Bitter NA NA NA NA 23171,M246|23306,M246|23175,M246| SHU ZHUANG MA HUANG NA Tall Ephedra Ephedra procera NA NA NA NA NA 15780,E|18010,E|6814,E|15736,E| LIANG MIAN QING NA Indian Maesa Maesa indica NA NA whole herb or leaf To clear heat and disinhibit damp, lower blood pressure. Hepatitis, diarrhea, measles papules, hypertension. 13343,E| XIU MAO DI HUANG NA Rusty Foxglove Digitalis ferruginea NA NA NA NA NA 5521,E|5522,T6236|9563,E|9565,T6236| CU ZHUANG KA FEI NA Robust Coffee* Coffea robusta NA NA NA NA NA 11326,T3392|5413,E| XIAO YE HONG GUANG SHU NA Small-leaf Knema Knema globularia NA NA NA NA NA 5698,E|20465,E|13641,E| LU LU TONG 路路通 Beautiful Sweetgum Liquidambar formosana [Syn. Liquidambar taiwaniana] Mild,Bitter Stomach,Liver,Kidney inflorescence To expel wind and eliminate damp, soothe liver and quicken network vessels, disinhibit water. Wind-damp impediment pain, numbness in limbs, hypertonicity of limbs, pain in stomach duct and abdomen, amenorrhea, galactostasis, edema distention fullness, eczema. 3303,E|12898,E|24140,M478|20402,E|2338,E|12902,T4719|23119,M478|12900,E|2558,E|20401,E|23301,C0219|3305,T4719|231,E| ZHUANG GUAN JI GU CHANG SHAN NA Spectacular Alstonia* Alstonia spectabilis NA NA NA NA NA 6699,T6718|6698,E| YUE GEN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11770,C0144|4316,C0518| HAN SHI 寒食 NA Massa Hanshi Fermentata Cold,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Kidney NA NA NA 24225,M318|24106,M318|23975,M318| RI BEN NV ZHEN NA Japanese Privet Ligustrum japonicum NA NA leaf To clear liver fire, resolve heat toxin. Dizziness and dim vision, acute conjunctivitis, oral gan , tooth decay, innominate toxin swelling, burns and scalds. 16071,E|16070,E|15430,E|16074,T5349| KA SHI QIAN GOU ZAO NA NA Amphidinium carterae NA NA NA NA NA 6518,E|6425,E|20266,E| LING MAO XIANG 灵猫香 Civet Viverra zibetha Warm,Pungent Liver,Heart,Kidney secretion with a musky odor secreted from anal scent glands To move qi , quicken blood, quiet spirit, relieve pain. Sudden pain in heart and abdomen, mounting qi . 23740,M456|3780,E|3781,T4667|24176,M456|11023,E|19446,T4667|19444,E|31309,T4667|24585,M456|17921,E|17922,T4667|7420,T4667|24889,M456|7419,E| DUO CI HUANG HUA REN NA Spiny Sida* Sida spinosa NA NA NA NA NA 10203,E|8811,E| NEW ZEALAND LIVERWORT TYLIMANTHUS TENELLUS. NA NA Tylimanthus tenellus NA NA NA NA NA 9665,E|10578,E|9662,E| PING YUAN BA DOU. NA NA Croton campestris NA NA NA NA NA 22346,E|22347,E|22345,E| SHA YUAN ZI 沙苑子 Flatstem Milkvetch Seed Semen Astragali Complanati Sweet,warm Liver,kidney NA Treatment of back pain, nocturnal emission and premature ejaculation in deficiency syndromes of the kidney, turbid discharge with urination, excessive leukorrhea, dribbling of urine after urination, dizziness and blurred vision. NA 3949,M1035|15180,M1035|15363,M1035| ZI MO LI HUA BI DONG QIE NA Nyctaginiflower Petunia* Petunia nyctaginiflora NA NA NA NA NA 21946,E|21948,E| ZHAN HUA WU TOU NA Patentflower Monkshood Aconitum chasmanthum NA NA tuberoid To dispel wind and overcome damp, relieve pain. Wind-cold-damp impediment, pain in joints. 3483,E|11010,E|11011,T6619| GUANG JIE QIU HAI TANG NA Glabrate Begonia* Begonia glabra NA NA NA NA NA 16487,E|20962,E|25383,T3901| DAN HUI BAI SHAN MA HUANG NA Light-hoar Tickclover* Desmodium canum NA NA NA NA NA 5264,E|5263,E|14746,E| WU SAO FENG 乌骚风 Caulis Periplocae calophyllae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23105,C0240| BAI MA GU 白马骨 all - grass of Snow of June. Herba Serissae Cool,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Liver NA NA NA 23823,M33|23378,M33| LA JIAO TOU 辣椒头 Radix Capsici annui NA NA NA NA NA NA 3141,C0445|23261,C0565| CAI DOU SHU NA Asia Belltree Radermachera sinica NA NA root, leaf or fruit To clear summerheat and resolve toxin, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling. Fever due to summerheat damage, swollen welling abscess, fracture, poisonous insect stings. 14864,T3170|14863,E|9972,E|18507,E|11453,T3170|11452,E|11613,E| DIAN HUANG QIN NA Yunnan Skullcap Scutellaria amoena NA NA root See Scutellaria baicalensis. See Scutellaria baicalensis. 31940,T3550|32031,T3550|32032,T3550|29509,T3550|15806,E|16838,T3550|3602,T3550|3600,E|16205,E|16835,E|22705,T3550|22702,E|21092,E|2102,E;T3550|19967,E|16240,T3550|21098,E|31765,T3550|21759,E|22704,E;T3550|19993,E|19565,E|19566,E;T3550|19567,T3550|16833,E|2106,E;T3550|32126,T3550| DI FU ZI 地肤子 fruit of Belvedere Fructus Kochiae Cold,Bitter Bladder NA Treatment of painful and difficult urination, pruritus vulvae with leukorrhea, rubela, eczema, cutaneous pruritus. Inhibiting the growth of various dermatomyces in vitro. 24172,M211|23101,M211|24221,M211| MAO CI JIN JI ER NA Tibet Peasshrub Caragana tibetica NA NA NA NA NA 19517,E|12254,E|20540,E|19379,E|11669,E|19516,E|21353,E|17264,E|3289,E|18628,E|3291,E| JI SHI TENG 鸡矢藤 Fevervine Paederia scandens NA NA whole herb or root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, disperse food and transform accumulation, resolve toxin and disperse swelling, quicken blood and relieve pain. Wind-damp pain, diarrhea, dysentery, pain in stomach duct and abdomen, qi vacuity edema, heavy head and low food intake, liver spleen enlargement, scrofula, intestinal welling abscess, innominate toxin swelling, knocks and falls. 1618,E;M979|9739,E;C0462|16506,E|16505,E|16504,E|16503,E|6195,E|6196,E|7779,E|19439,E|4658,E|1892,E|7778,E| SHAN LING MA HUANG NA Gerard Ephedra Ephedra gerardiana NA NA herbaceous twigs See Ephedra sinica. See Ephedra sinica. 14388,E|14693,E|15736,E|6815,E|6814,E|15780,E|18010,E|25808,T5488|25807,T5488| GAO SHAN HUO RONG CAO NA Alpine Edelweiss Leontopodium alpinum NA NA whole herb To course wind and clear heat, relieve cough and transform phlegm. Fever due to external contraction, lung heat cough, bronchitis. 10525,E|21955,E|14759,E|19878,E|119,E|21882,E|11336,E|14387,E|14885,E|2856,E|15877,E|12174,E|6211,E|6210,E|230,E|118,E| JI GUAN CI TONG NA Folkers Coralbean* Erythrina crysragalli NA NA NA NA NA 7307,E| FU JI NI YA DI SUN 弗吉尼亚地笋 Bugleweed Lycopus virginicus NA NA NA NA NA 12921,T3764|12919,E|23254,C0130| NI DONG FENG LUO. NA NA Babylonia lutosa NA NA meat To stanch bleeding, moisten dryness. Nosebleed(epistaxis), dry stool. 20480,E| GOU QI XIAO BO NA Medlar Barberry* Berberis zycium NA NA NA NA NA 7326,E|7327,T3856|18193,E| MEI ZHOU MAN MI PING GUO NA Mammee Apple Mammea americana NA NA NA NA NA 25729,T4929|13462,E|13461,E|13460,E|6182,E|6180,E|20474,E|31945,T4929| XIN XI LAN YE TAI. NA NA Jungermannia sp. NA NA NA NA NA 10286,E|11959,E|10273,E|12163,E| GAO LIANG NA Sorghum Sorghum vulgare NA NA seed To fortify spleen and check diarrhea, transform phlegm and quiet spirit. Cholera, spleen vacuity diarrhea, indigestion, phlegm-damp cough, insomnia and frequent dreaming. 5282,E|31214,T3829|13130,T3829|13129,E| CI WEI PI 刺猬皮 Hedgedog Skin Corium Erinacei Seu Hemiechianus Mild,Bitter Large Intestine,Stomach,Kidney NA NA NA 12435,M126|24297,M126|24368,M126| ZHI ZHU BAO DAN NA Common Aspidistra Aspidistra elatior NA NA rhizome To quicken blood and relieve pain, clear lung and relieve cough, disinhibit urine and free strangury. Knocks and falls, wind-damp impediment pain, lumbago, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, lung heat cough, sand strangury, inhibited urination. 1902,E;T6675|1898,E;T6675|1899,E;T6675| DA YE GOU TENG 大叶钩藤 Largeleaf Gambirplant Uncaria macrophylla NA NA hooked stem-branch See Uncaria rhynchophylla. See Uncaria rhynchophylla. 31917,T3461|11676,E|11677,E|4122,T3461|4120,E;T3461|31377,T3461|18811,E;C0077|4119,E| XIE WEI JU NA Linear Koelpinia Koelpinia linearis NA NA NA NA NA 12240,E|12241,E|7378,T6204|663,E|20697,E|8350,E|15765,E|12239,E| DONG BEI SHI SHAN NA Northeast Clubmos* Huperzia miyoshiana NA NA NA NA NA 3813,E|7804,E|13216,E|13218,E|13184,E|13222,E|6955,E| YOU II NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3247,T6502| FEI LONG ZHANG XUE NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23880,T3719|21407,T3719|21409,T3719|30764,T3719|3769,T3719|3499,T3719|5561,T3719|588,T3719|7522,T3719|6454,T3719|18878,T3719|11599,T3719|19987,T3719| RI BEN GUI DENG QING NA Bronzeleaf Rodgersflower Rodgersia podophylla NA NA NA NA NA 14687,E|18305,E|18304,E|12019,E|14027,E|14680,E|14681,E|15176,E|14028,E|14688,E|18396,E|12078,E|11894,E|18322,E|2039,E|12018,E| YAO SHUI BA JIAO NA Gratiole Gratiola officinalis NA NA NA NA NA 4319,E|4323,T6338|4322,E;C0533|4320,T6338| XUE LIAN 雪莲 Snow Lotus Saussurea involucrata NA NA whole herb with flower To warm kidney and invigorate yang , dispel wind and overcome damp, quicken blood and free menstruation. Impotence, weakness in lumbus and knees, wind-damp impediment pain, menstrual disorder, amenorrhea, uterus cold and abdominal pain, cold rheum cough. 9384,E|19072,E|1621,E|22798,T6257|22793,E|9499,E|1476,C0378|20553,E|23018,C0549|23087,C0143|1623,C0548| TAI BAI CONG MU NA Taibaien Aralia Aralia taibaiensis NA NA NA NA NA 20601,E|20600,E|20603,E|20602,E|16042,E|20597,E|3521,E|20599,E|20598,E| XI QUE MEI TENG NA Thin Sageretia Sageretia gracilis NA NA NA NA NA 21690,E| XIAO GUO TANG SONG CAO NA Smallfruit Meadowrue Thalictrum microgynum NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp. Yellow swelling in whole body, yellow eyes, knocks and falls. 21237,E|8512,E|17969,E|2300,E|2303,E|4289,E|9440,E|21230,E|4032,E|16428,E|16403,E|11733,E|11848,E|930,E|16544,E| AI SAI E BI YA ZAO NA Ethiopian Jujube* Zizyphus abyssinica NA NA NA NA NA 15012,E|15013,T2893| ZHI HUANG JING 制黄精 Prepared Rhizome of Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizoma Polygonati Praeparata Mild,Sweet Lung,Spleen,Kidney NA Treatment of weakness of the spleen and the stomach marked by lassitude, dryness in the mouth and anorexia, dry cough due to deficiency of yin of the lung, deficiency of vital essence and blood, diabetes caused by internal heat. 1. Promoting lymphocyte-blastogenesis. 2. Increasing coronary flow and myocardial contractility. 3. Lowering the level of blood lipids. 4. Inhibiting the growth of Bacillus tuberculosis and various kinds of fungi in vitro. 24586,M853|25013,M853|17544,M853|1749,M853| JI NEI JIN 鸡内金 Chicken’s Gizzard Endothelium Gallus gallus domesticus Mild,Sweet Bladder,Spleen,Stomach,Small Intestine dried lining membrane of gizzard To fortify spleen and disperse food, rough essence and arrest emission, disperse concretion and transform stone. Indigestion, food stagnation, vomiting nausea, diarrhea and dysentery, child gan accumulation, emission, enuresis, frequent urination, calculus of urinary system, gallstones, amenorrhea with concretion and conglomeration, throat impediment with nipple moth, gan of teeth and gum, mouth sore. 1048,E|3512,T4271|1350,E|24275,M380|23170,M380|23165,M380|22538,M380|24214,M380|23572,M380|2373,T4271| FENG JIAO NA Propolis Apis mellifera ligustica NA NA bee glue To eliminate inflammation and relieve pain, moisten skin and engender flesh. Gastric ulcer, oral ulcer, cervical erosion, zoster, psoriasis, skin chap and pain, clavus, wound, carcinoma. 2330,E|3602,T3746|6398,E|3600,E|8080,E|18302,E|11803,E|12017,E|56,E;T3746|11804,T3746|2890,E|6498,E|18664,E|9966,E|1476,E;T3746|25574,T3746|18667,T3746|8081,T3746| DU JIAO LIAN 独角莲 Typhonium giganteum Engl NA NA NA NA NA NA 23287,C0400| ZHONG GUO CU FEI ZI NA Chinese Plumyew Seed Cephalotaxus sinensis [Syn. Cephalotaxus harringtonia var. sinensis ] NA NA NA NA NA 9193,E|11447,T6682|11446,E|9194,T6682| JIANG CAN. NA NA Bombyx batryticatus NA NA NA NA NA 13988,E| MU DOU SHU NA Algarroba Prosopis juliflora NA NA NA NA NA 25576,T5002|19606,E|16353,E|11940,E| JU YUAN YE LONG NAO XIANG NA Oblong-l eaf Borneol Oil-Resin* Dryobalanops oblongifolia NA NA NA NA NA 6503,E|6502,E| LONG DAN 龙胆 Rough Gentian Equivalent plant: Gentiana manshurica , Gentiana triflora , Gentiana rigescens , Gentiana cephalantha Gentiana scabra NA NA root and rhizome To clear heat and dry damp, drain liver and settle fright, lower blood pressure. Acute icterohepatitis, urinary tract infection, acute conjunctivitis, dribbling pain of urination, damp-heat jaundice, genital swelling and itch, damp-heat vaginal discharge, distended head and headache due to liver-gallbladder repletion fire, red eyes with gall, deafness, swelling in ear, pain in rib-side, bitter taste, fright wind and convulsion. 20489,T4690|31018,T4690|31019,T4690|8602,E|20487,E|23043,C0018|8305,T4690|8304,E;T4690|8303,E|8302,E|8297,E|8296,E|12943,E|8298,T4690|12944,T4690|20494,T4690|20493,E|18834,T4690|1017,E;T4690|18833,E|16077,E|8635,E|8634,E|21618,T4690|21614,E|23258,C0019|1020,E;T4690|19433,E|13130,C0415|19439,T4690| XIAO YE PI PA NA Savoury Rhododendron Rhododendron anthopogonoides NA NA leaf To dispel phlegm, relieve cough, calm asthma. Cough, asthma, abundant phlegm. 31444,T6194|2274,E;T6194|10890,T6194|8958,E|10886,E|12837,E|11963,E|25635,T6194|11968,T6194| GUA FU MU NA Oldham Fissistigma Fissistigma oldhamii [Syn. Melodorum oldhamii] NA NA root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and relieve pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, lumbago, stomachache, knocks and falls. 15702,E| TAI WAN LV DAO TENG HUANG NA Lanyu Garcinia Garcinia linii NA NA NA NA NA 18739,E|6180,E|10461,E|12882,E|8204,E|2005,E|8202,E|8203,E|12880,E|6009,E|14564,E|5842,E|8555,E|5840,E|12881,E|2694,E|13801,E|6164,E|6182,E| YUN NAN MEI DENG MU NA Yunnan Mayten Maytenus hookeri NA NA leaf To transform stasis and disperse concretion, anticancer. carcinoma. 13614,E;T6584|25543,T6584|13613,E| JI JI NA Serrate Chloranthus Chloranthus serratus NA NA root To quicken blood and dissipate stasis, dispel wind and relieve pain, resolve toxin and kill worms. Knocks and falls, fracture, amenorrhea, wind-damp impediment pain, clove boil, scab and lichen, itchy skin, poisonous snake bite. 15326,E|10536,E|560,E|19829,E|15329,T4264|5696,E|8013,E|19828,E| DONG JIN BA DOU NA Viet Nam Croton* Croton tonkinensis NA NA NA NA NA 5308,E|5935,E|224,E|5938,E|223,E|5304,E|5305,E|5306,E|222,E|247,E|171,E|12179,E|10281,E|170,E|173,E|172,E|221,E|220,E| GUI PI 桂皮 Japanese Cinnamon Cinnamomum japonicum NA NA bark To warm spleen and stomach, warm liver and kidney, dispel cold and relieve pain, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling. Cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea, aching cold in lumbus and knees, cold mounting with abdominal pain, cold-damp impediment pain, dysmenorrhea, blood dysentery, intestinal wind, painful swelling from knocks and falls. 7522,T3925|7520,E|3693,E;C0369|3695,E| GUO JIANG LONG NA Complanate Clubmoss Lycopodium complanatum NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, soothe sinews and quicken blood. Wind-damp impediment pain, deadlimb, knocks and falls, menstrual disorder. 3948,E|3949,T3930|31734,T3930|21409,E|13216,E|15880,E|32075,T3930|13217,T3930|31656,T3930|16410,E|14563,E|16366,E|19755,T3930|19753,E|13176,E| HONG MU JI CAO NA Hookedhairypod Tickclover Desmodium gangeticum NA NA stem-leaf To dispel stasis and regulate menstruation, resolve toxin, relieve pain. Knocks and falls, prolapse of uterus, prolapse of rectum, amenorrhea, psoriasis, toothache, headache. 31566,T4056|31680,T4056|9652,T4056|13913,E|17069,E|13914,T4056|6419,E|6418,T4056|6417,E|6369,E|10879,T4056|31779,T4056|10589,E|10876,E|14788,E|14001,E|31693,T4056|9645,E|14742,E|6420,T4056|31250,T4056|6370,T4056| MEI ZHOU CI SHEN NA American Spineginseng* Oplopanax horridus NA NA NA NA NA 15929,E| BO YE WU TOU NA Azure Monkshood Aconitum fischeri NA NA NA NA NA 11864,E|11866,T3165| ZA JIAO JIE ZHI HONG DOU SHAN NA Media Yew (hybrid) Ta xus x media NA NA NA NA NA 20731,E|20797,E|4709,E|25201,T6596|20754,T6596|20799,T6596|20798,E|26016,T6596|4705,E|4804,E|31674,T6596|4724,T6596|14731,E|4723,E|20854,E|20855,T6596|26014,T6596|26039,T6596|26037,T6596|20858,T6596|25801,T6596|31955,T6596|6867,E|20760,E|4812,E|4806,E;T6596|2235,E| HUA TANG SONG CAO NA Filamentary Meadowrue Thalictrum filamentosum NA NA NA NA NA 21230,E| GE SHANG TING CHANG NA Bean Blister Beetle Epicauta gorhami NA NA body To expel stasis and break accumulation. Amenorrhea, concretion and conglomeration, accumulation-gathering, fistula. 3094,E|3095,T3844| XI YANG LI 西洋梨 Common Pear Pyrus communis NA NA NA NA NA 1618,E;T6043|9739,E;C0462|18268,T6043|324,E|9748,T6043|18266,E| SHAN YANG DOU NA Common Goatsrue Galega officinalis NA NA NA NA NA 10270,E|8091,T5510|11962,E|8090,E| KANG DING YU ZHU NA Pratt Solomonseal Polygonatum prattii NA NA rhizome See Polygonatum odoratum. See Polygonatum odoratum. 17754,E| HUA BAN SHI ZU CAO NA Leontice* Leontice leontopetalum NA NA NA NA NA 16993,E|12636,E| CHE QIAN YE LAN JI NA Purple Viper’s-bugloss Echium plantagineum NA NA NA NA NA 6683,E|23179,T3266| DA SUAN 大蒜 Garlic Allium sativum Warm,Pungent Lung,Spleen,Stomach bulb To warm center and move stagnation, resolve toxin, kill worms. Cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, diarrhea, dysentery, bacillary dysentery, amebic dysentery, tuberculosis, epidemic encephalitis, cholera, trichomoniasis, laryngeal carcinoma, pertussis, throat impediment, dry cough, common cold, malaria, edema, swelling toxin of welling abscess and boil, intestinal welling abscess, lichen sore, snake or insect bites, ancylostomiasis, oxyuria disease, taenia infection, vaginal discharge and pudendal itch, clavus. 22504,T3444|952,E|22502,E|17923,E|14574,E|14575,T3444|10662,E|10668,T3444|3760,E;M148;C0191|31579,T3444|31580,T3444|19381,E|31850,T3444|25813,T3444|23803,M148|920,E;M148;C0323;T3444|921,E;M148;T3444|923,E;T3444|924,E;M148|926,E|25527,T3444|25724,T3444|14119,E|25723,T3444|14321,E;T3444|14320,E|14323,T3444|14322,E;T3444|17905,E|17907,E|14751,E|14752,T3444|16863,E|23665,M148|14122,T3444|14121,E|14120,E;T3444|25237,T3444|5485,E|21610,E|22496,E|22497,E|31767,T3444|14682,E|22493,E|25474,T3444|4295,E|6501,T3444|6500,E|22498,E|22499,E|6530,E|6531,T3444|17967,T3444|17964,E|14686,E|785,E;M148;C0322|6523,E|22495,E|14683,E;T3444|30792,T3444|17958,E|6406,E|24749,M148;T3444|5348,E;T3444|30920,T3444|20463,E|6341,E|6342,T3444|30891,T3444|951,E;T3444|950,E|953,E;T3444|6416,E|954,E;T3444|618,E|32206,T3444|32204,T3444|32205,T3444|14272,T3444|14271,E|25476,T3444|8311,E;M148;C0304|8312,T3444|11411,E|948,E;T3444|11417,T3444|947,E|944,E|6417,T3444| CAO WU 草乌 Kusnezoff Monkshood Root Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii Hot,Pungent Spleen,Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of rheumatic and rheumatoid arthralgia, precordial and abdominal pain with cold sensation, abdominal colic caused by cold, anaethesia. NA 23734,M77|13787,M77|5148,M77|2214,M77|1964,M77|554,M77|10960,M77|23650,M77|24582,M77|4992,M77|24610,M77|24522,M77|24599,M77|10874,M77| MA LIU YE NA Chinese Wingnut Pterocarya stenoptera NA NA leaf To dispel wind and relieve pain, kill worms and relieve itch, resolve toxin and close sores. Wind-damp impediment pain, toothache, knee joint pain, scab and lichen, eczema, trichomoniasis, scalds, wound, enduring sores, bilharziosis, cough and asthma. 19173,T4802|19172,E| XIANG YUAN ZHI SHI NA Wilson Orange Young Fruit Citrus wilsonii NA NA young fruit See Citrus aurantium. See Citrus aurantium. 31693,T6148|14788,E| HEI CI SHI 黑磁石 Black Magnetite Magnetitum Cold,Salty Liver,Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of dizziness, blurring of vision, tinnitus, impairment of hearing, palpitation, insomnia, dyspnea due to diminished function of the kidney. NA 23782,M329| LIANG NIAN SHI SONG NA Sharpleaf Clubmoss* Lycopodium annotinum var. acrifolium NA NA NA NA NA 567,E;T4639| ZHU DA CHANG 猪大肠 Pig Large Intestine Crassum intestinum Porci Minor cold,Sweet Large Intestine,Small Intestine,Liver NA NA NA 24297,M877|24368,M877| HUANG PI SHU NA Chinese Corktree Phellodendron chinense NA NA bark See Phellodendron amurense. See Phellodendron amurense. 13368,T4194|9067,T4194|17057,E|13367,E|17466,E|2303,E|17056,E|15590,E|17061,E|17051,E|17063,T4194|15589,E|16544,E| FEI CHENG FEI PENG NA Philadelphia Fleabane Erigeron philadelphicus NA NA NA NA NA 7096,E|7254,E|7256,E|7257,E|7255,E|17128,E|7503,E| YUAN MAO JI NG JIE NA Ciliate Catnip Nepeta ciliaris NA NA NA NA NA 17388,E| TIE DAO MU NA Siamese Senna Cassia siamea NA NA NA NA NA 30775,T5812|3599,T5812|3598,E|3615,E|14513,E| ZHEN ZHU MEI NA Ural Falsespiraea Equivalent plant: Sorbaria arborea Sorbaria sorbifolia NA NA bark To quicken blood and dispel stasis, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Fracture, knocks and falls, wind-damp impediment pain. 12039,T6656|18302,E|1618,E;T6656|20088,T6656|20087,E|20086,E|24248,T6656|7819,T6656|18394,T6656|30003,T6656|19573,T6656|19572,E|11894,E|18392,E|11656,E|21618,E| YU YE DING XIANG NA Pinnateleaf Lilac Syringa pinnafolia NA NA root or branch and trunk To warm center, downbear qi , warm kidney. Cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, cold asthma, prolapse of uterus, prolapse of rectum. 22968,E| MA ZI REN 麻子仁 Hemp seed Fructus cannabis Mild,Sweet Spleen,Large Intestine,Stomach NA NA NA 24946,M499|24347,M499| MU HU DIE 木蝴蝶 Indian Trumpetflower Oroxylum indicum NA NA seed To clear lung and disinhibit throat, course liver and harmonize stomach. Lung heat cough, throat impediment, aphonia, liver stomach qi pain. 25399,T5009|3602,T5009|3600,E|16204,E;T5009|16205,C0103|17987,E|17989,T5009|19569,T5009|21196,E|7818,C0242|23304,T5009|21207,T5009|967,E|19573,T5009|19572,E|19567,E|2103,E|2102,E;M1009;C0392;T5009|2106,E;M1009;T5009|2104,E;T5009| XI NAN REN DONG NA South-western Honeysuckle Lonicera bournei NA NA flower bud See Lonicera japonica. See Lonicera japonica. 25750,T6022|7424,E|2572,E|2573,E| RI BEN LU TI CAO NA Japanese Pyrola Pyrola japonica NA NA whole herb See Pyrola calliantha. See Pyrola calliantha. 10149,E|23101,C0577|9362,E|9363,T5342|9594,T5342|9593,E|8696,E|1618,E;T5342|6335,E|14925,E|29509,T5342|31751,T5342|18302,E|32181,T5342|17462,E|16040,E|3526,E|3527,T5342|31878,T5342|19967,E|10197,E|10199,E|26228,T5342|22254,E| YOU KA MEI JU NA Juanislama (in Salvador) Calea urticifolia NA NA NA NA NA 2964,E|7059,E|7152,E|2958,E|2956,E|2957,E|11892,E| XI HONG HUA 西红花 Saffron Stigma Croci Mild,Sweet Liver,Heart NA Treatment of amenrrhea with abdominal mass formation, blood stasis after childbirth, eruptions in infectious diseases, emotional dejection, mania. NA 23450,M738|19105,M738|19380,M738|24834,M738|17957,M738|24880,M738|1935,M738|17316,M738|23021,M738;C0357|9300,M738|12017,M738| RI BEN XIN YI NA Kobus Magnolia Magnolia kobus NA NA NA NA NA 19168,E|7384,E| QUE MEI TENG NA Hedge Sageretia Sageretia theezans [Syn. Sageretia thea ] NA NA root To downbear qi and transform phlegm, dispel wind and disinhibit damp. Cough, asthma, stomachache, crane’s knee wind, edema. 8758,E|8759,T5313|20696,T5313|20695,E|7957,T5313|7950,E|20429,T5313|20428,E| FENG YU HUA NA Ro sepink Zephyrlily Zephyranthes grandiflora [Syn. Zephyranthes carinata] NA NA whole herb To cool blood and stanch bleeding, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Blood ejection, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, red swollen due to knocks and falls, red swollen sore and welling abscess, poisonous snake bite. 25375,T3759|3199,T3759|16589,E|3198,E| TIE LI MU NA Common Mesua Mesua ferrea NA NA bark, flower and seed To relieve cough and dispel phlegm, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Cough with profuse phlegm, swelling of sore welling abscess and boil, bleeding from hemorrhoids, scalds, poisonous snake bite. 13797,E|13799,E|13798,E;T5815|5641,E|5642,E|8308,T5815|13463,E|13462,E|13460,E|13466,T5815|6180,E|6020,E|10506,E|31518,T5815|13805,T5815|13804,E;T5815|10240,E|13801,E;T5815|13800,E;T5815|13803,E;T5815|13802,E;T5815|6010,E|6017,E|6019,E|6018,E| LING YE ZI JU NA Rhombicleaf Purpledaisy Notoseris rhombiformis NA NA NA NA NA 15837,E| DIAN JI GU CHANG SHAN NA Yunnan Alstonia Alstonia yunnanensis NA NA root or branchlet-leaf To interrupt malaria, clear heat and resolve toxin, stanch bleeding and disperse swelling. Malaria, common cold with fever, lung heat cough, swelling pain in throat, mouth and tongue sores, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury. 18618,E|4770,T3551|22352,E|18621,T3551|16385,T3551|4767,E|16368,E|7012,T3551|7011,E| YAN GUO CAO NA East-Asia Low Meadowrue Thalictrum thunbergii NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, dry damp. Pertussis, toothache, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, acute dermitis, eczema. 21237,E|21232,E|21231,E|13367,E|20633,E|20634,T6298|13368,T6298|9596,E|16544,E|32051,T6298|17969,E|2300,E|2303,E|4289,E|930,E|21224,E|21225,T6298|21228,E|21229,T6298|9440,E|1492,E|4032,E|16428,E|25472,T6298|24401,T6298|32052,T6298|14749,T6298|14748,E|9629,T6298|11733,E|11848,E|1667,E| PU FU QIANG DAO YAO NA Creeping Hypoestes* Hypoestes serpens NA NA NA NA NA 8033,E|6548,E|10259,E|19746,E|5922,E|242,E|10257,E|10256,E| A SU JUE MING NA Absus Senna* Cassia absus NA NA NA NA NA 3452,E|3454,T2879| BAI LIAN ZI 白蔹子 Fructus Ampelopsis japponicae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23225,C0418| XI BING SHU YU NA Thinstiped Yam Dioscorea tenuipes NA NA rhizome To dispel wind-damp, soothe sinews and quicken network vessels. Wind-damp impediment pain, hypertonicity of sinews and vessels, numbness in limbs, knocks and falls, taxation damage hypodynamia. 21410,E| DUAN LONG GU 煅龙骨 Prepared Dragon's bone, Fossilized bone Os Draconis Preparata Mild,Sweet,Punkery Large Intestine,Liver,Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of: 1. Deficient yin of the liver and kidneys with hyperactive yang of the liver manifested as dizziness, vertigo, blurred vision or irritability. Dragon's bone (Longgu) is used with Oyster shell (Muli), Red ochre (Daizheshi) and White peony root (Baishao) in the formula Zhengan Xifeng Tang. 2. Seminal emissions due to deficient kidneys. Dragon's bone (Longgu) is used with Oyster shell (Muli), Flattened milkvetch seed (Shayuanzi) and Euryale seed (Qianshi). 3. Palpitations and insomnia. Dragon's bone (Longgu) is used with Oyster shell (Muli), Polygala root (Yuanzhi) and Wild jujube seed (Suanzaoren). 4. Leukorrhea due to deficient kidneys. Dragon's bone (Longgu) is used with Oyster shell (Muli), Dioscorea (Shanyao) and Cuttlefish bone (Wuzeigu). 5. Spontaneous sweating and night sweating. Dragon's bone (Longgu) is used with Oyster shell (Muli) and Schisandra fruit (Wuweizi). NA 24902,M229|25060,M229|23378,M229| XIAO HUA XIA KU CAO NA Smallflower Bugle* Ajuga parviflora NA NA NA NA NA 812,E|813,E|814,E| WEI XIAO WAN SHOU JU NA Southern Marigold Tagetes minuta NA NA NA NA NA 30691,T5912|17076,E|2284,E|31780,T5912|2783,E| CHOU LENG SHAN NA Khingan Fir Abies nephrolepis NA NA leaf and bark To dispel damp and relieve pain. Pain in lumbus and legs. 6200,E|1935,E;T3300| OU ZHOU QIAN LI GUANG NA Common Groundsel Senecio vulgaris NA NA NA NA NA 18653,T5161|18652,E|25302,T5161|19697,E|18828,T5161|19691,E|18827,E|7820,E|7826,T5161|19699,T5161| XIAO JI 小蓟 Setose Thistle Cirsium setosum Cool,Sweet,Bitter Liver,Heart whole herb or root To cool blood and stanch bleeding, clear heat and disperse swelling. Coughing of blood, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria, blood strangury, hematochezia, blood dysentery, flooding and spotting, bleeding due to external injury, swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess. 19072,E|61,M764|20690,E|23265,C0080|3551,E| YA ZHOU SHI NA Asiatic Yarrow Achillea asiatica NA NA NA NA NA 1201,E|1203,E|1202,E| DA YI ZHI JIAN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8084,T3482|9612,T3482|20583,T3482|13230,T3482|13231,T3482|13236,T3482|18038,T3482| HUANG JIE GU DAN NA Gypsophila Gypsophila acutifolia NA NA root To dissipate stasis and disperse swelling, engender flesh and relieve pain. Knocks and falls, fracture, bleeding due to external injury. 599,E;T4175| DA YE KU NUO NI. NA NA Cunonia macrophylla NA NA NA NA NA 4055,E|8094,E|6756,E|6757,E|3490,E|13422,E|13421,E| HAI SHI NA Maritime Persimmon* Diospyros maritima NA NA NA NA NA 19530,T3954|3541,E|7447,E|7448,E|14341,E|19527,E|7188,E|6450,E|11787,E|2402,E|2403,E|7403,E| AI DA HUANG NA Low Rhubarb* Rheum nanum NA NA NA NA NA 8878,E|13354,E| XI BAN YA HUANG YANG NA Balearic Box Buxus balearica NA NA NA NA NA 26059,T5983|4530,E| HOU PO HUA 厚朴花 Flos Magnoliae Officinalis NA NA NA NA NA NA 9630,C0277| XIA YE HU JIAO NA Matico Pepper Piper angustifolium NA NA NA NA NA 23158,T6074|30621,T6074|1520,E|1835,E| DING QIE NA Aculeate Nightshade* Solanum aculeatissimum ‡ NA NA whole herb To suppress cough and calm asthma, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Asthma, chronic bronchitis, stomachache, wind-damp pain, scrofula, cold suppurative sore, knocks and falls. 3639,E|15847,T3564|15846,E|3648,E|3647,E|3646,E|3645,E|3644,E|3643,E|3642,E|3641,E|3640,E| SHUI MU XUE LIAN NA Medusa Saussurea Saussurea medusa NA NA whole herb with root See Saussurea laniceps. See Saussurea laniceps. 3610,E|20540,E|2921,E|2920,E|12981,E|3674,E|85,E|13142,E|17395,E|11639,E|18302,E|3609,E|19603,E|1491,E|1492,E|1499,E|17401,E|14217,E|1623,E|1621,E|1476,E|13130,E|19410,E|19411,E|13138,E| YI TANG 饴糖 moltose Saccharum granorum Warm,Sweet Lung,Spleen,Stomach NA NA NA 23572,M801|13447,M801|23165,M801|23170,M801| XUN GU FENG 寻骨凤 Hairy birthwort Herba Aristolochiae Mollissimae Pungent, bitter,neutral NA NA Treatment of wind-damp obstruction syndrome manifested as joint pain, numbness of the limbs, tendon and muscle spasms and pain from external injury. Hairy birthwort (Xungufeng) may be used alone in decoction or soaked in wine, or used with other herbs that dispel wind and dampness. NA 24946,M1071|6609,M1071|7337,M1071| OU SHI NAN NA Tree Heath Erica arborea NA NA NA NA NA 16159,E|16173,T5138| BAI CI HUA YE 白刺花叶 Folium Sophorae davidi NA NA NA NA NA NA 20061,C0053|6454,T2959| YOU GAN YE 油柑叶 Emblic Leafflower Leaf Phyllanthus emblica NA NA leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp and disperse swelling. Mouth sore, clove sore, eczema, dermatitis, edema, hypertension, poisonous snake bite, knocks and falls. 7281,E|7284,E|3494,T6500|3493,E|3490,E|5521,T6500|16823,E|12078,E|22062,E|6922,E|19072,E|8094,E|14193,E|12017,E|21038,E|8107,E|18302,E|21037,E|15176,E|8109,T6500|23076,C0197;T6500|30995,T6500|5518,E|15272,E|15273,E|23234,C0368|14338,E|4057,T6500|4055,E;C0535|30576,T6500|7277,E|15271,E|15055,E|7278,E|1065,E|13093,T6500|13091,E|11639,E|17989,E|18396,E|1764,E| HUA ZHONG WU WEI ZI NA Orange Magnoliavine Schisandra sphenanthera NA NA fruit See Schisandra chinensis . See Schisandra chinensis . 1466,E|19483,E|19482,E|19476,T4136|19474,E;T4136|19475,E;T4136|19472,E|19460,E|22725,T4136|15561,E|5212,E|5213,T4136|19459,E|8916,E|1467,E|8906,E|19458,E|8907,E|25324,T4136| AN HUANG ZHU SHI DOU NA Flavescent Crotalaria* Crotalaria fulva NA NA NA NA NA 7993,E|30981,T2908| WANG JIANG NAN 望江南 Coffee Senna Cassia occidentalis NA NA stem-leaf To clear lung, clear liver, calm asthma, disinhibit urine, free stool, resolve toxin and disperse swelling, lower blood pressure. Cough and asthma, hypertension, headache and red eyes, dribbling urination, constipation, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, snake or insect bites. 15905,E|15904,E|967,E|3615,E|9332,E|3600,T5897|6775,E;C0449|3599,E|23304,T5897|9791,T5897|9790,E|19917,E|30775,T5897|6776,T5897|18925,C0452|3283,E|3282,E|3281,E| GOU ZHUANG SHI HU NA Hooked Dendrobium Dendrobium aduncum NA NA stem See Dendrobium nobile . See Dendrobium nobile . 654,E| KAN CHA JIA MAO LIAN CAI NA Kamchatka Oxtongue Picris kamtschatica NA NA NA NA NA 6142,E|10011,E| DOU BAO JUN NA Dye-maker’s False Puffboll Pisolithus tinctorius NA NA sporocarp To stanch bleeding, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Stomach and esophagus hemorrhage, bleeding due to external injury, frostbite flowing water and pus. 15708,E|17478,E| SHUI RONG NA Lidded Cleistocalyx Cleistocalyx operculatus NA NA bud To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel summerheat and engender liquid, disperse stagnation and disinhibit damp. Fever and headache due to external contraction, summerheat-heat and vexation and thirst, heat toxin diarrhea dysentery, accumulation with abdominal distention. 7902,E|7904,E| HONG CAO HUA 荭草花 Spica Polygoni orientalis NA NA NA NA NA NA 16185,C0104| AN MO LE NA Emblic Leafflower Phyllanthus emblica NA NA fruit To relieve cough and transform phlegm, engender liquid and allay thirst, resolve toxin. Common cold with fever, cough, throat pain, diphtheria, enteritis, diarrhea, eczema, heat vexation and thirst. 5521,T2912|6818,E|17884,E|6852,E|18214,E|20953,E|18216,T2912|3492,E|3493,E|3490,E|3491,E|15007,E|15006,E|15005,E|15004,E|15003,E|15002,E|15001,E|15000,E|6729,E|6920,E|15009,E|15008,E|8097,E|8095,E|3494,T2912|17199,E|17198,E|17197,E|17196,E|17195,E|3176,E|17193,E|17192,E|17191,E|17157,E|8107,E|18189,E|21037,E|30327,T2912|9501,E|8109,T2912|8108,E|23076,T2912|15010,T2912|5518,E|8029,E|8310,E|5517,E|5516,E|4057,T2912|4055,E|17194,E|13413,E|17885,E|14999,E|13093,T2912|13091,E|15354,E|6238,E|13416,E|7401,E| CAO DIAN QIAN LI GUANG NA Ragwort Senecio jacobaea NA NA NA NA NA 23211,T3190|19716,E|11806,E|19697,E|25302,T3190|19691,E|30106,T3190|19699,T3190| TAO JING BAI PI 桃茎白皮 Peach Bast Equivalent plant: Prunus davidiana Prunus persica NA NA bast To clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin, kill worms. Edema, sand qi abdominal pain, lung heat asthma and oppression, welling abscess and flat abscess, scrofula, damp sore. 16979,E|14761,T5767|14760,E|4048,C0360|15271,E|15274,T5767|16982,T5767|16980,E;T5767|24425,T5767|1764,E| DONG FANG GOU TENG NA Oriental Gambirplant* Uncaria orientalis NA NA NA NA NA 783,E|14881,E|11536,E|22188,E|18100,E|22190,E|9233,E|22191,E|11633,E| DUAN YE HONG DOU SHAN NA Pacific Yew Taxus brevifolia NA NA NA NA NA 31984,T3624|20746,E;T3624|30910,T3624|20796,T3624|5881,E|5880,E|4765,T3624|4764,E|5458,E|5459,E;T3624|30897,T3624|25195,T3624|4729,T3624|4728,E|31962,T3624|4721,E|4723,T3624|4722,E;T3624|20833,E|4848,E|4849,T3624|25903,T3624|25196,T3624|2604,E;T3624|20745,E|5382,E|20747,T3624|5347,E|7027,T3624|7026,E|20787,E|20763,E|4778,E|30890,T3624|4732,E;T3624|4730,E|4731,E;T3624|4734,T3624|20795,E|30479,T3624|5893,T3624|2258,E|2256,E|20792,T3624| TIAN CONG NA Woolly Philydrum Philydrum lanuginosum NA NA whole herb To clear heat and transform damp, resolve toxin. Edema, heat impediment, toxin swelling of sores, scab and lichen, beriberi, foot rot. 19072,E|30003,T5781|2843,E|20546,E|31373,T5781|31947,T5781|11656,E| BAI JIAN MU NA Campus-belu Aspidosperma Aspidosperma campus - belus NA NA NA NA NA 31756,T2986|16075,E| ZHAI ZHU YE CHAI HU NA Narrowbambooleaf Thorowax Bupleurum marginatum var. stenophyllum NA NA root See Bupleurum chinense. See Bupleurum chinense . 19129,E|15210,E|15211,T6618|15696,E|19125,E|19126,E|19130,E|14080,E|14081,T6618|498,E| GAO DI CHA SHAN ZHU ZI NA Gaudicha Garcinia* Garcinia gaudichaudii NA NA NA NA NA 8238,E| XIN XI LAN MA NA New Zealand Flax Phormium tenax NA NA NA NA NA 31342,T6218|11352,E|7738,T6218|7735,E| BA WANG BIAN NA Royle Euphorbia Latex Euphorbia royleana NA NA stem-leaf or white juice in stem To dispel wind and resolve toxin, kill worms and relieve itch. Sore toxin, skin lichen, edema. 7614,T2947|7617,E|7610,E|6223,E|8788,T2947|6226,T2947|7620,T2947|4491,T2947|4490,E|8787,E|8785,E| WU LENG JUE MING NA Fiveangular Senna* Cassia quinquangula NA NA NA NA NA 19026,E|18429,E|25356,T5952|31899,T5952| DU JUAN LAN NA Appendiculate Cremastra Cremastra appendiculata NA NA pseudobulb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling and dissipate binds. Malign sores with welling abscess and flat abscess, scrofula, throat pain and throat impediment, snake or insect bites. 5909,E| JIU DA HUANG 酒大黄 root and rhziome of Sorrel Rhubarb in wine Radix et Rhizoma Rhei Cold,Bitter Spleen,Large Intestine,Stomach,Liver,Heart NA NA NA 6775,M416;C0449|18744,M416|3615,M416|19734,M416| LUO XUAN ZAO 螺旋藻 Spirulina major Kuetz. NA NA NA NA NA NA 23125,C0500| RI BEN ZHANG YA CAI NA Japanese Swertia* Swertia japonica NA NA NA NA NA 20489,E|18721,E|1593,E|8602,E|8600,E|8601,E|15432,E|3539,E|9839,E|2781,E|2546,E|17840,E|20494,T5361|20495,E|20496,E;T5361|20490,E|20491,E|20492,T5361|20493,E|8734,E|8735,E|8733,E|8068,E|8069,E|8635,E|15792,T5361|15791,E;T5361|15790,E|7969,E|14725,T5361|14724,E|13499,E|10497,E| TIAN REN JU NA Rosering Gaillardia Gaillardia pulchella NA NA NA NA NA 14198,E|30993,T5796|14200,T5796|8046,E| CHANG NIU JIAO GUA NA Long Calotrope* Calotropis procera NA NA NA NA NA 17856,E|22264,E| CHONG WEI ZI 茺蔚子 Motherwort Fruit Fructus Leonuri Minor cold,Sweet Liver,Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of menstrual disorders, amenorrhea, hysmenorrhea, inflammation of the eye with formation of corneal opacity, dizziness and headache. NA 23046,C0479|23145,C0478|23228,C0303|12641,M104| XIN YUE XING YE CAO SU. NA NA Phlomis lunariifolia NA NA NA NA NA 13131,E|13069,E|13068,E| ZHI SHA CAO NA Paper Reed Cyperus papyrus NA NA NA NA NA 23880,T6671|17361,E| GUANG LIANG HUANG TAN NA Shining Rosewood* Dalbergia nitidula NA NA NA NA NA 17078,E|8282,E|21512,E|23204,T3903| JIA MU DOU NA Capitulum Tickclover* Desmodium cephalotes NA NA NA NA NA 9645,E|9652,T4311| CHEN PI 陈皮 Dried Tangerine Peel Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Warm,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Spleen NA Treatment of distension and fullness sensation in the chest and epigastrium with anorexia, vomiting and diarrhea, cough with copious phlegm. NA 23741,M96|24246,M96|9457,M96;C0338|23880,M96|24047,M96|23228,M96;C0303|23367,M96|23184,M96|20654,M96;C0256|23332,M96|23915,M96|14788,M96|23910,M96|23175,M96;C0470|3760,C0191|23295,C0237|20982,M96|23119,M96|15915,M96|15489,M96|21344,M96;C0293|3767,M96|24098,M96|24792,M96|16917,M96|4549,M96|23412,M96|12843,M96;C0305|15396,M96;C0117|23545,M96|2275,M96|23837,M96|23606,M96|24662,M96|4832,M96|15279,M96|15967,M96;C0425|24641,M96|24936,M96|23144,C0030|23284,M96;C0201| CU JING QIN JIAO NA Thickstem Gentian Gentiana crassicaulis NA NA dried root See Gentiana macrophylla. See Gentiana macrophylla. 31018,T3377|8296,E|20487,E|8303,E|20493,E|12943,E| TU HUANG LIAN 土黄莲 Wintergreen Barberry Berberis julianae NA NA root or whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, drain fire and resolve toxin. Damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, heat strangury, red eyes with gall, gum swelling, swelling pain in throat, epidemic parotitis, erysipelas, eczema, heat toxin sores. 16526,E|4123,T5848|4122,E|2303,E;C0391;T5848|16428,E|11849,T5848|11848,E| JING LI MI HOU TAO NA Henry Actinidia Actinidia callosa var. henryi NA NA root cortex To clear heat, disinhibit damp, disperse edema, relieve pain. Damp-heat edema, intestinal welling abscess, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore. 9817,E|5762,E|2887,E| AI JING DOU NA Dwarf Gorse Ulex nanus NA NA NA NA NA 8285,T2886|8281,E| MAO ZHU YE HUA JIAO NA Armate-leaf Pricklyash* Zanthoxylum armatum NA NA fruit To dissipate cold, relieve pain, expel roundworm. Stomach cold, stomachache due to roundworm, toothache, damp sore. 1737,E| PENG QI JU NA Chinese Wedelia Wedelia chinensis NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and dissipate stasis. Common cold with fever, pharyngolaryngitis, parotitis, tonsillitis, diphtheria, pertussis, trachitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis and hemoptysis, nosebleed(epistaxis), hematuria, infective hepatitis, dysentery, hemorrhoids, swelling toxin of clove sore. 5100,E| TIAN GUA JING 甜瓜茎 Caulis Cucumidis melinis NA NA NA NA NA NA 11770,C0144|4316,C0518| HONG NAN PI NA Red Nanmu Bark Machilus thunbergii NA NA bark To warm center and normalize qi, soothe channels and quicken blood, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Sprain and contusion, incessant vomiting and diarrhea, cramp and swelling of feet. 15916,E|18640,E|18652,T4058|15704,E|19527,E|8088,E|12743,E|13947,T4058|19762,E|15855,E|3315,T4058|15706,T4058|3308,E|11444,E|13286,E|13283,E|9019,E| DA YU BIAO HUA NA Shortclustered Plantainlily Hosta sieboldiana NA NA root or flower To clear heat and resolve toxin, rectify qi. Sore toxin, headache. 8456,E|8458,T3483| YU YE MAO MEI NA Elm-leaf Raspberry* Rubus ulmifolius NA NA NA NA NA 18958,E|18959,E|18957,E| TOU MING TANG SONG CAO NA Lucid Meadowrue* Thalictrum lucidum NA NA NA NA NA 21237,T5835|21235,E|21224,E|15876,E|31733,T5835|21241,E|15872,E|32055,T5835|15873,T5835|25390,T5835|21254,E|21244,T5835|1769,E;T5835|16428,E|11849,T5835|11848,E|9599,T5835|9596,E| DUO XU YAN HUANG QI NA Manyraceme Sweetvetch Hedysarum polybotrys NA NA root To constrain sweat and secure exterior, supplement qi and disinhibit water, draw toxin and close sores. Qi vacuity and hypodynamia, reduced food intake and sloppy stool, prolapse of rectum due to enduring diarrhea, hematochezia, flooding and spotting [=metrorrhagia and metrostaxis], spontaneous sweating due to exterior vacuity, qi vacuity edema, blood vacuity with yellow complexion, enduring welling abscess and flat abscess. 9284,E|1048,E| SHAN ZHA HUA NA Chinese Hawthorn Flower Crataegus pinnatifida NA NA flower To lower blood pressure. Hypertension. 2394,E| DONG YING SHAN HU MU NA Japanese Aucuba Aucuba japonica NA NA NA NA NA 2004,E| XIA YE SHE GEN CAO NA Hayata Ophiorrhiza Ophiorrhiza hayatana NA NA NA NA NA 16124,E|16123,E|16122,E| DA YE BAI TOU WENG NA Common Pearleverlasting Anaphalis margaritacea NA NA whole herb with root To clear heat and drain fire, dry damp, expel worms. Blood ejection, stomach fire toothache, damp-heat dysentery, ascariasis, mammary welling abscess, scrofula, ulcer of lower limb. 4945,T3455|4946,E|3567,T3455|3564,E|10047,E|6026,E| HUA CHONG LOU NA China Paris Paris polyphylla var. chinensis NA NA rhizome See Paris polyphylla . See Paris polyphylla . 16802,E| DIAN NAN HONG HOU KE NA S Yunnan Beautyleaf Calophyllum polyanthum NA NA Seed NA NA 8094,E|4679,E|22254,E|2992,E|2993,E|2994,E|2995,E|16198,E|6201,E|10381,E|5962,E|19967,E|5762,E|2942,E| HONG HUA LU RONG HAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13624,T4044|31559,T4044| QIN ZHUANG AO CHUN JIANG NA Lyrate Bo esenbergia* Boesenbergia pandurata NA NA NA NA NA 16854,E| YUAN GUO GAN CAO NA Roundfruit Licorice Glycyrrhiza squamulosa NA NA root and rhizome See Glycyrrhiza uralensis . See Glycyrrhiza uralensis . 20234,E|20238,T6546| CU GUO TANG SONG CAO NA Purple Meadowrue Thalictrum dasycarpum NA NA NA NA NA 21237,T3376|21235,E|21223,E|21224,T3376|4121,E|13368,T3376|12556,E|12558,T3376|13367,E| WEN PO NA Common Quince Cydonia oblonga NA NA fruit To warm center and precipitate qi, disperse food, check diarrhea, resolve liquor. Non-digestion of food accumulation, glomus disten tion in stomach duct and abdomen, water diarrhea, vomiting of sour matter. 15692,T5918|15691,E|9418,T5918|1102,E;T5918|9417,E|7463,T5918|7462,E|11573,T5918|11571,E| QING NIANG ZI NA Mung Bean Blister Beetle Lytta caraganae NA NA dried body To attack toxin and expel stasis. Scrofula, rabid dog bite. 3094,E|3095,T5281| YI YE YANG NA Swamp Cottonwood Populus heterophylla NA NA NA NA NA 21492,E|21495,T6433| XIN XI LAN LUO HAN SONG NA New Zealand Podocarpus* Podocarpus ferrugineu NA NA NA NA NA 18956,E| SI XIAO BO SHUANG YE YU GU MU NA Barberry-like-dileaf Canthium Canthium berberidifolium NA NA NA NA NA 1516,E|3100,E|3101,E|3102,E|3099,E| QIAO MAI NA Common Buckwheat Fagopyrum esculentum NA NA seed To fortify spleen and disperse accumulation, precipitate qi and loosen intestines, resolve toxin and close sores. Gastrointestinal accumulation, diarrhea, dysentery, intestine gripping sand, white turbidity, vaginal discharge, spontaneous sweating, night sweating, zoster, erysipelas, effusion of back from welling abscess and flat abscess, scrofula, burns and scalds. 19072,E|2347,E|19075,T5259|9833,E|9838,T5259|23020,T5259|19173,E|23230,T5259|19171,E| ZHONG HUA JIU LI XIANG NA Chinese Common Jasminorange Murraya exotica NA NA NA NA NA 2485,E|15097,E|14817,E|14816,E|13391,E|16249,E|13392,T6686| SAN XIAO YE CUI QUE HUA NA Threefoliolate Lark spur Delphinium trifoliolatum NA NA NA NA NA 21620,E|21619,E|21621,E| XIA GUO QIAN HU NA Narrowfruit Hogfennel* Peucedanum stenocarpum NA NA NA NA NA 30701,T6066|2833,E|31775,T6066|17014,E| GU JING CAO 谷精草 Pipewart Eriocaulon buergerianum Mild,Sweet Stomach,Liver flower head with peduncle To dispel wind and dissipate heat, brighten eyes and eliminate eye screens. Distended red eyes and screen, delacrimation and photophobia, night blindness, headache, deep-source nasal congestion, throat impediment, toothache, wind papule itching. 24289,M281|9564,E|14355,E| DAI MAO 玳瑁 Turtle Carapax Eretmochelydis Cold,Sweet,Salty Liver,Heart NA NA NA 24214,M194| ROU CONG RONG 肉苁蓉 Desertliving Cistanche Equivalent plant: Cistanche salsa Cistanche deserticola Warm,Sweet,Salty Large Intestine,Kidney fleshy stem To supplement kidney and invigorate yang , boost essence and blood, moisten intestines and free stool. Impotence, infertility, backache, limp aching lumbus and knees, weakness in sinews and bones, intestinal dry and constipation. 10140,E|9362,T5367|22078,E;C0033|22077,E|30939,T5367|4679,E|6471,E|3751,T5367|2156,E|29509,T5367|25823,T5367|815,E|9378,T5367|3762,T5367|9377,E|6719,E|6352,E;T5367|2318,E|5158,E|30667,T5367|20429,T5367|20428,E|14517,E|24779,M596|22082,T5367|24770,T5367|23663,M596|2446,E;T5367|580,E|3749,E|12910,E|2449,E|12914,T5367|305,E;T5367|20539,E|12641,T5367|19967,E;M596|16241,E|14686,T5367|14685,E|6421,E|21524,T5367|24039,M596|23064,T5367|31073,T5367|3759,E|3758,E;T5367|15126,E|30657,T5367|31782,T5367|3750,E;T5367|3753,E;T5367|3752,E|3755,E;T5367|3754,E;T5367|3757,E|3756,T5367|21525,E|4829,E;M596|2564,E|6685,T5367|18207,E|6958,T5367|14520,T5367|6951,E|24223,M596|4684,T5367|6355,T5367|6406,T5367|5188,E|14428,E|14429,T5367|2356,E|23475,M596|8276,E|8277,T5367|15662,E;T5367|15660,E|6342,E|19980,E|9359,E|9358,E|20265,T5367|20264,E|17079,E|23985,M596|8767,E| CI HUAI HUA NA Black Locust Flower Robinia pseudoacacia NA NA flower To stanch bleeding. Precipitate blood of large intestine, hemoptysis, flooding. 2779,E|17456,E|17458,T3357|3059,E|12902,E|1482,E|3061,T3357|2785,E|2786,T3357|31920,T3357|2782,T3357|5706,T3357|11502,T3357|5701,E|11501,E|18637,T3357|31103,T3357|31672,T3357|31453,T3357|22106,E|22107,T3357|9521,E|14704,E|16830,E|31764,T3357|61,E;T3357|18842,E|56,E;T3357|30614,T3357|18627,E| XIAO YE DU LIAN NA Littleleaf Starbush* Turraea parvifolia NA NA NA NA NA 22122,E|6934,E|6935,E|128,E|22123,E|22124,E|22125,E| PO SEN DA JI NA Poison Euphorbia* Euphorbia poisonii NA NA NA NA NA 31905,T5208|21386,E|18624,E|3075,T5208|3074,E|32073,T5208| XUAN CAO GEN 萱草根 Orange Daylily Equivalent plant: Hemerocallis minor, Hemerocallis lilio-asphodelus Hemerocallis fulva NA NA root To clear heat and disinhibit damp, cool blood and stanch bleeding, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Edema, jaundice, strangury-turbidity, vaginal discharge, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, scrofula, mammary welling abscess, galactostasis. 10150,E|17378,E|3615,E|3911,C0443|14039,E|14046,T6245|16458,E|18744,E;C0562|31197,T6245|7422,T6245|7420,E| LU DOU 穭豆 Semen Glycines sojae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23163,C0421|23290,C0422| BEI LIU JI NU 北刘寄奴 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3048,C0377| ZHANG SHU YE NA Camphortree Leaf Cinnamomum camphora NA NA leaf To dispel wind, eliminate damp, kill worms, resolve toxin. Wind-damp impediment pain, stomachache, burns and scalds, toxin swelling of sores, shank sore, scab and lichen, itchy skin, poisonous insect stings. 21938,E|16323,E|16322,E| LIAN QIAN CAO 连钱草 Longtube Ground Ivy Herb Herba Glechomae NA NA NA Treatment of acute urinary infection, urolithiasis, acute jaundice, painful swelling in sores and carbuncies, traumatic injuries. NA 13767,M992;C0347| CHANG QIAN HU 长前胡 Radix Peucedani turgeniifolii NA NA NA NA NA NA 4140,C0430| BIE JIA 鳖甲 Turtle Shell Carapax Trionycis Cold,Salty Spleen,Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of fever due to deficiency of yin, consumptive fever, dizziness, tremor or fainting due to deficiency of yin, amenorrhea, mass in the abdomen, chronic malaria with splenomegaly. NA 23522,M61|24214,M61|23131,M61| GUANG YE DING GONG TENG NA Glabrousleaf Erycibe Erycibe schmidtii NA NA rattan See Erycibe obtusifolia. See Erycibe obtusifolia. 19530,E;T3911|3552,T3911|3551,E|19551,T3911|19527,E|9488,T3911|9485,E| YAO YONG DAN SHEN YE NA Medicinal Sage Leaf Salvia officinalis NA NA NA NA NA 3745,E|8089,E|21186,E|9793,E|9792,E|9563,E|1476,E|14078,E|9794,E| DE GUO LOANG DAN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 20496,T3514| GAO JIA SUO LONG DAN NA Caucasian Gentian* Gentiana caucasa NA NA NA NA NA 8292,E|8294,T3824| MU JING ZI 牡荆枝 Hempleaf Negundo Chastetree NA NA NA NA NA NA 2003,C0542| SHENG TIE LUO 生铁落 iron Ferri NA NA NA NA NA 24951,M647| JI LIN WU TOU NA Kirin Monkshood* Aconitum kirinense NA NA root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, dissipate cold and relieve pain. Wind-cold-damp impediment, hypertonicity of limbs, cold pain in heart and abdomen, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, toothache. 8377,E|821,E|12662,E|12663,E|392,E|388,E|7672,E| HONG HUA YAN HUANG QI NA Redflower Sweetvetch Hedysarum multijugum NA NA root To boost qi and secure exterior, disinhibit urine, draw toxin and expel pus, close sores and engender flesh. Shortness of breath and palpitation, fatigue hypodynamia, spontaneous sweating and night sweating, enduring diarrhea, prolapse of rectum, prolapse of uterus, vacuity and edema, chronic nephritis, welling abscess and flat abscess. 5836,E| TU ER FENG NA Provincialis Gayfeather* Liatris provincialis NA NA NA NA NA 17984,E| XIA YE XIANG CHA CAI NA Narrowleaf Rabdosia* Isodon angustifolia NA NA root To fortify stomach and harmonize center, quicken blood and free network vessels. Indigestion, Kersan disease with hypertonicity and pain, carcinoma. 6519,E|1245,E| MAO GUAN ZHONG NA Champion Wood Fern Dryopteris championii NA NA dried rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, calm asthma, stanch bleeding and close sores, expel worms. Common cold, red eyes with gall, asthma, hematochezia, ulcerating sore toxin, scalds, ancylostomiasis. 854,E|850,E|851,E|853,E|849,E|1895,E;T4858|22016,E|22017,E| HUANG MING JIAO NA Oxhide Gelatin Bos taurus domesticus NA NA gelatin made from hide of ox To enrich yin and moisten dryness, nourish blood and stanch bleeding, quicken blood and disperse swelling, resolve toxin. Vacuity taxation lung wilting, cough and hemoptysis, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, flooding and spotting, diarrhea with hematochezia, knocks and falls, sore toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, scalds. 10659,E|10658,T4193| GU YA 谷芽 Millet Sprout Fructus Setariae Germinatus;Fructus Oryzae germinatus Mild,Sweet Spleen,Stomach NA Treatment of retention of undigested food with abdominal distension and foul breath, weakness of the spleen and the stomach with anorexia.Fructus Setariae Germinatus (stir-fried):Anorexia.Fructus Setariae Germinatus (charred): Retention of undigested food. Digestant 24740,M283|24784,M283|13447,M283|617,M283|24757,M283| MING DANG SHEN 明党参 Medicinal Changium Changium smyrnioides Minor cold,Sweet,Slightly Bitter Lung,Spleen,Liver root To moisten lung and transform phlegm, nourish yin and harmonize stomach, resolve toxin. Lung heat cough, vomiting nausea, reduced food intake with dry mouth, anemia, dizziness, leukorrhea, clove toxin sores. 23537,M510|25002,M510|1048,E|11500,E|23234,M510|20353,E|15506,E|20428,E|11571,E|23225,M510| JIA JU NA Sarmentose Pepper Piper sarmentosum NA NA stem-leaf or whole herb To dispel wind and dissipate cold, move qi and relieve pain, quicken network vessels, disperse swelling. Wind-cold cough, wind-damp impediment pain, distention fullness in stomach duct, diarrhea and dysentery, postpartum foot edema, knocks and falls. 1832,E|957,E| BAI ZHI MA 白芝麻 Oriental Sesame (white seed) Sesamum indicum [Syn. Sesamum orientale ] NA NA white seed To supplement liver and boost kidney, nourish blood and boost essence, moisten intestines and free stool. Lassitude in lumbar and knees, premature graying in beard and hair, dry cracked skin, intestinal dry and constipation, scant breast milk, welling abscess and eczema, scrofula, burns and scalds, hemorrhoids. 3052,E|3053,T3039|19764,E;C0570|19765,C0059;T3039| MEI GUO QING TENG NA Carolina Snailseed* Cocculus carolinus NA NA NA NA NA 3867,T4903|3864,E| LING YANG JIAO 羚羊角 Antelope Horn Cornu Saigae Tataricae Cold,Salty Liver,Heart NA Treatment of high fever with convulsion and impairment of consciousness, eclompsia, epilepsy, mamia, headache and dizziness, redness of the eye with corneal opacity, epidemic fibrile diseases with eruption, carbuncle, abscess and sores. 1. Intraperitoneal injection of its alcoholic extract (0.05mg/g) exerts sedative effect in mice.2. Its alcoholic extract and hydrolsate lower vaccine-induced fever in rabbits.3. Analgesic, anti-convulsive and hypotensive. 25060,M459|24214,M459| KU SHU PI NA Indian Quassiawood Bark Picrasma quassioides [Syn. Picrasma ailanthoides] NA NA bark To clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin and kill worms. Bacillary dysentery, infection of biliary tract, suppurative infection, scab and lichen, eczema, snake bite. 22500,E|22501,T4527|3171,T4527|12371,T4527|18289,T4527|7458,E|10583,E|15548,E;T4527|15549,E;T4527|6151,E|14211,E|25515,T4527|7898,T4527|17287,E;T4527|6257,T4527|6256,E|17286,E;T4527|15537,E|15536,E;T4527|15535,E;T4527|15534,E;T4527|15533,E|31279,T4527|15552,E;T4527|15539,E;T4527|15538,E;T4527|14611,T4527|14204,E|14205,T4527|5417,E|14512,E|5418,T4527|17311,E;T4527|17310,E;T4527|17313,E;T4527|17312,E;T4527|17315,T4527|7432,E|7433,T4527|31248,T4527|3156,E|7897,E|3159,E|3158,E|31644,T4527|17302,E;T4527|17303,E;T4527|17300,E;T4527|17301,E;T4527|17306,E;T4527|17307,E;T4527|17304,E;T4527|17305,E;T4527|25871,T4527|17308,E;T4527|17309,E;T4527|15551,E;T4527|15550,E;T4527|17285,E;T4527|17284,E;T4527|17289,E;T4527|17288,E;T4527|32074,T4527|3160,E|3161,E|31807,T4527|31806,T4527|12330,E|12331,E|12332,T4527|15546,E;T4527|15547,E;T4527|15544,E;T4527|18285,E|17298,E;T4527|17299,E;T4527|15541,E;T4527|17294,E;T4527|17295,E;T4527|17296,E;T4527|17297,E;T4527|17291,E;T4527|17292,E;T4527|17293,E|6296,E|25407,T4527|25562,T4527|25561,T4527|10478,E|6411,T4527|3103,T4527|10769,E|3096,E|30735,T4527|15445,E|19886,T4527|15449,T4527|19884,E|12329,E|15562,T4527|12328,E|12369,E|31232,T4527|15545,E;T4527|21391,E|30736,T4527|30737,T4527|30738,T4527|15542,E;T4527|7461,T4527|15543,E;T4527| OU ZHOU QI YE SHU NA Horsechestnut Aesculus hippocastanum NA NA ripe fruit without shell See Aesculus wilsonii. See Aesculus wilsonii. 7944,T5160|17855,T5160|17862,E|664,E;T5160|663,E|17853,E|660,E;T5160|17874,E|7941,E|7943,E;T5160|18396,E|18397,T5160| YANG QING LAN NA Rupestrine Dragonhead Dracocephalum rupestre NA NA whole herb To course wind and clear heat, cool liver and resolve toxin. Common cold with headache, swelling pain in throat, cough, dysentery, jaundice. 3674,E| PEN TUO PO TI CAO NA Pentopetia androsaernifolia Pentopetia androsaernifolia NA NA NA NA NA 16946,E| DUO SUI SHU WEI CAO. NA NA Salvia polystachya NA NA NA NA NA 12873,E|4936,E|19195,E|17669,E|17668,E|17672,E|17673,E|17670,E|17671,E| ZI WEI NA Chinese Trumpetcreeper Campsis grandiflora NA NA flower To clear heat and cool blood, transform stasis and dissipate binds, dispel wind and relieve itch. Blood stagnation and menstrual block, dysmenorrhea, concretion and conglomeration, flooding and spotting, wind papule itching due to blood heat, urticari with sore and scab, brandy nose. 1476,E|16040,E| LU GAN BAI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4376,T4713| ZHEN YE XUE TONG NA Conifer Macaranga Macaranga conifera NA NA NA NA NA 21424,E|6496,E|11245,E|5918,E|11487,E|10399,E|1405,E| NI BO ER LV RONG HAO NA Nepal Meconopsis Meconopsis nepaulensis NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp. Lung heat cough, damp-heat jaundice, damp-heat edema, gastroenteritis, headache, dysmenorrhea, leukorrhea. 16616,E|16615,E|14582,E| XIONG HUANG LAN NA Common Tritonia Tritonia crocosmaeflora NA NA corm To resolve toxin, disperse swelling, relieve pain. Tympanites, pain in stomach duct, pain in sinews and bones, epidemic parotitis, sores, painful wound from knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury. 21581,E|21582,T6232| AN LU LONG SHE LAN 龙舌兰 Peyote Lophophora williamsii NA NA NA NA NA 31659,T2911|13788,E|13789,T2911|6558,E|6559,T2911|12997,T2911|12995,E|22154,T2911|22142,E;C0483|14575,E| CHUI PEN CAO 垂盆草 all - grass of Stringy stonecrop Herba Sedi sarmentosi Cool,Sweet,Slightly Sour,Neutral Small Intestine,Liver,Heart,Gallbladder NA Treatment of jaundice with oliguria caused by damp-heat, acute and chronic hepatitis, carbuncles and sores. 1. Its amino acid protect the liver of rats and mice from CCl4 damage.2. Inhibiting the growth of Staphyloccus aureus, (a0 and (B) streptococcus and Shigella flexneri in vitro. 24154,M121|25143,M121|24754,M121|19362,M121|19363,M121|23847,M121|19635,M121|24474,M121|23548,M121|23712,M121| HUI BAI XIE HAO NA Greywhite Seseli* Seseli incanum NA NA NA NA NA 6506,E|25816,T4226| ZI BEI HUANG QIN NA Discolored Skullcap* Scutellaria discolor NA NA whole herb To resolve exterior and abate fever, relieve cough, clear heat and resolve toxin. Common cold with fever, swelling pain in throat, vomiting diarrhea with abdominal pain, vacuity taxation cough, heat toxin sore and welling abscess, otitis media. 10027,E|15806,E| TUAN JI AI NA XIANG NA Glomerate Blumea* Blumea glomerata NA NA NA NA NA 4282,E|14729,E|9508,E|14410,E|9405,E|15626,E|16860,E|6337,E|19159,E|2021,E|10594,E| DAN HONG QIANG DAO YAO NA Rose Hypoestes* Hypoestes rosea NA NA NA NA NA 10893,E| ZI BEI LU TI CAO NA Purpleback Pyrola Pyrola atropurpurea NA NA whole herb See Pyrola calliantha. See Pyrola calliantha. 10886,E|9593,E| ZHAN MAO LIAO NA Viscidhairy Knotweed Polygonum viscosum NA NA branch-leaf To rectify qi and remove damp, fortify stomach and disperse food. Stomach qi pain, indigestion, child gan accumulation, wind-damp pain. 22519,E|18338,E|6146,E| GE SHI SHU WEI CAO NA Gregg Sage* Salvia greggii NA NA NA NA NA 19199,E|19198,E|19201,E|19197,E|19200,E| DUAN JIE SHEN NA Kunming Mosquitotrap Cynanchum wallichii NA NA root To supplement kidney and strengthen lumbus, strengthen sinews and bones, resolve toxin. Kidney vacuity lumbago, inability of legs and knees, knocks and falls, fracture, rabid dog bite. 18277,E|18921,E| BING PIAN 冰片 Borneol Dryobalanops aromatica Minor cold,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Spleen,Heart resin To open orifices and free spirit, dissipate heat and relieve pain, eliminate screen and brighten eyes. Angina pectoris, phlegm reversal, wind stroke, coma, convulsion, swelling pain in throat, mouth sore, swollen and painful eyes, sores, ulcer. 30750,T3146|30751,T3146|23101,C0577|30632,T3146|984,E|3048,E|6740,E;M63|23719,M63|6609,E;M63|23870,T3146|11262,T3146|1853,E|31751,T3146|7337,E;M63|24946,M63|31122,T3146|25046,M63|24347,M63|16040,E|11311,T3146|9668,E|2550,E;T3146|2553,E;T3146|6744,T3146|11256,E|3242,E|3241,E|6610,T3146|25817,T3146|11257,E;T3146|25768,T3146|6501,E| QIAO MAI JIE NA Common Buckwheat Stem Fagopyrum esculentum NA NA stem-leaf To precipitate qi and disperse accumulation, clear heat and resolve toxin, stanch bleeding, lower blood pressure. Dysphagia-occlusion, indigestion, dysentery, vaginal discharge, swollen welling abscess, scalds, hemoptysis, purpura, hypertension. 19072,E|9615,E|19075,T5260|16185,E|11575,T5260|16192,T5260| BIAN JING YAN JIE CAO NA Flatstem Lilyturf* Ophiopogon planiscapus NA NA NA NA NA 19059,E|19062,T3126|19055,E|25353,T3126| RE BEN MO GU NA Japanese Mushroom*(Sheep Polypore) Albatrellus ovinus NA NA NA NA NA 7909,E|7905,E|10537,E| HUA ZHONG LIU ZU JUE NA Fine-nerved Plagiogyria Plagiogyria euphlebia NA NA rhizome or whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin. Influenza. 17487,E| XIN XING PU TAO NA Cordate Syzygium* Syzygium cordatum NA NA NA NA NA 8094,E|30995,T6220| XIAO GUO ZAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 32263,T6162| LA GEN HE GUO MU NA Armoracia Drypetes* Drypetes armoracia NA NA NA NA NA 6613,E|6612,E| TAO GEN 桃根 Peach Root Prunus persica NA NA root To clear heat and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and relieve pain, disperse swollen welling abscess. Jaundice, sand qi abdominal pain, lumbago, taxation damage due to knocks and falls, wind-damp impediment pain, amenorrhea, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, swollen welling abscess, hemorrhoids. 9456,E|9457,T5763|4048,C0360|25802,T5763|6863,E| QIAN JIN HUA 千金花 Flos Eupatorii fortunei NA NA NA NA NA NA 17251,C0263|21344,C0293|8311,C0304| SU XIN YE BAI YING NA Jasmine Nightshade Solanum jasminoides NA NA NA NA NA 20054,T5716|20050,E|20053,E;T5716| BI LU ZHI XIAO BO NA Baluchistan Barberry Berberis baluchistanica NA NA NA NA NA 4101,E|4100,E|16526,E| TAI WAN CU FEI NA Wilson Plumyew Cephalotaxus wilsoniana NA NA NA NA NA 21922,E|11446,E|20610,E|20611,E|11447,T5744|11597,E|20609,E|22680,E|9193,E|20449,E|1492,E|7041,E|3404,E|3407,T5744|7042,E|14606,E|1476,E|21057,E|7040,E| ZOU WEN TANG SONG CAO NA Rugose Meadowrue* Thalictrum rugosum NA NA NA NA NA 21237,T6785|21219,T6785|21235,E|32053,T6785|25472,T6785|21247,E|15876,E|4121,E|21252,E|31733,T6785|32055,T6785|21254,E;T6785|21218,E|21244,T6785|15778,E|21253,E;T6785|21241,E|1667,E|9596,E|21248,T6785|21250,E| ZHEN XIAN. NA NA Bryum argenteum NA NA plant body To clear heat and resolve toxin, stanch bleeding. Bacillary dysentery, jaundice, nasosinusitis, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, burns and scalds, spontaneous external bleeding, coughing of blood. 11702,E| TIAN GEN DUO ZU JUE NA Sweetroot Polypody* Polypodium glycyrrhiza NA NA NA NA NA 17649,E| SHAN DI XIANG WAN DOU NA Bitter Vetch Lathyrus montanus NA NA NA NA NA 16198,E| BU LANG WEI JI. NA NA Brunsvigia radulosa NA NA NA NA NA 472,E|1532,E|1276,E| FEI ZHOU WA NA African frog African frog NA NA NA NA NA 22041,E| SHUI YANG MEI II NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31897,T5666|21919,T5666|31898,T5666| WO LI HE GUAN BAN NA Wallich Crestpetal-tree Lophopetalum wallichii NA NA NA NA NA 15909,E| GUAN HUA ROU CONG RONG NA Tubeshaped Flower Cistanche Cistanche tubulosa NA NA NA NA NA 5158,E|618,E|22077,E|9070,E|10140,E|4901,E|15126,E|4902,E|10060,E|20539,E|22081,E|22080,E|652,E|22079,E|4225,E|11722,E|22236,E| ZAO JIA 皂荚 Chinese Honeylocust Gleditsia sinensis [Syn. Gleditsia horrida] Warm,Pungent Lung,Large Intestine fruit To relieve cough and dispel phlegm, open orifices, kill worms and dissipate binds. Cough of phlegm asthma, wind stroke clenched jaw, phlegm-drool and congesting lung, clouded spirit with loss of speech, epilepsy, throat impediment, urinary and fecal stoppage, swollen welling abscess, scab and lichen. 24221,M829|24225,M829|8529,E|8528,E|20353,E;M829|23956,M829|23704,M829|23975,M829|8541,E|8540,E|8543,E|8542,E|8527,E|8526,E|6688,E|32086,T6606|8525,E|15651,M829|23523,M829|23887,T6606|21495,E|23339,M829|23502,M829|16040,E|8538,E|8539,E|8530,E|8531,E|8532,E|8533,E|8534,E|8535,E|8536,E|8537,E|11778,T6606|24444,M829|11770,E| MAO SHI JUN ZI NA Villous Rangooncreeper* Quisqualis indica var. villosa NA NA NA NA NA 23176,C0571|18437,E| TIAN QIAO MAI GEN NA Golden Buckwheat Root Fagopyrum cymosum [Syn. Polygonum cymosum ] NA NA root and rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and disperse welling abscess, dispel wind and eliminate damp. Swelling pain in throat, sores, scrofula, hepatitis, pulmonary welling abscess, aching sinews and bones, head wind, stomachache, bacillary dysentery, Vaginal discharge. 19072,E|9817,E|19075,T5794|19780,T5794|17861,T5794|17855,E|20428,E|31878,T5794|31609,T5794|19779,E|31156,T5794|17882,E|20429,T5794|14364,E|18396,E|18397,T5794| CHI SHAO 赤芍 Red Peony root Radix Paeoniae Rubra Minor cold,Bitter Liver NA Treatment of maculation in epidemic diseases, spitting of blood, epistaxis, inflammation of the eye, pain in the chest and costal regions, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, mass formation in the abdomen, traumatic injuries, boils and sores. 1. Paeoniflorin, one of its active components, has a strong antispastic effect and also analgesic, sedative, anticonvulsive, antibacterial and anti-imflammatory effects. 2. Dilating blood vessels, increasing coronary flow and improving myocardial oxygen supply. 3. Inhibiting platelets aggregation. 16521,M100;C0099|16523,M100|857,M100|3308,C0437|4679,M100|25094,M100|23190,C0439|23057,C0438|24112,M100|16514,M100;C0349|24077,M100|12434,M100|23248,M100;C0436|23097,M100|16513,M100|16522,M100|23564,M100|23229,C0440|2266,M100|16444,M100|23287,C0400| GUAN GUANG MU NA Guanguangtree Tsoongiodendron odorum NA NA NA NA NA 12911,E|6026,E| JING NI PING NA Genipa Genipa americana NA NA NA NA NA 8230,E|8274,E|8275,E;T4431|8268,E|8276,E|8265,E|8266,E|8267,E|8273,E;T4431|8272,E;T4431|8271,E| JIN JI ER 锦鸡儿 Peashrub* Caragana chamlagu NA NA flower To fortify spleen and boost kidney, harmonize blood and dispel wind, resolve toxin. Vacuity taxation cough, dizzy head and tinnitus, limp aching lumbus and knees, qi vacuity, vaginal discharge, child gan accumulation, pox without coming out, mammary welling abscess, pain wind, knocks and falls. 7882,C0340|22488,E|23287,C0400| NAN SHE TENG YE NA Oriental Bittersweet Leaf Celastrus orbiculatus [Syn. Celastrus articulatus ] NA NA leaf To dispel wind and eliminate damp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling, quicken blood and relieve pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, swelling of sores and boils, zoster,eczema, knocks and falls, snake or insect bites. 12057,E|25571,T5054|819,E|12083,T5054|12079,E|25806,T5054|31882,T5054|18337,E|18352,E|18353,T5054| HAI TUN YU NA Dolphin Delphinus delphis NA NA meat or fat To resolve toxin, engender flesh, settle pain. Tinea capitis, sore and boil, hemorrhoids and fistulas, burns and scalds, miasmic malaria, tympanites. 11752,T3959|11751,E| YE JUE MING NA Wild Thermopsis Thermopsis lupinoides NA NA whole herb and seed To resolve toxin and disperse swelling, dispel phlegm and promote vomiting. Malign sore, scab and lichen. 21302,E|16483,E|4593,E|21306,T6375|26052,T6375|23278,T6375| SONG PAN WU TOU NA Sungpan Monkshood Aconitum sungpanense NA NA root To dispel wind and overcome damp, dissipate cold and relieve pain, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling. Wind-cold-damp impediment, pain in joints, toothache, knocks and falls, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, neuralgia. 22922,E|5472,E|331,E;T5695|5477,T5695| FU ZHUANG SHUI GUI JIAO NA Rotate Hymenocallis* Hymenocallis rotata NA NA NA NA NA 15741,E| PU TONG YUAN ZHI NA Common Milkwort* Polygala vulgaris NA NA NA NA NA 6163,E|19900,E|6212,E|3573,E| KUO YE XIE CAO NA Broadleaf Common Valeriana Valeriana officinalis var. latifolia NA NA root and rhizome See Valeriana officinalis. See Valeriana officinalis . 31444,T4559|25205,T4559|12837,E|12190,E;T4559|12191,T4559|22296,E|22297,E;T4559|3045,E|3046,T4559|26058,T4559|23545,T4559|32187,T4559|4549,E|12189,E;T4559|12188,E;T4559|12187,E|6481,E|6484,T4559|31812,T4559|2555,E;T4559|17362,E|17363,E|22298,E|20979,E| HONG CHUN NA Burma Toon Toona ciliata NA NA root cortex To clear heat and dry damp, promote astriction, kill worms. Chronic diarrhea, chronic dysentery, intestinal wind bleeding, flooding and spotting, vaginal discharge, emission, white turbidity, gan accumulation, ascariasis, sore and lichen. 8315,E|8370,T4029|21430,E|290,E;T4029|21432,T4029| LONG NAO GAO XIANG NA Borneol Oil-Resin Dryobalanops aromatica NA NA resin To dispel wind and open orifices. Deafness. 14641,T4692|15920,E|15921,E|14633,E|16391,E|266,E|12154,E|12155,E| HU JIAO 胡椒 Black Pepper Piper nigrum Hot,Pungent Large Intestine,Stomach fruit To warm center and dissipate cold, precipitate qi, disperse phlegm. Vomiting with stomach cold, abdominal pain and diarrhea, inappetence, convulsion, epilepsy and profuse phlegm. 17435,E|17436,T4092|17437,E;M348;C0576|17430,E|17431,E|17454,E|17455,E|20975,E|17458,T4092|17459,E|17438,T4092|17425,E|15437,E|17389,T4092|16378,E|16379,E|13721,T4092|16374,E|16375,E|16376,E|16377,E|16371,E|16372,E|16373,E|13719,E|13718,T4092|11269,E|11268,E|4287,E;M348|23916,M348|11267,E|11266,E|13717,E;T4092|13716,E|16381,E|16380,E|30831,T4092|16382,E|24638,M348|16314,E|11280,E|17456,E;M348|25173,M348|3488,T4092|17442,E;M348|17445,T4092|19356,E|3487,E|17460,E|13720,E;T4092|16308,E|11271,E|17423,E|17422,E|17421,E|17420,E|11279,E|16307,E|17424,E|18642,E|5554,M348|13764,T4092|6464,E|19363,E|13763,E|17387,E|19773,E|16394,E|16395,E|16295,E| FEN SHI TANG SONG CAO NA Fendler’s Meadowrue Thalictrum fendleri NA NA NA NA NA 21237,E|14244,E|21238,T3741|9440,E| AI JI QIAN LI GUANG NA Egyptian Groundsel Senecio aegypticus NA NA NA NA NA 18827,E|18828,T2885| OU ZHOU MO YAO NA Sweet Cicely Myrrhis odorata NA NA NA NA NA 31775,T5156|17014,E| TIAN XIAN GUO NA Erect Fig Ficus beecheyana [Syn. Ficus erecta var. beecheyana] NA NA fruit To clear heat and engender liquid, fortify spleen and promote digestion, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Enteritis, dysentery, constipation, hemorrhoids, throat pain, welling abscessand sores, scab and lichen. 2464,E|2465,E|10179,E|2463,E|2424,E|2425,E|5906,E|10036,E| MA YOU 麻油 Sesame Oil Oleum Sesami Cool,Sweet Liver,Kidney NA For relaxing the bowels and moistening the lung when taken orally, also used as ground substance in making ointment and plaster for external application. NA 23170,M498|19765,C0059|19766,M498|19764,C0570|23193,M498| CHUN QIAN LI GUANG NA Eastern Groundsel Senecio vernalis NA NA NA NA NA 19700,T3346|19716,E|23211,T3346|19699,E| LUE DA AO DING ZAO NA Smaller Concave-top Alga* Laurencia majuscula NA NA NA NA NA 2623,E|2624,E|15901,E|5399,E|5398,E|20327,E|6734,E|11567,E| SHAN ZHA YE 山楂叶 Chinese Hawthorn Leaf Crataegus pinnatifida NA NA leaf To relieve itch, close sores, lower blood pressure. Hypertension, lacquer sore, enduring sores. 4219,E|12711,T5521|351,E;T5521|23090,C0492|12708,E|4221,T5521| XIAO PAI CAO 香排草 all-grass of Sikok Radix et Rhizoma Anisochili Warm,Pungent NA NA NA NA 3689,M766|25130,M766|23909,M766|17362,M766|17363,M766| TUO YE ZHU SHI DOU NA Stipular Crotalaria* Crotalaria stipularia NA NA NA NA NA 14917,T5868|14915,E| YUAN YE QIAN NIU ZI NA Roundleaf Pharbitis Seed Pharbitis purpurea NA NA seed See Pharbitis nil. See Pharbitis nil. 8376,E|8374,T6558|8372,E;T6558|8373,E;T6558|8371,E;T6558| TU ER FENG XIE JIA CAO NA Ainsliaefolious Cacalia Cacalia ainsliaeflora NA NA tuber To dissipate stasis, resolve toxin, kill worms. Wind-damp edema, innominate toxin swelling, lai lichen. 1227,E|5355,E|1231,E|1217,E|1215,E|1218,E|21811,E|1222,E| CHENG ZI PI NA Pericarp Citrus junos NA NA pericarp To transform phlegm, disinhibit diaphragm, disperse food, check vomiting. Qi stagnation in chest and diaphragm, cough with profuse phlegm, non-digestion of food accumulation, nausea and vomiting, drunkenness. 8343,E;T3278|3761,E|8344,T3278|8310,T3278|8342,E| WEI YE XIANG CHA CAI NA Taillikeleaf Rabdosia Rabdosia excisa NA NA NA NA NA 7681,E|12119,E|7680,E|18457,E|18470,E|9361,E|12121,E|7683,E|7682,E|7678,E|7679,E|7676,E|7677,E|7674,E|7675,E|7673,E| DING XIANG LUO LE YOU 丁香罗勒油 Ocimum Oil Oleum Ocimi Gratissimi NA NA NA Treatment of toothache due to caries. NA 7520,M921| HU TAO ZHI 胡桃枝 Ramulus Juglandis regiae NA NA NA NA NA NA 11900,C0300| QIU SHI MEI DENG MU NA Chuchuhuasc Mayten* Maytenus chuchuhuasca NA NA NA Anticarcinoma. Skin cancer. 10266,E|22795,E|22797,E|22796,E|11784,E|11785,E|5743,E|5744,E|16400,E|11783,E|5654,E|5655,E| HUAI BI PI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8277,C0249|19072,C0514|12017,C0453|23303,C0471| SI CHI SI LENG CAO NA Fourteech Schnabelia Schnabelia tetradonta NA NA NA NA NA 21128,E|15125,E|4679,E|2056,E|313,E|8744,E|13573,E|8766,E|1480,E|1476,E|1560,E|19967,E| MI HUO DA JI. NA NA Euphorbia decipiens NA NA NA NA NA 15207,E|15209,E|15208,E| ZHI SANG BAI PI 炙桑柏皮 Prepared root-bark White Mulberry Cortex Mori radicis Praeparata Cold,Sweet Lung NA Treatment of cough and asthma caused by heat in the lung, anasarca with oliguria. Its extract is hypotensive, cardio-inhibitory and vasoconstrictive, and excites the intestines and uterus in experimental animals. 14963,M869;C0311|21646,M869|19527,M869|617,M869;C0403|1102,M869|22179,M869| OU DING XIANG NA Common Lilac Syringa vulgaris NA NA NA NA NA 20544,E| DA ER WEN XIAO BO NA Darwin Barberry Berberis darwinii NA NA NA NA NA 2304,E| MAN NI PU ER SHI DA GONG LAO NA Manipur Mahonia Mahonia manipurensis NA NA NA NA NA 16428,E| NAN FANG OU LIU LI CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31070,T5038|1011,T5038| DI GUA ZI 地瓜子 Wayaka Yambean Seed Pachyrhizus erosus NA NA seed To kill worms and relieve itch. Scab and lichen, itchy skin, swollen welling abscess. 10679,E|15453,E|6550,E|6551,T3528|10059,T3528|10058,E|7289,E;T3528|7288,E|31249,T3528|16490,T3528|25772,T3528|25382,T3528|10588,E|4953,E|10680,E|10681,T3528|18925,T3528|18924,E;C0444;T3528| CHUI QI MU NA Drooping Alder* Alnus pendula NA NA NA NA NA 966,E|8080,E| RI BEN HOU PI XIANG NA Japanese Cleyera Ternstroemia japonica NA NA NA NA NA 18684,E|5240,E|20964,E|20965,E|20966,E|20967,E|20968,E|20969,E| DA HUA ZI WEI NA Queen Crapemyrtle Lagerstroemia speciosa NA NA root and leaf To close sores, resolve toxin. Swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore. 18192,E| DA YE HOU PO NA Bigleaf Magnolia Magnolia rostrata NA NA bark To warm center and transform damp, move qi and disperse accumulation. Distention fullness and sudden pain in chest and abdomen, food accumulation and qi stagnation, vomiting, diarrhea, cough with profuse phlegm. 5378,E|13382,E|13383,T3462|13381,E|13366,E|13367,T3462| SHAN HU JIAO NA Greyblue Spicebush Lindera glauca NA NA fruit To warm center and dissipate cold, move qi and relieve pain, calm asthma. Cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, glomus fullness, asthma. 30676,T5478|30751,T5478|3242,E|3241,E|2557,E|11311,T5478| WEI YE XI ZI JUE NA Tail-leaf Monachosorum Monachosorum flagellare NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, relieve pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, pain wind. 14903,E|14905,E;T5914|14904,E;T5914|14906,T5914|18084,E|15018,E|15019,T5914| HU TAO HUA 胡桃花 Flos Juglandis regiae NA NA NA NA NA NA 11900,C0300| ZHUN GE ER QIAN HU NA Dzungaria Hogfennel* Peucedanum morisonii NA NA root To dispel wind and dissipate cold, rectify qi and relieve pain. Wind-cold common cold, cough, stomach cold distending pain 31775,T6719|17014,E| LIU BAI PI NA Babylon Weeping Willow Root-bast Salix babylonica NA NA bark or root cortex To dispel wind and disinhibit damp, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Wind-damp bone pain, wind swelling and pruritus, jaundice, strangury-turbidity, mammary welling abscess, toothache, burns and scalds. 19171,T4673|19169,E| MO XI GE HAO NA Mexico Wormwood* Artemisia mexicana var. angustifolia NA NA NA NA NA 25556,T4996|13066,E|22087,E|32166,T4996| ZAI PEI GAN JU NA Cultivated Citrus* Citrus cultivars NA NA fruit See Citrus chachiensis . See Citrus chachiensis. 8306,E|31021,T6598| SHAN CHA NA Japanese Ca mellia Camellia japonica NA NA flower To cool blood and stanch bleeding, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling. Blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hemoptysis, hematochezia, bleeding from hemorrhoids, red and white dysentery, flooding, blood strangury, vaginal discharge, scalds, knocks and falls. 16753,E|20894,E|6853,T5465|6852,E|3036,E|3037,E;T5465|16763,T5465|32004,T5465|30722,T5465|30721,T5465|13543,T5465|13539,E| LONG YA CAO NA Hairyvein Agrimonia Agrimonia pilosa NA NA aerial parts To promote astriction and stanch bleeding, check dysentery, kill worms. Hemoptysis, blood ejection, hematuria, hematochezia, dysentery, flooding and spotting with vaginal discharge, bleeding due to external injury, malaria, trichomoniasis. 31814,T4699|17348,E|754,E;T4699|762,E|17347,E|759,E;T4699|17349,E|10886,E|17736,E|17372,E|30116,T4699| ZHONG HUA QING NIU DAN NA Chinese Tinospora* Tinospora sinensis NA NA stem To dispel wind and relieve pain, soothe sinews and quicken network vessels. Wind-damp impediment pain, taxation damage in lumbar muscle, knocks and falls. 21383,E|21385,E|21384,E|17908,E|11477,E|17405,E|20653,E|10947,E| SAN YE HUANG LIAN NA Three-leaf Goldthread Coptis trifolia NA NA NA NA NA 6834,E| SHU ZHI BAN RI HUA NA Resinoid Cistus* Csitus ladaniferus NA NA NA NA NA 7481,T5625|7480,E| XIAO HUA GUI ZHEN NA Smallflower Beggarticks Bidens parviflora NA NA NA NA NA 6350,E|4158,E|4159,E|5154,E|2359,E|20431,E|2362,E|2361,E|2360,E| AN LUO NA Suberous Greenstar Polyalthia suberosa NA NA NA NA NA 12112,E| BAI YING SU 白罂粟 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3885,C0361|14973,C0512| AI JI ZAI PEI CI TONG NA Egypt Cultivate Coralbean* Erythrina lysistemon NA NA NA NA NA 13258,E|11412,E|11708,E| YI LANG A WEI NA Iran Giantfennel* Ferula kuhistanica NA NA NA NA NA 11808,E|7791,E|7790,E|7097,E|12504,E|12465,E|12466,E|12321,E|7151,E|12316,E|12317,E|12314,E|12315,E|12312,E|12313,E|12310,E|12311,E|12318,E|12319,E|21728,E|6178,E|6179,E|9828,E|12322,E|12307,E|12306,E|22315,E|12320,E|12309,E|12308,E| DONG FANG HE TAO 东方核桃 Juglans regia Linn NA NA NA NA NA NA 11900,C0300| QING TENG XIANG NA Japanese Snailseed Stem Cocculus trilobus [Syn. Cocculus sarmentosus] NA NA stem-leaf To dispel wind and eliminate damp, regulate qi and relieve pain, disinhibit water and disperse edema. Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, stomachache, abdominal pain, edema, strangury syndrome. 3867,T5284|3864,E| DA JIN NIU CAO 大金牛草 Chinese Milkwort Polygala chinensis [Syn. Polygala glomerata] NA NA whole herb with root To dispel phlegm, disperse accumulation, dissipate stasis, resolve toxin. Cough and sore pharynx, child gan accumulation, knocks and falls, scrofula, swollen welling abscess, poisonous snake bite. 23102,C0119|3531,E;T3432|3530,E|9328,T3432|3532,E;T3432|12078,E|9322,E|20429,E|15180,T3432|15176,E|30768,T3432|8586,E|20430,T3432|1623,E;T3432|1622,E;T3432|3540,E;T3432|8581,E|8583,E|8582,E|8585,E|8584,E|24286,T3432| JIA BEU MU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 32163,T4297| SEMEN HOLARRHENAE 止泻木子 NA semen holarrhenae NA NA NA NA NA 10938,M612|3931,M612|20394,M612| DONG FENG JU GEN NA Boxleaf Atalantia Root Atalantia buxifolia [Syn. Severinia buxifolia ] NA NA root To dispel stasis and relieve pain, normalize qi and transform phlegm. Painful swelling from knocks and falls, wind-damp pain, fracture, mounting qi , common cold, cough, malaria, stomachache. 3777,E|3778,E|2828,E|2829,E|2824,E|2825,E|2826,E|2827,E|2823,E|14436,E|1958,E|8824,E|2830,E|2010,E|21671,E|1957,E|1953,E|19967,E|1959,E|8319,E|14142,E|11756,E|11755,E|19287,E|19775,E|20353,E| XIAO YE ZHI MA NA China Weasel-snout Galeobdolon chinense [Syn. Lamium chinense] NA NA tuberoid To stanch bleeding. Bleeding due to external injury. 1496,E|580,E| GOU XIN NA Dog Heart Canis familiaris NA NA heart To quiet spirit, dispel wind, stanch bleeding, resolve toxin. Wind impediment, qi depression, nosebleed (epistaxis), sore in lower body. 30827,T3865|4221,E| CI MA QIAN ZI NA Aculeate Poisonnut* Strychnos aculeata NA NA NA NA NA 2678,E;T3360| DING XIANG LUO LE NA Sweetscented Basil Ocimum gratissimum NA NA NA NA NA 16915,E| JIAN YE HUA JIAO NA Acute-leaf Pricklyash* Zanthoxylum acutifolium NA NA NA NA NA 598,E|595,E|597,E| ZHU ZI SHU NA Racemose Sweetleaf Symplocos racemosa NA NA NA NA NA 9233,E|20533,E|20532,E|20531,E|9234,T6716|20512,E|19177,E|2270,E| CHANG SUI BA DOU NA LongspikeCroton* Croton macrostachys NA NA NA NA NA 21479,E|21835,E|21480,E|6155,E|15359,E| YIN DU BA QIA NA Anantmul Hemidesmus indicus NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit urine and disperse edema, enrich and supplement [5509]. febrile diseases, strangury, syphilis, snake bite or scorpion sting[5509]. 5129,E|9345,E| MAO GUO YUN XIANG. NA NA Pilocarpus jaborandi NA NA NA NA NA 17346,E| MANG XIAO 芒硝 Sodium Sulfate Natrii Sulfas1 Cold,Bitter,Salty Large Intestine,Stomach NA Treament of constipation with retention of dry feces and abdominal pain caused by excessive heat , appendicitis. External use of Natrii Sulfas: Mastitis, painful swollen hemorrhoids. It contain mainly Na2SO4.10 H2O which is a potent purgative. 23634,M506| KU HONG GU NA Bitter Russula Russula rosacea NA NA NA NA NA 18901,T4515|18896,E;T4515|18895,E| LI FEI MU JIANG ZI NA Leefe Litse* Litsea leefeana NA NA NA NA NA 2538,E;T4599| ZHU SHA LIAN NA Kaempfer Dutchmanspipe Aristolochia kaempferi NA NA tuber To move qi and relieve pain, clear heat and resolve toxin, lower blood pressure. Qi stagnation and distention in stomach duct, stomachache, abdominal pain, pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, summerheat-damp diarrhea, swelling of welling abscess and boil, poisonous snake bite, hypertension. 1713,E|3748,T6708|24175,T6708|3747,E|4459,T6708|4458,E| XIANG CI BAI FEI ZHOU BIAN ZHONG NA Mastic Africa Juniper* Juniperus thurifera var. africana NA NA NA NA NA 11757,E|14487,E|13890,E|14488,E|14636,E|14639,E|14310,E|14496,E| LI GUO XIAN REN ZHANG NA Prickly Pear Opuntia ficus- indica NA NA root and stem To clear lung and relieve cough, cool blood and resolve toxin. Lung heat cough, tuberculosis and hemoptysis, dysentery, bleeding from hemorrhoids, mammary welling abscess, epidemic parotitis, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, burns and scalds, bald sores, scab and lichen, snake or insect bites. 11016,E|11017,T4600|17465,E| HEI JIE NA Black Mustard Brassica nigra NA NA NA NA NA 25698,T4008|8598,E| DAN LV CUI QUE NA Virescent Larkspur Delphinium virescens NA NA NA NA NA 782,E| XIAO PO PO NA NA Thymeleaf Speedwell Veronica serpyllifolia NA NA whole herb To quicken blood and dissipate stasis, stanch bleeding, resolve toxin. Knocks and falls, menstrual disorder, bleeding due to external injury, mouth sore, burns and scalds. 2004,E;T6177| DUAN ROU MAO FEI YAN CAO NA Shortfluff Consolida* Consolida pubescens NA NA NA NA NA 18160,E| BAI XUE GUO MU. NA NA Chioccoca alba NA NA NA NA NA 869,E|868,E|870,E|867,E| HU TAO KE 胡桃壳 Pericarpium Juglandis regiae NA NA NA NA NA NA 11900,C0300| TAI BAI SONG MU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 20601,T5738|20600,T5738|20603,T5738|20602,T5738|3524,T5738|20599,T5738|20598,T5738|25226,T5738|31752,T5738| WU GAN DA YU YE QIU NA Uganda Padritree* Stereospermum kunthianum NA NA NA NA NA 1364,E|18238,E|20317,E|18239,E|20318,E| KU XUAN SHEN NA Common Bitterfigwort Picria felterrae NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Wind-heat common cold, swelling pain in throat, mumps, swollen boil, diarrhea and dysentery, hemorrhoids, eczema, poisonous snake bites, knocks and falls. 4882,E|17281,E|9516,E|17276,E|17277,E|17274,E|17275,E|17280,E|17278,E|17279,E|21969,E| DUO HUA SHAN MA GAN NA Manyflower Christmasbush* Alchornea floribunda NA NA NA NA NA 871,E| WU BING TANG SONG CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 21230,T5927| CHANG GENG DONG QING NA Longpedicel Holly Ilex pedunculosa NA NA leaf, branch-leaf To dispel wind and eliminate damp, dissipate stasis and stanch bleeding. Wind-damp impediment pain, bleeding due to external injury, knocks and falls, cracking of skin, scar. 16754,E| ZHU SHI DOU 猪屎豆 Striped Crotalaria Crotalaria mucronata NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin and dissipate binds. Chronic diarrhea, damp-heat diarrhea, dysentery, edema, pelvic inflammation, frequent urination in children, dribbling urination, child gan accumulation, mastitis, neurasthenia, insomnia. 15010,E|22261,E;C0028|15012,T6709|22264,T6709| MAO XU CAO NA Spicate Clerodendranthus Clerodendranthus spicatus NA NA whole herb To clear heat and dispel damp, expel stone and disinhibit water. Acute nephritis, chronic nephritis, cystitis, urethral stone, rheumatic arthritis. 16040,E|19196,E|11082,E|19913,E|22254,E|11085,T4884| SHOU FU PIAN 熟附片 Common Monkshood Daughter Root Rhizoma Aconiti Lateralis Extreme Hot,Pungent,Sweet Spleen,Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of collapse with cold limbs and faint pulse, impotence, frigidity, precordial and abdominal pain with cold sensation, vomiting and diarrhea or edema accompanied by aversion to cold and cold extremities, colds in patients with yang deficiency, chronic arthritis due to attack of cold and damp (marked by persistent severe joint pain, fixed in place and accompanied by heaviness sensation and numbness). NA 24946,M663|24347,M663|23719,M663| DI BU RONG 地不容 Delavay Stephania Stephania delavayi [Syn. Stephania epigaea ] NA NA tuber To rectify qi and relieve pain, dispel wind-damp, disperse swelling toxin. Qi stagnation and food accumulation, pain in stomach duct and abdomen, wind-damp impediment pain, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, poisonous snake bite. 26074,T3524|20304,T3524|20303,E|3416,T3524|4995,T3524|3412,E;C0371|4993,E|16299,E|25397,T3524|4460,E| CI GUO TUN CAO NA Bur Sage Ambrosia acanthicarpa NA NA NA NA NA 3467,E|3477,T3355| JIAN ZI SU NA Acute Common Perilla Perilla frutescens var. acuta [Syn. Perilla frutescens var. purpurascens ] NA NA seed See Perilla frutescens var. arguta. See Perilla frutescens var. arguta. 25857,T4355|25879,T4355|16917,E|13768,T4355|13767,E|6745,T4355|6744,E|6192,E|31771,T4355|6095,E|6094,E|6080,T4355| PU GONG YING 蒲公英 Mongolian Dandelion Taraxacum mongolicum Cold,Sweet,Bitter Stomach,Liver aerial parts To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate binds and disperse swelling, disinhibit urine and free strangury. Epidemic parotitis, infection of upper respiratory tract, tonsillitis, laryngitis, sore pharynx, mastitis, hepatitis, swelling toxin of clove sore, mammary welling abscess, scrofula, red eyes, pulmonary welling abscess, damp-heat jaundice, heat strangury with inhibited pain. 20688,E;M550|2887,E|3551,E|3592,T5216|3589,E|19527,M550|23656,M550|20695,M550|25216,T5216|24460,M550|24389,M550|23080,M550;C0364|7820,M550|24884,M550| SHU MA NA Sunn Crotalaria Crotalaria juncea NA NA root To disinhibit urine and resolve toxin. Opacity of urine, dribbling pain of urination, urethral stone, scab and lichen, knocks and falls. 18827,E|19699,T5618|21544,E|18828,T5618|19697,E| RUI JIAO JIAN MU NA Acuteangulus Pencilwood* Dysoxylum acutangulum NA NA NA NA NA 9876,E|9882,T5387| DUO ZHONG LU HUI TI QU WU NA Extracts of Aloe spp Aloe spp. NA NA NA NA NA 973,E;T3665| CAO WU YE 草乌叶 Kusnezoff Monkshood Leaf Folium Aconiti Kusnezoffii NA NA NA Treatment of fever in febrile disease, diarrhea and abdominal pain, headache, toothache. NA 19967,M909|24075,M909| BO LU MI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4496,T3156| TIAN YE HAO NA Campestral Mugwort Artemisia campestris NA NA NA NA NA 9605,T5804|9603,E|19159,E|19162,T5804| DUN LIE YIN LIAN HUA NA Obtuselobed Anemone Anemone obtusiloba NA NA NA NA NA 15898,E|15896,E|15897,E| HUO YAN HUA NA Curvedflower Phlogacanthus Phlogacanthus curviflorus NA NA root or whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, interrupt malaria. Heat toxin swollen welling abscess, malaria. 2331,E|19967,E|4679,E|13091,E|17148,E|17149,E|20540,E|17145,E|17146,E|17147,E|85,E| ZAI PEI ZI WAN NA Cultivated Aster* Aster cultivars NA NA NA NA NA 26078,T6599|3594,E| ZHANG GUO CAN CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8502,T6625|5177,T6625|12906,T6625|22230,T6625|31455,T6625|12771,T6625|25569,T6625|25888,T6625|11036,T6625|11502,T6625|11503,T6625|31432,T6625|31437,T6625|31438,T6625|6027,T6625|31454,T6625|16108,T6625|31311,T6625|31453,T6625|31312,T6625|25902,T6625|12761,T6625|12765,T6625| ZHONG JIAN XIANG CHA CAI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11389,T6690|19800,T6690| CHANG GUO YING SU NA Long-headed Poppy Papaver dubium NA NA NA NA NA 16613,E|7979,E|7985,T3241| HUANG GEN SHU NA Yellowroot Xanthorhiza simplicissima NA NA NA NA NA 15876,E|25390,T4152|31733,T4152|16428,E| CHOU A WEI NA Foetid Giantfennel* Ferula foetida NA NA NA NA NA 7706,E|19065,E|7767,E|7849,E|7848,E|7845,E|7844,E|7847,E|7846,E|7768,T3297| LIAO XI XIN NA Manchurian Wildginger Asarum heterotropoides var. mandshuricum NA NA whole herb See Asarum sieboldii. See Asarum sieboldii. 31444,T4651|15146,T4651|19084,E|336,E;T4651|30325,T4651|6745,T4651|6744,E|25205,T4651|12837,E|25449,T4651|30830,T4651|3045,E|7384,E|7385,T4651|1713,E|1833,E|30782,T4651|25849,T4651|7486,T4651|19762,E|26058,T4651|14217,T4651|3046,T4651|20982,E|20983,T4651|1832,E|25348,T4651|4275,E|12111,E|4549,E|15138,E|23379,T4651|7482,E|23545,T4651|3689,E|15196,E|19106,E|19107,T4651|6293,E|16817,E|7522,E|7523,T4651|20974,E|17362,E|24898,T4651|20979,E| BAI SAN MO HUA NA White Henna* Lawsonia alba NA NA NA NA NA 12586,T3017|12576,E|12577,E|12575,E| KUAN DONG HUA NA Common Coltsfoot Tussilago farfara NA NA flower bud To moisten lung and precipitate qi, relieve cough and transform phlegm. Cough, cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, consumption cough and hemoptysis, chronic bronchitis, infection of upper respiratory tract, tuberculosis. 25217,T4544|25726,T4544|19716,E|13818,T4544|20120,E|3214,E|8094,E|4286,E|7714,E|7716,T4544|7057,E|13120,E|4840,E|19072,E|30746,T4544|10264,E|23211,T4544|31521,T4544|22206,E|30995,T4544|10886,E|22129,T4544|15461,E|7715,E|22127,E|14181,E|14180,E|22128,E|122,E|2169,E;T4544| YIN DU BAI MAO NA Cogon Satintail Imperata cylindrica NA NA NA NA NA 11231,E| QI YE SHU NA Chinese Buckeye Aesculus chinensis NA NA ripe fruit without shell See Aesculus wilsonii . See Aesculus wilsonii. 11413,E|11414,E|667,E|7361,E|665,E|7363,E|7364,E|662,E|661,E|660,E|7360,E|7362,E| QING XIANG MU JIANG ZI NA Fourflower Litse Litsea euosma NA NA leaf To dispel wind and move qi , fortify spleen and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin. Abdominal distention and pain, summerheat-damp vomiting and diarrhea, pain in joints, edema, innominate toxin swelling. 10524,E| SAN HUA BA DOU NA Sparseflower Croton* Croton sparsiflorus NA NA NA NA NA 8523,E|8547,T5407| KUO YE SHAN MAI DONG NA Broadleaf Liriope* Liriope platyphylla NA NA tuberoid See Liriope spicata. See Liriope spicata. 16137,E|19055,E| TONG BAN CAO NA Longflower La urentia Isotoma longiflora [Syn. Laurentia longiflora ] NA NA NA NA NA 12932,T5825|12931,E| GAO CHUN HUANG JU NA Tall Camomile Anthemis altissima NA NA NA NA NA 1353,E;T3810|1352,E;T3810| CU YING MAO DIAN ZI CAO NA Hispid Onosma* Onosma hispida NA NA NA NA NA 2330,E|5827,E|7576,E|1492,E|1476,E|16111,E|6158,E|16110,E| SHUI WU GONG NA Shortleaf Kyllinga Kyllinga brevifolia NA NA whole herb with rhizome To course wind and resolve exterior, clear heat and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and resolve toxin. Common cold with headache and fever, acute bronchitis, pertussis, malaria, jaundice, dysentery, chyluria, toxin swelling of sores, itchy skin, poisonous snake bite, knocks and falls, rheumatic arthritis. 22565,E| WEI XI XIANG CHA CAI NA Weisi Rabdosia Isodon weisiensis NA NA NA NA NA 22641,E| YU LING HUA NA Fragrant Snowbell Styrax obassia NA NA fruit To expel worms. Oxyuria disease. 10664,E| YA ZHOU WEN SHU LAN NA Grand Crinum Crinum asiaticum NA NA NA NA NA 32175,T6289|4242,T6289|22216,E|4238,E;T6289|4237,E;T6289|4236,E| YUAN YE MAO GAO CAI NA Roundleaf Sundew Drosera rotundifolia NA NA whole herb To dispel phlegm, suppress cough, calm asthma, check dysentery. Cough, asthma, pertussis, dysentery. 18915,E|17554,E|17556,T6557| HUANG LIAN HUA NA Dahurian Loosestrife Lysimachia davurica NA NA whole herb with root To calm and lower blood pressure. Hypertension, headache, insomnia. 4699,E|4698,E|9483,E| ZI HONG ZHANG YA CAI NA Scarlet Swertia Swertia punicea NA NA whole herb To clear liver and disinhibit gallbladder, clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp. Acute icterohepatitis, cholecystitis, wind-heat common cold, wind-fire toothache, swelling pain in throat, indigestion, acute bacillary dysentery, infection of urinary system, tinnitus and deafness, burns and scalds. 20489,T6733|20487,E|20494,E;T6733|20496,E|8303,E|20493,E|20498,E;T6733|20499,T6733| LANG DU 狼毒 Chinese Stellera Stellera chamaejasme NA NA root To expel water and dispel phlegm, break accumulation and kill worms. Edema distention fullness, a ccumulation from phlegm, food accumulation, worm accumulation, pain in heart and abdomen, chronic trachitis, cough, asthma, scab and lichen, hemorrhoids and fistulas, scrofula, bone tuberculosis, epididymis tubercle. 30187,T4577|3459,E|31329,T4577|23880,T4577|23266,C0166|22813,E|4657,E|4644,E|20540,E|6540,E|22179,E|19874,E|11368,T4577|3458,E|11246,E|3696,E|14887,E|24597,T4577|22180,T4577|20140,E|20141,T4577|19886,E|15353,E|6541,T4577|11318,T4577|11317,E|11316,E|21594,E|23785,T4577|3462,E|19049,E|3460,E|19048,E|16815,E|13982,E|4645,T4577|3461,E|17361,E|11555,E|11599,T4577|11598,E| CAO WU JIU NA Sylvatic Sapium* Stillingia sylvatica [Syn. Sapium sylvatica] NA NA NA NA NA 17944,E|15980,E| YING ZHAO DOU ZHU SHI DOU NA Sparteine Crotalaria* Crotalaria spartioides NA NA NA NA NA 18653,T6490|18652,E| DAO ZHUANG JI GU CHANG SHAN NA Spatulate Alstonia* Alstonia spatulata NA NA NA NA NA 6699,T3513|6698,E| YE HUA HUI MAO DOU NA Long Inflorescence Tephrosia Tephrosia noctiflora NA NA NA NA NA 22142,E;C0483|22154,T6368| OU ZHOU SHUI QING GANG NA European Beech Fagus sylvatica NA NA NA NA NA 4440,T5163|25231,T5163|4438,E|20540,E| YANG YE XIAO JIN NA Portiatree Thespesia populnea [Syn. Hibiscus populneus ] NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling and relieve pain, eliminate inflammation and disperse swelling (leaf), enrich and supplement (root). Meningitis, dysentery, hemorrhoids, painful swollen testes, scab and lichen; bark: dysentery, hemorrhoids, skin diseases. 13508,E|13509,E|21305,E|21304,E|13506,E|13507,E| YE MAI YIN BEI TENG NA Veined Argyreia Argyreia nervosa NA NA NA NA NA 16795,E|23379,T6377| LANG PA CAO NA Bur Beggarticks Bidens tripartita NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp, free menstruation. Lung heat cough, hemoptysis, swelling pain in throat, red and white dysentery, jaundice, menstrual disorder, amenorrhea, child gan accumulation, scrofula, eczema, lichen sore, poisonous snake bite. 7378,T4580|18302,E|663,E|1476,E|13130,E|11570,E| HU JIAO HUA JIAO NA Japanese Pricklyash Zanthoxylum piperitum NA NA NA NA NA 1833,E;T4093|22763,E|7702,E|7705,T4093|13710,T4093|19762,E;C0579|23010,E|13709,E|23007,E|19764,T4093|23012,E|23008,E|23009,E|23011,E| DAN SUI SHI SONG NA Interrupted Clubmoss Lycopodium annotinum NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, soothe sinews and quicken blood. Wind-damp impediment pain, numbness in limbs, menstrual disorder, knocks and falls. 1323,E|1300,E|13193,E|1333,E;T3497|1332,E;T3497|13185,E|13237,E| DA YE GOU TENG GEN 大叶钩藤根 Uncaria macrophyllaWall NA NA NA NA NA NA 18811,C0077| MEI ZHOU JIN LU MEI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6924,T4926| ZHI ZI WAN 炙紫菀 Prepared root of tatarian aster radix asteris Praeparata Warm,Pungent,Sweet,Bitter Lung NA Treatment of acute or chronic cough and asthma with copious expectoration, hemoptysis in consumptive diseases. 1. Inhibiting the growth of some gram-negative bacteria and influenzae virus in vitro. 2. Its benzene and methyl alcohol extract exert an expectorant effect. 1186,M876| JI ZONG NA Collybia Albuminosa Sporocarp Collybia albuminosa NA NA sporocarp To fortify spleen and harmonize stomach. Distention fullness in stomach duct and abdomen, indigestion, fatigued spirit, hemorrhoids. 7251,T4295|7249,E| GUAN MU YA JU NA Shrubby Ajania Ajania fruticulosa NA NA NA NA NA 7205,E|7106,E|7206,E| BEI FEN NAI AO LE MU. NA NA Cneorum pulverulentum NA NA NA NA NA 18083,E| SONG JIE YOU 松节油 Turpentine Oil Oleum Terebinthinae NA NA NA Treatment of myalgia, arthralgia NA 23424,M1047|24297,M1047|24342,M1047|23975,M1047| MU JIN PI 木槿皮 Shrubalthea Bark Hibiscus syriacus NA NA bark To clear heat and disinhibit damp, kill worms and relieve itch. Damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, intestinal wind bleeding, prolapse of rectum, hemorrhoids, red and white vaginal discharge, trichomoniasis, scab and lichen, scrotal eczema. 24407,M1010;T5012|23743,M1010|11080,C0458|24470,M1010|2056,E|15924,T5012|15925,E|30923,T5012|23975,M1010|20424,T5012|6535,E|29509,T5012|20423,E|19967,E;M1010|24481,M1010| XING SU CAO NA Stellate hair Carpetweed Glinus lotoides [Syn. Mollugo lotoides ] NA NA whole herb To clear heat and transform damp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Damp-heat diarrhea, common cold with cough, wind papules, sore and boil, red eyes with gall. 13001,E|13000,E|13003,E|13002,E|12998,E|12999,E| OU CANG ZHU NA Gummy Atractylodes* Atractylodes gummifera NA NA NA NA NA 1972,E;T5128| LIANG SI FEI YAN CAO NA Ambiguous Consolida* Consolida ambigua NA NA NA NA NA 338,E| OU QIAN HU NA Masterwort Peucedanum ostruthium NA NA NA NA NA 16253,E;T5137|16252,E|16250,E|16256,T5137|10999,E| HE ZI HE 诃子核 Terminalia chebula Retz NA NA NA NA NA NA 23228,C0303|23171,C0484|9484,C0280| PU TONG CANG ER NA Common Cocklebur* Xanthium commune NA NA NA NA NA 22742,T5225|22741,E| QING WA NA Pond Frog Rana nigromaculata, Rana plancyi NA NA body To disinhibit water and disperse edema, clear heat and resolve toxin, supplement vacuity. Edema, ascites, jaundice, toad head scourge, child heat sore, dysentery, gan disease, taxation fever, postpartum vacuity weakness. 3206,T5285|3205,E|30827,T5285|7813,E|18517,T5285|11781,E|9855,T5285|9852,E|7815,T5285|2393,E;T5285|18514,E|18515,E;T5285|30110,T5285|4223,T5285|4221,E|4222,E|626,E;T5285| HUANG BIAN BAI NA Yellow Cedar Chamaecyparis nootkatensis NA NA NA NA NA 15696,E| BA XIA GA 巴夏嘎 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 24237,M11| XIANG GANG JIAN MU NA Hongkong Pencilwood Dysoxylum hongkongense NA NA leaf To interrupt malaria. Malaria. 21668,E|7064,E|25783,T6114|31173,T6114|31172,T6114|32111,T6114|9955,E|9956,E| XI BO JIN HE HUAN NA Sieber Acacia* Acacia sieberiana NA NA NA NA NA 9466,E|17849,E|17853,T5987| RI BEN CHOU JIE CAO NA Japanese Chinaure* Boenninghausenia japonica NA NA NA NA NA 19070,E|13600,E|19071,T5330| DOU YOU 豆油 Soybean Oil Glycine max NA NA seed oil To resolve toxin and kill worms, moisten intestines and free stool. Ileus, constipation, scab and lichen. 20221,E|398,E|23125,C0500|4605,C0282|25259,T3596|4468,T3596|8277,C0249|4467,E|4473,T3596|4472,E|4603,C0428|361,E| SHUI CAI GEN NA Bogbean Root Menyanthes trifoliata NA NA rhizome To moisten lung and suppress cough, suppress cough, lower blood pressure. Cough, edema, wind-damp pain, hypertension. 30967,T5634|13766,E|13767,T5634|5614,E|25923,T5634|7850,E|8299,T5634|8298,E| YANG SHI GUO NA Duhat Syzygium cumini NA NA fruit To constrain lung and settle asthma, engender liquid, astringe intestines. Taxation damage cough, vacuity asthma, fluid damage and thirst, chronic diarrhea and dysentery. 7851,E|4445,E|4446,T6329|30968,T6329| GAN QING QING LAN 甘青青兰 all-grass of Tangut Dragonhead Herba Dracocephali tangutici Cold,Sweet,Bitter Stomach,Liver NA NA NA 18511,M264|13217,M264| BAI CONG 白葱 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 12843,C0305|3048,C0377| MAO YANG MEI NA Hairy Bayberry Myrica esculent NA NA bark To astringe intestines and check diarrhea, stanch bleeding, relieve pain. Diarrhea, dysentery, flooding and spotting, stomachache. 6922,E| QI LIN CAI NA Muriculate Eucheuma Frond Eucheuma muricatum NA NA frond To clear heat and disperse phlegm. Phlegm-heat cough, scrofula, goiter and tuberculosis, hemorrhoids. 1268,E;T5231| WU MAO CHAN GAO SHU NA Glabrous Litse* Litsea glutinosa var. glabrara NA NA NA NA NA 11256,T5957|11253,E| ER CI YUN SHI NA Digyna Caesalpinia* Caesalpinia digyna NA NA NA NA NA 2312,E;T3689| QI DUN GUO SUAN 齐墩果酸 NA Acidum Oleanolicum NA NA NA NA NA 23101,M557| XIAO GUO KA FEI NA Arabian Coffeetree Equivalent plant: Coffea liberica Coffea arabica NA NA seed To arouse spirit, disinhibit urine, fortify stomach. Fatigued spirit, inappetence. 2887,E|3551,E|5413,E|1866,E;T6158|2893,T6158|2892,E|23381,T6158|11326,T6158|14159,E|14160,E|3552,T6158|14171,E| HONG A BU TA CAO NA NA Abuta rufescens NA NA NA NA NA 15783,E| YU BAI FU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31315,T6507|31316,T6507|31938,T6507|11085,T6507| GE XUN NA Japanese Balanophora Balanophora japonica NA NA herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, arouse liquor. Wind-heat macular eruption, lung heat cough, blood ejection, flooding, hemorrhoids. 2903,E|2902,E|2905,E|2904,E|2908,E|4167,E|1113,E|8611,E|23764,T3845|2899,E|5515,E|5407,E|5406,E|5405,E|2125,E|2898,E|2127,E|2126,E|2129,E|2128,E|2897,E|5409,E|2895,E|11478,E|21535,E|2929,E| TONG BIAN 童便 Child's Dung NA Cool,Salty Lung,Heart NA NA NA 24237,M704| DA JI I NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11426,T3430|30469,T3430|31741,T3430| PI HAN CAO 脾寒草 Daghestan Sweetclover Melilotus suaveolens NA NA whole herb To clear summerheat and transform damp, fortify stomach and harmonize center. Summerheat-damp and oppression in chest, distended head and headache, dysentery, malaria, strangury syndrome, vaginal discharge, mouth sore, bad breath, sores, damp sore, scab and lichen, scrofula. 13671,E|664,E;T5187|663,E;T5187|5664,E|23080,C0364|22179,E|3385,T5187|3383,E|5439,E|4141,E|4140,T5187|4143,T5187|4142,E|30350,T5187|22180,T5187|30821,T5187|4139,E|7378,T5187|5441,T5187|4134,E|23281,T5187|31259,T5187| MIAN HUA 棉花 Levant Cotton Equivalent plant: Gossypium hirsutum, Gossypium barbadense Gossypium herbaceum NA NA tomentum of seed To stanch bleeding. Blood ejection, hematochezia, flooding, bleeding due to external injury. 2318,E|23051,T4969|8966,E;C0268|12024,E|19173,T4969|23094,C0269|11639,E|9567,E|9568,T4969|19172,E|8967,T4969|11235,E|11640,T4969| YING MAO HU JIAO NA Hispid Pepper* Piper hispidum NA NA NA NA NA 11277,E|14013,E|17424,E| QUAN YUAN YE AO TUO SI TE CAO NA Integrifolious Otostegia* Otostegia integrifolia NA NA NA NA NA 17831,E|2045,E|16262,E| YI DA LI LA JU NA Italian Everlasting* Helichrysum italicum NA NA NA NA NA 10471,E|8864,E|17389,E|10181,E|21376,E| BA NA MA HE HUAN NA Panamanian Albizia* Albizzia adinocephala NA NA NA NA NA 2701,E|2700,E| YU ZHI ZI 预知子 Fiveleaf Akebia Seed Akebia quinata NA NA seed To course liver and harmonize stomach, quicken blood and relieve pain, soften hardness and dissipate binds, disinhibit urine. Liver stomach qi stagnation, distending pain in stomach duct, distending pain in rib-side, non-digestion of food accumulati on, dysenter y, mounting qi , lumbago, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, goiter and tuberculosis, scrofula, carcinoma. 24331,M1079|23618,M1079|9273,E|9275,E|8816,T6534|15703,E|24332,M1079|16040,E|17931,E|24330,M1079|8815,E;T6534|8814,E;T6534|8813,E|24327,M1079|24326,M1079|24328,M1079| TA HUA BAI LI XIANG. NA NA Thymus satureioide NA NA NA NA NA 21693,E| CI HUA JIAO 刺花椒 Acanthoid Pricklyash* Zanthoxylum acanthopodium NA NA root or fruit To warm center and dissipate cold, kill worms and relieve pain. Cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, wind-cold-damp impediment, knocks and falls, abdominal pain due to worm accumulation. 19525,E|7718,E|20649,E|19762,E;C0579|17558,E| YE HEI ZHONG CAO NA Devil-in-a-bush Nigella arvensis NA NA NA NA NA 4613,E|4614,T6366| KUAN YE QIAN LI GUANG NA Broadleaf Groundsel* Senecio platyphyllus NA NA NA NA NA 19697,E|17532,E| MAO CHUN BEI MU LAN NA Cristate Coelogyne Coelogyne cristata NA NA NA NA NA 3893,T4846|3890,E|3891,E|3889,E| PU FU JIN GU CAO NA Creeping Bugle Ajuga reptans NA NA NA NA NA 794,E;T5213|31825,T5213|18613,E|17648,E|409,E|4455,T5213|4454,E|816,E| DAN DOU CHI 淡豆豉 Fermented Soybean Semen Sojae Praeparata Cold,Pungent Lung,Stomach NA Treatment of chills, fever and headache in colds and influenza, vexation, oppressed feeling in the chest and insomnia. NA 8277,M196;C0249|4605,M196;C0282|23204,M196|4603,M196;C0428| SHE XIANG XUAN NA Thunberg’s Daylily Hemerocallis thunbergii NA NA NA NA NA 18744,E|9338,E| DA JI 2 大蓟 all-grass of Thistle Herba Cirsii Japonici;Radix Cirsii Japonici;Herba seu Radix Cirsii japonici Cool,Sweet,Bitter Liver,Heart NA Treatment of epistaxis, spitting of blood, hematuria, hematochezia, abnormal uterine bleeding, traumatic bleeding, carbuncles and sores. 1. Its decoction can lower blood pressure2. Inhibiting the growth of (a)-streptococcus3. Shortening the bleeding time.4. Anti-inflammatory5. Diuretic. 16744,M142|1525,M142|20691,M142|1110,M142|1113,M142|20353,M142|19967,M142| DA JI 1 大戟 Peking spurge root Radix euphorbiae pekinensis Cold,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Large Intestine,Kidney NA 1. Treatment of edema of the face and the body, retention of fluid in the chest and ascites. Peking spurge root (Daji) is used with Jujube (Dazao), Kansui root (Gansui) and Genkwa flower (Yuanhua) in the formula Shizao Tang. 2. Treatment of boils, carbuncles, scrofula and subcutaneous nodules. Peking spurge root (Daji) is used with Pleione rhizome (Shancigu) and Moleplant seed (Qianjinzi) for internal and external use in the formula Zijin Ding. NA 23582,M141| JIN QUE ER NA Scotch Broom Cytisus scoparius [Syn. Spartium scoparium] NA NA flower or branchlet To strengthen heart and disinhibit urine, upbear yang and effuse exterior. Edema due to heart disease, arrhythmia, non-eruption of macula, knocks and falls. 3215,E|3216,T4410|25267,T4410|6558,E|6559,T4410|13090,T4410|13082,E|30341,T4410|15468,E|15962,E|15963,T4410|16198,E|11639,E|20117,E|14630,E|15476,T4410| JIN SI TAO GUO SHI NA Chinese StJohn’swort Fruit Hypericum chinense NA NA fruit To moisten lung and relieve cough. Lung disease, pertussis, vacuity heat cough. 9565,E|9567,T4416| KUN BU 昆布 Kelp Thallus Equivalent plant: Ecklonia kurome , Undaria pinnatifida Laminaria japonica Cold,Salty Stomach,Liver,Kidney dried thallus To soften hardness and dissipate binds, dispel phlegm, disinhibit water. Goiter and tuberculosis, scrofula, bleeding, painful swollen testes, phlegm-rheum and edema, prevention of cataracts. 3760,C0191|13601,E|24518,M436|9391,E|12452,E;M436|9567,M436;C0456|15952,E|23109,M436;C0302|14547,E|6699,C0524|15970,E|9494,E|13497,E| XIANG CAO XIANG JING 香草香精 Vanillae Oil Oleum Vanillae NA NA NA NA NA 24237,M753| CU MAO NIU SHE CAO NA Hemhem (in Jordan) Anchusa strigosa NA NA NA NA NA 18651,E|18650,E|21129,E|2454,E|21473,E|18648,E|18649,E|9318,E|20471,E|10180,E| ZONG ZHUANG HUA LI NA Racemose Goosefoot* Chenopodium championii NA NA NA NA NA 19919,T6781|19913,E| YU YE JIN HUA NA Mussaenda* Mussaenda hirsutissim NA NA NA NA NA 3432,E| CHANG MAO FENG MAO JU NA Hawkweed-like Saussurea Saussurea superba [Syn. Saussurea hieracioides ] NA NA whole herb To drain water retension. Edema, ascites (hydroperitoneum), effusion in thorax. 20553,E| HUA LING CAO NA California Poppy Eschscholzia californica NA NA flower, fruit To settle pain, clear heat. NA 5707,E|1358,E;T4121|11662,E|5711,T4121|18371,E| GUANG YE ZHU SHI DOU 光叶猪屎豆 Shackshack Crotalaria Crotalaria incana NA NA NA NA NA 4265,E|30828,T3914|22261,E;C0028|11089,T3914|11088,E|22264,T3914| XIAO GEN CONG 小根葱 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13319,C0125| LICHEN. NA NA Thamnolia vermicularis var. subuliformis NA NA NA NA NA 2101,E| XIAN MAI XIANG CHA CAI NA Veined Rabdosia Rabdosia nervosa NA NA whole herb To disinhibit damp and harmonize stomach, resolve toxin and close sores. Acute hepatitis, indigestion, pemphigus, eczema, itchy skin, burns and scalds, poisonous snake bites. 4874,T6090|15839,E|12532,E|18468,T6090|4872,E|18466,E;T6090|18467,E;T6090|31829,T6090|18465,E|8145,E|8146,E|16173,E|17703,E|16185,T6090|12537,T6090|15500,E|15501,E|15498,E|15499,E|15978,E| YI BIAN HUANG TAN NA Variable Rosewood* Dalbergia variabilis NA NA NA NA NA 31711,T6405|13632,T6405|13631,E|15013,E|23435,T6405|22422,T6405|22421,E|22331,E| DUAN CHI HUANG QI NA Shorttooth Milkvetch* Astragalus canadensis var. brevidens NA NA NA NA NA 3634,E|3635,T3616| AN HUI SONG MU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31761,T2910| QIAN SHI GEN 芡实根 Gordon Euryale Root Euryale ferox NA NA root To dissipate binds and relieve pain, check discharge. Mounting qi , leukorrhea, innominate toxin swelling. 23170,C0397|14233,E|31582,T5250|23040,C0396| AO YE HOU PO NA Twolobed Officinal Mangolia Magnolia biloba NA NA bark See Magnolia officinalis . See Magnolia officinalis. 31118,T2930|11517,T2930|11516,E|7516,T2930|21059,T2930|21058,E|7513,E|7512,E|23867,T2930|9630,E| DUAN HUA HU LU NA Shortflower Bottle Gourd* Lagenaria breviflora NA NA NA NA NA 8064,E| ZHANG YE HU JIAO NA Camphortreeleaf Pepper Piper polysyphorum NA NA NA NA NA 22612,E|22613,T6635|8039,E|17681,T6635|22512,E|17674,E|31058,T6635|22514,T6635| QIAN FEN 铅粉 Lead Powder ceruse Minor cold,Pungent Liver,Cardiovascular NA 1. Treatment of scabies, pustulosis, unhealed lesion, burn, etc., usually mixed with honey for external use. 2. Treatment of malaria, used together with Herba Artemisiae Annuae or Radix Dichroae. It chiefly contains Pb3O4 or 2PbO.PbO2. It is a bactericide and parasticide, and inhibits the secretion of mucosa. 24238,M563| XU SUI ZI JING ZHONG BAI ZHI NA Caper Euphorbia Latex Euphorbia lathyris NA NA white juice in stem To eliminate macula and resolve toxin, close sores. White patch wind, snake bite. 6557,E|6558,T6244| LUAN YUAN CHANG CHUN HUA NA Oval Periwinkle* Catharanthus ovalis NA NA NA NA NA 22483,E;T4738|31426,T4738|22482,E|22475,E|22476,T4738|32201,T4738|3321,E|3322,T4738|12728,E| LI BING FENG WEI JUE NA Lead-coloured Brake Pteris plumbea NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and stanch bleeding. Dysentery, knocks and falls, bleeding knife wound. 18093,E|18097,E|18096,E|18095,E|18094,E|16836,E| DA XIAN YUAN ZHI NA Macradenous Milkwort* Polygala macradenia NA NA NA NA NA 5073,E|5078,T3451| CHAN TUI 蝉蜕 Cicada Slough Periostracum Cicadae Cold,Sweet Lung,Liver NA Treatment of upper respiratory infection with sore throat, hoarseness of voice, measles with inadequate eruption, urticaria with itching, inflammation of the eye with formation of corneal opacity, convulsion, tetanus. NA 23162,M82;C0447|25175,M82|11781,M82|24570,M82| WU CI ZAO NA Spineless Common Jujube Ziziphus jujuba var. inermis NA NA ripe fruit See Ziziphus jujuba . See Ziziphus jujuba. 22996,E;T5930|22995,E|23005,T5930|22998,T5930|23003,E|18819,E|18909,T5930|23004,E|4595,E|18822,T5930|4603,T5930|18903,E|32267,T5930| FENG LING CAO NA Canterburybells Campanula medium NA NA NA NA NA 12933,E|31457,T3748| JUN QIAN ZI NA Dateplum Persimmon Diospyros lotus NA NA fruit To clear heat, allay thirst. Heat vexation, diabetes mellitus. 31492,T4472|2331,E;T4472|11383,T4472|13456,E|11376,E|13093,T4472|13091,E|14534,T4472|14533,E|2478,E;T4472| BEI JIA ER TANG SONG CAO NA Baikal Meadowrue Thalictrum baicalense NA NA rhizome and root See Thalictrum foliolosum . See Thalictrum foliolosum. 8512,E|13368,T3081|29509,T3081|8522,T3081|19967,E|13367,E| SI CHI YUE JIAN CAO NA Fourwing Eveningprimrose* Oenothera tetraptera NA NA NA NA NA 16002,E| OU 藕 Hindu Lotus Large Rhizome Nelumbo nucifera NA NA rhizome To clear heat and engender liquid, cool blood, stanch bleeding and dissipate stasis. Febrile diseases with vexation and thirst, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, precipitate blood. 1348,C0551|11714,T5126|11713,E|23264,C0158|12711,T5126|11488,C0147|12708,E| YI YI REN 薏苡仁 Jobstears Seed Coix lacryma- jobi var. ma - yuen Minor cold,Sweet,Neutral Lung,Spleen,Stomach seed To fortify spleen and percolate damp, eliminate impediment and check diarrhea, clear heat and expel pus. Edema, beriberi, inhibited urination, damp impediment and hypertonicity, spleen vacuity diarrhea, pulmonary welling abscess, intestinal welling abscess, flat wart. 3906,E;M802|3907,E;M802;T6436|3909,T6436| A ER JI LI YA BU XUE CAO NA Algerian Statice Limonium bonduellii NA NA NA NA NA 3432,E| LIANG TOU JIAN 两头尖 Radde Anemone Rhizome Rhizoma Ahemones Daddeanae NA NA NA Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with muscular contracture and joint pain, carbuncle with ulceration. NA 23909,M994|25130,M994|17362,M994|17363,M994| MO E SUAN MO NA Canaigre Rumex hymenosepalus NA NA NA NA NA 12708,E|12711,T4986| AO DA LI YA HONG DOU SHAN NA Australia Yew Austrotaxus spicata NA NA NA NA NA 150,E|21537,T2918|22026,T2918|5087,T2918|14132,T2918|5321,E|2437,E|5086,E|32158,T2918|20141,E|6145,T2918|15515,E;T2918|15514,E|22014,E|22015,E|4706,T2918|4702,E|4701,E|26041,T2918|15517,T2918|25537,T2918|25584,T2918|4848,E|9958,E|366,E|365,E|26032,T2918|26033,T2918|30666,T2918|20143,E|3959,T2918|3958,E|20142,T2918|14129,E|20145,E|20148,T2918|26034,T2918|6139,E|4772,E|25473,T2918|127,E|4794,T2918|21516,E|4717,E|4849,T2918|1062,E|4718,E|4719,E|2024,E;T2918|2025,E;T2918|30885,T2918|31174,T2918|20144,T2918|26106,T2918|26107,T2918| NAN FANG TU SI ZI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13126,T5040|30747,T5040|25280,T5040|2892,T5040|23381,T5040|31878,T5040|25217,T5040|30819,T5040|27383,T5040|25574,T5040|25569,T5040| PA LI BEI FANG SHI DA GONG LAO NA Parry Northern Mahonia Mahonia borealis NA NA NA NA NA 16428,E| XIAO SHE JU GEN NA Pearleaf Microglossa Root Microglossa pyrifolia NA NA NA NA NA 14112,E|14110,E|14111,E|212,E|10056,E|149,E|270,E|10812,E|416,E|417,E|418,E|419,E| DUO NI FEI SHA REN NA NA Aframomum daniellin NA NA NA NA NA 675,E| BI MA YE 蓖麻叶 Castorbean Leaf Ricinus communis NA NA leaf To draw out pus and relieve itch, relieve cough and calm asthma. Beriberi, swelling pain of scrotum, cough of phlegm asthma, goose-foot wind, sore and boil. 18392,E|18825,E|23227,C0393|15516,E| LU SUN PIAN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9466,T4725| SUO DUO MI QIE NA Sodome Nightshade* Solanum sodomeum [Syn. Solanum sodomaeum ] NA NA NA NA NA 20054,T5732|20052,E|20053,E| XI MA HONG JING TIAN NA Himalaya Rhodiola Rhodiola himalansis NA NA NA NA NA 18777,E| TIAN XIAN TENG 天仙藤 Common Fibraurea Fibraurea recisa NA NA root, stem or leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp. Acute tonsillitis, pharyngolaryngitis, infection of upper respiratory tract, conjunctivitis, jaundice, gastroenteritis, dysentery, child indigestion, food poisoning, salpingitis, acute endometritis, chronic endometritis, acute pelvic inflammation, vaginitis, sore and boil, burns and scalds. 23289,C0374|23432,M1054|11848,E|17251,C0263|917,M1054|23157,C0373|16545,T5802|16544,E| XIAO GOU SHU NA Kazinoki Effects : To dispel wind and eliminate damp, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling Broussonetia kazinoki NA NA NA NA Wind-damp impediment pain, diarrhea, dysentery, jaundice, edema, welling abscess and boil, knocks and falls. 2643,E|2639,E|2638,E|2640,E|2641,E|2637,E|2636,E|2644,E|2645,E|2646,E|2654,E|2653,E|2655,E|2652,E|12185,E|12184,E|2656,E|2642,E| YI YE MAN JING NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23134,C0146|3300,C0200|22565,C0026| SHI JUN ZI 使君子 Rangooncreeper Quisqualis indica Warm,Sweet Spleen,Stomach ripe fruit To resolve toxin and kill worms, eliminate food stagnation. Ascariasis, oxyuria disease, child gan accumulation. 21646,E;M655|18437,E|17732,E|23176,M655;C0571|32110,T5581|23562,M655| NI BO ER SONG CAO NA Nepal Kobresia* Kobresia nepalensis NA NA NA NA NA 15469,E|15472,E|15470,E|15471,E| LUO HAN SONG YE NA Longleaf Podocarpus Leaf Equivalent plant: Podocarpus macrophyllus var maki Podocarpus macrophyllus NA NA branch-leaf To stanch bleeding. Blood ejection, hemoptysis. 17575,E;T4752|17574,E|17576,T4752|31111,T4752|13403,E|13405,E;T4752|13404,E;T4752|12616,T4752|12615,E|21460,E|15367,T4752|30934,T4752|15365,E|3185,E|3187,T4752|12172,E|31398,T4752|32080,T4752|9542,E|31479,T4752|17686,E|6678,E|17689,T4752|17587,T4752|13310,E|17582,E|13312,T4752| XUAN GUO WEN ZI CAO NA Queen-of-the-Meadows Filipendula ulmaria NA NA root and flower To calm liver and lower blood pressure, eliminate putridity and close sores. Hypertension, sores with pus blood. 19047,T6248|19042,E| DUAN PIAN GAO BEN NA Shortlobe Ligusticum Ligusticum brachylobum NA NA root See Angelica decursiva . See Angelica decursiva. 2803,E|7767,E|12819,E| TU ER QI SI TAN BAI LA SHU NA Turkestan Ash Fraxinus potamophila NA NA NA NA NA 7944,T5842|7943,E| ZONG LV TAN 棕榈炭 Carbonized palm fiber, Carbonized petiole of windmill palm Carbonized Vagina Trachycarpus Wagnerianus Mild,Bitter,Punkery Lung,Large Intestine,Liver NA Treatment of: 1. Hemorrhages due to extravasation of blood by heat manifested as cough with blood, vomiting with blood, epistaxis, bloody stool and uterine bleeding. Carbonized petiole of windmill palm (Zonglutan) is used with Imperata rhizome (Baimaogen), Japanese thistle (Daji), Small thistle (Xiaoji) and Capejasmine (Zhizi) in the formula Shihui San. 2. Hemorrhages due to deficiency of yang qi leading to failure of the spleen to control blood manifested as uterine bleeding or bloody stool. Carbonized petiole of windmill palm (Zonglutan) is used with Astragalus root (Huangqi), Ginseng (Renshen) and White atractylodes (Baizhu). NA 25124,M190|23975,M190| PAN ZHUANG YE XIA ZHU NA Discoid Leafflower* Phyllanthus discoides NA NA NA NA NA 19625,T5174|19624,E| BAI RUI CAO NA Chinese Bastardtoadflax Thesium chinense NA NA whole herb To clear heat, disinhibit damp, resolve toxin. Wind-heat common cold, summerheat stroke, pulmonary welling abscess, nipple moth, scrofula, mammary welling abscess, swollen boil, strangury syndrome, jaundice, lumbago, emission. 25574,T3016|12017,E|20429,T3016|20428,E| MAO REN GE JUN. NA NA Stereum hirsutum NA NA NA NA NA 10417,E|5926,E|20316,E|10468,E| YIN DU TENG HUANG NA Indian Garcinia* Garcinia indica NA NA NA NA NA 8226,T6459|8217,E| FAN QIE 番茄 Tomato Lycopersicon esculentum NA NA fresh fruit To engender liquid and allay thirst, fortify stomach and disperse food. Thirst, inappetence. 15127,E|21646,E|1162,E;T3707|9362,E|9363,T3707|17900,T3707|7978,E|32110,T3707|14156,E|23223,T3707|20131,T3707|3208,E|2309,E;T3707|3215,E|13205,E|20130,E|3210,E|21420,T3707|17989,E|20045,T3707|13209,E|13208,E|13239,T3707|23037,T3707|19745,E|21418,E|13207,E|13206,E|30749,T3707|3216,T3707|25457,T3707|22042,E|17076,E|14166,T3707|13215,E;T3707|13210,E|13211,E|13212,E|11415,E|11751,E|20044,E|21419,E;T3707|19072,E|7375,E|7374,E|11752,T3707|17997,T3707|19747,T3707|13236,E|23249,C0002| ZHI LI BAI BU NA Sessile Stemona Stemona sessilifolia NA NA root See Stemona tuberosa. See Stemona tuberosa. 17979,T6665|17978,E|20293,T6665|11716,E|22069,E|22073,T6665|16426,E|20291,E| BAI HE 百合 Greenish Lily Equivalent plant: Lilium tigrinum, Lilium pumilum, Lilium longiflorum Lilium brownii var. viridulum [Syn. Lilium brownii var. colchesteri ] Minor cold,Sweet Heart bulb To nourish yin and moisten lung, clear heart and quiet spirit. Yin vacuity enduring cough, phlegm containing blood, fright palpitation and vacuity vexation, insomnia and frequent dreaming, trance. 2658,E|3911,E;M21;C0443|15400,E|18556,E|6775,E|6776,T2971|20051,E|8609,E|20353,E|23887,T2971|18558,E|25692,T2971|25693,T2971|25424,T2971|3912,T2971| JIAO NIAN XIANG CHA CAI NA Slimy Rabdosia Isodon glutinosa NA NA NA NA NA 11381,E|11382,E|17475,E|8790,E|8791,E|8792,E| ZHI JUN TAN 制军炭 NA NA Warm,Pungent,Sweet Lung,Bladder,Heart NA NA NA 24237,M856| DONG BEI LEI GONG TENG 东北雷公藤 Radix Tripterygii regeli NA NA NA NA NA NA 3368,C0372| JIA MA CHI XIAN NA Coastal Waterhyssop Bacopa monniera NA NA whole herb To clear heat and cool blood, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Dysentery, red eyes with gall, swelling pain from hemorrhoids, elephantiasis. 8603,E|14910,E|14911,E|2095,E|2094,E|2091,E|2090,E|2093,E|2092,E|17494,E|17493,E|13573,E|15965,E|14909,E|20455,E|2088,E|2089,E|2082,E|2083,E|2086,E|2087,E|2084,E|2085,E|1476,E|13130,E|11905,E|1574,E| TU YAN HU NA Repent Corydalis* Corydalis repens var. humosides NA NA NA NA NA 642,E;T5861| ZHI ZI 栀子 Cape Jasmine Fruit Gardenia jasminoides [Syn. Gardenia florida ] Cold,Bitter Lung,Stomach,Liver,Heart ripe fruit To drain fire and relieve dysphoria, clear heat and disinhibit urine, eliminate heat in blood, stanch bleeding. Acute icterohepatitis, febrile diseases, vexation, melancholia, restlessness, stagnation of damp-heat in liver and gall, fever, jaundice, short voidings of reddish urine, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, dysentery with hematochezia and hematuria. 8233,E|8231,T6677|8230,E;T6677|23204,C0345|4248,E;M875;C0356|31016,T6677|4244,E|4245,T6677|2925,E|25863,T6677|30715,T6677|3552,T6677|397,E;T6677|14597,E|8277,T6677|8276,E|8275,E;C0353|8273,E;T6677|8272,E;M875;C0344|1892,E;T6677|19787,T6677|5410,E|5411,E|3551,E|4160,E|11821,T6677|17317,E|8229,E;T6677|8597,T6677|26036,T6677|25864,T6677|30825,T6677|31015,T6677|8226,E|8227,E;T6677|1792,E;T6677|19440,E|32181,T6677|26035,T6677|19444,T6677|30905,T6677|25476,T6677|30903,T6677|30902,T6677|14275,E|23021,M875;C0357|19967,E|19780,E|15653,T6677|15651,E|31588,T6677|4715,E|4716,E|14683,E|7069,E|5413,E|4264,T6677|17318,T6677|31251,T6677|10595,E|14714,E|14289,E|22254,E|8235,T6677|25883,T6677| OU SHU LI NA Glossy Buckthorn Rhamnus frangula [Syn. Frangula alnus] NA NA bark To moisten intestines and free stool. Habitual constipation, abdominal pain. 1738,E;T5139|15480,E|30947,T5139|7937,E|7939,E;T5139|7938,E;T5139|6776,T5139|6777,E|968,E|24047,T5139|7941,T5139|6775,E|16547,E| TIAN YE JU NA Rebaud Eupatorium* Eupatorium rebaudianum NA NA leaf To engender liquid and allay thirst, lower blood pressure. Diabetes mellitus, hypertension. 18546,E|25254,T5806|20325,E| FU LING PI 茯苓皮 Indian Bread peel Exodermis Poria Mild,Sweet,Neutral Spleen,Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of edema with oliguria, dizziness and palpitation caused by retained fluid, diminished function of the spleen marked by anorexia, loose stools or diarrhea, restlessness and insomnia. 1. An active component pachyman promotes macrophage phagocytosis in mice, and enhances lymphocyte-blastogensis rate in vitro.2. Preventing the formation of gastric ulcer under stress in rats3. Diuretic and liver-protective. 617,M251;C0403|25161,M251| HUAI NIU XI 怀牛膝 root of Twotooth Achyranthes Radix Achyranthis bidentatae Mild,Sweet,Sour,Bitter Liver,Kidney NA Treament of soreness of the lumbar and knee joints with weakness inthe legs, amenorrhea with mass formation in the abdomen, dizziness due to hyperactivity of the liver. 1. Inhibiting the progress of experimental arthritis in animals, and antiphlogistic and antioncotic.2. Its decoction or infusion induce concentration of gravid or ungravid uterus in experimental animals.3. Its decoction exerts a transient hypotensive and diuretic effect. 11065,M361|6678,M361;C0526| BAI WEI 白薇 Blackend Swallowwort Cynanchum atratum Cold,Bitter,Salty Stomach,Liver root See Tylophora ovata . See Tylophora ovata . 1991,E|15379,M37|1993,E|1992,E|1995,E|1994,E|1996,E|8506,E|25080,M37|8519,E|24734,M37|117,E|4567,E|21162,E|23364,M37|5749,E|23714,M37|4550,E|24918,M37| HUANG HUA ZI NA Cordateleaf Sida Sida cordifolia NA NA leaf or root To clear heat and disinhibit damp, relieve cough, resolve toxin and eliminate welling abscess. Damp-heat jaundice, dysentery, diarrhea, strangury, fever and cough, asthma, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore. 14788,T4174|14787,E|16758,E|31779,T4174|18011,T4174|18010,E|17069,E|22334,E;T4174|22333,E;T4174|22335,T4174| YOU MU NA Common Teak Tectona grandis NA NA stem-leaf To harmonize center and check vomiting, dispel wind and relieve itch. Nausea and vomiting, wind papule itching. 14139,T6503|31418,T6503|967,E|6014,E|5187,E|12498,E|10312,E|5190,T6503|14137,E|25889,T6503|30775,T6503|23304,T6503|3615,E| A ER JI ER DA CHI JI NA Algerian Cottonthistle* Onopordum algeriense NA NA NA NA NA 16125,T2867|16109,E| JU JIANG YE NA Betel Pepper Leaf Piper betle NA NA leaf To course wind and dissipate cold, move qi and transform phlegm, resolve toxin and disperse swelling, dry damp and resolve itch. Wind-cold cough, asthma, pertussis, distending pain in stomach duct, edema, wound swelling from knocks and falls, wind-damp bone pain, toxin swelling of sores, burns and scalds, wind toxin and beriberi, scab and lai, eczema titillation. 3232,T4450|3488,E|3231,E|2850,E|955,E;T4450|3487,T4450|3486,E|7522,E;T4450|7523,T4450|7520,E|25032,T4450|28252,T4450| DUO CI LUO CAO NA Argentin Mulinum spinosum Mulinum spinosum NA NA NA NA NA 15052,E|15053,E| HUANG YANG YE MU BAN SHU NA Boxleaf Xylopia* Xylopia buxifolia NA NA NA NA NA 15788,E| OU DI SUN NA European Bugleweed Lycopus europaeus NA NA NA NA NA 12921,T5130|12919,E|23254,C0130| BANG GA 榜嘎 all-grass of Scaphoidhelmet monkshood herba aconiti navicularis Cool,Bitter NA NA NA NA 1964,M46|23981,M46|24392,M46| ZHI MA QIAN ZI 炙马钱子 Nux Vomica Semen Strychni Praeparata Cold,Bitter Spleen,Liver NA Treatment of protracted arthritis, rheumatoid arthralgia, numbness and paralysis, sequala of poliomyelitis, traumatic injury, boils and sores. NA 2678,M859;C0209|23481,M859| DIAO YAN FENG 吊岩风 Radix seu Folium Parthenocissi heterop NA NA NA NA NA NA 23059,C0568| FEN CHA DANG GUI NA Furcate Angelica* Angelica furcijuga NA NA NA NA NA 6837,E|17020,E|22759,E|9834,E|17743,E|22179,E|10999,E|12017,E|11409,E|18268,E|3857,E|7410,E|1523,E|11459,E|1213,E|1214,E|16448,E|16445,E|2041,E|10923,E|1536,E|10921,E|7767,E|10926,E|10925,E|10924,E|11634,E|10922,E| AO DA LI YA QIAN JIN TENG NA Australia Stephania* Stephania japonica var. australis NA NA NA NA NA 9244,E|16413,E| WEI SHI SHU WEI CAO. NA NA Salvia wiedemannii NA NA NA NA NA 17472,E| DI ZHONG HAI DA JI NA Mediterranean Euphorbia, Mediterranean Spurge Euphorbia characias NA NA NA NA NA 7599,E|7598,E|7597,E|7596,E|7595,E|7604,E|7603,E|7602,E|7601,E|7600,E|7606,E|7605,E| DONG DANG GUI 东当归 Acutelobed Angelica Angelica acutiloba [Syn. Ligusticum acutilobum] NA NA root To supplement blood and quicken blood, regulate menstruation and relieve pain, moisten dryness and lubricate intestines. Blood vaculty, menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, postpartum abdominal pain, intestinal dry and constipation. 2799,T3575|11689,T3575|31442,T3575|30697,T3575|11687,E|30968,T3575|4549,E|26058,T3575|7851,E|2803,E|12819,E|2797,E|23096,C0133| YIN DU DUO ZHI DA JI NA Indian Juicy Euphorbia* Euphorbia nivulia NA NA NA NA NA 5324,E|5325,E| SHENG JIANG ZHI 生姜汁 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23188,C0350|19831,C0058| ZHANG SHU ZI 樟树子 Cinnamomum camPhora(L.)Presl NA NA NA NA NA NA 23114,C0038|20414,C0490| BAI HUA JUE CHUANG NA Whiteflower Rostellularia Justicia procumbens var. leucantha NA NA NA NA NA 11977,T2976|11976,E| DA YE GU SUI BU NA Taiwan Davallia Davallia divaricata NA NA rhizome To quicken blood and transform stasis, supplement kidney and strengthen bones, dispel wind and relieve pain. Knocks and falls, kidney vacuity lumbago, wind-damp bone pain. 9638,E|15739,E|15398,E|9634,E| LAO YA SHI NA Diamondleaf Persimmon Diospyros rhombifolia NA NA NA NA NA 19072,E|13472,E|15516,E|18315,E|18363,E|18399,E|11639,E|1935,E|3846,E|12077,E|12062,E|12074,E|12073,E|12067,E| JIN SU LAN NA Chulan Tree Chloranthus spicatus NA NA whole herb or root and leaf To dispel wind-damp, quicken blood and relieve pain, kill worms. Knocks and falls, migraine, intractable lichen. 19825,E|8013,E| E MEI TANG SONG CAO NA Omei Meadowrue Thalictrum omeiense NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, dry damp, interrupt malaria. Damp-heat jaundice, abdominal pain and diarrhea, red eyes with gall, malaria with chills and fever. 13829,E|31524,T3677|21249,E| LI MENG PI NA Lemonlike Citrus Pericarp Citrus limonia NA NA pericarp See Citrus limon. See Citrus limon. 9457,E|25282,T4610|29509,T4610|31093,T4610|19968,E|19967,E| SUI HUA MU JING NA Lilac Chastetree Vitex agnuscastus NA NA NA NA NA 752,E|751,E|750,E|5307,E| XI YE HUANG YANG NA Harland Box Buxus harlandii NA NA NA NA NA 30353,T6052|4476,E| ROU MAO XIANG RI KUI NA Pubescent Sunflower* Helianthus mollis NA NA NA NA NA 7580,E|7581,T5374| HEI DA DOU 黑大豆 Black Soyabean Glycine max NA NA black seed To quicken blood and disinhibit water, dispel wind and resolve toxin, fortify spleen and boost kidney. Edema distention fullness, wind toxin and beriberi, jaundice edema, kidney vacuity lumbago, enuresis, wind impediment and hypertonicity of sinews, postpartum wind tetany, clenched jaw, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, drug poisoning, food poisoning. 20099,E|3041,T4002|22540,E|22541,T4002|2845,E|552,E|7852,E|20115,E|20353,E|20114,E|8277,E|3040,E|4473,T4002|4472,E|20111,E;T4002|20110,E;T4002|20113,E|20105,E;T4002|20109,E;T4002|4603,E|8804,E|2846,T4002|29509,T4002|20131,T4002|20130,E|30330,T4002|23887,T4002|25651,T4002|4604,T4002|25650,T4002|25268,T4002|25259,T4002|1594,E|8285,T4002|8282,T4002|20550,E|20108,E;T4002|8281,E|20106,E;T4002|20107,E;T4002|20104,E;T4002|19967,E|20102,E;T4002|20103,E;T4002|20100,E;T4002|20221,E|26089,T4002|7853,T4002|20025,E|8817,E;C0266|22828,E|31253,T4002|20116,T4002|10599,E| YIN BAI QIAN LI GUANG NA Silver Ragwort Senecio cineraria NA NA NA NA NA 30106,T6445|11806,E| ER RUI HE LIAN DOU. NA NA Drymaria diandra [Syn. Drymaria cordata ssp. diandra] NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and resolve toxin. Jaundice, edema, malaria, fright wind, leg qi due to wind-damp, toxin of sore welling abscess and boils, child gan accumulation, eye screen, outcrop. 5352,E|14511,E|9814,E|9817,E|21445,E|6608,E|11770,E| YE WO JU NA Prickly Lettuce Lactuca serriola NA NA NA NA NA 31412,T6388|12442,E|5186,E|5187,T6388| HU BEI HUANG JING NA Hubei Landpick Polygonatum zanlanscianense NA NA NA NA NA 17632,E|6436,E|17630,E|17631,E|16658,E|17629,E|11553,E|11552,E|17640,E|8967,E|10373,E| HAI SHEN 海参 Sea Cucumber Holothuria leucospilota Warm,Salty Heart,Kidney NA NA NA 24406,M312|24026,M312|24366,M312|20716,M312|23497,M312|24806,M312|3209,M312|23972,M312|24342,M312|23626,M312| HUO YANG LE NA Ancients Euphorbia Euphorbia antiquorum NA NA stem To disinhibit urine and free stool, draw out toxin and remove putrid, kill worms and relieve itch. Edema, ascites, diarrhea, dysentery, food accumulation, lump glomus, clove sore, welling absc ess and flat abscess, scab and lichen. 7610,E|4471,E|4473,T4255|12614,E|30977,T4255|4472,E;T4255|7614,T4255|7617,E|20696,E|20697,T4255|30978,T4255|1113,E|1464,E|11448,E|1463,E|23764,T4255|6917,E|25799,T4255|4468,T4255|4467,E|7949,E|537,E|7996,T4255|7995,E|7620,T4255| BAI GUO GEN 白果根 Ginkgo Root Ginkgo biloba NA NA root To boost qi and supplement vacuity. Emission, enuresis, frequent urination at night, vaginal discharge, stone strangury. 31036,T2966|8403,E;C0180|8404,E;C0179;T2966|8405,E;C0181;T2966|8406,C0182|8407,E;T2966| LUAN DA SHAN ZHANG YA CAI NA Randain Swertia* Swertia randainensis NA NA NA NA NA 15792,T4730|15791,E| BAI SU GENG 白苏梗 Caulis Perillae frutescentis NA NA NA NA NA NA 11418,C0417|15683,C0398|13767,C0347|23256,C0557|15244,C0409|23175,C0470|23228,C0303|23171,C0484|7520,C0416|12843,C0305|17251,C0263|23279,C0236|23306,C0424| BAI YAO ZI 白药子 Oriental Stephania Stephania cepharantha NA NA tuberoid To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel wind and relieve pain, cool blood and stanch bleeding. Septicemia, acute hepatitis, bacillary dysentery, parotitis, neurodermatitis, swelling pain in throat, heat toxin swollen welling abscess, wind-damp impediment pain, abdominal pain and diarrhea, blood ejection, bleeding, spontaneous external bleeding, bleeding due to external injury. 14974,T3033|14973,E;C0512|3416,T3033|3412,E;C0371;T3033|3410,E|3411,E;T3033|9596,E|25373,T3033|6437,T3033|6436,E|26074,T3033|2300,E;T3033|2303,E;C0391;T3033|8807,E|21871,E|21873,T3033|15716,E|16613,T3033|16611,E|4460,E|3885,E|23927,T3033|21190,E;C0317|21191,T3033|11733,E|8810,T3033|9599,T3033|11738,T3033| MI HOU TAO ZHI YE 猕猴桃枝叶 Folium Actinidiae chinensis NA NA NA NA NA NA 23170,C0397|23040,C0396| DA LI LU TI CAO NA Forrest Pyrola Pyrola forrestiana NA NA NA NA NA 9593,E| YE MING SHA 夜明砂 Bat Dung Vespertilio superans Cold,Pungent Liver dried feces To clear heat and brighten eyes, dissipate blood and eliminate accumulation. Clear-eye blindness, night blindness, internal or external obstruction and screen, scrofula, gan accumulation, malaria. 3586,T6378|3585,E|32176,T6378|22237,T6378|22235,E|22230,E|24237,M797| AO LEI TONG QI MU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2331,T2922| NAN OU DAN SHEN 南欧丹参 Clary Salvia sclarea NA NA NA NA NA 4629,C0538|20670,E;C0047|23967,T5052| MAO RUI HUA 毛蕊花 Flannel Mullein Verbascum thapsus NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, stanch bleeding and dissipate stasis. Pneumonia, chronic appendicitis, sore toxin, sprain from knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury. 30820,T4878|4140,E|2004,E;T4878|3306,E|3307,T4878|18925,T4878|18924,E;C0444| GAO LIANG PAO 高梁泡 Rubus lambertianus Ser. NA NA NA NA NA NA 23125,C0500| JIA YING ZHAO NA Chinese Desmos Desmos cochinchinensis [Syn. Desmos chinensis] NA NA leaf To dispel wind and disinhibit damp, transform stasis and relieve pain, fortify spleen and harmonize stomach, interrupt malaria and kill worms. Wind-damp impediment pain, edema, diarrhea, indigestion, distending pain in stomach duct, malaria, wind papules, knocks and falls, scab and lichen, foot rot. 30877,T4322|5984,E|5269,E|25894,T4322| LUO HUA SHENG 落花生 Peanut Arachis hypogaea NA NA seed To fortify spleen and nourish stomach, moisten lung and transform phlegm. Stomach reflux, scant breast milk, beriberi, lung heat dry cough, dry stool. 6855,E|6854,E|6857,E|14343,E|25550,T4753|32215,T4753|18195,E|6859,E|6858,E|22546,T4753|12711,T4753|20353,E|17828,E|3041,T4753|3040,E|23887,T4753|31450,T4753|1056,E|17834,T4753|25590,T4753|25205,T4753|5788,E|3586,T4753|3585,E|18208,T4753|12886,E|22545,E|31603,T4753|14378,E|6489,T4753|6488,E|17872,E|12708,E|6860,E|1598,E|17855,E|17852,E|17853,E|25083,T4753|14379,T4753|13130,E;C0415|25911,T4753|18628,E|17870,E|21399,E|20979,E| XIAO YE YE JUE MING NA Chinese Thermopsis Thermopsis chinensis NA NA root or seed To clear heat and brighten eyes. Red eyes with gall. 26052,T6196|4593,E| SHAN BI XIE NA Mountain Yam Dioscorea tokoro NA NA rhizome See Dioscorea hypoglauca. See Dioscorea hypoglauca. 25263,T5463|31301,T5463|31407,T5463|22918,T5463|32076,T5463|6437,T5463|6436,E|20191,E|17961,E|10959,E|31849,T5463|21411,E|22908,E|22909,E;T5463|21412,E;T5463|17959,E|21410,E|21416,T5463|12247,E|31852,T5463|22862,E|22863,T5463| MU TONG 木通 Fiveleaf Akebia Equivalent plant: Akebia trifoliata var australis , Akebia trifoliata Akebia quinata Cold,Bitter Bladder,Small Intestine,Heart stem To clear heat and disinhibit urine, quicken blood and free vessels. Acute urethritis, short voidings of reddish urine, strangury-turbidity, edema, nephritis with edema, galactostasis, heat vexation in chest, throat pain, mouth sore, tongue sores, wind-damp impediment pain, galactostasis, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea. 15744,E|15745,E|15746,E|13792,E|23101,C0577|13793,T5023|19971,E|4450,T5023|20353,E|4449,E|11080,E|4679,E|819,E;T5023|29509,T5023|1691,E;T5023|31065,T5023|18404,E|31315,T5023|23887,T5023|9259,E|16040,E|23432,M523|15774,E|19967,E|4684,T5023|31751,T5023|31938,T5023|19301,E|19302,T5023|16391,E|820,E;T5023| BAI MAO GEN(4) NA Golden-seal Hydrastis canadensis NA NA NA NA NA 14559,E|2303,E|2302,E|11345,E|19969,E|3058,E|9701,E|3057,E|9702,E|3055,E|6365,E| MIAN TOU XUE LIAN NA Lanatchead Saussurea Equivalent plant: Saussurea medusa, Saussurea gnaphaloides Saussurea laniceps NA NA whole herb with root To warm kidney and invigorate yang , regulate menstruation and stanch bleeding. Impotence, limp aching lumbus and knees, vaginal discharge, menstrual disorder, wind-damp impediment, bleeding due to external injury. ,E| SHUANG BAO MO GU NA Bispore Mushroom* Agaricus bisporus NA NA sporocarp See Agaricus campestris. See Agaricus campestris. 13602,T5629|13601,E|701,E;T5629|7249,E|7251,T5629| SUAN SHUI CAO NA Thorowort Pondweed Potamogeton perfoliatus NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and disinhibit damp. Eczema, itchy skin. 22504,E|22505,T5723|13126,T5723|15468,E|13119,E|15476,T5723| DIAN DENG SHU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31403,T3558|31417,T3558| SHENG JIN WEN 生锦纹 root and rhziome of Sorrel Rhubarb Radix et Rhizoma Rhei Cold,Bitter Spleen,Large Intestine,Stomach,Liver,Cardiovascular NA Treatment of fever with constipation, retention of the feces and abdominal pain, dysentery with inadequate discharge from the bowels, jaundice caused by damp-heat, haematemesis, epistaxis, inflammation of eye and swelling of the throat due to heat in the blood, appendicitis with abdominal pain, boils, sores and abscess, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, traumatic injuries, hemorrhage from the upper gastrointestinal tract. External use for scalds and burns.Radixet Rhizoma Rhei (stir-fried with wine) Inflammation of the eye, swelling of the throat and painful swelling of the gums. Radix et Rhizoma Rhei (prepared) Boils, sores and abscess. Radix et Rhizoma Rhei (carbonized) Hemorrhage with blood stasis due to heat in the blood. 1. Sennoside A is the component for purgation.2. Promoting biliary secretion and enhancing the amount of bilirubin and bile acid.3. Rhein and Emodin exert bacteriostatic effect by inhibting the synthesis of DNA, RNA and protein in bacteria4. Emodin is a component for hypotensive5. Oral use of its extract reduces the raio of serum cholesterol and total phospholipid in rabbits with hypercholesterolemia.6. Chrysophanol, an other active component, exerts a hemostatic effect. 6775,M641;C0449|18744,M641|3615,M641|19734,M641| ZHUO SE SANG CHENG NA Tinctorial Osage Orange* Maclura tinctoria NA NA NA NA NA 20311,E|16199,E| GUANG FANG JI 广防己 Fangchi Aristolochia fangchi NA NA root To dispel wind and relieve pain, clear heat and disinhibit water. Damp-heat generalized pain, wind-damp impediment pain, edema in lower limb, inhibited urination. 1713,E|2550,M943|24175,M943;T3896|2557,M943|13368,T3896|29509,T3896|917,E;T3896|19967,E|1698,E|13367,E| GUA LUO JING YE 栝楼茎叶 Fructus Trichosanthis NA NA NA NA NA NA 13772,C0122|23042,C0511|15244,C0409|23038,C0121|17251,C0263|23221,C0466|23226,C0244|23241,C0245|9484,C0280| YIN DU XIE HAO NA Indian Seseli* Seseli indicum NA NA NA NA NA 19770,T6461|19769,E| HAI XIA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 25524,T3960|1921,T3960|30935,T3960|13126,T3960|21926,T3960|10914,T3960|3096,T3960|4575,T3960| SUI BIAN WO JU NA Laciniate Lettuce* Lactuca laciniata NA NA NA NA NA 12442,T5725|12441,E| ER XING JIN HE HUAN NA Auriculate Acacia Acacia auriculaeformis NA NA NA NA NA 2016,E;T3693| DUO JIA CAO NA Manyseed Polycarpon prostratum NA NA NA NA NA 17945,E|17946,E|17947,E|17948,E| NIU YE NA Ox Thyroid Bos taurus domesticus, Bubalus bubalis NA NA thyroid To disinhibit throat and disperse goiter. Throat impediment, qi goiter. 21852,E;T5120|21851,E|32047,T5120|21854,T5120|6186,E;T5120|6185,E|21159,E|25861,T5120| PU FU SHI DA GONG LAO NA Creeping Mahonia Mahonia repens NA NA NA NA NA 32055,T5214|15876,E|15872,E|31733,T5214|15873,T5214|21254,E|16428,E| LI YU PI NA Carp Skin Cyprinus carpio NA NA skin To quiet fetus, stanch bleeding. Stirring fetus in pregnancy, fetal spotting, bone stuck in throat. 13126,T4619|1921,E;T4619|13119,E|6559,E|30928,T4619| YAN SE LONG YAN NA Smoke Longan* Dimocarpus fumatus NA NA NA NA NA 18703,E|1592,E| XIANG MO ZHI JU. NA NA Hymenoxys odorata NA NA NA Anticarcinoma. NA 16721,E|15981,E| GUA LOU PI 瓜篓皮 Snakegourd peel Pericarpium Trichosanthis Cold,Sweet,Slightly Bitter Lung,Large Intestine,Stomach NA Treatment of cough with yellowish sticky expectoration, oppressed feeling in the chest and costal pain. NA 13772,C0122|23042,M286;C0511|15244,C0409|23038,C0121|17251,C0263|23221,C0466|23226,C0244|23241,C0245|9484,C0280| TA YOU XIE GUA NA Taiuia Root* Cayaponia tayuya NA NA NA NA NA 5572,E|4327,E| NING MENG 柠檬 Lemon Equivalent plant: Citrus limonia Citrus limon NA NA fruit To engender liquid and allay thirst, dispel summerheat, quiet fetus. Stomach heat fluid damage, summerheat stroke with vexation and thirst, inappetence, glomus distention in stomach duct and abdomen, lung heat dry cough, vomiting in pregnancy. 22504,E|3773,T5082|3770,E|12835,E|31443,T5082|22505,T5082|9455,E|9456,T5082|9457,E|12833,E|9043,E|6453,E|30819,T5082|6454,T5082|11489,E|23184,T5082|8325,T5082|23080,C0364|2887,E|9066,T5082|31732,T5082|13126,T5082|18406,E|18407,T5082|3760,E|22765,E|22766,T5082|3767,E|3768,T5082|1956,E|8312,E|15278,E|15279,T5082|19901,T5082|12844,E|12845,T5082|30792,T5082|11491,T5082|4135,E|23381,T5082|19896,E|13119,E|31093,T5082| LUO YE SONG YE JIN SI TAO NA Larch-leaf StJohn’swort* Hypericum laricifolium NA NA NA NA NA 9364,E|2887,E|15661,E|18302,E| CHUN PI 椿皮 Ailanthus bark, Tree of heaven bark Cortex Toonae Sinensis Cold,Bitter,Punkery Large Intestine,Liver NA Treatment of morbid leukorrhea, diarrhea caused by damp-heat, chronic diarrhea, chronic dysentery, hematochezia, abnormal uterine bleeding. NA 774,M123|25132,M123|24646,M123| SUI ZHUANG BI QIAO JIANG NA Cana do brejo (in Brazil) Costus spicatus NA NA NA NA NA 20644,E|12013,E| BU MEI HE BAO HUA NA Chile Calceolaria* Calceolaria inamoena NA NA NA NA NA 10073,E|10072,E|10075,E|10074,E| TE LI NI DA HU JIAO NA Trinidad Pepper* Piper aequale NA NA NA NA NA 14373,E|5643,E|6422,E| ZI TENG 紫藤 Chinese Wisteria Wisteria sinensis NA NA stem-leaf To disinhibit water, eliminate impediment, kill worms. Edema, pain in joints, intestinal parasitic disease. 5721,T6763|4593,E;C0281|26052,T6763|25747,T6763|917,E;T6763|916,E| XI FANG CUI QUE NA Occidental Larkspur* Delphinium occidentale NA NA NA NA NA 5036,T5995|5035,E| RI BEN YUAN WEI NA Japanese Iris* Iris komonoensis NA NA NA NA NA 11139,T5360|11138,E| TAI WAN CUI BAI NA Taiwan Incense Cedar Calocedrus macrolepis var. formosana NA NA NA NA NA 14062,E|15887,E|15883,E|15882,E|7885,E|15504,E|15888,E|11560,E|15138,E|5805,E|6091,E|20612,E|10695,E|7887,E|7886,E| BEI LI LU HUI NA Bally Aloe* Aloe ballyi NA NA NA NA NA 3979,E|3981,T3084| XI ZANG LU TI CAO NA Tibet Pyrola* Pyrola calliantha var. tibetana NA NA whole herb See Pyrola calliantha. See Pyrola calliantha. 9593,E| LU DOU PI 绿豆皮 Cortex Vignae radiatae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23163,C0421|23290,C0422| CONG LI ZAO. NA NA Botryococcus braunii NA NA NA NA NA 13199,E|13198,E|13203,E|13202,E|13201,E|13200,E|13197,E|13196,E|13195,E|13194,E|13204,E| CHA YE 茶叶 Common Tea Camellia sinensis [Syn. Thea sinensis] Cool,Sweet,Bitter Lung,Stomach,Heart tender leaf or tender bud To clear head and eyes, eliminate vexation and allay thirst, disperse food, transform phlegm, disinhibit urine, resolve toxin. Headache, dim vision, red eyes, desire to sleep, common cold, vexation and thirst, food accumulation, bad breath, phlegm asthma, epilepsy, inhibited urination, diarrhea, throat swelling, swelling of sores and boils, burns and scalds. 11821,E|21276,T3212|21275,E;T3212|21274,E;T3212|8097,E|3552,T3212|3551,E|3761,E|14663,E|21266,E|31309,T3212|8024,E|3038,E|3039,E|11023,E|3035,E|3036,T3212|23288,M79|17086,E|23283,C0001|30850,T3212|8030,T3212|6853,T3212|5017,E|6384,T3212|5607,E|25205,T3212|6383,E|24101,M79|4438,E|31104,T3212|23170,M79|19170,E|25802,T3212|9525,E|15953,E|2285,E;T3212|31084,T3212|31086,T3212|31083,T3212|25124,M79|30104,T3212|9412,E|9413,E|21294,E;C0294|9416,E|9417,T3212|22548,M79|23321,M79|23125,M79|31787,T3212|5031,T3212|23248,M79|6924,T3212|6921,E|6920,E|6922,E|6852,E|21933,E|18260,E|18261,T3212|6863,E|21950,E|5021,E|8108,T3212|4440,T3212|21301,T3212|25798,T3212|25797,T3212|2893,T3212|2892,E;M79;C0420|11737,E|11639,E|17101,E|3308,E|12199,E|25925,T3212|25924,T3212|9415,E|14642,T3212|14641,E|23745,M79|21296,E;C0496;T3212|8310,T3212|22740,E|22741,T3212|23193,M79|25482,T3212|20979,E| FENG XIANG SHU YE I NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31918,T3758|30613,T3758|9556,T3758| XIAO HUA ZI JIN NA Micranthine Corydalis* Corydalis micrantha NA NA NA NA NA 3115,T6167|3114,E| MIAN MAO HUANG QI NA Sieversia Milkvetch Astragalus sieversianus NA NA NA NA NA 1948,E|1949,E|30636,T4973| NIU PI CHA NA Goldmat Rhododendron Rhododendron chrysanthum NA NA NA NA NA 18781,T5106|18779,E| WAN ZHUI XIANG CHA CAI NA Bowedconical Rabdosia* Isodon loxothyrsa NA NA NA NA NA 18464,E|13007,E|18463,E| ZAO PI SHU NA Soapbark Tree Quillaja saponaria NA NA NA NA NA 18403,E| GE MAN 葛蔓 Caulis Puerariae lobatae NA NA NA NA NA NA 4605,C0282|4603,C0428| HE HUA XUE LIAN NA Brownflower Saussurea Saussurea phaeantha NA NA NA NA NA 20553,E| XI FANG CI BAI NA Western Juniper Juniperus occidentalis NA NA NA NA NA 11966,E|11965,E|1030,E|10687,E|4375,E| LUO HAN SONG SHI NA Longleaf Podocarpus Seed Equivalent plant: Podocarpus macrophyllus var maki Podocarpus macrophyllus NA NA seed and floral receptacle To move qi and relieve pain, warm center and supplement blood. Blood vacuity, withered-yellow facial complexion, pain in heart and stomach. 31111,T4751|13405,T4751|13404,E|15223,E|15226,E;T4751|15225,E|15224,T4751|11111,E|11110,E;T4751|11113,E;T4751|11112,E;T4751|11115,E|11114,E|11116,E;T4751|9542,E|28252,T4751|2850,E|31319,T4751|17686,E|11125,E|11127,T4751|17689,T4751|24480,T4751|15230,T4751| YOU ZONG 油棕 Oilpalm Elaeis guineensis NA NA root To dispel stasis and disperse swelling. Swelling pain due to stasis accumula tion. 16550,E|31420,T6506|12564,E|3208,E|23249,C0002|25379,T6506|23037,T6506| YI KOU KE MEI NA Coco-plum Chrysobalanus icaco NA NA NA NA NA 12743,T6412|12742,E| LAI FU 莱菔 Garden Radish Raphanus sativus NA NA fresh root To disperse food, precipitate qi, transform phlegm, stanch bleeding, allay thirst, disinhibit urine. Indigestion, food accumulation distention and fullness, hyperchlorhydria, vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, phlegm-heat cough, hemoptysis, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, diabetes mellitus, strangury-turbidity, sores, stasis swelling due to injury, scalds, frostbite. 7768,T4570|18533,E|16768,E|16767,E|16766,E|16772,E|2395,C0387|8306,E|14573,E|14574,T4570|16771,E|16770,E|17120,E|7767,E|18264,E|31021,T4570|17124,T4570| FENG XIANG JI SHENG 枫香寄生 Flatshoot Mistletoe Equivalent plant: Viscum articulactum Viscum articulatum NA NA branchlet-leaf To dispel wind and eliminate damp, soothe sinews and quicken blood, relieve cough and transform phlegm, stanch bleeding. Wind-damp impediment pain, limp aching lumbus and knees, painful wound from knocks and falls, taxation damage cough, flooding and spotting with vaginal discharge, postpartum blood qi vacuity. 7337,E|31315,T3756|31316,T3756|12899,E|23101,C0577|16040,E|11085,T3756|25768,T3756|11082,E|11081,E|11080,E|31751,T3756|22520,E| MAO GUO DU JUAN NA Hairfruit Rhododendron* Rhododendron seniavinii NA NA root, stem-leaf and flower To relieve cough, dispel phlegm, calm asthma. Chronic trachitis. 18302,E| TU LIANG JIANG NA Spiked Gingerlily Hedychium spicatum NA NA rhizome To warm stomach, dissipate cold, dry damp. Qi pain, stomachache, abdominal pain, stomach cold pain, indigestion, malaria. 7473,E|13880,T5851|9276,E|9282,T5851| SI ZI TAN NA Sandalwood Padauk Pterocarpus santalinus NA NA NA NA NA 18090,T5692|13671,E|19412,E|10521,E|2983,E|31021,T5692|9817,E|13672,T5692|18149,E|8306,E|19896,E|18151,T5692|31156,T5692|10752,E|19901,T5692|18089,E|5760,E| DUO MAI GOU TENG NA Many-veined Gambirplant* Uncaria nervosa NA NA NA NA NA 9551,E|9552,E|5568,E|9233,E| SHI RUI SHANG LU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23101,T5593|2179,T5593|12619,T5593| DA HUA ZI YU PAN NA Largeflower Uvaria Uvaria grandiflora NA NA NA NA NA 31345,T3428|22283,E|22282,E|22285,T3428|22284,E;T3428|11372,E| CHANG GENG JIAO GU LAN NA longstalk Gynostemma Gynostemma longipes NA NA NA NA NA 9097,E|25612,T3235| YAO HUA XIANG CHA CAI NA Stringbushlike Rabdosia Isodon wikstroemioides NA NA NA NA NA 22654,E|22655,E|22656,E|22653,E| TIAN SHAN HUA QIU NA Tianshan Mountain Mountainash Sorbus tianschanica NA NA branchlet and fruit To clear lung and suppress cough, supplement spleen and engender liquid. Tuberculosis, cough and asthma, stomachache, hypovitaminosis. 21596,E|1102,E;T5798|16645,E|16647,T5798| CAO JUE MING 草决明 Cassia Seed Semen Cassiae Minor cold,Sweet,Bitter,Salty Large Intestine,Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of inflammation in the eye with pain, photophobia and lacrimination, headache, dizziness, blurred vision and constipation. 1. Oral adminstration of the hearbal powder can inhibit the rising of serum cholesterol and formation of atherosclerosis in rabbits.2. Its tincture and infusion can inhibit the myocardium of toad in vitro, and contract th eblood vessels of lower limbs.3. Its infusion can lower the blood pressure in dogs, cats and rabbits.4. Chrysophanol, one of the active components, is a laxative.5. Bacteriostatic. 3615,M75| HA MA YOU 蛤蟆油 Forest Frog's Oviduct Oviductus Ranae NA NA NA Treatment of listlessness, cardiac papitation, insomnia and night sweating in debility or in convalescence, hemoptysis in phthisis. NA 24237,M945| BAI HUA SHE 白花蛇 Bungarus Minimus Bungarus Parvus NA NA NA Treatment of rheumatism, especially the intractable cases and those with wandering arthralgia, numbness of the extremities and muscular spasm, also for apoplexy complicated by distortion of face and hemiplegia. Treatment of infantile convulsion, tetanus and convulsion after apoplexy. Treatment of itching induced by scabies, tinea infection and urticaria. Treatment of leprosy, scrofula, and aevere skin infections. 1. Analgesic, sedative. 2. Hypotensive owing to its vasodilative effect. 23760,M900|20131,M900|24251,M900|24127,M900| MA LAN YE NA Common Baphicacanthus Leaf Baphicacanthus cusia [Syn. Strobilanthes cusia ] NA NA stem-leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and stanch bleeding. Warm heat disease, ardent fever with headache, macular eruption, lung heat cough, damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, jaundice, scarlatina, measles papules, swelling pain in throat, mouth sore, epidemic parotitis, lymphrnoditis, liver welling abscess, intestinal welling abscess, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, gum hemorrhage, flooding and spotting, sore and boil, snake or insect bites. 18273,E| WU YE JIA MU ZEI NA Leafless Anabasis Anabasis aphylla NA NA twig To kill worms. NA 13097,E|1124,E;T5975|13102,T5975|1474,E;T5975| LIN QIN NA Chinese Pearleaf Crabapple Malus asiatica NA NA fruit To precipitate qi and loosen chest, engender liquid and allay thirst, harmonize center and relieve pain. Diabetes mellitus, phlegm-rheum and food retention, glomus and congestion in chest and diaphragm, cholera, vomiting diarrhea with abdominal pain, dysentery. 7851,E|30968,T4661| BA BEI SUAN TENG ZI. NA NA Embelia barbeyana NA NA NA NA NA 6766,E| DA YI ZH I JIAN NA Golden Lycoris Lycoris aurea NA NA bulb To moisten lung and relieve cough, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Lung heat cough, hemoptysis, yin vacuity consumption fever, inhibited urination, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, clove sore tubercle, burns and scalds. 8082,E|9611,E|20875,E|13229,E|18036,E|13230,E|13234,E| E MEI GE NA Omei Kudzuvine Pueraria omeiensis NA NA tuberoid See Pueraria lobata. See Pueraria lobata. 18166,E|4605,E|4603,E| SHUI YANG MEI 水杨梅 Japanese Avens Geum japonicum NA NA whole herb To supplement vacuity and boost kidney, quicken blood and resolve toxin. Exterior vacuity and common cold, dizziness and dim vision, lassitude in limbs, emission, impotence, cough with blood ejection, vacuity cold and abdominal pain, menstrual disorder, swelling of sores, fracture. 20894,E|15530,E|3435,M1044|13091,M1044|8249,E|24221,M1044|6177,E|24225,M1044|8262,E| LIANG JUN NA Armillariella Tabescens Armillariella tabescens NA NA mycelium To eliminate inflammation. Cholecystitis, hepatitis, appendicitis, otitis media. 1742,E;T4638|1743,E| SHE TUI 蛇蜕 Snake Slough Periostracum Serpentis Mild,Sweet,Salty Liver NA Treatment of infantile convulsion, nebula, inflammation of the throat, boils, cuaneous itching. NA 24237,M632| SHUI LIAN YE TONG NA Sleeping Lotusleaftung Hernandia nymphaeifolia NA NA NA NA NA 6267,E|16332,E|16271,E|15870,E|16272,E| ZE XIE 泽泻 Oriental Waterplantain Alisma orientale [Syn. Alisma plantago-aquatica var. orientale] Cold,Sweet,Neutral Bladder,Kidney tuber To lower cholesterol, disinhibit water and percolate damp, drain heat and free strangury, lower blood sugar levels. Hyperlipemia, inhibited urination, heat strangury with inhibited pain, edema distention fullness, diarrhea, phlegm-rheum dizziness, emission. 23136,C0558|5150,E|888,E|20460,T6613|24970,M835|8010,E|20456,E|7050,E|20457,E;T6613|15328,E|1257,E|1258,E|891,E;T6613|892,E;T6613|893,E;T6613|894,E;T6613|895,E|896,E|897,E|898,E|20459,E;T6613|30984,T6613|16183,E|16182,E|16181,E|16180,E|7049,E|902,E|903,E|16174,E|16175,E|20458,E;T6613|16179,E| ZHONG RU SHI 钟乳石 Stalactite Stalactitum NA NA NA Treatment of asthma and cough caused by cold phlegm, feeling of coldness and pain in the loins and kness, gastric pain with acid regurgitation, cessation of the milk secretion. NA 24237,M1088| YUAN BAI NA Chinese Juniper Sabina chinensis NA NA leaf To dispel wind and dissipate cold, quicken blood and resolve toxin. Wind-cold common cold, pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, urticaria, swelling toxin of flat abscess, urinary tract infection. 9,E|1476,E;T6538| OU LI REN NA Chinese Dwarf Cherry Seed Prunus humilis [Syn. Cerasus humilis ] NA NA ripe seed See Prunus japonica . See Prunus japonica . 15065,T5134|15064,E|15061,E|15062,T5134| SHEN LIE CUI QUE HUA NA Deeplobed Larkspur* Delphinium dissectum NA NA NA NA NA 10500,E| MENG GU SHAN LUO BO NA Narrowleaf Scabious Scabiosa comosa NA NA flower To clear heat and drain fire. Lung heat cough asthma, liver fire headache, red eyes, damp-heat jaundice. 1121,E|30588,T4943|6453,T4943|6451,E|15356,T4943|15355,E|8826,E|30457,T4943| JI XIANG RUN NAN NA Extreme-fragrant Machilus* Machilus odoratissima NA NA NA NA NA 15986,E|15987,E|15984,E|15985,E| SANG YE 桑叶 White Mulberry Leaf Equivalent plant: Morus mongolica, Morus australis , Morus cathayana Morus alba Cold,Sweet,Bitter Lung,Liver leaf To course wind and dissipate heat, clear lung and moisten dryness, clear liver and brighten eyes. Wind-heat common cold, lung heat dry cough, dizziness and headache, red eyes and clouded vision. 21646,E;M608|3041,T5447|3040,E|22179,M608|6002,E|6003,E|3551,E|6001,E|14989,T5447|30934,T5447|18819,E|23112,C0296|23297,M608;C0308|16462,T5447|23078,C0137|4336,E|4233,T5447|4231,E|16871,E|12381,E|13093,T5447|13091,E|7522,T5447|7520,E|25810,T5447|30344,T5447|24916,M608|23675,M608|19971,E|12382,E|19072,E|12391,T5447|11287,E|14945,E;M608|14947,E;T5447|14946,E;T5447|14949,E;T5447|14948,E;T5447|1935,E|11082,E|6678,E;M608;C0526|11085,T5447|846,E|2276,E|14987,E|11751,E|15032,T5447|15031,E|30968,T5447|18903,E|16521,E|16522,T5447|14952,E;T5447|14950,E;T5447|14951,E;T5447|23122,M608|7852,E|7853,T5447|7851,E|13289,E|5788,E|14963,E;M608;C0311|31332,T5447|19530,E;M608|14965,T5447|844,E;T5447|22538,E|13291,T5447|9020,E|11752,T5447|31704,T5447|11065,E;M608|9942,E;T5447|9943,E;T5447|9941,E|1102,M608|11639,E|9944,E;T5447|25911,T5447|25627,T5447|19527,E;M608|14710,E|14712,T5447|32110,T5447|17828,T5447|23633,M608|11074,T5447|24066,M608|19987,E|11640,T5447|9956,T5447|18302,E|617,E;M608;C0403;T5447|13947,T5447|31938,T5447| ZANG YAO LUO JING JIN YAO NA Naked-caule Goldsaxifrage Chrysosplenium nudicaule NA NA whole herb To clear heat and remove damp, soothe liver and disinhibit gallbladder. Jaundice, pain in rib-side, concretion and conglomeration, cholecystitis, gallstones. 16786,E| ZHI XIANG FU 制香附 rhizome of Nutgrass Galingale Rhizoma Cyperi Preparata Mild,Pungent,Slightly Sweet,Slightly Bitter Spleen,Liver,Three End NA Treatment of stagnation of the liver qi characterized by distending pain in the chest, hypochondria and epigastrium, indigestion, feeling of stuffiness in the chest and epigastrium, abdominal colic, distending pain in the breast, menstrual disorders, amenorrhea or dysmenorrhea. NA 16697,M873|23559,M873|24409,M873|4576,M873|4577,M873|24895,M873| SHUANG HUA FAN HONG HUA NA Biflower Crocus* Crocus chrysanthus-biflorus NA NA NA NA NA 12051,E|12053,E|12052,E|18351,E|15174,E| DUI YE RONG NA Oppositeleaf Fig Ficus hispida NA NA root, bark or stem-leaf To course wind and clear heat, disperse accumulation and transform phlegm, fortify spleen and eliminate damp, move qi and dissipate stasis. Common cold with fever, conjunctivitis, bronchitis, indigestion, dysentery, spleen vacuity and vaginal discharge, breast milk stoppage, painful swelling from knocks and falls, wind-damp impediment pain. 9561,E|12710,E|21527,E|21905,E| ZI WU TOU NA Violet Monkshood* Aconitum violaceum NA NA NA NA NA 11010,E|2372,E;T6770| MAN CHANG CHUN HUA NA Common Periwinkle Vinca minor NA NA NA NA NA 22479,E|18608,E|22473,E|22474,T4825|6677,T4825|6676,E| FU ZHOU SHU YU NA Foochow Yam Equivalent plant: Dioscorea spongiosa Dioscorea futschauensis NA NA rhizome To dispel wind-damp, disinhibit damp and turbidity, disperse swelling toxin. Wind-damp impediment pain, strangury with pain, white turbidity, leukorrhea, damp sore. 6437,T3782|6436,E|13984,E|6439,E|13983,E|7023,E|20012,E|5215,E|6442,E|7026,T3782|6440,T3782|8970,T3782|20013,T3782|8967,E|5218,T3782| ZONG ZHUANG DONG FENG JU YE NA Racemose Atalantia Leaf* Atalantia racemosa NA NA NA NA NA 1956,E| ZHI LI JIAO HUI XIANG NA Erect Hypecoum Hypecoum erectum NA NA root or whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, suppress cough and relieve pain. Common cold with fever, cough, swelling pain in throat, liver fire and red eyes, hepatitis, cholecystitis, dysentery, pain in joints. 14202,E|10878,E|10881,E|10877,E|14204,T6667| GAN SU BEI MU NA Przewalsk Fritillary Fritillaria przewalskii NA NA bulb See Fritillaria cirrhosa . See Fritillaria cirrhosa . 26070,T3795|31307,T3795|618,E|11000,E|21343,E|3630,E|3631,T3795|4996,E|27383,T3795|25933,T3795| SU GE LAN DANG GUI NA Scots Lovage Ligusticum scoticum NA NA NA NA NA 25857,T5703|6192,E| XUE PIAN LIAN NA Spring Snowflake Leucojum vernum NA NA NA NA NA 8084,T6260|8082,E|9611,E|461,E|9185,E|13234,E| ZONG LV PI 棕榈皮 Fortune Windmillpalm Trachycarpus fortunei Mild,Bitter,Punkery Lung,Large Intestine,Liver petiole and fibre of sheath To promote contraction and stanch bleeding. Blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria, hematochezia, flooding, bleeding due to external injury. 8094,E|14691,E|14692,T6780|9817,E|17954,E|3308,E|23975,M189|5762,E|25124,M189| FAN HUA ZHI XIE MU NA Purplequeen Holarrhena* Holarrhena floribunda NA NA NA NA NA 3968,E|3969,T3702| BAI ZHU SHU NA CommonGaultheria Gaultheria leucocarpa var. cumingiana NA NA NA NA NA 13243,E|13970,E|8241,E| BAI FAN DOU 白饭豆 Kidney Bean Phaseolus vulgaris NA NA seed To enrich and nourish, resolve heat, disinhibit urine, disperse swelling. Summerheat-heat vexation and thirst, edema, beriberi. 30851,T2964|16769,E|3594,E|12712,E|3041,T2964|4450,E|20353,E|12079,E|17013,E|17900,T2964|7383,E|11548,E|20116,T2964|12726,T2964|20113,E|17411,E|3040,E|3595,T2964|26077,T2964|31043,T2964|19224,E;T2964|8011,E|17255,T2964|19235,T2964|618,E|17034,E|17035,E;T2964|5009,E|16773,T2964|8752,E|5026,E|11551,T2964|12711,T2964|23272,C0222|12708,E|17014,T2964|31817,T2964|17899,E|19223,E|12083,T2964|23887,T2964|23428,T2964|25930,T2964| DAN GAI TIE XIAN JUE NA Monochlamys Maidenhair Adiantum monochlamys NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve phlegm, resolve toxin. Lung heat cough, common cold with fever, swollen welling abscess and toxin of clove. 630,E|629,E|9640,E| DONG FEI MA QIAN NA East-African Poisonnut* Strychnos usambarensis NA NA NA NA NA 3614,E|22260,E;T3584|22261,T3584|22259,E|20399,E|11720,E|817,E| MEI ZHOU XUE GEN CAO NA Bloodroot Sanguinaria canadensis NA NA NA NA NA 19280,T4933|19269,E| QIU MU GUA NA Common Floweringquince Chaenomeles lagenaria [Syn. Chaenomeles speciosa] NA NA fruit To soothe sinews and quicken network vessels, harmonize stomach and transform damp. Wind-damp impediment pain, aching and weightiness of limbs, hypertonicity of sinews and vessels, vomiting and diarrhea with cramp, beriberi. 31132,T5293|3595,T5293|3594,E|16773,E|16040,E|4438,E|2978,E|2979,T5293|30357,T5293|530,E|16777,T5293|9716,E|4445,T5293| RI BEN SHUANG HU DIE NA Japanese Dualbutterfly* Tripterospermum japonicum NA NA whole herb See Tripterospermum taiwanense. See Tripterospermum taiwanense. 9615,E|14974,E|20487,E|21973,E|12943,E|18714,E|8684,E|494,E|11770,E|22820,E|493,E| HUAI ER 槐耳 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8277,C0249|19072,C0514|12017,C0453|23303,C0471| CHA YOU 茶油 Tea-seed Oil Oleum Camelliae NA NA NA NA NA 23170,M910|23193,M910| HAI GOU SHEN 海狗肾 seal's genitals Penis et Testes Callorhini Hot,Salty Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of consumptive diseases, impotence, cold sperm, lassitude in the loins and legs due to deficiency of the kidney-yang, etc. NA 23580,M307| MEI GUO CI JIAO NA Hercules’ Club Zanthoxylum clava- hercules NA NA NA NA NA 9435,T4901|15624,T4901|15622,E|9427,E|17558,E| FEI ZHOU LUO LE NA African Basil* Ocimum kilimandscharicum NA NA NA NA NA 20982,E|20983,T3733| PU(2) TAO NA European Grape Vitis vinifera NA NA fruit To supplement qi and blood, strengthen sinews and bones, disinhibit urine. Vacuity of qi and blood, lung vacuity cough, palpitation and night sweating, wind-damp impediment pain, strangury, edema. 14222,E|16888,E|22488,E|8306,E|2808,E|3308,E|8094,E|8805,E|17862,E|9817,E|22489,E|1445,E|1447,E|1446,E|16000,E|18631,E|18630,E|22571,E|21833,E|16539,E|18149,E|3318,E|20699,E|17870,E|7025,E|17010,E|22491,E|17855,E|943,E|19896,E|18628,E|18629,E|9695,E| JI NING NA Largeserrate Mosla Mosla grosseserrata NA NA stem-leaf To disinhibit water and disperse edema, harmonize stomach and inhibit acid. Diarrhea and dysentery due to cold qi, hyperchlorhydria. 24070,T4275|2412,E|31122,T4275|9668,E| NI GUANG SHI WEI NA Pseudobald Pyrrosia* Pyrrosia pseudocalvata NA NA NA NA NA 13474,E|11521,E|3551,E| HEI BAI JIAN MU NA Black White Quebracho* Aspidosperma nigricans NA NA NA NA NA 31756,T3999|16075,E| MIAN YA 檰芽 Cortex Eucommiae NA NA NA NA NA NA 2004,C0260| DA YE CHAI HU 大叶柴胡 Bigleaf Thorowax Bupleurum longiradiatum NA NA root See Bupleurum chinense. See Bupleurum chinense. 23079,C0074|20152,E|19135,T3457|2760,T3457|19133,E|2757,E;T3457|2752,E|340,E;T3457|23720,T3457|2758,E;T3457| NAN FEI GOU MA NA Devil’s Clow Harpagophytum procumbens NA NA whole herb To relieve pain, eliminate inflammation, resolve heat. Bronchial asthma, ileitis, ulcerative colitis, rheumatis, abnormal increase of lipoxygenase. 9237,E|3711,E|2887,E|580,E|3695,E|306,E|7775,E|11192,E|16525,E|8,E|4163,E|21459,E| GAN SU SHAN ZHA NA Kansu Hawthorn Crataegus kansuensis NA NA fruit See Crataegus cuneata. See Crataegus cuneata. 19072,E|10886,E|22565,E| BING TOU HUANG QIN NA Twinflower Skullcap Scutellaria scordifolia NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Hepatitis, cirrhosis with ascites, appendicitis, mastitis, snake or insect bites, knocks and falls. 2102,E;T3149|2106,E;T3149| XI GENG XIANG CAO NA Hairydtalk Loosestrife Lysimachia capillipes NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, move qi and relieve pain, regulate menstruation, resolve toxin. Common cold with cough, wind-damp impediment pain, distending pain in stomach duct and abdomen, menstrual disorder, clove sore, snake bite. 3128,E|3129,E|3123,E|12017,E|3126,E|3127,E|3124,E|3125,E|30731,T5999|30732,T5999| YAO SHU KUI NA Marshmallow Althaea officinalis NA NA NA NA NA 30330,T6336|20550,E| MAO CAO YE NA Lalang Grass Leaf Imperata cylindrica var. major NA NA leaf To dispel wind and eliminate damp. Wind-damp impediment pain, wind papules. 1616,E;T4845|1615,E;T4845|7760,T4845|7758,E|16299,T4845|16283,E|4545,E|4546,T4845| WA SHI DU HUO NA Wallich Cowparsnip* Heracleum wallichii NA NA NA NA NA 26074,T5873|11328,T5873|11326,E|4460,E| BU DUI CHENG MAO RU NA Asymmetry Rhamnella* Rhamnella inaequilatera NA NA NA NA NA 18661,E|18662,E|18663,E| HU YAN WAN NIAN QING NA Whiplash Star-of-Bethlehem Ornithogalum caudatum NA NA NA NA NA 3328,E|3329,T4107|14431,E|14430,E|14432,E| OU JIN KUI NA High Mallow Malva sylvestris NA NA flower, leaf and stem To disinhibit urine and free stool, clear heat and resolve toxin. Urinary and fecal stoppage, vaginal discharge, scrofula, swelling pain in throat. 13455,T5132|13453,E| YANG TI 羊蹄 Japanese Dock Equivalent plant: Rumex nepalensis Rumex japonicus NA NA root To clear heat and free stool, cool blood and stanch bleeding, kill worms and relieve itch. Constipation, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, intestinal wind bleeding, bleeding from hemorrhoids, flooding and spotting, scab and lichen, bald white scalp sore, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, knocks and falls. 7208,E|3615,E|17235,T6331|15145,E|6775,E;C0449|6776,T6331|15480,E|17233,E|24047,T6331|21801,E|30775,T6331| HAI NAN JIAN MU NA Hainan Pencilwood Dysoxylum hainanense NA NA NA NA NA 7083,E|7207,E|7669,E|6152,E|6153,E|6154,E|25877,T3947|276,E;T3947|235,E;T3947|21390,E|6097,E| AN CI BAI NA Shore Juniper Juniperus conferta NA NA NA NA NA 15405,T2902|15404,E| SAI NEI JIA ER CI TONG NA Senegal Coralbean* Erythrina senegalensis NA NA NA NA NA 22621,E|5543,E|7317,E|17823,E|7318,E| TU ER QI CUI QUE HUA NA Turkish Larkspur* Delphinium crispulum NA NA NA NA NA 5008,E|4241,E| TIE JIAO JUE YU TAI. NA NA Plagiochila asplenioides NA NA NA NA NA 17485,E|17484,E|19664,E|17489,E|2406,E|2407,E|15131,E|1754,E|6956,E| WU YA GUO NA Hondapara Dillenia indica NA NA root or bark To promote astriction, resolve toxin. Dysentery, diarrhea. 8094,E|10338,E|2333,E|30995,T5973|5651,E| HUA LI SHE BIAN JU NA Pinkscale Gay-feather Liatris elegans NA NA NA NA NA 23279,T4120|6736,E| XIANG JIAO NA Common Banana Musa paradisiaca var. sapientum [Syn. Musa sapientum] NA NA fruit To clear heat, moisten lung, lubricate intestines, resolve toxin. Febrile diseases with vexation and thirst, lung heat dry cough, constipation, hemorrhoids. 15699,E|31721,T6119|31781,T6119|6558,E|6559,T6119|653,E|9567,E|9568,T6119|19745,E|19747,T6119| AO PA CAO. NA NA Oppopanax chironium NA NA stem and root To resolve spasm, dispel phlegm. [5509] Spasm, abundant phlegm, menstrual disorder. [5509] 2309,E|10999,E|15635,E|22758,E|9418,E|17014,E| JIN SI MEI NA Spreading StJohn’swort Hypericum patulum NA NA whole herb To clear heat and rectify damp, resolve toxin, course liver and free network vessels, dispel stasis and relieve pain. Damp-heat strangury, hepatitis, common cold, tonsillitis, mounting qi with unilateral sagging of one testicle, pain in sinews and bones, knocks and falls. 19072,E|10886,E|16718,E|10882,E|18302,E| SHENG HUAI JIAO 生槐角 pod of Japanese pagodatree Sophora Japonica L Minor cold,Bitter Large Intestine,Liver NA NA NA 8277,M639;C0249|20063,M639| LIN WEN JING NA Forest Horsetail Equisetum sylvaticum NA NA whole herb To cool blood and stanch bleeding, clear heat and disinhibit urine, dispel wind and relieve pain. Hemoptysis, hematuria, strangury, pain wind, wind-damp pain, epilepsy. 18377,E|12040,E|11639,E| HUANG SHUI XIAN NA Daffodil Narcissus pseudonarcissus NA NA NA NA NA 13232,E|13234,T4202| XI YE BAI HE NA Low Lily Lilium pumilum [Syn. Lilium tenuifolium] NA NA bulb See Lilium brownii var. viridulum . See Lilium brownii var. viridulum. 3142,E|3143,T6046|3146,E|3147,T6046| ER CHA GOU TENG NA Gambier Gambirplant Uncaria gambir NA NA dry decocted paste of branch-leaf To contract damp and close sores, stanch bleeding and settle pain, clear heat and resolve phlegm. Enduring sores, damp-sore with flowing water, gan of teeth and gum, mouth sore, hemoptysis, blood ejection, hematuria, hematochezia, flooding, bleeding due to external injury, hemorrhoids and swollen welling abscess, phlegm-heat cough. 18953,E|8094,E|6852,E|14881,E|30995,T3687|18939,T3687|22188,E|3318,E|18928,E|3308,E|3320,T3687|8126,E;T3687|8125,E|23244,T3687| XIAO YE YANG NA Simon Poplar Populus simonii NA NA bark To dispel wind and quicken blood, clear heat and disinhibit damp. Wind-damp impediment pattern, painful swelling from knocks and falls, lung heat cough, dribbling urination, mouth sore, toothache, dysentery, leg qi , ascariasis. 19169,E| JIE MAO YE SHU WEI CAO NA Eyelid-leaf Sage* Salvia blepharophylla NA NA NA NA NA 2502,E|2501,E| ZHEN ZHU XIU XIAN JU NA Thunberg Spiraea Spiraea thunbergii NA NA root See Spiraea prunifolia. See Spiraea prunifolia. 10489,E|10490,E|3707,E|3704,E|3705,E| XI SHAN CUI QUE NA Montane Larkspur Delphinium oreophilum NA NA NA NA NA 338,E;T6028| QIAO MU SHAO YAO NA Arboreous Peony Paeonia arborea NA NA NA NA NA 16523,E;T5262|16522,E|16527,T5262| SHI NAN TENG . NA NA Piper wallichii [Syn. Piper wallichii var. hupehense ] NA NA stem-leaf or whole herb To dispel wind-damp, strengthen lumbus and knees, supplement kidney and invigorate yang , relieve cough and calm asthma, quicken blood and relieve pain. Wind-cold-damp impediment, aching in lumbus and knees, impotence, cough and asthma, dysmenorrhea, painful swelling from knocks and falls. 22612,E| LIN BAI ZHI NA Wild Angelica Angelica sylvestris NA NA NA NA NA 16252,E|11575,E|1960,E;T4656| MAO ZHUA CAO 猫爪草 Catclaw Buttercup Root Radix Ranunculi Ternati Warm,Pungent,Sweet Lung,Liver NA Treament of tuberculosis of lymph nodes without ulceration. NA 1178,M160;C0553| OU ZHOU XIAN KE LAI NA Cyclamen Cyclamen europaeum NA NA NA NA NA 4456,E|26075,T5166| CHI GUO TENG NA Extensed Wingfruitvine Myriopteron extensum NA NA whole herb To boost lung and relieve cough. Phthisis, cough. 7697,E|7698,E| ZHI CHUAN SHAN JIA 炙穿山甲 Prepared Anteater scales Squama Manitis Praeparata Minor cold,Salty Stomach,Liver NA Treatment of amenorrhea with mass formation in the abdomen, galactostasis, carbuncles and sores, arthralgia with numbness and muscular contracture. Raising the level of white blood cells. 24358,M844|23396,M844|23171,M844|3585,M844| CI LI 刺梨 Roxburgh Rose Rosa roxburghii NA NA fruit To fortify stomach, disperse food, check diarrhea. Food accumulation distention and fullness, enteritis and diarrhea. 20241,E|23125,C0500|23288,C0508|31927,T3359|18955,E| QIU YAO GE CHONG LOU NA Farges Paris Paris fargesii NA NA NA NA NA 6439,E| XU DUAN 续断 Japanese Teasel Dipsacus japonicus Minor Warm,Pungent,Sweet,Bitter Liver,Kidney root See Dipsacus asperoides. See Dipsacus asperoides. 11814,E|11818,T6242|24221,M776| MA CAN DOU NA Horse Bean Vicia faba var. equina NA NA NA NA NA 22450,E|22458,T4782| MIAN ZAO ER 绵枣儿 Common Squill Scilla scilloides NA NA bulb or whole herb To quicken blood and relieve pain, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Mammary welling abscess, knocks and falls, pain in sinews and bones, swelling pain of welling abscess and sore, edema due to heart disease. 19511,E|19510,E|19501,E|19509,E|17941,T4981|17937,E;C0081|19502,E| WEI LAN QIU GUO ZI JIN NA Few-flowered Fumitory Fumaria vaillantii NA NA NA NA NA 5707,E|5711,T5905|16651,E|12597,E| TONG LV 铜绿 Verdigris Aerugo Mild,Sour,Punkery Liver,Gallbladder NA NA NA 23628,M707| BA NA MA SHAN SHI LIU NA Taiwan Malabar Randia Randia formosa NA NA NA NA NA 10981,E|10982,E|18526,E|18525,E|18524,E|18523,E|18522,E|18521,E|18520,E| ZI MAO XIANG CHA CAI NA Purplehair Rabdosia Isodon enanderianus NA NA NA NA NA 21107,E|32035,T6747|10796,E|21548,E|6783,E|6782,E|6785,E|6784,E|6787,E|6786,E|6789,E|6788,E|18444,E|18441,E|18442,E|6825,E|13643,E|13642,E|6792,E|6793,E|6790,E|6791,E|21556,T6747| MU JU II NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7705,T5015|19526,T5015|31499,T5015|22180,T5015|4863,T5015|30112,T5015| SA SHI MAO DI HUANG NA Thaps Foxglove* Digitalis thapsii NA NA NA NA NA 3623,T5396|3622,E|3300,E|3301,T5396| CHAO XIAN LENG SHAN NA Korean Fir Abies koreana NA NA NA NA NA 19607,E|19967,E|19971,E|16359,E| MAN TENG HUANG NA Mann Garcinia* Garcinia mannii NA NA NA NA NA 22743,E|13496,T4831|32235,T4831|13495,E| BEI YUE GOU TENG NA North Viet-Nam Gambirplant Uncaria homomalla NA NA root To dispel wind and free network vessels, calm liver and extinguish wind. Rheumatic arthritis, sciatica, knocks and falls, fracture,bleeding due to external injury, hypertension, hemicrania [ = hemilateral headache], infant fright wind, prolapse of rectum. 14881,E|11536,E|18100,E|11633,E|22191,E|22190,E| LI JI SAN CHU MAI MA QIAN NA Triplinervia Poisonnut* Strychnos triplinervia NA NA NA NA NA 25241,T4602|20394,E;C0495| SHUI JIE GU DAN NA Hairy Willowweed Epilobium hirsutum NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp and check diarrhea, disperse food and rectify qi , quicken blood and joint bones. Damp-heat dysentery, food accumulati on, distending pain in stomach duct, toothache, menstrual disorder, amenorrhea, vaginal discharge, fracture due to knocks and falls, swelling of sores, scalds, scab sore. 8094,E|13931,T5643|13930,E|30995,T5643| JIAN YE YUN XIANG CAO NA Haplophyllum* Haplophyllum acutifolium NA NA NA NA NA 12370,E|7829,E|9224,E|9222,E| SAN QI 三七 Sanchi Panax pseudo - ginseng var. notoginseng [Syn. Panax notoginseng ] Warm,Pungent,Slightly Bitter Stomach,Liver root To stanch bleeding and dissipate stasis, disperse swelling and settle pain. Hemoptysis, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, bleeding due to external injury, angina pectoris, stabbing pain in chest and abdomen, painful swelling from knocks and falls. 8426,E|8427,E|8425,E|8422,E|8423,E|30750,T5420|9362,T5420|8429,E|4576,E|4577,T5420|30837,T5420|4029,E|30939,T5420|4679,E|23173,T5420|25613,T5420|14476,E|31041,T5420|31040,T5420|29509,T5420|8650,E|9378,T5420|8434,E|2852,E|9377,E|30906,T5420|23379,T5420|6719,E|29996,T5420|6794,E|6795,T5420|3242,E|6799,E|24748,T5420|25814,T5420|25588,T5420|6318,E|4488,E|15134,T5420|8604,E|115,E;T5420|24276,M602|11202,T5420|20353,E|5415,E|21181,E|15821,E|15820,E|15823,E|15822,E|15827,E|4490,T5420|15829,E;T5420|15828,E;T5420|11282,E|6300,E|4499,E|19218,E|9087,E|30704,T5420|9488,T5420|15811,E|31878,T5420|15132,E|19967,E|25622,T5420|9485,E|9484,E|14521,T5420|14520,E|32106,T5420|16817,E|15830,E;T5420|15831,E;T5420|23060,M602;C0520|15834,T5420|31073,T5420|6535,T5420|6533,E|9042,T5420|21606,T5420|21605,E|2804,E|4509,E|32050,T5420|4533,E|15809,E|4508,E|21612,E|9133,M602|23887,T5420|6521,E|6523,T5420|6522,E|14701,E|25860,T5420|5104,E|4684,T5420|6744,T5420|4527,E|4526,E|4525,E|23347,M602|15818,E|15819,E|19222,T5420|15810,E|16583,E|15812,E|15815,E|15816,E|15817,E|4366,E|21024,E;C0105|21025,T5420|16587,E;M602|16586,E|16585,E|6741,E|16582,E|22814,E|15662,E|16589,T5420|25842,T5420|25847,T5420|1058,E|7469,T5420|25716,T5420|18432,E|25713,T5420|31634,T5420|7475,E|6188,E|15675,E|15677,T5420|18302,E|9359,E|9358,E|23219,M602|4505,E|4504,E|4507,E|4506,E|4500,E|6740,E|24770,T5420|9041,E|9040,E|4462,E|4463,E|4030,T5420|18431,E|18433,E|7468,E|18434,E|18436,E|8645,E| GRASSHOPPER. NA NA Romalea microptera HUANG CHONG NA NA NA NA NA 18411,E| HEI HU TAO 黑胡桃 Black Walnut Juglans nigra NA NA NA NA NA 15180,T4006|23139,T4006|15176,E|19894,E|11900,E|11901,T4006|23102,C0119| SI SHI MAO DI HUANG NA Schischkin Foxglove* Digitalis schischkinii NA NA NA NA NA 6015,E| BAI JI 白芨 Common Bletilla Bletilla striata Cold,Sweet,Bitter,Punkery Lung,Stomach,Liver rhizome To promote astriction and stanch bleeding, disperse swelling and engender flesh. Hemoptysis, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, bleeding due to external injury, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, burns and scalds, cracking of hands and feet, splitting of anus. 14148,T2985|2457,E|21904,E|24757,M23|21894,E|2509,E;T2985|2508,E|2507,E|2506,E|2505,E|2504,E|2460,E|2461,E|10175,E|2165,E|24346,M23|9847,E|9846,E|14147,E|21884,E|2514,E|2515,E|2516,E|2517,E|2510,E|2511,E|2512,E|2513,E| HAI SHENG CHUN MAN ZAO NA Marine Widgeonweed Ruppia maritime NA NA NA NA NA 14401,E| DA ZI ZHANG YA CAI NA Bigseed Swertia Swertia macrosperma NA NA NA NA NA 20494,E|20487,E|8303,E|20492,E|20493,E;T3486| XIAO YE SHI NAN NA Small-leaf Photinia* Photinia parvifolia NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and relieve pain. jaundice (icterus, ICT), mammary welling abscess, toothache. 8623,E|6249,E|11723,E|10013,E|9023,E|9022,E| QIN JIAO HUA 秦艽花 flower of Largeleaf Gentian Flos Gentianae straminae Minor cold,Pungent,Bitter Stomach,Liver,Gallbladder NA NA NA 8296,M575| SI CHI HUAI NA New Zealand Kowhai Sophora tetraptera NA NA NA NA NA 13600,T5671|13599,E| YANG TI GEN 羊蹄根 root of Japanese Dock Radix Rumicis japonici Cold,Bitter,Punkery Large Intestine,Liver,Heart NA NA NA 24297,M793|24368,M793| PA SHI BEI KE SHAN NA Palmerston Pitch Tree* Agathis palmerstoni NA NA NA NA NA 4376,T5170|4375,E| FANG FENG HUA 防风花 Flos Saposhnikoviae divaricatae NA NA NA NA NA NA 16586,C0094|16585,C0095| CI MANG BING HUA NA Restharrow Ononis spinosa NA NA NA NA NA 20885,E|7882,E|16107,E|7884,T3361|20888,T3361| XI ZANG SUAN MO 西藏酸模 Radix Rumicis Tibetci NA NA NA NA NA NA 18925,C0452| PEI NI YUAN ZHI NA Paene Milkwort* Polygala paenea NA NA NA NA NA 5073,E|5078,T5181| MAO GUO XIANG CHA CAI NA Hairyfruit Rabdosia* Isodon trichocarpa NA NA NA NA NA 21556,E|18962,T4862|5604,E|21549,E|21548,E|6769,E|21545,E|21547,E|25809,T4862|6807,E|6805,E|6802,E|6803,E|21558,E|21552,E|21553,E|21550,E|21551,E|6770,E|21557,E|21554,E|21555,E|16173,E| DAI DAI HUA NA Bitter Citrus Citrus aurantium var. amara NA NA dried flower bud To regulate qi, soothe liver, harmonize stomach. Oppression in chest due to glomus, distending pain in stomach duct and abdomen, vomiting, reduced food intake. 30793,T3487|15489,E|3763,E|3764,E|3765,T3487|3768,E|3769,T3487|11821,E|14135,E|14136,T3487|15490,T3487|15491,E;T3487|7733,E|30104,T3487|20982,E|20983,T3487|7734,T3487| OU YA RUI XIANG NA Mezereon Daphne mezereum NA NA NA NA NA 4648,E|4649,T5145|14819,T5145|14818,E| DUO HUA TENG HUANG NA Manyflower Garcinia* Garcinia polyantha NA NA NA NA NA 2136,E|2135,E| CHE QIAN YU CHEN QIAN CAO 车前与车前草 Herba Plantaginis NA NA NA NA NA NA 23258,C0019|23043,C0018|2004,C0260| QIANG WEI GEN NA Japanese Rose Root Rosa multiflora NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and regulate menstruation, secure essence `nd reduce urine. Swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, scalds, mouth sore, bleeding from hemorrhoids, nosebleed(epistaxis), pain in joints, menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, chronic dysentery, enuresis, frequent urination, excessive leukorrhea, prolapse of uterus, bone stuck in throat. 15061,E;T5254|15060,E;T5254|14447,E|31624,T5254|6177,E|25865,T5254| DONG NAN JING TIAN NA Alfred Stonecrop Sedum alfredii [Syn. Sedum formosanum] NA NA whole herb To clear heat and cool blood, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Blood ejection due to blood heat, spontaneous external bleeding, heat toxin swollen welling abscess. 12832,E| NI HU CAI NA Lyrate Hemistepta Hemistepta lyrata NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate binds and disperse swelling. Hemorrhoids and fistulas, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, mammary welling abscess, lymphnoditis, wind papule itching, bleeding due to external injury, fracture. 9352,E|9351,E|9350,E| ZHOU ZHI SHU LI NA Twiggy Buckthorn Rhamnus virgata NA NA NA NA NA 17236,E|31803,T6697| HUI BAI YI MU CAO NA Glaucescent Motherwort Leonurus glaucescens NA NA NA NA NA 12633,E|12632,E|12574,E| JU CHI SHI SONG NA Sawtooth Clubmoss* Lycopodium serratum var. thunbergii NA NA NA NA NA 19749,E| HE RONG GAI NIU GAN JUN NA Bay Bolete Xerocomus badius NA NA NA NA NA 15708,E| LU TANG SONG CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 21244,T4726| YIN DU YA JIAO SHU NA Venenous Alstonia* Alstonia venenata NA NA NA NA NA 1007,E;T6462|24060,T6462|22359,E|12264,E| PAO NANG CAO NA Common Physochlaina Physochlaina physaloides NA NA root or whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel damp and kill worms (herb), warm center and supplement vacuity, quiet spirit and settle asthma (root). Otitis media, nasosinusitis, swelling pain in throat, swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, headache (herb), vacuity cold diarrhea, taxation damage, cough of phlegm asthma, disquieted heart spirit (root). 4416,E|4420,T5176|15408,E|15409,T5176| HONG HUA 红花 Safflower Carthamus tinctorius Warm,Pungent Liver,Heart flower To quicken blood and free menstruation, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, retention of lochia, angina pectoris, cerebral thrombosis, neurodermatitis, concretion and conglomeration, lump glomus, knocks and falls, swollen pain due to bleeding. 19109,T4040|10272,E|24265,T4040|15653,E;T4040|21903,E|21599,E|31449,T4040|16099,E;T4040|16098,E|21589,E|21588,E|21597,E|17901,E|9492,E|25083,T4040|21602,E|21603,E|21601,E|9384,E|21604,E|2228,E|12017,E|12564,E|6100,E|18818,E|29509,T4040|17757,E|19095,E|4965,E|21591,E|3231,T4040|19072,E|618,E|15196,T4040|18302,E|12888,T4040|12887,E|19096,E|12885,E|20265,T4040|20264,E|15352,T4040|21598,E|15350,E|10683,E;C0154|17076,E|19967,E|11752,T4040|1598,E|9485,E|15651,E|15195,E|25942,T4040|19107,E|11751,E|19105,T4040|3225,E;T4040|3224,E;T4040|3226,E|6110,T4040|3223,E|31208,T4040|9515,E|9514,E|9488,T4040|3845,T4040|3844,E|31420,T4040|24853,M343|21399,E|23026,C0193| JIN YIN HUA 金银花 Japanese Honeysuckle Equivalent plant: Lonicera confusa , Lonicera hypoglauca , Lonicera fulvotomentosa, Lonicera macranthoides, Lonicera bournei, Lonicera similis Lonicera japonica Cold,Sweet Lung,Stomach,Heart flower bud To clear heat and resolve toxin. Infection of upper respiratory tract, tonsillitis, acute laryngitis, skin suppurations, welling abscess, viral conjunctivitis, influenza, pneumonia, mastitis, acute appendicitis, warm disease fever, heat toxin blood dysentery, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, throat impediment. 23200,M409|31461,T4420|23993,M409|15511,E|25024,M409|8010,M409|11118,E|3552,T4420|3551,E|23698,M409|29509,T4420|2275,E;M409;T4420|23119,M409|25061,T4420|3768,E|3769,T4420|7522,T4420|17080,E|7520,E;M409;C0416|8700,E|17362,E|10734,E|19971,E|25533,T4420|12983,E|12981,E;T4420|12980,E|13308,T4420|23977,M409|31100,T4420|7733,E|31065,T4420|7734,M409;T4420|31315,T4420|15489,M409|31316,T4420|9259,E|2280,E;M409;T4420|2284,E;T4420|12848,T4420|2353,E|12843,E;M409|11081,E|19967,E|12847,E|23545,T4420|23785,M409|5403,M409|23863,M409|13130,E;M409;C0415|23122,M409;C0442|11082,E|13772,C0122|11080,E|2887,E|11085,T4420|9408,M409|3602,E|23887,T4420|31335,T4420|25550,T4420|12979,E|23231,M409|13291,E|13292,E;T4420|13293,T4420|13295,E|13296,E;T4420|14549,E|24509,M409|14547,T4420|14546,E;M409|25205,T4420|20353,E|1511,E|31446,T4420|14656,E|25159,M409|14156,T4420|11324,E|11325,E|12943,E|14155,E;M409|23421,M409|12944,E;T4420|3232,T4420|3231,E|878,E|879,E|2222,M409|23038,M409;C0121|23506,M409|25675,T4420|23052,M409|8311,E;M409;C0304|8312,T4420|17076,M409|24079,M409|24400,M409|11418,C0417|25484,T4420|31938,T4420|7469,T4420|7468,E|9519,E|20979,E| NING MENG PI 柠檬皮 Lemon Pericarp Equivalent plant: Citrus limonia Citrus limon NA NA pericarp To soothe stagnation and move qi, fortify stomach and relieve pain. Blood stasis and abdominal pain, menstrual disorder, no thought of food and drink. 2455,E|9457,E|6453,E|6454,T5085|8325,T5085|23080,C0364|25426,T5085|18330,T5085|2887,E|31371,T5085|2011,E;T5085|11647,E|2012,E;T5085|30669,T5085|18329,E|8312,E|15278,E|15279,T5085|19901,T5085|15396,E|23381,T5085|19896,E|7767,E|7768,T5085|31093,T5085| CHAO XIAN LUO WAN. NA NA Gymnaster koraiensis NA NA NA NA NA 20221,E|9381,E|9108,E|9106,E|9107,E|9104,E|9105,E|9103,E|6917,E|7950,E| SHENG SHAN ZHI 生山栀 fruit of Cape Jasmine Fructus Gardeniae Cold,Bitter Lung,Stomach,Liver,Heart NA Treatment of febrile diseases with restlessness, jaundice with dark urine, hematuria with difficult painful urination, hemoptysis and epistaxis caused by heat in the blood, inflammation of the eye, boils and sores, external use for sprains and bruises.Fructus Gardeniae (charred): Hemoptysis, epistaxis, hematuria and abnormal uterine bleeding caused by heat in the blood. 1. The active components such as crocin, crocetin, genipin, or alcoholic extract protect the liver from carbon tetrachloride and increasing biliary secretion. Oral use of its decoction induce gallbladder contraction.2. Oral or intraperitoneal use of its decoction and alcoholic extract exerts a sustained hypotensive effect in anaesthetized and un-anaesthetized animals.3. Hemostatic. 23021,M646;C0357|23204,C0345|8272,M646;C0344|4248,M646;C0356| XI NAN ZHANG YA CAI NA Surrounded Swertia Swertia cincta NA NA NA NA NA 20487,E|8303,E|20493,E| TIE SI QI NA American Maidenhair Fern Adiantum pedatum NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit water and free strangury. Lung heat cough, dysentery, jaundice, dribbling and inhibited voidings of urination, swollen welling abscess, scrofula, scalds. 632,E;T5818|11422,E|30961,T5818|11194,E|15400,T5818|11196,T5818|9641,E|641,E;T5818|15398,E|7758,T5818|11425,T5818|15397,E|30958,T5818|7757,E|7756,E|7795,E;T5818|7794,E|9643,T5818|25425,T5818| MEI GUO BIAN FU GE NA Canada Moonseed Menispermum canadense NA NA NA NA NA 4684,E|4685,T4899| HE SHUO YAO HUA NA Lowdaphne Stringbush Wikstroemia chamaedaphne NA NA bud To drain precipitation and expel water, reduce phlegm. Edema, distention fullness in stomach duct, phlegm-rheum, cough and counterflow with asthma and fullness, infective hepatitis, shcizophrenia, epilepsy. 15925,E|22913,E| ZHONG GUO SHA JI NA Chinese Seabuckthorn* Hippophae rhamnoides subsp. sinensis NA NA fruit See Hippophae rhamnoides. See Hippophae rhamnoides. 19072,E|11645,E|18302,E| HEI XIAN TIAO TENG HUANG NA Nigroline Garcinia* Garcinia nigrolineata NA NA NA NA NA 2595,E|21731,E|7950,E|15573,E|15572,E|15571,E|15570,E|15577,E|15576,E|15575,E|15574,E|15579,E|15578,E|5275,E|15583,E|21466,E|5924,E|5925,E|15580,E|15581,E|1135,E|15568,E|15569,E|15564,E|15565,E|15566,E|15567,E|15563,E|5183,E|21732,E|15582,E|18740,E|12555,E| HUN XIAO MO YAO NA Confuse Myrrhtree* Commiphora confusa NA NA NA NA NA 294,E|21683,E|16831,E|286,E| YU JU NA Common Hoptree Ptelea trifoliata NA NA NA NA NA 13897,E|14697,E|24181,T6516|14699,T6516|14439,E|15340,E|15346,T6516|18088,E|31622,T6516| CHANG BIAN HU JIAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 25042,T3229| MI JIU 米酒 Rice Wine Rice Wine Warm,Pungent,Sweet,Bitter Lung,Stomach,Liver,Heart NA NA NA 24429,M164| HERBA FRAGARIAE 草莓 NA Herba Fragariae NA NA NA NA NA 23745,M339|24342,M339|23972,M339|23487,M339|23497,M339|24366,M339|23170,M339|23165,M339|22538,M339|20430,M339|23626,M339|23572,M339|7970,M339|23224,M339| HUA DONG DUAN NA Japanese Linden Tilia japonica NA NA flower See Tilia miqueliana. See Tilia miqueliana. 21375,E| DUAN BAN JIN LIAN HUA NA Ledebour Globeflower Trollius ledebourii NA NA flower See Trollius chinensis . See Trollius chinensis . 14189,E|8071,E|8065,E|14196,E|14187,E|14186,E|22329,E|6206,E|6207,E|11721,E|7782,E| SHUI YANG MU BAI PI NA Bitter Willow Bast Salix purpurea NA NA bast NA Incised wound. 19169,E|11690,E|19176,E| JIAO CHA CAI. NA NA Chondrus ocelladus NA NA frond To clear heat and resolve toxin, harmonize stomach and free stool. Common cold with fever and chills, mumps, swelling pain in throat, knocks and falls, pain in stomach duct, intestinal dry and constipation. 18783,E| HUI HUI SU GENG NA Crisped Common Perilla Stem Perilla frutescens var. crispa NA NA stem See Perilla frutescens var. arguta . See Perilla frutescens var. arguta . 3760,E|2913,E|13768,E|15230,E|16922,E|3242,E|2896,E|12415,E|13443,E|16917,E|13135,E|6744,E|15196,E|12837,E|17362,E|19568,E|12843,E|1489,E|13767,E|3045,E| XIONG ER CAO NA Mexican Ageratum Ageratum houstonianum NA NA NA NA NA 18646,E|9305,E|17762,E|17764,T6230|11644,E| HEI CU 黑醋 Contamned acetic acid vinegar Warm,Sour,Bitter Stomach,Liver NA NA NA 23475,M330|23333,M330|20088,M330|23865,M330|108,M330|23448,M330|23061,M330|5747,M330|7880,M330|24968,M330|23287,M330| JU HUANG YING SU NA Orange Poppy* Papaver auranticum NA NA NA NA NA 1097,E;T4449| MA DAO SI WO CI DOU NA Madagascar Swartzia* Swartzia madagascariensis NA NA NA NA NA 18215,E|6289,E|13631,E| AO DAO LA MU HAI MANG GUO NA Odollam Cerberustr ee* Cerbera odollam NA NA NA NA NA 3429,E|15486,E|15485,E|21311,T2919|3416,E|21309,E|21310,E;T2919|349,E| FENG XIAN HUA NA Garden Balsum Flower Impatiens balsamina NA NA flower To dispel wind and quicken blood, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Rheumatism numbness, lumbar and rib-side pain, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis, knocks and falls, welling abscess and flat abscess, clove sore, goose-foot wind, ashen nail. 5010,E|5011,T3755|13449,E|16769,T3755|16765,E|13450,T3755|12575,E|12586,T3755| BAI SHU YE NA Chinese Weeping Cypress Leaf Cupressus funebris NA NA leaf To cool blood and stanch bleeding, close sores and engender flesh. Blood ejection, blood dysentery, hemorrhoids, lai, scalds, knife wound, poisonous snake bite. 17126,E|31111,T3023|9542,E|8001,E|8002,T3023| CHUAN LIAN ZI 川楝子 Szechwan Chinaberry Fruit Melia toosendan Cold,Bitter Bladder,Stomach,Small Intestine,Liver fruit To soothe liver, move qi , relieve pain, expel worms. Chest and rib-side pain, distending pain in stomach duct, mounting qi , abdominal pain due to worm accumulation. 15601,T3327|15600,E|21436,T3327|23167,C0306|21432,E;M110;C0246|14756,E|14757,T3327|527,E|15597,E|15599,E;T3327|15598,E;T3327| WU HUAN ZI PI 无患子皮 Chinese Soapberry Peel Sapindus mukorossi NA NA pericarp To clear heat and resolve phlegm, relieve pain, disperse accumulation. Throat impediment sore with gall, stomachache, mounting qi , wind-damp pain, worm accumulation, food stagnation, innominate toxin swelling. 15029,E|15028,E|25337,T5943|25467,T5943|15021,E|15023,E|15022,E|15025,E|15024,E|15027,E;T5943|15026,E;T5943|25466,T5943|19301,E|19302,E;T5943|19303,E;T5943|19304,E;T5943|19305,E;T5943|1476,C0378|25465,T5943|15030,T5943|25468,T5943| JIANG LI MU GEN NA Thinleaf Buckthorn Root Rhamnus leptophylla NA NA root To disperse food and transform stagnation, move water and free stool. Food accumulation abdominal distention, edema, ascites, constipation. 30674,T4363|2556,E| XIE JING ZHANG YA CAI NA Spreading Swertia* Swertia patens NA NA whole herb To warm center and relieve pain, fortify spleen and disperse accumulation. Infant common cold, spasmodic abdominal pain, child gan accumulation, indigestion. 20494,T6201|20493,E| JIN GANG DA NA Japanese Croomia Croomia japonica NA NA root and rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and relieve pain. Swelling pain in throat, poisonous snake bite, knocks and falls. 16491,T4391|4264,E|16490,E|4265,T4391| WU XIONG RUI JI LI NA Penta-androus Caltrap* Tribulus pentandrus NA NA NA NA NA 16870,E|16868,E|16869,E|16864,E|16865,E|16866,E|16867,E| TIAO LIE HUANG JIN NA Linearsegmented Corydalis Corydalis linearioides NA NA whole herb or tuber To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and relieve pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, itchy skin, knocks and falls. 643,E;T5809| GAO JIA SUO LIN MAO JUE NA Caucasian Buckler-fern* Dryopteris caucasica NA NA NA NA NA 7809,T3823|7808,E| JI JI QIN NA Heart-leaved Alexanders Zizia aptera NA NA NA NA NA 1536,E|18151,E|18166,T4265| SHI YAN FENG NA Stone Mallotus* Mallotus repandus var. chrysocarpus NA NA root,stem,leaf To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and free network vessels, resolve toxin and disperse swelling, expel worms and relieve itch. Wind-damp impediment, pain in lumbus and legs, deviated eyes and mouth, knocks and falls, swollen welling abscess and sores, taeniasis, eczema, intractable lichen, snake or dog bite. 18610,E|18609,E| SHUI LIU DOU NA Poongaoil Pongamia Pongamia pinnata NA NA seed To dispel wind and eliminate damp, resolve toxin and kill worms. Scab and lai , lichen, suppurative sore. 17696,E|14068,E|21900,E|15940,E|17701,E|20356,E|17694,E|17695,E|10028,E|17697,E|17698,E|17386,T5646|8125,T5646|17384,E|1409,E|1408,E|6227,E|5961,E|6244,E|6245,E|6246,E|12159,E|13901,E|10406,E|2857,E|3071,E|3072,E|20264,E|3335,E|14067,E|17739,E|8123,E|2334,E|13090,E|13091,E|12160,T5646|1410,E|17702,E|1413,E|17700,E;T5646|17703,T5646| HUI HUI SU YE NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 30792,T4236|31444,T4236|31446,T4236|13768,T4236|13769,T4236|30750,T4236|13445,T4236|16930,T4236|6745,T4236|25449,T4236|25444,T4236|18911,T4236|31770,T4236|23545,T4236|3046,T4236| YI BEI MU 伊贝母 Siberian Fritillary Equivalent plant: Fritillaria walujewii Fritillaria pallidiflora NA NA bulb To clear lung, transform phlegm, dissipate binds. Lung heat cough, sticky phlegm and oppression in chest, consumption cough and hemoptysis, scrofula, swollen welling abscess. 22889,E;T6403|11001,E|11000,E|31933,T6403|23946,M952|16765,T6403|16764,E|31307,T6403|6143,E|22888,E|22892,T6403|22890,E;T6403|22891,E;T6403| GU LIN YE LIAN NA Gulin Goldthread* Coptis gulinensis NA NA NA NA NA 2303,E|4032,E|16544,E|11848,E| XI LAN GU KE NA Ceylon Coca Shrub* Erythroxylum zeylanicum NA NA NA NA NA 142,E|21880,E|3718,E|7346,E|7347,E|7348,E| WU SU LI LI LU NA Ussuri Falsehellebore Veratrum nigrum var. ussuriense NA NA NA NA NA 18628,E|6008,T5965|22418,E|22419,T5965| QING WA DAN NA Pond Frog Gall Rana nigromaculata, Rana plancyi NA NA gall To clear heat and resolve toxin. Measles papules with complicated pneumonia, throat erosion. 4031,E|32117,T5286|26055,T5286|20025,T5286|4582,E| BAI BIAN DOU 白扁豆 White Hyacinth Bean Semen Lablab Album Minor Warm,Sweet Spleen,Stomach NA Treatment of weakness of the spleen and stomach with loss of appetite and loose bowels, excessive leukorrhea, vomiting, diarrhea, distress in the chest and distension in the abdomen caused by summer-damp.Semen Lablab Album (stir-fried) Diarrhea and excessive leukorrhea in deficiency syndromes of the spleen. NA 24118,M13|24752,M13|23603,M13|18511,M13;C0580|23449,M13|20239,M13| TAI WAN FU RONG NA Taiwan Hibiscus Hibiscus taiwanensis NA NA root and stem To clear lung and relieve cough, cool blood and resolve toxin. Lung heat cough, toxin swelling of sores. 9538,E|9537,E|9536,E|9535,E|9534,E|3829,E|13508,E|14247,E|19971,E|20353,E|20540,E|14435,E|2527,E|14436,E|8862,E|2887,E|2224,E|9817,E|16391,E|15161,E|22320,E|12795,E|19527,E|3831,E|19967,E|14198,E|20538,E|14440,E|14796,E|7788,E|7787,E|9480,E|13511,E|19525,E|4135,E|19894,E|7767,E|22316,E|7894,E|22192,E|20550,E| SHENG LONG MU 生龙牡 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23648,M643|25060,M643|23471,M643|23782,M643|23972,M643|25069,M643|23378,M643| MAI DONG 麦冬 Liriope Equivalent plant: Liriope spicata var prolifera Ophiopogon japonicus Minor cold,Minor Cool,Sweet Lung,Stomach,Heart tuberoid To nourish yin and engender liquid, moisten lung and clear heart. Angina pectoris, dry cough due to lung dryness, vacuity consumption with cough, fluid damage and thirst, insomnia and vexation, diabetes mellitus due to internal heat, intestinal dry and constipation, diphtheria. 4189,E|9070,E|16139,E|16136,E;M500;T4820|16137,E|16134,E;M500;T4820|16135,E|16132,E;T4820|11820,E|16130,E|16131,E|21706,E|21704,E|20353,E|10212,E|24219,M500|23887,T4820|19058,E|24549,M500|16138,E;M500|876,E|875,E|19055,E|6439,E|19057,E|22236,E|25804,T4820|24455,M500|24220,M500|16140,E|618,E|14627,E|16129,E|16128,E|16125,E|14628,E;T4820|16127,E;M500|16126,E;M500|16121,E|16040,E|16133,E;M500|10508,E|7787,E|11574,E|10032,E|2551,E|2552,E|2554,E|16695,E|21784,E|25353,T4820|16158,T4820|5855,E|30349,T4820|25487,T4820| KA FU LA LUO FU MU NA Caffra Devilpepper* Rauwolfia caffra NA NA NA NA NA 18620,E|19371,E|19372,T4475| HU GUA NA Bottle Gourd Lagenaria siceraria var. depressa NA NA fruit To disinhibit water, disperse swelling, free strangury, dissipate binds. Edema, ascites, jaundice, diabetes mellitus, strangury, swollen welling abscess. 4316,E|4317,T4089| ZI HE CHE 紫河车 Human Placenta Homo sapiens Warm,Sweet,Salty Lung,Liver,Heart,Kidney human placenta To supplement qi, nourish blood, boost essence. Vacuity detriment, marked emaciation, steaming bone taxation fever, cough and asthma, hemoptysis, night sweating, emission, impotence, qi -blood depletion, infertility, scant breast milk. 5162,E|880,M894;C0407|4097,E;M894;C0419|5165,T6732|1170,E;T6732|4098,T6732|17790,E|4886,E|4887,T6732|25760,T6732|23029,M894;C0250|24045,M894|7389,T6732|7384,T6732|7382,E|7383,E|23197,C0394|7386,E;T6732|17888,T6732|17887,E;M894;C0380|7385,E;C0363| JIAO MU 椒目 seed of bunge pricklyash semen zanthoxyli bungeani Cold,Bitter Lung,Bladder,Kidney NA NA NA 2309,M395| DUO BIAN XIAO GUAN HUA NA Crown Vetch Coronilla varia NA NA NA NA NA 19530,T3643|19527,E|10914,E|10927,T3643|22180,T3643|22179,E| BU SHI LONG DAN NA Burser Gentian* Gentiana burseri NA NA NA NA NA 8304,T3167|8303,E| JU CHI SANG NA Serrate Mulberry* Morus serrata NA NA NA NA NA 14963,E|14965,T4442| RI BEN MA SANG NA Japanese Coriaria* Coriaria japonica NA NA NA NA NA 4055,T5343|4054,E|4053,E;T5343|4052,E|4051,E|19042,E|7517,E|22129,E|5731,E|8311,T5343|8310,E|7519,T5343| XIANG WAN DOU NA Sweet Pea Lathyrus odoratus NA NA NA NA NA 12537,E|12538,T6139| BAI HUA YOU MA TENG NA Whiteflower Mucuna Mucuna birdwoodiana NA NA rattan To supplement blood and quicken blood, free channels and quicken network vessels. blood vacuity, septicemia, menstrual disorder, numbness and paralysis, aching in lumbus and legs. 7792,T2984|7787,E|6557,E|6558,T2984| QIAN CENG TA NA Serrate Clubmoss Huperzia serrata [Syn. Lycopodium serratum ] NA NA whole herb To abate fever, eliminate damp, disperse stasis, stanch bleeding, clear heat and resolve toxin. Lung abscess, pneumonia, cor pulmonale, taxation damage and blood ejection, bleeding from hemorrhoids, vaginal discharge, knocks and falls, toxin swelling, hematuria, cold-damp ascites, enduring sores, scalds. 459,E|9690,T5239|13180,E|7141,E|10699,E|10698,E|10706,E|6121,E|6120,E|13183,E|7016,E|7017,T5239|16310,E|16311,E|32075,T5239|13205,T5239|21408,E|21409,E|12395,E|4747,E|19756,E;T5239|9689,E|9688,E|19760,T5239|31638,T5239|13221,E|13040,E|13223,E|13222,E|9685,E|13224,E|9687,E|9686,E|14485,E|19758,E;T5239|10703,E|10702,E|10700,E|10707,E|10643,E|10705,E|10704,E|16344,E|15399,E|16343,E|13220,E|16302,E|13184,E;T5239|19754,E;T5239|6118,E|6119,E|13218,E|6115,E|6116,E|6117,E|7167,E|7142,E|7143,E|13225,E|13227,E|19759,E;T5239|13219,E|19757,E;T5239|13170,E|19755,E;T5239|13226,E|19753,E|19752,T5239|19751,E|16410,E| WAN NIAN HAO 万年蒿 all-grass of Russian Wormwood Herba Artemisiae Cold,Bitter NA NA NA NA 23095,M716| HONG HUA RUI MU NA Redflower Kopsia Kopsia fruticosa NA NA NA NA NA 12257,E|12261,E|22358,E|6472,E|22357,E|22356,E|12259,E|10292,E|12262,E|12982,E|17541,E|6877,E|12263,E|12260,E|6940,E|10516,E|12258,E|12264,E|12265,E| A LU HA LIANG JIANG NA Allugha Galangal* Alpinia allughas NA NA NA NA NA 17041,E|17043,T2876| FENG MAO JU NA Wildhairdaisy Saussurea japonica NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls. 12517,E|12518,E| DANG GUI 当归 Chinese Angelica Equivalent plant: Phlojodicarpus sibiricus Angelica sinensis Warm,Pungent,Sweet Spleen,Liver,Heart root To nourish blood and regulate menstruation, quicken blood, relieve pain, moisten intestines and relieve constipation. Women’s diseases, blood deficiency syndrome, menstrual disorder, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, dysmenorrhea due to anemia, thrombophlebitis, neuralgia, arthritis, chronic nephritis, constrictive aortitis, blood vaculty, pernicious anemia, anemia due to folic acid deficiency, dysentery, hepatitis, Raynaud’s disease, lumbago, various pains due to blood stasis and rheumatic impediment, sores, welling abscess, constipation, ulcer in gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases, eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis. 9070,E|18641,E|15519,E|30726,T3507|4236,T3507|5748,E|3045,E|3046,T3507|7479,T3507|31597,T3507|4233,E|23371,M202|3856,T3507|22540,E|939,E;T3507|3855,E|23119,M202|6329,E|30762,T3507|31781,T3507|12844,M202|23568,M202|22321,T3507|24059,M202|24302,M202|12820,E|4232,E|4231,T3507|15195,E|15196,T3507|26085,T3507|26084,T3507|20360,T3507|26086,T3507|6397,E|5692,E|5693,T3507|2412,E|6316,E|6317,T3507|2791,E|23284,M202;C0201|2797,E|23464,M202|20356,E|32010,T3507|20353,E|14323,E|20429,T3507|20428,E|2799,T3507|23175,C0470|30609,T3507|12794,E|15520,T3507|2600,E;T3507|3589,E|22221,E|22222,T3507|9488,T3507|21052,E|9485,E|4353,M202|23279,C0236|3466,E|24707,M202|26087,T3507|21925,E|11459,C0148|24939,T3507|24419,M202|30472,T3507|6372,E|25627,T3507|24608,M202|3592,T3507|21941,E|23659,M202|23735,M202|22236,E|22541,T3507|17201,T3507|23126,M202|7852,E|7853,T3507|23403,M202|17043,T3507|17042,E|2056,E|24697,M202|31442,T3507|15244,M202;C0409|24710,M202|22306,E|9406,M202|24458,M202|23096,C0133|22307,T3507|23880,M202|19527,E|23887,T3507|24098,M202|11333,E|22538,T3507|9020,E|11422,T3507|6407,T3507|6405,E|24748,M202|4832,M202|24012,M202|7767,E|2351,E|7768,T3507|24070,T3507|19581,E|9617,E|558,E|21024,M202;T3507|21025,E|555,E|557,E|556,E|9618,E|25317,T3507|19530,T3507|23184,M202|12819,E;M202|25840,T3507|24144,M202|3231,E|1191,M202;C0326|1190,E;T3507|24572,M202|24860,M202|22320,E|7471,E|7472,E;T3507|7473,T3507|7476,E|17190,E|3232,T3507|618,E|617,E|23052,C0279|23458,M202|3350,E|17075,E|23454,M202|3051,E|24407,T3507|1284,E|24170,M202|6541,E|6540,M202|11418,E|5441,E|30925,T3507|24243,M202|5444,T3507|25835,T3507|23022,C0258|11334,T3507| YAN QU MEI NA NA Aspergillus fumigatus NA NA NA NA NA 5046,E| GONG LAO MU 功劳木 Stem of Leatherleaf Mahonia Caulis Mahoniae Cold,Bitter Large Intestine,Stomach,Liver NA Treatment of acute dysentery, icteric hepatitis conjunctivitis, ulcers, boils, carbuncles, toothache due to fire in the stomach. Berberine is the main active component with an action similar to Rhizoma Coptidis. Another active component, isotetrandrine, is an anticarcinogenic agent. 2303,M275;C0391|11733,M275| MU TONG HAO NA Marguerite Chrysanthemum frutescens NA NA NA NA NA 3122,E|30730,T5025| TIAN LAN ZE LAN NA Azure Eupatorium* Eupatorium azureum NA NA NA NA NA 7949,E|30978,T5785| CU ZHUANG NV ZHEN NA Japanese Privet Ligustrum robustum NA NA leaf To dissipate wind-heat, clear head and eyes, allay vexation and thirst. Headache, toothache, sore pharynx, lip sore, tinnitus, red eyes, hemoptysis, summerheat-heat and vexation and thirst. 580,E|1497,E|12817,E|16241,E|12815,E|12814,E|1492,E|12816,E|12811,E|12813,E|12812,E|12818,E|16242,E| DAN HUANG MU XI CAO. NA NA Reseda luteola NA NA NA To effuse sweat, disinhibit urine. NA 13144,E|13130,E| CAO DI MAO GEN NA Meadow Buttercup Ranunculus acris NA NA NA NA NA 7820,E|7826,T3188| SHE XIANG CAO NA Thyme Thymus vulgaris NA NA herb To suppress cough and dispel wind. Pertussis, acute bronchitis, pharyngolaryngitis. 21350,E;T5547|30751,T5547|11311,T5547|25207,T5547|22451,E|13739,E|13738,E|3232,T5547|3231,E|2887,E|25205,T5547|14590,E|14591,T5547|21346,E;T5547|21344,E|32064,T5547|10267,E|10268,E|10269,E|9527,E|3742,T5547|21349,E|3741,E|32069,T5547|14589,E|14501,E|21328,E|12844,E|12845,T5547|2550,E;T5547|31663,T5547|13742,E|2555,E;T5547|14502,E|3683,E|3242,E|3241,E|12415,E|13748,E|3684,T5547|23381,T5547|20976,E|7521,E|20979,E| JU YUAN YE HUANG QI NA Oblongleaf Milkvetch* Astragalus miser var. oblongifolia NA NA NA NA NA 14877,E|31699,T4461| DA JIN QIAN CAO NA Christina Loosestrife Lysimachia christinae NA NA herb To disinhibit water and free strangury, clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling. Gallstones, calculus of urinary system, heat strangury, nephritis with edema, damp-heat jaundice, swollen welling abscess, sore and boil, poisonous snake bite, knocks and falls. 18302,E|12015,E|12017,E|25572,T3433|21078,T3433|12086,E|25574,T3433|12085,E|11639,E|31878,T3433|31884,T3433|21077,E|12063,E|12066,T3433|21618,E| DUO LIE WU TOU NA Manysplltted Monkshood Aconitum polyschistum NA NA tuberoid To dispel wind and overcome damp, dissipate cold and relieve pain. Wind-cold-damp impediment, hypertonicity of limbs, knocks and falls, innominate toxin swelling. 2231,E|17661,E|17658,E|17659,E|17660,E| LV DOU 绿豆 Common Sainfoin Onobrychis viciifolia Cool,Sweet Stomach,Heart NA 1. For preventing and treating summer-heat syndrome and miliaria, and for diarrhea of summer-heat-dampness type, carbuncle, mumps, acne, edema and erysipelas. 2. For preventing and treating the poisoning of lead, arsenic, alcohol and Radix Aconiti. 3. For unhealing ruptured carbuncle and furuncle, skin ulcer. 4. Treatment of hyperlipemia, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyridemia, hyperlipoproteinemia, etc. 1. Diuretic. 2. Its coat exerts a bacteriostatic effect on staphylococcus. 23677,M486|32196,T4776|4183,E|4182,E|18376,E|8685,E|22422,E|23572,M486|11666,E|11502,T4776|11501,E|19157,T4776|19153,E|23290,M486;C0422|3603,E|15177,E|3608,E|24053,M486|14251,E|14250,E|13472,E|4138,E|25184,M486|23163,M486;C0421|3846,E|22538,M486| DENG XIN DAI ER DOU. NA NA Psorothamnus junceus NA NA NA NA NA 18078,E| LENG SHA BEI MU NA Delavay Fritillary Fritillaria delavayi NA NA bulb See Fritillaria cirrhosa . See Fritillaria cirrhosa . 31307,T4591|11000,E|3630,E|3631,T4591|4996,E;T4591|4995,E|25933,T4591| YUN NAN GAN CAO NA Yunnan Licorice Glycyrrhiza yunnanensis NA NA root and rhizome See Glycyrrhiza uralensis . See Glycyrrhiza uralensis. 25648,T6578|25647,T6578|31469,T6578|13954,T6578|13953,E;T6578|13952,E|19967,E|8860,E;T6578|8861,T6578|11502,T6578|11501,E|25902,T6578|8840,E|5894,E|22927,E|22924,E|22925,E|22928,E|22929,E|8859,E;T6578|8858,E|22926,E|8857,E;T6578|8856,E|8855,E|13279,E| GUAN ZHUANG MEI YING SU. NA NA Bocconia frutescens NA NA NA NA NA 16616,E| KA MAI LONG XIN FO NI A NA Cameroon Symphonia* Symphonia globulifera NA NA NA NA NA 1135,E|8556,E|8557,E|8554,E|8555,E|20510,E| QI GUO JIU LI XIANG NA Omphalo-fruit Common Jasminorange* Murraya omphalocarpa NA NA NA NA NA 15099,E|6265,E|15095,E|15096,E|16085,E|16084,E|15112,E| LUO XI YANG ER SUAN NA Fen Orchid Liparis loeselii NA NA NA NA NA 2015,E;T4769| RUI ZI SU NA Argute Perilla* Perilla arguta NA NA NA NA NA 31771,T5391|16917,E| CHANG YE FEI SHU NA Jack Torreya Torreya jackii NA NA branch-leaf To lower blood pressure, anticancer. Hypertension. 16637,E| CHUAN HUANG QIN NA St Johnswortleaf Skullcap Scutellaria hypericifolia NA NA root See Scutellaria baicalensis. See Scutellaria baicalensis. 16205,E|21079,T3322|22704,E;T3322|22705,T3322|22702,E|21078,E|2102,E;T3322|16240,T3322|2106,E;T3322| GE NA XIANG NA Cheliensis Goniothalamus Goniothalamus cheliensis NA NA NA NA NA 8941,E|8940,E|8943,E|8942,E|3504,E|3505,E;T3843|3506,E|3507,T3843|8938,E|8939,E| MING SONG YE JU NA Anatomicum Fig* Mesembryanthemum anatomicum NA NA NA NA NA 13791,E;T4985|13790,E;T4985|31515,T4985|13789,E| XI NAN GANG LIU NA Forrest Silkvine Periploca forrestii NA NA root or whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and disperse welling abscess. Wind-damp impediment pain, menstrual block, mammary welling abscess, knocks and falls, fracture. 16946,E|10598,E|16935,E|16910,E|16911,E| XI YANG SHEN 西洋参 American Ginseng Panax quinquefolium Cold,Sweet,Slightly Bitter Lung,Heart,Kidney root To supplement qi and nourish yin, clear fire and engender liquid. Qi vacuity, yin depletion and effulgent fire, cough and asthma with phlegm-blood, vacuity heat and vexation fatigue, diabetes mellitus due to internal heat, thirst with dry throat. 8426,E|8427,E|8424,E|8425,E|8422,E|8423,E|30750,T6044|16608,E;T6044|16609,E;T6044|8428,E|8429,E|16607,E|32137,T6044|4497,E|4389,E|4672,T6044|4671,E|31040,T6044|17097,T6044|8430,E|8434,E|21854,E|23273,C0177|16575,E|3139,E|4733,T6044|6794,E|6795,T6044|3242,E|7729,E|2412,E|14208,T6044|25814,T6044|18176,E|25720,T6044|3140,E|24276,M747|12850,E|14207,E|3300,T6044|17092,E;T6044|17093,E;T6044|17090,E|17091,E;T6044|25614,T6044|17094,E;T6044|17095,E;T6044|23085,C0172|30843,T6044|31795,T6044|23099,T6044|9488,T6044|8451,E|17738,E;T6044|13434,E|13436,E|13437,E|31485,T6044|24289,M747|8418,E|25709,T6044|25708,T6044|20430,E|31785,T6044|4630,T6044|17123,E|17124,E|17125,E;T6044|32242,T6044|9485,E|9484,E|17332,M747|17331,M747|17330,M747|12860,T6044|17115,T6044|17114,E|17111,T6044|17110,E|6521,E|22809,E|8444,E|11422,T6044|24748,T6044|23181,C0178|31449,T6044|16585,E|25395,T6044|2943,E|17747,T6044|30956,T6044|25714,T6044|25715,T6044|25716,T6044|25710,T6044|25711,T6044|25712,T6044|25713,T6044|15675,E|15677,T6044|13940,T6044|12885,E|20264,E|17074,E|17075,T6044|16611,T6044|26067,T6044|16837,E|6541,T6044|6540,E|11418,E|24070,T6044|31865,T6044|18430,E|30733,T6044|18435,E|15967,E|15968,T6044|479,E|31039,T6044| MI SUI HUA SHE BIAN JU NA Kansas Gay-feather Liatris pycnostachya NA NA NA NA NA 20144,E| TAI SHAN YAN FU ZI NA Taishan Sumac Fruit Rhus taishanensis NA NA NA NA NA 18808,E|18809,T5742| BU ZU ZHI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 32093,T3166|22759,T3166|23596,T3166|4109,T3166|4108,T3166|18073,T3166|18074,T3166|6538,T3166|1191,T3166|11246,T3166|2172,T3166|2171,T3166|2176,T3166|2177,T3166|2174,T3166|2175,T3166|30648,T3166|23887,T3166|30646,T3166|31370,T3166|4114,T3166|31859,T3166|4110,T3166|11556,T3166|15334,T3166|4684,T3166|15196,T3166|2081,T3166|15339,T3166|20265,T3166| WU TOU FU ZI JIAN 乌头附子尖 Radix Aconiti tipus NA NA NA NA NA NA 22221,C0487| BO SHI QIE NA Berthault Nightshade* Solanum berthaultii NA NA NA NA NA 7729,E|30956,T3162| RONG MAO SHAN XIANG NA Tomentose Bushmint* Hyptis tomentosa NA NA NA NA NA 19762,E;C0579|19764,T5366| CHANG HUA TU LA SHU NA Longflower Galipea* Galipea longiflora NA NA NA NA NA 17121,E|17926,E|16885,E| YU FU YE XIA ZHU NA Fisherman Leafflower* Phyllanthus piscatorum NA NA NA NA NA 17464,E|11975,E| FEN CHA MA QIAN ZI NA Divaricate Poisonnut* Strychnos divaricans NA NA NA NA NA 2976,T3736|4379,T3736|13608,E|4376,E|2959,E| RUI XIANG GEN 瑞香根 Winter Daphne Root Daphne odora NA NA root To resolve toxin, quicken blood and relieve pain. Acute throat wind, pain in stomach duct, knocks and falls, poisonous snake bite. 4642,T5389|12516,E|4641,E|4650,E|15989,E|23300,C0165|15980,E| QIAO BING BA QIA NA Sheathstipe Greenbrier Smilax stans [Syn. Smilax vaginata var. stans ] NA NA rhizome and root See Smilax sieboldii . See Smilax sieboldii . 18042,E| DUO HUA HUANG JING NA Manyflower Solomonseal Polygonatum cyrtonema [Syn. Polygonatum multiflorum] NA NA rhizome See Polygonatum sibiricum. See Polygonatum sibiricum. 30892,T3648|24688,T3648|2057,E|5350,E|30893,T3648|5349,E|9619,E|9620,T3648| HE YE FENG MAO JU NA Grassleaf Saussurea Saussurea graminea NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, cool blood and stanch bleeding. Common cold with fever, damp-heat jaundice, vomiting, diarrhea, blood ejection, bloody stool. 19072,E|20553,E| MEI ZHOU HUA JIAO NA Pricklyash Zanthoxylum americanum [Syn. Xanthoxylum americanum] NA NA NA NA NA 22761,E|22765,E|22766,T4925|15624,T4925|15622,E|941,E|6483,E| CAO HU JIAO NA Shiny Peperomia Peperomia pellucida NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate stasis and relieve pain, stanch bleeding. Swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, burns and scalds, knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury. 16779,E| DA XUE HUA LIAN NA Giant Snowdrop Galanthus elwelii NA NA NA NA NA 15741,E| JU YE 橘叶 tangerine leaf folium citri tangerinae Mild,Pungent,Bitter Liver NA NA NA 24413,M424|9457,C0338|23170,M424|12837,C0287|20654,C0256|15396,C0117|23193,M424| ZHU YA ZAO 猪牙皂 Chinese Honeylocust Abnormal Fruit Fructus Gleditsiae Abnormalis NA NA NA Treatment of loss of consciousness in stroke and epilepsy, sore throat, dyspnea and cough with phlegm difficult to spit out, constipation, external use for subcutaneous pyogenic infections. NA 23339,M1089|23975,M1089|20353,M1089|23956,M1089|24444,M1089|24225,M1089|15651,M1089| XIA YE JIA REN SHEN 狭叶假人参 Panax pseudo-ginseng Wall. var. angustifolius NA NA NA NA NA NA 15827,C0107| GU TI NG HUA NA Jersey Lily Amaryllis belladonna NA NA NA NA NA 1021,E|4240,E|3152,E|10825,E|9546,E|1016,E|13234,E|16588,E| JU YU NA Jerusalem Artichoke Helianthus tuberosus NA NA tuber or stem-leaf To clear heat and cool blood, disperse swelling. Febrile diseases, intestinal heat bleeding, knocks and falls, swelling pain from fracture. 9293,T4458|9290,E|14502,E|31021,T4458|8306,E|20133,T4458|20131,E| JU HUA HUANG LIAN NA Yellowflower Corydalis Corydalis pallida NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Welling abscess and boil, innominate toxin swelling. 2734,E;T4447|21046,E|21047,T4447|19269,E|19939,T4447|19185,E|22717,T4447|22716,E|31944,T4447|4104,E|21061,E|7450,E|7451,T4447|4121,E|4289,E|25636,T4447|9163,T4447|25320,T4447|16462,E|16536,E|19551,E|4279,T4447|32026,T4447|4032,E|4036,T4447|9043,T4447|5707,E|15650,E|19280,T4447|3116,T4447|3115,E;T4447|3114,E|5711,T4447|20400,E|12223,T4447| BAN PI AN NA Hemihull Eucalyptus* Eucalyptus hemiphloia NA NA NA NA NA 25742,T3051|7511,E| XIAN REN ZHANG NA Cholla Equivalent plant: Opuntia vulgaris Opuntia dillenii NA NA root and stem To move qi and quicken blood, cool blood and stanch bleeding, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Stomachache, lump glomus, dysentery, throat pain, lung heat cough, tuberculosis and hemoptysis, blood ejection, bleeding from hemorrhoids, sores clove boil, mammary welling abscess, epidemic parotitis, skin lichen, snake or insect bites, scalds, frostbite. 19072,E|11563,T6093|16149,E|22316,E|18361,E|16147,E|7767,E|14703,E|7431,E|13472,E|16148,E|12059,E|7404,E|12049,E|5762,E|16150,E|18302,E| RI BEN LUO SHI NA Japanese Star Jasmine* Trachelospermum asiaticum NA NA NA NA NA 15797,E|20417,E|21477,E| JIE JING SHI XIAN TAO NA Articulate Pholidota Pholidota articulata NA NA whole herb To enrich yin and boost qi, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling. Lung vacuity cough, prolapse of uterus, dizziness, headache, emission, leukorrhea, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, knocks and falls, fracture with wound sinew. 30965,T4377|7810,E| LU DL MIAN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9344,T4711|31782,T4711|31411,T4711|20377,T4711|25927,T4711|1866,T4711|31890,T4711| DUAN MAO DU HUO NA Shorthair Cowparsnip Heracleum moellendorffii NA NA root See Heracleum hemsleyanum. See Heracleum hemsleyanum . 17361,E| YU LAN NA Yulan Magnolia Magnolia denudata [Syn. Magnolia heptapata] NA NA flower bud See Magnolia liliflora. See Magnolia liliflora. 591,E|8085,E|15417,E|8092,E|946,E|7718,E|19168,E|9208,E|13368,T6518|22367,E|12744,E|7721,E|13367,E|2759,E| MAO JU NA Hairy Pepper Piper puberulum NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and dissipate cold and eliminate damp, move qi and quicken blood and relieve pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, wind-cold headache, pain in stomach duct and abdomen, mounting qi (hernia), menstrual pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls. 22612,E| LI ZI NA Japanese Plum Prunus salicina NA NA fruit To clear heat, engender liquid, disperse accumulation. Vacuity taxation with steaming bone, diabetes mellitus, food accumulation. 23042,T4624|1048,E|1102,E;T4624|22476,E|22477,T4624| ZHONG GUO CU FEI ZHI YE NA Chinese Plumyew Branch-leaf Cephalotaxus sinensis [Syn. Cephalotaxus harringtonia var. sinensis ] NA NA branchlet-leaf Anticancer. Carcinoma. 9611,T6681|6607,E|9244,T6681|22681,T6681|22680,E|6609,T6681|25789,T6681|11447,T6681|11446,E|7040,E|31167,T6681|5065,E|5066,T6681|9608,E|9193,E|9238,E|3404,E|3407,T6681|5180,E|5186,T6681|9900,E|9194,T6681| SHEN SHENG XUAN GOU ZI NA Sanctity Blackberry* Rubus sanctus NA NA NA NA NA 9502,E|2930,E|5408,E| GUAN SHANG ZHANG YA CAI. NA NA Swertia decora NA NA NA NA NA 20488,E| GUANG LIANG LUO FU MU NA Shining Devilpepper* Rauwolfia nitida NA NA NA NA NA 18618,T3904|783,E;T3904|18615,E|18617,E;T3904|18538,E|22905,E|22906,T3904| AN GE LA ZI TAN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15995,T2905|17989,T2905| GUAI QIN NA Polymorphic Angelica Angelica polymorpha NA NA root To dispel wind and effuse exterior, warm center and dissipate cold, rectify qi and relieve pain. Wind-cold exterior syndrome, wind-damp impediment pain, pain in stomach duct and abdomen, chest and rib-side pain, knocks and falls. 1195,E;T3880| CAO YE BAI JIANG NA Scabrous Patrinia Patrinia scabra NA NA root See Patrinia heterophylla . See Patrinia heterophylla . 16712,E|4413,E|7408,E| PI ZHEN QI SHU NA Lanceolate Sumac* Rhus lanceolata NA NA NA NA NA 19551,T5195|19530,E| RONG MAO DAI XING CAO NA Indian Sphaeranthus Sphaeranthus indicus NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit urine, fortify stomach and disperse food. Infection of urinary system, indigestion. 24377,T5363|13876,E| SHUAN CHI QIN NA Common Prangos Prangos pabularia NA NA NA NA NA 25387,T5627|16476,E|16475,E|16474,E|13446,E|16253,T5627|9418,E|16250,E|31775,T5627|933,E|30112,T5627|16446,E|17014,E| LIE YE QIAN NIU NA Lobedleaf Morningglory* Ipomoea hederacea NA NA NA NA NA 16795,E|23379,T4655| JI LIN GEN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 25353,T4267|31063,T4267|8458,T4267|3558,T4267| DUN YE HU JIAO NA Peltateleaf Pepper* Piper peltatum NA NA NA NA NA 6378,E|15496,E| XIAN YE CHAI HU NA Linearleaf Thorowax Bupleurum angustissimum NA NA root See Bupleurum chinense . See Bupleurum chinense . 15211,T6100|19133,E|15210,E|19127,E| DAN ZI SHAN ZHA NA Common Hawthorn Crataegus monogyna NA NA NA NA NA 17862,E|6853,T3505|6852,E| GAO HUANG QIN NA Tall Skullcap Scutellaria altissima NA NA NA NA NA 19573,T3819|19572,E| GUA LOU 瓜篓 Mongolian Snakegourd Equivalent plant: Trichosanthes rosthornii Trichosanthes kirilowii Cold,Sweet,Slightly Bitter Lung,Large Intestine,Stomach fruit To clear heat and resolve phlegm, loosen chest and dissipate binds, moisten dryness and lubricate intestines. Angina pectoris, lung heat cough, chest impediment, diabetes mellitus, acute mastitis, constipation, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore. 20152,E|21024,T3878|21560,E|23042,M285;C0511;T3878|31420,T3878|15244,C0409|16820,T3878|25251,T3878|20353,E|21561,T3878|16351,E|3041,T3878|3040,E;T3878|23221,C0466|23226,C0244|23241,C0245|23887,T3878|13772,C0122|12888,T3878|12564,E|3138,E|26238,T3878|12172,T3878|23038,C0121|17251,C0263|2687,E|25253,T3878|12794,E|15675,E|16551,T3878|15677,T3878|16550,E|22316,E|4316,E|4317,T3878|12887,E|12885,E|19216,E|19217,E|23479,T3878|16321,T3878|20341,E|20265,T3878|20264,E|20344,E;T3878|19964,E|31449,T3878|23720,T3878|16304,E|9485,E|9484,C0280|15195,E|16818,E|15196,T3878|3039,E|1048,E|20328,E;T3878|20329,E;T3878|9488,T3878|12161,E|12162,E;T3878| DUAN ZHU BA JIAO 短柱八角 Radix Illicii Brevistyli NA NA NA NA NA NA 3760,C0191|23279,C0236|8311,C0304| DE GUO YUAN WEI NA German Iris Iris germanica NA NA NA NA NA 11155,E|20885,E|11156,E|11151,E|11169,E|11162,E|11149,E|8349,E|8348,E|31322,T3515|11130,E|11168,E|20888,T3515|11139,T3515|11138,E| KU YUAN ZHI NA Racemed Milkwort Polygala polygama NA NA NA NA NA 5092,E|30855,T4534| KU SHENG NA Chinese Dregea Dregea sinensis NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, relieve cough and transform phlegm, quicken blood and resolve toxin. Wind-damp impediment pain, cough of phlegm asthma, fracture due to knocks and falls, swollen sore of welling abscess and boil, galactostasis. 30929,T4525|6598,E|6599,E|30930,T4525|30931,T4525|6600,E;T4525|6601,E|6602,E|6604,T4525| JIN SE MU JU NA Aureate Mayweed* Matricaria aurea NA NA NA NA NA 5902,E|16824,E|16825,E|16827,E| NIU SHEN NA Ox Kidney Bos taurus domesticus, Bubalus bubalis NA NA kidney To supplement kidney and boost essence, strengthen lumbus and knees, relieve pain due to impediment. Vacuity taxation with kidney depletion, impotence, limp aching lumbus and knees, damp impediment pain. 5162,E|880,E;T5111|4097,E;T5111|4096,E|31721,T5111|4098,T5111|4886,E|4887,T5111|26026,T5111|15699,E|653,E|9941,T5111|9985,E|31180,T5111|9936,E|5165,T5111| XIA YE CU CAO SHI CHE JU UB NA Narrow Rough Star Thistle* Centaurea aspera subsp stenophylla NA NA NA NA NA 14506,E|16340,E|14106,E| LIAO GE WANG GEN NA Indian Stringbush Root Wikstroemia indica NA NA root To clear heat, disinhibit urine, resolve toxin, break accumulation and kill worms. Pertussis, rheumatic arthritis, leprosy, bronchial asthma, amebic dysentery, pneumonia, epidemic parotitis, edema, scrofula, toxin swelling of sores, swelling and pus of sores, knocks and falls. 26046,T4647|1621,E;T4647|27388,T4647|22652,E|2491,E|2490,E|32227,T4647|15796,E|21573,E|4656,E|4650,E|20540,E|11015,E|19875,E|19876,E|15800,E;T4647| PI SHAO ZI NA Chuandian Soapberry Seed Sapindus delavayi [Syn. Pancovia delavayi] NA NA fruit or seed To move qi and disperse accumulation, re solve toxin and kill worms. Mounting qi (hernia), child gan accumulation, nipple moth, mumps, scab and lai, yellow-water sore, ascariasis. 18224,E|18225,E|18223,E| XIAO GUO SHI DA GONG LAO NA Bodinier Mahonia Mahonia bodinieri NA NA NA NA NA 2303,E|16544,E|11848,E| WEI LING XIAN 威灵仙 Chinese Clematis Clematis chinensis Warm,Pungent,Salty Bladder root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, free network vessels and relieve pain. Common cold, tonsillitis, acute icterohepatitis, laryngitis, rheumatic arthritis, wind-damp impediment pain, numbness in limbs, hypertonicity of sinews and vessels, bone stuck in throat. 3048,M719|17929,E|5208,E|23919,M719|23852,M719|23119,M719|21344,M719|9275,E|23479,M719|23478,M719|24052,M719|6719,M719|2550,M719|15196,M719|24466,M719|23167,M719|3827,E;T5906|3826,E;T5906|3825,E;T5906|3824,E|3822,E|18176,M719|9377,M719|3828,T5906|24572,M719|23875,M719|24022,M719|23171,M719;C0484|23175,M719|31066,T5906|31065,T5906|9259,E|3818,E|23099,M719|24136,M719|24561,M719|23540,M719|9484,M719|23821,M719|23867,M719|23862,M719|18699,E|23142,M719;C0318|8727,E|8726,E|15940,M719|6533,M719|12843,M719|6768,T5906|24515,M719|6766,E|15244,M719|24614,M719|24095,M719|17442,M719|23232,C0066|30794,T5906|23800,M719|13767,M719;C0347|18701,E|18700,E|16051,E|16050,E|16053,E|2228,M719|8728,E|3340,E|25098,M719|23059,C0568|16048,E|16046,E|16047,E|16045,E|1179,E;T5906|1178,E;T5906|17930,E|17933,E|17932,E|17935,E|17934,E|17936,E|23828,M719|17075,M719|23191,C0160|5636,T5906|24876,M719|25099,M719|18820,E|18821,E| JIA YANG NA Canada Poplar Equivalent plant: Populus cathayana Populus canadensis NA NA male inflorescence To clear heat and resolve toxin, transform damp and check dysentery. Bacteriogenic dysentery, enteritis. 3600,E|19169,E| TAI ZHONG SHU LI NA Taizhong Buckthorn* Rhamnus nakaharai NA NA NA NA NA 18361,E| TUO YUAN ZHOU XING ZAO NA Ellipse Navicula* Navicula delognei f. elliptica NA NA NA NA NA 17258,E| JI ROU 鸡肉 Chicken Gallus gallus domesticus NA NA meat To warm center, boost qi, supplement essence and replenish marrow. Vacuity taxation with marked emaciation, weakness during convalescence, reduced food intake, stomach reflux, diarrhea and dysentery, diabetes mellitus, edema, frequent urination, flooding and spotting, vaginal discharge, postpartum scant milk. 23125,C0500|14482,E|14483,T4276| HUANG HE MAO REN DONG NA Yellowhair Honeysuckle Lonicera fulvotomentosa NA NA flower bud See Lonicera japonica . See Lonicera japonica . 9275,E|3551,E|23381,T4158|19302,E|19303,T4158|13130,E|25550,T4158|7994,E|3552,T4158|23633,T4158|2887,E| ZHAO WA ZHE SHU NA Java Cudrania* Cudrania javanensis NA NA NA NA NA 18628,E|6008,T6642| YING CHUN HUA NA Winter Jasmine Jasminum nudiflorum NA NA leaf To clear heat, resolve toxin, disinhibit damp. Common cold with fever, dribbling pain of urination, pruritus of vulva, swelling toxin malign sore, knocks and falls, bleeding knife wound. 11829,E|11828,E|11825,E|11824,E|11827,E|11826,E|11823,E|15854,E|11572,E| JIAN YE TIE SHU YE NA Strictleaf Dracaena Leaf Cordyline strcta NA NA leaf To dissipate stasis and disperse swelling, cool blood and stanch bleeding. Knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, hematochezia, hematuria, nosebleed(epistaxis), cough with blood ejection, asthma, child gan accumulation, dysenter y. 4049,E|21367,E|4050,T4348| KUAN E YAN FENG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15683,C0398|15244,C0409|23075,C0221|23252,C0109|15967,C0425|9484,C0280| BA I XIAN PI NA Densefruit Pittany Root-bark Equivalent plant: Dictamnus angustifolius Dictamnus dasycarpus NA NA root cortex To clear heat and dry damp, dispel wind and relieve itch, resolve toxin. Dermatitis, psoriasis, icterohepatitis, damp-heat sore and papules, profuse pus, yellow-water sore, damp ulceration on skin, itchy skin, damp-heat jaundice, damp-heat impediment. 21646,E|15874,E|15873,E|4662,E|3040,E|5450,E|5451,E|5452,E|5453,E|5454,E|19986,E|17791,E|7944,E|7668,E|17835,E|5449,E|5448,E|7702,E|11515,E|5447,E|5446,E|5445,E|5444,E|12222,E| MU TENG LIAO 木藤蓼 root of Silvervine Fleeceflower Radix Polygoni Aubertii NA NA NA NA NA 23239,M522|24753,M522|14804,M522|23588,M522| TU GEN 吐根 Ipecacuanha Cephaelis ipecacuanha NA NA root To dispel phlegm, effuse sweat, promote vomiting, disinhibit gallbladder. Dysentery. 6775,T5846|6771,E;C0366|3401,T5846|3400,E|22082,E|22084,T5846| QING SHE TENG NA Greensnake vine Periploca calophylla NA NA stem To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and relieve pain. Wind-cold-damp impediment, numbness of limbs, lumbago, knocks and falls. 17548,E|12942,E|16946,E| NAN TIAN ZHU ZI NA Common Nandina Fruit Nandina domestica NA NA ripe fruit To constrain lung and relieve cough, calm asthma. Enduring cough, asthma, pertussis. 6554,T5058|11343,T5058|13709,E|6551,E|17969,E|8755,E|15237,E|17970,T5058|14325,E|2978,E|14326,T5058|11341,E|13710,T5058|15242,T5058|25668,T5058|15770,E|2979,T5058| SAN SHI HUANG MA NA Three-room Roundpod Jute* Corchorus trilocularis NA NA NA NA NA 21875,E|21874,E|21387,E| DUAN ROU MAO ZHI XIE MU NA Shortfluff Holarrhena* Holarrhena pubescens NA NA NA NA NA 6468,E|10556,E|273,E|12343,E|12344,T3621|3968,E|3969,T3621| ZI DING XIANG NA Early Lilac Syringa oblata NA NA leaf and bark To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp and abate jaundice. Acute diarrhea, icterohepatitis, acute conjunctivitis, sores. 30819,T6728|4135,E|20553,E| JUN ZU LAN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31112,T4473|13236,T4473| CHANG TONG QU MAI 长筒瞿麦 Dianthussuperbus NA NA NA NA NA NA 11418,C0417|7520,C0416| HUANG WU TOU NA Yellow Monkshood Aconitum anthora NA NA NA NA NA 1964,E;T4207| DENG YOU TENG ZI NA Paniculed Bittersweet Seed Celastrus paniculatus NA NA seed To dispel wind and relieve pain, free stool, promote vomiting. Wind-damp impediment pain, constipation, food accumulation and distending pain in stomach duct. 21008,E|21506,E|3367,T3522|5285,E|3361,E|13414,E|13415,E;T3522|13419,T3522| MEI ZHOU LU QI MU NA American Green Alder Alnus crispa NA NA NA NA NA 17407,E|24752,T4928| YANG RU NA Goat Milk Capra hircus, Ovis aries NA NA milk To supplement vacuity, moisten dryness, harmonize stomach, resolve toxin. Vacuity taxation with emaciation and weakness, diab etes mellitus, heartache, stomach reflux, vomiting, mouth sore, lacquer sore, spider bite. 15519,E|6543,E|30926,T6327| DUO BAN LV TI CAO NA Manypetal Marshmarigold Caltha polypetala NA NA NA NA NA 8066,E|8067,E| DA YE TENG HUANG NA Yellowjuice Garcinia Garcinia xanthochymus NA NA NA NA NA 21767,E|8211,E|21152,E|11779,E|21083,E|22743,E|9993,E|13801,E|13802,T3475| A SHI HAO NA Ashurbajev Wormwood* Artemisia ashurbajevii NA NA NA NA NA 8981,E|25631,T2878| CHANG E XIANG CHA CAI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 30572,T3257| MEI SHANG LU NA American Pokeweed Phytolacca americana [Syn. Phytolacca decandra ] NA NA root See Phytolacca esculenta. See Phytolacca esculenta. 30652,T4918|20152,E|8749,E|23101,C0577|11215,T4918|11207,E|11206,E|11208,E;T4918|22753,T4918|22752,E|2322,E|26090,T4918|7367,E|16288,E|32241,T4918|17252,E|17253,E|17254,E|17255,E|17256,E|1035,E|18307,E|17264,T4918|7369,E|14125,E|16558,E|16559,E|16040,E|17758,T4918|266,E|22806,E|31879,T4918|23720,T4918|17756,E|7373,E|1036,E|1034,E|17269,T4918|25621,T4918|17257,E|31751,T4918| YE JIE NA Wild Cabbage Brassica oleracea NA NA NA NA NA 19896,E|19901,T6372|21525,E|21524,T6372| GUAN YE LIANG QIAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23275,C0273|10885,C0274|10882,C0275| HUANG HAI YING SU NA Yellow Hornpoppy* Glaucium flavum NA NA NA NA NA 2734,E;T4156|4922,E|7996,T4156|7995,E|25946,T4156| CHOU MU XU GEN 臭苜蓿根 Melilotus suaveolens NA NA NA NA NA NA 23080,C0364| BING TANG 冰糖 crystal sugar crystal sugar Mild,Sweet Lung,Spleen NA NA NA 24237,M64| JIE GU MU 接骨木 Elder* Equivalent plant: Sambucus nigra Sambucus williamsii Mild,Sweet,Bitter Liver,Kidney stem-branch To dispel wind and disinhibit damp, quicken blood, stanch bleeding. Wind-damp impediment pain, pain wind, osteoarthritis, acute nephritis, chronic nephritis, wind papules, knocks and falls, swelling pain from fracture, bleeding due to external injury. 2331,E|23170,M398|23975,M398| SU TIE YE NA Sago Frond Cycas revoluta NA NA leaf To rectify qi and relieve pain, stanch bleeding and dissipate stasis, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Diarrhea, dysentery, liver stomach qi pain, amenorrhea, blood ejection, hematochezia, toxin swelling, bleeding due to external injury, knocks and falls, backache. 20091,E|4456,T5715|4455,E| DUO SUI TUN CAO NA Manyspike Ragweed Ambrosia polystachya NA NA NA NA NA 8981,E|25631,T3656| MU DI XIANG WAN DOU NA Meadow Peavine Lathyrus pratensis NA NA whole herb To dispel phlegm and relieve cough. Bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary welling abscess, tuberculosis, scab and lichen, sore and boil. 13138,E| YU KE GAN JU NA Yuko Citrus* Citrus yuko NA NA NA NA NA 15873,E|31731,T6517| AO LI FO HUANG TAN NA Oliver Rosewood* Dalbergia oliveri NA NA NA NA NA 16073,E|16072,E| HUANG MIAN GUI NA Champac Michelia Michelia champaca NA NA root To dispel wind-damp, disinhibit throat. Wind-damp impediment pain, swelling pain in throat. 16663,E|14822,T4192|12911,E|14821,E|16428,T4192|16701,E|16700,T4192| HEI REN DONG NA Black Honeysuckle Lonicera nigra NA NA NA NA NA 2973,E|23101,C0577|31751,T4015|31753,T4015|16040,E| YOU RU I XIANG NA Oily Daphne* Daphne oleoides NA NA NA NA NA 16059,E|8899,E|5994,E|4643,E|4640,E|8898,E|1127,E|8286,E|8287,E|19636,E|16060,E|8900,E|16725,E| DONG LING CAO 冬淩草 Blushred Rabdosia Rabdosia rubescens NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and relieve pain, anticancer. Swelling pain in throat, common cold with headache, trachitis, chronic hepatitis, pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, snake or insect bites, carcinoma of mammary glands, carcinoma of esophagus. 31444,T3590|18983,T3590|19857,E|22791,E|22790,E|9079,E|6744,T3590|12837,E|6740,E|25224,T3590|25225,T3590|30782,T3590|20607,E|4700,E|32181,T3590|31829,T3590|22789,E|22786,E|26058,T3590|24960,M924|23545,T3590|20450,E|15672,E|20606,E|18488,E|22787,E|22784,E|22785,E|22782,E|22783,E|16040,E|22781,E|4549,E|9488,T3590|16185,T3590|15673,T3590|22724,T3590|22792,E|13687,E|9485,E|22788,E|3689,E|24687,M924|4832,E|18962,E|18961,E|18960,E|16173,E;M924|8482,E|17362,E|22254,E|4833,T3590|17703,E;M924| BIAN ZHONG JIAN HUAI TENG NA Edible Oxystelma Variety* Oxystelma esculentum var. alpini NA NA NA NA NA 991,E|990,E|992,E| BA DOU SHUANG 巴豆霜 Defatted Croton Seed Powder Semen Crotonis Pulveratum Hot,Pungent Lung,Large Intestine,Stomach NA Treatment of constipation and indigestion due to accumulation of cold; ascites and edema with oliguria and constipation; inflammation of the throat. NA 24133,M8| YA MA XUN MA QIAN ZI NA Amazonian Poisonnut* Strychnos amazonica NA NA NA NA NA 5684,T6279|13608,E|5681,E| RI BEN CE ER. NA NA Lamptreomyces japonicus NA NA NA NA NA 12460,E| TIE XIE 铁屑 iron powder Pulvis Ferri Pungent,Bitter Liver,Heart NA NA NA 23497,M700| MEI LI ZHU SHI DOU NA Beautiful Crotalaria Crotalaria spectabilis NA NA NA NA NA 20124,E|14915,E| JIA LEI JUE MING NA Garretti Senna* Cassia garrettiana NA NA NA NA NA 17954,E|3289,E|3288,E|3287,E|3286,E|3285,E|3290,E|3291,E| GOU SHEN 狗肾 Dog testis Testis et Penis Canis Warm,Salty Kidney NA Treatment of deficiency of kidney yang manifested as impotence, aversion to cold and cold extremities. Dog testis (Huanggoushen) is used with Wolfberry fruit (Gouqizi), Morinda root (Bajitian) and Dadder seed (Tusizi). NA 23580,M278| GOU ZHUANG HU JIAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 25857,T3866| RUAN GU ZAO 软骨藻 Chondria armata (Kutz.) Okam. NA NA NA NA NA NA 23121,C0285| ZHUI FENG JIAN 追凤箭 NA NA Cool,Bitter Large Intestine,Stomach,Liver NA NA NA 23433,M890|25171,M890|8827,M890|24250,M890| OU ZHI 藕汁 lotus rhizome Succus Rhizoma Lotus Mild,Sweet,Punkery Lung,Stomach,Liver NA Treament of hematemesis, hemoptysis, hematuria, abnormal uterine bleeding. NA 12792,M538|15313,M538|23264,M538;C0158| CAO SU NA Jerusalemsage Phlomis umbrosa NA NA whole herb with root To dispel wind and transform phlegm, disinhibit damp and eliminate impediment, dispel phlegm, resolve toxin, disperse swelling. Common cold, cough and abundant phlegm, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, swelling and toxin of sore and welling abscess. 19559,E|32172,T3195|25699,T3195|19565,T3195|8596,E|10493,E|10492,T3195| HAI DAI GEN 海带根 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23109,C0302|9567,C0456| DAN NAN XING 胆南星 Bile Arisaema Rhizoma Arisaema cum Bile Cool,Bitter NA NA Treatment of cough with yellowish sticky expectoration, stroke, mania, epilepsy. NA 24921,M198|23101,M198|19106,M198|6744,M198| KAO MING GE MU NA Couminga Erythrophleum* Erythrophleum couminga NA NA NA NA NA 4192,E;T4490|4193,T4490|4191,E|25763,T4490|7342,E|7341,E|7367,T4490| QU MAI 瞿麦 Lilac Pink Equivalent plant: Dianthus chinensis , Dianthus versicolor Dianthus superbus Cold,Bitter Bladder,Small Intestine,Heart aerial parts To disinhibit urine and free strangury, break blood and free menstruation, anticancer. Strangury, heat strangury, blood strangury, stone strangury, urinary tract infection, urinary stoppage, dripping with inhibited pain, amenorrhea, carcinoma of esophagus, carcinoma of rectum. 5357,E|13896,E|5366,E|5367,E|2280,E;T5301|5368,E|5369,E|2297,E;T5301|14712,T5301|5358,E|14710,E|7520,M588|9182,M588|23313,M588| FU RUI ZI WEI NA Faurie Crapemyrtle* Lagerstroemia fauriei NA NA NA NA NA 22417,E|22418,T3773| SHUI QIE 水茄 Water Nightshade Solanum torvum NA NA root To quicken blood, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. painful wound from knocks and falls, taxation damage in lumbar muscle, sand, stomachache, clove sore, swollen welling abscess. 16604,E|16607,T5654|25283,T5654|19971,E|22684,E;C0015|22688,E|20054,T5654|21460,T5654|20053,E|23019,C0024|32229,T5654|11974,T5654|21457,E|21456,E|21455,E|21454,E|21453,E|21452,E|22700,T5654|19962,E|31938,T5654|11968,E| SHUI QIN NA Javan Waterdropwort Oenanthe javanica NA NA herb To clear heat and disinhibit water. Fulminant fever with vexation and thirst, jaundice, edema, strangury, vaginal discharge, scrofula, epidemic parotitis. 11645,E|2448,E;T5655|30693,T5655|5502,T5655|2793,E|20982,E|20983,T5655|11647,T5655|5501,E| XIAO YE XIANG CHA CAI NA Smallleaf Rabdosia* Isodon parvifolia NA NA NA NA NA 16671,E|16673,E|16672,E|16675,E|16674,E|11596,E|243,E| REN ZHONG BAI 人中白 Human Urine Sediment Homo sapiens Cold,Salty Lung,Bladder,Liver sediment of human urine To clear heat, downbear fire, disperse stasis. Taxation fever, lung wilting, spontaneous external bleeding, blood ejection, throat impediment, gan of teeth and gum, mouth sore, tongue sores. 22235,E|19106,M595|32176,T5325|21964,M595|22237,T5325|23101,M595|21968,M595|22230,E|6744,M595|24921,M595| BO SHI AN NA Berghe Eucalyptus* Eucalyptus berghei NA NA NA NA NA 18853,T3159|18852,E| YING HE NA Wallich Scleropyrum Scleropyrum wallichianum NA NA NA NA NA 19983,E|19967,E|20353,E|19518,E|20361,E| LOU LAN ZI 漏篮子 Aconitum carmichaeli NA NA NA NA NA NA 23264,C0158|22221,C0487| RI BEN LIAN XIANG SHU NA Japanese Katsura-tree Cercidiphyllum japonicum NA NA ripe fruit To dispel wind and settle fright, check tetany. Infant fright wind, convulsion with cold limbs. 1074,E;T5338|3418,E| WU CI KE YA SHU NA Angelin-tree Andira inermis NA NA NA NA NA 13632,T5929|31466,T5929|13631,E|676,E|13274,E|3005,E|3004,E|3007,E|3006,E|5658,E|1928,E|3700,E|7882,E| HUANG HONG SE RUI MU NA Yellow-red Kopsia* Kopsia flavida NA NA NA NA NA 14588,E|14576,E|14312,E|14577,E| LONG XU TENG NA Champion Bauhinia Bauhinia championii NA NA root or stem To dispel wind and eliminate damp, move qi and quicken blood. Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, pain in stomach duct, hemiplegia, gan accumulation, dysentery. 19919,T4697|9508,E|19913,E|16858,E|21172,E| YIN CHAI HU 银柴胡 Lanceolate Starwort Stellaria dichotoma var. lanceolata Minor cold,Sweet Stomach,Liver root To clear vacuity heat, eliminate gan fever. Yin vacuity fever, steaming bone taxation fever, child gan fever. 20153,E|20270,E|24552,M805|9182,E|9183,T6448|20291,T6448|5430,E|24258,M805|24374,M805|5419,E|8593,E|22702,E|23940,M805|24563,M805|5429,E|5428,E|23904,M805|5424,E|5427,E|5426,E|5421,E|5420,E|5423,E|5422,E|23389,M805|24629,M805| NAN GUA ZI 南瓜子 Cushaw Seed Cucurbita moschata Sweet,neutral Stomach,large intestine seed To expel worms, promote lactation, disinhibit water and disperse edema. Taeniasis, ascariasis, bilharziosis, ancylostomiasis, oxyuria disease, postpartum scant milk, postpartum edema, pertussis, hemorrhoids. 4329,E|4328,E;M1013|4336,T5043|4332,E|4333,E|4330,E|4331,E| OU ZHOU SONG LAN NA Dyers Woad Isatis tinctoria NA NA NA NA NA 18273,E|22043,E| YA MA XUN BAI HE NA Amazon lily Eucharis amazonica NA NA NA NA NA 14679,E|1532,E|14042,E| HUANG GEN JIANG HUANG NA Xanthorrhiza Turmeric* Curcuma xanthorrhiza NA NA NA NA NA 4398,T4151|966,E|4397,E| HUA GUI JIU 华鬼臼 Radix et Rhizoma Dysosmae Majorensis NA NA NA NA NA NA 17578,C0083| YUAN CAN E NA Silkworm King Bombyx mori NA NA silkworm king To supplement kidney and invigorate yang , rough essence, stanch bleeding, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Impotence and emission, white turbidity, blood strangury, incised wound and bleeding, swelling pain in throat, mouth and tongue sores, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, frostbite, snake bite. 15519,E|6677,E|6678,T6540| SAN YE MAI MA QIAN NA Trinervure Poisonnut* Strychnos trinervis NA NA NA NA NA 2976,T5436|2959,E| DA HUA YIN YANG HUO NA Large-flowered Epimedium Epimedium grandiflorum NA NA NA NA NA 30608,T3426|10953,E|10943,E|1275,E| JIN GUANG JU NA Cutleaf Coneflower Rudbeckia laciniata NA NA leaf To clear damp heat, resolve toxin and eliminate welling abscess. Damp-heat vomiting diarrhea, abdominal pain, swollen welling abscess and sore toxin. 19031,E| GUANG YE S HUI SU NA Marshy Betony Stachys palustris NA NA root or whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and quicken blood. Swelling pain in throat, pulmonary welling abscess, pertussis, dysentery, mammary welling abscess, zoster, eye screen, hemoptysis, painful swelling from knocks and falls. 2918,E|13840,E|16564,E| AN ZI BEI MU NA Unibract Fritillary Fritillaria unibracteata NA NA bulb See Fritillaria cirrhosa . See Fritillaria cirrhosa . 11000,E|20058,E|20059,T2916|20435,T2916|20265,T2916|20264,E|29509,T2916|20430,E|19967,E| YI MU CAO HUA 益母草花 Flos Leonuri japonici NA NA NA NA NA NA 23046,C0479|23145,C0478| XIAO HUA WU WEI ZI NA Smallflower Magnoliavine* Schisandra micrantha NA NA root To dispel wind and disinhibit damp, rectify qi and quicken blood. Wind-damp bone pain, knocks and falls, stomachache, menstrual disorder, nephritis. 19484,E|12008,E|10311,E|14826,E|14824,E|14825,E| BA BI CUI QUE HUA NA Barbey Larkspur* Delphinium barbeyi NA NA NA NA NA 1366,E|30611,T2937| KAN MAI NIANG ZHUANG SHA CAO NA Foxtail-like Galingale Cyperus alopecuroides NA NA NA NA NA 6547,E|7498,E|7499,E|982,E|3242,E|7491,E|7063,E|7497,E|4572,E|4586,E|18926,E| HUANG GUA GEN 黄瓜根 Radix Cucumidis sativi NA NA NA NA NA NA 4316,C0518| SHE GEN CAO NA Common Ophiorrhiza Ophiorrhiza mungos NA NA whole herb See Ophiorrhiza japonica . See Ophiorrhiza japonica. 3056,T5537|25029,T5537|13856,E|3053,E|13857,E| DUO HUA BAI JIAN MU NA Multiflower White Quebracho* Aspidosperma multiflorum NA NA NA NA NA 12264,E| LIAO GAO BEN 辽藁本 Jehol Ligusticum Ligusticum jeholense NA NA rhizome and root See Ligusticum sinense . See Ligusticum sinense . 15506,E|15196,E|31442,T4646|12819,E|7767,E|15418,E|15420,T4646|2803,E|12820,E|23096,C0133| MEI GUI HUA 玫瑰花 Rugose Rose Flower Rosa rugosa Warm,Sweet,Slightly Bitter Spleen,Liver bud To move qi and relieve depression, harmonize blood, relieve pain. Liver stomach qi pain, reduced food intake with nausea and vomiting, menstrual disorder, painful wound from knocks and falls. 19262,E|3769,T4898|9202,E|23125,C0500|19033,E|31780,T4898|30995,T4898|13737,E|4450,E|19041,E|8325,T4898|19040,E|9910,E|8094,E|26077,T4898|11366,E|11367,E|11364,E|11365,E|1735,E|15491,T4898|3768,E|17097,E|19038,E|19039,E|19036,E|19037,E|19035,E|19032,E|10172,E|18406,E|19592,E|15489,E|15916,E|18897,E|31506,T4898|2420,E|2421,E|2422,E|2423,E|2284,E|19025,T4898|11216,T4898|8311,E;M161;C0304|8312,E;T4898|11215,E|21596,E|12846,E|10244,E|9484,E|17099,T4898|19047,T4898|19045,E|19044,E|19043,E|19042,E;T4898|9908,E|9909,E|7522,T4898|7520,E|11639,E|2417,E|2419,E|2418,E|18407,T4898|20373,E|18898,E|19024,E| SHAN MAI DONG. NA NA Liriope spicata NA NA tuberoid To nourish yin and engender liquid. Yin vacuity lung dryness, cough of profuse phlegm, stomach yin insufficiency, dry mouth and throat, intestinal dry and constipation. 19055,E| BING DOU NA Co mmon Lentil Lens culinaris NA NA NA NA NA 10166,T3142|10164,E|9797,E|22725,E|22726,T3142|20105,T3142|20111,E| DONG QING YE MEI DENG MU NA Ilicis-leaf Mayten* Maytenus ilicifolia NA NA NA NA NA 16418,E| HUANG NIU MU NA Common Oxwood Cratoxylum cochinchinense NA NA root, bark or stem-leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, transform damp and disperse stagnation, dispel stasis and disperse swelling. Common cold, summerheat stroke with fever, diarrhea, jaundice, knocks and falls, swelling welling abscess and sore and boil. 8220,E|8218,E|13485,E|3870,E|3871,E|3872,E|3873,E|3370,E|17647,E|9856,E|13486,E|5043,E|21675,E|8322,E| MU JU(3) NA Mayweed Matricaria chamomilla [Syn. Matricaria recutita ] NA NA flower or whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, relieve cough and calm asthma, dispel wind-damp. Common cold with fever, swelling pain in throat, lung heat cough asthma, heat impediment swelling and pain, swelling of sores. 13597,E|7728,E|2044,E|3464,E|21160,E|3622,E|9495,E|1502,E|22019,E|2414,E|2416,E|16716,E|2071,E|13598,E|2807,E|3300,E|9037,E| XIE JI CU YE MU NA Wallich Lasianthus Lasianthus wallichii NA NA NA NA NA 2477,E|4715,E|15688,E|16505,E|2296,E|4658,E|1892,E| ZHI DI LONG 制地龙 Prepared Earthworm Pheretima Preparata Cold,Salty Bladder,Spleen,Liver NA Treatment of high fever with impaired consciousness, convulsions, arthralgia, numbness of the limbs, hemiplegia, cough and asthma due to heat in the lung, edema ano oliguria, hypertension. 1. Relaxing bronchial spasm in rats or rabbits.2. Intravenous injection of alcoholic infusion (0.1g/kg) lowers blood pressure in anesthetized dogs.3. Sedative and anticonvulsive.4. Lumbrifebrine, one of its active components, is ab antipyretic. 24566,M846| PI ZHEN YE GOU TENG NA Lance-leaved Gambirplant Uncaria lancifolia NA NA NA NA NA 14881,E|18811,E|11536,E| FEI ZHOU GAN LAN NA African Olive* Olea africana NA NA NA NA NA 16078,E| XIA YE JIN JI ER NA Nerrowleaf Peashrub Caragana stenophylla NA NA NA NA NA 12235,E|3149,E|14884,E|22488,E| YING GUO OU SHI NAN NA Cornish Heath Erica vagans NA NA NA NA NA 7378,T6475|663,E| RAN SE JI YAN THNG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31706,T5317| JI SU ZI NA Evergreen Dogwood Cornus capitata [Syn. Dendrobenthamia capitata ] NA NA fruit To disperse accumulation and kill worms, clear heat and resolve t oxin, disinhibit water and disperse edema. Hepatitis, food accumulation, lung heat cough, ascaria sis, edema. 6344,E|5566,E|5567,E|31796,T4280|9868,E|17157,E|9876,T4280| DING KE LA QIAN JIN TENG NA Dinklage Stephania* Stephania dinklagei NA NA NA NA NA 4107,T3563|12911,E|20300,E|1961,E|11341,E|4969,E|4106,E| MAI JIA GONG NA Corn Gromwell Lithospermum arvense NA NA fruit To warm center and move qi , disperse swelling and relieve pain. Stomach cold distending pain, hyperchlorhydria, painful swelling from knocks and falls, fracture. 7996,T4822|7995,E| ZHEN CAI NA Pungent Litse Litsea pungens NA NA wood NA Cough of phlegm-rheum, accumulation-gathering and distention-fullness, beriberi, sore and scab in children. 12569,E|5968,T6648|6544,T6648|16551,E|21028,E|12575,T6648|32013,T6648|23228,T6648|25380,T6648|12559,E|5967,E|4847,T6648|4842,E|6542,E| YU SHU II NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31721,T6526| QING YANG SHEN NA Auricledleaf Mosquitotrap Cynanchum otophyllum NA NA root To dispel wind-damp, boost kidney and fortify spleen, resolve snake toxin, resolve dog toxin. Wind-damp impediment pain, kidney vacuity lumbago, taxation damage in lumbar muscle, wrenching and contusion from knocks and falls, food accumulation, distending pain in stomach duct and abdomen, child gan accumulation, snake bite, dog bite. 4750,E|18277,E|16259,E|18921,E|16260,E| NI JIN ZHAN JU NA Cape Dandelion Venidium decurrens NA NA NA NA NA 9014,E|9020,T5069| HUA XIANG SHU GOU 化香树果 Fructus Platycaryae Strobilaceae NA NA NA NA NA NA 11900,C0300| AN ZI YU PAN NA Low Uvaria Uvaria chamae NA NA NA NA NA 3464,T2917|3463,E|23993,T2917|11748,E|11749,T2917|11318,E| YING XING YE 银杏叶 Folium Ginkgo NA NA NA NA NA NA 19499,C0068|23057,C0438|23229,C0440|23248,C0436|2379,C0214|3308,C0437|23190,C0439|15162,C0307| MA BAO 马宝 Horse Bezoar Calculus Equi NA NA NA The medicine can relieve convulsion, resolve phlegm and clear away heat and toxic materials. It is efficacious in treating epilepsy induced by terror, manic-depressive psychosis, accumulation of phlegm and heat in the chest, coma, hematemesis, epistaxis and boils,etc. NA 24237,M1002| QIANG DAO YAO NA Purple Hypoestes Hypoestes purpurea NA NA whole herb To clear lung and relieve cough, cool blood and stanch bleeding, dissipate stasis and resolve toxin. Lung heat cough, hemoptysis, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, flooding and spotting, jaundice, diarrhea, stasis swelling from knocks and falls, bleeding knife wound, fracture. 10908,E|9533,E|22763,E|9322,E|10911,E|19762,E|4982,E|10910,E|11972,E|11978,E|3817,E|20629,E|15312,E|10163,E|11971,E|11970,E|11975,E|14257,E|14258,E|2331,E|13091,E|10909,E|11969,E| JI MAO SONG NA Imbricate Podocarpus Podocarpus imbricatus NA NA NA NA NA 18849,E|17575,T4268|17574,E|31921,T4268|4288,E|9817,E|4291,T4268|18851,E;T4268|31111,T4268|30934,T4268|15659,E|31156,T4268|15660,T4268|9542,E|6678,E| JIAO YAN CAO NA Slimy Tobacco* Nicotiana glutinosa NA NA NA NA NA 8804,T4371|8793,E| QIAN NIAN BU LAN XIN NA Bitter Nightshade Fruit Solanum dulcamara NA NA whole herb To expel wind and eliminate damp, clear heat and resolve toxin. Wind-damp pain, tetanus, swollen welling abscess, malign sore, scab sore, bleeding due to external injury. 25269,T5246|31272,T5246|25270,T5246|31271,T5246|21372,T5246|10774,T5246|20035,T5246|32077,T5246|4946,T5246|4943,E|20032,E|20033,E|20030,E|20031,E|20050,E|20034,E|20053,E;T5246|13239,T5246|30081,T5246|25274,T5246|3939,E|25272,T5246|25271,T5246|31280,T5246|21386,T5246|21367,E|20028,E|20040,T5246|21417,E|13215,E|13216,T5246|22863,T5246|22862,E|20026,E|20054,T5246|10770,E|10771,E|10710,E|10711,E|10712,E|13236,E| RI BEN QIAN QU CAI NA Twoedged Loosestrife Lythrum anceps NA NA whole herb See Lythrum salicaria . See Lythrum salicaria . 13260,E| HU TAO YOU 胡桃油 Oleum Juglandis NA NA NA NA NA NA 11900,C0300| MA PI 马皮 Corium Equus caballi NA NA NA NA NA NA 3079,C0376|23213,C0488|23030,C0489| ZHI LI ZI JIN. NA NA Corydalis stricta NA NA NA NA NA 9703,E| LV CHA 绿茶 Green Tea Folium camelliae sinensis Cool,Sweet,Bitter Lung,Stomach,Heart NA NA NA 22548,M1103|23745,M1103|23321,M1103|23125,M1103|24101,M1103|2892,M1103|23288,M1103|23170,M1103|23248,M1103|25124,M1103|23193,M1103| SANG GEN 桑根 Radix Mori albae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23297,C0308|14963,C0311|23078,C0137|617,C0403|6678,C0526| XI DIAN ZHANG YA CAI NA Punctate Swertia* Swertia punctata NA NA NA NA NA 17841,E|8300,E| ZAO JIAO CI 皂角刺 spine of Chinese Honeylocust Spina gleditsiae Warm,Pungent Lung,Large Intestine NA Treatment of carbuncle and boil at the early stage or formation of abscess difficult to burst, external use for scabies and leprosy. 1. To relieve carbuncle and drain pus. For the early stage of carbuncle or carbuncle with unruptured abscess. 2. To expel wind and kill parasites. For tinea infection and leprosy. 15651,M830|23175,M830|24839,M830| CHANG YE BO YE DA HUANG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 18925,C0452| DA YE CAI NA Doederlein’s Spikemoss Selaginella doederleinii NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel wind and eliminate damp. Swelling pain in throat, red eyes with gall, lung heat cough, mastitis, damp-heat jaundice, wind-damp impediment pain, bleeding due to external injury. 6546,E|21176,E|14789,E|9472,E|6549,T3456|18850,E|14790,T3456|9648,E|1030,E|9646,E|9647,E| SHAN XI WO ER QI NA American Umbrellaleaf Diphylleia cymosa NA NA NA NA NA 17327,E| TIE XIU SE HUANG TAN NA Ferruginous Rosewood* Dalbergia ferruginea NA NA NA NA NA 4192,E;T5820|4193,T5820|4191,E| TU FU LING 土茯苓 Glabrous Greenbrier Equivalent plant: Smilax menispermoidea Smilax glabra Mild,Sweet,Neutral Stomach,Liver rhizome To eliminate damp, resolve toxin, free joints. Damp-heat with strangury turbidity, vaginal discharge, swollen welling abscess, scrofula, scab and lichen, syphilis, mercurial poisoning. 5658,E|23048,C0136|30713,T5845|2924,E|21666,E|20013,E|1928,E;M710;C0545;T5845|11242,T5845|6853,M710;C0451|4679,M710|5983,E|5984,T5845|11408,E|22085,E|22086,T5845|30330,T5845|23118,C0248|31350,T5845|23050,C0007|6801,T5845|20007,E;T5845|20006,E;T5845|20005,E;T5845|20004,E|20550,E|24489,M710|20009,T5845|20008,E;T5845|11238,E|20022,T5845|18628,M710;C0247|5698,E|5699,T5845| XIAO XUAN CAO GEN NA Small Yellow Daylily Hemerocallis minor NA NA root See Hemerocallis fulva. See Hemerocallis fulva. 9343,T6184|9339,E;T6184|9338,E|3911,E|3912,T6184| XIAO QING PI 小青皮 Green Tangerine Peel Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride Warm,Pungent,Bitter Stomach,Liver,Gallbladder NA Treatment of distending pain in the chest and costal regions, hernia, mass formation in the breast, mastitis, abdominal pain due to retention of undigested food. 1. Its component limonene is an expectorant and antiasthmatic.2. Its decoction relaxes the smooth muscle of intestines, stomach, gallbladder and uterus. 23184,M767| LA BA FEN SHI RUI. NA NA Cladonia chlorophaea NA NA NA NA NA 16560,E| CI TOU FU YE ER JUE NA NA Arachniodes exilis NA NA rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, close sores. Dysentery, burns and scalds. 11236,E|11237,E| JUE CHUANG NA Creeping Rostellularia Rostellularia procumbens [Syn. Justicia procumbens] NA NA dried whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp and disperse stagnation, quicken blood and relieve pain. Common cold with fever, cough, swelling pain in throat, red eyes with gall, gan accumulation, damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, malaria, jaundice, edema, pain in sinews and bones, knocks and falls, welling abscess and flat abscess with clove sore, eczema. 20629,E|6491,T4470|17858,E|3638,E|20631,T4470|11977,E;T4470|11976,E;T4470|11975,E;T4470|11974,E|22061,E|6489,E|17941,E|17949,T4470|11984,T4470| QIU HUA NIU NAI CAI NA Globose Condorvine Marsdenia globifera NA NA NA NA NA 1111,E|30588,T5291|1121,E|30579,T5291|23105,T5291|1106,E|1110,E|23232,T5291| JIAO MAI YA 焦麦芽 Charred Malt Fructus Hordei germinatus Preparata Mild,Sweet Spleen,Stomach NA NA NA 25140,M394|13447,M394| HUANG BAI TANG JIE NA Yellowish Erysimum* Erysimum ochroleucum NA NA NA NA NA 9335,T4147|9334,E| MO GUO MA HUANG NA Przewalsk Ephedra Ephedra przewalskii NA NA NA NA NA 15780,E|14388,E|6814,E|18010,E|15736,E| HUANG MA ZI NA Roundpod Jute Seed Corchorus capsularis NA NA seed To strengthen heart, anesthetize. Flooding, cough harmful to lung. 9335,T4189|9334,E|7319,E|16075,T4189|16074,E|4037,T4189|4036,E|7320,T4189| BAI NIU DAN 白牛胆 Herba Inulae cappae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23298,C0410| OU XIA ZHI CAO NA Common Hoarhound Marrubium vulgare NA NA NA NA NA 7924,E|2912,E|580,E|2325,E;T5142|13566,E|13567,E|2134,E|25547,T5142|17814,T5142|17799,E|1663,E|17798,E| XIAO SHE ZI WAN NA Smallligulatecorolla Aster Aster albescens NA NA NA NA NA 7957,T6179|7950,E| PAN YUAN YU TENG NA Climbing Jewelvine Derris scandens NA NA NA NA NA 6495,E|22621,E|5235,T5173|16238,E|11321,E|22173,E|8277,E|3475,E|5230,E|5231,E|5232,E|5233,E|13081,E|11680,E|13100,E|3602,E|18670,E|7825,E|7824,E|5229,E|5228,E|19284,E|13098,E|13099,E|5223,E|5222,E|5221,E|7316,E|5227,E;T5173|5226,E|5225,E|5224,E|13274,E|19436,E|19437,E|19434,E|19435,E|19438,E| JU SAN HUA YE CAI NA Cymose Brassica* Brassica oleracea var. botrytis subvar. cymosa NA NA NA NA NA 15392,E|25671,T4454|8751,E|25427,T4454| XIAO HUA BA JIAO FENG 小花八角枫 Radix et Folium Alangii faberi NA NA NA NA NA NA 23295,C0237|23284,C0201| YING YE NV LOU CAI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13651,T6487| YI HE GUO NA Smoothfruit Ventilago Ventilago leiocarpa NA NA rhizome To supplement qi and blood, strengthen sinews and bones, soothe channels and network vessels. Qi -blood depletion, menstrual disorder, anemia and amenorrhea, wind-damp pain, knocks and falls, taxation damage in lumbar muscle. 22361,E|21697,E|12603,T6409|3615,E|6775,E|11188,E|11189,E|16653,E|13091,E|3319,E|20353,E|19994,E|22362,E|22363,E|12601,E|20695,E|22364,T6409|1764,E|10067,E| HU DIE HUA 蝴蝶花 Fringed Iris Iris japonica NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Hepatitis, liver enlargement, pain in hepatic zone, stomachache, swelling pain in throat, hematochezia. 6771,T4086|11168,C0152|11463,E|2215,E;T4086|6768,E| HUANG LU ZHI YE NA Common Smoketree Branch-leaf Cotinus coggygria var. cinerea NA NA branchlet-leaf To clear damp heat. Jaundice, lacquer sore, burns and scalds. 21947,T4187|8094,E|21943,E|30995,T4187|4445,T4187|17013,E|4438,E|17014,T4187| DONG BEI AN HUA JIN WA ER NA Northeast Dim-flower Carpesium* Carpesium triste var. manshuricum NA NA NA NA NA 7075,E|7073,E| GUANG YE ZI HUA NA Naked Leafyflower Bougainvillea glabra NA NA flower To quicken blood and regulate menstruation, transform damp and check discharge. Blood stasis and menstrual block, menstrual disorder , red and white vaginal discharge. 2321,E|11248,E| HUANG SAN QI NA Common Souliea Souliea vaginata NA NA rhizome or whole herb To clear heat and eliminate vexation, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Febrile diseases with vexation and agitation, palpitation and fearful throbbing, steaming bone tidal fever, pharyngitis, stomatitis, conjunctivitis, swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, damp-heat diarrhea, dysentery. 2202,E|3666,E|9454,E|20094,E|20095,E|20096,E|3649,E| TAI WAN HU JIAO NA Taiwan Pepper* Piper taiwanense NA NA NA NA NA 17453,E|10415,E|17451,E|3694,E|17449,E|955,E|22599,E|2891,E|6465,E|6215,E|1695,E|7520,E|3408,E|17450,E|3723,E| JIA DI FENG PI NA Jiadifengpi Anisetree Illicium jiadifengpi NA NA NA NA NA 13402,E|7009,E|6816,E|6886,E|16297,E|9974,E|5,E|16384,E|15423,E|16298,E|4952,E|11865,E|4951,E| NIAN BAO CHUN NA Viscid Primrose* Primula viscosa NA NA NA NA NA 16521,E|16522,T5074| YE HUA JIAO GEN NA Flatspine Pricklyash Root Zanthoxylum simulans NA NA root cortex. or stem cortex To dispel wind and eliminate damp, dissipate cold and relieve pain, resolve toxin. wind-cold-damp impediment, sinew and bone numbness, cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea, toothache, skin sores, poisonous snake bites. 19889,E|19888,E|19890,E|19891,E| TU NIU XI 土牛膝 Common Achyranthes Equivalent plant: Achyranthes aspera var indica Achyranthes aspera NA NA root and rhizome To quicken blood and dissipate stasis, dispel damp and disinhibit urine, clear heat and resolve toxin. Amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menstrual disorder, knocks and falls, pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, strangury, edema, fever due to external contraction, malaria, dysentery, sore pharynx, swollen welling abscess and clove sores. 30934,T5854|22028,E|542,E|540,E|541,E|6678,E;C0526|539,E| BAI QU CAI 白屈菜 Greater Celandine Chelidonium majus NA NA whole herb To settle pain and relieve cough, disinhibit urine and resolve toxin. Pain in sensory nerve endings, pain from ulcer in digestive tract, stomachache, abdominal pain, enteritis, dysentery, chronic bronchitis, pertussis, cough, jaundice, edema, ascites, scab and lichen with swelling of sores, snake or insect bites. 21045,E|4289,E|23720,T3013|3498,E|3499,E;T3013|19269,E|13873,E|7819,E|22717,T3013|20152,E|9599,E|22154,T3013|20117,E|7820,T3013|17969,E|2303,E;C0391;T3013|5707,E|7249,E|22142,E;C0483|9567,E|25267,T3013|31944,T3013|930,E;T3013|9600,T3013|16462,E|22716,E|30765,T3013|14126,E|4279,T3013|24947,T3013|9568,T3013|4032,E|4036,T3013|31530,T3013|15655,E|31168,T3013|15650,E|15651,T3013|3508,E;T3013|19280,T3013|9902,E|7251,T3013|3500,E|3501,E|3502,E;C0196;T3013|3504,T3013|17970,T3013|3507,E|20400,E|25524,T3013|23282,T3013|16291,E| NIU XUE 牛血 Ox Blood Bos taurus domesticus, Bubalus bubalis NA NA blood To fortify spleen and supplement center, nourish blood and quicken blood. Spleen vacuity and marked emaciation, amenorrhea, hematochezia, blood dysentery, incised wound. 9337,E|30827,T5118|32176,T5118|23125,C0500|22237,T5118|22235,E|17971,T5118|17970,E|22230,E|9338,T5118|4226,T5118|4221,E|4223,E| JUE MA CAO 蕨麻草 Potentilla anserina L. NA NA NA NA NA NA 23192,C0149| HUI BAI MAO LUO FU MU NA Canescent Devilpepper* Rauwolfia canescens NA NA NA NA NA 5247,E|30872,T4222| MU HAO 牡蒿 Japanese Wormwood Artemisia japonica NA NA whole herb To clear heat, cool blood, resolve toxin. Summer common cold, tuberculosis tidal fever, hemoptysis, child gan fever, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, vaginal discharge, icterohepatitis, erysipelas, poisonous snake bite. 27860,T5007|7735,T5007|30751,T5007|1793,E;T5007|3242,E|2853,E|28170,T5007|2570,E|4030,T5007|21334,E|21335,T5007|11311,T5007|7734,E|3241,E|23084,C0564|4029,E| BIN HAO NA Santonica Artemisia maritima NA NA NA NA NA 1798,E;T3139|25338,T3139|11686,E|7481,T3139|7480,E|19298,E| SONG JIE 松节 Knotty pine wood, Pine nodular branch Lignum Pini Nodi Warm,Bitter Liver NA Treatment of: 1. Wind-damp obstruction syndrome. Pine nodular branch (Songjie) is used with herbs that dispel wind and dampness. In acute arthritis with severe pain, Pine nodular branch (Songjie) is soaked in wine for drinking. 2. External injury pain. Pine nodular branch (Songjie) is used with herbs that invigorate blood circulation, including Peach seed (Taoren), Safflower (Honghua), Frankincense (Ruxiang) and Myrrh (Moyao). NA 23880,M169|23545,M169|23237,M169;C0461| NIU BANG GEN 牛蒡根 Great Burdock Root Arctium lappa NA NA root To dispel wind-heat, disperse swelling toxin. Wind-heat common cold, headache, cough, wind toxin swollen face, swelling pain in th roat, gingiva painful swelling, wind-damp impediment pain, concretion and conglomeration, welling abscess and boil, hemorrhoids, prolapse of rectum. 21604,E|21603,E|9384,E|11265,T5091|11264,E|31101,T5091|23018,C0549|7418,E|7419,T5091|9520,E|30627,T5091|23075,C0221|17076,E|32103,T5091|7880,E|21594,T5091|21590,E|21591,E|1623,C0548|1620,E|24032,T5091|11752,T5091|11751,E| GOU ROU NA Dog Meat Canis familiaris NA NA meat To supplement spleen and warm stomach, warm kidney and invigorate yang , replenish essence . Distention fullness in stomach duct and abdomen, edema, lumbago and limp leg, impotence, cold malaria, enduring vanquished sore. 3206,T3859|3205,E|30827,T3859|4221,E| E LE GANG HE BAO MU DAN NA Oregon Bleedingheart Dicentra oregana NA NA NA NA NA 4352,E|4353,T3674| CHUAN ZHU ER YE TAI NA Rosary Ear-leaf Muscus* Frullania tamarisci ssp. moniliata [Syn. Frullania moniliata] NA NA frond To brighten eyes, clear heart, supplement kidney. Red eyes with gall, blurred vision, vexation due to febrile disease. 20640,E| SI LENG ZE LAN NA Four-arris Eupatorium* Eupatorium quadrangularae NA NA NA NA NA 18279,E| DIAN HUANG JING NA King Solomonseal Polygonatum kingianum NA NA rhizome See Polygonatum sibiricum . See Polygonatum sibiricum . 7412,E|12224,E|11541,E| SHAN GANG TUO WU NA Leopard Plant Ligularia clivorum NA NA NA NA NA 3848,T5476|3847,E| JIU YAN SHI 九眼石 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4337,M418|23901,M418| RI BEN NAN WU WEI ZI NA Japanese Kadsura Kadsura japonica NA NA NA NA NA 12010,T5347|12000,E|333,E|12009,E| HUANG LIAN YA 黄连芽 Chinese Pistache Pistacia chinensis NA NA leaf and bud To clear summerheat, engender liquid, resolve toxin, disinhibit damp. Summerheat-heat thirst, swelling pain in throat, oral ulcer, vomiting and dysentery, strangury syndrome, innominate toxin swelling, sore and papules. 7801,E|8034,T4184|8094,E|5612,E|5613,E|23050,C0007|30995,T4184|30990,T4184|7802,T4184|5698,E|5699,T4184| BAI JI LI 白蒺藜 Tribulus fruit Fructus Tribuli Warm,Bitter Lung,Liver NA Treatment of headache and dizziness, distending pain in the chest and costal regions, cessation of milk secretion, mastitis, redness of the eye with formation of nebula, urticaria with itching. NA 9234,M24|6436,M24| NIU ER DA HUANG 牛耳大黄 Crisped Dock Rumex crispus NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and stanch bleeding, free stool and kill worms. Acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, enteritis, dysentery, chronic trachitis, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, heat bind constipation, swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, scab and lichen, bald sores. 3615,T5095|3620,E|6776,T5095|3598,E|6775,E;C0449|3599,T5095| PI PA HE NA Loquat Seed Eriobotrya japonica NA NA seed To relieve cough and transform phlegm, soothe liver and move qi. Cough with profuse phlegm, mounting qi, edema, scrofula. 14384,T5192|31132,T5192|14383,E|10517,E|10518,E|1102,E;T5192|31237,T5192|7656,E|31238,T5192|25731,T5192|9716,E| BING TOU CAO NA Galericulate Skullcap Scutellaria galericulata NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit water and free strangury, quicken blood and dissipate stasis. Heat strangury, blood strangury, intestinal welling abscess, hepatitis, carcinoma, toxin swelling of sores, knocks and falls, poisonous insect stings. 8080,E|8081,T3148| FU PEN ZI YE 覆盆子叶 Folium Rubi chingii NA NA NA NA NA NA 23234,C0368| YANG JI CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23230,C0482| BAI HE HUA 百合花 Flos Lilii brownii NA NA NA NA NA NA 3911,C0443| LU SHI DONG LING CAO NA Lushien Rabdosia* Isodon rubescens var. lushiensis NA NA NA NA NA 13065,E|13064,E|13063,E|6825,E|13061,E|13060,E|16746,E|9081,E|9080,E|1245,E|19564,E|18302,E|9079,E|13062,E| AI MA HUANG NA Small Ephedra Ephedra minuta NA NA herbaceous twigs See Ephedra sinica. See Ephedra sinica. 25807,T2890|6815,E| ZI XUE HUA 紫雪花 Indian Leadword Plumbago indica NA NA Stem-leaf or flower To break blood and free menstruation, disperse swelling and relieve pain, dispel wind and kill worms. Amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, wind-damp impediment pain, sprain from knocks and falls, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, scab and lichen. 17556,T6772|17554,E;C0573| XIANG YE NA Roce Pelargonium Pelargonium graveolens NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, move qi and relieve pain, kill worms. Rheumatism, mounting qi, scrotal eczema, scab and lichen. 21963,E|15146,T6143|3768,E|3769,T6143|21968,T6143|12848,T6143|14573,E|14574,T6143|15138,E|18905,E|12847,E| WAI LAI CAI ZONG. NA NA Sabal peregrina NA NA NA NA NA 16369,E| NIU QU TI GEN CAO NA Tortuous Hellebore* Helleborus torquatus [Syn. Helleborus serbicus] NA NA NA NA NA 10062,E|10063,E|9326,E|9327,E|9325,E| MAO YE SHI NAN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1935,T4891| SHI LIU 石榴 Pomegranate fruit Fructus Punixae Granati Warm,Sour,Punkery Large Intestine,Stomach NA NA NA 23225,M657| GUAN CANG ZHU NA Japanese Atractylodes Atractylodes japonica NA NA rhizome See Atractylodes lancea . See Atractylodes lancea . 9906,E|6832,E|1969,E|21723,E|1965,E;C0543;T3881|1966,E|7494,E|5533,E|5901,E|7513,E|7511,T3881|10431,E|17073,E|19591,E|9805,E|9541,E| LING NAN HUAI SHU NA Tomentose Sophora Sophora tomentosa NA NA NA NA NA 20077,E|31466,T4669|11245,E|11502,T4669|20078,T4669|11501,E|13274,E| ZHI FENG FANG 炙蜂房 Prepared Honeycomb Nidus Vespae Preparata Mild,Sweet Stomach NA Treatment of toothache due to caries, sores, ulcers, mastitis, scrofula, ringworm, tinea unguium. NA 23487,M847|23170,M847|23131,M847| HUI SE OU SHI NAN NA Bell Heather Erica cinerea NA NA NA NA NA 11425,E|11426,T4239| DONG BEI MU HAO 东北牡蒿 Artemisia eriopoda NA NA NA NA NA NA 23084,C0564| SHAN JIA ZHU 山甲珠 NA NA Minor cold,Salty Stomach,Liver NA Treatment of amenorrhea with mass formation in the abdomen, galactostasis, carbuncles and sores, arthralgia with numbness and muscular contracture. Raising the level of white blood cells. 24237,M620| SHANG ZUO ZHOU ZHANG YA CAI NA Tosa Swertia* Swertia tosaensis NA NA NA NA NA 20495,E|20496,T5529| AI SHI TIAN JIE CAI NA Eichwald Heliotrope* Heliotropium eichwaldii NA NA NA NA NA 9319,E| HUI QI N NA Anise Pimpinella anisum NA NA NA NA NA 5171,E|9739,E|10453,E|7388,E|14052,E|14413,E|9915,E|14416,E|14415,E|14414,E|14419,E|14418,E|9783,E|14417,E|9025,E|9024,E|9026,E|4233,E|14468,E|14420,E|1282,E|1186,E|1184,E|1185,E|14727,E|7521,E|9512,E|10634,E|10633,E|10632,E|10631,E|10630,E| MA QIAN ZI FEN 马钱子粉 Nux Vomica Powder Semen Strychni Pulveratum NA NA NA Treatment of protracted arthritis, rheumatoid arthralgia, numbness and paralysis, sequala of poliomyelitis, traumatic injury, boils and sores. NA 2678,M1004;C0209|23481,M1004| QING YANG NA Green Poplar Populus cathayana NA NA male inflorescence See Populus canadensis. See Populus canadensis. 19177,E|19169,E| HONG NIU MAO CI GEN 红牛毛刺根 Rubus adenophorus Rolfe NA NA NA NA NA NA 23125,C0500| HUA ZE LAN 华泽兰 Chinese Eupatorium Eupatorium chinense NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, course liver and quicken blood. Wind-heat common cold, chest and rib-side pain, stomach duct pain and abdominal distention, knocks and falls, swollen welling abscess and sore toxin, snake bite. 23105,C0240|7539,E|7538,E|10766,E|15672,E|16958,E|16959,E|10113,E|9706,E|2559,E|7580,E|14892,E|7548,E|2699,E|7540,E|7541,E|7542,E|7543,E|7544,E|7545,E|7546,E|7547,E| LIANG BAI MEI RONG JUN NA White Fuliga* Fuligo candida NA NA NA NA NA 4465,E| QIU HUA DANG SHEN NA Subglobose Asiabell Codonopsis subglobosa NA NA root See Codonopsis pilosula. See Codonopsis pilosula . 7957,T5290|23784,T5290|13816,E|23887,T5290|31782,T5290|1967,E;T5290|20696,T5290|20697,E|20695,E|8817,T5290|8816,E|32244,T5290|20353,E|17079,E|22827,E|7950,E|13500,E|13817,T5290|13501,T5290| SHI XIAN QIE NA Decaline Nightshade* Solanum decemlineata NA NA NA NA NA 5103,E|5105,T5600| PING QIAN LI GUANG NA Bottle Groundsel* Senecio sarracenicus NA NA NA NA NA 19373,E| RU XIANG 乳香 Olibanum Boswellia carterii Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Liver,Heart balsam To move qi and quicken blood, free menstruation and relieve pain, disperse swelling and engender flesh. Pain in heart and abdomen, wind-damp impediment pain, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, stasis pain from knocks and falls, swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, intestinal welling abscess, enduring sores. 23891,M599|31444,T5381|30677,T5381|30678,T5381|25528,T5381|17041,M599|17040,E|17042,M599|10340,E|2568,E|12193,E|23850,M599|13084,E|2567,E|1110,M599|1113,M599|24822,M599|24094,M599|23740,M599|21954,E|14105,E|25065,M599|25148,M599|440,E|444,E|24889,M599|6481,E;M599|24483,M599|4232,M599|6484,T5381|15213,T5381|15212,E|24176,M599|13765,E|24247,M599|15697,E|24788,M599|24585,M599|24461,M599|23387,M599|21393,E|12837,E|24879,M599|13766,T5381| ZHU FU SHEN 朱茯神 Indian Bread with Pine Poria cum Ligno Hospite Mild,Sweet,Neutral Spleen,Heart,Kidney NA NA NA 24586,M879|25013,M879|17544,M879|1749,M879| CHOU BAI 臭柏 Savin Sabina vulgaris NA NA branchlet or cone To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and relieve pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, itchy skin, headache, cough. 31822,T3298|19086,E|17578,E;C0083|4288,E|4291,T3298|25347,T3298| BO LI ZI HUA JIAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3773,T3152|3103,T3152| MU LI LU NA One Sided Racemes Leucothoe Leucothoe grayana NA NA NA NA NA 8992,E|8993,E|8994,E| ROU MAO FAN LI ZHI NA Glaucous Custardapple* Annona glauca NA NA NA NA NA 8507,E| HUA GUAN YIN LIAN HUA NA St Brigid Anemone coronaria NA NA NA NA NA 4435,E|5012,E|5013,E|5014,E|5015,E| YOU(2) NA Divaricate Bluebeard Caryopteris divaricata NA NA NA NA NA 3246,E| XIAO YE HUANG YANG NA Small-leaved Box Buxus microphylla NA NA NA NA NA 30353,T6190|4543,T6190|4542,E|4476,E| MU BAN XIA GEN 木半夏根 Radix Elaeagni multiflorae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23300,C0165| DUO BIAN HUA BAI LAI SHI JU NA Manyradiate Bailai’s Chrysanthemum* Baileya pleniradiata NA NA NA NA NA 16734,T3642|31820,T3642|17544,E|2109,E;T3642|16722,C0093|16721,E| RI BEN LONG DAN NA Japanese Gentian* Gentiana japonica NA NA NA NA NA 20494,E|20495,T5340| ZAO JIA GEN PI NA Chinese Honeylocust Root-bark Gleditsia sinensis [Syn. Gleditsia horrida] NA NA root cortex To resolve toxin and dissipate binds, dispel wind and kill worms. Scrofula, innominate toxin swelling,wind-damp bone pain, scab and lichen, malign sore. 32086,T6607|21495,E| KE LEI NI JUE MING NA Kleini Senna* Cassia kleinii NA NA NA NA NA 12232,E|12231,E|12230,E|12229,E| DA HONG YING SU NA Bracteate Poppy* Papaver bracteatum NA NA NA NA NA 3885,E|23927,T3414|15443,T3414|15440,E|4121,E|7838,T3414|14244,E|16613,E|7836,E| WANG CHUN YU LAN NA Biond Magnolia Magnolia biondii [Syn. Magnolia fargesii] NA NA flower bud See Magnolia liliflora. See Magnolia liliflora. 30955,T5893|5135,T5893|5134,E|16544,E|7718,E|2303,E|7511,E|13381,T5893|2389,E|2388,E|13380,E|2858,E|2387,E|2391,E|12914,E|12915,T5893|17400,E|31816,T5893|1843,E;T5893|2392,E;T5893|2390,E|11848,E|7720,E;T5893|25742,T5893| NAN YIN DU CHUAN XIN LIAN NA South-India Andrographis* Andrographis viscosula NA NA NA NA NA 21896,E|16857,E|10788,E|21167,E|21899,E| YU MI FU NA Maize Bran Zea mays NA NA NA NA NA 4976,E| JI GUAN HUA 鸡冠花 Common Cockscomb Flower Celosia cristata Cool,Sweet Large Intestine,Liver inflorescence To cool blood and stanch bleeding, check discharge, check diarrhea. Bleeding, vaginal discharge, diarrhea, dysentery. 30651,T4263|2319,E|17377,M379;C0265|25090,M379|1013,E;M379;T4263| HONG FEN 红粉 Red Mercuric Oxide Hydrargyri Oxydum Rubrum NA NA NA Treatment of carbuncles, sores, chancre and other malignant boils with darkcoloured putrid tissues, formation of fistulae or sinuses, constant discharge of pus, and difficult to heal up. NA 23400,M342| REN NIAO NA Human Urine Homo sapiens NA NA human urine To enrich yin and downbear fire, stanch bleeding and disperse stasis. Yin vacuity fever, taxation damage hemoptysis, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, postpartum blood stasis, blood dizziness, knocks and falls, pain of blood stasis. 4226,T5322|5163,E|1160,E|32176,T5322|32178,T5322|22237,T5322|11012,T5322|5152,E|22230,E|11217,E|9548,T5322|22235,E|9547,E|16440,T5322|22243,E|9936,E|4223,E| DA HUI QIN NA Big Anise* Pimpinella magna NA NA NA NA NA 11246,E|17361,E| TU SHA REN NA Japanese Galangal Alpinia japonica NA NA fruit or seed To move qi, regulate center, fortify stomach. Glomus, abdominal distention and pain, vomiting, diarrhea. 989,E;T5858|31907,T5858|18667,E|25563,T5858|3048,E|12327,E|30723,T5858| MU GUI NA Loureir Cinnamon* Cinnamomum loureirii NA NA NA NA NA 4140,E| DE LA KE BA DOU NA Drac Croton* Croton draconoide NA NA NA NA NA 20701,E|21265,T3517| DA JI II NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23764,T3431|23232,T3431|24760,T3431|23887,T3431| GAO SHAN HUA JIAO NA Alpine Pricklyash Zanthoxylum hamiltonianum NA NA NA NA NA 31780,T3831|2284,E| RI BEN XIAO BO NA Japanese Barberry Berberis thunbergii NA NA root, root cortex, stem-leaf To clear heat and dry damp, drain fire and resolve toxin. Damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, stomach heat pain, red eyes with gall, mouth sore, swelling pain in throat, acute eczema, scalds. 13368,T5356|11849,T5356|3934,E|3935,T5356|2300,E;T5356|2303,E;T5356|25390,T5356|16428,E|11733,E|11848,E|16544,E|11738,T5356|16545,T5356|13367,E| XUE SHANG YI ZHI HAO 雪上一枝蒿 Shortstalk Monkshood Equivalent plant: Aconitum nagarum var lasiandrum Aconitum brachypodum Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Stomach root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and relieve pain. Wind-damp bone pain, knocks and falls, pain in limbs, toothache,toxin swelling of sores, pain from carcinoma, pain in joints. 13184,T6263|2737,M176|30689,T6263|23840,M176|5148,M176|2740,M176|1964,M176|554,E;M176;T6263|304,M176|2739,M176|2741,E;M176|24288,M176|24724,M176|2742,E;T6263|13182,E|15220,M176|23375,M176|2738,M176|10874,M176|23097,M176|20060,M176| CHUN ZHU JU TAI NA Chirita Chirita micronusa NA NA NA NA NA 3432,E| GOU SHU GEN NA Common Papermulberry Root* Broussonetia papyrifera NA NA tender root or root cortex To cool blood and dissipate stasis, clear heat and disinhibit damp. Cough with blood ejection, flooding and spotting [= metrorrhagia and metrostaxis], edema, knocks and falls. 2634,E|2633,E| ZHANG YA CAI NA False Chinese Swertia Swertia pseudochinensis NA NA whole herb To drain fire and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp, fortify spleen. Acute icterohepatitis, chronic liver diseases, damp-heat jaundice, dysentery, gastritis, indigestion, acute conjunctivitis, toothache, mouth sore, swelling pain of sores. 6010,E|20489,T6632|9615,E|11778,T6632|20494,E;T6632|20487,E|25907,T6632|5839,E|5847,E|5846,E|25905,T6632|8303,E|20493,E|11770,E|11575,T6632|25908,T6632|8308,T6632| NEN YE JIU LI XIANG NA Juvenileleaf Common Jasminorange Murraya microphylla NA NA NA NA NA 8456,T5063|8455,E| MING FAN 明矾 Alum Alumen Cold,Sour Lung,Spleen,Large Intestine,Liver NA External use for eczema, scabies, otits media with purulent discaharge, internal use for chronic diarrhea, hematochezia, abnormal uterine bleeding, epilepsy and mania.ALUMEN (CALCINED) - Eczema, discharge from ulcers otitis media with purulent discharge, excessive leukorrhea with pudendal itching, bleeding from the nose or gums, nasal polyp. 1. To astringe the intestine and relieve diarrhea (for prolonged diarrhea, used with Fructus Chebulae together). 2. To astringe and stop bleeding, hemoptysis and bleeding from the gum (both internal and external use). 3. To reduce exudation, relieve itching, clear toxic material and kill parasite: For burn, mixed with Borneolum Syntheticum and water for topical use; for skin infection, mixed with Realgar and tea for local application; for scabies and tinea, used together with Sulfur and Borneolum Syntheticum; for aphthae and suppurative ostitis media, used together with Borneolum Syntheticum and Borax, for eczema, 1% Alumen solution used as local compress. 4. To expel wind and eliminate phlegm: For apoplexy and epilepsy, used with Radix Curcumae together. In addation, also used hyperlipemia. Topical injection for mixture of 3-10% Alumen solution and 2% novocain may be used for prolapse of rectum, prolapse of uterus and hemorrhoids. 25016,M511| LIANG HUA GE NI DI MU. NA NA Gnidia lamprantha NA NA NA NA NA 15989,E| TAI WAN ZE LAN 台湾泽兰 Taiwan Agrimony Eupatorium formosanum NA NA aerial parts See Eupatorium fortunei. See Eupatorium fortunei . 7565,T5753|7585,E;C0522|7586,T5753|25735,T5753|7558,E|7557,E| PING PENG CAO NA Cowlily Nuphar pumilum NA NA rhizome To fortify spleen and boost lung, quicken lood and regulate menstruation. Reduced food intake due to spleen vacuity, yin vacuity cough, night sweating, blood stasis and dysmenorrhea, menstrual disorder, knocks and falls. 15859,E|15863,E|15862,E| FU YE RONG NA Septic Fig* Ficus septica NA NA NA NA NA 22135,E;C0031|22136,T3779| XIN SHI 毒石 NA Arsenicum NA NA NA 1. To counteract toxic materials, kill microorganism, anticarcinogenic and remove necrotic tissues. External use for superficial tumors such as the cancers of cervix, skin, lips, penis and breast, also necrosis. Oral administration and intravenous injection for esophageal carcinoma, gastric carcinoma, lymphosarcoma, chronic granulocytic leukemia, etc. 2. To eliminate phlegm, relieve malaria and asthma. For malaria and bronchial asthma of cold-phlegm type. NA 24575,M1068| MAO DI HUANG NA Common Foxglove Equivalent plant: Digitalis lanata Digitalis purpurea NA NA leaf To strengthen heart and disinhibit urine. Cardiac failure, edema due to heart disease. 2887,E|5526,T4849|18206,E|18207,E|25701,T4849|18205,E|18202,E|18203,E|6685,T4849|12946,E|23381,T4849|8460,E|5523,E|5524,T4849|5525,E|12431,E|15994,E|20390,E|7556,E|12432,T4849| DUAN BAO YE SHA CAO NA Shortbractleaf Galingale* Cyperus brevibracteatus NA NA NA NA NA 2605,E| SHAO BIAN HUA BAI LAI SHI JU NA Fewradiate Bailai’s Chrysanthemum* Baileya pauciradiata NA NA NA NA NA 16734,T5530|16722,C0093|16721,E|15988,T5530|15981,E| MAN SHENG JUAN BAI NA David’s Spikemoss Selaginella davidii NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, soothe sinews and quicken network vessels. Hepatitis, diarrhea, rheumatic arthritis, scalds, bleeding due to external injury. 1030,E|4375,E| REN SHEN XI YANG SHEN ZA JIAO ZHONG. NA NA Panax ginseng x P . quinquefolium NA NA NA NA NA 9374,E| SI MIAN MU NA Winterberry Euonymus Euonymus bungeanus NA NA root, bark, fruit, or branchlet-leaf To expel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and free network vessels, resolve toxin and relieve pain. Rheumatic arthritis, lumbago, wound swelling from knocks and falls, thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger’s disease), pulmonary welling abscess, spontaneous external bleeding, swelling toxin of clove sore. 6631,E|6638,T5687|27,E|26080,T5687| PING YU FENG WEI JUE NA Kiushu Brake Pteris kiuschiuensis NA NA NA NA NA 18141,E|18142,E| SI GUO HUANG QI NA Siko Milkvetch* Astragalus shikokianus NA NA NA NA NA 18844,E|1950,E|12071,E| SHI NAN 石南 Chinese Photinia Photinia serrulata NA NA tender branch-leaf To dispel wind-damp, relieve itch, strengthen sinews and bones, boost liver and kidney. Wind-damp impediment pain, head wind headache, wind papules [=rubella], weekness in legs and knees, kidney vacuity lumbar pain, impotence with emission. 23090,C0492|22254,E|16040,E| YUN NAN ZHANG NA Nepal Camphortree Cinnamomum glanduliferum NA NA fruit or wood To dispel wind and dissipate cold, move qi and relieve pain. Wind-cold common cold, cough, wind-damp impediment pain, distending pain in stomach duct, diarrhea. 6745,T6589|6744,E|15196,E|25449,T6589| MEI ZHOU YE BAI HE NA American Crotalaria* Crotalaria anagyroides NA NA NA NA NA 30828,T4934|4265,E| CONG JIAN MU NA Alliaceous Pencilwood* Dysoxylum alliaceum NA NA NA NA NA 9876,E|9882,T3372| XUE LONG DAN NA Snaw Gentian Gentiana nivalis NA NA NA NA NA 20494,E|8290,T6259|20495,T6259|8289,E| TAI GUO NIU XU HUA NA Thailand Clinacanthus* Clinacanthus siamensis NA NA NA NA NA 14721,E|14723,E|14750,E|6808,E|6809,E| TAI WAN LUO HAN SONG NA Nakai Podocarpus Podocarpus nakaii NA NA NA NA NA 17687,E|17686,E;T5749|17685,E|17689,T5749|17688,E| CHUAN DONG ZHANG YA CAI NA EChuan Swertia Swertia davidii NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp. Damp-heat jaundice, lung heat cough, swelling pain in throat, toothache, dysentery, urinary tract infection, suppurative osteomyelitis, conjunctivitis , annexitis, pelvic inflamation, zoster, scab and lichen with sore toxin. 21777,E|20493,E|5949,E|8303,E|8739,E|6165,E| XIAO YE XUAN GOU ZI NA Small-leaf Raspberry Rubus taiwanicolus NA NA NA NA NA 15532,E|15531,E|15530,E| DA PENG TENG NA Disciform Prana* Prana discifera NA NA NA NA NA 3279,E| TU DING GUI NA Common Evolvulus Evolvulus alsinoides NA NA whole herb To clear heat, disinhibit damp, resolve toxin. Jaundice, dysentery, strangury-turbidity, vaginal discharge, clove sore, scab sore. 13679,E|23051,T5841|31503,T5841|2318,E| WU PAO ZI NA Parker Raspberry Rubus parkeri NA NA root To regulate menstruation, stanch bleeding, dispel phlegm, relieve cough. Menstrual disorder , menstrual block, concretion and conglomeration, flooding, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, cough and abundant phlegm, sores. 21808,E| XIA YE JI GU CHANG SHAN NA Narrowleaf Alstonia* Alstonia angustifolia NA NA NA NA NA 995,E|12446,E|13872,E|670,E|5058,E|5057,E| BAI TOU WENG HUA 白头翁花) bloom of Radix Pulsatillae Chinensis NA NA NA NA NA NA 1178,C0553| SUO LUO ZI 娑罗子 Wilson Buckeye Seed Equivalent plant: Aesculus chinensis , Aesculus hippocastanum Aesculus wilsonii NA NA ripe fruit without shell To soothe liver, rectify qi, loosen center, relieve pain. Distending pain in chest and rib-side, distending pain in breast, dysmenorrhea, pain in stomach duct, pain in chest and abdomen. 21352,E|21354,T5734|660,E;M1049;T5734| BING LANG 槟榔 Betenutpalm Areca catechu Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Large Intestine,Stomach seed To expel worms, disperse accumulation, precipitate qi, move water, interrupt malaria. Wormccumulation, food stagnation, distending pain in stomach duct and abdomen, diarrhea and tenesmus, beriberi, edema, malaria. 32015,T3145|31782,T3145|21029,E|31449,T3145|9091,E;M62|9092,E;M62;T3145|9093,T3145|9595,T3145|3308,E|32014,T3145|23576,M62|9594,E|23242,M62;C0297|17862,E|17861,T3145|12564,E|1658,E;M62;T3145|1656,E|1657,E;T3145|1654,E;T3145|1655,E|21031,T3145|21030,E|12885,E|23479,T3145|20265,T3145|20264,E|17870,E|17079,E|12708,T3145|3315,T3145|3138,E|9485,E|15195,E|15197,E|15196,T3145|6543,E|17855,E|30926,T3145|9488,T3145|31420,T3145| HUA SHENG YOU 花生油 Arachis hypogaea L. NA NA NA NA NA NA 23125,C0500| YUAN MAO XIANG RI KUI NA Ciliate Sunflower* Helianthus ciliaris NA NA NA NA NA 2946,E|2959,T6551| CHI YE SHUI LIAN NA White Lotus, Egyptian Lotus Nymphaea lotus NA NA NA NA NA 15869,E|15868,E|15166,E| LIAO DONG CONG MU NA Liaodong Aralia Aralia elata NA NA root cortex or bark To supplement qi and quiet spirit, strengthen essence and enrich kidney, dispel wind and quicken blood, dispel damp and relieve pain. Neurasthenia, rheumatic arthritis, hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, gastrospasm, constipation, bleeding due to external injury. 1609,E|1608,E|20367,E|14621,E|1603,E|1605,E|1604,E|1607,E|1606,E|20368,E|1610,E|3977,E|3976,E|16040,E|3978,E|18519,E|14328,E| XIAO HUA MU BAN SHU NA Smallflower Xylopia* Xylopia parviflora NA NA NA NA NA 6315,E|4885,E|14666,E|22803,E|5601,E|14700,E| XIAN SHENG MA XIAN HAO NA Muscicolous Woodbetony Pedicularis muscicola NA NA root To supplement original qi greatly, engender liquid and quiet spirit, strengthen heart and lower blood pressure. Qi -blood depletion, vacuity taxation with profuse sweating, vacuity desertion failure, hypotension. 19768,T6095|3248,T6095|3247,E|19767,E| GOU ZHUA NG HU JIAO NA Hooked Pepper* Piper aduncum NA NA NA NA NA 6192,E|1343,E|17418,E|6382,E|17416,E|17417,E| HE GUO CU FEI NA Drupaceous Plumyew* Cephalotaxus drupacea NA NA NA NA NA 9608,E|9611,T3980| HONG ZAO 红枣 Jujube Chinese date Fructus Zizyphi Jujubae Warm,Sweet Spleen,Stomach NA Treatment of anorexia, lassitude and loose stools in deficiency syndrome of the spleen, hysteria in women. 1. Oral administration increases the level of cAMP and decrease the level of cGMP in plasma and in leukocytes.2. Protect the liver from damage.3. Hypotensive. 24356,M158| ZAO PI 枣皮 Asiatic Cornelian Cherry Fruit Fructus Corni Warm,Sweet Spleen,Stomach NA Treatment of dizziness, tinnitus, soreness in the loins and knees, impotence, seminal emission, enuresis, frequency of urination, excessive uterine bleeding and leukorrhea, collapse with profuse sweating, diabetes. 1. Relieving cyclophosphamide-induced leukopenia in mice.2. Diuretic and hypotensive3. Inhibiting the growth of Bacillus dysenteriae in vitro. 20487,M831|23225,M831| YANG PI NA Goat Hide Capra hircus, Ovis aries NA NA hide To supplement vacuity, dispel stasis, disperse swelling. Vacuity taxation with emaciation and weakness, painful swelling from knocks and falls, bleeding due to tympanites. 13652,E|13654,T6325| CHANG GUO SHAN CHENG 长果山橙 Melodinus henryi Craib NA NA NA NA NA NA 23105,C0240| JIE ZI 芥子 India Mustard Seed Brassica juncea NA NA seed To warm center and dissipate cold, break phlegm and disinhibit orifices, free network vessels and disperse swelling. Vomiting with stomach cold, pain in heart and abdomen, lung cold cough, impediment pain, throat impediment, flowing phlegm, knocks and falls. 31788,T4381|17103,E|25289,T4381|23209,M982;C0309|25285,T4381|2294,E|19919,E;M982|24089,M982|2803,T4381|11623,T4381|25190,T4381|2782,E|14754,E|14755,T4381|14531,E|14532,T4381|17889,E|11622,E|8598,E|17111,E|31792,T4381|25698,T4381|19896,E|19901,E;M982;T4381|23373,M982|2783,T4381|16875,E|949,E;T4381|30696,T4381|31768,T4381|10231,E|2798,E|2799,E|17890,T4381| SHI DI 柿蒂 Persimmon Persistent Calyx Diospyros kaki Mild,Bitter,Punkery Stomach calyx To downbear counterflow and precipitate qi. Hiccough. 23101,M650;C0577|23043,M650;C0018|23249,C0002|13205,E|8094,E|3210,E|12017,M650|23037,T5570|11640,T5570|31751,T5570|24654,M650|23214,M650|30749,T5570|14782,E|16040,E|10886,M650|21618,M650|1935,E;T5570|23258,C0019|24481,M650|13215,T5570|3208,E|11639,E| QI CAO 蛴螬 Grub Holotrichia diomphalia Minor Warm,Salty NA NA NA NA 24237,M556| FEI YAN CAO NA Rocket Consolida Consolida ajacis [Syn. Delphinium ajacis] NA NA root and seed To promote vomiting, drain precipitation, kill worms. Scab sore, head louse, knocks and falls. 5003,E|5007,T3723|781,E;T3723|782,E;T3723|5009,E|5035,T3723|6733,E|6735,T3723|25930,T3723|5034,E|5006,T3723| XIAO HUA FENG MAO JU NA Smallflower Saussurea* Saussurea parviflora NA NA NA NA NA 19072,E|20553,E| YE HUA SHENG 野花生 Herba seu Folium Cassiae obtusifoliae NA NA NA NA NA NA 6775,C0449|18925,C0452| WA LENG ZI 瓦楞子 Arc Shell Concha Arcae Salty,neutral Lung, stomach,liver NA Treatment of retention of sticky phlegm difficult to expectorate, goitre, scrofula, masses in the abdomen, gastric pain with acid regurgitation. NA 25060,M1057|23378,M1057| WAN SHAN YIN YANG HUO NA Wanshan Epimedium Epimedium wanshanense NA NA NA NA NA 6491,E|10961,E|6492,E;T5884|1273,E;T5884|1274,E|27458,T5884|30607,T5884|25818,T5884| CHUAN DIAN SHI DA GONG LAO NA Veitch Mahonia Mahonia veitchiorum NA NA NA NA NA 2303,E|16544,E|11848,E| JING YA MA YE RUI XINAG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 26046,T4433| YUAN YE TAI NA Jamesoniella colorata Jamesoniella colorata NA NA NA NA NA 6473,E|9477,E|10301,E|22610,E|10567,E|11811,E|11812,E|11810,E|10569,E|10568,E|16358,E| SHEN JING CAO 伸筋草 Common Clubmoss Herb Herba Lycopodii Warm,Pungent,Bitter Liver NA Treatment of arthralgia with limited mobility of the joints. NA 24407,M635|3813,M635|3810,M635|3809,M635|23696,M635|13216,M635|24741,M635|24265,M635|13184,M635|13178,M635|7740,M635|24104,M635|23359,M635| LIAN YE 莲叶 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 21432,C0246| BAN WEN AN NA Spotted Gum Eucalyptus maculata NA NA NA NA NA 30819,T3052|4135,E| CHOU JIE CAO GEN 臭节草根 Radix albiflorae NA NA NA NA NA NA 12843,C0305|23279,C0236|23256,C0557| SHEN LU SHAN LONG YAN NA Nilgiris Helicia Helicia nilagirica NA NA root To astringe intestines and check diarrhea, resolve toxin. Enteritis and diarrhea, food poisoning, poisoning of mushrooms. 9301,E|9302,E| BEI JING SHI WEI NA Peking Pyrrosia Frond Pyrrosia davidii NA NA leaf See Pyrrosia lingua. See Pyrrosia lingua. 13474,E|31493,T3082|3552,T3082|3551,E| GUAN YE LIAN QIAO 贯叶连翘 Common StJohn’swort Hypericum perforatum bitter,sour,cold liver,gallbladder,stomach,bladder,small intestine whole herb with root To promote astriction and stanch bleeding, regulate menstruation and free milk, clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp. Hemoptysis, blood ejection, intestinal wind bleeding, flooding and spotting, bleeding due to external injury, menstrual disorder, galactostasis, jaundice, throat pain, red eyes with gall, urinary tract infection, mouth sore, nose sores, swelling toxin of welling abscess and boil, burns and scalds. 6853,T3889|6852,E|18236,E|19997,E|18014,M1101|10218,E|19072,E|2347,E|10890,T3889|24294,M1101|18302,E|13868,E|25052,M1101|10885,E;M1101|10886,E;T3889|10882,E;M1101|14315,E|8025,E|24747,M1101|23963,M1101|24660,M1101|19995,E|23062,M1101|19996,E|19999,E|18396,E|18397,T3889| HUANG BO LUO GUO 黄菠萝果 Phellodendron amurenseRupr NA NA NA NA NA NA 9066,C0475|2303,C0391|23277,C0560|11848,C0141|16544,C0098|23287,C0400| LONG CHI 龙齿 dens draconis fossilia dragon's teeth Dens Draconis Cool,Punkery Large Intestine,Liver,Heart,Kidney NA NA NA 24928,M465|23586,M465|24665,M465|23988,M465|24795,M465| SHUAN CHI WEI MAO NA Corkywing Euonymus Euonymus phellomana NA NA bark of branch To quicken blood and regulate menstruation, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Menstrual disorder , postpartum abdominal pain due to stasis obstruction, knocks and falls, wind-damp impediment pain. 7535,E|7537,E|7536,E| HUI ZHU NIU NAI CAI NA Beakstyle Condorvine Marsdenia oreophila NA NA rhizome To stanch bleeding and dissipate stasis, free network vessels and relieve pain. Bleeding due to external injury, fracture, lumbar and ack pain. 13570,E|13573,T4248| AN HONG WE LING CAI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4446,T2907| DUAN LONG CHI 煅龙齿 Prepared dens draconis fossilia dragon's teeth Dens Draconis Preparata Cool,Punkery Large Intestine,Liver,Heart,Kidney NA NA NA 25140,M228|24665,M228|19316,M228|23125,M228|3589,M228|23051,M228|617,M228|24795,M228|24928,M228|23587,M228|23586,M228|23729,M228|23988,M228|20430,M228|9644,M228|9645,M228|24226,M228|24290,M228|23131,M228|25011,M228|23193,M228| TUI RE ZHI XIE MU NA Febrifuge Holarrhena* Holarrhena febrifuga NA NA NA NA NA 9586,E|8009,E|11337,E|3969,T5863|3968,E|8010,T5863| MO LEI NAN YANG SHEN NA Murri Polyscias* Polyscias murrayi NA NA NA NA NA 10637,E|6090,E|17155,E| YI BAO MA HUA TOU NA Contracted Sawwort Serratula strangulata NA NA NA NA NA 3390,E|6426,E|6428,E|6429,E|10064,E| SHUI MU CAO NA Cuspidate Mnium Herb Mnium cuspidatum NA NA plant body To cool blood and stanch bleeding. Nosebleed(epistaxis), blood ejection, hematochezia, flooding and spotting. 19316,E|25336,T5651| YIN DU ZANG HUI XIANG NA India Caraway* Carum ajowan NA NA NA NA NA 13755,E|13754,E|5170,E|5153,E|13760,E|10763,E|10762,E|10038,E|10377,E|6092,E| MAO DI HUANG SHU WEI CAO NA Foxglove-like Sage Salvia digitaloides NA NA root To quicken blood and dispel stasis, disinhibit damp and resolve toxin. Chest impediment and angina, menstrual disorder, menstrual pain, vaginal protrusion (prolapse of uterus), flooding and spotting, red and white vaginal discharge, malign sore and swelling toxin. 14728,E|20670,E|20671,E|5721,E|4291,E|17954,E|20669,E|17998,E|14384,E|5762,E| DE QIN HONG JING TIAN NA Atuntsuen Rhodiola Rhodiola atuntsuensis NA NA NA NA NA 31913,T3519|18776,E| DA GE NA XIANG NA Big Goniothalamus* Goniothalamus giganteus NA NA NA NA NA 24804,T3409|18226,E|8380,E|18235,E|1008,E| TIAN XIAN ZI 天仙子 Henbane Seed Semen Hyoscyami Warm,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Stomach,Liver,Heart NA Treatment of gastric spasm and pain, asthma and cough, mania. 1. Antisudorific, saliva antisecretory and mydriatic.2. Relaxing the smooth muscles.3. Increasing heart rate and exciting the respiratory center. 23969,M695|23196,M695;C0008|2001,M695;C0389|24664,M695|24334,M695| GOU SHI HUA NA Chinese Forgetmenot Cynoglossum amabile NA NA whole herb To clear lung and transform phlegm, stanch bleeding and dissipate stasis, clear heat and disinhibit damp. Cough, blood ejection, hepatitis, dysentery, odynuria, vaginal discharge, scrofula, knife wound, fracture. 6687,T3861|1011,E;T3861|6685,E| SANG DAO BU SHI MU. NA NA Brackenridgea zanguebarica NA NA NA NA NA 15906,E|4045,E|5550,E|2985,E| CHUAN LIAN PI NA Szechwan Chinaberry Bark Melia toosendan NA NA dried stem or root cortex See Melia azedarach. See Melia azedarach. 11740,E|15603,E|21436,T3326|21431,E|20190,E|21432,E|4754,E|13665,E|4755,E|21540,E|14805,E|13657,E|13658,E|21538,E|21539,E| SUI MI SHA CAO NA Rice Galingale Cyperus iria NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and regulate menstruation. Wind-damp pain in sinew and bone, paralysis, menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, knocks and falls. 11986,T5729|11985,E| E MEI CUI QUE HUA NA Emei Larkspur Equivalent plant: Delphinium bonvalotii, Delphinium potaninii , Delphinium potaninii var jiufengshanense Delphinium omeiense NA NA root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, free network vessels and relieve pain, disperse swelling and resolve toxin. Wind-damp pain in sinew and bone, stomachache, painful swelling from knocks and falls, welling abscess and sores, hemorrhoids, lichen lai. 14561,E|5005,E|5004,E|5037,E|5034,E|11369,E|5032,E|5033,E|12368,E|1366,E|17731,E|13182,E| XIAN GENG XI XIAN NA Glandularstalk St Paulswort Siegesbeckia orientalis var. pubescens [Syn. Siegesbeckia pubescens ] NA NA aerial parts See Siegesbeckia orientalis . See Siegesbeckia orientalis. 10276,E|31400,T6084|10293,T6084|12192,E|21740,E|18161,E|4679,E|2481,E|29509,T6084|12233,T6084|12171,E|5929,E|18165,E|18164,E|18163,E|18162,E|10288,E;T6084|19861,E|19860,E|19862,E|19865,E|19967,E|19866,T6084|4684,T6084|25898,T6084|12226,E| YUE SI GUA NA Singkwa Towelgourd Luffa acutangula NA NA dried vascular bundles of ripe fruit See Luffa cylindrica. See Luffa cylindrica. 9716,E|31132,T6572| LI JIANG MA HUANG NA Likiang Ephedra Ephedra likiangensis NA NA herbaceous twigs See Ephedra sinica. See Ephedra sinica. 14388,E|14693,E|15736,E|6814,E|15780,E|18010,E| YUN NAN SHAN ZHA NA Yunnan Hawthorn Crataegus scabrifolia NA NA fruit See Crataegus cuneata. See Crataegus cuneata. 19072,E|3766,E|22565,E|1845,E|10886,E|20428,E| XIN SHAO NA CAO NA Fringecups Tellima grandifolia NA NA NA NA NA 7517,E|32004,T6217|20894,E|7519,T6217| GAN FENG CAO 肝风草 Autumn Zephyrlily Zephyranthes candida NA NA herb To calm liver and extinguish wind. Infant fright wind, epilepsy, tetanus. 9191,T3787|15489,T3787|20875,E|15487,E|17842,T3787|9186,E|20583,T3787|13234,E;C0335|13236,T3787|17836,E| NIAN XING GUO SHI SUAN JIANG. NA NA Physalis ixocarpa NA NA NA NA NA 11801,E| YI YI II NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3909,T6435|23887,T6435| JIU LIX IANG GEN 九里香根 Murraya paniculata(L.)Jack NA NA NA NA NA NA 8311,C0304| JI SHI LU HUI NA Gililand Aloe* Aloe gililandii NA NA NA NA NA 3979,E|3981,T4277| HE ER TI SHAN MA CHA. NA NA Tabernaemontana holstii NA NA NA NA NA 16953,E| MA DOU LING 马兜铃 Slender Dutchmanspipe Equivalent plant: Aristolochia contorta, Aristolochia indica , Aristolochia maxima, Aristolochia triangularis Aristolochia debilis [Syn. Aristolochia longa] Cold,Slightly Pungent,Bitter Lung,Large Intestine fruit To clear lung and downbear qi, relieve cough and calm asthma, clear and discharge large intestines. Lung heat cough asthma, phlegm congestion and hasty qi , lung vacuity enduring cough, intestinal heat bleeding from hemorrhoids, swelling pain from hemorrhoids, edema. 24959,M492|23678,M492|23950,M492|3048,M492|23228,C0303|3045,M492|23421,M492|21582,M492|1713,E|23289,C0374|24256,M492|23175,M492|23150,M492|17251,M492;C0263|917,E;T4786|13367,E|24924,M492|23119,M492|23157,C0373|23880,M492|13368,T4786|1691,E;T4786|9377,M492|23379,M492|23545,M492|24138,M492|2550,M492|24037,M492|3689,M492|1703,E|5403,M492|24175,T4786|15211,M492|2557,M492|14546,M492|20976,M492|9798,E|31152,T4786| LUO TUO HAO NA Little Peganum Peganum nigellastrum NA NA whole herb To dispel damp and resolve toxin, quicken blood and relieve pain, diffuse lung and suppress cough. Arthritis, menstrual disorder, bronchitis, headache. 5564,E|13079,E|5712,E|13080,E|5226,T4766|22335,T4766|22334,E|5218,E| CI CAO SU NA Pungent Jerusalemsage* Phlomis pungens NA NA NA NA NA 31017,T3349|8288,E| MI SUI HUA SHE BIAM JU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 20145,T4965| JI GUAN MIAO 鸡冠苗 herb Celosiae cristatae NA NA NA NA NA NA 17377,C0265| KU HAO NA Blin Conyza Conyza blinii NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, drain fire and stanch bleeding. Chronic trachitis, tonsillitis, pharyngolaryngitis, stomatitis, nephritis, icterohepatitis, conjunctivitis, otitis media, sores, toothache, nosebleed(epistaxis), hematochezia, flooding and spotting, bleeding due to external injury. 20152,E|4026,E|4027,E|4024,E|4025,E|4022,E|4023,E|4020,E|4021,E|20429,T4513|20428,E|30977,T4513|2887,E|21525,E|21524,T4513|18302,E|6917,E|31878,T4513|23720,T4513|4019,E|4018,E|4017,E|4016,E|4015,E|23381,T4513| QIN LING CUI QUE HUA NA Girald Larkspur Delphinium giraldii NA NA NA NA NA 5617,E|20711,E|21429,E|8454,E|8453,E|4990,E|19985,E| WU BING YE AN NA Non-stipe Eucalyptus* Eucalyptus apodophylla NA NA NA NA NA 11742,E|1531,E| HUANG JIU 黄酒 Yellow wing Glutinous rice wine Warm,Pungent,Sweet,Bitter Lung,Stomach,Liver,Heart NA NA NA 24429,M368| ZHI CANG ZHU 制苍术 Rhizome of Swordlike Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodis Praeparata Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Stomach NA Treatment of epigastric distension and diasrrhea, edema, particularly edema of the legs with lameness, rheumatic arthralgia, common cold, night blindess. NA 24807,M841|9541,M841| YI LI NUO HE HUAN CAO NA Prairie Mimosa Desmanthus illinoensis NA NA NA NA NA 5251,E| ZHAN MAO CUI QUE HUA NA Hair Larkspur Delphinium kamaonense var. glabrescens NA NA whole herb To clear heat and dry damp, check dysentery. Damp-heat dysentery, enteritis and diarrhea. 8489,T6621|8490,E|20711,E| BAI YA MA NA White Flax Linum album NA NA NA NA NA 16781,E|23138,C0215|16782,E|5092,E|16789,T3031|30334,T3031|30335,T3031|30855,T3031| CONG YE 葱叶 Folium Allii fistulosi NA NA NA NA NA NA 920,C0323| HUANG JIN 黄金 Linden Hibiscus Hibiscus tiliaceus NA NA leaf, bark or flower To clear lung and relieve cough, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Lung heat cough, swelling pain of sore and boil, cassava poisoning. 24237,M366|31417,T4176|12496,E| XIE XING WU TOU NA Cuneate Monkshood* Aconitum subcuneatum NA NA NA NA NA 3483,E|11864,E|11866,T6205| GAO HAI CONG. NA NA Urginea altissima NA NA NA NA NA 22234,E|10692,E| BAI YE JING JIE NA Whiteleaf Nepeta Nepeta leucophylla NA NA NA NA NA 30761,T3034|3464,E| YUAN YE E ZHANG CHAI NA Roundleaf Schefflera* Schefflera rotundifolia NA NA NA NA NA 2276,E|18718,E|18676,E|18674,E|2290,E|2287,E|18678,E|8714,E|8715,E|10951,E|22822,E|1575,E| A YU WEI SHI 阿育魏实 Fructus Trachyspermi ammi NA NA NA NA NA NA 21344,C0293| SI TU ZI 丝菟子 Dodder Seed Semen Cuscutae Mild,Pungent,Sweet Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of impotence, seminal emission, dripping of urine after urination, enuresis, frequent urination, aching and weakness of the loins and knees, blurred vision and tinnitus, threatened abortion due to hypofunction of the kidney, diarrhea due to hypofunction of the spleen and the kidney, external use for vitiligo. 1. Cardiotonic. 2. Promoting lymphocyte-blastogenesis. 3040,M168| ZHUAN HONG REN SAN NA Brick Tops Naematoloma sublateritium NA NA sporocarp Anticarcinoma. NA 20425,E|20427,E|20426,E| YU BA I FU NA Giant Typhonium Typhoniun giganteum NA NA tuberoid To dispel wind and transform phlegm, free channels and network vessels, resolve toxin and settle pain. Wind stroke with congesting phlegm, deviated eyes and mouth, migraine, tetanus, poisonous snake bite, scrofula, swollen welling abscess. 11082,E|11081,E|11080,E|19971,E| E BAO CHUN NA Top Primrose Primula obconica NA NA root To resolve liquor toxin, settle pain. NA 17844,T3667|17843,E| YIN YANG HUO 淫羊霍 Shorthorned Epimedium Equivalent plant: Epimedium sagittatum, Epimedium wushanense , Epimedium koreanum, Epimedium pubescens, Epimedium acuminatum, Epimedium davidii, Epimedium sutchuenense Epimedium brevicornum Warm,Pungent,Sweet Liver,Kidney aerial parts To supplement kidney and invigorate yang , strengthen sinews and bones, dispel wind-damp. Angina pectoris, chronic bronchitis, neurasthenia, climacteric hypertension, poliomyelitis, impotence and emission, limp wilting sinew and bone, wind-damp impediment pain, hypertonicity and numbness. 6961,E;T6470|6960,E;T6470|6963,E|6962,E;T6470|6491,E|31297,T6470|6968,T6470|32231,T6470|9362,E|24776,M809|13368,T6470|23407,M809|13367,E|5256,E|27452,T6470|12015,E|12017,T6470|2138,E|2139,E|22892,E|22893,E;T6470|22896,E;T6470|22897,T6470|22894,E;T6470|22895,E;T6470|23604,M809|2601,E|12888,T6470|12887,E|1275,E|25794,T6470|9363,T6470|6958,E|15402,E|10886,E|20264,E|24885,M809|22724,E|30608,T6470|23987,M809|9485,E|25793,T6470|23275,T6470|10965,T6470|10962,E;T6470|10961,T6470|6959,E;T6470|20265,T6470|23160,M809;C0271|9488,T6470|10941,T6470|2377,E;T6470| WU GENG WU JIA PI NA Sessileflower Acanthopanax Root-bark Acanthopanax sessiliflorus NA NA root cortex See Acanthopanax gracilistylus. See Acanthopanax gracilistylus. 88,E|20353,E|20540,E|3041,T5933|3040,E|86,E;T5933|87,E|85,E;T5933|3519,E|4679,E|19762,E;C0579|29509,T5933|19764,T5933|25615,T5933|23887,T5933|16040,E|25231,T5933|3520,E|19967,E|6754,T5933|19412,E|22254,E|19416,T5933| JIU ZI 韭子 Tuber Onion Seed Allium tuberosum Warm,Pungent,Sweet Liver,Kidney seed To supplement liver and kidney, invigorate yang and secure essence. Kidney vacuity impotence, limp aching lumbus and knees, emission, frequent urination, urinary turbidity, Vaginal discharge. 18705,E|8741,E|23170,M419|22066,E;T4440|22065,E|8709,E|22068,T4440| HUO XIANG GEN 藿香根 Agastache rugosa ( Mey.) O. Ktze NA NA NA NA NA NA 1186,C0041| GAN QING WU TOU NA Tangut Monkshood Aconitum tanguticum NA NA whole herb with root To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp. Hepatitis, cholecystitis, pneumonia, pharyngolaryngitis, gastroenteritis, common cold with fever. 9458,E|20673,E|9471,E|20634,E|9645,E|20660,E|2243,E| ZHOU MU ER NA Delicate Jew’s Ear* Auricularia delicata NA NA sporocarp See Auricularia auricula. See Auricularia auricula. 16207,E| YI XIAN YING SU NA Fugacious Poppy* Papaver fugax NA NA NA NA NA 13624,E|7979,E|7985,T6424|25542,T6424| MO XI GE DUI XIN JU NA Mexico Sneezeweed* Helenium mexicanum NA NA NA NA NA 14814,T4995|14813,E| TAI WAN JI NING NA Taiwan Mosla Orthodon formosanus NA NA NA NA NA 25857,T5747|6192,E| REN SHEN ZI 人参子 Fructus Panax ginseng NA NA NA NA NA NA 23129,C0173|23066,C0171|23181,C0178|16586,C0094|16585,C0095|23117,C0168|16583,C0096|16582,C0097|23271,C0569|23034,C0170|23085,C0172| BU XUE CAO NA Gmelin Sealavender Herb Limonium gmelinii NA NA herb To stanch bleeding and dissipate stasis. Static blood, flooding and spotting, carcinoma of uterine cervix. 5010,E|4449,E|4450,T3168|5011,T3168| HONG HUA PI NA Japanese White Birch Bark Betula platyphylla NA NA bark See Betula platyphylla. See Betula platyphylla. 2331,T4046|16522,T4046|2327,E|2326,E|2328,E|266,E|1379,T4046|17533,E|31303,T4046| MIAN MA GUAN ZHONG 绵马贯众 Male Fern Rhizome Rhizoma Dryopteris Crassirhizomae Minor cold,Bitter Stomach,Liver NA Treament of abdomen pain due to intestinal worms, sores, uterine bleeding (drug carbonizing). NA 23657,M509| CI SAN JIA NA Trifoliate Acanthopanax Acanthopanax trifoliatus NA NA root or root cortex To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel wind and disinhibit damp, soothe sinews and quicken blood. Common cold with fever, sore pharynx, headache, chest pain due to cough, pain in stomach duct, diarrhea and dysentery, pain in rib-side, jaundice, stone strangury, vaginal discharge, wind-damp impediment pain, aching in lumbus and legs, hypertonicity of sinews and bones, fracture due to knocks and falls, epidemic parotitis, mammary welling abscess, toxin swelling of sores, snake or insect bites. 92,E|11750,E|17357,E|20697,E|12174,E|91,E|93,E|13257,E| MU GUA HE 木瓜核 Semen Chaenomelis speciosae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23110,C0515|23062,C0255| ZI SUI HUAI 紫穗槐 Indigobush Amorpha Amorpha fruticosa NA NA leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel damp and disperse swelling. Welling abscess, burns and scalds, eczema. 20949,E|23125,C0500|20952,T6761|1071,E|7481,T6761|7480,E|7882,E|7884,T6761|23270,C0506| TIAN LIAO MU NA Cochinchina Homalium Homalium cochinchinensis NA NA NA NA NA 2224,E|3874,E|3875,E|3876,E|3877,E|21493,E|21492,E|21494,E| XIAN YE XUAN FU HUA NA Linearleaf Inula Inula linariaefolia NA NA capitulum See Inula britannica. See Inula britannica. 2615,E;T6104|11115,T6104|11108,E| JIAO BING LANG 焦槟榔 Charred Areca Seed Semen Arecae Preparata NA NA NA Treatment of retention of undigested food, dysentery with tenesmus. NA 23576,M980|1658,M980|9091,M980|9092,M980|23242,M980| PU TONG BAI JIAN MU NA Common White Quebracho Aspidosperma quebracho - blanco NA NA NA NA NA 1904,E;T5224|1903,E;T5224| SAN CHI LA RUI A NA Creosote-bush Larrea tridentata NA NA NA NA NA 21089,E|21695,E|10076,E|4939,E|21755,E|12066,E|21841,E|31017,T5403|7742,E|7743,E|20962,E|7741,E|1476,E|8288,E|7744,E|7745,E|5864,E|6941,E|9422,E|5863,E|5651,E| SHUANG SUI MA HUANG NA Jointfir Ephedra Ephedra distachya NA NA NA NA NA 14388,E|15736,E|6815,E|6814,E|15780,E|18010,E|14390,T5631|25807,T5631| FENG DU NA Apisin Apis cerana NA NA apisin To dispel wind and eliminate damp, relieve pain. Rheumatic arthritis, aching pain in lumbus muscle, neuralgia, hypertension, urticaria, asthma. 9568,T3744|9567,E| LI DOU NA Capitateflower Velvetbean Stizolobium capitatum NA NA seed To warm center and boost qi. Diabetes mellitus. 6557,E|6558,T4598| SHENG MA 升麻 Bugbane Equivalent plant: Cimicifuga dahurica, Cimicifuga heracleifolia Cimicifuga foetida Minor cold,Pungent Lung,Spleen,Large Intestine,Stomach rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, effuse exterior and outthrust papules, upbear yang and raise fall. Prevention of ptosis, women’s hormone dysfunction diseases, seasonal epidemic fire toxin, mouth sore, sore pharynx, macula, cold-heat headache, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, center qi fall, spleen vacuity diarrhea, chronic dysentery, vaginal discharge, flooding. 24780,M644|24183,M644|24184,M644|9454,E|3657,E|24550,M644|23404,M644|25039,M644|3672,M644|3670,M644|4472,M644|3650,E|24673,M644|2887,E|24065,M644|642,M644|3671,M644|23192,M644;C0149|19173,T5560|19172,E|22514,M644|7768,T5560|25064,M644|141,E|15717,M644|24541,M644|5465,E|23231,C0386|19785,M644|22537,M644|23589,M644|23696,M644|23509,M644|24210,M644|23848,M644|23381,M644;T5560|24467,M644|7767,E|3658,E;M644|2350,M644;C0390|512,E|24285,M644| DIAN GOU TENG NA Yunnan Gambirplant Uncaria yunnanensis NA NA NA NA NA 5357,T3548|5356,E| BEI SHUI KU MAI NA Watery Speedwell Veronica anagallis-aquatica NA NA whole herb with insect gall fruit To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and stanch bleeding. Common cold, sore pharynx, taxation damage hemoptysis, dysentery, blood strangury, menstrual disorder [=menoxenia], swelling of sores, knocks and falls. 10354,E|10352,E|1540,E|1539,E|1538,E| MAO GUO YI HE GUO NA Hairyfruit Ventilago Ventilago calyculata NA NA NA NA NA 6775,E|6776,T4864| YE HEI YING NA Wild Rum-cherry Prunus serotina NA NA NA NA NA 19530,T6365|19527,E|4135,E| SHAN MA HUANG NA Acutifoliate Podocarpium Desmodium racemosum [Syn. Podocarpium podocarpum var. oxyphyllum ] NA NA herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and resolve toxin. Wind-damp impediment pain, flooding, vaginal discharge, haryngolaryngitis, mammary welling abscess, knocks and falls, poisonous snake bite. 12015,E|12017,T5489| NIU JIN QIAN LI GUANG NA Oxford Ragwort Senecio squalidus NA NA NA NA NA 11089,T5104|11088,E| HUA SHAN SHEN 华山参 Funneled Physochlaina Root Radix Physochlainae NA NA NA Treatment of cough and asthma with thin expectoration, palpitation and insomnia. NA 2001,M971;C0389| SUO YANG 锁阳 Songaria Cynomorium Cynomorium songaricum Warm,Sweet Large Intestine,Liver,Kidney fleshy stem To supplement kidney and invigorate yang , boost essence and blood, moisten intestines and free stool. Kidney vacuity impotence, emission and premature ejaculation, limp wilting of lower limb, vacuity constipation. 23518,M680|23489,M680|8010,M680|24068,M680|24001,M680|23790,M680|23733,M680|4904,E|7417,M680|23175,M680|23886,M680|23641,M680|23889,M680|24099,M680|23075,M680;C0221|23581,M680|23983,M680|23725,M680|5403,M680|24388,M680|24013,M680|530,E|22254,E|23142,C0318|11478,E|23287,M680| BAI HUA HAO 百花蒿 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23289,C0374|11418,C0417|3048,C0377|7520,C0416|23256,C0557|23175,C0470|17251,C0263|23157,C0373| YANG JIAO AO ZI NA Divaricate Strophanthus Seed Strophanthus divaricatus NA NA seed To quicken blood and disperse swelling, strengthen heart, kill worms and relieve itch. Wind-damp, scab and lichen, knocks and falls, swelling of sores, cardiac failure, rheumatic arthritis. 19366,E|25330,T6317|19365,E|19360,T6317|25284,T6317|6529,E|29317,T6317|6530,T6317|6531,E|20390,T6317|12945,E|3340,T6317|20387,E|19357,E|4316,E|4317,T6317|19359,E|20389,E|3332,E;T6317|3331,E|19942,E|19943,E;T6317|15115,E|30921,T6317|4857,T6317|4856,E|30453,T6317| YE SHENG MA NA Kamchatka Bugbane Cimicifuga simplex NA NA rhizome To effuse exterior and outthrust papules, clear heat and resolve toxin. Wind-heat common cold, child measles, heat toxin macula, swelling pain in throat, swollen welling abscess and sores, yang brightness headache, chronic diarrhea, prolapse of rectum, flooding and spotting, Vaginal discharge. 14237,E|2730,E|2731,E|2732,E|14236,E|9454,E|3658,E|3651,E|3652,E|2888,E|12218,E|3665,E|3664,E|14234,E|3661,E|3663,E|3662,E|2729,E|3649,E|1066,E|354,E|352,E| ZAO XIN TU 灶心土 Earth inside of Hearth Terra Flava Usta Minor Warm,Pungent Spleen,Stomach NA 1. For hematemesis, hemafecia and metrorrhagia of asthenia-cold type. 2. For vomiting due to stomach-cold and morning sickness. 3. For chronic diarrhea due to asthenia of spleen. NA 24096,M826|24505,M826| SHAN GAN RUI XIANG NA Tangut Daphne Equivalent plant: Daphne retusa Daphne tangutica NA NA stem bark and root cortex To dispel wind and free network vessels, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, numbness in limbs, headache, stomachache, lumbago, knocks and falls. 4642,E|12516,E|4644,T5475| HE TA CAO NA Florida Waltheria Waltheria americana NA NA root and stem To expel wind and eliminate damp, resolve toxin and eliminate inflammation. Vaginal discharge, welling abscess and boil, mastitis. 649,E;T3991|648,E;T3991|26028,T3991|650,E;T3991|651,E| GANG SONG II NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31906,T3806| SHAN ZHA 山楂 Chinese Hawthorn Equivalent plant: Crataegus pinnatifida var major Crataegus pinnatifida Minor Warm,Sweet,Sour Spleen,Stomach,Liver fruit To fortify stomach and disperse food, move qi and dissipate stasis, lower cholesterol. Hyperlipemia, myocardiac ischemia, angina pectoris, meat-type food accumulation, distention fullness in stomach duct, abdominal pain and diarrhea, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, postpartum stasis stagnation abdominal pain, stabbing pain in heart and abdomen, mounting qi . 17922,E|16274,E|14268,T5520|24300,M624|14265,T5520|14267,E|4221,T5520|14263,E|3552,T5520|3551,E|14474,E|16283,T5520|6329,T5520|6328,E|3766,E|3767,T5520|24825,M624|10886,E|32141,T5520|17913,T5520|32144,T5520|30692,T5520|6317,E|13733,T5520|2790,E|22566,T5520|6853,E|22565,E|14615,T5520|14614,E|20429,T5520|20428,E|17906,E|19072,E|25961,T5520|19075,T5520|7430,E|7433,E|25805,T5520|4217,E|4219,E|4218,E|9488,T5520|9485,E|30461,T5520|6420,E|6421,T5520|1845,E|23381,T5520|21926,E|22254,E|21947,E|21949,E;T5520|2887,E|30462,T5520|21931,E|21932,E;T5520|9407,E|21936,E|21938,T5520|21934,T5520|9408,T5520|14623,E|14149,T5520|14148,E|6355,E|4833,E|1102,E;T5520|7280,E|7284,T5520|31449,T5520|6341,T5520|25843,T5520|31636,T5520|31632,T5520|14480,E|12888,T5520|12887,E|12885,E|20265,T5520|20264,E|17937,T5520|24241,M624|25081,M624|24408,M624|6334,E;T5520|25489,T5520|351,E;T5520|6333,E|7463,E|7462,T5520|7461,E|25839,T5520|7465,T5520| QIAN CAO GEN NA Indian Madder Root Equivalent plant: Rubia schumannina, Rubia tinctorum , Rubia oncotricha, Rubia wallichiana Rubia cordifolia NA NA root To cool blood and stanch bleeding, quicken blood and transform stasis. Bleeding due to blood heat, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, knocks and falls, impediment pain in joints. 14033,E|14894,T5238|31562,T5238|15725,E|16055,E|14893,E|31689,T5238|31547,T5238|18210,E;T5238|14137,E|5521,E|18045,T5238|3185,T5238|13934,T5238|13933,E|13932,E|18978,E|18979,E|13991,E|14770,E|14771,E|18970,E|18971,E|18972,E|18973,E|18974,E|15068,E|18976,E|18977,E|18975,E|9890,E|9891,E|3181,E|18044,E|31570,T5238|18208,E|899,E;T5238|31690,T5238|19016,E|18998,E|13947,E|266,E|22757,E|10501,E|21795,T5238|18564,T5238|14767,E|901,E|15070,T5238|18969,E|18968,E|18967,E|18966,E|18965,E|18964,E|14769,E|21778,E|21779,E|19008,E|25764,T5238|19024,T5238|19021,E;T5238|19023,E|19022,E| JIAO GAN NA Tankan Citrus Citrus tankan NA NA fruit See Citrus chachiensis. See Citrus chachiensis . 19919,T4366|22765,E|22766,T4366|15628,T4366|32048,T4366|15626,E|9457,E|11713,E|21169,E|20353,E|31093,T4366|11714,T4366|19913,E|23887,T4366| GOU GU ZI 枸骨子 Ilex cornuta Lindl NA NA NA NA NA NA 2892,C0420| ER YE NIU PI XIAO NA Auriculate Swallowwort Cynanchum auriculatum NA NA tuberoid See Cynanchum bungei. See Cynanchum bungei. 26057,T3696|4553,T3696|22678,E|22676,E|22677,E|22675,E|4552,E|2115,E;T3696|4551,E| RI BEN FEI SHU 日本飞鼠 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23284,C0201| DAN XING 胆星 Bile Arisaema Rhizoma Arisaema cum Bile Cool,Bitter NA NA Treatment of cough with yellowish sticky expectoration, stroke, mania, epilepsy. NA 24921,M200|19106,M200| LUO HAN GUO 罗汉果 Grosvenor Siraitia Siraitia grosvenorii [Syn. Momordica grosvenorii] Cool,Sweet Lung,Large Intestine fruit To clear heat and moisten lung, lubricate intestines and free stool. Lung heat dry cough, common cold, throat pain, laryngitis, aphonia due to throat pain, intestinal dry and constipation. 31935,T4750|31934,T4750|31937,T4750|31936,T4750|23473,M484|19960,T4750|19955,E|19957,E|19956,E|9011,E|19959,E|19958,E| LUAN BAN ZAO ZHUI NA Ovatepetal Sandwort Arenaria kansuensis var. ovatipeatala NA NA NA NA NA 7767,E| SHU XU ZHU MA NA Siam Falsenettle Boehmeria siamensis NA NA whole herb To clear heat and remove damp, dispel wind and relieve itch, quicken blood and regulate menstruation. Abdominal pain, diarrhea, wind-damp impediment pain, eczema, itchy skin, menstrual block, lump glomus. 2529,E|2528,E| XI GUO JIAO HUI XIANG NA Thinfruit Hypecoum Hypecoum leptocarpum NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood. Common cold with fever, headache, throat pain, red eyes with gall, pain in joints, pneumonia, hepatitis, cholecystitis, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia. 3498,E|12668,E|12669,E|12666,E|19269,E|17859,E|12671,E|12670,E|10879,E|4032,E|16435,E|10877,E| SAN SE QIAN NIU NA Trichroism Morningglory* Ipomoea tricolor NA NA NA NA NA 13248,E|3477,E|13250,T5424|3480,T5424| E GUO MEN FEI CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13229,T3673|20534,T3673| XIAO GAI SHU WEI CAO NA Microcap Sage* Salvia microstegia NA NA NA NA NA 17472,E| DA FEI YANG CAO NA Garden Euphorbia Euphorbia hirta NA NA whole herb with root To clear heat and resolve toxin, percolate damp and relieve itch, free milk. Acute enteritis, bacillary dysentery, strangury, hematuria, pulmonary welling abscess, mammary welling abscess, clove sore, toxin swelling, eczema, foot lichen, itchy skin. 6758,T3407|23764,T3407|6756,E|7957,T3407|1113,E|7950,E| SHEN XIANG CAO YE ZE LAN NA Hyssop-leaved Boneset Eupatorium hyssopifolium NA NA NA NA NA 7565,E|7576,T5554| GE YANG XI FAN LIAN NA Coriaceous Passionflower* Passiflora coriaceae NA NA NA NA NA 4987,E|4991,T3846| SONG YE 松叶 Folium Pini armandi NA NA NA NA NA NA 23237,C0461| HE AN HUANG TAN NA Riparian Rosewood* Dalbergia riparia NA NA NA NA NA 4613,T3975|20884,E|20885,T3975|4608,E| PU DUN LI NA Puddun Plum* Prunus puddun NA NA NA NA NA 17989,T5210|17987,E| BO SI YING SU NA Persia Poppy Papaver persicum NA NA NA NA NA 16613,E|1738,E;T3163| BI BA 荜拔 Long Pepper Piper longum Hot,Pungent Large Intestine,Stomach fruit-spike To warm center and dissipate cold, precipitate qi and relieve pain. Cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, toothache, deep-source nasal congestion, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris. 17436,E|17437,E;M53;C0576;T3103|17457,E|17458,E;C0086|17438,T3103|23041,C0088|21062,E|20507,E|12569,E|11266,E|19762,E;C0579|19764,T3103|31780,T3103|17447,E;C0087|2284,E|17463,T3103|9082,E|32027,T3103|11273,T3103|9484,E;C0280|12575,T3103|22215,T3103|22211,E| TAI WAN TANG SONG CAO NA Taiwan Meadowrue Thalictrum urbainii NA NA NA NA NA 11341,E|11343,T5752| KU YA DAN ZI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2667,T4531|2664,T4531|2665,T4531| SHAN MEI 山莓 Fructus Rubi corchorifolii NA NA NA NA NA NA 23125,C0500| TU SAN JIN SI TAO NA Tutsan Hypericum androsaemum NA NA NA NA NA 15709,T5856|15706,E| FA KANG WU TOU NA Falcon Monkshood* Aconitum falconeri NA NA NA NA NA 7705,E|25727,T3701|11010,E|11011,T3701|18005,T3701|18003,E| ZOU BO ZHUANG ZHU SHI DOU NA Crispate Crotalaria* Crotalaria crispata NA NA NA NA NA 7993,E|14917,T6783|30981,T6783|14915,E| BAO XING WEI MAO NA Paohsing Euonymus Euonymus mupinensis NA NA NA NA NA 15070,E|15071,T3073|30,E;T3073|20339,E|20341,T3073|22668,T3073|22667,E| PU TAO TANG 葡萄糖 Glucose Glucosum NA NA NA NA NA 23487,M555| HAI LONG 海龙 Pipe Fish Syngnathus Warm,Sweet,Salty Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of impotence and seminal emission, mass in the abdomen, scrofula, traumatic injuries, external use for carbuncles and boils. NA 3585,M309|23391,M309|23171,M309|23167,M309|23175,M309|24564,M309| SHUI QU LIU NA Manchurian Ash Fraxinus mandshurica NA NA bark To clear heat and dry damp, clear liver and brighten eyes. damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, vaginal discharge, liver heat and red eyes, eye screen, oxhide lichen. 664,E|663,E| XIAO YE MAI MA TENG NA Smallleaf Jointfir Gnetum parvifolium [Syn. Gnetum indicum ] NA NA stem, leaf or root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, stanch bleeding and dissipate stasis, relieve cough and transform phlegm. Wind-damp impediment pain, lumbago, crane’s knee wind, knocks and falls, ulcerative bleeding, chronic trachitis. 8891,E|5066,E|16677,E|16676,E|16679,E|16678,E|11669,E|5996,E|9778,E|18628,E| KU WEI DUI XIN JU NA Bitterness Sneezeweed* Helenium amarum NA NA NA NA NA 30328,T4529|9289,T4529|9288,E|20947,E|1768,E;T4529|1012,E;T4529| SAN YE SHU WEI CAO NA Threeleaf Sage Salvia trijuga NA NA root To quicken blood and regulate menstruation, dispel stasis and engender flesh, boost kidney and quiet spirit. Menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, menstrual block, flooding, kidney vacuity lumbago, impotence, insomnia, frequent dreaming, knocks and falls. 3922,T5440|20670,E|20671,E|4088,E|20449,E|9619,E|7656,E|17998,E|5762,E|25238,T5440|23696,T5440|5721,E|14384,E|3916,E|31289,T5440|25731,T5440|20669,E|9620,T5440|14728,E|4291,E|17954,E|7763,E| XUAN HUA YANG JIAO AO NA Spinyflower Strophanthus Strophanthus gratus NA NA NA NA NA 20386,T6249|20387,E| HE NAN TANG SONG CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 631,T3986|11849,T3986|21241,T3986| JI YUN SHI NA Brazil-wood Caesalpinia echinata NA NA NA NA NA 2594,E;T4292| GUI ZI 桂子 Fructus Cinnamomi japonici NA NA NA NA NA NA 3693,C0369| HEI GUO QIAN CAO NA Blackfruit Madder Rubia cordifolia var. pratensis NA NA NA NA NA 19023,E|19022,E| HEI MAO SHI HU NA Blackhair Denrdobium Dendrobium williamsonii NA NA NA NA NA 3627,E| JI YE SUAN MO NA Hastate Dock* Rumex hastatus NA NA root or whole herb To effuse sweat and resolve exterior, dispel wind and eliminate damp, relieve cough, stanch bleeding. Common cold, headache, pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, cough and asthma, knocks and falls, flooding and spotting. 12708,E|12711,T4289| ZHU RU 竹茹 Bamboo Shavings Caulis Bambusae in Taeniam Minor cold,Sweet Spleen,Stomach,Gallbladder NA Treatment of cough due to heat and phlegm, restlessness, vomiting, palpitation and insomnia caused by excess fire in the gallbaldder, stroke with impairment of consciousness, stiff tongue vomiting due to heat in the stomach, hyperemesis gravidarum, threatened abortion. Inhibiting the growth of Staphylococcus albus, Bacillus coli and Bacillus typhi in vitro. 24514,M885|23964,M885|24342,M885| HUANG CHAN NA Oleanderleaf Allemanda Allemanda neriifolia NA NA NA NA NA 7487,T4148|7486,E| LI ZHI GEN 荔枝根 Radix Lichi chinensisi NA NA NA NA NA NA 23154,C0493| DI SUO LUO. NA NA Marchantia polymorpha NA NA lichen To clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin and close sores. Damp-heat jaundice, swelling pain of welling abscess and sore, poisonous snake bite, burns and scalds, fracture, knife wound. 16971,E|21336,E|13545,E|13546,E|13547,E|22155,E|13543,E|13548,E|13549,E|21338,E|9815,E|16289,E|9425,E|21340,E|17797,E|10033,E|13544,E|11525,E|11678,E|13551,E|13550,E|18824,E| CHUAN NIU XI 川牛膝 Mediinal Cyathula Cyathula officinalis Mild,Sweet,Sour,Bitter Liver,Kidney root To quicken blood and dispel stasis, dispel wind and disinhibit damp. Amenorrhea with concretion and conglomeration, retention of placenta, impediment pain in joints, hematuria, blood strangury, knocks and falls. 11065,M111|6678,E;M111;C0526|4455,T3330|4454,E| XIANG GU 香菇 Elephant Bone Elephas maximus NA NA bone To resolve toxin and engender flesh. Stomach heat vomiting, diarrhea with pus blood, ulcer of lower limb. 24110,M1064|23170,M1064|10659,E|617,M1064;C0403|10658,T6116| BAI QU CAI GEN 白屈菜根 Radix Chelidonii maji NA NA NA NA NA NA 3502,C0196|2303,C0391| XIANG RI KUI ZI NA Sunflower Seed Helianthus annuus NA NA seed To outthrust papules, check dysentery, outthrust welling abscess and pus. Blood dysentery, welling abscess with pus swelling. 9293,E;T6130|9290,E|19530,E|31450,T6130|9294,T6130|2226,E;T6130|15626,T6130|15625,E|12886,E|19551,T6130|7996,T6130|7995,E|19025,T6130|19024,E|18406,E|18407,T6130| XIA CHUI AO YANG NA Nutant Aussiepoplar* Homalanthus nutans NA NA NA NA NA 17944,E| LING XIAO HUA 凌霄花 flower of Common Trumpetcreeper Flos Campsis Minor cold,Pungent Liver,Cardiovascular NA Treatment of amenorrhea with mass in the abdomen, swelling of breast after childbirth, rubella red in colour, itching, acne. NA 1476,M458;C0378| JIA SHAN HU JIAO. NA NA Parabenzoin trilobum NA NA NA NA NA 16637,E| MA HUANG GEN 麻黄根 Chinese Ephedra Root Ephedra sinica Mild,Sweet Lung root To check sweating. Spontaneous sweating and night sweating. 6821,E|6812,M494|31478,T4794|24072,M494|6813,M494|24255,M494|13395,E;T4794|13394,E;T4794|13393,E;T4794|13536,M494|24851,M494|23567,M494|24493,M494|23370,M494| FEN BA JIAO ZA JIAO ZHONG ZHI BIAN ZHONG NA Plantain Banana Cultivariaty* Musa x paradisiaca cultivar NA NA NA NA NA 2468,E|1434,E|1435,E|1393,E| FU JIAN XI XIN NA Fukien Wildginger Asarum fukienense NA NA whole herb See Asarum caulescens. See Asarum caulescens. 17102,E| YANG PU TAO YE NA Samalanga Syzygium Syzygium samarangense NA NA leaf or bark To drain fire and resolve toxin, dry damp and resolve toxin. Mough and tongue sores, goose-mouth sore, damp-erosion of sores, pudendal itch. 14668,E|20378,E|15184,E|13621,E|18302,E|20315,E|15176,E|15162,E|15173,E|15172,E|22271,E|10398,E|5856,E|17389,E|5047,E|6922,E| HUANG HUA CAO NA Yellowflower Spiderflower* Cleome viscosa NA NA whole herb To dissipate stasis and disperse swelling, dispel wind and relieve pain, engender flesh and cure sores. Painful swelling from knocks and falls, taxation damage and lumbago, mounting qi (hernia), headache, dysentery, ulcerating sores, purulence in ear top, red eyes and itch-pain, strangury-turbidity and vaginal discharge. 3829,E| SHE BIAN JU NA Gay-feather Liatris spicata NA NA NA NA NA 20144,E|20145,T5534| HUANG HUA CAI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 30775,T4160| JIN LING ZI 金铃子 Szechwan Chinaberry Fruit Fructus Meliae Toosendan Cold,Bitter Bladder,Stomach,Small Intestine,Liver NA Treatment of distending pain in the chest, hypochondrium and epigastrium, colic in the lower abdomen, abdominal pain due to intestinal parasitosis. 1. Its component toosendanin can expel ascarides from the intestine.2. Inhibiting the growth of some kind of fungi. 21432,M405;C0246| YE ZHI MA 野芝麻 Barbate Deadnettle Lamium barbatum NA NA flower or whole herb To cool blood and stanch bleeding, quicken blood and relieve pain, disinhibit damp and disperse swelling. Lung heat hemoptysis, blood strangury, vaginal discharge, menstrual disorder, vacuity fever in children, knocks and falls, toxin swelling. 12459,E|12461,T6398|22142,E;C0483|22154,T6398| YE YA CHUN NA Common Euscaphis Euscaphis japonica NA NA fruit or seed To dispel wind and dissipate cold, move qi and relieve pain, dissipate binds and disperse swelling. Stomachache, cold mounting with abdominal pain, diarrhea, dysentery, prolapse of rectum, menstrual disorder, prolapse of uterus, painful swollen testes. 6055,E|7658,E|14307,E|1935,E;T6394| SAN BAI CAO 三白草 Chinese Lizardtail Saururus chinensis NA NA rhizome or whole plant To clear heat and disinhibit urine, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Edema, beriberi, jaundice, strangury-turbidity, vaginal discharge, swollen welling abscess, clove sore. 6409,E|13285,E|13468,E|13467,E|19392,E|19391,E|19390,E|1695,E|1692,E|19404,E|19402,E|2039,E;M1033;T5400|10886,E|19388,E|19389,E|13985,E|19383,E|19384,E|19385,E|19386,E|19387,E|11639,E|18396,E|18397,T5400| PI LI LUO FU MU NA Perak Devilpepper Rauwolfia perakensis NA NA root See Rauvolfia verticillata. See Rauvolfia verticillata. 784,E;T5190|18618,E|19371,E|16904,T5190|19372,T5190|16896,E|18621,T5190| HUA MU PI 桦木皮 Asian White Birch Bark Equivalent plant: Betula platyphylla var japonica Betula platyphylla var. japonica NA NA bark To clear heat and disinhibit damp, relieve cough and dispel phlegm, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Pneumonia, dysentery, diarrhea, jaundice, nephritis, urinary tract infection, chronic trachitis, acute tonsillitis, periodontitis, acute mastitis, swollen boil, itchy papules, scalds. 16521,E;C0099|2331,E|10965,E|30654,T4123|2328,T4123|26090,T4123|1379,E|17533,E| DAO YE LIU ZU JUE NA Dunn’s Plagiogyria Plagiogyria dunnii NA NA NA NA NA 17488,E| YOU(4) NA Pummelo Citrus grandis NA NA fruit To disperse food, transform phlegm, arouse liquor. Food stagnation, inappetence, drunkenness. 17691,E|21897,E|15873,E|14135,E|15271,E|21169,E|15274,E|1497,E|15278,E|22179,E| BAI SU ZI NA Common Perilla Fruit Perilla frutescens NA NA fruit To downbear qi and disperse phlegm, calm asthma, moisten intestines. Phlegm congestion and qi counterflow, cough and asthma, intestinal dry and constipation. 16917,E|23046,T3025|30937,T3025|23228,C0303|23306,C0424|16922,T3025|15683,C0398|15244,C0409|23171,C0484|15973,E|23175,C0470|17251,C0263|31771,T3025|23256,C0557|12843,C0305|6715,E|23279,C0236|11418,C0417|16916,E|13767,C0347|8815,E|7520,C0416|31748,T3025| DI TANG BAI BU NA Kerri Stemona* Stemona kerrii NA NA NA NA NA 16464,E|17978,E|16459,E|20289,E|14087,E|4963,E|20280,E|16465,E| SHU KUI YE SHU YU NA Hollyhock-like Yam Dioscorea althaeoides NA NA rhizome To course wind and dispel damp, fortify spleen and disperse food, quicken blood and disperse swelling. common cold with headache, wind-damp impediment pain, food accumulation distention and fullness, indigestion, knocks and falls. 6437,T5616|6436,E|6439,E|7023,E|20012,E|5215,E|7026,T5616|6440,T5616|8970,T5616|20013,T5616|8967,E|5218,T5616| LONG SHENG XIANG CHA CAI NA Longshen Rabdosia Isodon lungshengensis NA NA NA NA NA 13070,E|13071,E;T4693|13072,E;T4693|13073,E;T4693|13074,E;T4693|13075,E;T4693|13076,E;T4693|11051,E|13111,E|25555,T4693|11054,T4693|25553,T4693| GAN DI HUANG NA Adhesive Rehmannia Dried Root Rehmannia glutinosa [Syn. Rehmannia glutinosa f. huechingensis] NA NA dried root To enrich yin and clear heat, cool blood and supplement blood, lower blood sugar levels. Diabetes mellitus, dermatitis, rheumatism, diphtheria, acute tonsillitis, febrile diseases with vexation and thirst, steaming bone taxation fever, warm disease macular eruption, blood ejection due to blood heat, spontaneous external bleeding due to blood heat, flooding and spotting due to blood heat, hematuria due to blood heat, hematochezia due to blood heat, anemia with yellow complexion, palpitation and dizziness, blood depletion and amenorrhea. 11192,E|11194,T3786|23042,T3786|8789,E|3041,T3786|3040,E|26070,T3786|4679,E|4144,E|4672,T3786|4671,E|31016,T3786|31043,T3786|347,E;T3786|29509,T3786|815,E;T3786|816,E;T3786|30822,T3786|9362,T3786|7770,T3786|23479,T3786|15196,T3786|3138,E|15195,E|25545,T3786|22323,E|13498,T3786|30459,T3786|13497,E|3140,E|11882,E;T3786|11881,E;T3786|11880,E;T3786|20353,E|25881,T3786|25882,T3786|3306,E|3307,T3786|20429,T3786|20428,E|31900,T3786|7439,E|16550,E|16551,T3786|580,E|305,E;T3786|8752,E|9488,T3786|4625,E|4626,T3786|18581,E;T3786|18580,E;T3786|18583,E;T3786|18582,E;T3786|18584,E;T3786|9485,E|18586,E;T3786|16818,E|18574,E|18575,E;T3786|18576,E;T3786|18577,E;T3786|18578,E;T3786|18579,E;T3786|12641,T3786|18724,T3786|18720,E|3751,E|3752,T3786|3757,T3786|3756,E|6536,E|22380,E|6538,T3786|30783,T3786|19967,E|20239,E|12564,E|18587,T3786|6685,T3786|8793,T3786|7923,E|18206,E|18207,E|18205,E|5555,T3786|5554,E|5557,T3786|5556,E|6951,E|1598,E|11883,E;T3786|4684,T3786|22648,E|3695,E|3377,T3786|3371,E|20246,T3786|18511,E|31420,T3786|11869,E|25880,T3786|7768,E|7769,E;T3786|14871,T3786|14870,E|31449,T3786|16820,T3786|29370,T3786|13704,T3786|15663,E|8275,E|15667,T3786|23887,T3786|23064,T3786|23935,T3786|9818,E|9819,T3786|11872,E;T3786|11873,E;T3786|11870,E;T3786|11871,E;T3786|11876,E;T3786|11877,E;T3786|11874,E;T3786|11875,E;T3786|11878,E;T3786|11879,E;T3786|22324,T3786|15675,E|618,E|15677,T3786|9359,E|12885,E|20265,T3786|20264,E|25578,T3786|17079,T3786|17077,E|6958,T3786|13703,E|1048,E|13573,E|25083,T3786|30733,T3786|2004,E;T3786|25577,T3786| CE BAI ZHI JIE NA Chinese Arborvitae Branch Thuja orientalis NA NA branchlet To dispel wind and eliminate damp, resolve toxin and cure sores. Wind impediment, joint running wind, cholera cramp, gum swelling and pain. 4367,E|4893,E|4369,E|4368,E|11356,T3202|21337,T3202|30839,T3202|21335,E|22643,E|22642,T3202|22640,E|22645,E|22644,E|13618,E|32225,T3202|32226,T3202|5923,E|4894,T3202|30842,T3202|30840,T3202|30841,T3202|22651,T3202|30660,T3202|30661,T3202|4372,T3202|4373,E|4370,E|4371,E|4374,E|4375,T3202|3467,T3202|3466,E|13623,T3202|11256,T3202|4391,E|4392,T3202|11252,E|11253,E;T3202|11354,E|2396,E|2397,E|30838,T3202| SHANG ZUO ZHOU JIN YAO NA Tosa Goldsaxifrage* Chrysosplenium tosaense NA NA NA NA NA 3623,T5528|3622,E|3300,E|3301,T5528| TAI WAN AN XI XIANG NA Taiwan Snowbell Styrax formosanus NA NA NA NA NA 10664,E| DAN ZHONG ZAO JIA NA Monoseed Honeylocust* Gleditsia monosperma NA NA NA NA NA 18842,E|31920,T3501| BAR RI CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1124,T3014| CI WU JIA YE NA Manyprickle Acanthopanax Leaf Acanthopanax senticosus [Syn. Eleutherococcus senticosus ] NA NA NA NA NA 3519,E|9276,T3369|6754,E|6755,E|15357,E|819,E|16040,E|3520,E|19967,E|22254,E|23234,T3369|15358,T3369| SHI GAN ZI 石柑子 Chinese Pothos Pothos chinensis NA NA whole herb To move qi and relieve pain, disperse accumulation, dispel wind-damp, dissipate stasis and resolve toxin. Qi pain in heart and stomach, mounting qi, child gan accumulation, food accumulation distention and fullness, swollen liver and spleen due to bilharziosis, wind-damp impediment pain, beriberi, knocks and falls, fracture, otitis media, nasosinusitis. 23022,C0258|20429,T5574|20428,E| LENG SHUI DAN YE 冷水丹叶 Saruma henryi Oliv NA NA NA NA NA NA 23289,C0374|21344,C0293|15244,C0409|23157,C0373| KUO YE MI HOU TAO NA Broadleaf Actinidia Actinidia latifolia NA NA fruit To boost qi and nourish yin. Enduring illness vacuity, tuberculosis. 9817,E|5762,E|2887,E| ZHI BAI BU 制百部 Prepared Root of Japanese Stemona Radix Stemonae Preparata Minor Warm,Sweet,Bitter Lung NA Treatment of acute and chronic cough, cough in phthisis, whooping cough, external use: for pediculosis capitis, pediculosis corporis, oxyruiasis, pudendal itching.Radix Stemonae (stir-fried with honey) Cough in phthisis. 1. Relieving cough in common cold. Stemona root (Baibu) is used with Schizonepeta (Jingjie), Platycodon root (Jiegeng) and Aster root (Ziwan). 2. Relieving whooping cough. Stemona root (Baibu) is used with Glehnia root (Beishashen), Tendrilled fritillary bulb (Chuanbeimu) and Swallowwort rhizome (Baiqian). 3. Relieving cough due to tuberculosis. Stemona root (Baibu) is used with Ophiopogon root (Maidong) and Fresh rehmannia root (Shengdihuang). 4. Lice of the head or body. The herb is made into a 20% tincture, or a 50% decoction used as an external wash.5. Pinworm. The 30-ml 100% decoction as an enema before sleep, daily for five days. 23335,M837|17978,M837|11746,M837|23727,M837|5470,M837|20293,M837|16426,M837|24557,M837|23598,M837|24430,M837|25115,M837|24775,M837|22069,M837|20291,M837| HE MU GUA 和木瓜 Chaenomeles japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. NA NA NA NA NA NA 23090,C0492| MEI LI XIN MU JIANG ZI NA Beautiful Newlitse Neolitsea pulchella NA NA NA NA NA 15422,E| SHAN BAI ZHI 山白芷 Inula cappa (Ham.) DC NA NA NA NA NA NA 23298,C0410| ZHI ZHU XIANG NA Jatamans Valeriana Valeriana jatamansii [Syn. Valeriana wallichii ] NA NA rhizome To rectify qi and disperse cold, quicken blood and regulate menstruation. Sand and painful distention in stomach duct and abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea, beriberi with edema, wind-cold common cold, menstrual disorder, consumption damage and cough. 31444,T6676|9610,E|31468,T6676|61,E;T6676|12837,E|12850,T6676|22296,E|22297,T6676|14329,T6676|14328,E|9592,E|23381,T6676|2887,E|3551,E|26058,T6676|22307,E|11763,E|22309,T6676|200,E|9609,E|23545,T6676|4549,E|121,E|12849,E|5733,E|5481,E|3552,T6676|2550,E;T6676|2555,E;T6676|16695,E|5734,T6676|13276,E|535,E;T6676|534,E|15490,T6676|15491,E|17362,E|13278,E| WU TONG BAI PI 梧桐白皮 Phoenix Tree Bast Firmiana simplex NA NA bast To lower cholesterol, clear heat and calm liver, dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and relieve pain. Hyperlipemia, hypertension, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, menstrual disorder, hemorrhoids, erysipelas. 15925,E|13091,T5966|13090,E|2892,C0420| HUANG ZHONG HUA NA Florida Yellowtrumpet Tecoma stans NA NA NA NA NA 20884,T4217|20880,E|582,E;T4217|20882,E;T4217|17499,E| LI CHUN HUA GUO SHI 丽春花果实 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14973,C0512| BAI BEI YE NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31285,T2954|31284,T2954|5597,T2954|5592,T2954|31185,T2954|31186,T2954|30113,T2954| RI BEN XIA KU CAO 日本夏枯草 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23275,C0273|5010,C0332|23258,C0019|23043,C0018|4433,C0354| MI HOU LI GEN NA Bower Actinidia Root* Actinidia arguta NA NA root To clear heat and disinhibit damp, dispel wind and eliminate impediment, resolve toxin and disperse swelling, stanch bleeding. Jaundice, indigestion, vomiting, wind-damp impediment pain, carcinoma in digestive tract, welling abscess and sores with sore and boil, knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, breast milk stoppage. 12076,E|18370,E| LAW AGLAIA* NA NA Aglaia lawii NA NA NA NA NA 744,E|745,E|746,E|747,E| KU DING CHA DONG QING NA Kudincha Holly Ilex kudingcha NA NA leaf See Ilex latifolia . See Ilex latifolia. 10970,E|10971,E|10972,E|10973,E|10974,E|10975,E|10976,E|10977,E|10978,E|12297,E|12296,E|12295,E|12294,E|12299,E|12298,E|10967,E|10966,E|10969,E|10968,E|12293,E|12301,E|12300,E|12302,E| FANG FENG YE 防风叶 Folium Saposhnikoviae divaricatae NA NA NA NA NA NA 16586,C0094|16585,C0095| XI XIN YE QIAN NIU NA Wildginger-leaf Morning Glory* Ipomoea asarifolia NA NA NA NA NA 4434,E|4436,E| DAN ZHU YE GEN NA Common Lophatherum Root Lophatherum gracile NA NA rhizome and root To clear heat and disinhibit urine. Fever, thirst, vexation, inhibited urination. 4545,E|1823,E;T3503|4546,T3503| GAO DI DAN CAO NA High Elephantfoot* Elephantopus elatus NA NA NA NA NA 6750,E;T3814|6751,T3814|6749,E| HONG SHI XIAN TAO NA Rubi Pholidota* Pholidota rubra NA NA NA NA NA 17162,E| CHA ZI XIN NA Oiltea Camellia Camellia oleifera NA NA seed To soothe stagnation and move qi . Qi stagnation with abdominal pain and diarrhea, itchy skin, burns and scalds. 10095,E|3034,E|3030,E|3031,E|3032,E|3033,E|2151,E|21265,E|8768,E| SHEN HUANG DOU NA Jointwood Senna Cassia nodosa NA NA fruit To resolve toxin. Papules, pox. 15645,E;T5552|15646,T5552|2064,E;T5552|15642,E| BAN DI JIN NA American Euphorbia Euphorbia maculata NA NA NA NA NA 18345,E| ZI DI HUANG NA Purple Adhesive Rehmannia* Rehmannia glutinosa var. purpurea NA NA NA NA NA 18207,E| AI SAI E BI YA YU SHAN DOU NA Narrowleaf Lupin* Lupinus angustifolius NA NA NA NA NA 21130,E|21131,E| YUE GUI YE NA Grecian Laurel Leaf Laurus nobilis NA NA leaf To fortify stomach and rectify qi . Distending pain in stomach duct and abdomen, knocks and falls, scab and lichen. 9731,E|12561,E|4890,E|9450,E|22947,E|15422,E|22384,E| LEI SHI QIAN LI GUANG NA Renard Groundsel* Senecio renardii NA NA NA NA NA 19716,E|23211,T4589| YUE JU YE 越橘叶 Cowberry Leaf Vaccinium vitis-idaea NA NA leaf To disinhibit urine, resolve toxin. Strangury syndrome, pain wind. 6853,T6570|1618,E;T6570|6852,E|9739,E;C0462|17862,E|17855,T6570|17853,E|2893,E|18777,E|17876,E|17870,E|23192,C0149|324,E;T6570|2894,T6570|3725,C0192|10622,E|10623,T6570|9748,T6570|19176,T6570|2039,E;T6570| PU TAO YOU NA Grapefruit Citrus paradisi NA NA NA NA NA 15278,E|20418,E|30445,T5222|15696,E|15279,T5222| JIE CAI NA India Mustard Brassica juncea NA NA phlegm, disperse swelling and dissipate binds NA Cold rheum cough, phlegm stagnation and qi counterflow, fullness and oppression in chest and diaphragm, sand strangury, stone strangury, gum swelling erosion, mammary welling abscess, swelling hemorrhoids, frostbite (kibe), lacquer sore. 9862,E|2597,E|17103,E|10597,E|8598,E| GE SHAN XIAO NA Wilford Swallowwort Cynanchum wilfordii [Syn. Cynoctonum wilfordii ] NA NA tuberoid To supplement liver and kidney, strengthen sinews and bones, fortify spleen and stomach, resolve toxin. liver kidney vacuity, dizzy head and vision, sleepless and amnesia, premature graying in beard and hair, impotence, emission, limp aching lumbus and knees, spleen vacuity and functional weakness, distention fullness in stomach duct, inappetence, diarrhea, postpartum scant milk, fish mouth sore toxin. 22676,E|22677,E|22675,E|22678,E| MAO HANG ZI SHAO NA Hairy Clovereshrub Campylotropis hirtella NA NA root To quicken blood and regulate menstruation, rectify qi and relieve pain, clear heat and disinhibit damp. Menstrual disorder, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, vaginal discharge, dysentery, pain in stomach duct, bleeding due to external injury, yellow-water sore, burns and scalds. 17874,E|17862,E|17861,T4866|17855,E|17879,E| BA JIAO HUI XIANG NA Star Anise Illicium verum NA NA fruit To warm yang and dissipate cold, rectify qi and relieve pain. Cold mounting with abdominal pain, kidney vacuity lumbago, vomiting with stomach cold, cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, septicemia. 1284,E|1282,E|1186,E|22368,E|1184,E|1185,E|1289,E|13876,E|22369,E|7852,E|14059,E|14058,E|6309,E|14055,E|14060,E|18392,E|14057,E|14056,E|7384,E|18247,E| DUAN YE ZHU SHI DOU NA Shortleaf Crotalaria* Crotalaria brevifolia NA NA NA NA NA 22261,E;C0028|22264,T3631| ZHONG MA HUANG NA Intermediate Ephedra Ephedra intermedia NA NA herbaceous twigs See Ephedra sinica. See Ephedra sinica. 14697,T6691|14388,E|15737,T6691|14693,E|15736,E|6815,E|6814,E|15782,T6691|15780,E|18011,T6691|18010,E|14390,T6691|15659,T6691|15656,E|25808,T6691|25807,T6691|15653,T6691|15651,E| XIAO YE YING MAO QI MU NA Smallleaf-hirsute Alder* Alnus hirsute var. microphylla NA NA NA NA NA 17740,E| SHAN ZHU ZI NA Manyflower Garcinia Garcinia multiflora NA NA bark or fruit To clear heat and engender liquid. Stomach heat fluid damage, vomiting, thirst, lung heat qi counterflow, incessant cough. 14963,T5524|15709,T5524|21109,E|8210,E|30659,T5524|32236,T5524|15706,E|31011,T5524|13289,E|21066,E|5504,E|5505,E|6164,E|2383,E|2382,E|22744,E|9542,E|20142,E|20143,T5524|14961,E|31009,T5524|8209,E|15271,E|8248,T5524|31010,T5524|8242,E|8243,E|8244,E|8245,E|22593,E|22598,T5524|21699,E|5818,E|7991,T5524|7990,E| LU RONG JIAO 鹿茸胶 Gelatin of Pilos deer horn Colla Cornus Cervi Warm,Sweet,Salty Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of impotence, spermatorrhea, or frigidity and infertility, emaciation, lassitude, aversion to cold, dizziness, tinnitus, impairment of hearing, back pain accompanied by cold seasation, and weakness of the limbs, abnormal uterine bleeding and leukorrhea, chronic cores difficult to heal. NA 3585,M480|23337,M480|23813,M480|24372,M480|20139,M480|23428,M480|24849,M480|25011,M480| OU ZHOU JUE NA Bracken Pteridium aquilinum NA NA NA NA NA 17986,E|17987,T5153|18086,E|18085,E|6677,E|18087,E|18110,E|18136,E|18137,E|6678,T5153| NI BO ER WU TOU NA Nepal Monkshood Aconitum ferox NA NA NA NA NA 18005,T5067|11010,E|11011,T5067|2372,E;T5067|18003,E| XIAO YUN MU NA Entire Micromelum Micromelum integerrimum NA NA root, bark and leaf To course wind and resolve exterior, warm center and move qi, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling. Influenza, common cold with cough, stomachache, wind-damp impediment pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls, fracture. 14831,E|14833,T6197|19527,E|19530,T6197| LAN YU LUO YE RONG. NA NA Ficus ruficaulis var. antaoensis NA NA NA NA NA 19072,E|8663,E|8677,E|11639,E|5527,E|8664,E|8676,E| QIE YE 茄叶 Garden Eggplant Leaf Solanum melongena NA NA leaf To dissipate blood and disperse swelling. Blood strangury, blood dysentery, intestinal wind bleeding, swollen welling abscess, frostbite. 21646,E|20050,E|617,C0403|20053,T5265|32110,T5265|9567,E|9568,T5265| XIA YE CHONG LOU NA Narrowleaf Paris Paris polyphylla var. stenophylla NA NA rhizome See Paris polyphylla. See Paris polyphylla. 6439,E| BO HE YOU 薄荷油 Mentha canadaensis L. NA NA NA NA NA NA 13767,C0347|13769,C0123|23069,C0314| GAO BEN 槁本 Chinese Ligusticum Equivalent plant: Ligusticum jeholense Ligusticum sinense Warm,Pungent Bladder,Liver rhizome and root To dissipate cold and resolve exterior, dispel wind and eliminate damp, relieve pain. Headache due to externally contracted wind-cold, vertex headache, pain in tooth and cheek, migraine, wind-cold-damp impediment, pain in limbs. 3856,T3808|19723,E|15196,E|24753,M267|23588,M267|15362,E|12573,E|19722,E|14005,E|31568,T3808|5589,E|23239,M267|30697,T3808|3855,E|23175,C0470|2803,E|7767,E|11549,E|12819,E|12821,E|3990,E| XIA JI XIAN WEN XIANG CHA CAI NA Gerard Linearstripe Rabdosia* Isodon lophanthoides var. gerardiana NA NA NA NA NA 12986,E|8330,E|8331,E|10255,E|12985,E| FEI ZHOU HUANG GUO MU NA African Mammey Apple Mammea africana NA NA NA NA NA 13469,T3730|13457,E|13460,E|13466,E|6180,E|13803,T3730|13802,E| GUAN ZONG 贯众 root of Chinese Angelica Rhizoma Dryopteris crassirhizomae Minor cold,Bitter Spleen,Liver NA 1. To clear heat and toxic material. For preventing and treating pestilence and seasonal febrile diseases, such as influenza, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, mumps, measles, etc., also for viral pneumonia. 2. To cool the blood nad stop bleeding. For profuse uterine bleeding due to blood-heat, hematemesis, epistaxis, hemafacia, eruptive diseases, etc. Antivirotic and bacteriostatic. 2. Parasiticidal effect on hookworm, roundworm and whipworm, etc. in human, and its component filmarone, on tapeworm. 3. Its decoction shortens the blood clotting time in rabbits. 4. Its extract exerts an abortive effect. 23890,M288|23871,M288|23742,M288|24411,M288|23657,M288|23699,M288|25135,M288|6677,M288|24120,M288|18148,M288|23619,M288|6610,M288|11639,M288|1935,M288|24454,M288|16245,M288|6678,M288;C0526| XIAO CHAO CAI NA Pigeon Vetch Vicia hirsuta NA NA whole herb To resolve exterior and disinhibit damp, regulate menstruation and stanch bleeding. Jaundice, malaria, menstrual disorder, nosebleed(epistaxis), Vaginal discharge. 1502,E;T6155| DU WO JU NA Blue Lettuce Lactuca virosa NA NA NA NA NA 31412,T3612|12442,E;T3612|12441,E| BROWN ALGA NA Gulfweed Sargassum micracanthum Sargassum micracanthum NA NA NA NA NA 17504,E|17505,E|17506,E|17502,E|17503,E| CHUAN SHAN LONG 穿山龙 Ningpo Yam Rhizome Rhizoma Dioscoreae Nipponicae Minor cold,Bitter Lung,Liver NA Treatment of angina pectoris and trauma. Treatment of rheumatism and numbness of the extremities. For skin infection, conjunctivitis and goiter (including hyperthyroidism, adenoma of thyroid). Recently used for hyperlipemia, hypertriglyceridemia, tachycardia, premature beats, etc. 1. Its saponins are antitussives and expectorants.2. Its decoction can relax histamine- or acetylcholine-induced bronchial spasm in guinea-pigs.3. Decreasing cholesterol level, slowing heart rate and increasing coronary flow.4. Anti-allergic. 6436,M114|23474,M114|24981,M114|917,M114|6439,M114| MI DIE XIANG NA Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis NA NA whole herb To effuse sweat, fortify spleen, quiet spirit, relieve pain. Headache, prevention of hair loss in early stage. 30676,T4946|31017,T4946|25206,T4946|6453,E|25205,T4946|6454,T4946|22383,T4946|10023,E|10834,T4946|11681,E|11682,T4946|1110,E|1113,E|23178,T4946|7556,T4946|7555,E|18911,T4946|3207,T4946|23764,T4946|6824,E|2331,E;T4946|10171,E|10173,T4946|31244,T4946|6849,T4946|17682,E|22382,E|32005,T4946|23232,T4946|10549,E|8288,E|31183,T4946|2550,E;T4946|3206,E|2557,E|12415,E|12416,T4946|20977,E|18909,E|18908,E|18907,E|18906,E|13139,E|20979,E|20978,E| WU JING GAN LAN NA Swede Seed Brassica napus var. napobrassica NA NA NA NA NA 31598,T5947|8596,T5947|8594,E|8595,E;T5947|14329,E|8590,E|8591,T5947| JIA BAI HE NA Hyacinth Falselily Notholirion hyacinthinum [Syn. Notholirion bulbuliferum] NA NA small bulb To rectify qi and harmonize stomach, dispel wind and relieve cough. Distending pain in stomach duct and abdomen, vomiting, wind-cold cough. 20043,E|2907,E|2934,T4296|4135,E|14247,E|7767,E|7423,E|7424,T4296|14493,T4296|30819,T4296|14491,E|7768,T4296|14248,T4296| XI FEI YANG JIAO AO NA Senegalese Strophanthus* Strophanthus sarmentosus var. senegambiae NA NA NA NA NA 19359,E|30662,T5998|19360,T5998|2399,E| MA LAI XI YA HUANG YANG NA Malaysian Box* Buxus malaiana NA NA NA NA NA 4543,T4796|4542,E|4530,E|26059,T4796| XIANG QING LAN NA Dragonhead Dracocephalum moldavicum NA NA whole herb To course wind and clear heat, disinhibit throat and relieve cough, cool liver and stanch bleeding. Common cold with fever, headache, swelling pain in throat, cough and asthma, dysentery, jaundice, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, wind papule itching. 3760,E|30792,T6126|15489,E|21344,E|21346,T6126|15491,T6126| AO SHE LAN NA Frog Orchid Coeloglossum viride [Syn. Coeloglossum viride var. bracteatum] NA NA tuber See Gymnadenia conopsea . See Gymnadenia conopsea. 3892,E|16158,E|10626,E|16159,T2925| JIN HUA MI HOU TAO NA Goldflower Actinidia Actinidia chrysantha NA NA NA NA NA 9817,E|5762,E|2887,E| XI GUA PI 西瓜皮 watermelon rind Exocarpium Citrulli Cold,Sweet,Neutral Stomach,Heart NA For summer-heat syndrome with fever, thirst and oliguria with yellowish urine and edema. 1. An active component, citrulline, raises urea level in blood and in urine, thus promotes diuresis.2. Oral administration of cucurbocitrin, another active component, or its aqueous extract can lower blood pressure and capillary pressure in healthy person. 25156,M736|3774,M736| YI MI NA Adlay Coix lacryma- jobi NA NA NA NA NA 3907,E|20353,E| SHEN XIANG CAO NA Medicinal Hyssop Hyssopus officinalis NA NA NA NA NA 20555,E|20554,E| SHI LONG RUI NA Poisonous Buttercup Ranunculus sceleratus NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate binds and disperse swelling, relieve pain, interrupt malaria. Swelling toxin of welling abscess and boil, scrofula, malaria, ulcerating sore of leg. 18530,E|1179,E|1178,E| BEI MU 贝母 Bulb of Fritillary Bulbus Fritillariae Minor cold,Pungent,Sweet,Bitter Lung,Heart NA Treament of heat in the lung with cough, sticky and bloody sputum, and distress in the chest. NA 25162,M49| SHI ZI 柿子 Persimmon Diospyros kaki NA NA fruit To clear heat, engender liquid, moisten lung, resolve toxin. Cough, heat vexation and thirst, blood ejection, mouth sore, heat dysentery, hematochezia. 3776,T5609|23258,C0019|23043,C0018|3774,E| MIAN HUA KE 棉花壳 Pericarpium Gossypii herbacei NA NA NA NA NA NA 8966,C0268|23094,C0269| TI GEN CAO NA Black Hellebore Helleborus niger NA NA NA NA NA 9328,E|9329,E;T5776|9330,T5776| DA ZI XUE DAN NA Largeseed Hemsleya Hemsleya macrosperma NA NA tuberoid See Hemsleya amabilis. See Hemsleya amabilis. 5575,E;T3485|5574,E|5578,T3485| ZI HUA QIAN HU 紫花前胡 Radix Angelicae Decursivae NA NA NA NA NA NA 4140,C0430| WANG JIANG NAN ZI NA Coffee Senna Seed Cassia occidentalis NA NA seed To clear liver, fortify stomach, free stool, resolve toxin. Red eyes with gall, dizzy and distended head, indigestion, stomachache, dysentery, constipation, swollen welling abscess and toxin of clove. 6775,E|967,E|17233,E|23304,T5898| JU HUA XUE DAN NA Giant Hemsleya Hemsleya gigantha NA NA NA NA NA 9353,E|9354,E| GAN QI 干漆 Dried Lacquer Resina Toxicodendri Warm,Pungent,Bitter Stomach,Liver NA Treatment of amenorrhea and mass formation in the abdomen caused by blood stasis, abdominal pain due to intestinal parasitosis. NA 24237,M263| JUAN MAO QIANG WEI NA Silky Rose Rosa sericea NA NA root and fruit To fortify and move spleen, check dysentery and promote astriction. Accumulation with abdominal distention, diarrhea, enduring dysentery, profuse menstruation, flooding and spotting [=metrorrhagia and metrostaxis]. 25679,T4467|25730,T4467|25731,T4467|8681,E|7656,E|7657,E| TIAN XUAN HUA NA Field Bindweed Convolvulus arvensis NA NA herb and flower To dispel wind, relieve pain, relieve itch. Wind-damp impediment pain, neurodermatitis, toothache. 14117,T5803|14115,E| SHI XIONG RUI JIAO GUO MU NA Ten-stamen Ceriops* Ceriops decandra NA NA NA NA NA 3428,E|3423,E|3427,E|3426,E|3425,E|3424,E| SHAN BIAN DOU 山扁豆 Herba Cassiae mimosoidis NA NA NA NA NA NA 18925,C0452| LIU ZI SAI JIN LIAN MU NA Hexaseed Ouratea* Ouratea hexasperma NA NA NA NA NA 9517,E| NAN SHAN HUA NA Furstamen Prismatomeris Prismatomeris tetrandra NA NA root To cool blood and stanch bleeding, disinhibit damp and abate jaundice, dissipate stasis and strengthen sinews. Gum hemorrhage, anemia, hepatitis, rheumatic arthritis, knocks and falls, urinary tract infection. 5835,E|10031,E|10799,E| QIAN HUI MAO GUAN JU NA Greyish Nannoglottis* Nannoglottis ravida NA NA NA NA NA 18545,E|18544,E| HOU PI HUA JIAO NA Thickbark Pricklyash* Zanthoxylum elephantiasis NA NA NA NA NA 12568,T4073|3103,T4073|3070,E|3096,E|3074,T4073|12566,E| HUANG HUA ER LIU NA Goat Willow Salix caprea NA NA NA NA NA 17876,E|17870,E|3308,E| XIAO HUAN MU HAO 小黄牡蒿 Artemisia eriopoda NA NA NA NA NA NA 23084,C0564| PU TAO TENG YE NA European Grape Stem and Leaf Vitis vinifera NA NA stem-leaf To dispel wind and eliminate damp, disinhibit water and disperse edema, resolve toxin. Edema, inhibited urination, red eyes, swollen welling abscess, wind-damp impediment pain. 8805,E|8806,T5220|18406,E|18407,T5220| BAI MAO TENG NA Bittersweet Solanum lyratum NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, dispel wind and resolve toxin. Malaria, jaundice, edema, strangury, pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, erysipelas, clove sore. 20028,E|20038,E|20039,E|3939,E|15455,E|20054,T3001|20036,E|18709,E|18710,E|20037,E|20026,E|21368,E|20040,T3001|1898,E;T3001|21386,T3001|20053,E|25272,T3001| JISHI TENG GUO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9748,T4279|31751,T4279|26013,T4279| FENG WEI JUE NA Nervous Brake Pteris cretica var. nervosa [Syn. Pteris nervosa ] NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, stanch bleeding and engender flesh, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Diarrhea, dysentery, jaundice, strangury syndrome, edema, coughing of blood, hematuria, hematochezia, bleeding knife wound, painful swelling from knocks and falls, sore and welling abscess, burns and scalds. 18084,E|18140,E| CAO MEI CHE ZHOU CAO 草莓车轴草 Strawberry Clover Trifolium fragiferum NA NA NA NA NA 4190,E;C0358|4191,T3193| BA XI LUO FU MU NA Brazilian Devilpepper* Rauvolfia bahiensis NA NA NA NA NA 14095,E|14032,E|13831,E|5053,E| PENG SHA 硼砂 Borax Sal Sedatirum Cool,Sweet,Salty Lung,Stomach NA Treatment of aphthae, thrush, sorethroat, otopyorrhea, pulpitis, pustolosis, and cervical erosion, used together with Borneolum Syntheticum, Cinnabaris and natrii Sulfas Exsiccatus, for conjunctivitis and nebula, used as eyewash, for mycotic vaginitis, mixed with Borneoum Syntheticum as paste for topical application. Treatment of cough of lung-heat type and of deficiency-fire type, whooping cough, etc. It is a weak bacteriostatic, and is non-irritative. 24161,M545| LENG ZHI HU JI SHENG NA Angulate Mistletoe* Viscum angulatum NA NA stem-leaf To dispel wind-damp, strengthen sinews and bones, relieve cough, disperse swelling, lower blood pressure. Wind-damp impediment pain, aching in lumbus and legs, cough, hemoptysis, stomachache, stirring fetus disquieted, sore and boil, hypertension. 9603,E|18668,E|15271,E|21163,E|17390,E|22524,E| CHUAN WU 川乌 root of Common Monkshood Radix Aconiti Hot,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Liver,Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of joint pain in rheumatic or rheumatoid arthritis, epigastric pain with cold sensation, or abdominal colic due to cold, also used as an analgesic in anaesthesis. NA 22221,C0487|20060,M115|3201,M115|554,M115|20634,M115|23264,C0158|23355,M115|13787,M115| TAI GUO ZHI ZI NA Thailand Gardenia* Gardenia thailandica NA NA NA NA NA 18280,E|8228,E|10162,E|10596,E|6071,E|6148,E|9951,E|21217,E| SHI YAN 2 石燕 Spriferida Fossil Fossilia Spiriferis NA NA NA NA NA 24237,M661| YU SHU SHU 玉蜀黍 Maize Zea mays NA NA seed To regulate center and increase appetite, boost lung and quiet heart, disinhibit urine. Inappetence, inhibited urination, edema, urethral stone. 8078,T6527|8077,E|20353,E|23249,C0002|30832,T6527|23223,T6527|22961,T6527|23887,T6527|3215,E|22959,E;C0010|3210,E|18248,T6527|18247,E|933,E|32261,T6527|10608,E|30445,T6527|4292,E|3606,E|3605,E|30749,T6527|3216,T6527|23037,T6527|20418,E|22042,E|19967,E|30112,T6527|22960,E|3208,E| HOU TOU JUN NA Bearded Tooth Carpophore Hericium erinaceus [Syn. Hydnum erinaceus ] NA NA sporocarp To fortify spleen and nourish stomach, quiet spirit, anticancer. Vacuity and hypodynamia, indigestion, insomnia, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, chronic gastritis, carcinoma in digestive tract. 14309,T4076|22834,E|9428,E|7264,E|7261,E;T4076|7260,E|7263,E;T4076|7262,E;T4076|9429,E|25773,T4076|10054,E|9440,T4076|7271,T4076|7258,E|7259,E|9438,E|9436,E|9437,E|9434,E|9435,E|9432,E|9433,E|9430,E|9431,E| ZHEN KUI NA Canary Island Date-palm Phoenix canariensis NA NA NA NA NA 21573,E|27388,T6651| CHA QI FAN LU 叉歧繁缕 Radix seu Herba Stellariae dichotomae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23287,C0400| RI BEN SHE GEN CAO NA Japanese Ophiorrhiza Equivalent plant: Ophiorrhiza mungos Ophiorrhiza japonica NA NA whole herb To relieve cough and dispel phlegm, quicken blood and regulate menstruation. Cough, taxation damage and blood ejection, hematochezia, dysmenorrhea, menstrual disorder, pain in sinews and bones, sprain and contusion. 9234,T5352|16142,E|16141,E|9233,E| MEI ZHOU SUAN GUO LUO NA American Cranberry Vaccinium macrocarpon NA NA NA NA NA 13126,T4932|3215,E|13119,E|3216,T4932| FU JU NA Blessing Citrus* Equivalent plant: Citrus erythrosa Citrus tangemna NA NA fruit To moisten lung and engender liquid, rectify qi and harmonize stomach. Diabetes mellitus, retching counterflow, qi bind in chest and diaphragm. 4029,E|3241,E|31122,T3765|15873,E|31731,T3765|4030,T3765|11311,T3765|15646,E|15650,T3765|9668,E| BENG GE YUAN WEI NA Bunge Iris* Iris bungei NA NA NA NA NA 11154,E|11157,E|11153,E|11152,E|11164,E|11160,E|11166,E|11167,E|11159,E|11158,E|11163,E|21395,E|11165,E| ZHI LI CHANG CHUN HUA NA Erect Periwinkle Vinca erecta NA NA NA NA NA 22487,E;T6666|22486,E|32202,T6666|12264,E|12116,E| LIANG SHAN DU JUAN. NA NA Rhododendron huianum NA NA NA NA NA 12017,E|18302,E| WU FU HUA NA Muskroot Adoxa moschatellina NA NA NA NA NA 14974,E|14987,T5932| TING YUAN ZI JIN NIU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2312,T5824| BAI CHOU 白丑 Pharbitis seed Semen Pharbitidis Cold,Bitter Lung,Large Intestine,Kidney NA Treament of anasarca with constipation and oliguria, dyspnea and cough caused by retained fluid, abdominal pain due to intestinal parasitosis, ascariasis, taeniasis. 1. One of its components, pharbitin, is purgative.2. Large dosage may induc hyperemia of kidney and cause hematuria.3. Killing Ascaris suis in vitro. 24150,M16| BO LU HUI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 19280,T3155|3499,T3155|24947,T3155|7416,T3155|930,T3155|25754,T3155| ZA JIAO CHE ZHOU CAO NA Hybrid Clover* Trifolium hybridum NA NA NA NA NA 6289,E| DA MA YE ZE LAN NA Hemp-agrimony Eupatorium cannabinum NA NA whole herb To clear summerheat, repel foulness, transform damp. Summerheat damage, fever and headache, damp evil brew, inappetence due to glomus in stomach duct, bitter taste and slimy tongue fur. 15672,E|7593,T3439|7592,E|20473,T3439|20472,E|9569,E|15506,E|7556,E|18833,T3439|18832,E| BO LENG GUA ZI 波棱瓜子 fruit of Pedunculate Herpetospermum Fructus Herpetospermi pedunculosi NA NA NA NA NA 20353,M67|15651,M67| JUN ZI LAN NA Scarlet Kafirlily Clivia miniata NA NA NA NA NA 9546,E|13234,E| XI SHENG TENG 锡生藤 Common Cissampelos Cissampelos pareira NA NA whole herb To relieve pain, stanch bleeding, engender flesh. Knocks and falls, asthma, heart disease. 9249,E;M1061|16648,E|25072,M1061|16649,E|2191,E;T6030|15783,E|11326,E|11328,T6030|4458,M1061|14260,T6030|26074,T6030|3748,E;T6030|24061,M1061|4414,T6030|23527,M1061|3749,T6030|3747,E;M1061|9252,T6030|16652,T6030|9250,E;M1061;T6030|9251,E;M1061;T6030|15753,E|16650,E|14259,E|4460,E|31891,T6030|21190,E|21191,T6030|18395,E|24764,M1061| TU BIE CHONG 土鳖虫 Cockroach Eupolyphaga seu Steleophaga NA NA NA Treatment of bone fracture, amenorrhea and formation of mass in the abdomen due to blood stasis. NA 23640,M1056|19967,M1056|3585,M1056| KU RUO LONG DAN NA Kuroo Gentian* Gentiana kuroo NA NA NA NA NA 19525,E|19526,T4521| CHENG ZI NA Fragrant Citrus Citrus junos NA NA fruit To loosen chest and disinhibit qi, harmonize center and promote digestion, resolve liquor, resolve toxin of fish and crab. Nausea and vomiting, oppression in chest and abdomen distention, goiter and tuberculosis, drunkenness. 3761,E|6497,E|15646,E|22761,E|19769,E|3788,E|15873,E|31731,T3276|7908,E|17692,E|8310,T3276|16249,E|11490,E|15647,E|12841,E|5133,E|15728,E|15650,T3276| BAI MEI HUA 白梅花 Japanese Apricot Flower Prunus mume NA NA bud To soothe liver, harmonize stomach and transform phlegm. Globus hystericus, liver stomach qi pain, inappetence, dizziness, scrofula. 3489,E|19072,E|2276,E|11663,E|17991,E|3551,E|17990,E|466,E|2222,E;T3004|2278,E|18363,E|15271,C0411|18375,E|7524,E|17251,E|497,E|18336,E|23224,C0464| DONG FEI JUE MING NA East-African Senna* Cassia singueana NA NA NA NA NA 19918,E|19917,E| HEI LAO HU GEN 黑老虎根 root of scarlet kadsura radix kadsurae coccineae Warm,Pungent,Slightly Bitter Spleen,Large Intestine,Stomach,Liver,Gallbladder NA NA NA 24345,M333|24106,M333|23975,M333| ZAO JIA YE NA Chinese Honeylocust Leaf Gleditsia sinensis [Syn. Gleditsia horrida] NA NA leaf To dispel wind and resolve toxin, engender hairs. Wind sore. 32086,T6608|21495,E| NIU FEI NA Ox Lung Bos taurus domesticus, Bubalus bubalis NA NA lung To boost lung, relieve cough and asthma. Lung vacuity, cough and counterflow. 31627,T5099|14464,E| MAO MEI NA Japanese Raspberry Rubus parviforlius NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate stasis and relieve pain, kill worms. Common cold with fever, cough with phlegm and blood, dysentery, knocks and falls, postpartum abdominal pain, scab sore, swollen boil, bleeding due to external injury. 15533,T4875|15530,E| LIAN SHENG GUI ZI HUA NA Bloodflower Milkweed Asclepias curassavica NA NA herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and stanch bleeding, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Swelling pain in throat, lung heat cough, heat strangury, amenorrhea, flooding and spotting, vaginal discharge, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, eczema, intractable lichen, bleeding due to external injury. 4092,E|4096,T4630|2938,T4630|2937,E|4077,E|32186,T4630|2996,E|1844,E;T4630|22285,E|3002,T4630|4078,T4630| XIAO TANG SONG CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 21220,T6180|31682,T6180|21222,T6180|21223,T6180|32053,T6180|21228,T6180|15873,T6180|32055,T6180|21246,T6180|21244,T6180|21245,T6180|21253,T6180|25472,T6180|21237,T6180| LIAO LAN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23223,C0035|11022,C0295| GUANG FEI YAN CAO NA Light Larkspur* Delphinium corumbosum NA NA NA NA NA 5003,T3897|5002,E| DUAN YE LUO HAN SONG YE NA Chinese Podocarpus Leaf Podocarpus macrophyllus var. maki NA NA branch-leaf See Podocarpus macrophyllus. See Podocarpus macrophyllus. 17686,E|17689,T3629| JIE MAO TAI NA Blepharostoma* Blepharostoma trichophyllum NA NA NA NA NA 5942,E|12402,E|12403,E|12400,E|12401,E|2503,E| GAN QING TIE XIAN LIAN NA Tangut Clematis Clematis tangutica NA NA whole herb or stem-leaf To fortify stomach and disperse accumulation, resolve toxin and transform damp. Non-digestion of food accumulation, abdominal fullness with glomus a nd congestion, abdominal pain and diarrhea, welling abscess and sores, damp sore. 1572,E|8605,E| LONG XIAN XIANG NA Ammbergris Physeter catodon NA NA dried secretion in intestines of sperm whales To transform phlegm and calm asthma, move qi and dissipate binds, disinhibit water and free strangury. Qi counterflow with cough and asthma, oppression in chest and qi bind, concretion conglomeration accumulation and gathering, pain in heart and abdomen, clouded spirit, strangury syndrome. 21030,E|1026,T4695| SHA SHENG SHUI GUI JIAO NA Arenaceous Hymenocallis* Hymenocallis arenicola NA NA NA NA NA 3197,E|3198,T5459| KE YI YI SHOU SHEN. NA NA Colochirous anceps NA NA NA NA NA 3928,E| MU MA HUANG NA Horsetail Beefwood Casuarina equisetifolia NA NA tender branchlet-leaf or bark To diffuse lung and suppress cough, move qi and relieve pain, warm center and check diarrhea, disinhibit damp. Common cold with fever, cough, mounting qi , abdominal pain, diarrhea, dysentery, inhibited urination, beriberi. 4150,E|4177,E|4149,E|4155,E|4178,E|4156,E|5570,E|11639,E|14447,E|25501,T5020|3040,E|31624,T5020| BAI YU LAN 白玉兰 Magnolia denudata NA NA NA NA NA NA 13772,C0122|11023,C0457|23071,C0536|14710,C0313|8311,C0304|23038,C0121|12843,C0305|23256,C0557| DING XIANG YOU 丁香油 Clove oil Oleum Caryophylli Warm,Pungent Spleen,Stomach,Kidney NA NA NA 3242,M222|7520,M222| YING ZI CAO NA Catch-fly Silene fortunei NA NA whole herb with root To clear heat and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and resolve toxin. Dysentery, enteritis, heat strangury, vaginal discharge, swelling pain in throat, taxation damage fever, knocks and falls, poisonous snake bites. 8059,E|8058,E|10060,E|8060,E| DAN HUANG ZHANG YA CAI NA Yellowish Swertia* Swertia punicea var. lutescens NA NA NA NA NA 20494,E|8303,E|20493,E| HUANG MAO CONG MU NA Yellowhair Aralia Aralia decaisneaa NA NA root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and free menstruation, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Wind-heat common cold and headache, cough, wind-damp impediment pain, aching in lumbus and legs, damp-heat jaundice, edema, strangury-turbidity, vaginal discharge, menstrual block, postpartum wind pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls, pain in stomach duct, swelling pain in throat, gum swelling and pain. 1601,E| FU KE CI TONG NA Folk Coralbean* Erythrina folkersii NA NA NA NA NA 7324,E|30954,T3766|7327,E|7325,T3766| BO PI HUANG GUA NA Leptopeel Cucumber* Cucumis leptodermus NA NA NA NA NA 4314,E|30834,T3158| QIAO MU ZHUANG YANG MEI NA Arboreous Bayberry* Myrica arborea NA NA NA NA NA 15159,E|22821,E| SHA REN 砂仁 Villous Amomum Equivalent plant: Amomum xanthioides , Amomum longiligulare Amomum villosum Warm,Pungent Spleen,Stomach ripe fruit or seed To move qi and regulate center, harmonize stomach and arouse spleen. Abdominal pain glomus distention, food stagnation in torpid stomach, dysphagia-occlusion, vomiting, cold dysentery, stirring fetus in pregnancy. 23996,M614|30676,T5455|23897,M614|19084,M614|24956,M614|15489,M614|3048,E;M614|6540,M614|23833,M614|23184,M614|3045,M614|23421,M614|23570,M614|23818,M614|23978,M614|24169,M614|24022,M614|24100,M614|15211,M614|24537,M614|939,M614|9407,M614|23175,M614|24433,M614|9484,M614|20982,M614|23119,M614|23157,C0373|23880,M614|23828,M614|23529,M614|6719,M614|24098,M614|23919,M614|23761,M614|4549,M614|23098,C0552|9377,M614|23412,M614|20348,E|12843,M614|23438,M614|23545,M614|4353,M614|2550,E;M614;T5455|24037,M614|3688,M614|5403,M614|24152,M614|2557,E;M614|3244,M614|24465,M614|23289,C0374|15490,T5455|15491,E|24055,M614| DING GONG TENG 丁公藤 Obtuseleaf Erycibe Equivalent plant: Erycibe schmidtii Erycibe obtusifolia Warm,Pungent Spleen,Stomach,Liver rattan To expel wind and eliminate damp, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, hemiplegia, painful swelling from knocks and falls. 19530,E;T3562|7297,E|7298,T3562|19527,E;M219|19551,T3562|24591,M219| XIAO MEI WEI QIN. NA NA Smyrnium olusatrum NA NA NA To expel wind and dissipate cold, quicken blood and resolve toxin. Wind-cold common cold, pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, urticaria, toxin swelling. 1030,E|9542,E| LIVERWORT TYLIMANTHUS RENIFOLIUS . NA NA Tylimanthus renifolius NA NA NA NA NA 209,E|18899,E|9424,E|17241,E|9426,E| BAO GAN JINGAO 保肝浸膏 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 24237,M47| BAI HUA GAN XI SHU WEI CAO 白花甘西鼠尾草 Radix Salviae Przewalskii Albae NA NA NA NA NA NA 20669,C0046| LU CUI QUE NA Denuded Larkspur* Delphinium denudatum NA NA NA NA NA 30859,T4709|5135,E|11725,E|3963,E|30803,T4709| KU YE WU TOU NA Sachalin Monkshood* Aconitum sachalinense NA NA NA NA NA 11864,E|11866,T4533| MA LA BA YANG TI JIA NA Malaba Bauhinia* Bauhinia malabarica NA NA NA NA NA 18500,E|17832,E|17833,E|5094,E| CANG BAI QI SHE TAI. NA NA Schistochila glaucescens NA NA NA NA NA 8246,E|8247,E| NIU GAN NA Ox Liver Bos taurus domesticus, Bubalus bubalis NA NA liver To nourish blood, supplement liver, brighten eyes. Vacuity taxation with marked emaciation, anemia with yellow complexion, clear-eye blindness, night blindness, fright epilepsy. 6721,T5100|6720,E| CHAO XIAN JI NA Stemless Carline 392Thistle Carlina acaulis NA NA NA NA NA 3200,E| SHI DA GONG LAO YE 十大功劳叶 Leatherleaf Mahonia Leaf Equivalent plant: Mahonia fortunei, Mahonia japonica Mahonia bealei Cold,Bitter Large Intestine,Stomach,Liver leaf To clear vacuity heat, dry damp, resolve toxin. Tuberculosis and hemoptysis, steaming bone tidal fever, dizziness and tinnitus, limp aching lumbus and knees, damp-heat jaundice, vaginal discharge, dysentery, wind-heat common cold, red eyes with gall, swollen welling abscess and sores. ,E|2303,M649;C0391|24200,M649|11848,M649;C0141|13367,M649|16544,M649;C0098| ZHUN GE ER WU TOU NA Dzungaria Monkshood Aconitum soongaricum NA NA NA NA NA 20061,T6720|20060,E| HUO XIANG YE 霍香叶 leaf of wrinkled gianthyssop Folium Agastachis Minor Warm,Pungent Lung,Spleen,Stomach NA 1. Treatment of dampness blocking the spleen and stomach manifested as epigastric and abdominal distension, nausea, vomiting and poor appetite. Agastache (Huoxiang) is used with Atractylodes rhizome (Cangzhu), Magnolia bark (Houpo) and Pinellia tuber (Banxia) in the formula Buhuanjin Zhenqi San. 2. Treatment of internal injury caused by raw and cold food and invasion by exogenous wind and cold in summer manifested as chills, fever, headache, epigastric fullness, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Agastache (Huoxiang) is used with Perilla leaf (Zisuye), Pinellia tuber (Banxia), Magnolia bark (Houpo) and Tangerine peel (Chenpi) in the formula Huoxiang Zhengqi San. 3. Treatment of vomiting NA 1186,M376;C0041|23314,M376| CHANG YE XIANG CHA CAI NA Longleaf Rabdosia Rabdosia stracheyi NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and dissipate stasis. Acute icterohepatitis, acute cholecystitis, edema, summerheat stroke, stasis pain from knocks and falls, mammary sore. 256,E| QUAN YUAN YE XIAO BO NA Integrifolious Barberry Berberis integerrima NA NA NA NA NA 16428,E| YA HU MU 亚乎奴 Common Cissampelos Herb Herba Cissampelotis NA NA NA Treatment of traumatic swelling, pain and bleeding. NA 9250,M1073| LUN HUAN TENG 轮环藤 Racemose Cyclea Cyclea racemosa NA NA root To rectify qi and relieve pain, dispel damp and resolve toxin. Distending pain in chest and stomach duct, abdominal pain and diarrhea, wind-damp pain, throat pain, poisonous snake bite, dog bite, swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, bleeding due to external injury. 20482,E|4459,E|21190,M1000;C0317|4460,T4739|20484,T4739| KONG SHI CHUN NA Pertusate Ulva Frond Ulva pertusa NA NA frond See Ulva lactuca. See Ulva lactuca. 578,E|16334,E|22540,E|22541,T4501|9490,E|4473,T4501|4472,E|8010,E|9383,E|26079,T4501|3693,E|2222,E;T4501|11428,E|26058,T4501|22320,E|22321,T4501|20982,E|20983,T4501|11764,E|16557,E|16552,E|3767,E|3768,T4501|9373,E|30984,T4501|4549,E|23098,T4501|11433,T4501|23095,T4501|16871,E|1282,E|7522,T4501|7520,E|11770,T4501| HAI NAN LUO FU MU NA Hainan Devilpepper Rauvolfia verticillata var. hainanensis NA NA root See Rauvolfia verticillata . See Rauvolfia verticillata . 784,E;T3948|22359,T3948|13318,E|6516,E|22352,E|6520,T3948|22417,T3948|13319,T3948|22411,E| XIA YAN GU DANG GUI NA Decurrent Archangelica Archangelica decurrens NA NA root To dispel wind and disperse macula. White patch wind. 17063,E| HEI ZI LI GUO JI SHENG NA Black-purple Scurrula* Scurrura atropurpurea NA NA NA Anticarcinoma. NA 19072,E|16056,E|15937,E|2040,E|6852,E|12887,E|12885,E|15946,E|2892,E|15945,E|21294,E|3308,E|10943,E|6863,E|18396,E|6922,E| WU YE BAI QIAN NA Leafless Swallowwort* Cynanchum aphyllum NA NA NA NA NA 4562,E|4561,E|4560,E|4558,E|4559,E|4556,E|4557,E|4554,E|4555,E| QIAO SHI DOU LAN NA Vaginate Stonebean-orchis* Bulbophyllum vaginatum NA NA NA NA NA 13904,E|14044,E|13906,E|14043,E|10503,E|2398,E| HAI BIN LUO FU MU NA Littoral Devilpepper* Rauwolfia littoralis NA NA NA NA NA 5247,E|30872,T3938| BI MA ZI YU BI MA YOU 蓖麻子与蓖麻油 Ricinus Communis ,Ricinus communis L NA NA NA NA NA NA 23227,C0393| TIAN ZI YU PAN NA Sweet Uvaria* Uvaria dulcis NA NA NA NA NA 5819,E|5822,E|10012,E| JIN QIAO MAI 金荞麦 Wild Buckwheat Rhizome Rhizoma Fagopyri Cymosi NA NA NA 1. To clear heat and toxic material. For lung abscess, cough due to lung-heat, also for sorethroat and skin infection. 2. To promote blood circulation to eliminate blood stasis. For menorrhalgia due to blood stasis, postpartum abdominal pain due to blood stasis. 3. To expel wind and dampness. For rheumatism. NA 7806,M984| TIAN ZHU HUANG 天竺黄 Chinese schinzostachyum Tabasheer Concretio Silicea Bambusae Cold,Sweet Liver,Heart,Gallbladder NA NA NA 3589,M696|23419,M696|23666,M696|23713,M696| MAO MAN TUO LUO YE 毛曼陀罗叶 Hairy Datura Leaf Datura innoxia NA NA leaf See Datura metel. See Datura metel. 2887,E|4416,E|4420,T4873|12902,E|23381,T4873|1526,E;T4873|10869,E|31519,T4873|22154,T4873|10871,E;T4873|13812,E|10874,T4873|22142,E;C0483| XI SHU QIE NA Lax Nightshade* Solanum laxum NA NA NA NA NA 13016,E| HE QING HUA NA Japanese Hylomecon Hylomecon japonica NA NA root and rhizome To dispel wind and free network vessels, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling. Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls. 3508,E;T3987|19280,T3987|3498,E|3499,T3987|3502,E|4289,E|3504,T3987|3507,E|20400,E|31944,T3987|23282,T3987|930,E;T3987|4279,T3987|19269,E| FEN GE NA Thomson Kudzuvine Pueraria lobata var. thomsonii NA NA NA NA NA 18166,E|4605,E|4603,E| ZHE JIANG ZHANG YA CAI NA Zhejiang Swertia* Swertia hickinii NA NA NA NA NA 8303,E|20493,E| NAN SHA SHEN 南沙参 Fourleaf Ladybell Root Radix Adenophorae NA NA NA Treament of heat in the lung with dry cough, cough with scanty sticky sputum in phthisis with deficiency of yin , deficiency of both qi and yin with feverishness and thirst. NA 10965,M1015|4679,M1015|20696,M1015|22758,M1015|24554,M1015|24556,M1015|23312,M1015|23097,M1015|23423,M1015| DUO HUA SHUI XIAN NA Polyanthus Narcissus Narcissus tazetta NA NA NA NA NA 20875,E|17836,E|17842,T3650| JIA BEI MU NA Paniculate Bolbostemma Bolbostemma paniculatum NA NA bulb To clear heat and resolve phlegm, dissipate binds and draw out toxin. Mammary welling abscess, scrofula with phlegm node, toxin swelling of sores, wart, snake or insect bites. 17566,E|17567,E|17564,E|17565,E|17568,E|22056,E|22057,E|20342,E|20343,E|22058,E|21682,E|22060,E|21073,E|22059,E| XIU QIU QIAN CAO NA Chinese Dunnia Dunnia sinensis NA NA root To clear heat and drain fire. NA 6639,E|6638,E| NAN FANG TU SI ZI NA South Dodder Seed Cuscuta australis NA NA ripe seed See Cuscuta chinensis . See Cuscuta chinensis . 21343,E|2887,E|3213,E|12017,E|4135,E|13120,E|19976,E|1935,E|18302,E|13119,E|2906,E| HONG YA DA JI NA Red Knoxia Knoxia valerianoides NA NA root To drain water and expel rheum, resolve toxin and dissipate binds. Edema distention fullness, phlegm-rheum rapid asthma, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore. 21714,E|18314,E|12233,E|10529,E|12234,T4068| XI XIAO HE BAO MU DAN NA Little Bleedingheart* Dicentra pusilla NA NA NA NA NA 5416,E|5417,T6039| TU ER QI SI TAN LONG DAN NA Turkestan Gentian* Gentiana turkestanorum NA NA NA NA NA 8291,E|8292,E;T5844|8295,T5844|8294,E;T5844| LING YIN CHEN 灵茵陈 Herba Siphonostegiae Chinensis NA NA NA NA NA NA 1476,C0378|13130,C0415| LIE E TAI NA Polybract Split-calyx Liverwort* Chiloscyphus polyanthus NA NA NA NA NA 3167,E|7507,E|7500,E|3177,E|3168,E| HU TAO GEN 胡桃根 Radix seu Cortex Juglandis regiae NA NA NA NA NA NA 11900,C0300| YANG YE YIN BEI TENG NA Poplar-leaf Argyreia* Argyreia populifolia NA NA NA NA NA 7949,E|30978,T6334| ZHI NAN XING 制南星 Prepared Jackinthepulpit Tuber Rhizoma Arisaematis Praeparata Warm,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Spleen,Liver NA Treatment of intractable phlegm with cough, vertigo, stroke with phlegm in the throat, deviation of the eye and the mouth,and hemiplegia, epilepsy and convulsions, tetanus. External use of the crude drug for boils, sores, snake and insect bite. NA 24757,M863|24166,M863|24221,M863| ZHE TENG NA Fruticose Cudrania Cudrania fruticosa NA NA NA NA NA 4335,E|8355,E| LIANG YE HUA PI NA Shiningleaf Birch Bark Betula luminifera NA NA bark To dispel damp and dissipate cold, disperse stagnation and harmonize center, resolve toxin. Common cold, wind-damp impediment pain, food accumulation distention and fullness, short voidings of reddish urine, mammary welling abscess, sore toxin, wind papules. 30656,T4642|30655,T4642|2337,E|3320,T4642|3318,E|2336,E| GAO SHAN YING SU NA Alpine Poppy Papaver alpinum NA NA NA NA NA 1094,E;T3835|16613,E| SUAN JIANG NA Japanese-lantern Physalis alkekengi NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit pharynx and larynx, disinhibit urine and free stool. Acute tonsillitis, swelling pain in throat, laryngeal infection in children, lung heat cough, jaundice, dysentery, edema, dribbling urination, fecal stoppage, yellow-water sore, eczema, erysipelas. 17228,E;T5718|21356,E|17225,E|17227,E;T5718|17226,E;T5718|17233,T5718|4292,E|30832,T5718| FEI LONG ZHANG XU E NA AsiaticTodda lia Toddalia asiatica NA NA root or root cortex To dispel wind and relieve pain, stanch bleeding and dissipate stasis. Wind-damp Pain, stomachache, knocks and falls, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, knife wound, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea. 21816,E|21407,E|18866,E|3498,E|3499,E|3768,E|21402,E|6453,E|588,E|21153,E|14816,E|5557,E|6067,E|19986,E|7520,E|21806,E|16432,E|11598,E|17361,E| A LI SHAN WU WEI ZI NA Taiwan Magnoliavine Schisandra arisanensis NA NA NA NA NA 19450,E|8906,E|8916,E|8911,E| NGUANG-CHUM NA Duang-Sum (local names) Getonia floribunda NA NA NA NA NA 3940,E|3941,E| JIN ZI TA MU LAN NA Pyramidal Magnolia* Magnolia pyramidata NA NA NA NA NA 18233,E|18232,E|18231,E|18230,E|18234,E|18227,E|18228,E|18229,E| MAO HE ZI 毛诃子 friot of Belleric Terminalia Fructus Terminaliae Billericae Mild,Sweet,Punkery NA NA Treament of various febrile diseases, diarrhea, impetigo, liver and gallbladder diseases, debility during convalescence. NA 24237,M508| SUO GUO HUANG QI NA Ernest Milkvetch* Astragalus ernestii NA NA root See Astragalus membranaceus. See Astragalus membranaceus. 1851,E|1852,E| TAI WAN GUO SONG NA Masters Pine Pinus armandii var. mastersiana NA NA NA NA NA 17408,E| PU HUANG 蒲黄 Longbract Cattail Pollen Equivalent plant: Typha angustifolia , Typha latifolia Typha angustata Mild,Sweet Liver,Heart pollen To lower cholesterol, cool blood and stanch bleeding, quicken blood and dispel stasis. Hyperlipemia, angina pectoris, exudative eczema, bleeding, hemoptysis, spontaneous external bleeding, blood ejection, hematochezia, hematuria, flooding and spotting, bleeding due to external injury, pain in heart and abdomen, dysmenorrhea, postpartum bleeding, postpartum abdominal pain, blood strangury with inhibited pain. 13472,E|9363,E|22138,E|31885,T5217|5762,E|20428,E|19072,E|31848,T5217|20429,T5217|16809,E|22142,T5217|19075,T5217|9814,E|15652,E;T5217|20339,E|22141,E|19982,E|31375,T5217|24612,M551|23111,C0446;T5217|19984,T5217|29509,T5217|11645,E|11647,T5217|18302,E|9488,T5217|31260,T5217|23492,M551|20341,T5217|20265,T5217|20264,E|18363,E|15656,T5217|15654,E;T5217|19967,E|1599,E|15653,E|9485,E|12067,E|25363,T5217|31074,T5217|23789,T5217|13498,T5217|11659,E|10635,E|31154,T5217|31878,T5217|13497,E| RI BEN LIN MAO JUE NA Brown-margin Wood Fern Dryopteris sacrosancta NA NA NA NA NA 13553,T5339|13552,E| CU YING MAO TIE XIAN CAI NA Chenille Plant, Red-hot Cat’s-tail Acalypha hispida NA NA NA NA NA 4439,E| LAI SHI NA TE SHI DA GONG LAO NA Leschenault Mahonia Mahonia leschenaultii NA NA NA NA NA 16428,E| WU JING HUAN YANG SHEN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15255,T5948| CAN SANG NA Silk Mulberry* Morus bombycis NA NA NA NA NA 3453,E|12373,E|15037,T3181|15033,E| SHI LA HONG NA Fish Pelargonium Pelargonium hortorum NA NA flower To clear heat and resolve toxin. Otitis media. 3768,E;T5584|3769,T5584|15892,E|3767,E| YI GENG WU WEI ZI NA Henry Magnoliavine Schisandra henryi NA NA rattan and root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, move qi and relieve pain, quicken blood and relieve pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, qi pain in heart and stomach, taxation damage and blood ejection, amenorrhea, menstrual disorder, knocks and falls, swelling toxin of incised wound. 1466,E|19483,E|19468,T6408|12008,E|19474,T6408|19460,E|8906,E|22721,E|22722,E| HANG BAI ZHI NA Taiwan Angelica Equivalent plant: Angelica dahurica cv Qibaizhi Angelica taiwaniana NA NA root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, free orifices and relieve pain, disperse swelling and expel pus. Common cold with headache, eyebrow bone pain, toothache, nasal congestion, deep-source nasal congestion, enduring diarrhea due to damp, leukorrhea, sores with welling abscess and flat abscess, poisonous snake bites. 21957,T3972|1347,E;T3972|15340,E|22758,E|17063,E|15346,T3972|23349,T3972|2309,E;T3972|10999,E|3856,E|21931,T3972|11460,T3972|3858,T3972|934,E;T3972|22761,T3972|13961,E|21953,E|13965,T3972|30702,T3972|1238,E;T3972|11575,E|2834,E|22759,E;T3972|11000,T3972|11298,E|11299,T3972|11459,E|21928,E| MANG GUO SHU PI 杧果树皮 Mango Bark Mangifera indica NA NA bark To clear summerheat heat, stanch bleeding, resolve sore toxin. Summerheat damage, generalized fever and aversion to cold. 9614,T4838|9612,E|16054,E|25641,T4838|14571,T4838|11522,E|10364,T4838|11528,T4838|4617,E|23306,T4838|31494,T4838|13485,T4838|7337,E|10357,E|10358,E|13474,C0334|13475,E|13476,E|14589,T4838|4468,E|4469,T4838|14587,E|14586,E|14568,E|1025,E|31662,T4838|4621,T4838|13097,T4838|13093,E|25768,T4838|31215,T4838| HU BEI SHAN MAI DONG NA Hubei Liriope Liriope spicata var. prolifera NA NA tuberoid See Ophiopogon japonicus . See Ophiopogon japonicus. 26070,T4082|19059,T4082|618,E|25352,T4082|19056,E|19057,E| CAO CONG RONG NA Russian Boschniakia Boschniakia rossica NA NA whole herb To supplement kidney and invigorate yang , moisten intestines and free stool, stanch bleeding. Kidney vacuity impotence, emission, cold pain in lumbus and knees, dribbling urination, hematuria, infertility due to uterus cold, vaginal discharge, flooding and spotting, intestinal dry and constipation. 4684,T3187|4679,E|4145,E|2565,E;T3187|21672,E|2566,E;T3187|32113,T3187|18914,E|18912,E|18913,E|10469,E| YANG TI SHI 羊蹄实 Fructus Rumex japonici NA NA NA NA NA NA 6775,C0449| ZI MO LI YE NA Common Four-o’clock Leaf Mirabilis jalapa NA NA leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel wind and percolate damp, quicken blood. Welling abscess, boil, scab sore, lichen, wound. 21646,E|32110,T6750| RI BEN LONG YA CAO NA Japanese Agrimonia* Agrimonia japonica NA NA NA NA NA 759,E;T5341|758,E|757,E|17736,E| QING MENG SHI 青礞石 Chlorite Schist Lapis Chloriti Mild,Sweet,Salty Lung,Liver NA Treatment of cough and dyspnea due to retained phlegm, epilepsy, mania, restlessness with distress in the chest, convulsions. NA 23864,M583|23959,M583|24800,M583| HONG MU NA Anattotree Bixa orellana NA NA root cortex, leaf, sarcocarp and seed To abate fever, interrupt malaria, resolve toxin. Fever, malaria, sore pharynx, jaundice, dysentery, erysipelas, poisonous snake bite, sores. 15715,T4055|15711,E|2496,E;T4055|8316,E|8317,E|8318,E| DAO LUAN YE PU GONG YING GEN NA Obovaleaf Dandelion Root Taraxacum obovatum NA NA NA NA NA 10318,E|4749,E|4748,E|5723,E|20057,E|20698,E| CHOU CAO 臭草 Common Rue Ruta graveolens NA NA whole herb To dispel wind, abate fever, disinhibit urine, quicken blood, resolve toxin, disperse swelling. Common cold with fever, wind-damp bone pain, infant fright wind, inhibited urination, diarrhea, mounting qi, amenorrhea, knocks and falls, heat toxin sores, eczema. 16477,E|19987,T3299|14674,E|23743,T3299|8985,E;T3299|8984,E;T3299|8987,E;T3299|8986,E;T3299|8983,E|20422,E|18073,T3299|18072,E;C0467|22179,E|8988,E|6707,E|9303,E|2309,E;T3299|13897,E|19070,E;T3299|19071,E;T3299|25844,T3299|3457,E|12251,T3299|12250,E|6510,E|8989,T3299|1614,E;T3299|13565,E|1613,E;T3299|3857,E|31536,T3299|19986,E|19072,E;C0514|19075,T3299|6305,E|22210,T3299|18817,T3299|18816,E;T3299|18814,E|15689,E|22209,E|23334,T3299|22765,E|22766,T3299|22203,E|3463,T3299|30701,T3299|31670,T3299|14239,E|14667,E|22180,T3299|25349,T3299|7705,T3299|14372,E|19903,E|22204,T3299|2833,E|19416,T3299|14375,T3299|17283,E|19063,E;T3299|19062,E|7702,E|19064,E;T3299|19066,T3299|19069,E;T3299|19068,E|8990,E|8991,E;T3299|8996,T3299|25629,T3299|18745,T3299|18744,E|15690,T3299|11459,C0148|9314,T3299|13567,T3299|19412,E|11599,T3299|11598,E|6708,T3299| XUAN CAO NEN MIAO 萱草嫩苗 Plantula Hemerocalis fulvae NA NA NA NA NA NA 3911,C0443| ER YE JIN YING SU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3502,C0196| YE JIANG 野姜 CassumunaGinger* Zingiber cassumunar Warm,Pungent Lung,Spleen,Stomach NA NA NA 21908,E|6277,E|6276,E|6279,E|6278,E|6281,E|24250,M795|23433,M795|8827,M795|24232,M795|19967,M795|10437,E| HONG MA NA Lanceleaf Dogbane* Apocynum lancifolium NA NA NA NA NA 31878,T4053|11640,T4053|11639,E|18302,E| FEN TUAN HUA NA Paniculate Hydrangea Hydrangea paniculata NA NA flower To disperse damp, break blood. Scrotal wind. 22180,T3742|8078,T3742|22179,E|8077,E| SHAN FAN GEN NA Caudate Sweetleaf Root Symplocos caudata NA NA root To clear heat and disinhibit damp, cool blood and stanch bleeding, dispel wind and relieve pain. Jaundice, diarrhea, dysentery, flooding, wind-fire toothache, headache, wind-damp impediment pain. 6272,E|5582,E|4679,E|20530,E|21698,E|21907,E|10665,E|8680,E|20430,E|11080,E| DA YE TU MU XIANG NA Largeleaf Inula Inula grandis NA NA NA NA NA 834,E|31324,T3476|11200,E|25811,T3476|8981,E|25631,T3476| BEI WU JIA PI 北五加皮 Chinese Silkvine Root-bark Cortex Acanthopanacis Radicis Warm,Pungent,Bitter Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of rheumatic or rheumatoid arthralgia with flaccidity of extremities, retarded walking and lack of strength in children, edema. NA 25171,M51|24250,M51|23433,M51|8827,M51|24339,M51|24232,M51|19967,M51| JI JIAN DAN QING MEI. NA NA Penicillium simplicissimum NA NA NA NA NA 16794,E|2441,E|4206,E|4207,E|16793,E| NEI NAN WU WEI ZI NA Fengqing Kadsura Kadsura interior NA NA lianoid stem To engender blood and harmonize blood, regulate menstruation and promote pregnancy. wind-damp impediment pain, vacuity detriment sterility, emission, white turbidity, menstrual disorder, red and white vaginal discharge. NA 1210,E|11097,E|19482,E|12009,E|11102,E|11103,E|11100,E|11101,E|11098,E|11096,E|15414,E|11099,E|9464,E|8911,E|9462,E|8905,E|8907,E| AO XIAN ZI JIN NA Bulbous Corydalis Corydalis cava NA NA NA NA NA 2734,E;T2929|11256,T2929|3059,T2929|11253,E|11345,E|11341,E|11343,T2929|3057,E| BEI HAI DANG GUI NA Northsea Angelica* Angelica acutiloba var. sugiyamae NA NA NA NA NA 4549,E|26058,T3080|7851,E|30968,T3080| BAO PIAN SHU WEI CAO. NA NA Salvia bracteata NA NA NA NA NA 19193,E|2584,E| JIAN JIAN MU LAN NA Cucumber-tree Magnolia acuminata NA NA NA NA NA 592,E|22368,T4333|22367,E|16817,E|25360,T4333| GAN SUI 甘遂 Kansui Euphorbia Euphorbia kansui Cold,Bitter Lung,Large Intestine,Kidney tuberoid To drain water and expel rheum, break accumulation and free stool. Edema, ascites, flowing rheum in chest, concretion conglomeration accumulation and gathering, epilepsy, cough and asthma, urinar y and fecal stoppage. 4825,E|7610,E|7611,E|14294,E|16354,E|16437,E|24731,M266|12139,E|16438,E|24755,M266|4828,E|4826,E|4827,E|4824,E|7617,E|4822,E|4823,E|4820,E|4821,E|6325,E|6324,E|6323,E|6322,E|24432,M266|12133,E|12156,T3798|12136,E|12137,E|12134,E|12135,E|2442,E|31589,T3798|21393,E|7620,T3798|24886,M266|7614,T3798|25104,M266|6938,E|23317,M266|2239,E|2238,E|24676,M266|24153,M266|24818,M266|4819,E|4837,E|12143,E|12142,E|12141,E|12140,E|12144,E|12138,E|12125,E|12127,E|12126,E| A ER TAI YIN LIAN HUA NA Altai Anemone* Anemone altaica NA NA rhizome To transform phlegm and open orifices, quiet spirit, diffuse damp and arouse spleen, resolve toxin. Febrile diseases clouded spirit, epilepsy, qi -block deafness, heavy dreams and amnesia, oppression in chest and abdomen distention, inappetence, wind-damp impediment pain, welling abscess and flat abscess, scab and lichen. 21193,E| ZHOU CHANG JU NA Funadoko Orange* Citrus funadoko NA NA NA NA NA 17815,E| JIA LIAN QIAO YE NA Creeping Skyflower Leaf Duranta repens NA NA leaf To dissipate stasis and resolve toxin. Stasis swelling from knocks and falls, swollen welling abscess. 3834,E|21669,E|16743,E|16744,T4308|19569,T4308|8615,E|8616,E|9229,E|19567,E|9921,E|13119,E|13126,T4308| BO SI YI MU CAO NA Persia Motherwort* Leonurus persicus NA NA NA NA NA 17765,E|5175,E|12656,E|6949,E|6948,E|12654,E|6947,E|6946,E|6945,E|12659,E|12719,E|8093,E|2133,E|12653,E|12652,E|12651,E|12650,E|12657,E|4746,E|12655,E|9813,E|409,E|308,E|12644,E|12645,E|12646,E|12647,E|12642,E|12643,E|12648,E|12649,E|7089,E|5188,E|7525,E| HAN CAI 旱菜 Indian Rorippa Rorippa montana NA NA whole herb To dispel phlegm and suppress cough, dissipate cold and resolve exterior, quicken blood and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp and abate jaundice. Cough, cough of phlegm asthma, common cold with fever, non-eruption of measles, wind-damp impediment pain, swelling pain in throat, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, lacquer sore, amenorrhea, knocks and falls, jaundice, edema. 18893,E|18895,T3963|18894,E;M958| SHUI CAI NA Bogbean Menyanthes trifoliata NA NA leaf or whole herb To fortify spleen and disperse food, nourish heart and quiet spirit, clear heat and disinhibit urine. Gastritis, indigestion, palpitation and insomnia, damp-heat jaundice, cholecystitis, edema, inhibited urination, inhibited voidings of reddish urine. 20152,E|31018,T5633|25311,T5633|8291,T5633|8290,E|7850,E|8295,E|8296,E;T5633|12946,E|12944,E|28252,T5633|4416,T5633|4415,E;T5633|4414,E|25923,T5633|25613,T5633|25061,T5633|19608,E|9087,E|2850,E|23720,T5633|30967,T5633|13766,E|13767,T5633|5614,E| LEI DENG XIN LIU SHAN HU NA Gorgonian Junceella gemmacea Junceella gemmacea NA NA NA NA NA 5295,E| LI MENG NA Lemonlike Citrus Citrus limonia NA NA fruit See Citrus limon. See Citrus limon . 3760,E|22504,E|7378,T4608|22505,T4608|3767,E|3768,T4608|663,E|13126,T4608|30792,T4608|22320,E|22321,T4608|13119,E| BAN RUI TANG SONG CAO NA Petalformed Meadowrue Thalictrum petaloideum NA NA root and rhizome To clear heat, dry damp, resolve toxin. Damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, jaundice, lung heat cough, red eyes with gall, swelling welling abscess and sore and boil, exudative dermatitis 21237,E|17969,E|2300,E|2303,E|4289,E|9440,E|4032,E|16428,E|11733,E|11848,E|930,E|16544,E| CHUAN DU ZHONG 川杜仲 Eucommia bark Cortex Eucommiae Warm,Sweet Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of deficiency condition of the kidney marked by lumbago and lack of strength, threatened abortion, hypertension. 1. Hypotensive 2. Promoting phagocytosis of mononuclear phagocytes3. Sedative and diuretic. 24289,M108|2004,M108;C0260| DUO SUI SHI KE YE NA Manyspike Tanoak Leaf Lithocarpus polystachyus NA NA leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, transform phlegm, dispel wind, lower blood pressure. Hypertension, damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, lung heat cough, sores with welling abscess and flat abscess, dry-itchy skin. 31456,T3655|14344,E|21862,E|10644,E|23764,T3655|12915,E|12916,E;T3655|1113,E|6917,E|25799,T3655|24556,T3655| CUI YUN CAO NA Hooked Spikemoss Selaginella uncinata NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin, stanch bleeding. Jaundice, dysentery, diarrhea, edema, strangury, impediment pain in sinew and bone, blood ejection, coughing of blood, hematochezia, bleeding due to external injury, hemorrhoids and fistulas, burns and scalds, snake bite. 22200,E|22199,E|1030,E|4375,E|9542,E|6166,E| JIA JIN DONG YING SU NA Pseudoriental Poppy* Papaver pseudorientale NA NA NA NA NA 11743,T4302|11738,E| DUI YE DOU 对叶豆 Folium Cassiae alatae NA NA NA NA NA NA 18744,C0562| CHANG GUAN JIA MO LI NA Indian Glorybower Clerodendron indicum NA NA whole herb To eliminate inflammation and disinhibit urine, quicken blood and disperse swelling, dispel wind-damp. Urinary tract infection, cystitis, sprain from knocks and falls, wind-damp bone pain. 21521,T3238|9563,E|9565,T3238|21518,E| BAI LI XIANG NA Breckland Thyme Thymus serpyllum NA NA NA NA NA 25205,T2994|21346,T2994|21344,E|1476,E;T2994|20979,E| NI RI LI YA LIANG RUI SU MU NA Nigerian Satinwood Distemonanthus benthamianus NA NA NA NA NA 3611,E|16430,T5071|16429,E;T5071| MA SHI DA HUANG NA Maximowicz Rhubarb* Rheum maximowiczii NA NA NA NA NA 18251,E|13609,E|13610,E|10611,E|10610,E|10612,E|10609,E|27648,T4809| GUI PI YOU 桂皮油 Cinnamon oil Oleum Corticis Cinnamomi Warm,Pungent,Sweet Lung,Bladder,Heart NA NA NA 23723,M302|3726,M302|3693,M302;C0369|23804,M302| SAN LIE QIE NA Tripartite Nightshade* Solanum tripartitum NA NA NA NA NA 20048,T5418|20047,E;T5418|20046,E| KUAN YE WU TAN NA Broadleaf Fatheadtree* Nauclea latifolia NA NA NA NA NA 4839,E|15307,E|6972,E|13869,E|13867,E|15305,E|5540,E|5541,E|10732,E|20374,E|15308,E|3184,E|15289,E|15288,E|15297,E|9787,E|15285,E|15284,E|5539,E|15286,E|15287,E| XUAN MING FEN 玄明粉 Exsiccated Sodium Sulfate Natrii Sulfas Exsiccatus NA NA NA Treatment of constipation with retention of dry feces and abdominal pain caused by excessive heat.External use of Natrii Sulfas Exsiccatus: Sore throat, ulcers of the mouth and tongue, swelling and pain of the gums, conjuctivitis, carbuncles, erysipelas. NA 23239,M1070|24075,M1070|19967,M1070|24753,M1070|23588,M1070| NIAN YE YOU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 25652,T5078| YIN CHEN 茵陈 Virgate Wormwood Herb Herba Artemisiae Scopariae Cool,Pungent,Bitter Bladder,Spleen,Liver NA Treatment of infectious icteric hepatitis, sores with exudation and itching. 1. Its decoction or its volatile oil, and active components such as chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid and hydroxyacetophenone are chologogues.2. Protecting the liver of experimental animals from the damage of CCl4.3. Decreasing the level of blood lipids and alleviating artherosclerosis and lipidosis in rabbits.4. Increasing the coronary flow of rabbits in vitro.5. Its volatile oil inhibits the growth of Shigella dysenteriae, Hemolytic streptococcus and various dermatomyces in vitro.6. Anticoagulative. 23908,M806|19525,M806;C0067|18667,M806|2843,M806|23122,M806|24212,M806|24335,M806|15346,M806|23982,M806|336,M806|23611,M806|24574,M806|21339,M806|23873,M806|24028,M806|24538,M806|3237,M806|3122,M806|23279,M806|3121,M806|24253,M806|23708,M806|23126,M806|23097,M806|22320,M806|1653,M806|24908,M806|11645,M806;C0299|23119,M806|24639,M806|19527,M806|18302,M806|23436,M806|25165,M806|25008,M806|3741,M806|4549,M806|10886,M806|3130,M806|25029,M806|23231,M806|23230,M806;C0482|25101,M806|24921,M806|8288,M806|23315,M806|24407,M806|23575,M806|3118,M806;C0203|3116,M806|24179,M806|7587,M806|4913,M806|7520,M806|23256,M806| SHENG NAN XING 生南星 Jackinthepulpit Tuber Rhizoma Arisaematis Warm,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Spleen,Liver NA Treatment of intractable phlegm with cough, vertigo, stroke with phlegm in the throat, deviation of the eye and the mouth,and hemiplegia, epilepsy and convulsions, tetanus. External use of the crude drug for boils, sores, snake and insect bite. 1. Its aqueous infusion or alcohol extract exerts an anticonvulsive effect in mice.2. Oral administration of its decoction can eliminate phlegm in mice. 24757,M645|24166,M645|24221,M645| CHANG YE GE NA XIANG NA Longleaf Goniothalamus Goniothalamus gardneri NA NA NA NA NA 8233,T3253|8232,E;T3253|5823,E|7817,E|5820,E|21754,E|22051,E|8231,E|10786,E|15277,E|5478,E| MAO DONG QING 毛冬青 Pubescent Holly Equivalent plant: Ilex pubescens var glaber Ilex pubescens NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and free network vessels. Angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction, cerebral thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger’s disease), central retinitis, central angiospastic retinitis, wind-heat common cold, lung heat cough asthma, sore pharynx, nipple moth, gum swelling and pain, chest impediment and heart pain, wind stroke with hemiplegia, erysipelas, burns and scalds, welling abscess and flat abscess. 10979,E|6174,E|22599,E|31304,T4850|23975,M1006| KU LIAN PI 苦莲皮 Chinaberry-tree Bark Equivalent plant: Melia toosendan Melia azedarach Cold,Bitter Spleen,Stomach,Liver dried stem or root cortex To expel worms and treat lichen. Ascariasis, oxyuria disease, abdominal pain due to worm accumulation, scab and lichen with itching. 15601,E|21963,T4519|21961,E|15602,E;T4519|3710,E|20951,E|20950,E|13653,E|13654,E|13657,E|13658,E|13659,E;T4519|12946,E|15604,T4519|2050,E;T4519|2055,E;T4519|2054,E;T4519|5195,T4519|14536,E|5193,E|15594,E|15597,E|7944,E|7945,T4519|8248,E|8249,T4519|27102,T4519|13668,T4519|21436,T4519|19162,E|21432,E;M430;C0246|13661,E;T4519|13660,E;T4519|13663,E;T4519|13662,E;T4519|13664,E;T4519|31648,T4519|31500,T4519|31501,T4519|3709,T4519|12327,T4519|12326,E;T4519|12325,E;T4519|12324,E|15598,T4519| YA MA XUN YU TENG NA Amazonian Jewelvine* Derris amazonica NA NA NA NA NA 19379,E| DIAN ZHUANG JUAN BAI NA Cushion-shaped Spikemoss Selaginella pulvinata NA NA dried whole herb See Selaginella tamariscina. See Selaginella tamariscina. 1030,E|4375,E| HUANG WEI NA Myrtleleaf Heimia Heimia myrtifolia NA NA NA NA NA 22417,E|22418,T4206| HONG HUA LU TI CAO NA Redflower Pyrola Pyrola incarnata NA NA whole herb See Pyrola calliantha. See Pyrola calliantha. 22254,E|31841,T4045|17862,E|17867,E|3526,E|3527,T4045|10887,E|17870,E|9594,T4045|11458,T4045|17882,E|17878,E|9593,E|11453,E| XIN JIANG GAO BEN NA Vaginate Hemlockparsley Conioselinum vaginatum NA NA rhizome To dispel wind and eliminate damp, dissipate cold and relieve pain. Wind-cold common cold, headache, wind-cold-damp impediment, cold-damp abdominal pain, diarrhea, scab and lichen, acne. 15195,E|15196,E;T6212|12819,E|17791,E|14005,E|31568,T6212|7767,E|25449,T6212|22321,T6212|22320,E|2803,E|11549,E|12820,E|3991,T6212|3990,E| BAN LAN GEN 板蓝根 Indigowoad Root Isatis indigotica Cold,Bitter Stomach,Heart root To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and disinhibit throat. Epidemic encephalitis, measles papulis, parotitis, influenza, warm toxin macular eruption, ardent fever with headache, massive head scourge, throat pain, maculopapular eruption, epidemic parotitis, erysipelas, hepatitis, swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess. 11190,T3049|22236,M42;C0485|25285,T3049|25282,T3049|21824,E|19919,E|24319,M42|23223,C0035|2806,E|23573,M42|26070,T3049|24675,M42|4679,M42|2224,E|24357,T3049|11012,E|11030,T3049|29509,T3049|24887,M42|23042,T3049|19172,E|24450,M42|23662,M42|11183,E|618,E|11187,E|11184,E|11185,M42|22221,M42;C0487|23504,M42|10642,E|32161,T3049|19968,E|20550,E|22043,E|23230,M42;C0482|19967,E|23097,M42|24667,M42|11026,E|11021,E|11020,E|11023,T3049|11022,E;M42;C0295;T3049|5636,E|1048,E|11028,E|24038,M42|13091,M42;C0336|19894,T3049|12225,T3049|24601,M42|12223,E;M42;C0301|19893,E|6234,E|23287,C0400|24857,M42| CHANG WEI CU YE MU NA Acuminate Lasianthus Lasianthus acuminatissimus NA NA NA NA NA 4715,E|12527,E|12526,E|12528,E| LUAN SHU NA Paniculate Goldraintree Root-bark Koelreuteria paniculata NA NA root cortex To clear liver and brighten eyes. Eye pain and tearing, red eyes with gall. 7457,E|7470,T4732|21026,E|32011,T4732|6728,T4732|18399,T4732|7469,E|6727,E;T4732|6726,E|16596,E;T4732|16597,T4732|5511,E;T4732|5510,E|30458,T4732|18397,E|5513,T4732|16595,E| E CUI NA Goose Tail-meat Anser cygnoides domestica NA NA tail meat NA Otitis media, deafness. 21189,E|21190,T3671|21178,E|21179,T3671| JU DA LAN CI TOU NA Grand Globethistle* Echinops giganteus NA NA NA NA NA 9994,E|14158,E| BO LUN LIN HUA RUAN SHAN HU NA Softcoral Lemnalia bournei Lemnalia bournei NA NA NA NA NA 12617,E| JIAN RUI MAO CHA NA Acute Antirhea* Antirhea acutata NA NA NA NA NA 1450,E|1449,E|1398,E| HAI YAN. NA NA Asterina pectinifera NA NA NA NA NA 11619,E|3587,E| BEI MEI ZHOU SHAN GENG CAI NA Indian Tobacco Lobelia inflata NA NA NA NA NA 12932,T3094|12933,E|12931,E|31457,T3094|11507,T3094|11504,E| ZHI SHI 枳实 Seville Orange Young Fruit Equivalent plant: Citrus wilsonii , Poncirus trifoliata Citrus aurantium Minor cold,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Large Intestine,Stomach young fruit To break qi and dissipate glomus, disperse phlegm and transform accumulation. Shock, indigestion, ptosis of anus or uterus, cardiac failure, distention fullness in chest and abdomen, phlegm aggregation. 31462,T6672|11714,T6672|15626,C0582|9457,E;M871;C0338|11490,E|21169,E|12837,M871|15648,E|12981,E;M871|15647,E|25426,T6672|19913,E|21897,E|24595,M871|20654,E|20536,E;M871|14788,E;M871|32048,T6672|23496,M871|31693,T6672|1497,E|15278,E;M871|15279,T6672|12841,E|15396,E;M871|18804,T6672|11713,E|9963,E|32139,T6672| YUE JI SHI LIU NA Dwarf Pomegranate Punica granatum cv. nana NA NA NA NA NA 7386,E|16004,T6569| YING TAO FAN QIE NA Cherry Tomato* Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme NA NA NA NA NA 7377,E|7376,E|13235,E| XIU MAO YE TONG NA Anomalus Mallotu Mallotus anomalus NA NA NA NA NA 11225,T6238|11224,E| RI BEN JIA MI NA Japanese Viburnum Viburnum awabuki NA NA NA NA NA 22441,E|22440,E|22442,E|22436,E|7032,E|7033,E|7035,E|7036,E|22427,E|14800,E|14397,E|14392,E|22435,E|14640,E|22437,E|22430,E|22432,E|22438,E|22439,E|14608,E|14609,E|14607,E|15463,E|15465,E|15464,E|15466,E|22428,E| AO ZHOU JIAN GUO NA Queensland Nut Macadamia ternifolia NA NA NA NA NA 17950,T2933|5282,E|16550,E|17949,E|30880,T2933| WA SI YA NA SAN CHI HAO NA Vaseyana Big Sagebrush* Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana NA NA NA NA NA 11612,E| HE TAO DA HUANG NA River-bend Rhubarb* Rheum hotaoense NA NA root and rhizome To disperse accumulation and transform stagnation, free bowels and drain heat. Food accumulation, distention fullness in stomach duct and abdomen, abdominal pain and diarrhea, heat bind constipation. 18752,E|8094,E|30776,T3992|3616,E|18766,T3992| JIU LI XIANG GEN NA Common Jasminorange Root Murraya paniculata [Syn. Chalcas paniculata] NA NA root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, move qi and relieve pain, free network vessels and dissipate stasis. Wind-damp impediment pain, cold pain in lumbus and knees, pain wind, knocks and falls, painful swollen testes, eczema, scab and lichen. 16600,E|16601,E|16602,E|16858,E|10161,E|22921,E| GUI HUA NA Sweet Osmanthus Osmanthus fragrans NA NA flower To warm lung and transform rheum, dissipate cold and relieve pain. Phlegm-rheum cough asthma, cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, intestinal wind blood dysentery, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, cold mounting with abdominal pain, toothache, bad breath. 15489,E|15916,E|12848,T3921|15491,T3921|5645,E|12847,E|5647,T3921| MU JIN ZI 牡荆子 Shrubalthea Fruit Hibiscus syriacus NA NA fruit To clear lung and transform phlegm, relieve headache, resolve toxin. Cough of phlegm asthma, bronchitis, headache, yellow-water sore, eczema. 20312,E|13448,E|23125,C0500|22543,E|22544,E|21396,E|21397,E|11080,C0458|21399,E| TAN XIANG 檀香 Sandalwood Santalum album Warm,Pungent Spleen,Stomach,Kidney heartwood To rectify qi and harmonize stomach. Pain in chest and abdomen, cold stomachache, vomiting of water due to congealing cold qi stagnation, coronary heart disease with pattern of qi stagnation and blood stasis. 24182,M683|5114,E|10658,E|23679,M683;T5755|24972,M683|23044,M683;C0070;T5755|20955,E|15621,E|20956,E|4208,E|23639,M683|23401,M683|24577,M683|24576,M683|23805,T5755|25341,T5755|5500,E|25658,T5755|19292,E|19293,T5755|19290,E|19291,E|19296,E;T5755|19294,E|19295,E;T5755|24102,M683|30956,T5755|23911,M683|2307,E|31929,T5755|20960,T5755|10660,E;T5755|10662,T5755|23398,M683|7011,T5755|15801,E|8779,E|23499,M683|30649,T5755|24476,T5755|23501,M683|23500,M683|24308,M683|20957,E|23722,M683|9621,T5755|9620,E|7007,E|19285,E|19287,E|19286,E|19289,E|5635,E|23811,M683|7729,E|5126,T5755|19288,E|12203,E| TAO YE 桃叶 Peach Leaf Prunus persica NA NA leaf To dispel wind and clear heat, dry damp and resolve toxin, kill worms. Externally contracted wind evil, head wind, headache, wind impediment, eczema, swollen welling abscess and sores, lichen sore, malaria, trichomoniasis. 15271,E|4048,C0360|15274,T5770|18406,E|18407,T5770| XIAN YE QIN NA Thinleaf Celery Apium leptophyllum NA NA NA NA NA 19770,T6102|19769,E| HE YE DI 荷叶蒂 Hindu Lotus Leaf-base Nelumbo nucifera NA NA leaf-base To clear summerheat and eliminate damp, dispel stasis and stanch bleeding, quiet fetus. Summerheat-damp diarrhea, blood dysentery, flooding and spotting, stirring fetus in pregnancy. 1348,C0551|18884,T3995|15847,E|18881,E|31730,T3995|23264,C0158|11488,C0147|14144,T3995|14141,E| FENG YA JUE NA Japanese Coniogramme Coniogramme japonica [Syn. Hemionitis japonica] NA NA rhizome or whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, dissipate blood and relieve pain, clear heat and resolve toxin. Painful joints due to rheumatalgia, abdominal pain due to static blood, menstrual block, knocks and falls, red eyes with gall, mammary welling abscess, early stage of toxin swelling. 18145,E|15922,E|18146,E| CHAO AO DING CAO. NA NA Laurencia nidifica NA NA NA NA NA 11482,E|12567,E| CHAI HU 柴胡 Chinese Thorowax Equivalent plant: Bupleurum scorzonerifolium, Bupleurum smithii var parvifolium , Bupleurum aureum, Bupleurum longiradiatum, Bupleurum marginatum , Bupleurum marginatum var stenophyllum, Bupleurum angustissimum, Bupleurum chaishoui, Bupleurum wenchuanense , Bupleurum sibiricum, Bupleurum yinchowense Bupleurum chinense Minor cold,Pungent,Bitter Liver,Gallbladder root To harmonize exterior and interior, soothe liver and upbear yang. Common cold, influenza, malaria, acute pancreatitis, pleuritis, neuritis, gastritis, acute cholecystitis, hepatitis, fever due to external contraction, keratitis, cold-heat in turn, liver depression and rib-side pain, mammary distention, dizziness and headache, menstrual disorder, prolapse of rectum due to qi vacuity fall, prolapse of uterus, gastroptosis. 30187,T3216|4305,T3216|4304,E|23046,C0479|17008,E|12837,E|14269,T3216|17007,E|24415,M80|23279,C0236|15685,E|12949,E|19151,E|19150,E|19153,T3216|21346,T3216|21344,E|16872,T3216|6794,E|24823,M80|17010,T3216|3139,E|9668,E|24666,M80|16871,E|6795,T3216|15213,E|15210,E|15211,T3216|15696,E|7522,T3216|7520,E|19149,E;T3216|19146,E|19147,E|19142,E|19143,E|18176,E|3140,E|31865,T3216|20354,E|20353,E;M80;T3216|12951,T3216|19072,M80;C0514|12015,E|12017,T3216|23171,C0484|23175,C0470|12794,E|23664,M80|23099,T3216|23252,C0109|15138,E|31080,T3216|23412,T3216|12843,E;C0305|21594,E|9485,E|31085,T3216|24689,M80|30451,T3216|19116,E|9488,T3216|9414,E|31718,T3216|23145,C0478|32173,T3216|31781,T3216|21123,E|31446,T3216|15214,T3216|12963,E|13772,C0122|19115,E|24750,M80|19119,E;T3216|19118,E|15244,C0409|9401,E|23399,M80|23887,T3216|645,E;T3216|22201,E|12974,E;T3216|23720,T3216|9020,E|24843,M80|15257,M80|25205,T3216|11639,E|25627,T3216|31444,T3216|20152,E|15146,T3216|21024,T3216|14268,E|23228,C0303|24231,M80|3237,E|1191,E;C0326;T3216|19135,T3216|19133,E;T3216|19132,E|15974,T3216|15972,E|23038,C0121|22321,E|22323,T3216|15675,E|15677,T3216|23059,C0568|18302,M80|12888,T3216|12887,E|31122,T3216|31459,T3216|20265,T3216|20264,E|8311,E|8312,T3216|17075,E|19120,E;T3216|19127,E;C0075;T3216|15961,E|15962,T3216|30733,T3216|20979,E| SONG YOU 松油 Oleum Pini NA NA NA NA NA NA 23237,C0461| BAI LI XIANG FEN 百里香酚 NA Thymol NA NA NA NA NA 24237,M30| YAN MAI NA Oat Avena sativa NA NA NA NA NA 30639,T6307|15847,T6307|30640,T6307|15846,E|2033,E;T6307|2032,E;T6307|2031,E;T6307|2030,E|20133,T6307|20131,E;T6307|20130,E|2029,E| JIN GAN NA Japanese Kumquat Fortunella japonica NA NA fruit See Fortunella margarita . See Fortunella margarita. 11713,E|15626,E|20654,E|15628,T4389| NIU XIN FAN LI ZHI 牛心番荔枝 Bullocksheart Custardapple Annona reticulata NA NA fruit To clear heat and check dysentery, expel worms. Heat toxin dysentery, intestinal parasitic disease. 1348,E;C0551;T5116|1306,E;T5116|18640,E|18884,E|19183,E|31326,T5116|31327,T5116|11224,T5116|11222,E|11221,E|11220,E|1324,E;T5116|20035,E|15091,E|30080,T5116|18638,E|1317,E;T5116|18892,T5116|18652,T5116|12911,E|15092,T5116|25258,T5116|22802,E|22804,T5116|23238,T5116|14899,T5116|14898,E|20229,T5116|20228,E|18639,T5116| ER CHA 儿茶 Cutch, Black Catechu Catechu Cool,Bitter,Punkery Lung NA Treatment of festering wound difficult to heal up, skin diseases with watery discharge, ulcers in the mouth, tranmatic injury with pain and bleeding. To arrest exudation, promote the growth of new tissue, and cure wounds. 7801,M237;C0283|25010,M237|5568,M237|23780,M237|23466,M237|24318,M237|11676,C0076|23234,M237;C0368|3318,M237;C0435|18928,M237|18290,M237;C0079|23830,M237|18811,M237;C0077|23225,M237|23446,M237|25126,M237|23445,M237| LAO SHU LE NA Hollyleaf Acanthus Acanthus ilicifolius NA NA root or branch-leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, transform phlegm and disinhibit damp, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Mumps, scrofula, liver spleen enlargement, stomachache, taxation damage in lumbar muscle, phlegm-heat cough asthma, jaundice, white turbidity, acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis. 3554,E|10988,E|1557,E|2229,E|15925,E|10987,E|10986,E|4136,E|4137,E|77,E|63,E|1494,E|8665,E|18302,E|1476,E|5764,E|5765,E|11639,E| CHONG LOU 重楼 Paris Root Rhizoma Paridis NA NA NA Treatment of boils, carbuncies, sore throat, venomous snake bite, traumatic pain, convulsions. 1. Virustatic, esp. on Asia influenza A virus, and bacteriostatic. 2. Antitussive and antiasthmatic. 3. An active component, pariphyllin, exerts a sedative effect on mice and in synergistic with pentobarbital sodium. 4. Pariphyllin inhibits uterocervical carcinoma14 in mice. 16796,M914|16656,M914|6439,M914;C0330| HEI CHAI HU NA Black Thorowax Bupleurum smithii NA NA NA NA NA 19128,E|19138,E;T4000|19137,E;T4000|19121,E|19135,E|19133,E|19132,E|19127,E|21123,E|19136,E;T4000|30450,T4000|19141,T4000| MA HUA NA Hemp Fimble Flower* Cannabis sativa NA NA male-flower To dispel wind, quicken blood, engender hairs. Numbness in limbs, itchy body, shedding of eyebrow and hair, amenorrhea. 17436,E|17437,T4791|21646,E|21042,E|21043,E|32110,T4791|30956,T4791|19666,E|19665,E|3081,E;T4791|3080,E|23030,C0489|23213,C0488|12848,T4791|32020,T4791|32021,T4791|3079,E;C0376|15117,E|12847,E|30728,T4791|26676,T4791|7522,T4791|7520,E|3082,E;T4791|30452,T4791| PENG XIAN XUE DAN NA Pengxian Hemsleya Hemsleya pengxianensis NA NA NA NA NA 3526,T5185|3524,E|5574,E|5575,E;T5185|5578,T5185| YING ZHAO DOU NA Weaversbroom Spartium junceum NA NA NA NA NA 30352,T6489|14273,T6489|14272,E|19317,E|4593,E|20119,T6489|20118,E| AI JI DA CHI JI NA Egyptian Cottonthistle* Onopordum alexandrinum NA NA NA NA NA 16125,T2884|16109,E| GUA LOU ZI NA Mongolian Snakegourd Seed Trichosanthes kirilowii NA NA seed To clear lung and transform phlegm, lubricate intestines and free stool. Phlegm-heat cough, lung vacuity dry cough, intestinal dry and constipation, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore. 21560,E| JIAN QIU LUO MAO RUI HUA NA White Mullein Verbascum lychnites NA NA NA NA NA 3306,E|3307,E;T4337|56,E;T4337|30753,T4337| MA YE QIAN LI GUANG NA Hempleaf Groundsel Senecio cannabifolius NA NA whole herb with root To dissipate stasis, stanch bleeding, relieve pain. Knocks and falls, static blood swelling pain, bleeding due to external injury. 3085,E|3086,E|5799,E|9996,E| FU YE ZE LAN NA Compositeleaf Eupatorium* Eupatorium compositifolium NA NA NA NA NA 13229,T3781|13228,E| SHANG LU 商陆 Indian Pokeweed Equivalent plant: Phytolacca americana Phytolacca esculenta [Syn. Phytolacca acinosa] Cold,Bitter Large Intestine,Kidney root To expel water and disperse swelling, disinhibit urine and free stool, resolve toxin and dissipate binds. Edema distention fullness, urinary and fecal stoppage, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore. 11809,E|23080,T5527|7368,E;T5527|7369,E;T5527|7367,E|24929,M627|25762,T5527|546,E|547,E|545,E|548,E|31576,T5527|23600,M627|23888,M627|9567,E|24941,M627|7024,E|23986,M627|7373,E|7372,E;T5527|7371,E;T5527|7370,E;T5527|24116,M627|11418,E|471,E| LIU TU HU JIAO NA Tuberculate Pepper* Piper tuberculatum NA NA NA NA NA 21888,E|1612,E|21892,E|5694,E|16377,E|17425,E| LIAO DA QING YE 蓼大青叶 Indigoplant Leaf Folium Polygoni Tinctorii NA NA NA Treatment of fever and eruptions in epidemic diseases, cough and asthma due to heat in the lung, inflammation of the throat, mnmps, erysipelas, carbuncle. NA 23223,C0035|24166,M995|24221,M995|11022,C0295| SAN CHA FENG WEI JUE NA Wallichi’s Brake Pteris wallichinan NA NA whole herb To clear heat and check dysentery, settle fright, stanch bleeding. Dysentery, infant fright wind, bleeding due to external injury. 18111,E| DONG YA ZI JIN NIU NA NA Ardisia sieboldii NA NA NA NA NA 1630,E|1631,E|1632,E|1633,E|1634,E|1629,E| GAO YI ZHI HUANG HUA NA Canadian Goldenrod Solidago altissima NA NA NA NA NA 3835,E|20153,E|20155,T3837|9751,E|9919,E|20055,E|9752,E|5791,E|9750,E|9920,E|269,E|268,E|232,E| YAO SHUI SU NA Medicinal Betonica Betonica officinalis NA NA NA NA NA 11324,E|2325,E;T6339| HAI DAI NA Ellgrass Zostera marina NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve phlegm, soften hardness and dissipate binds, disinhibit water. Goiter and tuberculosis, mounting-conglomeration, edema, beriberi. 8078,T3940|31696,T3940|1521,E;T3940|8077,E|14810,E| FAN SHI LIU YE NA Guava Leaf Psidium guajava NA NA leaf To dry damp and fortify spleen, clear heat and resolve toxin. Dysentery, food accumulation abdominal distention, gingiva painful swelling, wind-damp impediment pain, eczema shank sore, swelling toxin of clove sore, painful swelling from knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, snake or insect bites. 1083,E;T3710|9073,E|20373,E|20374,T3710|7522,T3710|7520,E|12711,T3710|2039,E;T3710|18363,E|12708,E|9043,T3710|9042,E|9072,E| SI CHUAN CHAN DA HUANG. NA NA Rheum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 18635,E|18633,E|17264,E|17267,E|17266,E| CHAMPA NA Palillo (in local names) Campomanesia lineatifolia NA NA NA NA NA 3474,E|3472,E|3473,E| QIANG XIANG NA Feather Cockscomb Celosia argentea NA NA seed To dispel wind-heat, clear liver fire, brighten eyes and eliminate eye screens. Red eyes with gall, eye screen, dizziness and dim vision, hypertension, nosebleed(epistaxis), wind-heat itching of skin, sore and lichen. 3384,E|13172,E|13173,E|19967,E| BO HE NAO 薄荷脑 menthol Mentholum Cool,Pungent Lung,Liver NA As described under Peppermint Oil. NA 13767,M66| KUN MING CHAI HU NA Kunming Thorowax* Bupleurum kunmingense NA NA NA NA NA 19132,T4553|21124,E|21805,E|19131,E|21807,E| MAO GENG HONG MAO WU JIA NA Hispidus Girald Acanthopanax Acanthopanax giraldii var. hispidus NA NA NA NA NA 11464,T4856|11462,E| CE ZI 侧子 Radix Aconiti carmichaeli NA NA NA NA NA NA 23264,C0158|22221,C0487| HONG ZE LAN NA Japanese Conehead Strobilanthes japonicus [Syn. Championella japonica] NA NA whole herb To quicken blood and free menstruation, transform stasis and move water. Menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, postpartum abdominal pain, concretion and conglomeration, swollen welling abscess, knocks and falls. 20381,T4070|20377,E| DAI ZHE SHI 代赭石 Hematite, Red ochre Haematitum Cold,Bitter Liver,Heart NA Treatment of deficient yin of the liver and kidneys and hyperactivity of liver yang manifested as distension and pain in the head and eyes, dizziness and vertigo. Red ochre (Daizheshi) is used with Dragon's bone (Longgu), Oyster shell (Muli), White peony root (Bais NA 23782,M195| TOU XU CONG MU NA Hairyleaf Aralia Aralia dasyphylla NA NA bast See Aralia chinensis. See Aralia chinensis. 10550,E|9265,E| CI HUAI JIAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 19764,T3356| BO SHI WU ZHU YU NA Guizhou Evodia Evodia rutaecarpa var. bodinieri NA NA NA NA NA 7664,E|19066,E| NA SHI XI GUA NA Naudin Citrullus* Citrullus naudinianus NA NA NA NA NA 4323,E|4326,T5033| MU JU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1502,T5014|2044,T5014|7730,T5014|30698,T5014|3623,T5014|30664,T5014|13599,T5014|13598,T5014|31096,T5014|2415,T5014|2071,T5014|25623,T5014|16721,T5014|30761,T5014|3301,T5014| MU JI 母鸡 Hen Gallus domesticus Warm,Sweet Spleen,Stomach NA NA NA 23170,M519|24342,M519|23193,M519| BIAN TAO ZHUANG BAN JIU JU NA Bitterleaf Vernonia amygdalina NA NA NA NA NA 32195,T3131|22398,E|22389,E|22404,T3131|22397,T3131|22396,E| HANG SHAO 杭芍 White peony root Radix Paeoniae Alba Minor cold,Sour,Bitter Spleen,Liver NA Treatment of headache and dizziness, costal and abdomina pain, spasmodic pain of the limbs, anemia, menstrual disorders, spontaneous sweating and night sweating. 1. Dilating the coronary artery and blood vessels of hind legs in dogs. 2. Lowering blood pressure transiently. 3. Inhibiting the intestines in rabbits in vitro. 4. Its component paeoniflorin inhibits the central nervous systems. 16514,M322;C0349| NAN SHE TENG GEN 南蛇藤根 Oriental Bittersweet Root Celastrus orbiculatus [Syn. Celastrus articulatus ] NA NA root To dispel wind and overcome damp, move qi and dissipate blood, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Wind-damp impediment pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls, amenorrhea, headache, lumbago, mounting qi , dysentery, intestinal wind bleeding, swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, burns and scalds, poisonous snake bite. 3369,T5053|3368,E;C0372|13088,E|13616,E|3364,E|3365,E|3366,E|16152,E|3362,E|3363,E|16155,E|13083,E|16017,E|13089,E|16035,E|16153,E|16154,E|6765,E|16156,E|16157,E| HU DIE HUA DOU NA Asian Pigeonwings Clitoria ternatea NA NA seed To relieve pain. Pain in joints. 5029,E|5028,E|618,E|18374,E|15167,E|12084,E| HU ZHI ZI NA Shrub Lespedeza Lespedeza bicolor NA NA stem-leaf To clear heat and moisten lung, disinhibit urine and free strangury, stanch bleeding. Lung heat cough, common cold with fever, pertussis, strangury syndrome, spontaneous external bleeding, blood ejection, hematuria, hematochezia. 9615,E|24248,T4109|10095,E|31191,T4109|11639,E|16185,E|11575,T4109|16192,T4109|21618,E| YOU GAN MU PI NA Emblic Leafflower Bark Phyllanthus emblica NA NA bark To clear heat and disinhibit damp, cool blood and resolve toxin. Mouth sore, clove sore, hemorrhoids, scrotal eczema, bleeding due to external injury. 4057,T6499|4055,E;C0535|8094,E|5521,T6499|3494,T6499|8109,T6499|8107,E|3490,E|3493,E|30995,T6499|5518,E|13091,E|23234,C0368|23076,C0197;T6499|13093,T6499| QU CHONG BAN JIU JU NA Worm-killed Bitterleaf Vernonia anthelmintica NA NA fruit or whole herb To dispel wind and quicken blood, kill worms and relieve itch, resolve toxin. White patch wind, skin diseases, oxyuria disease, ascariasis. 22391,T5299|2559,E|22390,E| BAI XIAN PI 白藓皮 Densefruit Pittany Root-bark Cortex dictamni Cold,Bitter,Salty Bladder,Spleen,Stomach NA Treatment of skin inflammation with yellowish watery discharge, eczema, rubella, tinea, scabies, acute rheumatic arthritis, jaundice with dark urine. 1. Inhibiting the growth of pathogenic fungi. 2. Its infusion lowers vaccine-induced fever in rabbits. 3. Dictamnine, one of its active components, increase the myocardial tone of frogs. 7705,T3027|5444,M38|15875,T3027|31731,T3027|5457,T3027|7945,T3027|19987,T3027|32110,T3027|4663,T3027|3041,T3027|12841,C0132| DA GUO XI FAN LIAN NA Giant Granadilla Passiflora quadrangularis NA NA NA NA NA 6354,E|15699,E|6353,E|31721,T3413|2893,T3413|6385,E|6379,E| SHAN DI DUI XIN JU NA Mountain Sneezeweed* Helenium autumnale var. montanum NA NA NA NA NA 2026,E;T5467|9287,E|9288,T5467| PEI LAN 佩兰 Fortune Eupatorium Equivalent plant: Eupatorium formosanum Eupatorium fortunei Cold,Mild Lung,Spleen,Stomach aerial parts To resolve summerheat and transform damp, repel foulness and harmonize center. Nausea and vomiting, bad breath, drooling, distended head and oppression in chest, sweet-greasy in mouth, summerheat-damp exterior syndrome. 3760,C0191|153,E|7587,T5179|13832,E|13796,E|21822,E|15925,E|24956,M544|23774,M544|15489,M544|219,E|23184,M544|23880,M544|3045,M544|23421,M544|32132,T5179|11623,E|24001,M544|3231,M544|14172,E|7577,E|20692,E|7578,T5179|13998,E|23910,M544|7592,E|23974,M544|289,E|10580,E|186,E|31517,T5179|23150,M544|17251,M544;C0263|12843,M544|24431,M544|23119,M544|7593,T5179|13962,E|13963,E|21345,E|21344,M544;C0293;T5179|13966,E|25411,T5179|11624,T5179|149,E|4549,E;M544|9760,E|5750,E|8311,M544;C0304|8312,M544|23281,T5179|15503,E;M544|23624,M544|24484,M544|25127,M544|23545,M544|2550,M544|24037,M544|5403,M544|2557,M544|24748,M544|7145,E|7586,E|15211,M544|4134,E|3244,M544|26049,T5179|7520,M544|15138,M544|9511,M544|9513,M544|4974,E|11293,E|2222,M544| ZHONG JIAN WU WEI ZI NA Intermediate Magnoliavine Schisandra propinqua var. intermedia NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, soothe sinews and quicken blood, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Influenza, poisonous snake bite, rabid dog bite, rheumatism numbness, knocks and falls, menstrual disorder, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore. 1558,E|1468,E|13536,T6689|13515,E|17834,E|17836,T6689|1518,E| WAN RUI KAI KOU JIAN NA Watt Tupistra Tupistra wattii [Syn. Campylandra wattii] NA NA rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate stasis and stanch bleeding, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Wind-heat common cold, cough and sore pharynx, tonsillitis, lymphnoditis, fracture due to knocks and falls, stomachache blood ejection, bleeding due to external injury. 22633,E|21829,E|22636,E|22637,E|22634,E|22635,E|22638,E|22639,E| LA SHI LU HUI NA Ruspol Aloe* Aloe ruspoliana NA NA NA NA NA 3979,E|3981,T4567| GUANG MU XIANG 广木香 root of Saussurea Radix Aucklandiae Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Large Intestine,Stomach,Gallbladder,Three End NA NA NA 24571,M294|23531,M294|23552,M294|23319,M294|4128,M294;C0359| SHUI LU ZAO NA Amphibian Jujube* Ziziphus amphibia NA NA NA NA NA 1080,E;T5648| BAI BU 百部 Tuber Stemona Equivalent plant: Stemona japonica, Stemona sessilifolia Stemona tuberosa Minor Warm,Sweet,Bitter Lung root To moisten lung, relieve cough and kill worms. Wind-cold cough, pertussis, tuberculosis, senile cough and asthma, ascariasis, oxyuria disease, scab and lichen, eczema, cootie. 15451,E|24557,M14|6838,E|16274,E|25392,T2955|5472,T2955|5470,E;M14|22074,E|22075,T2955|25115,M14|22070,E|22071,E|22072,E|22073,E;T2955|20429,T2955|16427,E|11746,E;M14|11748,T2955|20292,E|20428,E|7881,E|24430,M14|20291,E;M14|16426,E;M14|20293,E;M14;T2955|23335,M14|3766,E|3767,T2955|13412,E|13414,T2955|15460,E|22069,E;M14;T2955|22068,E|23727,M14|16283,T2955|7882,T2955|17978,M14|23598,M14|25391,T2955|24775,M14|20303,T2955|11717,E| BO YE KU MU NA Undulate-leaf Quassiawood* Hannoa undulata NA NA NA NA NA 22215,E| XIU HONG QIANG WEI NA Sweet-briar Rosa rubiginosa NA NA NA NA NA 19025,T6235|19024,E| FU SI TE JIU JIE NA Forster Ninenode* Psychotria forsteriana NA NA NA NA NA 18282,E|18281,E| HUANG JIN GU CAO NA Yellow Bugle Ajuga chamaepitys NA NA NA NA NA 794,E;T4178|13405,T4178|13404,E|4455,T4178|4454,E| YIN YE SHU NA Silverleaf Morningglory* Ipomoea argyrophylla NA NA NA NA NA 3477,E|7240,T6472|3480,T6472|13248,E|13250,T6472|7239,E| ZHOU YE MU LAN NA Wrinkleleaf Magnolia* Magnolia praecocissima NA NA NA NA NA 16663,E|22990,E|7719,E|7076,E|19762,E|13387,E|12237,E|7511,E|394,E|16144,E| LIAN ZHU TENG NA China Alyxia Alyxia sinensis NA NA whole herb with root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and relieve pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, blood stasis and menstrual block, stomachache, diarrhea, knocks and falls, damp beriberi. 2170,E| SHUI ZHI GEN 水栀根 Radix Gardeniae Nakai NA NA NA NA NA NA 23021,C0357|8275,C0353|23258,C0019|23043,C0018| DIAN QIN NA Common Sinodielsia Sinodielsia yunnanensis NA NA root To effuse exterior, dispel wind, relieve pain, disinhibit urine. Common cold, headache, cough, wind-damp impediment pain, wind water edema. 2309,E|7706,E|19935,E|19934,E|19933,E|19932,E|19931,E|19936,E|19527,E|19938,E|19937,E|9784,E| KU LIAN SHI NA Chinaberry-tree Fruit Melia azedarach NA NA fruit To move qi and relieve pain, kill worms. Pain in stomach duct and rib-side, mounting pain, abdominal pain due to worm accumulation, tinea capitis, frostbite (kibe). 21538,E|4751,E|4752,E|4753,E|4789,E|15596,E| LAN JI CHUAN XIN LIAN NA Echiumlike Andrographis Andrographis echioides NA NA NA NA NA 5603,E| OU ZHOU CI BAI BIAN ZHONG NA Common Juniper Variaty* Juniperus communis var. depressa NA NA NA NA NA 13636,E|21749,E|13635,E|4035,E|16069,E| DIAN QIE NA Common Atropa Atropa belladonna NA NA whole herb To resolve spasm and relieve pain, inhibit secretion. Gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, colic of gastrointestinal tract, cholecystalgia, renal colic, vomiting nausea, night sweating, drooling. 19527,E|4416,E|4420,T3555|2218,E;T3555|22180,T3555|1526,E;T3555|2001,E;T3555|10871,E;T3555|19530,T3555|22179,E|10874,T3555| DA HUA CAO SU NA Largeflower Jerusalemsage Phlomis grandiflora var. grandiflora NA NA NA NA NA 17150,E| MA OU LING NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 17251,C0263|23228,C0303|23289,C0374|23157,C0373| ZI TENG ZI 紫藤子 Chinese Wisteria Seed Wisteria sinensis NA NA seed To quicken blood and free network vessels, resolve toxin, kill worms. Pain in sinews and bones, vomiting diarrhea with abdominal pain, child oxyuria disease. 26052,T6764|4593,E;C0281| WA SHI XIAO BO NA Valdiv Barberry Berberis valdiviana NA NA NA NA NA 4353,T5875|2304,E|4352,E|16526,E| JIE XING YE TAI. NA NA Jungermannia truncata NA NA NA NA NA 201,E|10277,E|7157,E|10287,E|10285,E|10282,E|10283,E|5702,E|10278,E|10286,E|7102,E|5934,E|5933,E|10279,E|12170,E|18923,E|172,E|12178,E| OU ZHOU MI FENG HUA NA Balmleaf Metittis Melittis melissophyllum NA NA NA NA NA 4625,E| HOU SHU SHAN GU NA Mukitake (in Japanese) Panellus serotinus NA NA NA NA NA 6899,E|6898,E|15933,E|9486,E|6897,E| JIU CAI GEN 韭菜根 Radix et Bulbus Allii tuberosi NA NA NA NA NA NA 23170,C0397|23040,C0396| LIANG YE RONG NA Bright Fig* Ficus nitida NA NA NA NA NA 7949,E|30978,T4643| LA RU GU NA Peppery Milky Lactarius piperatus [Syn. Agaricus piperatus ] NA NA sporocarp To dispel wind and dissipate cold, soothe sinews and quicken network vessels. Pain in lumbus and legs, numbness in limbs, hypertonicity of sinews and bones, convulsion of limbs. 22348,E|17432,E|17419,E| CHI YE TUO WU NA Toothleaf Goldenray Ligularia dentata NA NA root and rhizome See Ligularia fischeri. See Ligularia fischeri. 12806,E|3848,T3291|3847,E| DONG QIANG NA Whitethorn* Nitraria schoberi NA NA NA NA NA 15309,E| MAO YE JIA YING ZHAO GEN NA Piloseleaf Desmos Root Desmos dumosus NA NA NA NA NA 5267,E|31567,T4888|30876,T4888|5268,E| YE GUAN MEN NA Cuneate Lespedeza Lespedeza cuneata NA NA herb with root To supplement kidney and rough essence, fortify spleen and disinhibit damp, relieve cough and dispel phlegm, clear heat and resolve toxin. Kidney vacuity, emission, enuresis, frequent urination, white turbidity, vaginal discharge, diarrhea, dysentery, edema, child gan accumulation, cough and asthma, knocks and falls, red eyes with gall, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, poisonous insect stings. 20369,E|22566,T6361|22565,E|17377,E|20429,T6361|20428,E|17384,T6361| YING HE CI TONG NA Hardhilum Coralbean* Erythrina lithosperma NA NA NA NA NA 7324,E|7325,T6477| TAI WAN PI PA NA Taiwan Loquat Eriobotrya deflexa NA NA NA NA NA 18680,E|18681,E|1734,E|21815,E|10579,E|7656,E|21808,E|16399,E|6069,E| KUAN YE MEI YUAN ZHI NA Broadleaf Milkwort* Polygala senega var. latifolia NA NA NA NA NA 19704,E|19705,E|19706,E|19707,E|19701,E|19702,E|19703,E|19708,E| TAI WAN JIN GU CAO NA Taiwan Bugle* Ajuga taiwanensis NA NA NA NA NA 15519,E|19971,E|20353,E|4454,E|17126,E|17127,E|797,E|796,E|795,E|794,E|8093,E|12017,E|799,E|798,E|346,E|409,E|21209,E|9236,E|19967,E|11358,E|808,E|22316,E|800,E|804,E| KU JIE GENG 苦桔梗 Balloonflower root Radix Platycodi Mild,Pungent,Sweet Lung NA Treatment of cough with much phlegm, sore throat, hoarseness of voice, lung abscess with purulent expectoration, absecess difficult to burst after suppuration. 1. Small dosage of platycodoside, one of its active components, can increase secretion of respiratory tract and promote expectoration.2. Platycodoside may also serve as a sedative, an analgesic and an antipyretic.3. Its decoction inhibits the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus typhoid in vitro. 2331,M429|20152,M429|25153,M429|25041,M429|25042,M429|23680,M429|17516,M429|24524,M429|17519,M429|17518,M429;C0084|24207,M429|24281,M429|25027,M429|17517,M429|24855,M429|17515,M429| XIAN DI HUANG NA Adhesive Rehmannia Fresh Root Rehmannia glutinosa [Syn. Rehmannia glutinosa f. huechingensis] NA NA fresh root To clear heat and cool blood, engender liquid and moisten dryness, lower blood sugar levels. Diabetes mellitus, dermatitis, rheumatism, diphtheria, acute tonsillitis, acute febrile diseases, ardent fever with clouded spirit, macula, fluid damage with vexation and thirst, blood ejection due to blood heat, spontaneous external bleeding due to blood heat, flooding and spotting due to blood heat, hematochezia due to blood heat, mouth and tongue sores, swelling pain in throat, taxation fever cough, painful wound from knocks and falls, swollen welling abscess. 618,E|18207,E|13497,T6083|18581,E|3306,E|18583,E|18582,E|13496,E|18584,E|816,E;T6083| JUAN QIAO YUAN WEI NA Potanin Iris Iris potaninii NA NA seed To clear heat and resolve toxin, expel worms. Intestinal welling abscess, ascariasis, oxyuria. 11150,E|21173,E|5425,E|6294,E|11149,E|13957,E|6337,E|21920,E|6247,E| DU E GAO NA Death Cap Amanita phalloides NA NA NA NA NA 17026,E| MA SHI JIN YAO NA Maximowicz Goldsaxifrage* Chrysosplenium maximowiczii NA NA NA NA NA 3623,E|3625,T4810| HUO XIANG YE LV RONG HAO NA Betonyleaf Meconopsis Meconopsis betonicifolia NA NA NA NA NA 7001,E|16612,E|16615,E|16614,E| TU SI ZI NA Chinese Dodder Seed Equivalent plant: Cuscuta japonica, Cuscuta australis Cuscuta chinensis NA NA ripe seed To supplement liver and kidney, secure essence and reduce urine, quiet fetus, brighten eyes, check diarrhea. Impotence and emission, dribbling urination, enuresis and frequent urination, limp aching lumbus and knees, tinnitus and dim vision, fetal spotting due to kidney vacuity, stirring fetus in pregnancy, diarrhea due to spleen-kidney vacuity, white patch wind. 15450,E|18302,E|4417,E|12017,E|18342,E|10886,E|1935,E| DUO HUA XIAO BO NA Free-flowering Barberry Berberis floribunda NA NA NA NA NA 16428,E|6834,E| DAN ZI HAO NA Monoseed Wormwood* Artemisia monosperma NA NA NA NA NA 21687,E|6022,E|5800,E|4912,E| HUI BAI QIE NA Greywhite Nightshade* Solanum incanum NA NA NA NA NA 20054,T4223|20053,E| CI GUO SU MU NA Nickernut Caesalpinia Caesalpinia crista NA NA ripe seed To quicken blood and relieve pain, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Stomach duck pain, abdominal pain, red eyes with gall, sores. 2862,E|2865,E|15341,E|15342,E|137,E|138,E|2882,E|2883,E|2880,E|2881,E|2884,E|2885,E|2873,E|2872,E|2871,E|2870,E|2877,E|2876,E|2875,E|2874,E|2879,E|2878,E|15713,E|15714,E| RI BEN LIU SHAN NA Japanese Cedar Cryptomeria japonica NA NA NA NA NA 20447,E|20446,E|3836,E|20444,E|20443,E|20442,E|20441,E|3833,E|13855,E|7058,E|4290,E|2410,E|20445,E|20448,E|7892,E| JIAN XING YAN CAO NA Acuminate Tobacco* Nicotiana acuminata NA NA NA NA NA 1124,E;T4339| WU MAO HAO NA Glabrous Wormwood* Artemisia glabella NA NA NA NA NA 1675,E| HUANG QIN DAI 黄芩甙 Baicalin Baicalinum Cold,Bitter Lung,Large Intestine,Stomach,Gallbladder NA NA NA 2106,M372| RI BEN MANG CAO NA Japanese Anisetree Illicium anisatum NA NA NA NA NA 1285,E|18004,E|1286,E|1283,E;T5345| SHUANG HUA JIN SI TAO NA Biflower StJohn’swort* Hypericum geminiflorum NA NA NA NA NA 8261,E| KUO BAO JU NA Indian Pluchea Baccharis indica [Syn. Pluchea indica] NA NA stem-leaf or root To warm stomach and eliminate accumulation, soften hardness and dissipate binds, dispel wind and eliminate damp. Child food accumulation, goiter and carcinoma of neck, phlegm node, wind-damp bone pain. 17071,E| GUANG NANG ZI BING JUE NA Long-eared Pseudophegopteris Pseudophegopteris subaurita NA NA NA NA NA 17960,E| SHU QU CAO 鼠麴草 Cudweed Gnaphalium affine [Syn. Gnaphalium multiceps] NA NA whole herb To suppress cough and transform phlegm, dispel wind and dissipate cold. Cough with profuse phlegm, asthma, wind-cold common cold, pain in sinews and bones, vaginal discharge, welling abscess and open sore. 23182,T5620|24651,M1041|13138,E|23193,C0504| YAN XIANG JU NA Lavandulaleaf Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum lavandulifolium NA NA whole herb and root See Chrysanthemum indicum . See Chrysanthemum indicum. 10404,E|4940,E|4886,T6310|31219,T6310|21334,E|21335,T6310| JIE GENG 桔梗 Balloonflower Platycodon grandiflorum Mild,Pungent,Bitter Lung root To diffuse lung, dispel phlegm, disinhibit throat, expel pus. Cough with profuse phlegm, swelling pain in throat, pulmonary welling abscess with hacking of pus and blood, fullness in chest and rib-side pain, dysentery, dribbling urinary block. 25153,M981|20153,E|20152,E;M981|20155,T4376|24207,M981|17529,E|14673,E|17615,E|17616,E|17617,T4376|487,E|17519,E;M981|17518,E;M981;C0084|14598,T4376|25027,M981|14596,E|17517,E;M981|17516,E;M981|17515,E;M981|17532,T4376|23720,T4376|17531,E|17530,E|8710,E|25041,M981;T4376|14674,T4376|17614,E|25042,M981;T4376|24524,M981|4798,E|4799,E|17528,E|488,E|17526,E|17527,E|17524,E|17525,E|17522,E|17523,E|17520,E;C0085|17521,E|2331,E;M981;T4376|14541,E|14460,E|14542,T4376|23680,M981|24281,M981;T4376|31626,T4376|24855,M981| BA JIAO HUANG PI NA Octet Wampee* Clausena anisata NA NA NA NA NA 1186,E;T2943|16253,T2943|16250,E| MAO SHU NA Winged Yam Dioscorea alata NA NA rhizome To fortify spleen and check diarrhea, nourish lung and enrich kidney, resolve toxin and close sores. Spleen vacuity diarrhea, kidney vacuity and emission, vaginal discharge, frequent urination, vacuity taxation cough, diabetes mellitus, ulcerating sores, burns and scalds. 836,E|3594,E|26078,T4879|17862,E|835,E|15519,E|4450,E|26077,T4879| QI GUO QIAN LI XIANG NA Omphalo-fruit Jasminorange* Murraya paniculata var. omphalocarpa NA NA NA NA NA 14817,E|16086,E| JIN HUANG JIN NA Golden Corydalis Corydalis aurea NA NA NA NA NA 4121,E|3114,E|3115,T4396| MAO JIAN QIU LUO NA Hairy Campion Lychnis coronaria NA NA NA NA NA 10062,E|4902,E|20255,E|17648,E|21574,E|6681,E|21399,E| XIAO E TAI. NA NA Mylia taylorii NA NA NA NA NA 20874,E|6839,E|20872,E|20873,E|20870,E|15136,E|20871,E|1757,E|1756,E|1755,E|9039,E|9038,E|15135,E| SHAN BIAN DOU ZI 山扁豆子 Sensitiveplant-like Senna Cassia mimosoides NA NA seed To clear heat and resolve toxin, fortify spleen and disinhibit damp, free stool. Jaundice, summerheat-heat and vomiting diarrhea, child gan accumulation, edema, inhibited urination, habitual constipation, poisonous snake bite. 23304,T5464|967,E|3615,E|18925,C0452|18744,E| CHANG GENG BAI RUI CAO 长梗百蕊草 Thesium chinense Turcz. NA NA NA NA NA NA 23022,C0258|12017,C0453| SAN WEI ZHI FAN YING TAO NA Sandwich Eugenia* Eugenia sandwicensis NA NA NA NA NA 4180,E|8094,E|4151,E|4179,E| CUN DONG 寸冬 Root of Dwarf Lilyturf. Radix Ophiopogonis Minor cold,Sweet,Slightly Bitter Lung,Stomach,Heart NA Treament of dry cough, phthisical cough, thirst due to impairment of body fluid, fidgetness and insomnia, diabetes caused by internal heat, constipation, diphtheria. 1. Relieving leucopenia in mice induced by cyclophosphamide and radiation sickness in dogs.2. Increasing anoxia tolerance in experimental animals under atmospheric pressure.3. Increasing coronary flow and improving myocardial contractility in guinea-pigs.4. Decreasing the level of blood sugar. 24219,M133|16138,M133|16136,M133|16134,M133|16126,M133|16133,M133|24455,M133|24549,M133|16127,M133|24220,M133| TI GAI JUE NA Painted Fern Athyrium filix - femina NA NA NA NA NA 1897,E;T5775| HAI TONG PI 海桐皮 Oriental Variegated Coralbean Bark Erythrina variegata var. orientalis Mild,Pungent,Bitter Liver bark To dispel wind-damp, move qi , disinhibit urine and disperse edema. Wind-damp impediment, pain in lumbus and knees, scab sore, lichen, eczema. 7330,T3958|10876,M313|7329,E;M313|23601,M313|24730,M313| YANG MEI CHANG SHAN NA Bayberry Glorybower* Clerodendron myricoides NA NA NA NA NA 25450,T6323|15181,E| XIU QIU SHU WEI CAO. NA NA Salvia hydrangea NA NA NA NA NA 6373,E|4964,E|5602,E|16040,E|277,E| LANG BA CAO GEN 狼把草根 Bidens tripartita L NA NA NA NA NA NA 23080,C0364| HU WEI LAN 虎尾兰 Snake Sansevieria Sansevieria trifasciata NA NA leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and disperse swelling. Common cold, lung heat cough, toxin swelling of sores, knocks and falls, poisonous snake bite, scalds. 1,E;T4106|23079,C0074| HUA NAN MA WEI SHAN NA Fordi Phlegmariurus Phlegmariurus fordii NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and free network vessels, disperse swelling and relieve pain, clear heat and resolve toxin. Swelling pain in joints, numbness in limbs, knocks and falls, cough and asthma, heat strangury, poisonous snake bite. 7878,E|17154,T4129|17144,E|7880,T4129|17140,E|17141,E|17142,E;T4129|17143,E| SHA ZAO NA Russianolive Elaeagnus angustifolia NA NA fruit To nourish liver and boost kidney, fortify spleen and regulate menstruation. Liver vacuity dim vision, kidney vacuity lumbago, spleen vacuity diarrhea, indigestion, vaginal discharge, menstrual disorder. 2978,T5461|6853,T5461|6852,E|31063,T5461|2843,E|16040,E|15356,T5461|15355,E|3308,E|9234,E;T5461|9235,E;T5461|3315,T5461|2977,E|9233,E| ZHEN ZHU 珍珠 Pearl Margarita Cold,Sweet,Salty Liver,Heart NA Treatment of palpitation and insomnia, convulsion, epilepsy, nebula, skin ulcerations difficult to heal. NA 25007,M182|23471,M182|25168,M182|23972,M182|24821,M182|23497,M182|24115,M182|23378,M182|24283,M182| TONG XU SHOU GONG MU NA Geckowood Sauropus androgynus NA NA NA NA NA 11475,E|19403,E| CHENG LIU YE YUAN BAI NA Tamarisk-leaf Juniper* Juniperus sabina var. tamariscifolia NA NA NA NA NA 5203,T3274|1372,E| BIAN JIA SHAN LI DOU NA Dwarf Chickling Pea Lathyrus cicera NA NA NA NA NA 9595,E|9596,T3124| DA HUA DAO DI LING NA Bigflower Heartseed* Cardiospermum grandiflorum NA NA NA NA NA 3195,T3415|3190,E| XI HUA XUE DAN NA Smallflower Hemsleya Hemsleya graciliflora [Syn. Alsomitra graciliflora] NA NA NA NA NA 4315,E|4316,T6004| YAN CAO HUA SHAN GENG CAI NA Nicotianflower Lobelia* Lobelia nicotianaefolia NA NA NA NA NA 12933,E|31457,T6292| XUE HONG SHUAN JUN. NA NA Pycnoporus sanguineus NA NA sporocarp See Trametes cinnabarina. See Trametes cinnabarina. 18217,E| LUO LE NA Basil Ocimum basilicum NA NA whole herb To course wind and resolve exterior, transform damp and harmonize center, move qi and quicken blood, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Common cold with headache, fever and cough, summerheat stroke, non-digestion of food accumulation, no thought of food and drink, distention fullness and pain in stomach duct and abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea, wind-damp impediment pain, emission, menstrual disorder, toothache, bad breath, damp-sore of skin, dormant papules with pruritus, knocks and falls, snake or insect bites. 19106,E|19107,T4758|30743,T4758|11639,E|1186,E;T4758|24377,T4758|30984,T4758|13876,E|14238,E|7522,E;T4758|7523,T4758|7520,E|3194,E|7481,T4758|7480,E|14240,T4758|2357,E|8010,E| JIA ZHOU XIA LA MEU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3023,T4327| QIE HUA 茄花 Flos Solani melongenae NA NA NA NA NA NA 617,C0403| MAO SHAN ZHA NA Maximowicz Hawthorn Crataegus maximowiczii NA NA fruit See Crataegus cuneata. See Crataegus cuneata. 19072,E|10886,E|22565,E| YUE NAN AN XI XIANG NA Tonkin Snowbell Styrax tonkinensis NA NA balsam See Styrax benzoin . See Styrax benzoin. 19840,T6571|3728,T6571|3985,E|3986,T6571|3727,E|19839,E| DUO CI DI SHI MU NA Desfontainia spinosa Desfontainia spinosa NA NA NA NA NA 20155,E|15530,E| HUA NAN GONG LAO MU NA Japanese Mahonia Mahonia japonica NA NA stem See Mahonia bealei. See Mahonia bealei. 11849,T4124|3934,E|3935,T4124|2300,E;T4124|2303,E;T4124|4036,T4124|13368,T4124|4032,E|11733,E|11848,E|16544,E|11738,T4124|16545,T4124|13367,E| COU LENG SHAN 臭冷杉 Abies nephrolepis NA NA NA NA NA NA 12843,C0305|3048,C0377| GUANG YE SHUI SU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13841,T3913|30710,T3913|16566,T3913| HUA DONG TANG SONG CAO NA Fortune Meadowrue Thalictrum fortunei NA NA root and rhizome See Thalictrum faberi. See Thalictrum faberi. 8625,E|8626,E|8627,E|8628,E|21240,E| NAN LUN HUAN TENG NA Tonkin Cyclea Cyclea tonkinensis NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and relieve pain. Throat pain and swollen tongue, wind-damp impediment pain, pain in stomach duct and abdomen, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea. 4459,T5046|4458,E|26074,T5046|4460,E| HUI BAI KU MA DOU NA Canescent Swainsonia* Swainsonia canescens NA NA NA NA NA 20486,T4221|20484,E;C0257| XI NAN MAO WEI SHU NA Stipulate Dolichandrone Dolichandrone stipulata NA NA NA NA NA 16722,E|16743,T6021| KAI TE LENG ZHU MU NA Kaith Ramin* Gonystylus keithii NA NA NA NA NA 16398,E|16397,E| XIANG JIA PI 香甲皮 Chinese Silkvine Root-bark Periploca sepium Minor Warm,Pungent,Bitter Liver,Heart,Kidney root cortex To dispel wind-damp, strengthen sinews and bones. Wind-damp impediment pain, limp aching lumbus and knees, palpitation and shortness of breath, edema in lower limb. 19079,E|17788,E|14678,E|14677,E|14676,E|24760,T6118|17552,E|23105,T6118|22840,E|31938,T6118|16946,E|16945,E|16944,E|16943,E|16942,E|16941,E|16940,E|16949,E|16948,E|16925,E|16927,E|16926,E|19077,E|19078,E|17789,E|16929,E|16928,E|25478,T6118|1111,E|1110,E|1113,E|1112,E|24237,M756|8827,E|17787,E|8828,E|8829,E|19080,E|31774,T6118|19838,E|3953,E|3951,E|23764,T6118|3956,E|15484,E|16950,E|14081,E|25477,T6118|23232,C0066;T6118|25479,T6118|31771,T6118|16936,E|16937,E|16934,E|16935,E|16932,E|16933,E|16930,E|16931,E|19971,E|16938,E|16939,E|14082,T6118|30456,T6118|8831,T6118|8830,E;T6118| CU MAO GAN CAO NA Hirsute Licorice Glycyrrhiza aspera NA NA root and rhizome See Glycyrrhiza uralensis . See Glycyrrhiza uralensis. 12907,E|4923,E|11502,E|11503,T3380|11442,T3380|11441,E|11440,E|8800,E|8801,E|8802,E|8840,E|8499,E|6306,E|8845,E|8846,T3380|31455,T3380|8798,E|8799,E|19680,E|8795,E|8796,E|8797,E|21435,E|12769,E|12765,E|12789,E|8839,T3380|8838,E|31429,T3380| KUN MING SHAN HAI TANG 昆明山海棠 Glaucousback Threewingnut Tripterygium hypoglaucum NA NA root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and stanch bleeding, soothe sinews and joint bones, resolve toxin and kill worms. Rheumatic arthritis, wind-damp impediment pain, hemiplegia, mounting qi , dysmenorrhea, profuse menstruation, postpartum abdominal pain, incessant bleeding, acute infectious hepatitis, chronic nephritis, erythematous lupus, fracture, medullitis, bone tuberculosis, epididymis tubercle, sore toxin, psoriasis, neurodermatitis. 21999,T4555|3308,E|22680,T4555|22664,E|32151,T4555|6920,E|10905,E|27,E|21996,T4555|21997,E|21995,E;C0292|31841,T4555|10892,T4555|10891,E|31842,T4555|10896,E|8099,E|27095,T4555|3315,T4555|8101,T4555|18563,E|21977,E|21971,E|21972,T4555|10898,E|25798,T4555|266,E|17872,E|22679,E|22001,E|17878,E|22007,E|21982,T4555|26080,T4555|16392,E|10907,E|10906,E|23024,C0036|21998,E| ZI FENG DOU CAI NA Purple Butterbur Petasites officinalis [Syn. Petasites hybridu] NA NA NA NA NA 17002,T6730|16999,E|17001,E|23093,T6730|17011,T6730|11588,E|11589,T6730| AO ZHOU SHANG LU NA Octapistil Pokeweed* Phytolacca octandra NA NA NA NA NA 22888,T2935|22887,E| LANG DAN GEN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2001,C0389| JING JIE GEN 荆芥根 Radix Schizomepetae tenuifoliae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23022,C0258|9457,C0338|13130,C0415| QIAN JIN ZI SHUANG 千金子霜 Caper Euphorbia Seed Powder Semen Euphorbiae Pulveratum NA NA NA Treament of edema or retained fluid with abdominal distension, oliguria and constipation, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, external use for ringworm and verrucous vegetations. 1. Its purgative effect is as three times as castor oil.2. Its fresh preparation may inhibit the progress of acute lymphatic leukemia, acute and chronic granulocytic leukemia and acute monocytic leukemia. 23857,M1024|25180,M1024| MIAN GEN TENG 面根藤 Ivy Glorybind Calystegia hederacea NA NA herb or root To fortify spleen, disinhibit damp, regulate menstruation. Strangury, vaginal discharge, menstrual disorder, child gan accumulation. 3942,T4968|3939,E|16544,C0098| GUAN ZHONG NA Male Fern Rhizome Dryopteris crassirhizoma NA NA rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and stanch bleeding, kill worms. Wind-heat common cold, warm heat macular eruption, blood ejection, hemoptysis, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, blood dysentery, vaginal discharge, ancylostomiasis, ascariasis, oxyuria disease. 31119,T3890|7810,T3890|20483,E|10166,E|1895,E;T3890|1896,E;T3890|1897,E;T3890|9634,E|7796,E|30958,T3890|7795,E|7757,E|7756,T3890|31200,T3890|4215,E|4214,E|632,E;T3890|4216,E|7809,E;T3890|7808,E|6610,E|6617,T3890|16638,T3890|15278,E|15279,T3890|16636,E|9641,T3890|9640,E|30961,T3890|30962,T3890|5247,T3890|5243,E| GAO GUI JIA ZI CAO NA Noble Arnebia* Arnebia nobilis NA NA NA NA NA 1745,E;T3817|909,E|910,E;T3817|25757,T3817| DONG BEI LONG DAN NA Linearleaf Gentian Gentiana manshurica NA NA root and rhizome See Gentiana scabra . See Gentiana scabra . 8304,T3571|1017,E;T3571|8303,E|1020,E;T3571|20493,E| NING MENG GEN 柠檬根 Lemon Root Equivalent plant: Citrus limonia Citrus limon NA NA root To dispel stasis and relieve pain. Knocks and falls, rabid dog bite. 22765,E|22766,T5084|31261,T5084|4134,E|10640,E|31262,T5084|7767,E|10639,E|23281,T5084|23080,C0364|7768,T5084| CI KE HUA JIAO NA Spinyfruit Pricklyash Zanthoxylum echinocarpum NA NA root, root cortex or stem-leaf To disperse food and assisting movement, move qi and relieve pain. Spleen weakness and functional weakness, reduced food intake with abdominal distention, qi stagnation and pain in stomach duct. 15622,E| BAI HUA YING SU NA White Poppy* Papaver album NA NA NA NA NA 16611,E|25373,T2983| CHANG BIAN HUA DANG GUI NA Longradiate Angelica* Angelica longeradiata NA NA NA NA NA 1619,E| PU TI SHU HUA NA Miquel Linden Equivalent plant: Tilia japonica Tilia miqueliana NA NA flower To settle tetany, calm, effuse sweat and abate fever. Wind-cold common cold, headache and generalized pain, fright epilepsy. 7733,E|7734,T5223| TIAN GUA YE 甜瓜叶 Folium Cucumidis melinis NA NA NA NA NA NA 11770,C0144|4316,C0518| MA DU LA ZHU SHI DOU NA Madura Crotalaria* Crotalaria madurensis NA NA NA NA NA 7993,E|30981,T4787| ZHI QIAO 枳壳 fruit of Seville orange Fructus Aurantii Minor cold,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Large Intestine,Stomach NA Treatment of distension and pain in the chest and hypochondriac regions due to stagnation of qi, indigestion with retention of phlegm and fluid, gastroptosis, prolapse of the rectum, prolapse of the uterus. NA 20536,M865|25151,M865|15626,M865;C0582|23496,M865|9457,M865|24595,M865|12837,M865|12981,M865|15278,M865|15396,M865| XUE SAN SHU NA Diels Stephania Stephania dielsiana NA NA tuberoid To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Infection of upper respiratory tract, pharyngitis, sore and welling abscess, stomachache, gastroenteritis, toothache, neuralgia, knocks and falls. 19939,T6261|19185,E| MAO GUO QI NA Nikoo Maple Acer nikoense NA NA NA NA NA 18725,E|6852,E|19527,E|2296,E|21907,E|10383,E|3308,E|6922,E|5785,E|96,E|15586,E|97,E|1522,E|7006,E|3831,E|3832,E|98,E|8310,E|7941,E|7943,E|102,E|103,E|100,E|101,E|106,E|104,E|105,E|4055,E|19160,E|3399,E|21881,E|10613,E|22316,E|18782,E|18780,E|6232,E| SAI ER WEI YA SHI CAO NA Serbian Yarrow Achillea alexandri-regis NA NA NA NA NA 19072,E|19967,E|5413,E|10347,E|3695,E|10346,E|17401,E|1110,E|1113,E|10348,E|10345,E|13492,E|13493,E|13490,E|13491,E|1753,E|1752,E|1751,E|1750,E| MENG GU HAO 蒙古蒿 Mongolian Wormwood Artemisia mongolica NA NA leaf See Artemisia argyi. See Artemisia argyi. 14350,E|17439,E|21927,E|14169,T4940|17251,C0263|17076,E|14166,E|31604,T4940| DUAN YE LONG SHE LAN NA Narrowleaf Agave Agave angustifolia NA NA NA NA NA 4933,T3627|3552,E|9259,T3627|9252,E|3558,T3627|13506,T3627|21372,T3627|13503,E|21367,E| OU ZHOU SHAN YANG NA Aspen Populus tremula NA NA NA NA NA 21492,E|21495,T5162| AI YE HUANG QIN NA Przewalsk Skullcap Scutellaria przewalskii NA NA NA NA NA 9563,E| XIAO YE HUA NA Bridalwreath Spiraea Equivalent plant: Spiraea thunbergii Spiraea prunifolia NA NA root To disinhibit throat and disperse swelling, dispel wind and relieve pain. Swelling pain in throat, wind-damp impediment pain. 31594,T6189|14306,E|31234,T6189|10487,E| DOU CHI JIANG 豆豉姜 Folium Litseae cubebae NA NA NA NA NA NA 3760,C0191| AO TOU XIAN NA Emarginate Amaranth Amaranthus lividus NA NA whole herb or root To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit urine. Dysentery, diarrhea, swelling toxin of clove sore, poisonous snake bites, stings, inhibited urination [=dysuria], edema. 16888,E| PING GUO HAI TANG NA Domestic Apple* Malus domestica NA NA NA NA NA 7996,T5203|7995,E| JIN MAO GOU JI 金毛狗脊 Cibot Rhizome Rhizoma Cibotii Warm,Sweet,Bitter Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of weakness and aching of the back and loins, limpness of the legs, rheumatic arthralgia. NA 23580,M406| GUI DING 桂丁 Fructus Cinnamomi cassiae NA NA NA NA NA NA 1186,C0041|3693,C0369|23114,C0038|3048,C0377|20414,C0490|23246,C0572|23287,C0400| XI NAN BA QIA NA Smilax bockii Smilax bockii NA NA rhizome To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and dispel stasis, resolve toxin and dissipate binds. Wind-damp impediment, painful swelling from knocks and falls, clove sore scrofula, 2525,E|2524,E| CI YE SHI DA GONG LAO NA Acanthus-leaved Mahonia Mahonia acanthifolia NA NA NA NA NA 16428,E| XIANG RI KUI JING SUI NA Sunflower Stem Pith Helianthus annuus NA NA stem pith To clear heat, disinhibit urine, relieve cough. Blood strangury, urethral stone, chyluria, inhibited urination. 19530,E|15356,T6128|2918,E|30710,T6128|19551,T6128|15355,E| MU GUA GEN 木瓜根 Radix Chaenomelis speciosae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23110,C0515|23062,C0255| PU TONG XUAN GOU ZI NA Common Raspberry* Rubus allegheniensis NA NA NA NA NA 19030,E| PU FU JING TU ER CAO NA Creeping Lagotis* Lagotis stolonifera NA NA NA NA NA 18205,E| NAN DE WA MIAN NA Nandewa Cotton* Gossypium sturtianum var. nandewarence NA NA NA NA NA 17043,T5037|17042,E| JIAO ZHI ZI NA Gummy Gardenia* Gardenia gummifera NA NA NA NA NA 13257,E|13259,T4374| TAI GUO BA JI NA Thailand Indianmulberry* Morinda coreia NA NA NA NA NA 21907,E|470,E|507,E|22912,E|22911,E|22910,E| SI MAO TENG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6925,T5685| MEI LI YIN BEI TENG NA Woolly Morning Glory Argyreia speciosa NA NA NA NA NA 7949,E|30978,T4916| MAO MAI LIAO. NA NA Pleuropterus ciliinervis NA NA tuberoid To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood, quicken blood. infection of upper respiratory tract, tonsillitis, acute bacillary dysentery, acute enteritis, infection of urinary system, various hemorrhage, knocks and falls, menstrual disorder, wind-damp impediment pain, heat toxin sores, burns. 17545,E|13243,E|18628,E|17271,E|13246,E|17338,E|17269,E| MAN JIU JIE NA Creeping Ninenode Psychotria serpens NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, soothe sinews and quicken network vessels, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, deadlimb, taxation damage in lumbar muscle, sciatica, multiple swollen welling abscess, bone tuberculosis, knocks and falls, fracture, poisonous snake bite. 20353,E|23887,T4828|14137,E| CHENG QIE ZI NA Mountain Spicy Tree Litsea cubeba NA NA fruit To warm center and relieve pain, move qi and quicken blood, calm asthma, disinhibit urine. Chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, asthma, cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, food accumulation and qi distention, stomach reflux vomiting, summerheat stroke with vomiting and diarrhea, diarrhea, cold mounting with abdominal pain, cold-damp water drum distention, inhibited urination, opacity of urine, toxin swelling of sores, toothache, cold-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls. 12569,T3275|12568,E|3767,E|3768,T3275|11343,T3275|11341,E|4842,E|13366,E|13367,T3275| YIN MIAN YU NA Vellayim Holoptelea integrifolia NA NA NA NA NA 12564,E|31420,T6466| HONG QU 红曲 Red Yeast Rice Semen Oryzae cum Monasco Fermentatum Warm,Sweet Spleen,Large Intestine,Stomach NA NA NA 24757,M156|23170,M156| WO JU NA Garden Lettuce Lactuca sativa NA NA seed To disinhibit urine, free milk, clear heat and resolve toxin. Inhibited urination, hematuria, galactostasis, snake or insect bites, toxin swelling. 13140,E|13142,T5924|12442,T5924|12441,E|5563,E|18361,T5924|18359,E|5568,T5924| RI BEN SAN YE SHA SEN NA Japanese Trileaf Ladybell* Adenophora triphylla var. japonica NA NA NA NA NA 2792,E|7436,E| JIAN YE FAN XIE YE NA Sharpleaf Senna Leaf Cassia acutifolia NA NA leaf See Cassia angustifolia . See Cassia angustifolia . 30570,T4343|967,E|3615,E|17235,T4343|19735,E|19734,E|12017,E|19736,E;T4343|17233,E|23304,T4343|18745,T4343|18744,E|30775,T4343|25574,T4343|6369,T4343|6367,E|19737,E| XI MA XUAN FU HUA NA Himalayan Inula Inula royleana NA NA NA NA NA 13184,T6016|18956,E|30611,T6016|31324,T6016|1366,E|11200,E|13182,E| YI XIAN HAI CONG. NA NA Urginea fugax NA NA NA NA NA 7980,E| SHEN LIE YE JIAO HAO NA Deep-lobed-leaf Incarvillea* Incarvillea dissectifoliola NA NA NA NA NA 6517,E| WEI YI MU CAO NA Stomach Motherwort Leonurus cardiaca NA NA NA NA NA 10134,E|12620,E|816,E| SU ZI 苏子 Purple perilla fruit, Perilla seed Fructus Perillae Warm,Pungent Lung,Large Intestine NA Treatment of: 1. Upward perversion of lung qi caused by excessive phlegm fluid manifested as cough with white profuse sputum, or asthma and fullness and stifling sensation in the chest and hypochondriac region. Perilla seed (Suzi) is used with White mustard seed (Baijiezi) and Radish seed (Laifuzi) in the formula Sanzi Yangqing Tang. 2. Constipation due to dryness in the intestines. Perilla seed (Suzi) is used with Hemp seed (Huomaren), Trichosanthes seed (Gualouren) and Apricot seed (Xingren). NA 5403,M677|24136,M677|23898,M677|23655,M677|23821,M677|7520,M677|23171,M677;C0484|23175,M677|24770,M677|23306,M677;C0424| GUANG ZE BA JI NA Lucid Indianmulberry* Morinda lucida NA NA NA NA NA 14139,T3916|15725,E|14137,E| QIAN GUI QIAN JIN TENG 头花千金藤 Oriental Stephania Root Radix Stephaniae Dielsianae NA NA NA NA 1. Its total alkaloid and iodomethyl quatemary ammonium of sinoacutine inhibit the neuromuscular system and relax the striated muscles. 2. Its component stephanine inhibits the growth of sarcoma180 and Werck's carcinoma256 in rats. 2300,M1022|20303,M1022|24569,M1022|3410,M1022|9596,M1022|24700,M1022| GUANG SHI WEI NA Bald Pyrrosia Pyrrosia calvata NA NA NA NA NA 13474,E|11521,E| ZI JIN PI 紫槿皮 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 21995,C0292| HAI CONG NA Red Squill Urginea maritima NA NA NA NA NA 19515,E|3509,E|19504,E|19505,E|19503,E|19513,E;T3939|19512,E|16338,E|6969,E|278,E|279,E|19514,E| QIAO MU ZHUANG HUANG NIU MU NA Genonggang Cratoxylum arborescens NA NA NA NA NA 8314,E|8324,E|8031,E|6182,E|5826,E| QING MU XIANG 青木香 Slender Dutchmanspipe Root Equivalent plant: Aristolochia contorta Aristolochia debilis [Syn. Aristolochia longa ] Cold,Pungent,Bitter Stomach,Liver root To lower blood pressure, calm liver and relieve pain, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Hypertension, gastrospasm, stomachache, infections, chronic bone marrow infection, chronic bronchitis, infection of skin, dizziness and headache, distending pain in chest and abdomen, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, snake or insect bites. 1713,E|4813,E|13836,E|24175,T5280|1618,E;T5280|1714,E|21190,E|21191,T5280|31526,T5280|23289,C0374|23432,M584|23228,C0303|26013,T5280|17251,C0263|917,E;M584;T5280|23157,C0373|16349,E|13367,E;M584| DA HUANG DOU JUAN 大黄豆卷 black seed of soybean Semen Sojae Germinatus Mild,Sweet Stomach NA NA NA 24757,M139|23125,M139|24167,M139|24698,M139| BAN YE PING PENG CAO NA Variegated Cowlily Nuphar variegatum NA NA NA NA NA 15861,E|15860,E|21036,E| SHUI ZHI YE 水栀叶 Bigflower Cape Jasmine Leaf Gardenia jasminoides var. grandiflora NA NA leaf To disperse swelling. Knocks and falls. 31016,T5670|8049,T5670|23043,C0018|6631,E|23021,C0357|8275,E;C0353|23258,C0019| AI SHI TIANJIE CAI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9322,T2895| ZE WU TOU NA NA Aconitum zeravschanicum NA NA NA NA NA 15649,E|9458,E| SAN QI YE 三七叶 Folium Panax notoginseng NA NA NA NA NA NA 23060,C0520| PU GE WU TOU NA Pukee Monkshood Aconitum pukeese NA NA NA NA NA 31863,T5215|18175,E| SAN JIAN SHAN GEN 三尖杉根 Radix Cephalotxi jortunei NA NA NA NA NA NA 9608,C0278| XI YAN YUAN WEI NA Salt-loving Iris Iris halophila NA NA seed See Iris lactea var. chinensis. See Iris lactea var. chinensis. 9198,E|9197,E| MU LAN(3) NA Common Bruguiera Bruguiera gymnorrhiza NA NA leaf To resolve toxin and interrupt malaria. Malaria. 10276,E|10558,E|10624,E|2680,E|3548,E|21741,E|10280,E|12176,E|5936,E|12167,E|5932,E|14297,E|14298,E|9863,E|5928,E|2681,E|2682,E|12173,E| HONG KUAI ZI 红筷子 Great Willowherb (Firewood) Chamaenerion angustifolium [Syn. Epilobium angustifolium ] NA NA herb To disinhibit water and percolate damp, rectify qi and disperse swelling, quicken blood and regulate menstruation. Edema, diarrhea, food accumulation distention and fullness, menstrual disorder, galactostasis, scrotal enlargement, itch-pain in sore and papules. 8094,E|4088,E|31751,T4052|23101,C0577|6756,E|16040,E|18343,E|10886,E|16001,E|11639,E|31289,T4052|18356,E|21376,E|18396,E| LIE DANG NA Skyblue Broomrape Orobanche coerulescens NA NA whole plant To supplement kidney and invigorate yang , strengthen sinews and bones, moisten intestines. Kidney vacuity impotence, emission, infertility due to uterus cold, rachitis in children, cold pain in lumbus and knees, weakness in sinews and bones, intestinal dry and constipation. 2859,E|25401,T4652|11192,E|580,E|14254,E|4225,E|16197,E| CU ZHUANG SUAN TENG ZI NA Robost Embelia* Embelia robusta NA NA NA NA NA 6766,E| JI XIANG SHI CAO NA Extreme-fragrant Yarrow* Achillea fragrantissima NA NA NA NA NA 3743,E| NI LUO HE JIN YIN LIAN NA Nile Starbush* Turraea nilotica NA NA NA NA NA 17466,E|15589,E| XI HUA HAN XIU CAO NA Smallflower Mimosa* Mimosa tenuiflora NA NA NA NA NA 20920,E|20919,E|20918,E| NANG ZHUANG ZI TAN NA Vengai Padauk Pterocarpus marsupium NA NA NA NA NA 18092,E|18091,E|22461,E|13572,E|18101,E|18150,E|22460,E|8619,E| WAN YAN BAN JIU JU NA Flexuous Bitterleaf* Vernonia flexuosa NA NA NA NA NA 22391,E|22392,E;T5888|22395,T5888| HEI GUO HUANG PI NA Dunn Wampee Clausena dunniana NA NA leaf and root To soothe wind and rectify qi, dispel damp and transform stasis. Common cold, measles papules, asthma, stomachache, rheumatism, edema, sprain and contusion, fracture, dislocation. 6637,E|6636,E| ROU GUI YOU 肉桂叶 Cassia Bark Oil Oleum Cinnamomi NA NA NA Treatment of carminative and stomachic. NA 23114,C0038|1186,C0041|3693,C0369|24779,M1030|20414,C0490|23246,C0572|19967,M1030|24223,M1030|23985,M1030| QING MA ZI 苘麻子 Chingma Abutilon Seed Semen Abutili NA NA NA Treatment of dysentery with bloody purulent stools, urinary infection with painful difficult urination, carbuncles and boils, nebula. NA 24757,M1027|24129,M1027|24136,M1027| YOU GAN LAN NA Common Olive Olea europaea NA NA fruit To moisten intestines and free stool, resolve toxin and close sores, lower blood pressure, lower blood-fat. Intestinal dry and constipation, burns and scalds, coronary heart disease. 12483,E|16078,E|30942,T6498|13574,E|23101,C0577|16070,E|3687,T6498|3686,E|16040,E|16074,T6498|6746,E|14156,E|31751,T6498|14166,T6498|21397,E| HUA ZHONG QIAN HU 华中前胡 Peucedanum medicum Dunn NA NA NA NA NA NA 4140,C0430| WAN QU QIAN LI GUANG NA Retrorse Groundsel* Senecio retrorsus NA NA NA NA NA 18653,T5881|18652,E| YI KANG BA DOU NA Salutary Croton* Croton salutaris NA NA NA NA NA 7838,T6411|7836,E| HU SHENG YE YE JUE MING NA Alternateleaf Thermopsis* Thermopsis alternifolia NA NA NA NA NA 26052,T4101|4593,E| ZHANG YU NA Common Atlantic Octopus Octopus vulgaris NA NA meat To nourish blood and free milk, resolve toxin, engender flesh. Anemia and amenorrhea, postpartum scant milk, enduring sores. 20139,E|20140,T6636| YE YU NA Taro Colocasia antiquorum NA NA rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling. Mammary welling abscess, toxin swelling, leprosy, scab and lichen, knocks and falls, bee sting. 8078,T6397|8075,E|27656,T6397|8077,E| DONG BEI HU TAO NA Northeast Walnut* Juglans mandshurica var. sieboldiana NA NA NA NA NA 6006,E|15248,T3569|6004,E|6005,E|11895,E|18573,E|15245,E|11898,E|11899,E|10460,E|6144,E|11896,E|10746,E|10459,E|11897,E|10745,E| PI ZHEN XING YAO HUA NA Lanceolate Stringbush* Wikstroemia lanceolata NA NA NA NA NA 1537,E|5375,E|9543,E|9034,E|6203,E| DONG HUA ZI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 32176,T3588|3776,T3588|32110,T3588| YOU GAN GEN 油柑根 Emblic Leafflower Root Phyllanthus emblica NA NA root To clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin and dissipate binds. Diarrhea, dysentery, jaundice, scrofula, eczema of skin, centipede bite. 13093,T6497|4055,C0535|23076,C0197|23234,C0368|13091,E| HE BAO DI BU RONG NA Dicentrine Stephania* Equivalent plant: Stephania viridiflavens Stephania dicentrinifera NA NA tuberoid To dissipate stasis and relieve pain, clear heat and resolve toxin. Stomachache, dysentery, sore pharynx, knocks and falls, swollen welling abscess, sore and boil, poisonous snake bite. 5416,E|5417,T3977| QIN CAI 芹菜 Herba apii leptophylli NA NA NA NA NA NA 1476,C0378| HAI ZAO 海藻 seaweed Sargassum Cold,Salty Stomach,Kidney NA Treatment of goiter, scrofula, swelling and pain of the testis, edema. 1. Prevent and treat hypothyroidism caused by deficiency of iodine.2. Its aqueous infusion can lower blood pressure and inhibit the growth of trichophyton.3. Causing atrophy of mammary gland and decreasing milk secretion. 24518,M314| CHANG BAN JIN LIAN HUA NA Langpetal Globeflower Trollius macropetalus NA NA flower To clear heat and resolve toxin. Infection of upper respiratory tract, acute or chronic tonsillitis, acute conjunctivitis, acute otitis media, acute lymphangitis, acute dysentery, acute appendicitis. 22566,T3227|22565,E|17889,T3227|17888,E|6200,E|16185,E|16192,T3227| HONG PI YUN SHAN NA Korean Spruce Picea koraiensis NA NA Branch-leaf and bark To expel wind and eliminate damp. Wind-damp impediment pain. 31848,T4060|5762,E| NAN YIN DU SU TIE SHU GUO NA South-India Sago Seed* Cycas beddomei NA NA NA NA NA 5672,E|6410,E|21056,E| ZI WEI HUA NA Common Crapemyrtle Flower Lagerstroemia indica NA NA flower To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and stanch bleeding. Postpartum flooding, concretion and conglomeration, flooding, vaginal discharge, scab and lichen, lai. 5011,E|8094,E|14539,E|4831,E|5019,T6768|4832,T6768|30995,T6768|31624,T6768|12445,T6768|14447,E|17013,T6768|17011,E|14540,T6768| SHAN ZHUANG AO DING ZAO. NA NA Laurencia palisada NA NA NA NA NA 16531,E| HUA NAN HE SHI NA Japanese Hedgeparsley Torilis japonica NA NA fruit or whole herb To kill worms, check diarrhea, contract damp and relieve itch. Abdominal pain due to worm accumulation, diarrhea and dysentery, ulcerating sores, pudendal itch and vaginal discharge, wind-damp papules. 21440,E|21441,E;T4127|30703,T4127|32079,T4127| BIAN FU GE GEN 蝙蝠葛根 Asiatic Moonseed Root Menispermum dauricum Cool,Pungent,Sweet Spleen,Stomach rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling and relieve pain, disinhibit damp. Swelling pain in throat, lung heat cough, epidemic parotitis, diarrhea, jaundice, wind-damp impediment pain, swelling pain from hemorrhoids, snake or insect bites. 604,E|603,E|602,E|3494,E|19939,E;M59;C0259|4101,E|4100,E|14244,E|17954,E|5076,E|4691,E|4690,E|4692,E|5580,E|13710,E|19172,E|4846,E|6573,E|9824,E|13709,E|15793,E|21239,E|6267,E|10427,E|22143,E|4686,E|4687,E|4684,E;M59|4685,E|20308,E|21190,E;M59;C0317|4688,E|4689,E|6259,E|15794,E| DA E XIANG CHA CAI NA Largesepal Rabdosia Isodon macrocalyx NA NA NA NA NA 13302,E|13303,E|13300,E|13301,E|13298,E|13299,E|13297,E| LU JIAO JIAO 鹿角胶 Gelatin of Buckhorn Pulvis Cornu Cervi Warm,Sweet,Salty Liver,Kidney NA NA NA 25060,M476|23378,M476| CHI FU LING 赤茯苓 Rubra Poria NA NA NA NA NA NA 23278,C0100|617,C0403| BEI QIAO SHI HU NA Muchlovable Denrdobium Dendrobium gratiosissimum NA NA NA NA NA 3627,E| BAI FU ZI 白附子 rhizome of Giant Typhonium Rhizoma Typhonii Warm,Pungent,Sweet Stomach,Liver NA Treatment of stroke with gurgling in the throat, deviation of the eye and the mouth, and impairment of speech, upward invasion of phlegm causing headache accompanied with dizziness, heaviness of the body, restlessness, fidgetness, nausea and cold extremities, or migraine, sore throat, tetanus, external use for scrofula, venomous snake bite. NA 23097,M19|23287,C0400| GAO DA CI BAI NA High Juniper* Juniperus excelsa NA NA NA NA NA 11964,E| BAI YE XIANG CHA CAI NA Whiteleaf Rabdosia* Isodon leucophyllus NA NA NA NA NA 6833,E|12715,E|2118,E|12713,E|21168,E|12716,E|11639,E|12714,E|10748,E|10750,E|12717,E|12718,E|3165,E|2116,E|2117,E| HONG WEI SUAN JIAO GAN NA Magnific Medinilla* Medinilla magnifica NA NA NA NA NA 15632,E|15633,E| YAN MU NA Tomentose Wrightia Wrightia tomentosa NA NA root or stem To resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Snake bite. 22717,E|11337,E| DUO ZHI CHAI HU NA Ramose Thorowax* Bupleurum polyclonum NA NA NA NA NA 19128,E|21124,E|19134,E|21805,E|21807,E| PU TAO II NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 25215,T5219|22573,T5219|19901,T5219|30699,T5219|31021,T5219|30995,T5219|32203,T5219|3320,T5219|8806,T5219|31749,T5219|31156,T5219|18151,T5219|17861,T5219| MU HAO GEN 牡蒿根 root of Artemisia eriopoda NA NA NA NA NA NA 23084,C0564| QI YE PAN GUO JU NA Rattlesnakeroot Prenanthes acerifolia NA NA NA NA NA 17808,E| BI LU XIANG JIAO NA Peru Balmtree Resin Myroxylon pereirae NA NA balsam To relieve cough and dispel phlegm, resolve toxin and kill worms. Scab sore, copper coin lichen. 30783,T3108|2280,E;T3108|2282,E;T3108|3695,E|15490,T3108|15491,E| YANG CHANG CHUN TENG 洋常春藤 English Ivy Hedera helix NA NA NA NA NA 9274,E|9275,E|9276,T6313|6775,T6313|3340,E|6771,E;C0366|6755,E|16590,T6313|19301,E|19302,T6313|31066,T6313| MENG DA NA CHUN HUANG JU NA Montana Chamomile* Anthemis cretica ssp. cretica [Syn. Anthemis montana] NA NA NA NA NA 1204,E|1355,E| HUA BEI LAN PEN HUA NA Huapei Scabious Scabiosa tschiliensis NA NA NA NA NA 19421,E|16689,E|19419,E|19418,E|19420,E|19423,E|19422,E|19425,E|19424,E|19427,E|19426,E|9631,E|9632,E| MIAN JING ZI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23134,C0146|13130,C0415|3300,C0200|22565,C0026| NIU JIN TIAO NA Common Oxmuscle Dichotomanthes tristaniaecarpa NA NA root cortex To clear heat and resolve toxin, suppress cough, stanch bleeding. Common cold with cough, swelling pain in throat, nosebleed(epistaxis). 7276,E|7275,E| NIU BANG ZI 牛蒡子 Great Burdock Fruit Arctium lappa Cold,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Stomach fruit To course wind and dissipate heat, diffuse lung and outthrust papules, resolve toxin and disinhibit throat. Wind-heat common cold, cough with profuse phlegm, measles papules, wind papules, swelling pain in throat, epidemic parotitis, erysipelas, swollen welling abscess and sore toxin. 31328,T5092|24838,M530|25155,M530|24496,M530|24410,M530|13587,M530|12509,E|12508,E|2222,M530|24735,M530|24737,M530|23018,C0549|23075,M530;C0221|23434,M530|25122,M530|11233,E;M530|25436,T5092|1623,E;M530;C0548|1621,E|15332,E;M530|12514,E|24073,M530|12510,E|12511,E|12512,E|12513,E|24915,M530|24939,M530|24166,M530| YI YE QIU GEN 一叶萩根 herba flueggeae suffruticosae NA NA NA NA NA NA 19624,C0062| BEI DOU GEN 北豆根 Chinese Cinquefoil Rhizoma Menispermi NA NA NA Treatment of sore throat, colitis, dysentery, rheumatic arthralgia. NA 4687,M906|4684,M906|13709,M906|603,M906|602,M906|21190,M906;C0317|19939,M906;C0259|4685,M906|23617,M906|20306,M906|13367,M906| HE HUAN PI 合欢皮 Silktree Albizia Bark Albizzia julibrissin Mild,Sweet Liver,Heart bark To quiet spirit and resolve depression, quicken blood and disperse welling abscess. Disquieted heart spirit, depression, insomnia, welling abscess and sores, knocks and falls. 11940,T3983|24510,M324|60,E|20542,E|20541,E|13282,E|13281,E|855,E|856,E|23170,M324|23975,M324|11913,E|11915,E;T3983|11914,E;T3983|11917,E|11916,E;T3983|11919,E|11918,E|11935,E|11934,E|11933,E|11932,E|11931,E|11930,E|30739,T3983|11939,E|23769,M324|11938,E|31470,T3983|31471,T3983|11937,E|20551,E|11936,E|3171,E|15699,E|59,E|31721,T3983|862,E;T3983|11928,E|11929,E|11920,E|11921,E|11922,E|11923,E|11924,E|11925,E|11926,E|11927,E| QUN XIN CAI NA Common Cardaria Cardaria draba NA NA NA NA NA 14720,E|14722,T5315|7322,E|7323,T5315| SHI JUN ZI YE 使君子叶 Rangooncreeper Leaf Quisqualis indica NA NA leaf To rectify qi and fortify spleen, resolve toxin and kill worms. Child gan accumulation, distention fullness in stomach duct and abdomen, worm accumulation, ulcerating sore and boil. 17732,E|23176,C0571|21646,E|32110,T5582| LI CAI NA Conglobate Ulva Frond* Ulva conglobata NA NA frond To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit urine. Thyroid enlargement, summerheat stroke, edema, inhibited urination. 14319,E|14320,T4596| TE SI MAN NI HU TONG NA Teysmanni Beautyleaf* Calophyllum teysmannii NA NA NA NA NA 20093,E| MU ER DU MA CAO NA Moor Sideritis* Sideritis moorei NA NA NA NA NA 168,E|169,E|298,E|299,E|296,E|297,E|5939,E| HE SHI 鹤虱 Common Carpesium Fruit Fructus Carpesii Bitter, pungent, neutral Spleen,stomach NA Treatment of ascarisis, oxyuriais, taeniasis, abdominal pain or infantile malnutrition due to intestinal parasitosis. NA 3760,M961;C0191|22179,M961|24898,M961| LU HUI 芦荟 Kulaso Aloe Dried Juice Equivalent plant: Aloe ferox, Aloe vera var chinensis Aloe vera [Syn. Aloe barbadensis] Cold,Bitter Large Intestine,Stomach,Liver solid residue obtained by evaporating liquid which drains from leaves To clear liver and relieve constipation. Constipation, child gan accumulation, ascariasis, fright wind, lichen. 20430,E|18724,E|9614,E|30778,T4715|3615,E|23125,C0500|30775,T4715|30823,T4715|981,E;M474;T4715|16820,T4715|3041,T4715|11202,E|30819,T4715|11204,T4715|13361,E|13500,E|3040,E|11408,T4715|9771,T4715|20428,E|3047,T4715|9772,E|19072,E|976,E;T4715|31910,T4715|973,E|972,E;T4715|31495,T4715|20429,T4715|4146,E|4672,T4715|4671,E|23304,T4715|11406,E|25667,T4715|32244,T4715|7770,E|30824,T4715|3046,E|19075,T4715|13501,E;T4715|9488,T4715|3585,E|3586,T4715|9332,E|13365,T4715|23479,T4715|24893,M474|20435,T4715|9333,T4715|12432,T4715|12431,E|22827,E|3138,E|9485,E|30959,T4715|16818,E|967,E|23802,M474|23801,M474|4135,E|1365,E;T4715|8760,E|29641,T4715|18925,C0452| TU ER QI YU JIN XIANG NA Turkey Tulip* Tulipa turkestani NA NA NA NA NA 22090,E|22091,E| DA TIAO WEN XIE HAO NA Bigstreak Seseli* Seseli grandivittatum NA NA NA NA NA 4862,E|4863,T3445| ZHI ZHI SHAN MA CHA. NA NA Tabernaemontana chartacea NA NA NA NA NA 16953,E| YU ZAN YE CHE QIAN NA Jadehairpin-leaf Plantain* Plantago hostifolia NA NA NA NA NA 17496,E| LV PI 驴皮 Donkey Skin Corium Asini NA NA NA NA NA 24237,M487| PU SUO MU. NA NA Psorospermum febrifugum NA NA NA To resolve heat, resolve toxin, free stool[5509]. Constipation, numbing wind (leprosy)[5509]. 22535,E|18077,E| LUAN YE TIAN JIE CAI NA Ovateleaf Heliotrope* Heliotropium ovalifolium NA NA NA NA NA 9320,E|9321,E| CHANG YE KUAN MU. NA NA Eurycoma longifolia NA NA NA NA NA 13859,E|7651,E|10476,E|10389,E|3158,E|5940,E|15590,E|9562,E|6214,E|4985,E|421,E|3096,E|15589,E|12330,E|10289,E|13864,E|12958,E|12959,E|13861,E|13860,E|10390,E|6887,E|13862,E|17295,E|3159,E|10502,E|17290,E|4937,E|16879,E|13662,E|9886,E|9884,E|9883,E|3097,E|3098,E| CAN DOU NA Broadbean Vicia faba NA NA seed To fortify spleen and disinhibit water, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Diaphragm food, edema, sore toxin. 2331,E;T3175|22450,E|6557,E|31817,T3175|22458,T3175|6558,T3175|11822,E|8805,E|8806,T3175|22729,T3175|22725,E|22726,E;T3175|11831,T3175|17411,E| LOU GU 蝼蛄 mole cricket Gryllotalpa Cold,Salty Bladder,Large Intestine,Small Intestine NA NA NA 24237,M469| KU WEI YUAN ZHI NA Bitter Milkwort* Polygala amarella NA NA NA NA NA 20933,E|20932,E|20931,E|20930,E|20928,E|20936,E|20935,E|20934,E|20924,E|20925,E|20926,E|20927,E|20941,E|20942,E|20938,E|20937,E| HONG SHI ER NA Red-Rock-Ears Umbilicaria hypococcinea NA NA lichen To rectify qi and promote digestion, disinhibit water and disperse distention. Indigestion, distending pain in stomach duct, dysentery, gan accumulation. 2443,E|16207,E|14629,E|14632,T4065|14631,E|14630,T4065| QIAN CAO 茜草 root of Tali Madder Radix Rubiae Cold,Bitter Liver NA Treament of spitting of blood, epistaxis, abnormal uterine bleeding, traumatic bleeding, amenorrhea with blood stasis, arthralgia, traumatic swelling and pain. 1. Hemostatic. 2. Bacteriostatic in vitro. 3. Antitussive and expectorant. 18983,M561|23101,M561|19527,M561|23999,M561|24317,M561|23571,M561|19016,M561|24257,M561|15068,M561|25111,M561|24657,M561|18044,M561|18208,M561|25003,M561|899,M561|24820,M561|23493,M561|23483,M561|24324,M561|23374,M561|24348,M561|19008,M561| MU HE NA Fingerleaf Rodgersflower Rodgersia aesculifolia NA NA rhizome To clear heat and transform damp, engender flesh and stanch bleeding. Damp-heat dysentery, chronic diarrhea, white turbidity, vaginal discharge, flooding and spotting, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, sore toxin, incised wound. 16871,E|2312,E| MAO GUO MA LI JIN NA Hairyfruit Milkweed* Asclepias eriocarpa NA NA NA NA NA 7271,E|7277,T4860|12417,E|12416,E|30342,T4860|12423,T4860| HONG GEN CAO NA Hispid Sage Salvia prionitis NA NA whole herb with root To course wind and clear heat, disinhibit damp, stanch bleeding, quiet fetus. Common cold with fever, pneumonia with cough and asthma, swelling pain in throat, hepatitis with rib-side pain, diarrhea, dysentery, nephritis, blood ejection, fetal spotting (precipitation of blood in pregnancy). 14728,E|20670,E|20671,E|4291,E|5721,E|4949,E|19334,E|14384,E|12198,E|20669,E|9628,E|19599,E|19335,E|10690,E|4950,T4034|17954,E|5762,E|17998,E| NAN SHAN TENG NA Twisting Dregea Dregea volubilis NA NA whole herb or tuber To dispel wind, eliminate damp, relieve pain, clear heat, harmonize stomach. Common cold, painful joints due to rheumatalgia, lumbago, vomiting in pregnancy, cancer of esophagus, carcinoma of stomach, malaria. 22597,E|22596,E|22595,E| RI BEN XIANG BAI JING PI NA Japanese Arborviate Stem-bark Thuja standishii NA NA NA NA NA 20449,E|16356,E|16357,E|11355,E|19221,E|7763,E| LENG FAN TUAN[YN NA Blacktiger Kadsura Kadsura coccinea NA NA root and trailing stem To move qi and relieve pain, free network vessels and dissipate stasis. Gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, chronic gastritis, acute gastroenteritis, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, fracture, dysmenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, mounting qi (hernia). 11989,E|144,E|145,E|19478,E|12008,E|19479,E|19481,E|3861,E|19480,E|12011,E|12000,E|9928,E|11466,E|14349,E|11226,E|15414,E|2245,E|11993,E|11994,E|9927,E| BAN XIA QU 半夏曲 Pinellia tuber leaven Massa Fermentata Rhizpma Pinelliae Warm,Pungent Lung,Spleen,Stomach NA NA NA 23532,M44|24097,M44|23817,M44|24669,M44|24579,M44|23597,M44|24844,M44|25113,M44|24613,M44| DI JIN NA Japanese Creeper Parthenocissus tricuspidata NA NA root and stem To quicken blood, dispel wind, relieve pain. Postpartum blood stasis, abdominal lump glomus, red and white vaginal discharge, wind-damp pain in sinew and bone, migraine. 15976,E|13259,E|11085,T3529| SHAN ZHA HU 山楂核 Howthorn seed Semen Crataegi Mild,Pungent,Sweet Stomach,Liver NA NA NA 23231,M625| HU HUANG LIAN 胡黄莲 Picrorhiza Equivalent plant: Picrorhiza scrophulariaeflora Picrorhiza kurrooa Cold,Bitter Large Intestine,Stomach,Liver,Heart rhizome To lower vacuity heat, eliminate gan fever, clear heat and dry damp, drain fire and resolve toxin. Steaming bone tidal fever due to yin vacuity, night sweating, child gan accumulation, indigestion, abdominal distention and emaciation, dysentery, fever, gastrointestinal damp-heat diarrhea, hemorrhoids. 1162,E;T4090|9476,E|9475,E|22399,E|117,E|5762,E|23225,M346|31848,T4090|12372,E|16840,E|23975,M346|17273,E|17333,T4090|17332,E|17331,E;T4090|17330,E|14864,T4090|14863,E|30622,T4090|25166,M346|16808,E|10886,M346|23095,C0262|24221,M346|1827,E|1826,E|22325,E|13498,T4090|7767,E|13497,E| E GUO QIAN HU NA Russian Hogfennel* Peucedanum ruthenicum NA NA NA NA NA 31775,T3672|17014,E| HU TAO YE 胡桃叶 English Walnut Leaf Juglans regia NA NA leaf To promote contraction and check discharge, kill worms, disperse swelling. Vaginal discharge, scab sore, elephantiasis. 8094,E|9723,T4105|9720,E|6732,T4105|30995,T4105|6730,E|11900,C0300;T4105|15916,E|11894,E| FEI ZAO CAO NA Soapwort Saponaria officinalis NA NA root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, dispel phlegm, disinhibit urine, kill worms. Cough, skin diseases. 19331,T3726|19316,E| TUAN HUA SHAN FAN NA Glomerule Sweetleaf Symplocos glomerata NA NA NA NA NA 20520,E|20521,E|20522,E|20523,E|20519,E|20518,E|20513,E|20515,E|20514,E|20517,E|20516,E| DUAN XUE LIU 断血流 Clinopodium Herb Herba Clinopodii NA NA NA Treatment of excessive menstrual discharge, hemorrhage from hysteromyoma, hematuria, epistaxis, gingival bleeding, traumatic bleeding. NA 23339,M927|15651,M927|24444,M927|23956,M927|23975,M927| XI YE SHUI TUAN HUA NA Thinleaf Adina Adina rubella NA NA stem-leaf or inflorescence To clear heat and resolve toxin. dysentery with ardent fever, wind-fire toothache, eczema, bleeding due to external injury. 18422,E|18423,E|21906,E| XIN YE CHI BO NA Heartleaf Tubergourd Thladiantha cordifolia NA NA root and fruit To clear heat and resolve toxin, fortify stomach and relieve pain (root), disperse swelling (fruit). NA 5648,E|21319,E|22826,E|22827,T6221|5802,T6221|5650,T6221| HONG JI DAN HUA NA Frangipani Plumeria rubra NA NA NA NA NA 17557,E|17559,T4050| YANG ROU 羊肉 Mutton Caro caprae seu ovis Warm,Sweet Spleen,Kidney NA NA NA 24297,M792|24368,M792|23236,M792| HONG LIAN 洪连 all-grass of Shorttube Lagotis Herba Lagotidis NA NA NA NA NA 23360,M155|14963,M155;C0311|16743,M155|18302,M155|19072,M155;C0514|21573,M155;C0037|9563,M155|1476,M155;C0378|13130,M155;C0415|23087,M155;C0143|7555,M155| WU SHAN YIN YANG HUO NA Wushan Epimedium Epimedium wushanense NA NA aerial parts See Epimedium brevicornum . See Epimedium brevicornum. 31926,T5964|6960,E|10962,E|18946,E|27452,T5964|32231,T5964|1273,E|1275,E|2138,E;T5964|6959,E|22724,E|17821,E| NI YU LONG WU TOU NA Pseudostapfia Monkshood Aconitum pseudostapfianum NA NA tuberoid To dispel wind-damp, relieve pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, pain in lumbus and legs. 2248,E;T5072| HEI GANG LIU NA Black Silkvine Periploca nigrescens NA NA NA NA NA 20379,E|20385,E|20381,E|20383,E|4012,E|281,E|282,E|4971,E|4972,E|4546,E| CHOU SHAN YANG NA Japanese Orixa Orixa japonica NA NA root To clear heat and resolve exterior, move qi and relieve pain, dispel wind and disinhibit damp. Wind-heat common cold, cough, throat pain, toothache, stomachache, pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, dysentery, innominate toxin swelling. 16436,E|16194,T3303|16190,E|16191,E|16192,E|16193,E;T3303|2309,E;T3303|16188,E|3236,E|3237,T3303|12251,T3303|10999,E|14439,E|19986,E|19987,T3303|11603,E|11818,E|11819,T3303|442,E|15776,E|15779,T3303|17830,E|11231,E|16189,E|14146,E|17835,E|7702,E|12249,E|12250,E;T3303|11232,T3303|30097,T3303|11630,E| NA TENG GUO NA Japanese Stauntonvine Fruit Stauntonia hexaphylla NA NA fruit To resolve toxin and disperse swelling, kill worms and relieve pain. Sore and welling abscess, mounting qi , ascariasis, trichuriasis. 31710,T5035|14996,E|14997,E;T5035|14998,E;T5035|6754,E|24718,T5035| RUAN ZHI HUANG CHAN NA Common Allemanda Allemanda cathartica NA NA NA NA NA 17557,T5384|17556,E|11604,E|31367,T5384|915,E;T5384|914,E;T5384|913,E;T5384| SHI DIAO BAI NA Curinary Asparagus Asparagus officinalis NA NA tender stem To clear heat and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and dissipate binds. Hepatitis, psoriasis, hyperlipemia, hyperplasia of mammary glands. 1423,E|1831,E;T5571|14690,E|1830,E;T5571|1861,E|1860,E|1422,E|14923,E|1396,E|7767,E| HUANG GUA YE 黄瓜叶 Folium Cucumidis sativi NA NA NA NA NA NA 4316,C0518| LOU DOU PAO NANG CAO NA Funneled Physochlaina Physochlaina infundibularis NA NA root To dispel phlegm, relieve cough and calm asthma. Cough and asthma with abundant phlegm. 2001,E;T4703| XIAO YE CEN NA Bunga Ash Bark Fraxinus bungeana NA NA bark See Fraxinus rhynchophylla . See Fraxinus rhynchophylla . 7944,T6186|664,E;T6186|663,E;T6186|7941,E|7943,E;T6186| DA YE QIAN CAO NA Smoothstalk Madder Rubia schumannina NA NA root See Rubia cordifolia . See Rubia cordifolia. 14894,T3472|14893,E| GUAN YIN CAO NA Roxburgh Peristrophe Peristrophe roxburghiana NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and extinguish wind, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling. Lung heat cough, tuberculosis and hacking of blood, blood ejection, infant fright wind, red swollen of throat, mough and tongue sores, dribbling pain of urination, swelling welling abscess and sore and boil, scrofula, painful swelling from knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, poisonous snake bites. 16951,E|16952,E| BAI YE GUA FU MU NA Glaucescent Fissistigma Fissistigma glaucescens [Syn. Melodorum glaucescens] NA NA root To dispel wind-damp, free menstruation and quicken blood, stanch bleeding. Wind-damp impediment pain, menstrual disorder, knocks and falls, fracture, bleeding due to external injury. 12911,E|15702,E| BI BA GEN 荜茇根 Radix Piperis longi NA NA NA NA NA NA 17437,C0576|17456,T3104|17463,T3104|17458,C0086|14784,T3104|17438,T3104|9484,C0280| ZHU MA GEN 苎麻根 Ramine root Radix Boehmeriae Cold,Sweet Liver,Heart NA NA NA 6775,M884;C0449| OU ZHOU SHENG GU YOU NA European Bladdernut, Pinnate Bladdernut Staphylea pinnata NA NA NA NA NA 16458,E|17378,E| MI HUA WA ER TENG 密花娃儿藤 Denseflower Tylophora* Tylophora crebriflora NA NA NA NA NA 32168,T4955|22138,T4955|22130,E|22135,E;C0031|22137,E|22136,T4955| GUI ZHEN CAO 鬼针草 Beggarticks Bidens bipinnata NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and disperse swelling. Swelling pain in throat, dysentery, diarrhea, jaundice, intestinal welling abscess, swelling toxin of clove sore, snake or insect bites, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls. 20688,M944|21102,E|9380,E|19107,E|17544,M944|21593,E|24586,M944|2358,E|1749,M944|21592,E|2362,E|11570,E| BAI MU WU JIU NA Japanese Sapium Sapium japonicum NA NA root cortex and leaf To dissipate stasis blood, strengthen lumbus and knees. Taxation damage, aching in lumbus and knees. 4057,T3008|4055,E| E ZHU YOU 莪术油 Zedoray oil Oleum Curcumae NA NA NA Treatment of mass in the abdomen, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, distension and pain due to stagnation of undigested food, carcinoma of cervix at early stage. Its volatile oil and its components curcumenol, curdione and B-elemene destroy directly the Ehrlich-Ascites tumor and leukemia615 in mice. 4398,M235|4399,M235|4415,M235|23142,C0318|6875,M235|5044,C0331|23279,C0236|24694,M235| NUO WEI QI NA Norway Maple Acer platanoides NA NA NA NA NA 16823,E|16896,T5124| DA BO GU 大驳骨 Malabanut Adhatoda vasica Warm,Pungent Spleen branchlet-leaf To quicken blood and relieve pain, joint sinews and bones, stanch bleeding. Sinew and bone wound, sprain, blood stasis swelling and pain, wind-damp impediment pain, lumbago, profuse menstruation, flooding and spotting. 22334,E;T3397|627,E;T3397|2318,E|16758,E|23051,M134;T3397|23435,M134|22337,T3397|22336,E;T3397|22335,E;T3397|1291,E;T3397|22333,E;T3397| TA LA WU TOU NA Tala Monkshood* Aconitum talassicum NA NA NA NA NA 11725,E|20634,E|25223,T5736| ZI JING ZE LAN HUA NA Purplestem Eupatorium Flower Eupatorium adenophorum NA NA NA NA NA 7588,E|7589,T6743| GE LU ZI NA Caraway Carum carvi NA NA fruit To rectify qi and promote digestion, dissipate cold and relieve pain. Cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, retching counterflow, indigestion, mounting qi , cold stagnation lumbago. 31444,T3842|13959,E|23412,T3842|12837,E|13731,E|13730,E|7974,E|13756,E|3237,E|9895,E|5809,E|5808,E|13722,E|13723,E|13724,E|13725,E|13726,E|13727,E|13728,E|13729,E|13747,E|13745,E|16914,E|11961,E| JU YUAN NA Medicinal Citron Equivalent plant: Citrus wilsonii Citrus medica NA NA fruit To rectify qi and downbear counterflow, strengthen spleen, transform phlegm. Oppression in chest, pain in rib-side, distending pain in stomach duct, belching and low food intake, vomiting due to liver stomach qi stagnation, phlegm-damp congestion, cough with profuse phlegm. 3773,T4459|31444,T4459|3770,E|8312,E|9457,E|15873,E|12837,E|31093,T4459|8325,T4459|20429,T4459|20428,E|4679,E|31732,T4459|31731,T4459|17250,E|3760,E|3766,E|3767,T4459|13412,E|13414,T4459|12844,E|12845,T4459|30792,T4459|4684,T4459|28770,T4459|17041,E| DU HENG NA Forbes Wildginger Asarum forbesii NA NA rhizome and root or whole herb To dispel wind and dissipate cold, disperse phlegm and move water, quicken blood and relieve pain, resolve toxin. Wind-cold common cold, phlegm-rheum cough asthma, edema, wind-cold-damp impediment, knocks and falls, headache, toothache, stomachache, sand qi abdominal pain, scrofula, toxin swelling, snake bite. 1832,E|12111,E|6745,T3600|12885,E|1836,E;T3600|1837,E;T3600|1838,E;T3600|1839,E|31449,T3600|7522,T3600|6744,E|7520,E|19106,E|19107,T3600| BO SI A WEI BIAN ZHONG NA Persia Giantfennel Variety* Ferula persica var. latisecta NA NA NA NA NA 2800,E|2801,E| DUO SUI LUO HAN SONG SHI NA Manyspike Podocarpus Seed Podocarpus polystachyus NA NA NA NA NA 15222,T3654|15221,E| XI LIU ZHU YANG YANG NA River Bedstraw* Galium rivale NA NA NA NA NA 18835,E|18837,E|18836,E| KU ZHI NA Downy Groundcherry Physalis pubescens NA NA herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit urine. Common cold, lung heat cough, swelling pain in throat, gum swelling, damp-heat jaundice, dysentery, edema, heat strangury, heaven-borne sore, clove sore. 17224,E|31800,T4535| SAN XIAO CAO 三消草 White Clover Trifolium repens NA NA whole herb To clear heat, cool blood, quiet heart. Epilepsy, bleeding from hemorrhoids, hard swelling. 15168,E|12044,E|15163,E|21525,E|21524,T5428|13004,T5428|9567,E|9568,T5428|18306,E|8100,E|4190,E;C0358|4191,T5428|18341,E|20004,T5428|12020,E|21618,E|20001,E|12997,E|4604,T5428|4603,E|4138,E|24248,T5428|4137,E| MAO MAN TUO LUO GEN NA Hairy Datura Root Datura innoxia NA NA root See Datura metel. See Datura metel. 22034,E|22035,T4871|18058,E|6529,T4871|31160,T4871|10869,E|6524,E|10871,E;T4871|18060,T4871|13812,E|10874,T4871|31519,T4871|9855,E| GUANG TOU DU HUO 光头独活 Radix et Rhizoma Peucedani Medici NA NA NA NA NA NA 4140,C0430| HEI SHUI CUI QUE NA Potanin Larkspur Delphinium potaninii NA NA root See Delphinium omeiense . See Delphinium omeiense. 17730,E;T4016|17729,E|31833,T4016| TAI WAN XIU XIAN JU NA Taiwan Spiraea* Spiraea formosana NA NA NA NA NA 2081,E|20176,E|20175,E|20174,E|20173,E|1113,E|19967,E|8787,E| A KA XI A LAN REN NA Acacia Terminalia* Terminalia stuhlmannii NA NA NA NA NA 10225,E| SHUANG ZHONG ZI SHU LI NA Diseed Buckthorn* Rhamnus disperma NA NA NA NA NA 18335,E| HONG HUA JIAO NA Red Pricklyash* Zanthoxylum rubescens NA NA NA NA NA 31156,T4043|14437,E|9817,E| GE GU 葛谷 Semen Puerariae lobatae NA NA NA NA NA NA 4605,C0282|4603,C0428| TONG JING CAO NA Silvery Aleuritopteris Aleuritopteris argentea NA NA whole herb To regulate menstruation, suppress cough, dispel damp. Cough, menstrual disorder, red and white vaginal discharge. 886,E|25785,T5828| YANG WO BAN DENG GUO NA Prostrate Pachysandra* Pachysandra procumbens NA NA NA NA NA 21952,E|6321,E| GUANG YE SHE PU TAO NA Hance Snakegrape Ampelopsis brevipedunculata var. hancei NA NA root and root cortex To clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Damp-heat jaundice, enteritis, dysentery, innominate toxin swelling, knocks and falls. 1077,E|16539,E|1075,E|1078,E| CHE QIAN ZI 车前子 seed of Asiatic pantain Semen Plantaginis Cold,Sweet Lung,Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of edema, dysuria with difficult painful urination, diarrhea caused by summer-damp, inflammation of the eye, cough caused by phlegm-heat. 1. Diuretic. 2. Expectorant and antitussive. 2102,C0392|25086,M94| BO LE SHU NA Chinese Bretschneidera Bretschneidera sinensis NA NA bark To quicken blood and dispel wind. Pain in sinews and bones. 17385,E| BAI YE MEI 白叶莓 Rubus innominatus S. Moore var. kuntzeanus (Hemsl. NA NA NA NA NA NA 23125,C0500| WAN YAN XIANG MAO NA Flexuous Lemongrass* Cymbopogon flexuosus NA NA NA NA NA 3760,E|30792,T5890|11963,E|17043,T5890|17042,E|11968,T5890| SHAN YANG NA Wild poplar Populus davidiana NA NA bark To dispel wind and quicken blood, clear heat and disinhibit damp, expel worms. Wind impediment, beriberi, static blood from knocks and falls, dysentery, lung heat cough, mouth sore, toothache, dribbling urination, ascariasis. 165,E|3600,E|19177,E|19169,E|20883,E| GUAN MU WEN SHU LAN NA Shrubby Crinum*`bush’ or `march lily’ Crinum macowanii NA NA NA NA NA 9205,E|22214,E|12292,E|2751,E|3516,E|4981,E|17737,E|4239,E|6881,E|13290,E|13234,E| JIN JU YE NA Oval Kumquat Leaf Fortunella margarita NA NA leaf To soothe depressed liver qi, open stomach qi, dissipate lung qi. Dysphagia-occlusion, scrofula. 15626,E|15628,T4403| SHA SHEN HUAI 沙参槐 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 20084,C0055|20061,C0053|13599,C0333| FU PING 浮萍 Common Duckwood Lemna minor Cold,Pungent Lung,Bladder whole herb To effuse sweat and resolve exterior, outthrust papules and relieve itch, disinhibit water and disperse edema, clear heat and resolve toxin. Wind-heat exterior syndrome, non-eruption of measles, dormant papules with pruritus, edema, dribbling urinary block, sore and lichen, erysipelas, scalds. 9493,E|31212,T3771|24023,M254|10353,E|11696,E|24462,M254|3209,M254|10160,E|1521,E;T3771|16185,M254|17248,E|9491,E|13119,M254|10252,E|11700,T3771|23975,M254|23625,M254| LUO JING ER CAO NA Nude-stem Eargrass* Hedyotis nudicaulis NA NA NA NA NA 15849,E|15850,E|15851,E| REN SHEN XU 人参须 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23129,C0173|23066,C0171|23181,C0178|16586,C0094|16585,C0095|23117,C0168|16583,C0096|16582,C0097|23271,C0569|23034,C0170|23085,C0172| TING YUAN ZI JIN NIU NA Curtilage Ardisia* Ardisia hortorum NA NA NA NA NA 2312,E| SHU ZHANG LAO GUAN CAO NA Siberian Cranesbill Geranium sibiricum NA NA aerial parts See Geranium wilfordii. See Geranium wilfordii. 6758,T5624|8094,E|6756,E|30995,T5624| JIA ZHOU XIA LA MEI NA Californian Allspice Calycanthus occidentalis NA NA NA NA NA 3002,E| DA E BIAN XING XIANG CHA CAI ORM NA Largesepal Rabdosia Isodon macrocalyx NA NA NA NA NA 13306,E|13307,E|13304,E|13305,E|11054,E| CANG SHAN XIANG CHA CAI NA Cangshan Rabdosia Isodon bulleyana NA NA NA NA NA 2743,E| CI QIU SHU PI NA Septemlobate Kalopanax Bark Kalopanax septemlobus NA NA bark To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and relieve pain, kill worms and relieve itch. Wind-damp impediment pain, numbness in limbs, wind-fire toothache, knocks and falls, fracture, swelling of welling abscess, welling abscess and flat abscess with swelling sore, mouth sore, swelling hemorrhoids, sore and lichen. 3823,E|3824,T3363|12114,E|9275,E|31395,T3363|31394,T3363|31396,T3363|12115,E;T3363| SHUANG BIAN GUA LOU NA Rosthorn Snakegourd Trichosanthes rosthornii [Syn. Trichosanthes uniflora] NA NA fruit See Trichosanthes kirilowii . See Trichosanthes kirilowii. 23326,T5630|32099,T5630|14036,E|14039,T5630|9367,E;T5630|9365,E|9362,E|9363,T5630|3435,T5630|16820,T5630|25249,T5630|20352,E|20351,E|27388,T5630|9369,T5630|3434,E|12564,E|15653,T5630|14924,T5630|14923,E|15675,E|15677,T5630|16550,E|16551,T5630|12888,T5630|12887,E|12885,E|23479,T5630|20265,T5630|21573,E|31449,T5630|13680,E|3138,E|14937,T5630|15651,E|15195,E|16818,E|21559,E|15196,T5630|20264,E|31504,T5630|14936,E|31420,T5630| E RONG WEI LING CAI NA Silverweed Cinquefoil Potentilla anserina NA NA tuberoid To supplement qi and blood, fortify spleen and stomach, engender liquid and allay thirst. Blood vacuity during convalescence, gan accumulation, edema, spleen vacuity diarrhea, wind-damp impediment pain. 6853,T3680|6852,E| XIAO DI YU NA Small Burnet* Sanguisorba minor NA NA NA NA NA 6248,E|3178,E| YIN JIAO JU NA Common Pathenium Parthenium hysterophorus NA NA whole herb NA Toxin swelling of sores. 16662,E|7169,E|10918,E|4087,E|3482,E|21826,E|10916,E|10917,E|10915,E|7171,E|7170,E|9935,E|239,E| JIN WU MAO SAO JU NA Longflower Bloomdaisy Pertya glabrescens NA NA NA NA NA 9527,E| XUE WEI CAI NA Garden Chervil Anthriscus cerefolium NA NA NA NA NA 31775,T6266|17014,E| GOU QI YE 枸杞叶 Chinese Wolfberry Leaf Lycium chinense NA NA leaf To supplement vacuity and boost essence, clear heat and allay thirst, dispel wind and brighten eyes. Vacuity taxation with fever, vexation and thirst, sore red eyes and clouded vision, eye screen, night blindness, flooding, vaginal discharge, heat toxin sores. 22687,E|11079,E|4593,T3857|31868,T3857|10914,T3857|23170,C0397|23040,C0396|31938,T3857|4592,E|22686,E|19971,E|4591,E|10912,E|26053,T3857|23165,C0426|11080,T3857|22243,T3857|18252,E|22240,E| MA FEN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3079,C0376|23213,C0488|23030,C0489| SAN YE QING 三叶青 Hemsley Rockvine Root Radix Tetrastigmatis Hemsleyani Mild,Sweet,Slightly Bitter Lung,Spleen NA NA NA 25040,M603|23424,M603|7818,M603|23975,M603| JIAO SHAN ZHI 焦山栀 Prepared fruit of Cape Jasmine Fructus Gardeniae Preparata Cold,Bitter Lung,Stomach,Liver,Heart NA NA NA 24345,M397|24106,M397|23975,M397| SHAN HUANG PI NA Hollowed Wampee Clausena excavata NA NA branchlet-leaf To course wind and resolve exterior, move qi and relieve pain, interrupt malaria, kill worms. Infection of upper respiratory tract, influenza, malaria, abdominal pain, knocks and falls, fracture. 3809,T5480|3808,E|3805,E|3804,E|3807,E|3806,E|3801,E|3800,E|3803,E|3802,E|14247,E|10477,E|14209,E|22955,E|15019,E|5133,E|10125,E|22958,T5480|3799,E;T5480|3798,E;T5480|3795,E;T5480|3794,E;T5480|3797,E;T5480|3796,E;T5480|3791,E|3790,E|3793,E;T5480|3792,E;T5480|25468,T5480|9409,E|15728,E|22761,E|22762,T5480|31082,T5480|14210,E|25516,T5480|15110,E|15113,T5480|6295,E|3789,T5480|31640,T5480|31231,T5480|15020,E;T5480|7896,E|8831,E|3788,E|8832,T5480| PAN YUAN CHOU HUANG JING NA Climbing Premna Premna subscandens NA NA NA NA NA 17801,E|17800,E|17803,E|17802,E|17805,E|17804,E|17807,E|17806,E| OU LIE DANG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16202,T5135| CHANG WEI PO PO NA NA Longleaf Speedwell Veronica longifolia NA NA NA NA NA 10355,E|10351,E| YOU YE 柚叶 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15626,C0582| HE LAN ZHONG ZHI FAN HONG HUA NA Holland Planted Saffro n* Crocus antalyensis cv NA NA NA NA NA 17009,E|5024,E| LA KOU SHA MIAN BAO GUO NA Lakoocha Artocarpus* Artocarpus lakoocha NA NA NA NA NA 4336,E|16462,T4564|12448,E|12449,E| BICHENG QIE NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4310,T3105|29584,T3105|4305,T3105|4309,T3105|1840,T3105|13385,T3105| SUO SHA REN 缩砂仁 Villous Amomum Fruit Fructus Amomi Warm,Pungent Spleen,Stomach,Kidney NA Treatment of accumulation of damp in the spleen and the stomach marked by epigastric stuffieness and anorexia, vomiting and diarrhea in deficiency cold syndrome of the spleen and the stomach, pernicious vomiting of pregnancy, threatened abortion. 1. Its decoction lower thab 1% concentration stimulates and that higher than 1% or the saturated solution of its volatile oil inhibits the intestines of guinea-pigs in vitro.2. Its volatile oil acts as stomachic tonic and exaggerates the diacharge of flatus. 23996,M679|23412,M679|23897,M679|19084,M679|2557,M679|23880,M679|3048,M679|23833,M679|23184,M679|3045,M679|23421,M679|23570,M679|23818,M679|23978,M679|24152,M679|24169,M679|24022,M679|24100,M679|24537,M679|939,M679|9407,M679|23175,M679|24433,M679|4353,M679|20982,M679|23119,M679|15489,M679|24956,M679|23529,M679|24098,M679|23919,M679|23761,M679|4549,M679|23098,C0552|9377,M679|6719,M679|23828,M679|12843,M679|23438,M679|23545,M679|9484,M679|2550,M679|24037,M679|3688,M679|5403,M679|15211,M679|6540,M679|3244,M679|24465,M679|24055,M679| ZHE CHONG 庶虫 Cockroach Eupolyphaga seu steleophaga Cold,Salty Liver NA 1.Treatment of amenorrhea or postpartum abdominal pain due to blood stagnation. Cockroach (Chechong) is used with Rhubarb (Dahuang) and Peach seed (Taoren) in the formula Xia Yuxue Tang .2. Treatment of abdominal or epigastric masses. Cockroach (Chechong) is used with Turtle shell (Biejia), Rhubarb (Dahuang), Moutan bark (Mudanpi) and Peach seed (Taoren) in the formula Biejia Jian Wan. 3. Treatment of pains caused by external injuries or lumbar pain due to sprain. Cockroach (Chechong) is used with Peach seed (Taoren), Frankincense (Ruxiang) and Myrrh (Moyao). Cockroach (Chechong) may also be taken alone. NA 23640,M179|19967,M179|3585,M179| ZHE SHU NA Tricuspid Cudrania Cudrania tricuspidata NA NA wood To enrich and nourish blood vessel, harmonize spleen and stomach. Vacuity detriment, flooding, malaria. 20238,E|4342,E|1809,E|20239,T6647| YUE GUI XIAO BO NA Laurel-like Barberry Berberis laurina NA NA NA NA NA 31682,T6565|2302,E;T6565|14748,E| CHA SHI SHE BIAN JU NA Champman Gay-feather* Liatris champmanii NA NA NA NA NA 12741,T3207|12740,E| ZHE SHI 赭石 Hematite Haematitum Cold,Bitter Liver,Heart NA Treatment of vertigo, tinnitus, vomiting, belching, hiccup, dyspnea, spitting of blood, epistaxis, abnormal uterine bleeding. NA 23782,M180| JIAO ZHI HUANG TAN NA Siam Rosewood Dalbergia cochinchinensis NA NA NA NA NA 6275,E|6274,E|2224,E|10393,E|12554,E|4608,E|4609,E|10513,E|24166,T4372|10124,E| MU JING YOU 牡荆油 Negundo Chastetree Oil Oleum Viticis Negundo NA NA NA Treament of chronic bronchitis. NA 23663,M1012|23475,M1012|4829,M1012| WU YE GUA TENG NA Farges Holboellia Holboellia fargesii NA NA fruit To clear heat and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and free vessels, move qi and relieve pain. short voidings of reddish urine, strangury-turbidity, edema, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, breast milk stoppage, mounting qi (hernia), prolapse of uterus, testitis. 7722,E|7723,E|7724,E|7725,E|7726,E| GUANG XI QIAN HU NA Guangxi Hogfennel Peucedanum guangxiense NA NA NA NA NA 17749,E| SHE XIANG XUAN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 18745,T5550|9339,T5550| HOU YE HUI MAO DOU NA Crassleaf Tephrosia* Tephrosia crassifolia NA NA NA NA NA 4213,E|4212,E| MAO GOU TENG NA Hirsute Gambirplant* Uncaria hirsuta NA NA NA NA NA 19072,E|14881,E|11536,E|22188,E|10886,E|18811,E| RU LAN NA Hernandialeaf Stephania Stephania hernandifolia NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel wind-damp, relieve pain. Sore toxin of welling abscess and boil, swelling pain in throat, epidemic parotitis, wind-damp impediment pain, dysentery, headache, stomachache, taxation damage and pain. 9451,T5380|11326,E|31090,T5380|31091,T5380|11328,T5380|7713,E|11744,E|7714,T5380|31390,T5380|1698,E|9447,E;T5380|9446,E|9445,E|9444,E|9441,E;T5380|9440,E|7023,E|7026,T5380|31891,T5380|31092,T5380|18395,E|822,E;T5380| JI YAN CAO NA Striate Kummerowia Kummerowia striata NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, fortify spleen and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and stanch bleeding. Common cold with fever, summerheat-damp vomiting and diarrhea, jaundice, welling abscess boil and clove sores, dysentery, gan disease, blood strangury, coughing of blood, spontaneous external bleeding, knocks and falls, red and white vaginal discharge. 12017,E|1492,E|1476,E|13130,E|18394,E|13138,E| LUAN YE TENG HUANG NA Ovateleaf Garcinia* Garcinia ovalifolia NA NA NA NA NA 22743,E|13289,T4735|32235,T4735|9856,E| TIAN NAN XING 天南星 Reddish Jackinthepulpit Equivalent plant: Pinellia pedatisecta, Arisaema heterophyllum , Arisaema amurense Arisaema consanguineum Warm,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Spleen,Liver tuber To dispel wind and check tetany, transform phlegm and dissipate binds. Wind stroke with congesting phlegm, deviated eyes and mouth, hemiplegia, deadlimb, wind-phlegm dizziness, epilepsy, fright wind, tetanus, spasm, neuralgia, cough with profuse phlegm, swollen welling abscess, scrofula, poisonous snake bite, knocks and falls, carcinoma of uterine cervix. 24757,M692|19448,E|11694,E|617,E|13498,T5790|24166,M692|29509,T5790|19967,E|13497,E|24221,M692| AO DA LI YA SANG NA Japanese Mulberry Morus australis NA NA leaf See Morus alba. See Morus alba. 15030,E| AO ZHU SHI DOU NA Yellow-flowering Pea Crotalaria retusa NA NA NA NA NA 20124,E|20130,T2936|14917,T2936|14915,E| ZHEN YE ZE LAN NA Lanceleaf Eupatorium* Eupatorium lancifolium NA NA NA NA NA 7553,T6654|7552,E| S HAN FAN LI ZHI NA Montana Custardapple* Annona montana NA NA NA NA NA 1306,E|1307,E|1324,E|1325,E|1308,E|8945,E|14927,E|14926,E|14929,E|14928,E|1316,E|1315,E|1314,E|1313,E|8378,E|22801,E|14930,E|14931,E|14932,E|14933,E|14934,E|14935,E| PING QIAN LI GUANG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 19374,T5206| YIN BAI QI NA Silver Maple Acer saccharinum NA NA NA NA NA 23139,T6444|19894,E|8971,T6444|8970,E|3985,T6444|3983,E| CHA HUA NA Tea Flower Camellia sinensis [Syn. Thea sinensis ] NA NA flower To clear lung and calm liver. Gan of nose, hypertension. 17603,E| DIAO GAN MA NA Angled Bittersweet Celastrus angulatus NA NA root or root cortex To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and regulate menstruation, resolve toxin and kill worms. Wind-damp impediment pain, swelling pain from fracture, amenorrhea, ulcerating sores, tinea capitis, pudendal itch. 21009,E|5299,E|3537,E|3536,E|21504,E|21501,E|5311,E|21509,E|21508,E|16804,E|12334,E;T3559|12335,E;T3559|12336,T3559|32089,T3559|12332,E|12333,E;T3559|15525,E|15526,E|15527,E|15528,E|9043,T3559|9042,E|21510,E| QUAN YUAN YE MEI ZHOU CHA NA Deerbrush Ceanothus integerrimus NA NA NA NA NA 11089,E|11108,T5312| GUAN MU CHAI HU NA Shrub Thoroughwax (Shrubby Hare’s-ear) Bupleurum fruticosum NA NA NA NA NA 214,E|21126,E|6287,E|21768,E|21914,E|21712,E| LAO PO ZI ZHEN XIAN NA Lopseed Phryma leptostachya NA NA herb or root To resolve toxin and kill worms. Scab sore, yellow-water sore, sore toxin. 31799,T4583|12674,E|31425,T4583|17205,T4583|17189,E| MAI XIAN WENG NA Githago Agrostemma Agrostemma githago NA NA NA NA NA 9296,E|9182,E|765,E| YI HUA WU ZHU YU. NA NA Evodia baberi NA NA NA NA NA 7664,E|19066,E| SHI XIANG RU NA Chinese Orthodon Mosla chinensis [Syn. Orthodon chinensis ] NA NA whole herb To effuse sweat and resolve summerheat, transform damp and harmonize center, move water and disperse swelling. Summer externally contracted wind-cold, headache without sweating, pain in stomach duct and abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea, inhibited urination, edema. 2550,E;T5601|3232,E;T5601|3231,E|3234,T5601|31122,T5601|7520,E|21344,E|10024,E|9668,E| MEI WEI MI HOU TAO NA Delicious Actinidia Actinidia deliciosa NA NA NA NA NA 9817,E|5762,E|2887,E| MAO YE XIANG CHA CAI NA Japanese Rabdosia Isodon japonica [Syn. Rabdosia japonica ] NA NA leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and disperse swelling. Hepatitis, gastritis, mastitis, amenorrhea, knocks and falls, pain in joints, snake or insect bites. 31348,T4893|21556,E|18482,E|18962,T4893|18483,E|17703,E|15644,E|15643,E|20604,E|11389,E|31829,T4893|25809,T4893|18508,T4893|15978,E|18481,E|6974,E|6975,E|18484,E|18485,E;T4893|6804,E|6803,E|12532,E|19800,E|13537,E|19804,T4893|13538,E|20605,E|12537,T4893|21559,T4893|11379,E|11378,E|11391,E|18963,E|20024,E|11399,E|13312,E|16173,E|12119,E|13313,T4893| DONG BEI YAN HU SUO NA Amur Corydalis Equivalent plant: Corydalis repens Corydalis ambigua var. amurensis [Syn. Corydalis ambigua] NA NA tuber To quicken blood and dissipate stasis, rectify qi and relieve pain. Pain in lumbus and knees, pain in heart and abdomen, dysmenorrhea, menstrual disorder, postpartum stasis stagnation abdominal pain, flooding and spotting, concretion and conglomeration, knocks and falls. 4888,E|8512,E|1023,E|17969,E|14245,E|4103,E|4032,E|2350,E|930,E|16544,E| YI DA LI JIASNG NAN XING NA Italian Arum Arum italicum NA NA NA NA NA 12520,E| JI SHI TENG GUO 鸡矢藤果 Fevervine Fruit Paederia scandens NA NA fruit To resolve toxin and engender flesh. Poisonous insect stings, frostbite. 4813,E|9739,E;C0462|23101,C0577|16040,E| NEI HUA YI WA JU. NA NA Iva nevadensis NA NA NA NA NA 16662,E| CHANG XU XIE CAO NA Hardwick Valeriana Valeriana hardwickii NA NA root or whole herb To quicken blood and regulate menstruation, dispel wind and disinhibit damp, fortify spleen and disperse accumulation. Menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, wind-damp impediment pain, inhibited urination, painful wound from knocks and falls, angitis. 22296,E|22298,E| GUAN MU LUO FU MU NA Shrubby Devilpepper* Rauwolfia fruticosa NA NA NA NA NA 19748,T3886|19747,E| ZHU LI 竹沥 Bamboo juice Succus Bambusae Cold,Sweet Lung,Liver,Heart NA Treatment of: 1. Phlegm-heat cough manifested as cough with thick, yellow sputum and chest pain. Bamboo juice (Zhuli) is used with Loquat leaf (Pipaye) and Trichosanthes fruit (Gualou). 2. Windstroke due to heart misted by phlegm, epilepsy or manic psychosis. Bamboo juice (Zhuli) is used with Ginger juice (Jiangzhi). NA 20430,C0498|24514,M882|23964,M882|24342,M882| OU ZHOU MA DOU LING NA Dutchmanspipe Aristolochia sipho NA NA NA NA NA 13367,E| XI XIANG CONG NA Chive-like Allium schoenoprasum NA NA herb To resolve exterior, free qi and effuse sweat. Wind-heat common cold, headache, cold-damp red swelling, pain wind, sore. 21354,E|14654,E|14656,T6037|23928,T6037|25476,T6037|17916,T6037|17913,E|14683,E| ZHU DAN NA Pig Gall Sus scrofa domestica NA NA gall To clear heat and resolve toxin, moisten dryness. Febrile diseases with vexation and thirst, constipation, jaundice, pertussis, asthma, diarrhea, dysentery, red eyes, throat impediment, otitis media, swollen welling abscess and clove sores. 31291,T6699|31292,T6699|31246,T6699|10868,E|10869,T6699|10866,E|10867,E|10559,E| PU(3) TAO NA Roseapple Syzygium jambos NA NA pericarp To fortify spleen and warm stomach, supplement lung and relieve cough, break blood and disperse swelling. Stomach cold and hiccough, spleen vacuity diarrhea, chronic dysentery, lung vacuity cold cough, flat abscess. 5010,E|13449,E|3303,E| HUI LV YAN HU SUO NA Greyish-green Corydalis Corydalis adunca NA NA whole herb To clear lung and relieve cough, clear liver and disinhibit gallbladder, relieve pain. Lung heat cough, fever and chest pain, liver-gallbladder damp-heat, pain in rib-side, fever, anorexy for greasy food, jaundice, damp-heat diarrhea. 4888,E|4889,E|17969,E|2303,E|4103,E|4032,E|16544,E| HE KA NI YA HUANG YANG NA Hyrcanian Box* Buxus hyrcana NA NA NA NA NA 21358,E|11288,E|2233,E|30353,T3984|4476,E| GUA DI 瓜蒂 Muskmelon Fruit Pedicel Cucumis melo Cold,Bitter Stomach fruit pedicel To promote vomiting, eliminate damp. Wind stroke, epilepsy, throat impediment, indigestion of overnight food, distending pain in stomach duct, damp-heat jaundice, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis. 3586,T3875|3585,E|4316,E;C0518|4317,T3875|4320,T3875|6732,E|6733,T3875|4319,E;M284|11770,C0144| YI YE WU TOU NA Heteroleaf Monkshood* Aconitum heterophyllum NA NA NA NA NA 1964,E;T6432|31094,T6432|9471,E|9458,E| XI BO LI YA LIAO[YN NA Siberian Knotweed* Polygonum sibiricum [Syn. Persicaria sibirica ] NA NA rhizome To course wind and clear heat, disinhibit water and disperse edema. Red eyes with gall, damp itchy skin, edema, ascites (hydroperitoneum). 15441,E| KE SHI HAO NA Klotzsch Wormwood* Artemisia klotzschiana NA NA NA NA NA 7522,T4496|7520,E| BAI YUN HUA NA White Cowparsnip* Heracleum rapula NA NA root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, relieve cough and calm asthma, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Wind-cold common cold, wind-cold-damp impediment, lumbago, stomachache, abdominal pain, toothach e, vacuity cold cough asthma, leukorrhea, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, mounting qi , stasis swelling from knocks and falls. 13564,E|31499,T3037|1510,E|5534,E| WAN DOU NA Garden Pea Pisum sativum NA NA seed To harmonize center and precipitate qi, free milk and disinhibit water, resolve toxin. Cholera cramp, beriberi with edema, diabetes mellitus, vomiting of sour matter, abdominal distention and diarrhea, scant breast milk, swollen welling abscess. 17479,E|22799,E|2846,T5878|10166,T5878|10164,E|9619,E|32110,T5878|17900,T5878|21646,E|17490,T5878|22767,T5878|12093,E|18383,E|18267,E|8376,E|22450,E|2845,E|22766,E|8371,T5878|22458,T5878|17463,E|22802,T5878|19966,E|9620,T5878|15699,E|17481,E|17480,E|31721,T5878|36,E|17899,E|7996,T5878|7995,E|19417,E| YU XING CAO 鱼腥草 Heartleaf Houttuynia Houttuynia cordata Minor cold,Pungent Lung aerial parts To clear heat and resolve toxin, expel pus and disinhibit urine. Pulmonary welling abscess with hacking of pus and blood, lung heat phlegm cough, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, urinary tract infection, odynuria, chronic uterine cervical infection, leptospirosis, otitis media, cystitis, dysentery, mastitis, heat toxin sores, heat strangury. 3760,M815|2596,C0235|31446,T6530|15146,T6530|30750,T6530|12565,E|336,E;T6530|31449,T6530|22602,T6530|24498,M815|31878,T6530|24278,M815|12078,E|14615,E|12566,T6530|3045,E|24235,M815|3046,T6530|19072,E;M815|13468,E|23184,M815|3552,T6530|3551,E|25960,T6530|24494,M815|24516,M815|13467,E|19391,E|19390,E|24964,M815|1695,E|23545,T6530|24963,M815|15807,E|11640,T6530|3231,M815|24452,M815|15915,M815|24025,M815|23880,M815|21344,M815|18302,E|9488,T6530|3767,M815|17449,E;M815|15716,E;M815|12885,E|23479,T6530|24252,M815|5461,E|10886,E;M815|15138,E|25108,M815|24056,M815|3409,E|12843,E;M815|19967,E|3138,E|9485,E|23275,T6530|14616,T6530|25181,M815|4833,T6530|3242,E|19382,E|4832,E|4836,E|19075,T6530|20264,E|11639,E;M815|17362,E|24286,T6530|22599,E|18396,E;M815;C0351|18397,T6530| HUANG HUA YAN CAO NA Aztec Tobacco Nicotiana rustica NA NA NA NA NA 15518,E|23165,T4172| BIAN ZHONG CHANG YE AN LUO NA Indian Greenstar Variety* Polyalthia longifolia var. pendula NA NA NA NA NA 16787,E|12253,E|16790,E|11747,E|16788,E|20356,E|917,E| LUO TUO CI 骆驼刺 Manaplant Alhagi Sweet Secretion Alhagi pseudalhagi NA NA sweet secretion To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Steaming bone vexation thirst, blood dysentery, diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache. 23288,C0508|7806,E|31659,T4765|9652,T4765|20547,E|14575,E|9645,E|30964,T4765|24654,T4765| MEI ZHOU CI TONG NA American Coralbean* Erythrina americana NA NA NA NA NA 15939,T4923|25765,T4923|7340,E|7339,E| SUAN GENG 蒜梗 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 920,C0323|785,C0322| YU BAI PI 榆白皮 Cortex ulmi pumilae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23046,C0479|23145,C0478| ZHI YANG NA Balsam Poplar Populus balsamifera NA NA NA NA NA 115,E;T6674|2415,T6674|2414,E| ZHONG HUA XIAO JIAN LIU SHAN HU NA Gorgonian Muricella sinensis Muricella sinensis NA NA NA NA NA 2975,E| SHUI GUI JIAO YE NA Tropical American Hymenocallis Leaf Hymenocallis littoralis NA NA leaf To soothe sinews and quicken blood, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Painful swelling from knocks and falls, pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, hemorrhoids. 20583,T5637|20875,E|13236,T5637|19603,E|13234,E| WU TONG YE 梧桐叶 Phoenix Tree Leaf Firmiana simplex NA NA leaf To lower cholesterol, clear heat and calm liver, dispel wind and eliminate damp, clear heat and resolve toxin. Hyperlipemia, hypertension, wind-damp pain, numbness and paralysis, swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, hemorrhoids, shank sore, bleeding due to external injury, hypertension. 23764,T5967|1113,E|1112,E|24760,T5967|2892,C0420| DA YE DIAO LAN NA Bigleaf Breaketplant Chlorophytum malayense NA NA NA NA NA 3563,E|3564,T3459| HE ZI YE 诃子叶 Medicine Terminalia Leaf Terminalia chebula NA NA leaf To precipitate qi and disperse phlegm, allay thirst, check dysentery. Enduring cough and aphonia, chronic diarrhea, chronic dysentery. 25941,T3997|23228,C0303|23171,C0484|4967,E|18407,T3997|18406,E|9484,C0280| BI LI NA Climbing Fig Ficus pumila NA NA leafy stem To dispel wind and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and free network vessels, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Wind-damp impediment pain, sciatica, diarrhea, urinary strangury, edema, malaria, amenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, swelling pain in throat, testitis, lacquer sore, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, knocks and falls. 23784,T3106|24760,T3106|1112,E|20697,E| REN SHEN 人参 Ginseng Panax ginseng [Syn. Panax schinseng] Minor Warm,Sweet,Slightly Bitter Lung,Spleen,Heart root To supplement original qi greatly, restore pulse and stem desertion, supplement spleen and boost lung, engender liquid, quiet spirit, lower blood sugar levels. Qi vacuity and verging on desertion, cold limbs and faint pulse, reduced food intake due to spleen vacuity, cough and asthma due to lung vacuity, fluid damage and thirst, diabetes mellitus due to internal heat, enduring illness qi vacuity, fright palpitation and insomnia, impotence, uterus cold, cardiac failure. 8426,E|8427,E|8424,E|8425,E|5177,E|8423,E|8420,E|2849,E|15828,T5323|16579,E|8428,E|8429,E|15519,E|18011,E|25708,T5323|9670,T5323|18014,T5323|3041,T5323|8422,E|31037,T5323|26070,T5323|30939,T5323|9070,E|4679,E|23173,T5323|23279,T5323|15360,E|8421,E|23273,C0177|5370,E|22540,E;T5323|18819,E|23117,M594;C0168|29509,T5323|22541,T5323|8905,E|16571,E|25711,T5323|8431,E|9378,E;T5323|8433,E|8435,E|8434,E|8437,E|8436,E|2851,E|8438,E|2852,E|5180,T5323|9377,E|25706,T5323|13412,E|23271,C0569|23379,T5323|16578,E|6719,E|16577,E|31490,T5323|16572,E|9669,E|9668,E|31910,T5323|3565,E|20362,E|3242,E|28530,T5323|928,E;T5323|7729,E|2395,E;T5323|31853,T5323|20430,E|15134,T5323|15520,T5323|25667,T5323|25720,T5323|25051,M594|25050,M594|8444,E|8445,E|8446,E|8447,E;T5323|20353,E|19975,E|3040,E|22643,E|23805,T5323|8448,E;T5323|7970,E|13915,E|20358,E|20699,E|31449,T5323|12017,E|31900,T5323|9087,E|25613,T5323|2412,E|25614,T5323|15827,E|23175,M594|19173,T5323|19172,E|3592,T5323|11331,E|30624,T5323|8754,E|3589,E|25718,T5323|25814,T5323|23919,M594|23181,M594;C0178|30704,T5323|15403,E|8455,T5323|19291,E|25215,T5323|8452,E|8451,E;T5323|8450,E;T5323|15132,E|21594,E|19967,E|13434,E|13435,E|9485,E|9484,E|24037,M594|31483,T5323|5403,T5323|5402,E|31489,T5323|19973,E|17969,T5323|30968,T5323|16817,E;M594|31078,T5323|31495,T5323|15830,E|1534,E|19671,E|19672,E|19673,E|19676,T5323|21618,E|18724,E|25709,T5323|15361,E|23129,C0173|626,E;T5323|22236,E|5371,T5323|23655,T5323|18216,E|25707,T5323|23559,T5323|25705,T5323|25704,T5323|22827,E|7851,E|31484,T5323|23717,M594|20131,E|20130,E|7972,T5323|23085,C0172|13772,C0122|23794,M594|8410,E|17968,E|31040,T5323|17967,E|13447,E|18260,T5323|25703,T5323|13436,E|30187,T5323|23150,M594|13437,E|18267,E|20428,E|31337,T5323|32244,T5323|9488,T5323|25574,T5323|19666,E|31339,T5323|31338,T5323|25702,T5323|25717,T5323|3356,T5323|6521,E|1674,E;T5323|11333,T5323|11332,E|3522,E|3523,E|31485,T5323|15653,T5323|7103,E|15651,E|6744,T5323|16587,E;T5323|4684,T5323|8906,T5323|6541,T5323|16586,C0094;T5323|24748,T5323|8755,T5323|16549,E|6359,E|11330,E|18511,E|2352,E;T5323|16583,E;C0096;T5323|25622,T5323|25306,T5323|16582,E;C0097;T5323|21024,E|8430,E|16580,E|13414,T5323|8408,E|8409,E|16585,E;C0095|16584,E|6741,E|6740,E|16581,E|6742,E|13500,E|13501,E;T5323|11329,E|2943,E|16589,T5323|23887,T5323|21025,T5323|3766,E|20435,T5323|20429,T5323|30956,T5323|3767,T5323|23066,C0171|8449,E;T5323|25714,T5323|25715,T5323|25716,T5323|15831,T5323|25710,T5323|20359,E|25712,T5323|23038,M594;C0121|15964,T5323|20357,E|23034,M594;C0170|19974,E|25719,T5323|32225,T5323|618,E|25713,T5323|25395,T5323|23506,M594|12885,E|31122,T5323|617,E|23219,M594|16590,T5323|3354,E|8419,E|8418,E|8413,E|8412,E|8411,E|9040,E|8417,E|8416,E|8415,E|8414,E|1608,E;T5323|24248,T5323|16695,E|6540,E|24070,T5323|30750,T5323|31039,T5323|13277,E|15963,E|18435,E|8760,E|22539,T5323|31038,T5323|25838,T5323|13278,T5323|22538,E| BO LUO HUI NA Pink Plumepoppy Macleaya cordata NA NA whole herb with root To dispel wind, dissipate stasis, resolve toxin, relieve pain, kill worms. Ulcer of uterine cervix, carcinoma of uterine cervix, carcinoma of thyroid, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, ulcer of lower limb, hemorrhoids, eczema, snake or insect bites, painful swelling from knocks and falls, pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, decayed toothache, intractable lichen, trichomoniasis, brandy nose. 16462,E|2523,E|3498,E|19269,E|7398,E|7415,E|930,E| NAN RI BEN LEI GONG TENG NA South-Japan Threewingnut* Tripterygium doianum NA NA NA NA NA 3562,E|301,E|130,E|21392,E|334,E| HAI NAN MAI MA TENG NA Hainan Jointfir Gnetum hainanense NA NA NA NA NA 8888,E|8889,E|8884,E|8885,E|8886,E|8887,E|8881,E|8882,E|8883,E|8890,E| YAN DI HE NA Big Cord-grass Spartina cynosuroides NA NA NA NA NA 21573,E|27388,T6294| LUO BU MA 罗布麻 Dogbane Apocynum venetum Mild, astringent,slightly cold NA whole herb To clear heat and calm liver, disinhibit water and disperse edema, check hyperactivity, lower blood pressure. Cardiac failure, hypertension, edema, cirrhosis with ascites, edema in pregnancy, dizziness, headache, palpitation, insomnia, scant urine with edema, chronic bronchitis, influenza. 23737,M1001|25055,M1001|3308,E|25243,T4744|25244,T4744|18302,E|15408,E|12017,E|1527,E|25245,T4744|1528,E|1529,E|20384,E|20381,E;M1001|20382,E|4549,T4744|4548,E|10886,E|1935,E|15409,T4744|18348,E|3315,T4744|4547,T4744|4546,E;M1001|1367,E;T4744|11639,E|1530,E| HOU PO 厚朴 Officinal Magnolia Equivalent plant: Magnolia biloba Magnolia officinalis NA NA bark To dry damp and disperse phlegm, precipitate qi and eliminate fullness, lower blood pressure. Amebic dysentery, vomiting and diarrhea, food accumulation and qi stagnation, abdominal distention and constipation, phlegm-rheum cough asthma. 31118,T4075|30750,T4075|13368,T4075|10450,T4075|12837,E;T4075|13360,E;T4075|13361,T4075|13366,E|13367,E;T4075|7516,T4075|7513,E|7512,E|21059,T4075|9066,T4075|31476,T4075|4030,T4075|10448,E|9668,E|3242,E|30694,T4075|19894,E|2412,E|17362,E|2795,E|30675,T4075|25207,T4075|25205,T4075|85,E;T4075|928,E;T4075|31901,T4075|1857,E;T4075|13386,E|13383,T4075|13380,T4075|13381,E|4029,E|13388,E|13389,E|14820,T4075|4549,E|25231,T4075|21058,E|12843,E|23545,T4075|12845,T4075|11517,T4075|23867,T4075|19168,E|19169,T4075|1348,E;T4075|336,E;T4075|9043,E|31446,T4075|9630,E;C0277|19291,E|2561,E|12844,E|17445,E|17444,E;T4075|17447,T4075|23139,T4075|13357,E|13359,E;T4075|13358,E;T4075|3689,T4075|3688,E|23805,T4075|18517,E|18519,T4075|14819,E|11516,E|26966,T4075|15879,E|6745,E|6746,T4075|20540,E|26058,T4075|31637,T4075|30743,T4075|14483,E|31122,T4075|13379,E;T4075|13378,E;T4075|13377,E;T4075|13376,E;T4075|13375,E;T4075|13374,E;T4075|13373,E;T4075|13372,E;T4075|13371,E|24070,T4075|20976,E|3194,E|1763,E;T4075|20979,E| ZHONG HUA XIU XIAN MEI 中华绣线梅 neillia sinensis Oilv. NA NA NA NA NA NA 23090,C0492| DA LANG DU NA Large Euphorbia Root Euphorbia nematocypha NA NA root To transform stasis and stanch bleeding, kill worms and relieve itch. Bleeding due to external injury, painful swelling from knocks and falls, scrofula, scab and lichen. 11894,T3434|15322,E|15324,T3434|11890,E| SI CHI HUANG QI NA Fourwing Milkvetch* Astragalus tetraplerus NA NA NA NA NA 14877,E|31699,T5672| CHONG SHENG RUAN SHAN HU NA Okinawan Softcoral Clavularia viridis Clavularia viridis NA NA NA NA NA 17759,E|17760,E|17761,E| BI CHI YAN ZI CAI NA Fennelleaf Pondweed Potamogeton pectinatus NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin. Lung heat cough, sore and boil. 10297,E|14401,E|12404,E|7048,E|14398,E|7160,E|8640,E| BIN XI FA NI YA CANG ER NA Pennsylvanian Cocklebur* Xanthium pennsylvanicum NA NA NA NA NA 22739,E|22740,T3141| OU MAN TUO LUO GEN NA Jimsonweed Root Datura stramonium NA NA root See Datura metel. See Datura metel. 22033,E|22034,T5136|4416,E|4420,T5136|664,E;T5136|2001,E;T5136|10871,E|10874,T5136| YU LIN YUN SHAN NA Yeddo Spruce Picea jezoensis var. jezoensis NA NA NA NA NA 14083,E|7166,E| YIN ER 银耳 Agaric Tremlla fuciformis NA NA NA It is used in the treatment of symptoms caused by insufficiency of the lung-yin, such as dry cough, sensation of dryness and an itch in the throat and sputum with streaks of blood. It is used in patients suffering from dry mouth, thirst and dry stool due to insufficiency of the stomach-yin. It can also be used in the treatment of patients with hemafecia caused by fire of deficiency type. 3. Restoring qi and moistening dryness. It is prescribed for patients having such conditions as loss of body fluid, manifested as dryness of mouth and tongue and fatigue caused by debilitation as well as vomiting and diarrhea. NA 23626,M954|24366,M954|23497,M954|24709,M954|23408,M954| ONYCHIUM AURATUM. NA NA Onychium auratum NA NA NA NA NA 16685,E|16088,E| NAI SANG NA Long-tail Mulberry* Morus macroura NA NA NA NA NA 9061,E|9060,E|845,E|9062,E|9065,E|9064,E|12388,E|12387,E|12386,E|15036,E|9063,E|15037,E|9058,E|9059,E|9052,E|9053,E|9054,E|9055,E|9056,E|9057,E| BAI ROU MAO XIANG CHA CAI NA Whitepilose Rabdosia Isodon albopilosus NA NA NA NA NA 865,E| BAN JIU JU NA Edible Bitterleaf Vernonia esculenta NA NA root or leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, engender flesh and close sores. Appendicitis, sore and boil, burns and scalds. 22398,E|22389,E|22395,E|22397,E| HUA ZHOU YOU NA Tomentase Pummelo Citrus grandis var. tomentosa NA NA maturescent exocarp To dry damp and transform phlegm, rectify qi , disperse food. Wind-cold cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, vomiting and hiccough, non-digestion of food accumulation, distending pain in stomach duct and abdomen. 21897,E|11713,E|15271,E|1497,E|15278,E|19913,E|20654,E| JIN YI HUANG QI NA Golden-wing Milkvetch* Astragalus chrysopterus NA NA root See Astragalus membranaceus. See Astragalus membranaceus. 1934,E| HAI QI NA Bling-your-eye-tree Excoecaria agallocha NA NA whole herb To drain precipitation, attack toxin. Replete body and constipation, skin intractable ulcer, swelling toxin of limbs. 10298,E|9851,E|134,E|5490,E|16315,E|692,E|693,E|690,E|691,E|694,E|695,E|7690,E|7691,E|10079,E|11238,E|10561,E|12399,E|7687,E|7686,E|7685,E|7684,E|689,E|688,E|20971,T3951|20970,E|685,E|684,E|687,E|686,E|12169,E|7689,E|7688,E| BAI SHAO YAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16521,T3019|857,T3019|31676,T3019|24185,T3019|31782,T3019|24166,T3019|24112,T3019|16514,T3019|16515,T3019|18242,T3019|18243,T3019|8119,T3019|29509,T3019|16522,T3019|7519,T3019| ZAO WEI KOU MO. NA NA Tricholoma saponaceum NA NA NA NA NA 19306,E|19307,E|19315,E|19314,E|19313,E|19312,E|19311,E|19310,E|19308,E|19309,E| LI LU 藜芦 Black Falsehellebore Equivalent plant: Veratrum grandiflorum Veratrum nigrum Cold,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Stomach,Liver root and rhizome To promote vomiting, dispel wind and transform phlegm, lower blood pressure, kill worms. Wind stroke with congesting phlegm, epilepsy, malaria, scab and lichen, malign sore. 19015,E|22379,E|20040,E|3912,T4607|3911,E;M443;C0443|20044,T4607|19016,T4607|4521,E|32268,T4607|32269,T4607|11863,E;M443|18036,T4607|23015,E|18016,E|23016,E|8351,E;M443|8352,T4607|5148,T4607|22380,T4607|11864,T4607| SHENG ZAO. NA NA Chorda filum NA NA frond To soften hardness, dispel phlegm, disinhibit urine, lower blood pressure. Scrofula, goiter and carcinoma of neck, hypertension. 21853,E|16847,E|21623,E| XIONG DAN 熊胆 Bear Gall Selenarctos thibetanus, Ursus arctos Cold,Bitter Liver,Heart,Gallbladder gall bladder To clear heat and resolve toxin, calm liver and brighten eyes, stanch bleeding and kill worms. Fright wind, epilepsy, convulsion due to liver heat and liver wind, swollen pain in red eyes due to liver heat, aversion to light, eye screen, swelling pain of welling abscess and sore, swelling pain from hemorrhoids. 24180,M773|25213,T6229|20719,E|20718,E|23208,C0427|20720,T6229|24141,M773|3512,T6229|3511,E|23676,M773|20717,E|23036,C0494|5160,E|5162,T6229|351,E;T6229|23470,M773|3588,E|3589,T6229|23043,T6229|25211,T6229|24229,M773|25212,T6229|23846,M773|23149,C0045|23282,C0441|22253,E|24254,M773|23140,C0252| FU SHI MA QIAN ZI NA Froes Poisonnut* Strychnos froesii NA NA NA NA NA 21470,T3777|4379,T3777|21469,E|4376,E| HUANG WAN NA Shady Groundsel Senecio nemorensis NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin. Dysentery, enteritis, hepatitis, conjunctivitis, otitis media, welling abscess and boil, toxin of clove sore. 19374,T4205|19373,E|13314,T4205|13313,E|4563,E|4564,T4205|4547,T4205|4546,E| OU BO HE 欧薄荷 Horse Mint Mentha longifolia NA NA NA NA NA 7280,T5127|7277,E|9457,E;C0338|12978,E|12972,E|12973,E| CU MAO LIN GAI JUE NA Strigose Microlepia Microlepia strigosa [Syn. Trichomanes strigosa ] NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp. Enteritis, influenza. 18084,E|18136,E|18128,E| KUO YE OU NV ZFEN NA Tree Phyllirea Phillyrea latifolia NA NA leaf To promote contraction, disinhibit urine. [5509] Headache. [5509] 17131,E|18777,E|20553,E| QUAN NENG HUA NA Twoflower Pancratium Pancratium biflorum NA NA NA NA NA 17836,E|2369,E;T5305|17842,T5305| GOU GU YE 狗骨叶 Chinese Holly Leaf Ilex cornuta NA NA leaf To clear vacuity heat, boost liver and kidney, dispel wind-damp. Yin vacuity taxation fever, cough and hemoptysis, dizzy head and vision, limp aching lumbus and knees, wind-damp impediment pain, white patch wind. 20688,M939|618,E|10984,E|17544,M939|10983,E|2892,C0420|24586,M939|17683,E|1749,M939|25013,M939|23246,C0572|22254,E| SPLACHNUM MNIOIDES] (SPALCHNACEAE) NA BING CHI XIAN Tetraplodon mnioides [Syn. Tetraplodon bryoides NA NA plant body To calm and quiet spirit. Disquieted spirit-mind, palpitation, sleepless, epilepsy, wind stroke with loss of speech. 11529,E|15970,E| MAO DAO DI LING NA Hairy Heartseed* Cardiospermum hirsutum NA NA NA NA NA 3195,T4848|3190,E| BIAN ZHU TANG SONG CAO NA Smith Meadowrue Thalictrum smithii NA NA aerial parts To clear heat and dry damp, resolve toxin. Abdominal pain and diarrhea, dizziness. 4466,E| YING YE JIA MI NA Blackhaw Viburnum prunifolium NA NA NA NA NA 19171,T6486|19169,E| WU GONG 蜈蚣 Centipede Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans Warm,Pungent Liver dried body To calm, lower blood pressure, extinguish wind and check tetany, resolve toxin and dissipate binds, free network vessels and relieve pain. Acute fright wind, chronic fright wind, tetanus, spasm, convulsion, toxin swelling of sores and open sores, scrofula with ulceration, intractable headache with pulling sensation, wind-damp impediment pain, hypertension. 24032,M722|3585,E;M722|3586,T5935|10189,E|9568,T5935|24709,M722|9567,E;M722|24919,M722| BEI MEI AI HAO NA Low Sagebrush Artemisia arbuscula NA NA NA NA NA 1617,E;T3087| SHA ZUAN TAI CAO NA Sieve Sedge Carex kobomugi NA NA fruit To fortify spleen and boost qi , downbear counterflow and check vomiting. Spleen-stomach vacuity, vomiting and hiccough. 12235,E| SAN FEN SAN NA Acutangular Scopolia Scopolia acutangula [Syn. Anisodus acutangulus ] NA NA root, leaf or seed To anesthetize and settle pain. Stomachache, fracture, wind-damp pain, knocks and falls. 4416,E|4420,T5406| TIAN JI HUANG 田基黄 all - grass of Japanese St. Johnswort Herba Hyperici japonici Mild,Bitter Liver,Gallbladder NA NA NA 24237,M689| CHENG GAN CAO NA Japanese Eupatorium Eupatorium japonicum NA NA whole herb To dispel summerheat and effuse exterior, transform damp and harmonize center, rectify qi and quicken blood, resolve toxin. Fever and headache, oppression in chest and abdomen distention, indigestion, gastroenteritis, common cold, cough, pharyngolaryngitis, tonsillitis, menstrual disorder, knocks and falls, swollen welling abscess, snake bite. 15672,E|20692,E|2559,E|20691,E|20695,T3271|7620,E|7635,T3271| RADIX CHUANXIONG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13772,C0122|21344,C0293|23284,C0201|15967,C0425|15244,C0409|23175,C0470|3048,C0377|23038,C0121|12843,C0305|23279,C0236|23142,C0318|23156,C0206|23096,C0133| JUE NA Eastern Bracken Fern Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum NA NA tender leaf To clear heat and disinhibit damp, downbear qi and transform phlegm, stanch bleeding. Common cold with fever, jaundice, dysentery, vaginal discharge, dysphagia-occlusion, tuberculosis and hemoptysis, intestinal wind bleeding, wind-damp impediment pain. 18098,E|18124,E;T4469|18117,E;T4469|18148,E;T4469|24038,T4469|25378,T4469|25377,T4469|18147,E;T4469|18135,E|490,E;T4469|18131,E;T4469|18118,E;T4469|18119,E;T4469|11348,E|11011,E|18084,E|18132,E;T4469|18133,E;T4469|2267,E;T4469|16554,E|16555,E|16556,E|25376,T4469|18105,E|18104,E;T4469|18107,E;T4469|18120,E;T4469|18100,T4469|18103,E|18102,E|17691,T4469|18108,E|17689,E;T4469|18123,E;T4469|17686,E|11350,T4469|18121,E;T4469|18122,E;T4469|18106,E;T4469|18149,T4469| DI ZHONG HAI MA SANG NA Mediterranean Coriaria Coriaria myrtifolia NA NA NA NA NA 4053,T3543|4051,E| LAI FU YE 莱菔叶 Folium Raphani sativi NA NA NA NA NA NA 2395,C0387| FEN MU CAO 坟墓草 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23101,M243|24221,M243| SAN JIAO FEN YE JUE NA Goldback Fern Pityrogramma triangularis NA NA NA NA NA 21695,E|9422,E| CI BAI NA Taiwan Juniper Juniperus formosana NA NA root and root cortex or branch-leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, dry damp and relieve itch. Measles papules with ardent fever, eczema, lichen sore. 12397,E|12407,E| BEI HAI XIAN TAI CHONG NA North Sea Bryozoan Flustra foliacea NA NA NA NA NA 2622,E|2621,E|2484,E|4868,E|7841,E|4867,E|7843,E|7842,E| SUO LUO NA Spiny Alsophila Alsophila spinulosa NA NA stem To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and free network vessels, relieve cough and calm asthma, clear heat and resolve toxin, kill worms. Wind-damp impediment pain, kidney vacuity lumbago, knocks and falls, intestinal pain due to qi disorder, wind-fire toothache, cough, asthma, scab and lichen, ascariasis, oxyuria disease, provention of influenza. 9285,E|9286,E| HEI HUA WU GEN TENG NA Blackflower Cassytha* Cassytha melantha NA NA NA NA NA 3294,E|3295,T4007| QING HAO GEN 青蒿根 Radix Artemiiae annua NA NA NA NA NA NA 3300,C0200|23113,C0142| ZHI JIA HUA YE NA Henna Leaf Lawsonia inermis NA NA leaf To clear heat and promote contraction. Bleeding due to external injury. 21375,E|12586,T6661|15247,E|12575,E| JING JI GUA TAI MU. NA NA Guatteria dumetorum NA NA NA NA NA 4278,E|15770,E| HAI SHI GOU YA HUA NA Medicinal Ervatamia Ervatamia heyneana NA NA root To clear heat and lower blood pressure, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Hypertension, swelling pain in throat, abdominal pain. 13856,T3955|13857,E| GUANG YE ZI YU PAN NA Glabrousleaf Uvaria Uvaria boniana NA NA NA NA NA 32185,T3915|32184,T3915|20035,E|22282,T3915|22281,E|22280,E;T3915|22276,E|22277,E;T3915|22275,E|22278,E;T3915|22279,E;T3915|30080,T3915| ZHI CAO 炙草 Prepared Root of Ural Licorice Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparata Mild,Sweet Lung,Spleen,Stomach NA Treatment of deficiency of spleen and stomach, lassitude, palpitation, arrhythmia. NA 19072,M842|19448,M842|11694,M842|23166,C0472|15257,M842|23172,M842;C0270|11639,M842|1935,M842|24040,M842|23092,C0474|23291,M842;C0473| ZHU YE CHAI HU NA Bambooleaf Thorowax Bupleurum marginatum NA NA root See Bupleurum chinense. See Bupleurum chinense. 19129,E|15210,E|15211,T6711|19134,E|19133,E|19132,E|19127,E|14080,E|14081,T6711|17927,E| LIE TI MU CENG KONG JUN. NA NA Phellinus linteus NA NA NA NA NA 9560,E| YE BAI HE 野百合 Purpleflower Crotalaria Crotalaria sessiliflora NA NA whole herb To clear heat, resolve toxin, disinhibit damp, disperse accumulation. Dysentery, heat strangury, cough and asthma, wind-damp impediment pain, clove sore and swollen boil, poisonous snake bite, child gan accumulation, carcinoma of uterine cervix, carcinoma of esophagus, carcinoma of lung, carcinoma of liver, carcinoma of stomach, squamous carcinoma of skin. 14917,T6355|21544,E|14915,E;C0413| JIA JU ZI NA Sarmentose Pepper Spike Piper sarmentosum NA NA fruit spike To warm center and dissipate cold, move qi and relieve pain, transform damp and disperse swelling. Distending pain in stomach duct, cold-damp diarrhea, wind-damp impediment pain, mounting qi , toothache, edema. 19353,E|17116,E|31610,T4304|19356,E|19355,E|19354,E|19363,E|14375,E| BAI MAO XIA KU CAO 白毛夏枯草 Decumbent Bugle Ajuga decumbens NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, relieve cough and transform phlegm, cool blood and dissipate blood. Swelling pain in throat, lung heat cough, pulmonary welling abscess, red eyes with gall, dysentery, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, poisonous snake bite, knocks and falls. 12949,T3002|4455,T3002|4454,E;M903|12946,E|794,E;T3002|793,E|792,E|791,E|790,E|30934,T3002|810,E;M903|811,E;M903;T3002|4861,T3002|409,E;T3002|17648,E|6678,E;M903;C0526|31825,T3002|788,E|789,E|13130,C0415|4859,E|803,E|802,E|801,E|807,E|806,E|805,E| DA HUA DI AO DOU. NA NA Dioclea grandiflora NA NA NA NA NA 7830,E| SHE XIANG SHI CAO NA Musky Yarrow Achillea moschata NA NA NA NA NA 7522,T5548|7520,E|3464,E|30761,T5548|2325,E;T5548| BIN HAI QIAN HU NA Japan Hogfennel Peucedanum japonicum NA NA root To clear heat and relieve cough, disinhibit urine and resolve toxin. Lung heat cough, damp-heat strangury pain, red swollen sore and welling abscess. 17018,E|17749,E| CHA MI SEN TUN CAO NA Chamisson Ragweed Ambrosia chamissonis NA NA NA NA NA 7029,E|22087,T3204| KANG DING CUI QUE HUA NA Kangting Larkspur Delphinium tatsienense NA NA root To warm center and relieve pain. Cold pain in abdomen, taxation damage and sinew bone pain. 782,E;T4487|5037,E|9471,E|20713,E|20712,E|20711,E|20710,E| YING MAO JIN SI TAO NA Hairy StJohn’swort Hypericum hirsutum NA NA NA NA NA 25453,T6478|15162,E| XIA YE DANG GUI NA Narrowleaf Angelica Angelica anomala NA NA root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Wind-cold common cold, headache and nasal congestion, deep-source nasal congestion, gum swelling and pain, swelling of sores, vaginal discharge. 1347,E| YA LUO CHUN NA Bacciform Cipadessa Cipadessa baccifera NA NA root, leaf To course wind and resolve exterior, interrupt malaria. Common cold, itchy skin, malaria. 30952,T6277|3741,T6277|6099,E|7117,E;T6277|7116,E|3734,E|25876,T6277| DUN XING CHI AN YE NA Obtuse Eucalyptus Leaf* Eucalyptus camaldulensis var. obtusa NA NA NA NA NA 21773,E| HUANG JI NG ZHONG ZI NA Negundo Chastetree Seed* Vitex negundo NA NA fruit To dispel wind and resolve exterior, relieve cough and calm asthma, rectify qi and disperse food with relieving pain. Wind damage and common cold, cough, asthma, stomachache with acid regurgitation, indigestion, food accumulation diarrhea, chol ecystitis, gallstones, mounting qi [=hernia]. 10184,E|22549,E|22579,E|22578,E|5581,E|5278,E|22551,E|22550,E| DU HU LUO BO NA Deadly Carrot Thapsia garganica NA NA NA NA NA 15802,E|21263,E| LING MU NA Japanese Eurya Eurya japonica NA NA leaf or fruit To dispel wind and eliminate damp, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, ascites, fever and dry mouth, swelling of sores, painful swelling from knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury. 18600,E|3595,T4668|3594,E| SHA YUAN JI LI 沙苑蒺藜 Seed of Flaststem Milkvetch Semen Astragali Complanati Warm,Sweet Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of headache and dizziness, distending pain in the chest and costal regions, cessation of milk secretion, mastitis, redness of the eye with formation of nebula, urticaria with itching. NA 19919,M617|23917,M617| LIAN YE TUO WU NA Waterlilyleaf Goldenray Ligularia nelumbifolia NA NA root To relieve cough and transform phlegm, dispel wind. Wind-cold cough, phthisis. 15320,E|15321,E|15319,E|15318,E|6380,E|8327,E|8326,E| DI DAN TOU 地胆头 all - grass of Scabrous Elephantfoot Herba Elephantopi scaberis Cold,Bitter Lung,Liver NA NA NA 24505,M208|23666,M208| SHAN HU JIAO YE NA Greyblue Spicebush Leaf Lindera glauca NA NA leaf To resolve toxin and cure sores, dispel wind and relieve pain, relieve itch, stanch bleeding. Toxin swelling of sores, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, itchy skin, snake or insect bites. 15718,E| XI YE DUI XIN JU NA Fine-leaved Sneezeweed Helenium tenuifolium NA NA NA NA NA 9287,E|30328,T6048|20947,E|9288,T6048| DUO ZHI LONG DAN NA Ramose Gentian* Gentiana ramosa NA NA NA NA NA 20495,E|20496,T3661| YI CHI LING JU NA Winged Jurinea * Jurinea alata NA NA NA NA NA 837,E| WU SU LI WA WEI NA Ussuri Lepisorus Lepisorus ussuriensis NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit urine, relieve cough, stanch bleeding. Inhibited urination, dribbling pain of urination, edema, bloody urine, damp-heat dysentery, asthma, sore swollen throat, toxin swelling of sores, wind-damp pain, menstrual disorder, knocks and falls, bleeding knife wound. 21679,E| XI XIN 细辛 Siebold Wildginger Equivalent plant: Asarum heterotropoides var mandshuricum , Asarum sieboldii var seoulensis Asarum sieboldii Warm,Pungent Lung,Kidney whole herb To dispel wind and dissipate cold, free orifices and relieve pain, warm lung and transform rheum. Wind-cold common cold, influenza, headache, toothache, local anesthesia, nasal congestion, deep-source nasal congestion, wind-damp impediment pain, phlegm-rheum cough asthma. 21903,E|3048,M746|12837,E|30830,T6040|3045,E;M746|7384,E|7385,T6040|1832,E|1833,E;M746;C0546;T6040|1834,E|23910,M746|26058,T6040|23119,M746|21919,E|25348,T6040|23379,T6040|32140,T6040|8339,E|2550,M746|15196,E;M746|24465,M746|23289,C0374|7520,E;M746|24466,M746|17362,E|24956,M746|23284,M746;C0201|25207,T6040|23264,M746|25205,T6040|25449,T6040|8342,T6040|1713,E|7522,E;T6040|7523,T6040|3046,T6040|20982,E|20983,M746;T6040|15489,M746|24808,M746|19359,T6040|4549,E;M746|15138,E;M746|12843,M746|25127,M746|23545,M746;T6040|24037,M746|16817,E|21923,T6040|336,E;T6040|17439,M746|23717,M746|19762,E;M746;C0579|30782,T6040|15245,T6040|15244,E|11623,E|19764,T6040|11624,T6040|23150,M746|24921,M746|23157,C0373|25141,M746|23880,M746|4275,E|23439,M746|3689,E;M746|19106,E;M746|19107,T6040|24748,M746|6293,E;M746|24500,M746|24842,M746|31444,T6040|15146,T6040|19084,E|24273,M746|6745,T6040|6744,E|23184,M746|23421,M746|3232,T6040|12111,M746|24539,M746|3231,E|3196,E|25849,T6040|14802,E|14803,T6040|24431,M746|24322,M746|3197,T6040|20976,E;M746|9511,M746|20979,E| XIANG ZHI LENG SHAN NA Balsam Fir Abies balsamea NA NA NA NA NA 4934,E|4935,T6150|3243,E|3242,E|3241,E|25575,T6150|7751,T6150|7750,E|11984,E|9668,E| XIA YE WU WEI ZI NA Narrowleaf Magnoliavine* Schisandra lancifolia NA NA lianoid stem and root To quicken blood and dispel stasis, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Knocks and falls, fracture, wind-damp lumbago. 12471,E|12470,E|12468,E|12469,E| SHUI YANG MEI GEN I NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8250,T5664| BIAN TAI NA Flagelliform Liverwort* Bazzania trilobata NA NA NA NA NA 21866,E|21867,E|21864,E|21865,E|21863,E|21868,E|21869,E|5796,E|21870,E| BIAN TAO NA Peachform Mango Mangifera persiciformis NA NA fruit See Mangifera indica. See Mangifera indica. 7957,T3130|18302,E|31493,T3130|20696,T3130|20695,E|13474,E|7950,E|31878,T3130| DI DING 地丁 All - grass of Tokyo Violet Herba Violae seu Gueldenstaedtiae Cold,Pungent,Bitter Liver,Heart NA NA NA 23644,M209|24286,M209| DENG XIN LIU SHAN HU NA Gorgonian Junceella juncea Junceella juncea NA NA NA NA NA 17741,E|11951,E|11948,E|11949,E|11946,E|11947,E|11942,E|11943,E|11953,E|11950,E|10547,E|11954,E|8264,E|11952,E|8263,E| JIA HUANG HUA YUAN ZHI NA Fasle Yellowflower Milkwort* Polygala fallax [Syn. Polygala aureocauda ] NA NA root or stem-leaf To supplement vacuity and fortify spleen, free network vessels and dissipate stasis. Taxation fatigue and hypodynamia, prolapse of uterus, child gan accumulation, spleen vacuity edema, sparse vaginal discharge, wind-damp impediment pain, lumbago, menstrual disorder , dysmenorrhea, knocks and falls. 7711,E|7710,E|17623,E|7712,E|17624,E|10421,E|10043,E|6008,E|16099,E|6030,E| HUA CHA BIAO NA China Winterberry Currant Ribes fasciculatum var. chinense NA NA root To cool blood and clear heat, regulate menstruation. Vacuity heat and hypodynamia, menstrual disorder [=menoxenia], dysmenorrhea. 2778,E|8097,E|19362,E|14522,E|5980,E|4184,E|15944,E|13093,E|3308,E|10636,E| XIAO BAI CHENG NA Unequalhair Paoshan Monkshood Aconitum nagarum var. heterotrichum [Syn. Aconitum bullatifolium] NA NA tuberoid To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and relieve pain. Wind-damp pain, taxation damage in lumbar muscle, sprain in joints, intercostal neuralgia, wind stroke paralysis, early stage of welling abscess and flat abscess. 15220,E| WA ER TENG 娃儿藤 Manyflower Tylophora Tylophora floribunda NA NA root To dispel wind and transform phlegm, quicken blood and relieve pain, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Infant fright wind, wind-damp impediment pain, cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, diphtheria, knocks and falls, fracture, poisonous snake bite, swollen welling abscess, sore and boil, red eyes, stomatitis, liver spleen enlargement. 32168,T5871|22138,T5871|22130,E|22135,E;C0031;T5871|22137,E|22136,T5871| DUO XIONG RUI LING CHUN MU NA Polyandrous Euptelea* Euptelea polyandra NA NA NA NA NA 7632,E|7633,E|7630,E|7631,E|7634,E|7625,E|7624,E|7627,E|7626,E|7621,E|7623,E|7622,E|7629,E|7628,E| HAI FU SHI 海浮石 Pumice Pumex Cold,Salty Lung NA 1. Treatment of phlegm-heat cough manifested as cough with yellow, sticky and thick sputum or sputum difficult to expectorate. Costazia bone (Haifushi) is used with Sea clam shell (Haigeke), Trichosanthes fruit (Gualou), Capejasmine (Zhizi) and Natural indigo (Qingdai). 2. Treatment of scrofula and goiter caused by phlegm and qi accumulation. Costazia bone (Haifushi) is used with Oyster shell (Muli), Tendrilled fritillary bulb (Chuanbeimu), Scrophularia (Xuanshen) and Laminaria (Kunbu). NA 24505,M306|23666,M306| GANG BAN GUI GEN NA Perfoliate Knotweed Root Polygonum perfoliatum NA NA root To resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Mouth-level nape sore, hemorrhoids and fistulas. 6775,E|6776,T3802|11016,T3802|11012,E| SHAN YANG HUANG QI NA NA Astragalus caprinus NA NA NA NA NA 12097,E|12099,E|12098,E|12101,E|12100,E| YI MEI NI A BU TA CAO NA NA Abuta imene NA NA NA NA NA 15783,E| DI YANG QUE NA Birdsfoot Trefoil Lotus corniculatus NA NA aerial parts To clear heat and resolve toxin, relieve cough and calm asthma, disinhibit damp and disperse glomus. Wind-heat cough, swelling pain in throat, glomus fullness, clove sore, innominate toxin swelling, eczema, dysentery, hematochezia from hemorrhoids. 8778,E|21111,E|25659,T3540|32039,T3540|25656,T3540|18294,E|3061,T3540|31876,T3540|3059,E|8963,E|8781,E|31751,T3540|8964,T3540| TIAN NV MU LAN NA Oyama Magnolia Magnolia sieboldii NA NA bud To disinhibit urine and disperse edema, moisten lung and relieve cough. Lung vacuity cough, phlegm containing blood, liquor jaundice accumulation, double to ngue, swollen welling abscess. 19906,E|20553,E| OU WUTOU NA Aconite Aconitum napellus NA NA NA NA NA 554,E|13787,E|15242,E|10874,E|552,E| ZHONG GUO SHOU CAO NA Chinese Spiranthes* Spiranthes sinensis NA NA whole herb with root To boost qi and nourish yin, clear heat and resolve toxin. Weakness during convalescence, yin vacuity internal heat, cough with blood ejection, dizzy head, lumbago and limp aching, diabetes mellitus, emission, strangury-turbidity and vaginal discharge, swelling pain in throat, poisonous snake bites, burns and scalds, swollen welling abscess and sores. 19915,E|19914,E|19916,E| ZI CAI 紫菜 Laver Porphyra tenera NA NA thallospore To transform phlegm and soften hardness, clear heat and disinhibit urine. Goiter and tuberculosis, beriberi, edema, strangury, swelling pain in throat, cough, diarrhea. 23161,C0434|16871,E|31452,T6724|3237,E|31451,T6724|12895,E|12894,E|30984,T6724|13126,T6724|15519,E|6721,T6724|6720,E|23187,C0433|23412,T6724|13119,E;C0432|20982,E|20983,T6724|8010,E| ZI CAO 紫草 Redroot Gromwell Equivalent plant: Arnebia guttata, Arnebia euchroma Lithospermum erythrorhizon Cold,Sweet Liver,Heart root To cool blood and quicken blood, resolve toxin and outthrust papules. Macula, measles papules, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria, purpura, jaundice, welling abscess and flat abscess, scalds. 12921,E|14113,E|12922,E;T6725|10534,E|19805,E|21023,E|15943,E|20952,E|18765,E|23106,C0151|6721,E|5213,E|6725,E|30919,T6725|19810,E|6538,E|10272,T6725|2887,E|14197,T6725|14195,E|19812,T6725|11762,E|6301,E|910,E;T6725|11764,T6725|6302,E|1234,E|309,E|30867,T6725|12931,T6725|10265,E|25169,T6725|1233,E|15843,E|15842,E|15841,E|15845,E|15844,E|244,E|23276,C0155|19807,E|19806,E|17919,E|19804,E;M893;C0581|25845,T6725|19809,E|19808,E|15137,E|5257,E|30940,T6725|24746,M893|908,E;T6725|11104,E|11297,E|23381,T6725|11298,T6725|1744,E|1259,E|514,E;M893;T6725| ZI SHA ROU HAI MIAN NA Sponge Psammaplysilla purpurea Psammaplysilla purpurea NA NA NA NA NA 18198,E|18199,E| QING JIN SHI 青金石 NA Qing jin shi NA NA NA NA NA 24159,M581| YA MAI JIA KU MU NA Jamaica Quassiawood Picrasma excelsa NA NA NA NA NA 15562,T6282|15540,E|15552,E| BAI JIANG 败酱 Whiteflower Patrinia Equivalent plant: Patrinia scabiosaefolia Patrinia villosa NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, expel pus and break stasis. Intestinal welling abscess, dysentery, red and white vaginal discharge, postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, red eyes with gall, swollen welling abscess, scab and lichen. 31315,T2987|23287,C0400|25061,T2987|14987,T2987|14974,E|22466,T2987|22465,E;T2987|22464,E;T2987|22463,E|19919,E|25285,T2987|23080,C0364|11080,E;C0458|11645,C0299|12017,C0453|12944,E| JIN CAO NA Acuteangle Hedyotis Hedyotis acutangula NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit urine. Hepatitis, swelling pain in throat, red eyes with gall, urinary tract infection. 26089,T4383|26088,T4383|1616,E|20695,E|1371,T4383|11231,E| JIAN XUE QING NA Nervate Twayblade Liparis nervosa NA NA whole herb To cool blood and stanch bleeding, clear heat and resolve toxin. Stomach heat blood ejection, lung heat hemoptysis, intestinal wind bleeding, flooding and spotting, bleeding during operation, bleeding due to external injury, toxin swelling of sores, poisonous insect stings, knocks and falls. 15502,E;T4341|15503,T4341|15497,E| NIAN YU XU NA Siebold Greenbrier Equivalent plant: Smilax stans Smilax sieboldii NA NA rhizome and root To dispel wind and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and free network vessels, resolve toxin and dissipate binds. Wind-damp impediment pain, sore and boil, toxin swelling, scrofula. 15454,E|15458,T5079|31421,T5079|21372,T5079|12586,E|21367,E| GUI ZHI 桂枝 Cassiabarktree Twig Cinnamomum cassia [Syn. Cinnamomum aromaticum ] Warm,Pungent,Sweet Lung,Bladder,Heart twig To dissipate cold and resolve exterior, warm channels and free network vessels, promote yang and transform qi. Wind-cold exterior syndrome, cold-damp impediment pain, reversal cold of limbs, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, concretion and conglomeration, chest impediment, palpitation, phlegm-rheum, inhibited urination. 3693,E;C0369|1263,E|23514,M303|13875,E|3695,E|3048,M303|24042,M303|5664,E|23246,M303;C0572|5762,E|23421,M303|31848,T3927|30350,T3927|13672,T3927|17861,T3927|13671,E|2222,M303|4140,E;M303|3696,E|3697,T3927|23114,M303;C0038|24597,M303|29509,T3927|7733,M303|31169,T3927|30820,T3927|20414,M303;C0490|19967,E|9907,E|1264,E|17855,E|1186,C0041|31259,T3927|23287,C0400| SHAN ZUO JIANG CAO NA Wood-sorrel Oxalis acetosella NA NA whole herb To quicken blood and transform stasis, clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit urine and free strangury. Taxation damage and pain, knocks and falls, leprosy, innominate toxin swelling, scab and lichen, infant mouth sore, burns and scalds, strangury-turbidity, vaginal discharge, urinary stoppage. 22106,E|22107,T5525| LU SHUI CAO II NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3947,T4723| MI PI KANG NA Rice Spermoderm Oryza sativa NA NA spermoderm To increase appetite, precipitate qi. Dysphagia-occlusion, beriberi . 14347,T4960|14346,E|22541,E|30771,T4960|25248,T4960|3041,E|19979,E|3042,T4960|23572,T4960|4474,E|14262,T4960|26071,T4960|4475,T4960|3586,E|25278,T4960|25259,T4960|4469,E|20221,E|7768,T4960|20360,E|5714,E|5713,E|7767,E|15858,E|5715,T4960|14260,E|25919,T4960| MU JING GEN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2003,C0542| KU LI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31781,T4517| KEN NI YA WEN SHU LAN NA Kenya Crinum* Crinum kirkii NA NA NA NA NA 506,E|15707,E|4865,E| SAN KE ZHEN 三颗针 root or bark of Reddrop Barberry Cortex Berberidis Cold,Bitter NA NA NA NA 3934,M600|24836,M600|2300,M600|2303,M600;C0391|2304,M600|16428,M600|11733,M600|11848,M600;C0141|13367,M600|16544,M600;C0098| PING NA Water-clover Marsilea quadrifolia NA NA whole herb To disinhibit water and disperse edema, clear heat and resolve toxin, stanch bleeding, eliminate vexation and quiet spirit. Edema, heat strangury, inhibited urination [=dysuria], jaundice, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria, flooding spotting and vaginal discharge, profuse menstruation, sleepless and vexation, diabetes mellitus, common cold, summer unacclimation in child, swollen welling abscess and sore toxin, scrofula, mastitis, swelling pain in throat, acute conjunctivitis, poisonous snake bites. 9637,E| TIAN CHA NA Sweet Blackberry* Rubus suavissimus NA NA NA NA NA 20417,E|20325,E|25254,T5779| SAN SE JIN NA Garden Pansy Viola tricolor NA NA whole herb To suppress cough. Cough, scrofula, infection of upper respiratory tract. 22505,E|32208,T5423|22503,E|17250,E|17251,T5423|2017,E|2039,E;T5423| MO SANG BI KE MEI DENG MU NA Mozambique Mayten* Maytenus mossambicensis NA NA NA NA NA 3357,T4993|3356,E| HUA NAN MI HOU TAO NA Greyleaf Actinidia Actinidia glaucophylla NA NA NA NA NA 9817,E|5762,E|2887,E| JIAN TENG BAI JIU CAO NA Strict Conyza Conyza stricta NA NA NA NA NA 9422,E| SAN PI ZHI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14963,C0311|23078,C0137|617,C0403|23040,C0396|23170,C0397|23297,C0308|6678,C0526| DAO NIAN ZI NA Mangosteen Garcinia mangostana NA NA NA NA NA 8219,E|8218,E|21487,E|31302,T3511|13289,E|6852,E|15706,E|11524,E|13488,E|6628,E|11523,E|1928,E|21342,E|13480,E|5275,E|5063,E|5925,E|8234,E|21465,E|5924,E|8206,E|13481,E|2685,E|13483,E|13482,E|13485,E|13484,E|13487,E|13486,E|8220,E|8221,E|21117,E|8208,E|4196,E|8207,E|8205,E|1277,E|17874,E|10249,E|6157,E|13478,E|13479,E|14569,E|21707,E|15709,T3511|17855,E|17852,E|17853,E|10198,E|13477,E|13489,E|13495,T3511| YAN HU SUO 延胡索 Yanhusuo Corydalis yanhusuo [Syn. Corydalis turtschaninovii f. yanhusuo] Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Liver,Heart rhizome To quicken blood, disinhibit qi, relieve pain. Chest and rib-side pain, pain in stomach duct and abdomen, neuralgia, gastrointestinal spasm, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, postpartum stasis stagnation abdominal pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls. 11343,T6300|21045,E|21046,E;T6300|21047,T6300|21040,E|18640,T6300|25320,T6300|31340,T6300|4106,E|11345,E|4103,E|20400,E|4105,T6300|4104,E;T6300|4107,T6300|12636,E|8522,T6300|32019,T6300|16545,T6300|16544,E;M786;C0098|22918,E|17969,E;M786|4123,T6300|4122,E|2303,E|21061,E|3935,T6300|23199,T6300|930,E;T6300|4099,T6300|18639,E|4888,E;T6300|4889,E;T6300|8512,E;M786|19551,E|3934,E|12912,E|4098,E|4887,E|32026,T6300|4032,E;M786;C0534|21243,E|3059,T6300|4036,T6300|3057,E|23455,M786|15756,T6300|15754,E|24291,M786|14543,T6300|14542,E|17970,T6300|22921,T6300|23384,M786|7995,E|31944,T6300|2350,E|11341,E| CHI GENG TENG NA Australian Cowplant Gymnema sylvestre NA NA root or twig To dispel wind and relieve pain, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Wind-damp impediment pain, swelling pain in throat, scrofula, mammary welling abscess, sore and boil, eczema, innominate toxin swelling, poisonous snake bite. 31460,T3283|2271,E|25193,T3283|9109,E|20021,E|9113,T3283|2272,E|16052,E|32243,T3283|22811,E|31754,T3283|17735,E|17734,E|8646,E|8647,E|12975,E|25683,T3283|25684,T3283| JI XUE TENG GEN 鸡血藤根 Leatherleaf Millettia Root Millettia reticulata NA NA root To quiet spirit, calm. Manic agitation schizophrenia. 18925,T4286|18924,E;C0444| PEN GUA 喷瓜 Squirting Cucumber Ecballium elaterium NA NA NA NA NA 4328,T5182|4316,E|4317,T5182|4319,E|4323,T5182|4322,E;C0533|4326,E|4320,T5182| BAI SHAO 白芍 Common Peony Paeonia albiflora [Syn. Paeonia lactiflora] Minor cold,Sour,Bitter Spleen,Liver root To calm liver and relieve pain, nourish blood and regulate menstruation, constrain yin and check sweating. Headache and dizziness, pain in rib-side, abdominal pain, spasm in limbs, anemia with yellow complexion, menstrual disorder, profuse menstruation, spontaneous sweating, night sweating. 16521,E;M35;C0099|21625,E|21626,E|21627,E|23537,M35|16509,E|16508,E|16528,E|16823,E|23248,C0436|3308,C0437|8116,E|8115,E|18242,E|24166,M35|857,E;M35|3302,E|2224,E|23229,C0440|14735,E|7517,E|23115,M35;C0342|18241,E|23097,M35|24719,M35|3301,E|2266,E;M35|23057,C0438|16753,E|8107,E|16513,E;M35|20894,E|21037,E|16510,E|16511,E|16512,E|9501,E|16514,E;M35;C0349|16515,E|16516,E|16517,E|24883,M35|8094,E|17075,E|19967,E|23190,C0439|16444,E;M35|5248,E|861,E|24112,M35|12434,M35|16892,E|20373,E|23287,C0400| SHEN JIN CAO NA Common Japanese Clubmoss Equivalent plant: Lycopodium cernuum Lycopodium japonicum [Syn. Lycopodium clavatum ] NA NA whole plant To dispel wind and eliminate damp, soothe sinews and quicken blood, relieve cough, resolve toxin. Wind-cold-damp impediment, aching pain in joints, arthritis, dysmenorrhea, skin numbness, weakness in limbs, jaundice, cough, knocks and falls, sores, zoster, scalds. 3809,E|13184,E|6121,E|13182,T5553|24040,T5553|13205,T5553|30957,T5553|3813,E;T5553|3810,E;T5553|3814,T5553|16107,E|16366,E|16365,E|16364,E|16302,E|16409,E|13216,E|13217,T5553|7768,T5553|13179,E;T5553|13178,E|7740,E|7767,E|25394,T5553|13175,E| YUN NAN FEI SHU NA Yunnan Torreya Torreya yunnanensis NA NA NA NA NA 2125,E|13776,E|19499,E|7995,E|20091,E|17405,E|17404,E|1030,E|21449,E|9969,E| LEI YE SHENG MA NA Asica Baneberry Cimicifuga asiatica NA NA NA NA NA 9454,E| DA YE MAO ZHU MU NA Abura Mitragyna Mitragyna macrophylla NA NA NA NA NA 14881,E|14886,T3467| PING HUA GUO JIU JE NA Leio-fruit Ninenode* Psychotria leiocarpa NA NA NA NA NA 8745,E| AI WA JIN GU CAO NA Iva Bugle* Ajuga iva NA NA NA NA NA 7767,E|7768,T2897| MAO YAN CAO NA Crescent-shaped Euphorbia Euphorbia lunulata NA NA whole herb To suppress cough and dispel phlegm, dissipate binds, expel water, draw out toxin, kill worms. Phlegm-rheum cough asthma, edema, scrofula, scab and lichen, innominate toxin swelling. 8094,E|18302,E|12017,E|663,E;T4885|16863,T4885|10886,E|10887,E|32033,T4885|12078,E|25574,T4885|18324,E|18396,E| DA YE NAN YANG SHEN NA Bigleaf Polyscias* Polyscias amplifolia NA NA NA NA NA 8053,E|8064,E|17609,E|17608,E| HUANG SE QIAN LI GUANG NA Yellow Groundsel* Senecio flavus NA NA NA NA NA 7163,E|14190,E|16367,E|7655,E|16313,E|19693,E| JIN QIN ZHUANG BA DOU NA Lyrate-like Croton* Croton sublyratus NA NA NA NA NA 10531,T4409|10522,E|31819,T4409|17538,E;T4409|17535,E|17537,E;T4409|17536,E;T4409| ZHONG GUO CANG ER NA Burweed Xanthium chinense NA NA NA NA NA 32237,T6680|22764,E| MAM TUO LUO GEN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10871,T4832|18060,T4832|10874,T4832|22035,T4832| ZAO JIA CI NA Chinese Honeylocust Thorn Gleditsia sinensis [Syn. Gleditsia horrida] NA NA thorn To disperse swelling and outthrust pus, track wind, kill worms. Swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, scrofula, leprosy, sore and papules with intractable lichen, postpartum scant milk, retention of afterbirth. 20349,E|7955,E|19967,E|20339,E| LU BIAN ZL CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 12921,T4706| FENG HUANG MU NA Flamboyanttree Delonix regia NA NA bark To calm liver and subdue yang. Hypertension due to liver heat, dizziness, vexation. 24688,T3745|2057,E|18267,E| HONG BAI HE MU NA Lantern-tree Crinodendron hookerianum NA NA NA NA NA 4318,E|4320,E|4321,E;T4024|4322,T4024|4319,T4024| HUI JIN SE TUAN WANG JUN NA Grey Arcyria* Arcyria cinerea NA NA NA NA NA 3690,E|2476,E|1625,E|3691,E| YUN XIANG YE HAO NA Rueleaf Wormwood* Artemisia sativum NA NA NA NA NA 3048,E|30723,T6595| LI JIANG WU TOU NA Likiang Monkshood* Aconitum forrestii [Syn. Aconitum likiangense ] NA NA tuberoid To dispel wind-damp, settle pain. Painful joints due to rheumatalgia, knocks and falls. 12929,E|22466,E|3483,E|22922,E|12775,E|7879,E| ZHU JI SUI 猪脊髓 Pig's spinal cord Pig's spinal cord Mild,Sweet,Salty Spleen,Kidney NA NA NA 24297,M880|24368,M880| SU GEN 苏根 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23228,C0303| XI SHU YE 喜树叶 Folium Camptothecae acuminatae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23173,C0238|23292,C0329|14710,C0313|23252,C0109|23260,C0225|23025,C0384| HAI ZHOU GU SUI BU NA Squirrel’s Foot Fern Davallia mariesii NA NA rhizome To move blood and quicken network vessels, dispel wind and relieve pain, supplement kidney and strengthen bones. Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, kindey vacuity toothache, lumbago, chronic diarrhea. 17874,E|17855,E|2889,E|13562,T3962|13560,E|15246,E|9638,E|9639,E|22326,E|11454,E|22318,E|22327,E|9641,E|9636,E|9637,E| LUO SHI TENG 络石藤 Chinese Star Jasmine Trachelospermum jasminoides Minor cold,Bitter Liver,Heart leafy stem To dispel wind and free network vessels, cool blood and disperse swelling. Wind-damp impediment pain, hypertonicity of sinews and vessels, aching in lumbus and knees, throat impediment, swollen welling abscess, knocks and falls. 1623,E;T4763|31728,T4763|26051,T4763|24385,M485|22586,E|21475,E|22581,E|21477,E|13138,E|1490,E|13137,E|21476,E|32082,T4763|1497,E|10936,E|15800,E|4614,E|15799,E|15798,E| GAN SHU 甘薯 Sweet Potato Ipomoea batatas [Syn. Convolvulus batatas] NA NA tuberoid To supplement center and harmonize blood, boost qi and engender liquid, loosen intestines and stomach, free stool. Spleen vacuity edema, constipation, toxin swelling of sores. 30744,T3793|16322,E|3209,E|23037,C0003|11127,E|11128,E|11138,T3793| SAN YE MI ZHU YU NA Threeleaf Melicope Melicope triphylla NA NA NA NA NA 16854,E| CANG BAI ZI JIN NA Pale Corydalis Corydalis sempervirens NA NA NA NA NA 643,E;T3183| JIN JIN XIANG NA Chinese Osbeckia Osbeckia chinensis NA NA whole herb or root To transform phlegm and disinhibit damp, dispel stasis and stanch bleeding, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Cough, asthma, child gan accumulation, diarrhea and dysentery, wind-damp impediment pain, hemoptysis, spontaneous external bleeding, blood ejection, hematochezia, flooding and spotting [=metrorrhagia and metrostaxis], dysmenorrhea, menstrual block, postpartum stasis stagnation abdominal pain, toothache, prolapse of rectum, wound swelling from knocks and falls, poisonous snake bites. 16239,E| YUAN HUA TIAO 芫花条 stem of Lilac Daphne Caulis Genkwa Warm,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Large Intestine,Kidney NA NA NA 24178,M820|25053,M820| GU BA LUO FU MU NA Cuba Devilpepper Rauwolfia cubana NA NA NA NA NA 5247,E|30872,T3867| HAN RUI WU WEI ZI NA Angletwig Magnoliavine Schisandra propinqua NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, soothe sinews and quicken blood, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Influenza, poisonous snake bite, rabid dog bite, rheumatism numbness, knocks and falls, menstrual disorder, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore. 1467,E|17914,E|17915,E|19473,E| SHEN QU 神曲 Medicated leaven Massa fermentata medicinalis Warm,Pungent,Sweet Spleen,Stomach NA Treatment of retention of food manifested as epigastric and abdominal distension and fullness, no appetite, gurgling sound and diarrhea. Medicated leaven (Shenqu) is used with Hawthorn fruit (Shanzha) and Germinated barley (Maiya). NA 24237,M637| XIE PU TAO NA Coigne Grape* Vitis coignetiae NA NA NA NA NA 22570,E| NI A LUO. NA NA Polygonum periginatoris NA NA rhizome To astringe intestines and check dysentery. Dysentery, diarrhea. 16912,E| HEI KE NAN NA Largeleaf Spicebush Lindera megaphylla NA NA root, bark or branch To dispel wind and eliminate damp, warm center and move qi , disperse swelling and relieve pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, impediment pain numbness, cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, mounting qi , swelling pain in throat, lichen sore. 25531,T4010|12871,E|15729,E|14475,E|15794,E|15793,E|14633,T4010|14632,E|14154,E|14155,T4010| MAO ZHI HUA NA Pubescent Birch* Betula pubescens NA NA NA NA NA 17862,E|17870,E| NAN FANG LIU LI CAO NA South Houndstongue* Cynoglossum australe NA NA NA NA NA 9315,E|1011,E| WAN QU TIAN MEN DONG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 19377,T5882|25617,T5882|25616,T5882|1876,T5882|1877,T5882|1874,T5882|1875,T5882|1872,T5882|1873,T5882|1870,T5882|1871,T5882|1882,T5882| YANG DAO DOU NA Sword-bean Canavalia ensiformis NA NA seed See Canavalia gladiata. See Canavalia gladiata . 3063,E|13096,E|3061,T6315|3070,T6315|3059,E| DI SHI WU TAN NA Diderrichi Fatheadtree* Nauclea diderrichii NA NA NA NA NA 5271,E|5272,E|15306,E|15301,E|15289,E|3171,T3534|3157,E|3158,E|15292,E|15293,E| SHAN SHAN JIANG NA Flabellate Galangal* Alpinia flabellata NA NA NA NA NA 21918,E|21876,E|10041,E|10042,E|21916,E|12414,E|21885,E|10800,E|21915,E|10790,E|21917,E| BAI XIE GEN NA White Bryony Bryonia alba NA NA NA NA NA 4328,T3030|4316,E|4317,T3030|4318,E|4319,E;T3030|4323,E;T3030|4322,E;C0533|4326,E;T3030|4320,T3030| KU SHEN JIAN 苦参碱 Matrine Matrinum NA NA NA NA NA 23532,M432|23817,M432| XIA WAN NUO LIN NA Recurvate Nolina* Nolina recurvata NA NA NA NA NA 15447,E|15446,E| DONG YI HAO JIAN MA NA Cultivate Sisalan Agave East-1 Agave east - one NA NA NA NA NA 6554,E|6555,E;T3591|6556,E;T3591|6557,T3591|3552,E|6552,E|6553,E|18878,E|9259,T3591|9252,E|18881,T3591|3558,T3591|13506,T3591|21372,T3591|13503,E|21367,E| TIAN LUO SHUI 天罗水 Luffa cylindrica(L.)Roem.$Luffa acutangula(L.)Roxb. NA NA NA NA NA NA 23193,C0504| NAO YANG HUA ZI NA Chinese Azalea Fruit Rhododendron molle NA NA fruit To dispel wind and dry damp, dissipate stasis and relieve pain, settle asthma, arrest diarrhea. Wind-cold-damp impediment, joint running swelling pain, knocks and falls, asthma and cough, diarrhea and dysentery, swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess. 18789,E|18790,E|18786,E| MAN NI DUO TAN CAO. NA NA Dorstenia mannii NA NA NA NA NA 6570,E|6571,E|6569,E|6568,E|6565,E|6564,E|6567,E|6566,E|6561,E|6560,E|6563,E|6562,E| MI HUA TUN CAO NA Denseflower Ragweed* Ambrosia confertiflora NA NA NA NA NA 19293,E|3972,E|20648,E| OU ZHOU JIA ZHU TAO NA Common Oleander Nerium oleander NA NA NA NA NA 15482,E|655,E;T5152|16024,T5152|15488,E|16021,E;C0575| HU TAO QING PI 胡桃青皮 English Walnut Exocarp Juglans regia NA NA exocarp To relieve pain, relieve cough, check diarrhea, resolve toxin, kill worms. Pain in stomach duct and abdomen, dysmenorrhea, enduring cough, chronic diarrhea and dysentery, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, intractable lichen, bald sores, white patch wind. 31135,T4103|9719,E|9718,E|31136,T4103|11900,C0300| QING HAO ZI 青蒿子 Sweet Wormwood seed Semen Artemisiae Cold,Pungent,Bitter Liver,Kidney,Gallbladder NA Treatment of fever caused by summer heat, afternoon fever in deficiency of yin or in consumptive diseases, malaria with chills and fever, jaundice. 1. Artemisinine from its volatile oil is an effective antimalarial agent on mice, monkey, chicken and human malaria. The malarial parasite will disappear in blood after oral administration of 100mg/kg for 3 days in mice and 200mg/kg for2-3 days in monkey. The therapeutic effect of artemisinie is similar to that of chloroquine.2. Antipyretic. 2550,M580|3689,M580|17442,M580|3045,M580|23184,M580|23119,M580|3244,M580|3048,M580|23584,M580|23256,M580|23113,M580;C0142|23150,M580|25127,M580|23726,M580|3300,C0200| CANG ER HUA 苍耳花 Flos Xanthii sibirici NA NA NA NA NA NA 9484,C0280| LONG KUI GEN 龙葵根 Radix Solani nigri NA NA NA NA NA NA 23170,C0397|23040,C0396|23236,C0499| TU XIANG RU NA Common Origanum Origanum vulgare NA NA whole herb To resolve exterior, rectify qi, clear summerheat, disinhibit damp. Common cold with fever, summerheat stroke, distention fullness in chest and diaphragm, vomiting diarrhea with abdominal pain, jaundice, edema, vaginal discharge, child gan accumulation, measles papules, itchy skin, swelling pain of sores, knocks and falls. 3232,T5860|21346,T5860|21344,E|8325,T5860|3231,E|8312,E|15278,E|15279,T5860| YI SI CUI QUE NA Confusable Larkspur* Delphinium confusum NA NA NA NA NA 3963,E|30803,T6421| FENG LI NA Pineapple Ananas comosus NA NA pericarp To resolve toxin, check dysentery, relieve cough. Dysentery, cough. 10965,E|26077,T3747|13126,T3747|4450,E|20418,E|13119,E|30445,T3747| ZHI GUI ZHI 制桂枝 Prepared Cassia Twig Ramulus Cinnamomi Preparata Warm,Pungent,Sweet Lung,Bladder,Heart NA Treatment of common cold, epigastric pain with cold feeling, amenorrhea due to cold in blood, arthralgia, edema, cardiac palpitation, gastrointestinal neurosis with a feeling of masses of gas rushing up through the chest to the throat from the lower abdomen. NA 3048,M851|2222,M851|23114,M851;C0038|7733,M851;C0241|24042,M851|20414,M851;C0490|23421,M851| TIE KUAI ZI II NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9329,T5814|9330,T5814| FENG LA 蜂蜡 Beeswax Cera Flava NA NA NA Treatment of ulcer difficulty to heal, wounds, burns and scalds. NA 24237,M935| LUAN YE MEI DENG MU NA Ovateleaf Mayten* Maytenus ovatus NA NA NA NA NA 13614,E|25543,T4734|13612,E|13613,T4734| QIAN LIE LIN MAO JUE NA Fortunate Wood Fern Dryopteris sublaeta NA NA NA NA NA 21705,E|6136,E| RI BEN MA ZUI MU NA Japanese Pieris Pieris japonica NA NA leaf To kill worms. Scab sore. 1849,E;T5344|1848,E|1850,E|8993,E|31797,T5344|17156,E|17161,T5344| AO SHI JIN SI TAO NA Aucher StJohn’swort* Hypericum aucheri NA NA NA NA NA 15709,T2926|15706,E| HAI YING SU NA Ciliate Hornpoppy* Glaucium fimbrilligerum NA NA fruit To settle pain and suppress cough. NA 4107,T3961|4106,E| LU RONG 鹿茸 Hairy Antler Cervus nippon , Cervus elaphus Warm,Sweet,Salty Liver,Kidney non-ossifying young horn of male deer or stag To supplement kidney and invigorate yang , boost essence and blood, strengthen sinews and bones, regulate thoroughfare and controlling vessels, draw sore toxin. Impotence and emission, infertility due to uterus cold, marked emaciation, thrombocytopenia, septicemia, fatigued spirit, aversion of cold, dizziness, tinnitus and deafness, aching pain in lumbus and back, limp wilting sinew and bone, flooding and spotting with vaginal discharge, enduring yin flat abscess. 626,E;T4720|18641,E|16070,T4720|8075,E|20139,M479|17940,E|7382,E|7383,E|25011,M479|7386,E|7384,T4720|23813,M479|24372,M479|31043,T4720|10912,E|24849,M479|3585,E;M479|3586,T4720|23337,M479|8752,E|22538,T4720|23197,C0394|27656,T4720|25760,T4720|23428,M479| HUANG SHAN YAO NA Yellow Ya m U s e d p a r t: rhizome Dioscorea panthaica NA NA NA To rectify qi and relieve pain, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Qi stagnation stomachache, vomiting diarrhea with abdominal pain, taxation detriment due to knocks and falls, toxin swelling of sores, poisonous snake bite. 6437,E;T4200|6436,E|18042,E|2493,E|2492,E|6439,E|6438,T4200|5215,E|6440,T4200|17640,E|5218,T4200| BAN LI NA Chinese Chestnut Castanea mollissima NA NA kernel To boost qi and fortify spleen, supplement kidney and strengthen sinews, quicken blood and disperse swelling, stanch bleeding. Spleen vacuity diarrhea, stomach reflux vomiting, limp aching in legs and knees, sinew and bone wound with swelling pain, scrofula, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, bloody stool. 19262,E|20241,E|20373,E|3298,E|22419,E|3297,E|11479,E| PING ZHAN JIAO HUI XIANG NA Procumbent Hypecoum* Hypecoum procumbens NA NA NA NA NA 17859,E| DUN YE GUI JIU 盾叶鬼臼 Common Mayapple Podophyllum peltatum NA NA NA NA NA 17579,E|17578,E|16785,E|16784,E|16781,E|16783,E|16782,E|16789,T3637|30334,T3637|30335,T3637|30332,T3637|30333,T3637|17335,T3637|17333,E|31823,T3637|23138,C0215|31822,T3637|16791,T3637|17580,E;T3637|17581,E|17582,T3637|17323,E| BIAN DOU CAI YE BAI JIANG NA Korea Patrinia* Patrinia saniculaefolia NA NA NA NA NA 16705,E|16704,E|16706,E|15268,E| CHEN SHA 辰砂 cinnabar cinnabaris Cold,Sweet Heart NA Treatment of palpitaion, insomnia and dream - disturbed sleep, epilepsy, mania, infantile convulsion, blurred vision, ulcers in the mouth, painful swelling of the throat, boils and sores. NA 24272,M97| ZI MO LI GEN NA Common Four-o’clock Root Mirabilis jalapa NA NA root To clear heat and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and resolve toxin. Heat strangury, white turbidity, edema, red and white vaginal discharge, swelling pain in joints, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, mammary welling abscess, knocks and falls. 14874,E;T6749|13853,E|14875,T6749|14102,E|14871,E|14873,E;T6749|14872,E;T6749|22607,E|11017,T6749|11016,E|22608,T6749|14490,E| ZHI ZI HUA 栀子花 Flos Gardeniae var. NA NA NA NA NA NA 23021,C0357|8275,C0353| JIN QIAN BAI HUA SHE 金钱白话蛇 Coin-like White-banded Snake Bungarus Parvus NA NA NA Treatment of chronic rheumatoid arthritis with numbness and muscula contracture, apoplectic hemiplegia and facial paralysis, convulsion, tetanus, festered scrofula. NA 24237,M983| YU JIN XIANG GEN NA Common Tulip Root Tulipa gesneriana NA NA root To calm. Visceral agitation. 8376,T6514|8374,E;T6514|8375,E;T6514|8372,E|8373,E;T6514|8370,E|31024,T6514| YE JIAO TENG NA Tuber Fleeceflower Stem Polygonum multiflorum NA NA stem To nourish heart and quiet spirit, dispel wind and free network vessels. Insomnia, frequent dreaming, anemia and generalized pain, muscle numbness, wind-damp impediment pain, wind papule itching. 18401,E|18402,T6371|17235,T6371|17233,E| HA SHI MA NA Dried Chinese Woodfrog Rana temporaria chensinensis, Rana amurensis NA NA dried body To supplement lung and boost kidney, disinhibit water and disperse edema. Vacuity taxation cough, child gan accumulation, abdominal distention with edema, sw elling toxin of sore and welling abscess. 18530,T3935|626,E;T3935|18529,E| SI MIAN MAO JIA MI YE ZE LAN NA Tinileaf Eupatorium* Eupatorium tinifolium NA NA NA NA NA 12168,E| BING HUA JU. NA NA Podanthus ovatifolius NA NA NA NA NA 16267,E| XIU SE AN XI XIANG NA Ferruginous Snowbell* Styrax ferrugineus NA NA NA NA NA 10664,E|8708,E|8707,E|10663,E| XIA FENG XIN ZI NA Summer-hyacinth Galtonia candicans NA NA NA NA NA 7080,E|6106,E|1578,E|8698,E|3724,E|8690,E| JIA HUI SE JIU LI XIANG PO PO NA NA Thyme Speedwell* Veronica thymoides ssp. pseudocinerea NA NA NA NA NA 2279,E|11701,E|10694,E|6073,E|3674,E|10693,E|7556,E|6080,E|85,E| GAO DA SHAN LAN. NA NA Planchonia grandis NA NA NA NA NA 12075,E|12055,E|12054,E| JIAN PU ZHAI ZAO NA Cambodia Jujube* Ziziphus cambodiana NA NA NA NA NA 2334,E|10382,E| HUA JIAO 花椒 Bunge Pricklyash Equivalent plant: Zanthoxylum schinifolium Zanthoxylum bungeanum Warm,Pungent Spleen,Stomach,Kidney pericarp To warm center and relieve pain, dispel damp and kill worms. Spleen-stomach vacuity cold, cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and vomiting due to roundworm. 3498,M354;C0448|19084,M354|25078,M354|24956,M354|15622,E|25177,M354|16432,M354|11418,C0417|23184,M354|9225,M354|23880,M354|25112,M354|7384,E;M354|7385,T4116|24692,M354|12250,M354|22953,E|2303,M354;C0391|22950,E|14530,E|14531,T4116|23974,M354|2745,E|23150,M354|19986,E;M354|23119,M354|24633,M354|3760,C0191|22762,M354|15624,T4116|23472,M354|3768,M354|23764,M354|4549,M354|32260,T4116|5557,M354|15138,M354|8311,M354;C0304|12843,M354|4356,E|24303,M354|23545,M354|24037,M354|3689,E|23845,M354|23688,M354|25182,M354|1186,C0041|24540,M354|20983,M354|20976,E;M354|7520,M354;C0416|24466,M354|24588,M354|19453,E|20979,E|4359,T4116| NAN MEI NIU NAI CAI NA Condurango Marsdenia condurango NA NA NA NA NA 3966,T5047|3964,E|3965,E|30804,T5047| HUANG SHAN NA China Douglas Fir Pseudotsuga sinensis NA NA NA NA NA 10480,E|21118,E| DUO CHI QIAN LI GUANG NA Manytoothed Groundsel* Senecio polyodon NA NA NA NA NA 11588,E|11589,T3644| YUE XI MU XIANG NA Denticulate Vladimiria Vladimiria denticulata NA NA root To rectify qi , relieve pain. Pain in stomach duct and rib-side, diarrhea, dysentery, indigestion. 30816,T6575|25951,T6575|4128,E|4890,E| JIAN MA NA Sisal Hemp-plant Agave sisalana NA NA leaf To cool blood and stanch bleeding, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Tuberculosis and hemoptysis, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, dysentery, welling abscess, hemorrhoids. 15454,E|15458,E;T4336|15459,T4336|31117,T4336|18881,T4336|7007,E;T4336|21372,T4336|3552,E|18878,E|9259,T4336|3558,T4336|2150,E|21367,E|17770,E|9252,E|17792,T4336|9191,E|9629,E|9192,T4336|19961,E|19962,T4336|8587,E| HUANG BAI HONG GU NA Pale Russula* Russula ochroleuca NA NA NA NA NA 21316,E| HEI DOU 黑豆 Black bean Semen Glycine Max Mild,Sweet Spleen,Kidney NA NA NA 24757,M331|23125,M331|24167,M331|24698,M331| BA XI ZONG ZAO NA Brazilian Brown Alga Dictyota pfaffii Dictyota pfaffii NA NA NA NA NA 5302,E|21708,E|163,E| CHANG YE AN LUO NA India Greenstar Polyalthia longifolia NA NA NA NA NA 12708,E|17605,E|12711,T3251| NUO DAO NA Sticky Rice Oryza sativa var. glutinosa NA NA kernel without shell To supplement center and boost qi, fortify spleen and check diarrhea, reduce urine, constrain sweat, resolve toxin. Diarrhea due to spleen-stamach vacuity cold, cholera with vomiting of sour matter, diabetes mellitus with profuse urination, spontaneous sweating, variola, hemorrhoids. 11035,T5123|11030,E| LIAN ZUO GE JUN NA Vase Thelephore Thelephora vialis NA NA sporocarp To dispel wind and dissipate cold, soothe sinews and quicken network vessels. Wind-damp impediment pain, hypertonicity of sinews and vessels. 13783,E|13784,E|13785,E|12593,E|31514,T4637|31513,T4637|31512,T4637| YUAN JI 原鸡 Gallus gallus (Linnaeus) NA NA NA NA NA NA 23125,C0500| GUI ZHU TANG JIE NA Treacle Erysimum Erysimum cheiranthoides NA NA whole herb To strengthen heart and disinhibit urine, harmonize stomach and disperse food. Cardiac failure, palpitation, edema, spleen-stomach disharmony, non-digestion of food accumulation. 7302,E|9334,E|9337,T3928|7321,T3928|7319,E;T3928|7295,E|7296,E|7297,T3928|3496,E|3497,E|3495,E|956,E;T3928|9335,E;T3928|25771,T3928|4037,T3928|4036,E|7320,E;T3928|25245,T3928|20381,E| JIN ZHEN CAI 金针菜 Flos Hemerocalis citrinae NA NA NA NA NA NA 3911,C0443| TU GUA LANG DU NA Proliferous Euphorbia* Euphorbia prolifera NA NA root To disinhibit urine, free stool, move qi, dissipate stasis, kill worms, resolve toxin. Edema, constipation, food accumulation, stomachache, knocks and falls, fracture, scab and lichen, sore toxin. 373,E|26102,T5847| DI FENG 地枫 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 12843,C0305| GUANG FANG FENG NA Indian Epimeredi Anisomeles indica [Syn. Epimeredi indica] NA NA whole herb To dispel wind-damp, disperse sore toxin. Common cold with fever, wind-damp impediment pain, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, eczema of skin, snake or insect bites. 16433,E|16151,E|6964,E|16269,E| ZHU JU NA Red Orange Citrus erythrosa NA NA fruit See Citrus tangemna . See Citrus tangemna . 4029,E|3241,E|31122,T6702|4030,T6702|11311,T6702|15646,E|15650,T6702|9668,E| JIA YE SHU NA Butchersbroom Ruscus aculeatus NA NA NA NA NA 19059,E|19062,T4321|19055,E|20203,E|25353,T4321| ZHI LI LUO HAN SONG NA Chile Podocarpus* Podocarpus andina NA NA NA NA NA 17572,E| FU HAI SHI 浮海石 Pumice Pumex NA NA NA 1. To clear lung-heat and eliminate phlegm. For cough of phlegm-heat type with yellow and thick sputum, or chronic cough of lung-heat type with bloody sputum. 2. To soften and disperse the lumps. For subcutaneous nodule and scrofula. 3. To promote diuresis and relieve stranguria. For stranguria caused by urinary stone. NA 24505,M937|23666,M937| JIAO GUO MU NA Common Ceriops Ceriops tagal [Syn. Rhizophora tagal] NA NA bark To resolve toxin, stanch bleeding, close sores. Bleeding due to external injury, ulcerating sores. 20591,E|20590,E|20586,E|20587,E|20584,E|20585,E|20588,E|20589,E| DUN YE DA JI XIANG JIANG NA Obtuseleaf Euphorbia Latex* Euphorbia obtusifoli NA NA NA NA NA 9395,E| MAO MAN TUO LUO HUA 毛曼陀罗花 Hairy Datura Flower Datura innoxia NA NA flower See Datura metel. See Datura metel. 21356,E|21361,T4872|2001,E;T4872|22154,T4872|10871,E|10874,T4872|22142,E;C0483| JI BEI NA Kapok Ceiba Ceiba pentandra NA NA NA NA NA 11449,E|10797,E|22342,E|11451,E|22343,E| PIE LAN NA Kohl-rabi Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes NA NA NA NA NA 8597,E|25427,T5197|8598,T5197|15392,E| DONG FANG WEI SI MU NA Oriental Vismia* Vismia orientalis NA NA NA NA NA 22535,E|6775,E|2346,E|8324,E| TIAN GUA PI 甜瓜皮 Pericarpium Cucumidis melinis NA NA NA NA NA NA 11770,C0144|4316,C0518| LA JIAO 辣椒 Bush Redpepper Capsicum frutescens Hot,Pungent Spleen,Stomach,Heart fruit See Capsicum annuum . See Capsicum annuum. 3141,E;M437;C0445|3142,E;T4563|3143,T4563|3144,E|3145,E;T4563|3146,T4563|23261,C0565|15689,T4563|20054,T4563|20050,E|20053,E;T4563|23112,C0296|23037,C0003|15731,E|30744,T4563|25272,T4563|5554,T4563|5552,E|20028,E|20040,E|20044,T4563|15693,E|31725,T4563|3209,E|4859,T4563|4857,E| RAN MAO QIAO RUI HUA NA Forskahl Coleus Coleus barbatus NA NA NA NA NA 2147,E| GAO SHAN TANG SONG CAO NA Alpine Meadowrue Thalictrum alpinum NA NA root and rhizome To clear heat and drain fire, resolve toxin. Headache and red eyes, diarrhea, dysentery, sores. 21237,T3834|21235,E|21254,T3834|15778,E|21253,E;T3834|21252,E|21243,E| HU BAO TAI NA Blasia* Blasia pusilla NA NA NA NA NA 18211,E| CAO BEN WEI LING XIAN 草本威灵仙 Veronicastrum sibiricum (L.) Pennell NA NA NA NA NA NA 23192,C0149| TANG LI NA Birchleaf Pear Pyrus betulaefolia NA NA fruit To constrain lung, astringe intestines, disperse food. Cough, diarrhea, dyse ntery, food accumulation. 15356,T5758|15355,E| YU SHAN HUGEN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 20046,T6524| TIAO JING CAO NA Evergreen Euonymus Euonymus japonicus NA NA root To quicken blood and regulate menstruation, dispel wind-damp. Menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, wind-damp impediment pain. 11752,T5808|11751,E|30978,T5808|6917,E|25799,T5808|12058,E|25570,T5808|7949,E|18352,E|18353,T5808| RU DU XIANG NA Turpentine Tree Pistacia terebinthus NA NA NA NA NA 25817,T5379|6501,E|13584,E|14971,E|10362,E| XIAO YE DU YING NA Small-leaf Elaeocarpus* Elaeocarpus parvifolius NA NA NA NA NA 14334,E|14335,E|14333,E|14339,E| SHAN YANG XUE 山羊血 Blood of sheep Sanguis Naemorhedi Minor Warm,Sweet,Salty Liver,Heart NA NA NA 24237,M623| TOU HUA LONG DAN NA Headflower Gentian Gentiana cephalantha NA NA root and rhizome See Gentiana scabra . See Gentiana scabra . 8303,E|20493,E| NIAN HAO NA Viscid Wormwood* Artemisia cana ssp. viscidula NA NA NA NA NA 22517,E|3591,E|11612,E|1796,E|32212,T5075| MENG SHI 礞石 Schist Lapis chloriti Mild,Salty Lung,Liver NA Treatment of cough and dyspnea due to retained phlegm, epilepsy, mania, restlessness with distress in the chest, convulsions. NA 23864,M163|23959,M163|24800,M163| TIAN SHAN ZHU ZI NA Dulcin Garcinia* Garcinia dulcis NA NA NA NA NA 8218,E|12057,E|6852,E|15941,E|8217,E|11524,E|4202,E|11561,E|6628,E|6629,E|6626,E|6627,E|6624,E|6625,E|6622,E|4200,E|6621,E|3475,E|14980,E|3029,E|12015,E|4220,E|8234,E|13081,E|6623,E|5925,E|10661,E|3850,E|2685,E|20134,E|13485,E|13486,E|8220,E|14961,E|21465,E|5275,E|4196,E|18659,E|10886,E|6630,E|6632,E|22744,E|8245,E|22593,E|2334,E|11511,E|5226,E|21752,E|22743,E|7990,E|1476,E|18740,E|22565,E|17574,E|10802,E| JIA ZE LAN NA Heartshape Mikania Mikania cordata NA NA NA NA NA 14842,E|14843,T4323| SHI SHUA BA NA Nude Fern Psilotum nudum NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and stanch bleeding. Wind-damp impediment pain, wind papules, amenorrhea, blood ejection, knocks and falls. 18072,T5597|18071,E|18070,E|1032,E|1033,E|1031,E| TU JING PI NA Chinese Golden Larch Pseudolarix amabilis NA NA root cortex and bark near root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, kill worms and relieve itch. Scab and lichen, eczema, neurodermatitis . 489,E|18035,E|18034,E|18017,E|18030,E|18033,E|18032,E|4769,E|4768,E|18019,E|18018,E|14695,E|14694,E|6103,E|18026,E|18027,E|18024,E|18025,E|18022,E|18023,E|18020,E|18021,E|18028,E|18029,E|18031,E| JIU XIANG CHONG 九香虫 Stink-bug Aspongopus Warm,Salty Spleen,Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of epigastric pain with distension due to cold in the stomach or due to stagnation of qi in the liver and stomach, impotence and aching of the loins and knees in deficiency syndromes of kidney. NA 25060,M417|23378,M417| ZHEN ZHU LU SHUI CAO NA Spiderweb Blueeargrass, Pearl Cyanotis* Cyanotis arachnoidea [Syn. Cyanotis bodinieri ] NA NA root To free network vessels and relieve pain, disinhibit damp and disperse swelling. Wind-damp impediment pain, pain in lumbus and legs, numbness in limbs, edema, eczema. 16280,E|811,E|16339,E| HU JI SHENG 槲寄生 Colored Mistletoe Viscum coloratum Mild,Bitter Liver,Kidney stem and branch-leaf To dispel wind-damp, supplement liver and kidney, strengthen sinews and bones, quiet fetus. Hypertension, cerebral and cardiovascular diseases, wind-damp impediment pain, limp aching lumbus and knees, stirring fetus in pregnancy. 9603,E|31617,T4091|9604,E|22522,E|31131,T4091|7279,E|18660,E|14411,E|16040,E|31618,T4091|22535,T4091|32213,T4091|22526,E|25117,M347|22524,E;T4091|22525,E;T4091|9704,E|22523,E;T4091|22520,E|22521,E| DA YE GUA TAI MU. NA NA Guatteria amplifolia NA NA NA NA NA 22802,E|15771,E| DAN YE DONG FENG JU NA Monoleaf Atalantia* Atalantia monophylla NA NA NA NA NA 1955,E|18258,E| CU HUA ZHANG YA CAI NA Fascicled Swertia* Swertia fasciculata NA NA NA NA NA 20494,E|20487,E|8303,E|20493,E| BI MAYE NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 12109,T3110|24952,T3110| YUAN HU 元胡 root of corydalis Rhizoma Corydalis Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Liver NA For stagnation of vital energy or blood stasis resulting in headache, chest pain, hypochondriac pain, epigastric pain, abdominal pain, backache, arthralgia, dysmenorrhea or trauma. Recently, alos used for angina pectoris, peptic ulcer and neuralgia. 1. Its components d-corydaline and d1-tetrahydropalmatine are analgesics.2. Decreasing the secretion of gastric juice and the amount of pepsin. 23558,M817|24048,M817| YA MAI JIA DU YU DOU NA Piscidia erythrina Piscidia erythrina NA NA NA NA NA 17467,E|17465,E|17468,E| BEI CE JIN ZHAN HUA NA Siberian Adonis Adonis sibirica NA NA NA NA NA 646,E| DOU YE LIU LI XIANG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15110,T3595|15113,T3595|13392,T3595| WU MAO WU GEN TENG NA Glabrous Cassytha* Cassytha glabella NA NA NA NA NA 3294,E|3295,T5959| CANG ER 苍耳 Siberian Cocklebur Xanthium sibiricum [Syn. Xanthium strumarium ] NA NA stem-leaf To dispel wind, dissipate heat, eliminate damp, resolve toxin. Allergic rhinitis, nervous headache, rheumatic arthritis, pain in limbs, sciatica, eczema, itchy skin, chronic sinus infections, otitis media, parotitis, common cold, head wind, dizziness, deep-source nasal congestion, red eyes, eye screen, wind-damp impediment pain, hypertonicity and numbness, wind lai, clove sore, scab and lichen, itchy skin, hemorrhoids, dysentery. 5415,T3184|22764,E|23887,T3184|5412,E|21536,E|32237,T3184|11587,E|20353,E|22742,T3184|22739,E|22741,E|22740,T3184|11588,T3184|9484,C0280| SHAN SHI LIU NA Malabar Randia, Sping Randia Randia spinosa NA NA fruit and root, leaf To dispel stasis and disperse swelling, resolve toxin, stanch bleeding. Stasis swelling from knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, skin scabies, toxin swelling. 18527,E| HONG GUI NA Formosan False Cypress Chamaecyparis formosensis NA NA NA NA NA 10299,E|5169,E|10656,E|14671,E|10300,E|4233,E|10574,E|4236,T4035|13639,E|10372,E|10371,E| MEI TE NI DU JUAN HUA NA Metternich Rhododendron* Rhododendron metternichii var. hondoese NA NA NA NA NA 1161,E;T4919| XIAO CAO WU NA Yunnan Larkspur Delphinium yunnanense NA NA tuberoid To dispel wind-damp, relieve pain, settle fright. Wind-cold-damp impediment, stomachache, epilepsy, infant fright wind, knocks and falls. 5003,E|7522,T6154|7520,E|5006,T6154| WU MAO FENG CHE ZI NA Glabrous Combretum* Combretum imberbe NA NA NA NA NA 10226,E|10227,E|9740,E|10993,E| SUI ZHUANG YUN XIANG NA Syrian Rue* Ruta chalepensis NA NA NA NA NA 11724,E|19071,E|25349,T5731|9314,T5731|9303,E| WO NIU 蜗牛 Snail Eulota Cold,Salty Bladder,Large Intestine,Stomach,Liver NA NA NA 24237,M720| BA JIAO HUI XIANG 八角茴香 Chinese Star Anise Fructus Anisi Stellati Warm,Pungent Spleen,Stomach,Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of abdominal colic, lumbago due to deficiency of the kidney, vomiting and eqigastric pain due to cold of the stomach. NA 25137,M10|24390,M10;T2944|1186,M10;C0041;T2944|24377,T2944|22370,T2944|22369,T2944|23098,M10;C0552;T2944|23116,C0502|6316,T2944|14217,T2944|30609,T2944|18248,T2944|7853,T2944|23032,C0561|23314,M10| CUI QUE YE DUAN GUAN CAO NA Delphinileaf Sopubia* Sopubia delphinifolia NA NA NA NA NA 17824,E|17820,E| SAN LIE YE GE NA Trilobedleaf Kudzuvine Pueraria phaseoloides NA NA tuberoid See Pueraria lobata. See Pueraria lobata . 18166,E|4605,E|4603,E| HUI HU TAO NA Butternut Juglans cinerea NA NA NA NA NA 3985,T4231|3983,E| XIAO HUA BA JIAO 小花八角 Illicium micranthum Dunn NA NA NA NA NA NA 23295,C0237|23284,C0201| JU DA MI ZI LAN NA Grand Aglaia* Aglaia grandis NA NA NA NA NA 8973,E|8974,E|8975,E|5755,E| CAI BAN YANG TI JIA NA Variegate Bauhinia* Bauhinia variegata NA NA root To fortify spleen and eliminate damp, stanch bleeding. Indigestion, acute gastroenteritis, hepatitis, cough and hemoptysis, pain in joints, knocks and falls. 5590,E|6262,E| HONG E JI XUE TENG NA Redcalyx Millettia* Millettia erythrocalyx NA NA NA NA NA 14850,E|14847,E|14354,E|14849,E|14356,E|5220,E|14369,E|14848,E|16263,E|13927,E|6241,E|3334,E|17693,E|17699,E| CU YING MAO TUN CAO NA Hispid Ragweed* Ambrosia hispida NA NA NA NA NA 9563,E| QIAO HUANG TAN NA Spruce Rosewood* Dalbergia spruceana NA NA NA NA NA 2224,E|24166,T5258| XIANG SI TENG 相思藤 Coralhead Plant Vine Abrus precatorius NA NA stem-leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit urine. Common cold, swelling pain in throat, lung heat cough, mammary welling abscess, sore and boil, hepatitis. 11,E|24,E|26,E|27,E|33,E|32,E|18561,E|30,E;T6135|18567,E|26080,T6135|35,E|34,E|23251,C0267|24578,T6135| JI LI GEN NA Puncturevine Caltrap Root Tribulus terrestris NA NA root To secure teeth. Toothache. 19055,E|8456,E|3552,E|9235,E| LU SHAN SHI WEI NA Shearer’s Pyrrosia Frond Pyrrosia sheareri NA NA leaf See Pyrrosia lingua. See Pyrrosia lingua. 20430,E|7282,E|31848,T4722|2887,E|3551,E|31358,T4722|9641,T4722|20435,T4722|13474,E|23381,T4722|29509,T4722|11521,E|7995,E|7996,T4722|19967,E|5762,E|9640,E|3552,T4722| DENG XIN CAO 灯心草 Common Rush Juncus effusus Minor cold,Sweet,Neutral Lung,Small Intestine,Heart whole herb To disinhibit water and free strangury, clear heart and downbear fire. Strangury, edema, inhibited urination, damp-heat jaundice, insomnia and vexation, infant night crying, throat impediment, mouth sore, wound. 13917,E|25066,M206|11955,E|13765,E|11957,E|11956,E|23844,M206|14914,E|14915,T3521|9499,E|13766,T3521|9892,E|9893,E|21596,E|15805,E|13921,T3521|10101,E|10100,E|25103,M206|24307,M206| LIU SHAN NA Chinese Cedar Cryptomeria fortunei NA NA root cortex or bark To resolve toxin, kill worms, relieve itch. Lichen sore, goose-foot wind, scalds. 4280,E|19223,T4679|4286,E;T4679|4287,T4679|4284,E;T4679|4285,E;T4679|4288,E|4291,T4679|7516,T4679|7513,E|19222,E|12186,T4679|12172,E|9542,E|31111,T4679|12181,E|31398,T4679| PAI QIAN CAO GEN NA Beautiful Phyllodium Root Desmodium pulchellum [Syn. Phyllodium pulchellum] NA NA root To transform stasis and disperse concretion, clear heat and disinhibit water. Concretion and conglomeration, pain in rib-side, jaundice, ascites, damp-heat impediment, amenorrhea, menstrual disorder, welling abscess and flat abscess with clove sore, knocks and falls. 1110,E|23232,T5172| KANG PI DU MAO XUAN HUA NA Kombe Strophanthus* Strophanthus kombe NA NA NA NA NA 9335,E|9334,E|7319,E|20381,E|16930,E|20389,E|4549,T4489|4548,E|31774,T4489|7320,T4489|20390,T4489|4547,T4489|4546,E| SHUANG CHA ZAO NA Brown Alga Bifurcaria bifurcata Bifurcaria bifurcata NA NA NA NA NA 10141,E|10143,E|10142,E|7085,E|10144,E|4919,E|10145,E|16724,E|10757,E| HAN QIN 旱芹 Wildcelery Apium graveolens NA NA herb To calm liver, clear heat, dispel wind, disinhibit water, stanch bleeding, resolve toxin, lower blood pressure. Hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, headache and dizziness, red face and eyes, blood strangury, swollen welling abscess. 30756,T3967|23294,C0207|30755,T3967|3611,T3967|25449,T3967|8989,E|17010,T3967|17007,E|3856,T3967|3382,E|3383,T3967|3380,E|3381,E|1502,E;T3967|3855,E|8826,E|23112,C0296|19769,E|3604,E|21958,E|13432,E|13433,T3967|32145,T3967|9020,E|16871,E|15196,E|3379,E|3378,E|3377,E|3376,E|3375,E|3374,E|3373,E|3372,E|19770,T3967|1476,C0378|30457,T3967|2791,E|8990,T3967|25627,T3967| LI DE LI FAN LONG YAN NA Ridley Pometia* Pometia ridleyi NA NA NA NA NA 17679,E|17678,E|17680,E|17676,E|17677,E|17675,E| A NUO TI HUA JIAO NA Arnotti Pricklyash* Zanthoxylum arnottianum NA NA NA NA NA 1833,E;T2877|13564,E|31499,T2877|5457,T2877|5444,E| HE YE 荷叶 Hindu Lotus Leaf Nelumbo nucifera Mild,Bitter Spleen,Stomach,Liver leaf To clear heat and resolve summerheat, upbear yang , cool blood and stanch bleeding. Summerheat-heat vexation and thirst, summerheat-damp diarrhea, spleen vacuity diarrhea, blood heat, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, flooding and spotting. 1348,E;C0551;T3994|12909,E|18884,T3994|14241,T3994|15704,E|18881,E|23264,M326;C0158|14240,E|11488,C0147|1738,E;T3994|31845,T3994|31730,T3994|25697,T3994|8599,E|12792,M326|12911,E|15847,E;M326|25438,T3994|10886,E|14144,T3994|15655,E|14141,E|15773,T3994|15772,E|15313,M326|15317,E|11639,E|17895,E| DA XING QIN NA Astrantia Astrantia major NA NA NA NA NA 31751,T3452|23101,C0577|12415,E|16040,E|18911,T3452| SI GUA LUO 丝瓜络 Luffa Vegetable Sponge Retinervus Luffae Fructus NA NA NA Treatment of arthralgia with muscular contracture, distension and pain in the chest and costal regions, galactostasis. NA 4316,M1045| PU ER CHA 普洱茶 Assam Tea Camellia sinensis var. assamica NA NA leaf To engender liquid and allay thirst, expel phlegm and precipitate qi. Sand qi abdominal pain, cholera, dysentery. 22045,E|1235,E;T5211|1236,E;T5211|1237,E;T5211|32162,T5211|15271,E|1920,E|15274,T5211|5242,E|1919,E|1918,E|22047,E;T5211|22046,E;T5211|17870,E|7831,E|2892,C0420|1915,E|1917,E|1916,E| ZHI HUANG QI 炙黄芪 Prepared Manyinflorescenced Sweetvetch Root Radix Astragali seu Hedysari Praeparata Minor Warm,Sweet Lung,Spleen NA Treatment of deficiency of qi with lack of strength, anorexia and stools, sinking of the spleen qi manifested by chronic diarrhea, prolapse of the rectum, hematochezi and abnormal uterine bleeding, spontaneous sweating due to weakened superficial resistance, edema due to deficiency of qi, abscess difficult to burst or heal, anemia, diabetes caused by internal heat, albuminuria in chronic nephritis, diabetes mellitus.Radix Astragali (processed with honey) Deficiency of qi with lack of strength, anorexia and loose stools. 1. Increasing the amount of leukocytes and polymorphoctyes in peripheral blood and promoting lymphocyte-blastogenesis. 2. Its polysaccharide promotes the healing of skin ulcer. 3. Cardiotonic. 4. Dilating coronary artery and capillaries. 23051,M854|23097,M854| JIAO XI XIAN NA Gummy St Paulswort* Siegesbeckia gummifer NA NA NA NA NA 25899,T4370|5929,E| LU RUI WU TOU NA Nakedstamen Monkshood Aconitum gymnandrum NA NA root, leaf and flower To dispel wind-damp, warm center and dissipate cold, kill worms and relieve pain. Rheumatism numbness, pain in joints, leprosy, stomachache, common cold, influenza, intestinal parasitic disease. 14470,E|9102,E|31628,T4721|25610,T4721| MU ZEI MA HUANG NA Mongolian Ephedra Ephedra equisetina NA NA herbaceous twigs See Ephedra sinica. See Ephedra sinica. 14388,E|3634,T5032|6815,E|6814,E|15780,E|16274,E|18011,T5032|18010,E|30819,T5032|5762,E|31848,T5032|30783,T5032|3766,E|14693,E|3767,T5032|3695,E|15782,T5032|14390,T5032|25808,T5032|25807,T5032|14621,E|15737,T5032|15736,E|14697,T5032|3633,E|13412,E|13414,T5032|16283,T5032|4135,E|31156,T5032|9817,E| BA DOU 巴豆 Pu rging Croton Croton tiglium Hot,Pungent Large Intestine,Stomach dried seed To drain precipitation and cold accumulation, expel water and disperse swelling, dispel phlegm and disinhibit throat, Colombia Croton*, Almizclillo. Isolated compounds: 4892, 5 793, consume sore and kill worms. Distention fullness and sudden pain in chest and a bdomen, fecal stoppage, diarrhea and dysentery, edema and enlarged abdomen, phlegm-rheum asthma fullness, throat wind, throat impediment, concretion and conglomeration, welling abscess and flat abscess, malign sore and scab lichen. 21355,E|21356,T2939|24545,M7|21365,E|24809,M7|17167,E;M7|17168,E|17169,E|19967,E|12888,T2939|17179,E|17178,E|12564,E|14194,E|482,E|29509,T2939|11445,E|24133,M7|24771,M7|24631,M7|20265,T2939|31798,T2939|4271,E;M7|4270,E|4275,T2939|12887,E|9488,T2939|30829,T2939|17175,E|17174,E|17177,E|17176,E|17171,E|17170,E|17173,E|17172,E|485,E|484,E|483,E|1598,E|9485,E|21366,E|15195,E|4838,E|15196,T2939|24151,M7|23920,M7|21027,T2939|23928,M7|25083,T2939|20264,E|31420,T2939|17180,E;T2939|17181,E|17156,T2939| JIA MA BIAN NA Jamaica Falsevalerian Stachytarpheta jamaicensis NA NA whole herb and root To clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Heat strangury, stone strangury, white turbidity, leukorrhea, wind-damp bone pain, acute conjunctivitis, pharyngolaryngitis, gingivitis, cholecystitis, welling abscess and boil, hemorrhoids, painful swelling from knocks and falls. 3552,T4309|3551,E|22028,E| HAN LIAN HUA 旱莲花 Common Nasturtium Tropaeolum majus NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin. Sore toxin, red eyes with gall, malign sore. 7290,E|30745,T3965|2298,E;T3965|8759,E;C0167|25190,T3965|7291,T3965|31784,T3965|2294,E|1358,E;T3965|17088,E|23303,T3965|3211,E| FU CHUI FE LAO JU NA Tarbush Flourensia cernua NA NA NA NA NA 6796,E|21022,E|9479,E|21526,E|16811,E|4917,E|15926,E|9563,E|9370,E|15657,E|14631,E|7837,E| MIAN MAO XIE HAO NA Woolly Seseli* Seseli ericephalum NA NA NA NA NA 18166,T4976|18151,E| XIN XING SHEN YE YE TAI. NA NA Jungermannia exsertifolia ssp. cordifolia NA NA NA NA NA 3167,E|3177,E|3168,E| BAI FAN SHU 白饭树 Securinega virosa (Roxb. ex Willd.) Baill. NA NA NA NA NA NA 23169,C0063| CU YE MAI HU JIAO NA Grossnerve Pepper* Piper crassinervium NA NA NA NA NA 15271,E|6040,E|19157,E|5858,E|5859,E| DONG DU HUI NA Religious Anisetree* Illicium religiosum NA NA NA NA NA 19790,E|19106,E| YUN NAN HONG JING TIAN NA Yunnan Rhodiola Rhodiola yunnanesis NA NA whole herb with root To supplement lung and boost kidney, clear heat and relieve cough, dissipate stasis and stanch bleeding. Vacuity taxation with cough, kidney vacuity lumbar pain, pain in throat, painful swelling from knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury. 18777,E| DA MU JIANG ZI NA Grand Litse* Litsea grandis NA NA NA NA NA 8978,E| HE HUAN HUA 合欢花 Albizia Flower Flos Albiziae NA NA NA Treatment of anxiety, depression and insomnia. NA 23110,M960|18396,M960|23975,M960| HUANG GUA TENG 黄瓜藤 Caulis Cucumidis sativi NA NA NA NA NA NA 4316,C0518| GU SUI BU 骨碎补 Fortune’s Drynaria Rhizome Equivalent plant: Pseudodrynaria coronans Drynaria fortunei Warm,Bitter Liver,Kidney rhizome To supplement kidney and strengthen bones, soothe sinews and relieve pain. Kidney vacuity lumbago, tinnitus and deafness, tooth mobilizing, wrenching and contusion from knocks and falls, sinew and bone wound, alopecia areata, white patch wind. 23452,M282|23887,T3872|3041,T3872|9457,M282;C0338|9638,E|15271,M282;C0411|20353,E|15279,T3872|15278,E|3040,E|19967,E|29509,T3872| XIA YE XIANG PU NA Narrowleaf Cattail Pollen Typha angustifolia NA NA pollen See Typha angustata . See Typha angustata . 18724,E|16880,E|31685,T6079|22138,E|32159,T6079|22827,E|14621,T6079|16809,E|25574,T6079|12017,E|19982,E|29509,T6079|19984,T6079|11645,E|11647,T6079|22027,E|14620,E|18302,E|32169,T6079|32244,T6079|15271,E|15274,T6079|18363,E|31878,T6079|14604,T6079|19967,E|14603,E|25363,T6079|31910,T6079|14761,E| TAI PAN FEN 胎盘粉 Fetus Powder Pulvis Embryo Warm,Sweet,Salty Lung,Heart,Kidney NA NA NA 24237,M681| MAIN MA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7799,T4971|7809,T4971|1897,T4971|30899,T4971| YUN TAI 芸薹 Caulis et Folium Brassicae campestris NA NA NA NA NA NA 8589,T6591|2596,T6591|13857,T6591|2598,T6591|23288,C0508|3041,T6591|25427,T6591|18397,T6591| SHAN XING REN 山杏仁 Ansu Apricot Seed Prunus armeniaca var. ansu NA NA bitter seed See Prunus armeniaca. See Prunus armeniaca. 31446,T5508|9519,T5508|20983,T5508|25205,T5508|9511,E;C0115|9513,T5508|12843,E|1102,E;T5508|20982,E|9518,E|20979,E| YE HUA JIAO PI NA Flatspine Pricklyash Bark Zanthoxylum simulans NA NA root cortex or stem cortex To dispel wind and eliminate damp, dissipate cold and relieve pain, resolve toxin. Wind-cold-damp impediment, sinew and bone numbness, cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea, toothache, skin sores, poisonous snake bites. 16432,E|18815,E|9655,E| OU MIAN MA 欧绵马 Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott NA NA NA NA NA NA 21024,C0105| HUANG YAO ZI 黄药子 Airpotato Yam Dioscorea bulbifera Cold,Bitter Stomach,Liver tuber To dissipate binds and disperse goiter, clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and stanch bleeding. Goiter and tuberculosis, throat impediment, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, poisonous snake bite, carcinoma, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hemoptysis, pertussis, lung heat cough. 6436,T4212|6435,E;T4212|6434,E;T4212|6433,E|24678,M373|17862,E|10773,E| BAN YUAN NA Mudpuppy Necturus maculosus NA NA NA NA NA 19212,T3056|19208,E| SAN LENG YE JIN SI TAO NA Triangular-leaf StJohn’swort* Hypericum triquetrifolium NA NA NA NA NA 18015,T5416|18014,E| MU LAN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 24157,T5017|11016,T5017|25950,T5017|11023,T5017| OU ZHOU QI MU 欧洲桤木 European Alder Alnus glutinosa NA NA NA NA NA 30757,T5159|3388,E;C0199| KUAN YE SHAN YUE GUI NA Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia NA NA NA NA NA 17156,E| HUANG HUA WU TOU NA Korean Monkshood Aconitum coreanum NA NA tuberoid To dispel wind and transform phlegm, settle fright epilepsy, dissipate cold and relieve pain. Wind stroke with congesting phlegm, deviated eyes and mouth, epilepsy, migraine, headache, wind-phlegm dizziness,tetanus, infant fright wind, wind-damp impediment pain, sores scab and lichen, damp itchy skin. 10874,E|9049,E|9048,E|9050,E|9051,E|10876,T4169|9047,E|9046,E|9045,E|9044,E| XIAO HUA HUANG JIN NA Racemose Corydalis Corydalis racemosa NA NA whole herb or root To clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin and kill worms. Damp-heat diarrhea, dysentery, jaundice, red eyes with gall, otitis media, sore toxin, scab and lichen, poisonous snake bite. 32026,T6165|21061,E| PIAO FU CAO NA Dichotomous Fimbristylis Fimbristylis dichotoma NA NA whole herb To disinhibit urine, clear heat and resolve toxin. Inhibited urination, damp-heat edema, strangury, infant fetal toxin. 32024,T5196|21047,E|30115,T5196|5578,E| MAN JING YE 蔓荆叶 Threeleaf Chastetree Leaf Equivalent plant: DAN YE MAN JING YE Vitex trifolia NA NA leaf To disperse swelling and relieve pain. Head wind, knocks and falls. 24585,M503|3045,M503|20983,E|20988,T4826| BAI MU XIANG NA Chinese Eaglewood Aquilaria sinensis NA NA resinous wood See Aquilaria agallocha. See Aquilaria agallocha . 31563,T3009|704,E|25287,T3009|706,E;T3009|31786,T3009|10439,E|10438,E|5660,T3009|11243,T3009|14051,E|6083,E|6081,E|13993,E|13992,E|13994,T3009|31572,T3009|6282,E|11242,E|30644,T3009|31257,T3009|31227,T3009|2111,E;T3009|2112,E|2113,E|2114,E|13845,E|13846,T3009|4880,E|30645,T3009|4883,T3009|30643,T3009|5995,E|19908,E|19909,E;T3009|5659,E|25929,T3009|6097,T3009|10209,E|1284,E|17099,E|3566,E|25852,T3009|25850,T3009|5996,T3009|10615,E|11866,E|30609,T3009|6257,E|30102,T3009| TAI ZI SHEN 太子参 Heterophylly Falsestarwort Root Radix Pseudostellariae Mild,Sweet,Slightly Bitter Lung,Spleen NA Treatment of hypofunction of the spleen with lassitude and anorexia, debility and deficiency of qi and yin marked by spontaneous sweating and thirst during convalescence dry cough due to dryness of the lung. NA 24757,M682|23532,M682|25023,M682|31698,T5754|4679,M682|25040,M682|13447,M682|1526,T5754|23328,M682|24542,M682|16549,M682|23110,M682|20430,M682|23175,M682|19967,M682|24469,M682|7970,M682|23984,M682| CHAN GAO MU JIANG ZI NA Gluey Litse Litsea glutinosa NA NA bark and leaf To draw out toxin and engender flesh, stanch bleeding, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Swollen welling abscess, sore and boil, knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury. 2538,E;T3221| PI ZHEN YE HUANG ROU NAN NA Lanceleaf Ac tinodaphne* Actinodaphne lancifolia NA NA NA NA NA 586,E|587,E| MEI ZHOU YU NA American Elm Ulmus americana NA NA NA NA NA 23248,T4935|3317,E| DING XIANG SHU PI 丁香树皮 Cortex Syzygii aromatici NA NA NA NA NA NA 11418,C0417|3488,C0198|7520,C0416|12017,C0453| SHOU LIAN LIANG YI MU NA Cuachalalate (local name) Amphipterygium adstringens NA NA NA NA NA 19967,E|10363,E|6979,E| BEI CANG ZHU NA Chinese Atractylodes Atractylodes chinensis NA NA rhizome See Atractylodes lancea . See Atractylodes lancea . 11761,E|7494,E|1969,E;T3076|30179,T3076|25306,T3076|1966,E|31110,T3076|1971,E|2452,E|6745,E|7516,T3076|6746,T3076|7513,E|327,E;T3076|12841,E|19672,E|11760,E|1970,E;T3076|10492,E|9541,E| FA GUO QIANG WEI NA French Rose Rosa gallica NA NA NA NA NA 8311,E|8312,T3700| NAN DA JI NA Jolkin Euphorbia Euphorbia jolkini NA NA NA NA NA 31624,T5036|11889,E|11890,E|14447,E| TANG QI NA Sugar Maple Acer saccharum NA NA NA NA NA 20435,T5759|20430,E| TING LI ZI 葶苈子 Pepperweed Seed Equivalent plant: Descurainia sophia, Lepidium virginicum Lepidium apetalum [Syn. Lepidium micranthum ] Extreme Cold,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Bladder seed To drain lung and calm asthma, move water and disperse swelling. Phlegm-drool and congesting lung, cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, distention fullness in chest and rib-side, edema in chest and abdomen, inhibited urination. 19894,T5823|9334,M703|19893,E|25190,T5823|2294,E| SHI Z HU NA Chinese Pink Dianthus chinensis NA NA aerial parts See Dianthus superbus. See Dianthus superbus. 2068,E|7520,E|2297,E|5370,E| SAN SE BAI ZHUANG GU NA Tricolor Leucopaxillus* Leucopaxillus tricolor NA NA NA NA NA 21575,E|21576,E| HE AN FU LAO JU NA Riparian Tarbush* Flourensia riparia NA NA NA NA NA 10049,E|19739,E| SAN YE DIAO ZHANG NA Threeleaf Spicebush* Lindera triloba NA NA NA NA NA 19831,T5433|19822,E| ZHONG GUO BAN JIU JU NA Chinese Bitterleaf* Vernonia chinense NA NA NA NA NA 22391,E|22392,T6679| BO SHI WU TAN NA pobequini Fatheadtree* Nauclea pobequinii NA NA NA NA NA 15304,E|15300,E| OU ZHOU SHAN JIE NA Upland Cress Barbarea vulgaris NA NA NA NA NA 8598,E| HUANG HUA HAO 黄花蒿 Sweet Wormwood Equivalent plant: Artemisia apiacea Artemisia annua NA NA whole herb To clear heat, resolve summerheat, eliminate steam, interrupt malaria. Summerheat-heat, summerheat-damp, damp warmth, yin vacuity fever, malaria, jaundice. 30750,T4164|30751,T4164|30782,T4164|1782,E;T4164|1783,E;T4164|1784,E|1785,E;T4164|1786,E|21080,E|3048,E|12837,E|10108,E|7950,E|10107,E|3045,E|30835,T4164|4029,E|5586,E|11262,T4164|31464,T4164|4140,E|7054,E|14140,E|14141,T4164|29509,T4164|10749,E|23113,C0142|19172,E|7751,T4164|7750,E|16286,E|16287,E|1799,E;T4164|30820,T4164|2851,E|1792,E;T4164|2853,E|2852,E|1797,E|1795,E;T4164|1794,E|6150,E|4030,T4164|18361,E|18363,T4164|5754,E|32030,T4164|31182,T4164|28530,T4164|7957,T4164|4877,E|21081,E;T4164|3242,E|3241,E|15696,E|21583,T4164|19300,T4164|7729,E|17362,E|17363,E|6253,T4164|25953,T4164|17240,E|25366,T4164|16790,T4164|18664,E|31277,T4164|18667,E;T4164|15749,E|5605,E|17705,E|20353,E|6145,E|6149,T4164|32136,T4164|3300,E|21582,E|19072,E|24378,T4164|19075,T4164|12017,E|31907,T4164|16789,E|7064,T4164|23173,T4164|20988,T4164|3747,T4164|19173,T4164|1653,E;T4164|3046,T4164|20983,E|7735,T4164|7734,E|9725,E|25535,T4164|31555,T4164|1334,E|3744,T4164|3745,E|3742,T4164|3743,E|3741,E|15138,E|23257,C0382;T4164|1935,E|31877,T4164|31878,T4164|12843,E|16715,E|16713,E|12844,E|4353,E|2044,E;T4164|2273,E;T4164|18294,T4164|2570,E|13130,E|31874,T4164|18274,E|13975,E|30704,T4164|1341,E|336,E;T4164|1345,E|2295,E;T4164|16442,E|21334,T4164|21333,E|18293,E|31884,T4164|11223,E|28252,T4164|19967,E|2560,E;T4164|19299,E|24693,T4164|5786,E|23545,T4164|19525,E|12845,T4164|11425,E|24926,T4164|11426,T4164|3602,E|19530,E;T4164|23887,T4164|18046,E|3604,T4164|18048,T4164|31766,T4164|18283,T4164|25550,T4164|15659,T4164|15656,E|20641,E|10016,E|16838,E|6744,T4164|3689,E|10090,E|31812,T4164|1801,E|28170,T4164|7068,E|25205,T4164|11639,E|27860,T4164|31444,T4164|31446,T4164|15146,T4164|15700,E|15701,E|19526,T4164|19527,E|30326,T4164|30325,T4164|6890,E|6892,T4164|6741,E|6740,E|25565,T4164|25013,T4164|25569,T4164|3236,T4164|3234,E|3235,E;T4164|30956,T4164|872,E|30723,T4164|3674,E|2850,E|3301,T4164|11645,E|11647,T4164|10260,E|10261,E|18302,E|30742,T4164|19551,T4164|23056,C0383|3624,E|25574,T4164|7107,E|7108,E|25367,T4164|16441,E|11311,T4164|25872,T4164|7588,T4164|11258,E|1800,E;T4164|11256,E|11257,E;T4164|7587,E|7582,E|7583,T4164|13277,E|3195,E|20974,E|20973,E|13278,T4164|7503,E|6235,E|20979,E| JIA ZHOU LI LU NA Californian Falsehellebore* Veratrum californicum NA NA NA NA NA 4523,T4324|4521,E| AI SI XING CI TONG NA S-shape Coralbean* Erythrina sigmoidea NA NA NA NA NA 19869,E|19868,E|19872,E|19871,E| XIAO GAN NA Falcate Micromelum Micromelum falcatum NA NA root or leaf To quicken blood and move qi, dissipate stasis and relieve pain . Chest impediment, painful swelling from knocks and falls, fracture, sprain, wind-damp impediment pain, throat pain, poisonous snake bites. 17810,E|22921,E|5708,E|5709,E|5710,E| HUA XIANG HU YE NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11900,C0300| CHI SONG 赤松 Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc NA NA NA NA NA NA 23289,C0374|3048,C0377|23279,C0236|23256,C0557|23157,C0373| HUA XI BEI MU NA Huaxi Fritillary Fritillaria siechuanica NA NA NA NA NA 16765,T4132|16764,E| MA LIN ZI NA Chinese Iris Equivalent plant: Iris halophila Iris lactea var. chinensis [Syn. Iris pallasii var. chinensis] NA NA seed To clear heat and dispel damp, resolve toxin and kill worms, stanch bleeding and settle pain. Jaundice, strangury-turbidity, inhibited urination [=dysuria], intestinal welling abscess, worm accumulation, malaria, wind-damp pain, throat impediment, toothache, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, flooding and spotting [=metrorrhagia and metrostaxis], swelling of sores, scrofula, mounting qi [=hernia], hemorrhoids, scalds, snake bite. 16532,E|16533,E|11176,E| BAO JING TIAN JIE CAI NA Clasping Heliotrope Heliotropium amplexicaule NA NA NA NA NA 11017,E|31308,T3066| ZI ZHU 紫珠 leaf of taiwan beautyberry Folium Callicarpae Nudiflorae NA NA NA For various kinds of hemorrhage such as hematemesis and hemoptysis. Topical application of powder is effective for external bleeding after trauma. For skin infection, hemorrhoids, skin erosion, burn, the decoction may be used externally. 1. Shortening the blood clotting time and promoting vasoconstriction. 2. Its decoction reduces the exudation on the surface of burn and promotes the healing of ulcer. 3. Inhibiting the growth of various pathogenic bacteria. 2979,M1097|24632,M1097| GOU JU CI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15626,C0582|9457,C0338| CU YE RONG NA Hispid Fig Ficus simplicissima NA NA root To fortify spleen and supplement lung, move qi and disinhibit damp, soothe sinews and quicken network vessels. Spleen vacuity edema, reduced food intake with fatigue, tuberculosis with cough, vaginal discharge, night sweating, postpartum scant milk, wind-damp impediment pain, edema, cirrhosis with ascites, hepatitis, knocks and falls. 18072,E|30820,T3390|4140,E| KU DOU ZI 苦豆子 Foxtail-like Sophora Sophora alopecuroides NA NA whole herb and seed To clear heat and dry damp, kill worms and relieve pain. Dysentery, stomachache, excessive leukorrhea, eczema, sore and boil, intractable lichen. 16463,E|20061,E;C0053|20063,T4510|4593,E|983,E;T4510|16467,T4510|20084,E;C0055|13599,E;C0333|20079,T4510|15518,E|13600,T4510|23165,T4510|20078,E|26052,T4510|16440,E|25388,T4510| ZI ZHI NA Japanese Ganoderma Ganoderma japonicum [Syn. Ganoderma sinense] NA NA dried sporocarp See Ganoderma lucidum. See Ganoderma lucidum. 7251,T6779|8752,E|7249,E|31043,T6779|7996,T6779|7995,E| XUE SONG NA Deodar Cedar Cedrus deodara NA NA leaf and wood To clear heat and disinhibit damp, stanch bleeding and dissipate stasis. Dysentery, intestinal wind bleeding, edema, wind-damp impediment pain, leprosy. 25186,T6264|3394,E|3400,T6264|20971,E|932,E|11312,E|9540,E|9541,T6264| DU JUAN HUA YE NA Indian Azalea Leaf Rhododendron simsii NA NA leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, stanch bleeding. Swollen welling abscess and clove sores, bleeding due to external injury, urticaria. 6176,E|13603,E|1161,E|1512,E| HONG HUA CAI DOU NA Runner Bean Phaseolus multiflorus NA NA NA NA NA 17031,E|15699,E|31721,T4041| DUO HUA CAI DOU NA Scarlet Runner Bean Phaseolus coccineus NA NA NA NA NA 13432,E|13433,T3646| BAO JING ZHANG YA CAI NA Amplexicaul Swertia Swertia franchetiana NA NA NA NA NA 19685,E|19684,E|8757,E|8303,E|20493,E| YUAN WEI NA Roof Iris Iris tectorum NA NA leaf or whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel wind and disinhibit damp, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Swelling pain in throat, hepatitis, liver enlargement, cystitis, wind-damp pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls, sore and boil, itchy skin. 11147,E|20885,E;T6553|20884,E|11151,E|6768,E|11179,E;T6553|11178,E|31320,T6553|6771,T6553|11148,E;T6553|14137,E|20889,T6553|31321,T6553|20888,E;T6553| YI YE BAI JIANG NA Diversifolious Patrinia Equivalent plant: Patrinia scabra Patrinia heterophylla NA NA root To constrain sweat and dry damp, dispel stasis and disperse swelling. Warm malaria, flooding, red and white vaginal discharge, knocks and falls. 15696,E| SU HUA DANG SHEN NA Moderate Asiabell Codonopsis pilosula var. modesta [Syn. Codonopsis modesta ] NA NA root See Codonopsis pilosula. See Codonopsis pilosula. 31782,T5707|20697,E|20695,E|8817,T5707|8816,E|20353,E|17079,E|7950,E|13816,E|13817,T5707|16955,E| MAO CAO LONG NA Water Seedbox* Ludwigia octovalvis NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Common cold with fever, child gan fever, swelling pain in throat, mough and tongue sores, hypertension, edema, damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, strangury with pain, white turbidity, vaginal discharge, mammary welling abscess, swelling toxin of clove sore, hemorrhoids, burns and scalds, poisonous snake bites. 4166,E|4165,E|4164,E|16040,E|16832,E|22254,E| LIN SHI CAN NA Wood Sage Teucrium scorodonia NA NA NA NA NA 12415,E|18911,T4664| MA SANG YE 马桑叶 Chinese Coriaria Leaf Coriaria sinica [Syn. Coriaria nepalensis] NA NA leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling and relieve pain, kill worms. Welling abscess and flat abscess, toxin swelling, scab and lai, yellow-water sore, scalds. 4057,E|8094,E|4053,T4807|4051,E|30995,T4807|4058,T4807|22129,E;C0032|22130,T4807| DAN MU NA Medicinal Fatheadtree Nauclea officinalis NA NA Branch and bark To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Acute tonsillitis, pharyngolaryngitis, mastitis, enteritis, bacilla ry dysentery, urinary tract infection, cholecystitis, ulcer of lower limb, infection due to foot lichen, swollen boil with pus and ulcer, dermatitis, eczema. 22477,E|25439,T3495|24892,T3495|15298,E|15299,E|15296,E;T3495|15294,E|15295,E|15290,E|15291,E;T3495| DUAN YE PENG QI JU. NA NA Zexmenia brevifolia NA NA NA NA NA 22971,E| SHENG DI HUANG 生地黄 Fresh rehmannia root Radix Rehmanniae Cold,Sweet,Bitter Liver,Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of exogenous heat invading at the nutritive and blood levels manifested as dry mouth and deep red tongue proper with scanty coating. Fresh rehmannia root (Shengdihuang) is used with Scrophularia (Xuanshen), Rhinoceros horn (Xijiao) and Ophiopogon root 1. Its decoction exerts a protective effect on experimental hepatitis of mice induced by carbon tetrachloride.2. Gastric feeding or injection of its decoction, water infusion or alcoholic extract can lower the blood sugar level in rabbits (this result is controversial in the recent years).3. Intravenous injection of its extract exerts a hypertensive and diuretic effect in rabbits and dogs.4. Its alcoholic extract shortens the blood coagulation time in rabbits.5. Its water infusion inhibits the growth of some pathogenic fungi. 23064,M638|24979,M638|24978,M638|18577,M638|25054,M638|23042,M638;C0511|8789,M638|18574,M638|18575,M638|18576,M638|24527,M638|3306,M638|3040,M638|24980,M638|24423,M638| KE SHI MEI DENG MU NA Krukov Mayten* Maytenus krukovii NA NA NA NA NA 15780,E|3328,T4497|3327,E;T4497| KAI ZHAN XIANG CHA CAI NA Spreading Rabdosia* Isodon effusa NA NA NA NA NA 6709,E|6714,E|6712,E|6713,E|6710,E|6711,E| PING HUA SANG NA Smooth Mulberry* Morus laevigata NA NA NA NA NA 13078,E| BEI MEI YA BAI NA Eastern Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis NA NA NA NA NA 5542,E|21334,E|1373,E|1372,E|15404,E|1395,E|1394,E|7751,T3092|7750,E|21335,T3092| MU JING LI 牡荆 Hempleaf Negundo Chastetree NA NA NA NA NA NA 2003,C0542| RI BEN AN XI XIANG JING PI NA Japanese Snowbell Stem-bark Styrax japonica NA NA NA NA NA 20553,E|5583,E|13588,E|20695,E|10664,E|20413,E|20407,E|20406,E|20405,E|20404,E|6716,E|13585,E|20409,E|20408,E|20410,E|20411,E|20412,E|17402,E| TU DANG GUI NA Udo Equivalent plant: Aralia fargesii Aralia cordata NA NA rhizome and root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, soothe sinews and quicken network vessels, harmonize blood and relieve pain. Wind-damp pain, aching in lumbus and knees, wilting-impediment of limbs, taxation damage in lumbar muscle, crane’s knee wind, sprain of hands and feet, fracture, head wind, headache, toothache. 17358,E|10646,E|10647,E|3241,E|17357,E|16040,E|12201,E|12174,E|20513,E|5929,E|9668,E| OU JIE 藕节 node of lotus rhizome nodus nelumbinis rhizomatis Mild,Sweet,Punkery Stomach,Liver,Heart NA Treament of hematemesis, hemoptysis, hematuria, abnormal uterine bleeding. NA 15313,M536|1348,C0551|23264,M536;C0158|20430,C0498|11488,C0147|12792,M536| DU HUA JIAO NA Venenous Pricklyash* Zanthoxylum veneficium NA NA NA NA NA 14202,E|3057,E|3059,T3601| YE HUA NA Nightjasmine Nyctanthes arbor- tristis NA NA branch-leaf To dispel wind and eliminate damp. NA 4264,T6367|4248,E| CHONG LOU PAI CAO NA Parisshape Loosestrife Lysimachia paridiformis NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and relieve pain, relieve cough, resolve toxin. Wind-damp pain, pain in stomach duct and abdomen, cough, knocks and falls, clove sore and swollen boil, poisonous snake bite. 16654,T3295|16652,E| ZHANG GUO GAN CAO 胀果甘草 Inflated Licorice Glycyrrhiza inflata NA NA root and rhizome See Glycyrrhiza uralensis . See Glycyrrhiza uralensis. 8500,E|12907,E;C0131|12904,E|12903,E|12902,E|12777,E|12770,E|12764,E|17822,E|12784,E|11036,E|11035,E|11502,E|11501,E|8840,E|6023,E|6024,E|8845,E|19448,E|22228,E|5143,E|1597,E|12768,E|5894,E|1935,E|19967,E|5404,E|12763,E|12762,E|11694,E|12760,E|7884,E|1519,E|8835,E|8834,E|12783,E|12761,E| FEN BI XIE 粉萆薢 Hypoglaucous Collett Yam Rhizome Rhizoma Dioscoreae Hypoglaucae NA NA NA Treatment of chyluria, turbid urine mixed with whitish substance or whitish discharge from urethra, excessive leukorrhea, rheumatic arthralgia with limitation of motion and pain in the loins and knees. NA 22862,M932|6439,M932;C0330| QIAN MA YE ZE LAN NA White Snakeroot Eupatorium urticaefolium NA NA NA NA NA 4975,E|21491,E|25938,T5245|10774,E|32085,T5245| ZHAI RUI TA ZHANG YA CAI NA Chirata Swertia* Swertia chirata NA NA NA NA NA 31352,T6614|20487,T6614|20486,E|2220,E;T6614|20494,T6614|20493,E|11433,E| CE BAI YE 侧柏叶 Chinese Arborvitae Leaf Thuja orientalis Minor cold,Bitter,Punkery Lung,Large Intestine,Liver leaf To cool blood and stanch bleeding, relieve cough and dispel phlegm, dispel wind-damp, dissipate toxin swelling. Hemoptysis, duodenal bleeding, chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria, hematochezia, blood dysentery, incessant flooding and spotting, cough with profuse phlegm, wind-damp impediment pain, erysipelas, epidemic parotitis, scalds, burns. 30751,T3201|10655,E|23102,T3201|15162,E;M78;C0307|21334,E|16355,E|21333,M78|25118,M78|12059,E|18302,E|13772,C0122|23038,C0121|1030,E;T3201|9542,E|7750,E;M78|7751,T3201|6332,E|21335,T3201|15176,E|22476,E|31111,T3201|24321,M78|17409,E|17408,E|24487,M78|15655,E|4376,T3201|11311,T3201|4375,E|12450,E|3242,E|3241,E|24122,M78|11355,E|11595,E|11597,E|24585,M78|11591,E|18396,E|11593,E|6333,T3201|24425,M78;T3201|1764,E|18397,T3201| SHAN HU 珊瑚 Coral Os Corallii Mild,Sweet Liver,Heart NA NA NA 23378,M619| AO LIE GE LONG DAN NA Olga Gentian* Gentiana olgae NA NA NA NA NA 8291,E|8292,E;T2923|8294,T2923| QUAN JU GUA YE WU TOU NA Circinate Hemsley Monkshood Aconitum hemsleyanium var. circinacum NA NA tuberoid See Aconitum hemsleyanum. See Aconitum hemsleyanum. 3736,E|3735,E| ZI E XIANG CHA CAI NA Forrest Rabdosia* Isodon forrestii NA NA NA NA NA 11380,E|7920,E|18446,E|7919,E|7918,E|18447,E|7917,E|7916,E|7915,E|7914,E| LI JIAMH CHAI HU NA Rock Thorowax Bupleurum rockii NA NA NA NA NA 19128,E|19134,E| LANG DANG ZI NA Black Henbane Seed Hyoscyamus niger NA NA ripe seed To resolve spasm and relieve pain, quiet heart and settle epilepsy. Pain in stomach duct and abdomen, wind-damp impediment pain, decayed toothache due to wind, painful wound from knocks and falls, incessant asthma and cough, prolapse of rectum due to diarrhea, mania and withdrawal, fright epilepsy, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore. 21021,E|15941,E|3829,E|9012,E|19072,E|4679,E|4416,E|1526,E;T4576|2001,E;T4576|22360,E|3088,E|10871,E;T4576|10870,E|3087,E|10874,T4576|16056,E|3830,E|15936,E|15935,E|15934,E|21180,T4576|21179,E|20264,E|7787,E|19967,E|10873,E|9485,E|15195,E|1287,E|4420,T4576|2218,E;T4576|10869,E|8813,E|22316,E| MAO YE WEI LING XIAN 毛叶威灵仙 Radix Ainsliaeae Bonatii NA NA NA NA NA NA 21344,C0293|13767,C0347|23142,C0318|23171,C0484|23191,C0160|9484,C0280| FAN LI ZHI NA Custard Apple Annona squamosa NA NA fruit To supplement stomach and spleen, clear heat and resolve toxin, kill worms. Malign sore and swelling toxin, intestinal parasitic disease. 1348,E;T3703|2735,E|2736,E;T3703|10274,E|1326,E|1327,E|18640,E|10276,E|1328,E|1329,E|1309,E|7221,T3703|9756,E|20228,E;T3703|14899,T3703|7792,T3703|20234,T3703|9721,E|20230,E;T3703|20231,E;T3703|20232,E;T3703|12174,E|5927,E|5928,E|5929,E|18652,T3703|9722,E|6971,E|12911,E|1331,E|1330,E|1319,E;T3703|25258,T3703|10541,E|7787,E|15757,E|9705,E|10275,E|20223,E|20226,E|20225,E|14898,E|20229,E|20224,E|5931,E| SUAN GOU TENG NA Acid Gambirplant* Uncaria acida NA NA NA NA NA 18811,E|11676,E|4118,E|9233,E| ROU HUA XUE DAN NA Fleshy-flower Hemsleya Hemsleya carnosiflora NA NA NA NA NA 3205,T5370|3204,E;T5370|3203,E;T5370|3202,E| YE SHENG QIAN LI GUANG NA Heath Groundsel Senecio sylvaticus NA NA NA NA NA 19374,T6386|19373,E| HUA ZI JIN NA Chinese Corydalis Corydalis cheilanthifolia NA NA NA NA NA 3057,E|16118,E|3059,T4138| JU HONG PI 橘红皮 Red Tangerine Peel Exocarpium Citri Rubrum Warm,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Spleen NA Treatment of cough, itching of the throat and profuse expectoration in colds, nausea, vomiting and epigastric distension caused by improper diet or excessive drinking. NA 15626,M421;C0582| NI BO ER YANG TI NA Nepal Dock Rumex nepalensis NA NA root See Rumex japonicus. See Rumex japonicus. 17235,T5068|3615,E|6775,E|6776,T5068|15480,E|17233,E|24047,T5068|30775,T5068| MU LI 牡蛎 Oyster Crassostrea gigas Minor cold,Salty,Punkery Liver,Kidney NA Treament of palpitaton, insomnia, dizziness and tinnitus, scrofula, mall formation in the abdomen, spontaneous sweating and night sweating, seminal emission, abnormal uterine bleeding, excessive leukorrhea, epigastric pain with acid regurgitaton.CONCHA OSTREAE (CALCINED): Spontaneous sweating, night sweating, seminal emission, abnormal uterine bleeding, excessive leukorrhea, epigastric pain with acid regurgitation. Its extract inhibits the growth of poliovirus in vivo. 23648,M520|25060,M520|23471,M520|23782,M520|23972,M520|25069,M520|7216,E|5873,E|23378,M520|21069,E| ZI SE ZHANG YA CAI NA Purple Swertia* Swertia purpurascens NA NA NA NA NA 20495,E|20496,T6754|15792,T6754|15791,E| QING FEN 轻粉 Calomel Calomelas Cold,Pungent Large Intestine,Small Intestine NA For external use: scabies, ringworm, ulcus cruris, syphilis, ulcers, eczema. For oral aministration: edema and abdominal distension with oliguria and constipation. NA 24361,M578| SHAN PU TAO NA Amur Grape Vitis amurensis NA NA fruit To clear heat and disinhibit urine. Heat vexation and thirst, urinary tract infection, inhibited urination. 1095,E|22573,E|22572,E|1090,E|22490,E|1092,E|1093,E|22568,E|22569,E|22489,E|31844,T5494|17875,E|32222,T5494|22492,E|30577,T5494| YING HUA XIANG CHA CAI NA Rosthorn Rabdosia Isodon rosthornii NA NA whole herb To course wind and overcome damp, transform phlegm and relieve cough, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Wind damage and common cold, wind-damp impediment pain, cough and abundant phlegm, stasis swelling from knocks and falls. 18916,E|18917,E|18920,E|18918,E|18919,E| HUANG ZI JIN NA Ochotsk Corydalis Corydalis ochotensis NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin. Swollen pain of sore toxin, dysentery, tuberculosis and hemoptysis. 15907,E|15908,E|11568,E|11849,T4218|11343,T4218|12791,E| GUANG RONG YIN YU NA Laureate Skimmia* Skimmia laureola NA NA NA NA NA 9418,E|30761,T3905|3464,E|19987,E| ZHI BIE JIA 炙鳖甲 Prepared Turtle Shell Carapax Trionycis Preparata Cold,Salty Spleen,Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of fever due to deficiency of yin, consumptive fever, dizziness, tremor or fainting due to deficiency of yin, amenorrhea, mass in the abdomen, chronic malaria with splenomegaly. NA 23522,M840|24214,M840|23131,M840| XING SHU GEN NA Apricot Root Prunus armeniaca NA NA root To resolve toxin. Poisoning from almonds. 2063,E| DA YE SHU LAN NA Largeleaf Aglaia* Aglaia elliptifolia NA NA NA NA NA 7931,E|6759,E|18877,E|17461,E|6760,E|10789,E|4954,E| LIU YE BAI QIAN NA Willowleaf Swallowwort Cynanchum stauntonii NA NA root and rhizome To downbear qi , disperse phlegm, relieve cough. Stasis of lung qi , cough with profuse phlegm, fullness in chest and rapid asthma. 20259,E|8506,E|1271,E|1272,E|20261,E|20260,E|9212,E|31059,T4683| CU LIU GUO 醋柳果 Seabuckthorn Fruit Equivalent plant: Hippophae rhamnoides subsp sinensis , Hippophae rhamnoides subsp yunnanensis Hippophae rhamnoides NA NA fruit To relieve cough and transform phlegm, fortify stomach and disperse food, quicken blood and dissipate stasis. Cough with profuse phlegm, pulmonary welling abscess, indigestion, food accumulati on abdominal pain, stomachache, enteritis, amenorrhea, stasis swelling from knocks and falls. 30752,T3378|18641,E|15162,E|23040,T3378|16274,E|3041,T3378|3040,E|31199,T3378|5501,T3378|8094,E|3552,T3378|3551,E|29509,T3378|16283,T3378|3766,E|3767,T3378|23764,T3378|23479,T3378|13412,E|13414,T3378|25453,T3378|3139,E|3138,E|15195,E|15196,T3378|10590,E|10595,T3378|30995,T3378|3140,E|25886,T3378|5498,E|5499,E;T3378|3308,E|20429,T3378|20428,E|19072,E|20699,E|19075,T3378|12017,E|31063,T3378|9358,T3378|16550,E|16551,T3378|10783,E|9488,T3378|1935,E|31878,T3378|19967,E|3315,T3378|9485,E|9484,C0280|23099,T3378|30968,T3378|1845,E|22548,T3378|22540,E;T3378|22541,T3378|22543,E|22544,E|22545,E|22546,E;T3378|22547,E;C0503;T3378|7852,E|7853,T3378|7851,E|15244,C0409|10795,T3378|3296,E|3211,E|12564,E|6046,E|23887,T3378|10159,E|22538,E;T3378|9234,T3378|9235,E|1598,E|9233,E|22960,E|22961,T3378|31420,T3378|20353,E|9344,E|32215,T3378|32217,T3378|32216,T3378|31449,T3378|5523,T3378|25569,T3378|1113,E|11645,E;M918;C0299|11647,T3378|30745,T3378|18302,E|12888,T3378|12887,E|12885,E|20265,T3378|20264,E|25574,T3378|25215,T3378|25083,T3378|30733,T3378|21399,E| SHAN XIAO JU NA Citrusleaf Glycosmis Glycosmis citrifolia NA NA root and leaf To dispel wind and resolve exterior, transform phlegm and relieve cough, rectify qi and disperse accumulation, di ssipate stasis and di sperse swe lling. Common cold with cough, food stagnation with torpid intake, food accumulation abdominal pain, mounting qi (hernia), painful swelling from knocks and falls. 3153,E|8820,E|3155,E|3154,E|8819,E|8847,E| JIA NA DA WO JU NA Canada Lettuce Lactuca canadensis NA NA NA NA NA 31412,T4316|12442,E| HONG HUA CHU CHONG JU NA Pyrethrum Chrysanthemum coccineum NA NA capitulum and whole herb See Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium. See Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium. 18243,E|18247,T4042| HONG HAI JIAO 红海椒 Sweet Pepper Equivalent plant: Capsicum frutescens Capsicum annuum NA NA fruit To warm center and dissipate cold, precipitate qi and disperse food. Stomach cold and qi stagnation, distending pain in stomach duct, vomiting, diarrhea, wind-damp pain, frostbite. 4189,E|4188,E|6606,E|3147,T4039|5157,E|3141,E|3142,E|9602,E|3111,E|3146,E|5471,E|30832,T4039|4292,E|15476,T4039|5587,E|22961,T4039|3108,E|3109,E|3104,E|3105,E|3106,E|3107,E|23037,C0003|18267,E|15731,E|30744,T4039|1358,E;T4039|9598,E|7787,E|13132,E|30749,T4039|22960,E|15468,E|7788,E|7789,E|3210,E|12515,E|3113,E|3112,E|3209,E|3110,E|9887,E|3143,T4039|13011,E|9888,E|3145,E| LAN YU BAI JI NA Taiwan Bletilla* Bletilla formosana NA NA NA NA NA 9845,E|13905,E|13973,E|9847,E|2460,E|2461,E|11645,E|12017,E|2456,E|9836,E|9837,E|21674,E|17954,E|1476,E|2509,E|9844,E|12059,E|5770,E|5762,E|8236,E| LONG CHUAN HUA NA Chinese Ixora Ixora chinensis NA NA flower To clear heat and cool blood, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Hypertension, menstrual disorder, amenorrhea, knocks and falls, swelling of sores and boils. 8277,T4689|8276,E| JIAN GAN YANG NA Arrowshaft Poplar Populus nigra var. thevestina NA NA bark or leaf To dispel wind and eliminate damp, cool blood and resolve toxin. Wind-damp impediment pain, leg qi with edema, hepatitis, dysentery, burns and scalds, scab and lichen with bald sores. 19169,E| HU ZHANG 虎杖 Japanese Fleeceflower Polygonum cuspidatum Cold,Bitter Lung,Liver,Gallbladder rhizome To lower cholesterol, quicken blood and dissipate stasis, dispel wind and free network vessels, clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin. Hyperlipemia, impediment pain in joints, damp-heat jaundice, toxic jaundice, child jaundice, amenorrhea, hepatitis, appendicitis, candida vaginitis, concretion and conglomeration, cough with profuse phlegm, burns and scalds, knocks and falls, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore. 23554,M352|11480,E|3615,E;M352|31464,T4108|30775,T4108|8621,E|10418,E|10431,E|18372,T4108|17282,T4108|3308,E|25027,T4108|6086,E|30947,T4108|6359,E|5762,E|31880,T4108|3674,E|5761,E|31848,T4108|7713,T4108|8094,E|21141,E|17239,T4108|32078,T4108|6008,T4108|31893,T4108|24078,M352|31222,T4108|13247,E|23224,T4108|1476,E;T4108|18302,E|5963,E|23118,C0248|25049,M352|24945,M352|3765,E|24875,M352|17237,E|24826,M352|17233,E|18628,E;M352;C0247|18401,E;M352|31878,T4108|9042,E|13820,T4108|3315,E|18402,E;M352;T4108|13825,E|21437,E|21142,T4108|17235,T4108|22044,E|6775,E|6776,T4108|6777,E|24494,M352|7709,E|1367,E;T4108|18745,T4108|18744,E;M352|1362,E;T4108|1363,E;T4108|24367,M352|17269,E|23146,M352;C0082|18392,E|25838,T4108|18396,E| GUANG XI SHI SUAN NA Guangxi Lycoris Lycoris guangxiensis NA NA NA NA NA 15281,T3909|15280,E|15741,E| MA GUI HUA NA Manynerve Embelia Embelia oblongifolia NA NA fruit To expel worms, check diarrhea. Taeniasis, diarrhea. 6766,E|6768,T4790| ZHU JIE XIANG FU 竹节香附 rhizome of Radde Anemone rhizoma Anemones raddeanae Mild,Pungent,Slightly Sweet,Slightly Bitter Spleen,Liver,Three End NA NA NA 16697,M881|23559,M881|24409,M881|4576,M881|4577,M881|24895,M881| XIONG ZHANG NA Bear’s Paw Selenarctos thibetanus, Ursus arctos NA NA paw To supplement qi and blood, dispel wind and eliminate impediment, fortify spleen and stomach. Spleen-stomach vacuity, vacuity detriment. 16477,T6234|16469,E|25384,T6234|16470,E| BEI MA DOU LING NA Northern Dutchmanspipe Aristolochia contorta NA NA fruit See Aristolochia debilis. See Aristolochia debilis. 1713,E|1715,E|13368,T3085|29509,T3085|19967,E|13367,E| XI MA BAI LA SHU NA Manyflower Ash Fraxinus floribunda NA NA NA NA NA 7941,E|7943,T6012| JIAN XING SI GUO XIANG CHA CAI NA Intermediate Shiko Rabdosia* Isodon shikokiana var. intermedius NA NA NA NA NA 11383,E|19793,E|19797,E|19796,E|19795,E|19794,E| ZI TAN 紫檀 Burmacoast Padauk Pterocarpus indicus Warm,Pungent Lung,Spleen,Stomach wood To dispel stasis and harmonize construction, stanch bleeding and settle pain. Headache, pain in heart and abdomen, persistent flow of lochia, dribbling pain of urination, wind toxin and swollen welling abscess, incised wound and bleeding. 24476,M186|18098,T6762|19296,M186|6289,E|19294,M186|19295,M186|23679,M186|23044,M186;C0070|18090,E;T6762|18151,T6762|23805,M186|18149,E|1240,E;T6762|23322,M186|9619,T6762|7882,E|23991,M186|18089,E|23876,M186| BIAN DO YI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 18511,C0580| JIAN YE CEN NA Acuteleaf Ash Bark Fraxinus szaboana [Syn. Fraxinus chinensis var. acuminata] NA NA bark See Fraxinus rhynchophylla . See Fraxinus rhynchophylla . 6203,E|19530,T4342|7944,T4342|31793,T4342|19527,E|663,E;T4342|664,E;T4342|7943,E|6218,T4342| WU MAO JUE NA Oriental Blechnum Frond Blechnum orientale NA NA rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and stanch bleeding, expel worms. Common cold, headache, parotitis, swollen welling abscess, knocks and falls, nosebleed(epistaxis), blood ejection, flooding, vaginal discharge, intestinal parasitic disease. 25508,T5958|2596,E|3552,T5958|3551,E| LANG DANG GEN NA Black Henbane Root Hyoscyamus niger NA NA root To interrupt malaria, kill worms, attack toxin. Malaria, lichen and Scab sore. 21180,T4575|1526,E;T4575|22034,E|21179,E|22035,T4575| FEI E TENG NA Racemose Porana Porana racemosa NA NA whole herb or root To resolve exterior, move qi , quicken blood, resolve toxin. Common cold due to wind-cold, food stagnation abdominal distention, innominate toxin swelling. 11129,E| JU HE 橘核 Tangerine Seed Citrus reticulata Minor Warm,Mild,Bitter Liver,Kidney seed To rectify qi and relieve pain, resolve binds. Mounting qi, painful swollen testes, mammary welling abscess, lumbago, bladder qi pain. 15626,M420;C0582|15646,E|15650,T4444|15873,E|31731,T4444| LIU LENG JU NA Winged Laggera Laggera alata NA NA whole herb To dispel wind, eliminate damp, transform stagnation, dissipate stasis, disperse swelling, resolve toxin. Common cold with cough, generalized pain, diarrhea, painful joints due to rheumatalgia, menstrual block, knocks and falls, welling abscess and clove sore, scrofula, damp toxin with pruritus. 10071,E|9940,E|842,E|841,E|840,E|7492,E|838,E|839,E|4126,E|21005,E|10985,E|9939,E|9938,E|16350,E|10224,E|21611,E|11346,E|10222,E|10223,E| MEI HE REN NA Japanese Apricot Kernel Prunus mume NA NA kernel To clear summerheat, brighten eyes, eliminate vexation. Summerheat-heat and cholera, heat vexation, blurred vision. 1102,E;T4907| YAO YONG MU DAN NA Kingsbloom Paeonia officinalis NA NA NA NA NA 16514,E|16515,T6348| BING GUO TANG SONG CAO NA Stalkedfruit Meadowrue* Thalictrum podocarpum NA NA NA NA NA 21237,E|5099,E|30875,T3144|5259,E|9441,T3144|9440,E|21244,T3144|21241,E|5100,T3144|21238,T3144| TAO YE LIAO NA Spring Knotweed Polygonum persicaria NA NA herb To effuse sweat and remove damp, disperse food, kill worms. Wind-cold common cold, wind-cold-damp impediment, food damage diarrhea, intestinal parasitic disease. 16871,E|11639,E|18267,E| NING GUO BEI MU NA Ningguo Fritillary Fritillaria ningguoensis NA NA NA NA NA 15609,T5081|15605,E;T5081|15604,E| HONG CHE ZHOU CAO 红车轴草 Red Clover Trifolium pratense NA NA flower and inflorescence To clear heat and relieve cough, dissipate binds and disperse swelling. Common cold, cough and asthma, hard swelling, burns. 16745,T4028|16744,E|23125,C0500|31322,T4028|30968,T4028|7852,E|7853,T4028|7851,E|8277,E|15475,E|11155,E|13632,T4028|13631,E|5439,E|6200,E|2384,E;T4028|8010,E|7882,E|11645,E|7884,T4028|11647,T4028|30984,T4028|32107,T4028|8282,T4028|21618,E|17751,E|4604,T4028|4603,E|17756,T4028|24248,T4028|31836,T4028|4135,E|13275,E|5441,T4028| DAN ZI MA HUANG NA Oneseed Ephedra Ephedra monosperma NA NA herbaceous twigs See Ephedra sinica. See Ephedra sinica. 15780,E|14388,E|6814,E|18010,E|15736,E| LUO DI DAN CAO NA Node Elephantfoot* Elephantus nudatus NA NA NA NA NA 15848,E| YE QI SHU YE NA Woods Lcaquertree Leaf Rhus sylvestris NA NA leaf To dispel stasis and disperse swelling, kill worms, resolve toxin. Knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, ancylostomiasis, scab and lichen, sore toxin, poisonous snake bite. 7801,E|8034,T6381|7802,T6381|5612,E|5613,E|30990,T6381|1497,E|18804,T6381| WU SHI REN DONG NA Five-room Honeysuckle* Lonicera quinquelocularis NA NA NA NA NA 1517,E|20487,E|12944,E| XIAO ZHU SHI DOU NA Small Rattle-box Crotalaria nana NA NA NA NA NA 14917,T6198|14915,E| CI HUA LIAN ZI CAO NA Spinyflower Alternanthera Alternanthera repens NA NA NA NA NA 6172,E|6173,E|6170,E|6171,E| PI ZHEN YE NAN WU WEI ZI NA Lanceolate Kadsura* Kadsura lancilimba NA NA NA NA NA 12473,E|12472,E|12474,E| CHONG MING BA JIAO LIAN NA Chongming Many-flowered May-apple* Dysosma subrosea NA NA NA NA NA 5073,E|5092,E|17578,E| CU CAO SHI CHE JU NA Rough Star Thistle Centaurea aspera ssp. aspera NA NA NA NA NA 14506,E|16340,E|14106,E| CHUAN DIAN YIN YANG HUO NA David Epimedium Epimedium davidii NA NA aerial parts See Epimedium brevicornum . See Epimedium brevicornum. 6960,E|27452,T3320|1273,E|1275,E|2138,E;T3320|2139,E;T3320|2144,E;T3320|2143,E;T3320|2142,E;T3320|2141,E;T3320|2140,E;T3320| MA LAN GEN NA Common Baphicacanthus Root Baphicacanthus cusia [Syn. Strobilanthes cusia ] NA NA root and rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and disperse swelling. Warm toxin macular eruption, ardent fever with headache, massive head scourge, erysipelas, epidemic parotitis, viral hepatitis, influenza, pneumonia, swelling of sores, zoster. 11023,T4797|580,E|4419,E|11022,E|4418,E|13091,E|13243,E|32161,T4797|11460,E|22043,E|13244,E|11462,T4797|6229,E|6230,E| GAN WAN WU TOU NA Finet Monkshood Aconitum finetianum NA NA root To dispel wind and relieve pain, harmonize blood and vanquish toxin. Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls. 4775,T3799|7800,T3799|4740,E|2042,E;T3799|12530,T3799|12505,E|5035,T3799|5034,E|5008,E|4744,E;T3799|7799,E|11109,E|15649,E|11473,E|4770,E|18516,E|26027,T3799|18154,E| BIAN FU GE JEN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4686,T3122|604,T3122|4685,T3122|603,T3122|3498,T3122|602,T3122|13711,T3122|13710,T3122|21191,T3122|4687,T3122|4692,T3122|19940,T3122|26044,T3122|25257,T3122| XI GUA ZI REN NA Watermelon Seed Citrullus vulgaris [Syn. Citrullus lanatus ] NA NA seed To clear lung and transform phlegm, harmonize center and moisten intestines. Hemoptysis, enduring cough, constipation. 1063,E|25583,T6001| ZONG ZAO NA Brown Alga Ecklonia stolonifera Ecklonia stolonifera NA NA NA NA NA 6700,E|6699,E|5483,E|17159,E| YUAN HUA GEN 芫花根 Lilac Daphne Root Daphne genkwa NA NA root To expel water, resolve toxin, dissipate binds. Edema, scrofula, mammary welling abscess, hemorrhoids, scab sore. 8286,C0517|11363,E|4655,E|4654,E|4651,E|4653,E|4652,E|1476,C0378|22914,E|22913,E|23268,C0023| MAO HUA MAO DI HUANG NA Grecian Foxglove Digitalis lanata NA NA leaf See Digitalis purpurea . See Digitalis purpurea. 10350,E|30916,T4868|30120,T4868|25701,T4868|5522,E|12946,E|5532,E|8460,E|9563,E|5525,E|5526,T4868|15994,E|26101,T4868|7556,E|377,E| QIE GEN 茄根 root of Garden Eggplant Radix Solani melongenae Cool,Sweet Spleen,Large Intestine,Stomach NA NA NA 21646,M572|617,M572;C0403|20044,M572| XI SHEN SHAN ZI JIN NA Tenuous Corydalis* Corydalis pallida var. tenuis NA NA NA NA NA 4888,E|4889,T6029|3115,T6029|3114,E|19939,T6029|19185,E| ZHI LI CI BAI NA Erect Juniper* Juniperus erectopatens NA NA NA NA NA 17766,E| XI BAN YA YUN XIANG CAO NA Spanish Haplophyllum* Haplophyllum hispanicum NA NA NA Anticarcinoma. NA 6490,E| SAN LIE YE ZE LAN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 21344,C0293| SHA DI YUAN ZHI NA Sandland Milkwort* Polygala sabulosa NA NA NA NA NA 14008,E|14014,E|17962,E|14012,E|14011,E|14007,E|17826,E|13912,E| JIAN YING XUAN GOU ZI NA Rigid Blackberry* Rubus rigidus NA NA NA NA NA 18251,E|18248,T4353| BEI MEI HONG SHAN NA Redwood Sequoia sempervirens NA NA NA NA NA 17180,T3089|17167,E| TE LUO YI HUANG QI NA Trojan Milkvetch* Astragalus trojanus NA NA NA NA NA 22030,E|22031,E|22032,E|1947,E| SI KA LUO LAI NA SHI SONG NA Carolina-like Clubmoss* Lycopodium carolinianum var. affine NA NA NA NA NA 3207,E|23249,T5682| JIANG GUO ZI SHAN NA Common Yew Taxus baccata NA NA NA NA NA 5317,E|3719,E|22838,T4361|20779,E|6879,E|22831,E|20777,E|22833,E|4783,E|4782,E|22836,E|4704,T4361|4703,E|20894,T4361|9865,E|3721,E;T4361|3722,T4361|4779,E|285,E;T4361|284,E;T4361|32251,T4361|25518,T4361|3402,E|4736,E|18800,E|18801,T4361|4738,T4361|31230,T4361|25956,T4361|10738,E|31276,T4361|32091,T4361|21586,E|22832,E|20754,E|4803,E|4729,E|31674,T4361|14192,E|4809,E|14191,E|4721,E;T4361|4720,E|4723,T4361|4722,E;T4361|369,E|2073,E|2072,E;T4361|2077,E;T4361|2076,E;T4361|5538,T4361|4812,T4361|4811,E;T4361|30571,T4361|21513,E|31977,T4361|31976,T4361|9964,E|32250,T4361|20825,T4361|20824,E|31176,T4361|25471,T4361|30476,T4361|30475,T4361|20889,E|5330,E|25429,T4361|5139,E|5138,E|5137,E|3698,E;T4361|3699,E;T4361|3701,E|30785,T4361|30784,T4361|14731,E|3697,E|31163,T4361|31164,T4361|32245,T4361|32248,T4361|32249,T4361|26030,T4361|20726,E|20727,E|20725,E|30860,T4361|30861,T4361|30862,T4361|30641,T4361|31954,T4361|31953,T4361|31952,T4361|6880,T4361|30882,T4361|3720,E;T4361|9864,E|9867,T4361|9866,E|10474,E|26043,T4361|26042,T4361|152,E|25404,T4361|157,E|158,E|5292,E|5293,E|20797,T4361|20796,E;T4361|20795,E|20790,E|21144,E|20799,T4361|20798,E|519,E;T4361|26022,T4361|9814,T4361|9810,E|9811,E;T4361|22835,E|32045,T4361|20781,E;T4361|20782,T4361|5537,E|22829,E|4804,T4361|4797,E|30884,T4361|4710,E|4712,E|30881,T4361|3403,T4361|30888,T4361|355,E;T4361|25519,T4361|26104,T4361|32101,T4361|4851,E| YUE GUI YE SHAN YOU GAN NA Laurel-leaf Acronychia* Acronychia laurifolia NA NA NA NA NA 14357,E| DUN YE JUE MING NA Obtuseleaf Senna* Equivalent plant: Cassia tora Cassia obtusifolia NA NA ripe seed To clear liver and brighten eyes, disinhibit water and free stool. Red eyes with gall, delacrimation and photophobia, clear-eye blindness, night blindness, dizziness and headache, dim vision, cirrhosis with ascites, inhibited urination, habitual constipation, toxin swelling, skin lichen. 11741,E|3613,E|3615,E|30638,T3638|21443,E|6775,E|25677,T3638|17233,E|30774,T3638|967,E|8648,E|8695,E|2009,E| YUN NAN LUO FU MU NA Yunnan Devilpepper Rauvolfia yunnanensis NA NA root To clear heat and calm liver, resolve toxin and kill worms. Hypertension due to ascendant liver yang , headache, dizziness, vexation and agitation with insomnia, scab and lichen, snake bite. 18618,E|18045,E|18046,T6583|783,E;T6583|30569,T6583|19748,E|18621,T6583|22905,E|22906,T6583| LAO SHU GUA NA Common Caper Capparis spinosa NA NA root cortex, leaf and fruit To dispel wind, dissipate cold, eliminate damp. Acute rheumatic arthritis, chronic rheumatic arthritis. 19901,T4585|20238,E|20239,T4585|20157,E|20158,E|3137,E|19896,E|3136,E|4035,E|7767,E|7768,T4585| YU MI HEI MEI NA Black-powder Fungus in Corn Ustilago maydis NA NA sporocarp To fortify spleen and stomach, disinhibit liver and gallbladder, quiet spirit. Hepatitis, ulcer in gastrointestinal tract, indigestion, gan accumulation, insomnia. 31614,T6521|12483,E|14407,E| HUANG YING PI MA BO NA Yellow Hardpeel Puff-ball* Scleroderma citrinum NA NA NA NA NA 6297,E|6393,E|14662,E|422,E|14314,E| YAN JIAO CAO NA White Chinaure Boenninghausenia albiflora NA NA whole herb To clear heat and cool blood, soothe sinews and quicken blood, eliminate inflammation. Common cold, pharyngolaryngitis, hepatitis, hemoptysis, spontaneous external bleeding, lumbago, knocks and falls, subcutaneous static blood. 15146,T6302|14837,E|5457,T6302|2309,E;T6302|19070,E|13600,E|13145,E|2342,E|858,E|859,E|21890,E|6311,E|19071,T6302|22765,E|22766,T6302|11976,T6302|15096,E|15637,E|15138,E|11975,E|2780,E|13601,T6302|10195,E|10193,E|4918,E|1189,E|860,E|5444,E|11862,E|9419,E|2531,E|6299,E| XIANG BA DOU NA Balsam Croton* Croton balsamifera NA NA NA NA NA 7838,T6108|7836,E| HUANG LONG DAN NA Yellow Gentian Gentiana lutea NA NA NA NA NA 19616,E|19617,E|8305,E|8304,T4185|8303,E|10123,E|13091,E|8308,T4185|1110,E|1113,E|22245,E|1017,E;T4185|31020,T4185|12884,E|31352,T4185|13909,E|12883,E|11433,E|6010,E|2335,E|7338,E|22273,E|22251,E| MA LIU JIA YU TENG NA Malacca Jewelvine* Derris malaccensis NA NA NA NA NA 20469,E|13408,E|13411,T4801|20472,T4801| WAN TAO HUA ZI NA Jimsonweed Seed* Datura stramonium NA NA seed or fruit See Datura metel. See Datura metel. 15764,E|15763,E| CHOU WU TONG 臭梧桐 Harlequin Glorybower Leaf Clerodendron trichotomum Pungent, bitter, sweet,cool NA leaf To dispel wind-damp, lower blood pressure, interrupt malaria. Hypertension, malaria, wind-damp impediment, numbness in limbs, hemiplegia, migraine, dysentery, hemorrhoids, welling abscess and flat abscess, scab sore. 3837,E|58,E|24174,M915|3839,T3305|21573,T3305|23437,M915|21562,E|25786,T3305| YI PIN HONG 一品红 Common Poinsettia Euphorbia pulcherrima Cold,Bitter,Punkery Liver whole herb To regulate menstruation and stanch bleeding, quicken blood and settle pain. Profuse menstruation, painful swelling from knocks and falls, fracture, bleeding due to external injury. 12483,E|12485,T6420|24237,M800| JU MAO LEI A WEI. NA NA Ferulago capillaries NA NA NA NA NA 2308,E|19695,E|10657,E|19696,E|19694,E|5079,E|13564,E| TIE PIAN 铁片 Iron chip Ferri Cool,Pungent Liver,Heart NA NA NA 23497,M698| HEI CHOU 黑丑 Pharbitis seed Semen Pharbitidis Cold,Pungent,Slightly Bitter Lung,Large Intestine,Kidney NA Treament of anasarca with constipation and oliguria, dyspnea and cough caused by retained fluid, abdominal pain due to intestinal parasitosis, ascariasis, taeniasis. 1. One of its components, pharbitin, is purgative.2. Large dosage may induc hyperemia of kidney and cause hematuria.3. Killing Ascaris suis in vitro. 24150,M328| TAI JING TIAN NA Biting Stonecrop Sedum acre NA NA NA NA NA 12932,T5740|12931,E|2846,T5740|2845,E|16777,E|19634,E|30335,T5740|19632,E| ZHU ZI CAO NA Nirur Leafflower* Phyllanthus niruri NA NA whole herb To clear heat, disinhibit damp, transform phlegm and resolve toxin. Jaundice, diarrhea, dysentery, heat strangury, stone strangury, edema, phlegm cough, red eyes with gall, poisonous snake bite. 15613,E|18609,E|15616,E|15617,E|15614,E|15615,E|15618,E|17206,T6715|17217,E|17201,E| YAO SHUI SU JUE CHUANG. NA NA Justicia betonica NA NA NA NA NA 11982,E|11983,E|11980,E|11981,E| BI LU MIAN ZAO ER NA Peru Squill* Scilla peruviana NA NA NA NA NA 16983,E|16984,E| ZOU MA QIN NA Paucivitat Cowparsnip Heracleum moellendorffii var. paucivitatum NA NA NA NA NA 14888,T6784|14886,E| YAO YONG NIU SHE CAO 药用牛舌草 Alkanet Anchusa officinalis NA NA NA NA NA 12921,T6349|12919,E|3848,T6349|3847,E|23254,C0130| MI HOU TAO 猕猴桃 Yangtao Actinidia Actinidia chinensis NA NA fruit To resolve heat, allay thirst, fortify stomach, free strangury. Heat vexation, diabetes mellitus, dry cough due to lung dryness, indigestion, damp-heat jaundice, stone strangury, hemorrhoids. 22959,E|582,E;T4951|2887,E|9817,E|23040,C0396|23170,C0397|5762,E|18823,E|3765,E| A GEN TING SHU QU CAO NA Argentine Cudweed* Gnaphalium gaudichaudianum NA NA NA NA NA 17359,E| JIN JI ZE LAAN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7280,T4400|7556,T4400| JIA NA LI SHU WEI CAO NA Canari Sage* Salvia canariensis NA NA NA NA NA 19194,E| YE MU GUA NA Chinese Stauntonvine Stauntonia chinensis NA NA root or root cortex To dispel wind and quicken network vessels, quicken blood and relieve pain, disinhibit urine and disperse edema. Armpit welling abscess, enlargement of testes, dysmenorrhea. 22869,E|22868,E|18189,T6379|32256,T6379|22867,E|18183,E|22874,E|22875,E|22876,E|22870,E|22871,E|22872,E|22873,E|22887,T6379| XIA ZI HUA NA Shrubby Woodwardia Woodfordia fruticosa NA NA root or flower To quicken blood and stanch bleeding, soothe sinews and quicken network vessels. Dysmenorrhea, menstrual block, flooding, nosebleed(epistaxis), coughing of blood, intestinal wind bleeding, dysentery, wind-damp impediment pain, taxation damage in lumbar muscle, knocks and falls. 15710,E| QIAN HUI GOU TENG NA Greyish Gambirplant* Uncaria canescens NA NA NA NA NA 9233,E| CHANG YE MAN MI PING GUO NA Longleaf Mammey* Mammea longifolia NA NA NA NA NA 20473,E|31945,T3254|20474,E;T3254| BEI MEI YUAN BAI NA Red Cedar Juniperus virginiana NA NA NA NA NA 31822,T3093|17578,E|3354,E|3356,T3093|3350,E|24939,T3093| BIAN ZHI HU JI SHENG NA Flatshort Mistletoe Viscum articulactum NA NA branchlet-leaf See Viscum articulatum. See Viscum articulatum. 17391,E|17393,E|16040,E| LUO BO HUA LING CAO NA Lobb Poppy* Eschscholzia lobbii NA NA NA NA NA 4106,E| WEI LING CAI 委陵菜 Chinese Cinquefoil Potentilla chinensis NA NA whole herb with root To cool blood and check dysentery, clear heat and resolve toxin. Red dysentery and abdominal pain, enduring dysentery, bleeding hemorrhoids, swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess. 8094,E|18302,E|1525,M1058|12017,E|1110,M1058|1113,M1058|19967,M1058|22254,E|16744,M1058| BEI MEI XIANG BAI NA Western Arborvitae Thuja plicata NA NA NA NA NA 31821,T3091|17547,E|21332,E|21333,T3091|21331,E|32066,T3091| DUO HUA SHAN MA GEN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 871,T3649| XIANG YANG MEI NA Bog-myrtle Myrica gale NA NA NA NA NA 11968,T6142|15179,E|11963,E| LEI GONG TENG 雷公藤 Common Threewingnut Tripterygium wilfordii Cold,Bitter Liver,Heart root, leaf and flower To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and free network vessels, disperse swelling and relieve pain, resolve toxin and kill worms (high toxicity). Rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic arthritis, glomerulonephritis, nephropathy syndrome, erythematous lupus, dryness in eyes and mouth, Behcet’s syndrome, psoriasis, eczema, leprosy, scab sore, intractable lichen. 5177,T4588|3076,T4588|9366,E|15459,E|21007,E|8022,E|21379,E|22669,E;T4588|22668,E;T4588|8023,E|22665,E|22664,E;T4588|22667,E;T4588|22666,E;T4588|22661,E;T4588|22660,E|22663,E;T4588|22662,E|10899,E|10898,E|13633,E|22672,E|22673,E;T4588|10813,E|25824,T4588|10816,E|10815,E|10814,E|1465,E|22671,E|4874,T4588|5143,E|18565,E|22009,E|22008,E|31188,T4588|22679,E;T4588|22001,E;T4588|22000,E;T4588|22003,E|22002,E|22005,E|22004,E|22007,E|22006,E|21981,E;T4588|21980,E|21983,T4588|21982,E|21985,E;T4588|21984,E;T4588|21987,E;T4588|21986,E;T4588|21989,E;T4588|21988,E|4872,E|26080,T4588|11778,E|11780,T4588|5917,T4588|5913,E|16663,E|31247,T4588|15628,T4588|15626,E|32152,T4588|32153,T4588|22010,E;T4588|22011,E|32156,T4588|32154,T4588|32155,T4588|21505,E|21993,E;T4588|21990,E;T4588|21991,E;T4588|21996,E;T4588|21997,E;M441;T4588|21994,E;T4588|21995,E;C0292;T4588|21999,E|25199,T4588|25539,T4588|22247,E|32228,T4588|7533,E|15529,E|22658,E|22659,E|25231,T4588|27,E|10540,T4588|7028,E|19167,E|30,E;T4588|27095,T4588|24442,M441|24440,M441|11559,T4588|25788,T4588|22670,E|16234,E|6939,E|3368,E|3369,T4588|3360,E;T4588|3361,T4588|3358,E;T4588|32087,T4588|10912,T4588|30331,T4588|25820,T4588|21381,T4588|15468,T4588|3075,E|10565,E|15462,T4588|15467,E|1999,E|22012,T4588|20540,E|22680,T4588|32150,T4588|32151,T4588|10085,E|22674,E;T4588|31287,T4588|21992,E;T4588|21978,E;T4588|21979,E|32007,T4588|21974,E;T4588|21975,T4588|21976,E|21977,E|21970,E|21971,E|21972,E;T4588|18566,T4588|6638,T4588|3357,E;T4588|3356,E|6631,E|11558,E|21496,E|7044,E|6467,E|10775,E| MANG QI GU NA Dichotoma Forked Fern Dicranopteris pedata NA NA yang leaf with petiole To transform stasis and stanch bleeding, clear heat and disinhibit urine, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Flooding, wound swelling from knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, damp-heat strangury pain, leukorrhea, infant diarrhea, hemorrhoids and fistulas, red eyes with gall, burns and scalds, poisonous insect stings. 19073,E|20356,E|19971,E|19790,E|20353,E|12078,E|10105,E|19967,E|5762,E|18396,E| LAI MENG NA Lime Citrus aurantifolia NA NA NA NA NA 11713,E|22765,E|22766,T4573|11714,T4573| MAO XIANG H UA NA Vanillagrass Hierochloe odorata NA NA inflorescence To warm stomach, check vomiting. Cold pain in heart and abdomen. 4142,E| HUANG HAI TANG NA Giant StJohn’swort Hypericum ascyron NA NA whole herb To cool blood and stanch bleeding, quicken blood and regulate menstruation, clear heat and resolve toxin. Blood ejection due to blood heat, hemoptysis, hematuria, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, galactostasis, wind-heat common cold, malaria, hepatitis, dysentery, diarrhea, poisonous snake bite, scalds, eczema, yellow-water sore. 19072,E|18302,E|19075,T4155|12017,E|10890,T4155|10886,E|3549,E|31878,T4155|5845,E|11639,E|10882,E|25574,T4155| YIN YU NA Reeves Skimmia Skimmia reevesiana NA NA stem-leaf To dispel wind and overcome damp. Wind-damp impediment pain, hypertonicity of limbs, weakness of legs. 19993,T6473|18554,E|19986,E|18553,E|19987,E;T6473| YIN DU MU FANG JI NA Indian Snailseed* Cocculus indicus NA NA NA NA NA 17346,T6457|31809,T6457|17335,E|17333,E| CANG ER GEN 苍耳根 Radix Xanthii sibirici NA NA NA NA NA NA 9484,C0280| SHAO LAN NA European Ladyslipper Cypripedium calceolus NA NA NA NA NA 24120,T5532|4583,E| ZI XIAO RONG GEN 自消容根 Radix Crotalaria assamicae NA NA NA NA NA NA 14915,C0413| BA JIAO FENG NA Chinese Alangium Equivalent plant: Alangium platanifolium Alangium chinense NA NA root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, soothe sinews and quicken network vessels, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, rheumatic arthritis, numbness in limbs, knocks and falls, adjuvant in anesthesia. 2277,E|8750,E|1125,E|8730,E|30591,T2942| JI WA CAO NA Littleflower Plumbagella Plumbagella micrantha NA NA herb To kill worms and relieve itch, decay wart and mole. Neurodermatitis, psoriasis, tinea capitis, goose-foot wind, foot lichen, wart. 17556,T4281|17554,E| MA SHI XIANG KE KE NA Cat Thyme Teucrium marum NA NA NA NA NA 6549,E| WU HUAN ZI 无患子 Chinese Soapberry Seed Sapindus mukorossi NA NA seed To clear heat, dispel phlegm, disperse accumulation, kill worms. Throat impediment sore with gall, lung heat cough, aphonia, food stagnation, gan accumulation, roundworm reversal with abdominal pain, trichomoniasis, skin lichen, toxin swelling. 15029,E|15028,E|15021,E|15023,E|15022,E|15025,E|15024,E|15027,E;T5942|15026,E;T5942|25466,T5942|25467,T5942|25465,T5942|1476,C0378|15030,T5942|25468,T5942| JU REN ZHU. NA NA Carnegiea gigantea NA NA NA NA NA 16734,E| SHUI YANG MEI GEN NA Japanese Avens Root Geum japonicum NA NA root To supplement vacuity and boost kidney, quicken blood and resolve toxin. wind-cold common cold, diarrhea and dysentery, kidney vacuity dizziness. 8249,E| SHAN TAO JING BAI PI NA David Peach Bast Prunus davidiana NA NA bast See Prunus persica. See Prunus persica. 16979,E|14761,T5500|14760,E|15271,E|15274,T5500|16982,T5500|16980,E;T5500|24425,T5500|1764,E| JI NAO NA Chicken Brain Gallus gallus domesticus NA NA brain To extinguish wind and check tetany. Difficult delivery, child fright epilepsy, infant night crying. 3511,E|1350,T4270|23042,T4270|2373,E| PU TAO YE MU JIN 葡萄叶木槿 Grapeleaf Hibiscus* Hibiscus vitifolius NA NA NA NA NA 8965,T5221|8964,E;C0163| XUAN CHUI JIA MI NA Weeping Viburnum* Viburnum suspensum NA NA NA NA NA 16389,E|10575,E|10576,E| YIN CHEN HAO 茵陈蒿 Capillary Wormwood Equivalent plant: Artemisia scoparia Artemisia capillaris Minor cold,Bitter Spleen,Stomach,Liver,Gallbladder aerial parts To clear heat and disinhibit damp, abate jaundice. Hepatitis, jaundice, infective cholecystitis, hyperlipemia, inhibited urination, damp sore, itchy skin. 3742,T6449|30751,T6449|2843,E|12837,E|19527,E|8010,E|3122,E;M807;T6449|3139,E|3120,E;T6449|3121,E;M807|3138,E|31755,T6449|25947,T6449|25185,T6449|13873,T6449|21340,T6449|2850,E|30984,T6449|23479,T6449|23275,T6449|10886,E|3131,T6449|3130,E|10481,E|24982,T6449|4236,T6449|4233,E;T6449|4232,E|4231,E;T6449|9668,E|15195,E|15196,T6449|3242,E|7522,E;T6449|7523,T6449|7520,E|30729,T6449|17362,E|17363,E|5159,T6449|18667,E|25205,T6449|15346,E|15347,T6449|8325,T6449|14206,E;T6449|14205,E|22321,T6449|31907,T6449|2306,E|1653,E;T6449|3747,T6449|3745,E|13863,E|3741,E|4549,E|15138,E|23412,T6449|31878,T6449|19967,E|8288,E|23099,T6449|23381,T6449|31122,T6449|15683,T6449|31017,T6449|336,E;T6449|23122,M807|21334,E|21335,T6449|21339,E|28252,T6449|2887,E|23545,T6449|19525,E;C0067|31781,T6449|19530,T6449|30003,T6449|17110,T6449|15715,E|23231,M807|23230,C0482|11232,E|11233,T6449|25517,T6449|31812,T6449|10493,T6449|31722,T6449|31444,T6449|15146,T6449|17109,E|19526,T6449|16056,E|31449,T6449|6744,T6449|24335,M807|6740,E|5056,T6449|24538,M807|3237,E|7577,T6449|7576,E|26058,T6449|22320,E|7471,E|7472,E;T6449|7473,T6449|11645,E;C0299|11647,T6449|18302,E|12885,E|15678,E|20265,T6449|20264,E|8312,E|5048,E;T6449|17075,E|5042,E|1807,E|7588,T6449|3119,E;T6449|3118,E;M807;C0203;T6449|3117,E;T6449|3116,E;M807|4914,E;T6449|7587,E|4913,E|1808,E|30730,T6449|20972,E|11656,E|20979,E| LUO SAN SHU NA Pentagonous Ardisia Ardisia quinquegona NA NA stem, leaf or root To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Swelling pain in throat, swelling of sore welling abscess and boil, knocks and falls, wind-damp impediment pain. 1628,E;T4762| SHUI SHAN NA Dawn Redwood Metasequoia glyptostroboides NA NA leaf and fruit To clear heat and resolve toxin, eliminate inflammation and relieve pain. Swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, lichen sore. 7751,T5657|7750,E| TIE BANG CHUI YE 铁棒锤叶 Leaf of Pendulous Monkshood Folium Aconiti Szechenyiani NA NA NA NA NA 23767,M697|7818,M697|23975,M697| CHAO XIAN CANG ZHU NA Koraen Atractylodes Atractylodes koreana NA NA NA NA NA 1966,E|1969,E| LAO SHI WEN SHU LAN NA Laurent Crinum* Crinum laurentii NA NA NA NA NA 1021,E;T4584| SAN LIE XUE TONG NA Trilobate Macaranga* Macaranga triloba NA NA NA NA NA 1411,E|16487,E|5637,E|1416,E|1437,E| JIAN YE YE XIA ZHU NA Sharpleaf Leafflower* Phyllanthus acuminatus NA NA NA NA NA 17203,E|17202,E|11976,T4349|17205,E|17204,E|11975,E|17224,T4349| KA BU LI FENG DOU CAI NA Kabliki Butterbur* Petasites kablikianus NA NA NA NA NA 11588,E|11589,T4474| DIAN LONG DAN NA Rigescent Gentian Gentiana rigescens NA NA root and rhizome See Gentiana scabra . See Gentiana scabra . 19967,E|1020,E;T3553|31018,T3553|20493,E|8293,E|8304,T3553|8303,E|8297,T3553|8296,E;T3553|8295,E|1017,E;T3553|29509,T3553| ZHI BAI HE 炙百合 Prepared Bulb of Greenish Lily Bulbus Lilii Preparata Minor cold,Sweet Heart NA 1. To moisurize the lung and relieve cough (lung-dryness with cough and hemoptysis). 2. To relieve cardiac heat and tranquilize the mind (convalescence of febrile diseases or yin-deficiency with heat manifested as irritability, insomnia, dreaminess, palpitation and absent-mindedness). NA 3911,M838;C0443| HEI MA YI NA Silky Ant Formica fusca NA NA body To supplement kidney and boost essence, free channels and quicken network vessels, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Kidney vacuity dizziness and tinnitus, insomnia and frequent dreaming, impotence and emission, wind-damp impediment pain, wind stroke with hemiplegia, numbness in limbs, erythematous lupus, chorionitis, dermatomyositis, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, poisonous snake bite. 6545,T4012|22208,E|4870,T4012|22211,T4012|22209,T4012|25593,T4012|1053,E|22210,E|2393,E;T4012|4864,E|6544,E| YING TAO NA Falsesour Cherry Prunus pseudocerasus NA NA fruit To supplement spleen and boost kidney. Paralysis, spleen vacuity diarrhea, kidney vacuity and emission, pain in lumbus and legs, numbness in limbs. 19162,T6485|31017,T6485|31132,T6485|19159,E|9716,E|8288,E| SHOU FU KUAI 熟附块 Common Monkshood Daughter Root Rhizoma Aconiti Lateralis Extreme Hot,Pungent,Sweet Spleen,Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of collapse with cold limbs and faint pulse, impotence, frigidity, precordial and abdominal pain with cold sensation, vomiting and diarrhea or edema accompanied by aversion to cold and cold extremities, colds in patients with yang deficiency, chronic arthritis due to attack of cold and damp (marked by persistent severe joint pain, fixed in place and accompanied by heaviness sensation and numbness). NA 24237,M662| YIN XIAN CAO NA Japanise Chloranthus Chloranthus japonicus NA NA whole herb or root and rhizome To quicken blood and move stasis, dispel wind and eliminate damp, resolve toxin. Knocks and falls, wind-damp impediment pain, wind-cold common cold, swelling toxin sores, poisonous snake bites. 11699,E|19829,E|19825,E|19824,E|19827,E|19826,E|19830,E|8013,E|19828,E| SHE XIANG 麝香 Abelmusk Moschus moschiferus, Moschus berezovskii, Moschus sifanicus Warm,Pungent Spleen,Heart dried secretion obtained from musk gland of musk deer To open orifices and arouse spirit, quicken blood and dissipate binds, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Angina pectoris, cerebral thrombosis, vascular migraine, carcinoma, febrile diseases clouded spirit, wind stroke with phlegm reversal, qi depression and fulminant reversal, malignity stroke stupor, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, concretion conglomeration accumulation and gathering, sudden pain in heart and abdomen, knocks and falls, wound, impediment pain numbness, malign sore with welling abscess and flat abscess, throat impediment, mouth sore, gan of teeth and gum, otitis media. 1164,E|1165,E|1166,E|1167,E|15120,E;T5545|15121,E;M633;T5545|15122,E;M633;T5545|1163,E|10531,E|1168,E;T5545|1169,E;T5545|21006,E|22231,E|9779,E|14269,E|15769,E;M633|7382,E|7383,E|7384,T5545|30599,T5545|30600,T5545|4542,T5545|15674,T5545|3578,E|10532,E;T5545|30601,T5545|4536,E|4537,E;T5545|30598,T5545|9780,E|9781,E|9782,E|917,E;T5545|31143,T5545|31144,T5545|31145,T5545|31146,T5545|15123,T5545|14963,C0311|3585,E;M633;T5545|3586,T5545|1170,E|22232,E|31240,T5545|14270,T5545|15119,E|32006,T5545|23197,C0394|15772,T5545|26060,T5545|4831,T5545|4830,E|4523,E|25916,T5545|25760,T5545|25914,T5545|25915,T5545|15673,E|31147,T5545| YANG ZI XIAO LIAN QIAO NA Faber’s StJohn’swort Hypericum faberi NA NA NA NA NA 19072,E|10885,E|10886,E|10882,E| YI YE MEI DENG MU NA Heteroleaf Mayten* Maytenus heterophylla NA NA NA NA NA 9469,E|10564,E| JIA ZHOU QI YE SHU NA Californian Buckeye Aesculus californica NA NA NA NA NA 6853,T4325|6852,E| CI NAN SHE TENG NA Hookedspine Bittersweet Celastrus flagellaris NA NA root, fruit or stem To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and relieve pain, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Wind-damp impediment pain, numbness in limbs, knocks and falls, amenorrhea, dysentery, welling abscess and flat abscess, poisonous snake bite. 3367,E|3369,E|9716,E| ZHI PI PA YE 炙枇杷叶 Prepared Loquat Leaf Folium Eriobotryae Praeparata Minor cold,Bitter Lung,Stomach NA Treament of cough and dyspnea caused by heat in the lung, vomiting, fever and thirst caused by heat in the stomach. 1. Its decoction inhibits the growth of Staphylococcus aureus in vitro.2. Its saponins exert an expectorant effect.3. Inhibiting the influenza virus. 1102,M864| XIANG LING CAO 响铃草 Rust-coloured Crotalaria Crotalaria ferruginea NA NA whole herb with root To enrich liver and nourish kidney, relieve cough and calm asthma, resolve toxin and disinhibit damp. Tinnitus, dizziness and dim vision, emission, profuse menstruation, vaginal discharge, enduring cough with bloody phlegm, asthma, nephritis, inhibited urination, tonsillitis, parotitis, swelling toxin of clove sore. 22261,E;C0028|25405,T6122|15010,E|15012,T6122|15587,E|22264,T6122| XIANG YE YANG NA Chinese Aspen Populus adenopoda NA NA root cortex, bark or leaf To dispel wind and relieve pain, quicken blood and free network vessels. Wind-damp impediment pain, paralysis in limbs, decayed toothache, static blood pain due to injury. 19177,E|19169,E| SHA QIAN HU NA Bunge Giantfennel Ferula borealis NA NA root To clear heat and resolve exterior, dispel phlegm and suppress cough. Common cold, fever, headache, pneumonia, trachitis, chest oppression with cough asthma, tonsillitis, scrofula. 6481,T5454|6478,E| LI ZHI CAO 荔枝草 Common Sage Salvia plebeia NA NA aerial parts To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and dissipate stasis, disinhibit water and disperse edema. Common cold with fever, swelling pain in throat, lung heat cough, hemoptysis, blood ejection, hematuria, flooding and spotting, bleeding from hemorrhoids, nephritis with edema, white turbidity, dysentery, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, eczema titillation, knocks and falls, snake or insect bites. 9616,E|23883,M990|31848,T4621|7557,T4621|31115,T4621|9563,E|9565,T4621|23246,M990;C0572|5762,E|7556,E;T4621|7555,E| JI YING SU NA Mexican Pricklepoppy Argemone mexicana NA NA whole herb To effuse sweat and disinhibit water, clear heat and resolve toxin, relieve pain and itch. Common cold without sweating, jaundice, strangury, edema, eyelid laceration, mounting qi , scab and lai, syphilis. 21040,E|25535,T4290|3498,E|17969,E|3499,T4290|2303,E|4289,E|21239,E|18361,E|25472,T4290|16435,E|112,E|1667,E|1666,E|1665,E|930,E|4279,T4290|19269,E| DA HUA XUAN FU HUA CAO NA British Inula Herb Inula britannica NA NA aerial parts See Inula japonica . See Inula japonica . 2615,E|18357,E|10352,E|31558,T3424|18384,E|16025,E| JIANG ZHEN XIANG NA Odorate Rosewood Equivalent plant: Dalbergia sissoo Dalbergia odorifera NA NA heartwood To quicken blood and dissipate stasis, stanch bleeding and settle pain, downbear qi , break foul. Chest and rib-side pain, knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, bleeding due to external injury. 31408,T4365|14091,E|15724,E|15725,T4365|3346,E|12902,E|14097,T4365|14096,E;T4365|13652,T4365|14093,E|14092,T4365|11544,E|4613,T4365|22420,E|14611,E|14613,T4365|14494,E|12256,E|13894,E|13679,T4365|11401,E|13672,E|13673,E;T4365|11362,E|11363,T4365|13674,E;T4365|14803,E|14804,T4365|5841,T4365|14830,T4365|15903,E|15990,E|22767,E|22768,T4365|19379,T4365|19378,E|31534,T4365|14273,E|10544,E|4608,E;T4365|14274,T4365|4606,E|4607,E;T4365|10374,E|24484,T4365|20324,E|5833,E|14525,T4365|13651,E|15991,E|2574,E;T4365|14524,E|31641,T4365|31217,T4365| BAI CI HUA GEN NA Vetchleaf Sophora Root Sophora viciifolia NA NA root To clear heat and disinhibit throat, cool blood and disperse swelling. Swelling pain in throat, lung heat cough, hepatitis, dysentery, strangury syndrome, edema, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, hematuria. 4695,E|4694,E|4696,E| BAI YOU NA White Pummelo* Citrus grandis f. hakunikuju NA NA NA NA NA 17815,E| MEI LI HAI YING SU NA Beautiful Hornpoppy* Glaucium pulchrum NA NA NA NA NA 2734,E;T4910| YIN MAO XIAO YUN MU NA Hairy Micromelum* Micromelum hirsutum NA NA NA NA NA 12484,E|14832,E|14834,E|14209,E|7896,E|14210,E|7906,E| BAI MAO GEN II NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23023,C0156|2302,T3000|3059,T3000|31130,T3000| SONG HAO NA Japanese Phtheirospermum Phtheirospermum japonicum [Syn. Geradia japonica] NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin. Jaundice, edema, wind-heat common cold, mouth sore, nasitis, swelling toxin of sore and boil. 12719,E|17499,E| A YU WEI NA Ajowan Trachyspermum ammi NA NA fruit To dissipate cold and relieve pain, resolve toxin and disinhibit damp. Cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, indigestion, vomiting nausea, diarrhea, cold mounting, dysmenorrhea, urethral stone, swelling pain of sore and boil. 21346,T2882|21344,E| LI ZHI YE 荔枝叶 Folium Lichi chinensisi NA NA NA NA NA NA 23154,C0493| DU HUO 独活 Doubleteeth Pubescent Angelica Equivalent plant: Heracleum lanatum Angelica pubescens f. biserrata [Syn. Angelica pubescens ] Minor Warm,Pungent,Bitter Bladder,Liver root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, dissipate cold and relieve pain. Wind-cold-damp impediment (especially in lower part of body), pain in lumbus and knees, headache, toothache. 14343,T3603|14342,E|3048,C0377|14264,T3603|14265,E|22179,E|4029,E|20511,T3603|4233,E|31595,T3603|13565,E|25822,T3603|11460,T3603|31510,T3603|22180,T3603|21346,T3603|21344,E|3939,T3603|3938,E|9066,T3603|3935,E|3937,E;T3603|3936,E;T3603|32149,T3603|4030,T3603|24982,T3603|4236,T3603|23279,C0236|9668,E|25185,T3603|15211,E|2411,E|2412,E|17362,E|28393,T3603|21355,E|21356,T3603|16253,T3603|7229,T3603|20508,E|16250,E|7228,E|14614,T3603|18073,T3603|18072,E|14613,E|2306,E|4497,T3603|4496,E|30604,T3603|28770,T3603|15638,E;T3603|15636,E|4549,E|23252,T3603|15138,E|11218,E|23545,T3603|6500,T3603|16817,T3603|16816,E|11459,E|13567,T3603|25369,T3603|23143,C0112|11598,E|1349,E;T3603|32012,T3603|17041,E|21027,E|31714,T3603|13774,E|11625,E|11629,T3603|19530,T3603|14623,E|14785,T3603|14784,E|23133,M151;C0101|14316,E|14317,E|6484,E|1188,E|6744,T3603|15490,T3603|15491,E|15146,T3603|31329,T3603|6493,E|31325,T3603|19527,E|1200,E|22759,T3603|22758,E|23591,T3603|6740,E|1199,E|1198,E;T3603|25447,T3603|25489,T3603|1191,E;T3603|1193,E;T3603|11246,E|6411,E|1194,E|1197,E;T3603|1196,E|26058,T3603|9420,T3603|15674,E|20140,E|20141,T3603|23059,T3603|31122,T3603|31596,T3603|3351,E|9043,E|13821,T3603|13820,E|8001,E|8002,T3603|6545,E|16696,E|11599,T3603|24070,T3603|1048,E|30927,T3603|25848,T3603|15964,E|20972,E| LU CONG NA Autumn Lycoris Lycoris squamigera NA NA bulb To resolve toxin, dispel phlegm, disinhibit urine, promote vomiting. Swelling pain in throat, swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, scrofula, cough of phlegm asthma, edema, inhibited urination, food poisoning. 8084,T4708|17559,E|8082,E| LIU SHAN HU NA Gorgonian Gorgoniae suberogorgia Gorgoniae suberogorgia NA NA NA NA NA 20424,E|23475,T4680| DUAN ROU MAO MA DOU LING NA Shortfluff Dutchmanspipe* Aristolochia pubescens NA NA NA NA NA 5595,E|5596,E|1722,E|1721,E| JIANG YONG 僵蛹 NA NA Mild,Pungent,Salty Lung,Liver NA NA NA 23975,M393| LIAO NING SHAN ZHA NA Redhaw Hawthorn Crataegus sanguinea NA NA fruit See Crataegus cuneata. See Crataegus cuneata. 19072,E|10886,E|22565,E| LUO DE DA 落得打 Asiatic Pennywort Herb herba centellae Cold,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of jaundice caused by damp-heat, heat stroke with diarrhea, urolithiasis and hematuria, carbuncles and boils, traumatic injuries. NA 25000,M483|25157,M483|24589,M483| KUAN YU XIAN JUE NA Broad-pinna Colysis Colysis pothifolia [Syn. Hemionitis pothifolia] NA NA rhizome or whole herb To dispel wind and free network vessels, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Wind-damp lumbago, knocks and falls. 16100,E| NING GU SHUI QIE NA Coagulate Withania Withania coagulans NA NA NA NA NA 22686,E|10091,E|22683,E|9742,E|3859,E| OU FANG FENG NA Garden Parsnip Pastinaca sativa NA NA NA NA NA 22759,E;T5131|22758,E|15196,E|25449,T5131|22761,T5131| NIU HUANG 牛黄 Cow-bezoar (Ox-gallstone) Bos taurus domesticus, Bubalus bubalis Cool,Bitter Liver,Heart gallstone To clear heart and cool liver, clear heat and resolve toxin, lower blood pressure. Ardent fever, coma, fright epilepsy, convulsion, febrile diseases clouded spirit, wind stroke with orifice block, acute infant fright wind, swelling pain in throat, mouth and tongue sores, welling abscess and flat abscess with clove sore. 5160,E|12918,T5102|24171,M531|24142,M531|3585,E|3588,E|20716,E|3511,E|30658,T5102|5162,T5102|7249,E|12917,E|8822,E|24015,M531|2374,E;T5102|2375,E|3589,T5102|3512,T5102|24478,M531|7251,T5102| SHI YONG RI ZHONG HUA NA Hottentot Fig Mesembryanthemum edule NA NA NA NA NA 2320,E|11249,E|11563,T5606|23207,T5606| DUI SHENG MA QIAN NA Opposite Poisonnut* Strychnos decussata NA NA NA NA NA 4863,E|4864,T3632|817,E| ZHONG BIN JU NA Yucatan Tithonia Tithonia diversifolia NA NA leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin. Acute gastroenteritis, toxin swelling of sores 216,E|15916,E|7203,E|5897,E|6063,E|1438,E|1439,E|21394,E|20593,E|20595,E|240,E|1440,E|10768,E|175,E|20594,E| YI YE LIANG WANG CHA NA David Falsepanax Nothopanax davidii NA NA bark To dispel wind and dissipate stasis, quicken blood and relieve pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, taxation damage and lumbago, knocks and falls, fracture, menstrual disorder. 30887,T6428|30356,T6428|23748,T6428|22899,E|533,E|25832,T6428|22900,E|22901,E|22902,E;T6428|22903,E;T6428| XIAN SUAN QIANG NA Whiteflower Embelia Embelia ribes NA NA root To quicken blood and regulate menstruation, clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Amenorrhea, dysentery, diarrhea, child head sore, itchy skin, knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, poisonous snake bite. 6766,E|22463,T6096|22462,E|6768,T6096| HONG CAO NA Prince’s-feather Polygonum orientale NA NA herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood, interrupt malaria. Infections, rheumatic arthritis, malaria, mounting qi, beriberi, swelling of sores. 9615,E|17501,E|16185,E|11575,T4026|16192,T4026|17514,T4026| DA YE LUO XIN FU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2312,T3466| XIAO HUA PO LEI NA Kongu Hopea parviflora NA NA NA NA NA 1076,E|16666,E|2124,E| ZHAO WA GAN LAN NA Java Almond Canary-tree Canarium commune NA NA NA NA NA 6744,E| JIN FEI CAO 金沸草 Japanese Inula Equivalent plant: Inula britannica Inula japonica Warm,Salty Lung,Large Intestine,Liver aerial parts To downbear qi , disperse phlegm, move water. Wind-cold cough, phlegm congestion and qi counterflow, glomus fullness in chest and diaphragm, cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, painful swelling from clove sore. 2615,E|5740,E|11200,E|9755,E|22730,E|9753,E|11117,E|25013,M401|236,E|11105,E|5647,E|21427,E|11115,T4388|21428,E|22731,E|25216,T4388|1888,E|9769,E|23095,M401|10110,E|20688,E|11108,E|21430,T4388|11792,E|11106,E|11107,E|6113,E|24586,M401|13130,E| ZE LAN GEN NA Shiny Bugleweed Root Lycopus lucidus NA NA rhizome To transform stasis and stanch bleeding, boost qi and disinhibit water. Blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, postpartum abdominal pain, vaginal discharge, jaundice, edema, qi vacuity and hypodynamia. 13228,T6611|13217,E| XIAO YE JI WEI NA Japanese Clave Fern Onychium japonicum [Syn. Tricomanes japonicum] NA NA whole herb or leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp, stanch bleeding. Wind-heat common cold, cough, sore pharynx, diarrhea, dysentery, dribbling pain of urination, damp-heat jaundice, blood ejection, coughing of blood, hematochezia, bleeding from hemorrhoids, hematuria, sore toxin, knocks and falls, poisonous snake bites, burns and scalds. 18134,E|18109,E|16112,E|16113,E| QING YE DAN 青叶胆 Mileen Swertia Swertia mileensis Cold,Sweet,Bitter Bladder,Liver,Gallbladder whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp and abate jaundice. Damp-heat jaundice, heat strangury with inhibited pain, damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, red and white vaginal discharge, influenza, malaria with fever, acute gastritis, acute pharyngolaryngitis, acute tonsillitis, acute conjunctivitis, allergic dermatitis. 14558,E|14561,T5287|23101,M587;C0577|20487,E|20489,E|16040,E|20492,T5287|31751,T5287| WU YE YU HUANG CAO NA Five-leaf Merremia* Merremia quinquefolia NA NA NA NA NA 14479,E| SONG SHI 松石 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23416,M171| LIANG QI LIAO NA Amphibious Knotweed Polygonum amphibium NA NA herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin. Edema in lower limb, dysentery, hematuria, tidal fever, vacuity and profuse sweating, clove sore, innominate toxin swelling. 2039,E;T4640| LONG YAN YE NA Longan Leaf Euphoria longan [Syn. Dimocarpus longan] NA NA leaf To effuse exterior and clear heat, resolve toxin, dry damp. Common cold, malaria, swelling of clove, hemorrhoids, eczema. 18609,E|23887,T4702|21524,E|17861,T4702|17855,E|17206,E|32096,T4702|6917,E|20353,E|25799,T4702|18612,T4702|17210,T4702|18396,E|18397,T4702| MU CHAI HU NA Fruticose Thorowax* Bupleurum fruticescens NA NA NA NA NA 19525,E|19526,T5000| LIAN MI 连米 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 24757,M448|23170,M448| BAI HAO NA Sievers Wormwood Artemisia sieversiana NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, cool blood and stanch bleeding. Wind-cold-damp impediment, jaundice, heat dysentery, scab and lai . 19873,T2970|1779,E;T2970|37,E;T2970|19867,E;T2970|19866,E| LAN HUANG HONG GU NA Blue-yellow Redmushroom* Russula cyanoxantha NA NA NA NA NA 20137,E| HUI(4) YE NA Chinese Juniper Leaf Sobina chinensis NA NA leaf To expel wind and dissipate cold, quicken blood and resolve toxin. Wind-cold common cold,pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, urticaria, toxin swelling. 1030,E|9542,E| TONG HAO NA Crowndaisy Chrysanthemum Equivalent plant: Chrysanthemum segetum Chrysanthemum coronarium NA NA stem-leaf To harmonize spleen and stomach, disperse phlegm rheum, quiet heart and spirit. Spleen-stomach disharmony, urinary and fecal stoppage, cough with profuse phlegm, heat vexation and disquiet. 25457,T5826|15127,E|4079,E| CHUAN DIAN JIN SI TAO NA Forrest’s StJohn’swort Hypericum forrestii NA NA NA NA NA 10886,E| KE MO SEN QIE NA Commerson Nightshade* Solanum commersonii NA NA NA NA NA 5103,E|3942,E|3943,T4494|5105,T4494| JIN LIAN HUA ZHU SHI DOU NA Laburnum Crotalaria* Crotalaria laburnifolia NA NA NA NA NA 30828,T4404|4265,E|23211,T4404|19716,E| JIU BI YING 救必应 Ovateleaf Holly Ilex rotunda NA NA bark To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp and relieve pain. Common cold with fever, swelling pain in throat, stomachache, summerheat-damp diarrhea, jaundice, dysentery, knocks and falls, wind-damp impediment pain, eczema, sore and boil. 23764,T4435|16754,E|19074,E|4245,E|23682,M986|23975,M986|19895,E|1113,E|18928,T4435|7818,M986|4248,T4435|18927,E|24644,M986|24020,M986| JIU CAI ZI 韭菜子 Tuber Onion Seed Semen Allii Tuberosi NA NA NA Treatment of impotence, seminal emission, aching of the loins and knee, enuresis, frequent urination, morbid leukorrhea. NA 23170,M987;C0397|23040,C0396| BAI XIAN SHU NA Shortstamen Stephania* Stephania brachyandra NA NA tuberoid To move qi and quicken blood, dispel wind and relieve pain, clear heat and resolve toxin. Stomachache, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, dysmenorrhea, swelling toxin of welling abscess and boil, eczema. 11341,E|11343,T3028| XIAO YE LIAN 小叶莲 Common Sinopodophyllum Fruit Fructus Podophylli Mild,Sweet NA NA Treatment of amenorrhea due to blood stasis, difficult labour, missed labour, retention of placenta. NA 17578,M769;C0083|21223,M769| KU SHI LIAN NA Whiteflower Caesalpinia Caesalpinia minax NA NA seed To clear heat and transform damp. Wind-heat common cold, dysentery, strangury-turbidity, retching counterflow, swollen welling abscess, sore and lichen, knocks and falls, poisonous snake bite. 2863,E|2864,E|2865,E|2866,E|2867,E|2868,E|2869,E|30707,T4526|20353,E|2886,T4526| CHAN CHU NA Toad Bufo bufo gargarizans, Bufo melanostictus NA NA whole body To resolve toxin and dissipate binds, disperse accumulation and disinhibit water, kill worms and disperse gan . Welling abscess and flat abscess, clove sore, effusion of back, scrofula, malign sore, concretion and accumulation, ascites, edema, child gan accumulation, tetanus, chronic cough and asthma. 30688,T3219|2726,E|13559,T3219|30791,T3219|2716,E;T3219|2715,E|18622,E|2728,E;T3219|9328,E|9329,T3219|3729,E|18623,T3219| SONG HUA FEN 松花份 Pine Pollen Pollen Pini NA NA NA Treatment of eczema, impetigo, erosion of the skin with exudation, traumatic bleeding, diaper dermatitis. NA 24744,M1046|24342,M1046| LUO YAN CAO NA Littleleaf Lemmaphyyllum Herb Lemmaphyllum microphyllum NA NA whole herb with root To clear lung and relieve cough, cool blood and stanch bleeding, clear heat and resolve toxin. Lung heat cough, pulmonary welling abscess, hemoptysis, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, swelling pain in throat, parotitis, dysentery, scrofula, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, damp itchy skin, wind-fire toothache, wind-damp bone pain. 16103,E|16102,E|16101,E|16100,E|16105,E|16104,E|18149,T4773|18148,E|6677,E|30934,T4773|12616,T4773|12615,E|6678,E;T4773|17646,E| WU JIU MU GEN PI NA Chinese Tallowtree Bark Sapium sebiferum NA NA root cortex To drain precipitation and expel water, dissipate binds and disperse swelling, resolve snake toxin, lower blood pressure. Edema, ascites, urinary and fecal st oppage, hypertension, concretion conglomeration accumulation and gathering, painful swelling from clove sore, eczema, scab and lichen, poisonous snake bite. 4057,T5949|4055,E|8094,E|22764,T5949|22762,E|25316,T5949|30995,T5949|6223,E|6226,T5949|19582,E| MENG GU LI NA Mongolian Oak Quercus mongolica NA NA leaf To clear heat and check dysentery, relieve cough, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Bacillary dysentery, child indigestion, swollen welling abscess, hemorrhoids. 7957,T4942|9478,E|8788,T4942|8787,E|7950,E| CAI WEN QIAN JIN TENG NA Discolor Stephania* Stephania discolor NA NA NA NA NA 21190,E|21191,T3174| BI LIN BA JIAO LIAN NA Furfuraceous Many-flowered May-apple* Dysosma furfuracea NA NA NA NA NA 5073,E|5092,E|17578,E| QI HAN NING HUA JIAO NA Tsihanim Pricklyash* Zanthoxylum tsihanimposa NA NA NA NA NA 7705,T5230|7702,E| FENG XIANG SHU GEN 风箱树根 Radix Cephalanthi occidentalis NA NA NA NA NA NA 23301,C0219| ZHI GEN PI 枳根皮 Trifoliate-orange Root-bark Poncirus trifoliata NA NA root cortex To constrain blood, relieve pain. Toothache, hemorrhoids, hematochezia. 15626,C0582|9457,C0338|19770,T6660|17694,T6660|19769,E|5133,E| ZHU ZI SHEN 珠子参 Largeleaf Japanese Ginseng Rhizome Rhizoma Panacis Majoris NA NA NA Treatment of deficiency of both qi and yin characterized by fever and thirst, cough in consumptive diseases, traumatic injuries, joint pain, hemoptysis, hematemesis, traumatic bleeding. NA 24173,M1091|23538,M1091|23900,M1091|25109,M1091|24668,M1091| MU TIAN LIAO NA Silvervine Actinidia Actinidia polygama NA NA branchlet-leaf To dispel wind-damp, warm channels and relieve pain, disperse concretion and conglomeration. Wind stroke with hemiplegia, wind-cold-damp impediment, lumbago, mounting qi , concretion conglomeration accumulation and gathering, qi dysentery. 11193,E|10007,E|31780,T5022|11178,E|13596,T5022|22839,E|18370,E|12076,E|10364,E|5762,E|15475,E|25841,T5022|11376,T5022|2887,E|13589,E|11179,T5022|9817,E|11464,E|937,E;T5022|584,E|582,E;T5022|583,E|581,E|2284,E|10009,T5022|15425,E|11557,E|11556,E|5679,E|15429,T5022|15428,E;T5022|11146,E;T5022|11147,T5022|11558,T5022|11142,E|13591,E;T5022|11141,E|11375,E|5681,T5022|13590,E;T5022|11469,T5022|32253,T5022|6319,E|31216,T5022| LU DOU HUA 绿豆花 Flos Vignae radiatae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23163,C0421|23290,C0422| QIAN JIE CAO NA Herbaceous Pygmaeopremna Pygmaeopremna herbacea [Syn. Premna herbacea] NA NA whole herb To quicken blood and relieve pain, dispel wind and eliminate damp, fortify spleen and disperse food. Knocks and falls, wind-damp impediment pain, pain in stomach duct, indigestion, diarrhea, toxin swelling of sores. 18219,E|18218,E|18220,E|18221,E|18222,E|5467,E| JIANG DOU NA Cow-pea Vigna unguiculata NA NA seed To fortify spleen and disinhibit damp, supplement kidney and rough essence. Spleen-stomach vacuity, diarrhea and dysentery, vomiting of sour matter, kidney vacuity lumbago, emission, diabetes mellitus, leukorrhea, white turbidity, frequent urination. 22458,E|17033,E|17034,E|32199,T4359| LI ZHI HE 荔枝核 Lychee Seed Litchi chinensis Warm,Sweet,Punkery Liver,Kidney seed To rectify qi, dispel cold, relieve pain, resolve binds. Mounting qi pain, painful swollen testes, premenstrual abdominal pain, postpartum abdominal pain. 14351,E|24748,M447|24352,M447|24166,M447|24939,M447|25107,M447|23154,M447;C0493|31605,T4623| HU LI NA Peking Oak Quercus aliena NA NA NA NA NA 17740,E| OU ZHOU WEI MAO NA European Euonymus Euonymus europaeus NA NA NA NA NA 1738,E;T5165|2438,E|160,E|5507,E| XI YE SHE BIAN JU NA Fine-leaved Gay-feather* Liatris tenuifolia NA NA NA NA NA 20144,E|20145,T6053| HAI NAN QING NIU DAN NA Hainan Tinospora Tinospora hainanensis NA NA NA NA NA 14741,T3949|14740,E|3747,E|4458,T3949|11849,T3949|11848,E|30470,T3949|6218,E| XIU MAO JI SHENG NA Rustyhair Taxillus Taxillus levinei NA NA branch-leaf To clear lung and relieve cough, dispel wind-damp. Lung heat cough, wind-damp pain in lumbus and legs, sore and boil. 11640,T6237|5762,E|11639,E|31848,T6237| XIAO BO SI SHI SUAN NA Small Ungernia* Ungernia minor NA NA NA NA NA 22216,E| CU YE MAI MI HUA SHU NA Rough-veined Rapanea* Rapanea neurophylla NA NA NA NA NA 6766,E| HU LU 葫芦 Calabash gourd Pericarpium lagenariae Cold,Bitter NA NA Treatment of edema. Calabash gourd (Hulu) is used with herbs which promote water metabolism, such as Benincasa peel (Dongguapi). NA 4316,M349| OU WU TOU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 554,T5140|13788,T5140|26089,T5140|25442,T5140|10876,T5140| DA YE NAN YANG SHAN NA Bunya Bunya Araucaria bidwillii NA NA NA NA NA 4375,E|4376,T3468|710,E;T3468| SHAN JU NA Hance Pepper Piper hancei NA NA stem-leaf To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and disperse swelling, move qi and relieve pain, transform stagnation and relieve pain. Wind-cold-damp impediment, stomachache, dysmenorrhea, knocks and falls, wind-cold cough, mounting qi. 8035,T5482|8034,E|9207,E|2768,T5482|9209,E|22612,E|2760,E|8039,E|9208,E|22613,T5482|31057,T5482|9210,E|31058,T5482| LIAN QIAO 连翘 Weeping Forsythia Forsythia suspensa Minor cold,Bitter Heart,Gallbladder dried fruit To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate binds and disperse swelling. Influenza in early stage, common cold in early stage, wind-heat common cold, encephalitis, hepatitis, tuberculosis, warm disease, heat strangury with inhibited pain, welling abscess, welling abscess and flat abscess, toxin swelling, scrofula, goiter and tuberculosis, throat impediment. 23753,M449|23043,M449;C0018|3048,E|12837,E|24559,M449|3045,E|3046,T4629|24714,M449|20481,E|3761,E|12435,E|17395,E|31736,T4629|24858,M449|17129,E;M449|17362,E|17363,E|25207,T4629|25205,T4629|16097,E;T4629|16096,E|19072,M449;C0514|26098,T4629|26097,T4629|4549,E|22704,E|15138,E|23411,M449|386,E|25234,T4629|17131,E;M449|12843,E|23258,C0019|23545,T4629|24369,M449|24768,M449|23067,C0090|24760,M449|22254,E|18602,E|18603,E|18600,E|18601,E|18604,E|18598,E|18599,E|17043,T4629|17042,E|12440,T4629|23815,M449|23101,M449|7926,E;T4629|7924,E;M449;T4629|7925,E|7922,E|7923,E;T4629|7921,E|32181,T4629|7928,T4629|387,E|19106,E|19107,T4629|16098,T4629|1511,E|31444,T4629|31446,T4629|15146,T4629|19525,E|19526,T4629|30325,T4629|13589,T4629|29370,T4629|23427,M449|20976,E;M449|13588,E|11244,E|6028,E|26058,T4629|3194,E|30723,T4629|15917,E|15916,E|30743,T4629|16040,E|8310,T4629|24649,M449|31737,T4629|20974,E|24721,M449|20979,E| SHAN DI CI TONG NA Mountain Immortelle Erythrina poeppigiana NA NA NA NA NA 7311,E|7315,E|2771,E|2772,E|7309,E|4242,E|7310,E|7313,E|7312,E|7314,E|7308,E| BIN HAI DANG GUI NA Seashore Angelica* Angelica keiskei NA NA NA NA NA 9991,E| WU LIAN MEI NA Japanese Cayratia Cayratia japonica NA NA whole herb or root To clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Swollen welling abscess, clove sore, epidemic parotitis, erysipelas, wind-damp pain, jaundice, dysentery, hematuria, white turbidity. 9499,E|3344,E|23528,T5954| ZHOU YE OU QIN NA Curly Garden Parsley Petroselinum crispum NA NA NA NA NA 15196,E|31780,T6695|30621,T6695|2284,E|1502,E;T6695|1520,E|25449,T6695| HE GENG 荷梗 Hindu Lotus Petiole Nelumbo nucifera Mild,Bitter Spleen,Stomach,Liver dried petiole and pedicel To dispel summerheat, rectify qi and transform damp. Summerheat-damp and oppression in chest, diarrhea, dysentery, strangury, Vaginal discharge. 15313,M323|1348,C0551|18884,T3979|18881,E|23264,M323;C0158|11488,C0147|12792,M323|14144,T3979|14141,E| DAN YE YOU GAN NA Singleleaf Acronychia* Acronychia haplophylla NA NA NA NA NA 570,E;T3500| SHAN DI YAO HUA NA Country Stringbush* Wikstroemia monticola NA NA NA NA NA 19886,E| JING JIE 荆芥 Fineleaf Schizonepeta Schizonepeta tenuifolia [Syn. Nepeta tenuifolia] Minor Warm,Pungent Lung,Liver aerial parts To dispel wind, resolve exterior, outthrust papules, stanch bleeding. Common cold with fever, headache, itchy eye, cough, swelling pain in throat, measles papules, wind papules, swollen welling abscess, sore and scab, throat pain, conjunctivitis, child measles, spontaneous external bleeding, blood ejection, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, postpartum blood dizziness. 19490,E;T4429|19491,E|19492,E|19493,E;M412;T4429|19494,E;M412;T4429|19495,E|18176,E;M412|31464,T4429|9455,E|10068,E|9457,E;M412;C0338|17438,E|25323,T4429|6744,T4429|31865,T4429|24277,M412|12837,E|6740,E|14264,E|12838,T4429|3045,E|3674,E|3046,T4429|13772,T4429|14267,T4429|23932,M412|30750,T4429|23661,M412|24164,M412|23912,M412|26058,T4429|24659,M412|15973,E|23545,T4429|24293,M412|5867,E|9456,T4429|18910,E|11639,T4429|23475,M412|17442,E;T4429|17445,T4429|31748,T4429|25146,M412|19489,E;T4429|19488,E|4549,E|25550,T4429|31747,T4429|23231,M412|23178,M412;C0243|9669,E|23022,C0258|23808,M412|31812,T4429|13769,E|25084,M412|3242,E|24913,M412|13130,E;M412;C0415|17362,E|17363,E|15968,E|15969,E;T4429|11636,E|9670,T4429|31093,T4429| YAN TIAN JIE CAI NA Curassow Heliotrope* Heliotropium curassavicum NA NA NA NA NA 9322,T6309|12532,T6309|12530,E|9319,E| DA HUA YIN YANG HUO BIAN ZHONG NA Large-flowered Epimedium Variety Epimedium grandiflorum var. thumbergianum NA NA NA NA NA 2276,E| TONG GEN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23258,C0019|23043,C0018| JU HUA HUANG TAN NA Congested-flower Rosewood* Dalbergia congestiflora NA NA NA NA NA 15345,E| ZUI DA WAN SHOU JU NA Maxima Marigold* Tagetes maxima NA NA NA NA NA 18301,E|10271,E|3389,E|18295,E|18291,E|18292,E|16716,E| FENG CHENG JI XUE TENG NA HirsuteMillettia Millettia nitida var. hirsutissima NA NA root and lianoid stem To supplement blood and quicken blood, soothe sinews and quicken network vessels. Blood vacuity and general weakness, menstrual disorder [=menoxenia], wind-damp impediment pain, poliomyelitis, knocks and falls. 7883,E|9555,E|9553,E|9554,E| CU PI SHAN HE TAO NA Shagbark Hickory Carya ovata NA NA NA NA NA 11900,E|11901,T3385| LIAO DONG CONG MU YE NA Liaodong Aralia Leaf* Aralia elata NA NA tender leaf and gemma To clear heat and disinhibit damp. Damp-heat diarrhea, dysentery, edema. 9271,E|6640,E|16039,E|1690,E|22257,E| CU CAO LONG DAN NA Scabrous Gentian* Gentiana scabra var. buesgeri NA NA NA NA NA 8304,T3374|8303,E| YUN NAN SHU WEI CAO NA Yunnan Sage Salvia yunnanensis NA NA root To quicken blood and dispel stasis, cool blood and stanch bleeding, nourish heart and quiet spirit, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, menstrual block, persistent flow with abdominal pain, concretion and conglomeration, chest impediment and angina, arthralgia, mounting qi (hernia), flooding and spotting, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hacking of blood, blood vacuity and numbness in limbs, sleepless, amnesia, fright palpitation, fearful throbbing, mammary welling abscess, swelling of sores, stasis swelling from knocks and falls. 14728,E|20670,E|20671,E|5721,E|4291,E|17954,E|20669,E|17998,E|14384,E|5762,E| SHE XIANG BAI HE NA Longflower Lily Lilium longiflorum NA NA bulb See Lilium brownii var. viridulum. See Lilium brownii var. viridulum. 18557,E|1358,E|18558,E|18559,E| CI DOU KOU NA Aculeate Amomum* Amomum aculeatum NA NA NA NA NA 10158,E|589,E| CHANG YAO GE CHONG LOU 长药隔重楼 Tibet Paris Paris polyphylla var. pseudothibetica NA NA rhizome See Paris polyphylla . See Paris polyphylla . 6439,E;C0330| REN SHEN HUA LEI NA Ginseng Buds Panax ginseng [Syn. Panax schinseng ] NA NA bud To supplement original qi greatly, supplement spleen and boost lung, engender liquid and allay thirst, quiet spirit and boost wits. Qi vacuity and verging on desertion, spleen vacuity and fatigued body, inappetence, vomiting, diarrhea, lung vacuity and shortness of breath, cough, hasty asthma, vacuity and profuse sweating, fluid damage and thirst, diabetes mellitus, insomnia and frequent dreaming, fright palpitation and amnesia, anemia with yellow complexion, kidney vacuity impotence, frequent urination, qi -blood fluids vacuity depletion. 17968,E|17969,T5324| JIAN YE TANG SONG CAO NA Sharpleaf Meadowrue Thalictrum acutifolium NA NA root and rhizome See Thalictrum faberi. See Thalictrum faberi . 30340,T4347|14476,E|21872,E|596,E| RUI XIANG HUA NA Winter Daphne Flower Daphne odora NA NA flower To quicken blood and relieve pain, resolve toxin and dissipate binds. Swelling pain in throat, headache, toothache, wind-damp pain, mammary welling abscess, swollen hard breast. 4649,E|4646,T5390|22659,T5390|4644,E|4645,E;T5390|4656,T5390|22180,T5390|22179,E|15800,T5390| ZHAN MAO SHI WEI NA Panniform Pyrrosia Pyrrosia drakeana NA NA leaf See Pyrrosia lingua. See Pyrrosia lingua. 7282,E|3551,E| CHUAN CHI SHAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 24185,T3318|16515,T3318|25281,T3318| MA LIN NA Chinese Iris Iris pallasii var. chinensis NA NA NA NA NA 11178,T4799|11176,E| XIANH FU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31924,T6113|31925,T6113|28704,T6113|6413,T6113|18946,T6113|11362,T6113|31404,T6113|24409,T6113|23717,T6113|7116,T6113|11470,T6113|4577,T6113|4578,T6113|24895,T6113|26056,T6113| MAN SHAN HONG 满山红 Dahurian Rhododendron Rhododendron dauricum Warm,Pungent,Bitter Lung leaf To relieve cough, dispel phlegm. Acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis. 1161,E;T4830|30751,T4830|9739,E;C0462|19527,E|5078,E|5079,T4830|23833,M505|8346,E|8345,E;T4830|8344,E|2052,E;T4830|12017,E|3973,E|7738,T4830|30330,T4830|11311,T4830|25635,T4830|7735,E;M505|11459,T4830|18302,E|21953,E|24037,T4830|25307,T4830|23050,C0007|9666,E|10886,E|20550,E|8350,T4830|9748,T4830|18781,E|9009,E|2274,E|4682,E|4683,E|4680,E|4681,E|3242,E|3241,E|31914,T4830|8958,E|16159,E|11458,E|2039,E;T4830|19670,E|5698,E|5699,T4830|18396,E| BEI XUAN SHEN NA Buerger Figwort Scrophularia buergeriana NA NA root See Scrophularia ningpoensis . See Scrophularia ningpoensis. 2712,E|13878,E|2710,E|2711,E|2709,E|2887,E|13883,E|13879,E|13882,E|3695,E|2702,E|7767,E|9238,T3099|13884,E|14253,T3099|14252,E|13881,E|9236,E|9237,E|4135,E| SHUI JING LAN NA Indianpipe Monotropa uniflora NA NA root To supplement lung and relieve cough. Lung vacuity cough. 26228,T5644|14925,E| PU TONG LU TI CAO NA Common Pyrola Pyrola decorata NA NA whole herb See Pyrola calliantha. See Pyrola calliantha. 31884,T5226|10886,E|11639,E|1935,E|18256,E|6160,T5226|25569,T5226|9593,E| MA BO 马勃 Bark-less Puff-ball Equivalent plant: Lycoperdon pyriforme Lasiosphaera fenzlii Mild,Pungent Large Intestine,Liver sporocarp To clear lung and disinhibit throat, stanch bleeding. Cough, aphonia, nosebleed(epistaxis), bleeding due to external injury. 24379,M490|7251,T4781|32176,T4781|4880,T4781|22237,T4781|22235,E|4878,E|22230,E|7249,E| SHI ER RUI SHANG LU NA Decapistil Pokeweed* Phytolacca dodecandra NA NA NA NA NA 12616,E|16034,E|2179,E| MAO HUANG BO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31732,T4869| DUAN YE LUO HAN SONG SHI NA Chinese Podocarpus Seed Podocarpus macrophyllus var. maki NA NA seed and floral receptacle See Podocarpus macrophyllus. See Podocarpus macrophyllus. 28252,T3628|2850,E|17689,T3628|17686,E| GAN ZHE 甘蔗 Sweetcane Culm Saccharum sinensis NA NA stem To clear heat and engender liquid, moisten dryness and harmonize center, resolve toxin. Heat vexation, diabetes mellitus, vomiting nausea, vacuity heat cough, dry stool, swelling of welling abscess, welling abscess and flat abscess with swelling sore. 14381,E|23042,T3801|553,E|552,E|20353,E|3041,T3801|3040,E|13787,T3801|23887,T3801|31611,T3801|23116,C0502|8826,E|18247,E|18248,T3801|13786,E|7995,E|26089,T3801|26088,T3801|7449,E|1048,E|7996,T3801|30347,T3801|30457,T3801| NAN MEI FANG JI. NA NA Chondrodendron tomentosum NA NA NA NA NA 22075,E| CHA MEI NA Sasanqua Camellia Camellia sasanqua NA NA NA NA NA 10095,E| CHANG YUAN XIN XING HU TONG NA Cordate-oblong Beautyleaf* Calophyllum cordato-oblongum NA NA NA NA NA 4038,E|11338,E| QING ZI SU NA Viridian Common Perilla* Perilla frutescens f. viridis NA NA NA NA NA 16918,E|16920,E| SHI LUO ZI NA Dill Fruit Anethum graveolens NA NA fruit To warm spleen and kidney, increase appetite,move qi, dissipate cold, resolve toxin of fish and meat. Sand foulness retching, cold pain in abdomen, cold mounting, glomus fullness. 31444,T5589|8236,E|32171,T5589|13870,E|23412,T5589|21323,E|6141,E|13734,E|12837,E|10470,E|21343,E|10432,E|5176,E|14412,E|13771,E|13770,E|3237,E|22236,E|5809,E|8807,E|22180,E|10951,E|5807,E|8809,E|25857,T5589|5219,E|2276,E|6140,E|20553,E|5206,E|5208,E|13746,E|13747,E|7442,E|7333,E|13740,E|9840,E|6192,E| DONG FENG CAI NA Scabrous Doellingeria Doellingeria scaber [Syn. Aster scaber] NA NA rhizome and whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, brighten eyes, disinhibit throat. Wind-heat common cold, dizziness, red eyes with gall, red swollen in throat, acute nephritis, lung disease with blood ejection, knocks and falls, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, snake bite. 20221,E|5354,E|5353,E|30978,T3585|25259,T3585|6917,E|25799,T3585|7949,E| YI YE QIU 一叶萩 Suffrutescent Securinega Securinega suffruticosa NA NA root and twig To dispel wind and quicken blood, boost kidney and strengthen sinews. Neuralgia, recurrent neuritis, chronic ischiatitis, neurasthenia, depression, schizophrenia, senile dementia, wind-damp lumbago, numbness in limbs, impotence, child gan accumulation, facial paralysis, sequel of poliomyelitis. 19629,E;T6429|25310,T6429|17200,E|19627,E;T6429|19626,E;T6429|10051,E|19624,E;C0062|6043,E|5737,E|25920,T6429|19625,E;T6429|5711,E|6044,E|22513,E|940,E;T6429| LAN SE YA CHI JUN NA Inedible Mushroom Hydnellum caeruleum NA NA NA NA NA 21290,E|21286,E|21287,E|21285,E|21288,E|21289,E| JIAO MO. NA NA Monostroma nitidum NA NA frond To clear heat and disinhibit water, transform phlegm and relieve cough. Laryngitis, cough and abundant phlegm, edema, inhibited urination [=dysuria]. 9383,E| SHENG DI HONG JING TIAN NA Integripetal Rhodiola Rhodiola sacra NA NA whole herb To supplement qi and clear lung, boost wits and nourish heart, promote contraction and stanch bleeding, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling. Qi vacuity and general weakness, aversion of cold during convalescence, shortness of breath and hypodynamia, lung heat cough, hemoptysis, leukorrhea, diarrhea, knocks and falls, burns and scalds, neurosis, altitude stress. 7440,E|18778,E|8094,E|19362,E|2887,E|4679,E|19094,E|19095,T5556|12017,E|18776,T5556|18777,E|18775,E|9466,E|19364,T5556|22154,E|9481,T5556|19967,E|22179,E|18779,T5556| YOU YONG PO LEI NA Utilizable Hopea* Hopea utilis NA NA NA NA NA 18634,E|9635,E| BAI SHU LANG NA Hispid Yam Dioscorea hispida NA NA tuber To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling. Swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, syphilis, chancre, painful swelling from knocks and falls. 6440,T3022|6439,E;T3022|6438,E| HUA TAO SHU. NA NA Trewin nudiflora NA NA NA NA NA 5727,E| HE LU BAI JIAN MU NA Olive-green White Quebracho* Aspidosperma olivaceum NA NA NA NA NA 31756,T3985|16075,E| HEI SHI ER. NA NA Dermatocarpon minitum NA NA lichen body To disperse food, disinhibit water, lower blood pressure. Indigestion, abdominal distention, dysentery, gan accumulation, hypertension. 22591,E| ZHI YI XIAO BO NA Dubious Barberry Berberis dubia NA NA NA NA NA 2300,E|2303,E|16544,E|11848,E| HE AN ZE LAN NA Riparian Eupatorium, Riverside Eupatorium Eupatorium riparium NA NA NA NA NA 30978,T3976|7949,E|7591,E|7592,T3976| BIAN JING HUANG QI NA Flatstem Milkvetch Astragalus complanatus NA NA seed To supplement kidney and secure essence, boost liver and brighten eyes. Liver kidney vacuity, lumbago and limp leg, emission and premature ejaculation, frequent urination, dizziness and tinnitus, clouded flowery vision. 3949,E|15931,E|18692,E|18669,E|15180,E|18722,E|15363,E|18723,E|15181,T3125|18693,E|11500,E|15365,T3125|3958,T3125|1944,E| XIAO HONG SUAN NA American Eleutherine Eleutherine americana NA NA NA NA NA 6752,E;T6163|6753,T6163|6751,E| CANGBAI CHUNG GOU FENG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 18149,T3182|13405,T3182|30934,T3182| LUO FU MU JING YE NA Common Devilpepper Stem and Leaf Rauvolfia verticillata NA NA stem-leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and disperse swelling, lower blood pressure. Swelling pain in throat, stasis swelling from knocks and falls, poisonous snake bite, hypertension. 1680,E;T4747|18844,E|18847,T4747| TIAN GUA HUA 甜瓜花 Flos Cucumidis melinis NA NA NA NA NA NA 11770,C0144|4316,C0518| LIN DI HA O NA Woodland Wormwood Artemisia sylvatica NA NA NA NA NA 1802,E|14994,E|1791,E|1790,E|4745,E|14090,E|7196,E|7195,E|7194,E| JIAN ZHUANG CHANG CHUN HUA NA Lanceolate Periwinkle* Catharanthus lanceus NA NA NA NA NA 31426,T4354|12728,E| AN GE LA BAJ IAO FENG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 830,T2903|831,T2903|3401,T2903|829,T2903|828,T2903|31860,T2903|1293,T2903| YIN DU E LI NA Indian Avocado* Persea indica NA NA NA NA NA 8200,E|5464,E|1265,E|1264,E| SHEN XING XIANG CHA CAI NA Reniform Rabdosia* Isodon latifolia var. reniformis NA NA NA NA NA 18606,E|18607,E| XI BO SHI WEI MAO NA Seibo Euonymus* Euonymus sieboldianus NA NA NA NA NA 7534,E| SHENG HONG JI NA Tropic Ageratum Ageratum conyzoides NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, stanch bleeding, relieve pain. Common cold with fever, swelling pain in throat, hemoptysis, spontaneous external bleeding, flooding and spotting, pain in stomach duct and abdomen, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, eczema titillation. 9508,E|20353,E|19913,E|23887,T5558| SHI RUI NA Reindeer Moss Cladonia rangiferina NA NA herb To clear heat, moisten dryness, cool liver, transform phlegm, disinhibit damp. heat vexation and disquiet, dry throat and phlegm node, dim vision and eye screen, heat strangury, jaundice. 1990,E;T5592|7998,T5592|7997,E|7996,T5592|7995,E| TUO YUAN YE RU XIANG SHU NA Ellipticleaf Olibanum* Boswellia ovalifoliolata NA NA NA NA NA 99,E|16264,E|16265,E| PENG E ZHU 蓬莪术 Curcuma zedoaria Rosc NA NA NA NA NA NA 5044,C0331| CU ZHUANG YU TENG NA Robust Jewelvine Derris robusta NA NA NA NA NA 5234,E| ZI BEI CHI 紫贝齿 Purple cowrie shell Concha Mauritiae Arabicae Mild,Salty Liver NA Treatment of: 1. Palpitations, irritability, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep or infantile convulsions due to high fever. Purple cowrie shell (Zibeichi) is used with Coptis root (Huanglian), Mother-of-pearl (Zhenzhumu) and Antelope's horn (Lingyangjiao). 2. Wind and heat in the liver meridian manifested as red, swollen and painful eyes or visual obstruction, or hyperactivity of liver yang manifested as dizziness, vertigo and headache. Purple cowrie shell (Zibeichi) is used with Chrysanthemum flower (Juhua), Mulberry leaf (Sangye) and Uncaria stem (Gouteng). NA 23523,M891|23339,M891|23502,M891|20353,M891|23704,M891|24225,M891|15651,M891| E RONG TENG NA Chinese Swallowwort Cynanchum chinense NA NA white juice in stem To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse accumulation and fortify stomach, disinhibit water and disperse edema. Child food accumulation, child gan accumulation, gastritis, gastritis with edema, duodenal ulcer, wart. 4563,T3679|4553,E| DA GUO DA JI NA Largefruit Euphorbia* Euphorbia wallichii NA NA NA NA NA 11889,E|11060,E|9804,E|1962,E|3330,E|11059,E|5759,E|5758,E|9313,E|9312,E|9310,E| YANG TI YE 羊蹄叶 Folium Rumex japonici NA NA NA NA NA NA 6775,C0449| JIAN YE YIN YANG HUO NA Sagittate Epimedium Epimedium sagittatum NA NA aerial parts See Epimedium brevicornum . See Epimedium brevicornum. 6960,E|16078,E|31548,T4350|31549,T4350|31300,T4350|31298,T4350|31299,T4350|31449,T4350|3436,T4350|19111,E;T4350|19110,E|19112,E;T4350|19118,T4350|3435,E|2138,E|2139,E|10939,E|10952,E|10953,E;T4350|10950,E;T4350|10954,E|31550,T4350|18302,E|12885,E|1275,E|6959,E|31878,T4350|30608,T4350|17071,E|10962,E|10949,E;T4350|10948,E;T4350|10940,E|10943,E|10945,E|10944,E| JIN QIAN PU NA Grassleaf Sweetflag Acorus gramineus NA NA Rhizome See Acorus tatarinowii . See Acorus tatarinowii . 14523,E|13876,E|1835,E|3242,E|3241,E|2435,E|957,E|9668,E| AI SHENG BO LAN DI. NA NA Berlandiera pumila NA NA NA NA NA 18184,E| YI HUA MU LAN NA Different-flowered Indigo Indigofera heteranthazha NA NA NA NA NA 13254,E|16873,E|13245,E| SU MU 苏木 Sappan Caesalpinia Caesalpinia sappan Mild,Pungent,Sweet,Salty Spleen,Liver,Heart heartwood To quicken blood and dispel stasis, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis, stabbing pain in chest and abdomen, swelling pain due to external injury. 2594,E;T5712|13767,C0347|23578,M673|18664,M673|15925,E|30995,T5712|16082,M673|14712,E|14713,E;T5712|14092,E|5210,E|5211,E|14403,T5712|14152,E|23091,M673;C0069|18302,M673|31673,T5712|8094,E|14693,T5712|14692,E|5194,E|15683,C0398|20695,M673|14395,E|14396,E;T5712|23171,C0484|19345,T5712|17251,C0263|23306,C0424|9336,E|25534,T5712|15442,E|19331,E|23137,M673;C0211|19333,E|19332,E;M673|10176,E|15448,E|24137,M673|21017,E|25026,M673|17978,T5712|17975,E|17974,E|17977,E|17976,E|17971,E|17973,E|17972,E|30095,T5712|32008,T5712|24645,M673|23027,C0212| TONG YOU NA Tung Oil Aleurites cordata [Syn. Aleurites fordii] NA NA seed oil To promote vomiting and expel phlegm drool, clear heat and resolve toxin, contract damp and kill worms. Scab and lichen, shank sore, burns and scalds, cracking from frostbite. 30943,T5832|21889,E|4055,E|16553,E|21968,E|20221,E|21971,T5832|25259,T5832|6747,E|31481,T5832|4057,T5832|13431,E|6749,T5832|6748,E|32138,T5832| XI MING ZI NA Boor’s Mustard Seed Thlaspi arvense NA NA seed To brighten eyes, dispel wind-damp. Sore red swollen eyes and tearing, wind-damp impediment pain. 19919,E|25285,T6020|14329,E|31598,T6020| YAN FU ZI NA Chinese Sumac Fruit Rhus chinensis [Syn. Rhus semialata] NA NA fruit To moisten lung and engender liquid, downbear fire and transform phlegm, constrain sweat, check dysentery. Phlegm cough, throat impediment, jaundice, night sweating, dysentery, intractable lichen, welling abscess, head wind white scaling. 8094,E|30995,T6297|5514,E|14447,E|31624,T6297|910,T6297| SHEN HONG HONG JING TIAN NA Darkred Rhodiola Rhodiola coccinea NA NA NA NA NA 18777,E| OU DANG GUI 欧当归 Garden Lovage Levisticum officinale NA NA root To quicken blood and regulate menstruation, disinhibit urine. Amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, dizziness, headache, numbness in limbs, edema. 31442,T5129|12819,E|7767,E|11639,E|2791,E|12820,E|23096,C0133| JIA ZONG ZHUANG HUA XU SHAN XIAO JU NA Pseudo-racemose Glycosmis* Glycosmis pseudoracemosa NA NA NA NA NA 19156,E| XIN XING BAN GE NA XIANG NA Cardia-petal Goniothalamus* Goniothalamus cardiopetalus NA NA NA NA NA 3189,E| DA HUA SHAO LAN NA Bigflower Ladyslipper Cypripedium macranthum [Syn. Cypripedium tibeticum] NA NA root To disinhibit urine and disperse edema, quicken blood and relieve pain. Edema in lower limb, strangury, leukorrhea, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls. 4585,E|4584,E| GANG GUO HE ZHI XIE MU NA Congo Holarrhena* Holarrhena congolensis NA NA NA NA NA 9583,E|8010,T3803|8009,E|3968,E|3969,T3803| GAO SHAN TIAO JUE NA Alpine Oleandra Oleandra wallichii NA NA NA NA NA 630,E|15397,E|9641,E| BAI FU LING 白茯苓 white Indian Bread Poriae Alba Mild,Sweet,Neutral Lung,Spleen,Heart NA Treatment of edema with oliguria, dizziness and palpitation caused by retained fluid, diminished function of the spleen marked by anorexia, loose stools or diarrhea, restlessness and insomnia. NA 24237,M18| CHU YE HUA JIAO GEN NA Ailanthus-like Pricklyash Root Zanthoxylum ailanthoides NA NA root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and dissipate stasis, disinhibit water and disperse edema. Wind-damp impediment pain, abdominal pain and diarrhea, inhibited urination [=dysuria], bleeding due to external injury, knocks and falls, poisonous snake bites. 15622,E| MI HAO NA Compact Wormwood* Artemisia compacta NA NA NA NA NA 19300,T4949|19299,E| BAN BIAN SU 半边苏 Common Elsholtzia Elsholtzia ciliata NA NA whole herb To effuse sweat and resolve summerheat, transform damp and disinhibit urine. Summer common cold, summerheat stroke, diarrhea, inhibited urination, edema, eczema, welling abscess. 23120,C0284|11752,T3043|11751,E|14786,E|15235,T3043|15230,E|6762,E|15232,E|15231,E|21451,T3043|25444,T3043|23112,T3043|8311,E|8312,T3043|11273,E|31692,T3043|6177,E|10024,E|25443,T3043|30945,T3043|21375,E| MI HOU LI NA Bower Actinidia Actinidia arguta NA NA fruit To enrich yin and clear heat, eliminate vexation and allay thirst, free strangury. Febrile diseases fluid damage, sand strangury, stone strangury, hypovitaminosis C, gum hemorrhage, hepatitis. 5762,E|9817,E|582,E;T4950|2887,E|3308,E| XI FEI LI ZHI GUO NA Akee Blighia sapida NA NA NA NA NA 10897,E|8775,E| NIU WEI HAO 牛尾蒿 Herba Artemisiae subdigitatae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23105,C0240| HUANG JING GEN 黄精根 Negundo Chastetree Root Vitex negundo NA NA root To resolve exterior, relieve cough, dispel wind and eliminate damp, rectify qi and relieve pain. Common cold, chronic trachitis, wind-damp impediment pain, stomachache, sand qi , abdominal pain. 2003,C0542|15315,E|15314,E| FENG WEI CHA. NA NA Elsholtzia bodinieri NA NA whole herb To dissipate exopathogen, rectify qi and harmonize stomach. Common cold, red swollen in throat, red eyes with gall, stomatitis, toothache, hepatitis, indigestion. 2526,E| DA LI HUA NA Aztec Dahlia Dahlia pinnata [Syn. Dahlia variabilis] NA NA tuberoid To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Parotitis, decayed teeth, innominat e toxin swelling, painful wound from knocks and falls. 1493,E|2843,E|21375,E| DA YE XIANG RU 大叶香薷 Twoanther Mosla Mosla dianthera NA NA whole herb To effuse exterior and dispel summerheat, disinhibit damp and harmonize center, stanch bleeding and disperse swelling, dissipate wind and relieve itch. Wind-cold common cold, yin summerheat and headache, nausea, pain in stomach duct, white dysentery, edema, spontaneous external bleeding, bleeding from hemorrhoids, sore and boil, pudendal itch, eczema, bleeding due to external injury, snake or insect bites. 25185,T3478|31444,T3478|24070,T3478|31122,T3478|4549,E|25857,T3478|26058,T3478|2412,E|12837,E|20972,E|6192,E|12843,C0305|6481,E|6484,T3478|9668,E| ZI BEI TIAN KUI CAO NA Nudicaulous Grounsel Herb Senecio nudicaulis NA NA whole herb To quicken blood and regulate menstruation. Menstrual disorder, postpartum abdominal pain, knocks and falls. 13453,T6723|13450,E| YANG MEI HE REN 杨梅核仁 Semen Myricae rubrae NA NA NA NA NA NA 15162,C0307| YE ZI YOU NA Coconut Oil Cocos nucifera NA NA oil To kill worms and relieve itch, close sores. Scab and lichen, frostbite. 7977,E|7979,T6402| XIAN CHI ZI JIN NIU NA Glandtooth Ardisia* Ardisia cornudentata NA NA NA NA NA 4062,T6082|4061,E|1628,E;T6082| SUAN ZAO NA Spine Date Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa NA NA seed To quiet heart and spirit, nourish liver, constrain sweat. Vacuity vexation and egersis, fright palpitation and fearful throbbing, spontaneous sweating and night sweating due to vacuity. 22254,E|16040,E| ZHANG LANG 蟑螂 Cockroach Blatta orientalis NA NA body To dissipate stasis, transform accumulation, resolve toxin. Child gan accumulation, concretion conglomeration accumulation and gathering, throat impediment, nipple moth, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, snake or insect bites. 23280,C0405|7816,T6627|7815,E|23162,C0447| DA YE YOU MU YUN XIANG. NA NA Teclea grandifolia NA NA NA NA NA 20879,E| XI YANG HONG NA Scarlet Sage Salvia splendens NA NA NA NA NA 31701,T6041|14906,E| FEN BA JIAO NA Plantain Banana Musa paradisiaca NA NA NA NA NA 19183,E|23238,T3735| NU JIANG SHAN CHA NA Salwin Camellia Camellia saluenensis NA NA leaf and tender gemma To clear heat and disinhibit urine. NA 30760,T5122|19184,E| HUI CI TONG NA Grey Coralbean* Erythrina glauca NA NA NA NA NA 7325,E|7326,T4228|14199,E|19236,E| ZHI LI DIAN LAN. NA NA Indigofera arrecta NA NA NA NA NA 12015,E| ZAO SHU PI 枣树皮 Cortex Ziziphi jujubae NA NA NA NA NA NA 11906,C0140| XIAO GUO YIN MAO QIU NA Fishhook Cactus Mammillaria microcarpa NA NA NA NA NA 31693,T6160|14788,E| DA YE ZI YU PAN NA Largeleaf Uvaria* Uvaria macrophylla NA NA NA NA NA 13311,E| FO SHOU 佛手 Fleshfingered Citron Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis Warm,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Spleen,Stomach,Liver fruit To rectify qi and relieve pain, fortify stomach and resolve phlegm. Stomachache, distention in rib-side, vomiting, dysphagia-occlusion, phlegm-rheum cough asthma. 21839,T3760|21838,E|3770,E;M249|21691,E|21692,T3760|3773,T3760|9457,E|12831,E|6454,T3760|6453,E;M249|12830,E|4493,E|4492,E|23420,M249|31093,T3760| TIE XIAN JUE YE TANG SONG CAO NA Maidenhair-like Meadowrue* Thalictrum minus var. adiantifolium NA NA NA NA NA 631,E;T5819|15778,E|21239,E| LIAN YE TONG NA Lotusleaftung Hernandia sonora [Syn. Hernandia ovigera ] NA NA leaf or seed To drain precipitation and free stool, anticancer. Constipation, malignant tumor (therioma), nervous system diseases, cardiovascular diseases. 4056,E|6831,E|1426,E|5542,E|14475,E|9450,E|9442,E|9452,E|9453,E|17328,E|14244,E|8813,E|13938,E|9439,E|7179,E| SAI LE LUO LE NA Sello Basil* Ocimum selloi NA NA NA NA NA 1290,E;T5399| YAN SUAN HUANG MA JIAN 盐酸麻黄碱 NA Ephedrinum Hydrochloridum NA NA NA NA NA 24260,M787| ZHU SI HONG WEN MA XIAN HAO NA Arachnoidea Redstriate Wo odbetony* Pedicularis striata ssp. arachnoidea NA NA NA NA NA 16751,E| WU CI FAN MA NA Spineless Agave Agave americana var. marginata [Syn. Agave americana var. variegata] NA NA leaf To moisten lung, transform phlegm, suppress cough. Vacuity taxation cough, blood ejection, asthma. 4944,E|13503,E|4927,E|3552,E|9259,T5928|15458,T5928|9252,E|12109,T5928|3558,T5928|9191,E|4933,T5928|13506,T5928|21373,T5928|21372,E;T5928|15454,E|31397,T5928|12122,E|9192,T5928|21367,E|15516,E| ZHONG HUA JI SHI TENG NA Chinese Fevervine Paederia chinensis NA NA NA NA NA 31782,T6685|17075,E| YE HAI JIAO NA Twoflower Jerusalemcherry Solanum capsicastrum NA NA whole herb To disperse accumulation, disinhibit diaphragm, precipitate heat toxin. Rheumatism numbness, damp-heat itchy sore, clove sore, menstruant’s morbidity. 3143,E|3144,T6363|20046,T6363|20045,E| JIANG YE 姜叶 Caulis et Folium Zingiberis officinali NA NA NA NA NA NA 3760,C0191|23188,C0350|19831,C0058| SHI GEN 柿根 Persimmon Root Diospyros kaki NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and stanch bleeding. Flooding, blood dysentery, hemorrhoids. 15384,E|14031,T5576|14019,E|15385,T5576|23043,C0018|23258,C0019| CHEN HAO 陈蒿 Capillaris, Oriental wormwood Herba Artemisiae Scopariae Minor cold,Bitter Spleen,Stomach,Liver,Gallbladder NA Treatment of jaundice NA 24538,M95|3118,M95;C0203|3122,M95|3116,M95|3121,M95|23122,M95|24335,M95|23231,M95| MENG SANG NA Mongolian Mulberry Morus mongolica NA NA leaf See Morus alba. See Morus alba. 19257,E|15038,E|12374,E|15046,E|14987,E|19244,T4945|15032,E|15030,E|15048,E|12381,E|19247,E|15034,E|12382,E|1956,E|25342,T4945|19239,E|19238,E|15047,E|15049,E| DONG FANG XI MEN FEI CAO NA Soft Comfrey Symphytum orientale NA NA NA NA NA 20511,E|6683,E|23179,T3582|20534,T3582| YI CAO NA Reed Canary-grass Phalaris arundinacea NA NA whole herb To regulate menstruation and check discharge. Menstrual disorder, red and white vaginal discharge. 9652,T6406|9645,E|6369,E|8970,E|8971,T6406|6370,T6406| XIANG YANG NA Korea Poplar Populus koreana NA NA NA NA NA 19177,E|19169,E| QU XI DANG GUI NA Genuflex Angelica* Angelica genuflexa NA NA NA NA NA 23880,T5303|17361,E| SI ROU TUO GUO YE MI ZHU YU. NA NA Melicope semecarpifolia NA NA NA NA NA 2047,E|13678,E|6288,E|6404,E|6403,E|12250,E|6641,E|13667,E|13666,E|14247,E|8823,E|3975,E|3974,E|11602,E|19986,E|9225,E|14065,E|19675,E|6707,E| RUAN GU ZAO. NA NA Chondria armata [Syn. Lophura armata ] NA NA frond To expel worms. Oxyuria disease, ascariasis. 15733,E|16881,E|11384,E|11385,E|11386,E|11387,E|3333,E| HUI XIANG GEN JING YE 茴香根茎叶 Foeniculum vulgare Mill NA NA NA NA NA NA 23114,C0038|1186,C0041|23098,C0552| FEI YI DIAN HONG NA Red Tasselflower* Emilia coccinea NA NA NA NA NA 11805,T3724|11804,E| MI HUA SHI DOU LAN NA Flowery Stonebean-orchis Bulbophyllum odoratissimum [Syn. Stelis odoratissimum] NA NA whole herb To moisten lung and transform phlegm, free network vessels and relieve pain. Tuberculosis and hemoptysis, chronic trachitis, chronic pharyngitis, mounting qi pain, menstrual disorder, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls. 17385,E| JIAN BAI JIAN MU NA Cuspate Aspidosperma cuspa NA NA NA NA NA 1901,E;T4331| CHAO SHAN JIA 炒山甲 Anteater scales Preparata Squama manitis Minor cold,Salty Stomach,Liver NA Treatment of amenorrhea with mass formation in the abdomen, galactostasis, carbuncles and sores, arthralgia with numbness and muscular contracture. Raising the level of white blood cells. 24237,M86| CAO SHAO YAO NA Obovate Peony Paeonia obovata NA NA root See Paeonia lactiflora wild. See Paeonia lactiflora wild. 16523,T3194|16522,E|24185,T3194|16514,E|16515,T3194|16444,E| TIAO WEN LONG SHE LAN NA Stria Agave* Agave striata NA NA NA NA NA 15424,E| HUA SHI 滑石 Talc Talcum Cold,Sweet,Neutral Bladder,Stomach NA Treatment of urinary infection, urolithiasis with difficult urination accompanied by burning pain, fidgetness and thirst caused by summer damp, diarrhea caused by damp-heat, external use for eczema, sores with marked exudation, miliaria. NA 23959,M358|24505,M358| RUI DIAN GAN LAN NA Swedish Turnip Brassica rutabaga NA NA NA NA NA 13205,E|13215,T5386| MAIN HUA GEN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31544,T4970|6235,T4970|117,T4970|13939,T4970|9344,T4970| PI ZHEN DU JING SHAN NA Lanceolate Maesa* Maesa lanceolata NA NA NA NA NA 13823,E|13822,E|12467,E|6268,E|13351,E|13350,E|13353,E|13352,E|13346,E|6047,E|13344,E|13345,E|13347,E|253,E|13348,E|13349,E|255,E| GAO CONG ZHEN ZHU MEI NA Tree Falsespiraea Sorbaria arborea NA NA bark See Sorbaria sorbifolia . See Sorbaria sorbifolia . 24248,T3811|19573,T3811|19572,E|18392,E|18394,T3811|21618,E| JIN GUO LAN 金果榄 Hairystalk Tinospora Tinospora capillipes Cold,Bitter Lung,Large Intestine root See Tinospora sagittata. See Tinospora sagittata . 3934,E|3939,E|24402,M403|21386,T4392|16544,E;M403;C0098| DI BIE CHONG 地蟞虫 NA Eupolyphaga Seu OpisthopLatia NA NA NA NA NA 23640,M207|19967,M207|3585,M207| HONG NIANG ZI NA Red Lady-bug Huechys sanguinea NA NA dried body To break stasis, dissipate binds, attack toxin. Scrofula, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, lumbago, infertility, lichen sore, rabid dog bite. 3094,E|3095,T4059| ZAI PEI XIANG RI KUI YE NA Cultivated Sunflower Leaf* Helianthus annuus cv NA NA leaf To lower blood pressure, interrupt malaria, resolve toxin. Malaria, clove sore, hypertension. 1335,E|9323,E|1337,E|1338,E|9324,E| DONG FANG XIANG KE KE NA Oriental Germander Teucrium orientale NA NA NA NA NA 10760,E|4788,E|21202,E|21203,E|21201,E|21204,E| LUO YE SONG NA Dahurian Larch Larix gmelini NA NA NA NA NA 17862,E|17870,E| XIANG DOU. NA NA Dipteryx odorata NA NA NA NA NA 3602,E|5834,E|1388,E|1415,E| FU PEN ZI GEN 覆盆子根 Radix Rubi chingii NA NA NA NA NA NA 23234,C0368| MA BI MU NA Pittosporumlike Nothapodytes Nothapodytes pittosporoides NA NA root cortex To dispel wind and disinhibit damp, rectify qi and dissipate cold. Wind-cold-damp impediment, edema, mounting qi (hernia). 3053,E| DI GEN JIN SI TAO NA Degen StJohn’swort* Hypericum degenii NA NA NA NA NA 8305,E|31020,T3527| GUI MAO ZHEN 鬼毛针 Microphale Pilosipe Microphale Pilosipe Warm,Slightly Bitter Liver,Kidney NA NA NA 16796,M301|6439,M301| DA QING YE DAN 大青叶胆 Herba Swertiae Cinctae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23223,C0035|23287,C0400|11022,C0295| QI SHE 蕲蛇 Long-noded Pit Viper Agkistrodon Warm,Sweet,Salty Liver NA Treament of chronic rheumatic or rheumatoid arthritis with numbeness and contracture, hemiplegia in stroke, convulsion, tetanus, leprosy, scabies ringworm. NA 24237,M558| GAO JIA SUO ZI JIN NA Caucasian Corydalis* Corydalis caucasica NA NA NA NA NA 2734,E;T3827| HUANG QIAO RUI HUA NA Yellowflower Coleus Coleus xanthanthus NA NA NA NA NA 146,E|3920,E|3921,E|22736,E|7061,E|22733,E|22732,E|22737,E|3919,E|22735,E|22734,E|22738,E|358,E| WEI BAI BAI JIAN MU NA Microwhite White Quebracho* Aspidosperma subincanum NA NA NA NA NA 6758,E;C0367|6762,T5900| SHU LIANG NA Shoulang Yam Dioscorea cirrhosa [Syn. Dioscorea pogonoides] NA NA tuber To quicken blood and stanch bleeding, rectify qi and relieve pain, clear heat and resolve toxin. Coughing of blood, hemoptysis, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria, hematochezia, flooding and spotting [= metrorrhagia and metrostaxis], menstrual disorder [= menoxenia], dysmenorrhea, menstrual block, postpartum abdominal pain, distending pain in stomach duct and abdomen, sand distention and abdominal pain, heat toxin blood dysentery, water diarrhea, pain in joints, painful swelling from knocks and falls, sore and boil, zoster, bleeding due to external injury. 17874,E|17862,E|17855,E|17879,E| XIAO YE DI BU RONG NA Littleleaf Stephania Stephania succifera NA NA tuberoid To clear heat and resolve toxin, calm and relieve pain. Various pain, neuralgia, toothache, stomachache, malaria, bacillary dysentery, acute gastroenteritis, infection of upper respiratory tract, swollen welling abscess and sore toxin, poisonous snake bites. 17027,E| YOU HUA 柚花 Flos Citri grandis NA NA NA NA NA NA 15626,C0582| MANG GUO HE NA Mango Seed Mangifera indica NA NA seed To fortify stomach and disperse food, move qi and transform phlegm . Mounting qi, food stagnation, cough, testitis. 14922,E|14921,E|9716,E|6431,E|6430,E| YAN JIN CAI NA Tibet Berneuxine Berneuxia thibetica NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and dissipate cold, relieve cough and calm asthma, quicken blood and free network vessels. Wind-cold common cold, asthma, cough, knocks and falls. 2314,E;T6303|2315,E;T6303|2313,E;T6303|30871,T6303|2221,E;T6303| HONG DOU KOU 红豆蔻 Galanga Galangal Fruit Fructus Galangae NA NA NA Treatment of epigastric pain accompanied by cold sensation, retention of undigested food with abdominal distension, vomiting and diarrhea, excessive alcohol drinking. NA 11418,C0417|7520,M963;C0416| DA CHANG CHUN HUA NA Greater Periwinkle Vinca herbacea [Syn. Vinca major] NA NA NA NA NA 18619,E|22473,E|22474,E;T3400|22475,T3400|19748,T3400|12264,E|19747,E| DUO ZHI AN NA Ribbon Gum Eucalyptus viminalis NA NA NA NA NA 20894,E|32004,T3660|3305,T3660|3302,T3660|3303,E|3301,E| HUI ZHUANG JIU JIE NA Rostral Ninenode* Psychotria rostrata NA NA NA NA NA 18282,E| SU MI CAO NA Fiveleaf Carpetweed Mollugo pentaphylla NA NA whole herb To clear heat and transform damp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Abdominal pain and diarrhea, dysentery, common cold with cough, summerheat stroke, skin heat papules, red eyes with gall, swelling toxin of sore and boil, poisonous snake bite, burns and scalds. 14897,E;T5711|14896,E;T5711|14895,E;T5711|14894,E|14898,T5711| TIAN SHAN LING ZI QIN NA Lindley Pleurospermum Pleurospermum lindleyanum NA NA NA NA NA 10215,E| ROU HONG MA LI JIN NA Incarnate Milkweed* Asclepias incarnata NA NA NA NA NA 12877,E|12876,E|12875,E|12874,E|10327,E|10326,E|450,E|451,E|452,E|453,E|10330,E|12879,E|12878,E|10331,E|15522,E|13807,E|13810,E|13811,E|10247,E|10329,E|15523,E|10328,E|10332,E|449,E|448,E|15524,E|11498,E|11499,E|10248,E|13809,E|13808,E|4795,E|4796,E|13806,E|11494,E|11495,E|11496,E|11497,E|10964,E|10963,E|18922,E| YANG TONG NA Japanese Cleyera Cleyera ochnacea [Syn. Cleyera japonica ] NA NA NA NA NA 10512,E| JIN QIAN PU YE NA Grassleaf Sweetflag Leaf Acorus gramineus NA NA leaf NA Great wind sore, scab sore. 957,E|1835,E| NA ER ZI YU PAN NA Nar Uvaria* Uvaria narum NA NA NA NA NA 16573,E|11372,E| FANG JI 防己 Fourstamen Stephania Stephania tetrandra Cold,Pungent,Bitter Bladder,Spleen,Kidney root To disinhibit water and disperse edema, dispel wind and relieve pain. Beriberi with edema, inhibited urination, eczema, sore toxin, wind-damp impediment pain, hypertension, adjuvant in anesthesia. 24187,M241|14439,T3713|20298,E|20299,E|20297,E|4459,T3713|4458,E;M241|16544,C0098|14434,E|7713,E|3748,T3713|2303,E|5418,E|5425,T3713|7754,T3713|21612,T3713|7753,E;T3713|7752,E|16322,T3713|16321,E;M241|3747,E|23279,C0236|7714,T3713|13708,E;T3713|13709,T3713|14747,T3713|14745,E|20304,E;M241|21190,E;M241;C0317|21191,T3713|13707,E|24464,M241|11849,T3713|11848,E;C0141|20306,T3713| CHENG GAN SHENG MA NA Lindley Eupatorium Eupatorium lindleyanum NA NA whole herb To clear lung and relieve cough, transform phlegm and calm asthma, lower blood pressure. Bronchitis, cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, hypertension. 21351,E|7571,E|7570,E|7573,E|7572,E|7575,E|7574,E|7577,E|10113,E|10765,E|7538,E|18302,E|10886,E|21364,E|7566,E|7567,E|9290,E|4737,E|7449,T3272|7568,E|7569,E|7541,E|7543,E| QIU SHENG BI HUA MU. NA NA Cleistanthus collinus NA NA NA NA NA 3816,E| LU DI MIAN NA Upland Cotton Gossypium hirsutum [Syn. Gossypium mexicanum] NA NA tomentum of seed See Gossypium herbaceum . See Gossypium herbaceum. 9343,E|1866,E|36,E|20376,E|12427,E|17075,E|18394,E|8966,E| FA GUO JIN QUE ER NA French Broom Cytisus monspessulanus NA NA NA NA NA 4955,E| ER CHI XIANG KE KE NA Twodenntate Germander Teucrium bidentatum NA NA root or whole herb To dispel wind, disinhibit damp, resolve toxin. Common cold, headache, nasal congestion, dysentery, eczema, eczema leukoplakia. 21213,T3688|21212,E;T3688|21207,E| HAI HONG DOU NA Sandal Beadtree Adenanthera pavonina NA NA seed To course wind and clear heat, dry damp and resolve itch, moisten skin. Wandering wind of head and face. 6631,E|15925,E|12796,T3943|12794,E|6638,T3943| FA GUO CHENG LIU NA French Tamarisk Tamarix gallica NA NA NA NA NA 13498,T3699|13497,E| GUI ZHOU ZHANG YA CAI NA Guizhou Swertia* Swertia kouitchensis NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp. Fever in children, bitter taste and tidal fever, damp-heat jaundice, sore swollen throat, indigestion, gastritis, mouth sore, toothache, fire eye, poisonous snake bites. 8303,E|20493,E| CHUAN QIAN CUI QUE HUA NA Bonvalot Larkspur Delphinium bonvalotii NA NA root See Delphinium omeiense . See Delphinium omeiense . 4997,E| KE LE TENG HUANG NA Kola Garcinia* Garcinia kola NA NA NA NA NA 12256,T4492|9392,E|12251,E|12252,E;T4492| AI LAI MU NA Dwarf Cornel Cornus suecica NA NA NA NA NA 31016,T2888|26228,T2888|8275,E|14925,E| JI JIAO SHEN NA Common Javatea Orthosiphon wulfenioides [Syn. Coleus wulfenioides] NA NA root To dispel wind and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and free network vessels, kill worms and disperse accumulati on. Wind-damp impediment pain, strangury, edema, knocks and falls, fracture, food accumulation abdominal distention, abdominal pain due to worm accumulation. 16209,E| A YA PAN ZE LAN NA Ayapana Eupatorium* Eupatorium ayapana NA NA NA NA NA 9451,E|2048,E;T2881| E BEI BEI MU NA Ebei Fritillary Fritillaria ebeiensis NA NA NA NA NA 6659,E|6657,E|6660,E|7970,T3668|7962,E|7963,E|7960,E|7961,E|7966,E|7964,T3668|9679,E|7958,E| HUANG GUO QIE NA Yellowfruit Nightshade Solanum xanthocarpum NA NA root, fruit and seed To clear heat and disinhibit damp, disperse stasis and relieve pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, toothache, painful swollen testes, welling abscess and boil. 7378,T4154|30751,T4154|20054,T4154|663,E|3241,E|3221,E|3223,T4154|20053,E|3242,E|11311,T4154| XIAO JIN ZHAN HUA NA Field Marigold Calendula arvensis NA NA whole herb or flower To clear heat and stanch bleeding. Intestinal wind bleeding, bleeding from hemorrhoids. 30745,T6171|30630,T6171|1828,E|3211,E| PI PA NA Loquat Eriobotrya japonica NA NA fruit To moisten lung and precipitate qi, allay thirst. Lung heat cough asthma, vomiting of sour matter, vexation and thirst. 15489,E|7730,T5191|15490,T5191|7728,E|3048,E|1102,E;T5191|15491,E;T5191|7733,E|30723,T5191|17250,E|7734,T5191| SHI MU PI 柿木皮 Cortex Disopyros kaki NA NA NA NA NA NA 23258,C0019|23043,C0018| HUANG LING 黄苓 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2102,C0392|3600,C0370|22702,C0014|16205,C0103|23049,C0226| AN YE 按叶 Eucalyptus Leaf Eucalyptus globulus NA NA leaf To soothe wind and resolve exterior, clear heat and resolve toxin, rectify qi and transform phlegm, kill worms and relieve itch. Common cold, ardent fever with headache, lung heat cough asthma, pertussis, diarrhea, dysentery, ancylostomiasis, filariasis, wind-damp pain, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, eczema, scab and lichen, burns and scalds, bleeding due to external injury. 14340,T2915|9619,E|17388,E|30835,T2915|13308,E|25739,T2915|7479,E|25627,T2915|7534,T2915|7531,E|7530,E|25738,T2915|9066,T2915|25736,T2915|25737,T2915|441,E;T2915|440,E|31472,T2915|14336,E|14332,E|7480,E;T2915|14330,E|14331,E|9043,E|9620,T2915|9020,E|4353,E|31601,T2915|31600,T2915|31599,T2915|23964,M191|7526,E|7527,E|7481,T2915|7528,E|7529,E|25740,T2915| DA HUA HONG JING TIAN NA Bigflower Rhodiola Rhodiola crenulata [Syn. Rhodiola euryphylla] NA NA root To clear lung and boost qi. Tuberculosis with cough, hemoptysis, pneumonia, b ronchitis. 7441,T3417|7440,E|18777,E|32170,T3417|4232,T3417|12083,T3417|12079,E|22154,E|4226,E|19176,T3417| SHI FANG FENG NA Terebinthaceous Hogfennel Peucedanum terebinthaceum NA NA root To dissipate wind and clear heat, downbear qi and disperse phlegm. Common cold, cough, phlegm asthma, head wind dizziness. 13564,E|31499,T5573| SHI LIAN ZI 石莲子 Lotus seed Semen Nelumbinis Sweet, astringent,neutral Spleen, kidney,heart NA Treatment of protracted diarrhea due to hypofunction of the spleen, seminal emission, leukorrhagia, palpitation, insomnia. NA 12792,M656|15313,M656|23264,M656;C0158| LIAO SHANG RONG MAO HUA NA Kidney Vetch Anthyllis vulneraria NA NA NA NA NA 7801,E|7802,T4650| BIAN BING HUANG JIN NA Flatstiped Corydalis Corydalis mucronifera NA NA whole herb with root To clear heat and resolve toxin, relieve pain. Influenza, warm disease fever, gastritis, ulcer, dysentery, sciatica, swelling pain of sore and boil. 2350,E|642,E;T3119| HAO WANG JIAO LU HUI NA Cape of Good Hope Aloe Dried Juice Aloe ferox NA NA solid residue obtained by evaporating liquid which drains from leaves See Aloe vera . See Aloe vera . 977,E|24411,T3973|975,E|974,E;T3973|980,E;T3973|981,E;T3973|978,E|11201,E|967,E|7760,E|7761,E;T3973|7762,E;T3973|7763,T3973|7754,E|23304,T3973| ZHUA KUI GUA YE WU TOU NA Unguiculate Hemsley Monkshood Aconitum hemsleyanum var. leueanthus NA NA NA NA NA 7934,E|3483,E|20634,E|12722,E|5472,E|4773,E|12725,E|12724,E|12723,E|7699,E|4210,E| SHU SHE NA Tongue-on-tree Ganoderma applanatum NA NA sporocarp To eliminate inflammation, anticancer. Pharyngolaryngitis, carcinoma of esophagus, nasopharyngeal carcinoma. 8163,E|8162,E|14224,E|25509,T5621|14455,T5621|21843,E|10758,E|21084,E|14394,T5621|14390,E|14452,E;T5621|14451,E;T5621|14449,E|6167,E| BAI YAN TENG NA Littleleaf Indianmulberry Morinda parvifolia NA NA whole plant To clear heat and relieve cough, harmonize stomach and transform damp, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Common cold with cough, pertussis, indigestion, eczema, knocks and falls, taxation damage in lumbar muscle. 10467,E|29956,T3032|5521,E|5522,T3032|13038,E|13041,T3032| CHI BAN YAN HU SUO NA Toothedpetal Corydalis Corydalis remota [Syn. Corydalis bulbosa var. typica ] NA NA tuber To quicken blood and dissipate stasis, move qi and relieve pain. Pain in lumbus and knees, pain in heart and abdomen, dysmenorrhea, postpartum stasis stagnation abdominal pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls. 21045,E|23887,T3281|17969,E|2303,E|21061,E|4103,E|4032,E|20353,E|4107,T3281|4106,E|930,E|16544,E| OU ZHOU BAI LI NA Common Oak Quercus robur NA NA NA NA NA 18395,E|18396,T5147| CHEN DONG CAI LU ZHI NA Mature Winter-vegetable Spiced Juice Brassica chinensis NA NA juice from whole herb To eliminate vexation and heat, engender liquid and allay thirst, clear lung and transform phlegm, free intestines and stomach. Phlegm fire cough, swelling pain in throat. 4031,E|4032,T3269| ZONG ZHUANG SHENG MA NA Racemose Bugbane* Cimicifuga racemosa NA NA NA NA NA 579,E|3666,E|5149,E|9454,E|13874,E|3669,E|3667,E|9904,E|3668,E|414,E|3658,E|477,E|512,E|5789,E|3659,E| XIANG RI KUI HUA NA Sunflower Flower Helianthus annuus NA NA flower To dispel wind, calm liver, disinhibit damp. Dizziness, tinnitus, dribbling urination. 9300,T6127|12946,E|9294,E|9295,E;T6127| XIANG HUANG LIAN MU NA Mastic-tree Pistacia lentiscus NA NA NA NA NA 17041,E|17043,T6117| LU SHUI CAO NA Common Cyanotis Cyanotis vaga NA NA root To dispel wind-damp, soothe sinews and quicken network vessels, disinhibit urine. Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, edema, otitis media, eczema. 3944,E| SHAN JIU NA Aging Leek Allium senescens NA NA NA NA NA 4296,E| KUN MING XIANG CHA CAI NA Kunming Rabdosia* Isodon kunmingensis NA NA NA NA NA 18459,E|18458,E|18457,E|18456,E|18455,E| TU BEI MU 土贝母 Paniculate Bolbostemma Rhizoma Bolbostemmae Minor cold,Pungent,Sweet,Bitter Lung,Heart NA Treatment of mastitis, chronic lymphadenitis, tuberculosis of cervical lymph nodes, hypertrophic rhinitis. NA 25162,M709| SAN XING XIU QIU NA Umbellate Hydrangea Hydrangea umbellata NA NA root To interrupt malaria, disperse food, clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel phlegm and dissipate binds. Malaria, food accumulation abdominal distention, swelling pain in throat, skin lichen lai, swelling toxin of sore and boil, goiter and tuberculosis. 30909,T5432|5434,E| XIANG PI MU NA Common Alstonia Alstonia scholaris NA NA bark or leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, relieve cough and dispel phlegm, stanch bleeding and disperse swelling. Common cold with fever, lung heat cough asthma, pertussis, icterohepatitis, stomachache, vomiting and diarrhea, malaria, swollen welling abscess and sores, painful swelling from knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury. 14131,E|23105,T6125|17282,E|20353,E|3041,T6125|3040,E|22076,E|32018,T6125|31805,T6125|1111,E|1110,E|17315,E|17316,T6125|19597,E|3760,E|18737,E|23887,T6125|21039,E|18738,E|23232,T6125|30792,T6125|13097,T6125|13093,E|22311,E|6699,T6125|6698,E;T6125|18741,T6125|1249,E|6697,E|13494,E| JI XUE CAO 积雪草 Asiatic Pennywort Centella asiatica Warm,Slightly Sweet,Bitter Liver whole herb with root To clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling, lower blood pressure. Sand qi abdominal pain, summerheat-heat diarrhea, dysentery, damp-heat jaundice, sand strangury, blood strangury, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, red eyes, swollen throat, wind papules, scab and lichen, swelling toxin of clove welling abscess, knocks and falls, hypertension. 2586,E|13342,T4285|13330,E|3395,E|3397,E|3396,E|30679,T4285|13331,E;T4285|1853,E|1854,E;T4285|1855,E|19445,E|11735,E|24232,M383|19967,M383|30632,T4285|13329,E| RI BEN MA SANG YE 日本马桑叶 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 22129,C0032| YAO YONG HEI MIAN SHEN YE NA Medicinal Breynia Leaf* Breynia officinalis NA NA NA NA NA 18862,E|2607,E|2611,E|1618,E|2610,E|11679,E|2329,E|22110,E|2608,E|2609,E|7694,E|2612,E| MO YAO 没药 Myrrh Commiphora myrrha [Syn. Commiphora molmol] Mild,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Liver,Heart,Kidney balsam To quicken blood and relieve pain, disperse swelling and engender flesh. Stasis pain in chest and abdomen, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, concretion and conglomeration, knocks and falls, swollen welling abscess and sores, intestinal welling abscess, red eyes with gall. 13925,E|3943,E|30835,T4997|14108,E|4415,E|3693,E;M514;C0369|3944,T4997|31542,T4997|7099,E|7522,T4997|7520,E;M514|23095,T4997|6484,T4997|13928,E|13929,E|6481,E|4233,T4997|4231,E|4353,E| LV BAI TIAN XIAN TENG NA Chloro-white Fibraurea* Fibraurea chloroleuca NA NA NA NA NA 2304,E| TENG SHI SONG. NA NA Lycopodium casuarinoides NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, soothe sinews and quicken blood, brighten eyes, resolve toxin. Wind-damp impediment pain, taxation damage in lumbar muscle, knocks and falls, menstrual disorder, night sweating, conjunctivitis, night blindness, burns and scalds, toxin swelling of sores. 16107,E| LIN BEI ZI NA Field Lacquertree Toxicodendron succedaneum [Syn. Rhus succedanea ] NA NA leaf To stanch bleeding and dissipate stasis, resolve toxin. Hemoptysis, blood ejection, bleeding due to external injury, poisonous snake bite. 7801,E|9385,E|30938,T4657|7802,T4657|9382,E|8034,T4657|5612,E|5613,E|9375,E|30990,T4657|6534,E|12423,E|12424,T4657|6533,T4657|6718,E|1497,E|18804,T4657|1030,E;T4657|9542,E| YUN NAN SHI ZI NA Malay Bushbeech Gmelina arborea NA NA NA NA NA 16722,E|16743,T6588|8862,E| QIU ZHUANG PO BU MU NA Globe Cordia* Cordia globosa NA NA NA NA NA 6220,E|14835,E| DIAN JIANG HUA NA Yunnan Gingerlily Hedychium yunnanense NA NA NA NA NA 9276,E|22931,E|22930,E|22933,E|22932,E|32258,T3552| QIAN JIN TENG 千金藤 Japanese Staphania Stephania japonica NA NA root or stem-leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel wind and relieve pain, disinhibit water and disperse edema. Swelling pain in throat, swollen welling abscess, sore and boil, poisonous snake bite, wind-damp impediment pain, stomachache, beriberi with edema, nephritis with edema, urinary tract infection, rheumatic arthritis, sciatica. 16330,E|31293,T5241|15876,E|9244,E|16413,E|17943,E|20296,E|4459,T5241|4458,E|16317,E|17980,T5241|10892,E|2303,C0391|25256,T5241|31317,T5241|31116,T5241|20267,E|7021,E|7026,T5241|16401,E|13805,E|9621,E|13806,T5241|25255,T5241|11085,E|20268,T5241|7023,E;T5241|31064,T5241|17979,E|20309,E|20304,T5241|20307,E|20302,E|20303,E|17894,E|17895,T5241| XU LI YA MA LI JIN NA Milkweed Asclepias syriaca NA NA NA NA NA 1887,E;T6243|15518,E|22289,E|23165,T6243|22291,T6243| LONG TU ZHU NA Bleedingheart Glorybower Clerodendrum thomsonae NA NA whole herb To resolve toxin. Knocks and falls, chronic tympanitis. 2004,E|18613,E|816,E|409,E|13703,E| ZHI ZHUANG E AN. NA NA Eucalyptus cladocalyx NA NA NA NA NA 15804,E|7910,E|3784,E| YUAN YE BU YING CAO NA Round-leaf Flytrap* Dionaea rotundifolia NA NA NA NA NA 17555,E| HEI XI 黑锡 Black Tin Stannum Cold,Bitter Liver,Kidney NA NA NA 24871,M335| LU DOU YA 绿豆芽 Gemma Vignae radiatae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23163,C0421|23290,C0422| CAN JIAN NA Silk Cocoon Bombyx mori NA NA silk covering spun by larva To stanch bleeding, allay thirst, resolve toxin and cure sores. Hematochezia, hematuria, flooding, diabetes mellitus, stomach reflux, gan disease, swollen welling abscess. 13093,T3180|13091,E|22045,T3180|22044,E|18390,E|18326,E| XIAN MAO HEI ZHONG CAO NA Glandular Fennelflower Nigella glandulifera NA NA seed To quicken blood and free menstruation, disinhibit urine and remove stone, supplement kidney and fortify brain. Menstrual disorder , menstrual block, scant breast milk, edema, urethral stone, dizziness and tinnitus, premature graying in beard and hair, cough and asthma, scab sore, white patch wind. 8042,E|15558,E|15553,E| SHI SHI DANG GUI NA Shkioki Angelica* Angelica shkiokiana NA NA NA NA NA 7053,E|25784,T5596| JING XIANG MAO NA Citronella-grass Cymbopogon nardus NA NA NA NA NA 3768,T4432|3767,E| JIN YE ZI NA Yunnan Craibiodendron Craibiodendron yunnanese NA NA leaf To dispel wind and quicken blood, free network vessels and relieve pain. Impediment pain, hemiplegia, knocks and falls. 1850,E|12721,E|8995,E| HOU GUO DANG GUI NA Thickfruit Angelica* Angelica pachycarpa NA NA NA NA NA 16252,E|13564,E|31499,T4072|14197,E| LIAN QIAO GEN 连翘根 Radix Forsythiae suspensae NA NA NA NA NA NA 19072,C0514| ZI SU YE 紫苏叶 Common Perilla Leaf Equivalent plant: Perilla frutescens var acuta Perilla frutescens var. arguta Pungent,warm Lung,spleen leaf To dissipate cold and resolve exterior, diffuse lung and transform phlegm, move qi and harmonize center, quiet fetus, resolve toxin of fish and crab. Wind-cold exterior syndrome, cough with profuse phlegm, distention fullness in chest and stomach duct, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea, malign obstruction in pregnancy, poisoning of fish or crab. 31445,T6760|31446,T6760|30751,T6760|14372,T6760|31349,T6760|4355,E|12838,E|3045,E|30836,T6760|14367,E|23306,C0424|11403,E|16923,E|15683,C0398|2306,E|25921,T6760|23171,C0484|5689,E|3046,T6760|24982,T6760|12843,E|19967,E|13767,M1095;C0347|13769,T6760|13768,E|16919,E|16930,T6760|3242,E|16917,E;M1095| SHAN MAI DONG 山麦冬 Liriope Root Tuber Radix Liriopes NA NA NA Treatment of dry cough caused by lung yin deficiency, cough caused by consumptive diseases, fluid deficiency and thirst, dysphoria and insomnia, constipation due to fluid deficiency of intestine. NA 24665,M1037|3589,M1037|23051,M1037|617,M1037|24795,M1037|23729,M1037|9645,M1037|9644,M1037|24290,M1037|25011,M1037| DU DOU NA Goldenchain Laburnum Laburnum anagyroides NA NA NA NA NA 15546,E|4593,E|26052,T3599|15547,T3599|1134,E;T3599| JIN YU CAO NA Common Snapdragon Antirrhinum majus NA NA whole herb To clear summerheat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and disperse swelling. Toxin swelling of sores, knocks and falls. 1494,E|4445,E|4446,T4423| GUAN CONG XIANG KE KE NA Fluticose Germander* Teucrium fruticans NA NA NA NA NA 10130,E|10131,E|425,E|4741,E|10129,E|7971,E|11427,E| SHU MI NA Broom corn Millet Panicum miliaceum NA NA seed To supplement center and boost qi , eliminate vexation and allay thirst, resolve toxin. Diarrhea and dysentery, vexation and thirst, retching with counterflow, cough, stomachache, goose-mouth sore, sore and welling abscess, scalds. 14846,T5619|4672,T5619|11500,E|11501,T5619|4671,E|14843,E| JIAN YE QING FENG TENG NA Sharpleaf Sabia Sabia swinhoei NA NA whole herb To quicken blood and transform stasis, soothe sinews and quicken network vessels, eliminate wind-damp, relieve pain due to impediment. Pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, weakness in sinews and bones. 19083,E;T4345|19082,E|19084,T4345| ZHOU YE LU TI CAO NA Wrinkledleaf Pyrola Pyrola rugosa NA NA NA NA NA 22254,E|9593,E| HUI HUI SU NA Crisped Common Perilla Perilla frutescens var. crispa NA NA seed See Perilla frutescens var. arguta. See Perilla frutescens var. arguta. 23887,T4234|16917,E|29509,T4234|20353,E|31771,T4234|19967,E| TUO YUAN SAN QI CAO NA Elliptic Gynura* Gynura elliptica NA NA NA NA NA 9120,E|9121,E;T5869|9123,T5869| DUAN RONG MAO OU XIA ZHI CAO NA Velutinous Hoarhound* Marrubium velutinum NA NA NA NA NA 22355,E|22354,E|3607,E| WEN GUAN MU NA Shinyleaf yellowhorn Xanthoceras sorbifolia NA NA stem or branch-leaf To dispel wind and eliminate damp, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Wind-damp-heat impediment, pain in sinews and bones. 22742,E|22743,T5916|15162,E|18302,E| CI JI NU ZONG LV NA Aculeate Ruffle Palm Aiphanes aculeata NA NA NA NA NA 11669,E|1448,E| XING AN BAI TOU WENG NA Dahurian Pulsatilla* Pulsatilla dahurica NA NA root See Pulsatilla chinensis . See Pulsatilla chinensis. 12639,E|12637,E| QIANG HUO 羌活 Incised Notopterygium Equivalent plant: Notopterygium forbesii Notopterygium incisum Warm,Pungent,Bitter Bladder,Kidney rhizome or root To dissipate cold and resolve exterior, dispel wind and eliminate damp, disinhibit joints, relieve pain. Externally contracted wind-cold, headache without sweating, wind-cold-damp impediment, edema, toxin swelling of sores. 23990,M570|23042,T5253|3048,M570|5079,E|12837,E|6726,T5253|6724,E|3045,M570|14478,E|31598,T5253|13564,E|13565,T5253|23910,M570|14477,E|21581,T5253|5080,T5253|29509,T5253|11460,T5253|31755,T5253|934,E;T5253|15195,E|24956,M570|9066,T5253|3937,T5253|3936,E|24050,M570|32148,T5253|15196,T5253|21579,E|2550,M570|31635,T5253|2557,M570|31666,T5253|2310,E;C0540;T5253|24465,M570|17362,E|17363,E|30673,T5253|25207,T5253|14329,E;T5253|14328,E|31218,T5253|31677,T5253|2545,E|31678,T5253|1520,E|20982,E|20983,T5253|12794,E|15638,E|15639,T5253|30621,T5253|2280,M570|15636,E|4549,M570|15138,M570|20430,E|16246,E|19967,E|14602,E|23545,M570;T5253|24037,M570|5403,M570|16810,E|23867,M570|9488,T5253|15836,E;T5253|11459,E|15834,E|22316,E|15838,T5253|15683,C0398|18724,E|336,E;T5253|6536,E|21334,T5253|21333,E|25030,M570|6538,T5253|7715,T5253|31714,T5253|22761,T5253|25127,M570|14736,E|14734,E|9407,M570|9485,E|23880,M570|25159,T5253|14621,E|7707,E|23133,T5253|1598,E|15835,E;T5253|22759,E|31812,T5253|7767,E|7768,T5253|31444,T5253|21960,E|21024,T5253|19084,M570|16056,E|31449,T5253|30325,T5253|17063,E|23184,M570|31910,T5253|20435,T5253|31737,T5253|31736,T5253|24438,M570|20974,E|24865,M570|24431,M570|25490,T5253|1278,E;T5253|1279,E;T5253|15917,E|15916,E|14480,T5253|12885,E|15678,M570|20265,T5253|20264,E|9043,E|24484,M570|25362,T5253|1048,E|25083,T5253|20976,E;M570|15963,M570|9511,M570|7466,T5253|7465,E| MEI ZHOU TUN CAO NA American Ragweed* Ambrosia artemisiaefolium) NA NA NA NA NA 1028,E| DAO SHI HAO NA Douglas Wormwood* Artemisia douglasiana NA NA NA NA NA 1789,E;T3512| MENG GU CE JIN ZHAN HUA NA Mongolian Adonis* Adonis mongolica NA NA NA NA NA 7320,T4939|16075,T4939|16074,E|4037,T4939|4036,E|7319,E| GUANG JING QIAN CAO NA Wallich Madder Rubia wallichiana NA NA root See Rubia cordifolia . See Rubia cordifolia. 18985,E|10416,E|10414,E|10413,E|18983,E|15725,E|19525,E|19527,E|18210,E|6536,E|5521,E|20353,E|5989,E|19010,E|13633,E|14770,E|15069,E|18208,E|14767,E|10466,E|10205,E|10379,E|19967,E|19011,E|900,E|901,E|6016,E|14768,E|19009,E|13039,E|1360,E|13035,E|22254,E| XI QIAN LI GUANG NA Rivulet Groundsel* Senecio rivularis NA NA NA NA NA 18842,T6027|18839,E| DONG BEI CI REN SHEN NA Northeast Spineginseng*, Tall Oplopanax Oplopanax elatus NA NA root To supplement qi and reinforce yang , suppress cough, free network vessels, abate fever. Qi vacuity and general weakness, fatigued spirit and lassitude, impotence, vacuity cough, wind-cold-damp impediment, diabetes mellitus, hypertension. 2858,E|9272,E|30467,T3567|20553,E|6836,E|4679,E|18724,E|4684,T3567|3740,E|6980,E|25691,T3567|31910,T3567|8610,E|3739,E|3738,E|3737,E|6231,T3567| HAI JIN SHA 海金沙 Japanese Climbing Fern Lygodium japonicum Cold,Sweet Bladder,Small Intestine aerial parts To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit water and free strangury, quicken blood and free network vessels. Heat strangury, stone strangury, blood strangury, inhibited urination [=dysuria], edema, white turbidity, vaginal discharge, hepatitis, diarrhea, dysentery, common cold with fever, cough and asthma, swelling pain in throat, mouth sore, red eyes with gall, mumps, mammary welling abscess, erysipelas, zoster, burns and scalds, itchy skin, wound swelling from knocks and falls, wind-damp impediment pain, bleeding due to external injury. 24033,M308|23930,M308|23046,M308|4135,E|24136,M308|23171,M308|23167,M308|23175,M308|25121,M308|23306,M308| MA ER SHAN WU TOU NA Delavy Monkshood Aconitum delavayi NA NA tuberoid To dispel wind-damp, relieve pain. Wind-cold-damp impediment, pain in joints. 4992,E| TAI WAN QIAN HU NA Taiwan Hogfennel Peucedanum formosanum NA NA NA NA NA 17749,E| YUN NAN QIANG HUO NA Yunnan Pleurospermum Pleurospermum rivulorum NA NA root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, free network vessels and relieve pain. Wind-cold common cold, wind-cold-damp impediment, hypertonicity of sinews and vessels, headache, pain in stomach duct and abdomen. 22761,T6585|11000,T6585|13565,T6585|22758,E|13564,E|10999,E|22759,E;T6585|11442,E|31087,T6585|8328,T6585|8325,E|9419,E|11446,T6585| DA HUA MA CHI XIAN NA Largeflower Purslane Portulaca grandiflora NA NA herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, stanch bleeding and dissipate stasis. Swelling pain in throat, sore and boil, eczema, painful swelling from knocks and falls, burns and scalds, bleeding due to external injury. 2322,E|30651,T3422|2320,E|11249,E|2319,E|17720,E|11016,E|23207,T3422|30652,T3422|31832,T3422|17721,E|9661,E|17724,E|17725,E|17726,E|17727,T3422|17719,E|11247,E|17722,E|17723,E| DONG KUI GUO 冬葵果 Cluster Mallow Fruit Fructus Malvae NA NA NA Treatment of urinary infection with oliguria, edema and thirst. NA 23170,M923|24413,M923|21646,M923|23193,M923| MAO MA CHI XIAN NA Pilose Purslane* Portulaca pilosa NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin. Damp-heat dysentery, sore and boil. 17351,E|11247,E|11249,E|17350,E|22608,E| YAN LAN CAO NA Vetiver Vetiveria zizanioides NA NA NA NA NA 32197,T6305|22445,T6305|22425,E|22424,E| ZHOU YE ZE LAN NA Mist flower Eupatorium rugosum NA NA NA NA NA 32085,T6696|21491,E|10774,E| JIN ZI TA XING QIAN LI GUANG NA Pyramidal Groundsel* Senecio pyramidatus NA NA NA NA NA 2119,E;T4425| LI PU PO JU NA Lipp Amberboa* Amberboa lippi NA NA NA NA NA 1022,E;T4613| YUN NAN RUI MU NA Medicinal Kopsia Kopsia officinalis NA NA fruit and leaf To dispel wind and quicken network vessels, eliminate inflammation and relieve pain. Swelling pain in throat, wind-damp impediment pain, numbness in limbs. 17542,E| CHA ZI XIN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 19316,T3214|3034,T3214|3035,T3214|3031,T3214|3033,T3214|25665,T3214|2151,T3214|30720,T3214|21266,T3214|30722,T3214| XIA YE LONG SHE LAN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9259,T6075|15458,T6075|3558,T6075|15357,T6075|21372,T6075|13506,T6075| AO DA LI YA YAN DIAN. NA NA Baptisia australis NA NA NA NA NA 7882,E| YA LIE XING HAO NA Sublessing Wormwood* Artemisia sublessingiana NA NA NA NA NA 19300,T6276|19299,E| NAN TONG HAO NA South Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum segetum NA NA stem-leaf See Chrysanthemum coronarium. See Chrysanthemum coronarium . 15715,E| GAO AO DING ZAO NA High Concave-top Alga* Laurencia elata NA NA NA NA NA 6734,E| GUANG DI LONG 广地龙 Earthworm Pheretima Cold,Salty Bladder,Spleen,Liver NA Treatment of high fever with impaired consciousness, convulsions, arthralgia, numbness of the limbs, hemiplegia, cough and asthma due to heat in the lung, edema ano oliguria, hypertension. 1. Relaxing bronchial spasm in rats or rabbits.2. Intravenous injection of alcoholic infusion (0.1g/kg) lowers blood pressure in anesthetized dogs.3. Sedative and anticonvulsive.4. Lumbrifebrine, one of its active components, is ab antipyretic. 24566,M289| XIN JIANG YANG NA Sinkiang Poplar* Populus alba var. pyramdalis NA NA NA NA NA 3600,E|19177,E|19169,E| KAI SHI DANG GUI NA Keislce Angelica* Angelica keislcei NA NA NA NA NA 1619,E;T4486| CHANG CHUN YOU MA TENG NA Evergreen Mucuna Mucuna sempervirens NA NA stem To quicken blood and regulate menstruation, supplement blood and soothe sinews. Menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, postpartum anemia, blood vacuity, wind-damp impediment pain, numbness in limbs, knocks and falls. 6557,E|6558,T3233| BAI GOU TENG NA White Gambirplant Uncaria sessilifructus [Syn. Nauclea sessilifructus ] NA NA NA NA NA 11676,E|14881,E|4120,E|11536,E|22188,E|18811,E|9552,E|22191,E|4119,E| WU JUAN XU XI GUA NA Non-cirrose Citrullus* Citrullus ecirrhosus NA NA NA NA NA 4328,T5951|4323,E|4326,E;T5951| GOU SHU BAI PI NA Common Papermulberry Bast* Broussonetia papyrifera NA NA endoderm bark To disinhibit water, stanch bleeding. Inhibited urination [=dysuria], edema distention fullness, hematochezia, flooding and spotting [= metrorrhagia and metrostaxis]. 2629,E|2631,E|2630,E|2632,E|12183,E|12182,E| CHANG SUI DI YU 长穗地榆 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3318,C0435|23215,C0566| HUANG YE DI BU RONG NA Greenyellow Stephania Stephania viridiflavens NA NA tuberoid See Stephania dicentrinifera. See Stephania dicentrinifera . 18040,E|32240,T4213|22804,E|11849,T4213|11848,E|16545,T4213|16544,E| WAN QU ZHI YE TAI. NA NA Lepidozia incurvata NA NA NA NA NA 3168,E|2183,E|2182,E|2181,E|2180,E|11601,E|2186,E|2185,E|2184,E|3167,E|3177,E| SHI DA GONG LAO MU NA Leatherleaf Mahonia Equivalent plant: Mahonia fortunei, Mahonia japonica Mahonia bealei NA NA stem To clear heat, dry damp, resolve toxin. Lung heat cough, jaundice, diarrhea, dysentery, red eyes with gall, sores, eczema, scalds. 2303,E|16544,E|11848,E| BEI FANG WU TOU NA Northern Monkshood* Aconitum septentrionale NA NA NA NA NA 12530,T3079|22183,E|18154,E|12505,E| QUAN YE SU TIE NA Crozier Cycas Cycas circinalis NA NA NA NA NA 14127,E|14126,T5308|4456,T5308|4455,E| BEI MEI QIU ZI JUE NA Bead Fern, Sensitive Fern Onoclea sensibilis NA NA NA NA NA 18148,E| CHA TIAO QI NA Amur Maple Acer ginnala NA NA tender leaf To clear liver and brighten eyes. Headache due to externally contracted wind-heat, liver fire and red eyes, clouded flowery vision. 7441,T3210|7440,E|95,E;T3210| CHE QIAN 车前 Asiatic Plantain Equivalent plant: Plantago major , Plantago depressa Plantago asiatica NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit urine, cool blood, resolve toxin. Heat bind in bladder, inhibited urination [=dysuria], strangury-turbidity and vaginal discharge, summerheat-damp diarrhea, bloody urine (hematuria), spontaneous external bleeding, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore. 9616,E|11192,E|11194,T3265|9362,E|9363,T3265|31115,T3265|11526,E|20353,E|25882,T3265|17500,T3265|12719,E|23887,T3265|17496,E|17497,E|17494,E|17495,E|17492,E;T3265|17493,E|17491,E|31900,T3265|17498,E|29509,T3265|10350,E|9330,E|580,E|9332,T3265|18205,E|32181,T3265|617,E;T3265|16040,E|20435,T3265|20430,E|31211,T3265|19967,E|25749,T3265|20239,E|31818,T3265|20246,T3265|23064,T3265|7425,E|18511,E|2004,E;T3265|2102,C0392|22254,E| ZHAN ZHI TANG SONG CAO NA Spreading Meadowrue* Thalictrum squarrosum NA NA root and rhizome (or whole herb) To clear heat and resolve toxin, inhibit acid. Acute conjunctivitis, infective hepatitis, dysentery, stomach disease and acid vomiting. 21235,E| DAN BAN GOU YA HUA NA Divaricate Ervatamia Ervatamia divaricata NA NA root, leaf To clear heat and lower blood pressure, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Hypertension, swelling pain in throat, sore toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, knocks and falls. 4080,E|7291,E|7292,E;T3488|7295,T3488|4081,T3488| YUN NAN SHI XIAN TAO NA Yunnan Pholidota Pholidota yunnanensis NA NA Pseudobulb or whole herb To moisten lung and relieve cough, dissipate stasis and relieve pain, clear heat and disinhibit damp. Tuberculosis and hemoptysis, lung heat cough, chest and rib-side pain, stomachache, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, wind-damp pain. 4518,E|4528,E|17167,T6587|17161,E|17182,E|17183,E|17184,E|17185,E|17186,E|17187,E| YE GUO QIE NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 12067,T6362| PU TAO 葡萄 fruit of european grape fructus vitis viniferae Mild,Sweet,Slightly Sour Stomach,Liver,Kidney NA NA NA 5011,T5218|3305,T5218|23745,M553|24342,M553|23487,M553|13450,T5218|23170,M553|22538,M553|20430,M553|17011,T5218|23572,M553|7970,M553|23224,M553| ZHU HONG SHI NA Cinnabar Persimmon* Diospyros cinnabarina NA NA NA NA NA 8094,E|30995,T6700| LEI GONG QI NA Co mmon Broadlily Clintonia alpina NA NA whole herb To dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Knocks and falls. 9334,T4587|9333,E| SHE TENG NA Asian Colubrina Colubrina asiatica NA NA NA NA NA 3934,T5543|3929,E|30802,T5543|3933,E| XI NAN WEN SHU LAN NA Broadleaf Crinum Crinum latifolium NA NA leaf To quicken blood and dispel stasis, free network vessels and relieve pain, clear heat and resolve toxin. Wound swelling from knocks and falls, fracture, pain in joints, toothache, malign sore and swelling toxin, hemorrhoids, zoster, psoriasis. 9546,E|31112,T6024|13234,E| FU RUI ER JUE NA Faurie Shield Fern* Polystichum fauriei NA NA NA NA NA 17646,E| DUAN XIAN XIAO MI CAO NA Regel Eyebright Euphrasia regelii NA NA NA NA NA 7532,E| JIAO ZHI SHU WEI CAO NA Sticky Clary Salvia glutinosa NA NA root To promote contraction and stanch bleeding. Blood ejection, hemoptysis, hematochezia. 5164,E|16345,E|11727,E|32022,T4373|5653,E|8288,E| SU DAN KE LE GUO 苏丹可乐果 Acuminate Colanut Cola acuminata NA NA seed To raise spirit. NA 17855,T5701|17853,E|2893,T5701|2892,E|21294,E;C0294|21296,T5701| CHUN FU SHOU CAO NA Yellow Adonis Adonis vernalis NA NA NA NA NA 646,E;T3344|22388,E|22389,T3344|6203,E|6218,T3344|4547,T3344|4546,E| CHANG BING YUAN BAI NA Longpetiole Juniper* Juniperus macropoda NA NA NA NA NA 11139,T3230|11138,E| BO SHI CI TIONG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 17827,T3160| INDIAN TRUFFLE. NA NA Tuber indicum YIN DU KUAI JUN NA NA NA NA NA 22038,E|22039,E|22040,E|22037,E| FEI ZHOU GOU TENG NA African Gambirplant* Uncaria africana NA NA NA NA NA 5568,E|11676,E|783,E|14881,E|11536,E|18811,E| YIN DU HUANG TAN NA Sisso Rosewood Dalbergia sissoo NA NA heartwood See Dalbergia odorifera . See Dalbergia odorifera. 20886,E|2385,E|4608,E|4613,T6451|17406,E|17407,T6451| FU KANG A WEI GEN NA Fukang Giantfennel Root Ferula fukanensis NA NA NA NA NA 5632,E|7981,E|7982,E|7983,E|7984,E|5668,E| SHUI XIAN GEN 水仙根 Chinese Narcissus Bulb Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis NA NA bulb To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling. Swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, insect bites, fish bone stuck in throat. 8084,T5662|25374,T5662|8082,E|13236,T5662|20875,E|17842,T5662|13229,E|20583,T5662|18036,E|13234,E;C0335|13230,T5662|16622,E|18038,T5662|17836,E| MAO XIAN ZHU JU TAI NA Hairy Rhynchotechum Rhynchotechum vestitum NA NA whole herb NA Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B. 18813,E|15069,E|18814,T4882| MA LING SHU NA Potato Solanum tuberosum NA NA tuber To harmonize stomach and fortify center, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Stomachache, epidemic parotitis, swollen welling abscess, eczema, scalds. 7788,E|14228,E|22064,E|30819,T4800|17900,E|23223,T4800|17902,T4800|20054,E|20056,T4800|18839,T4800|18834,E|22065,T4800|22042,E|7787,E|19966,E|7780,E|7781,E|20040,E|20045,T4800|20044,E;T4800|4135,E|17899,E|13012,T4800|13010,E| XIN FEI CAO NA Caucasian Comfrey Symphytum caucasicum NA NA NA NA NA 6687,T6207|6683,E|6685,E|23179,T6207| JIN CHAI FENG WEI JUE NA Faurie’s Brake Pteris fauriei [Syn. Pteris fauriei var. minor ] NA NA leaf To clear heat and disinhibit damp, dispel wind and settle fright, close sores and stanch bleeding. Dysentery, diarrhea, jaundice, infant fright wind, bleeding due to external injury, burns and scalds. 18116,E|18114,E|18115,E|18112,E|18113,E|18145,E|18144,E| GUA LOU ZI 瓜篓子 Snakegourd Seed Semen Trichosanthis NA NA NA Treatment of dry cough with sticky sputum, constipation. NA 13772,C0122|23042,M941;C0511|15244,C0409|23038,C0121|17251,C0263|23221,C0466|23226,C0244|23241,C0245|9484,C0280| AO TUO ROU DOU KOU NA Otoba Nutmeg* Myristica otoba NA NA NA NA NA 16267,T2928|16256,E| FANG XIANG DUI XIN JU NA Fragrant Sneezeweed* Helenium aromaticum NA NA NA NA NA 1768,E;T3715|9287,E|9288,T3715| JING JIE HUA NA praecox Stachyurus* Stachyurus praecox NA NA NA NA NA 16753,E|17740,E| MAO GENG XIA YE XIANG CHA CAI NA Hairstalk Narrowleaf Rabdosia* Isodon angustifolius var. glabrescens NA NA NA NA NA 458,E|8462,E|8463,E|8461,E|8466,E|8467,E|8464,E|8465,E|8468,E|8469,E|18446,E|8479,E|8478,E|8475,E|8474,E|8477,E|8476,E|8471,E|8470,E|8473,E|8472,E|8480,E|8481,E|8482,E|8483,E|8484,E|8485,E| SAN XING HUA XU YIN JIA NA Inga* Inga umbellifera NA NA NA NA NA 3311,E|3310,E|3313,E|3312,E|3314,E| QIAN NIU ZI 牵牛子 Lobedleaf Pharbitis Seed Equivalent plant: Pharbitis purpurea Pharbitis nil Cold,Bitter Lung,Large Intestine,Kidney seed To drain water and free stool, disperse accumulation and kill worms. Edema distention fullness, inhibited urine and stool, phlegm-rheum and accumulation-gathering, qi counterflow with cough and asthma, abdominal pain due to worm accumulation, ascariasis, taeniasis. 17030,E|11585,T5247|30995,T5247|17029,E|8094,E|6766,T5247|6764,E|31778,T5247|15588,E|31777,T5247|8376,E|8372,E;T5247|8373,T5247|8371,E;T5247|3480,T5247|3477,E|11579,E|16796,T5247|16871,E|16795,E|24150,M568|15597,T5247|13250,E|13251,T5247| SAI LA LI ANG SHUI XIAN. NA NA Narcissus leonensis NA NA NA NA NA 15741,E| BAI HUA XIA ZHI CAO NA Whiteflower Lagopsis Marrubium supinum [Syn. Lagopsis supina ] NA NA NA NA NA 17798,E| ZANG MA HUANG NA Cliff Ephedra Ephedra saxatilis NA NA herbaceous twigs See Ephedra sinica. See Ephedra sinica. 14388,E|14693,E|15736,E|6814,E|15780,E|18010,E| SUI HUA LUO HAN SONG NA Matai Podocarpus spicatus NA NA NA NA NA 13588,T5726|13587,E| JIN SHU HUANG YANG NA European Boxwood Buxus sempervirens NA NA NA NA NA 2817,T4412|2816,E|30353,T4412|4414,T4412|4530,E|2191,E|26059,T4412|4543,T4412|4542,E|4476,E| JIANG GUO SHU YU NA Black Bryony Tamus communis NA NA NA NA NA 11245,T4360|13239,T4360|13236,E|11243,E| MAN TUO LUO YE NA Hindu Datura Leaf Equivalent plant: Datura innoxia Datura metel NA NA leaf To suppress cough and calm asthma, relieve pain and draw out pus. Cough and asthma, impediment pain, beriberi, prolapse of rectum. 4674,T4833|4668,E;T4833|4669,E;T4833|10869,E|4664,E;T4833|4665,E;T4833|4666,E;T4833|4667,E;T4833|4673,E;T4833|4672,E|4663,E|22685,T4833|2001,E;T4833|10871,E;T4833|4670,E;T4833|30480,T4833|10874,T4833| NIU NAO NA Ox Brain Bos taurus domesticus, Bubalus bubalis NA NA brain To supplement brain and dispel wind, allay thirst, disperse glomus. Head wind dizziness, brain leak, diabetes mellitus, glomus qi. 31044,T5105|16467,E|8772,E|8773,E|8770,E|32193,T5105|8774,E|25664,T5105|25655,T5105|25385,T5105|8752,E|25662,T5105|25663,T5105|22337,E|8782,E|8780,E|8769,E|25657,T5105|25661,T5105| QING XIANG ZI 青箱子 Feather Cockscomb Seed Semen Celosiae Minor cold,Bitter Liver NA Treatment of redness of the eye and dizziness due to excessive heat or fire in the liver, nebula with blurred vision. 1. Hypotensive2. Celosiaol, one of its active components is a mydriatic. 23681,M586| JIAN JIAN SUAN PAN ZI NA Acuminate Glochidion* Glochidion acuminatum NA NA NA NA NA 590,E|11439,E|8563,E|8561,E|8560,E|8558,E|8559,E| GUAN HUA QIN JIAO NA Tubeflower Gentian Gentiana siphonantha NA NA dried root See Gentiana macrophylla. See Gentiana macrophylla. 8296,E| XIU QIU QIAN CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 30932,T6239|6639,T6239| LAN SHI 蓝实 Fructus Polygoni tinctori NA NA NA NA NA NA 23223,C0035|11022,C0295| XI YE GONG LAO MU NA Chinese Mahonia Mahonia fortunei NA NA stem See Mahonia bealei. See Mahonia bealei. 25390,T6049|2300,E;T6049|2303,E|13368,T6049|16428,E|11848,E|16544,E|16545,T6049|13367,E| CI YI YE HUA JIAO NA Spinyleaf Prickleyash Zanthoxylum dimorphophyllum var. spinifolum NA NA root To dispel wind and dissipate cold, dissipate stasis and settle pain, stanch bleeding and engender flesh. Wind-cold-damp impediment, wind-cold cough, knocks and falls, static blood swelling pain, bleeding due to external injury. 6025,E| SUI BA QIA NA Eurasia Greenbrier Smilax aspera NA NA NA NA NA 15720,E| CHANG GENG CU FEI NA Longstalk Plumyew* Cephalotaxus harringtonia var. drupacea NA NA NA NA NA 7,E|7763,E|20449,E|5746,E|9743,E|5466,E| A WEI 阿魏 Asafetida Giantfennel Resin Ferula assafoetida Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Stomach,Liver balsam To transform concretion and disperse accumulation, kill worms, interrupt malaria. Concretion and conglomeration, lump glomus, worm accumulation, meat-type food accumulation, cold pain in heart and abdomen, malaria, dysentery. 19209,E|31684,T2880|23126,M1|23308,M1|2096,E|1909,E;T2880|3045,M1|23184,M1|14755,E|23910,M1|3971,T2880|3970,E;T2880|7733,T2880|7732,E;T2880|7731,E;T2880|7730,E|23880,M1|17606,E|9084,E|24098,M1|4549,M1|15508,E|15138,M1|1911,E|1910,E|23545,M1|8086,E|7768,T2880|23867,M1|7767,E|22212,E|12123,E|23284,C0201|3969,E| KEN NI YA HUI YE NA Kenya Tephrosia* Tephrosia aequilata NA NA NA NA NA 6348,E| WEI MAO HE ZI NA Terminalia chebula var tomentella Terminalia chebula var. tomentella NA NA fruit See Terminalia chebula. See Terminalia chebula. 20959,E|21257,E| YUN NAN GE TENG NA Yunnan Kudzuvine Pueraria peduncularis NA NA lianoid stem or root To kill worms (stem), upbear yang and resolve exterior (root). Impotence, common cold (root). 7272,E|18166,E|25884,T6579|8682,E|25885,T6579|8662,E|6060,E|6061,E|21820,T6579|25681,T6579|4603,E| DI SHI 地虱 NA NA Warm,Sour NA NA NA NA 19967,M215|3585,M215| YI NIAN SHENG SHAN DIAN 一年生山靛 Annual Mercury Mercurialis annua NA NA NA NA NA 32261,T6418|22959,E;C0010| AO TOU WU HUAN ZI NA Emarginate Soapberry Seed Sapindus emarginatus NA NA NA NA NA 9260,E|411,E|16041,E| CU 醋 Vinegar Vinegar Warm,Sour,Bitter Stomach,Liver NA To stanch bleeding and dissipate stasis, resolve toxin and kill worms. Postpartum blood dizziness, concretion and conglomeration, jaundice, yellow sweating, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, itching in genital region, swelling of welling abscess, welling abscess and flat abscess with swelling sore. 23475,M130|23333,M130|5749,T3373|24032,T3373|20088,M130|23865,M130|23448,M130|108,E;M130;T3373|111,E;T3373|23061,M130|5747,E;M130|7880,E;M130|24968,M130|23287,M130| SAN LIE HAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 18832,T5417| JIN JI ER GEN 锦鸡儿根 Caragana sinica (Buchoz)Rehd. NA NA NA NA NA NA 23235,C0559| XUAN FU HUA NA British Inula Equivalent plant: Inula linariaefolia , Inula britannica var chinensis Inula britannica NA NA capitulum To downbear qi , disperse phlegm, move water, check vomiting. Wind-cold cough, glomus fullness in chest and diaphragm, cough and asthma, abundant phlegm, vomiting and eructation, hard glomus below heart. 20688,E|11108,E|2052,E|2887,E|3551,E|12017,E|9817,E|18301,E|4135,E|19527,E|17751,E|6917,E|11639,E|20550,E|16716,E|19172,E|7767,E|5762,E|7556,E|18302,E| KUAN TE QIAN LI GUANG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 17535,T4546|19699,T4546| LIAO LAN GUO NA Indigoplant Fruit Polygonum tinctorium NA NA fruit To clear heat, cool blood, resolve toxin. Warm disease ardent fever, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, macular eruption, swelling pain in throat, swollen boil, innominate toxin swelling, bee sting, insect bites. 18274,T4648|18273,E|32161,T4648|22043,E| HAN LIAN CAO 旱莲草 eclipta Herba Ecliptae Prostratae Cold,Sweet,Sour Liver,Kidney NA NA NA 22640,M316;C0025| YAO XI GUA NA Wild Gourd Citrullus colocynthis NA NA NA NA NA 4328,T6340|20152,E|4316,E|4317,T6340|4326,E|23720,T6340| MAO TOU RU GU NA Pink-fringed Milky Lactarius torminosus NA NA NA NA NA 17432,E|17419,E| AI JI SHU WEI CAO NA Egyptian Sage* Salvia aegyptiaca NA NA NA NA NA 14255,E|14256,E|6967,E| ZHU LING 猪苓 Popyporus Agaric Polyporus umbellatus Mild,Sweet,Neutral Bladder,Kidney sclerotium To disinhibit water and percolate damp, anticancer. Inhibited urination, edema, ascites, carcinoma of lung, carcinoma of esophagus, diarrhea, strangury-turbidity, vaginal discharge. 17654,E|7246,E|17656,E|17657,E|17651,E|17652,E|17653,E|17655,E|24259,M883|7249,E;M883;C0450;T6703|2395,M883|7251,T6703| FENG DOU CAI NA Japanese Butterbur Petasites japonicus NA NA rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel stasis and disperse swelling. Swelling pain in throat, swollen welling abscess and toxin of clove, poisonous snake bite, knocks and falls. 198,E;T3743|30751,T3743|1205,E;T3743|32194,T3743|8018,E|19716,E|31114,T3743|17001,E|31190,T3743|30105,T3743|395,E;T3743|7226,E|8017,E|7228,E;T3743|8015,E|17002,E|17003,E;T3743|21600,E|24476,T3743|7229,T3743|31719,T3743|5624,T3743|8024,T3743|15684,E|15687,E|11623,E|22373,E|3194,E|30604,T3743|7985,E|7986,E|7987,E;T3743|7988,E;T3743|7989,E;T3743|11819,E|11588,E|11589,T3743|16996,E|16997,E;T3743|30743,T3743|9606,E|30987,T3743|30986,T3743|30985,T3743|11624,T3743|16999,E;T3743|30980,T3743|12807,E|264,E;T3743|12808,T3743|8020,E|17011,T3743|23700,T3743|11311,T3743|10093,E|32102,T3743|31717,T3743|19287,E|1188,E|3242,E|3241,E|5616,E|864,E;T3743|7990,T3743|2412,E|23093,T3743|24070,T3743| XIAO JIAO HAI YING SU NA Black-spot Hornpoppy Glaucium corniculatum NA NA NA NA NA 4107,T6169|4106,E| MU GUI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 30820,T5006| CHAN PI NA Toad Skin Bufo bufo gargarizans, Bufo melanostictus NA NA skin To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit water and disperse distention. Welling abscess and flat abscess, toxin swelling, scrofula, eczema, gan accumulation, chronic trach itis. 2724,E|30687,T3222|18622,E|18623,T3222|21825,E|8123,T3222|8121,E|32133,T3222| BAI HUA CAI ZI NA Common Spiderflower Seed Cleome gynandra [Syn. Gynandropsis gynandra ] NA NA seed To dispel wind and dissipate cold, quicken blood and relieve pain. Wind-cold sinew and bone numbness, aching pain in back and shoulder, lumbago, swelling pain due to external injury, bone tuberculosis, hemorrhoids and fistulas. 3829,T2973|3828,E| MU GUA 木瓜 Chinese Floweringquince Chaenomeles sinensis Warm,Sour Spleen,Liver fruit To harmonize stomach and soothe sinews, dispel wind-damp, disperse phlegm and allay thirst. Vomiting and diarrhea with cramp, wind-damp impediment pain, cough and abundant phlegm, diarrhea, dysentery, painful wound from knocks and falls, beriberi with edema. 24917,M518|8620,E|3218,M518|16040,E|24622,M518|23110,M518;C0515|23062,M518;C0255|22254,E| RI BEN JIN YAO NA Japanese Goldsaxifrage Chrysosplenium japonicum NA NA NA NA NA 3623,T5336|3622,E|3300,E|3301,T5336| FU RONG JU GEN NA Chinese Crossostephium Root Crossostephium chinense NA NA root To dispel wind-damp, warm center and relieve pain. Rheumatic arthritis, cold pain in stomach duct. 23784,T3772|20696,E|20697,E;T3772| HUA YE JIA DU JUAN. NA NA Barleria lupulina NA NA whole herb To free channels and network vessels, joint sinews and bones, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Painful swelling from knocks and falls, fracture, bleeding due to external injury, swollen welling abscess and sore toxin, poisonous snake bites. 15126,E|330,E|19781,E|11126,E|509,E|511,E|510,E|19780,E|13101,E| HUAI JIAO 槐角 pod of Japanese pagodatree fructus Sophorae Minor cold,Bitter Large Intestine,Liver NA NA NA 19072,C0514|20066,T4141|20063,M360|20086,T4141|12017,C0453|8282,T4141|30079,T4141|8277,M360;C0249|23303,C0471|20085,T4141|11647,T4141| QU CHONG HE HUAN NA Musenna Albizia Albizzia anthelmintica NA NA NA NA NA 5252,T5300|5250,E|25458,T5300|15123,E| LUO SUI TUN CAO NA Perennial Ragweed Ambrosia psilostachya NA NA NA NA NA 16662,E|16693,T4764|18068,E|18069,E|18067,E| LU ZHU GEN 芦竹根 Giantreed Rhizome Arundo donax NA NA rhizome To clear heat and drain fire, engender liquid and eliminate vexation, disinhibit urine. Febrile diseases with vexation and thirst, vacuity taxation with steaming bone, blood ejection, heat strangury, inhibited urination, wind-fire toothache. 14031,E|14033,T4729|2472,E|30672,T4729|23105,C0240;T4729|20353,E|3041,T4729|3040,E|30688,T4729|6418,E;T4729|6417,E|1111,E|1112,E|25632,T4729|2726,E|2725,E;T4729|23887,T4729|6735,E|6736,T4729|24760,T4729|8978,T4729|25834,T4729|8970,E|8971,E;T4729|8972,E| BAI SHE GAN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 20885,C0251|11151,C0153| HUANG YANG MU YE NA Chinese Box Juvenile Leaf Buxus microphylla var. sinica NA NA tender leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate binds and disperse swelling. Wind-damp impediment pain, qi distention in chest and abdomen, mounting qi , toothache, painful wound from knocks and falls. 2817,E|11699,E|30700,T4210|4501,E|4502,T4210|4543,E|4545,T4210|2832,E;T4210|2831,E;T4210| XIAO DAO XING HUANG TAN NA Cultrate Rosewood* Dalbergia cultrata NA NA NA NA NA 4613,T6156|4608,E| GAO YUAN TANG SONG CAO NA Highland Meadowrue Thalictrum cultratum NA NA rhizome and root See Thalictrum foliolosum . See Thalictrum foliolosum. 21249,E|21232,E|21230,E| MIAN HUA ZI 棉花子 Semen gossypii NA NA NA NA NA NA 8966,C0268|23094,C0269| MO DI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 17578,C0083| BAI GUI BI NA Stinking Polecat, Wood Witch Phallus impudicus NA NA sporocarp To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and relieve pain. Wind-damp pain. 17076,E| SAN QI CAO NA Gynura Gynura segetum [Syn. Gynura japonica ] NA NA leaf or whole herb To stanch bleeding, dissipate stasis, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hemoptysis, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, bleeding due to external injury, dysmenorrhea, postpartum stasis stagnation abdominal pain, knocks and falls, wind-damp pain, welling abscess and flat abscess with clove sore, snake or insect bites. 9122,E|9735,E|9734,E|20332,E|21400,E|2224,E|3434,E|19699,T5421|19908,T5421|383,E|19977,E|19698,E|6203,E|22320,E|20353,E|19967,E|424,E|9485,E|20345,E| SHAO HUA XI PA MU NA Limoncillo (in Costa Rica) Siparuna pauciflora NA NA NA NA NA 19946,E|12568,E|19945,E|19947,E| DA CHE QIAN 大车前 Rippleseed Plantain Plantago major NA NA whole herb See Plantago asiatica. See Plantago asiatica. 32170,T3402|31464,T3402|11802,E|23101,C0577|13650,T3402|8306,E|12949,T3402|20353,E|25882,T3402|22154,E|3040,E|250,E|12946,E|3674,E|23887,T3402|30783,T3402|19573,T3402|17492,E|3552,T3402|3551,E|9817,E|3695,E|17499,E|29509,T3402|1892,E;T3402|19173,T3402|19172,E|7996,T3402|31751,T3402|30330,T3402|19572,E|7768,T3402|18205,E|10350,E|2004,E;T3402|580,E|31021,T3402|12885,E|16040,E|15356,T3402|15355,E|13649,E|20550,E|25550,T3402|31156,T3402|30819,T3402|19967,E|9485,E|15195,E|8080,E|8081,T3402|13400,T3402|22254,E|4135,E|23064,T3402|7767,E|13130,E|7995,E|2102,E;C0392;T3402|31211,T3402|13399,E|2106,E;T3402|26103,T3402| SHE TAI NA Conicum Conocephalus* Conocephalum conicum NA NA thallus To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, burns and scalds, poisonous snake bite, fracture. 2587,E|13602,T5542|2596,E|22950,T5542|32166,T5542|17797,E|2562,E|13601,E|2589,E|2588,E|25508,T5542|22946,E;C0022|1493,E|22087,E|2351,E|13139,E|22947,E| YING SHAN HONG 迎山红 Korean Rhododendron Rhododendron mucronulatum NA NA leaf To resolve exterior, relieve cough and transform phlegm. Common cold, cough and asthma, abundant phlegm. 16871,E|2052,E;T6481|14534,E|14536,T6481|23050,C0007|8958,E|30330,T6481|20550,E|5698,E|5699,T6481|14602,T6481|25635,T6481|14601,E| FANG XIANG JIANG NA Aromatic Ginger Zingiber aromaticum NA NA NA NA NA 19831,E|19971,E|19832,E|12078,E|21584,E|4679,E|12033,E|12032,E|12034,E|12095,E|8394,E|8395,E|8396,E|9667,E|12041,E|7104,E|7105,E|12022,E|12023,E|19967,E|12066,E|22968,E|22969,E|9663,E|12021,E| BAI LI XIANG YE MA SANG NA Thymeleaf Coriaria* Coriaria thymifolia NA NA NA NA NA 4053,T2995|4051,E| QIAO MU CI TONG NA Himalayan Coralbean Equivalent plant: Erythrina variegate Erythrina arborescens NA NA dried bark or root cortex To dispel wind and eliminate damp, soothe sinews and quicken network vessels, kill worms and relieve itch. Wind-damp impediment pain, hypertonicity in limb joints, knocks and falls, scab and lichen, eczema. 7324,E|7325,T5261|7327,E|7321,E|7322,T5261|30954,T5261| WEI RUI LI NA Verecun Plum* Prunus verecunda NA NA NA NA NA 17989,T5910|17987,E| YIN DU JIA JING JIE NA Indian Catnip* Nepeta hindostana NA NA NA NA NA 9563,E|7556,T6452|7555,E|9565,T6452| DUN YE TU NIU XI NA Obtuseleaf Achyranthes Achyranthes aspera var. indica NA NA root and rhizome See Achyranthes aspera. See Achyranthes aspera . 6678,E| DUO CI LV RONG HAO NA Spiny Meconopsis Meconopsis horridula NA NA whole herb To quicken blood and transform stasis, clear heat and relieve pain. Knocks and falls, fracture, pain in chest and back, wind-heat headache, swelling pain in joints. 1096,E|16616,E|16615,E| DUAN CI SHI 煅磁石 Calcined Magnetite Magnetitum Preparata Cold,Salty Liver,Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of dizziness, blurring of vision, tinnitus, impairment of hearing, palpitation, insomnia, dyspnea due to diminished function of the kidney. NA 23782,M226| OU ZHOU LENG SHAN NA European Silver Fir Abies alba NA NA NA NA NA 31444,T5155|12837,E| XIAN HE CAO 仙鹤草 Japanese Argimonia Agrimonia pilosa var. japonica Mild,Bitter,Punkery Lung,Spleen,Liver aerial parts To promote astriction and stanch bleeding, interrupt malaria, check dysentery, resolve toxin. Hemoptysis, blood ejection, flooding and spotting, malaria, blood dysentery, swelling toxin of wellingabscess and sore, pudendal itch, Vaginal discharge. 23826,M750|31464,T6085|762,E|760,E;M750;T6085|761,E|30995,T6085|31974,T6085|16253,T6085|16250,E|3308,E|31879,T6085|20776,E|3674,E|18302,E|19072,E|8094,E|2887,E|19075,T6085|29509,T6085|25926,T6085|23711,M750|30116,T6085|30117,T6085|753,E|756,E;T6085|755,E;T6085|754,E;T6085|25144,M750|23275,T6085|10886,E|23941,M750|18005,E|18006,T6085|19967,E|3315,T6085|15653,T6085|15651,E|6758,T6085|6756,E|1492,E|23381,T6085|30618,T6085| BAI HE ZI 百合子 Semen Lilii brownii NA NA NA NA NA NA 3911,C0443| YI WO SI JING TIAN NA Ewers Stonecrop* Sedum ewersii NA NA NA NA NA 7378,T6423|663,E| SANG ER 桑耳 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23297,C0308|14963,C0311|23078,C0137|617,C0403|6678,C0526| BO LUO XIANG TENG. NA NA Kadsura ananosma NA NA NA NA NA 1248,E|1139,E|1138,E|1137,E|1136,E| ZI YE NA Ovate Catalpa Leaf Catalpa ovata NA NA leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, kill worms and relieve itch. Infant ardent fever, scab sore, itchy skin. 4152,E|4153,E|4176,E|7445,E|4171,E|4172,E|4173,E|14489,E|4175,E|16266,E|4174,E|9827,E|9820,E|6362,E|5766,E|3307,E|30753,T6773|10442,E|16270,E| REN GONG NIU HUANG 人工牛黄 Artificial Bezoar Calculus Bovis Artificiosus Cool,Bitter Liver,Heart NA NA NA 24237,M593| SHI ZI XING FENG JI SHENG NA Cruciate Mistletoe* Viscum cruciatum NA NA NA NA NA 4929,E| YU JIN 郁金 AromaticTurmeric Curcuma aromatica Cold,Pungent,Bitter Liver,Heart,Gallbladder tuberoid See Curcuma longa . See Curcuma longa. 2439,E;T6512|23206,M813;C0531|23103,C0404|3634,T6512|3633,E|3048,E|17043,T6512|3045,E;M813|3046,T6512|3237,E|30723,T6512|23059,C0568|30844,T6512|22107,E|23412,T6512|5044,C0331|22126,T6512|4398,M813;T6512|4399,E;M813|21417,T6512|21416,E|4390,E|22967,E|24503,M813|4397,E;M813;C0431|22988,M813|28770,T6512|4391,T6512|23142,C0318| DUN YE CHE ZHOU CAO NA Suckling Clover Trifolium dubium NA NA NA NA NA 18628,E|6008,T3636| WEI MAO DUI XIN JU NA Puberulent Sneezeweed* Helenium puberulum NA NA NA NA NA 30328,T5907|20947,E| MU FANG JI NA Japanese Snailseed Cocculus trilobus [Syn. Cocculus sarmentosus] NA NA root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, free channels and quicken network vessels, resolve toxin, disperse swelling and settle pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, pain from arthritis, edema, pulmonary edema, edema due to heart disease, neuralgia, dribbling pain of urination, amenorrhea, knocks and falls, swelling pain in throat, toxin swelling of sores, eczema, poisonous snake bite. 3879,E|31390,T5004|11744,E|11745,E|21873,T5004|21861,E|3867,T5004|15769,T5004|13706,E|13707,T5004|3865,E|3864,E|7023,E|7026,T5004|15768,E|3880,T5004|21871,E;T5004|31391,T5004|13368,T5004|13367,E| ZAO REN 枣仁 seed of spine date semen zizphi spinosae Mild,Sweet,Sour Spleen,Liver,Heart,Gallbladder NA Treatment of insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, excessive sweating due to debility, thirst due to consumption of body fluid. The chief components are jujuboside A and B. 1. Intraperitoneal injection its decoction ( 2.5-5.0g/kg ) exerts sedative and hypnotic effects in rats. 2. Intravenous injection of its decoction exerts significant and proloned hypotensive effect in anesthetized dogs. 3. Occasionally causing heart block. 4. Inducing hysterospasm. 24858,M832|2331,M832|11908,M832|11906,M832;C0140| ZHE HUANG KAO GU NA NA Brown-yellow Kokoona* Kokoona ochracea NA NA NA NA NA 15912,E|15911,E|15910,E|15913,E|15909,E| ZONG ZHUANG JI XUE TENG NA Racemose Millettia* Millettia racemosa NA NA NA NA NA 15427,E| MAO LIAN HAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7957,T4870|4684,T4870|9458,T4870|23784,T4870|20716,T4870|22908,T4870|21080,T4870|32037,T4870|23232,T4870|32038,T4870|31182,T4870| GU LIN XUE DAN NA Gulin Hemsleya Hemsleya penxianensis var. gulinensis NA NA NA NA NA 9357,E|9356,E| ZI LUO KE BAO. NA NA Emericella purpurea NA NA NA NA NA 6774,E|6772,E|6773,E| AN GE LA BA JIAO FENG NA Angola Alangium* Alangium lamarckii NA NA NA NA NA 830,E|831,E|3400,E|829,E|828,E|1293,E|18081,E| JI GAN CAO NA Echinate Licorice* Glycyrrhiza echinata NA NA NA NA NA 12768,E|6684,E|17822,E| LING XING CHANG CHUN TENG NA Japanese Ivy Hedera rhombea NA NA stem-leaf See Hedera nepalensis var. sinensis. See Hedera nepalensis var. sinensis. 19301,E|19302,T4671| MIAN BI XIE 绵萆薢 Sevenlobed Ya m U s e d p a r t : rhizome Dioscorea septemloba NA NA NA To disinhibit damp and eliminate turbidity, dispel wind and free impediment. Strangury with white turbidity, excessive leukorrhea, damp-heat sore toxin, impediment pain in lumbus and knees. 6439,E|1110,M1008|1113,M1008|5215,E|20353,M1008|6440,T4967|8970,T4967|19967,M1008|5218,T4967| XIANG ZHANG GEN 香樟根 Radix Cinnamomi camphorae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23114,C0038|1186,C0041|20414,C0490| YI ZHI HAO NA Alpine Yarrow Achillea alpina [Syn. Achillea sibirica ] NA NA herb To dispel wind and relieve pain, quicken blood, resolve toxin. Bleeding of digestive tract, bleeding from hemorrhoids, acute enteritis, infection from wounds, gastrointestinal ulcer, common cold with fever, head wind headache, toothache, wind-damp impediment pain, abdominal pain, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, abdominal lump glomus, knocks and falls, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, snake bite. 30761,T6437|4748,E|26089,T6437|26088,T6437|8227,E|8229,T6437|553,E|552,E|3048,E|3464,E|30723,T6437|4756,T6437|538,E;T6437| FENG CHAO MI ZI LAN NA Foveolate Aglaia* Aglaia foveolata NA NA NA NA NA 7931,E| HUI XIANG 茴香 Fennel Fruit Foeniculum vulgare Warm,Pungent Spleen,Stomach,Liver,Kidney fruit To warm kidney and disperse cold, rectify qi and harmonize stomach . incarcerated hernia of intestine, effusion of vaginal coat, elephantiasis of scrotum, cold mounting, cold pain in lesser-abdomen, kidney vacuity lumbago, stomachache, vomiting, beriberi. 31444,T4241|12837,E|22179,E|7384,E|7385,T4241|30783,T4241|24390,T4241|3695,E|30330,T4241|11571,E|22180,T4241|30609,T4241|19769,E|20982,E|7750,E|23605,M374|23887,T4241|23098,M374;C0552;T4241|20550,E|6481,E|23314,M374|25185,T4241|1284,E|1282,E|1186,E;M374;C0041;T4241|7751,T4241|1289,E|1183,E;T4241|20983,T4241|19770,T4241|6484,T4241|20972,E|20353,E| ZHANG NAO LUO LE NA Grey Basil Ocimum canum NA NA NA NA NA 13257,E|13259,T6630| TAO JIN NIANG NA Rosemyrtle Rhodomyrtus tomentosa NA NA fruit To nourish blood and stanch bleeding, astringe intestines and secure essence. Blood vacuity and general weakness, blood ejection, nosebleed(epistaxis), taxation damage hemoptysis, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, emission, vaginal discharge, dysentery, prolapse of rectum, scalds, bleeding due to external injury. 16753,E|30752,T5766|21430,T5766|21427,E|31763,T5766|3296,E|3302,E|3303,T5766| HUANG DA DOU 黄大豆 Semen Glycines max NA NA NA NA NA NA 8277,C0249|4605,C0282|4603,C0428| LIANG SHAN XIANG CHA CAI NA Liangshan Rabdosia Isodon liangshanica NA NA NA NA NA 12738,E|12739,E|12733,E|12734,E|12735,E|12736,E|12737,E| YUAN SHU YU NA Guinea Yam Dioscorea rotundata [Syn. Dioscorea cayenensis ] NA NA NA NA NA 14690,E|11245,T6552|8622,E|11243,E|9548,E|9551,T6552|2166,E;T6552| XIAN ROU 蚬肉 Carnis Corbicula fluminea NA NA NA NA NA NA 23112,C0296| YIN XIN CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1476,C0378| SHA HE SHU NA Sandbox-tree Hura crepitans NA NA NA NA NA 31125,T5452|9690,E| ZHI XIE MU PI NA Droughtdysentery Holarrhena Bark Holarrhena antidysenterica NA NA bark To move qi and check diarrhea, kill worms. Dysentery, gastrointestinal flatulence. 14343,E|11337,E|3963,T6673|16647,E|11341,T6673|24691,T6673|6873,T6673|6872,E|9593,T6673|12349,T6673|18571,E|31603,T6673|21181,T6673|21180,E|4004,T6673|5561,E|5562,E;T6673|9590,E|9941,T6673|18570,E|9931,E|9936,E|3991,E|9576,E;T6673|3959,E|18572,E|31243,T6673|3969,T6673|9582,E;T6673|9583,E;T6673|6930,E|9581,E;T6673|9586,E;T6673|9587,T6673|9584,E;T6673|9585,E;T6673|25796,T6673|12343,E;T6673|3990,T6673|12342,E;T6673|5563,T6673|9934,T6673|9580,E;T6673|3966,E|3967,E;T6673|10546,E|9577,E;T6673|3989,E|9575,E|3961,E;T6673|12341,E|9579,E;T6673|9578,E;T6673|12345,E;T6673|12344,E;T6673|3968,E;T6673|12346,E;T6673| XIANG SI ZI GEN 相思子根 Radix Abri precatorii NA NA NA NA NA NA 23251,C0267| BI CHEN JIA 毕澄茄 Fructus Litseae NA NA NA NA NA NA 12843,C0305|23228,C0303| FEI LV BIN PIAO SHU NA Philippine Nettletree Celtis philippinensis NA NA NA NA NA 7783,E|19904,E| XI YUAN TENG NA Greyblue Pericampylus Pericampylus glaucus NA NA vine or root To clear heat and resolve toxin, extinguish wind and check tetany, dispel wind-damp. Toxin swelling of sores, swelling pain in throat, fright wind and convulsion, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, poisonous snake bite. 6917,E|25799,T6059| DUO GEN WU TOU NA Manyroot Monkshood Aconitum karakolicum NA NA tuberoid See Aconitum carmichaeli. See Aconitum carmichaeli. 17113,E|20060,E|3201,E|15242,E|551,E;T3645|20061,T3645|12156,E|12157,T3645|3202,T3645| MIAN ZAO NA Indian Jujube Ziziphus mauritiana NA NA bark To eliminate inflammation and engender flesh. Burns and scalds, throat pain, diarrhea, dysentery. 13607,E;T4980|13606,E|1081,E|7936,E|13608,T4980|25581,T4980|7937,T4980| XI SHI HUI MAO DOU NA Hildebrandt Tephrosia* Tephrosia hildebrandtii NA NA NA NA NA 9540,T6031|9539,E| GUA JIN DENG 挂金灯 Franchet Groundcherry Physalis alkekengi var. franchetii NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit urine. Heat cough, throat pain, jaundice, dysentery, edema, clove sore, erysipelas. 12483,E|15892,M940|17229,E|23747,M940|21356,E|17232,E;M940|17230,E|17231,E;M940|4467,M940|4472,M940|21367,T3876| YUAN BAN XIANG CHA CAI NA Nummulite Rabdosia* Plectranthus nummularius NA NA NA NA NA 17540,E|16668,E|16669,E|17539,E| NING MENG YE 柠檬叶 Lemon Leaf Equivalent plant: Citrus limonia Citrus limon NA NA leaf To relieve cough and transform phlegm, rectify qi and harmonize stomach, check diarrhea. Cough and asthma, abdominal distention, 12847, 15655, 15882. diarrhea. 663,E;T5086|4134,E|17157,T5086|17154,E|23281,T5086|23080,C0364| HONG KOU SHUI XI AN NA Poets Narcissus Narcissus poeticus NA NA NA NA NA 17465,E|9611,E| XUE YU NA Human Hair Homo sapiens NA NA human hair To dispel stasis and stanch bleeding. Blood ejection, nosebleed(epistaxis), gum hemorrhage, blood dysentery, blood strangury, flooding and spotting. 13652,E|13654,T6267| YUAN JU JIN GU CAO NA Manybracteole Bugle Ajuga remota NA NA NA NA NA 809,E;T6550| DA YE XIANG CHA CAI NA Largeleaf Rabdosia Rabdosia macrophylla NA NA NA NA NA 11389,E|31348,T3477|18468,E|18469,T3477| ROU ZHI HUAI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 20084,C0055|20061,C0053|13599,C0333| JIN MAO MU TONG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1178,C0553| LAI YANG LI QING GAO 莱阳梨清膏 NA Extractum Piri Laiyanensis NA NA NA NA NA 24237,M439| CHA RUI SHU YU NA Collett Yam Dioscorea collettii NA NA rhizome To dispel wind and disinhibit damp, free network vessels and relieve pain, clear heat and resolve toxin. Wind-damp impediment pain, hypertonicity and numbness, qi stagnation stomachache, damp-heat jaundice, white turbidity, strangury with pain, leukorrhea, knocks and falls, damp sore with swelling toxin, wind papules, eczema, poisonous snake bite. 3922,E|3923,E;T3206|3926,T3206|3924,E;T3206|3925,E|20012,E|5215,E|7012,E|5218,T3206|5198,T3206|5196,E|6439,E|25828,T3206|19377,E|19378,T3206|7023,E|6444,E|11554,T3206|6440,T3206|25791,T3206|30801,T3206|11551,E|22863,T3206|22862,E|22866,T3206|22865,E|20013,T3206|7026,T3206| ZHU SUI SHAN JIANG NA Pinnan Galangal Alpinia pinnanensis NA NA NA NA NA 988,E|3013,E|986,E|987,E|3017,E|6842,E|6844,E| PAO SHAN JIA 炮山甲 Prepared Anteater scales Squama Manitis Praeparata Minor cold,Salty Stomach,Liver NA Treatment of amenorrhea with mass formation in the abdomen, galactostasis, carbuncles and sores, arthralgia with numbness and muscular contracture. Raising the level of white blood cells. 24358,M543|23396,M543|23171,M543|3585,M543| QUE BAI MAI JIAO NA Paspalum Ergot* Claviceps paspali NA NA NA NA NA 11513,E| QING AI NA Graywhite Wormwood* Artemisia cana NA NA NA NA NA 30629,T5272|18828,E|18832,T5272| YIN DU JU 印度橘 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 19525,C0067| XIANG JIAO SHU NA Para Rubbertree Hevea brasiliensis NA NA NA NA NA 18290,T6120|18289,E| CU GUO XIANG CHA CAI NA Roughfruit Rabdosia* Isodon lasiocarpa NA NA NA NA NA 12534,E|12535,E|12533,E|12531,E|12529,E|3219,E|18460,E| QUAN SHEN 拳参 Bistort Polygonum bistorta Cool,Bitter Lung,Large Intestine,Liver rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling, stanch bleeding. Red dysentery, heat diarrhea, lung heat cough, swollen welling abscess, scrofula, mouth sore, tongue sores, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, bleeding from hemorrhoids, poisonous snake bite. 24757,M590|30999,T5306|8094,E|23537,M590|25002,M590|6852,E|23487,M590|8108,E|6853,T5306|23975,M590|30995,T5306|5518,E|23225,M590|24471,M590|5521,T5306|19967,M590|24767,M590|23234,M590| CHA XIAN XIN JIANG HAO BEN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11418,C0417|23289,C0374|7520,C0416|23157,C0373| PO BU YE NA Paniculate Microcos Microcos paniculata [Syn. Grewia microcos ] NA NA leaf To clear heat and disinhibit damp, fortify stomach and disperse stagnation. Common cold with fever, jaundice, inappetence, indigestion, distending pain in stomach duct and abdomen, diarrhea, sores, centipede bite. 14277,E| BI XIE 萆薢 Hypoglaucous Collett Yam Equivalent plant: Dioscorea gracillima , Dioscorea tokoro Dioscorea hypoglauca [Syn. Dioscorea collettii var. hypoglauca] Minor cold,Sweet Stomach,Liver rhizome To disinhibit damp and turbidity, dispel wind-damp. Unctuous strangury, white turbidity, vaginal discharge, sores, wind-damp impediment pain. 5215,E|5218,T3115|6437,T3115|6436,E;M55|5198,T3115|17966,E|5196,E|17963,E|6439,E|8967,M55|25828,T3115|32254,T3115|24942,M55|7023,E|6444,E|7026,T3115|6440,E;T3115|17959,M55|22863,E;T3115|22862,E|22866,T3115|22865,E|25830,T3115| MIAN ZI YOU 棉籽油 Levant Cotton Oil Gossypium herbaceum NA NA seed oil To resolve toxin and kill worms. Malign sore, scab and lichen. 13939,T4982|13937,E|8967,T4982|8966,E;C0268|23094,C0269| WU JI 乌鸡 Black Chicken Gallus domesticus Mild,Sweet Liver,Kidney NA NA NA 2550,M723|17442,M723|23525,M723|24976,M723|23761,M723|3048,M723|12949,M723|23365,M723|22295,M723|3045,M723| A BI XI NI YA NIU JIN GUO NA Abyssinia Harrisonia* Harrisonia abyssinica NA NA NA NA NA 5300,E|14118,E| DING XIANG LU 丁香露 Liquor destillata Caryophylli NA NA NA NA NA NA 11418,C0417|3488,C0198|7520,C0416|12017,C0453| DA FU PI 大附皮 pericarp of Betelnutpalm Pericarpium Arecae Minor Warm,Pungent Spleen,Large Intestine,Stomach,Small Intestine NA Treatment of stagnation of qi due to accumulation of damp marked by epigastric and abdominal distension, difficult evacuation of the feces, edema of the legs and oliguria. Its decoction exerts an effect of enhancing the intestinal tensity and decreasing the extent of intestinal contraction in rabbits in vitro, which can be counteracted by atropine. 1658,M137| YAN FENG NA Buchtorm Libanotis Libanotis buchtormensis NA NA root To effuse exterior and dissipate cold, dispel wind and eliminate damp, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Wind-cold common cold, headache, toothache, wind-damp impediment pain, sinew and bone numbness, wound swelling from knocks and falls. 22745,T6295|11832,E|11831,E| DUO SHE FEI PENG NA Multiradiate Erigeron multiradiatus NA NA NA NA NA 30617,T3652|2900,E|30716,T3652|1495,E| LUAN YE WA ER TENG NA Ovateleaf Tylophora Equivalent plant: Gerbera piloselloides, Cynanchum versicolor, Cynanchum atratum , Cynanchum ascyrifolium Tylophora ovata NA NA root To clear heat and boost yin, disinhibit urine and free strangury, resolve toxin and cure sores. Warm heat disease with fever, generalized fever with macule, steaming bone tidal fever, lung heat cough, postpartum vacuity vexation, heat strangury, blood strangury, swelling pain in throat, swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, poisonous snake bite. 22138,T4736|22137,E;T4736|22136,E| MU DING XIANG 母丁香 Clove fruit Fructus Caryophylli Warm,Pungent Spleen,Stomach,Kidney NA NA NA 3488,C0198|7520,M517|23101,M517|23623,M517|391,M517| AO DI LI LIN MAO JUE NA Broad Buckler-fern Dryopteris austriaca NA NA rhizome To expel worms. Taeniasis. 15740,E|851,E|15743,T2920|22013,E|1895,E;T2920|1897,E;T2920|22016,E|22017,E| BAI JU HUA GEN 白菊花根 Chrysanthemum morifoliumRamat NA NA NA NA NA NA 56,C0348|23256,C0557|21344,C0293|13130,C0415|3048,C0377| JI GUAN ZI 鸡冠子 Common Cockscomb Seed Celosia cristada NA NA NA NA NA 15195,E|16056,E|18641,E|12887,E|12885,E|17377,C0265|12564,E|20264,E|22538,E| QIAO CHA NA Khat Catha edulis NA NA leaf To clear heat, resolve toxin, raise spirit, allay thirst. NA 30754,T5255|17849,T5255|17848,E|15780,E|3326,E|3327,E;T5255|3328,T5255| YU YE GUI DENG QING NA Featherleaf Rodgersflower Rodgersia pinnata NA NA rhizome To quicken blood and regulate menstruation, dispel wind and eliminate damp, promote contraction and stanch bleeding. Knocks and falls, fracture, menstrual disorder [=menoxenia], dysmenorrhea, wind-damp pain, bleeding due to external injury, enteritis, dysentery. 6402,E| CHANG DI YU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3318,C0435|23215,C0566| ZHI BAN XIA 制半夏 Prepared tuber of Pinellia Rhizoma Pinelliae Preparata Warm,Pungent Lung,Spleen,Stomach NA Treatment of cough and asthma with much phlegm, dizziness and palpitation due to retention of phlegm and fluid, vertigo caused by wind-phlegm, headache with cold extremities due to attack of phlegm , stuffiness in the chest and the epigastrium, globus hystericus. Rhizoma Pineliae (processed with ginger) is often used for relieving nausea and vomiting. Rhizoma pinelliae (Proccessed with alum) for removing damp and phlegm. Rhizoma Pinelliae (unproccessed) is used externally for boils, sores and lymphadenitis. NA 23660,M839|23042,M839;C0511|23905,M839|23597,M839| FENG LUN CAI NA Chinese Clinopodium Clinopodium chinense NA NA whole herb To course wind and clear heat, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Common cold, summerheat stroke, acute cholecystitis, hepatitis, enteritis, dysentery, parotitis, mastitis, swelling toxin of clove sore, allergic dermatitis, acute conjunctivitis. 3845,E|11688,E|3847,T3749| BIAN BAI MA LI JIN NA White Milkweed Asclepias albicans NA NA NA NA NA 22285,E| CHU BAI PI NA Tree of Heaven Ailanthus Bast Ailanthus altissima NA NA bast To eliminate heat and dry damp, astringe intestines and stanch bleeding, kill worms. Chronic dysentery, chronic diarrhea, duodenal ulcer, intestinal wind bleeding, flooding and spotting, vaginal discharge, emission, white turbidity, ascariasis. 19815,T3308|774,E;T3308|777,E;T3308|780,E|3481,E|312,E;T3308|13858,E|779,E|778,E|15449,T3308|3103,T3308|15445,E|18285,E|1018,E;T3308|3483,T3308|6203,E|3096,E|6218,T3308|19811,E|19812,E|18289,T3308| XU DUAN JU NA Prickly Sowthistle Sonchus asper [Syn. Sonchus oleraceus var. asper ] NA NA whole herb or root To clear heat and resolve toxin, stanch bleeding. Toxin swelling of sores, infantile cough asthma, tuberculosis and coughing of blood. 8614,E|14103,E|20690,E| ZHUN GE ER LAN PEN HUA. NA NA Scabiosa soongorica NA NA NA NA NA 22823,E| YING MAO TIAN JIE CAI NA Hairy Heliotrope* Heliotropium hirsutum NA NA NA NA NA 12532,T6480|12530,E| FU YE YAN ZI CAI NA Floatingleaf Pondweed Potamogeton natans NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel damp and disinhibit water. Red eyes with gall, swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, jaundice, edema, bleeding from hemorrhoids, ascariasis. 18800,E|18801,T3780|11696,E|10086,E|17728,E|187,E|5874,E|5875,E|7182,E|7183,E|11700,T3780| SHENG GU YOU NA Bumalda Bladdernut Staphylea bumalda NA NA fruit or root To moisten lung and relieve cough. Dry cough, postpartum blood stasis. 20249,E|20248,E|20258,E|20252,E|20253,E|20250,E|20251,E|20256,E|20257,E|20247,E|20255,E|23171,T5557|13638,E|20254,E|10943,E| WU TONG HUA 梧桐花 Flos Firmianae plantanifoliae NA NA NA NA NA NA 2892,C0420| LUO HUA SHENG YOU NA Peanut Oil Arachis hypogaea NA NA seed oil To lubricate intestines and precipitate accumulation. Ileus due to roundworm, mazischesis, scalds. 10897,T4754|30992,T4754|8044,E|10894,E| YANG MEI GEN 杨梅根 Myrica rubra Sieb. Et Zucc NA NA NA NA NA NA 15162,C0307| FU PEN ZI 复盆子 Red-and-Yellow Garden Raspberry Rubus idaeus Mild,Sweet,Sour Liver,Kidney fruit To supplement liver and boost kidney, secure essence and reduce urine, brighten eyes. Impotence with premature ejaculation, emission, infertility due to uterus cold, frequent urination and enuresis, dizziness and dim vision, premature graying in beard and hair. 25074,M252|3594,E|26078,T3770|31842,T3770|17872,E|23234,M252;C0368| DUO HUA HEI MAI CAO 多花黑麦草 Italian Ryegrass Lolium multiflorum NA NA NA NA NA 1342,E;T3647|22142,E;C0483|22154,T3647| YIN BIAN LONG SHE LAN NA Silveredge Agave Agave angustifolia var. marginata NA NA NA NA NA 3558,T6446|9252,E|3552,E|9259,T6446| LA ZHI MU JIANG ZI NA Waxy Litse* Litsea sebifera NA NA NA NA NA 585,E;T4568| ER XING JI XUE TENG NA Auriculate Millettia* Millettia auriculata NA NA NA NA NA 2014,E| KU XING REN 苦杏仁 bitter Apricot seed Semen armeniacae amarum Minor Warm,Bitter Lung,Large Intestine NA Treatment of cough and asthma accompanied by stuffiness in the chest and profuse expectoration, constipation due to deficiency of blood and fluid. NA 25093,M433|3760,C0191|17986,M433|23643,M433|23776,M433|24264,M433|23709,M433|24125,M433|23119,C0328|1102,M433|24451,M433| HAN XIU CAO NA Sensitive Plant Mimosa pudica NA NA whole herb To cool blood and resolve toxin, clear heat and disinhibit damp, quiet spirit and calm. Common cold, infant ardent fever, bronchitis, hepatitis, gastritis, enteritis, conjunctivitis, calculus of urinary system, edema, taxation damage hemoptysis, nosebleed(epistaxis), hematuria, neurasthenia, neurosis, insomnia, toxin swelling of sores, zoster, knocks and falls. 15699,E|14862,T3971|14860,E|22106,E|14861,E|31721,T3971|31697,T3971|22107,T3971| CHUAN MU XIANG 川木香 Common Vladimiria Vladimiria souliei [Syn. Jurinea souliei] NA NA root To move qi and relieve pain. Distending pain in stomach duct, rumbling intestines and diarrhea, tenesmus, liver gallbladder pain. 13581,E|4128,E|24090,M917|30816,T3329|4890,E|15696,E|25951,T3329| DAN HUANG KU MA DOU NA Yellowish Swainsonia* Swainsonia luteola NA NA NA NA NA 20486,T3490|20484,E;C0257| YU BAI SHI SONG NA Tree Clubmoss Lycopodium obscurum NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, soothe sinews and free network vessels. Wind-damp impediment pain, pain in lumbus and legs, numbness of limbs, sprain from knocks and falls, sequel of poliomyelitis. 568,E|2487,E|21832,E|16107,E|379,E|13187,E|16365,E|16364,E|15777,E| ZHU HONG LONG XUE SHU NA Cinnabar Dracaena Dracaena cinnabari NA NA NA NA NA 21836,E| SANG ZHI 桑枝 White Mulberry Branch Morus alba Mild,Bitter Liver young twig To dispel wind-damp, disinhibit joints, lower blood pressure, disinhibit urine. Hypertension, aching pain in joints, numbness in joints. 8051,E|21646,M609|4349,T5448|19527,M609|5474,E|13289,E|13291,T5448|17827,E|22179,M609|14987,E|5197,E|4516,E|4517,E|23297,C0308|24739,M609|14963,E;M609;C0311|16462,T5448|23078,C0137|14965,T5448|4336,E|3010,E|617,M609;C0403|24940,M609|5678,E;M609|5679,T5448|6678,C0526|7704,E|26062,T5448|26061,T5448|863,E|15031,T5448|25464,T5448|14283,E|1102,M609|24446,M609|17269,T5448|24425,T5448|15030,E|1764,E| MU SHU DI SHANG BU FEN NA Cassave Aerial Parts Manihot esculenta NA NA leaf or root To resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Toxin swelling of sores, scab and lichen. 20696,E|7365,E|13090,E|20695,E|1107,E|1113,E|20353,E|7366,E|7024,E| XIN JIANG BEI MU NA Sinkiang Fritillary Fritillaria walujewii NA NA bulb See Fritillaria pallidiflora. See Fritillaria pallidiflora. 22310,E|11000,E|31933,T6210| LI MENG YE NA Lemonlike Citrus Leaf Citrus limonia NA NA leaf See Citrus limon. See Citrus limon. 22504,E|22505,T4611|31021,T4611|13126,T4611|8306,E|19896,E|7767,E|10615,T4611|10607,E|13119,E|19901,T4611|7768,T4611| FUNGUS STACHYBOTRYS ATRA. NA NA Stachybotrys atra NA NA NA NA NA 1983,E| ZHANG MU NA Camphortree Cinnamomum camphora NA NA wood To dispel wind and dissipate cold, warm center and rectify qi , quicken blood and free network vessels. Wind-cold common cold, stomach cold distending pain, cold-damp vomiting and diarrhea, wind-damp impediment pain, beriberi, painful wound from knocks and falls, scab and lichen with itching. 18640,E|2846,E|3049,E|3048,E|11563,E|3047,E|2940,E|12371,E|3231,E|1520,E|2941,E|2071,E|7750,E|12568,E|2850,E|2935,E|7480,E|3050,E|9668,E|15197,E|19106,E|19287,E|3242,E|3241,E|4076,E|7520,E|15491,E|19288,E| XUAN YA MEI GUI NA Cliffrose Cowania mexicana NA NA NA NA NA 16303,E|16293,E| WO SHI AN NA Wandoo Eucalyptus* Eucalyptus wandoo NA NA NA NA NA 18628,E|6008,T5925| JIANG XI QING NIU DAN NA Jiangxi Tinospora* Tinospora craveniana NA NA NA NA NA 6679,E| NAN GUA 南瓜 Cushaw Cucurbita moschata NA NA fruit To resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Pulmonary welling abscess, asthma, swollen welling abscess, scalds, poisonous bee stings. 4328,E|21646,E|3776,T5042|3774,E|4336,T5042|617,E;T5042|23130,C0355|32110,T5042|2017,E|23193,C0504|14054,E| BO SHI CI TONG NA Bertero Coralbean* Erythrina berteroana NA NA NA NA NA 19870,E|17819,E| YE SHAN HUA NA Willowleaf Sarcococca Sarcococca saligna NA NA NA NA NA 19339,E|19340,E|19341,E|904,E| CHI XIAO 赤硝 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 24237,M102| TAO ZHI 桃枝 Peach Juvenile Branch Equivalent plant: Prunus davidiana Prunus persica NA NA branchlet To quicken blood and free network vessels, resolve toxin, kill worms. Pain in heart and abdomen, invisible worm sores. 16979,E|4048,M685;C0360|15271,E|15274,T5771|25345,T5771|16982,T5771|16980,E;T5771|24425,T5771|19176,E|1764,E| XUAN SHEN 玄参 Ningpo Figwort Equivalent plant: Scrophularia buergeriana Scrophularia ningpoensis Cold,Sweet,Bitter,Salty Lung,Stomach,Kidney root To clear heat and cool blood, enrich yin and downbear fire, resolve toxin and dissipate binds. Heat entering construction-blood, generalized fever, vexation and thirst, crimson tongue, macular eruption, steaming bone taxation cough, vacuity vexation and insomnia, fluid damage and constipation, dry eyes with clouded flowery vision, swelling pain in throat, scrofula with phlegm node, sore toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess. 2713,E|15607,E|15606,E|15609,E|15608,E|24974,M782|24270,M782|10380,E|9236,E|9911,E|31713,T6251|19967,E|19556,E|23970,M782|3695,E|26091,T6251|7775,E|23314,T6251|15612,E|15610,E;T6251|15611,E|2708,E|2705,E|2704,E|2707,E|2706,E|8063,E|2703,E|2702,E|25579,T6251|1866,E;T6251|6840,E|9237,E;M782;C0162|14215,E|10208,E|24485,M782|415,E|16391,E|410,E|26094,T6251|24377,M782| BAO PIAN TU LA SHU NA Bracteole Galipea* Galipea bracteata NA NA NA NA NA 17926,E|16885,E| DUAN RONG MAO GOU TENG NA Velutinous Gambirplant* Uncaria veluntina NA NA NA NA NA 14881,E|11536,E|18100,E|11633,E|22191,E|22190,E| DI XIA CHE ZHOU CAO NA Subterranean Clover Trifolium subterraneum NA NA NA NA NA 2846,T3539|2845,E|23974,T3539|2384,E;T3539|9597,E|7882,E|8308,E| JI MU 继木 Chinese Loropetalum Loropetalum chinense NA NA leaf or stem To clear heat and relieve cough, promote contraction and stanch bleeding. Angina pectoris, senile bronchitis, indigestion, duodenal bleeding, uterine bleeding, lung heat cough, hemoptysis, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, dysentery, diarrhea, flooding and spotting, infection of skin. 8094,E|3551,E|30995,T4269|1110,M978|1113,M978|20353,M978|8970,E|8971,T4269|19967,M978| HAI NI GOU ZHI TENG NA Indian Liana Ancistrocladus heyneanus NA NA NA NA NA 1142,E|1143,E|1141,E|1147,E|1144,E|1145,E| GAO MEI YING BAN NA Gaumei Fringe-petal* Crossopetalum gaumeri NA NA NA NA NA 3368,E|17848,E|19361,E|19623,E|19622,E|19358,E|21814,E|10691,E|6048,E| HE BAO MU DAN GEN 荷包牡丹根 Showy Bleedingheart Root Dicentra spectabilis NA NA rhizome To dispel wind, quicken blood, settle pain. Incised wound, sore toxin, stomachache. 3508,E;T3978|19280,T3978|18640,E|3498,E;T3978|3499,T3978|19551,E|3502,C0196|3494,E|4289,E|3507,E|4032,E|18652,T3978|4036,T3978|25320,T3978|23282,T3978|4279,T3978|19269,E| SHI ZHI JIA NA Stringy Stonecrop Sedum sarmentosum NA NA whole herb To clear heat, disperse swelling, resolve toxin. Swelling pain in throat, acute icterohepatitis, mastitis, heat strangury, swollen welling abscess, burns and scalds, snake bite, insect bites. 19362,E|18302,E|14528,T5607|12012,E|19635,E|11652,E|11645,E|14526,E| YUN QIAN HU NA Yun Hogfennel Peucedanum rubricaule NA NA root See Angelica decursiva. See Angelica decursiva . 30852,T6590|5038,E|25282,T6590|11344,T6590|16250,E|11343,E|10999,E|13564,E|13565,T6590|22761,T6590|4211,T6590|4193,E|20265,T6590|20264,E|19968,E|13680,E|22759,E|11000,T6590|16253,T6590|14817,E|31504,T6590|438,E;T6590|19025,E|19026,T6590|359,E;T6590|14818,T6590| PING E SHU NA Zedoary Turmeric Equivalent plant: Curcuma kwangsiensis Curcuma zedoaria [Syn. Curcuma aeruginosa] NA NA rhizome To break blood and dispel stasis, move qi and relieve pain, anticancer. Amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, concretion conglomeration accumulation and gathering, food accumulation, distending pain in stomach duct and abdomen, indigestion, carcinoma of ovary, carcinoma of skin, genital carcinoma, malignant lymphoma, primary hepatoma, carcinoma of thyroid, carcinoma of stomach, carcinoma of lung. 11356,E|6879,T5200|10146,E|22962,E|889,E|22965,E|22964,E|4894,E|30844,T5200|11786,E|27538,T5200|7115,E|6875,E|6874,E|3045,E|8346,E|8524,E|8014,E;T5200|8015,T5200|4388,E|8347,E|8013,E|4415,E;T5200|4414,E|4387,E|5456,E|22108,E|7513,E|22971,T5200|32262,T5200|3046,T5200|658,E|2428,E|31840,T5200|2462,E|8047,E|8048,E|4897,T5200|2469,E|2427,E|24308,T5200|22966,E|4378,E|4379,E|22107,E|4377,E|4398,E;T5200|4399,E;T5200|11358,T5200|22961,E|22963,E|15371,E|5576,E|4392,E|4393,E|4394,E|4395,E|4396,E|4397,E;T5200|18250,E|11610,E|15370,E|17861,E|22967,E| TAI WAN SHAN MU NA Konish Chinafir Cunninghamia konishii NA NA NA NA NA 10294,E|5953,E|12406,E|10302,E|7158,E| BI MA GEN 蓖麻根 Castorbean Root Ricinus communis NA NA root To dispel wind and resolve tetany, quicken blood and disperse swelling. Tetanus, epilepsy, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, swollen welling abscess and scrofula, prolapse of rectum, prolapse of uterus. 21606,E|4945,T3109|4946,E|23227,C0393|32104,T3109| A FU HAN DU JUAN HUA NA HCollett’s Rhododendron Rhododendron collettianum NA NA NA NA NA 8672,E|21889,E|3831,E|3829,E|6869,E| YE HUANG PI NA Henry Wampee Clausena dentata NA NA leaf and root To soothe wind and rectify qi, dispel damp and transform stasis. Common cold, measles papules, asthma, stomachache, rheumatism, edema, sprain and contusion, fracture, dislocation. 15731,T6370|30858,T6370|15728,E|5133,E| E MEI YE HUANG LIAN NA Omei Mountain Goldthread Coptis omeiensis NA NA rhizome See Coptis chinensis . See Coptis chinensis. 2303,E|4032,E|11849,T3678|11848,E|16545,T3678|16544,E| HOU PU 厚朴 bark of Officinal magnolia Cortex Magnoliae officinalis Warm,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Spleen,Large Intestine,Stomach NA Treatment of accumulation of damp in the spleen and the stomach marked by epigastric strffiness, vomiting and diarrhea, abdominal distension and constipation due to retention of undigested food, cough and dyspnea caused by retanied damp. 1. Broad-spectrum antibacterial.2. Magnocurarine, one of the active components, can relaxstriated muscles.3. Its decoction stimulates the smooth muscles of intestines and bronchii in rabbits in vitro.4. Magnocuraine may also lower blood pressure and accelerate heart rate. 9630,M159;C0277|23684,M159|25009,M159|13366,M159|13381,M159| E MEI JUAN BAI NA Emei Spikemoss* Selaginella omeiensis NA NA NA NA NA 1030,E|4375,E| FU JI NI YA GOU JI JUE NA Virginia Chain Fern Woodwardia virginica NA NA NA NA NA 22707,E|22708,E|22709,E| JU JU 菊苣 Chicory Herb Herba Cichorii NA NA NA Treatment of jaundice caused by damp-heat, epigastric pain with impairment of appetite, edema with oliguria. NA 23857,M949| DI SHAO GUA NA Bastardtoadflaxlike Swallowwort Cynanchum thesioides NA NA whole herb and fruit To clear vacuity fire, boost qi, engender liquid, promote lactation. Upflaming vacuity fire, throat pain, qi and yin vacuity, fatigued spirit and amnesia, vacuity vexation and thirst, dizziness and insomnia, postpartum vacuity weakness, scant breast milk. 19901,T3533|8806,E|19896,E|7767,E|8807,T3533|7786,T3533|24760,T3533|7785,E|7768,T3533|1112,E| ZANG BIAN DA HUANG NA Austral Rhubarb Rheum emodi [Syn. Rheum australe] NA NA root and rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, stanch bleeding and engender flesh. Lung heat cough, swelling pain in throat, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, bleeding due to external injury, hematochezia. 3590,E|3615,E|6853,E|3618,E|3619,E|20452,E|3308,E|8094,E|3255,E|3256,E|9897,E|401,E|9898,E|18655,E|18654,E|18657,E|18656,E|17236,E|17237,E|17233,E|13354,E|3280,E|21437,E|967,E|6775,E|3222,E|18744,E|1363,E| NAN FANG OU SHI NAN NA Spanish Heath Erica australis NA NA NA NA NA 31848,T5039|19896,E|19901,T5039|5762,E| XI HUANG CAO NA Serrate Rabdosia Equivalent plant: Isodon lophanthoides Rabdosia serra NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp and abate jaundice, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling. Damp-heat jaundice, cholecystitis, diarrhea, dysentery, swelling of sores, painful wound from knocks and falls. 18484,T6005|18471,E|18470,E;T6005|193,E|18469,E| TIAN MING JING GUO NA Common Carpesium Fruit Carpesium abrotanoides NA NA fruit To kill worms. Ascariasis, oxyuria disease, ancylostomiasis, taeniasis, child gan accumulation. 3148,T5789|3221,T5789|3220,E|3147,E| SI CHUAN QING FENG TENG NA Szechwan Sabia Sabia schumanniana NA NA root To dispel wind and quicken blood, relieve cough and transform phlegm. Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, lumbago, chronic cough and asthma. 20238,E|20239,T5674|6474,E|16390,E|6056,E|10548,E|1109,E| HONG RU CAO NA Red-milk Grass* Euphorbia makinoi NA NA NA NA NA 17740,E| HAO WANG JIAO LUO HAN SONG NA Cape of Good Hope Podocarpus Podocarpus elongatu NA NA NA NA NA 2379,E;T3974| RUI SHI SHI SONG NA Arolla Pine Pinus cembra NA NA NA NA NA 17389,E|24714,T5388| MO JUE NA Barbate Filmy Fern Hymenophyllum barbatum NA NA whole herb To stanch bleeding. Bleeding due to external injury. 8688,E|14497,E|10857,E|10856,E|10855,E|10854,E|10853,E|10852,E|10851,E|10850,E|10859,E|10858,E|10843,E|10844,E|10845,E|10846,E|10847,E|10848,E|10849,E|10862,E|10863,E|10860,E|10861,E|10864,E|10865,E| BAI CI HUA ZI NA Vetchleaf Sophora Seed Sophora viciifolia NA NA fruit To clear heat and transform damp, disperse accumulation and relieve pain. Food accumulation, stomachache, abdomin al pain. 32121,T2960|25902,T2960|5894,E|21717,E| ROU MAO YIN YANG HUO NA Pubescence Epimedium Epimedium pubescens NA NA aerial parts See Epimedium brevicornum . See Epimedium brevicornum. 31926,T5375|6960,E|10962,E|18946,E|1275,E|2138,E;T5375|2139,E|6959,E|2141,E;T5375| TAI WAN CHA MU NA Taiwan Sassafras Sassafras randainense NA NA NA NA NA 7522,T5743|13383,T5743|7520,E|18518,E;T5743|13381,E| JIN ZHAN JU NA Potmarigold Calendula Calendula officinalis NA NA flower and root To move qi and quicken blood (root), cool blood and stanch bleeding (flower). Cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, mounting qi, concretion and conglomeration (root), intestinal wind bleeding (flower). 2965,E|22504,E|2967,E|2966,E|18363,E|14226,E|2969,E|2968,E|14972,E|22138,E|12974,E|13280,E|11666,E|13205,E|11664,E|18176,E|16006,E|16007,E|16005,E|16008,E|2971,E|3866,E|9587,E|13472,E|2972,E|2973,E|2970,E|7820,E|2974,E|1829,E|11659,E|1749,E|19024,E|11656,E|16031,E|10946,E| YING XING GUO 银杏果 Ginkgo Seed NA NA NA NA NA NA 23302,C0555|23128,C0476| QIAO TOU NA Chinese Onion Allium chinense NA NA bulb See Allium macrostemon. See Allium macrostemon. 25261,T5264|20197,E|20196,E|31941,T5264|12589,E|12588,E|31423,T5264|31422,T5264|31424,T5264|12587,E|12586,E|3529,E| ZI RAN QIN NA Cumin Cuminum cyminum NA NA fruit To dissipate cold and relieve pain, rectify qi and regulate center. Cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, indigestion, cold mounting with abdominal pain, menstrual disorder. 14138,E|13749,E|13744,E|4357,E|13751,E|13743,E|13752,E|14417,E|14418,E|13757,E|13762,E|9950,E|5797,E|4358,E|17040,E|13761,E|14416,E|9949,E|7387,E|13750,E| XI YE AN YE NA Forest Gray Gum Leaf Eucalyptus tereticornis NA NA leaf To diffuse lung and effuse exterior, rectify qi and quicken blood, resolve toxin and kill worms. Common cold, cough, qi distention abdominal pain, diarrhea and dysentery, leptospirosis, knocks and falls, sores, erysipelas, mammary welling abscess, scab sore, lichen. 30835,T6045|4353,E| HUA BAI LA SHU 花白蜡树 Flowering Ash Fraxinus ornus NA NA NA NA NA 7378,T4110|664,E;T4110|663,E|11510,E|7944,T4110|13498,T4110|7941,E|7943,E;T4110|23080,C0364|13497,E| TAI WAN NIU NAI CAI 台湾牛奶菜 Radix Marsdeniae formosanae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23105,C0240| KA FEI HUANG KUI NA Edible Abelmoschus Hibiscus esculentus NA NA root, leaf, flower or seed To disinhibit throat, free strangury, promote lactation, regulate menstruation. Sore swollen throat, dribbling and inhibited voidings of urination, postpartum scant milk, menstrual disorder. 4441,E| ZHI SHI YU ZHI KE NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15626,C0582|9457,C0338|12837,C0287|15396,C0117| XI JING SHI HU NA Moliniform Dendrobium* Dendrobium moniliforme NA NA stem See Dendrobium nobile. See Dendrobium nobile. 5115,E|5117,E|5116,E|5111,E|5110,E|5112,E|5118,E|3627,E|10035,E|5108,E|5109,E|5124,E|10034,E|22322,E|85,E| XI YE TIE XIAN JUE NA Venus Maidenhair Adiantum venustum NA NA NA NA NA 633,E|634,E|635,E| YUAN DONG JIU LI XIANG NA Siamense Common Jasminorange Murraya siamensis NA NA NA NA NA 8456,T6545|3937,E|13839,E|31193,T6545|15106,E|8455,E|10125,E|15108,E|5795,E|15107,E|15113,T6545|15110,E|8323,E| XI MAI FU PING NA Minute Duckweed Lemna perpusilla NA NA NA NA NA 25725,T6017|931,E| YUN NAN TU SI ZI NA Yunnan Dodder Cuscuta reflexa NA NA NA NA NA 21877,E|6202,E|6088,E|20553,E|6093,E|10434,E|10436,E| WAN YAN HUANG QI NA Flexuous Milkvetch * Astragalus flexuosus NA NA NA NA NA 3634,E|3635,T5889|4078,E|30810,T5889| CHI XIAO DOU 赤小豆 Rice Bean Semen Phaseoli Mild,Sweet,Sour Small Intestine,Heart NA Treatment of edema, jaundice with dark urine, acute rheumatic arthritis, carbuncles, boils, appendicitis. Decoction inhibits the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella flexneri and Bacillus typhoid in vitro. 24218,M103|23798,M103| WU KE LAN XIA YE SHUI XIAN NA Ukrainian Narrowleaf Narcissus* Narcissus angustifolius NA NA NA NA NA 15238,E| JIN HUANG CE JIN ZHAN HUA NA Golden Adonis Adonis chrysocyatha NA NA NA NA NA 4547,T4394|4546,E| ZHUO SE CI QIU NA Picture Kalopanax* Kalopanax pictum NA NA bark To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and relieve pain, kill worms and relieve itch. Wind-damp impediment pain, numbness in limbs, wind-fire toothache, knocks and falls, fracture, swelling of welling abscess, welling abscess and flat abscess with swelling sore, mouth sore, swelling hemorrhoids, sore and lichen. 17337,E|17336,E|9275,E| A ER JI LI YA YUAN WEI NA Algerian Iris Iris unguicularis NA NA NA NA NA 11139,T2868|11138,E| FEI ZHOU ZHI XIE MU NA African Holarrhena* Holarrhena africana NA NA NA NA NA 9577,E|9584,E|3968,E|3969,T3734| AN HUI CONG MU NA Subcapitate Aralia Aralia subcapitata NA NA NA NA NA 16391,E| XIAO SHA DONG QING NA Small Piptanthus* Piptanthus nanus NA NA stem-leaf See Ammopiptanthus mongolicus. See Ammopiptanthus mongolicus. 16195,E| BAN KE HU JIAO NA Bank Pepper* Piper banksii NA NA NA NA NA 6745,T3048|6744,E| CONG ZHI 葱汁 Caulis seu Herba Allii fistulosi NA NA NA NA NA NA 920,C0323| BAN ZI MU NA Montane Baliospermum Baliospermum montanum NA NA NA NA NA 14943,T3058|2130,E;T3058|14937,E| BA XI XIANG WU HUAN ZI 巴西香无患子 Guarana Paullinia cupana NA NA NA NA NA 21301,T2950|21296,E;C0496;T2950|21294,E;C0294|2893,T2950|2892,E| XIAO LONG YE KUO BAO JU NA Dracunculi-leaf Pluchea* Baccharis dracunculifolia NA NA NA NA NA 6590,E|6591,E|6592,E|6593,E|6594,E|6595,E|6596,E|85,E|5414,E|6579,E|20980,E|6583,E|6582,E|6581,E|6580,E|6587,E|6586,E|6585,E|6584,E|6589,E|6588,E|17401,E|17396,E| HUA NAN GONG LAO YE NA Japanese Mahonia Leaf Mahonia japonica NA NA leaf See Mahonia bealei. See Mahonia bealei. 3935,T4125|3934,E|13368,T4125|4032,E|11733,E|4036,T4125|13367,E|11738,T4125|16545,T4125|16544,E| ZI WEI GEN 紫葳根 Common Crapemyrtle Root Lagerstroemia indica NA NA root To clear heat and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and stanch bleeding, relieve pain. Swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, toothache, dysentery. 21939,E|32143,T6767|1476,C0378| MAN ZHI LONG DAN NA Spread Gentian Gentiana leptoclada NA NA NA NA NA 8303,E| OU ZHOU LAN MO LI NA European Leadwort* Plumbago europaea NA NA NA NA NA 17556,T5154|17554,E| HUANG XIAO BO NA Yellow Barberry Berberis tschonoskiana NA NA NA NA NA 15876,E|16428,E|31733,T4208|15872,E|15873,T4208| WU ZHU YE GEN 吴茱萸根 Evodia rutaecarpa(Juss.)Benth NA NA NA NA NA NA 12841,C0132|23284,C0201|7664,C0362|19066,C0346| SI BO LI YA AI JU NA Siberian Tansy Tanacetum sibiricum [Syn. Filifolium sibiricum] NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, quiet spirit, regulate menstruation. TCM menstrual disorder , swollen welling abscess and sores. NA 9603,E| KONG QUE CAO NA French Marigold Tagetes patula NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, suppress cough. Cough, dysentery. 22504,E|19015,T4500|31875,T4500|9289,E|18301,E|19012,E|22505,T4500|19025,T4500|25811,T4500|18290,E|31069,T4500|16716,E|19024,E|18302,T4500|16721,T4500|834,E| ZI JIN NIU GEN 紫金牛根 Japanese Ardisia Root Ardisia japonica NA NA root To dispel wind-phlegm. Seasonal diaphragm qi. 14875,T6741|14874,E|14871,E|14873,E;T6741|14872,E;T6741|14710,C0313| BAO MA ZI 暴马子 Amur Lilac Syringa amurensis [Syn. Syringa reticulata var. amurensis ] NA NA Bark, branch and trunk To diffuse lung and transform phlegm, relieve cough and calm asthma, disinhibit water. Chronic bronchitis, asthma, edema due to heart disease. 14728,T3067|12519,E|15865,E|8070,E|14725,E|19611,E|31288,T3067|8738,E|15864,E|8736,E|8737,E|10818,E;C0276|12823,E| XIAO JING DOU NA Small Gorse* Ulex minor NA NA NA NA NA 11511,E| DI GU PI 地骨皮 root - bark of Chinese Wolfberry Cortex Lycii Radicis Cold,Sweet Lung,Kidney NA Treatment of afternoon fever and night sweating in consumptive diseases, cough, hemoptysis and epistaxis due to heat in the lung, diabetes caused by internal heat. 1. Its decoction, infusion, tincture and injection exert a hypotensive effect on anesthetized or unanesthetized animals.2. Antipyretic. Reducing vaccine-induced fever in rabbits.3. Its extract lowers serum cholesterol level in rabbits,4. Its decoction reduces blood sugar level in rabbits5. An active component, betaine, possesses a lipocaic effect. 12323,M212|24350,M212|23051,M212|24349,M212| SHI GAO 石膏 Gypsum Gypsum Fibrosum Extreme Cold,Pungent,Sweet Lung,Stomach NA Treatment of febrile diseases due to exogenous affection with high fever and dire thirst, asthma and cough caused by heat in the lung, headache and toothache caused by exuberant fire in the stomach. 1. Its decoction can lower milk- or vaccine-induced fever in rabbits, but pure calcium sulfate does not possess this effect.2. Its decoction can also quench thirst in rats. 23896,M651| CUI QUE HUA NA Bouquet Larkspur Delphinium grandiflorum NA NA whole herb or root To dispel wind-damp, relieve pain, kill worms and relieve itch. Wind-heat toothache, wind-damp impediment pain, sore welling abscess and lichen lai. 14562,T3393|14561,E| XIA YE ZHANG YA CAI NA Narrowleaf Swertia Swertia angustifolia NA NA NA NA NA 20489,T6080|1251,E;T6080|20487,E|20494,E;T6080|1243,E;T6080|8303,E|20493,E| YAN BAI CAI NA Purple Bergenia Bergenia purpurascens NA NA whole herb To enrich and supplement, check vomiting and stanch bleeding. Vacuity with dizziness, taxation damage cough, blood ejection, hemoptysis, strangury-turbidity, vaginal discharge, toxin swelling. 17870,E|2312,E;T6290| LIAN HUA JIN QUE ER NA Goldregen Cytisus laburnum NA NA NA NA NA 14273,T4626|14272,E| ZHONG JIAN DA YE KE NU CAO NA Intermediate Largeleaf Chastetree* Cornutia grandifolia var. intermedia NA NA NA NA NA 4066,E|4067,E|4075,E|4074,E|4068,E|4069,E|4071,E|4070,E|4073,E|4072,E| YUAN BAO CAO NA Sampson StJohn’swort Hypericum sampsonii NA NA whole herb To cool blood and stanch bleeding, clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and regulate menstruation, dispel wind and free network vessels. Blood ejection, hemoptysis, spontaneous external bleeding, blood strangury, bleeding from wounds, enteritis, dysentery, mammary welling abscess, swollen welling abscess and toxin of clove sore, scalds, snake bite, menstrual disorder, menstrual pain, leukorrhea, knocks and falls, wind-damp impediment pain, pain in lumbus and leg, tinea capitis, mouth sore, eye screen. 6013,E|2915,E|10886,E|10885,E|5900,E|5907,E|10882,E|19998,E|5908,E|10889,E|18302,E| SUI HUA MA XIAN HAO NA Spicate Woodbetony Pedicularis spicata NA NA NA NA NA 16751,E| BAI DIAN FENG CHE ZI NA White-punctated Combretum* Combretum albopunctatum NA NA NA NA NA 5965,E|5479,E| TIAN QIE ZI NA Indian Nightshade Solanum indicum NA NA fruit, seed and leaf To dispel wind and eliminate evil. Toothache, headache, deep-source nasal congestion. 4189,E|12483,E|17959,E|14691,T5795|14690,E|20054,E|19527,E|20050,E|20027,E|20053,T5795|31849,T5795|7787,E| YANG WAI SHEN 羊外肾 Sheep testis Testis et Penis Ovis Warm,Sweet,Salty Kidney NA NA NA 23580,M794| SHI HU DIE NA Kerri Petrocosmea* Petrocosmea kerrii NA NA NA NA NA 3432,E| HU TAO QIU NA Manchurian Walnet Juglans mandshurica NA NA bark To clear heat and dry damp, drain liver and brighten eyes. Damp-heat dysentery, yellow thick vaginal discharge, red eyes with gall, sty, tearing with wind, bone tuberculosis. 10186,E|5374,E|5373,E|5372,E|18573,E|10746,E| WAN E JIN SI TAO NA Curvedsepal StJohn’swort Hypericum curvisepalum NA NA NA NA NA 19072,E|10886,E|10882,E| XIANG GEN QIN NA Laxleaf Sweetroot Osmorhiza aristata var. laxa NA NA root To dissipate cold and effuse exterior, relieve pain, fortify stomach, brighten eyes. Wind-cold common cold, vertex headache, generalized pain. 1282,E|1186,E;T6115|945,E;T6115|23098,T6115|15827,T6115|6203,T6115|6208,E| SHI GUAN YUAN WEI NA Crest Iris Iris cristata NA NA NA NA NA 7066,E|7119,E|7147,E| ZI HUA E BEI BEI MU NA Purpleflower Fritillary Fritillaria ebeiensis var. purpurea NA NA NA NA NA 22982,E|22984,T6735|22985,E|6659,E|6658,E|6656,E|6660,E|22986,T6735|7957,E|12164,E|7967,E|7964,E|7965,E|7968,E|7958,T6735| LIAN ZI XIN 莲子心 Hindu Lotus Plumule Nelumbo nucifera Mild,Sweet,Punkery Spleen,Heart,Kidney dried plumule and radicle in seed To clear heart fire, clear liver fire, stanch bleeding, secure essence. Heat entering pericardium, clouded spirit with delirious speech, non-interaction of heart and kidney, insomnia and emission, blood ejection due to blood heat, hypertension. 1348,C0551|14246,E|23264,M453;C0158|14245,E|11488,E;C0147|31845,T4636|31730,T4636|13005,T4636|13004,E|25497,T4636|25496,T4636|15847,E|31356,T4636|23239,T4636|12792,E;M453|14585,E|14586,T4636|8120,T4636|15313,E;M453|15317,T4636|8119,E|17895,E| JIN GOU JI 金狗脊 Cibot Rhizome Rhizoma Cibotii Warm,Sweet,Bitter Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of weakness and aching of the back and loins, limpness of the legs, rheumatic arthralgia. NA 23580,M402| SHAO FU E QIAN LI GUANG NA Fewcalycle Groundsel* Senecio paucicazyculatus NA NA NA NA NA 11186,E|11187,T5531| CHI GUO HUANG QI NA Wingfruit Milkvetch* Astragalus pterocarpus NA NA NA NA NA 14877,E|31699,T3284| XIAO TOU DUI XIN JU NA Littlehead Sneezeweed Helenium microcephalum NA NA NA NA NA 14828,E;T6181|14829,E;T6181|9288,T6181|14830,T6181|9287,E|14827,E|31354,T6181|11447,E| KE SHI FAN YING TAO NA Edible Eugenia* Eugenia edulis NA NA NA NA NA 8960,E|15178,E|8959,E| LUO XIN FU NA Ch inese Astilbe Astilbe chinensis NA NA whole herb To dispel wind, clear heat, suppress cough. Wind-heat common cold, headache and generalized pain, cough. 10606,E|31256,T4770|2312,E|9716,E|31132,T4770| MU YE LONG DAN NA Pasture Gentian* Gentiana makinoi NA NA NA NA NA 8302,T5030|8301,E| MU MA DOU 牧马豆 Lanceleaf Thermopsis Thermopsis lanceolata NA NA whole herb To relieve cough and dispel phlegm, moisten intestines and free stool. Cough of phlegm asthma, dry stool. 18804,E|30972,T5019|21302,E;T5019|25267,T5019|18808,T5019|13090,T5019|13082,E|4593,E;C0281|21301,E|21306,T5019|7899,E|26052,T5019|1134,E;T5019|20117,E|329,E;T5019|1672,E;T5019| SE BO GE XIU QIU NA Thunberg Hydrangea* Hydrangea macrophylla var. thunbergii NA NA NA NA NA 17211,E|9699,E| SHUI FEI JI 水飞蓟 St Marys Silybum marianum NA NA achene To clear heat and disinhibit damp, course liver and disinhibit gallbladder. Acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver, gallstones, cholangitis. 22154,T5636|13558,E|19883,E|19882,E;C0057;T5636|19881,E;T5636|19880,E|13557,E|13556,E|19884,T5636|11712,E|11711,E|19879,E;T5636|1494,E|23141,C0513|25911,T5636|5788,E|19877,E|22142,E;C0483| BA XI HU TONG NA Brazilian Calaba Calophyllum brasiliense NA NA NA NA NA 6010,E|11260,E|2590,E|2591,E|2592,E|11259,E|11261,E|2593,E|11806,T2948|11805,E|8308,T2948| JI LI MIAO NA Puncturevine Caltrap Shoot* Tribulus terrestris NA NA stem-leaf To dispel wind, eliminate damp, relieve itch, disperse welling abscess. Summerheat-damp damage center, vomiting and diarrhea, nasal congestion and runny nose, wind papule itching of skin, scab and lichen, swollen welling abscess. 19072,E| JU HAO NA Common Tansy Tanacetum vulgare NA NA NA NA NA 21334,E|21335,T4443|19297,E| LIAN HUA 莲花 Chinaberry-tree Flower Melia azedarach NA NA flower To clear heat and dispel damp, kill worms and relieve itch. Prickly heat. 1348,C0551|13668,E|21432,C0246|31502,T4625|23264,C0158|11488,C0147| JIA ZHU TAO NA Sweetscented Oleander Nerium indicum NA NA leaf or bark To strengthen heart and disinhibit urine, dispel phlegm and settle asthma, settle pain, dispel stasis. Congestive cardiac failure, cough and asthma, epilepsy, painful swelling from knocks and falls, amenorrhea due to blood stasis. 20390,E|25413,T4328|26096,T4328|15482,E|26051,T4328|8460,T4328|4757,E|16000,T4328|655,E;T4328|15999,E;T4328|15998,E;T4328|400,E|15995,E|4763,T4328|15997,E;T4328|15996,E;T4328|4614,E|8459,E|20394,T4328| QING LONG CHI 青龙齿 NA NA Minor cold,Sweet,Punkery Liver,Heart NA NA NA 24237,M582| FEN LU ZHU YANG YANG NA Glaucous Bedstraw* Galium glaucum NA NA NA NA NA 26228,T3739|14925,E| XI BO DE QI MU NA Siebold Alder* Alnus sieboldiana NA NA NA NA NA 17407,E;T5986|17406,E|24752,T5986|962,E| SAN JIAN SHAN 三尖杉 Fortune Plumyew Cephalotaxus fortunei NA NA branchlet-leaf Anticancer. Carcinoma of stomach, carcinoma of rectum, carcinoma of lung, carcinoma of esophagus, lymphatic sarcoma, leukaemia. 5159,E|3948,T5409|19503,T5409|9611,T5409|23208,T5409|6968,E|22680,E|9244,T5409|24975,M1034|3947,E|23989,M1034|7016,T5409|20793,T5409|20792,E|3410,T5409|6607,E|8400,E|6609,T5409|25789,T5409|26680,T5409|9195,T5409|7013,E|9194,E;T5409|14730,E|14731,T5409|14519,E|25149,T5409|11447,T5409|11446,E;M1034|19499,E|1030,E;T5409|348,E;T5409|9899,E|31167,T5409|5065,E|3602,E|5066,T5409|15396,T5409|3604,T5409|1270,E;T5409|9608,E;C0278|7928,E|7929,T5409|3401,E|6915,E|3403,E|6917,T5409|3405,E|3404,E;M1034;T5409|3407,E;T5409|3406,E|11317,T5409|11314,E|11313,E|19742,E|15395,E;M1034|14601,T5409|5180,E;M1034|5186,T5409|9900,E;T5409|9190,E|9901,E|9193,E|19771,T5409|19770,E|3402,T5409|1476,E;T5409|22681,T5409|9238,E;M1034|7040,E| YIN BAI YANG NA White Aspen Populus alba NA NA leaf To relieve cough and calm asthma, clear heat and resolve phlegm. Cough and asthma 3600,E|19177,E|19169,E| WU SHAO SHE 乌梢蛇 Black-tail Snake Zaocys Mild,Sweet Liver NA Treatment of chronic rheumatiod arthritis with numbness and ankylosis, hemiplegia in stroke, convulsion, tetanus, leprosy, scabies, scrofula with suppuration. NA 24903,M727| HE HUA 荷花 Flos Nelumbinis Immaturus NA NA NA NA NA NA 1348,C0551|23264,C0158|11488,C0147| FA BAN XIA 法半夏 Prepared Pinellia Tuber Rhizoma Pinelliae Preparata Warm,Pungent Lung,Spleen,Stomach NA Treatment of cough and asthma with copious phlegm, dizziness and palpitation caused by wind-phlegm and phlegm retention, headache due to adverse rising of phlegm. NA 23660,M238|23042,M238;C0511|23905,M238|23597,M238| WAN XIANG YU NA Tuberose Polianthes tuberosa NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin. Swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore. 21371,E|17599,E|17598,E|3584,E|17602,E|22810,E|9254,E|9255,E|9253,E|17601,E|17600,E|8660,E|21369,E|22270,E|3553,E|1571,E|1570,E|17597,E|21367,E|696,E| PO GU ZHI 破故纸 fruit of Malaytea scurfpea Fructus Psoraleae Corylifoliae Extreme Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Kidney NA Treatment of impotence, seminal emission, enuresis, frequent urination, aching of the loins and knees with cold sensation, asthma in deficiency syndromes of the kidney, diarrhea occurring before dawn daily. External use for vitiligo and alpecia areata. 1. Corylifolinin ( isobavachalcone ) dilates coronary artery significantly. 2. Promoting phagocytosis of macrophage. 3. Exciting the intestinal smooth muscles in vivo or in vitro, and relaxing the uterus of guinea-pigs in vitro. 4108,M548| BA DAN XING REN 巴旦杏仁 Amygdalate Apricot Seed Prunus amygdalus NA NA seed To moisten lung and suppress cough, transform phlegm and precipitate qi. Vacuity taxation cough, fullness and oppression in heart and abdomen. 7280,T2938|7277,E|2222,E;T2938|23050,C0007|31132,T2938|1102,E;T2938|5698,E|5699,T2938|24425,T2938|9716,E|1764,E| MU XIANG 木香 Common Aucklandia (Costustoot) Saussurea lappa [Syn. Aucklandia lappa] Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Large Intestine,Stomach,Gallbladder,Three End root To move qi and relieve pain, fortify spleen and disperse food. Distending pain in chest and stomach duct, diarrhea and tenesmus, non-digestion of food accumu lation, no thought of food and drink. 23042,T5026|31344,T5026|3045,E|3046,T5026|11119,E|29509,T5026|19409,E;T5026|19408,E;T5026|19407,E;T5026|19406,E|19405,E|24193,M524|20453,E|20454,E|30590,T5026|1795,E;T5026|25216,T5026|8337,E|7043,E|4564,E|8338,E|9668,E|20688,E|4484,E|4485,E|25811,T5026|30108,T5026|19412,E;T5026|25951,T5026|4488,T5026|19416,T5026|3776,T5026|3774,E|1122,E|1123,E|11200,E|5606,E|20353,E|4129,T5026|4128,E;C0359;T5026|12507,E|12506,E|834,E|4127,E;T5026|4126,E|1525,E;T5026|30114,T5026|11120,E|15138,E|11125,T5026|12843,E|19967,E|9485,E|4549,E|8817,T5026|8816,E|9488,T5026|19672,E|23950,T5026|17041,E|8341,E|8340,E|19293,E|5700,E|11625,T5026|11624,E|4890,E|23887,T5026|12867,E|12868,T5026|25306,T5026|31535,T5026|31537,T5026|20553,E|25917,T5026|5794,E|28770,T5026|31446,T5026|15146,T5026|31324,T5026|3908,E|6745,E|6744,T5026|6746,T5026|6740,E|30816,T5026|13892,E|1617,E|26058,T5026|10482,E|30589,T5026|12885,E|31122,T5026|18658,E|3354,E|22946,E|3356,T5026|23199,C0530|31449,T5026|5569,E|2331,E;T5026|11368,E|1048,E|26068,T5026|6231,T5026| CU MAO SHU YU NA Hirsute Yam* Dioscorea hirsuta NA NA NA NA NA 6439,T3383|6438,E| LUO XIAO E TAI. NA NA Mylia nuda NA NA NA NA NA 20874,E|6839,E|20872,E|20873,E|20870,E|15136,E|20871,E|1757,E|1756,E|1755,E|9039,E|9038,E|15135,E| YE XIANG MAO NA Goering Lemongrass Cymbopogon goeringii NA NA whole herb To relieve cough and calm asthma, dispel wind and eliminate damp, free channels and relieve pain, check diarrhea. Acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis, bronchitis, rheumatic arthritis, headache, knocks and falls, diarrhea, qi pain in heart and stomach, abdominal pain, water diarrhea. 14523,E|11406,T6392|11405,E|2555,E;T6392|30751,T6392|3242,E|3241,E|14524,T6392|31122,T6392|6745,T6392|6744,E|8312,E|8325,T6392|11311,T6392|9668,E| OU ZHOU PING PENG CAO NA European Cowlily Nuphar luteum NA NA NA NA NA 21317,E|5198,E| XIANG JING 香精 Essence Essentia NA NA NA NA NA 15121,M757|15122,M757|15769,M757| SHANG JU TIAN MEN DONG NA Ascendent Asparagus* Asparagus adscendents NA NA NA NA NA 1884,E;T5526|1878,E;T5526|1869,E;T5526|1868,E;T5526|1879,E;T5526|1883,E;T5526|1881,E;T5526|1880,E;T5526| JIN JIA DOU 金甲豆 Semen Phaseoli lunati NA NA NA NA NA NA 23125,C0500| QI ZI 杞子 True Lacquer Seed Rhus verniciflua [Syn. Toxicadendron verniciflum ] Mild,Sweet Lung,Liver,Kidney seed To quicken blood and stanch bleeding, warm channels and relieve pain. Hematochezia, hematuria, flooding and spotting, abdominal pain due to stagnation, amenorrhea. 2779,E|30938,T5237|5612,E|6534,E|6533,T5237|6718,E|20465,E|24237,M560| RONG MAO DAN SHEN NA Tomentose Sage* Salvia tomentosa NA NA NA NA NA 6451,E|6453,T5364|3742,T5364|3741,E| XI BING MU JIANG ZI NA Slenderstalk Litse* Litsea gracilipes NA NA NA NA NA 25742,T5985|7511,E| MAO GENG XI XIAN NA Hairstalk St Paulswort Siegesbeckia orientalis var. glabrescens [Syn. Siegesbeckia glabrescens ] NA NA aerial parts See Siegesbeckia orientalis . See Siegesbeckia orientalis . 15382,E|9369,E|7768,T4857|445,E;T4857|31075,T4857|7767,E|20429,T4857|20428,E| NAN DAN SHEN NA Bowley Sage Salvia bowleyana NA NA root To quicken blood and transform stasis, regulate menstruation and relieve pain. Chest impediment and angina, vexation, heart palpitation, pain in stomach duct and abdomen, menstrual disorder [=menoxenia], menstrual pain, menstrual block, postpartum stasis stagnation abdominal pain, flooding and spotting, liver spleen enlargement, arthralgia, mounting qi (hernia), swelling of sores. 14728,E|20670,E|20671,E|5721,E|4291,E|17954,E|20669,E|17998,E|14384,E|5762,E| CHONG BAN XUAN CAO NA Doublepetalous Daylily* Hemerocallis fulva var. kwanso NA NA NA NA NA 9340,E|9341,E|1048,E|23042,T3293| CHOU WU TONG GEN NA Harlequin Glorybower Root Clerodendron trichotomum NA NA root To dispel wind and relieve pain, move qi and disperse food. Malaria, wind-damp impediment pain, hypertension, food accumulation, child gan accumulation, knocks a nd falls. 3843,E;T3306|3842,E|3845,T3306|3844,E;T3306| YA MA XUN YU HNG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 19380,T6280| WU JIA YE 五加叶 Folium Acanthopanacis gracilistyti NA NA NA NA NA NA 23286,C0139| SUO SHA MI NA Locklebur-like Amomum Amomum xanthioides NA NA ripe fruit or seed See Amomum villosum. See Amomum villosum. 2550,E;T5735|22452,E|2548,E|30676,T5735|2557,E|2549,E|1192,E|9880,E|2276,E|15966,E|9879,E|22319,E| KUAI JING GE NA Tuberous Kudzuvine* Pueraria tuberosa NA NA NA NA NA 20353,E|23887,T4538|22065,T4538|22064,E| JI CHANG LANG DU NA Leafy Euphorbia Euphorbia esula NA NA root To disinhibit water, disperse swelling, kill worms, attack gastrointestinal accumulation. Edema, ascites, scrofula, itchy skin. 22027,T4259|22026,E|14345,E|14346,T4259|11065,T4259|22028,E|25567,T4259|11055,E|11056,E|31314,T4259|12062,E| EN GE MU. NA NA Ongokea gore NA NA NA NA NA 6270,E|10554,E|10553,E|16087,E| XI HE LIU 西河柳 Chinese Tamarisk Twig Cacumen Tamaricis Mild,Pungent,Sweet Lung,Stomach,Heart NA Treatment of measles without adequate eruption, rheumatic arthralgia. 1. Bacteriostatic.2. Antipyretic. 19169,M737| HONG SHUAN JUN NA Cinnabar-red Equivalent plant: Pycnoporus sanguineus Trametes cinnabarina NA NA sporocarp To resolve toxin and eliminate damp, stanch bleeding. Dysentery, swelling pain in throat, knocks and falls, welling abscess and boil, itchy papules, bleeding due to external injury. 21485,E| IN DU TIE XIAN ZI NA Indian Balata* Manilkara indica NA NA NA NA NA 11195,E| NING MENG SUAN 柠檬酸 Citric acid Acidum Citricum NA NA NA NA NA 23224,M529| BIAN DOU GEN 扁豆根 Radix Dolichoris lablab NA NA NA NA NA NA 18511,C0580| DU HUI MA HOU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 32081,T3602| ZHI ZI YE 栀子叶 Cape Jasmine Leaf Gardenia jasminoides [Syn. Gardenia florida ] NA NA leaf To disperse swelling and resolve toxin, dispel wind and relieve pain. Knocks and falls, toxin of clove sore, hemorrhoids, chancre. 6828,E|23021,C0357|8275,E;C0353|31016,T6678| DUN YE SHU YU NA Peltate Ya m Dioscorea zingiberensis NA NA rhizome To clear lung and relieve cough, disinhibit damp and free strangury, free network vessels and relieve pain, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Lung heat cough, damp-heat strangury pain, wind-damp lumbago, swollen welling abscess and malign sore, sprain from knocks and falls, bee sting, insect bites. 3926,T3639|3924,E|20012,E|5215,E|5218,T3639|17983,E|17984,T3639|22991,T3639|6439,E|17961,E|8967,E|25829,T3639|7023,E|6444,T3639|6442,E|7026,T3639|6440,T3639|6441,E|22989,E|31851,T3639|20013,T3639|8970,T3639|17890,E|17894,T3639| HONG DA LI HUA NA Cocoxochitl Dahlia coccinea NA NA NA NA NA 10959,T4030|10957,E| YIN DU DA MA 印度大麻 Indian Hemp* Cannabis sativa var. indica NA NA NA NA NA 23213,C0488|26676,T6450|3079,E;C0376|3081,T6450|3080,E|23030,C0489| RI BEN PING PENG CAO NA Japanese Cowlily* Nuphar japonicum NA NA NA NA NA 16823,E|15861,E|5198,E|15860,E|15859,E| DA HUANG JING 大黄茎 Rhizoma seu Plantula Rhei palmati NA NA NA NA NA NA 6775,C0449|18925,C0452|23210,C0218| DUO BEI YIN LIAN HUA NA Radde Windflower Anemone raddeana NA NA rhizome To dispel wind-damp, dissipate cold and relieve pain, disperse swollen welling abscess. Wind-cold-damp impediment, hypertonicity of limbs, aching pain in joints, swelling pain of welling abscess and sore. 16049,E|6754,E|6755,E|18501,E|18503,E|18502,E|18505,E|18506,E| SHI HU(4) NA Noble Dendrobium Equivalent plant: Dendrobium loddigesii, Dendrobium densiflorum , Dendrobium officinale , Dendrobium chrysanthum, Dendrobium fimbriatum var oculatum , Dendrobium aduncum, Dendrobium moniliforme, Dendrobium aurantiacum var denneanum Dendrobium nobile NA NA stem To boost stomach and engender liquid, enrich yin and clear heat. Yin damage liquid depletion, dry mouth with vexation and thirst, reduced food intake with dry retching, vacuity heat during convalescence, dim vision. 15696,E|15630,E|5106,E|9981,E|5119,E|9983,E|5107,E|9982,E|11584,E|14281,E|11582,E|11583,E|15631,E|5124,E|5125,E|5126,E|5123,E|5120,E|5121,E|5122,E|5105,E| GAO FEI YAN CAO NA Alpine Larkspur Delphinium elatum NA NA NA NA NA 5036,T3815|5035,E|6733,E|6735,T3815|14561,E|14562,T3815| RI BEN NIU PI XIAO NA Japanese Swallowwort* Cynanchum japonicum NA NA NA NA NA 4550,E| DI ZHONG HAI MAO RUI HUA NA Mediterranean Mullein Verbascum sinuatum NA NA NA NA NA 22381,T3544|580,E| HYRIOPSIS CUMINGII ZHEN ZHU MU NA Mother-of-pearl Cristaria plicata NA NA shell To calm liver and subdue yang , quiet spirit and settle fright, clear liver and brighten eyes. Headache and dizziness, palpitation and insomnia, mania and withdrawal, fright epilepsy, liver heat and red eyes, eye screen. 17716,E| GOU ZHI TENG NA Ancistrocladus* Ancistrocladus korupensis NA NA NA NA NA 14823,E| ZHAI YE BAN FENG HE NA Lanceleaf Wingseedtree Pterospermum lanceaefolium NA NA leaf To quicken blood and stanch bleeding. Bleeding due to external injury. 29448,T6615|19530,T6615|18302,E|6853,E|12017,E|19527,E|31878,T6615|2170,E|25574,T6615|25805,T6615|19967,E|18396,E| HU SUI 胡荽 Coriander Herba Coriandri Pungent,warm Lung,stomach NA Treatment of early stage of measles due to attack of wind and cold manifested as fever, no sweating and measles without a rash. Coriander (Husui) is used with Spirodela (Fuping) and Cimicifuga rhizome (Shengma). The heated herbal tea is applied to the skin to bring the rash to the surface. NA 4832,M968|4549,M968|24540,M968|8311,M968;C0304|12843,M968|3045,M968|23700,M968| WU LA ER DI YI NA Ural’s Lichen Umbilicaria proboscidea NA NA NA NA NA 22181,E|22182,E| YA DAN ZI 鸦胆子 Java Brucea Brucea javanica NA NA fruit To clear heat and dry damp, resolve toxin and kill worms. Malaria, amebic dysentery, dysentery with pus and blood, tenesmus, corn and common wart. 2659,E|23517,M1072|23366,M1072|23610,M1072|4679,E|24163,M1072|11850,E|11851,E|11852,E|11853,E|11854,E|11855,E|11856,E|7397,E|3830,T6270|24828,M1072|7398,T6270|24054,M1072|22849,E;T6270|22848,E;T6270|22845,E;T6270|22844,E;T6270|22847,E;T6270|22846,E|22841,E|22843,E|22842,E|24914,M1072|24850,M1072|3829,E|23306,M1072|22858,E;T6270|22859,E;T6270|22856,E;T6270|22857,E;T6270|22854,E;T6270|22855,E;T6270|22852,E;T6270|22853,E;T6270|22850,E;T6270|22851,E|2666,E;M1072;T6270|2667,E;M1072;T6270|2664,E;M1072;T6270|2665,E;M1072;T6270|2662,E|2663,E;M1072|2660,E;M1072;T6270|2661,E;M1072;T6270|2668,E;M1072;T6270|2669,E|24580,M1072|24136,M1072|9488,T6270|9485,E|22862,T6270|19678,E|2670,E;M1072;T6270|2673,E;M1072;T6270|13136,E|2675,E;T6270|2674,E;M1072;T6270|2677,E;T6270|2676,E;T6270|19677,E|2616,E|23320,M1072|25549,T6270|23795,M1072|1424,E|2684,E;M1072;C0208;T6270|11424,E|25857,T6270|4684,T6270|11861,T6270|24626,M1072|6192,E|7930,E|748,E|16056,E|31449,T6270|2671,E;M1072;T6270|2672,E;M1072;T6270|1441,E|12885,E|20265,T6270|20264,E|7823,E|24482,M1072|24240,M1072|11849,E;M1072|13279,E| GUI JIA 龟甲 Tortoise Shell Carapax et Plastrum Testudinis Mild,Sweet,Salty Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of consumptive fever and night sweating due to deficiency of yin, vertigo, tremors, weakness of legs, forgetfulness. NA 23522,M299|24214,M299|23131,M299| LU GAN SHI 炉甘石 Calamine Calamina Mild,Sweet Stomach,Liver NA Treatment of inflammation of the eye, tarsitis, pterygium, corneals opacity, skin ulceration with purulent discharge or exudation, pruritus. NA 24084,M471| LV SONG QIU MAO NA Kamalatree Mallotus philippinensis NA NA pericarpial glandular hairs To kill worms and relieve diarrhea. Taeniasis, ascariasis, oxyuria disease. 31269,T4778|17160,E|2312,E;T4778|17161,T4778|6110,E|11682,E|24786,T4778|13429,E|13428,E|13430,E|10681,E|25875,T4778|18925,E|31378,T4778| SHAN YOU MA NA Diels Trema Trema dielsiana NA NA leaf To relieve pain, stanch bleeding. Boil. 9234,E|9235,T5518| GUI JIU 鬼臼 Common Dysosma Dysosma versipellis [Syn. Podophyllum versipelle ] NA NA rhizome and root See Dysosma pleiantha. See Dysosma pleiantha . 31822,T3924|17584,E|17578,E;C0083|5092,E|17583,E|17585,E|5073,E|25943,T3924|17323,C0264|4961,E| DUAN JU NA Globular Pepper Piper mullesua NA NA whole plant To expel wind and dissipate cold, dissipate stasis and relieve pain, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Wind-damp impediment pain, numbness in limbs, externally contracted wind-cold, cough and asthma, cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, knocks and falls, menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, postpartum abdominal pain, toothache, swelling pain of sore and boil, scalds, snake or insect bites. 15313,T3620|15311,E;T3620|15310,E| LV RONG HAO 绿绒蒿 all-grass of entire meconopsis herba meconpsis integrifoliae Minor Warm,Bitter,Punkery Liver,Kidney NA NA NA 24784,M488| SAN JU AI CUI QUE NA Spring Larkspur Delphinium tricorne NA NA NA NA NA 32100,T5414|21577,E| JIANG XIANG YOU 降香油 Odoriferous Rosewood oil Oleum Dalbergiae Odoriferae Warm,Pungent Liver,Heart NA Treatment of epigastric pain, costal and hypochondriac pains due tostagnancy of qi of the liver, angina pectoris, traumatic injuries and bleeding. NA 23170,M392| ZHI LI YE HOU KE GUI NA Strictleaf Cryptocarya* Cryptocarya strictifolia NA NA NA NA NA 20372,E| HAN MI ER DUN HUI YE NA Hamilton Tephrosia* Tephrosia hamiltonii NA NA NA NA NA 18209,E| FEI LV BIN ROU DOU KOU NA Antao Nutmeg Myristica simiarum NA NA NA NA NA 16256,E| SHE GAN 射干 Blackberrylily Belamcanda chinensis Cold,Bitter Lung rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse phlegm, disinhibit throat. Heat toxin and phlegm-fire stasis, swelling pain in throat, cough and asthma. 20885,E;M630;C0251;T5536|20884,E;M630|18667,E|20888,M630;T5536|25019,M630|11139,E;T5536|11138,E;M630|31493,T5536|11151,E;M630;C0153|6768,M630|23938,M630|22328,E|11463,E|5646,E|21113,E|21114,E|16679,E|11140,T5536|13474,E;M630;C0334|19784,E|19782,E|19783,E|9825,E|2217,E|2216,E;T5536|2215,E;T5536|11161,E|439,E| SHA TANG MU NA Pedunculate Acronychia Acronychia pedunculata NA NA wood or root To move qi and quicken blood, fortify spleen and suppress cough. Wind-damp pain in lumbus and legs, stasis pain from knocks and falls, qi pain in heart and stomach, bronchitis, common cold, cough. 573,E|572,E|571,E|570,E;T5460|577,E;T5460|575,E|574,E|2169,E;T5460|5851,E|6021,E| HUANG HUA ER LIU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3315,T4162| CHUAN SHI JIAN NA Rock-ginger Fern Pseudodrynaria coronans NA NA rhizome See Drynaria fortunei. See Drynaria fortunei. 9641,E| HUI YE YAN CAO NA Leadwordleaf Tobacco Nicotiana plumbaginifolia NA NA NA NA NA 20049,E;T4246|20048,E|20050,T4246| HUA SHI FEN 滑石粉 Talc Powder Pulvis Talci Sweet,cold Stomach,bladder NA Treatment of urinary infection, urolithiasis with difficult urination accompanied by burning pain, fidgetness and thirst caused by summer damp, diarrhea caused by damp-heat, external use for eczema, sores with marked exudation, miliaria. NA 23959,M972|24505,M972| TU DANG GUI II NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4862,T5840|4863,T5840|15638,T5840|31714,T5840| MA SHI LU HUI NA Marloth Aloe Aloe marlothii NA NA NA NA NA 25526,T4811|25525,T4811|14123,E|14122,E|31142,T4811|9771,E|9773,E;T4811| HAI NAN YE SHAN HUA NA Hainan Sarcococca Sarcococca vagans NA NA root To joint bones. Fracture. 25332,T3950|25333,T3950|19351,T3950|19350,E|19348,E|19349,E|25334,T3950|19347,E|16491,T3950|16490,E| YUAN CAN ZI 原蚕子 Silkworm Egg Bombyx mori NA NA silkworm egg To dispel wind and clear heat, check tetany. Heat blood strangury, difficult delivery, tetanus. 7816,T6542|7815,E;T6542|7813,E|22237,T6542|31520,T6542|22235,E|21488,E|21489,E|10293,E|13817,E|22753,E|22754,T6542|32084,T6542|31209,T6542|32083,T6542|3893,E|3894,E;T6542|8049,T6542|6631,E|23090,C0492|21491,T6542|21490,E|30799,T6542| LI ZHI HAO NA Forrest Bugle Ajuga forrestii NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit water and free strangury, dissipate stasis and relieve pain, expel worms. Lung heat cough, swelling pain in throat, dysentery, jaundice, heat strangury, edema, mastitis, angiitis, swollen sore of welling abscess and boil, knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, ascariasis. 786,E|787,E|56,E;T4622|25862,T4622|25870,T4622|409,E| HE HUA YAN LING CAO NA Brownflower Trillium Trillium erectum NA NA NA NA NA 16796,E|21855,E| ZH ONG GUO SHI SUAN NA Chinese Lycoris Lycoris chinensis NA NA bulb See Lycoris radiata. See Lycoris radiata. 17559,E| SI CHUAN LUN HUAN TENG NA Szechwan Cyclea Cyclea sutchuenensis NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate stasis and relieve pain, disinhibit urine and free strangury. Externally contracted wind-heat, cough, swelling pain in throat, damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, toothache, painful wound from knocks and falls, dribbling and inhibited voidings of urination. 11359,E|26074,T5673|4460,E|11361,T5673| XIN MEI FENG MAO JU NA New Beauty Saussurea* Saussurea neopulchella NA NA NA NA NA 19406,T6215|19399,E| QIAN JIN BA 千斤拔 root of Philippine Flemingia Radix Moghaniae Philippinensis Warm,Pungent NA NA NA NA 15278,M565|15626,C0582| LV CAO NA Japanese Hop Humulus japonicus [Syn. Humulus scandens] NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit urine and free strangury. Tuberculosis, cystitis, mastitis, tonsillitis, lung heat cough, pulmonary welling abscess, vacuity heat with vexation and thirst, heat strangury, edema, inhibited urination, damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, heat toxin sores, itchy skin. 22566,T4775|22565,E|31464,T4775|4030,T4775|25554,T4775|3674,E|13102,E|4029,E| HUANG QIN JIAO NA Baillon Veratrilla Veratrilla baillonii NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, kill worms, quicken network vessels and relieve pain. Lung heat cough, tonsillitis, gastritis, dysentery, chronic cholecystitis, nephritis, mastitis, ascariasis, burns, knocks and falls, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore. 22373,T4199|21175,E|22371,E|32049,T4199|22372,E;T4199| JIN FA XIAN NA Common Gold-hair Moss* Polytrichum commune NA NA frond To enrich yin and clear heat, cool blood and stanch bleeding. Steaming bone tidal fever due to yin vacuity, night sweating, tuberculosis with cough, blood ejection due to blood heat, spontaneous external bleeding, hemoptysis, hematochezia, flooding and spotting. 14798,E|14802,T4387| YAN JIAO CAO SUO SUO. NA NA Haloxylon salicornicum NA NA NA NA NA 9199,E|9200,E| WU LI NA Serpent-head Ophiocephalus argus NA NA meat or whole fish To supplement spleen and fortify stomach, disinhibit water and disperse edema. Edema, edema in pregnancy, damp impediment, beriberi, postpartum scant milk, habitual abortion, tuberculosis and vacuity, distention fullness in stomach duct, intestinal wind, bleeding from hemorrhoids, scab and lichen. 10659,E|10658,T5953|14482,E|14483,T5953| LI XING MA BO NA Pear-like Puff-ball Lycoperdon pyriforme NA NA sporocarp See Lasiosphaera fenzlii. See Lasiosphaera fenzlii. 14202,T4615|14200,E| YIN SE MI ZI LAN NA Argenti Aglaia* Aglaia argentea NA NA NA NA NA 15992,E| MA FENG SHU NA Leprous Tree Jatropha curcas NA NA bark and leaf To dissipate stasis and disperse swelling, stanch bleeding, relieve pain, kill worms and relieve itch. Stasis swelling from knocks and falls, fracture and pain, contusion in joints, bleeding from wounds, leprosy (leprosy), scab and lichen, eczema, tinea capitis, ulcer of lower limb, foot lichen, trichomonas vaginalis. 11835,E|11838,E|11839,E|11836,E|11837,E|11834,E|3510,E|11833,E|6042,E|16543,E|385,E|11847,E|16542,E|11845,E|16541,E|254,E| JUAN DAN NA Tiger Lily Lilium tigrinum [Syn. Lilium lancifolium ] NA NA bulb See Lilium brownii var. viridulum . See Lilium brownii var. viridulum. 1358,E;T4465|18556,E|18560,E|3142,E|3143,T4465|12827,E| DA JI(3) NA Peking Euphorbia Euphorbia pekinensis NA NA tuberoid To drain water and expel rheum, dissipate binds and disperse swelling. Edema, seeper in chest and abdomen, phlegm-rheum, inhibited urine and stool, swollen welling abscess, scrofula. 11425,E|15944,E|6219,E| ZHAO ZE SHU HUA NA Marshamalina* Ramalina paludosa NA NA NA NA NA 16560,E| HONG QIE DONG GUO NA Mangrove Frult Rhizophora mucronata NA NA NA NA NA 15011,E|2927,E|2926,E| HUO SHAN YAN CAO HU JIAO NA Volcanic Peperomia* Peperomia vulcanica NA NA NA NA NA 16895,E|16894,E| YUN NAN BA JIAO NA Yunnan Anisetree Illicium simonsii NA NA ripe fruit or leaf To engender flesh and kill worms. Enduring sores, scab sore. 16300,E|16304,T6577| YIN JIAN NA Indica Melia* Melia indica NA NA NA NA NA 15593,E|15592,E| BO YE SHAN CHENG NA Thin-leaf Melodinus Melodinus tenuicaudatus NA NA NA NA NA 20917,E| BO TE LAN DA JI NA Portlan Euphorbia* Euphorbia portlandica NA NA NA NA NA 4693,E|21010,E|13091,E|22718,E|17717,E|6603,E|15473,E|7882,E|17718,E| ZI YUN YING NA Chinese Milkvetch Astragalus sinicus NA NA herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel wind and brighten eyes, cool blood and stanch bleeding. Pain in throat, wind-phlegm cough, red eyes with gall, clove sore, zoster, scab and lichen, hemorrhoids, gum hemorrhage, bleeding due to external injury, menstrual disorder, vaginal discharge, thrombocytopenic purpura. 3070,T6777|21646,E|1935,E;T6777|617,E;T6777|3063,E|32110,T6777| XI YE TENG NA Asian Tetracera Tetracera asiatica NA NA root or leaf To promote contraction and stem desertion, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Enteritis, dysentery, prolapse of rectum, emission, knocks and falls. 18664,E|2052,E;T6055|18667,E;T6055|31907,T6055| CHUAN FANG FENG 川防风 Ligusticum brachylobum Franch NA NA NA NA NA NA 21344,C0293|23284,C0201|23256,C0557|23175,C0470|12843,C0305|23279,C0236| AO MA JIN QUE HUA NA Osmarien Broom* Cytisus osmariensis NA NA NA NA NA 4593,E| WU YE TENG 无叶藤 Filiform Cassytha Cassytha filiformis NA NA herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, cool blood and resolve toxin. Common cold with fever, heat strangury, stone strangury, damp-heat jaundice, diarrhea, dysentery, hemoptysis, nosebleed(epistaxis), wind-fire eye, knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, ulcerating sores, burns and scalds, scab and lai. 12569,E|5416,E|585,E|6638,T5976|23105,C0240|12575,T5976|3294,T5976|15422,E|6631,E|3295,E|3296,T5976|3293,E| GUANG HUO XIANG YOU 广藿香油 oil of Cabline potchouli Oleum Pogostemonis Minor Warm,Pungent Lung,Spleen,Stomach NA Treatment of lingering of turbid damp in the spleen and stomach manifested by stuffiness in the epigastrium and vomiting, summer-damp affection marked by lassitude and stuffiness in the chest, cold-damp affection in summer time marked by abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea, sinusitis with headache. NA 17588,M292|1186,M292|3693,M292;C0369|23098,M292|24717,M292|23184,M292|23717,M292|7384,M292| HUANG GOU SHEN 黄狗肾 Dog testis Testis et Penis Canis familiaris Salty,warm NA NA Treatment of deficiency of kidney yang manifested as impotence, aversion to cold and cold extremities. Dog testis (Huanggoushen) is used with Wolfberry fruit (Gouqizi), Morinda root (Bajitian) and Dadder seed (Tusizi). NA 23917,M974|24297,M974|23580,M974| CHUI ZHU SUAN PAN ZI NA Srilanka Glochidion Glochidion zeylanicum NA NA NA NA NA 13637,E|8572,E|2522,E|13085,E|13638,E|8567,E|8566,E|8565,E|8564,E|8570,E|8562,E|8571,E|8573,E|8569,E|8568,E| BAI MAO GEN(1) NA Lalang Grass Rhizome Imperata cylindrica var. major NA NA rhizome To cool blood and stanch bleeding, clear heat and engender liquid, disinhibit urine and free strangury. Acute nephritis with edema, acute glomerulonephritis, chronic glomerulonephritis, acute hepatitis, blood ejection due to blood heat, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria, febrile diseases with vexation and thirst, jaundice, edema, heat strangury with inhibited pain, measles papules. 3907,E|10998,E|1823,E|1178,E|19885,E|4545,E|4544,E| DA TOU TUO WU NA Japanese Goldenray Ligularia japonica NA NA root and whole herb To soothe sinews and quicken blood, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Knocks and falls, innominate toxin swelling, poisonous snake bite, welling abscess and boil, eczema. 19691,E|25302,T3447|17532,E| TIAN WEN CAO NA Paniculate Spotflower Spilanthes acmella NA NA whole herb To suppress cough and settle asthma, resolve toxin and disinhibit damp, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Common cold, cough, asthma, pertussis, tuberculosis, diarrhea, enteritis, malaria, swelling toxin of sore and boil, rheumatic arthritis, toothache, knocks and falls, poisonous snake bite. 30583,T5801|30582,T5801|30587,T5801|30586,T5801|30585,T5801|30584,T5801|1120,E|1121,E|1122,E|30588,T5801|1115,E|1117,E|1116,E|1119,E|1118,E|30589,T5801| BEI FEI XUE SONG NA Atlas Cedar Cedrus atlantica NA NA NA NA NA 5312,E|5283,E|9746,E|5294,E|6896,E| XI XI LI QI SHU NA Sumach Rhus coriaria NA NA NA NA NA 7441,T6035|7440,E|8094,E|30995,T6035| YE OU BAI JIE NA Charlock Sinapis arvensis NA NA NA NA NA 19894,T6380|19893,E| JIAN DENG XIN CAO NA Acute Rush* Juncus acutus NA NA NA NA NA 6222,E|17260,E|7402,E|5860,E|6045,E| GUI JIAN YU NA Winged Euonymus Euonymus alatus NA NA winged branchlet To regulate qi and relieve pain, break blood and free menstruation, resolve toxin and disperse swelling, kill worms. Concretion and conglomeration, pain in heart and abdomen, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, postpartum stasis stagnation abdominal pain, retention of lochia, mounting qi , joint running impediment pain, swelling of sores, painful wound from knocks and falls, burns and scalds, poisonous snake bite. 7549,T3923|23865,T3923|22663,T3923|6638,T3923|6917,E|25799,T3923|16273,E|6631,E|22661,E|7670,E| RI BEN DUO CI YU TAI. NA NA Plagiochila acanthophylla ssp. japonica NA NA NA NA NA 17486,E| XI LA SHI CAO NA Greek Yarrow Achillea ageratifolia NA NA NA NA NA 25475,T6009|14684,E| CANG ZHU 苍术 Swordlike Atractylodes Equivalent plant: Atractylodes chinensis, Atractylodes japonica Atractylodes lancea Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Stomach rhizome To dispel damp and strengthen spleen, dispel wind, brighten eyes. Spleen-stomach damp turbidity, fatigue hypodynamia, glomus in chest, abdominal distention, inappetence, vomiting and diarrhea, phlegm-rheum, damp edema, exterior damp, heavy head and generalized pain, damp impediment, aching pain in limbs, crippling wilt, night blindness. 6832,E|23867,T3185|19529,E|30750,T3185|22236,E|6745,E|6744,T3185|6746,T3185|6740,E|14309,E|25814,T3185|14316,T3185|8010,E|14774,E|1982,E|1969,E;T3185|1980,E|1981,E|1965,C0543|1966,E|21724,E|7494,E|7516,T3185|5901,E|7513,E|7512,E|25306,T3185|10951,E|19591,E|4841,E|9541,E;M71|30762,T3185|618,E|30179,T3185|25538,T3185|31122,T3185|30984,T3185|24807,M71|22045,T3185|22044,E|9806,E|125,E|20553,E|9043,E|9041,E|9040,E|9668,E|3466,E|4817,E|1979,E|1978,E|1977,E|1976,E|1975,E|1974,E|1973,E|1971,E|25813,T3185|13277,E|25815,T3185|3242,E|14783,T3185|31153,T3185|19672,E|21723,E|6231,T3185|11631,E|13278,T3185| YOU CHA GEN PI NA Oiltea Camellia Root-bark Camellia oleifera NA NA root cortex To dissipate stasis and disperse swelling, quicken blood and joint bones. Fracture, sprain and contusion, abdominal pain, itchy skin, burns and scalds. 21265,E|21266,T6496|8768,E|25665,T6496| ZHU SHA 朱砂 Cinnabar Cinnabaris Cold,Sweet Heart NA Treatment of palpitaion, insomnia and dream - disturbed sleep, epilepsy, mania, infantile convulsion, blurred vision, ulcers in the mouth, painful swelling of the throat, boils and sores. NA 24272,M886| XIANG NING MENG NA Bergamot Orange Citrus bergamia NA NA NA NA NA 2309,E;T6124| YE DU ZHONG NA Largeflower Euonymus Euonymus grandiflorus NA NA root or bark To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and free menstruation, transform stasis and dissipate binds. Lumbago, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, dysmenorrhea. 9568,T6358|9567,E| HUANG MAO LIN MAO JUE NA Goldencoma Shield Fern Dryopteris chrysocoma NA NA rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel stasis and stanch bleeding. Heat toxin macula, incised wound, postpartum blood qi distending pain, flooding and spotting with vaginal discharge, spontaneous external bleeding, dysentery. 7809,T4190|7808,E| DONG GUA REN 冬瓜仁 Seed of Chinese Waxgourd Semen Benincasae Minor cold,Sweet Liver NA NA NA 24413,M224|21646,M224|23125,M224|617,M224|23170,M224|23193,M224| XIAO CHE QIAN 小车前 all-grass of Little Plantain Herba Plantaginis minutae Cold,Sweet Stomach,Liver,Kidney NA NA NA 24665,M761|19316,M761|23125,M761|3589,M761|23051,M761|617,M761|24795,M761|23131,M761|24928,M761|23586,M761|23729,M761|23988,M761|9645,M761|9644,M761|24290,M761|25011,M761|23193,M761| MA FENG MU NA Manchineel Hippomane mancinella NA NA NA NA NA 13469,E|22764,T4789|22762,E|13471,T4789| KUAN BAO SHI DA GONG LAO NA Broad-bracteate Mahonia Mahonia eurybracteata NA NA NA NA NA 2303,E|16544,E|11848,E| DA DING CAO NA Gerbera Gerbera anandria [Syn. Leibnitzia anandria ] NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Lung heat cough, damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, heat strangury, pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, swelling toxin of welling abscess and boil, ulcer of lower limb, snake or insect bites, bleeding due to external injury. 25891,T3404|8332,E|8333,E;T3404|8336,T3404|5993,E|5920,T3404|5917,E|25495,T3404|14248,E|14249,E;T3404| TU YE HUANG PI SHU NA Glabrousleaf Ch inese Corktree Phellodendron chinense var. glabriusculum NA NA bark See Phellodendron amurense. See Phellodendron amurense. 13368,T5862|4123,T5862|4122,E|13367,E|17063,T5862|29509,T5862|17051,E|32026,T5862|19967,E|21061,E| YE CAO MEI NA European Strawberry Fragaria vesca NA NA NA NA NA 17862,E| JING QIAO MAI 金荞麦 Rhizome fagopyri dibotryis NA NA NA NA NA NA 19072,C0514|23281,C0261|9252,C0161|18396,C0351|23287,C0400| LING SHUI AN LUO NA Nemoricolous Greenstar* Polyalthia nemoralis NA NA root To fortify spleen and boost stomach, supplement kidney and secure essence. Center vacuity with stomachache, inappetence, kidney vacuity and emission. 22986,E|22987,T4670| HUI BA QIA NA Grey Greenbrier* Smilax aristolochiaefolia NA NA NA NA NA 19375,T4219|19374,E|16654,E|25371,T4219| WANG SUN NA Tetraphyllous Paris Paris tetraphylla NA NA rhizome NA Red and white dysentery, impediment, aching pain in limbs. 16802,E|16809,T5899| DI ER CAO 地耳草 Japanese StJohn’swort Hypericum japonicum NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling, relieve pain. Damp-heat jaundice, diarrhea, dysentery, intestinal welling abscess, pulmonary welling abscess, swelling toxin of welling abscess and boil, nipple moth, mouth sore, red eyes with gall, poisonous snake bite, knocks and falls. 19367,E|25053,M920|19368,E|19369,E|8328,E|30820,T3525|852,E|26099,T3525|4140,E|11815,E|11816,E|11817,E|6183,E|11640,T3525|24773,M920|32041,T3525|19371,T3525|19370,E|21136,E|22477,T3525|380,E|10886,E|22476,E|10882,E|8332,T3525|11639,E|2371,E;T3525|5990,T3525| MA LAI XI YA MAI MA TENG NA Spinach-like Jointfir Gnetum gnemonoides NA NA NA NA NA 8879,E|9778,E|8874,E|8876,E| SHAN MO LI YUN XIANG NA Mountjasmine Rue* Ruta oreojasme NA NA NA NA NA 8989,T5491|8988,E| SHUI HU MAN NA Unarmed Glorybower Clerodendron inerme NA NA branchlet-leaf To dispel stasis, disperse swelling, eliminate damp, kill worms. Stasis swelling from knocks and falls, eczema, sore and scab. 7427,E|3586,T5639|3585,E|7429,T5639|19196,E| WU MEI 乌梅 Japanese Apricot Prunus mume Mild,Sour Lung,Spleen,Stomach,Liver unripe fruit To constrain lung and relieve cough, astringe intestines and check diarrhea, stanch bleeding, engender liquid, quiet roundworm, close sores. Enduring cough, chronic diarrhea and dysentery, hematuria, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, vacuity heat with vexation and thirst, roundworm reversal with abdominal pain, outcrop of sore and welling abscess. 23784,M726|17986,M726|3766,E|24622,M726|23101,M726|31132,T5960|13412,E|15271,E;C0411|1102,E;M726;T5960|17314,E|24602,M726|15274,T5960|9716,E|23224,M726;C0464| MA NIU XI NA Capitate Cyathula Cyathula capitata NA NA root To dispel wind-damp, expel stasis blood. Wind-cold-damp impediment, pain in lumbus and knees, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, postpartum persistent flow of lochia. 11358,E|17764,E|23875,T4804|31343,T4804|19716,T4804|19715,E|3131,E|17729,T4804|4455,T4804|4454,E|1014,E;T4804|1015,E;T4804|17727,E|31838,T4804|6678,E| A MAN SU DAN MO YAO NA Sultanate-Oman Myrrhtree* Commiphora wightii NA NA NA NA NA 9074,E|9075,E|15116,E|4924,E| BA FA LI YA LONG DAN NA Bavarian Gentian Gentiana bavarica NA NA NA NA NA 20494,E|20495,T2940| CAO KOU REN 草寇仁 seed of Katsumada Galangal Semen Alpiniae katsumadai Warm,Pungent Spleen,Stomach NA NA NA 24407,M76|23743,M76|24470,M76| XIANG RU 香薷 Haichow Elsholtzia Elsholtzia splendens Minor Warm,Pungent NA aerial parts To effuse sweat and eliminate summerheat, move water and dissipate damp, warm stomach and regulate center. Fever, aversion of cold, headache, absence of sweating, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea, edema and inhibited urination, beriberi. 23730,M758|18176,M758|19084,M758|23910,M758|23738,M758|17442,M758|23184,M758|23369,M758|3045,M758|23233,C0006|21375,E|3231,M758|15503,M758|6764,T6133|6763,E|15244,M758|11265,M758|15973,M758|23150,M758|24431,M758|20982,M758|23119,M758|23880,M758|21344,M758|23212,M758;C0004|4549,M758|15138,M758|23194,M758;C0005|12843,M758|23624,M758|25127,M758|23545,M758|24037,M758|3689,M758|15196,M758|19106,M758|13769,M758;C0123|23867,M758|3244,M758|20976,M758|7520,M758|24466,M758|15968,M758|15969,M758|2222,M758| GUANG HUO XIANG YE 广藿香叶 leaf of Cabline potchouli Folium Pogostemonis Minor Warm,Pungent Lung,Spleen,Stomach NA Treatment of lingering of turbid damp in the spleen and stomach manifested by stuffiness in the epigastrium and vomiting, summer-damp affection marked by lassitude and stuffiness in the chest, cold-damp affection in summer time marked by abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea, sinusitis with headache. NA 17588,M291|1186,M291|3693,M291;C0369|23098,M291|24717,M291|23184,M291|23717,M291|7384,M291| KU QIAO MAI NA Tartarian Buckwheat Fagopyrum tataricum NA NA NA NA NA 19072,E| PENG TE MAN DE MU NA Pentland Mandevilla* Mandevilla pentlandiana NA NA NA NA NA 15488,E| CHUAN ZANG XIANG CHA CAI NA Szechwan-Tibet Rabdosia Isodon pharicus NA NA NA NA NA 11397,T3338|11396,E;T3338|11395,E|11394,E|11393,E|11392,E|5695,E|18062,E|18063,E|18061,E|18066,E|18064,E|18065,E| XIAO QIAO MU ZI JIN NIU NA Small-tree Ardisia* Ardisia arborescens NA NA stem cortex To resolve exterior and allay fever, diffuse lung and calm panting, quicken blood and dissipate stasis. Common cold with fever, asthma and abundant phlegm, menstrual disorder, postpartum persistent flow of lochia. 1645,E|1647,E|1646,E|21525,E|4679,E|1649,E|1648,E|1110,E|19967,E|20428,E| LIAN QIAN CAO. NA NA Glechoma lungituba NA NA whole herb To disinhibit damp and free strangury, clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling. Heat strangury, stone strangury, damp-heat jaundice, swelling and pain of sore and welling abscess, knocks and falls. 22254,E| XIE FEI ZI YU PAN NA Scheffleri Uvaria* Uvaria scheffleri NA NA NA NA NA 19449,E| SHANG BAI PI 桑白皮 Cortex Mori Albae Radicis NA NA NA NA NA NA 23232,C0066| XIAO YE JIU LI XIANG NA Littleleaf Common Jasminorange Murraya paniculata var. exotica NA NA leaf and branchlet See Murraya paniculata. See Murraya paniculata. 15098,E|31539,T6191|31561,T6191|13952,T6191|13951,E|11546,E|11547,E|15104,E;T6191|15105,T6191|15103,E|15100,T6191|13773,E|13774,E|16962,E|13916,E|31510,T6191|14866,E|15092,E|31477,T6191|14869,T6191|16956,E|15114,T6191|25459,T6191|13989,E|11517,E|14817,T6191|14816,E|13391,E|13390,E;T6191|13392,E;T6191|31509,T6191| CU YING MAO XIAN KONG JUN. NA NA Inonotus hispidus NA NA NA NA NA 9566,E| JU PI 橘皮 Tangerine Pericarp Citrus reticulata Warm,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Spleen pericarp To rectify qi and downbear counterflow, regulate center and increase appetite, dry damp and transform phlegm. Spleen-stomach qi stagnation and damp obstruction, lung qi block, cough with profuse phlegm, mammary welling abscess, indigestion, vomiting. 21169,E|12837,E;M423;C0287|32139,T4452|9673,E|29509,T4452|21346,T4452|3762,E|21344,E|3767,E|3768,E;T4452|3769,T4452|13721,E|31505,T4452|25185,T4452|6394,T4452|7728,E|10593,E|17361,T4452|17362,E|10750,E;T4452|10751,E|10753,T4452|10801,T4452|15628,T4452|15627,E|15626,E|19204,T4452|21842,E|6384,E|25205,T4452|31771,T4452|7730,T4452|20982,E|20983,T4452|28770,T4452|20536,E|15489,E|15481,T4452|19196,E|4549,E|15138,E|12843,E|19967,E|2275,E;T4452|5088,T4452|5087,E|11616,E|11614,E|11615,E|31368,T4452|31369,T4452|2452,E|19919,T4452|21334,T4452|17041,E|21333,E|19911,E|10795,E|19913,E|12841,E|11620,T4452|9509,E|15396,M423;C0117|16930,T4452|4833,T4452|4832,E|22960,E|22961,T4452|15491,T4452|31252,T4452|19025,T4452|19024,E|31444,T4452|31446,T4452|15146,T4452|19086,T4452|19085,E|9457,E;M423;C0338|23606,M423|30325,T4452|16858,E|20656,T4452|20654,E;M423;C0256|3232,T4452|24147,M423|3231,E|21897,E|31735,T4452|2225,E|26058,T4452|15963,E|9511,T4452|15915,E|30742,T4452|32048,T4452|31124,T4452|11714,T4452|15278,E|16917,E|7581,E;C0523|7582,T4452|11713,E|3195,E|20974,E|15964,T4452|20972,E|15967,E|15968,T4452|20979,E| BIAN ZHU GEN 扁竹根 Rhizoma seu Radix Iridis japoniae NA NA NA NA NA NA 11168,C0152| HUANG HAO 黄蒿 Virg ate Wormwood Artemisia scoparia [Syn. Artemisia capillaris var. scoparia] Cold,Pungent,Bitter Liver,Kidney,Gallbladder aerial parts See Artemisia capillaris. See Artemisia capillaris. 14139,E|30984,T4157|31907,T4157|15146,T4157|25266,T4157|3592,T4157|19525,E|31137,T4157|18667,E|13839,T4157|764,E;T4157|31619,T4157|16274,E|21334,E|19530,T4157|11418,E|8325,T4157|11422,T4157|3552,T4157|3300,E|8010,E|19072,E|30730,T4157|2787,E|3237,E|3551,E|2056,E|3122,E;T4157|3120,E|3121,E|2788,T4157|3118,T4157|26058,T4157|1520,E|18378,E|3589,E|19173,T4157|19172,E|3301,T4157|19526,T4157|5064,E|19527,E|20121,E|1792,E|30703,T4157|3745,E|4389,E|4549,E|15138,E|8312,E|23412,T4157|16576,E|9748,E|23545,T4157|24378,M364|24407,T4157|16283,T4157|3689,T4157|3688,E|31812,T4157|11699,E|3117,E|6775,E|6776,T4157|19075,T4157|3747,T4157|3246,T4157|30621,T4157|7522,T4157|3243,E|7520,E|21335,T4157|17362,E|17363,E|30843,T4157|30100,T4157|31888,T4157| MI HUA TUN CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 30805,T4954|25220,T4954|19294,T4954| ZI DAN SHEN NA Manchurian Sage* Salvia przewalskii var. mandarinorum NA NA NA NA NA 17997,E|14728,E|20670,E|20671,E|5721,E|4291,E|17999,E|17954,E|31855,T6727|20669,E|17998,E|14384,E| RI BEN HUA BAI NA Sawara False Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera NA NA NA NA NA 17473,E|19413,E|17472,E|11350,E|17474,E|14672,E|17476,E|17475,E|1476,E|17477,E|19414,E|17357,E|1764,E| GUANG ZE WU TOU NA Lucid Monkshood* Aconitum lucidusculum NA NA NA NA NA 25557,T3917|13051,E| NIU JIN GUO NA Perforated Harrisonia Harrisonia perforata NA NA root To clear heat and interrupt malaria. Malaria. 16903,E|16902,E|16901,E|16900,E|16899,E|14118,E|14119,T5103| MA TONG 马通 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 19967,M496|24481,M496|24470,M496| BAI FAN 白矾 Alum Alumen NA NA NA External use for eczema, scabies, otits media with purulent discaharge, internal use for chronic diarrhea, hematochezia, abnormal uterine bleeding, epilepsy and mania.ALUMEN (CALCINED) - Eczema, discharge from ulcers otitis media with purulent discharge, excessive leukorrhea with pudendal itching, bleeding from the nose or gums, nasal polyp. 1. To astringe the intestine and relieve diarrhea (for prolonged diarrhea, used with Fructus Chebulae together). 2. To astringe and stop bleeding, hemoptysis and bleeding from the gum (both internal and external use). 3. To reduce exudation, relieve itching, clear toxic material and kill parasite: For burn, mixed with Borneolum Syntheticum and water for topical use; for skin infection, mixed with Realgar and tea for local application; for scabies and tinea, used together with Sulfur and Borneolum Syntheticum; for aphthae and suppurative ostitis media, used together with Borneolum Syntheticum and Borax, for eczema, 1% Alumen solution used as local compress. 4. To expel wind and eliminate phlegm: For apoplexy and epilepsy, used with Radix Curcumae together. In addation, also used hyperlipemia. Topical injection for mixture of 3-10% Alumen solution and 2% novocain may be used for prolapse of rectum, prolapse of uterus and hemorrhoids. 24463,M899| DA TOU SUAN NA Wild Leek Allium ampeloprasum NA NA NA NA NA 17900,T3446|17899,E|17850,E|17851,E| YOU GOU YING ZHAO NA Uncinate Tailgrape* Artabotrys uncinatus NA NA NA NA NA 1348,E|7814,E|18640,E|1780,E|19185,E|14618,E|15788,E|5075,E|1774,E|1771,E|1773,E|1772,E|1961,E|1857,E|3746,E|12911,E|20227,E|14600,E|15754,E|14527,E|20306,E|20301,E|473,E|11590,E|22198,E|14819,E|11341,E| TIAN SHAN QIN JIAO NA Tianshan Mountain Gentian Gentiana tianschanica NA NA dried root See Gentiana macrophylla. See Gentiana macrophylla. 31018,T5799|31019,T5799|8292,E|8294,T5799|8296,E|8302,E| LEI WAN 雷丸 Thunder Ball omphalia Cold,Slightly Bitter Large Intestine,Stomach NA Treatment of taeniasis, ancylostomiasis, ascariasis, intestinal parasitosis with abdominal pain or with infantile malnutrition. 1. Its proteolytic enzyme is a taeniacidal agent. 2. Its alcoholic extract is an ascaricide. 24985,M442| ZUAN GUO SUAN JIE NA Hedge Mustard Sisymbrium officinale NA NA NA NA NA 15392,E|25427,T6787| GUI BAN 龟板 Tortoise plastron Plastrum Testudinis Cold,Sweet,Salty Liver,Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of hyperactivity of liver yang due to deficient yin of the liver and kidneys manifested as dizziness, distension and pain in the head and blurred vision. Tortoise plastron (Guiban) is used with White peony root (Baishao), Cyathula root (Niuxi), Sea-ear sh NA 23532,M297|24903,M297|21326,M297|23378,M297|17079,M297|13816,M297|24709,M297| JIE JIE LEI A WEI NA Node Ferulago* Ferulago nodosa NA NA NA NA NA 15929,E| QI YE HUANG PI NA Heptaleaf Wampee* Clausena heptaphylla NA NA NA NA NA 14139,T5234|9409,E|14209,E|14137,E| LU BIAN QING NA Manyflower Glorybower Leaf Clerodendron cyrtophyllum NA NA stem-leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and stanch bleeding. Febrile diseases due to external contraction, exuberant heat and vexation thirst, swelling pain in throat, mouth sore, jaundice, heat toxin dysentery, acute enteritis, swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, spontaneous external bleeding, blood strangury, bleeding due to external injury. 16809,E|23887,T4705|25282,T4705|3843,T4705|20449,E|7957,T4705|3845,T4705|4590,T4705|3842,E|19968,E|3844,E|7950,E|20353,E|25238,T4705|25363,T4705|4588,E| BAI CHANG NA Drug Sweetflag Acorus calamus NA NA rhizome To transform phlegm and open orifices, dispel damp and fortify stomach, kill worms and relieve itch. Stupor due to phlegm reversal, wind stroke, epilepsy, fright palpitation and amnesia, tinnitus and deafness, food accumulation abdominal pain, diarrhea and dysentery, wind-damp pain, eczema, scab sore. 11190,E|11192,T2956|30751,T2956|550,E;T2956|2435,E|3048,E|24898,T2956|7018,E|2941,T2956|11406,T2956|11405,E|1835,E|31334,T2956|957,E;T2956|23158,T2956|17795,E|11710,E|30723,T2956|11311,T2956|21913,E|7522,T2956|25297,T2956|14523,E;T2956|30665,T2956|4398,T2956|2939,E|560,E|561,E|2934,E|564,E;T2956|565,E;T2956|566,E;T2956|30717,T2956|7021,T2956|9485,E|14524,T2956|2550,E;T2956|14522,E|19837,E|3242,E|3241,E|1840,E;T2956|4397,E|11713,T2956|13134,E|7520,E|11299,E|11714,E|31385,T2956| XIAO HUA SHA ZHEN NA East African Sandalwood Osyris tenuifolia NA NA NA NA NA 20922,E|20921,E|12462,E|2409,E| QI DUN GUO 齐墩果 Olea europaea L. NA NA NA NA NA NA 23125,C0500| YIN YANG HUO GEN NA Shorthorned Epimedium Root Epimedium brevicornum NA NA root To supplement kidney and invigorate yang , dispel wind and eliminate damp. Vacuity strangury, white turbidity, dizziness (for men), vaginal discharge, menstrual disorder, asthma (for women). 5259,T6471|5256,E| XIAO HUA QIU GUO ZI JIN NA Fine-leaved Fumitory Fumaria parviflora NA NA NA NA NA 5707,E|4289,E|16651,E| XIE YE ZE LAN NA Cuneateleaf Eupatorium* Eupatorium cuneifolium NA NA NA NA NA 7584,E;T6206|7585,T6206|7583,E|7553,E;T6206|7552,E|7556,T6206|7555,E;T6206|7554,E;T6206| LUN SHENG SHAN XIANG NA Verticillate Bushmint* Hyptis verticillata NA NA NA NA NA 2847,E|5078,T4742|20233,E|5073,E| DI SUO LUO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 21343,T3535|13552,T3535|13551,T3535|13550,T3535|13544,T3535|13545,T3535|13546,T3535|13547,T3535|13548,T3535|13549,T3535| KA LUO LAI NA DI DAN CAO NA Carolina Elephantfoot* Elephantopus carolinianus NA NA NA NA NA 5172,T4479|5167,E| XIAO TOU TIE ZI NA Capitellate Myrsine* Myrsine capitellata NA NA NA NA NA 6766,E| GUA MU BIAN ZHONG NA Planeleaf Alangium Variety* Alangium paltanifolium var. platanifolium NA NA NA NA NA 17507,E|17508,E|17509,E|17513,E|17512,E|17511,E|17510,E| HAI XIAKIHINOUYE NA Prawn Penaeus orientalis NA NA meat or body To supplement kidney and invigorate yang , open stomach and transform phlegm. Kidney vacuity impotence, convulsion of hands and feet, wind stroke with hemiplegia, mammary sore, enduring sores. 14126,E|1921,E|21924,E|10912,E|3095,E|13119,E|4568,E|6687,E| YU GUO XIAO YE NAN NA Cinnamomi-leaf Phoebe* Phoebe cinnamomifolia NA NA NA NA NA 16403,E| BAI JIANG CAN 白僵蚕 Silkworm Larva Bombyx mori Salty, pungent,neutral Liver,lung dried larva To dispel wind and resolve tetany, transform phlegm and dissipate binds, resolve toxin and disinhibit throat. Epilepsy, fright wind and convulsion, swelling pain in throat, acute infection of upper respiratory tract, epidemic parotitis, diabetes mellitus, temporomandibular lymphrnoditis, facial paralysis, itchy skin. 20916,E|15942,E|13093,T2988|6723,E|6722,E|16548,E|23851,M901|23976,M901|7249,E|23175,M901|3585,E|3586,T2988|6677,E|20263,E|2189,E|2188,E;T2988|6678,T2988|7251,T2988|6537,E|24680,M901|13091,E|2161,E;T2988|2162,E| BAI JIANG CAO 败酱草 All - grass of Dahurian Patrinia Herba Patriniae Minor cold,Pungent,Bitter Large Intestine,Stomach,Liver NA Treatment of acute appendicitis, pulmonary abscess and skin infection. Recently also for pancreatitis, tonsillitis, P. viloso also used to influenza, while P. scabiosaefolia for snake bite. Treatment of postpartum abdominal pain and menorrhalgia due to blood stasis, chest pain, etc. Treatment of vexation, insomnia, insanity. 1. Two active components, patrinene and isopatrinene, possess sedative effect. 2. To promote regeneration of hepatic cells and portal circulation, protect hepatic cells from degernation and improve hepatic function. 25057,M25|25158,M25|19527,M25|22463,M25|25006,M25|24953,M25|23309,M25|24333,M25|24044,M25|16708,M25|23184,M25|16707,M25|24233,M25|23349,M25|23080,M25;C0364|12944,M25|4679,M25|12017,M25;C0453|24713,M25|14974,M25|23545,M25|24869,M25|11645,M25;C0299|22465,M25|23880,M25|25142,M25|18302,M25|24196,M25|22464,M25|24325,M25|24982,M25|11080,M25;C0458|23097,M25|2550,M25|23868,M25|24702,M25|23287,C0400| HONG MAO WU JIA PI NA Girald Acanthopanax Root-bark Acanthopanax giraldii [Syn. Acanthopanax giraldii var. inermis , Eleutherococcus giraldii] NA NA stem cortex or root cortex To dispel wind-damp, strengthen sinews and bones, quicken blood and disinhibit water. Wind-cold-damp impediment, hypertonicity and pain, limp wilting sinew and bone, inability of legs and knees, pain in heart and abdomen, mounting qi [=hernia], knocks and falls, fracture, vacuity and edema. 3342,E|618,E|9275,E|20553,E|16043,E| QING NIU DAN NA Arrowshaped Tinospora Equivalent plant: Tinospora capillipes Tinospora sagittata NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit throat, relieve pain. Swelling pain in throat, welling abscess and flat abscess with clove sore, diarrhea, dysentery, heat pain in stomach duct and abdomen. 11335,E|3942,T5282|3939,E|21382,E|20305,E| QING LIANG BAI HE NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 30783,T5278| HONG HUA LONG DAN NA Redflower Gentian Gentiana rhodantha NA NA whole herb with root To clear heat and disinhibit damp, cool blood and resolve toxin. Cough and asthma due to lung heat, consumption cough with phlegm and blood, jaundice, dysentery, bloody stool, inhibited urination, postpartum fever, infant fright wind, gan accumulation, toxin swelling of sores, burns and scalds, snake bite. 8303,E|20493,E| RONG SHU NA Smallfruit Fig Ficus microcarpa NA NA aerial root To dissipate wind-heat, dispel wind-damp, quicken blood and relieve pain. Influenza, pertussis, non-eruption of measles, tonsillitis, conjunctivitis, wind-damp bone pain, sand qi abdominal pain, enduring dysentery, stomachache, leukorrhea, eczema, pudendal itch, knocks and falls. 21966,E|211,E|197,E|15748,E|190,E|332,E|178,E|252,E|174,E|6476,E|183,E|188,E|189,E|16326,E|203,E|202,E|204,E|267,E|228,E|15750,E|249,E|283,E|2338,E|16391,E|530,E|22254,E|22256,E| XIN NONG XIANG MAO NA Senna Lemongrass* Cymbopogon sennaarensis NA NA NA NA NA 17442,E|17445,T6216| YUAN YE CHAI HU NA Roundleaf Thorowax* Bupleurum rotundifolium NA NA NA NA NA 18934,E|18935,E|18936,E|18937,E|18930,E|18931,E|18932,E|18933,E|18938,E|18929,E|18942,E|11639,E|11640,T6554|18941,E|17904,E|17906,T6554| CU SHENG AO DING ZAO NA Cluster Concave-top Alga* Laurencia caespitosa NA NA NA NA NA 15901,E| CHANG YE SONG NA Long-leaved Pine Pinus palustris NA NA NA NA NA 15797,E|15796,E|11597,E|12949,E|12951,T3256| FEI ZHOU FAN LI ZHI NA African Custard Apple* Hexalobus crispiflorus NA NA NA NA NA 15788,E| AI QIE NA Dwarf Nightshade* Solanum demissum NA NA NA NA NA 14228,E|21419,T2892|21418,E|5103,E|19966,E|5105,T2892| LIANG SI FEL YAN CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 338,T4641| BAO SHAN YOU GAN NA Vested Acronychia* Acronychia vestita NA NA NA NA NA 577,E;T3071| TONG GUANG TENG NA Tenacious Condorvine Marsdenia tenacissima NA NA stem, root or leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, relieve cough and calm asthma, disinhibit damp and free milk, anticancer. swelling pain in throat, lung heat cough asthma, damp-heat jaundice, inhibited urination [=dysuria], breast milk stoppage, sore and boil, carcinoma. 20915,E|20914,E| MIAN YE MA FENG SHU NA Cotton-leaf Leprous Tree* Jatropha gossypifolia NA NA NA NA NA 11846,E| PI JIU HUA 啤酒花 European Hop Female-flower Humulus lupulus NA NA female-flower To fortify stomach and disperse food, disinhibit urine and quiet spirit, eliminate inflammation. Indigestion, abdominal distention, edema, cystitis, tuberculosis, cough, insomnia, leprosy. 22748,E|11245,E|6496,E|14170,T5189|22745,E|30751,T5189|628,E|9674,E|9675,E|9676,E|9677,E;C0157;T5189|9670,E|9671,E|17829,E|4818,E|22751,E|22750,E|17825,E|9678,T5189|21583,E|11752,T5189|21585,T5189|19971,E|9814,E|13108,E|11311,T5189|11751,E|2937,T5189|13104,E|13105,E|13106,E|13107,E|4077,T5189|13102,E;C0128;T5189|13103,E|2936,E|17794,E|31122,T5189|11780,E|9666,T5189|14169,E|9664,E|12711,T5189|8311,C0304|19666,E|12708,E|22746,E|22747,E|9669,E|9668,E|5262,E|5261,E|5260,E|3242,E|3241,E|4076,E|5742,E|25554,T5189|5741,E|22749,E|9656,E|11456,E|11457,E|5910,E|10829,E| XIANG DAN NA Elephant Gall Elephas maximus NA NA gall To clear liver and brighten eyes, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Eye screen, gan accumulation, bad breath, swelling of sores. 26109,T6111|350,E| XIANG CAO SHUI YANG MEI NA Herb Bennet Geum urbanum NA NA NA NA NA 18251,E|27648,T6109| AN XI XIANG 安息香 Sumatra Snowbell Equivalent plant: Styrax tonkinensis Styrax benzoin Mild,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Heart balsam To open orifices and arouse spirit, break phlegm and repel foulness, move qi and quicken blood, relieve pain. Sudden stroke and fulminant reversal, pain in heart and abdomen, postpartum blood dizziness, child fright epilepsy, wind impediment and lumbago. 22320,E|2222,E;T2914|3695,E|17119,E|31794,T2914|20469,T2914|20468,E|20401,E|3987,T2914|3728,E|23397,M6|20414,E|22321,T2914|3986,E|3727,M6|25240,T2914|24236,M6|3729,T2914| ER JIAO DUO JIA ZAO. NA NA Peridinium bipes NA NA NA NA NA 6424,E|16909,E|5376,E|6423,E| GE LI FEI SI SHI DA GONG LAO NA Griffith Mahonia Mahonia griffithii NA NA NA NA NA 16428,E| SHE XIANG MANG ZI NA NA Atherosperma moschatum NA NA NA NA NA 1961,E| BAI RI QING NA Thitmin Podocarpus neriifolius NA NA NA NA NA 17577,T3015|17576,E| A LA BO JIN HE HUAN NA Arabian Acacia Acacia arabica NA NA NA NA NA 7441,T2873|7440,E|8094,E|30995,T2873|12711,T2873|17160,E|12708,E| CI CAI JI NA Cardoon Cynara cardunculus NA NA NA NA NA 4563,E|30904,T3348|4568,T3348|4564,E| WU LING ZHI 五灵脂 Trogopterus Dung Trogopterus xanthipes, Pteromys volans Warm,Sweet,Bitter,Salty Liver dried feces To quicken blood and relieve pain, transform stasis and stanch bleeding, disperse accumulation and resolve toxin. Amenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, flooding, profuse menstruation, incessant red and white vaginal discharge, snake bite, scorpion sting, centipede bite. 30663,T5955|32176,T5955|23768,M725|21736,E|11807,E|17685,T5955|22230,E|11814,T5955|2413,E|17682,E|32124,T5955|6177,E|25865,T5955|22723,E| XI ZI JUE NA Henry’s Monachosorum Monachosorum henryi NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, relieve pain. Wind-damp bone pain, painful wound from knocks and falls, mounting qi . 14903,E|14905,E;T6064|14904,E;T6064|14906,T6064|15018,E|15019,T6064| TIE XIAN CAI 铁苋菜 Copperleaf Herb Herba Acalyphae NA NA NA 1. Treatment of diarrhea and dysentery of darnpness-heat type. Recently, also for amebic dysentery and typhoid fever. 2. Treatment of hemoptysis, hematemesis, hemafecia, metrorrhagia, etc. 3. Treatment of dyspneic cough of lung-heat type. 1. Bacteriostatic. 2. Astringent and protective on intestinal mucosa. 3. Antiasthmatic. 23592,M1055| ZI SHI NA Ovate Catalpa Fruit Catalpa ovata NA NA fruit To disinhibit water and disperse edema. Inhibited urination, edema, ascites. 3307,E|3304,E|30753,T6756| LE SHI JIN HE HUAN NA Luederitz Acacia* Acacia luederitzii NA NA NA NA NA 25618,T4586|9078,E| HE AN GOU GAN CAI NA Riparian Dicliptera* Dicliptera riparia NA NA NA NA NA 5438,E|5436,E|5437,E| BEI WU TOU NA Kusnezoff Monkshood Aconitum kusnezoffii NA NA tuberoid To dispel wind and overcome damp, warm channels and dissipate cold, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Wind-cold-damp impediment, pain in joints, head wind headache, wind stroke with hemiplegia, cold pain in heart and abdomen, cold mounting with pain, knocks and falls, blood stasis swelling and pain, swelling toxin of flat abscess, anesthesia. 304,E;T3098|13787,E|2214,E;T3098|2231,E|554,E;T3098|12662,E|22922,E|17658,E|10874,E| ZI SHU NA Chinese Tupelo Nyssa sinensis NA NA root Anticarcinoma. NA 15872,T6757|15871,E| SHA SHENG HUAI NA Sandliving Sophora Sophora moorcroftiana NA NA seed To clear heat and dry damp, resolve toxin. Damp-heat jaundice, diphtheria, nipple moth. 11245,E|16440,E|25388,T5456| YUN NAN GE SHE SHU NA Yunnan Cuttongue tree Walsura yunnanensis NA NA NA NA NA 22615,E| SAN YE MU TONG GEN NA Threeleaf Akebia Root Akebia trifoliata NA NA root See Akebia quinata. See Akebia quinata. 4684,T5438|4679,E| CENG KONG JUN NA Polypore Fomitopsis spraguei NA NA NA NA NA 7864,E|7863,E|7862,E| XIAO QIU BAI BU NA Hill Stemona* Stemona collinsae NA NA root Anticarcinoma. NA 5469,E| CHANG ROU MAO WEI LING CAI NA Velutinous Cinquefoil Potentilla griffithii var. velutina NA NA root To rectify qi and disperse food, promote contraction and stanch bleeding, clear heat and quicken blood. Food accumulation stomachache, gastri c ulcer, duodenal ulcer, child gan accumulation, dysentery, incessant postpartum bleeding, infant fright wind, facial paralysis. 31834,T3246|21376,E| TU SAN QI NA Chrusanthemum-like Groundsel Senecio chrysanthemoides NA NA whole herb or root To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling. Toxin swelling of sores, painful swelling from knocks and falls. 19697,E|19731,T5857|19699,T5857| HONG HAN LIAN 红旱莲 Herba hyperici NA NA NA NA NA NA 23275,C0273|19072,C0514|12017,C0453| YIN DU WA ER TENG 印度娃儿藤 Indian Tylophora* Tylophora asthmatica [Syn. Tylophora indica ] NA NA NA NA NA 22138,T6460|22135,E;C0031|22137,E;T6460|22136,E;T6460| QIN HUA NA Javan Waterdropwort Flower Oenanthe javanica NA NA flower NA Spill pulse. 16979,T5267|16977,E| ZHEN MO NA Mellea Armillaria Sporocarp Armillariella mellea NA NA sporocarp To calm liver and extinguish wind, dispel wind and quicken network vessels, strengthen sinews and bones. Dizziness, headache, insomnia, numbness in limbs, pain in lumbus and legs, epilepsy. 7336,T6652|1039,E;T6652|7333,E|7251,T6652|7249,E| YU YI GAN LAN NA Savoy Cabbage Brassica oleracea var. sabauda NA NA NA NA NA 8597,E|8598,T6533| DING XIANG 丁香 Clove Tree Syzygium aromaticum [Syn. Eugenia caryophyllata] Warm,Pungent Spleen,Stomach,Kidney flower bud To warm center and downbear counterflow, warm kidney and invigorate yang . Stomach cold with retching counterflow, hiccough, cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, reduced food intake and diarrhea, kidney vacuity impotence, vacuity cold in lumbus and knees, yin flat abscess. 18664,E;M220|23101,M220;C0577|18667,T3565|14710,E|391,E;M220;T3565|3302,T3565|3301,E|20373,E|2222,E;T3565|20374,T3565|14712,T3565|11408,E|7517,E;M220|14661,T3565|22320,E|22321,T3565|25032,T3565|31751,T3565|7519,E;M220;T3565|7518,M220|13841,E|3488,E;M220;C0198|13842,T3565|20894,E|14660,E|23748,M220|31122,T3565|16040,E|31350,T3565|23256,M220|32004,T3565|25183,M220|11311,T3565|9668,E|2273,E;T3565|11416,E;M220|11417,E;M220|11418,C0417;T3565|3241,E|24363,M220|7522,T3565|7523,E;M220|7520,E;M220;C0416;T3565|12017,M220;C0453|25741,T3565| ZHU ZONG CAO NA Southern Maidenhair Adiantum capillus- veneris NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit water and free strangury. Common cold with fever, lung heat cough, damp-heat diarrhea, dysentery, strangury-turbidity, vaginal discharge, mammary welling abscess, scrofula, poisonous snake bite. 632,E;T6717|18358,E|18399,E|31242,T6717|2901,E|7098,E|12094,E|25781,T6717|7759,E|10540,E|1935,E;T6717|31892,T6717|10122,E|16033,E|16032,E| HUANG TANG SONG CAO NA Maidenhair Meadowrue Thalictrum flavum NA NA rhizome and root See Thalictrum foliolosum . See Thalictrum foliolosum. 21223,E|21224,T4204| JI JUE NA Punctate Flakelet Fern Hypolepis punctata [Syn. Polypodium punctatum] NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, promote contraction and stanch bleeding. Burns and scalds, bleeding due to external injury. 18130,E|18084,E|16088,E|10901,E|10900,E|10902,E|18127,E|18129,E|10875,E|18147,E|18126,E| ZHU YE JIAO NA Bambooleaf Pricklyash Zanthoxylum planispinum NA NA fruit To dissipate cold, relieve pain, expel roundworm. Stomach cold, stomachache due to roundworm, toothache, damp sore. 7705,T6712|7702,E|17491,T6712|5444,E|19986,E|5457,T6712|22755,E|22756,T6712| HU MA HUA 胡麻花 Heloniopsis umbellata Baker NA NA NA NA NA NA 19764,C0570|19765,C0059| DU QIN GEN NA European Waterhemlock Root Cicuta virosa NA NA root To draw out toxin, dispel stasis, relieve pain. Medullitis, pain wind, wind-damp pain (external use with high toxicity). 25185,T3609|3636,E|3637,E;T3609|3988,E|20972,E|3651,T3609|30835,T3609|4353,E| DAN TIAO CAO NA White Pearlweed Lysimachia candida NA NA whole herb or root To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and relieve pain, disinhibit damp and disperse swelling. Swelling pain in throat, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, mammary welling abscess, poisonous snake bites, fracture due to knocks and falls, wind-damp impediment pain, beriberi with edema, paddy-field dermatitis. 3073,E| BING DAO YI NA Iceland Moss Cetraria islandica NA NA lichen To regulate digestive system, increase appetite. NA 17965,E| JIAN YE TOU WU GEN NA ArrowleafGoldenray Root Ligularia sagitta NA NA NA NA NA 19967,E|5958,E|1229,E|13091,E|14163,E|6237,E|1228,E|22254,E|5976,E|14164,E| CHANG CHUN HUA 长春花 Madagascar Periwinkle Catharanthus roseus NA NA whole herb To resolve toxin, clear heat and calm liver, anticancer. Hypertension, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, scalds. 23755,M911|3320,E;M911|3321,E;M911;T3231|3322,E;T3231|3323,E;T3231|3326,T3231|20564,E|20562,E|26070,T3231|1111,E|24799,M911|4708,E|8904,E|25061,T3231|22470,E|22471,E;M911;C0491;T3231|22472,E;M911;T3231|22473,E;T3231|22474,E;T3231|22475,E;T3231|22476,T3231|22477,E|24386,M911|31857,T3231|823,E;T3231|16977,T3231|111,T3231|23579,T3231|32018,T3231|22485,E;T3231|22484,E|22486,T3231|22481,E;M911;C0017|22483,E;T3231|22482,E|24103,M911|24778,M911|31774,T3231|31315,T3231|31316,T3231|5007,T3231|19608,T3231|17541,E|17543,T3231|16953,E|12728,E|12727,E;T3231|12726,E|11081,E|11080,E|11085,T3231|783,E;T3231|18909,T3231|11459,T3231|1002,E;T3231|18903,E|30474,T3231|20489,T3231|20487,E|18059,E|11082,E|24892,T3231|4943,T3231|4942,E|26038,T3231|21039,E|19624,T3231|5717,T3231|5715,E|31426,T3231|31386,T3231|4080,E|4081,T3231|25646,T3231|23105,T3231|7838,E|7839,E;T3231|11486,E|12941,E;T3231|12940,E;T3231|20548,E|12944,E|14881,E|16908,E;T3231|14886,T3231|19748,T3231|19984,E|12938,E|19747,E|618,E|12939,E;T3231|32200,T3231|32201,T3231|20571,T3231|5736,E|25471,T3231|31939,T3231|16913,T3231|11715,E| DUN YE TANG SONG CAO NA Peltateleaf Meadowrue Thalictrum ichangense NA NA whole herb or root To clear heat and resolve toxin, dry damp. Damp-heat jaundice, damp-heat dysentery, infant fright wind, red eyes with gall, erysipelas wandering wind, goose-mouth sore, knocks and falls. 21243,E|21230,E| HU LU CHA 葫芦茶 Triquetrous Tadehagi Tadehagi triquetrum NA NA branch-leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse accumulation and disinhibit damp, kill worms. Common cold with fever, swelling pain in throat, nephritis, icterohepatitis, enteritis, bacillary dysentery, vomiting in pregnancy, ancylostomiasis. 20880,T4096|20583,E|25124,M967|23745,M967|23193,M967| GE ZHI HUA DI QIAN. NA NA Corsinia coriandrina NA NA NA NA NA 4093,E|6291,E|4095,E|4094,E| GUI ZHU XIANG NA Common Wallflower Cheiranthus cheiri NA NA flower To moisten intestines and free stool, free menstruation. Constipation, menstrual disorder, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea. 7290,E|7291,T3929|22476,E|22477,T3929|11648,E|11658,E|922,E|8590,E|8591,T3929| SHE PU TAO NA Ampelopsis Ampelopsis brevipedunculata NA NA stem-leaf To disinhibit urine, clear heat, eliminate inflammation, allay thirst. Chronic nephritis, hepatitis, pain of hot urine, stomach heat vomiting, wind papules, sore toxin, bleeding due to external injury. 7441,T5541|7440,E|25416,T5541|12017,E|23764,T5541|14884,E|6008,T5541|25574,T5541|1113,E|18628,E|1764,E| HONG HUA LV RONG HAO NA Redflower Meconopsis Meconopsis punicea NA NA whole herb with flower To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp, relieve pain. Ardent fever, tuberculosis, pneumonia, hepatitis, dysmenorrhea, leukorrhea, damp-heat edema, headache, hypertension. 13987,E|13623,E|866,E| JU BAI 橘白 Pericarpium Citri reticulatae NA NA NA NA NA NA 20654,C0256|9457,C0338|12837,C0287|15396,C0117| YUE NAN LIE LAN NA Tonkin Bursera* Bursera tonkinensis NA NA NA NA NA 13900,E|5581,E|2767,E|2766,E|2765,E|11474,E|10445,E|5073,E|5074,E| YANG YI NA Goat Pancreas Capra hircus, Ovis aries NA NA pancreas To moisten lung and relieve cough, moisten skin, check discharge. Lung heat enduring cough, Vaginal discharge. 31315,T6335|31316,T6335|11082,E|11081,E|11080,E|11085,T6335| WU CI MAO ZHU MU NA Spineless Mitragyna* Mitragyna inermis NA NA NA NA NA 11034,E|18811,E|11033,E| DENG ZHAN XI XIN NA Shortscape Fleabane Erigeron breviscapus NA NA whole herb To dissipate cold and resolve exterior, dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken network vessels and relieve pain, disperse accumulation. Common cold with headache and nasal congestion, wind-damp impediment pain, paralysis, acute gastritis, child gan accumulation, knocks and falls. 2606,E|32122,T3523|30712,T3523|2919,E|31585,T3523|3320,T3523|3318,E|18240,E|1493,E|19573,T3523|19572,E|14285,E|21719,E|10801,E| FENG XIANG ZHI 枫香脂 Beautiful Sweetgum Resin Resina Liquidambaris NA NA NA Treatment of traumatic injuries, swelling and pain of carbuncle and boil, spitting of blood, epistaxis and traumatic hemorrhage. NA 23424,M936|23975,M936| RI BEN BIAN TAI NA Japanese Flagelliform Liverwort* Bazzania japonica NA NA NA NA NA 6976,E|6977,E|1702,E|1705,E|6978,E| DA YE XIAN MAO NA Largeleaf Curculigo Curculigo capitulata [Syn. Leucojum capitulata] NA NA rhizome To supplement kidney and invigorate yang , dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and regulate menstruation. Kidney vacuity cough asthma, impotence and emission, white turbidity vaginal discharge, limp aching lumbus and knees, wind-damp impediment pain, infertility due to uterus cold, menstrual disorder, flooding and spotting, prolapse of uterus, knocks and falls. 15866,E|6236,E| MIAN NING WU TOU NA Legendre Monkshood Aconitum legendrei NA NA NA NA NA 20634,E|25223,T4977| WU ZHU YU YE 吴茱萸叶 Folium Evodiae rutaecarpae NA NA NA NA NA NA 12841,C0132|23284,C0201|7664,C0362|19066,C0346| BI BA GEN NA Long Pepper Root Piper longum NA NA root To warm center and move qi, downbear counterflow and disperse food, dissipate cold and relieve pain. Taxation damage, genital sweating, node swelling, cold qi retching, distention fullness in heart and abdomen, food accumulation, cold mounting, infertility due to uterus cold, lumbus kidney cold. 17452,E|17450,E|17437,E|17447,E|17449,E|17458,E|14783,E|17451,E|17415,E| TAO JIAO 桃胶 Resina Persicae NA NA NA NA NA NA 4048,C0360| MU JING YE 牡荆叶 Hempleaf Negundo Chastetree Leaf Folium Viticis Negundo NA NA NA Treament of chronic bronchitis with cough and asthma. 1. Oral administration of its eemulsion ( exerts a strong expectorant effect in mice.2. Oral administration of its volatile oil (1.04g/kg) exerts a significant antitussive effect in mice with cough induced by inhalation of concentrated ammonia.3. Increasing the hypnotic effect of pentobarital sodium in mice. 23663,M1011|23475,M1011|2003,C0542|4829,M1011| TU SI ZI 菟丝子 Dodder Seed Semen Cuseutae;Semen Cuseutae Mild,Pungent,Sweet Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of impotence, seminal emission, dripping of urine after urination, enuresis, frequent urination, aching and weakness of the loins and knees, blurred vision and tinnitus, threatened abortion due to hypofunction of the kidney, diarrhea due to hypofunction of the spleen and the kidney, external use for vitiligo. 1. Cardiotonic. 2. Promoting lymphocyte-blastogenesis. 24002,M713|15452,T5859|23441,M713|23465,M713|24354,M713|24623,M713|31878,T5859|24864,M713|23275,T5859|3040,M713|24897,M713| DIAO ZHANG GEN PI NA Largeleaf Spicebush Root-bark Lindera umbellata [Syn. Lindera erythrocarpa ] NA NA root cortex To warm stomach and center, move qi and relieve pain, dispel wind and eliminate damp. Running piglet, beriberi, edema, scab and lichen, bleeding due to external injury. 12569,T3560|12568,E|4935,E|4938,T3560|5983,T3560|5968,E|23228,T3560|15490,T3560|15491,E|3703,T3560|3702,E|12559,E| HAN SHENG JUAN BAI NA Staunton’s Spikemoss Selaginella stauntoniana NA NA whole herb To dissipate stasis and relieve pain, cool blood and stanch bleeding. Knocks and falls, static blood pain, bloody stool, bloody urine, endometrorrhagia. 8400,E|1030,E|4375,E| KUO YE GU SUI BU NA Broadleaf Davallia Davallia solida NA NA NA NA NA 22825,E|8740,E| LIAO LAN YE NA Indigoplant Leaf Polygonum tinctorium NA NA stem-leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and disperse macula. Warm disease fever, macular eruption and papules, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, throat impediment, heat dysentery, jaundice, erysipelas, epidemic parotitis, mouth sore, swollen welling abscess. 18273,E|21783,E|11021,E|11012,E|11022,E| JI ZI BAI NA Hen’s Egg-albumen Gallus gallus domesticus NA NA egg white To moisten lung and disinhibit throat, clear heat and resolve toxin. Deep-lying heat sore pharynx, aphonia, red eyes, vexation and fullness, cough and counterflow, dysentery, jaundice, swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, burns and scalds. 13126,T4293|1042,E|13119,E|25606,T4293| JIN SI DAI NA Green Alectoria Filament Alectoria vivens NA NA filament To eliminate wind-damp, stanch bleeding and relieve pain, quicken blood and regulate menstruation, quiet spirit and calm, fortify spleen and stomach. Taxation damage pain in lumbus and legs, bleeding due to external injury, menstrual disorder, prolapse of uterus, vaginal discharge, mental disease, epilepsy, hemiplegia, impotence, dizziness and dim vision. 22507,E|22612,T4414|1596,E;T4414|22609,E|32209,T4414| WAN SHOU JU YE NA Aztec Marigold Leaf Tagetes erecta NA NA leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin. Innominate toxin swelling, gan disease, welling abscess, sore, clove sore. 12015,E|12017,T5887| DA DU HUO 大独活 root of Laxflower Cowparsnip Radix Heraclei maximi Minor Warm,Pungent,Bitter Bladder,Liver NA Treatment of rheumatic arthritis with pain in the lower back and knees, headache due to attack of cold on the Shaoyin Channel characterized by association of headache with precordial pain and cold legs. NA 23279,C0236|23133,M135;C0101|15244,C0409| DANG YAO NA Chinese Swertia* Swertia chinensis NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp and fortify stomach. Medullitis, pharyngolaryngitis, tonsillitis, conjunctivitis, hepatitis, indigestion, dysentery, sore and welling abscess with scab and lichen, poisonous snake bites. 1017,E|20487,E|1020,E|20493,E| YUN NAN CHONG LOU NA Yunnan Manyleaf Paris Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis NA NA rhizome See Paris polyphylla . See Paris polyphylla . 16802,E|17769,E|16800,E|16801,E|6439,E| DU XIAN ZI NA Common Cashew Fruit Anacardium occidentale NA NA fruit To moisten lung and transform phlegm, eliminate vexation and allay thirst. Cough and counterflow, vexation and thirst. 1128,E|15271,E|30592,T3613|31034,T3613|2380,E;T3613|15274,T3613|3190,T3613|8402,E|3188,E| SHA ZAO SHU PI NA Russianolive Bark Elaeagnus angustifolia NA NA bark To clear heat and relieve cough, disinhibit damp and relieve pain, resolve toxin, stanch bleeding. Chronic trachitis, stomachache, enteritis, acute nephritis, chronic nephritis, icterohepatitis, vaginal discharge, burns and scalds, bleeding due to external injury. 14743,E|31681,T5462|14739,E|14740,T5462|5624,E|25922,T5462|32025,T5462|6735,E|6736,T5462|21055,E| PIAN CHI TANG SONG CAO NA Delavay Meadowrue Thalictrum delavayi NA NA root and rhizome To clear heat and dry damp, drain fire and resolve toxin. Damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, jaundice, leukorrhea, wind-fire toothache, red eyes with gall, toxin swelling of sores. 18043,E| CHAO XIANG GAN CHAN CHU 炒香干蟾蜍 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 24237,M90| OU MI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1348,C0551|23264,C0158|11488,C0147| DUO SUI PO BU MU NA Manyspike Cordia* Cordia multispicata NA NA NA NA NA 4044,E|12491,E|4040,E|4041,E|4042,E|4043,E|16487,E|12488,E|12485,E|16347,E|10958,E|22256,E|4039,E|7000,E|12486,E| FU SHEN 茯神 Indian Bread with Pine Poria Mild,Sweet,Neutral Liver,Heart NA NA NA 23487,M255|23745,M255|23224,M255|20430,M255|617,C0403| SU HE XIANG 苏合香 Oriental Sweetgum Resin Liquidambar orientalis Warm,Pungent Spleen,Heart balsam from trunk To open orifices, break foul, relieve pain. Wind stroke with phlegm reversal, sudden clouding collapse, cold pain in chest and abdomen, fright epilepsy, warm disease. 23692,M671|30783,T5706|24365,M671|30468,T5706|3695,E|6979,E|20414,C0490|20401,E|16391,E|22320,E| XIANG YUAN 香掾 Wilson Citron Citrus wilsonii Warm,Pungent,Sour,Slightly Bitter Lung,Spleen,Stomach,Liver fruit See Citrus medica . See Citrus medica . 3773,T6146|3770,E|23127,C0463|24106,M759|15873,E|31731,T6146|23975,M759|13120,E|24225,M759|22904,E|2017,E|23097,C0399| XI BING SHI DA GONG LAO NA Subtriplinerved Mahonia Mahonia gracilipes NA NA root and stem See Mahonia confusa. See Mahonia confusa. 2303,E|16544,E|11848,E| CHANG JI HUANG. NA NA Rheum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 17869,E|17868,E|17863,E|17862,E|17855,E|17867,E|17865,E|17876,E|17877,E|17871,E|17873,E|17881,E|17880,E|17882,E| JIU JIE CHA 九节茶 Glabrous Sarcandra Sarcandra glabra [Syn. Chloranthus glaber] NA NA leaf and branchlet To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and dissipate stasis, clear heat and resolve toxin. Wind-damp impediment pain, numbness in limbs, knocks and falls, fracture, dysmenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, pneumonia, acute appendicitis, bacillary dysentery, cholecystitis, abscess, stomatitis. 20429,T4437|4144,T4437|4143,E|11789,E|7996,T4437|7995,E|30107,T4437|23022,C0258|11426,T4437|11425,E|20428,E|23269,C0230| MIAN TENG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 12017,T4978|31887,T4978| ER CAO 耳草 Auricled Hedyotis Hedyotis auricularia NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and disperse swelling. Common cold with fever, lung heat cough, swelling pain in throat, enteritis, dysentery, bleeding from hemorrhoids, flooding and spotting, poisonous snake bite, mastitis, swelling toxin of welling abscess and boil, eczema, knocks and falls. 3589,M236|23713,M236|2013,E;T3686| DA E JIN SI TAO NA Rose-of-Sharon Hypericum calycinum NA NA NA NA NA 10885,T3405|10880,E| ZI ZHUI HUA 紫锥花 Echinacea Echinacea purpurea NA NA NA Used as a general nonspecific stimulant to the immune system, supporting and stabilizing cellular immunity and cleansing the blood, for the prevention and treatment of infections. There are no known side effects associated with it's use. NA 25048,M1100|23179,M1100|24368,M1100|23125,M1100|23170,M1100|23497,M1100|24711,M1100|23975,M1100|23243,M1100|24477,M1100|23390,M1100|23412,M1100|24457,M1100|24628,M1100|24987,M1100|24434,M1100|23236,M1100| BIN MU JING NA Littoral Chastetree* Vitex littoralis NA NA NA NA NA 11770,E|11778,T3140|22565,E| NIU ER FENG ZI NA Calyx-shaped Daphniphyllum Fruit Daphniphyllum calycinum NA NA fruit To check dysentery. Chronic dysentery. 10165,E|22944,E|7996,T5097|7995,E|22943,E|4639,E| KU LI MU YE NA Retuse Ash Leaf Fraxinus insularis NA NA NA NA NA 11088,T4518|11087,E|11086,E|31318,T4518| JIA MIAN YU YE QIU NA Personator Padritree* Stereospermum personatum NA NA NA NA NA 20319,E|20322,E|20323,E|20320,E|20321,E| HENG II DI ER CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 32041,T4022|5990,T4022|2371,T4022| BI SHI LUO FU MU NA Beddome Devilpepper Rauwolfia beddomei NA NA NA NA NA 19747,E| OU YA QI NA Great Maple Acer pseudoplatanus NA NA NA NA NA 14351,E|31605,T5144| GUANG YE BA DOU NA Nitidleaf Croton Croton oblongifolius [Syn. Croton laevigatus ] NA NA leaf, root To free channels and quicken blood, interrupt malaria. Swelling pain due to external injury, fracture, malaria. 17104,E|4267,E|4268,E|10306,E|10305,E|2618,E|5944,E|12409,E|5943,E|5941,E|14535,E|7155,E|12176,E|12174,E|10284,E|12408,E|226,E|225,E|248,E|7121,E|12418,E|12411,E|12410,E|12412,E|2251,E| ZE XIAN. NA NA Philonotis fontana NA NA plant body To clear heat and resolve toxin. Swelling pain in throat, common cold, cough, swelling welling abscess and sore and boil, burns and scalds. 17133,E|5691,E| NIU XI XI 牛西西 Patience Dock Rumex patientia NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, stanch bleeding and disperse swelling, free stool and kill worms. Blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, red and white vaginal discharge, purpura, dysentery, hepatitis, constipation, inhibited urination, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, scab and lichen, knocks and falls, burns and scalds. 13834,E|3615,E|3619,E|3308,E|23304,T5115|16703,E|16702,E|12396,E|19051,E|30775,T5115|18401,E|18402,T5115|17235,T5115|15480,E|17233,E|16184,E|3544,E|967,E|6778,E|6775,E|6777,E|16159,E|18925,C0452| QING LIANG BAI HE NA Madonna Lily Lilium candidum NA NA NA NA NA 20206,E|3695,E|10723,E|10722,E|10457,E|14086,E|8704,E|16576,E| TING HU 廷胡 root of corydalis Rhizoma Corydalis Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Stomach,Liver,Heart NA NA NA 24428,M701|24827,M701|19967,M701|20430,M701| XIANG ROU GUO NA Edible Casimiroa Casimiroa edulis NA NA NA NA NA 3277,T6132|3275,E|16548,E| WU WEN ZI BEI TAI NA Intermediate Plagiochasma Plagiochasma intermedium NA NA NA NA NA 7425,E|25749,T5971| TAO NA Peach Prunus persica NA NA fruit To engender liquid, moisten intestines, quicken blood, disperse accumulation. Scant fluid and thirst, intestinal dry and constipation, amenorrhea, accumulation-gathering. 17997,T5761|32173,T5761|15061,E;T5761|15060,E;T5761|15468,E|21127,E|17989,E|22201,E|3320,T5761|3318,E|1102,E;T5761|21155,E|15476,T5761| YU CHUANG MU NA Lignum-vitae Guajacum officinale NA NA NA NA NA 25623,T6508|15732,E|9037,E|15736,T6508| SUAN MO YE NA Garden Sorrel Leaf Rumex acetosa NA NA leaf To drain heat, relieve constipation, disinhibit urine, cool liver and stanch bleeding, resolve toxin. Swelling pain in throat, gum hemorrhage, spleen vacuity diarrhea, painful wound from knocks and falls, hemorrhoids. 22504,E|22505,T5721| XIAO YE JU HAO NA Small-leaf Tansy* Tanacetum microphyllum NA NA NA NA NA 12041,E|5986,E|9764,E|3388,E|19297,E| JIU 酒 Ethanol Vinum Warm,Pungent,Sweet,Bitter Lung,Stomach,Liver,Heart NA NA NA 24530,M415|13450,T4434|1104,T4434|7423,T4434|1103,T4434|31749,T4434|7418,T4434|8810,T4434| FEI NI JI CI BAI NA Poienician Juniper Juniperus phoenicea NA NA NA NA NA 11757,E|14487,E|13890,E|10270,E|14488,E|14636,E|14639,E|11962,E|14310,E|14496,E| A GU JI TIAN JIE CAI NA Arguzioid Heliotrope* Heliotropium arguzioides NA NA NA NA NA 9322,T2872|9319,E| BAN JU CHI ZHUANG ZE LAN NA Semiserration Eupatorium* Eupatorium semiserratum NA NA NA NA NA 7589,E|7583,T3047|4738,E|4740,T3047|7580,E|7581,E;C0523;T3047|7582,E;T3047|7590,E;T3047|7591,T3047|30870,T3047| HUANG HUA DI DING 黄花地丁 Diluteyellow Crotalaria Crotalaria albida Cold,Pungent,Bitter Liver,Heart whole herb To drain lung and disperse phlegm, clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, jaundice, dribbling pain of urination, insomnia and vexation, mammary welling abscess, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore. 20688,M365|4243,E|12109,E|23021,T4161| LIU LI CAO NA Ceylon Houndstongue Cynoglossum zeylanicum NA NA root and leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate stasis and stanch bleeding. Swelling welling abscess and sore and boil, flooding and spotting, coughing of blood, painful swelling from knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, poisonous snake bites. 11522,E| HUANG XIN HUA JIAO NA Yellow-heart Pricklyash Zanthoxylum flavum NA NA NA NA NA 15624,T4209|15622,E| XIANG ZI LAN NA Vanilla Vanilla planifolia NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin. Poisonous snake bites. 22320,E|22321,T6151| BEI AI NA Mugwort Artemisia vulgaris NA NA leaf See Artemisia argyi. See Artemisia argyi. 2047,E|22604,E|11258,E|16320,E|20715,T3075|20714,E|15679,E|14006,E|14010,T3075|21334,E|21335,T3075|11739,E|21580,E| QIANG GU FEI YAN CAO NA Consolidated Larkspur* Delphinium consolida NA NA NA NA NA 5003,E|5034,E|13182,E| BO LI ZI HUA JIAO NA Beliz Pricklyash* Zanthoxylum belizense NA NA NA NA NA 3770,E|3096,E| GANG GUO LUO FU MU NA Obscure Devilpepper* Rauwolfia obscura NA NA NA NA NA 1002,E;T3804|18542,E| ZI YU LAN HUA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7522,T6774| GUANG XI E SHU NA Kwangsi Turmeric Curcuma kwangsiensis NA NA rhizome See Curcuma zedoaria. See Curcuma zedoaria. 4397,E| BA XI QIAN LI GUANG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11089,T2949| CU MAO GUO BAI JIAN MU NA Hirsutefruit White Quebracho* Aspidosperma dasycarpon NA NA NA NA NA 20563,T3381|20562,E|1901,E;T3381| MU JIN GEN 木槿根 Radix Hibisci syriaci NA NA NA NA NA NA 11080,C0458| QING TIAN KUI 青天葵 leaf of Ford Nervilia Herba Nerviliae NA NA NA 1. To clear heat and toxic material. For skin infection of intense heat type, sorethroat, summer-heat syndrome with fever and thirst, scrofula. 2. To moisturize the lung to relieve cough. For cough of heat type and dryness type. NA 23239,M1028|24753,M1028|24831,M1028|14804,M1028|23588,M1028| SHAN YAN HU SUO NA Bird-in-a-bush Corydalis bulbosa [Syn. Corydalis solida ] NA NA NA NA NA 2734,E;T5509|15907,E|8512,E|15908,E|8522,T5509| ZAO CAO NA Pulicaria* Pulicaria wightiana NA NA NA NA NA 16729,E|16730,E|16731,E|16732,E|16733,E| JIAN JIAN AO YANG NA Acuminate Aussiepoplar* Homalanthus acuminatus NA NA NA NA NA 17944,E| TANG GU TE DA HUANG NA Tangut Rhubarb Rheum tanguticum NA NA root and rhizome See Rheum officinale. See Rheum officinale. 30999,T5756|21626,E|12874,T5756|3316,T5756|3615,E;T5756|6853,E|12870,E|3619,E|19736,E;T5756|19731,E|30995,T5756|19733,E;T5756|25722,T5756|17282,T5756|16549,T5756|30914,T5756|3308,E|32134,T5756|32135,T5756|17887,T5756|16547,E;T5756|16546,E;T5756|16545,E|21142,E|8096,E|8095,E|8094,E|31801,T5756|30786,T5756|971,E|970,E|17863,E|3315,E|31843,T5756|18752,T5756|23304,T5756|18750,E;T5756|18751,E|18635,E|18633,E|17237,E|25805,T5756|17882,E|11494,T5756|25802,T5756|31802,T5756|8107,E|30777,T5756|32044,T5756|32109,T5756|17236,E|3620,E|17235,T5756|8109,T5756|8108,E|17233,E|5519,T5756|19734,E;T5756|23190,T5756|30996,T5756|30775,T5756|3703,E|5513,E|11493,E|3706,E;T5756|5517,E|6863,E|31912,T5756|30570,T5756|967,E|30947,T5756|6775,E|6776,T5756|6777,E|18747,E;T5756|18746,E|18745,T5756|18744,E;T5756|18743,E;T5756|18742,E;T5756|18741,E|17269,E|18749,E;T5756|18748,E;T5756| GOU JU YE NA Trifoliate-orange Leaf Poncirus trifoliata NA NA leaf To rectify qi and dispel wind, dissipate binds and disperse swelling. Dysphagia-occlusion, wound from knocks and falls, tuberculosis and hemoptysis. Isolated stomach reflux, vomiting, globus hystericus, mounting qi. 18804,T3852|31828,T3852|15626,C0582|9457,C0338|17691,E|1497,E| XIAN ZHUANG WANG DI ZAO. NA NA Dictyota linearis NA NA NA NA NA 505,E|374,E|15383,E| GUANG YE JUE MING NA Nitidleaf Senna* Cassia laevigata [Syn. Cassia floribunda] NA NA root and leaf To clear liver and brighten eyes, free stool. Common cold with fever, liver heat and red eyes, eye screen, constipation. 8053,E| DA HUA JIN WA ER NA Bigflower Carpesium* Carpesium eximum NA NA whole herb or root cortex To cool blood and stanch bleeding, dispel stasis. Bleeding due to external injury, knocks and falls. 3148,T3421|3147,E| NAN FEI CONG SHENG LA JU NA South-Africa Tufted Everlasting* Helichrysum caespititium NA NA NA NA NA 14781,E| YI XING NAN WU WEI ZI NA Curious Kadsura Kadsura heteroclita [Syn. Uvaria heteroclita] NA NA root or lianoid stem To dispel wind and eliminate damp, move qi and relieve pain, soothe sinews and quicken network vessels. Wind-damp impediment pain, stomachache, abdominal pain, dysmenorrhea, postpartum abdominal pain, knocks and falls, chronic pain in lumbus and legs. 9928,E|144,E|145,E|9459,E|19614,E|9465,E|9464,E|9461,E|9460,E|9463,E|9462,E|11991,E|11990,E|13515,E|15411,E|9927,E| CHU SHI 楮实 Papermulberry Fruit Fructus Broussonetiae Cold,Sweet Spleen,Heart NA Treatment of aching and weakness of the loins and knees, consumptive fever, dizziness and blurred visiidn, nebula, edema. NA 24510,M105|23193,C0504| HA DA SHI JI NING NA Hada Mosla* Orthodon hadai NA NA NA NA NA 3232,T3933|3231,E| YOU HE 柚核 Pummelo Seed Citrus grandis NA NA seed To course liver and rectify qi, diffuse lung and suppress cough. Mounting qi, lung cold cough. 15626,C0582|4757,T6501|15873,E|4756,E|31731,T6501| FU LEI SHI DU JUAN HUA NA Pere L F Faurie’s Rhododendron Rhododendron fauriei NA NA NA NA NA 18781,T3768|18779,E| SHUI YANG ZHI YE NA Bitter Willow Branch-leaf Salix purpurea NA NA branchlet-leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin. Chronic dysentery, swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess. 19169,E|3454,E|7284,E| JIU CONG NA Leek Allium porrum NA NA NA NA NA 20195,E|20194,E|19619,E|4295,E|12064,E|12065,E|12202,E| DUA JING GU DANG GUI NA Shortstem Archangelica* Archangelica brevicaulis NA NA root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, relieve pain. Wind-cold-damp impediment, cold pain in lumbus and knees, headache, toothache. 17361,E| XIE YU FENG WEI JUE NA Oblique Pinna Brake Pteris oshimensis NA NA NA NA NA 18138,E|18111,E| WEI GAN JU NA Climbing Hempweed Mikania scandens NA NA NA NA NA 5678,T5902|14843,T5902|14842,E|5677,E| LIN SHENG XUAN SHEN NA Common Figwort Scrophularia nodosa NA NA NA NA NA 30783,T4663|3695,E|6453,E|9238,T4663|6454,T4663|9237,E| YE GAN CAO NA Sweet Broomwort Scoparia dulcis NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit urine and disperse edema. Lung heat cough, summerheat-heat diarrhea, beriberi with general edema, child measles, papules, eczema, prickly heat, laryngitis, erysipelas. 3907,E|11402,E|25322,T6359|3909,T6359|19524,E|19525,T6359|19520,E|19521,E|19522,E|19523,E|7521,E|1477,E|21718,E|7015,E|6620,E|1486,E| ER DUN ZHUANG HUA JIAO NA Twopetaline Pricklyash* Zanthoxylum dipetalum NA NA NA NA NA 3096,E|3103,T3690| CHUAN XIN LIAN YE 穿心莲叶 Powder of green chiretta leaves Folium Andrographitis Cold,Bitter Lung,Large Intestine,Stomach,Small Intestine NA NA NA 1159,M117;C0325| WO ER QI 窝儿七 Chinese Umbrellaleaf Equivalent plant: Diphylleia grayi Diphylleia sinensis NA NA rhizome To dispel wind-damp, clear heat and cool blood, quicken blood and relieve pain, drain precipitation. Rheumatic arthritis, pain in lumbus and legs, steaming bone taxation fever, knocks and falls, menstrual disorder, painful bind in lesser-abdomen, swollen welling abscess. 31822,T5923|17327,E|6491,T5923|17578,E;C0083|5092,E|17580,E|6489,E|1533,E|30623,T5923|25574,T5923|5073,E|25943,T5923|17323,E|17324,T5923|12017,E|4961,E|11589,E| SHAN GENG CAI 山梗菜 Radix seu Herba et Radix Lobeliae sess NA NA NA NA NA NA 12933,C0337| LENG JIAO QIAN LI GUANG NA Angulate Groundsel* Senecio angulatus NA NA NA NA NA 1242,E;T4590| YI SI MEI GUI SHU NA Confusable Ochrosia Ochrosia confusa NA NA NA NA NA 15914,E| XI BO LI YA YUAN ZHI NA Siberian Milkwort Polygala sibirica NA NA root See Polygala tenuifolia . See Polygala tenuifolia . 19850,E;T5990|19851,E;T5990|19852,T5990|25296,T5990|12483,T5990|19842,E|19841,E|19840,E|25295,T5990|25294,T5990|31824,T5990|19849,E;T5990|17617,E|1683,E|1682,E|25293,T5990|12463,E|19848,E;T5990| KE XI JIA SONG NA Corsican Pine Pinus laricio NA NA NA NA NA 7767,E|7768,T4499| XIA YE SHAN HU JIAO NA Narrowleaf Spicebush Lindera angustifolia NA NA root or branch-leaf To dispel wind, eliminate damp, move qi and dissipate cold, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Wind-cold common cold, headache, wind-damp impediment pain, numbness in limbs, dysentery, enteritis, knocks and falls, toxin swelling of sores, urticaria, scrofula. 7396,E| CHI YANG NA Japanese Alder Alnus japonica NA NA bark, tender branchlet-leaf To clear heat and downbear fire, stanch bleeding. Incessant nosebleed, bleeding due to external injury, water diarrhea. 21828,E|21827,E|8788,T3288|12078,E|17534,E|17740,E|8787,E|17533,E|959,E|958,E|19297,E|5828,E|4929,E|20374,T3288|1110,E|1113,E|16165,E|16164,E|9549,E|19595,E|19594,E|14481,E|23764,T3288|19196,E|9218,E|23232,T3288|7444,E|964,E|965,E|960,E|961,E|963,E|13090,E|13091,T3288|9550,E|20373,E|18396,E| DUAN XIAO SHE GEN CAO NA Dwarf Ophiorrhiza Ophiorrhiza pumila NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin. Common cold with fever, cough, swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, poisonous snake bites. 18185,E| GAO ZE LAN NA Tall Eupatorium Eupatorium altissimum NA NA NA NA NA 18832,E|7591,T3838|18833,T3838|7590,E| SHI YE GAN SONG NA Spoonleaf Nardostachys Nardostachys jatamansi NA NA root and rhizome See Nardostachys chinensis . See Nardostachys chinensis . 16695,E|16699,E|11832,E|11830,E|11831,E|13276,E|19777,E|16722,T5603|19778,E| CI HUANG LIAN 刺黄连 Radix et Caulis Mahonae flavidae NA NA NA NA NA NA 2303,C0391|16544,C0098| WU DANG MU LAN NA Sprenger Magnolia Magnolia sprengeri NA NA flower bud See Magnolia liliflora. See Magnolia liliflora. 13386,E|2858,E|13366,E|13367,T5931| SHI JIAO CAO NA Sessile-fruit Chinaure Boenninghausenia sessilicarpa NA NA whole herb To course wind and resolve exterior, clear heat and resolve toxin, move qi and quicken blood. Common cold, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, nephropyelitis, stomachache and abdominal distention, thromboangiitis obliterans, lumbago, knocks and falls. 2531,E|11862,E|19789,E|6299,E|2342,E| GUA YE WU TOU NA Hemsley Monkshood Equivalent plant: Aconitum hemsleyanium var circinacum Aconitum hemsleyanum NA NA tuberoid To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and relieve pain. Painful joints due to rheumatalgia, pain in lumbus and legs, knocks and falls, innominate toxin swelling, lichen sore. 22922,E|9355,E|11010,E|3483,E|2738,E|19092,E|6914,E|19687,E|366,E|20634,E|4791,E|18002,E| SHAN NAI 山柰 Galanga Resurrectionlily Kaempferia galanga Warm,Pungent Stomach rhizome To warm center and move qi , disperse food, relieve pain. Distention fullness in chest and diaphragm, cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, non-digestion of food accumulation. 15928,E|14383,T5492|14053,E|14091,T5492|17042,E|17122,E|7459,E|12015,T5492|12017,E;M622|12012,E|7430,T5492|21937,E|7473,E|21956,E|31574,T5492|30743,T5492|9087,E|25574,T5492|14089,E|2550,E;T5492|13880,T5492|3194,E|25745,T5492|7429,E| BAI JIAO XIANG 白胶香 Beautiful Sweetgum Resin Resina Liquidambaris Mild,Pungent,Bitter NA NA Treatment of traumatic injuries, swelling and pain of carbuncle and boil, spitting of blood, epistaxis and traumatic hemorrhage. NA 23301,C0219|23692,M26| XI XIAO CHANG CHUN HUA NA Slender Periwinkle* Catharanthus pusillus NA NA NA NA NA 31426,T6038|22482,E|22483,T6038|12728,E| GE LI FEI SI TENG HUANG NA Griffith Garcinia* Garcinia griffithii NA NA NA NA NA 9090,E| PAO DAN GUO NA Calabash-tree Crescentia cujete NA NA NA NA NA 31403,T5175|12221,E| JU HONG ZHU 橘红珠 Fructus Citri grandis NA NA NA NA NA NA 3760,C0191|15626,C0582| KUAN YE QIANG HUO 宽叶羌活 Forbes Notopterygium Notopterygium forbesii [Syn. Notopterygium franchetii] NA NA rhizome or root See Notopterygium incisum. See Notopterygium incisum. 31444,T4547|15146,T4547|19084,E|30325,T4547|25207,T4547|5079,E|17041,E|28770,T4547|9513,T4547|3045,E|3046,T4547|2308,E|3237,E|15964,T4547|26058,T4547|20974,E|25205,T4547|9406,E|9407,T4547|11460,T4547|15638,E|15639,T4547|25348,T4547|17362,E|30742,T4547|25306,T4547|3937,T4547|3936,E|15636,E|4549,E|15138,E|23412,T4547|15835,T4547|23545,T4547|31714,T4547|31812,T4547|5080,T4547|20976,E|3195,E|15963,E|9511,E;C0115|11459,E|15834,E|17363,E|12837,E|19672,E|20979,E| HUAI HUA 槐花 flower bud of Japanese pagodatree flos Sophorae Minor cold,Bitter Large Intestine,Liver NA Treatment of hematochezia, hemorrhoidal bleeding, dysentery with bloody stools, abnormal uterine bleeding, spitting of blood, epistaxis, redness of the eyes, headache and dizziness due to excess fire in the liver. 1. Its component rutin decreases capillay permeability. 2. Lowering blood pressure transiently in anesthetized dog. 3. Inhibiting the growth of various dermatomyces. 19072,M359;C0514|2331,M359|20067,M359|12017,M359;C0453|8277,M359;C0249|23303,M359;C0471| JIA DAN BAO JUN YANG HUAI NA Pseudomonas Locust* Robinia pseudomonas NA NA NA NA NA 18844,E|18847,T4298| CUI MIAN SHUI QIE NA Somniferous Withania Withania somnifera NA NA NA NA NA 14223,E|22696,E|17223,E|22686,E|22684,E|22682,E|22689,E|22688,E|7209,E|10586,E|3859,E|21132,E|16777,E|22690,E|22691,E|22692,E|22693,E|22694,E|22695,E|7128,E|22697,E|22698,E|7127,E|5739,E|5738,E|7081,E|7210,E|7211,E|7212,E|10827,E|5878,E|5879,E|13174,E| XI MA LA YA YUAN ZHI NA Himalayan Milkwort* Polygala emodi NA NA NA NA NA 5073,E|5078,T6015| YE XIANG GE MU NA Fragrant Erythrophleum Erythrophleum suaveolens NA NA NA NA NA 7367,T6391|3277,E|25763,T6391|7342,E|7341,E|3278,T6391| WU JIU YE NA Chinese Tallowtree Leaf Sapium sebiferum NA NA leaf To drain precipitation and expel water, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling, resolve toxin and kill worms. Swollen welling abscess and clove sores, sore and scab, foot lichen, eczema, snake bite, vaginitis. 8094,E|30995,T5950| JIA ZHOU SHAN SONG NA Californian Mountain Pine Pinus monticola NA NA NA NA NA 3602,T4326|3600,E| SHU WEI CAO 鼠尾草 Herba Salviae japoniae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23205,C0254| MAO GUO DI JIN NA Groundfig Spurge Euphorbia chamaesyce NA NA NA NA NA 16351,E| BAN HUA WU TOU NA Manchurian Monkshood Aconitum variegatum NA NA NA NA NA 7446,E|22377,E|20634,E|22375,E|22374,E|9894,E|396,E|7414,E|4866,E|22332,E|25223,T3045| TONG CAO 通草 puth of Ricepaperplant Medulla Tetrapanacis Minor cold,Sweet,Neutral Lung,Stomach NA Treatment of dysuria with difficult painful urination, edema and oliguria, lack of milk secretion. NA 11080,M705;C0458| BEI WU WEI 北五味 fruit of Chinese Nmagnoliavine Fructus Schiandrae Warm,Sweet,Sour Lung,Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of chronic cough and asthma, nocturnal emission, spermatorrhea, enuresis, frequent urination, protracted diarrhea, spontaneous sweating, night sweating, impairment of body fluid with thirst, shortness of breath and feeble pulse, diabetes caused by internal heat, palpitation and insomnia. 1. Its decoction exerts bacteriostatic effect on Pseudomonas aeruginosa (1:128), Staphylococcus aureus (1:64), Flexner's bacillus (1:32) and typhoid bacillus (1:8) in vitro.2. Schizandrin, one of its active components, can protect the liver from damage.3. Enhancing lymphocyte-blastogenesis rate.4. Cardiotonic and sedative. 24380,M52| MAO ZHI JUAN BAI NA Braun’s Spikemoss Selaginella braunii NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, relieve cough. Jaundice, dysentery, lung heat cough, burns and scalds. 8400,E|1030,E|4375,E| WEI ER SHI LV RONG HAO NA Welsh Poppy Meconopsis cambrica NA NA NA NA NA 8523,E|13624,E|7979,E|13623,E| WAN SHENG BAI WEI NA Versicolorous Mosquitotrap Cynanchum versicolor NA NA root See Tylophora ovata . See Tylophora ovata . 15379,E| SONG LIU YOU 松馏油 Pine Tar Pix Pini NA NA NA NA NA 23165,M170| YA ZHOU DU HUO NA Asian Cowparsnip* Heracleum lanatum var. asiaticum NA NA NA NA NA 22759,E|22761,T6288| GOU SHE CAO NA Kirilow Groundsel Herb Tephroseris kirilowii [Syn. Senecio integrifolius var. fauriei] NA NA herb To clear heat, disinhibit water, kill worms. Nephritis with edema, open pus sore of lung, swollen boil, scab sore. 17535,T3860|17532,E| TONG TUO MU HUA SHANG FEN 通脱木花上粉 pollen Tetrapanacis papyriferis NA NA NA NA NA NA 11080,C0458| DA FENG ZI REN 大枫子仁 Chaulmoogra seed Semen Chaulmoograe Hot,Pungent Spleen,Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of leprosy, both internal and external use, external use for scabies, tinea and syphilitic skin lesion. Chaulmoogric oil inhibits the growth of Bacillus tuberculosis and other acid-fast bacillus in vitro, its effect is as 100 times as that of phenol. 23339,M136|20353,M136|15651,M136| XI XIAN 希莶 Common St Paulswort Equivalent plant: Siegesbeckia orientalis var pubescens, Siegesbeckia orientalis var glabrescens Siegesbeckia orientalis Cold,Bitter Spleen,Liver aerial parts To dispel wind-damp, free channels and network vessels, clear heat and resolve toxin. Wind-damp impediment pain, lassitude in lumbus and knees, hemiplegia, hypertension, malaria, jaundice, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, wind papules, damp sore, animal and insect bites. 4080,T6036|7214,E|21133,E|7215,E|19861,E|9754,E|20353,E|19860,E|16192,T6036|24237,M745|11622,T6036|11620,E|10919,E|18164,E|18163,E|18162,E|18161,E|25291,T6036|2852,E|21134,E|30704,T6036|445,E|25290,T6036|16309,E|20265,T6036|16185,E|16424,E|16425,E|19863,E|19864,E|16423,E|5954,E|4660,E|4661,E|25895,T6036|20026,T6036|12226,E|10920,E|16176,E|16177,E|23887,T6036|16178,E| XI YE SHI NA Fine-leaved Yarrow Achillea leptophylla NA NA NA NA NA 20489,E|20492,T6054| BO HE 薄荷 Wild Mint Mentha haplocalyx Cool,Pungent Lung,Liver dried aerial parts To dissipate wind-heat, clear head and eyes, disinhibit pharynx and larynx, outthrust papules, resolve depression. Chronic urticaria, infection of upper respiratory tract, sarcoma, wind-heat exterior syndrome, headache and red eyes, swelling pain in throat, non-eruption of measles, dormant papules with pruritus, liver depression and rib-side pain, abdominal distention. 31444,T3151|11530,E;M65|24197,M65|23653,M65|23880,M65|12837,E|23184,M65|139,E;T3151|3045,E;M65|3046,T3151|13773,T3151|13772,E;M65;T3151|2887,E|23913,M65|23178,M65|24777,M65|24295,M65|17443,M65|17442,M65|2444,E|2445,E|24805,M65|4549,M65|15138,M65|25105,M65|23561,M65|23545,M65;T3151|24201,M65|13768,E;T3151|13769,E;M65;C0123;T3151|11531,T3151|13767,E;M65;C0347|12415,E|23381,T3151|9514,E|17362,E|15968,M65|18911,T3151|23069,M65;C0314| XI YE DA JI NA Narrowleaf Euphorbia Euphorbia esula var. cyparissoides NA NA whole herb To resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Swelling of sores. 14346,T6047|14345,E|7614,T6047|23764,T6047|7610,E|25653,T6047|1113,E|8785,E| CHA ZI 茶子 Tea Seed Camellia sinensis [Syn. Thea sinensis] NA NA seed To downbear fire, transform phlegm and calm asthma. Phlegm-heat cough, ringing in head. 2892,C0420|21273,E|21272,E|21271,E|21270,E|21268,E|21269,E|21265,E|21266,T3213|21267,E| QIN LING BAI LA SHU NA Pax Ash Fraxinus paxiana NA NA bark See Fraxinus rhynchophylla . See Fraxinus rhynchophylla . 664,E|663,E|7943,E| XIE KE NA Mitten Crab Chelae Eriocheir sinensis NA NA shell To stanch bleeding and dissipate stasis, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Blood amassment yellowing, blood stasis, flooding and spotting, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, galloping gan of teeth and gum, poisonous insect stings. 402,E;T6202| XIAO XUE REN SHEN NA Woolly Lespedeza Lespedeza tomentosa NA NA root To fortify spleen and supplement vacuity, clear heat and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and regulate menstruation. Vacuity taxation, dizziness due to anemia, edema, ascites, dysentery, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea. 21618,E|24248,T6185| DUAN HUA ZHU SHI DOU NA Shortflower Crotalaria* Crotalaria breviflora NA NA NA NA NA 11089,T3619|11088,E| BAN ZHI LIAN 半枝莲 Barbed Skullcap Scutellaria barbata [Syn. Scutellaria rivularis] Cold,Pungent,Slightly Bitter Lung,Liver,Kidney whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, stanch bleeding and dissipate stasis, disinhibit urine and disperse edema. Heat toxin swollen welling abscess, throat pain, pulmonary welling abscess, intestinal welling abscess, scrofula, poisonous snake bite, knocks and falls, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, blood strangury, edema, ascites, carcinoma. 19573,T3057|23207,C0216|9830,E|19569,T3057|3223,E;M45|22704,T3057|22702,E|18838,E|19567,E;M45;C0065|10027,E|23706,M45|10828,E|19572,E;M45;C0064| GAO CHU NA High Ailanthus* Ailanthus excelsa NA NA NA NA NA 777,E;T3809|8512,T3809|8508,E|13858,E|5611,E|18286,E|18287,E| NAN CHUAN LU SI CAO NA S Sichuan Egretgrass Diuranthera inarticulata NA NA NA NA NA 6525,E|6526,E| TI QIN ZHUANG SHAN NAI NA Fiddle-leaf Resurrectionlily* Kaempferia pandurata NA NA NA NA NA 16591,E| DONG BEI TIAN NAN XING NA Amur Jackinthepulpit Arisaema amurense NA NA tuber See Arisaema consanguineum. See Arisaema consanguineum . 3422,T3572|3420,E;T3572|19967,E|3419,E| WA BU BEI MU NA Wabu Fritillary* Fritillaria wabuensia NA NA NA NA NA 11768,E| HU BEI SHAN ZHA NA Hupeh Hawthorn Crataegus hupehensis NA NA NA NA NA 19072,E|10886,E|22254,E|22565,E| HONG CHAI HU 红柴胡 Red Thorowax Bupleurum scorzonerifolium NA NA root See Bupleurum chinense. See Bupleurum chinense. 19548,E|19549,E|19500,E|19124,E|30326,T4027|3531,E|9499,E|6740,E|4030,T4027|12601,T4027|3045,E|25370,T4027|4029,E|20977,E|3451,E|15323,E|28376,T4027|5542,E|19135,T4027|19133,E;T4027|19132,E|11467,E|7730,T4027|503,E|7518,E|21174,E|23079,C0074|16205,E|19550,E|31122,T4027|12599,E|501,E|22702,E|19147,E|3046,T4027|32005,T4027|11315,E|9668,E|16693,E|25206,T4027|19145,E|12102,E|6744,T4027|19152,E|19122,E|19123,E|15696,E|19127,E|7728,E|20973,E|19148,E|19149,E|1763,E;T4027|19144,E|7749,E|30451,T4027|10828,E|20978,E| YU ZHUANG YUN XIANG NA Pinnate Rue* Ruta pinnata NA NA NA NA NA 30701,T6537|11246,E|2833,E|9451,E| KU YE DAO HUANG BAI NA Sachaline Corktree* Phellodendron sachalinense NA NA NA NA NA 17064,E| ROU JIN HE HUAN NA Black Wattle Acacia mollissima NA NA NA NA NA 14891,E| DONG BEI HE SHI NA European Stickseed Lappula echinata NA NA fruit To expel worms. Ascariasis, taeniasis, oxyuria disease. 618,E|14076,E|4184,E|4187,T3568| SUI ZHUANG BAI JIN HUA NA Spicate Centaurium* Centaurium spicatum NA NA NA NA NA 18387,E|18386,E|18385,E|18388,E| JIAO GU LAN NA Fiveleaf Gynostemma Gynostemma pentaphyllum NA NA whole herb To clear heat, supplement vacuity, resolve toxin, lower blood sugar levels, protect hepatic function. Vacuity and hypodynamia, septicemia, hyperlipemia, viral hepatitis, chronic gastroenteritis, chronic trachitis. 8426,E|8424,E|8422,E|21075,E|9168,E;T4368|9169,E|21086,E|21087,E|9164,E;T4368|9165,E;T4368|9166,E;T4368|9167,E;T4368|9160,E;T4368|9161,E;T4368|9162,E;T4368|9163,E;T4368|31615,T4368|31616,T4368|21076,E|21402,T4368|31047,T4368|31046,T4368|31049,T4368|31048,T4368|25597,T4368|30354,T4368|9179,E;T4368|9178,E;T4368|9177,E;T4368|9176,E;T4368|9175,E;T4368|9174,E;T4368|9173,E;T4368|9172,E;T4368|9171,E;T4368|9170,E;T4368|31052,T4368|31053,T4368|4486,E|31051,T4368|31054,T4368|25748,T4368|21085,E|21088,E|9148,E;T4368|9149,E;T4368|27430,T4368|9142,E;T4368|9143,E;T4368|9140,E;T4368|9141,E;T4368|9146,E;T4368|9147,E;T4368|9144,E;T4368|9145,E|19072,E|19075,T4368|31050,T4368|520,E|521,E|522,E|25595,T4368|25599,T4368|9155,E;T4368|9154,E;T4368|9157,E;T4368|9156,E|9151,E;T4368|9150,E;T4368|9153,E;T4368|9152,E;T4368|9159,E;T4368|9158,E;T4368|13439,E|16082,E|16083,E|13432,E|13433,T4368|13436,E|13437,E|31485,T4368|31486,T4368|31488,T4368|25602,T4368|7426,E|25600,T4368|25601,T4368|25607,T4368|25605,T4368|25608,T4368|25609,T4368|9123,E|9124,E;T4368|9125,E|9126,E;T4368|9127,E;T4368|9128,E|9129,E;T4368|25594,T4368|21686,E|21684,E|21685,E|21727,E|9133,E;T4368|9132,E;T4368|9131,E;T4368|9130,E;T4368|9137,E;T4368|9136,E;T4368|9135,E;T4368|9134,E;T4368|9139,E;T4368|9138,E;T4368|16422,E|16417,E|9182,T4368|16582,E|9180,E;T4368|9181,E;T4368|25603,T4368|25716,T4368|25712,T4368|9957,E|16096,T4368|9119,E|9118,E|9115,E|9114,E|9117,E|9116,E|14408,E|14409,E|25596,T4368|6330,E|6331,T4368| GU TING HUA ZA JIAO ZHONG NA Jersey Lily Hybrid Amaryllis belladonna [hybrida] NA NA NA NA NA 2219,E;T3874| MEI LI MA ZUI MU NA Taiwan Pieris* Pieris formosa NA NA NA NA NA 17343,E|17342,E|17340,E|17339,E|17341,E| CI MAN SHE TENG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3368,T3362|3371,T3362|31132,T3362| BEI ZI JIN NA Siberian Corydalis Corydalis sibirica NA NA NA NA NA 4059,T3102|15908,E|4058,E| DA HUA JIAN MU NA Bigflower Pencilwood* Dysoxylum macranthum NA NA NA NA NA 6654,E|6648,E|6649,E|6644,E|6645,E|6646,E|6647,E|6653,E|6652,E|6651,E|6650,E| SA LI LA WO JU NA Sariola Lettuce* Lactuca sariola NA NA NA NA NA 12442,T5395|12441,E| DA MA DOU LING 大马兜铃 Maxima Dutchmanspipe* Aristolochia maxima NA NA fruit See Aristolochia debilis. See Aristolochia debilis. 12746,T3437|12743,E;C0234| CHANG YE SHUI MA NA Longleaf Debregeasia Debregeasia longifolia NA NA stem-leaf To dispel wind and relieve cough, clear heat and disinhibit damp. Wind damage and common cold, cough, heat inpediment, cystitis, innominate toxin swelling, toothache. 8094,E| YUAN CHI KU MU NA Crenate Quassiawood* Picrasma crenata NA NA NA NA NA 3171,T6543|3158,E|3096,E|3103,T6543| MU GUA ZHI 木瓜枝 Ramulus et Folium Chaenomelis speciosa NA NA NA NA NA NA 23110,C0515|23062,C0255| CHANG BING QI YE SHU NA Assam Horsechestnut Aesculus assamica NA NA NA NA NA 1913,E|1914,E| DONG BEI YUN HU SUO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4889,T3573|25496,T3573|8522,T3573| ZHE GU CAI 鹧鸪菜 Leprieur Caloglossa Frond Caloglossa leprieurii NA NA frond To expel roundworm. Ascariasis. 23082,C0459|3586,T6646|936,E|31393,T6646|3585,E| CU MAO YIN YANG HUO NA Acuminatum Epimedium Epimedium acuminatum NA NA aerial parts See Epimedium brevicornum . See Epimedium brevicornum. 6961,T3384|6960,E|593,E|6491,E|10962,T3384|10961,E;T3384|6492,E|25793,T3384|1273,E;T3384|1275,E|2139,E;T3384|21573,E|27458,T3384|30608,T3384|5256,E|25818,T3384|27388,T3384| XI XIAO LUO ZAO. NA NA Euglena gracilis NA NA NA NA NA 21030,E| GE QIAO 蛤壳 Clam Shell Concha Meretricis seu Cyclinae Cold,Bitter,Salty Lung,Stomach NA Treatment of cough, chest pain and bloody sputum caused by heat in the lung, scrofula, goitre, epigastric pain associated with acid regurgitation, external use for eczema and scalds. NA 23323,M274|25060,M274|23378,M274| JIAO GAN PI NA Tankan Citrus Pericarp Citrus tankan NA NA pericarp See Citrus chachiensis. See Citrus chachiensis. 15626,E|9457,E|31093,T4367|15628,T4367| XIN JIANG LAN CI TOU NA Sinkiang Globethistle Echinops ritro NA NA root See Rhaponticum uniflorum . See Rhaponticum uniflorum . 4684,T6213|19967,E|4679,E|23232,T6213|4127,T6213|4126,E|23105,T6213|1111,E|1110,E|29509,T6213|6691,E;T6213|6690,E;T6213|6697,T6213| GU SUI BU MAO 骨碎补毛 Drynaria fortunei (Kunze) J. Sm NA NA NA NA NA NA 15271,C0411|9457,C0338| ZI DING XIANG MO NA Murasakishimeji (in Japanese) Lepista nuda NA NA sporocarp To dispel damp and fortify spleen. Leg qi . 6899,E|7250,E| BAO SHAN WU TOU NA Paoshan Monkshood Aconitum bullatifolium var. homotrichum [Syn. Aconitum nagarum ] NA NA tuberoid To dispel wind and overcome damp, free network vessels and relieve pain. Wind-cold-damp impediment, headache. 2737,E;T3070|551,E;T3070|2738,E;T3070|2739,E;T3070|2741,T3070|2740,E|10874,E| BI SHI DUI XIN JU NA Bigelov Sneezeweed* Helenium bigelovii NA NA NA NA NA 11731,E|11732,T3113| TAI WAN YUN SHAN NA Taiwan Spruce Picea morrisonicola NA NA NA NA NA 17261,E|271,E|17263,E|17262,E|16296,E| SHUI TUAN HUA NA Pilular Adina Adina pilulifera [Syn. Cephalanthus pilulifera ] NA NA whole herb, or flower and fruit To clear heat and disinhibit damp, disperse stasis and settle pain, engender flesh and stanch bleeding. Dysentery, enteritis, edema, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, eczema, foot rot, enduring sores, bleeding due to external injury. 23887,T5659|3682,T5659|14971,E|14973,T5659|20353,E|31896,T5659|3676,E|18412,E| SI JING JIE BA DOU NA Nepeta-like Croton* Croton nepetaefolius NA NA NA NA NA 7522,E|6744,E|6745,T5681|7523,T5681| DA GUO TAO JIN NIANG NA Bigfruit Rosemyrtle* Rhodomyrtus macrocarpa NA NA NA NA NA 18800,T3412|18799,E| XIAO BA JIAO LIAN NA Dwarf Many-flowered May-apple Dysosma difformis NA NA root and rhizome To transform phlegm and dissipate binds, dispel stasis and relieve pain, clear heat and resolve toxin. Swelling pain in throat, swollen welling abscess, clove sore, pneumonia, parotitis, poisonous snake bite, scrofula, knocks and falls. 5073,E|5092,E|17578,E| DA HUA JU NA Large-flowered Dendranthema* Dendranthema grandiflorum NA NA NA NA NA 5593,E|13124,E|13125,E|13122,E|13123,E|13121,E| OU ZHOU LI NA Spanish Chestnut Castanea sativa NA NA NA NA NA 9201,E| JIN YING YE 金樱叶 Cherokee Rose Leaf Rosa laevigata NA NA leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and stanch bleeding, check discharge. swollen welling abscess and clove sores, scalds, dysentery, amenorrhea, flooding and spotting, vaginal discharge, bleeding from wounds. 17736,E|23234,C0368| NAN SHE TENG ZHUANG SHAN CHENG NA Celastrus Melodinus* Melodinus celastroides NA NA NA NA NA 22483,E|32201,T5055| ZHANG NAO 樟脑 Camphorar Camphora Hot,Pungent Spleen,Heart NA For coma of sthenic type, especially those due to affection of filthy and turbid substance. External use for scabies, tinea, skin infection, prurigo, trauma, toothache; oral use for vomiting and diarrhea of cold-dampness type, chest pain, abdominal pain of stomach-cold origin, dyspepsia with abdominal distending pain. 1. Local application to the skin exerts a mild local anesthetic effect. 2. Oral use in small amount produces a feeling of warmth and comfort in the stomach, while in large dose causes irritating and leads to nausea and vomiting. 3. Stimulating the central nervous system, and also non-selectively the respiration. Large dose may cause convulsion. 23996,M836|24956,M836|24047,M836|3048,M836|24899,M836|3045,M836|23421,M836|24049,M836|23698,M836|2222,M836|23114,M836;C0038|24617,M836|23545,M836|23299,M836|7733,M836|23119,M836|23880,M836|23412,M836|20414,M836;C0490|25125,M836|2550,M836|24382,M836|24661,M836|1186,C0041|25085,M836|7520,M836| XING ZI 杏子 Apricot Prunus armeniaca NA NA fruit To moisten lung and settle asthma, engender liquid and allay thirst. Lung heat dry cough, fluid damage and thirst. 3761,E|7092,T6228|22599,E|7071,E|9522,E|14179,E|15961,E|15962,T6228|8310,T6228|31102,T6228|30089,T6228|23090,C0492|17076,E| HEI M AN NA Regel Threewingnut Tripterygium regelii NA NA whole herb or root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, disinhibit water and disperse edema, resolve toxin and kill worms. Rheumatoid arthritis, jaundice, glomus accumulation, knocks and falls, scrofula, toxin swelling of sores, tinea capitis, itchy skin, poisonous snake bite. 10898,E|3368,E|18563,E|18562,E|18561,E|18567,E|18566,E|18565,E|18564,E|18568,E|27,E|16234,E| GUANG LIANG YUAN ZHI NA Shining Milkwort* Polygala nitida NA NA NA NA NA 18594,E|18595,E| BIAN PING JU NA Depressed Orange Citrus depressa NA NA NA NA NA 17815,E| TING HU SUO 廷胡索 root of corydalis Rhizoma Corydalis Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Stomach,Liver,Heart NA For stagnation of vital energy or blood stasis resulting in headache, chest pain, hypochondriac pain, epigastric pain, abdominal pain, backache, arthralgia, dysmenorrhea or trauma. Recently, alos used for angina pectoris, peptic ulcer and neuralgia. 1. Its components d-corydaline and d1-tetrahydropalmatine are analgesics.2. Decreasing the secretion of gastric juice and the amount of pepsin. 23558,M702|24048,M702| SHUI YANG ZHI YE NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 19171,T5668|3457,T5668|30953,T5668| BAI RI CAO NA Youth-and-old-age Zinnia elegans NA NA whole herb To clear heat, disinhibit damp, resolve toxin. Damp-heat dysentery, strangury syndrome, mammary welling abscess, swollen boil. 1492,E|1124,E| JI SHI HONG JING TIAN NA Algid Rhodiola* Rhodiola algida NA NA NA NA NA 18777,E| ZHEN YE TENG HUANG NA Realleaf Garcinia* Garcinia eugenifolia NA NA NA NA NA 6010,E|8308,T6653| ZANG SAN QI NA Tibet Ginseng Panax pseudo -ginseng NA NA tuberoid To transform stasis and stanch bleeding, disperse swelling and settle pain. Blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, blood dysentery, flooding, postpartum persistent flow of lochia, knocks and falls. 8815,E|21855,T6605| SHAN FENG GUO NA Mountainous Garcinia Garcinia hombroniana NA NA NA NA NA 14773,E|10127,E|10571,E|14296,E| BANG YE JUE ZAO NA Howe Caulerpa sertularioides NA NA NA NA NA 19762,T3060|19761,E| MEI GUO BO HE NA Oswegotea Monarda didyma NA NA NA NA NA 31701,T4900|14906,E| YUAN CAN SHA NA Silkworm Feculae Bombyx mori NA NA silkworm dried feces To dispel wind and eliminate damp, harmonize stomach and transform turbidity, quicken blood and free menstruation. Wind-damp impediment pain, paralysis, wind papule itching, vomiting and diarrhea with cramp, amenorrhea, flooding and spotting. 7251,T6541|11029,E|31938,T6541|7249,E|13091,E|17255,T6541|19971,E|9466,T6541|17251,E|17126,E|17127,E|13093,T6541| BING YE SUO LUO. NA NA Yathea podophylla NA NA NA NA NA 6611,E|10120,E|19963,E| A LI HONG NA Fomes Officinalis Sporocarp Fomes officinalis NA NA sporocarp To relieve cough and calm asthma, dispel wind and eliminate damp, disperse swelling and relieve pain, disinhibit urine, resolve snake toxin. Cough, asthma, chronic rheumatic arthritis, swelling pain in throat, stomachache, urethral stone, periodontitis, edema, poisonous snake bite. 12483,E|7856,E|7857,E|7855,E|7858,E|20465,T2875|20464,E|20467,E|4909,E|4908,E|16003,E|30933,T2875|7249,E;T2875|25948,T2875|31286,T2875|7246,E|6675,E;T2875|6674,E;T2875|6676,T2875|6671,E|6673,E|6672,E;T2875|25259,T2875|20221,E|7251,T2875|4913,T2875| CHANG YE CHANG CHUN HUA NA Longleaf Periwinkle* Catharanthus longifolius NA NA NA NA NA 22483,E;T3252|31426,T3252|22482,E|32201,T3252|3321,E|3322,T3252|12728,E| HUA YE CAI NA Cauliflower Brassica oleracea var. botrytis NA NA NA NA NA 8597,E|8598,T4135|8590,E|8591,T4135| HEI HUA YAN MING CAO NA Blackflawer Rabdosia* Isodon trichocarpus NA NA NA NA NA 11379,E|15643,E| ZHONG JIAN JIN JI ER NA Intermediate Peashrub Caragana intermedia NA NA whole herb To enrich yin and supplement blood, quicken blood. Menstrual disorder [= menoxenia]. 21965,E|7504,E|7505,E|7506,E|10108,E|7503,E|21715,E|6908,E| OU YA GAN CAO NA Typical Licorice* Glycyrrhiza glabra var. typica NA NA NA NA NA 17035,E|10148,E|9563,T5143|28770,T5143|13935,T5143|13934,E|9557,E|31196,T5143| SHA SHEN 沙参 Glehnia root Radix Glehniae Minor cold,Sweet Lung,Stomach NA Treatment of: 1. Deficient yin of the lungs with heat manifested as dry cough or cough with scanty sputum, hoarse voice from a chronic cough, dry throat and thirst. Glehnia root (Shashen) is used with Ophiopogon root (Maidong) and Tendrilled fritillary bulb (Chuanbeimu). 2. Body fluids consumed by febrile diseases manifested as dry tongue and poor appetite. Glehnia root (Shashen) is used with Ophiopogon root (Maidong), Fresh rehmannia root (Shengdihuang) and Fragrant solomonseal rhizome (Yuzhu) in the formula Yiwei Tang. NA 18072,M615;C0467| GAN CAO TOU 甘草头 Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae uralensis NA NA NA NA NA NA 19072,C0514|23092,C0474|23139,C0320|12907,C0131|23172,C0270|23251,C0267|23166,C0472|23259,C0120|7882,C0340|23291,C0473|15516,C0113| MA ZHUANG QIE NA Abutilon Nightshade* Solanum abutiloides NA NA NA NA NA 39,E|38,E|48,E|46,E|47,E|44,E|45,E|42,E|43,E|40,E|41,E| CHUAN XING WU TOU 船形乌头 all-grass of Scaphoidhelmet monkshood herba aconiti navicularis Cool,Bitter NA NA NA NA 1964,M118|23981,M118|24392,M118| ZHU YE JIAO GEN NA Bambooleaf Pricklyash Root Zanthoxylum planispinum NA NA root To dispel wind and quicken blood, dissipate cold and relieve pain. Common cold with headache, cough, vomiting and diarrhea, pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, knocks and falls, toothache. 7705,T6713|7702,E|17490,E|5444,E|19987,T6713|5457,T6713|22755,E|22756,T6713| HAI PIAO XIAO 海螵蛸 Cuttlebone Os Sepiellae seu Sepiae Warm,Salty,Punkery Liver NA Treatment of peptic ulcer with hyperacidity, spitting of blood, epistaxis, abnormal uterine bleeding, hematochezia, seminal emission, spermatorrhea, morbid leukorrhea, gastric pain with acid regurgitation, external use for traumatic bleeding and wound with purulent discharge. As an antacid, hemostatic and astringent. 23469,M311|25163,M311|23957,M311| GOU JU ZHI SHI NA Trifoliate-orange Young Fruit Poncirus trifoliata NA NA young fruit See Citrus aurantium. See Citrus aurantium. 14788,E|31693,T3854|17690,E|15279,T3854|15278,E|9419,E|25426,T3854|15396,E| ZHE BEI MU 浙贝母 Thunberg Fritillary Fritillaria verticillata var. thunbergii [Syn. Fritillaria thunbergii ] Cold,Bitter Lung,Heart bulb To clear heat and resolve phlegm, dissipate binds and disperse swelling. Chronic bronchitis, infection of upper respiratory tract, tuberculosis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, externally contracted wind-heat, phlegm fire cough, pulmonary welling abscess, mammary welling abscess, scrofula, sore toxin, depression in heart-chest. 13977,E|16764,T6644|16763,E;T6644|3945,E|3946,E|7956,E|9220,E|26070,T6644|22979,E|22978,E|7156,E|6660,E|7154,E|11241,E|27383,T6644|1963,E|12177,E|24596,M178|16769,T6644|2110,E|11767,E|3452,T6644|618,E|21343,E|31556,T6644|22981,E|22982,T6644|16762,E;M178;T6644|9219,E|16761,E|22416,E|22415,E|22980,E;T6644|20042,E|20041,E|20040,E|6657,E|12165,E|12164,E|15758,E|23164,C0027|1475,E;T6644|17323,E|22977,E| YIN DU LUO FU MU NA Java Devilpepper Rauwolfia serpentina NA NA root, stem-leaf To lower blood pressure. Hypertension. 18608,E|11199,E|30872,T6454|11200,T6454|25373,T6454|19748,T6454|19747,E|18619,E|18618,E;T6454|19371,E|19372,T6454|18615,E|18614,E|18617,E;T6454|18616,E|4116,T6454|4115,E|16611,E|22905,E|22906,T6454|784,E;T6454|783,E;T6454|5247,E|18621,T6454| YANG HONG SHAN NA Thellung Pimpinella Pimpinella thelungiana NA NA root or whole herb To boost qi and fortify spleen, nourish heart and quiet spirit, relieve cough and dispel phlegm. Kersan disease, palpitation and shortness of breath, cough. 16882,E|16883,E|31565,T6316|7333,T6316|13996,E|21293,E;T6316|21292,E|21294,T6316|7405,E|25751,T6316|25752,T6316|7406,E|21328,T6316| YUAN ZHI JUAN BAI NA Sanguineous Spikemoss Selaginella sanguinolenta NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and soothe sinews, stanch bleeding. Damp-heat dysentery, knocks and falls, bleeding due to internal damage, bleeding due to external injury, burns and scalds. 8400,E|1030,E| ZAO XIU 蚤休 Manyleaf Paris Equivalent plant: Paris polyphylla var chinensis, Paris polyphylla var Yunnanensis , Paris polyphylla var pseudothibetica , Paris polyphylla var stenophylla Paris polyphylla Cold,Bitter Liver rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling and relieve pain, cool liver and settle fright. Swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, throat impediment, mammary welling abscess, snake or insect bites, painful wound from knocks and falls, liver heat and convulsion. 17767,E|6451,T6609|25372,T6609|6437,T6609|6436,E|16802,E|6439,E|25826,T6609|25827,T6609|16659,E|16657,E|16656,E;M833|6446,E|6444,T6609|6445,E|6442,E|17643,E|17642,E|17641,E|17640,E|17645,E|17644,E|16797,E|31839,T6609|16798,E|16799,E| SHI LIU YE NA Pomegranate Leaf Punica granatum NA NA leaf To promote contraction and check drain, resolve toxin and kill worms. Diarrhea, furunculosis, lai sore, knocks and falls. 17791,E| DU ZHONG YE 杜仲叶 Eucommia Leaf Eucommia ulmoides NA NA leaf To supplement liver and kidney, strengthen sinews and bones, lower blood pressure. Lumbar and back pain, limp aching inability of legs and knees, hypertension. 18302,E|3551,E|18613,E|2004,E;C0260|8276,E|9952,E| NIU XIN QIE ZI NA Common Cerberustree Cerbera manghas NA NA kernel NA Anesthesia. 30758,T5117|4774,E|15485,E|21311,T5117|3416,E|3417,E;T5117|526,E|1389,E|13472,E|20655,E|21310,E|349,E|1390,E| JIN JI LE NA Ledger Cinchona Equivalent plant: Cinchona officinalis, Cinchona succirubra Cinchona ledgeriana NA NA bark To interrupt malaria and abate fever, resolve liquor and arouse spleen. Malaria, externally contracted ardent fever, drunkenness. 9737,E|9739,T4398|9738,E;T4398|3599,E|5521,E|31894,T4398|3675,E|30781,T4398|30780,T4398|27364,T4398|30463,T4398|4004,E|4005,T4398|18408,E;T4398|18409,E|18406,E|18407,E;T4398|3600,T4398|31895,T4398|4372,E|7003,E|7002,E|25792,T4398|3688,T4398|3682,E|3687,E;T4398|3686,E;T4398|3685,E;T4398|3684,E|1680,E;T4398|18392,E|18410,E;T4398| SHA SHENG QIAN LI GUANG NA Desertliving Groundsel* Senecio eremophilus NA NA NA NA NA 18827,E|18828,T5458| LANG BA CAO 狼把草 Herba bidentis tripartitae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23080,C0364| BAI HUA LONG DAN NA Alpine Gentian Gentiana algida NA NA whole herb with root To drain fire and resolve toxin, suppress cough, disinhibit damp. Common cold with fever, lung heat cough, sore pharynx, red eyes, dribbling pain of urination, scrotal eczema. 5676,T2977|30610,T2977|30970,T2977|31018,T2977|8602,E|6320,E|1343,E|5675,E|7854,E|8296,E|5771,E|25696,T2977|5788,T2977|6328,T2977| DI JIAO 地椒 herba thymi mongolici NA NA NA NA NA NA 21344,C0293|1476,C0378| TIAN SHAN SHI NA Hairyleaf Handelia Handelia trichophylla NA NA NA NA NA 3076,E|3077,T5800| XI JUAN YA CONG NA Scorzonera Scorzonera hispanica NA NA NA NA NA 30806,T6007|3981,E| MA DAO CHOU TAN NA Madagascar Evodia* Evodia madagascariensis NA NA NA NA NA 20962,E| SI JI XIANG ROU GUO NA Tetrabase Casimiroa* Casimiroa tetrameria NA NA NA NA NA 16855,E|13956,E|9507,E| LIAN YI 莲衣 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1348,C0551|23264,C0158|11488,C0147| BAO E ZHANG YA CAI NA Calycin Swertia Swertia calycina NA NA NA NA NA 15709,E|21746,E|32046,T3063|21159,T3063|20487,E;T3063|20486,E|15711,T3063|21753,T3063|20494,E|20495,E|20496,T3063|20493,E|21156,E|21157,E| LIU CHUAN YU NA Yellow Toadflax Linaria vulgaris NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling. Headache, dizziness, jaundice, hemorrhoids, constipation, skin diseases, burns and scalds. 2276,E|8758,E|16744,E|31762,T4674|12910,E|16758,E|16759,T4674|2279,E|2278,E|6358,E|20553,E|10820,E|16745,T4674|21063,E|480,E;T4674| ZHU SHA GEN NA Coral Ardisia Ardisia crenata NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and relieve pain. Swelling pain in throat, wind-damp-heat impediment, jaundice, dysentery, knocks and falls, fire flow, mastitis, testitis. 6766,E|18531,E|6768,T6707|15710,E| NIU WEI CAO XIANG CHA CAI NA Ternateleaf Rabdosia Isodon ternifolia NA NA whole herb or root To clear heat, disinhibit damp, resolve toxin, stanch bleeding. Common cold, influenza, cough with profuse phlegm, swelling pain in throat, toothache, jaundice, heat strangury, edema, dysentery, enteritis, bleeding due to external injury. 11397,E|18491,E|18486,E|18487,E|18488,E|18489,E|11390,E|11398,E|20963,E|18490,E|18492,E| QUAN YE YAN HU SUO NA Creeping Corydalis Corydalis repens NA NA tuber See Corydalis ambigua var. amurensis. See Corydalis ambigua var. amurensis . 17969,E|4032,E|642,E|21045,E|16544,E| MAO GUO TIAN JIE CAI NA Hairyfruit Heliotrope* Heliotropium lasiocarpum NA NA NA NA NA 12532,T4861|12530,E| SHI HUI HUA 石灰华 Calcareous Tuff Calx Pulveratum NA NA NA NA NA 23825,M653| CANG BAI CHENG GOU FENG NA Glaucesent Diploclisia Diploclisia glaucescens NA NA lianoid stem To dispel wind and eliminate damp, clear heat and resolve toxin. Wind-damp bone pain, swelling pain in throat, cholecystitis, dysentery, urinary tract infection, poisonous snake bite. 16660,E|6015,E|18698,E|18148,E|13404,E|8651,E|7787,E|6678,E| DUAN YE JUAN HAO NA Shortleaf Wormwood* Artemisia brevifolia NA NA NA NA NA 22762,E|22764,T3625| OU ZHOU NV ZHEN NA European Privet Ligustrum vulgare NA NA NA NA NA 3687,T5157|3686,E| YU ZHOU LOU LU 禹州漏芦 Globethistle Root Radix Echinopsis NA NA NA Treatment of sores, carbuncles, swelling and pain due to mastitis, galactostasis, tuberculosis of lypmhaden, pyogenic infection. It can be used as antheimintic. NA 6690,M1080| NIU-CHANG CHIH NA Jang Jy (in Taiwan) Antrodia camphorata NA NA NA NA NA 11274,E|7250,E|22975,E|22974,E|1351,E|22976,E|10233,E|11275,E|11276,E|10234,E| LONG KUI 龙葵 Black Nightshade Solanum nigrum NA NA aerial parts To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and disperse swelling. Clove sore, swollen welling abscess, erysipelas, sprain from knocks and falls, mastitis, cervicitis, chronic bronchitis, chronic trachitis, acute nephritis, dysentery, infection of skin, leukorrhea, scant urine in children. 20028,E;C0056|20040,E|25272,T4691|20045,T4691|20044,E;T4691|20054,T4691|20050,E|23040,C0396|20053,E;T4691|8817,T4691|8816,E|23170,C0397|21367,E|23236,C0499| GE JIE 蛤蚧 Tokay Gecko Gecko Mild,Salty Lung,Kidney NA Treatment of dyspnea or asthma in deficiency syndromes, cough and hemoptysis in consumptive diseases, impotence, seminal emission. NA 3205,M273|24743,M273|24784,M273|24499,M273|24991,M273|24495,M273|23409,M273| XIAO SAN KE ZHEN 小三颗针 Radix Berberides wilsoneae NA NA NA NA NA NA 2303,C0391| BAO CHUN HUA NA Fairy Primrose Primula malacoides NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin. Lung heat cough, red swollen in throat, oral ulcer, gum swelling and pain, liver fire and red eyes, swollen welling abscess, sore and boil. 7336,T3062|7333,E| HUANG HUA HAO ZI 黄花蒿子 Artemisia annua L NA NA NA NA NA NA 23113,C0142| YUE XIAN DA JI NA Ebracteolate Euphorbia Equivalent plant: Euphorbia fischeriana Euphorbia ebracteolata NA NA root To break accumulation, kill worms, draw out toxin, eliminate putridity, eliminate damp, relieve itch. Concretion and conglomeration, scrofula, tuberculosis, welling abscess and flat abscess, flowing phlegm, scab sore, intractable lichen, chronic cough and asthma, scrotal damp itch. 2442,E|5988,E|6669,E;T6576|25893,T6576|25892,T6576|6666,E|5987,E|6667,E;T6576|6671,T6576|6670,E;T6576|6668,E;T6576|30889,T6576| PAO TONG GUO 泡桐果 Fructus Paulowniae fortunei NA NA NA NA NA NA 23258,C0019|23043,C0018| HUANG HUA JIU LUN CAO NA Officinal Primrose* Primula veris [Syn. Primula officinalis] NA NA NA NA NA 14009,E|10022,E|6224,E|6225,E| CANG JIA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1287,C0327| CAO BEI MU 草贝母 Indian Iphigenia Iphigenia indica Warm,Bitter Lung,Spleen,Stomach,Liver bulb To dissipate binds and relieve pain. Carcinoma of mammary glands, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, carcinoma of salivary gland, scrofula, swelling of skin, pain wind. 13067,E|13070,T3186|4060,T3186|30973,T3186|3911,E|25171,M72|4059,E|23433,M72|24250,M72|7900,E|3912,T3186| PI QI QIE NA Peru False Heath Fabiana imbricata NA NA NA NA NA 1596,E;T5194| QIAN NIAN JIAN 千年健 rhizome of Obscured Homalomena Rhizoma Homalomenae occultae Warm,Pungent,Bitter Liver,Kidney NA Treament of rheumatoid arthritis with pain and cold sensation in the loins and knees, muscular contracture and numbness of the lower extremities. NA 23880,M567|24679,M567|23545,M567|12843,M567|20982,M567|12844,M567| HUANG PING ZI CAO NA Yellow Pitcherplant Sarracenia flava NA NA NA NA NA 3988,E|3989,T4196|19373,T4196|19372,E| JI GU CAO 鸡骨草 Canton Abrus Abrus fruticulosus [Syn. Abrus cantoniensis ] Cool,Sweet,Slightly Bitter Stomach,Liver whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Icterohepatitis, stomachache, wind-damp bone pain, stasis pain from knocks and falls, mammary welling abscess. 20688,M378|13,E;T4262|15,E;T4262|14,E;T4262|17,E;T4262|16,E;T4262|19,E;T4262|18,E;T4262|31,E;T4262|22,E|17544,M378|20067,E|12109,E|24586,M378|1749,M378|12303,E|23082,T4262|20,E;T4262|20111,E|20113,T4262| JIN YING GEN 金樱根 root of Cherokee Rose Radix Rosae laevigatae Mild,Sour,Punkery Bladder,Large Intestine,Kidney NA NA NA 24345,M410|24106,M410|23234,C0368|23975,M410| ZI SU 紫苏 Common Perilla Equivalent plant: Perilla frutescens var acuta, Perilla frutescens var crispa Perilla frutescens var. arguta NA NA seed To downbear qi, transform phlegm, calm asthma, moisten intestines. Phlegm congestion and qi counterflow, cough and asthma, intestinal dry and constipation. 13767,C0347|12888,T6758|22540,T6758|12887,E|12885,E|31449,T6758|22538,E|17251,C0263| BAI QIAN CENG NA Cajeput-tree Melaleuca leucadendra NA NA leaf To dispel wind and resolve exterior, disinhibit damp and relieve itch. Common cold with fever, wind-damp bone pain, abdominal pain and diarrhea, wind papules, eczema. 7481,T3012|7480,E| YUN NAN SHAN ZHU ZI NA Yunnan Garcinia Garcinia cowa NA NA stem-leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, expel worms. Eczema, stomatitis, periodontitis, ulcerating welling abscess and sore, burns and scalds, leech in nose. 21764,E|15719,E|4198,E|4199,E|4196,E|4197,E|4195,E|21752,E|5973,E|13488,E|4202,E|4200,E|4201,E|7973,E| ZHU YE XIN 竹叶心 NA Gemma Lophatheri Cold,Pungent,Sweet,Neutral Stomach,Small Intestine,Heart NA NA NA 24514,M889|23964,M889|24342,M889| FEI ZHOU ZI WEI NA Africa Trumpetcreeper* Newbouldia laevis NA NA NA NA NA 14424,E|14422,E|14423,E|12496,E|15509,E|15510,E| MEI ZHOU SAN BAI CAO NA Lizard’s-tail Saururus cernuus NA NA NA NA NA 19389,E|19399,T4931|4919,E|5623,E|22367,E|22368,T4931|19402,E|19401,E|19400,E| FU LANG HUA NA Flameray Gerbera Gerbera jamesonii NA NA NA NA NA 22449,E|1102,E;T3767|32198,T3767| MEI YI NA Tinctorial Parmelia* Parmelia tinctorum NA NA lichen To boost essence, brighten eyes, cool blood and resolve toxin. Dim vision, flooding and spotting, bleeding due to external injury, sore toxin and intractable lichen. 16173,T4920|16159,E|11483,E|12593,E| MA TI YE NA Common Marsharigold Caltha palustris NA NA whole herb To expel wind, resolve summerheat, quicken blood and disperse swelling. Wind damage common cold, summerheat stroke with sand, knocks and falls, burns and scalds. 19527,E|13368,T4815|15518,E|9329,E|16565,E|30832,T4815|22179,E|13367,E|4679,E|4123,E|15476,T4815|4124,T4815|29509,T4815|22180,T4815|19530,T4815|9330,T4815|9258,E|1179,E;T4815|1178,E;T4815|15468,E|19967,E|4684,T4815|4292,E|23165,T4815|9275,E| PU TAO 2 蒲桃 Rose Apple Fructus Syzygii Mild,Sweet,Slightly Sour Stomach,Liver,Kidney NA NA NA 23046,M554|24136,M554|23171,M554|23167,M554|23175,M554|25121,M554|23306,M554| TU ER QI SHU WEI CAO NA Turkish Sage* Salvia cilicica NA NA NA NA NA 3,E|10428,E| SHUI SONG NA Fragile Codium Frond Codium fragile NA NA frond To clear summerheat and resolve toxin, disinhibit water and disperse edema, expel worms. Edema, stream toxin, inhibited urination, ascariasis, hasten delivery. 578,E|6406,E|8030,T5658|8312,T5658|20982,E|8311,E|30984,T5658|2222,E;T5658|14443,E|3845,T5658|3844,E|14446,T5658|26079,T5658|30920,T5658|19949,E|19948,E|20983,T5658|8024,E|8010,E| HOU TOU GU 猴头菇 Mushroom Hericium erinaceus NA NA NA To benefit vital Qi, invigorate the spleen and nourish the stomach. For hypofunction of the spleen and stomach, peptic ulcer and chronic gastritis. Recently, also used for the cancers of erophagus, stomach and intestines. NA 23859,M966|23629,M966| FENG WEI CAO 凤尾草 Chinese Brake Pteris multifida Cold,Bitter,Neutral Large Intestine,Stomach,Liver,Kidney whole herb or rhizome To clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling, cool blood and stanch bleeding. Dysentery, diarrhea, strangury-turbidity, vaginal discharge, jaundice, swelling toxin of clove sore, throat impediment with nipple moth, scrofula, parotitis, mastitis, ardent fever and convulsion, snake or insect bites, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria, hematochezia, bleeding due to external injury. 24462,M245|18275,E|3209,M245|23975,M245|18125,E|18276,E|18140,E|18136,E|13119,M245| LI NG NA Singharanut Trapa bispinosa NA NA pulp To clear summerheat heat, eliminate vexation and allay thirst, boost qi and fortify spleen, resolve toxin. Spleen vacuity diarrhea, summerheat-heat vexation and thirst, diabetes mellitus, dysentery, drunkenness. 61,E|19042,E|5719,E|7246,E| SHU JIAO 蜀椒 Pricklyash Peel Pericarpium Zanthoxyli Hot,Pungent Spleen,Stomach,Kidney NA Treatment of epigastric pain accompanied by cold sensation, vomiting and diarrhea, abdominal pain due to intestinal parasitosis, ascariasis. External use for itching in eczema. 1. Anthelmintic, more effective on Ascaris suis.2. An active component, geraniol, exerts a sedative effect in rats. 24466,M666|24037,M666|23880,M666|23688,M666|19084,M666|24956,M666|24692,M666|23119,M666|23545,M666|20976,M666|7520,M666|15138,M666|8311,M666|23184,M666|23150,M666|12843,M666|4549,M666|20983,M666|7384,M666| XI LIE QIAN HU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4140,C0430| KE AI HUANG QIN NA Delightful Skullcap* Scutellaria amabilis NA NA NA NA NA 9393,E|21763,E|5830,E|21762,E|21720,E|21095,E|15960,E|5979,E|21094,E|21093,E|21099,E| XIAO BAI BU NA Officinal Asparagus Asparagus officinalis NA NA tuberoid To warm lung, suppress cough, kill worms. Wind-cold common cold, pertussis, tuberculosis, senile cough and asthma, scab and lichen. 3143,T6152|3501,E|3502,T6152|4140,E|1861,T6152|1860,T6152|3142,E|1862,E;T6152|1867,E;T6152|1866,E;T6152|30820,T6152|8784,E|25654,T6152|1673,E;T6152| YUAN GUO SUAN PAN ZI NA Roundfruit Glochidion* Glochidion sphaerogynum NA NA branch-leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin. Common cold with fever, summerheat-heat and thirst, stomatitis, eczema, ulcerating sores. 8562,E|8569,E| SHI DI QIAN. NA NA Reboulia hemisphaerica NA NA thallus To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling and stanch bleeding. Swelling toxin of sore and boil, burns and scalds, painful swelling from knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury. 9633,E|10155,E| BIAN GUO JIAO GU LAN NA Flatfruit Gynostemma Gynostemma compressum NA NA NA NA NA 9094,E;T3123|9095,E;T3123|9096,E;T3123|9097,T3123|9093,E| GAO KA FEI NA High Coffee* Coffea excelsa NA NA NA NA NA 2893,T3828|2892,E| LIN DI WU TOU NA Woodland Monkshood Aconitum nemorum NA NA NA NA NA 20634,E|25223,T4659| FA CAI NA Hair Vegetable* Nostoc flagelliforme NA NA frond To supplement blood, disinhibit urine, lower blood pressure, relieve cough and transform phlegm. Blood vacuity of women, hypertension, cough with profuse phlegm. 15221,T3698|15219,E| JIN QIAN KU YE CAO NA Goldsaxifrage Herb Chrysosplenium grayanum NA NA herb NA Clove sore. 3611,E|3612,T4408|31664,T4408|3625,E|3627,T4408|3626,E;T4408|14594,E| TAO BEI MU NA Peach Fritillary* Fritillaria persica NA NA NA NA NA 9680,E|16976,E|17006,E| JING GU NU NA Fungus-infected Rice Spike Ustilaginoidea virens NA NA sclerotium and conidium, parasitized on spite of rice ( Oryza sativa L.) To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit throat. Throat impediment, swelling pain in throat. 22269,T4426|22268,E|22267,E| SUAN SHI LIU NA Pomegranate Punica granatum NA NA fruit To allay thirst, astringe intestines, stanch bleeding. Diarrhea, chronic dysentery, flooding and spotting, vaginal discharge. 7389,T5722|18189,E|18195,T5722|7386,E|21560,E| BAI SHOU WU NA Bunge Swallowwort Equivalent plant: Cynanchum auriculatum Cynanchum bungei NA NA tuberoid To supplement lung and boost kidney, strengthen sinews and bones, boost essence and blood, fortify spleen and disperse food, resolve toxin and cure sores. Aching in lumbus and knees, impotence and emission, dizziness and tinnitus, palpitation and insomnia, inappetence, child gan sore, postpartum scant milk, swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, poisonous snake bite. 12874,E|16886,E|16887,T3021|25335,T3021|19346,E|31448,T3021|3329,E|30787,T3021|2747,E|2749,E|2748,E|2750,E|22602,T3021|3331,T3021|3709,E|12707,E|4795,E|3726,T3021|4797,T3021|3722,E|22599,E|12220,E|12221,T3021| CHANG HUA XU MA QIAN ZI NA Longthyrsus Poisonnut* Strychnos dolichothyrsa NA NA NA NA NA 3148,E|5684,T3242|3150,T3242|5681,E| RU YUAN DU JUAN NA Ruyuan Rhododendron Rhododendron lingii NA NA NA NA NA 18302,E| PENG ZI CAI NA Yellow Bedstraw Galium verum NA NA herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, move blood and relieve itch. Hepatitis, painful swelling throat moth, clove sore and swollen boil, paddy field dermatitis, urticaria, knocks and falls, blood qi pain. 18985,E|14798,T5186|17456,E|3552,T5186|3551,E|17458,T5186|14797,E|17155,E|16567,E|19012,T5186|1892,E;T5186|16571,T5186| TIAO WEN CHUAN XIN LIAN NA Linea Andrographis* Andrographis lineata NA NA NA NA NA 5716,E|16856,E|10784,E| JI CI HUA 棘刺花 Flos Ziziphi jujubae NA NA NA NA NA NA 11906,C0140| DUO YE JIN SI TAO NA Leafy StJohn’swort* Hypericum foliosum NA NA NA NA NA 21711,E| LU E MEI 绿萼梅 Mume flower, Japanese apricot flower Flos Mume Sour, astringent,neutral Liver,stomach NA Treatment of: 1. Qi stagnation in the liver and stomach manifested as distension and pain in the hypochondriac regions, belching and epigastric pain. Mume flower (Lu'emei) is used with Bupleurum root (Chaihu), Cyperus tuber (Xiangfu), Green tangerine peel (Qingpi) and Costus root (Muxiang). 2. Phlegm and qi stagnated in the throat (globus hystericus) manifested as the sensation of a foreign body in the throat. Mume flower (Lu'emei) is used with Trichosanthes peel (Gualoupi), Tangerine peel (Chenpi), Mulberry bark (Sangbaipi), Albizia bark (Hehuanpi) and Perilla leaf (Zisuye). NA 1102,M998| MI HUA SHI HU NA Denseflower Dendrobium Dendrobium densiflorum NA NA stem See Dendrobium nobile. See Dendrobium nobile. 9603,E|5127,E|14988,E|19527,E|22025,E|8379,E|5969,E|19525,E|4584,E|6162,E|5132,E|5131,E| DI HUANG 地黄 Radix Rehmanniae NA NA NA NA NA NA 3306,C0091|23064,C0319|23042,C0511| BI MA ZI 蓖麻子 Castorbean Seed Ricinus communis Mild,Pungent,Sweet Lung,Large Intestine ripe seed To disperse swelling and draw out toxin, drain precipitation and free stagnation. Swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, throat impediment, scrofula, dry stool. 4057,T3112|25856,T3112|4055,E|25317,T3112|6131,E|4125,T3112|4124,E|24952,M54;T3112|20424,T3112|20423,E|6193,E|18826,E|18827,T3112|25873,T3112|18825,E|23227,M54;C0393|19581,E| DUO ZHI TIAN JIE CAI NA Ramose Heliotrope* Heliotropium ramosissimum NA NA NA NA NA 9319,E| WEI YE BAI ZHU NA Long Acuminate Leaves Gaultheria Gaultheria griffithiana NA NA NA NA NA 13243,E|13970,E|8241,E| MEI HUA 梅花 Plum Flower Flos Mume NA NA NA Treament of depression with fidgetness, epigastric pain due to stagnation of qi of the liver and stomach, globus hystericus, scrofula, ulcers. NA 15271,M1007;C0411| CHUAN XIN LIAN 穿心莲 Common Andrographis Andrographis paniculata [Syn. Justicia paniculata ] Cold,Bitter Lung,Large Intestine,Stomach,Small Intestine dried aerial parts To clear heat and resolve toxin, drain fire, dry damp. Infection of upper respiratory tract, fever, wind-heat common cold, bacillary dysentery, diarrhea, tonsillitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, lung heat cough, pulmonary welling abscess, postlithotripsy urinary tract infection, warm disease fever, pertussis, swelling pain in throat, damp-heat jaundice, strangury syndrome, erysipelas, sore and welling abscess, eczema, poisonous snake bite. 16604,T3335|23893,M116|5151,E;M116|30596,T3335|1149,E|24830,M116|24239,M116|19971,E|10794,E|24119,M116|25954,T3335|10023,E|10792,E|21164,E|5199,E|4679,E|4900,E|4684,T3335|15329,E;M116;C0118|14130,E|24311,M116|24904,M116|14920,E|19988,E|16594,T3335|5182,E|30597,T3335|1159,E;M116;C0325;T3335|1158,E|5166,E|5167,T3335|1155,E;T3335|1154,E;T3335|1157,E;M116;T3335|1156,E|1151,E;T3335|1150,E;T3335|1153,E;T3335|1152,E;T3335|5200,T3335|25167,M116|16597,E|16598,E;T3335|16599,E;T3335|23097,T3335|31183,T3335|4875,E|24405,M116|23348,T3335|24018,M116|23334,M116|31702,T3335|24016,M116|15332,T3335|31938,T3335|22702,M116|24931,M116|24280,M116|25035,M116| JUN ZI LAN 君子兰 Clivia miniata Regel Gartenfl NA NA NA NA NA NA 13234,C0335| BEI FANG DANG GUI NA Northern Angelica* Angelica ursina NA NA NA NA NA 9418,E|18166,T3078|1193,E|18151,E| PI HAN CAO GEN NA Daghestan Sweetclover Root Melilotus suaveolens NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin. Scrofula. 23281,T5188|4134,E| CHI YE TIE ZI NA Serrate-leaf Myrsine Myrsine semiserrata NA NA fruit To expel worms. Taeniasis. 6766,E| TAI PING YANG JIA ZE LAN NA Pasific Mikania* Mikania mendocina NA NA NA NA NA 18279,E| GAO GUI BO LUO MI NA Noble Artocarpus* Artocarpus nobilis NA NA NA NA NA 21721,E|21729,E|21103,E|8329,E|21733,E| MO LI HUA NA Arabian Jasmine Jasminum sambac NA NA flower To rectify qi and relieve pain, repel foulness and open depression. Dysentery, dizziness and headache, red eyes, sore toxin. 31447,T4989|7390,E|11821,E|14532,E|14533,T4989|25758,T4989|30104,T4989|12845,E| ZHONG FEI MA QIAN NA Central-African Poisonnut* Strychnos icaja NA NA NA NA NA 20398,E|10938,E|10733,E| ZHAN E JIN SI TAO NA Lancaster’s StJohn’swort Hypericum lancasteri NA NA NA NA NA 10886,E|18302,E|10882,E| XIA YE JUE MING NA Narrowleaf Senna* Cassia leptophylla NA NA NA NA NA 20125,E| LUAN YE YIN LIAN HUA NA Ovateleaf Anemone Anemone begoniifolia NA NA NA NA NA 2213,E|2212,E|2211,E|31658,T4737|14566,E|14565,E|31657,T4737|25695,T4737| JIN MAO GOU NA Scythian Lamb Cibotium barometz [Syn. Polypodium barometz ] NA NA rhizome To strengthen lumbus and knees, dispel wind-damp, disinhibit joints. Kidney vacuity lumbar pain and back rigidity, inability of legs and knees, wind-damp impediment pain, frequent urination, emission, excessive leukorrhea. 2887,E|18084,E|16088,E|16089,E|18139,E|16090,E|5762,E|18147,E| JU GEN 橘根 Radix Citri reticulatae NA NA NA NA NA NA 20654,C0256|9457,C0338|12837,C0287|15396,C0117| HOU PO ZI 厚朴子 Magnolia officinalis Rehd. Et Wils NA NA NA NA NA NA 9630,C0277| FU FANG TENG NA Forture Euonymus Euonymus fortunei NA NA stem-leaf To boost kidney and strengthen lumbus, soothe sinews and quicken network vessels, stanch bleeding and disperse stasis. Aching in lumbus and knees, kidney vacuity, hemiplegia, wind-damp impediment pain, infant fright wind, hemoptysis, flooding, blood ejection, menstrual disorder, prolapse of uterus, fracture due to knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury. 6631,E|7535,E|7537,E|7536,E|6638,T3763| KA MING BA DOU NA Cuming Croton* Croton cumingii NA NA NA NA NA 13368,T4482|13367,E| FANG HAI 方海 NA Eriocheir Sinensis seu Poramon NA NA NA NA NA 25060,M240|23378,M240| TA SI MA NI YA JIE GENG LAN NA Flax Lily Dianella tasmanica NA NA NA NA NA 5018,E|382,E|5025,E|5030,E| SHUI LIAO NA Red-knees Polygonum hydropiper NA NA herb To move stagnation and transform damp, stanch bleeding and dissipate stasis, dispel wind and relieve itch, resolve toxin. Damp-stagnation obstructing internally, diarrhea, dysentery, enteritis, child gan accumulation, flooding and spotting, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, dysmenorrhea, knocks and falls, wind-damp impediment pain, hematochezia, bleeding due to external injury, itchy skin, eczema, wind papules, foot lichen, swollen welling abscess, poisonous snake bite. 17633,E|22622,E|17634,E;T5645|17635,E|22294,E|11726,T5645|11400,E|9736,E|3971,E|11607,E|11606,E|18384,E|18267,E|17627,E|17626,E|16978,E|17648,T5645|3972,T5645|20643,E|16871,E|16979,T5645|20592,T5645|16977,E|18396,E|18397,T5645| SHUI HUI XIANG AN NA Phellandral Eucalyptus* Eucalyptus phellandra NA NA NA NA NA 17041,E|17043,T5642| BAN BIAN LIAN ZHUANG LI LU NA Lobelia Falsehellebore* Veratrum album var. lobelianum [Syn. Veratrum lobelianum] NA NA root and rhizome To relieve pain, kill worms and ejection. Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, scab and lichen, malign sore, mania and withdrawal with congesting phlegm. 22379,E|22380,T3042|783,E;T3042| LIE WEI LIE LAN NA Bursera* Bursera graveolens NA NA NA NA NA 17329,E|2769,E|6953,E|13091,E| LIU JIAO LIAN NA Sixangular Dysosma Equivalent plant: Dysosma veitchii , Dysosma versipellis Dysosma pleiantha [Syn. Podophyllum pleianthum] NA NA rhizome and root To transform phlegm and dissipate binds, dispel stasis and relieve pain, clear heat and resolve toxin. Cough, swelling pain in throat, scrofula, goiter and tuberculosis, swollen welling abscess, clove sore, poisonous snake bite, knocks and falls, pain in joints. 31822,T4676|17327,E|17578,E|5092,E|5069,E|17580,E|5203,T4676|1372,E;T4676|1935,E;T4676|5073,E|17323,E|11598,T4676|4961,E|11589,E| HU ER CAO 虎耳草 Creeping Rockfoil Saxifraga stolonifera Cold,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Liver,Heart whole herb To dispel wind and clear heat, cool blood and resolve toxin. Wind papules, eczema, otitis media, erysipelas, cough with blood ejection, pulmonary welling abscess, flooding and spotting, hemorrhoids. 17881,E|18354,E|2312,E|1618,E;M344;T4087|15710,E| JIN BU HUAN NA Chinese Stephania Stephania sinica NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. stomachache, neuralgia, toothache, common cold, throat pain, diarrhea, dysentery, swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls. 32026,T4382|19052,E|21061,E| SHI ZHU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7522,T5608|5371,T5608|2297,T5608| CAO WU TOU 草乌头 Radix Aconiti NA NA NA NA NA NA 23264,C0158|22221,C0487| SHE BAI ZI NA Wild Spikenard Hyptis suaveolens NA NA stem-leaf To resolve exterior and disinhibit damp, move qi and dissipate stasis. Common cold, wind-damp impediment pain, abdominal distention, diarrhea, dysentery, knocks and falls, eczema, dermatitis. 20415,E|20416,E;T5533|25239,T5533| ZHU YE 猪靥 Pig Theroid Thyreoid sus domestica Cold,Sweet,Neutral Lung,Stomach,Heart NA Treatment of: 1. Thirst in febrile disease. Bamboo leaf (Zhuye) is used with Gypsum (Shigao) and Ophiopogon root (Maidong) in the formula Zhuye Shigao Tang. 2. Flaring up of heart fire manifested as ulceration in the mouth or on the tongue, or heart fire shifting to the small intestine manifested as dribbling urination. Bamboo leaf (Zhuye) is used with Clematis stem (Mutong) and Fresh rehmannia root (Shengdihuang) in the formula Daochi San. NA 24514,M1090|24342,M1090|24297,M888|24368,M888|23964,M1090| TIAN GUA GEN 甜瓜根 Radix Cucumidis melinis NA NA NA NA NA NA 11770,C0144|4316,C0518| CHAO XIAN WU JIAO FENG NA Okamoto Maple Acer okamotoanum NA NA NA NA NA 18325,E| TIAN GUA DI 甜瓜蒂 muskmelon stem Pedicellus Melo NA NA NA 1. To remove lumps, eliminate fluid and relieve jaundice. For acute and chronic viral hepatitis, hepatocirrhosis and liver cancer. 2. Emetic. For accumulation of phlegm, epilepsy due to wind-phelgm, persistent dyspepsis, etc. NA 23745,M1051|23487,M1051|22538,M1051|20430,M1051|7970,M1051|23224,M1051| NIU XI 牛膝 Twotooth Achyranthes Achyranthes bidentata Mild,Sweet,Sour,Bitter Liver,Kidney root To supplement liver and kidney, strengthen sinews and bones, quicken blood and regulate menstruation, disinhibit urine and free strangury. Aching in lumbus and knees, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, dysmenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, concretion and conglomeration, retention of placenta , heat strangury, blood strangury, knocks and falls, swollen welling abscess and malign sore, swelling pain in throat. 20153,E|20152,E|20155,T5114|3615,E|30775,T5114|30934,T5114|11074,T5114|543,E|544,E|2364,E|2363,E|16040,E|3525,E|30900,T5114|23720,T5114|6678,E;M533;C0526|5403,E|11065,E;M533|11067,E|11066,E|19029,T5114|19028,E| HONG HUA WU WEI ZI NA Redflower Magnoliavine Schisandra rubriflora NA NA rattan To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and relieve pain. Rheumatic arthritis. 25355,T4048|5177,E|19482,E|25326,T4048|8916,E|12000,E|19462,E;T4048|19029,E|8922,E|30448,T4048|22725,T4048|5212,E|8923,T4048|19463,E;T4048|5213,T4048| KU HE LONG DAN NA Koch Gentian* Gentiana kochiana NA NA NA NA NA 20494,E|8290,T4514|14724,E|8289,E| BAO GU 豹骨 pard bone Os pardi Warm,Pungent Liver,Kidney NA NA NA 24237,M48| MO SHI ZI NA Aleppo Gall (Galla Halepensis) Quercus infectoria NA NA cecidum To secure qi and rough essence, constrain lung, stanch bleeding. Diarrhea, hematochezia, emission, genital sweating, cough, hemoptysis, toothache, bleeding due to external injury, enduring sores. 8094,E|16896,T4994|30995,T4994|16823,E|30330,T4994|20550,E| BAI DOU KOU 白豆蔻 Round Cardamom Amomum kravanh [Syn. Amomum cardamomum] Warm,Pungent Lung,Spleen,Stomach seed To transform damp and move qi , warm center and check vomiting, increase appetite and disperse food. Spleen-stomach qi stagnation due to damp obstructing middle-jiao, vomiting with stomach cold, vomiting of milk in infants with stomach cold. 25130,M17|19084,M17|25205,T2961|9670,E|9671,E;T2961|9672,E;T2961|24338,M17|13765,T2961|3237,E;M17|30751,T2961|20982,T2961|20981,E|31122,T2961|31123,T2961|15138,M17|23412,M17;T2961|11311,T2961|9668,E|2550,E;T2961|24037,M17|3689,M17|2553,M17|15211,M17|13764,E|3242,E|3241,E|24726,M17|17362,M17|17363,M17|23909,M17|20979,E| SHI YONG GE NA Edible Kudzuvine Pueraria edulis NA NA tuberoid See Pueraria lobata. See Pueraria lobata. 18166,E|4605,E|4603,E| YI KA TUO YE HUANG TAN NA Ecasto-leaf Rosewood* Dalbergia ecastophyllum NA NA NA NA NA 7882,E|7884,T6410| CHANG HU JIAO. NA NA Piper elongatum NA NA NA NA NA 2835,E|17413,E|17414,E| MEI ZHOU JIN LV MEI 美洲金缕梅 Virginia Witch Hazel Hamamelis virginiana NA NA NA NA NA 23283,C0001|9201,E|6922,E| BIAN SHUO TENG NA Indian Pristimera Pristimera indica NA NA NA NA NA 17849,T3129|17848,E| CHA RU SHI WAN CUO NA Ya-Yaa (Thai name) Asystasia intrusa NA NA NA NA NA 22995,E|2276,E|580,E|1952,E|8612,E|3306,E|815,E|18903,E| ZHANG SHU YE 樟树叶 Folium seu Folium Cinnamomi camphorae NA NA NA NA NA NA 16327,T6631|16323,T6631|1186,C0041|23114,C0038|20414,C0490|32142,T6631| BAI MU TONG NA Austral Akebia Akebia trifoliata var. australis NA NA stem See Akebia quinata. See Akebia quinata. 32259,T3005|9774,E|22941,E| BAI JIE GENG 白桔梗 Balloonflower root Radix Platycodi Mild,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Stomach NA Treatment of cough with much phlegm, sore throat, hoarseness of voice, lung abscess with purulent expectoration, absecess difficult to burst after suppuration. 1. Small dosage of platycodoside, one of its active components, can increase secretion of respiratory tract and promote expectoration.2. Platycodoside may also serve as a sedative, an analgesic and an antipyretic.3. Its decoction inhibits the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus typhoid in vitro. 2331,M27|20152,M27|25153,M27|25041,M27|25042,M27|23680,M27|17516,M27|24524,M27|17519,M27|17518,M27;C0084|24207,M27|24281,M27|25027,M27|17517,M27|24855,M27|17515,M27| GAO WU TOU NA Tall Monkshood Aconitum sinomontanum NA NA root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, rectify qi and relieve pain, quicken blood and disperse swelling. Wind-damp impediment pain, swelling pain in joints, knocks and falls, stomachache, distention fullness in chest and abdomen, acute bacillary dysentery, chronic bacillary dysentery, acute enteritis, chronic enteritis, scrofula, sore and boil. 12530,T3836|12505,E|22922,E|19942,T3836|19940,E|19941,E;T3836|18516,E| BIAN FU GE 蝙蝠葛 Asiatic Moonseed Menispermum dauricum NA NA rattan To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Lumbago, scrofula, swelling pain in throat, diarrhea and dysentery, swelling pain from hemorrhoids. 2345,E;T3121|604,E;T3121|603,E;T3121|2343,E;T3121|2344,E;T3121|6511,E|21190,C0317|19939,E;C0259|6885,E|6516,T3121|19940,T3121|4845,E| MIAN MAO WA ER TENG NA Woolly Tylophora Tylophora mollissima NA NA whole plant To clear lung heat, relieve cough and asthma. Common cold with fever, lung heat cough, asthma. 22138,T4975|22137,E;T4975|22136,E| HUAI TONG NA Moupin Dutchmanspipe Aristolochia moupinensis NA NA stem or root To clear heat and eliminate damp, dispel wind and relieve pain. Abdominal pain and diarrhea, damp-heat edema, inhibited voidings of reddish urine, hematuria, wind-damp-heat impediment, swollen welling abscess and malign sore, eczema, poisonous snake bite. 1713,E|24175,T4142|14994,T4142|13368,T4142|29509,T4142|7787,E|19967,E|13367,E| MI MENG HUA 密蒙花 Pale Butterflybush Buddleja officinalis Minor cold,Sweet Liver flower To clear heat and nourish liver, eliminate screen and brighten eyes. Red eyes with gall, delacrimation and photophobia, liver vacuity dim vision, dim vision, malaria. 14859,E;T4959|14858,E|15340,T4959|61,E;T4959|3306,M165;C0091|3307,M165|23935,M165|14860,T4959|24531,M165|24965,M165|24715,M165|23179,M165;C0525|24632,M165|580,E|31531,T4959|25550,T4959|25106,M165|23924,M165|13880,E|22381,T4959|23182,M165;C0127|56,E;M165;C0348;T4959|15339,E;M165|23064,M165;C0319|1476,E;M165;C0378;T4959|13130,E;M165;C0415|2004,M165;C0260| SHUI ZHI 2 水栀 Fruit of Largeflower Gardenia Fructus Gardeniae grandiflorae NA NA NA NA NA 24345,M670|24106,M670|23975,M670| HOU PI SHU NA Coromandel Lannea Lannea grandis [Syn. Lannea coromandelica] NA NA bark To joint bones, resolve toxin. Fracture, tetrodon poisoning, cassava poisoning, pineapple poisoning. 12483,E|12485,T4074|21897,T4074|21893,E|5829,T4074|3854,T4074|12711,T4074|3852,E|18363,E|825,E|12708,E| LU TAI 鹿胎 Deer Embryo Embryo Cervi Warm,Sweet,Salty Liver,Heart,Kidney NA NA NA 24237,M481| MU XU 苜蓿 Alfalfa Medicago sativa NA NA whole herb To clear heat and cool blood, disinhibit damp and abate jaundice. Febrile diseases with vexation and fullness, jaundice, enteritis, dysentery, edema, urethral stone, hematochezia from hemorrhoids. 31444,T5028|20152,E|21646,E|3776,T5028|3774,E|30994,T5028|3061,T5028|31446,T5028|12837,E|13450,T5028|32110,T5028|15146,T5028|14611,E|20428,E|14613,T5028|17011,T5028|13449,E|20239,T5028|20238,E|20429,T5028|5439,E|7774,E|23037,C0003|8761,E|7882,E|7884,T5028|1673,E;T5028|30744,T5028|16109,T5028|16108,E|8049,E|5009,E|4604,T5028|4190,E;C0358|4191,T5028|15138,E|3059,E|12843,E|17010,E|23720,T5028|4603,E|27388,T5028|19389,T5028|19380,E|14463,T5028|5441,T5028|14461,E|13629,T5028|13628,E|3209,E|21573,E|13012,E|8762,E|13035,T5028|25930,T5028| XIAN XI LAO GUAN CAO NA Robert Cranesbill Geranium robertianum NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Wind-damp impediment pain, sprain and contusion, swollen welling abscess, sore and boil, measles papules, prolapse of uterus. 16823,E|16896,T6097| ZHI MA KE 芝麻壳 Agrimonia pilosa baicalein NA NA NA NA NA NA 19764,C0570|19765,C0059| KE AI SHI HU NA Delightful Dendrobium Dendrobium amoenum NA NA NA NA NA 11213,E|1070,E| SHU WEI CAO HUA CI TONG NA Salviaflower Coralbean* Erythrina salviiflora NA NA NA NA NA 7324,E|30954,T5622|7327,E|7325,T5622| YAN SUAN MA LIN GUA 盐酸吗啉胍 Moroxydine Hydrochloride Moroxydini Hydrochloridum NA NA NA NA NA 24625,M788| GUO YE GE NA Mirifica Kudzuvine Pueraria mirifica NA NA NA NA NA 14875,E|14876,T3932| KEN NI YA CI TONG NA Kenya Coralbean* Erythrina burttii NA NA NA NA NA 55,E|2771,E|2772,E|2773,E|2774,E|2770,E|14560,E| XIAO GUO Z AO NA Littlefruit Jujube Zizyphus oenoplia NA NA NA NA NA 22998,E| KU HUANG GUA NA Bitter Cucumber* Cucumis sativus var. hanzil NA NA NA NA NA 4318,T4516|4317,E| DUO HUA U LIAN NA Manyflower Starbush* Turraea floribunda NA NA NA NA NA 22117,E|22116,E|22115,E|22114,E|22119,E|22118,E|22120,E|22121,E| HONG GUO LUO FU MU NA Redfruit Devilpepper Rauvolfia verticillata f. rubrocarpa NA NA root See Rauvolfia verticillata. See Rauvolfia verticillata. 22417,T4037|22411,E| LIN SHENG SHAN LI DOU NA Wild Pea Lathyrus sylvestris NA NA NA NA NA 30892,T4662|5350,E| DU SHEN NA Poisonhemlock Conium maculatum NA NA NA NA NA 2887,E|3989,T3610|23381,T3610|18010,T3610|3988,E|18009,E|25498,T3610|3979,E|3981,T3610|14243,E| SAN JIAO YE SHU YU NA Deltoid Yam Dioscorea deltoidea NA NA rhizome To supplement stomach and spleen, boost lung and kidney. Spleen vacuity diarrhea, lung vacuity enduring cough, kidney vacuity and emission, diabetes mellitus. 12483,E|5040,E;T5413|5042,T5413|5039,E| XUN ZHUANG SHAN YUAN CAO NA Climbing Fumitory Adlumia cirrhosa [Syn. Adlumia fungosa] NA NA whole herb To settle pain. Various pain. 643,E;T6269|642,E;T6269| LA GEN 辣根 Horseradish Armoracia lapathifolia NA NA root To disperse food and harmonize center, disinhibit gallbladder, disinhibit urine. Indigestion, inhibited urination, cholecystitis, arthritis. 8759,E;C0167|25285,T4562|19919,E|8598,T4562|8597,E|23303,T4562|8591,T4562|8590,E|9613,E| KU GAN CAO 苦甘草 root of Foxtail - like sophora Herba Sophorae Alopecuroidis NA NA NA 1. To clear heat and toxic material, deprive dampness and kill parasites. For sorethroat, dysentery, trichomonas enteritis, toothache, stomachache and leucorrhagia, external use for tinea and eczema. 2. To relieve dyspnea and cough. 3. Anticarcinogenic. For malignant hydatidiform mole, chorionic epithelioma and leukemia. NA 983,M988|20084,C0055|20061,M988;C0053|13599,M988;C0333| ZHI KE 枳壳 Seville Ora nge Unripe Fruit Equivalent plant: Poncirus trifoliata Citrus aurantium NA NA unripe fruit To break qi and move phlegm, harmonize stomach and disperse accumulation. Phlegm stagnation in chest and diaphragm, glomus in chest, distention in rib-side, food accumulation, retching counterflow. 22961,T6664|30445,T6664|14788,E|15626,E;C0582|9457,E|15628,T6664|15873,E|22960,E|22028,E|19919,T6664|19770,T6664|20418,E|31731,T6664|31693,T6664|15278,E|15279,T6664|19913,E|19769,E| GAO GUI YOU MU YUN XIANG. NA NA Teclea nobilis NA NA NA NA NA 3547,E|15629,E|7807,E|20876,E|20877,E|1267,E|11730,E|9226,E|14612,E| LU SHENG GE JUN NA Terrestrial Thelephore* Thelephora terrestris NA NA NA NA NA 20370,E|20995,E|20994,E|20986,E|20987,E|20996,E|20991,E|20990,E|20993,E|20992,E| NAN SUAN ZAO NA Axillary Southem Wildjujube Choerospondias axillaris NA NA Fresh fruit or seed To move qi and quicken blood, nourish heart and quiet spirit, disperse accumulation, resolve toxin. Qi stagnation and blood stasis, chest pain, palmus and breathe hard, neurasthenia, insomnia, bronchitis, food stagnation and abdominal fullness, diarrhea, mounting qi (hernia), burns and scalds. 8094,E| XI BO LI YA TOU WU NA Siberian Goldenray Ligularia sibirica NA NA root and rhizome See Ligularia fischeri. See Ligularia fischeri. 12807,E| LU JIAO 鹿角 Deer Horn Cornu Cervi Warm,Salty Liver,Kidney NA NA NA 25060,M475|23378,M475| QING SUAN 青蒜 Allium sativum L NA NA NA NA NA NA 920,C0323|785,C0322|8311,C0304| YU YU LIANG 禹余粮 Limonite Limonitum NA NA NA Treatment of chronic diarrhea, chronic dysentery, abnormal uterine bleeding, morbid leukorrhea. NA 23482,M1078| TIAN HU SUI NA Lawn Pennywort Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Jaundice, dysentery, edema, strangury, eye screen, throat swelling, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, zoster, knocks and falls. 30820,T5782|18317,E|4140,E|9709,E|22157,E|9713,E|9712,E|9711,E|9710,E|9715,E|9714,E| YAO YONG GAN ZHE NA Sugarcane Saccharum officinarum NA NA NA NA NA 10965,E|26089,T6346|31303,T6346|552,E|20435,T6346|20430,E| ZONG JUAN SHI RUI. NA NA Cladonia convoluta NA NA NA NA NA 22265,E|7997,E|17956,E|14689,E| NAN CHUAN SHENG MA NA Nanchuan Bugbane* Cimicifuga nanchuanensis NA NA rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, course wind and outthrust papules, upbear yang and raise fall. Non-eruption of macula, swelling pain in throat, taxation damage, center qi fall, diarrhea, knocks and falls. 9454,E|15717,E| ZI SHAN 紫杉 Japanese Yew Taxus cuspidata NA NA branchlet-leaf To disinhibit urine and free channels, anticancer. Kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, carcinoma of ovary, carcinoma of mammary glands. 20849,E|20848,E|20843,E|19499,E|20841,E|20840,E|20847,E|20846,E|20845,E|20844,E|31993,T6755|20778,E|31992,T6755|20775,T6755|20774,E|20771,E|20770,E|4781,E|20772,E|4707,E|31990,T6755|30934,T6755|4708,T6755|17689,T6755|10749,T6755|20842,E|10742,E|31999,T6755|31998,T6755|25210,T6755|20768,E|20769,E|20766,E|20767,E|20764,E|20765,E|31997,T6755|25694,T6755|31995,T6755|31994,T6755|11474,E|31984,T6755|31985,T6755|8608,E|31987,T6755|31980,T6755|31981,T6755|31982,T6755|31983,T6755|10737,E|32091,T6755|31988,T6755|31989,T6755|25208,T6755|20854,E|20855,E;T6755|20856,E;T6755|20857,E|20773,E|20852,E|20853,E|2073,E|25800,T6755|2074,E|20746,E|20747,T6755|23090,C0492|6678,E|32002,T6755|32003,T6755|31979,T6755|21513,E|31971,T6755|31970,T6755|31972,T6755|31975,T6755|20825,E;T6755|20824,E|20827,E;T6755|20826,E;T6755|20829,E;T6755|20828,E;T6755|30477,T6755|19503,T6755|31986,T6755|31968,T6755|31969,T6755|31991,T6755|31963,T6755|31966,T6755|31967,T6755|31964,T6755|31965,T6755|20832,E;T6755|20833,E|20830,E;T6755|20831,E;T6755|20836,E|20837,E|20835,E|20838,E|20839,E|20722,E|20723,E;T6755|20727,E|20724,E;T6755|30641,T6755|17686,E|31954,T6755|6883,E|31951,T6755|15655,E|3721,E|3722,T6755|31996,T6755|20797,E|20796,T6755|20795,E;C0480|20791,E|32001,T6755|20798,T6755|11725,E|23038,T6755|11729,E|14643,E|31126,T6755|31355,T6755|20781,E|20782,E;T6755|20783,E|20784,E;T6755|20785,E;T6755|20786,E;T6755|20787,T6755| GAO LIANG JIANG 高粱姜 Lesser Galangal Alpinia officinarum Hot,Pungent Spleen,Stomach rhizome To warm stomach, dispel wind, dissipate cold, move qi, relieve pain. Cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea. 23956,M269|31552,T3830|13955,E|31538,T3830|10214,E|10450,E|9854,E|10213,E|10026,E|13914,E|10185,E|10187,E|2052,E|14240,T3830|12015,T3830|12017,C0453|12012,E|10629,E|6184,E|9497,E|11645,C0299|28252,T3830|13960,E|13961,T3830|18302,E|2850,E|15955,E|19981,E|14238,E|6488,T3830|10449,E|6487,E|31204,T3830|8080,E;C0341|8081,T3830|10190,E|24387,T3830|7522,T3830|7520,E|17362,E|24444,M269|7480,E| XIAO GAN CAO 小甘草 Root of Ural Licorice Radix Glycyrrhizae Mild,Sweet Lung,Spleen,Stomach,Heart NA Treatment of weakness of the spleen and the stomach marked by lassitude and weakness, cardiac palpitation and shortness of breath, cough with much phlegm , spasmodic pain in the epigastrium, abdomen and limbs, carbuncles and sores. It is often used for reducing the toxic or drastic actions of other drugs.Radix Glycyrrhizae (processed with honey) Weakness of the spleen and the stomach with lassitude and lack of strength, arrhythmia. 1. Its decoction can inhibit intestinal smooth muscles of rabbins in vitro, but glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetinic acid have no this effect.2. Possessing an adrenocorticomimetic effect.3. Its extract and glycyrrhizin exerts a detoxifying effect.4. Antitussive and antiasthmatic. 5. Glycyrrhizin has anti-inflammatory effect similar to hydrocortisone. 23487,M762|19967,M762|23537,M762|24471,M762| MEI LI HUA QIU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2005,T4913| BAI TA GE. NA NA Saxidomus giganteus NA NA NA NA NA 19416,E| DUI XIN JU NA Sneezeweed Helenium autumnale NA NA NA NA NA 31820,T3633|9289,E|9288,T3633|9287,E|14814,E|17544,E|20947,E|14816,T3633|2026,E;T3633|9563,E|9565,T3633|31069,T3633|30328,T3633|7835,E|7836,T3633| GAO JIA SUO WU TOU NA Eastern Monkshood Aconitum orientale NA NA NA NA NA 2042,E;T3825|12530,T3825|12505,E| HUANG MAO GE NA Yellow-hairy Calyx Kudzuvine Pueraria calycina NA NA NA NA NA 18166,E|4603,E| DA YE ZUI YU CAO NA Orangeeye Butterflybush Buddleja davidii NA NA branchlet-leaf, root cortex To dispel wind and dissipate cold, quicken blood and relieve pain, resolve toxin and kill worms. Wind-cold cough, impediment pain, knocks and falls, swollen welling abscess, sore and boil, pudendal itch of women, leprosy, foot lichen. 17495,E|2125,E|3245,E|11882,E|11526,E|2697,E;T3481|12719,E| MEI LI YIN ZHU SHI DOU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 20130,T4917|14917,T4917| QING QIAN LIU NA Roundwingfruit Cyclocarya Cyclocarya paliurus NA NA leaf To dispel wind and relieve itch. Skin lichen. 30352,T5283|4479,E|4480,E|4481,E|4482,E;T5283|4483,T5283| BAN XIA 半夏 Ternate Pinellia Pinellia ternata Warm,Pungent Lung,Spleen,Stomach tuber To eliminate damp and resolve cold phlegm, downbear counterflow and check vomiting, disperse glomus and dissipate binds. Cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, vomiting nausea, glomus in chest, dizziness, headache, vexation and agitation in night, goiters with phlegm node, swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess. 3592,T3054|21646,E;M43|2458,E|9070,E|23042,M43;C0511|6814,E|31938,T3054|19971,E|14327,E|23597,M43|13816,E|5762,E|14328,T3054|30670,T3054|832,E|31848,T3054|16747,M43|4679,E|25619,T3054|16849,E|8671,E|29509,T3054|15971,E|9608,T3054|9568,E|25912,T3054|22308,E|19744,E|1673,E|9379,E|23660,M43;T3054|9607,E|3589,E|14218,E|21326,E|17079,E|25512,T3054|1886,E|19967,E|22153,E|4684,T3054|1047,E|23905,M43|16822,E|17954,E|8816,E|3988,E|3989,T3054|17891,E| TIAN PENG ZI NA Chinese Atropanthe Scopolia sinensis NA NA root To dissipate wind-cold, quicken network vessels and relieve pain. Wind-cold-damp impediment, paralysis, painful wound from knocks and falls, tetanus. 2001,E;T5793| SAN LIE HAO NA Tripartite Wormwood* Artemisia tripartita NA NA NA NA NA 18828,E| MIAN TOU YE NA SmallleafKnema Kleinhovia hospita NA NA leaf To kill worms, treat lichen, dry damp and resolve itch. Scab sore, lichen, erythra itch-pain, head louse. 19072,E|15516,E| KUN LAN SHU NA Wheelstamentree Trochodendron aralioides NA NA NA NA NA 5282,E|30880,T4552| XI MEN FEI CAO NA Comfrey Symphytum officinale NA NA NA NA NA 23179,T6018|12532,T6018|12530,E|12415,E|31070,T6018|20509,E|20534,T6018|20511,E|9315,E|6683,E|18911,T6018| ZHOU SHUO XIAN NA NA Aulacomnium androgynum NA NA NA NA NA 17133,E| XIAO HUA WU YA GUO NA Pentagynous Dillenia Dillenia pentagyna NA NA NA NA NA 18713,E| YOU XIAN YA JIAO SHU NA Limited Alstonia* Alstonia restricta NA NA NA NA NA 21039,E|32018,T6505| YAN HAI TUN CAO NA Oak-of-Cappadocia Ambrosia maritima NA NA NA NA NA 1029,E;T6299| DU HUI MAO DOU NA Toxic Tephrosia* Tephrosia toxicaria NA NA NA NA NA 1436,E|3602,E|5594,E|15878,E|2280,E|2282,E|21467,E|13090,E|11501,E|20469,E|10429,E|8277,E|13564,E|10740,E| SAN YE MA BIAN CAO NA Trifoliolate Verbena* Verbena triphylla [Syn. Lippia citriodora] NA NA NA NA NA 3760,E|22383,E|30792,T5435|22385,T5435| ZHI SHAN XIANG NA Pectinat Bushmint* Hyptis pectinata NA NA leaf To resolve heat, relieve cough, expel roundworms[5509]. NA 16741,E|16735,E|16736,E|16737,E|16740,E|16738,E|16739,E|16742,E| MU DAN PI 牡丹皮 Subshrubby Peony Bark Equivalent plant: Paeonia delavayi Paeonia moutan [Syn. Paeonia suffruticosa] Minor cold,Pungent,Bitter Liver,Heart,Kidney root cortex To clear heat and cool blood, quicken blood and dissipate stasis. Appendicitis, dysentery, hypertension, allergic rhinitis, warm heat disease with fever, macular eruption, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, steaming bone tidal fever due to yin vacuity, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, dysmenorrhea, concretion and conglomeration, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, painful wound from knocks and falls, wind-damp-heat impediment. 16521,E|20436,E;T5001|16523,E;T5001|8094,E|23185,C0048|16823,E|24185,T5001|16514,E;M516;C0349|30995,T5001|20449,T5001|16515,T5001|1524,E;T5001|20437,E;T5001|16522,E;T5001|20438,E;T5001|20435,E|2263,E;T5001|2266,E;T5001|25360,T5001|16444,E|20439,E| MO ZHI JU. NA NA Hymenoxys grandiflora NA NA NA Anticarcinoma. NA 16721,E| CAO DI WU TOU NA Meadow Monkshood Aconitum umbrosum NA NA root To dispel wind and dissipate cold, dispel damp and relieve pain. Wind-cold-damp impediment, pain in limbs, hypertonicity of limbs, neuralgia, knocks and falls, osteoarthritis, cold pain in heart and abdomen, welling abscess and flat abscess with clove sore. 22183,E|781,E;T3189| JIA DU XING CAI NA Garden Cress Lepidium sativum NA NA whole herb and seed To relieve cough and dispel phlegm, warm center, disinhibit urine, hasten delivery. Cough, asthma, abundant phlegm, hiccough, diarrhea, dysentery, abdominal distention, edema, inhibited urination, scab and lichen. 19896,E|8598,E|3911,E| NIAO PAO CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 20139,T5080|20136,T5080| CAN DOU JING NA Broadbean Stem Vicia faba NA NA stem To stanch bleeding, check diarrhea, resolve toxin and close sores. Internal bleeding, water diarrhea, scalds. 8805,E|8806,T3177| JIAN YING CHAI HU NA Thorowax Bupleurum rigidum NA NA NA NA NA 19230,E|19231,E|19232,E|19233,E|19234,E| AI TONG ZI NA Farges Glorybower* Clerodendron trichotomum var. fargesii NA NA NA NA NA 3841,T2896|3839,E| QIAO GUAN JU NA Common Coleostephus Coleostephus myconis NA NA NA NA NA 15138,T5256|15134,E| TIE ZHOU CAO NA Fourfile Germander Teucrium quadrifarium NA NA whole herb, root or leaf To dispel wind and resolve summerheat, disinhibit damp and disperse swelling, cool blood and resolve toxin. Wind-heat common cold, summerheat stroke and anidrosis, lung heat cough asthma, pulmonary welling abscess, heat toxin dysentery, edema, wind-damp pain, taxation damage, blood ejection, hematochezia, mammary welling abscess, innominate toxin swelling, wind papules, eczema, knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, poisonous snake bite, bee sting. 21218,T5821|21213,E| RU JU NA Kinokuni Citrus Citrus kinokuni NA NA NA NA NA 10592,E|16853,E|16852,E| CHAO ZHI QIAO 炒枳壳 Prepared fruit of Seville orange Fructus Aurantii Preparata Minor cold,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Large Intestine,Stomach NA Treatment of distension and pain in the chest and hypochondriac regions due to stagnation of qi, indigestion with retention of phlegm and fluid, gastroptosis, prolapse of the rectum, prolapse of the uterus. NA 15278,M92|9457,M92| HONG ZU HAO NA Redfoot Wormwood Artemisia rubripes NA NA leaf See Artemisia argyi. See Artemisia argyi. 2170,E|7581,E;C0523|7582,T4071|22022,E| YI LI CUI QUE HUA NA Ili Larkspur Delphinium iliense NA NA NA NA NA 5036,T6414|5035,E| NAO YANG HUA 闹羊花 Chinese Azalea Rhododendron molle NA NA flower To dispel wind and eliminate damp, dissipate stasis and settle pain, kill worms. Tachycardia, palpitation, hypertension, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, intractable lichen. 1161,E;M1016;T5061|20117,T5061|20116,E;M1016|18794,E|18795,E|18796,E|12113,E|18791,E|18792,E|18793,E|18798,E|18779,M1016|8758,E|18797,E|7661,E|14061,E|31916,T5061|23929,M1016|8994,E|18788,E|24581,M1016|18786,E|18785,E| CU CAO BA QIA NA Lebrun Greenbrier Smilax lebrunii NA NA NA NA NA 20220,E| MAO PAO TONG 毛泡桐 Royal Paulownia Paulownia tomentosa NA NA bark See Paulownia fortunei . See Paulownia fortunei . 16743,T4876|25288,T4876|25545,T4876|16722,E;C0093|3306,E|3307,T4876|1833,E;T4876|3052,E|19762,E;C0579|19764,T4876|16734,T4876|580,E|32181,T4876|20553,E|11578,E|30806,T4876|19906,E|3053,T4876|22254,E|13573,E|23064,T4876|31364,T4876|6231,T4876|3981,E| LUO GUO DI NA Lovely Hemsleya Equivalent plant: Hemsleya macrosperma Hemsleya amabilis NA NA tuberoid To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Swelling pain in throat, toothache, painful red eyes, bacillary dysentery, enteritis, stomachache, hepatitis, urinary tract infection, swelling of clove. 5575,E;T4748|5574,E|5578,T4748| GAN LU QIN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23080,C0364| LI YE NA Bretschneider Pear Leaf Equivalent plant: Pyrus pyrifolia Pyrus bretschneideri NA NA leaf To soothe liver and harmonize stomach, disinhibit water and resolve toxin. Cholera with vomiting and diarrhea, edema, inhibited urination, child mounting qi, poisoning of mushrooms . 11322,E|11323,E|1618,E| PU YE SHAN YOU ZI NA Celtis-leaf Opilia* Opilia celtidifolia NA NA NA NA NA 18215,E| JIN QUE GEN NA Chinese Peashrub Root Caragana sinica NA NA root and root cortex To supplement lung and boost spleen, dispel wind and quicken blood. Vacuity taxation, lung vacuity enduring cough, flooding, vaginal discharge, scant breast milk, wind-damp bone pain, pain wind, hemiplegia, hypertension, knocks and falls. 4684,T4411|4679,E|16539,E|3434,E|3435,T4411|10419,E| CHAO ZAO REN 炒枣仁 Prepared Spine Date Seed Semen Ziziphi Spinosae Preparata Mild,Sweet Spleen,Liver,Heart,Gallbladder NA Treatment of insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, excessive sweating due to debility, thirst due to consumption of body fluid. The chief components are jujuboside A and B. 1. Intraperitoneal injection its decoction ( 2.5-5.0g/kg ) exerts sedative and hypnotic effects in rats. 2. Intravenous injection of its decoction exerts significant and proloned hypotensive effect in anesthetized dogs. 3. Occasionally causing heart block. 4. Inducing hysterospasm. 24858,M91|2331,M91|11908,M91|11906,M91;C0140| DOU ZHUANG HE BAO MU DAN NA Dutchman’s Breeches Dicentra cucullaria NA NA NA NA NA 15908,E|642,E;T3597|4350,E|4351,T3597|4352,E|4353,T3597| LI YU 鲤鱼 Carp Cyprinus carpio Mild,Sweet Spleen,Kidney meat To fortify spleen and harmonize stomach, disinhibit water and precipitate qi, free milk, quiet fetus. Stomachache, diarrhea, water-damp fullness, inhibited urination, beriberi, jaundice, cough and qi counterflow, stirring fetus in pregnancy, edema in pregnancy, postpartum scant milk. 30827,T4617|19345,E|19346,T4617|15519,E|9567,E|9568,T4617|4223,T4617|4221,E|4222,E|24237,M446| YUAN ZHUI ZHU SHI DOU NA Paniculate Crotalaria* Crotalaria paniculata NA NA NA NA NA 7993,E|30981,T6563| ZHI MO YAO 制没药 Myrrhtree gum resin Myrrha Praeparata Mild,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Liver,Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of pains caused by blood stagnation 1. Its aqueous infusion inhibits the growth of skin fungi such as Trichophyton violaceum.2. Inhibiting the excessive secretion of bronchi and uterus. 7520,M861|3693,M861;C0369| DAN ZHI DAO HUA NA Simplex Rice-flower* Pimelea simplex NA NA NA NA NA 19886,E| MAI KE LIN JIU NA MacLean Leek* Allium macleanii NA NA NA NA NA 4296,E| BO BAN HE YE TAI. NA NA Scapania undulata NA NA NA NA NA 9331,E|11506,E|16898,E|16963,E|6743,E|6739,E| GOU JI 狗脊 Cochinchina Cudrania Cudrania cochinchinensis Warm,Sweet,Bitter Liver,Kidney root To dispel wind and free network vessels, clear heat and remove damp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, jaundice, parotitis, phthisis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, strangury-turbidity, tympanites, menstrual block, taxation damage and coughing of blood, clove sore and swollen welling abscess. 3869,E|3868,E|21781,E|11203,E|9856,E|4346,E|4345,E|4344,E|4343,E|4341,E|4340,E|2309,E|14630,E|5825,E|993,E|11245,E|12017,M276;C0453|1010,E|22651,E|4338,E|4339,E|4337,E|4334,E|8358,E|15271,E|8353,E|8354,E|8356,E|8357,E|5183,E|5831,E|21472,E|1897,M276|1764,E| LU HAN CAO 鹿含草 all-grass Chinese pyrola herba pyrolae chinensis Warm,Slightly Sweet,Bitter Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of arthralgia with weakness of the loins and knees, excessive menstrual flow, chronic phthisical cough. NA 1618,M473|18256,M473| GOU JU NA Trifoliate-orange Poncirus trifoliata NA NA unripe fruit To break qi and dissipate binds, course liver and resolve depression. Binding depression of liver qi , mammary consumption, mounting qi, qi stagnation, distention fullness in stomach duct and abdomen, pain in stomach duct, constipation, prolapse of uterus, prolapse of rectum. 30751,T3850|9457,E|15873,E|22759,E|17691,E|31093,T3850|31828,T3850|31731,T3850|19986,E|19987,T3850|933,E|30112,T3850|19769,E|11608,E|22761,T3850|1497,E|15278,E|15279,T3850|11311,T3850|18804,T3850|3242,E|3241,E|19770,T3850| JIN PING GE NA XIANG NA Leiocarpus Goniothalamus Goniothalamus leiocarpus NA NA NA NA NA 4092,T4406|1313,E;T4406|8946,E|4089,E|15092,T4406|25638,T4406|31025,T4406|8380,E|15091,E| GANG GUO JIAN XUE FENG HOU NA Congo Antiaris* Antiaris welwitschii NA NA NA NA NA 1377,E| KA SI HAO NA Caruth Wormwood* Artemisia caruthii NA NA NA NA NA 1745,E|909,E|910,E|13599,T4483| LI SHUO ZHU XIAN. NA NA Bartramia pomiformis NA NA NA NA NA 1261,E| ZHAO SHENG DA JI NA Marshy Euphorbia* Euphorbia palustris NA NA NA NA NA 25453,T6640|15162,E| MAI DU CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9183,T4821| BAN YUE XING TIE XIAN JUE NA Philippine Maidenhair* Adiantum lunulatum NA NA whole herb To clear lung and relieve cough, disinhibit water and free strangury, disperse welling abscess and promote lactation. Lung heat cough, dribbling pain of urination, mammary welling abscess with swelling and pain, breast milk stoppage. 7177,E| ZHI LI MA DOU LING NA Aristolochia chilensis Aristolochia chilensis NA NA NA NA NA 17415,E| NEI ZHE XIANG CHA CAI NA Inflexed Rabdosia Isodon inflexa [Syn. Rabdosia inflexa ] NA NA NA NA NA 18450,E|18470,E|11050,E|11051,E|11052,E|11053,E|11054,E|11055,T5062|11037,E|11038,E|11039,E|18449,E|31313,T5062|18469,E|11047,E|11046,E|11045,E|11044,E|11043,E|11042,E|11041,E|11040,E|11049,E|11048,E| CHANG E JIN LIAN MU PI NA Macrocalyx Ochna Bark* Ochna macrocalyx NA NA NA NA NA 15906,E|4045,E|2985,E|9517,E|4984,E|5550,E| SONG YE FANG FENG NA Yunnan Seseli Seseli yunnanense NA NA root See Seseli meirei . See Seseli meirei. 7706,E|7709,T5698|11000,T5698|10999,E| REN DONG TENG 忍冬藤 Japanese Honeysuckle Vine Lonicera japonica Cold,Sweet Lung,Spleen,Stomach,Heart stem-branch To clear heat and resolve toxin, free network vessels. Warm disease fever, swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, heat toxin blood dysentery, wind-damp-heat impediment. 9262,E|9261,E|9267,E|25056,M592|9269,E|9268,E|20487,M592|23122,C0442|23182,M592;C0127|12981,E;M592|23579,M592|24186,M592|19608,M592|13772,C0122|14198,M592|16039,E|3551,E|3342,E|23038,C0121|24847,M592|12944,M592|16044,E|9270,E|9271,E|23214,M592|19609,E|9275,E|19621,E|16043,E|23415,M592|8311,C0304|23565,M592|22590,E|8290,M592|13130,M592;C0415|13133,E|1577,E|24703,M592| FU SHE SONG NA Montery Pine Pinus radiata NA NA NA NA NA 3767,E|3768,T3776|17874,E|17041,E|17043,T3776|15654,E|7751,T3776|7750,E| XI CHUAN XIONG 西川芎 Chuanxiong rhizome, Szechuan lovage root Radix chuanxiong;Rhizoma Chuanxiong Warm,Pungent Liver,Cardiovascular,Gallbladder NA Treatment of menstrual disorders, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, abdominal pain with mass formation, pricking pain in the chest and costal regions, swelling and pain due to traumatic injury, headache, rheumatic arthralgia. 1. Its active component, tetramethylpyrazine, can dilate the coronary artery and increase the coronary flow.2. Its aqueous solution and alcoholic infusion can lower blood pressure.3. Its alkaloids, ferulic acid and cnidilide are antispasmodics.4. Inhibiting the egrowth of intestinal gram-negative bacteria and skinfungi. 23518,M734|16880,M734|23962,M734|23316,M734|21024,M734|19084,M734|23539,M734|24977,M734|23119,M734|15244,M734|24998,M734|23184,M734|24558,M734|3244,M734|3045,M734|21594,M734|23306,M734|24145,M734|23790,M734|23874,M734|24986,M734|23910,M734|24370,M734|23863,M734|24080,M734|12843,M734|24431,M734|7750,M734|24095,M734|23880,M734|21344,M734|25147,M734|3768,M734|3769,M734|23150,M734|4549,M734|24136,M734|15138,M734|23379,M734|23543,M734|15503,M734|17076,M734|25127,M734|4232,M734;C0567|23545,M734|25021,M734|2550,M734|24037,M734|24170,M734|5403,M734|3048,M734|24748,M734|23867,M734|24243,M734|14546,M734|24465,M734|20976,M734|24466,M734|9511,M734|15967,M734;C0425|24956,M734|23284,M734;C0201| XIE ZHUA LAN NA Crab-craw Orchis* Schlumbergera truncata NA NA aerial parts To resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Toxin swelling of sores, parotitis. 15335,E| HUO XIANG 霍香 Wrinkled Gianthyssop Agastache rugosus Minor Warm,Pungent Lung,Spleen,Stomach aerial parts To dispel summerheat and resolve exterior, harmonize stomach and transform damp. Summer common cold, cold-heat headache, glomus and oppression in chest and stomach duct, vomiting and diarrhea, diarrhea in pregnancy, deep-source nasal congestion. 31446,T4254|708,E;T4254|709,E;T4254|11197,E|30751,T4254|11199,T4254|9670,T4254|23101,C0577|28530,T4254|13876,E|7957,T4254|61,E;T4254|12837,E|6740,E|7950,E|16722,T4254|12838,T4254|2943,E;T4254|4221,T4254|7384,E|2940,E;T4254|4679,E|31812,T4254|24377,T4254|21377,T4254|26058,T4254|29509,T4254|2941,E|31103,T4254|21375,E|31751,T4254|25614,T4254|23314,M375|14352,E|18653,E|7385,T4254|2851,E|16487,E|18658,T4254|4219,E|9521,E|16040,E|9523,E|4549,E|23098,T4254|6917,E|25383,T4254|9522,T4254|14217,T4254|12843,E|19967,E|9669,E|30956,T4254|6744,T4254|25545,T4254|4684,T4254|11311,T4254|31747,T4254|1282,E|1186,E;M375;C0041;T4254|3242,E|3241,E|56,E;T4254|31606,T4254|7729,E|6058,E|17362,E|17363,E|15968,E|15969,E;T4254|16699,E|23545,T4254|25799,T4254| DA ZI MAI MA TENG NA Bigseed Jointfir Gnetum montanum f. megalocarpum NA NA NA NA NA 8895,E|8894,E|8893,E|8892,E| MING XIAN HUA ZHU CHANG ZHU LIU LI CAO NA Longstyle Lindelofia Lindelofia stylosa NA NA NA NA NA 7456,E|14548,E|12415,E|2805,E|7477,E|18910,E|6364,E| JU SE GOU SUAN JIANG NA Orange Monkeyflower* Mimulus aurantiacus NA NA NA NA NA 2007,E| JING YA MA YE RUI XIANG NA Garou Bush Daphne gnidium NA NA NA NA NA 4656,E| SANG YING 桑瘿 Nodus Mori NA NA NA NA NA NA 23297,C0308|14963,C0311|23078,C0137|617,C0403|6678,C0526| JUAN MAO KUO BAO JU NA Sericeous Pluchea* Pluchea sericea NA NA NA NA NA 260,E|10528,E| ZHI CAO WU 制草乌 Prepared Kusnezoff Monkshood Root Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii Preparata Hot,Pungent Spleen,Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of rheumatic and rheumatoid arthralgia, precordial and abdominal pain with cold sensation, abdominal colic caused by cold, anaethesia. NA 1964,M843|554,M843|13787,M843| E ZHU 莪术 Zedoray Rhizome Rhizoma Curcumae Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Liver NA Treatment of mass in the abdomen, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, distension and pain due to stagnation of undigested food, carcinoma of cervix at early stage. 1. Its volatile oil and its components curcumenol, curdione and B-elemene destroy directly the Ehrlich-Ascites tumor and leukemia615 in mice. 2. Promoting phagocytosis of monocytes. 3. Dilating peripheral blood vessels, inhibiting aggregation of thrombocytes and thrombosis, and improving microcirculation. 4398,M234|4399,M234|15371,M234|4415,M234|4414,M234|11356,M234|24794,M234|24309,M234|17861,M234|6875,M234|4397,M234|23279,M234;C0236|4392,M234|24840,M234| DE KA RUI HUA JIAO NA Decary Pricklyash* Zanthoxylum decaryi NA NA NA NA NA 1833,E;T3516|5457,T3516|5444,E| FEI ZHOU HUANG TAN NA African Rosewood Dalbergia melanoxylon NA NA NA NA NA 13651,E|4613,T3731|4608,E| YIN DU JIU LI XIANG NA Indian Common Jasminorange Murraya koenigii NA NA NA NA NA 31406,T6453|16431,E|11520,T6453|15109,T6453|15105,E|10103,E|11689,T6453|11687,E|2480,E|31477,T6453|8455,E|15111,E|15110,E|15113,T6453|12243,E|12244,E;T6453|12245,E|12246,E;T6453|12247,T6453|11517,E|13391,E|13392,E;T6453|9418,E|9419,T6453| RI BEN ZI ZHU NA Japanese Beautyberry Callicarpa japonica NA NA leaf See Callicarpa formosana. See Callicarpa formosana. 21186,E| YI YE ROU TUO GUO NA Heteroleaf Markingnut* Semecarpus heterophylla NA NA NA NA NA 16610,E| TIE SHENG QIAN LI GUANG NA Adnate Groundsel* Senecio adnatus NA NA NA NA NA 17532,E| QUAN YUAN YE TE SA JU. NA NA Tessaria integriforia NA NA NA NA NA 5414,E|11094,E|11091,E|11092,E|11095,E|11093,E| NAN ZHU ZHI NA Oriental Blueberry Fruit Vaccinium bracteatum NA NA fruit To supplement liver and kidney, strengthen sinews and bones, secure essence qi, check dysentery and diarrhea. Liver kidney vacuity, premature graying in beard and hair, weakness in sinews and bones, chronic diarrhea, dream emission, incessant vaginal discharge, chronic diarrhea and dysentery. 9615,E|7957,T5060|6917,E|25799,T5060|7950,E|11082,E|11575,T5060|11085,T5060| CHANG HUA BAN KE YA SHU NA Longpetal Vouacapoua* Vouacapoua macropetala NA NA NA NA NA 17264,E| QIU FU SHOU CAO NA Annual Adonis* Adonis annua NA NA NA NA NA 647,E| KU TAN ZI 苦檀子 Thickfruit Millettia Millettia pachycarpa NA NA seed or fruit To attack toxin and relieve pain, disperse accumulation and kill worms. Scab and lichen, sore lai, sand qi abdominal pain, child gan accumulation. 6495,E|10679,E|16482,E|13081,E|16483,T4528|16480,E|16478,E|16479,E;T4528|16481,E|18925,T4528|18924,E;C0444;T4528| FEN JI DU NA Long Stephania and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp and disperse swelling, dispel wind and quicken network vessels Stephania longa NA NA NA NA Diarrhea and dysentery, dribbling and inhibited voidings of urination, edema, jaundice, wind-damp impediment pain, throat impediment, tympanitis, swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, poisonous snake bites. 20295,E|17942,E| DUO XU GONG NA Lavender-gustatory Eupatorium* Eupatorium stoechadosmum NA NA NA NA NA 20472,E| YOU SE ZI JIN NIU NA Colorate Ardisia* Ardisia colorata NA NA NA NA NA 8094,E|18302,E|12015,E|6766,E|15162,E|2312,E|15710,E|2380,E|11639,E|1652,E|1650,E|1651,E|911,E|5041,E|912,E| JI JI JING YE NA Serrate Chloranthus Stem-leaf Chloranthus serratus NA NA stem-leaf To dispel wind quicken blood, resolve toxin and relieve itch. Common cold, cough, wind-damp pain, knocks and falls, welling abscess and boil, menstrual disorder [= menoxenia]. 17070,E|17072,E| ZI QI NA Japanese Os munda Frond Osmunda japonica NA NA rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel stasis and stanch bleeding, kill worms. Influenza, epidemic encephalitis, parotitis, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, measles papules, varicella, dysentery, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, vaginal discharge, intestinal parasitic disease. 31642,T6753|16646,E|20428,E|17686,E|6677,E|14498,E|30934,T6753|16244,E|16245,E|20429,T6753|6678,E;T6753|17689,T6753| XU LI YA NIU ZHI NA Syria Origanum* Origanum syriacum NA NA NA NA NA 21347,E|3233,E|21348,E|10762,E|13741,E| DUO RU TOU HUANG YANG NA Papillose Box* Buxus papillosa NA NA NA NA NA 2815,E|2814,E|2813,E|4531,E|4515,E|19681,E|4541,E| FENG XIANG SHU NA Beautiful Sweetgum Leaf Liquidambar formosana [Syn. Liquidambar taiwaniana] NA NA leaf To move qi and relieve pain, resolve toxin, stanch bleeding. Pain in stomach duct, abdominal pain due to summerheat damage, dysentery, diarrhea, swollen welling abscess and sores, eczema, blood ejection, hemoptysis, bleeding due to external injury. 6481,E|12837,E|20972,E|15171,E| GE HUA 葛花 flower bud of lobed kudzuvine flos puerariae lobatae Cool,Pungent,Sweet Spleen,Stomach NA Treatment of fever, headache and stiffness of th nape in exogenous affections, thirst, diabetes, measles with inadequate eruption, acute dysentery or diarrhea, stiff and painful nape in hypertension. NA 25166,M272|4605,C0282|4603,C0428|24221,M272|23975,M272| XIAO LIAN QIAO 小连翘 Erect StJohn’swort Hypericum erectum NA NA whole herb To regulate menstruation and stanch bleeding, dissipate stasis and relieve pain, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Blood ejection, hemoptysis, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, bleeding due to external injury, menstrual disorder, postpartum galactostasis, knocks and falls, pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, swelling toxin of sore and boil, poisonous snake bite. 10886,T6173|10885,E;C0274|7223,E|7222,E|16257,E|7224,E|10882,C0275|5100,E|16258,E| BAO CHUN SHI HU NA Primrose Denrdobium Dendrobium primulinum NA NA NA NA NA 3627,E| MI TI BING HUA JU. NA NA Podanthus mitiqui NA NA NA NA NA 16267,E| JIAN XUE FENG HOU NA Common Antiaris Antiaris toxicaria [Syn. Ambora toxicaria] NA NA juice and seed To strengthen heart, promote vomiting, drain precipitation, anesthetize (juice), resolve heat (seed), promote lactation. Scrofula (juice), dysentery (seed). 16924,E|20380,E|24622,T4340|20388,E|30612,T4340|16946,E|13411,E|1375,E|1374,E|1377,E|1376,E|1378,E|1461,E;T4340|1462,E| SHU DI HUANG 熟地黄 Adhesive Rehmannia Cocked Root Rehmannia glutinosa [Syn. Rehmannia glutinosa f. huechingensis] Minor Warm,Sweet Liver,Kidney steamed and sundried root To supplement blood and enrich yin, boost essence and replenish marrow. Blood vacuity with yellow complexion, dizziness and palpitation, menstrual disorder [=menoxenia], incessant flooding and spotting, liver-kidney yin depletion, tidal fever with night sweat, impotence and emission, sterility and infertility, limp aching lumbus and knees, tinnitus and deafness, dizzy head and vision, premature graying in beard and hair, diabetes mellitus, constipation, kidney vacuity hasty asthma. 18577,E|22236,E|23687,M665|18584,E|18574,E|18581,E|18252,E|9766,E|3306,E|18583,E|18582,E|18585,E|10492,E| BIAN YUAN BIAN E TAI. NA NA Radula marginata NA NA NA NA NA 16972,E|2349,E|2348,E| YAO SHU LI NA Common Buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica NA NA ripe fruit To moisten intestines and free stool. Intestinal dry and constipation, habitual constipation. 7939,E;T6337|7938,E|7941,T6337| XIAO LU QIE NA Viatic Nightshade* Solanum viarum NA NA NA NA NA 20054,T6174|20053,E| DONG LANG DANG NA Japanese Scopolia Scopolia japonica NA NA rhizome To resolve tetany and settle pain, constrain sweat and astringe intestines. Various pains, mental manic agitation, swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, anthrax, bleeding due to external injury, body lichen. 19530,E;T3589|19551,T3589|19527,E|10869,E|10871,T3589|15751,E|15754,T3589| BAN ZHEN ZHONG HUA SHU. NA NA Tabebuia impetiginosa NA NA NA NA NA 21909,E|6273,E|14048,E|6285,E|6286,E|21911,E|6280,E|21878,E|21879,E|6205,E|16728,E|10617,E|10605,E|10621,E|16727,E|13942,E| YE GU NA Indian Aeginetia Aeginetia indica NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin. Swelling pain in throat, urinary tract infection, medullitis, clove sore. 656,E|657,E;T6360|26017,T6360|18641,E| PU QI BEI MU NA Puqi Fritillary* Fritillaria puqiensis NA NA NA NA NA 18194,E| HU KE HUANG GUA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 30834,T4094| AN NAI JIN 安乃近 Analgin Analginum NA NA NA NA NA 25114,M5| TIE BANG CHUI NA Pendulous Monkshood Aconitum pendulum NA NA tuberoid To quicken blood and dispel stasis, dispel wind and eliminate damp, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Knocks and falls, fracture, wind-damp lumbago, swollen welling abscess and malign sore, innominate toxin swelling, scrofula, frostbite, poisonous snake bite. 2231,E|16796,T5811|16795,E|16790,E| JIN LIAN HUA 金莲花 Chinese Globeflower Equivalent plant: Trollius ledebourii Trollius chinensis [Syn. Trollius asiaticus var. chinensis] Cold,Bitter Lung flower To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling, brighten eyes. Common cold with fever, swelling pain in throat, mouth sore, gum swelling and pain, gum hemorrhage, red eyes with gall, swelling toxin of clove sore, acute periostitis, acute lymphangitis. 20239,M404|13217,M404|22565,E|18511,M404|6200,E|16185,E| BA XIAN HUA NA Largeleaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla NA NA root, leaf and flower To interrupt malaria. Malaria, fright palpitation due to heart heat, vexation and agitation. 4648,T2952|13077,E|13078,E;T2952|31129,T2952|4646,E|4647,E;T2952|13082,T2952|9698,E|9699,E;T2952| BEI MEI GUI JIU 北美鬼臼 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23138,C0215| TING JING BIAN DI JIN NA Elodia StJohn’swort Hypericum elodeoides NA NA whole herb See Hypericum wightianum. See Hypericum wightianum. 19072,E|10886,E|10882,E| ZHU SHEN 猪肾 Pig Kidney Nephridium Porci Mild,Salty Kidney NA NA NA 23580,M887| XIAO MU MA HUANG NA Small Beefwood* Casuarina stricta NA NA NA NA NA 16753,E| BO CAI 菠菜 Spinish Spinacia oleracea NA NA whole herb with root To nourish blood, stanch bleeding, calm liver, moisten dryness. Spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, headache, dizziness and dim vision, red eyes, night blindness, diabetes mellitus, fecal stoppage, hemorrhoids. 20151,E;T3150|20150,E;T3150|20152,E|23125,C0500|7852,E|16274,E|7851,E|15348,E|15349,E|17126,E|17127,E|24890,T3150|7776,E|9567,E|9568,T3150|31236,T3150|16283,T3150|360,E|9601,T3150|9600,E|3585,E|3586,T3150|20148,E|4190,E;C0358|4191,T3150|32215,T3150|15350,T3150|23720,T3150|7853,T3150|30968,T3150|26108,T3150|10499,E|21399,E| XIN SU GE LAN XUE GUO MU NA Newcaledonian Coelospermum* Coelospermum billardieri NA NA NA NA NA 3888,E| LING LAN NA Lily of Valley Convallaria keiskei [Syn. Convallaria majalis] NA NA whole herb with root To war m yang and disinhibit water, dispel wind and quicken blood. Congestive cardiac failure, rheumatic heart disease, paroxysmal tachycardia, edema. 6852,E|18766,E|16947,E|21068,E|4028,T4666|4008,E;T4666|4009,E;T4666|7320,T4666|2057,E|4005,E|11674,T4666|2400,E|31772,T4666|8594,T4666|32029,T4666|8592,E;T4666|4871,T4666|8591,E|18770,T4666|23275,T4666|10886,E|21092,T4666|12187,T4666|12186,E|24688,T4666|11671,E|7319,E|4870,E|4013,E;T4666|3501,E|4011,E;T4666|4010,E;T4666|4014,E;T4666|11639,E|4012,E;T4666|3502,T4666| GANG MAO TENG SHAN LIU NA Hisped Vineclethra Clematoclethra scanden NA NA NA NA NA 21844,E| MU BIE GEN NA Cochinhina Momordica Root Momordica cochinchinensis NA NA tuberoid To resolve toxin, disperse distention, relieve pain. Welling abscess and toxin of clove, innominate toxin swelling, lymphrnoditis. 2973,E|4128,T4998|4127,E| MU HU DIE SHU PI 木瑚蝶树皮 Indian Trumpetflower Bark Oroxylum indicum NA NA bark To clear heat and disinhibit damp, abate jaundice, disinhibit throat and disperse swelling. Infective hepatitis, swelling pain in throat. 16205,E;C0103|19570,E|19567,E|19572,T5010|2102,C0392|19569,T5010|16240,T5010|2106,E;T5010| A FU ZE LI SHAN ZHU ZI NA Afzeli Garcinia* Garcinia afzelii NA NA NA NA NA 679,E|680,E| BEI FANG GOU QI GEN PI NA Northern Wolfberry Root-bark* Lycium chinense var. potaninii NA NA NA NA NA 19527,E| XI CAO 西草 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16185,C0104| YING YE NV LOU CAI NA Robust Silene* Silene firma NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, regulate menstruation, disinhibit urine. Swelling pain in throat, otitis media, inhibited urination. 13650,E| DA LIANG JIANG 大良姜 Galanga Galangal Alpinia galanga NA NA rhizome To warm stomach, dissipate cold, relieve pain. Qi pain in heart and stomach, stomach cold, food damage vomiting and diarrhea. 8079,E;T3435|8078,E|8082,T3435|8080,E;T3435|8081,E;T3435|140,E;T3435|17909,E|195,E;T3435|675,E;T3435|31533,T3435|13889,E|14238,E|15977,E|3048,E|7520,E;C0416|30723,T3435|11418,C0417|14240,T3435|7522,T3435| HUA GENG LONG DAN NA Pedicellate Gentian Gentiana pedicellata NA NA NA NA NA 16749,E|16750,E| HEI MU JIN HE HUAN 黑木金合欢 Australian Blackwood Acacia melanoxylon NA NA NA NA NA 23275,C0273|62,E;T4014|10890,T4014|10886,E| YE XIANG SHU NA Nightblooming Cestrum Cestrum nocturnum NA NA leaf To clear heat and disperse swelling. Mammary welling abscess, welling abscess and sores. 1177,E|8659,E|7522,T6393|10726,E|8747,E|5982,E|5981,E|10721,E|7520,E|6446,E|8658,E|6127,E|8694,E|8697,E|8692,E|6129,E|6128,E|8657,E|8656,E| CHU TU HAI CONG. NA NA Urginea epigea NA NA NA NA NA 300,E|9859,E| CHUAN XIONG 川芎 Chuanxiong (Wallich Ligusticum) Equivalent plant: Cnidium officinale Ligusticum chuanxiong [Syn. Ligusticum wallichii ] Warm,Pungent Liver,Cardiovascular,Gallbladder rhizome To move qi and quicken blood, dispel wind and relieve pain. Cerebral ischemia, postpartum pain, acute icterohepatitis, menstrual disorder, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, concretion and conglomeration, chest and rib-side stabbing pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls, headache, wind-damp impediment pain. 23518,M119|19719,E|19718,E|25266,T3336|18641,E|23510,M119|19717,E|24998,M119|24558,M119|3045,M119|31848,T3336|7452,E;T3336|7453,T3336|7451,E|15362,E|12820,E|23910,M119|5588,E|14476,E|3855,M119|29509,T3336|24846,M119|23119,M119|3858,E|5591,T3336|21344,M119;C0293|3768,M119|14661,E|23175,C0470|22320,E|23379,M119|15503,M119|24986,M119|25100,M119|2550,M119|7443,E|3048,M119;C0377|7449,T3336|5598,E|30695,T3336|23962,M119|30917,T3336|3244,M119|24465,M119|30697,T3336|24466,M119|25746,T3336|2791,E|2796,E|2797,E|2794,E|2795,T3336|15967,M119;C0425|30775,T3336|5607,T3336|2803,E|25858,T3336|5762,E|23306,M119|24080,M119|13995,T3336|13994,E|24370,M119|2799,T3336|24473,M119|19727,E;T3336|12885,E|3589,E|9488,T3336|23490,M119|4549,M119|24136,M119|15138,M119|16955,M119|2793,T3336|23543,M119|12843,M119;C0305|21594,M119|19967,E|23316,M119|9485,E|23096,C0133|23279,C0236|24037,M119|5403,M119|23284,M119;C0201|23867,M119|30968,T3336|23863,M119|23381,T3336|16393,E|22312,T3336|21923,E|15363,T3336|23142,C0318|23256,C0557|3592,T3336|16880,M119|3615,E|24956,M119|7851,E|23718,M119|24082,M119|5589,E|13772,C0122|2887,E|23790,M119|25127,M119|31442,T3336|15244,M119;C0409|31449,T3336|31162,T3336|31161,T3336|5781,E|23150,M119|22309,E|23156,M119;C0206|24095,M119|23880,M119|3860,T3336|20121,E|25147,M119|24977,M119|30339,T3336|19730,E|22538,T3336|24228,M119|25021,M119|24748,M119|14547,T3336|14546,E;M119|7767,E|6191,E|6192,T3336|7768,T3336|21024,M119|19084,M119|3634,T3336|23539,M119|3632,E|3633,E;T3336|4232,M119;C0567|3631,E|23184,M119|12819,E|24145,M119|31233,T3336|7070,E|7071,T3336|10488,E|21924,T3336|3769,M119|7470,E|22321,T3336|31634,T3336|24431,M119|7750,M119|14663,T3336|14647,E|19728,E|19729,E|19726,E;T3336|22611,E|19724,E|19725,E|19722,E|19723,E|19720,E|19721,E|23545,M119|17076,M119|25300,T3336|24170,M119|23874,M119|24243,M119|20976,M119|7469,T3336|7468,E;T3336|9511,M119|23038,C0121|19633,E|7466,E| LU GEN 芦根 Common Reed Rhizome Phragmites communis Cold,Sweet Lung,Stomach rhizome To clear heat and engender liquid, eliminate vexation, check vomiting, disinhibit urine. Febrile diseases with vexation and thirst, stomach heat vomiting, lung heat cough, pulmonary welling abscess, heat strangury with inhibited pain. 3907,E|27388,T4714|3925,E|18822,T4714|3909,T4714|32059,T4714|18819,E|21573,E|22538,E;M472|23572,M472| PA KE YE XIANG SHU NA Parqui Cestrum Cestrum parqui NA NA NA NA NA 7078,E|5957,E|5956,E|21108,E|20199,E|21737,E|15957,E|10369,E|10368,E|11580,E|10365,E|5955,E|10367,E|10366,E|7122,E|10370,E| DUN XING JI DAN HUA NA Obtuse Frangipani* Plumeria obtusa NA NA NA NA NA 3470,E|3471,E|15901,E|3469,E|3468,E|22948,E| PEN JIA SHU NA Prettyleaf Winchia Winchia calophylla NA NA leaf or bark To relieve cough and calm asthma. Cough and asthma, enduring cough and asthma. 372,E|6697,E|26103,T5183| FOUQUIERIA SPLENDENS. NA NA Fouquieria splendens HUA LAI CI SHU NA NA NA NA NA 15920,E| YUN NAN HONG DOU SHAN NA Yunnan Yew Taxus yunnanensis NA NA NA NA NA 133,E|22935,E;T6581|22934,E|22936,E;T6581|4787,E|4786,E|20771,E|20770,E|4780,E|4707,E|4704,E;T6581|4703,E|26025,T6581|4708,T6581|288,E|4987,T6581|5144,E|21670,E|22923,E|129,E|4766,T6581|25800,T6581|25189,T6581|4978,E|4979,E|293,E|31980,T6581|22830,E|20752,T6581|20751,E;T6581|20750,E;T6581|4850,T6581|4725,E|4727,E;T6581|4726,E|4721,E|4722,T6581|20855,E|20853,E|2073,E|22837,E|20858,E;T6581|20859,E;T6581|2075,E|20744,E;T6581|20745,E;T6581|20746,E;T6581|20747,E;T6581|20742,E|20743,E;T6581|20748,E;T6581|20749,E;T6581|19603,E|10783,T6581|10781,E|7027,E|7029,T6581|32001,T6581|31978,T6581|21513,E|30478,T6581|20825,T6581|20824,E|32257,T6581|20785,T6581|4637,E|4636,E|4635,E|176,E|4638,E|257,E|31960,T6581|182,E|32246,T6581|32247,T6581|20834,E|20835,E|26031,T6581|10313,E|30641,T6581|6883,E|9627,E|9626,E|9625,E|5347,E|20809,T6581|20808,E|32112,T6581|20801,T6581|20800,E;T6581|20869,E|20868,E|20865,E;T6581|20864,E;T6581|20867,E|20866,E;T6581|20861,E;T6581|20860,E;T6581|20863,E;T6581|20862,E;T6581|20797,E;T6581|20796,E;T6581|20795,E|4765,E|20790,E|20799,E|20798,T6581|30890,T6581|9814,T6581|9810,E|9811,E|4849,E|22320,E|328,E|11729,E|5288,E|30863,T6581|31282,T6581|20875,T6581|20780,E|20781,E|21499,E|20784,E|22941,T6581|20786,E|20788,E|4855,T6581|10778,E|4854,E|3980,E|3983,E| GAN CAO SHAO 甘草稍 tip of Licorice root Radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis Mild,Sweet Lung,Spleen,Stomach,Heart NA NA NA 19072,C0514|7882,C0340|23139,C0320|24533,M259|12907,C0131|23172,C0270|24622,M259|23251,C0267|23291,C0473|23166,C0472|23259,C0120|23092,C0474|24469,M259|23224,M259|15516,C0113| LAN JI NA Blue Thistle Echium vulgare NA NA NA NA NA 31070,T4574|12919,E|9315,E|12921,T4574|23254,C0130| SHAN YU NA Wych Elm Ulmus glabra NA NA NA NA NA 13508,T5519|13506,E| HONG DOU NA Hosie Ormosia Ormosia hosiei NA NA seed To rectify qi and quicken blood, clear heat and resolve toxin. Mounting qi, qi pain in heart and stomach, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, innominate toxin swelling, clove sore. 16195,E|14741,E|16197,T4031|14742,T4031| DA CAO KOU NA Beautiful Galangal Alpinia speciosa NA NA seed To dissipate cold and dry damp, dispel phlegm and interrupt malaria, fortify spleen and warm stomach. Cold pain in heart and abdomen, distention fullness in chest and abdomen, cold-damp accumulation and obstruction, indigestion, vomiting and diarrhea. 2550,E|15196,E|4935,E|31122,T3399|14238,E|3187,E|25449,T3399|14240,T3399|985,E|9668,E| SHUANG HUA 双花 Honeysuckle Flower Flos Lonicerae Cold,Sweet Lung,Spleen,Stomach,Heart NA Treatment of carbuncles, boils, erysipelas, acute dysentery, pharyngitis, upper respiratory infection, epidemic febrile diseases. 1. Broad-spectrum antibiotic , chlorogenic acid, isochlorogenic acid and luteolin are the major active components2. Anti-inflammatory, 0.25g/kg intraperitoneally in mice.3. Antipyretic.4. Its aqueous distillate (1:1280) promotes white cell phagocytosis and enhances lymphocyte-blastogenesis rate in vitro. 23200,M667|23993,M667|25159,M667|23122,M667|14155,M667|25024,M667|23421,M667|23698,M667|2222,M667|23863,M667|23038,M667|8010,M667|9408,M667|23119,M667|7734,M667|15489,M667|2280,M667|23506,M667|23052,M667|8311,M667|12843,M667|17076,M667|2275,M667|24079,M667|5403,M667|24400,M667|24509,M667|14546,M667|13130,M667| LONG XU CAO II NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7957,T4696|8789,T4696|23764,T4696|7760,T4696|1823,T4696| NI DAN SHEN NA Chinese Sage Salvia sinica NA NA NA NA NA 14728,E|20670,E|20671,E|5721,E|4291,E|17954,E|20669,E|17998,E|14384,E|5762,E| KU GUA NA Balsampear Momordica charantia NA NA fruit To dispel summerheat, brighten eyes, resolve toxin. Summerheat-heat vexation and thirst, diabetes mellitus, painful red eyes, dysentery, swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess. 20335,T4511|8078,T4511|13205,E|1046,E|14899,E|3774,E|14900,E;T4511|22458,T4511|22450,E|8077,E|31938,T4511|3776,T4511|19971,E|25604,T4511|13215,T4511|31700,T4511|20330,E| SHOU WU TENG 首乌藤 Tuber Fleeceflower Stem Caulis Polygoni Multiflori Mild,Sweet Liver,Heart NA Treatment of insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, general aching in blood deficiency, rheumatic arthralgia, external use for itching. 1. Decreasing the level of blood lipids and inhibiting the formation of atherosclerosis.2. Oral admintration of its decoction increases the level of blood sugar in rabbits. 6775,M664;C0449|18744,M664|3615,M664|23488,M664|24592,M664| AI XIANG RI KUI NA Dwarf Sunflower* Helianthus pumilus NA NA NA NA NA 4740,T2899|4738,E|13257,E|13259,T2899| LIAN XIN MAI DONG 连心麦冬 Root of Dwarf Lilyturf. Radix Ophiopogonis Cold,Sweet,Slightly Bitter Lung,Stomach,Heart NA Treament of dry cough, phthisical cough, thirst due to impairment of body fluid, fidgetness and insomnia, diabetes caused by internal heat, constipation, diphtheria. 1. Relieving leucopenia in mice induced by cyclophosphamide and radiation sickness in dogs.2. Increasing anoxia tolerance in experimental animals under atmospheric pressure.3. Increasing coronary flow and improving myocardial contractility in guinea-pigs.4. Decreasing the level of blood sugar. 24219,M450|16138,M450|16136,M450|16134,M450|16126,M450|16133,M450|24455,M450|24549,M450|16127,M450|24220,M450| XIAO GUO QIANG WEI GEN NA Smallfruit Rose Rosa cymosa NA NA root To dissipate stasis, stanch bleeding, disperse swelling, resolve toxin. Bleeding due to external injury, knocks and falls, menstrual disorder [=menoxenia], prolapse of uterus, hemorrhoids, wind-damp pain, diarrhea, dysentery. 9384,E|18879,E|18880,E|19042,E| HONG HAI CONG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 19519,T4038| KUAI GEN CHUI TOU JU NA Root-tuber Cremanthodium Cremanthodium ellisii NA NA whole herb To relieve cough and dispel phlegm, loosen chest and disinhibit qi. Cough of phlegm asthma, taxation damage, senile vacuity weakness headache. 14620,T4536|14619,E| BU GU ZHI 补骨脂 Malaytea Scurfpea Psoralea corylifolia Extreme Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Kidney fruit To supplement kidney and invigorate yang , accept qi and calm asthma, warm spleen and check diarrhea. Fracture, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, kidney yang vacuity, cold pain in lumbus and knees, impotence and emission, frequent urination, enuresis, kidney qi insecurity, vacuity asthma, spleen-kidney vacuity, chronic diarrhea, white patch wind, alopecia areata, psoriasis. 4107,E;M68|25170,M68|24188,M68|6536,E|22758,E|20353,E|11342,E|4109,E;M68|4108,E|18073,E|18072,E;M68;C0467|18075,E|18074,E;M68|21521,E|4679,E|1191,E;C0326|23596,M68|2172,E;M68|2173,E;M68|2171,E;M68|2176,E|2177,E|2174,E|2175,E;M68|24635,M68|11629,E;M68|20065,E|24135,M68|20264,E|11554,E|4110,E;M68|24736,M68|15195,E|15334,E|2123,E|15333,E;M68|23685,M68|2081,E|11245,E;M68| NAN FEI JI TOU SHU NA South-African Eriosema* Eriosema kraussianum NA NA NA NA NA 12291,E|12287,E|12288,E|12289,E|12290,E| LIAN JIANG NA Chinese Galangal Alpinia chinensis NA NA rhizome To warm stomach and dissipate cold, disperse food and relieve pain. Stomachache with distention and oppression, dysphagia-occlusion and stomach reflux, abdominal pain and diarrhea, rheumatism, cold pain of joints. 11803,E|31122,T4627|9668,E|11804,T4627|985,E;T4627| BAO YE XIANG CHA CAI NA Bractleaf Rabdosia Isodon melissoides NA NA NA NA NA 13694,E|13695,E|13696,E|13697,E|13690,E|13691,E|13692,E|13693,E|13698,E|13699,E|4700,E|22782,E|13689,E|13688,E|13683,E|13682,E|13681,E|13687,E|13686,E|13685,E|13684,E|13700,E| JIN JI NA 金鸡纳 Cinchona ledgeriana (Howard) Moens et Trim NA NA NA NA NA NA 18408,C0465|18410,C0468| YU GAN ZI 余甘子 Emblic Leafflower Fruit Fructus Phyllanthi Cool,Sweet,Sour,Punkery Lung,Stomach NA Treatment of heat in the blood and blood stasis, liver and gall bladder diseases, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, cough, sore throat, dryness of the mouth. NA 4055,M812;C0535|24718,M812|25169,M812|23076,M812;C0197|23966,M812|24758,M812|23225,M812|23234,M812;C0368|25032,M812| LONG YAN ROU 龙眼肉 Longan Aril Arillus Longan Mild,Sweet Spleen,Heart NA Treatment of cardiac palpitation, forgetfulness and insomnia due to deficiency of qi and blood, anemia. NA 24546,M468|23170,M468;C0397|23572,M468|22538,M468|23040,C0396| MI HOU TAO GEN 猕猴桃根 Radix Actinidiae chinensis NA NA NA NA NA NA 23170,C0397|23040,C0396| MIN WAN BA JIAO NA Minwan Anisetree Illicium minwanense NA NA NA NA NA 14867,E|14696,E|14870,T4984|7067,E|18037,E|14868,E|14869,E|19790,E|5203,E|10667,E|16402,E|4,E|9988,E|9989,E|18004,E|9990,E|27216,T4984|19796,T4984| JIANG NAN JUAN BAI NA Moellendorff Spikemoss Selaginella moellendorffii NA NA whole herb To stanch bleeding, clear heat, disinhibit damp. Lung heat hemoptysis, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, bloody stool, bleeding hemorrhoids, bleeding due to external injury, fever, infant fright wind, damp-heat jaundice, strangury, edema, burns and scalds. 1030,E|4375,E| LU BEI GUI HUA. NA NA Excoecaria cochinchinensis var. viridis NA NA leaf To kill worms and relieve itch. Psoriasis, chronic eczema. 8094,E|1935,E|12078,E|9817,E|8565,E|19790,E|21618,E|7692,E|7693,E| LUAN YE SAN ZHE MAI ZI WAN NA Ovate-leafThreevein Aster* Aster ageratoides var. ovatus NA NA NA NA NA 731,E|730,E|733,E|732,E|735,E|734,E|728,E|729,E| YUAN ZHI YE AO ZHOU CHA NA Australian Tea-tree Leptospermum polygalifolium ssp. polygalifolium NA NA NA NA NA 21183,E|21182,E|21184,E|6035,E|10423,E|6036,E|10424,E| QIU QIE SHU NA Kandelia Kandelia candel NA NA NA NA NA 678,E|12124,E|12134,T5294|25944,T5294| KA LUO LAI NA SHI SONG NA Carolina Clubmoss* Lycopodium carolinianum NA NA NA NA NA 3431,E|3433,T4480| CAO YE YI WA JU. NA NA Iva asperifolia NA NA NA NA NA 1888,E| ZAO HE 枣核 Semen Ziziphi jujubae NA NA NA NA NA NA 11906,C0140| DONG YA TANG SONG CAO. NA NA Thalictrum minus var. hypoleucum NA NA NA NA NA 13367,E| TONG XING LIE PIAN HU ZHI ZI NA Homoloba Lespedeza* Lespedeza homoloba NA NA NA NA NA 12676,E|6085,E|9188,E|9189,E|12697,E|12696,E|12695,E|12694,E|12679,E|12678,E|12691,E|12690,E|12677,E|6104,E|12699,E|12698,E|12700,E|12693,E|12692,E|12680,E|12681,E|12682,E|12683,E|12684,E|12685,E|12686,E|12687,E|12688,E|12689,E| YE SHAN ZHA NA Nippon Hawthorn Equivalent plant: Crataegus sanguinea, Crataegus kansuensis, Crataegus maximowiczii, Crataegus scabrifolia Crataegus cuneata NA NA fruit To fortify spleen and disperse food, quicken blood and transform stasis. Food stagnation, meat-type food accumulation, distending pain in stomach duct, postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, lacquer sore, frostbite. 19072,E|3551,E|3766,E|3767,T6382|32181,T6382|6853,E|13412,E|10886,E|13414,T6382|25805,T6382|22254,E|3552,T6382| YUN NAN TIE SHAN NA Yunnan Hemlock Tsuga dumosa NA NA NA NA NA 5870,E|6634,E| GE CAI KE SHI ZI JIN NA Gortschakov Corydalis* Corydalis gortschakovii NA NA NA NA NA 6554,T3839|6551,E| TU JING JIE NA Mexican Tea Chenopodium ambrosioides NA NA fruiting aerial parts To dispel wind and eliminate damp, kill worms and relieve itch, quicken blood and disperse swelling. Ancylostomiasis, ascariasis, oxyuria disease, head louse, eczema of skin, scab and lichen, wind-damp impediment pain, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, mouth and tongue sores, swelling pain in throat, knocks and falls, snake or insect bites. 20152,E|1731,E;T5849|1842,E;T5849|13713,E|13712,E|13715,E|13714,E|4549,E|12087,E|17388,E|12083,T5849|12079,E|23720,T5849|26058,T5849| SHUI HUANG YANG MU NA Caudate Milkwort Polygala caudata NA NA root To clear heat and disinhibit damp, relieve cough and transform phlegm. Swelling pain in throat, damp-heat jaundice, bronchitis. 17607,E|4144,T5640|4143,E| DA QING YANG NA Ussuri Poplar Populus ussuriensis NA NA NA NA NA 19177,E|19169,E| SHI YE CAO NA Reini Milkwort* Polygala reinii NA NA NA NA NA 18589,E|18588,E|18592,E|18593,E|18590,E|18591,E|18596,E|18597,E| SHAN YE WAN DOU NA Broadleaf Vetch Vicia amoena NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and relieve pain. Wind-damp pain, hypertonicity of sinews and vessels, scrotal eczema, knocks and falls, innominate toxin swelling, nosebleed(epistaxis), flooding and spotting. 1069,E;T5513|25574,T5513|12017,E| ZHONG E BAI TOU WENG NA Bellcalyx Pulsatilla Pulsatilla campanella NA NA root See Pulsatilla chinensis . See Pulsatilla chinensis. 12638,E|18181,E|12637,E|18182,E| HAI BO NA DA JI NA Hyberna Euphorbia Euphorbia hyberna NA NA NA NA NA 21514,E|21497,E|5286,E| CHANG JIE ZHU NA Laevigate Parameria Parameria laevigata NA NA stem cortex or root cortex To supplement kidney and strengthen lumbus, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Kidney vacuity lumbago, pain in sinews and bones, knocks and falls, snake bite. 666,E|16642,E|16643,E|6861,E|3725,E|17854,E| TIE SI WEI LING XIAN 铁丝威灵仙 root and rhizome of smilax Radix Smilacis Warm,Pungent,Salty NA NA NA NA 15454,M699|24647,M699|21367,M699;C0042| WAN SHENG BAI BU NA Japanese Stemona Stemona japonica NA NA root See Stemona tuberosa. See Stemona tuberosa. 17979,T5885|17978,E|20288,E|20293,T5885|20290,E|20291,E| CU XI MEN FEI CAO NA Rough Comfrey Symphytum asperum NA NA NA NA NA 9315,E|12530,E| CHA QIE NA Cha Nightshade* Solanum chacoense NA NA NA NA NA 5103,E|3942,E|3943,T3205|5105,T3205| JI JIAN XIU XIAN JU NA Acute Spiraea Spiraea japonica var. acuta NA NA NA NA NA 20177,E|20184,E|20185,E|20180,T4266|20179,E| QI SHI HUA NA Omphalos Parmelia* Parmelia saxatilis var. omphalodes NA NA NA NA NA 1990,E;T5233| CHANG YE AI JU NA Longleaf Tansy Tanacetum longifolium NA NA NA NA NA 9411,E|20650,E| LONG YAN DU HUO NA Farges Aralia Aralia fargesii NA NA rhizome and root See Aralia cordata . See Aralia cordata. 7706,E|19530,T4700|19525,E|19526,T4700|19527,E|663,E;T4700|7709,T4700|22180,T4700|22179,E| CHUAN BA JIAO LIAN NA Veitch Dysosma Dysosma veitchii NA NA rhizome and root See Dysosma pleiantha . See Dysosma pleiantha. 31878,T3313|5073,E|5092,E|18302,E|17578,E| CHANG GUAN XUAN CAO NA Longtube Daylily* Hemerocallis longituba NA NA NA NA NA 1866,E;T3240| YU JIN XIANG ZA JIAO ZHONG NA Tulip Hybrid* Tulipa hybrida NA NA NA NA NA 22089,E;T6515|22088,E|32167,T6515| HU ZHANG YE 虎杖叶 Japanese Fleeceflower Leaf Polygonum cuspidatum NA NA leaf To dispel wind-damp, resolve heat toxin. Painful joints due to rheumatalgia, snake bite, lacquer sore. 19072,E|20699,E|3766,E|13412,E|10886,E|2039,E|18628,C0247|23146,C0082|23118,C0248|18396,E|11639,E| TENG HUANG SHU NA Hanbury Garcinia* Garcinia hanburyi NA NA resin To attack toxin, disperse swelling, eliminate putridity and close sores, stanch bleeding, kill worms. Swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, ulcer, damp sore, carcinoma, intractable lichen, painful swelling from knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, scalds. 14962,E|11539,E|9206,E|8237,E|5174,E|15386,E|14959,E|14960,E|8127,E|11430,E|8133,T5774| DUAN BAN HUA NA Shortpetalflower Brachystemma calycinum NA NA root or whole herb To quicken blood and transform stasis, free strangury and transform turbid, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Blood stasis and dysmenorrhea, menstrual block, aberratio mensium, concretion and conglomeration with mass, heat strangury, blood strangury, white turbidity, leukorrhea, impediment pain into network vessels, hypertonicity of sinews and vessels, knocks and falls, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, nipple moth, diphtheria. 2583,E|2582,E|2581,E|2580,E|2579,E|2578,E| ZI JIN NIU 紫金牛 Japanese Ardisia Ardisia japonica NA NA stem-leaf To suppress cough, dispel phlegm, quicken blood, disinhibit urine, resolve toxin. Chronic trachitis, hepatitis, acute nephritis, chronic nephritis, tuberculosis and hemoptysis, blood ejection, dysentery, hypertension, mounting qi, taxation damage and strength desertion, aching sinews and bones, toxin swelling. 1644,E;T6740|15180,T6740|1643,E;T6740|6766,E|14215,T6740|2312,E|14710,C0313|2169,E;T6740|15176,E|10430,E|31225,T6740|23102,C0119|14214,E|18396,E|18397,T6740| DUO LIE WEI LING CAI NA Many-cleft Cinquefoil Potentilla multifida NA NA whole herb with root To stanch bleeding, disinhibit damp heat, kill worms. Bleeding due to external injury, flooding and spotting [=metrorrhagia and metrostaxis], hepatitis, oxyuria disease. 10942,E|22601,E| SHUI JIN FENG NA Lightyellow Snapweed Impatiens nolitangere NA NA root or whole herb To quicken blood and regulate menstruation, dispel wind and eliminate damp. menstrual block, knocks and falls, wind-damp impediment pain, leg qi swelling and pain, damp-swelling in scrotum, lichen sore, lai sore. NA 13120,E| LU CAO 葎草 Redflowered Swisscentaury* Rhaponticum carthamoides NA NA root To boost qi and fortify spleen, quiet spirit. Fatigue hypodynamia, inappetence, neurasthenia. 2779,E|6401,E|20344,T4707|31825,T4707|9259,E|20341,E|17648,E|9677,E|1476,E;T4707|32023,T4707|18354,E|811,E;T4707|31065,T4707|9678,T4707|11657,E|13102,M997;C0128| JI CAI HUA 荠菜花 Capsella bursa-pastoris NA NA NA NA NA NA 9457,C0338| MI PU LUO TI YA MU NA Sugar Bush Protea mellifera NA NA NA NA NA 9739,E;C0462|9748,T4961| HEI FENG TENG NA Manyflower Fissistimga Fissistigma polyanthum NA NA root and rattan To dispel wind-damp, strengthen sinews and bones, quicken blood and relieve pain, regulate menstruation. Sequel of poliomyelitis, rheumatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, painful swelling from knocks and falls, menstrual disorder. 7802,E|30963,T4005| QIAN DAN 铅丹 Red Lead Minium Minor cold,Pungent Liver,Cardiovascular NA 1. Treatment of scabies, pustulosis, unhealed lesion, burn, etc., usually mixed with honey for external use. 2. Treatment of malaria, used together with Herba Artemisiae Annuae or Radix Dichroae. It chiefly contains Pb3O4 or 2PbO.PbO2. It is a bactericide and parasticide, and inhibits the secretion of mucosa. 24238,M562| LIU YE MU LAN NA Willowleaf Magnolia* Magnolia salicifolia NA NA NA NA NA 19106,E|19107,T4686|1282,E|1186,E;T4686|13386,T4686|23098,T4686|13384,T4686|13385,E|13383,E|7751,T4686|7750,E| BIAN DI JIN NA Wight’s StJohn’swort Equivalent plant: Hypericum elodeoides Hypericum wightianum NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, arrest diarrhea. White mouth sore in children, infant pneumonia, stomatitis, mammary welling abscess, yellow-water sore, poisonous snake bites, diarrhea, enduring dysentery. 19072,E|5181,E|18302,E|10885,E|10886,E|10882,E| YI KUA NA Manyflower Wormwood Artemisia myriantha NA NA whole herb To clean heat, dispel summerheat, cool blood and stanch bleeding. Summer common cold, summerheat stroke with fever, steaming bone tidal fever, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding. 1806,E|1805,E|1804,E|1803,E|4940,E|7065,E|9795,E|4748,E|124,E|9036,E|1675,E|20661,E| XI HU LU 西葫芦 Pumpkin Cucurbita pepo NA NA NA NA NA 1043,E|4328,E|22959,E;C0010|4313,E|4314,T6003|1044,E|4336,T6003|5937,E|30918,T6003|32261,T6003| XUAN GOU JING 悬钩茎 root of Juteleaf raspberry caulis rubi corchorfolii Mild,Sweet,Sour Lung,Liver,Kidney NA NA NA 391,M778|23623,M778|23101,M778| TONG HUA HUA 通花花 Flos Tetrapanacis papyriferi NA NA NA NA NA NA 11080,C0458| JI DAN SHEN NA Convolvulate Asiabell Codonopsis convolvulacea NA NA root To supplement qi and nourish blood, moisten lung and engender liquid. Blood vaculty, spontaneous sweating, scant breast milk, lung vacuity cough, neurasthenia, mounting qi . 6715,T4261|7464,E| FEI YUE GUO NA Pineapple Guava Feijoa sellowiana NA NA NA NA NA 21967,E|8812,E|32004,T3725|20894,E|3305,T3725|3303,E| WO JING YE LAI XIANG NA Creeping Telosma Telosma procumbens NA NA NA NA NA 20906,E|20907,E|20904,E|20905,E|20902,E|20896,E|20900,E|20901,E|20898,E|20899,E|20897,E|20908,E|20909,E|20912,E|20911,E|20913,E|20910,E|20903,E| JIN LIAN MU NA Entire Ochna Ochna integerrima NA NA NA NA NA 6310,E|5683,E|5682,E| DIE DA LAO NA Whorlleaf Litse Litsea verticillata NA NA stem-leaf or root To dispel wind and free network vessels, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, numbness in limbs, stomachache, dysmenorrhea, painful swelling from knocks and falls. 12923,E|12925,E|12924,E|12927,E|12926,E|15956,E|1473,E|6910,E|11781,E|7503,E|30110,T3561|5045,E|22412,E|6909,E|6908,E| LI JIANG QIAN HU NA Likiang Hogfennel Peucedanum govanianum var. bicolo NA NA NA NA NA 7706,E|14888,T4605|20140,E|20141,T4605|18302,E|21024,T4605|18166,T4605|23880,T4605|1346,E;T4605|7709,T4605|20265,T4605|20264,E|17361,E|14886,E|31878,T4605|18151,E|17016,E|12794,E|17022,T4605| DAN YE MAN JING ZI NA Simpleleaf Shrub Chastetree Fruit Vitex rotundifolia [Syn. Vitex trifollia var. simplicifolia ] NA NA seed See Vitex trifolia. See Vitex trifolia . 22562,E|22560,E|22561,E|31812,T3499|22564,E|22559,E|18641,E|159,E|1792,E|22555,E|22565,T3499|23545,T3499|11205,E|22538,T3499|17362,E|17363,E|6159,E|3301,T3499|3045,E|3300,E|3046,T3499| DUI YE YUAN HU NA Ledeour Corydalis* Corydalis ledebouriana NA NA NA NA NA 4888,E|12594,E|12597,E|12595,E|17969,E|2303,E|5707,E|12598,E|5711,T3635|4103,E|4032,E|16544,E| BAI MAO GEN 白茅根 Lalang Grass Rhizome Rhizoma Imperatae Sweet,cold Lung, stomach,bladder NA Treatment haematemesis, epistaxis and hematuria due to heat in the blood, febrile diseases with thirst, jaundice, urinary infection with difficult painful urination, edema in acute nephritis. 1. Its aqueous infusion exerts a significant diuretic effect in experimental animals. 2. Shortening clotting time and bleeding time, and decreasing the permeability of blood vessels. 3. Inhibiting the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus dysenteriae. 3909,T2999|19885,M902|1178,T2999|7758,M902|4545,M902|1823,M902;T2999|4546,T2999| SHE MEI NA Indian Mockstrawberry Duchesnea indica NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and stanch bleeding, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling. Febrile diseases, fright epilepsy, common cold, dysentery, jaundice, red eyes, mouth sore, sore pharynx, epidemic parotitis, swollen boil, poisonous snake bite, blood ejection, flooding and spotting, menstrual disorder, burns and scalds, painful swelling from knocks and falls. 31922,T5540|17685,T5540|17682,E|6631,T5540|6619,E;T5540|6618,E|18901,E| DUO RUI BAI HUA CAI NA Multipistillate Spiderflower* Cleome icosandra NA NA NA NA NA 3830,T3651|3829,E| SI GUA ZI NA Suakwa Vegetablesponge Seed Luffa cylindrica NA NA seed To clear heat, disinhibit water, free stool, expel worms. Edema, stone strangury, lung heat cough, intestinal wind bleeding, hemorrhoids and fistulas, constipation, ascariasis. 25259,T5678|20221,E|13652,E|3320,T5678|3318,E|6732,E|6733,T5678|13654,T5678| HU LUO BO ZI 胡萝卜子 Carrot Seed Daucus carota var. sativa NA NA seed To dissipate cold and dry damp, disinhibit water and kill worms. Chronic dysentery, phlegm asthma. 3760,C0191|3216,E|4679,T4099|4678,E|3218,T4099|8312,E|8325,T4099| GOU GU GEN 枸骨根 Ilex cornuta lindl NA NA NA NA NA NA 2892,C0420| YAO YONG XUN YI CAO NA Medicinal Lavender* Lavandula officinalis NA NA NA NA NA 17394,E| WAN HUA ZE LAN NA Late-flower Boneset Eupatorium serotinum NA NA NA NA NA 20472,E|20473,T5879| XIAO YE HUA BEI XIU XIAN JU NA Smallleaf Fritsch Spiraea* Spiraea fritschiana var. parvifolia NA NA NA NA NA 20168,E|20169,E|20162,E|20165,E|20166,E|20167,E|20171,E|20170,E|20172,E| XI GUA NA Watermelon Citrullus vulgaris [Syn. Citrullus lanatus ] NA NA fruit To clear heat and resolve summerheat, resolve summerheat and engender liquid, disinhibit urine. Summerheat-heat vexation and thirst, exuberant heat fluid damage, inhibited urination, throat impediment, mouth sore. 1046,E|3774,E|11749,E|1063,E|1048,E|23042,T6000|25583,T6000|25649,T6000|25604,T6000|8825,E|17250,E|17251,T6000|31392,T6000|3776,T6000| CI GU NA Oldworld Arrowhead Corm Sagittaria sagittifolia NA NA corm To cool blood and quicken blood, relieve cough and free strangury, resolve toxin and dissipate binds. Postpartum blood stasis, retention of placenta, strangury, cough with phlegm and blood. 19110,T3350|4288,E|19109,E|4291,T3350| DA MA SHI GE QIANG WEI NA Damask Rose Rosa damascena NA NA NA NA NA 8311,E|8312,T3438| HONG TOU CAO 红头草 Malay Blumea Blumea lacera NA NA aerial parts To clear heat and drain fire, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Lung heat cough, swelling pain in throat, mouth and tongue sores, stomach fire toothache, epidemic parotitis, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore. 32104,T4067|3208,E|23037,T4067|3988,T4067|23249,C0002|21606,E|3987,E| SHUANG SE SUO ZI QIN NA Twocoloured Pleurospermum Pleurospermum govanianum var. bicolor NA NA NA NA NA 17749,E| PENG LAI CAO NA Knotteflower Phyla Herb Lippia nodiflora NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and clear heat, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Throat moth, swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, heat dysentery, strangury, gan of teeth and gum, zoster. 15639,E|15640,E;T5184|15641,E;T5184|7556,E;T5184|7555,E|15642,T5184| LIU HUANG 硫磺 Sulfur Sulfur Warm,Sour Large Intestine,Kidney NA External use for scabies, favus, chronic sores and malignant ulcers, oral administration for impotence with cold lower extremities, asthma or constipation of deficiency-cold type. 1. Sulfur itself is not highly toxic to micro-organisms, and becomes bacteriocidal when it is transformed into hydrogen sulfide and pentathionic acid ( H2S5O6 ). It possesses a keratolytic effect, and is applied for skin diseases not complicated by infection. 2. Oral use may render sulfur partially coverted to sulfides, and stimulates the intestinal tract, leading to diarrhea. 24706,M461|23153,M461;C0481|24722,M461|23793,M461| CHA SHU GEN 茶树根 Tea Root Camellia sinensis [Syn. Thea sinensis] NA NA root To strengthen heart and disinhibit urine, quicken blood and regulate menstruation, clear heat and resolve toxin. Edema due to heart disease, hepatitis, dysmenorrhea, toxin swelling of sores, mouth sore, burns and scalds, zoster, psoriasis. 30964,T3209|7806,E|2893,T3209|7819,E|2892,E;C0420|7820,T3209| DA YE HUA JIAO GEN NA Shellfish Pricklyash Root Zanthoxylum dissitum NA NA root To dispel wind and dissipate cold, rectify qi and quicken blood. Wind-cold-damp impediment, qi stagnation and pain in stomach duct, cold mounting with abdominal pain, toothache, knocks and falls. 15622,E| DING YU JU NA Creeping Acroptilon Acroptilon repens NA NA aerial parts To dispel wind-damp, resolve heat toxin. Swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, rheumatic arthritis. 18615,T3566|18612,E|17113,E|576,E;T3566| JIANG HUANG 姜黄 Common Turmeric Equivalent plant: Curcuma aromatica Curcuma longa Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Liver tuberoid To break blood and move qi, free menstruation and relieve pain. Gallstones, jaundice, leukaemia in early stage and carcinoma of uterine cervix in early stage, chronic ulcer, chronic scab, blood stasis and qi stagnation, pain in chest and abdomen and rib-side, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, postpartum stasis stagnation abdominal pain, wind-heat impediment pain, knocks and falls, swollen welling abscess. 2439,E;T4362|23895,M389|2960,E|23206,C0531|2470,E|23103,M389;C0404|4897,T4362|23119,M389|4894,E|31097,T4362|23228,M389;C0303|9854,E|14634,E|17860,E|2222,M389|15244,M389;C0409|24901,M389|2275,M389|9497,E;C0159|23858,M389|2428,E|2550,M389|2466,E|2467,E|23059,C0568|22107,E|22108,E|13944,T4362|13943,E|23503,M389|2469,E|2427,E;T4362|23099,M389|23458,M389|23379,M389|12843,M389|17076,M389|5044,E;C0331|22126,T4362|23371,M389|23372,M389|4398,E;T4362|4399,T4362|24032,M389|25089,M389|24031,M389|4390,E|22967,E|24246,M389|4397,E;C0431|4487,E|11610,E|4391,T4362|24934,M389|23142,C0318| WU LOU ZI NA Phoenix Date Phoenix dactylifera NA NA fruit To boost qi and supplement vacuity, disperse food and transform phlegm. Cough with phlegm, vacuity detriment. 30966,T5956|3585,E|3586,T5956|13097,T5956|2923,E|13093,E|7818,E|7389,T5956|30714,T5956|16004,T5956|7386,E| TAI WAN JIU LI XIANG NA Taiwan Common Jasminorange Murraya crenulata NA NA NA NA NA 15110,T5748|15109,E| JING MI 粳米 Rice Oryza sativa Warm,Sweet Lung,Spleen,Stomach seed To supplement qi and fortify spleen, eliminate vexation and allay thirst, check dysentery and diarrhea . Spleen-stomach vacuity, reduced food intake, fatigue hypodynamia, vexation and thirst, diarrhea. 22504,E|22505,T4430|19448,E|20353,E|15347,E|3041,T4430|3040,E|25420,T4430|15476,T4430|23887,T4430|24757,M413|13126,T4430|23170,M413|30338,T4430|1358,E;T4430|3585,E|3586,T4430|15449,E|12806,T4430|15468,E|25259,T4430|20221,E|3201,T4430|12796,E|7767,E|19452,T4430|13119,E|7768,T4430|3199,E| LI HUA JU NA Japanese Tachibana Citrus tachibana NA NA NA NA NA 22765,E|21483,E|5097,E|17692,E|11967,E|16249,E|19769,E|12216,E| ZHUANG GUAN FAN XIE NA Spectacular Senna* Senna spectabilis NA NA NA NA NA 5326,E|10509,E|2260,E|10510,E|3292,E| TIAO WEN SHU WEI CAO. NA NA Salvia lineata NA NA NA NA NA 12873,E| MA SANG NA Chinese Coriaria Coriaria sinica [Syn. Coriaria nepalensis] NA NA root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, clear heat and resolve toxin. Rheumatism numbness, wind-fire toothache, phlegm-rheum, lump glomus, scrofula, knocks and falls, acute conjunctivitis, burns and scalds. 8094,E|4053,T4806|4051,E|30995,T4806|1535,E;T4806|22129,E|22130,T4806|9936,T4806|9934,E| SHAN GAN CAO NA Buddha’s Lamp Mussaenda pubescens NA NA stem-leaf To resolve exterior, clear summerheat, disinhibit damp, resolve toxin, quicken blood. Common cold, summerheat stroke, fever, cough, swelling pain in throat, summerheat-damp diarrhea, dysentery, swelling and pus of sores, knocks and falls, snake bite. 20353,E|23887,T5474|25455,T5474|1736,E| ZHANG LIU TOU NA Canereed Spiralflag Costus speciosus NA NA rhizome To move water and disperse swelling. Ascites, white turbidity, swollen welling abscess, malign sore. 31849,T6628|12483,E|17959,E|31852,T6628|31938,T6628|6439,E|17961,E|8970,T6628|19971,E|6440,T6628|21372,T6628|8967,E|21367,E| CLADOSIPHON DECIPIENS ] (SPERMATOCHNACEAE) NA HAI YUN Nemacystus decipiens [Syn. Mesogloea decipiens NA NA frond To soften hardness and dissipate binds, disperse phlegm and disinhibit water. Goiter and carcinoma of neck, thyroid enlargement, laryngitis, bronchitis. 22957,E|16644,E| SONG LUO 松萝 Long Usnea Filament Equivalent plant: Usnea diffracta Usnea longissima NA NA filament To relieve cough and dispel phlegm, clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel damp and free network vessels, regulate menstruation and stanch bleeding, expel worms. Headache, red eyes, cough with profuse phlegm, malaria, scrofula, vaginal discharge, flooding and spotting, bleeding due to external injury, swollen welling abscess, poisonous snake bite. 23253,C0290|12976,E|30647,T5693|18514,T5693|18512,E|2146,E|30913,T5693|22267,T5693|22266,E|5506,E|12977,E|8787,E| YIN HUA NA Robust Silk Oak Grevillea robusta NA NA leaf and flower To clear heat and disinhibit qi, quicken blood and relieve pain. Knocks and falls. 18862,E|18863,E|8998,E|8999,E|18864,E|18865,E|8996,E|8997,E|25628,T6465| GAN XI SHU WEI CAO NA Przewalsk Sage Salvia przewalskii NA NA root See Salvia miltiorrhiza . See Salvia miltiorrhiza . 20670,E|20671,E|17473,E|17476,E|14384,E|6876,E|17998,E|5762,E|23205,T3800|5722,E|5721,E|2223,E|14728,E|10955,E|15444,E|17996,E|19194,E|20669,E|20449,E|4628,E|3206,E|17995,E|17994,E|6015,E|4291,E|17954,E|2147,E|7763,E|18906,E| E SUN ZI TAN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 18090,T3682| DA YE TANG JIAO SHU NA Deviltree Alstonia Alstonia macrophylla NA NA NA NA NA 13830,E|669,E;T3473|22479,E|13871,E|310,E|20636,E|5059,E|14716,E|9775,E|9776,E|13309,E|6269,E|9977,E|9976,E|16281,E|16282,E|22478,E|994,E|997,E|996,E|5060,E|14029,E|999,E|998,E|18288,E|22594,E|6258,E|1006,E|1005,E|1004,E|1003,E|1001,E|1000,E| DA YE HUA JIAO NA Shellfish Pricklyash Zanthoxylum dissitum NA NA fruit To dissipate cold and relieve pain, regulate menstruation. Mounting qi (hernia), profuse menstruation. 15622,E| HUAI JIE SONG LUO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 30647,T4143|30913,T4143|22267,T4143| YUN SHEN 云神 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15967,C0425| CHUAN CH I SHAO NA Veitch Peony Paeonia veitchii NA NA root See Paeonia lactiflora wild. See Paeonia lactiflora wild. 19970,E|16514,E|16444,E| SHU CHI PO PO NA NA Pectinate Speedwell* Veronica pectinata var. glandulosa NA NA NA NA NA 6717,E|22401,E|22400,E|22402,E| SA JIN TE BAI MU NA Sargent Cypress Cupressus sargentii NA NA NA NA NA 32066,T5394|21332,E|21333,T5394|21331,E| JI XIANG CAO NA Pink Reineckea Reineckea carnea NA NA whole herb with root To clear lung and relieve cough, cool blood and stanch bleeding, resolve toxin and disinhibit throat. Lung heat cough, hemoptysis, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, swelling pain in throat, red eyes and eye screen, swollen welling abscess, sore and boil. 11671,E|16877,E|11645,T4282|18605,T4282|12227,E|28871,T4282|11674,T4282|11643,E|11304,E|18587,E| DUO ZHI ZHI TENG HUANG. NA NA Garcinia virgata NA NA NA NA NA 6415,E|6414,E|22508,E|21401,E|22509,E|9002,E|5964,E| KU YE DAO ZE LAN NA Sachalin Eupatorium* Eupatorium sachalinense [Syn. Eupatorium glehni ] NA NA NA NA NA 7564,E|9570,E;T4532|7562,E|7563,E|7560,E|7561,E|7585,E|9571,E;T4532|7580,E|7592,E|7559,E|181,E|9575,T4532|9569,E|19496,T4532| YUAN YE ZE LAN NA Roundleaf Eupatorium* Eupatorium rotundifolium NA NA NA NA NA 6915,T6561|7579,E;T6561|7578,E|25734,T6561|7594,E;T6561|7593,E|7580,T6561|7549,E|6912,E|7552,T6561|7551,E;T6561|7550,E;T6561| OU ZHOU CI BAI NA Common Juniper Juniperus communis NA NA NA NA NA 28252,T5149|6818,E|4280,E|11958,E|2850,E|4915,E|15696,E|20449,E|3354,E|11963,E|9,E|25806,T5149|19967,E|11968,T5149| XIAO XI CANG ER NA Ripply Cocklebur* Xanthium riparium NA NA NA NA NA 22739,E|22740,T6183| DUAN GOU GU 煅狗骨 NA NA Warm,Salty Spleen,Stomach,Kidney NA NA NA 25060,M227|23378,M227| XIN JIANG DANG SHEN NA Clematis Asiabell Codonopsis clematidea NA NA root See Codonopsis pilosula. See Codonopsis pilosula . 30798,T6211|3886,E| KU LIAN YE NA Chinaberry-tree Leaf* Melia azedarach NA NA leaf To clear heat and dry damp, kill worms and relieve itch, move qi and relieve pain. Eczema titillation, sore lichen and scab lai, snake or insect bites, trichomonal vaginitis, mounting qi (hernia), painful swelling from knocks and falls. 21434,E|21433,E| JIN FEN JUE NA Siliculose Onychium Onychium siliculosum NA NA NA NA NA 16091,E|16088,E|16092,E| CHANG GUO XUE DAN NA Longfruit Hemsleya Hemsleya dolichocarpa NA NA NA NA NA 5575,E| SHU HUA SHI HU NA Goldenflower Dendrobium Dendrobium chrysanthum NA NA stem See Dendrobium nobile. See Dendrobium nobile. 10834,E|10842,T5613|3627,E| SU KU BA DOU HUA NA Bellaco-Caspi Himatanthus sucuuba NA NA NA NA NA 20186,E|13094,E|13095,E|1114,E|13093,E| JIAN YE SHI DA GONG LAO NA Oregon-grape Mahonia aquifolium NA NA NA NA NA 16428,E|11341,E|11343,T4346| HAN XIN CAO NA Indian Skullcap Scutellaria indica NA NA whole herb with root To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and relieve pain, stanch bleeding and disperse swelling. Swollen welling abscess and toxin of clove, pulmonary welling abscess, intestinal welling abscess, scrofula, poisonous snake bite, lung heat cough asthma, toothache, throat impediment, sore pharynx, pain in sinews and bones, blood ejection, hemoptysis, hematochezia, knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, itchy skin. 19569,T3970|11700,E|31380,T3970|19567,E| HUO MA REN 火麻仁 Hemp Fimble Seed Cannabis sativa Mild,Sweet Spleen,Large Intestine,Stomach ripe seed To moisten dryness, lubricate intestines, free stool. Blood and liquid depletion, intestinal dry and constipation. 21044,E|21646,E;M975|21043,E|3077,E|32110,T4251|3079,E;C0376|23189,C0310|7792,T4251|22959,E|30727,T4251|30728,T4251|3082,E|23213,C0488|15119,T4251|15118,E|32021,T4251|7787,E|25185,T4251|26676,T4251|20972,E|32022,T4251|23030,C0489| GUAN ZHUANG GOU YA HUA NA Coronary Ervatamia* Ervatamia coronaria NA NA NA NA NA 4080,E|4081,T3891| DA HUA JIN JI JU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 17157,T3420| XIAN YU FENG WEI JUE NA Linear Brake Pteris linearis NA NA NA NA NA 18141,E| KUAN YE XIANG PU NA Broadleaf Cattail Pollen Typha latifolia NA NA pollen See Typha angustata . See Typha angustata . 31303,T4548|13414,T4548|22138,E|20429,T4548|20428,E|11666,E|22106,T4548|31375,T4548|7881,E|7882,T4548|12431,E|11647,T4548|18267,E|22102,E|18302,E|3766,E|3767,T4548|13412,E|18260,T4548|12432,T4548|13472,E|31878,T4548|12067,E|11670,T4548|10965,E|11645,E|23789,T4548|11659,E| FEI LIAN 飞廉 Curly Bristlethistle Equivalent plant: Carduus acanthoides Carduus crispus Cold,Bitter,Salty Large Intestine,Stomach root or whole herb To dispel wind, clear heat, disinhibit damp, cool blood and stanch bleeding, quicken blood and disperse swelling. Common cold with cough, headache and dizziness, infection of urinary system, chyluria, vaginal discharge, jaundice, wind-heat impediment pain, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria, profuse menstruation, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, knocks and falls, clove sore and swollen boil, toxin swelling from hemorrhoids, scalds. 4337,M242|80,E;T3718|81,E;T3718|23901,M242| YAO YONG PU GONG YING 药用蒲公英 Officinal Dandelion Taraxacum officinale NA NA NA NA NA 22504,E|3592,T6350|25550,T6350|31464,T6350|20696,T6350|16056,E|31449,T6350|7852,E|7853,T6350|6453,T6350|20353,E|20350,E|7972,T6350|7970,E|3674,E|18302,E|25216,T6350|7820,E|22505,T6350|2887,E|3551,E|3434,E|3435,T6350|20695,E|13126,T6350|1113,E|31755,T6350|31504,T6350|17514,T6350|13130,E|23764,T6350|17501,E|19967,E|20688,E;T6350|3589,E|12885,E|4190,E;C0358|4191,T6350|1492,E;T6350|20435,T6350|20430,E|31878,T6350|25250,T6350|13680,E|7826,T6350|3552,T6350|20689,E|6451,E|4684,T6350|4679,E|23381,T6350|7767,E|1476,E;T6350|1749,E;T6350|23887,T6350|13119,E|7768,T6350| XUE SHAN LIN NA Japanese Pachysandra Pachysandra terminalis NA NA whole herb with root To dispel wind-damp, soothe sinews and quicken blood, free menstruation and check discharge. Wind-damp-heat impediment, systremma, menstrual disorder, Vaginal discharge. 16499,E;T6262|16498,E;T6262|6989,E|6988,E|16495,E;T6262|16494,E;T6262|16497,E;T6262|16496,E;T6262|16491,E;T6262|16490,E|16493,E;T6262|16492,E;T6262|5470,T6262|4766,E|25264,T6262|30465,T6262|20960,E|16505,T6262|14642,E|14643,T6262|6994,E;T6262|6995,E;T6262|6996,T6262|6990,E;T6262|6991,E;T6262|6992,E;T6262|6993,E;T6262|5460,E|16501,E;T6262|16502,E;T6262|20189,E;T6262|4767,T6262|20970,T6262| YING SU NEN MIAO 罂粟嫩苗 Caulis et Folium Papaveris somniferi NA NA NA NA NA NA 3885,C0361|14973,C0512| TAO REN 桃仁 Peach Kernel Prunus persica Mild,Sweet,Bitter Large Intestine,Liver,Heart seed To quicken blood and dispel stasis, moisten intestines and free stool. Amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, concretion and conglomeration, lump glomus, knocks and falls, intestinal dry and constipation. 14441,E|4048,C0360|1102,E;M684;T5769|31623,T5769|3308,E| FANG JI YE BA QIA NA Gansu Greenbrier Smilax menispermoidea NA NA rhizome See Smilax glabra . See Smilax glabra . 6008,T3714|17269,T3714|6439,E|6440,E;T3714|18628,E|25830,T3714|17264,E| HEI JING SHU NA Wattle Acacia mearnsii NA NA NA NA NA 18842,E|18843,E|18844,T4009|31920,T4009| KAI LUO HUANG QI NA Cairo Milkvetch* Astragalus kahiricus NA NA NA NA NA 12106,E|12105,E|12104,E|12103,E| RI BEN QI YE SHU NA Japanese Buckeye Aesculus turbinata NA NA NA NA NA 7378,T5351|3830,E;T5351|3831,T5351|30879,T5351|17951,T5351|17950,E|663,E|3829,E|7941,E|2152,E;T5351|7943,T5351|5270,E|659,E;T5351| GUANG LIANG YANG TONG NA Shining Adinandra* Adinandra nitida NA NA NA NA NA 21848,E|16754,E|15531,E| SHUI TONG MU NA Harland Fig Ficus fistulosa [Syn. Ficus harlandii ] NA NA root cortex, leaf To clear heat and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and relieve pain. Damp-heat inhibited urination, diarrhea, painful swelling from knocks and falls. 446,E|529,E| HU TAO SHU PI 胡桃树皮 English Walnut Bark Juglans regia NA NA bark To astringe intestines and check diarrhea, resolve toxin, relieve itch. Diarrhea, dysentery, leprosy, scrotal wind, itchy skin. 11900,C0300|18573,E| CU Z HUANG LONG DAN NA Robust Gentian* Gentiana robusta NA NA NA NA NA 8303,E|20493,E| XIAO SHI 硝石 saltpeter Niter Extreme Cold,Pungent,Bitter,Salty Large Intestine,Stomach NA NA NA 24802,M768| GAN LAN BAI LA SAN NA Slimysheathed Waxy Cap Hygrophorus olivaceoalbus NA NA NA NA NA 21520,E|10837,E|10836,E|5337,E|430,E|431,E| AN HONG WEI LING CAI NA Darksanguine Cinquefoil* Potentilla atrosanguinea NA NA NA NA NA 4445,E| WU CI ZHU YING HUA NA Spineless Powderpuff* Calliandra inermis NA NA NA NA NA 21170,E|6239,E|21166,E| WA SHI MA WEI ZAO NA Vachelli Gulfweed* Sargassum vachellianum NA NA frond To disperse phlegm, soften hardness, disinhibit water, abate swelling. Goiter and carcinomas of neck, scrofula, bulging mounting, leg qi puffy swelling. 22295,T5874|22291,E| MAO HUA MI HOU TAO NA Hairyflower Actinidia Actinidia eriantha NA NA root and root cortex To resolve toxin and disperse swelling, clear heat and disinhibit damp. Heat toxin swollen welling abscess, mammary welling abscess, aphonia due to lung heat, damp-heat dysentery, strangury-turbidity and vaginal discharge, wind-damp impediment pain, carcinoma of stomach, carcinoma of esophagus, mastocarcinoma, knocks and falls. 9817,E|5762,E|2887,E| LING XIAN 灵仙 root and rhizome of smilax Radix Smilacis Warm,Pungent,Salty Bladder NA Treatment of rheumatic or rheumatoid arthralgia with numbness of the limbs, muscle contracture and limitation of motion, fish bone stuck in the throat. 1. Inhibiting the growth of Stanphylococcus aureus and Shigella dysenteriae.2. Protoanemonin antagonizes histamine-induced bronchospasm and ileospam of guinea-pigs in vitro. 13767,M457;C0347|18176,M457|23852,M457|15940,M457|3048,M457|21344,M457;C0293|6533,M457|24561,M457|24572,M457|23919,M457|23875,M457|24022,M457|24515,M457|25099,M457|25098,M457|15244,M457|24614,M457|23171,M457;C0484|23175,M457|12843,M457|23119,M457|24095,M457|17442,M457|23479,M457|23478,M457|23099,M457|23821,M457|24052,M457|9377,M457|6719,M457|23828,M457|17075,M457|23540,M457|23191,C0160|9484,M457;C0280|2550,M457|15196,M457|2228,M457|24136,M457|23800,M457|23867,M457|23862,M457|24466,M457|24876,M457|23167,M457|23142,M457;C0318| FEN ZHI PO JU NA Ramose Amberboa* Amberboa ramosa NA NA NA NA NA 1476,E|14445,E|14503,E| XIONG GUO NA Bearberry Arctostaphylos uva- ursi NA NA NA NA NA 26228,T6231|14925,E|1618,E;T6231| SUO LA MU NA Prinos-like Salacia Salacia prinoides [Syn. Salacia chinensis] NA NA root To expel wind and eliminate damp, free channels and quicken blood. Wind-damp impediment, blood stasis lumbago. 6852,E|7952,E|3308,E|10577,E|16234,E|24310,T5733|30976,T5733|27,E|3359,E|13617,E|5095,E|10126,E|13242,E|1113,E|6638,T5733|21381,E|18569,E|22657,E|6920,E|21980,E|13968,E|21380,E|13474,E|7945,E|7946,E|30975,T5733|6631,E|7948,E|19164,E|19165,E|19166,E|19167,E|19163,E|22009,E|1107,E|11474,E|6059,E| KUAI GEN CAO SU 块根糙苏 all - grass or root of Tuberousroot Jerusalemsage Radix Phlomis Kawaguchii Warm,Pungent NA NA NA NA 1110,M434|1113,M434|20353,M434| MAO E XIANG CHA CAI NA Hairysepal Rabdosia Rabdosia eriocalyx NA NA leaf or root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, resolve toxin and kill worms. Common cold with headache, wind-damp impediment pain, diarrhea and abdomen pain, mounting qi [=hernia], leg qi , swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, knife wound. 18479,E|13522,E|13523,E|13520,E|13521,E|13526,E|13527,E|13524,E|13525,E|13528,E|13529,E|7269,E|7268,E|7267,E|7266,E|18480,E|13531,E|13530,E|13533,E|13532,E|13535,E|13534,E|13519,E|13518,E|13517,E|13516,E|6957,E|6907,E|7270,E|7274,E| YIN NI MIAN BAO GUO NA Cempedak Artocarpus champeden NA NA NA NA NA 1815,E|1816,E|1817,E|1818,E| GUAN MU TONG 关木通 Manchurian Dutchmanspipe Aristolochia manshuriensis Cold,Bitter Bladder,Small Intestine,Heart stem To clear heart fire, disinhibit urine, free menstruation and milk. Mouth sore, tongue sores, vexation and reddish urine, edema, heat strangury with inhibited pain, leukorrhea, amenorrhea and scant milk, damp-heat impediment pain. 4189,E|13835,E|9817,E|23772,M287|14796,E|19971,E|20353,E|11250,E|13505,E|13367,E;M287|1713,E|1717,E|1716,E|3340,E|1718,E|7776,E|1692,E|1691,E;T3887|31066,T3887|31065,T3887|31751,T3887|23101,M287;C0577|1698,E|1699,E|5061,E|9259,E;M287|16040,E|7787,E|19967,E|23097,M287|24175,T3887|1728,E|1708,E|1725,E;M287|4135,E|1720,E|7767,E|22316,E|4956,E|23287,C0400| XI MA DU WEI CAO NA Himalayan Desertcandle Eremurus himalaicus NA NA NA NA NA 9645,E|9652,T6013| MO ZHI JIAO GU CUI NA Membranous Casearia* Casearia membranacea NA NA NA NA NA 20346,E|3267,E|5296,E|3271,E|3274,E|7787,E|3257,E|20347,E|3258,E|3259,E|14476,E|20538,E|3261,E|3260,E|3263,E|3262,E|3265,E|3264,E|7788,E|3266,E|19965,E|19967,E|20340,E|20221,E|3268,E|1367,E|22316,E|7950,E|19969,E| MIAN HUA GEN 棉花根 Levant Cotton Root Gossypium herbaceum NA NA root cortex To relieve cough and calm asthma, free menstruation and relieve pain. Cough, asthma, bronchitis, menstrual disorder, flooding and spotting. 9343,E|23094,C0269|117,E|13939,E|13937,E|6231,E|8966,E;C0268| LOU DI QING MEI. NA NA Penicillium roqueforti NA NA NA NA NA 17985,E| SHAN QIU JU PAN MU NA Hill Flindersia* Flindersia collina NA NA NA NA NA 3926,E| TAI WAN SHUANG HU DIE NA Taiwan Dualbutterfly Equivalent plant: Tripterospermum japonicum Tripterospermum taiwanense NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, suppress cough. Jaundice, wind-heat cough. 21975,E| BAI QIAN 白前 Cynanchum root Rhizoma cynanchi stauntonii Minor Warm,Pungent,Bitter Lung NA 1. Treatmant of cough due to invasion by exogenous pathogenic factors. Swallowwort rhizome (Baiqian) is used with Schizonepeta (Jingjie) and Platycodon root (Jiegeng) in the formula Zhisuo San. 2. Treatment of turbid phlegm blocking the lungs NA 24375,M34|23902,M34|24376,M34| JIANG GUO XIAN NA Frutescent Cladostachys Deeringia amaranthoides [Syn. Cladostachys frutescens ] NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, clear heat and resolve toxin. Wind-damp impediment pain, dysentery, diarrhea. 18215,E| SHU HUA JIE CAO NA Laxflower Valeriana* Valeriana laxiflora NA NA NA NA NA 2331,E|2334,E|19297,E|17847,E|10651,E|16040,E|10207,E|21573,E|9853,E|10819,E|7767,E|22254,E|21760,E| GONG GA SHAN WU TOU NA Konka Mountain Monkshood Aconitum liljestrandii NA NA NA NA NA 4805,E|19092,E|13059,E|4791,E|18002,E|8270,E| CHUAN LI GUO NA Pashi Pear Fruit Pyrus pashia NA NA fruit To disperse food and transform accumulation, dispel stasis and relieve pain. Meat-type food accumulation, indigestion, diarrhea, dysmenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, hypertension. 7957,T3324|7950,E| HEI ZHONG CAO 黑种草 Jackinprison Nigella damascena Warm,Bitter Spleen,Stomach,Gallbladder NA Treatment of tinnitus and forgetfulness, amenorrhea, inadequate secretion of milk, urinary infection, urolithiasis. NA 3589,M337|4613,E|23419,M337|23713,M337|4614,T4020| ROU MAO SHAN LI DOU NA Pilosity Peavine* Lathyrus palustris var. pilosus NA NA NA NA NA 16569,E|16568,E|16570,E| LIU GUO ZI YU PAN NA Kweichou Uvaria Uvaria kweichowensis NA NA NA NA NA 22283,E|12392,E|12393,E|22972,E| MA DAO HUANG LIAN SHU NA Fatraina (in Madagascar) Samadera madagascariensis NA NA NA NA NA 5704,E|5705,E|3571,E|19207,E|19206,E|3355,E| BING SHE CHUANG NA Japanese Cnidium Cnidium japonicum NA NA NA NA NA 1619,E;T3147| GUAN MU ZHUANG CHE ZHOU CAO NA Shrubby Clover* Trifolium fruticosa NA NA NA NA NA 9597,E| HU SHENG HONG JING TIAN NA Oppositeleaf Rhodiola Rhodiola subopposita NA NA NA NA NA 18777,E| FEI ZHOU GE MU NA African Erythrophleum Erythrophleum africanum NA NA NA NA NA 25763,T3728|7341,E| DA WU LI QIN JIAO NA Dahuria Gentian Gentiana dahurica NA NA dried root See Gentiana macrophylla. See Gentiana macrophylla. 8304,T3450|8303,E|31018,T3450|8296,E| JIAN GEN SHU NA Arrowroot Tacca Tacca chantrieri NA NA rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, rectify qi and relieve pain. Gastroenteritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, indigestion, dysentery, hepatitis, sore and boil, swelling pain in throat, toxin swelling of sores. 18704,E|8687,E|20582,E|3478,E|3479,E|5780,E|10725,E|10724,E|20580,E|5773,E|5775,E|5774,E|20205,E|20207,E|5911,E|8703,E|8702,E|8701,E|20581,E|8706,E|8649,E|5814,E|5815,E|5816,E|5912,E| HU PO 琥珀 Amber, Succinus Succinus Mild,Sweet Bladder,Liver,Heart NA 1. Treatment of infantile convulsions and epilepsy. Amber (Hupo) is used with Centipede (Wugong) and Scorpion (Quanxie). 2. Treatment of palpitations, insomnia and dream-disturbed sleep. Amber (Hupo) is used with Wild jujube seed (Suanzaoren) and Multiflower knotweed (Yejiaoteng). 3. Treatment of dysmenorrhea or amenorrhea due to blood stagnation. Amber (Hupo) is used with Chinese angelica root (Danggui), Zedoary (Ezhu) and Lindera root (Wuyao) in the formula Hupo San. 4. Treatment of urinary tract disorders manifested as frequent urination, painful urination, bloody urine or calculus formation in the urinary tract. Amber (Hupo) is used with Lysimachia (Jinqiancao), Clematis stem (Mutong) and Imperata rhizome (Baimaogen). Sedative and diuretic. 23649,M351|23475,M351|23498,M351|24010,M351|24833,M351|23799,M351|24217,M351| NING XIA GOU QI ZI NA Barbary Wolfberry Fruit Lycium barbarum NA NA fruit See Lycium chinense. See Lycium chinense. 19530,T5090|31800,T5090|31782,T5090|17224,E|19527,E|22960,E|4292,E|13816,E|2001,E;T5090|17079,E|30832,T5090|10871,E|13817,T5090|22961,T5090|10874,T5090| BA JI 巴戟 root of Morinda officinalis Radix Morindae officinalis Minor Warm,Pungent,Sweet Kidney NA 1. Treatment of deficient kidney yang manifested as soreness and weakness in the lower back and knees, impotence, premature ejaculation, infertility, frigidity, irregular menstruation, and cold sensation and pain in the lower abdomen. a) Morinda root (Bajitian) is used with Ginseng (Renshen), Cistanche (Roucongrong) and Dadder seed (Tusizi) for impotence, premature ejaculation and infertility, b) Morinda root (Bajitian) is used with Teasel root (Xuduan) and Eucommia bark (Duzhong) for soreness and weakness in lower back and knees, c) Morinda root (Bajitian) is used with Cinnamon bark (Rougui), Galangal rhizome (Gaoliangjiang) and Evodia fruit (Wuzhuyu) for irregular menstruation. 2. Morinda root (Bajitian) is used with Teasel root (Xuduan), Mulberry mistletoe (Sangjisheng) and Hypoglauca yam (Bixie) for cold sensation and pain in the lumbar region and knees or motor impairment. Treatment of impotence, seminal emission, infertility menstrual disorders, pain and cold feeling in the lower abdomen; rheumatic arthralgia; limpness of the legs. 23170,C0397|25038,M9|23040,C0396| WU HUA GUO 无花果 Fig Ficus carica NA NA fruit To clear heat and engender liquid, fortify spleen and promote digestion, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Swelling pain in throat, dry cough with hoarseness, scant breast milk, intestinal heat and constipation, inappetence, indigestion, diarrhea, dysentery, swollen welling abscess, lichen. 14097,E|18073,T5939|18072,E;C0467|2309,E;T5939|13815,T5939|9466,T5939|18262,E|18406,E|18407,T5939|25532,T5939|674,E|671,E|672,E|673,E|31872,T5939|4529,T5939|14529,E|4524,E|11029,E|13093,T5939|13091,E|7996,T5939|7995,E| WEI DUO LI YA JIN HE HUAN NA Bramble Acacia Acacia victoria NA NA NA NA NA 2036,E|2038,E| CHUAN DANG SHEN NA Szechwan Tangshen Codonopsis tangshen NA NA root See Codonopsis pilosula. See Codonopsis pilosula . 31782,T3319|7950,E|9532,E|9531,E|7957,T3319|20656,E|20353,E|20658,E;T3319|20659,E;T3319|13500,E|20657,E;T3319|9529,T3319|1967,E|20696,T3319|20697,E|20695,E|31105,T3319|31106,T3319|32244,T3319|31108,T3319|31109,T3319|13501,T3319|13816,E|9528,E|23887,T3319|9524,E|9525,T3319|9526,E|9527,E|16955,E|20553,E|22827,E|25219,T3319|13817,T3319|23784,T3319|3887,E|3886,T3319|3889,T3319|8817,T3319|8816,E|6231,T3319|17079,E| WEN SHU LAN NA Chinese Crinum Crinum asiaticum var. sinicum NA NA root and bulb To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel stasis and relieve pain. Cough, throat pain, knocks and falls, toothache. 20583,T5920|20875,E|13236,T5920|13234,E| CHAO XIAN DANG GUI NA Gigantic Angelica Angelica gigas NA NA root To extinguish wind and harmonize blood. Pain in joints, wrenching and contusion. 10196,E|15638,E|22765,E|17021,E|7052,E|22179,E|13564,E|7051,E|15636,E|5097,E|22758,E|9967,E|10764,E|4862,E|4861,E|14071,E|11459,E| XIU XIAN JU YE NA Japanese Spiraea Leaf Spiraea japonica NA NA leaf To resolve toxin and disperse swelling, eliminate putridity and engender flesh. Fistula. 25265,T6240|20159,E|20161,E;T6240|20162,T6240|20163,E;T6240|20164,E;T6240|20160,E;T6240| LAN E XIANG CHA CAI NA Bluesepal Rabdosia* Isodon japonica var. glaucocalyx NA NA NA NA NA 8516,E|8517,E|8514,E|8515,E|8513,E|8518,E|393,E| QIAN QU CAI NA Spiked Loosestrife Equivalent plant: Lythrum anceps Lythrum salicaria NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, promote contraction and stanch bleeding. Dysentery, diarrhea, hematochezia, flooding, ulcerating sores, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, bleeding due to external injury. 30995,T5248|12946,E|16192,T5248|8094,E|3552,T5248|3551,E|4438,E|13265,E;T5248|13264,E;T5248|13267,E;T5248|13266,E;T5248|13261,E|13263,E;T5248|13262,E;T5248|13269,E;T5248|13268,E;T5248|4445,T5248|16185,E|6758,T5248|13455,T5248|6756,E|13453,E|13274,T5248|13272,E;T5248|13273,E;T5248|13270,E;T5248|13271,E;T5248| CHENG ZI HE NA Fragrant Citrus Seed Citrus junos NA NA seed To rectify qi and relieve pain. Mounting qi, strangury, lumbago. 15646,E|12841,E|15650,T3277|15873,E|31731,T3277| ZHAN LONG JIAN NA Siberian Veronicastrum Veronicastrum sibiricum NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel wind and eliminate damp, relieve pain. Wind-damp pain in lumbus and legs, courbature, common cold, cystitis, tuberculosis, bleeding due to external injury, poisonous snake bite, poisonous insect stings. 19852,E|19853,E;T6620|19854,E|14863,E|31464,T6620|5720,E|4291,E|13498,T6620|25292,T6620|14864,T6620|20669,E|12981,E|20670,E|13497,E|3674,E|19855,E| JI XUE TENG 鸡血藤 Suberect Spatholobus Stem Caulis Millettiae; Caulis spatholobi Warm,Sweet,Bitter Liver NA Treatment of menstrual disorders, anemia, numbness and paralysis, rheumatic arthralgia. NA 25179,M384|24040,M384|23998,M384|3004,M384|25018,M384|20353,M384|24336,M384|8277,M384;C0249|3040,M384|23615,M384|23877,M384|4679,M384|17987,M384|24517,M384|11501,M384;C0298|24472,M384|2384,M384|23395,M384|24868,M384|7882,M384;C0340|24927,M384|24824,M384|676,M384|2931,M384|4603,M384;C0428|16791,M384|24014,M384|12760,C0135|13629,M384|11693,M384|25082,M384|24620,M384|24600,M384| XIE CAO NA Common Valeriana Equivalent plant: Valeriana officinalis var latifolia, Valeriana amurensis Valeriana officinalis NA NA root and rhizome To quiet heart and spirit, dispel wind-damp, move qi- blood, relieve pain. Disquieted heart spirit, palpitation and insomnia, mania and withdrawal, visceral agitation, wind-damp impediment pain, distending pain in stomach duct, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, knocks and falls. 9458,T6200|9454,E|10654,E|10651,E|10653,E|31254,T6200|22298,E|22299,E|25445,T6200|7229,T6200|7228,E|22296,E|22297,E;T6200|3045,E|25446,T6200|28252,T6200|928,E;T6200|13583,E|2887,E|2305,E|22300,E;T6200|22302,E|22303,E;T6200|10600,E|22301,E;T6200|22307,E|22304,E;T6200|22305,E;T6200|32189,T6200|22309,T6200|20982,E|18265,E|582,E;T6200|32188,T6200|16872,T6200|2850,E|32187,T6200|12599,E|8753,E|17398,E|31873,T6200|32190,T6200|7750,T6200|17401,E|23381,T6200|2550,E;T6200|16871,E|15214,E|15215,E|11752,E;T6200|11751,E|20983,T6200|24070,T6200|26563,T6200|11759,E|11758,T6200|13276,E|2412,E|7748,E| SU MEN DA LA HONG DOU SHAN NA Sumatran Yew Taxus sumatrana NA NA NA NA NA 20723,E|4761,E|10557,E|20749,E|4762,E|4764,E|4786,E|4721,E|9811,E|20818,E|20819,E|2073,E|20838,E|20817,E|20708,E|20709,E|22614,E|20702,E|20703,E|20704,E|20705,E|20706,E|20707,E|20780,E|3402,E|20784,E|31245,T5708|20787,E|6139,E|4735,E|20795,E|20820,E|9960,E|531,E|20807,E|20806,E| CI TIAN QIE NA Khasi Nightshade Fruit Solanum khasianum NA NA fruit To expel wind and relieve pain, clear heat and resolve toxin. Wind-damp pain, bleeding due to external injury, nervous headache, stomachache, toothache, mastitis, epidemic parotitis. 20028,E|25272,T3365|20054,T3365|20050,E|20053,E;T3365|7787,E|7792,T3365| CHANG MAO HAN XIAO NA Longhairy Michelia* Michelia lanuginosa NA NA NA NA NA 16663,E|16700,T3245| YUAN YE FENG LING CAO NA Harebell Campanula rotundifolia NA NA NA NA NA 21646,T6555|21628,E| LIU SU SHI HU NA Eyeshaped Dendrobium Dendrobium fimbriatum var. oculatum NA NA stem See Dendrobium nobile. See Dendrobium nobile. 19967,E|29509,T4682|3627,E| DI FENG PI 地枫皮 Difengpi Anisetree Equivalent plant: Illicium majus Illicium difengpi Warm,Slightly Pungent,Punkery Bladder,Kidney bark To dispel wind and eliminate damp, move qi and relieve pain. Pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, taxation damage in lumbar muscle, centipede bite. 23325,M210|26092,T3526|30912,T3526|23953,M210|9037,M210|23184,M210|3045,M210|5503,E|31494,T3526|23289,C0374|23910,M210|15244,M210;C0409|23620,M210|23150,M210;C0039|20982,M210|23119,M210|23157,C0373|23880,M210|462,E|4549,M210|13475,E|13476,E|23584,M210|8311,M210;C0304|8312,M210|12843,M210|23624,M210|23279,C0236|23371,M210|23545,M210|2550,M210|3689,M210|13485,T3526|24465,M210|20976,M210|15138,M210| FO JIA CAO NA Linear Stonecrop Sedum lineare [Syn. Sedum obtuso-lineare ] NA NA stem-leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp, stanch bleeding. Swelling pain in throat, red eyes with gall, heat toxin swollen welling abscess, clove sore, erysipelas, herpes zoster, burns and scalds, poisonous snake bites, jaundice, damp-heat dysentery, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, bleeding due to external injury, flat wart. 16200,E|16201,E| SI MI SHI MU DAN CAO NA Smirnow Leontice* Leontice smirnowii NA NA NA NA NA 20701,E|21265,T5686| BAI MAO ZI ZHU NA Whitehairy Beautyberry Callicarpa candicans NA NA NA NA NA 2976,E|2977,T3003| JI NEI YA BAN JIU JU NA Guinea Bitterleaf* Vernonia guineensis NA NA NA NA NA 22393,E|16848,E|5492,E|5489,E|22394,E| NIU WEI DU HUO NA Hemsley Cowparsnip Equivalent plant: Heracleum yungningense, Heracleum moellendorffii Heracleum hemsleyanum NA NA root To dispel wind and dissipate cold, overcome damp and relieve pain. Common cold, headache, toothache, wind-cold-damp impediment, pain in lumbus and knees, crane’s knee wind, disseminated swelling of welling abscess and sores. ,E| LI ZHI KE 荔枝壳 Pericarpium Lichi chinensisi NA NA NA NA NA NA 23154,C0493| KU DOU GEN NA Foxtail-like Sophora Root* Sophora alopecuroides NA NA root To clear intestines and dry damp, settle pain. Damp-heat dysentery, enteritis and diarrhea, jaundice, eczema, sore pharynx, toothache, intractable lichen, scalds. 20084,E|16463,E| BAI HUA SHUI FEI JI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23141,C0513| XIANG YA HAI AN GE MU NA Ivory Coast Erythrophleum Erythrophleum ivorense NA NA NA NA NA 7367,T6141|3277,E|25763,T6141|7342,E|7341,E|3284,T6141|3278,E;T6141| GAO SHAN HUANG HUA 高山黄华 Alplne Thermopsis Thermopsis alpina NA NA flower and fruit To extinguish wind and settle fright. Rabid dog bite. 26052,T3832|4593,E;C0281|21306,T3832|21302,E| DENG TAI YE 灯台叶 Folium Wrightiae Laevis NA NA NA NA NA NA 3760,C0191| RUAN GU HAI TOU HONG. NA NA Plocamium cartilagineum NA NA NA NA NA 17638,E|17639,E|17636,E|17637,E| RI BEN PING FENG CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5199,T5350|16896,T5350| DA HUA SHAN QIAN NIU NA Bengal Clockvine Thunbergia grandiflora NA NA stem-leaf To resolve toxin and disperse swelling, quicken blood and relieve pain. Knocks and falls, fracture, sore and boil, snake bite. 1493,E| DA HONG GU NA Big Russula* Russula lepida NA NA NA NA NA 4301,E|4300,E| MAN LI YU 鳗鲡鱼 Japanese Eel Anguilla japonica NA NA meat or whole fish To fortify spleen and supplement lung, dispel wind and eliminate damp, resolve toxin and kill worms. Indigestion, child gan accumulation, tuberculosis with cough, impotence, flooding and spotting with vaginal discharge, beriberi with edema, wind-damp bone pain, intestinal wind, dysentery, sore, hemorrhoids and fistulas, malaria, intestinal parasitic disease. 3206,T4829|3205,E|23125,C0500|1350,E;T4829|9567,E|9568,T4829| ZHI ZONG ZHUANG HUA XU XIAO BO NA Straight-raceme Barberry Berberis orthobotrys NA NA NA NA NA 16428,E|16526,E| SHI CHANG PU 石菖蒲 Grassleaved Sweetflag Equivalent plant: Acorus gramineus Acorus tatarinowii Warm,Pungent,Bitter Stomach,Heart Rhizome To transform phlegm and open orifices, transform damp and move qi , dispel wind and eliminate impediment, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Febrile diseases clouded spirit, phlegm reversal, amnesia, tinnitus, deafness, distending pain in stomach duct and abdomen, food-denying dysentery, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, scab and lichen with welling abscess and flat abscess. 11191,E|30751,T5563|23777,M648|30665,T5563|24898,T5563|24271,M648|23855,M648|24168,M648|1834,E|1835,E|24377,T5563|957,T5563|7055,E|23158,M648;C0239;T5563|23252,C0109|24637,M648|24738,M648|24841,M648|21344,M648|23059,C0568|31122,T5563|23414,M648|11311,T5563|14524,T5563|7522,E|7520,E|23167,M648| WA LI XI HUANG YANG NA Himalayan Box Buxus wallichiana NA NA NA NA NA 30353,T5872|4543,T5872|4542,E|4476,E| CANG ER ZI 苍耳子 fruit of Siberian Cockleblur Fructus Xanthii sibirici Warm,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Spleen NA Treatment of headache caused by wind-cold, sinusitis with nasal discharge, urticaria with itching, arthritis with muscle contracture caused by damp. 1. Lowering blood sugar, with similar mechanism as phenethyl biguanide ( DBI ). 2. Its chief poisonous component is rhamnose. The toxic effects in rats, guinea-pigs and rabbits by different routes of administration are similar. LD50 is 0.93g/kg in mice. 18724,M70|23919,M70|23937,M70|24697,M70|15940,M70|9358,M70|9377,M70|6721,M70|6719,M70|15683,C0398|9484,M70;C0280| BAI MU TONG GEN NA Austral Akebia Root Akebia trifoliata var. australis NA NA root See Akebia quinata. See Akebia quinata. 4684,T3006|4679,E| SHOU ZHANG SHEN NA Conic Gymnadenia Equivalent plant: Coeloglossum viride Gymnadenia conopsea NA NA tuber To relieve cough and calm asthma, fortify spleen and boost kidney, rectify qi and harmonize blood, relieve pain. Cough and asthma due to lung vacuity, vacuity taxation with emaciation, neurasthenia, kidney vacuity, limp aching lumbus and knees, impotence, seminal efflux, frequent urination, chronic hepatitis, chronic diarrhea, blood loss, vaginal discharge, scant breast milk, knocks and falls. 9845,E|14798,T5610|9112,E|9098,E|9099,E|13902,E|13903,E|9111,E|9110,E|17458,T5610|2456,E|9100,E|9101,E|9847,E|5904,E|2508,E|2165,E|17456,E|14147,E|14797,E| FEI SHU NA Torreya* Torreya grandis NA NA branch-leaf To dispel wind and eliminate damp. Wind-damp sore toxin. 21448,E|5947,E|21446,E|21447,E| LENG SHU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15244,C0409| SHAN LI HONG NA Red Fruit Crataegus pinnatifida var. major NA NA fruit See Crataegus pinnatifida . See Crataegus pinnatifida. 19072,E|17379,E|23232,T5486|3551,E|3766,E|22565,E|3767,T5486|32181,T5486|6853,E|1110,E|10886,E|25805,T5486|17382,E|17383,E|17380,E|17381,E|22254,E|3552,T5486| DA HUA JIAN QIU LUO NA Brilliant Campion Lychnis fulgens NA NA root and whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit urine, fortify spleen, quiet spirit. Inhibited urination, child gan accumulation, night sweating, headache, insomnia. 6677,E|17648,E|6678,T3419|31825,T3419| SAN YE TENG JU NA India Luvunga Luvunga scandens NA NA NA NA NA 22765,E|22766,T5441| TUN CAO ZI WAN NA Upland White Aster Aster ptarmicoides NA NA NA NA NA 22984,E|22985,T5866| SHU HUA MAO E XIANG CHA CAI NA Laxflower Hair ysepal Rabdosia Isodon eriocalyx var. laxiflora NA NA NA NA NA 12578,E|12579,E|31295,T5612|13530,E|13516,E|12583,E|12582,E|12581,E|12580,E|12585,E|12584,E| TU WEN 80 吐温80 Tween 80 Polysorbatum 80 NA NA NA NA NA 24502,M714| CHANG HUI AN NA Long-rostrate Eucalyptus* Eucalyptus rostrata NA NA NA NA NA 18346,E|18308,E| LA ZHU GUO NA Corniculate Aegiceras Aegiceras corniculatum NA NA NA NA NA 31602,T4569|14035,E|14340,E|465,E|6766,E|6768,T4569|7435,E|18537,T4569|4986,E|18531,E|5866,E|10484,E|5975,E|5974,E| PAN ZHI GOU TENG NA Climbing Gambirplant Uncaria scandens NA NA NA NA NA 14881,E|11536,E|18100,E|11633,E|22191,E|22190,E| BEI MEI TING LI ZI 北美葶苈子 Virginia Pepperweed Seed Lepidium virginicum NA NA seed See Lepidium apetalum . See Lepidium apetalum. 1599,E|23111,C0446;T3090| HUI BAI XIANG RI KUI NA Canescent Sunflower* Helianthus canescens NA NA NA NA NA 15626,T4225|15625,E| LUO HUA SHENG YE NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16886,T4755| KA MEI XIANG CHA CAI NA Kamei Rabdosia* Isodon kameba NA NA NA NA NA 12117,E|12118,E|12119,E|12703,E|12702,E|12705,E|12704,E|12706,E|12121,E|12120,E| MIAN MAO GUO XIANG CHA CAI NA Woollyfruit Rabdosia* Isodon lasiocarpus NA NA NA NA NA 16173,E|12532,E|18962,T4972|12537,T4972| GAN NA Chachi Citrus Equivalent plant: Citrus unshiu, Citrus tankan, Citrus cultivars, Citrus decumana Citrus chachiensis NA NA fruit To engender liquid and allay thirst, arouse liquor, disinhibit urine. Heat vexation in chest, drunkenness, inhibited urination. ,E| HAI SHEN CHANG NA Sea-cucunber Intestines Stichopus japonicus NA NA intestine To settle fright, harmonize stomach, resolve toxin and outthrust papules, engender flesh and stanch bleeding. Gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, epilepsy, child indigestion, measles papules, sore and boil, bleeding due to external injury. 31043,T3953|8752,E| ZHANG MU 樟木 Ligum cinmamomi camphorae NA NA NA NA NA NA 30718,T6629|30751,T6629|3048,T6629|25448,T6629|2943,T6629|28252,T6629|12569,T6629|23114,C0038|24476,T6629|30725,T6629|30724,T6629|30723,T6629|15490,T6629|2071,T6629|2940,T6629|7751,T6629|3232,T6629|18652,T6629|30621,T6629|31122,T6629|7481,T6629|23436,T6629|20414,C0490|25341,T6629|11311,T6629|19107,T6629|1186,C0041|4077,T6629|7522,T6629|31363,T6629|30345,T6629| XIAN HE CAO GEN 仙鹤草根 Japanese Agrimonia Root Agrimonia pilosa var. japonica NA NA root To resolve toxin and kill worms. Red and white dysentery, amenorrhea, toxin swelling, taeniasis. 5698,E|5699,T6086|23050,C0007| KUI BU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13602,T4551|31653,T4551|12453,T4551| QI GU CAO NA Pearlwort Sagina japonica [Syn. Spergula japonica] NA NA whole herb To cool blood and resolve toxin, kill worms and relieve itch. Lacquer sore, bald sores, eczema, erysipelas, scrofula, innominate toxin swelling, poisonous snake bites, deep-source nasal congestion, decayed teeth, internal damage due to knocks and falls. 1595,E| YAN DI FENG MAO JU NA Saline Saussurea Saussurea salsa NA NA NA NA NA 4794,E|4795,T6293| DONG E LUO DU WU NA Tongol Goldenray Ligularia tongolensis NA NA NA NA NA 14162,E|21802,E|21803,E|7227,E| YAO YONG DANG GUI NA Medicinal Angelica* Angelica officinalis NA NA NA NA NA 22759,T6344|22758,E| XU CHANG QING 徐长卿 Paniculate Swallowwort Cynanchum paniculatum Warm,Pungent Lung,Stomach,Liver,Kidney root To dispel wind and transform damp, relieve pain and itch. Rheumatic arthritis, toothache, lumbago, pain after operation, dysmenorrhea, mastitis, infection of skin, eczema, neurodermatitis, urticaria, infective dermatitis, zoster, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls. 16521,E;M775;C0099|12874,E|15380,E|15381,E|23732,M775|25335,T6241|19346,E|31448,T6241|115,M775|23983,M775|5054,E|24993,M775|23693,M775|21422,T6241|21421,E|24149,M775|24436,M775|23059,C0568|23503,M775|23052,M775|23099,M775|23252,M775;C0109|24781,M775|11577,E|24748,M775|23788,M775|24765,M775| XUE BAI XIANG RI KUI NA Snowwhite Sunflower* Helianthus niveus NA NA NA NA NA 15626,T6254|15625,E| YE TAI. NA NA Trocholejeunea sandvicensis NA NA NA NA NA 1990,E|17707,E|12605,E|14368,E|4959,E|19235,E|5486,E|8021,E|12604,E|10023,E|21613,E| RUI REN 蕤仁 Hedge Prinsepia Nut Nux Prinsepiae NA NA NA Treatment of conjuntivitis and blepharitis marginalis with impaired vision and photophobia. NA 24178,M1032|23329,M1032|23193,M1032| YI YE TIAN NAN XING NA Diversileaf Jackinthepulpit Arisaema heterophyllum NA NA tuber See Arisaema consanguineum. See Arisaema consanguineum. 11694,E|19448,E|19967,E| QING PI 青皮 Green Tangerine Peel Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride Warm,Pungent,Bitter Stomach,Liver,Gallbladder NA Treatment of distending pain in the chest and costal regions, hernia, mass formation in the breast, mastitis, abdominal pain due to retention of undigested food. 1. Its component limonene is an expectorant and antiasthmatic.2. Its decoction relaxes the smooth muscle of intestines, stomach, gallbladder and uterus. 21344,C0293|23853,M585|15967,C0425|15626,C0582|24165,M585|23184,M585;C0286|9457,C0338|23652,M585|23228,C0303|24999,M585|24966,M585|24611,M585|23295,C0237|23636,M585|23284,C0201|15396,C0117|20654,C0256| DA YE JU NA Largeleaf Pipper* Piper laetispicum NA NA whole herb To quicken blood, disperse swelling, relieve pain. Knocks and falls, static blood swelling pain. 12444,E|30629,T3464| XING CAI NA Shield Floatingheart Nymphoides peltatum NA NA whole herb To effuse sweat and outthrust papules, disinhibit urine and free strangury, clear heat and resolve toxin. Non-eruption of measles, edema, inhibited urination, heat strangury, toxin swelling of sores, poisonous snake bite. 18312,E|22450,T6225| JI ZI MU NA Racemose Adina Sinoadina racemosa [Syn. Adina racemosa ] NA NA NA NA NA 20487,E|19610,E|19611,E|18375,E|12943,E|7039,E|12070,E|19072,E|22480,E|3551,E|12017,E|2789,E|20374,E|3184,E|7773,E|18426,E|12944,E|19608,E|19609,E|18302,E|636,E|637,E|638,E|639,E|19621,E|12068,E|12069,E|10886,E|18366,E|21618,E|15516,E|6952,E|18369,E|18368,E|14217,E|18365,E|22590,E|18367,E|20247,E|640,E|7424,E|18903,E|8976,E|8977,E| MA WEI SONG YE NA Masson Pine Leaf Equivalent plant: Pinus armandii Pinus massoniana NA NA leaf To dispel wind and dry damp, kill worms and relieve itch, quicken blood and quiet spirit. Wind-damp impediment pain, beriberi, damp sore, lichen, wind papule itching, knocks and falls, neurasthenia, chronic nephritis, hypertension, prevention of influenza and encephalitis B. 13580,E|13581,E|13579,E|13578,E|13587,T4818|13575,E|10994,E|13576,E|17362,E|13577,E| JIAN YE BAO SHI MU. NA NA Brosimum acutifolium NA NA NA NA NA 2626,E|2627,E| LI N JING ZHONG ZI WEN SHU LAN NA Bulb-spermo Crinum* Crinum bulbispermum NA NA NA NA NA 10403,E|5254,E|5255,E|10017,E|14362,E|7413,E|9945,E|4236,E|4234,E|5977,E|11481,E|408,E| YUN NAN FENG CHE ZI NA Yunnan Combretum* Combretum yunnanensis NA NA seed To kill worms and disperse accumulation. Abdominal pain due to worm accumulation. 18682,E|6756,E|492,E| XI YE ZHU SHI DOU 细叶猪屎豆 Slender-leaf Crotalaria Crotalaria intermedia NA NA NA NA NA 22261,E;C0028|22264,T6058| GE GEN 葛根 Lobed Kudzuvine Root Equivalent plant: Pueraria thomsonii, Pueraria edulis, Pueraria omeiensis , Pueraria phaseoloides Pueraria lobata Cool,Pungent,Sweet Spleen,Stomach tuberoid To engender liquid, outthrust papules, upbear yang and check diarrhea. Angina pectoris, hypertension, headache due to externally contracted wind-heat, rigidity of neck, thirst, diabetes mellitus, non-eruption of measles, heat dysentery, diarrhea, deafness in early stage, optic nerve atrophy, retinitis. 18170,E;T3841|18171,E|18172,E|19525,E|19526,T3841|22064,E|31577,T3841|4191,T3841|31862,T3841|31861,T3841|8277,E|25083,T3841|14073,E|4684,T3841|21765,E|19967,E|12114,T3841|4679,E|30971,T3841|14698,E|1598,E|29509,T3841|31639,T3841|917,E;T3841|7882,E|7884,E;T3841|18167,E|18166,E;M271;C0539|14486,E|18847,T3841|31578,T3841|4190,E;C0358|18168,E|13438,E|8282,T3841|18169,E|8281,E|4606,T3841|4604,E;T3841|4605,E;C0282;T3841|23622,M271|4603,E;M271;C0428|5344,E|20067,E|5347,T3841|31487,T3841|18844,E|12109,E|21735,E|12305,E|12304,E| XIAN MAI XUAN FU HUA NA Veined Inula Inula nervosa NA NA root To dispel wind-damp, free channels and network vessels, disperse accumulation and relieve pain. Wind-damp pain, cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, food accumulation abdominal distention, dysphagia-occlusion, beriberi. 6374,E|5920,E|25900,T6091|6383,T6091| DUAN ROU MAO DA JI NA Shortfluff Euphorbia* Euphorbia pubescens NA NA NA NA NA 874,E|19527,E|7612,E|7613,E|18158,E|18159,E|11887,E|11888,E|18156,E|18157,E| SHU ZHI YAN FU MU NA Resinoid Sumac* Rhus retinorrhoea NA NA NA NA NA 6408,E|19159,E| SAI LANG DANG NA Common Anisodus Anisodus luridus NA NA root To resolve spasm and relieve pain. Stomachache, cholecystalgia, acute gastroenteritis, chronic gastroenteritis. 22034,E|22035,T5398|4416,E|19526,E|19527,T5398|2001,E;T5398|4420,T5398| XIANG CHA CAI NA Common Rabdosia Isodon amethystoides NA NA aerial parts or root Aerial parts: To clear heat and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and dissipate stasis, resolve toxin and disperse swelling; Root: To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel stasis and relieve pain. Aerial parts: Damp-heat jaundice, strangury, edema, swelling pain in throat, impediment pain in joints, menstrual block, mammary welling abscess, hemorrhoids, effusion of back, knocks and falls, poisonous snake bite; Root: Poisonous snake bites, swelling toxin of sore and boil, aching sinews and bones, knocks and falls, burns and scalds. 22619,E|1038,E|528,E|1037,E| SU GE LAN HU TONG NA Caledonian Beautyleaf* Calophyllum caledonicum NA NA NA NA NA 21774,E|2988,E|2961,E|2963,E|2962,E|10831,E|10462,E|11300,E|1470,E|3001,E|10463,E|6180,E|11227,E|5843,E|13801,E|10830,E| MU(4) JU NA Sepiaria Aegle marmelos NA NA young fruit To check dysentery and diarrhea, disinhibit throat and disperse swelling. Chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, dysentery, swelling pain in throat. 7702,E|19525,E|13564,E|4862,E|933,E|22179,E| GAN LAO JI GU CHANG SHAN NA Boone Alstonia Alstonia boonei NA NA NA NA NA 6699,T3791|6698,E| DA YE SHE PU TAO NA Largeleaf Ampelopsis Ampelopsis megalophylla NA NA branch-leaf To clear heat and disinhibit damp, calm liver and lower blood pressure, quicken blood and free network vessels. Dysentery, diarrhea, dribbling pain of urination, hypertension, dizzy head and distention eyes, knocks and falls. 1074,E| HONG WEN MA XIAN HAO NA Redstriate Woodbetony Pedicularis striata NA NA NA NA NA 16751,E| MAO YE LI LU NA Largeflower Falsehellebore Veratrum grandiflorum NA NA root and rhizome See Veratrum nigrum. See Veratrum nigrum. 16462,T4889|20040,E|20044,T4889|4336,E|22371,T4889|22370,E|6008,T4889|11863,E|11864,T4889|18628,E| HAI JIU CAI NA Shore Podgrass Triglochin maritimum NA NA whole herb To clear heat and engender liquid, resolve toxin and disinhibit damp. Exuberant heat fluid damage, stomach heat vexation thirst, dribbling pain of urination. 31817,T3944|21646,T3944|21628,E|31132,T3944|20789,E|7418,E|7419,T3944|9716,E|17411,E| AI YE 艾叶 Argy Wormwood Leaf Equivalent plant: Artemisia mongolica, Artemisia princeps, Artemisia lavandulaefolia, Artemisia rubripes, Artemisia vulgaris Artemisia argyi Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Liver,Kidney leaf To dissipate cold and relieve pain, warm menstruation and stanch bleeding. Cold pain in abdomen, menstrual disorder due to cold, infertility due to uterus cold, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, flooding and spotting, fetal spotting, itchy skin. 14347,E|14348,T2900|23591,M3|16277,E|17924,E|4470,E|3045,M3|16278,E|23695,M3|23279,C0236|23910,M3|9563,E|7758,E|23119,M3|23126,M3|24829,M3|1793,M3|2850,E|14995,E;T2900|24057,M3|15506,E|2550,M3|14996,T2900|14994,E|3048,M3;C0377|3242,E|2557,M3|3244,M3|24465,M3|23289,C0374|7520,M3;C0416|24466,M3|10750,E|23462,M3|21840,E|9499,E|25205,T2900|20353,E|21582,M3|24022,M3|9389,E|11600,E|23175,M3;C0470|17251,M3;C0263|31315,T2900|28252,T2900|31316,T2900|30847,T2900|4549,M3|24136,M3|15138,M3|23256,C0557|22383,M3|11081,E|11080,E|25127,M3|23545,M3|22907,T2900|24037,M3|22494,E|5403,M3|21693,E|31079,T2900|23382,M3|24447,M3|24956,M3|17439,E|21334,E|21335,T2900|18290,T2900|12843,M3;C0305|6161,E|4945,E|4947,T2900|12443,E|21930,E|22906,E|23150,M3|23157,C0373|23882,M3|23880,M3|17442,M3|17112,E|24092,M3|11082,E|23232,T2900|18289,E|25207,T2900|7760,T2900|21031,E|19084,M3|23105,C0240;T2900|6745,M3|21032,T2900|24337,M3|13816,T2900|13815,E|23421,M3|23887,T2900|13894,T2900|3231,M3|3236,T2900|13893,E|3235,E;M3|13711,E|24063,M3|13716,T2900|1111,E|1110,E|15973,M3|18832,T2900|23983,M3|23624,M3|3237,M3|11085,T2900|11418,C0417|20976,E;M3|18828,E|15968,M3|20979,E| BAI CAO SHUANG 白草霜 Powder of fumi carbonisatus Pulvis Fumi Carbonisatus Warm,Pungent Lung,Large Intestine,Stomach,Liver NA NA NA 24237,M15| JIN DAN NA Meiwa Kumquat Fortunella crassifolia NA NA fruit See Fortunella margarita. See Fortunella margarita. 7936,T4384|7929,E| FEI JI TENG HUANG NA Fiji Garcinia* Garcinia pseudoguttifera NA NA NA NA NA 15216,E|15217,E|18013,E|22534,E| MA SHI XIANG RI KUI NA Maximilian’s Sunflower Helianthus maximiliani NA NA NA NA NA 15626,T4813|15625,E| XI BO LI YA YUN SHAN NA Siberian Spruce Picea obovata NA NA NA NA NA 30337,T5991|15352,E|11311,E| AO ZHOU BAI MAI GEN NA Austral Bird’s Foot Trefoil Lotus australis NA NA NA NA NA 13004,T2932|12997,E| ER XING YANG ER LAN NA Auriculate Twayblade* Liparis auriculata NA NA NA NA NA 2015,E;T3694| SHI CHUN NA Lettuce Ulva Frond Equivalent plant: Ulva lactuca Ulva lactuca NA NA frond To disinhibit water and disperse edema, transform phlegm and soften hardness, clear heat and resolve toxin. Edema, goiter and carcinoma of neck, hypertension, laryngitis, sore and boil, acute enteritis, chronic enteritis, gan accumulation. 14346,T5566|14345,E|6399,E|12440,E|12441,T5566|11428,E|6401,T5566|3852,T5566|3849,E|11433,T5566|4473,T5566|4472,E| SHAN REN YE NA Downy Rosemyrtle Leaf Rhodomyrtus tomentosa NA NA leaf To disinhibit damp and check diarrhea, engender flesh and stanch bleeding. Headache, diarrhea, gan accumulation, bleeding due to external injury, scab sore. 30581,T5496|2338,E|23764,T5496|2332,E;T5496|13091,E|1113,E|13093,T5496|1109,E| YE SUI XIANG CHA CAI NA Leafspike Rabdosia Isodon phyllostachys NA NA NA NA NA 17214,E|17212,E|17213,E| LU BIAN 鹿鞭 Penis Cervi Penis Cervi Warm,Sweet,Salty Bladder,Liver,Kidney NA NA NA 24949,M470|24533,M470|21006,M470|23228,M470|23569,M470|23175,M470|24636,M470|17891,M470|23306,M470| SHA JI 沙棘 fruit of seabuckthorn fructus hippophae Warm,Sour,Punkery Large Intestine,Stomach,Small Intestine,Liver NA NA NA 25134,M613|9478,M613|23125,C0500|9367,M613|25119,M613|15662,M613|24001,M613|24674,M613|23931,M613|15244,M613|23508,M613|23641,M613|15938,M613|23492,M613|23942,M613|24058,M613|24561,M613|21594,M613|23903,M613|24019,M613|24506,M613|16817,M613|15964,M613| KU YA DAN ZI NA Bitter Brucea* Brucea amarissima NA NA NA NA NA 11859,E|11860,E|11858,E|2667,E|2664,E|2665,E|11857,E| JI KUAN CI TONG NA Extreme-wide Coralbean* Erythrina latissima NA NA NA NA NA 15334,E|7306,E|7304,E|7305,E|51,E|4242,E|3004,E|8277,E|17034,E|4603,E| JI TAI 鸡胎 Chick-fetus Embryo gallus domesticus NA NA NA NA NA 24237,M381| RI BEN DONG FENG LUO. NA NA Babylonia japonica NA NA NA NA NA 15452,E| E CHANG CAI NA Goose-bowel Vegatable* Endarachne binghamiae NA NA frond To clear heat and resolve phlegm, soften hardness and dissipate binds. Thyroid enlargement, lymphrnoditis, tuberculosis. 14222,E|25511,T3670| RI BEN BAI SONG FENG CAO NA Japanese White Chinaure* Boenninghausenia albiflora var. japonica NA NA NA NA NA 5457,T5327|10195,E|10193,E|5444,E| YANG JIN HUA 洋金花 Hindu Datura Flower Equivalent plant: Datura innoxia Datura metel Pungent, warm Heart, lung,spleen seed , abdomen, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, epilepsy, chronic fright wind, anesthesia To suppress cough and calm asthma, relieve pain and settle tetany. Cough and asthma without phlegm, cold pain in heart and Datura stramonium . 1287,E|21356,E|10869,E|2001,E;M1077;C0389;T6320|10871,E;M1077;T6320|23196,M1077|10874,T6320| XIONG HUANG 雄黄 Realgar Realgar Warm,Pungent,Bitter Liver,Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of carbuncles, boils, snake-bite, insect-bite, abdominal pain due to intestinal parasitosis, infantile convulsion, malaria. Inhibiting the growth of pyogenic cocci, Bacillus tuberculosis and various pathogenic fungi. 23132,C0574|24722,M774|23343,M774|23342,M774| DUO TOU FENG LUN CAI 多头风轮菜 Clinopodium polycephalum (Van.)C. Y. Wu er Hsuan NA NA NA NA NA NA 3048,C0377|23279,C0236|23175,C0470| NING MENG AN YE NA Lemon Eucalyptus Leaf Eucalyptus citriodora NA NA leaf To dissipate wind and eliminate damp, fortify stomach and relieve pain, resolve toxin and relieve itch. Wind-cold common cold, wind-damp bone pain, qi stagnation stomachache, food accumulation, sand distention and vomiting diarrhea, dysentery, asthma, malaria, sore and boil, wind papules, eczema, intractable lichen, burns and scalds. 11636,T5083|6758,T5083|31907,T5083|30752,T5083|3767,E|3768,E;T5083|18667,E|6756,E|8217,T5083|8201,E|7479,E|7480,T5083|8783,E|11635,E|3296,E|8784,T5083|1766,E;T5083|1767,E;T5083|18406,E|18407,T5083| JIU BING YE NA Malay Glycosmis Glycosmis pentaphylla NA NA NA NA NA 19654,E|3153,E|3155,E|3154,E|8852,E|8851,E|8850,E| DUAN SHE GU NA Abbreviate Balanophora* Balanophora abbreviata NA NA NA NA NA 10627,E| HEI BAI HE NA Kamchatka Fritillary Fritillaria camtschatcensis NA NA NA NA NA 20040,E|20044,T3998|18556,E|20050,E|20053,T3998|9219,E| LIAN XING HUANG QI NA Falcate Milkvetch* Astragalus falcatus NA NA NA NA NA 4078,E|3634,E|3635,T4632|18844,E|18847,T4632|30810,T4632| MANG JING NA Chinese Silvergrass Miscanthus sinensis NA NA stem To dissipate blood, disinhibit urine, resolve heat toxin. Inhibited urination, animal and insect bites. 17997,T4840|14877,T4840|14876,E|27388,T4840|17989,E|21573,E| HONG HUA MIAO 红花苗 Carthamus tinctorius L. NA NA NA NA NA NA 10683,C0154|23026,C0193| JIN SI SHUA NA Gold-wire Brush* Lethariella cladonioides NA NA lichen To quiet spirit, calm liver, quicken blood, close sores. Insomnia, epilepsy, dizziness, knocks and falls, burns and scalds. 14290,E|873,E|14629,E|9187,E|15789,E|14630,T4415| BEI SHI SHAN CHENG NA Balansa Melodinus* Melodinus balansae NA NA NA NA NA 784,E;T3097| LONG YAN JING NA Reticulate Leafflower* Phyllanthus reticulatus NA NA root, stem-leaf To dispel wind, disinhibit damp and quicken blood. Pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, hepatitis, nephritis, enteritis, dysentery, knocks and falls. 18251,E|27648,T4701| GUI YE 桧叶 Folium Sabinae chinensis NA NA NA NA NA NA 1030,T3926|1476,C0378|31111,T3926| KE NAN SHU NA Corinan Tree* Corynanthe johimbe NA NA NA NA NA 22905,E| HU ZHANG CAO NA Brooklet Anemone Anemone rivularis NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and soothe sinews, disperse swelling, relieve pain. Swelling pain in throat, mumps, scrofula, swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, malaria, cough, damp-heat jaundice, wind-damp pain, stomachache, toothache, knocks and falls. 2334,E|18840,E|16050,E|9694,E|9692,E|9693,E|9691,E| CHANG BAI SHAN BAO CHUN NA Changpai Mountains Primrose Primula modesta NA NA NA NA NA 17839,E|17843,T3226| BEI HUANG HUA CAI NA Yellow Daylily Hemerocallis lilio-asphodelus NA NA root See Hemerocallis fulva. See Hemerocallis fulva. 3615,E| HUANG PI GEN NA Chinese Wampee Root Clausena lansium NA NA root To move qi and relieve pain. Qi stagnation stomachache, abdominal pain, mounting pain, wind-damp bone pain, dysmenorrhea. 16144,E| GUAN MU YUAN ZHI NA Shrubby Milkwort* Polygala fruticosa NA NA NA NA NA 7977,T3888|7972,E| YA LI QIAN JIN TENG NA Elegant Stephania Stephania elegans NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel wind and relieve pain. Sore swollen throat, sore toxin, swelling hemorrhoids, wind-damp impediment pain. 9446,E|9244,E| MEI ZHOU GUAN YIN LIAN NA Skunk Cabbage Lysichitum americanum NA NA NA NA NA 10628,E|13252,E| GAN HUA DOU NA Common Fordia Fordia cauliflora NA NA root, leaf To quicken blood and free network vessels, disperse swelling and relieve pain, transform phlegm and relieve cough. Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, swelling pain of welling abscess and sore, cough. 6396,E|12159,E|3335,E|3334,E| YE YING SU NA Iceland Poppy Equivalent plant: Papaver nudicaule ssp amurense Papaver nudicaule NA NA fruit shell or whole herb with flower To constrain lung and relieve cough, astringe intestines and check diarrhea, settle pain. Enduring cough and asthma, diarrhea, hematochezia, prolapse of rectum, emission, vaginal discharge, headache, stomachache, dysmenorrhea. 30880,T6396|1098,E|3502,E|5282,E|3504,T6396|1099,E|16613,E| MEI ZHOU KU MU NA Surinam Quassia Quassia amara NA NA NA NA NA 15445,E|19886,T4927|15449,T4927|19884,E|18284,E|18285,E;T4927|15540,E|15552,E|18289,T4927| DI ZHONG HAI ZONG HAI ZAO NA Mediterranean Brown Alga Dilophus ligulatus Dilophus ligulatus NA NA NA NA NA 16484,E| GUA MU NA Planeleaf Alangium Alangium platanifolium NA NA root See Alangium chinense. See Alangium chinense . 1124,E;T3879| DUO GUO SHU. NA NA Pleiocarpa mutica NA NA NA NA NA 12264,E| QIAN SHI YE 芡实叶 Folium Euryales ferox NA NA NA NA NA NA 23170,C0397|23040,C0396| JIAO ZHU HUA NA Blue Ceratostigma, Blue Bluesnow Ceratostigma plumbaginoides NA NA root See Ceratostigma willmottianum . See Ceratostigma willmottianum . 17556,T4375|17554,E| JIA NA LI HAO NA Canary Island Wormwood* Artemisia canariensis NA NA NA NA NA 5890,E|217,E|23880,T4318|17361,E| YOU DIAN WEI MAO NA Verrucatespot Euonymus Euonymus verrucosides NA NA NA NA NA 7535,E|7537,E|7536,E| DONG CHONG XIA CAO 冬虫夏草 Aweto (Chinese Caterpillar Fungus) Cordyceps sinensis Mild,Sweet Lung,Kidney a drug consisting of dried fungal stroma growing on larva of a caterpillar To supplement lung and boost kidney, stanch bleeding and transform phlegm. Impotence and emission, neurasthenia, backache, aching in lumbus and knees, enduring cough and vacuity asthma, taxation damage hemoptysis. 9070,E|22236,E|22541,T3574|5769,E|31449,T3574|6906,E|7172,E|4046,E|11079,E|4048,E;C0360;T3574|4049,T3574|7249,E|22540,E;T3574|11621,E|10912,E|10913,E|29509,T3574|618,E|12888,T3574|9069,E|12887,E|12885,E|22221,E|617,E|22222,T3574|20265,T3574|20264,E|22538,E|6719,E|30939,T3574|19967,E|9485,E|7251,T3574|24158,M223|13498,T3574|9488,T3574|13497,E| YA KE BEI QIAN LI GUANG NA Alpine Groundsel* Senecio alpinus NA NA NA NA NA 30106,T6274|11089,T6274|11088,E|11806,E| SHEN HAO NA Porrect Wormwood* Artemisia porrecta NA NA NA NA NA 1186,E;T5551| SUAN ZAO REN 酸枣仁 Spine Date Seed Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa Mild,Sweet,Sour Spleen,Liver,Heart,Gallbladder seed To supplement liver, quiet heart, constrain sweat, engender liquid. Neurasthenia, vacuity vexation and insomnia, fright palpitation, arrhythmia, frequent dreaming, vacuity and profuse sweating, fluid damage and thirst. 25672,T5724|20156,E;M678|20159,T5724|6666,T5724|4187,E|20508,T5724|14144,T5724|11986,E|11987,T5724|23870,M678;T5724|23696,M678|4679,E|11910,E;T5724|19906,T5724|6661,E;M678|3346,T5724|22999,E|3345,E|11911,E|19274,E|11913,T5724|11912,E|23528,M678|20499,E|22992,T5724|19278,E|19279,E|443,E;T5724|19275,E|19276,E|19277,E|4190,T5724|984,E|2838,E|7786,E|7787,T5724|14141,E|13256,T5724|19905,E|2331,M678|4684,T5724|2334,E|22991,E|24858,M678|7767,E|11906,E;M678;C0140;T5724|11907,E;T5724|11904,E|11908,E;M678;T5724|7768,T5724|13251,E| CHAN YANG NA American Aspen Populus tremuloides NA NA NA NA NA 17075,E|21494,E|2284,E|21492,E| XI JIAO 犀角 Rhinoceros Horn Rhinoceros unicornis , Rhinoceros sondaicus , Rhinoceros sumatrensis Cold,Sour,Bitter,Salty Stomach,Liver,Heart horn To cool blood, clear heat, resolve toxin, settle fright. Blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, acute febrile diseases, epidemic febrile diseases. 3585,M741|24391,M741|25759,T6006|7389,E|23378,M741|24214,M741|24565,M741|24006,M741| JI MAO CAI NA Chicken-feather Vegatable* Pterocladia tenuis NA NA frond To clear heat and drain fire, soften hardness and transform phlegm. Lung heat abundant phlegm dry cough, laryngitis, chronic constipation. 18267,E| DOU CHI CAO NA Bloodred Iris Iris sanguinea NA NA rhizome and root To disperse accumulation and move water. Stomachache, abdominal pain. 20489,E|20492,T3593| HUA JIAO GEN NA Bunge Pricklyash Root Zanthoxylum bungeanum NA NA root To kill worms. Vacuity cold of kidney and bladder, blood strangury, beriberi, damp sore. 19986,E|19987,T4117| NONG DA JI NA Dense Euphorbia* Euphorbia fortissima NA NA NA NA NA 6520,E| PO LUO MEN ZAO JIA NA Goldenshower Senna Fruit Cassia fistula NA NA fruit To clear heat and free stool, transform stagnation and relieve pain. Heat wind in heart and diaphragm, steaming bone fever and chills, three worms. 2289,E|7803,E|7805,T5207|3615,E|3620,E|2291,E|17855,E|10217,E|10602,E|10204,E|17861,T5207|10492,E| ZHI NA Common Pheasant Phasianus colchicus NA NA meat To supplement center and boost qi , engender liquid and allay thirst . Spleen vacuity diarrhea, distention fullness in chest and abdomen, diabetes mellitus, frequent urination, phlegm asthma, fistula. 13498,T6658|15939,E|13497,E|7341,T6658| HE SHOU WU 何首乌 Tuber Fleeceflower Polygonum multiflorum Cold,Minor Warm,Sour,Bitter Liver,Kidney tuberoid To lower cholesterol, enrich yin and nourish blood, moisten intestines and free stool, interrupt malaria, dispel wind, resolve toxin. Backache, neurasthenia, hyperlipemia, neurosis, insomnia, dizziness due to anemia, palpitation, limp aching lumbus and knees due to liver kidney yin vacuity, premature graying in beard and hair, tinnitus, emission, intestinal dry and constipation, enduring malaria, wind papule itching, sore and welling abscess, scrofula, hemorrhoids. 3615,E;M325|30775,T3990|3599,T3990|3598,E|23345,M325|9042,E|31557,T3990|23574,M325|7792,T3990|21141,E|21140,E|21143,E|3765,M325|24672,M325|24888,M325|31880,T3990|4679,M325|17863,E|24791,M325|6008,T3990|24534,M325|21144,T3990|24439,M325|29509,T3990|5865,T3990|18401,E;M325|18402,M325;T3990|21142,T3990|5862,E|21138,E|32042,T3990|32043,T3990|17625,E|23744,M325|17626,T3990|17235,T3990|17233,E;M325|25045,M325|17269,E|21573,M325;C0037|24544,M325|7787,E|19967,E|13826,E|23406,M325|23894,M325|6775,E;M325;C0449|6776,T3990|18745,T3990|18744,E;M325;C0562|18628,E|25160,M325|25027,T3990| DUO ZHI SONG NA Red Pine Pinus resinosa NA NA NA NA NA 9739,E;C0462|25774,T3663| ROU MAO DI DAN CAO NA Hawaiian Elephantfoot Elephantopus mollis NA NA NA NA NA 14888,E|14889,E;T5371|17034,T5371|14890,T5371|17028,E|31776,T5371| ZONG ZHUANG HUA YANG TI JIA NA Racemose Bauhinia* Bauhinia racemosa NA NA NA NA NA 18500,E| YUN TAI ZI NA Bird Rape Brassica campestris [Syn. Brassica campestris var. oleifera ] NA NA seed To quicken blood and transform stasis, dissipate binds and disperse swelling, moisten intestines and free stool. Postpartum persistent flow of lochia, blood stasis and abdominal pain, dysmenorrhea, intestinal wind bleeding, blood dysentery, pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, swollen welling abscess, erysipelas, mammary welling abscess, constipation. 7290,E|7291,T6592|2596,E;T6592|3585,E|13854,E|3586,T6592|3041,T6592|3040,E|13857,T6592| A BI XI NI YA CI TONG NA Abyssinia Coralbean* Erythrina abyssinica NA NA NA NA NA 4242,E|4243,T2866|19872,E|9597,E|19871,E|19870,E|7324,E|7303,E|7328,E|25906,T2866|3852,E|7325,T2866|5145,E|19869,E|17813,E|10397,E|5832,E|19868,E|55,E|54,E;T2866|50,E|53,E;T2866|52,E|12745,E| XIAO YE QIU GUO ZI JIN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4279,T6195|5711,T6195| BAI LAN HUA 白兰花 Bailan Flower Michelia alba NA NA flower To transform damp, move qi , relieve cough. Oppression in chest and abdomen distention, summerheat stroke, cough, prostatitis, Vaginal discharge. 13772,C0122|11023,C0457|14822,T2992|12911,E|23071,C0536|14821,E|19168,E|19169,T2992|14710,C0313|16428,T2992|8311,C0304|23038,C0121|12843,C0305|14820,T2992|14819,E|23256,C0557| FU XIAO MAI 浮小麦 Light wheat Fructus Tritici levis Cool,Sweet Spleen,Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of weakness of the body manifested as spontaneous sweating or night sweating. Light wheat (Fuxiaomai) is used with Oyster shell (Muli), Astragalus root (Huangqi) and Ephedra root (Mahuanggen) in the formula Muli San. Antisudorific. 917,M256| SAN BAI YIN 三百银 Marsdenia sinensis Hemsl. NA NA NA NA NA NA 23105,C0240| WEN DAN YOU NA Buntan Pummelo* Citrus grandis f. buntan NA NA NA NA NA 17815,E| SHI YAN 食盐 Salt Sal Cold,Salty Lung,Stomach,Kidney NA NA NA 23879,M660| LV TI CAO YE TUO WU NA Marshmarigold-like Goldenray* Ligularia calthaefolia NA NA NA NA NA 2119,E;T4779| SONG XIANG 松香 Colophony Pinus massoniana NA NA residue left after distillation of turpentine oil from crude oleo-resin of various spp. of Pinus To dispel wind and dry damp, expel pus and draw out toxin, engender flesh and relieve pain. Malign sores with welling abscess and flat abscess, scrofula, fistula, scab and lichen, bald white scalp sore, leprosy, impediment, incised wound, sprain, leukorrhea, thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger’s disease), clove sore, hemorrhoids, itchy skin. 15326,T5696|10,E|15325,E|24130,T5696|16561,E|23237,C0461|16562,T5696| HUANG PI YE NA Chinese Wampee Leaf Clausena lansium NA NA leaf To course wind and resolve exterior, move qi and transform phlegm. Warm disease fever, cough and asthma, qi distention abdominal pain, yellow swelling, malaria, inhibited urination, heat toxin scab and lai. 15362,T4195|3789,E|3791,T4195|26069,T4195|4483,E|15358,E| XUE HUA LIAN NA Snowdrop Galanthus nivalis NA NA NA NA NA 8084,T6256|15281,T6256|15280,E|8082,E| SI CHUAN YIN YANG HUO NA Szechuan Epimedium Epimedium sutchuenense NA NA aerial parts See Epimedium brevicornum . See Epimedium brevicornum. 1275,E| MENG CHONG 蜢虫 Gadfly Tabanus Bitter, slightly cold NA NA Treament of: 1. Amenorrhea or abdominal and epigastric masses caused by blood stagnation. Gadfly (Mengchong) is used with Leech (Shuizhi), Cockroach (Chechong), Peach seed (Taoren) and Rhubarb (Dahuang) in the formula Dahuang Zhechong Wan. 2. Pain due to external injury. Gadfly (Mengchong) is used with Frankincense (Ruxiang), Myrrh (Moyao) and Peach seed (Taoren). NA 24237,M162| YOU GUO DOU KOU NA Wartyfruit Amomum Amomum muricarpum NA NA fruit To warm center and transform damp, fortify stomach and disperse food, check vomiting and quiet fetus. Cold pain in stomach duct, vomiting, diarrhea, malign obstruction in pregnancy, stirring fetus disquieted. 15072,E|15073,E| XI FEN LI ZHI GUO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10899,T5997|25660,T5997| ZI LAN SHU NA Ceylon Hunteria Hunteria zeylanica NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and relieve pain. Painful swelling from knocks and falls, poisonous snake bites. 12264,E| SHEN CHANG CHUAN XIN LIAN NA Elongate Andrographis* Andrographis elongata NA NA NA NA NA 19991,E|19988,E|10025,E|21758,E|19992,E| PING GUO 苹果 Apple Malus pumila Cool,Sweet,Slightly Sour Lung,Spleen,Stomach fruit To boost stomach, engender liquid, eliminate vexation, arouse liquor. Scant fluid and thirst, spleen vacuity diarrhea, food retention and abdominal distention, resolve liquor toxin. 20430,M547|23745,M547|17155,E|23487,M547|11029,E|23170,M547|24342,M547|22538,M547|17160,E|23090,C0492|15805,E|23572,M547|7970,M547|23224,M547|18267,E| QUAN CHI QIANG WEI NA Dog Rose Rosa canina NA NA NA NA NA 31848,T5304|13205,E|6427,E|13215,T5304|19025,T5304|19024,E|5762,E| FU SHOU CAO NA Amur Adonis Adonis amurensis NA NA whole herb To strengthen heart, disinhibit urine, calm. Cardiac insufficiency, atrial fibrillation, congestive cardiac failure, edema due to heart disease, CNS depression. 12874,E|19362,T3778|19360,E|25408,T3778|25409,T3778|19527,E|31448,T3778|5524,E|5525,T3778|25242,T3778|22179,E|25245,T3778|20058,T3778|16904,E|20056,E|22180,T3778|11640,E|2246,E;T3778|16024,E|31750,T3778|15520,E|15521,E|20386,E|20381,E|20389,E|13947,T3778|4548,T3778|4037,T3778|4036,E|11494,E|11643,T3778|4547,E;T3778|4546,E|4013,T3778|4012,E|31769,T3778|7993,T3778|7992,E;T3778|7991,E|644,E;T3778| LIU HUANG TIE XIAN JUE NA Sulphur Maidenhair Fern* Adiantum sulphureum NA NA NA NA NA 5968,E|5983,T4675| JIN HUANG CAO SU NA Goldenyellow Jerusalemsage* Phlomis aurea NA NA NA NA NA 10084,E|17153,E|6997,E|2279,E| CHAI HUANG JIANG NA Rosthorn Yam Dioscorea nipponica ssp. rosthornii NA NA rhizome See Dioscorea nipponica. See Dioscorea nipponica. 5215,E|6439,E| JU MI JIN HE HUAN NA Honeyed Acacia Acacia mellifera NA NA NA NA NA 2331,E|2334,E|2338,E|10339,E|13090,E|13091,E|16362,E|10341,E|10572,E| RUAN MAO DU HUO NA Soft-hair Cowparsnip Heracleum lanatum NA NA root See Angelica pubescens f. biserrata . See Angelica pubescens f. biserrata. 18073,T5382|18072,E| SHAN YAO 山药 Common Yam Equivalent plant: Dioscorea japonica Dioscorea batatas [Syn. Dioscorea opposita ] Mild,Sweet Lung,Spleen,Kidney rhizome To fortify spleen and nourish stomach, engender liquid and boost lung, supplement kidney and rough essence. Reduced food intake due to spleen vacuity, incessant chronic diarrhea, cough and asthma due to lung vacuity, kidney vacuity and emission, vaginal discharge, frequent urination, vacuity heat and diabetes mellitus. 14225,E|14226,E|5039,E|24343,M1038|20353,E|25500,T5512|3040,E|25507,T5512|14232,E|6437,T5512|6436,E|3586,T5512|6558,E;M1038|6559,T5512|6439,E|25927,T5512|25499,T5512|917,E|25506,T5512|21819,E|25829,T5512|618,E|14234,T5512|3585,E;M1038|14231,E|6441,E|19967,E|5698,T5512|9485,E|5040,T5512|36,E|5693,E|24427,M1038|23887,T5512|2165,E|2164,E|2167,E|2166,E;T5512|17243,T5512|17242,E|2163,E;T5512| JU YUAN YE NA Medicinal Citron Leaf Citrus medica NA NA NA NA NA 3773,T4460|3770,E|11599,T4460|11598,E| MO GUO QIN NA Thin Sphallerocarpus Sphallerocarpus gracilis NA NA fruit To boost kidney, invigorate yang , dispel wind and dry damp. NA 1211,E|22728,E|2041,E| JIN GU CAO 筋骨草 Ciliate Bugle Ajuga ciliata NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and disperse swelling. Swelling pain in throat, lung heat hemoptysis, painful swelling from knocks and falls. 6678,C0526|4454,E| HAI BA JI NA Indianmulberry Morinda citrifolia NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin. Dysentery, tuberculosis. 4715,E|900,E|31706,T3937|14967,E|14966,E|14964,E|899,E;T3937|15725,E|1360,E|1361,E|1894,E|9789,E|6375,E| HAI NAN SHA REN NA HainanAmonum Amomum longiligulare NA NA ripe fruit or seed See Amomum villosum. See Amomum villosum. 2557,E| ZHONG BA E ZHANG YE FU ZI NA Zhongba Monkshood Daughter Root* Aconitum carmichaeli cv NA NA daughter root See Aconitum carmichaeli . See Aconitum carmichaeli . 19686,E|12158,E| ZI BEI TIAN KUI 紫背天葵 Gynura Herba Gynurae bicoloris Cold,Sweet Spleen,Kidney NA Treatment of carbuncles, boils and sores, mastitis, scrofula, venomous snake bite. NA 23239,M892|24753,M892|24831,M892|14804,M892|23588,M892| KUI BAN ER YE TAI NA Armet-petal Ear-leaf Muscus* Frullania muscicola NA NA NA NA NA 20355,E| JIA SUAN JIANG NA Apple of Peru Nicandra physaloides NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel phlegm, calm. Rabid dog bite, mental disease, epilepsy, wind-damp pain, sore and boil, common cold. 10842,T4319|22688,T4319|22035,E|22036,T4319|25410,T4319|10834,E|22685,E|20353,E|15513,E|15512,E|15514,T4319|23887,T4319| PANG DA HAI. NA NA Sterculia lychnophora NA NA seed, fruit To eliminate inflammation, clear heat and resolve toxin, clear lung and disinhibit throat, moisten intestines and free stool. [5509] Dry cough lesser phlegm, aphonia due to throat pain, headache, steaming bone tidal fever, nosebleed, red eyes, toothache, heat bind constipation, hemorrhoids and fistulas.[5509] 20313,E|20314,E| FENG FANG 蜂房 Honeycomb Nidus Vespae NA NA NA Treatment of toothache due to caries, sores, ulcers, mastitis, scrofula, ringworm, tinea unguium. NA 24237,M934| KU MANG HUANG JIN NA Govan Corydalis Corydalis govaniana NA NA NA NA NA 16118,E|18504,E| LIU SU LI LU NA Fimbriate Falsehellebore* Veratrum fimbriatum NA NA NA NA NA 15388,E|15389,T4681| MAN TUO LUO GEN NA Hindu Datura Root Equivalent plant: Datura stramonium, Datura innoxia Datura metel NA NA root To suppress cough, relieve pain, draw out pus. Cough and asthma, wind-damp impediment pain, boil and lichen, malign sore, rabid dog bite. 10871,E|10869,E|22034,E|18058,E| CHAO SHEN QU 炒神曲 Medicated leaven Massa fermentata medicinalis Preparata Warm,Pungent,Sweet Spleen,Stomach NA NA NA 15278,M88|9457,M88| AI XI SHOU SHI LI LU NA Eschscholtz Falsehellebore* Veratrum eschscholtzii NA NA NA NA NA 15388,E|15389,T2898| GUANG YAO DA HUANG HUA NA Mongolian Cymabria Cymbaria mongolica NA NA NA NA NA 10321,E|10320,E|10322,E|6038,E|6037,E|6034,E| FEN HUA DI YU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3318,C0435|23215,C0566| E SUN ZI TAN NA Osun Padauk* Pterocarpus osun NA NA NA NA NA 18089,E| XIAO HUI XIANG 小茴香 fennel fruit fructus Foeniculi Warm,Pungent Spleen,Stomach,Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of scrotal hernia with pain and cold extremities, dysmenorrhea with lower abdominal pain and cold sensation, distending pain in the epigastrium with anorexia, vomiting and diarrhea, hydrocele of tunica vaginalis.Fructus Foeniculi (processed with salt): Scrotal hernia with pain and cold extremities, dysmenorrhea with abdominal pain caused by cold. 1. An active component, anisaldehyde, in creases the effect of streptomycin on experimental tuberculosis in mice.2. Accelerating gastrointestinal peristalsis, and promoting eliminating of flatus.3. Eliminating phlegm. 1186,M763;C0041|23098,M763;C0552|23314,M763|23605,M763| MAN XING QIAN JIN BA NA Philippine Flemingia Flemingia philippinensis [Syn. Moghania philippinensis] NA NA root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, strengthen sinews and bones, quicken blood and resolve toxin. Wind-damp impediment pain, taxation damage in lumbar muscle, wilting-weakness in limbs, knocks and falls, swelling pain in throat. 7833,T4835|7826,E|12354,E|12355,T4835| TONG QIAO SHE GU NA Involucrate Balanophora Balanophora involucrata NA NA whole herb To moisten lung and relieve cough, move qi and fortify stomach, clear heat and disinhibit damp, cool blood and stanch bleeding. Lung heat cough, pain in stomach duct and abdomen, jaundice, swelling pain from hemorrhoids, knocks and falls, hemoptysis, menstrual disorder, flooding and spotting, bleeding due to external injury, dizziness, emission. 22246,E|14242,E|14243,T5829|32179,T5829| PU ER MIN 扑尔敏 Chlorpheniramine maleate Chlorpheniramini Maleas NA NA NA NA NA 24690,M549| CHA ZI YUAN BAI NA Savin Juniper Juniperus sabina NA NA NA NA NA 16785,E|31822,T3215|19086,E|17578,E|17328,E|5203,T3215|1372,E|25347,T3215|30333,T3215|19412,E|17323,E|17333,E|17335,T3215|19416,T3215|17327,E| MEI GUO KE YA SHU NA American Vouacapoua* Vouacapoua americana NA NA NA NA NA 3276,E|22603,E|14806,E| DING HU DIAO ZHANG NA Chun’s Spicebush Lindera chunii NA NA root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, move qi and loosen center, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Wind-damp bone pain, distending pain in stomach duct and abdomen, painful wound from knocks and falls. 12568,E|12862,E|16333,E|12865,E|12866,E|9448,E|9443,E|18039,E|9450,E|20391,E|14475,E|12859,E|12858,E|20392,E|15919,E|16331,E|12855,E|12854,E|12857,E|12856,E| QIAN HU 前胡 Common Hogfennel Equivalent plant: Peucedanum praeruptorum , Peucedanum longshengens, Peucedanum rubricaule , Ligusticum brachylobum Angelica decursiva [Syn. Peucedanum decursivum] Minor cold,Pungent,Bitter Lung root To course wind and dissipate heat, downbear qi and transform phlegm. Cough, externally contracted wind-heat, lung heat phlegm depression, cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, sticky phlegm, retching counterflow and reduced food intake, fullness and oppression in chest and diaphragm. 213,E|25359,T5240|16760,E|23595,M564|22179,M564|7384,E|7385,T5240|31714,T5240|12522,E|4677,E|4676,E|13564,M564|4140,C0430|20218,T5240|31148,T5240|9785,E|9786,E|4862,E;T5240|4863,T5240|4861,E|15638,E;M564;C0111;T5240|22103,E|22104,E|22105,E|15636,E;M564|17016,T5240|17014,E|20209,E|24114,M564|4858,E| HAI ER CHA 孩儿茶 Cutechu Acacia catechu NA NA dry decocted paste of branch and trunk without bark To contract damp, close sores and engender flesh. Enduring sores, eczema, mouth sore, painful wound from knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, suppurative infection. 7801,E|31875,T3941|7802,T3941|23745,M946|23321,M946|6853,E;T3941|6852,E|677,E|23170,M946|18290,E|3308,E|25805,T3941|25124,M946|3315,T3941|23193,M946| XIONG RUI ZHUANG ZHI GUAN CAO NA Big-flowered Javatea Orthosiphon stamineus NA NA NA NA NA 16217,E|16216,E|16215,E|16214,E|16213,E|16212,E|16211,E|16210,E|20245,E|19615,E|16219,E|16218,E|4760,E|15434,E|10555,E|19951,E|19950,E|15786,E|15787,E|16231,E|5136,E|16233,E|16232,E|16230,E|12443,E|7591,T6233|7590,E|19952,E|16228,E|16229,E|16222,E|16223,E|16220,E|16221,E|16226,E|16227,E|16224,E|16225,E|4758,E|4759,E|19954,E|20243,E|20242,E|16859,E|20244,E|15435,E|10618,E|19953,E|21186,E| BAI HUA SHE SHE CAO 白花蛇舌草 Spreading Hedyitis Equivalent plant: Hedyotis corymbosa Oldenlandia diffusa [Syn. Hedyotis diffusa] Cold,Sweet,Slightly Bitter Large Intestine,Stomach,Small Intestine whole herb with root To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp. Lung heat cough asthma, swelling pain in throat, intestinal welling abscess, swelling of sores and boils, poisonous snake bite, heat strangury with inhibited pain, edema, dysentery, enteritis, damp-heat jaundice, carcinoma. 25178,M22|23779,M22|23754,M22|23101,C0577|4185,E|4186,E|24894,M22|23835,M22|18339,E|20353,E|23832,M22|1894,E|23936,M22|24412,M22|4140,M22|24373,M22|31751,T2980|18381,E|23887,T2980|23073,C0020|30635,T2980|31532,T2980|16040,E|12043,E|18340,E|18347,E|23410,M22|16576,E|13887,E|13888,E|24910,M22|22254,E| LV SONG JIA MI NA Luzon Viburnum* Viburnum luzonicum NA NA stem-leaf To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood. Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls. 13157,E|13156,E|13155,E|13154,E|13153,E|13146,E|13151,E|13150,E|13148,E|13149,E|13147,E|13159,E|13158,E|13160,E|13152,E| YING MAO TI GEN CAO NA Hairy Hellebore* Helleborus orientalis var. hirsutus NA NA NA NA NA 1178,E;T6479| LIAN XU 莲须 Lotus stamen Stamen Nelumbinis Minor Warm,Sweet,Punkery Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of seminal emission, spermatorrhea, excessive leukorrhea, frequent urination. NA 12792,M451|15313,M451|23264,M451;C0158|1348,C0551|11488,C0147| ZHI GAN CAO 炙甘草 Prepared Liauorice Root Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata Mild,Sweet Lung,Spleen,Stomach,Heart NA Treatment of deficiency of spleen and stomach, lassitude, palpitation, arrhythmia. NA 19072,M849|19448,M849|11694,M849|23166,C0472|15257,M849|23172,M849;C0270|11639,M849|1935,M849|24040,M849|23092,C0474|23291,M849;C0473| MAO SUI HU JIAO NA Hairspike Pepper* Piper trichostachyon NA NA NA NA NA 4535,E|17421,E|4536,T4880| CHANG SHUO HUANG MA NA Jews-mallow Corchorus olitorius NA NA whole herb To course wind, relieve cough, disinhibit damp. Common cold with cough, dysentery, eczema. 9335,T3249|9334,E|7320,T3249|16075,T3249|16074,E|7319,E| CUI TU LUO FU MU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 784,T3394|18621,T3394|16904,T3394|30569,T3394|19372,T3394|30872,T3394|18617,T3394|1680,T3394|32018,T3394|1002,T3394|22906,T3394|6218,T3394| YIN HUA YAO XIAO YING QIN NA NA Azorella cryptantha NA NA NA NA NA 2062,E|5544,E| XIA TIAN WU 夏天无 Decumbent Corydalis Corydalis decumbens [Syn. Corydalis amabilis ] NA NA tuber To move qi and quicken blood, free network vessels and relieve pain. Pain in deep tissues, neuralgia, swelling pain from fracture, hypertension, hemiplegia, sequel of poliomyelitis, sciatica, rheumatic arthritis, knocks and falls. 2734,E;T6071|21045,E|13709,E|25154,M1063|17969,E|13710,T6071|7768,T6071|21061,E|4103,E|17970,T6071|32026,T6071|643,E|642,E;T6071|4032,E|2350,E|7767,E|16544,E|2001,E| HONG SAN QI 红三七 Ovateleaf Knotweed Polygonum suffultum NA NA rhizome To stanch bleeding and relieve pain, quicken blood and regulate menstruation, clear heat and eliminate damp. Painful wound from knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, blood ejection, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, red and white vaginal discharge, damp-heat dysentery, welling abscess. 19971,E|18744,C0562|31938,T4063| ROU LEI NIU NAI CAI NA Roylei Condorvine* Marsdenia roylei NA NA NA NA NA 5241,E|13571,E|5128,E|16022,E|16023,E|7467,E|5130,E| QIN JIAO 秦艽 Largeleaf Gentian Equivalent plant: Gentiana crassicaulis, Gentiana straminea, Gentiana dahurica, Gentiana tianschanica, Gentiana tibetica, Gentiana kaufmanniana , Gentiana siphonantha Gentiana macrophylla Minor cold,Pungent,Bitter Stomach,Liver,Gallbladder dried root To dispel wind-damp, clear damp heat, relieve pain due to impediment. Wind-damp impediment pain, hypertonicity of sinews and vessels, aching pain in joints, late afternoon tidal fever, child gan accumulation with fever. 7335,E|7334,E|25669,T5268|13318,T5268|31018,T5268|13833,E|13315,E|8635,E|13316,E;T5268|18846,E|12340,E|8304,T5268|8303,E;M574|14598,E|8296,E;M574;T5268|12341,T5268|8295,E|31525,T5268|14599,T5268|13317,E;T5268|18278,E| ZHONG GUO YANG CHUN NA Chinese Cedrela* Cedrela sinensis NA NA leaf To dispel summerheat and transform damp, resolve toxin, kill worms. Summerhea-damp and damage center, nausea and vomiting, inappetence, diarrhea, dysentery, swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, scabies, bald white scalp sore. 16386,E|16387,E|10543,E|9926,E|16290,E| YI YANG HE BAO MU DAN NA Peregrin Bleedingheart* Dicentra peregrina NA NA NA NA NA 19280,T6426|19269,E|12598,E| BAO SHI FEI YAN CAO NA Brown Larkspur* Delphinium brownii NA NA NA NA NA 2657,E;T3072| XI YE GONG LAO YE NA Chinese Mahonia Leaf Mahonia fortunei NA NA leaf See Mahonia bealei. See Mahonia bealei. 13368,T6050|25390,T6050|16544,E|16545,T6050|13367,E| CHI SHI ZHI 赤石脂 Red Halloysite Halloysitum Rubrum Warm,Sweet,Sour,Punkery Large Intestine,Stomach NA Treatment of chronic diarrhea, chronic dysentery, hematochezia, abnormal uterine bleeding, excessive leukorrhea, external use for ulcers difficult to heal up, eczema with exudation. NA 24341,M101| JIN XI AN CAO NA Longtube Ground Ivy Glechoma longituba NA NA aerial parts To disinhibit damp and free strangury, clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling, lower blood pressure. Heat strangury, stone strangury, damp-heat jaundice, swelling pain of welling abscess and sore, knocks and falls. 13768,E|18176,E|11599,E|13767,E|17386,E|20979,E| YUE GUI ZI NA Grecian Laurel Fruit Laurus nobilis NA NA fruit To dispel wind-damp, resolve toxin, kill worms. Wind-damp impediment pain, tetrodon poisoning, scab and lichen, postauricular sore. 585,E;T6566|12561,E|31022,T6566|7520,E|23228,T6566|7522,T6566|391,E;T6566|4128,E|8336,E|8311,E|8312,T6566|12559,E|30816,T6566| BAI ZHI JIE 柏枝节 Ramulus Platycladi orientalis NA NA NA NA NA NA 13772,C0122|15162,C0307|23038,C0121| SUAN YE PO LUO MEN SHEN NA Salsify Tragopogon porrifolius NA NA root and leaf To fortify spleen and boost qi . Weakness during convalescence, child gan accumulation, tinea capitis. 21484,E|21341,E|6107,E|19547,E|14715,E|3175,E| FEI HOU MIAN BAO GUO NA Fleshy Artocarpus* Artocarpus altilis NA NA NA NA NA 4516,E| HU KE HUANG GUA NA Hooker Cucumber* Cucumis hookeri NA NA NA NA NA 4314,E| XI BO LI YA LENG SHAN NA Siberian Fir Abies sibirica NA NA NA NA NA 15324,E|1935,E;T5989| YE ZI RANG NA Coconut Albumen Cocos nucifera NA NA albumen To boost qi and fortify spleen, kill worms, disperse gan . Fasciolopsiasis, gan accumulation. 20152,E|32215,T6401|22542,T6401|22545,E|22546,T6401|3140,E|20353,E|23887,T6401|23720,T6401|12564,E|15671,E|15672,T6401|8049,T6401|15967,T6401|23479,T6401|23099,T6401|22539,E|6631,E|19967,E|3139,E|3138,E|31420,T6401|21399,E| JIU CAI 韭菜 Tuber Onion Allium tuberosum NA NA leaf To supplement kidney, warm center, move qi, dissipate stasis, resolve toxin. Kidney vacuity impotence, cold pain in abdomen, dysphagia-occlusion and stomach reflux, chest impediment, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria, dysentery, hemorrhoids, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, lacquer sore, knocks and falls. 6341,E|26070,T4436|618,E|32164,T4436|14682,E|948,E;T4436|14119,E|6413,E|14120,T4436|22063,E|23170,C0397|22060,E|23040,C0396|22064,T4436|6416,T4436|6342,T4436|22059,E| HEI SHUI XIE CAO NA Amur Valeriana Valeriana amurensis NA NA root and rhizome See Valeriana officinalis . See Valeriana officinalis . 22296,E|13130,E|25550,T4017| TIAN CAI NA Common Beet Beta vulgaris NA NA NA NA NA 30651,T5778|30650,T5778|22608,E;T5778|22607,E|23101,C0577|8783,E|8784,T5778|11079,E|2057,E|19986,T5778|32223,T5778|31751,T5778|31753,T5778|23051,T5778|16040,E|19444,E|17758,T5778|20435,T5778|20430,E|2973,E|13432,E|13433,T5778|17756,E|24688,T5778|2318,E|2319,E|2317,E|7767,E|7768,T5778| KUO ZHANG SONG YE JU NA Expansum Fig* Mesembryanthemum expansum NA NA NA NA NA 13791,E;T4560|13790,E;T4560|31515,T4560|13789,E| CHUAN BEI MU 川贝母 Tendrilleaf Fritillary Equivalent plant: Fritillaria unibracteata, Fritillaria delavayi, Fritillaria przewalskii Fritillaria cirrhosa Minor cold,Sweet,Bitter Lung,Heart bulb To clear heat and moisten lung, relieve cough and transform phlegm. Lung heat cough, dry cough, chronic bronchitis, infection of upper respiratory tract, tuberculosis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, yin vacuity taxation cough, cough with phlegm and blood. 13772,C0122|11000,E|31307,T3316|14602,M107|20044,T3316|24117,M107|25037,M107|20040,E|23038,M107;C0121|12271,E|12273,E;T3316|12272,E;T3316|12275,E;T3316|12274,E;T3316|12276,T3316| HEI DA DOU PI NA Black Soyabean Spermoderm Glycine max NA NA spermoderm To nourish yin and calm liver, dispel wind and resolve toxin. Yin vacuity and heat vexation, night sweating, dizziness, headache, wind impediment, damp toxin, welling abscess. 30851,T4003|3595,T4003|3594,E|5026,E|31427,T4003|12729,E| ZHU SHA DU JUAN NA Vermilion Rhododendron Rhododendron cinnabarinum NA NA NA NA NA 1074,E;T6706| XI SHUAI 蟋蟀 Chinese Cricket Gryllulus chinensis Warm,Pungent,Salty Bladder,Large Intestine,Small Intestine dried body To disinhibit urine. Urinary stoppage, edema, ascites. 31401,T6033|31357,T6033|12196,E|24237,M744| BI LU GOU TENG NA Uña de Gato (Cat’s Claw) Uncaria tomentosa NA NA NA NA NA 5189,E|6852,E|21847,E|18809,E|3678,E|3679,E|16312,E|3677,E|21426,E|21425,E|14881,E|21817,E|22189,E|18420,E|18421,E|18427,E|18425,E|18811,E|6068,E|21812,E|13964,E|15738,E|18418,E|18417,E|16346,E|18100,E|22190,E|9552,E|11676,E|22254,E|3681,E|3680,E|11536,E|18928,E|18419,E|6070,E|9551,E|18416,E|18415,E|18414,E|18413,E|11633,E| WU YU 吴芋 fruit of Diverseflower Evodia Fructus Evodiae Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Stomach,Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of headache accompanied by retching and cold limbs, abdominal colic, weakness and edema of the legs, abdominal pain during menstruation, epigastric distension and pain with vomiting and acid regurgitation, diarrhea occurring before dawn daily, hypertension. External use for ulcers in the mouth. 1. Its volatile oil containing evoden inhibits the abnormal fermentation in the intestine.2. Evodin, evodiamine and rutaecarpine, are active components for analgesic.3. Oral administration or injection can lower blood pressure in normal animals or those with renal hypertension. 20536,M731|23880,M731|19066,M731;C0346|23126,M731;C0040|15244,M731|24465,M731|24046,M731|15138,M731|3048,M731|12843,M731|23284,M731;C0201|7664,M731;C0362|24049,M731| HUI GUO JIAO GU LAN NA Rostratefruit Gynostemma Gynostemma yixingense NA NA NA NA NA 8422,E|9150,E|9152,E|25716,T4229|22898,E;T4229|25597,T4229|22901,T4229|9151,T4229|11645,E|22897,E|11647,T4229| SHUI QING SHU NA Tetracentron Tetracentron sinense NA NA NA NA NA 21020,E;T5656|32009,T5656|21019,E| WU YI 芜荑 fruit of Ulmus macrocarpa Fructus Ulmi Macrocarpae Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Stomach NA NA NA 24237,M730| XI YANG SHEN JING YE NA American Ginseng Stem-leaf Panax quinquefolium NA NA NA NA NA 4619,E|4618,E|4620,E|4616,E| DUO ZU JUE NA Common Polypody Equivalent plant: Polypodium virginianum Polypodium vulgare NA NA rhizome To clear heat, resolve toxin and disinhibit damp. Damp-heat strangury pain, wind-damp-heat impediment, swollen welling abscess, sore and boil, wind papule itching, knocks and falls. 15720,E|10061,E|3552,T3666|31825,T3666|3551,E|14228,E|25504,T3666|16106,E|6678,T3666|13412,E|6677,E|12993,E|17649,E|13414,T3666|15721,E|17648,E|9641,E|17646,E|9637,E| ZI MEI SHU NA Garden Millingtonia Millingtonia hortensis NA NA bark or leaf To dispel wind and relieve itch, resolve toxin and kill worms, suppress cough and transform phlegm. Eczema, urticaria, ascariasis, cough of phlegm asthma, leptochroa. 19570,T6748|26090,T6748|9563,E|9565,T6748|19567,E|19569,E;T6748|266,E| BIAN XING MU LAN NA Mutable Magnolia* Magnolia mutabilis NA NA NA NA NA 19762,E;C0579|19764,T3132| KU DING CHA DON GQING NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 12297,T4509|12296,T4509|25564,T4509| TONG HUA GEN 通花根 Ricepaperplant Root Tetrapanax papyriferus NA NA root To clear heat and disinhibit urine, rectify qi and disperse food, quicken blood and promote milk. Edema, strangury syndrome, food accumulation distention and fullness, lump glomus, wind-damp impediment pain, menstrual disorder, galactostasis. 14625,E|14627,T5827|18697,E|16037,E|16036,E|11080,C0458| XIAN HE CAO GEN YA NA Japanese Argimonia Rhizome Agrimonia pilosa var. japonica NA NA rhizome To expel tapeworm. Taeniasis. 762,E|30116,T6087| XIAO HONG SHEN NA Yunnan Madder Rubia yunnanensis NA NA root To quicken blood and soothe sinews, dispel stasis and engender flesh, nourish qi blood. Wind-damp pain, knocks and falls, menstrual disorder [=menoxenia], menstrual block, vaginal discharge, postpartum arthralgia, tuberculosis and coughing of blood, dizzy head and insomnia, anemia. 18987,E|18986,E|18981,E|18980,E|18982,E|13979,E|18989,E|18988,E|19019,E|20353,E|496,E|19017,E|19018,E|18975,E|18996,E|18997,E|18994,E|18995,E|18992,E|18993,E|18990,E|18991,E|303,E|19603,E|18999,E|19003,E|20550,E|19967,E|14767,E|18968,E|12515,E|14769,E|19020,E|11474,E|22316,E|371,E|19002,E|19001,E|19000,E|19007,E|19006,E|19005,E|19004,E| RED KOJI NA Angkak Monascus kaoliang GAO LIANG HONG QU NA NA NA NA NA 14908,E|14907,E| MAI YA QU 麦芽麯 Barley Leaven Massa Fermentata Hordei Germinatus NA NA NA NA NA 25140,M502|24665,M502|19316,M502|23125,M502|3589,M502|23051,M502|617,M502|24795,M502|24928,M502|23587,M502|23586,M502|23729,M502|23988,M502|20430,M502|9644,M502|9645,M502|24226,M502|24290,M502|23131,M502|25011,M502|23193,M502| CAO DOU KOU 草豆蔻 Katsumada Galangal Alpinia katsumadai Warm,Pungent Spleen,Stomach seed To dispel damp and strengthen spleen, warm stomach and check vomiting. Spleen-stomach Cold-damp obstructing, distention fullness and pain in stomach duct and abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea. 966,E;T3191|3188,T3191|985,E;M73;T3191|3187,E|23256,M73;C0557|23035,M73;C0202|25025,M73|6486,E|6487,T3191| JIAO ZHUANG CHE QIAN NA Cornuted Plantain* Plantago cornuti NA NA NA NA NA 250,E| ZI MU NA Ovate Catalpa Catalpa ovata NA NA wood To promote vomiting, relieve pain. Pain wind in limbs, cholera. 15249,E;T6751|15248,E|12505,T6751|12497,E|15252,E;T6751|15253,E;T6751|15250,E;T6751|15251,E;T6751|15254,T6751|2004,E|3306,E;T6751|3305,E| NAN MU NA Nanmu Phoebe nanmu NA NA wood branchlet-leaf To harmonize center and downbear counterflow, check vomiting and diarrhea, disinhibit water and disperse edema. Vomiting and diarrhea with cramp, edema. 16385,E|25396,T5049| MI HUA MEI DEMG MU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13614,T4953|25543,T4953| LONG KUI ZI 龙葵子 Semen Solani nigri NA NA NA NA NA NA 23170,C0397|23040,C0396|23236,C0499| ZI FAN LI ZHI NA Soncoya Annona purpurea NA NA NA NA NA 16368,T6729|21230,E|18197,E|18200,E|18201,E|16403,E|8523,E|8547,T6729|16328,E| MEI LI FAN HONG HUA NA Pretty Crocus Crocus speciosus NA NA NA NA NA 12038,E|4248,E| HUAI YE 槐叶 Folium Sophorae japoniae NA NA NA NA NA NA 8277,C0249|19072,C0514|12017,C0453|23303,C0471| ZHI MA YOU 芝麻油 oil of Oriental Sesame Oleum Sesami Mild,Sweet Lung,Spleen,Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of dizziness, blurred vision, tinnitus, impaired hearing, premature greying of the hair and beard, loss of hair after a serious disease, constipation. NA 23170,M860|23193,M860| DI TANG HUA NA Japanese Kerria Flower Kerria japonica NA NA flower or branchlet-leaf To relieve cough and transform phlegm, disinhibit damp and disperse swelling, resolve toxin. Cough, wind-damp impediment pain, postpartum vacuity taxation, edema, inhibited urination, indigestion, swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, eczema, urticaria. 9289,E|834,E|31762,T3537|13127,E|25811,T3537|31069,T3537|8967,T3537|8966,E|13128,T3537|16744,E| WU HUAN ZI SHU QIANG 无患子树蔃 semen sapindi mukorossi NA NA NA NA NA NA 1476,C0378| ZHAO SHAN BAI 照山白 Manchurian Rhododendron Rhododendron micranthum NA NA branchlet-leaf or flower To relieve cough and transform phlegm, dispel wind and free network vessels, regulate menstruation and relieve pain. Cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, wind-damp impediment pain, lumbago, menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, fracture. 19530,T6639|18302,E|12017,E|19527,E|8958,E|23275,C0273|10890,T6639|10886,E|30330,T6639|20550,E|1935,E|25635,T6639|1161,E;T6639| YOU HU TAO 油胡桃 Semen Juglandis regiae NA NA NA NA NA NA 11900,C0300| OU ZHOU TIAN JIE CAI NA Heliotrope Heliotropium europaeum NA NA NA NA NA 12532,T5164|12530,E|7636,T5164|7635,E|9319,E|9322,T5164| KU LANG SHU NA Unarmed Glorybower Clerodendrum inerme NA NA NA To dispel stasis and stanch bleeding, dry damp and kill worms. Knocks and falls, blood stasis swelling and pain, blood ejection due to internal damage, bleeding due to external injury, sore lichen and scab lai, eczema with pruritus. 14425,E|11032,E|11031,E|19213,E|16812,E|19214,E|15658,E|5669,E|18584,E|7428,E| HU YE NA Daimyo Oak Leaf Quercus dentata NA NA leaf To stanch bleeding, free strangury. Spontaneous external bleeding, blood ejection, hematochezia, bleeding from hemorrhoids, blood dysentery, dribbling pain of urination. 12035,E| SUAN JIAO NA Tamarind Fruit Tamarindus indica NA NA fruit To clear heat and resolve toxin, harmonize stomach and disperse accumulation. Summerheat stroke, inappetence, child gan accumulation, vomiting in pregnancy, constipation. 31817,T5719|9615,E|22566,T5719|22565,E|25215,T5719|11778,T5719|20699,E|16185,E|11770,E|17076,E|11575,T5719|16192,T5719|17411,E| HONG JING TIAN 红景天 all - grass of Rhodiola Radix et Rhizoma Rhodiolae Minor cold,Sweet,Punkery Lung,Liver,Kidney NA NA NA 23020,M154;C0073| SAN XIAU YE SHAN DOU GEN NA Trifoliate Euchresta Euchresta japonica NA NA NA NA NA 6495,E|22621,E|20080,E| GOU JU ZHI KE NA Trifoliate-orange Unripe Fruit Poncirus trifoliata NA NA unripe fruit See Citrus aurantium. See Citrus aurantium. 15278,E|15279,T3853| JIAN ZI YU PAN NA Acuminate Uvaria* Uvaria acuminata NA NA NA NA NA 594,E|2280,E|22274,E|11748,E|11320,E|22271,E|6527,E| NIU XIN PIAO ZI NA Komarov Mosquitotrap Cynanchum komarovii NA NA NA NA NA 5054,E|6271,E| WU TOU 乌头 Common Monkshood Equivalent plant: Aconitum karakolicum, Aconitum balfourii Aconitum carmichaeli NA NA tuberoid To dispel wind and eliminate damp, warm channels, dissipate cold and relieve pain. Wind-cold-damp impediment, pain in joints, numbness in limbs, hemiplegia, head wind headache, cold pain in heart and abdomen, cold mounting with pain, stasis pain from knocks and falls, swelling toxin of flat abscess. 3712,E|554,E;M1059;T5969|2738,E;T5969|31316,T5969|25223,T5969|30689,T5969|20059,E|877,E;T5969|2742,E|12159,T5969|19183,E|12157,E|10874,E|10876,T5969|31315,T5969|5066,E|13787,E;M1059|20634,E|13788,T5969|22221,E|22222,T5969|23238,T5969|19687,E|19686,E|11082,E|11081,E|11080,E|19688,E|11085,T5969|3202,T5969|2247,E|20061,T5969|20060,E;T5969|3201,E|10960,E|11370,E|9573,E|31086,T5969|9574,E|11725,E| ZHAN MAO HUANG QIN NA Viscidhair Skullcap Scutellaria viscidula NA NA root See Scutellaria baicalensis. See Scutellaria baicalensis. 16205,E|16240,T6622|22704,E;T6622|31940,T6622|19993,E|22705,T6622|22702,E|21078,E|2102,E;T6622|21079,T6622|2106,E;T6622| SI GE MENG XUAN HAU NA Scammony Glorybind Convolvulus scammonia NA NA NA NA NA 19530,T5675|19527,E| SAN FEN DAN NA Brackfollicle Tylophora atrofolliculata NA NA root To dispel wind, quicken blood, relieve pain. Wind-damp pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls. 22138,T5405|22131,E|22133,E|22132,E|22134,E|22137,E;T5405|22136,E| SI GUO YAO HUA NA Siko Stringbush* Wikstroemia sikokiana NA NA NA NA NA 19874,E| ZHONG JIE FENG 肿节风 all-grass of Glabrous sarcandra Herba Sarcatidrae NA NA NA 1. To clear heat and toxic material. For carbuncle due to intensive heat, aphthae, gingivitis, dysentery, filariasis, etc. 2. To promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, expel wind and dredge channels. For trauma, rheumatism, stomachache. Recently , used for rheumatoid arthritis, coronary heart disease and angina pectoris. 3. To clear heat-phlegm. For cough due to lung-heat and dyspnea. 4. Antitumorigenic: For tumour of digestive system, lung cancer, leukemia, etc. NA 23475,M1087|23792,M1087|25172,M1087|23947,M1087|23361,M1087|23943,M1087|23022,C0258|11425,M1087|23633,M1087|23269,M1087;C0230| SHEN YE TIAN ZHU KUI NA Reniform Pelargonium* Pelargonium reniforme NA NA NA NA NA 21889,E|17208,E|2603,E|17207,E|16774,E|16775,E|16776,E|11339,E|8118,E|32138,T5555|8112,E|8110,E|8111,E| WULU BA DOU NA Wru Croton* Croton urucurana NA NA NA NA NA 6966,E| SHI KU JU NA Dwarf Marigold Schkuhria pinnata NA NA NA NA NA 9569,E|19496,E;T5583| MAO GUO YU TENG NA Hairypod Fishvane Derris eriocarpa NA NA lianoid stem To disinhibit urine and free strangury, transform phlegm and relieve cough. Nephritis, cystitis, urethritis, beriberi with edema, cough. 7272,E|7273,E|6060,E| ZI TI GEN CAO NA Purple Hellebore* Helleborus purpurascens NA NA NA NA NA 9329,E|9330,T6765| ZHEN ZHU MU 珍珠母 Nacre Concha Margaritifera Usta;Margarita Cold,Salty Liver,Heart NA Treatment of headache, dizziness, fidgetness and insomnia, inflammation of the eye due to heat in the liver, blurred vision in deficiency conditions of the liver. 1. Its hydrolysate decreases the intestinal tone in vitro and also exerts a transient diuretic effect in rabbits.2. Promote the healing of wound in experimental animals. 25007,M184|23471,M184|25168,M184|23972,M184|24821,M184|23497,M184|24115,M184|23378,M184|24283,M184| ZI YU LAN PI NA Lily Magnolia Bark Magnolia liliflora NA NA bark To rectify qi and eliminate damp, calm asthma. Liquor jaundice, damp itchy in genitals, lai, double tongue, welling abscess and flat abscess, edema. 19168,E|19169,T6775| SHU CE JIN ZHAN HUA NA Szechwan Adonis Adonis sutchuenensis NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, dry damp, strengthen heart and calm. Swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, red eyes with gall, vomiting and diarrhea, dysentery, palpitation and insomnia, epilepsy. 3306,E|3307,T5611| DE GUO LONG DAN NA German Gentian Gentiana germanica NA NA NA NA NA 20495,E| SAN MIAN DAO NA Small Bugbane Cimicifuga acerina NA NA rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, course wind and outthrust papules, quicken blood and relieve pain, lower blood pressure. Sore pharynx, swollen boil, non-eruption of macula, taxation damage, pain in lumbus and legs, knocks and falls, hypertension. 14237,E;T5419|14236,E|14235,E|9905,E|31139,T5419|9907,T5419|9454,E|3651,E|9763,E|354,E;T5419|353,E;T5419|3652,T5419|3649,E|25580,T5419|19785,E|14238,T5419|94,E|4978,T5419| LONG XUE SHU NA Dragontree Dracaena draco NA NA NA NA NA 6436,E|6576,E|6577,E|6575,E|6598,T4698|10174,E|6578,E|955,E|19981,E|6439,E|11501,E|25887,T4698|13006,E|5978,E|5990,E|6031,E|19967,E|14690,E| DU ZHONG 杜仲 Eucommia Eucommia ulmoides Warm,Sweet Liver,Kidney bark To lower blood pressure, supplement liver and kidney, strengthen sinews and bones, quiet fetus. Hypertension, kidney vacuity lumbago, weakness in sinews and bones, stirring fetus in pregnancy. 5172,E|16079,E|16078,E|22177,E;T3615|22176,E|22179,T3615|13634,E|7002,T3615|3552,T3615|3551,E|17395,E|4903,E|4905,T3615|9283,E|15653,T3615|31759,T3615|31758,T3615|31757,T3615|816,E;T3615|6999,E|31267,T3615|31266,T3615|25215,T3615|17398,E|9021,E|25513,T3615|17406,T3615|17401,E|17400,T3615|14217,E|25744,T3615|25743,T3615|25229,T3615|3776,E|85,E;T3615|20699,E|12017,E|12910,E|25539,T3615|18613,E|12914,T3615|16082,T3615|16080,E|19967,E|13633,E|24289,M153|22254,E|9287,T3615|16883,T3615|10659,T3615|31016,T3615|10654,E|10653,E|10652,E|30806,T3615|20559,T3615|16081,E|2887,E|21525,E|21524,T3615|12234,E|29509,T3615|12238,T3615|6631,E|32181,T3615|30865,T3615|13646,T3615|7487,E;T3615|7486,E|20553,E|32063,T3615|9027,E|9237,T3615|7489,E;T3615|7488,E|15651,E|31815,T3615|4521,T3615|4520,E|10492,E|11520,E|11521,T3615|8277,T3615|8276,E|8275,E|8273,T3615|8272,E|23381,T3615|7329,T3615|5802,E|5801,E|2004,E;M153;C0260;T3615|6638,T3615|25574,T3615|3780,T3615|20557,E|25767,T3615|31235,T3615|6231,T3615|3981,E| HUA NAN ZAO JIA NA South China Honeyloeust Gleditsia fera NA NA fruit To break phlegm and open orifices, resolve toxin and kill worms. Wind stroke (apoplexy), epilepsy, phlegm reversal with stupor, cough asthma qith phlegm-drool and atrophicexuberant, malign sore. 6688,E| GUAN LUO SUI TUN CAO NA Crestedspike Ragweed Ambrosia psilostachya var. coronopifolia NA NA NA NA NA 30811,T3885|4087,E| JIN ZHUA JU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 22505,T4424|13215,T4424|31865,T4424|1749,T4424|19025,T4424|7826,T4424| E CHI TENG. NA NA Calycopteris floribunda NA NA NA NA NA 3009,E|3003,E|5050,E|3008,E|6871,E|6870,E| CHANG HUA XIE CAO NA Longflower Valerian* Centranthus longiflorus ssp. longiflorus NA NA NA NA NA 5184,E|5185,E| OU ZHOU CHI SONG NA Scotch Pine Pinus sylvestris NA NA NA NA NA 32006,T5148|21006,E|14217,T5148|1169,E;T5148|7384,E| XIA BAO TUO WU NA Narrowbract Goldenray Ligularia intermedia NA NA root and rhizome See Ligularia fischeri. See Ligularia fischeri. 31281,T6065|10774,E| ZI BEI JIN PAN NA Japanese Bulge Ajuga nipponensis NA NA whole herb or root To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and dissipate stasis, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Lung heat cough, hacking of blood, sore swollen throat, mammary welling abscess, intestinal welling abscess, swelling toxin of sore and boil, bleeding hemorrhoids, painful swelling from knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, burns and scalds, poisonous snake bites. 810,E|803,E|802,E|801,E|807,E|806,E|805,E| HEI MAN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3369,T4013|18567,T4013|18566,T4013|18565,T4013|26080,T4013|18574,T4013| SHEN JING ZI 肾精子 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 24237,M636| SHI DA GONG LAO ZI NA Leatherleaf Mahonia Fruit Equivalent plant: Mahonia japonica Mahonia bealei NA NA fruit To clear vacuity heat, supplement kidney, dry damp. Steaming bone tidal fever, limp aching lumbus and knees, dizziness and tinnitus, damp-heat diarrhea, vaginal discharge, strangury-turbidity. ,E| MA ER SHAN WU TOU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4993,T4788| WU ZEI GU 乌贼骨 Cuttlefish bone, Cuttlebone Os Sepiae seu SepiellaeZoological Name Minor Warm,Salty Stomach,Liver NA Treatment of: 1. Hemorrhage. Cuttlefish bone (Wuzeigu) is used with Rubia root (Qiancao), Carbonized petiole of windmill palm (Zonglutan) and Donkey hide gelatin (Ejiao). Cuttlefish bone (Wuzeigu) can be used alone for bleeding due to external injuries. 2. Deficiency of the kidneys manifested as seminal emissions or leukorrhea. Cuttlefish bone (Wuzeigu) is used with Dogwood fruit (Shanzhuyu), Dioscorea (Shanyao), Dadder seed (Tusizi) and Oyster shell (Muli). 3. Stomach pain and acid regurgitation. Cuttlefish bone (Wuzeigu) is used with Tendrilled fritillary bulb (Chuanbeimu) in the formula Wu Bei San. 4. Eczema or chronic ulcers. Cuttlefish bone (Wuzeigu) is used with Phellodendron bark (Huangbai) and Natural indigo (Qingdai) for external use in powder form. NA 23823,M732|23378,M732| SHU KUI HUA NA Hollyhock Flower Althaea rosea NA NA flower To harmonize blood and stanch bleeding, resolve toxin and dissipate binds. Blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, profuse menstruation, red and white vaginal discharge, urinary and fecal stoppage, child wind papules, malaria, welling abscess and flat abscess with swollen boil, scorpion sting, burns and scalds. 9423,E|9427,T5615| YI YE TIE SHAN NA Western Hemlock Tsuga heterophylla NA NA NA NA NA 7768,T6431|31815,T6431|13587,E|12515,E|19603,E|7767,E|17395,E|10573,E| DI JIN II NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13261,T3531|15979,T3531| HENG GEN FEI CAI 横根费菜 Orange Stonecrop Equivalent plant: Sedum aizoon Sedum kamtschaticum NA NA whole herb or root To dissipate stasis, stanch bleeding, quiet heart and spirit, resolve toxin. Blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hemoptysis, hematochezia, hematuria, flooding and spotting, bleeding due to external injury, knocks and falls, palpitation, insomnia, swollen welling abscess, sore and boil, burns and scalds, poisonous insect stings. 14526,E|15180,T4021|15176,E|14528,T4021|663,E;T4021|8958,E|11551,T4021|23102,C0119|11548,E|25635,T4021|8965,T4021|8964,E;C0163| CHANG YE CHE QIAN NA Buckhorn Plantain Plantago lanceolata NA NA NA NA NA 17496,E|5276,E|5277,E|580,E|12572,E|18205,E|13573,E|2004,E|12719,E| PING HUA FA LIANG GOU TENG NA Smooth Gambirplant Uncaria laevigata NA NA NA NA NA 22188,E|14881,E|22190,E|11536,E|11633,E| YAO YONG AN XI XIANG NA Drug Snowbell Styrax officinalis NA NA NA NA NA 20403,E|20414,T6341|14165,E|2264,E| SI LIE BAI ZHU NA Four Sepals Gaultheria Gaultheria tetramera NA NA NA NA NA 13243,E|13970,E|8241,E| SHAN DONG ZHONG ZU JUE NA Shandong Hypodematium Hypodematium sinense NA NA whole herb or leaf To harmonize stomach and check vomiting, calm liver and quiet spirit. Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, insomnia. 10891,T5471|10890,E| MIAN MAO GOU TENG NA Woolly Gambirplant* Uncaria lanosa NA NA NA NA NA 18538,E|14881,E|21847,E|11536,E|11344,E|22190,E|18100,E|3308,E|8487,E|7832,E|11633,E|22191,E|9233,E| DUO HUA SHAO YAO NA HimalayanPeony Paeonia emodi NA NA NA NA NA 16518,E|16519,E|8094,E|16520,E|9817,E|14447,E| XIAO XING HUA YAN QIANG WEI. NA NA Cistus parviflorus NA NA NA NA NA 9422,E| QIAO MU HU JIAO NA Arboreous Pepper* Piper arboreum NA NA NA NA NA 16377,E|1612,E| DI ZHONG HAI BAI MU NA Mediterranean Cypress Cupressus sempervirens NA NA NA NA NA 3354,E|3356,T3542| SAN TAI HONG HUA NA Serrate Glorybower Equivalent plant: Clerodendrum serratum var amplexifolium Clerodendron serratum NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, dissipate stasis and relieve pain, resolve toxin and disperse swelling, interrupt malaria. Damp-heat dysentery, strangury syndrome, wind-damp-heat impediment, blood stasis and dysmenorrhea, knocks and falls, swelling pain in throat, swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, urticaria, malaria. 13498,T5425|18400,E|18401,T5425|13497,E|19751,T5425|19750,E| HUANG JING ZHI 黄精枝 Rhizoma Polygonati NA NA NA NA NA NA 2003,C0542| HUI XIANG JING YE NA Fennel Stem and Leaf Foeniculum vulgare NA NA stem-leaf To expel wind, normalize qi, relieve pain. Sand qi, mounting qi, swollen welling abscess. 8306,E|7850,T4243|19896,E|30330,T4243|30609,T4243|18406,E|18407,T4243|4880,T4243|31021,T4243|25438,T4243|20550,E|11894,E|9042,E|19901,T4243|11571,E|1284,E|15317,E|4134,E|4878,E|11900,T4243|7767,E|23281,T4243|7768,T4243| MAO HOU QIAO RUI HUA NA Forskahl Coleus Coleus forskahlii NA NA NA NA NA 3917,E|3915,E|28787,T4867|30800,T4867|3918,E| JI ZI KE NA Hen’s Egg Shell Gallus gallus domesticus NA NA egg shell To promote astriction, inhibit acid, strengthen bones, stanch bleeding, brighten eyes. Stomach duck pain, stomach reflux, acid vomiting, rachitis in children, various hemorrhage, eye screen, gan sore pox toxin. 17716,E| CHANG GENG NAN WU WEI ZI NA Longpeduncle Kadsura Kadsura peltigera [Syn. Kadsura longipedunculata ] NA NA root or root cortex To move qi, quicken blood, relieve pain. Qi stagnation abdominal distention, abdominal pain, stomachache, pain in sinews and bones, dysmenorrhea, knocks and falls, innominate toxin swelling. 15413,E|1208,E|19477,E|1207,E|1206,E|19470,E;T3236|19471,E;T3236|11988,E|11989,E|19482,E|22725,T3236|25325,T3236|12012,T3236|12961,E|15411,E|15412,E|12962,E|3476,E|25421,T3236|16279,E|12010,E|12960,E|2381,E|1466,E|19484,E|19469,E|19468,E|19465,E|19464,E|15415,T3236|11999,E|11998,E|16341,E|11990,E|11992,E;T3236|11995,E|11997,E|11996,E|12002,T3236|12000,E| DA YE NIU FANG FENG NA Giant Hogweed Heracleum mantegazzianum NA NA NA NA NA 17063,E|1191,C0326|1194,E| XI HUANG JIAO FEN 西黄胶粉 Powder of Tragacanth Gummi Tragacanthae NA NA NA NA NA 24237,M740| CEN PI NA Largeleaf Chinese Ash Bark Equivalent plant: Fraxinus szaboana , Fraxinus chinensis, Fraxinus stylosa, Fraxinus bungeana , Fraxinus paxiana Fraxinus rhynchophylla [Syn. Fraxinus chinensis var. rhynchophylla] NA NA bark To clearheat and dry damp, promote astriction, brighten eyes. Heat dysentery, diarrhea, chronic bronchitis, rheumatic arthritis, red and white vaginal discharge, red eyes with gall, eye screen. 664,E;T3203|663,E;T3203|7378,T3203| WA SHI ZONG LV NA Wagner Windmill Palm Trachycarpus wagnerianus NA NA NA NA NA 18042,E| HOU PU HUA 厚朴花 Officinal Magnolia Flower Flos Magnoliae Offcinalis NA NA NA Treatment of feeling of stuffiness and distension in the chest and epigastrium with loss of appetite. NA 9630,M965|13381,M965| FEI JI CAO NA Fragrant Eupatorium Eupatorium odoratum NA NA whole herb To stanch bleeding, kill worms. Terrene leech bite. 1284,E|30820,T3717|11688,E|4140,E|30609,T3717|15983,E| HUANG MA YE NA Roundpod Jute Leaf Corchorus capsularis NA NA leaf To rectify qi and stanch bleeding, expel pus and engender flesh. Abdominal pain, dysentery, flooding, sore and welling abscess. 9335,T4188|9334,E|4047,T4188|7319,E|16075,T4188|16074,E|4037,E;T4188|4036,E|7320,T4188| BAN YE PING FENG CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 32017,T3055| LIU LI FAN LV NA Scarlet Pimpernel Anagallis arvensis NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and dissipate cold, quicken blood and resolve toxin. Crane’s knee wind, yin syndrome with sores, poisonous snake bites, rabid dog bite. 1133,E|1132,E|1827,E|1825,E|1826,E| GANG MAO CHENG LIU NA Kashgar Tamarisk Tamarix hispida NA NA NA NA NA 18667,E|11645,E|5790,E| XING JUE NA Punctated Microsorium* Microsorium punctatum NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin. Strangury, inhibited urination, knocks and falls, dysentery. 14145,E|31583,T6226|30099,T6226|14274,E| MAO SHU MEI. NA NA Trichurus terrophilus NA NA NA NA NA 21570,E|21571,E|21572,E|21567,E|21566,E|21565,E|21564,E|21563,E|18534,E|18535,E|21569,E|21568,E| ZE LAN YANG ER JU NA Eupatoriumlike Inula Inula eupatorioides NA NA NA NA NA 7074,E| WAI JUAN TANG SONG CAO NA Waxy Meadowrue Thalictrum revolutum NA NA NA NA NA 21237,T5877|21235,E|21223,E|32053,T5877|16803,E|21241,E|21244,T5877|21250,E|21253,T5877|21252,E|21224,T5877| SU GEN XIANG WAN DOU NA Everlasting Pea Lathyrus latifolius NA NA NA NA NA 25589,T5704|5350,E|30892,T5704|1057,E| XI SHU 喜树 Common Camptotheac Camptotheca acuminata NA NA fruit or root To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate binds and disperse concretion, anticancer. Acute leukemia, chronic leukemia, psoriasis, swollen liver and spleen due to bilharziosis, carcinoma of esophagus, carcinoma of cardia, carcinoma of intestine, carcinoma of liver, carcinoma of stomach, swelling of sores. 21945,E|23778,M1062|13856,E;T6032|13857,E|25076,M1062|24973,M1062|2222,M1062|14132,E|14135,T6032|15871,E|14710,M1062;C0313|8290,E|23346,M1062|23260,M1062;C0225|15662,M1062|15294,M1062|24087,M1062|7970,E|18302,E|24007,M1062|22480,E|23931,M1062|24060,M1062|23812,M1062|20375,E|15244,M1062|23348,M1062|18185,E|1252,M1062|341,E|21939,E|23119,M1062|9882,E|32143,T6032|9899,T6032|9881,E|14358,E|14359,E|23454,M1062|15938,M1062|30864,T6032|24785,M1062|10886,E|21618,E|1935,E|25029,T6032|23983,M1062|14370,E|5156,E|3053,E|13824,E|22361,T6032|24269,M1062|24448,M1062|2334,E|23252,M1062;C0109|24506,M1062|30653,T6032|23292,C0329|24648,M1062|23357,M1062|3056,T6032|11639,E|8666,E|31166,T6032|23173,C0238|7895,E|23025,M1062;C0384|24930,M1062| ZHONG GUO XIU QIU NA Chinese Hydrangea Hydrangea chinensis NA NA root To interrupt malaria, quicken blood and relieve pain, clear heat and disinhibit urine. Knocks and falls, fracture, malaria, headache, measles papules, dribbling pain of urination. 14247,E|9814,E|4647,E|11231,E|9451,E|9943,E|19971,E|9699,E|9700,E|9697,E|19967,E|22179,E|18405,E|20538,E| PAO ZHUANG FAN LI ZHI NA Bullate Custardapple* Annona bullata NA NA NA NA NA 2735,E|16665,E| HAN QIN BIAN ZHONG NA Wildcelery Variety Apium graveolens var. dulce NA NA NA NA NA 30697,T3968|2803,E|1476,E;T3968| BA BU YA XIN JI NEI YA SHI NA Papua-New-Guinea Persimmon* Diospyros mafiensis NA NA NA NA NA 2447,E| DUAN SUI HU JIAO NA Shortspike Pepper* Piper brachystachyum NA NA NA NA NA 2576,E|2577,E|2575,E|17422,E| CHI YANG ZI 赤阳子 Fructus Pyracanthae fortuneanae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23125,C0500| LI LA GEN NA Oriental Buckthorn Rhamnus crenata NA NA root or root cortex To clear heat and resolve toxin, kill worms and disinhibit damp. Scab sore, intractable lichen, eczema, urticaria, tinea capitis, knocks and falls. 3599,T4606|3598,E| SUI MAO HE BAO MU DAN NA Wild Bleedingheart Dicentra eximia NA NA NA NA NA 8522,T5728|8512,E|4351,E|4352,E;T5728|4353,T5728| YOU PI 柚皮 Pericarpium Citri grandis NA NA NA NA NA NA 15626,C0582| SI LI LAN KA TU MI SHU NA Sri-Lankan Bridelia Bridelia retusa NA NA NA NA NA 6392,E|6390,E|6391,E|19762,E|11319,E|6389,E| BA XI ER YE TAI NA Brazilian Ear-leaf Muscus* Frullania brasiliensis NA NA NA NA NA 6893,E|21883,E|6894,E| BU YING CAO NA Venus’s Flytrap Dionaea muscipula NA NA NA NA NA 17556,T3169|17555,E|17554,E| XI SHU MU BAN SHU NA Discrete Xylopia* Xylopia discreta NA NA NA NA NA 22802,E| ZHI HOU PO 炙厚朴 Prepared bark of Officinal magnolia Magnoliae Officinalis Praeparata Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Large Intestine,Stomach NA Treatment of accumulation of damp in the spleen and the stomach marked by epigastric strffiness, vomiting and diarrhea, abdominal distension and constipation due to retention of undigested food, cough and dyspnea caused by retanied damp. 1. Broad-spectrum antibacterial.2. Magnocurarine, one of the active components, can relaxstriated muscles.3. Its decoction stimulates the smooth muscles of intestines and bronchii in rabbits in vitro.4. Magnocuraine may also lower blood pressure and accelerate heart rate. 9630,M852;C0277|13366,M852|13381,M852| AI NA XIANG NA Balsamiferous Blumea Blumea balsamifera NA NA Branchlet-leaf To dispel wind and eliminate damp, warm center and check diarrhea, quicken blood and resolve toxin. Wind-cold common cold, head wind headache, wind-damp impediment pain, cold-damp diarrhea and dysentery, taeniasis, poisonous snake bite, painful wound from knocks and falls, lichen sore. 2550,E;T2891|22762,E|2521,E|2555,E;T2891|17954,E|2518,E|2519,E|22764,T2891|5762,E|2520,E| YA ZAO 牙皂 Chinese Honeylocust Abnormal Fruit FructusGleditsia Warm,Pungent Lung,Large Intestine NA Treatment of loss of consciousness in stroke and epilepsy, sore throat, dyspnea and cough with phlegm difficult to spit out, constipation, external use for subcutaneous pyogenic infections. NA 23523,M783|23339,M783|23502,M783|20353,M783|23704,M783|24225,M783|15651,M783| HUANG YE DU XING CAI 黄叶毒性菜 Field Pepperwort Lepidium campestre NA NA NA NA NA 1599,E|23111,C0446;T4214| CHONG CHUN YU NA Skin-carp Hemibarbus labeo NA NA meat To supplement qi and disinhibit water, dispel wind-damp, strengthen sinews and bones. Edema, inhibited urination, aching in lumbus and knees, slowness to work. 2846,T3294|2845,E| XIA YE TANG SONG CAO NA Narrowleaf Meadowrue Thalictrum incidum NA NA NA NA NA 15872,E|15873,T6078| ZONG LV 棕榈 Fortune Windmillpalm Petiole Petiolus Trachycarpi NA NA NA Treatment of spitting of blood, epistaxis, hematuria, hematochezia, abnormal uterine bleeding. NA 23171,M1098|23167,M1098|23175,M1098| RI BEN HUANG BAI NA JapanCorktree* Phellodendron japonicum NA NA NA NA NA 4189,E|19525,E|7950,E|14134,E|315,E|14247,E|17060,E|8982,E|22179,E|18302,E|14198,E|19967,E|2887,E|9814,E|2224,E|9817,E|17039,E|19527,E|1091,E|14644,E|663,E|3936,E|17052,E|6953,E|481,E|3723,E|19066,E|4135,E|13090,E|22316,E|874,E| ZAO SHU GEN 枣树根 Radix Ziziphi jujubae NA NA NA NA NA NA 11906,C0140| NING BIAN E TAI. NA NA Radula perrottetii NA NA NA NA NA 16969,E|16968,E|14026,E|16973,E|16970,E|16971,E|7056,E|16967,E|2404,E|2405,E|16974,E|22515,E|22516,E|2408,E| YIN DU SHAN DAO LIAN YE NA Indian Katon Sandoricum koetjape [Syn. Sandoricum indicum ] NA NA NA NA NA 19227,E|19226,E|19225,E|19229,E|19228,E| XI SHA 硒砂 Salmiacum Salmiacum NA NA NA NA NA 24237,M743| DUN YE SUAN MO NA Bluntleaf Dock Rumex obtusifolius NA NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and stanch bleeding, dispel stasis and disperse swelling, free stool, kill worms. Tuberculosis and hemoptysis, pulmonary welling abscess, blood ejection, abdominal pain due to stagnation, knocks and falls, constipation, epidemic parotitis, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, scalds, scab and lichen, eczema. 24047,T3640|15480,E|13440,E|13443,T3640| CAN DOU JIA KE NA Broadbean Pericarp Vicia faba NA NA pericarp To stanch bleeding, close sores. Hemoptysis, nosebleed(epistaxis), hematuria, bleeding of digestive tract, heaven-borne sore, scalds. 8805,E|8806,T3176|6557,E| NA TENG NA Japanese Stauntonvine Stauntonia hexaphylla NA NA stem-leaf To dispel wind and dissipate stasis, relieve pain, disinhibit urine and disperse edema. Wind-damp impediment pain, painful wound from knocks and falls, neuralgia, inhibited urination, edema. 13793,T5034|13792,E|18404,E| HE CAO YE JIA BEI FANG FENG. NA NA Ledebouria graminifolia NA NA NA NA NA 5837,E|10408,E|21793,E|21751,E|10675,E|21901,E|5991,E|10029,E| SHI JUN ZI GEN 使君子根 Radix Quisqualis indica NA NA NA NA NA NA 23176,C0571| QIAN SHI 芡实 seed of Gordon Euryale Semen Euryales Mild,Sweet,Punkery Spleen,Kidney NA 1. Treatment of kidney-deficiency manifested as nocturnal emission, frequent micturition, enuresis, whitish and turbid urine, or leucorrhagia. 2. Treatment of diarrhea. For diarrhea of spleen-deficiency type. NA 23170,M569;C0397|23572,M569|22538,M569|23040,C0396| WU YE ZHU SHI DOU NA Fiveleaf Crotalaria* Crotalaria quinquefolia NA NA NA NA NA 14917,T5977|14915,E| ZHI DA HUANG 制大黄 Prepared root and rhziome of Sorrel Rhubarb Radix et Rhizoma Rhei Praeparata Cold,Bitter Spleen,Large Intestine,Stomach,Liver,Heart NA Treatment of fever with constipation, retention of the feces and abdominal pain, dysentery with inadequate discharge from the bowels, jaundice caused by damp-heat, haematemesis, epistaxis, inflammation of eye and swelling of the throat due to heat in the blood, appendicitis with abdominal pain, boils, sores and abscess, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, traumatic injuries, hemorrhage from the upper gastrointestinal tract. External use for scalds and burns.Radixet Rhizoma Rhei (stir-fried with wine) Inflammation of the eye, swelling of the throat and painful swelling of the gums. Radix et Rhizoma Rhei (prepared) Boils, sores and abscess. Radix et Rhizoma Rhei (carbonized) Hemorrhage with blood stasis due to heat in the blood. 1. Sennoside A is the component for purgation.2. Promoting biliary secretion and enhancing the amount of bilirubin and bile acid.3. Rhein and Emodin exert bacteriostatic effect by inhibting the synthesis of DNA, RNA and protein in bacteria4. Emodin is a component for hypotensive5. Oral use of its extract reduces the raio of serum cholesterol and total phospholipid in rabbits with hypercholesterolemia.6. Chrysophanol, an other active component, exerts a hemostatic effect. 6775,M845;C0449|18744,M845|3615,M845|19734,M845| SU DA QI GAN JU NA Sudach Citrus* Citrus sudachii NA NA NA NA NA 14516,E|22752,E|15873,E|31731,T5700|20434,E|9563,E|20432,E|20433,E|12841,E|10956,E|9565,T5700| JIA YUAN WEI NA False Iris* Iris spuria NA NA NA NA NA 11137,E|11136,E|11135,E|11134,E|11133,E|11132,E|11131,E| SHI LIU GEN NA Pomegranate Root Punica granatum NA NA root To kill worms, astringe intestines, check discharge. Ascariasis, taeniasis, chronic diarrhea, chronic dysentery, red and white vaginal discharge. 18041,E|18044,T5586|14526,E|16769,E|8049,T5586|14528,T5586|16777,E|8807,E|11579,T5586|8810,T5586|6631,E| BAO MO HUI MAO DOU NA Tunicate Tephrosia* Tephrosia tunicata NA NA NA NA NA 22094,E| XUAN XIA HUA 旋夏花 All - grass of Japanese Inula Herba Inulae Warm,Salty NA NA Treatment of cough in colds with retention of phlegm marked by dyspnea, profuse expectoration and feeling of stuffiness in the chest, external use for pyogenic infections of the skin. NA 2785,M173|10886,M173|24221,M173| FEN NIE CONG TOU NA Tillering Onion Allium cepa var. agrogatum NA NA NA NA NA 17938,E|925,E;T3740| SE B0 GE XIU QIU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 17225,T5449|31129,T5449| GOU QI 枸杞 Fructus lycii NA NA NA NA NA NA 23051,C0388| XI MENG SI SHI DA GONG LAO NA Simons Mahonia Mahonia simonsii NA NA NA NA NA 16428,E| YUE GUI SHU YE MU JIANG ZI NA Laurelleaf Litse* Litsea laurifolia NA NA NA NA NA 2538,E;T6564| XUAN WEI WU TOU NA Haoryanther Paoshan Monkshood Aconitum nagarum var. lasiandrum NA NA root See Aconitum brachypodum. See Aconitum brachypodum. 20061,T6252|304,E|20059,E|17,T6252|20060,E| YOU CHOU YE ZHI MA NA Stoat-osmyl Deadnettle* Lamium galeobdolon NA NA NA NA NA 9857,E| YAN ZHOU JUAN BAI NA Involute Spikemoss Selaginella involvens NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, relieve cough, stanch bleeding, resolve toxin. Damp-heat jaundice, dysentery, edema, ascites, strangury syndrome, phlegm-damp cough, hemoptysis, blood ejection, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, bleeding due to external injury, mammary welling abscess, scrofula, hemorrhoids, scalds. 21488,E|21489,E|32084,T6312|32083,T6312|1030,E|21490,E|21491,T6312|4375,E| TAN XIANG NI 檀香泥 Resina Santaii albi NA NA NA NA NA NA 23044,C0070| DONG FANG YANG DI HUANG 东方洋地黄 Oriental Foxglove* Digitalis orientalis NA NA NA NA NA 5532,C0379|6015,E| ZI BAI PI NA Ovate Catalpa Bast Catalpa ovata NA NA bast To clear heat and disinhibit damp, downbear counterflow and check vomiting, kill worms and relieve itch. Damp-heat jaundice, sore and scab, eczema, itchy skin. 9458,T6722|5187,E|9454,E|4135,E|5190,T6722|7767,E|30819,T6722|20550,E|3307,E|7768,T6722|30330,T6722|30753,T6722| YA MA ZI 亚麻子 Common Flax Seed Linum usitatissimum NA NA seed To nourish blood and dispel wind, moisten dryness and free stool. Leprosy, dry cracked skin, itchy skin, hair loss, sores eczema, intestinal dry and constipation. 25150,M1074|26064,T6281|26063,T6281|4512,E|4513,E|4510,E|4511,E|26065,T6281|4514,T6281|12848,E;M1074|12849,T6281|6728,E|30941,T6281| CHAI HU ZHUNG QIAN LI GUANG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11187,T3217| PU ER DI LUO HAN SONG NA Purdie Podocarpus* Podocarpus purdieana NA NA NA NA NA 15223,E|15224,T5212| HUAN JIE SONG LUO NA Diffract Usnea Filament Usnea diffracta NA NA filament See Usnea longissima. See Usnea longissima. 5506,E|2146,E|22266,E| YA LI SANG NA DUI XIN JU NA Arizona Sneezeweed* Helenium arizonicum NA NA NA NA NA 11731,E|11732,T6275| ZHU HONG JUN NA Bambusa Hypocrella* Hypocrella bambusae NA NA stroma To dispel wind and eliminate damp, resolve toxin and relieve itch. Rheumatic arthritis, leukoplakia of vulva. 16961,E| ZI HUA GUAN MAO RUI HUA NA Purplered-corolla Mullein* Verbascum wiedemannianum NA NA NA NA NA 7924,E|22650,E|580,E|13573,E|22649,E|22648,E|22647,E|22646,E|12720,E| XI ZANG SHA JI NA Tibet Seabuckthorn Hippophae thibetana NA NA NA NA NA 19072,E| CHANG JU YAN HU SUO NA Longspur Corydalis* Corydalis longicalcarata NA NA NA NA NA 4888,E|4889,E|17969,E|2303,E|4103,E|4032,E|16544,E| KA LUO JIN HE HUAN NA Karroo Acacia Acacia karroo NA NA NA NA NA 22106,E|22107,T4477| BIAN DOU YE 扁豆叶 Folium Dolichoris lablab NA NA NA NA NA NA 18511,C0580| CU SUAN 醋酸 Acetic acid Acidum Benzoicum NA NA NA NA NA 23287,M131| HUA FEN 花粉 root of Pedateleaf snakegourd Radix Trichosanthis Minor cold,Sweet,Slightly Bitter Lung,Stomach NA NA NA 6558,M353|6557,M353|23095,M353| TIAN RAN JIAN 天然碱 Natural Soda Trona Mild,Sweet,Bitter,Salty NA NA NA NA 24139,M693| ZI HUA YU DENG CAO NA Incised Corydalis Corydalis incisa NA NA whole herb or root To resolve toxin and kill worms, relieve pain. Toxin swelling of sores, scab and lai, intractable lichen, eczema, poisonous snake bite. 21046,E|21047,T6738|18640,E|19269,E|19939,T6738|19185,E|11344,T6738|22717,T6738|4102,E|4105,E|11343,E|30814,T6738|6875,T6738|16540,T6738|6873,E|30813,T6738|30812,T6738|3498,T6738|4123,T6738|4122,E|22716,E|9937,E|3494,E|25320,T6738|16536,E|438,E;T6738|18652,T6738|19551,E|4099,E|4116,E|4117,E|4032,E|4036,T6738|4118,T6738|19280,T6738|4051,T6738|4050,E|4103,T6738|642,E;T6738|7898,E|7899,T6738|16292,E|359,E;T6738| MEI LI TE LE JU. NA NA Telekia speciosa NA NA whole herb NA Wind-damp. 20890,E|11200,E|1888,E| ZHANG YE DA HUANG NA Sorrel Rhubarb Rheum palmatum NA NA root and rhizome See Rheum officinale. See Rheum officinale. 14673,T6634|32134,T6634|32135,T6634|8096,E|8095,E|8094,E|31843,T6634|5519,T6634|25805,T6634|5513,E|5517,E|31912,T6634|31911,T6634|21772,E|21770,E|21771,E|17085,E|30999,T6634|6853,E|30775,T6634|30777,T6634|25721,T6634|30995,T6634|30996,T6634|25722,T6634|16549,T6634|30914,T6634|3308,E|16547,E;T6634|16546,E;T6634|16545,E|17863,E|899,E;T6634|30111,T6634|25802,T6634|17239,T6634|17236,E|17237,E|17235,E;T6634|17233,E|3315,E|3316,T6634|30570,T6634|31803,T6634|6775,E|6776,T6634|30786,T6634|18747,E;T6634|18746,E|18745,E;T6634|18744,E;T6634|18743,E;T6634|18742,E;T6634|18741,E|18749,E;T6634|18748,E;T6634|3615,E;T6634|3619,E|3599,E|18729,E|17282,T6634|31801,T6634|31800,T6634|971,E|970,E|23190,T6634|18750,E;T6634|18751,E|18752,T6634|17882,E|17887,T6634|8107,E|3600,T6634|18733,T6634|8109,T6634|8108,E|32109,T6634|967,E|30947,T6634|969,E|21626,E|6777,E|19735,E|19734,E;T6634|19737,E|19736,E;T6634|19731,E|19733,E;T6634|19732,E|21142,E|23304,T6634|18635,E|18633,E|31802,T6634|32044,T6634|3620,E|5205,E|3703,E|3706,E;T6634|6863,E|17269,E| CAO MAO JIA DU JUAN. NA NA Barleria strigosa NA NA NA NA NA 10619,E|4154,E| SOU SHAN HU 搜山虎 Radix Zanthoxyli austrosinensis NA NA NA NA NA NA 2001,C0389| NI BO ER DU HUO NA Nepal Cowparsnip Heracleum nepalense NA NA NA NA NA 933,E| PANG XIE 螃蟹 Crab NA Cold,Salty Stomach,Liver NA NA NA 24237,M539| MEI GUO SHAN HE TAO NA Pecan Carya illinoensis NA NA NA NA NA 11900,E|11901,T4904| BAI SI REN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13772,C0122|15162,C0307|23038,C0121| CHAN YI TENG NA Cicadawingvine Securidaca inappendiculata NA NA root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Knocks and falls, wind-damp bone pain, acute gastroenteritis, allergic dermatitis. 6011,E|6356,E|6012,E|19628,E|21775,E|10045,E|16099,E|8305,E|5844,E|19630,E|6182,E|6181,E|21776,E|19631,E| OU ZHOU XIAO BO NA European Barberry Berberis vulgaris NA NA NA NA NA 25390,T5167|2300,E;T5167|16428,E|2304,E| DIE QIAO SHI HU NA Denne Denrdobium Dendrobium aurantiacum var. denneanum NA NA stem See Dendrobium nobile. See Dendrobium nobile. 19525,E| BA LA GUI CHA NA Paraguay Tea Ilex paraguariensis NA NA leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, eliminate inflammation, suppress cough and dispel phlegm, promote contraction, disinhibit urine, free stool, induce sweat[5509]. Rheumatis, scurvy, heart disease, stomach disease, diabetes[5509]. 13595,E|13594,E|13593,E|13592,E|2893,T2945|2892,E| DOU YE JIU LI XIANG NA Euchretaleaf Common Jasminorange Murraya euchrestifolia [Syn. Clausena euchrestifolia ] NA NA branch-leaf To course wind and resolve exterior, quicken blood and dissipate stasis, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Common cold, cough, headache, knocks and falls, wind-damp bone pain. 13391,E|13390,E|15110,E|15109,E| BAI XIANG CAO MU XI NA White Sweetclover Melilotus albus NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, harmonize stomach and transform damp. Summerheat-heat and oppression in chest, headache, bad breath, malaria, dysentery, strangury, skin sores. 5441,T3029|5439,E| DA MI 大米 rice NA Warm,Sweet Lung,Spleen,Stomach NA NA NA 24757,M144|23170,M144| DA ZI JIN GU CAO NA Largeseed Bugle Ajuga macrosperma NA NA whole herb To clear heat and cool blood, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Lung heat cough, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, red dysentery, strangury with pain, wind-damp impediment pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls. 800,E| YANG LI NA Garden Plum Prunus domestica NA NA NA NA NA 15468,E|18284,T6321|7820,E|15476,T6321|7826,T6321| HA SHI SHAN GENG CAI NA Hassler Lobelia* Lobelia hassleri NA NA NA NA NA 12932,T3936|12933,E|12931,E|31457,T3936| YI PAO NANG CAO NA Winged Physochlaina* Physochlaina alaica NA NA NA NA NA 2218,E;T6419| DIAN BAI ZHU SHU NA Yunnan Gaultheria Gaultheria yunnanensis NA NA whole herb or root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, dissipate cold and relieve pain, quicken blood and free network vessels, relieve cough and transform phlegm. Wind-damp impediment pain, stomach cold pain,nocks and falls, cough with profuse phlegm. 13243,E|13248,T3546|13975,T3546|31008,T3546|13970,E|8239,E|13969,E|11476,E|11486,T3546|19172,E|8240,E|8241,E|31554,T3546| MANG GUO HE 杧果核 Semen Mangiferae indica NA NA NA NA NA NA 31703,T4837|6433,T4837|31132,T4837|13474,C0334|25831,T4837|26230,T4837| YIN DI XIANG CHA CAI NA Shady Rabdosia* Isodon umbrosa var. latifolia NA NA NA NA NA 12117,E|12118,E|12119,E|13622,E|18461,E|12706,E|12121,E|12120,E|18448,E| HEI MU ER 黑木耳 Aruicularia Auricularia auricula-judae Mild,Sweet Large Intestine,Stomach NA NA NA 24345,M334|24225,M334|24106,M334|23975,M334| HE GU DI BU RONG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11848,C0141| LUO JI SHAN YUAN BAI NA Western Red Cedar Juniperus scopulorum NA NA NA NA NA 11418,E|11422,T4756|19106,E|19107,T4756| DUO SUI LIAO NA Manyspike Knotweed Polygonum polystachyum NA NA herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel wind and disinhibit damp. Dysentery, diarrhea, child indigestion, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls. 18302,E|18664,T3653|18659,E|18327,E|31511,T3653|2039,E|31878,T3653|11640,T3653|17674,T3653|18397,T3653|18396,E|11639,E| HAI BIAN MA BIAN CAO NA Littoral Verbena* Verbena littoralis NA NA NA NA NA 12928,E|8258,E| YE HUA JIAO YE NA Flatspine Pricklyash Leaf Zanthoxylum simulans NA NA leaf To dispel wind and dissipate cold, fortify stomach and expel worms, dispel damp and check diarrhea, quicken blood and free menstruation. Knocks and falls, wind-damp pain, pain of blood stasis, amenorrhea, hemoptysis, blood ejection, pain wind in joints. 14030,E|19282,E|23322,T6369|22953,E|19525,E|22951,E|22955,T6369|9657,T6369|2227,E;T6369|370,E|19526,T6369|12844,E|12845,T6369| XUAN YE XIANG QING NA Coiledleaf Pearleverlasting Anaphalis contorta NA NA NA NA NA 7751,T6253|7750,E| KUAN YE GE NI DI MU. NA NA Gnidia latifolia NA NA NA NA NA 15980,E| DONG YA ZHI YE TAI. NA NA Lepidozia fauriana NA NA NA NA NA 1260,E|1072,E|1073,E|1266,E|7509,E|5559,E|5558,E| XI DANG 西党 root Pilose Asiabell Radix Codonopsis pilosulae Mild,Sweet NA NA Treatment of weakness of the spleen and the lung manifested by shortness of breath, cough, palpitation, anorexia, loose stools, diabetes caused by internal heat. NA 25077,M735|23678,M735|6533,M735|23831,M735|24994,M735|23171,M735;C0484|24593,M735|23038,M735|24923,M735|24479,M735|23521,M735|23880,M735|14647,M735|23336,M735|9358,M735|9377,M735|23647,M735|23945,M735|6719,M735|23828,M735|23052,M735|24306,M735|2550,M735|24681,M735|23863,M735| DUO XIONG RUI SHANG LU NA Polyandrous Pokeweed Phytolacca polyandra NA NA NA NA NA 4532,E| HAI REN CAO 海人草 Simple Digenea Frond Digenea simplex NA NA frond To expel roundworm. Ascariasis. 2318,E|30575,T3952|23051,T3952|23082,C0459|3852,T3952|3849,E|936,E|31393,T3952| NAN TIAN ZHU YE NA Common Nandina Leaf Nandina domestica NA NA leaf To clear heat and disinhibit damp, drain fire, resolve toxin. Lung heat cough, pertussis, heat strangury, hematuria, red eyes with gall, sore and welling abscess, scrofula. 15240,E|15236,E|15239,E|6834,E| QIE ZI 茄子 Garden Eggplant Solanum melongena NA NA fruit To clear heat and quicken blood, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Intestinal wind bleeding, heat toxin swollen welling abscess. 30851,T5266|12483,E|17959,E|21646,E|19823,E|20054,T5266|25930,T5266|5009,E|617,E;C0403;T5266|5026,E|32110,T5266|13012,T5266|15290,T5266|13010,E|31849,T5266|20053,E|15281,E|21367,E| QIU FENG MU NA Javan Bishopwood Bischofia javanica [Syn. Bischofia trifoliata ] NA NA root, bark To dispel wind and eliminate damp, transform stasis and disperse accumulation. Wind-damp bone pain (root cortex branchlet-leaf ), depression of qi and blood, abscess, sore (leaf), red and white dysentery (root). 30977,T5289|23764,T5289|30978,T5289|30979,T5289|1113,E|6917,E|25799,T5289|7951,E|6919,T5289|30096,T5289|6918,E|7949,E|14151,E| JIN YU 金鱼 Crucian Carp Carassius auratus NA NA meat or body To clear heat, disinhibit water, resolve toxin. Cough, jaundice, ascites ulcer. 11803,E|31402,T4422|11804,T4422|22758,T4422|9852,E|11781,E|11782,E|22756,E|6559,E|2393,E;T4422|13126,T4422|653,E;C0406|30110,T4422|12197,E|6189,E|26026,T4422|3095,E|23053,C0402|25859,T4422|15699,E;C0401|1921,E;T4422|31721,T4422|22960,E|22961,T4422|3096,T4422|18517,T4422|30109,T4422|18515,E|13119,E|9855,T4422| QI ZHOU YI ZHI HAO NA Horseweed Fleabane Conyza canadensis NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling. Dysentery, enteritis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, knocks and falls, wind-damp bone pain, swelling pain of sore and boil, bleeding due to external injury, psoriasis. 3391,E|4945,E|4947,T5236|4366,T5236|3394,T5236|12888,E|13596,E|2281,E|25191,T5236|21725,E|12890,T5236|21726,E|5903,E|13597,T5236|30330,T5236|4359,E|20550,E| DA SAN YE SHENG MA NA Cowparsnipleaf Bugbane Cimicifuga heracleifolia NA NA rhizome See Cimicifuga foetida. See Cimicifuga foetida. 9454,E|7767,E| WU BEI ZI 五倍子 Chinese Gall Galla Chinensis Cold,Sour,Punkery Lung,Large Intestine,Kidney NA Treatment of cough and expectoration due to heat in the lung, chronic cough, chronic dysentery of diarrhea, night sweating, hematochezia, hemorrhoidal bleeding, traumatic bleeding, abscess, sores and skin lesions with exudation, diabetes. 1. Astringent, antidiarrheal, haemostatic and antibacterial.2. Acting as a detoxicating agent by combining with various ions of heavy metals, alkaloids or glycosides to form insoluble compounds. 1074,M721;C0556|15162,M721;C0307| KONG XIN XIAN NA Alligator Alternanthera Alternanthera philoxeroides NA NA fresh aerial parts To clear heat and cool blood, resolve toxin, disinhibit urine. Viral infection, toxic hepatitis, icterohepatitis, epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, hemoptysis, hematuria, common cold with fever, hemorrhagic fever, measles papules, encephalitis of early stage, encephalitis B, jaundice, strangury-turbidity, epidemic parotitis, eczema, swollen welling abscess, sore and boil, poisonous snake bite. 31113,T4502|18729,T4502|16042,E|18728,E|9587,E|2973,E|9588,E;T4502|9590,T4502|31752,T4502| CHAO XIAN BAI TOU WENG NA Korean Pulsatilla Pulsatilla cernua NA NA root See Pulsatilla chinensis . See Pulsatilla chinensis. 23887,T3261|3433,E|23644,T3261|19301,E|19302,T3261|20353,E| MA NIAO PAO NA Tangut Przewalskia Przewalskia tangutica NA NA root and seed To resolve spasm and relieve pain, disperse swelling. Stomachache, cholecystitis, acute gastroenteritis, chronic gastroenteritis, innominate toxin swelling. 10871,E|10874,T4803| BING GUO HU JI SHENG NA Stipefruit Mistletoe Viscum multinerve NA NA stem-leaf To dispel wind-damp, supplement liver and kidney, quicken blood and relieve pain, quiet fetus, promote lactation. Wind-damp impediment pain, pain in lumbus and legs, knocks and falls, hypertension, stirring fetus disquieted, breast milk stoppage. 16810,E|18660,E| BAI SU YE 白苏叶 Common Perilla Leaf Perilla frutescens NA NA leaf To course wind and diffuse lung, rectify qi and disperse food, resolve toxin of fish and crab. Common cold due to wind-cold, cough and asthma, distention and oppression in stomach duct and abdomen, non-digestion of food accumulation, vomiting and diarrhea, cold dysentery, po isoning of fish or crab, genital swelling, leg qi with swelling toxin, snake or insect bites. 16918,E|11418,C0417|10269,E|15683,C0398|13767,C0347|15244,C0409|17251,C0263|23228,C0303|23171,C0484|23256,C0557|23175,C0470|16921,E|12843,C0305|23279,C0236|7520,C0416|23306,C0424| MEI GUO XIA LA MEI NA Carolina Allspice Calycanthus floridus NA NA NA NA NA 3023,T4905|7481,T4905|7480,E|3002,E| BIAN YE TIE XIAN JUE NA Walking Maidenhair Adiantum caudatum NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit water and disperse edema. Dysentery, edema, dribbling and inhibited voidings of urination, mammary welling abscess, poisonous snake bite, oral ulcer. 10401,E|632,E;T3134|15747,E|11194,E|11196,T3134|15356,T3134|15355,E|10118,E|10119,E| JIA GEN 茄根 root of Garden Eggplant Radix Solani melongenae Cool,Sweet Spleen,Large Intestine,Stomach NA NA NA 24928,M386|24665,M386|23988,M386| CHE QIAN CAO 车前草 all-grass of Rippleseed plantain Herba Plantaginis Cold,Sweet Lung,Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of edema with oliguria, urinary infection with difficult painful urination, diarrhea caused by summer-damp, cough caused by phlegm-heat, spitting of blood, epistaxis, carbuncles and sores. NA 2102,M93;C0392|2106,M93| KEN NI YA MO YAO NA Kenya Myrrhtree* Commiphora kua var. gowlello NA NA NA NA NA 10360,E|229,E| MAO GEN 茅根 Japanese Buttercup Ranunculus japonicus Cold,Sweet Lung,Bladder,Stomach whole herb and root To abate jaundice, settle asthma, interrupt malaria, settle pain, eliminate screen. Malaria, jaundice, migraine, stomachache, pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, crane’s knee wind, swollen welling abscess, malign sore, scab and lichen, toothache, fire eye. 19885,M507|1823,M507|1178,E;T4855|7758,M507|1179,E;T4855|4545,M507| YU SHAN HU GEN NA Jerusalemcherry Root Solanum pseudo- capsicum NA NA root To relieve pain. Taxation damage and lumbago. 20045,E| ZI HUA DI DING 紫花地丁 Tokyo Violet Viola yedoensis Cold,Pungent,Bitter Liver,Heart whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and disperse swelling. Welling abscess and flat abscess with clove sore, erysipelas, mumps, mammary welling abscess, intestinal welling abscess, scrofula, damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, jaundice, red eyes with gall, poisonous snake bites. 22506,E|23644,M895|1481,E|1501,E|1480,E|11303,E|24286,M895| XIAO HUA PAO PAO NA Smallflower Pawpaw Asimina parviflora NA NA NA NA NA 16664,E|16665,E| QI PAN SHA CAO NA Asidefield Galingale Cyperus haspan NA NA NA NA NA 4575,E|4576,T5232| SHAN CI BAI NA Taiwan Juniper Juniperus taiwaniana NA NA root or fruit NA Enduring low fever, skin lichen. 22036,E|31720,T5466|15694,E|21332,E|21333,T5466|21330,E|21331,E|22041,T5466|32066,T5466|32065,T5466| YONG CHONG CAO NA Scarlet Caterpillar Fung us Equivalent plant: REN GONG YONG CHONG CAO Cordyceps militaris NA NA sclerotium and stroma To supplement lung and boost kidney. Tuberculosis, phlegm containing blood, night sweating, blood vaculty, lumbago. 618,E|4048,E|4049,T6491|7249,E|3414,E|3415,E|3180,E|3413,E|18244,E|6033,E|10426,E|10425,E| DUO SAN A WEI NA Manyumbell Giantfennel Ferula ferulaeoides NA NA root NA NA 5629,E|5628,E|5627,E|5626,E|5625,E|5630,E|5631,E|5632,E|5667,E|5666,E|5665,E|5668,E| GAN PI NA Chachi Citrus Pericarp Equivalent plant: Citrus tankan Citrus chachiensis NA NA pericarp To precipitate qi and regulate center, transform phlegm, arouse liquor. Dietary imbalance after illness, qi ascent with vexation and fullness, liquor damage with thirst. 20536,E|4473,T3792|4472,E|9457,E|14788,E| LIAN ZI 莲子 Hindu Lotus Seed Nelumbo nucifera Mild,Sweet,Punkery Spleen,Heart,Kidney seed To supplement spleen and check diarrhea, boost kidney and secure essence, nourish heart and quiet spirit. Chronic diarrhea, inappetence, emission, restlessness, fright palpitation, insomnia, flooding and spotting, excessive leukorrhea. 1348,E;C0551;T4635|1738,E;T4635|5066,E|9539,T4635|12911,E|15704,E|15706,T4635|31730,T4635|23239,T4635|3318,E|23264,M452;C0158|16428,T4635|15313,M452|3320,T4635|11488,C0147|12792,E;M452|31845,T4635|17895,E|15847,E|15773,T4635|15772,E| HUANG QI II NA Roxburgh Engelhardtia Root Engelhardia roxburghiana NA NA NA NA NA 10185,E|13971,E|13972,E|6835,E|13866,E|15129,E|6800,E|16040,E|18573,E|10746,E|10459,E|19967,E| XIAN HUA XIANG CHA CAI NA Glandularflower Rabdosia Rabdosia adenantha NA NA stem-leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin. Heat toxin sores, diarrhea, dysentery. 605,E|622,E|607,E|606,E|612,E|613,E|610,E|611,E|609,E|608,E|614,E|615,E|11388,E|619,E|2949,E|22641,E|15498,E|621,E|616,E|7916,E|623,E| PAO TONG NA Fortune diarrhea Paulownia fortunei NA NA bark To expel wind and eliminate damp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Wind-damp-heat impediment, strangury, erysipelas, toxin swelling from hemorrhoids, intestinal wind bleeding, swelling pain due to external injury, fracture. 6231,T5177|20553,E| DUO HUA BA JIAO LIAN NA Manyflower Dysosma* Dysosma aurantiocaulis NA NA NA NA NA 17323,E|17327,E| HU MA YE NA Oriental Sesame Leaf Sesamum indicum NA NA leaf To boost qi, supplement brain and marrow, strengthen sinews and bones. Wind-cold-damp impediment, flooding, blood ejection, damp itchy in genitals. 16745,E|16746,E;T4100|19764,C0570|19765,C0059|3052,E|3053,T4100| TU BAI BU NA Fernlike Asparagus Asparagus filicinus NA NA tuberoid To moisten lung and relieve cough, kill worms and relieve itch. Yin vacuity lung dryness, tuberculosis with cough, cough with inhibited phlegm, phlegm containing blood, scab and lichen with itching. 1861,E;T5837|1860,E;T5837|1862,E;T5837| HU SHE HONG NA Teat-shaped Ardisia Ardisia mamillata [Syn. Tinus mamillata ] NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and disinhibit damp, clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and stanch bleeding. Wind-damp impediment pain, jaundice, dysentery, hacking of blood, blood ejection, bloody stool, menstrual block, postpartum persistent flow of lochia, knocks and falls, mammary welling abscess, clove sore. 1641,E|1640,E|1642,E|1638,E|1639,E|4457,E| ZANG QIE 藏茄 Tangut Anisodus Anisodus tanguticus [Syn. Scopolia tangutica ] NA NA root and seed To anesthetize and settle pain, resolve tetany and disperse swelling. Shock, shock due to acute infectious diseases, cerebral thrombosis, acute spinal cord inflammation, spasm of biliary ducts or duodenum, acute gastroenteritis, chronic gastroenteritis, contracturepain in stomach duct and abdomen, ascaridosis in biliary tract, gallstones, swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, knocks and falls, fracture. 1287,E;C0327;T6604|7378,T6604|22034,E|22035,T6604|4416,E|4420,T6604|663,E|1288,E;T6604|10869,E|10871,E;T6604|10872,E| ZHONG YA SHA JI NA Central Asia Seabuckthorn* Hippophae rhamnoides subsp. turkestanica NA NA NA NA NA 19072,E|18302,E| JIA SHUI XIAN NA False Narcissus* Narcissus pseudonarcissus ssp. pseudonarcissus NA NA NA NA NA 15741,E| HUANG CHANG PU NA Yellowflag Iris Iris pseudacorus NA NA NA NA NA 11178,T4149|11176,E| SE LUN YANG JIAO AO NA Thollon Strophanthus* Strophanthus thollonii NA NA NA NA NA 30662,T5450|2399,E| CHUAN HUANG LIAN 川黄连 rhizome of Chinese Goldthread Rhizoma Coptidis Cold,Bitter Large Intestine,Stomach,Small Intestine,Liver,Heart NA Treatment of attack of damp-heat manifested by stuffiness and fullness sensation in the abdomen, or causing acute dysentery of jaundice, high fever accompained by impairment of conciousness, fidgetness and insomnia due to exuberant fire, spitting of blood and epistaxis caused by heat in the blood, inflammation of the eye, acid regurgitation, toothache, diabetes, carbuncles and sores, external use for eczema and other skin diseases with exudation, purulent discharge from the ear.Rhizoma Coptidis (processed with wine) Inflammation of the eye, ulcers in the mouth.Rhizoma Coptidis (processed with ginger) Stuffiness and fullness sensation in the abdomen with nausea and vomiting caused by damp-heat in combination with cold. Its chief component is berberine. 1. Possessing broad-spectrum antibacterial and antiprotozoal effects. 2. Intravenous injection or oral administration of berberine exerts a hypotensive effect on experimental animals. 3. Small dosage of berberine enhances the action of acetylcholine on animals' hearts in vitro, while large dosage counteracts it. 4. Relaxing the smooth muscles of blood vessels and stimulating those of uterus, urinary bladderl bronchus and gastrointestines. 5. Promoting bile secretion. 6. Berberine inhibits the cellular growht of ascitic cancer and lymphoma. 2303,M109;C0391| SHU LI PI 鼠李皮 Cortex seu Cortex Rhamni utilis NA NA NA NA NA NA 6775,C0449|18925,C0452| YING BU BO NA Avicenna’s Pricklyash Zanthoxylum avicennae NA NA root To dispel wind and transform damp, disperse swelling and free network vessels. Swelling pain in throat, yellow swelling, malaria, wind-damp bone pain, contusion from knocks and falls. 2037,E;T6474|2035,E;T6474|6453,E|6454,T6474|15622,E| MU JIN YE 木槿叶 Folium Hibisci syriaci NA NA NA NA NA NA 11080,C0458| XIE BAI 薤白 Longstamen Onion Equivalent plant: Allium chinense Allium macrostemon Warm,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Large Intestine,Stomach bulb To promote yang and dissipate binds, rectify qi and loosen chest. Chest impediment, phlegm-rheum cough asthma, diarrhea and tenesmus. 31686,T6199|13323,E;T6199|13324,E;T6199|13325,E;T6199|13326,E;M770;T6199|13327,E;M770|13320,E|13321,E|13322,E;T6199|17925,E|13319,E|3579,E|14433,T6199|952,E|3530,T6199|8670,E|14786,T6199|618,E|31474,T6199|24198,M770|14785,E|19216,E|19217,E|14122,T6199|17939,E|17938,E|31473,T6199|3528,E|20010,E|14747,E|14762,E|4295,E|24504,M770|14748,T6199|14429,E|24723,M770|8668,E| RI BEN HUANG LIAN 日本黄连 Japanese Goldthread* Coptis japonica NA NA NA NA NA 12518,E|4036,T5335|2302,E;T5335|22715,E|22714,E|4032,E;C0534|22711,E|22710,E|22713,E|22712,E|17395,E| BAI HUA QIAN HU 白花前胡 Whiteflower Hogfennel Peucedanum praeruptorum NA NA root See Angelica decursiva . See Angelica decursiva. 317,E|30995,T2978|22758,E|17748,E;T2978|17749,E|17742,E|17743,E|18073,T2978|18072,E|17746,E|17747,E|17744,E|17745,E|2309,E|8094,E|31714,T2978|11685,E|4140,C0430|18268,E|18269,E;T2978|14073,T2978|15638,E;T2978|15639,T2978|1239,E|15636,E|17019,E|17751,T2978|17750,E|17017,E|17015,E|31835,T2978|31854,T2978|1536,E|18273,T2978|2107,E;T2978|18272,E;T2978|18271,E;T2978|18270,E;T2978| BAN WEN LU HUI 斑纹芦荟 Chinese Aloe Dried Juice Aloe vera var. chinensis NA NA solid residue obtained by evaporating liquid which drains from leaves See Aloe vera . See Aloe vera . 30744,T3053|967,E|981,E|16551,T3053|12888,T3053|12887,E|12885,E|31449,T3053|12564,E|3209,E|20265,T3053|20264,E|979,E;T3053|31420,T3053|23037,C0003|16550,E|23304,T3053| SAN RUI LIAN GUI NA Threestamen Dehaasia* Dehaasia triandra NA NA NA NA NA 15872,E|15873,T5422| LAN SHAI PIAO NA Siebold Elder Sambucus sieboldiana NA NA NA NA NA 13582,E|13583,E|5582,E|5634,E|5633,E|16576,E|16080,E|85,E| CHAO SU ZI 炒苏子 Prepared Purple perilla fruit, Prepared Perilla seed Fructus Perillae Preparata Warm,Pungent Lung,Large Intestine NA Treatment of: 1. Upward perversion of lung qi caused by excessive phlegm fluid manifested as cough with white profuse sputum, or asthma and fullness and stifling sensation in the chest and hypochondriac region. Perilla seed (Suzi) is used with White mustard seed (Baijiezi) and Radish seed (Laifuzi) in the formula Sanzi Yangqing Tang. 2. Constipation due to dryness in the intestines. Perilla seed (Suzi) is used with Hemp seed (Huomaren), Trichosanthes seed (Gualouren) and Apricot seed (Xingren). NA 5403,M89|24136,M89|11418,C0417|23898,M89|23655,M89|23821,M89|7520,M89;C0416|23171,M89;C0484|23175,M89;C0470|24770,M89|23306,M89;C0424| ZUI GAO MU JING YE NA Highest Chastetree Leaf* Vitex altissima NA NA NA NA NA 9826,E|1009,E| XIAO XIN YE SHU NA Smallheartleaved Morningglory Ipomoea obscura NA NA NA NA NA 11122,E|11123,E|11124,E| DUAN YE LONG DAN NA Shortleaf Gentian* Gentiana brachyphylla NA NA NA NA NA 20494,E|20495,T3626| XUE GUANG HUA NA Glory-of-the-snow Chionodoxa luciliae NA NA NA NA NA 7082,E|7132,E|1506,E|1505,E|19502,E|7133,E|1509,E|7135,E|7134,E|7136,E| QUAN YUAN YE HUA JIAO NA Integrifolious Pricklyash* Zanthoxylum integrifoliolum NA NA NA NA NA 147,E|5346,E|12495,E|12494,E|19283,E|4647,E|12493,E|21041,E|10236,E|10235,E|9741,E| BAI FAN SHU GEN 白饭树根 Radix Flueggeae virosae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23169,C0063| MEI LI HONG DOU SHAN NA Maire Yew Ta xus ma i rei NA NA seed To disperse accumulation, expel roundworm. Food accumulation, ascariasis. 151,E|3715,E|3717,E|31980,T4912|20786,E|10739,E|20631,E|20633,T4912|5293,E|10475,E|20795,E|31979,T4912|22935,E|25934,T4912|22936,T4912|10781,T4912|4784,E|25548,T4912|20731,T4912|4707,E|5319,E|20819,E|14192,E|30788,T4912|9810,E|9811,T4912|4708,T4912|20818,E|4980,E|4983,E|20810,E;T4912|20811,E|20812,E|20813,E|20730,E;T4912|20815,E;T4912|20816,E|2074,E|2309,T4912|20729,E|21013,E|120,E|20781,E|25518,T4912|20784,E|20785,T4912|5320,E|26029,T4912|20782,T4912|4733,E;T4912|30790,T4912|20804,E;T4912|30882,T4912|4734,E|20814,E|30098,T4912|10477,T4912|25937,T4912|20821,E|20820,E|20823,E|20822,E|20825,T4912|20824,E;T4912|20809,E;T4912|20808,E;T4912|20807,E;T4912|20806,E;T4912|20805,E|10779,E|20803,E| SI GUA NA Suakwa Vegetablesponge Equivalent plant: Luffa acutangula Luffa cylindrica NA NA dried vascular bundles of ripe fruit To clear heat and resolve phlegm, cool blood and resolve toxin. Febrile diseases with vexation and thirst, cough of phlegm asthma, intestinal wind bleeding, bleeding from hemorrhoids, blood strangury, flooding and spotting, sores with welling abscess and flat abscess, galactostasis, innominate toxin swelling, edema. 13066,T5676|20221,E|20152,E|3776,T5676|4316,E|3774,E|23720,T5676|4317,T5676|31470,T5676|26238,T5676|25259,T5676|13058,E;T5676|2687,E|13056,E;T5676|13057,E;T5676|13281,E|13055,E| SHUI ZHI 水蛭 Bigflower Cape Jasmine Gardenia jasminoides var. grandiflora Mild,Bitter,Salty Liver fruit To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Heat toxin, jaundice, nosebleed(epistaxis), nephritis with edema, sprain and contusion. 8231,T5669|8230,E|4264,T5669|25131,M669|4248,E|31016,T5669|23771,M669|31015,T5669|23043,C0018|23123,C0187|24107,M669|23442,M669|8275,E;C0353|8273,E|23878,M669|24536,M669|23511,M669|25494,T5669|23058,C0185|23072,M669;C0184|23218,M669;C0455|23587,M669|23274,C0188|6631,E|23542,M669|8049,T5669|23258,C0019|24305,M669|23820,M669|4716,E|24815,M669|13498,T5669|23021,C0357|23068,C0186|13497,E| LIU JI NU 刘寄奴 Siphonostegia Herba Artemisiae Anomalae Warm,Bitter Spleen,Liver,Heart NA Treatment of: 1. Blood stagnation manifested as dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, postpartum abdominal pain or swelling and pain due to external injuries. Siphonostegia (Liujinu) is used with Chinese angelica root (Danggui), Corydalis tuber (Yanhusuo) and Chuanxiong rhizome (Chuanxiong). 2. Hemorrhages and pain due to external injuries. The powder of Siphonostegia (Liujinu) is used alone, externally. NA 23468,M462|2222,M462|24682,M462|3048,M462|1476,M462;C0378|13130,M462;C0415|24766,M462|23097,M462| MA DE LI MIAN ZAO ER NA Madrid Squill* Scilla maderensis [Syn. Autonoë madeirensis] NA NA NA NA NA 1041,E| SU HE XIANG YOU 苏合香油 Storax oil Oleum Storax Warm,Pungent Spleen,Heart NA NA NA 23692,M672|24365,M672| JIAN PU ZHAI GU KE NA Cambodia Coca Shrub* Erythroxylum cambodianum NA NA NA NA NA 19072,E|13637,E|3771,E|6852,E|7344,E|7345,E|3308,E| TIAN YE LONG DAN NA Meadow Gentian Gentiana campestris NA NA NA NA NA 15709,E|20496,T5807|15791,E|2220,E|20495,E| MYRTUS CUMINI] (MYRTACEAE) NA WU MO Eugenia jambolana [Syn. Syzygium cumin NA NA leaf To resolve toxin, kill worms, relieve itch. Dysentery, swelling of sores, eczema titillation. 15164,E|13621,E|13619,E| JIANG MANG NA Inflatedfruit Senna Cassia sophera NA NA seed To dispel phlegm and allay thirst, regulate center. Red eyes with gall, dizzy and distended head, oral ulcer, habitual constipation, child gan accumulation, dysentery, malaria. 4880,T4364|4878,E| TUN CAO NA Common Ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia NA NA herb To kill snails. NA 26048,T5864|18068,E;T5864|4623,E|4624,E|4625,T5864|18069,E;T5864|18071,T5864|32060,T5864|18067,E|21312,E| DI TAO HUA NA Rose Mallow Urena lobata NA NA root or whole herb To dispel wind and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and disperse swelling, clear heat and resolve toxin. Common cold, wind-damp impediment pain, dysentery, diarrhea, strangury syndrome, vaginal discharge, menstrual disorder, painful swelling from knocks and falls, throat impediment, mammary welling abscess, sore and boil, poisonous snake bite. 13474,E|31493,T3538| SHUI XIAN CAO NA Corymbose Hedyotis Hedyotis corymbosa [Syn. Oldenlandia corymbosa] NA NA whole herb with root See Oldenlandia diffusa. See Oldenlandia diffusa . 8277,T5661|8276,E|20353,E|23887,T5661| GUA JIN DENG GEN NA Franchet Groundcherry Root Physalis alkekengi var. franchetii NA NA root To clear heat and disinhibit water. Malaria, jaundice, mounting qi. 17224,E|31800,T3877| XIN JIANG YI ZHI HAO NA Rock Wormwood Artemisia rupestris NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and resolve exterior, disperse accumulation and fortify stomach, quicken blood and dissipate stasis. Wind-cold common cold, food accumulation and qi stagnation, distending pain in stomach duct and abdomen, stasis swelling from knocks and falls, wind papules, snake bite. 11684,E|11687,T6214|549,E|19053,E|19055,T6214| XI BO LI YA HONG SONG 西伯利亚红松 Siberian Stone Pine Pinus sibirica NA NA NA NA NA 18628,E|18635,E|17408,E;C0089|11311,E| TAI GUO SHAN QIAN NIU NA Thailand Clockvine (Raang-Chuet) Thunbergia laurifolia NA NA NA NA NA 6926,E|8732,E| NU ZHEN ZI 女贞子 fruit of Glossy privet Fructus Ligustri lucidi Cool,Sweet,Bitter Liver,Kidney NA Treament of vertigo, tinnitus, weakness in the loins and knees, premature whitening of hair and impaired eyesight due to deficiency of yin of the liver and kidney. 1. Its component oleanolic acid can prevent and relieve cyclophosphamide-induced leukocytopenia in mice.2. Enhancing the anoxia tolerance of mice under atmospheric pressure.3. Increasing coronary flow in rabbits in vitro.4. Relaxing adrenaline-induced vasocontricyion in rabbits in vitro.5. Lowering the level of blood lipid. 23854,M535|10323,M535|23689,M535|23885,M535|24935,M535|24801,M535|16070,M535|23965,M535|23043,M535|24074,M535|24011,M535|7277,M535|24399,M535|23020,M535|18302,M535|23101,M535|23331,M535|24567,M535| SHI ER NA Rock-Ears* Umbilicaria esculenta [Syn. Gyrophora esculenta] NA NA lichen To nourish yin and moisten lung, cool blood and stanch bleeding, clear heat and resolve toxin. Lung vacuity taxation cough, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, flooding and spotting [=metrorrhagia and metrostaxis], intestinal wind bleeding, hemorrhoids and fistulas, prolapse of rectum, strangury-turbidity, vaginal discharge, poisonous snake bites, scalds, knife wound. 12593,E| LA JIAO JING 辣椒茎 Caulis Capsici annui NA NA NA NA NA NA 3141,C0445|23261,C0565| LUO DI SHENG GEN NA Air-plant Bryophyllum pinnatum NA NA root or whole herb To cool blood and stanch bleeding, clear heat and resolve toxin. Blood ejection, bleeding due to external injury, knocks and falls, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, mammary welling abscess, mammary rock, erysipelas, ulcer, scalds, stomachache, pain in joints, swelling pain in throat, lung heat cough. 23232,T4745|23764,T4745|22207,E|1110,E|1113,E|2688,E|2689,E|1935,E;T4745|16018,E|18393,E|2693,E|2692,E|2691,E|2690,E| TOU HUA DU JUAN NA Capitate Rhododendron Rhododendron capitatum NA NA leaf or flower To relieve cough and dispel phlegm, warm stomach and relieve pain. Cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, stomach cold abdominal pain. 17795,E|11968,T5834|23545,T5834|17362,E|11963,E| YUN XIANG CAO 芸香草 Remote Lemongrass Cymbopogon distans Cool,Pungent,Bitter NA aerial parts To resolve exterior, eliminate damp, relieve cough and calm asthma. Wind-cold common cold, summerheat damage, vomiting diarrhea with abdominal pain, dribbling pain of urination, wind-damp impediment pain, cough and asthma, bronchial asthma. 7441,E|3761,E|17442,E;M824|17445,T6594|8310,T6594|8311,E;M824|8312,T6594|30348,T6594| JIN YAO DAI NA Goldon-belt* Lethariella zahlbruckneri NA NA lichen To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and regulate menstruation, stanch bleeding and settle pain. Taxation damage pain in lumbus and legs, menstrual disorder, leukorrhea, incised wound and bleeding, dizziness. 14630,T4419|14629,E| WU GONG ZHANG NA Arborescent Aloe* Aloe arborescens var. natalensis NA NA fresh juice of leaf To drain fire and resolve toxin, free stool. Liver fire and red eyes, dizziness, lung heat cough asthma, repletion heat constipation, swelling pain of welling abscess and sore, erythematous lupus. 981,E;T5936| FEI JI AI JIAO NA Fiji Fagara* Fagara vitiensis NA NA NA NA NA 18043,E| BAI CI HUA YE NA Vetchleaf Sophora Leaf Sophora viciifolia NA NA leaf To cool blood, resolve toxin, kill worms. Spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, scab and lichen, scalds, trichomoniasis. 6453,E|16463,E| CHAI HU ZHUANG QIAN LI GUANG NA Thorowax-like Groundsel* Senecio bupleuroides NA NA NA NA NA 11186,E| GU JIE CAO NA Marsh Horsetail Equisetum palustre NA NA whole herb To soothe wind and brighten eyes, quicken blood and relieve pain. Red eyes and eye screen, tearing in wind, wind-damp pain, knocks and falls. 26089,T3870|26088,T3870|553,E|552,E|18376,E|15518,E|12040,E|23165,T3870|12083,T3870|12079,E|25566,T3870|16563,T3870|16562,E| DA YE DONG QING NA Broadleaf Holly Equivalent plant: Ilex kudingcha Ilex latifolia NA NA leaf To dissipate wind-heat, clear head and eyes, eliminate vexation and allay thirst. Headache, toothache, red eyes, otitis media, febrile diseases with vexation and thirst, dysentery. 12552,E|12550,E|13093,T3460|12553,E|12551,E|23764,T3460|12545,E|13091,E|12547,E|12546,E|1113,E|12544,E|12543,E|12542,E|22274,T3460|22272,E|12549,E|12548,E| HUA JIAO LE NA Cuspidate Pricklyash Zanthoxylum cuspidatum NA NA stem-leaf or root To quicken blood, dissipate stasis, relieve pain. Stasis stagnation pain in stomach duct and abdomen, knocks and falls. 12911,E|15624,T4118|15623,E|15622,E|9225,E|11234,E|9231,T4118| CONG XU 葱须 Radix Allii fistulosi NA NA NA NA NA NA 920,C0323| HUANG SHUI JING LAN NA Yellow Bird’s-nest Monotropa hypopitys NA NA whole herb or root To suppress cough, supplement vacuity. Spasmodic cough, trachitis, vacuity weakness, inhibited urination. 26228,T4201|14925,E| RU DAO GEN 糯稻根 Glutinous Rice root Radix Oryzae Glutinosae NA NA NA Treatment of spontaneous perspiration due to deficiency of vital energy, night sweat due to yin-deficiency, or pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic hepatitis and neurasthenia with hectic fever of yin-deficiency type 1. Antisudorific. 2. Insecticidal. 3. Stomachic 23696,M1031| ROU DOU KOU 肉豆蔻 Common Nutmeg Myristica fragrans Warm,Pungent Spleen,Large Intestine,Stomach kernel To warm center and move qi , astringe intestines and check diarrhea. Spleen-stomach vacuity cold, incessant chronic diarrhea, distending pain in stomach duct, reduced food intake with vomiting. 7932,E|21964,E;M597|23101,M597|21968,M597|17439,E|6744,M597|25449,T5368|23838,M597|13897,T5368|11405,E|24921,M597|11422,T5368|15195,E|17362,E;M597|11406,T5368|17363,M597|14523,E|15196,E;M597;T5368|19106,E;M597|19107,T5368|14524,T5368|11418,E|2559,E|12746,T5368|12743,E;C0234|7522,E|7520,E|20974,M597|23167,M597|12744,E|25001,M597| CI GUO FAN LI ZHI NA Guanabana Annona muricata NA NA NA NA NA 1322,E;T3352|2735,E|1320,E;T3352|1307,E|1302,E|15088,E|15087,E|4089,E|15085,E|15084,E|1308,E|4091,E|15081,E;T3352|15080,E;T3352|1321,E;T3352|30819,T3352|12950,E|19081,E|5239,E|8945,E|15089,E|15091,E;T3352|8946,T3352|1856,E|20035,E|1679,E;T3352|15086,E|1296,E|30083,T3352|1294,E|1295,E|1315,E|4090,E|1313,E;T3352|1312,E;T3352|1311,E;T3352|1310,E;T3352|15090,E|15083,E|15082,E|22800,E|18883,E|15076,E;T3352|15077,E;T3352|15074,E|15075,E|15331,E|20224,E|30082,T3352|4135,E|15078,T3352|15079,E|11861,E|11863,T3352| YUAN SHEN 元参 Figwort Root Radix Scrophulariae Cool,Bitter,Salty Lung,Kidney NA Treatment of febrile diseases with impairment of yin manifested by deep red tongue and dire thirst, or with eruptions, constipation due to impairment of body fluid, phthisis with cough, conjunctivitis, sore throat, scrofula, diphtheria, boils and sores. 1. Its alcoholic extract and its component methoxycinnamic acid can lower the typhoid vaccine-induced fever in rabbits.2. Its water or alcoholic infusion and decoction exert a mild hypotensive effect on anesthetized animals3. Lowering the level of blood sugar.4. Its infusion inhibits the growth of some dermatomyces. 24974,M821| RONG MAO XIANG KE KE NA Tomentose Germander Teucrium tomentosum NA NA NA NA NA 5341,E|21197,E|10761,E|525,E|21208,E|14938,E|21206,E| XIAN WEN XIANG CHA CAI NA Linearstripe Rabdosia Isodon lophanthoides NA NA NA NA NA 12984,E| DA GUO KA FEI NA Liberian Coffee Coffea liberica NA NA seed See Coffea arabica. See Coffea arabica. 32066,T3410|21333,T3410|2892,E;C0420| MEI LI JIN SI TAO NA Beautiful StJohn’swort Hypericum bellum NA NA fruit To clear damp heat, expel roundworms, relieve itch. Hepatitis, dysentery, mouth sore, abdominal pain due to ascariasis, itchy of skin. 6338,E| TONG SE JI NA SHU NA Cupreous Cinchona* Cinchona cuprea NA NA NA NA NA 23381,T5830|2887,E| SHEN HUANG ZI JIN NA Dark-yellow Corydalis Corydalis lutea NA NA NA NA NA 11341,E|11848,E| SAN YE MU TONG NA Threeleaf Akebia Akebia trifoliata NA NA stem See Akebia quinata. See Akebia quinata. 8746,E|8607,E|984,E|6980,E|1854,E|819,E|21810,E|8718,E|8719,E|6049,E|18404,E|21798,E|9274,E|8639,E|21796,E|21797,E|6138,E|5952,E|6137,E|8765,E|6058,E|21808,E|21809,E|6057,E|6050,E| YAO YONG ZI TAN NA Medicinal Padauk* Pterocarpus officinalis NA NA NA NA NA 10879,T6354|10876,E| HONG DU HUO NA Red Cowparsnip* Heracleum granatense NA NA NA NA NA 30701,T4033|2833,E| JIN HUA XIAO BO NA Wilson Barberry Berberis wilsonae NA NA root To clear heat and dry damp, drain fire and resolve toxin. Bacillary dysentery, damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, infection of upper respiratory tract, lung heat cough, urinary tract infection, cholecystitis, leukopenic complications of carcinoma, jaundice, red eyes with gall, infant mouth sore, heat toxin swollen welling abscess. 2303,E;T4393| WU YAO 乌药 Combined Spicebush Lindera strychnifolia [Syn. Lindera aggregata] Warm,Pungent Lung,Bladder,Spleen,Kidney tuberoid To normalize qi and relieve pain, warm kidney and disperse cold. Distending pain in chest and abdomen, qi counterflow with rapid asthma, bladder vacuity cold, enuresis and frequent urination, mounting qi , dysmenorrhea. 12870,T5974|30761,T5974|12569,T5974|24490,M729|24192,M729|23341,M729|15419,E|20393,E|25102,M729|20397,E|20396,E|23796,M729|12568,E|24000,M729|4941,E|4942,T5974|24062,M729|11311,T5974|23621,M729|24774,M729|12860,E|12861,E;T5974|12862,E;T5974|12863,E;M729;T5974|12864,E;T5974|12865,E;M729;T5974|12866,E;T5974|12868,E;M729|12869,E;T5974|23765,M729|31122,T5974|11491,E|11492,E;T5974|11493,T5974|9669,E|9668,E|3464,E|3241,E|24421,M729| GAO SHAN LA GEN CAI 高山辣根菜 all-grass of acaulescent Pegaeophyton Herba Pegaeophyti Scapiflorae NA NA NA NA NA 24586,M270|25013,M270|17544,M270| XI ZHAN MAO REN DONG NA Shortbraet Honeysuckle Lonicera similis NA NA flower bud See Lonicera japonica. See Lonicera japonica. 2887,E|3551,E|11325,E| SHA DONG QING NA Mongolian Ammopiptanthus Equivalent plant: Piptanthus nanus Ammopiptanthus mongolicus [Syn. Piptanthus mongolicus] NA NA stem-leaf To dispel wind and eliminate damp, soothe sinews and quicken blood. Rheumatic pain in joints, frostbite. 16195,E| KU SHAN NAI NA Bitter Kaempferia marginata NA NA NA NA NA 13553,E|13554,T4522| DAN ZHU YE 淡竹叶 Common Lophatherum Lophatherum gracile Cold,Sweet,Neutral Stomach,Small Intestine,Heart aerial parts To clear heat and eliminate vexation, disinhibit urine. Febrile diseases with vexation and thirst, inhibited voidings of reddish urine, dribbling pain of urination, mouth sore, tongue sores. 4546,T3502|4545,E;M201|1823,E;M201;T3502|24310,M201| HU CI CONG MU NA Spine Aralia Aralia armata NA NA root, root cortex, branch-leaf To dissipate stasis, dispel wind, disinhibit damp, resolve toxin. Knocks and falls, wind-damp impediment pain, damp-heat jaundice, strangury-turbidity, edema, dysentery, leukorrhea, pain in stomach duct, headache, swelling pain in throat, mammary welling abscess, innominate toxin swelling, scrofula. 2973,E| YA HU NU NA Hirsute Cissampelos* Cissampelos pareira var. hirsute NA NA whole herb To relieve pain, stanch bleeding, engender flesh. Knocks and falls, wind-damp lumbago, heart disease. 16648,E| NAN LING QIAN HU NA Nanling Hogfennel Peucedanum longshengens NA NA root See Angelica decursiva . See Angelica decursiva. 476,E|30360,T5045| SANG JI SHENG 桑寄生 Parasite Scurrula Loranthus parasiticus Mild,Sweet,Bitter Liver,Kidney stem and branch-leaf To dispel wind-damp, strengthen sinews and bones, quicken blood and resolve toxin. Angina pectoris, arrhythmia, hypertension, wind-damp impediment pain, aching in lumbus and knees, stomachache, scant breast milk, knocks and falls, toxin swelling of sores, frostbite. 18302,E;M605|23101,C0577|23764,T5446|13093,T5446|16040,E|13091,E|1113,E|2039,E;M605;T5446|31751,T5446|18396,E| RI BEN SHENG MA NA Japanese Bugbane* Cimicifuga japonica NA NA NA NA NA 14237,E|5161,E|513,E|3660,E| JU AN NA Toolur Eucalyptus grandis NA NA NA NA NA 8306,E|31021,T4441|5762,E|31848,T4441| E LI NA American Avocado Persea americana [Syn. Persea gratissima ] NA NA fruit To engender liquid and allay thirst. Diabetes mellitus. 9747,E|5690,E|1596,E;T3675|234,E|166,E|167,E|233,E| HONG HUA QI NA Red Maple Acer rubrum NA NA NA NA NA 8970,E|8971,T4047|8117,E| SHE XIANG SHI ZHU NA Carnation Dianthus caryophyllus NA NA NA NA NA 5379,T5549|5365,E|5371,E|5370,T5549|5528,E|5529,E| CHI MA NA Tricuspidate Falsenettle Boehmeria platanifolia [Syn. Boehmeria tricuspis] NA NA root or tender stem-leaf To promote astriction and stanch bleeding, clear heat and resolve toxin. Hemoptysis, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, hematuria, flooding and spotting, knocks and falls, innominate toxin swelling, sores. 6775,E|2527,E|2530,E|2039,E;T3285|6776,T3285| FENG WEI PA SHAN HU NA Mary Arthromeris Arthromeris mairei [Syn. Polypodium mairei ] NA NA rhizome To dispel wind and quicken network vessels, disperse accumulation and free stool, downbear fire, relieve pain, disinhibit urine. Wind-damp pain in sinew and bone, sciatica, fracture, food accumulation abdominal distention, constipation, red eyes, toothache, headache, inhibited urination, strangury-turbidity. 15061,T3752|15060,E| CHAN CHU DAN NA Toad Gall Bufo bufo gargarizans, Bufo melanostictus NA NA gall To suppress cough and dispel phlegm, resolve toxin and dissipate binds. Trachitis, child aphonia, scrofula in early stage, clove sore of nose. 21738,E|21746,T3220|21680,E|21678,T3220|21677,E|21676,E|30956,T3220|2719,E|21122,E|21136,T3220|30685,T3220|7729,E|32115,T3220|16830,T3220|16828,E|32118,T3220| YI DIAN HONG 一点红 Sowthistle Tasselflower Emilia sonchifolia NA NA whole herb with root To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling. Infection of upper respiratory tract, oral ulcer, pneumonia, mastitis, enteritis, bacillary dysentery, urinary tract infection, swollen welling abscess, sore and boil, eczema, knocks and falls. 23211,T6407|24511,M953|19716,E|19885,E|11804,E|11805,T6407|23424,M953|23632,M953| HUANG QIN 黄芩 Baikal Skullcap Equivalent plant: Scutellaria amoena , Scutellaria viscidula, Scutellaria likiangensis , Scutellaria rehderiana, Scutellaria hypericifolia Scutellaria baicalensis Cold,Bitter Lung,Large Intestine,Stomach,Small Intestine,Gallbladder root To clear heat and dry damp, drain fire and resolve toxin, stanch bleeding, quiet fetus. Chest oppression with retching, diarrhea, jaundice, lung heat cough, infection of upper respiratory tract, acute tonsillitis, acute pharyngolaryngitis, ardent fever with vexation and thirst, blood heat, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, stirring fetus in pregnancy. 23513,T4198|32036,T4198|32032,T4198|3041,T4198|3040,E|13937,T4198|21761,E;T4198|5829,E|29509,T4198|5689,T4198|11700,E|13841,T4198|13840,E|21850,T4198|21672,T4198|6150,T4198|21079,T4198|21078,E|2106,E;M371|10447,T4198|10443,E|17085,T4198|17084,E|17087,E|5913,T4198|13935,E|20353,E|6149,E|10023,T4198|19573,E;T4198|19572,E|5684,E|7277,E|21839,E|21110,E|22704,E;T4198|22705,T4198|22702,E|22703,E|20430,E|19967,E|16240,T4198|9485,E|31765,T4198|21696,E;T4198|21759,E;T4198|21692,E|21756,E;T4198|21757,E|21753,E|9488,T4198|16594,T4198|32125,T4198|31783,T4198|6160,E|10025,E|6164,T4198|21722,E|5545,E|15806,E|3602,T4198|3600,E|23887,T4198|21694,E;T4198|16835,E|16833,E|16838,T4198|19993,E|2103,E|2102,E;M371;T4198|11694,E|31380,T4198|25318,T4198|7280,T4198|31940,T4198|20435,T4198|1568,E|1569,E|21097,E|19988,E|16205,E|16206,E|32123,T4198|22518,E|32127,T4198|32126,T4198|21716,E;T4198|21717,T4198|21098,E;T4198|31729,T4198|5833,T4198|10828,E| FEN FANG JI 粉防己 Stephania tetrandra Radix Stephaniae Tetrandrae NA NA NA For arthralgia, especially of heat type, also for acrodynia of dampness-heat type, trauma, periarthritis of joint and angina pectoris. For edema nad dysuria. In ancient times, used for dyspneic cough due to withered lung or heat-heat, for hemoptysis with abundant expectoration due to withered lung, used together with Semen Lepidii seu Descurainiae. Recently, use for bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis, silicosis, pulmonary tuberculosis, etc. For hypertension, especially that complicated by coronary heart diseases. For carcinoma of lung, and squamous cell epithioma(decreasing the dosage of radiotherapy by one-third to one-fourth and minimizing the occurrence of side effect). 1. Hanfangchin A and B are two active components, which have an anti-inflammatory effect.2. Anti-allergic, inhibiting the release of histamine.3. Promting phagocytosis.4. Dilating coronary artery and decreasing myocardial oxygen consumption.5. Inhibiting the growth of Bacillus tuberculosis, Staphylococcus aureus and ameba.6. High dosage may induce respiratory inhibition and cardiac arrest. 24634,M933|7713,M933|4458,M933|21190,M933;C0317| JIAN DI FENG PI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8311,C0304| YAN JIN NA Schleicher Fumitory Fumaria schleicheri NA NA NA NA NA 16651,E|16435,E| JIN SI MA WEI LIAN NA Gold-enthread Meadowrue Thalictrum glandulosissimum NA NA rhizome and root See Thalictrum foliolosum. See Thalictrum foliolosum. 21237,E|17969,E|2300,E|2303,E|4289,E|9440,E|4032,E|16428,E|11733,E|11848,E|930,E|16544,E| YE SHENG SHAN YING TAO. NA NA Prunus serrulata var. spontanea NA NA NA NA NA 17993,E|21849,E| MA ZHUANG SAI YA MA NA Hippomane Cupflower* Nierembergia hippomanica NA NA NA NA NA 16112,E| CHANG BING HU JIAO NA Longstalk Pepper* Piper sulvaticum NA NA NA NA NA 17458,E| KEN NI YA XIAN SUAN QIANG NA Kenya Embelia* Embelia schimperi NA NA NA NA NA 6767,E|19451,E| TENG HUANG 藤黄 Gamboge Tree Resin Garcinia morella NA NA balsam To disperse swelling and resolve toxin, stanch bleeding and kill worms. Swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, intractable lichen, malign sore, bleeding due to external injury, gan of teeth and gum, burns and scalds. 25152,M1050|15386,E|9091,T5772|14959,E|23244,M1050;C0343|11548,T5772|24312,M1050|23872,M1050|5195,E|25753,T5772|14963,T5772|14961,E;T5772|14960,E;M1050;T5772|23602,M1050|30866,T5772|8127,E|22743,M1050|5652,T5772|5650,E|11538,E;T5772|11537,E|11659,T5772|11656,E|7400,E| HUA XIANG SHU YE NA Dyetree Leaf Platycarya strobilacea NA NA leaf To resolve toxin and cure sores, kill worms and relieve itch. Swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, purulence due to bone welling abscess, intractable lichen, scrotal eczema, tinea capitis. 6758,T4133|8094,E|20373,E|6756,E|30995,T4133|20374,T4133|11900,E|11901,T4133| LU BIAN ZI CAO 路边紫草 Wild Gromwell* Lithospermum ruderale NA NA NA NA NA 12919,E|23254,C0130| JIA MA SHU NA Hazel Sterculia Sterculia foetida NA NA bark To joint sinews and bones, quicken blood and relieve pain. Sinew and bone wound, painful swelling from knocks and falls. 20312,E|31942,T4310|20694,E| YI LAN NA Fragrant Gananga Cananga odorata NA NA NA NA NA 4283,E|11689,T6413|11418,E|11687,E|7515,E|3060,E|11422,T6413|22904,E|22905,T6413|7514,E| CAN DOU YE NA Broadbean Leaf Vicia faba NA NA leaf To stanch bleeding, close sores. Tuberculosis and hemoptysis, bleeding of digestive tract, bleeding due to external injury, shank sore. 6557,E|17501,E|7853,T3179|6558,T3179|7852,E|8805,E|8806,T3179|12057,E|25568,T3179|17514,T3179| DUO ZHI RU GU NA Juicy Milky* Lactarius rolemus NA NA NA NA NA 7244,E|25774,T3662| GE BI TIAN MEN NA Desertliving Asparagus* Asparagus gobicus NA NA whole herb To dispel wind, kill worms, relieve itch, disperse welling abscess and dissipate binds. Neurodermatitis , psoriasis, body lichen, swollen welling abscess of sore and boil. 14045,E|14037,E|11198,E|8631,E|8630,E|22812,E|1860,E|19981,E|22805,E|19740,E|9545,E|8655,E|8903,E|8902,E| XUO XU GONG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 20473,T3659| YIN DU LIAN NA Neem Tree Azadiractica indica NA NA NA NA NA 2051,E|15646,E|22945,E|13655,E|13656,E|364,E|12841,E| YUAN BAN JIANG HUA NA Forrest Gingerlily Hedychium forrestii NA NA NA NA NA 4081,E|4082,T6539|9276,E|12413,E|30974,T6539|9282,T6539|11340,E|7913,E| LA QIAN LI GUANG NA Smirch Groundsel* Senecio sceleratus NA NA NA NA NA 19448,T4566|19446,E| ZHONG YA KU HAO NA Common Wormwood Artemisia absinthium NA NA leaf and stem with flower To clear heat and dry damp, expel roundworm, fortify stomach. Swelling pain in joints, ecze ma titillation, so re toxin of sore and boil, ascariasis, inappetence. 30761,T6692|3464,E|1779,E;T6692|12914,E|12915,T6692|19762,E;C0579|21334,E|21335,T6692|37,E;T6692|19764,T6692|19768,E|19769,T6692| CHEN ZONG TAN 陈棕炭 NA NA Mild,Bitter,Punkery Lung,Liver NA NA NA 25124,M99|23975,M99| PAO FU ZI 炮附子 Prepared lateral root of Common Monkshood Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata Extreme Hot,Pungent,Sweet Spleen,Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of collapse with cold limbs and faint pulse, impotence, frigidity, precordial and abdominal pain with cold sensation, vomiting and diarrhea or edema accompanied by aversion to cold and cold extremities, colds in patients with yang deficiency, chronic arthritis due to attack of cold and damp (marked by persistent severe joint pain, fixed in place and accompanied by heaviness sensation and numbness). 1. Aconitine is a physiologically active component, and becomes aconine after hydrolized. The toxicity of aconine is lower than aconitine.2. The prepared products may dilate the blood vessels of lower limbs and coronary artery, and increase coronary flow.3. Aconine and hypaconitine are analgesics and sedatives.4. Acclerating the metabolism of lipids and cholesterol.5. LD50 of aconitine is 0.295mg/kg in mice hypodermally and that of the decoction of prepared aconite is 17.42g/kg in mice orally.6. Its components, higenamine and coryneine chloride exert a significant cardiotonic effect. 554,M540|23264,M540;C0158|10874,M540|13787,M540|23791,M540| XIA GUO SHAN XIAO JU GEN NA Narrowfruit Glycosmis Root* Glycosmis stenocarpa NA NA NA NA NA 15110,E|2479,E|15109,E| YIN BAI JIN HE HUAN NA Silver Wattle Acacia dealbata NA NA NA NA NA 7820,E|7826,T6443| CHEN XIANG 沉香 Eaglewood Equivalent plant: Aquilaria sinensis Aquilaria agallocha Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Stomach,Kidney resinous wood To calm, move qi and relieve pain, warm center and downbear counterflow, check vomiting, accept qi and calm asthma. Cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, qi counterflow with asthma, stomach cold with retching counterflow, vacuity cold in lumbus and knees, vacuity constipation, qi strangury. 768,E;T3270|769,E;T3270|11197,T3270|11196,E|32034,T3270|10211,E|10210,E|6082,E|15760,T3270|12371,E|8862,E|14470,T3270|21769,E|25821,T3270|25945,T3270|3837,T3270|13845,E|3831,E|31573,T3270|31572,T3270|9708,T3270|15759,E|6911,E|10440,E|9707,E|14469,E|25780,T3270|30345,T3270|10616,E|30102,T3270|21105,E|21104,E|704,E|705,E;M98;T3270|706,E;M98;T3270|707,E|703,E|9999,T3270|275,E|5660,T3270|14051,E|14050,E|9995,E|15438,E|14514,E|13990,E|15440,T3270|19668,E|19667,E|17099,E|19663,E|19662,E|25321,T3270|13943,T3270|25910,T3270|21115,E|31791,T3270|12911,E|2274,E|31645,T3270|19670,E;T3270|31789,T3270|31786,T3270|21122,T3270|23480,M98|9033,E|9031,E|9037,T3270|9035,E;T3270|5542,T3270|2111,E|24923,T3270|2114,E|25308,T3270|25307,T3270|30645,T3270|9029,E|9028,E|5659,E|6485,E|4933,E|8901,T3270|31790,T3270|11867,E|11866,E|11869,T3270|11868,E;T3270|25624,T3270|25625,T3270|25626,T3270|17100,E|17101,T3270|17105,E|17106,E|17107,E|17108,E|17109,T3270|23340,M98;T3270|14717,E|14718,E;T3270|7178,E|13846,T3270|30951,T3270|13899,E|25929,T3270|25928,T3270|5806,E;T3270|32040,T3270|771,E;T3270|770,E;T3270|772,E;T3270|21017,T3270|21014,E|7100,E|32129,T3270|5538,E|31931,T3270|31930,T3270|12161,T3270|12160,E| ER SHI RUI SHANG LU NA Icosandrous Pokeweed* Phytolacca icosandra NA NA NA NA NA 19322,E|19323,E|19320,E|19321,E|19326,E|19324,E|19325,E|19319,E|19318,E| CHUAN BAI HE 川百合 Bulb of Greenish Lily Bulbus Lilii Minor cold,Sweet Heart NA 1. To moisurize the lung and relieve cough (lung-dryness with cough and hemoptysis). 2. To relieve cardiac heat and tranquilize the mind (convalescence of febrile diseases or yin-deficiency with heat manifested as irritability, insomnia, dreaminess, palpitation and absent-mindedness). NA 3911,M106;C0443| TOU GU CAO 透骨草 Tuberculate Speranskia Speranskia tuberculata Warm,Pungent Liver,Kidney whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, soothe sinews and quicken blood, relieve pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, contracture of muscles and joints, beriberi, swelling toxin of sore and lichen. 3595,T5833|3594,E|12673,E|17188,E|11900,T5833|11894,E|24237,M708| PIAN CHI TANG SONG CAO GEN 偏翅唐松草根 Thaiictrum delavayi Franch. NA NA NA NA NA NA 20400,C0050| YUN NAN CAO KOU NA Yunnan Galangal Alpinia blepharocalyx NA NA fruit To dry damp, warm stomach, fortify spleen. Stomach cold abdominal pain, distention fullness in stomach duct, dysphagia-occlusion, belching, stomach reflux, cold-damp vomiting and diarrhea. 13852,E|4899,E|10098,E|10411,E|10410,E|5155,E|5547,E|14247,E|19971,E|15343,E|15344,E|17160,E|14492,E|9814,E|3022,E|3021,E|3020,E|5787,E|9973,E|5803,E|6845,E|2500,E|4881,E|2468,E|5779,E|5778,E|6848,E|6843,E|14605,E|6846,E|6847,E|5777,E|5776,E|2499,E|2498,E|3018,E|3019,E|4935,E|3012,E|10099,E|9299,E|3016,E|4135,E|3014,E|3015,E|6216,E| DAN HUANG XIANG CHA CAI NA Yellowish Rabdosia Isodon flavidus NA NA NA NA NA 19861,E|9544,E|7812,E|10121,E|7811,E| DA CHI JI NA Scotch Cottonthistle Onopordum acanthium NA NA whole herb To stanch bleeding. NA 16125,T3403|16109,E|7280,T3403|7277,E| DUO YE JI DOU NA Leafy Crazyweed Oxytropis myriophylla NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling and stanch bleeding. Influenza, swelling pain in throat, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, knocks and falls, static blood swelling and distention, various hemorrhage. 15186,E|15187,E|15185,E|9274,E|15190,E|15193,E|15192,E|16468,E|15188,E|15189,E|15191,E| SHAN MAO ER NA Swordleaf Dianella Dianella ensifolia NA NA rhizome or whole herb To draw out toxin and disperse swelling, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Scrofula, sore and lichen, welling abscess and flat abscess, knocks and falls. 14632,T5490|14631,E| NV ZHEN XIAO LA SHU NA Chinese Privet Ligustrum sinense NA NA bark and branch-leaf To clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Common cold with fever, lung heat cough, sore swollen throat, mough and tongue sores, damp-heat jaundice, dysentery, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, eczema, dermatitis, knocks and falls, scalds. 19910,E| TIAN YE GE NA XIANG NA Field Goniothalamus* Goniothalamus arvensis NA NA NA NA NA 311,E|241,E|1008,E| GONG XING MA DOU LING NA Bow-shaped Dutchmanspipe* Aristolochia arcuata NA NA NA NA NA 2494,E|20635,E|5854,E|5852,E|5853,E|6032,E|5861,E| YAN LAI HONG NA Three-coloured Amaranth Amaranthus tricolor NA NA herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit urine and free stool. Dysentery, urinary and fecal stoppage, snake or insect bites, sore toxin. 1013,E;T6304| A YUE HUN ZI NA Common Pistache Pistacia vera NA NA fruit To warm kidney, warm spleen. Kidney vacuity lumbar cold, impotence, spleen vacuity cold dysentery. 4440,T2883|4438,E| TIAN MA 天麻 Tall Gastrodia Gastrodia elata Mild,Sweet Liver stem and tuber To extinguish wind and check tetany, calm liver and subdue yang , dispel wind and free network vessels. Convulsion, child convulsion, spasm in limbs, facial muscle spasm, trigeminal neuralgia, numbness in limbs, acute fright wind, chronic fright wind, tetanus, dizziness, headache, hemiplegia, hypertension, wind-damp impediment pain. 2459,E|2458,E|8235,E|25133,M691|32192,T5786|22018,E|30671,T5786|20429,T5786|20428,E|8236,E;M691;T5786|9838,E|9848,E|4679,E|24004,M691|9814,E|24532,M691|24224,M691|25904,T5786|7411,E|29509,T5786|7415,T5786|22320,E;M691|22321,T5786|8241,T5786|23607,M691|3766,E|3767,T5786|31158,T5786|5865,E|20435,T5786|20430,E;C0498|24560,M691|9849,E|19967,E|9485,E|30670,T5786|4684,T5786|9852,T5786|17954,E|9832,E|9488,T5786|25912,T5786|31159,T5786|9833,T5786|31154,T5786|22330,E;M691| SHAN HU LAN NA Faber Galeola Galeola faberi NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, regulate menstruation and stanch bleeding, promote astriction and stem desertion. Damp-heat jaundice, dysentery with pus and blood, swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, poisonous snake bite, menstrual disorder, flooding and spotting, prolapse of uterus, prolapse of rectum. 8236,E|9832,E|9833,T5479|14049,E|2453,E|30668,T5479|14051,T5479|8241,T5479| HUAI JIAO NA Japanese Pagodatree Fruit Sophora japonica NA NA fruit To cool blood and stanch bleeding, clear liver and brighten eyes. Intestinal wind bleeding, bleeding from hemorrhoids, blood strangury, flooding and spotting, blood dysentery, blood heat, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, liver fire and red eyes, dizziness and dim vision. 19072,E|20064,E|20369,E|20072,E|18302,E|20085,E|20083,E|8277,E|11645,E| WAN QU TIAN MEN DONG NA curillus Asparagus* Asparagus curillus NA NA NA NA NA 19376,E|9086,E|9085,E|1876,E|1877,E|1874,E|1875,E|1872,E|1873,E|1870,E|1871,E|1882,E| JIA TUO WU NA False Goldenray* Ligulariopsis shichuana NA NA NA NA NA 1225,E|123,E|19692,E|16408,E| ZHU MAO CAI NA Common Russianthistle Salsola collina NA NA whole herb To lower blood pressure, calm liver and subdue yang , moisten intestines and free stool. Hypertension, headache, dizziness, insomnia,ntestinal dry and constipation. 19182,E|7776,E|19180,E|19181,E;T6705|25344,T6705| SAN CHI HAO NA Big Sagebrush Artemisia tridentata NA NA NA NA NA 1617,E;T5402|18828,E|18832,T5402| CHONG BAN ZHI ZI 重瓣栀子 Fructus Gardeniae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23021,C0357|8275,C0353|23258,C0019|23043,C0018| BANG BING BEI SAN NA Fat-footed Clitocybe Clitocybe clavipes NA NA NA NA NA 3812,E|3811,E| FEI LV BIN LUO HAN SONG NA Philippine Podocar pus Podocarpus philippinensis NA NA NA NA NA 15221,E| GONG LAO ZI 功劳子 Fructus Mahonae bealei NA NA NA NA NA NA 2303,C0391| QING GUO NA Olive Canarium album NA NA fruit To clear heat, disinhibit throat, engender liquid, resolve toxin. Swelling pain in throat, cough, vexation and thirst, poisoning of fish or crab. 3232,T5274|8094,E|2602,E|16029,E|32180,T5274|1110,E|3231,E|7481,T5274|7480,E|22249,E|22250,E|16034,T5274|22252,T5274|23232,T5274| CU CI XIAO BO NA Actino-spiny Barberry Berberis actinacantha NA NA NA NA NA 2304,E| SU XIN HUA NA Largeflower Jasmine* Jasminum grandiflorum NA NA flower bud To soothe liver and resolve depression, move qi and relieve pain. Pain in stomach duct and rib-side due to liver qi depression, abdominal pain and diarrhea. 11821,E|11822,E| DUAN ZHI RAN TONG 煅自然铜 Calcined Pyrite Pyritum Preparata Mild,Pungent Liver NA Treatment of traumatic swelling and pain, bone fracture. NA 24457,M232| HONG JIAN QIU LUO NA Red Campion Lychnis dioica NA NA NA NA NA 17180,T4051|17167,E| DA A MI NA Big Ammi Ammi majus NA NA NA NA NA 933,E|22758,E|22759,T3395|30112,T3395| SHI YONG HUANG QI NA Edible Milkvetch* Astragalus cibarius NA NA NA NA NA 3634,E|3635,T5605|4078,E|30810,T5605| NEI GUO BAI CEN NA White Ash Fraxinus americana NA NA NA NA NA 5083,E|10552,E|7933,E|7940,E|10551,E| DUO HUA YANG MEI NA Manyflower Bayberry* Myrica multiflora NA NA NA NA NA 15142,E|15143,E|15139,E|15141,E|15140,E| LU JIAO QI SHU NA Stag’s-horn Sumach Rhus typhina NA NA NA NA NA 917,E;T4717|8094,E|30995,T4717| ACICULAR THOROWAX. NA NA Bupleurum bicaule, ZHUI YE CHAI HU NA NA NA NA NA 19133,E|19127,E| HONG LI NA Spanish Oak Quercus rubra NA NA NA NA NA 9201,E| MO XI GE XUAN HUA NA Mexico Glorybind* River corymbosa NA NA NA NA NA 7239,E| BA YUE ZHA 八月扎 fruit of Fiveleaf Akebia Fructus Akebiae Cold,Bitter NA NA Treatment of epigastric and hypochondriac distension and pain, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, oliguria, snake and insect-bite. NA 24331,M12|24330,M12|24332,M12|24326,M12|24327,M12|23618,M12|24328,M12| NAN SHE TENG GUO NA Oriental Bittersweet Fruit Celastrus orbiculatus [Syn. Celastrus articulatus] NA NA fruit To nourish heart and quiet spirit, harmonize blood and relieve pain. Palpitation and insomnia, amnesia and heavy dreams, toothache, pain in sinews and bones, numbness in lumbus and leg, painful wound from knocks and falls. 155,E|5284,E|5291,E|132,E|131,E|292,E| DUO CI CHAI HU NA Spiny Thorowax* Bupleurum spinosum NA NA NA NA NA 16844,E| GUANG JIN QIAN CAO 广金钱草 Snowbellleaf Tickclover Desmodium styracifolium Mild,Sweet,Neutral Bladder,Liver,Kidney,Gallbladder aerial parts To clear heat and eliminate damp, disinhibit urine and free strangury. Heat strangury, sand strangury, stone strangury, pain of hot urine, scant urine with edema, jaundice with reddish urine, urethral stone. 18691,E|5266,E;T3902|5265,E|24020,M293|22026,E|5267,T3902|22027,T3902|7818,M293|23975,M293|20265,T3902|20264,E|24043,M293|5697,E|24342,M293|25083,T3902|1598,E| HE HUA YU LAN NA Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora NA NA flower and bark To dispel wind and dissipate cold, move qi and relieve pain. Externally contracted wind-cold, headache and nasal congestion, distending pain in stomach duct, vomiting and diarrhea, hypertension, tuberculosis. 13647,E|13383,T3982|15772,E|12911,E|19168,E|16964,E|13368,E;T3982|13369,E;T3982|13648,E;T3982|13649,T3982|20553,E|13381,E|13371,T3982|13367,E|6231,T3982|15773,T3982|13370,E;T3982| LIAN CHI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 19072,C0514| PING FENG CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15871,T5202| ZUO JIANG CAO 酢浆草 Creeping Oxalis Oxalis corniculata [Syn. Oxalis repens] NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, cool blood and dissipate stasis, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Damp-heat diarrhea, dysentery, jaundice, st rangury syndro me, vaginal discharge, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria, menstrual disorder, knocks and falls, swelling pain in throat, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, erysipelas, eczema, scab and lichen, hemorrhoids, measles papules, burns and scalds, snake or insect bites. 23125,C0500|16880,E|21397,E|18267,E| CHONG YA YAO NA Ternateleaf Rabdosia Isodon ternifolius NA NA whole herb or root To clear heat, disinhibit damp, resolve toxin, stanch bleeding. Common cold, influenza, cough with profuse phlegm, swelling pain in throat, toothache, jaundice, heat strangury, edema, dysentery, enteritis, bleeding due to external injury. 11397,E|11403,T3296|32181,T3296|11398,E;T3296|18493,E|22254,E| GUANG LIANG SHI SONG NA Shining Clubmoss* Lycopodium lucidulum NA NA NA NA NA 2617,E|20187,E|13037,E|5397,E|21050,E|21051,E|21048,E|21049,E|16726,E|5663,E|5662,E|16361,E|16360,E|13040,E|5687,E|5686,E|13045,E|13036,E|17137,E| NIU BIAN NA Puberulent Mo nkshood Aconitum barbatum var. puberulum [Syn. Aconitum ochranthum] NA NA root To dispel wind and relieve pain, relieve cough and transform phlegm, calm asthma. Wind-damp with painful swollen joints, pain in lumbus and legs, asthma and cough, scrofula, scab and lichen. 12505,E|18152,E|18516,E|13162,E|18153,E|18154,E|18155,E| CHUI QI MU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8081,T3340| XI A XUE PIAN LIAN NA Summer Snowflake Leucojum aestivum NA NA NA NA NA 13230,E|8082,E| YAO YONG DAO TI HU NA Common Houndstongue Cynoglossum officinale NA NA root To clear heat and disinhibit damp, relieve cough, stanch bleeding. Urinary tract infection, dysentery, vaginal discharge, yin vacuity cough, hemoptysis, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, bleeding due to external injury. 22511,E|12532,T6345|12530,E|31070,T6345|32211,T6345|6685,E|9322,T6345|9317,T6345|31072,T6345|9319,E|17535,T6345|9316,E|9315,E|6687,T6345|917,E;T6345|6686,E|17532,E| WU BING TANG SONG CAO NA Javan Meadowrue Thalictrum sessile NA NA NA NA NA 21229,E| TAI PING YANG LIN MAO JUE NA Pacific Wood Fern Dryopteris pacifica NA NA NA NA NA 13553,T5741|13552,E| SHAN YANG DOU YE KU MA DOU NA Darling Pea Swainsonia galegifolia NA NA NA NA NA 20486,T5511|20484,E;C0257| XUE LING ZHI NA Kansu Sandwort Arenaria kansuensis [Syn. Arenaria kumaonensis] NA NA whole herb To clear heat and relieve cough, disinhibit damp and abate jaundice, relieve pain due to impediment. Fever due to external contraction, lung heat cough, jaundice, strangury-turbidity, wind-damp impediment pain, hypertension. 9633,E|1659,E|1662,E|1661,E|1660,E| YUAN CONG HONG JING TIAN NA Jupar Rhodiola Rhodiola juparensis NA NA NA NA NA 18777,E| QU ZHOU HAI JIN SHA NA Flexuose Climbing Fern Lygodium flexuosum NA NA whole herb To soothe sinews and free network vessels, clear heat and disinhibit damp, stanch bleeding. Wind-damp pain, numbness of limbs, knocks and falls, urinary tract infection, calculus of urinary system, edema, dysentery, swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, infant mouth sore, fire eye, lichen, bleeding due to external injury. 19072,E|13238,E|14137,E| MAO XIANG HUA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4143,T4883| PING DI XI FENG QIN NA Campestral Seseli* Seseli campestre NA NA NA NA NA 17743,E| HAI DAO MIAN NA Barbados Cotton Gossypium barbadense] NA NA tomentum of seed See Gossypium herbaceum. See Gossypium herbaceum. 8966,E| NU ZHEN GEN 女贞根 Radix Ligustri lucidi NA NA NA NA NA NA 23258,C0019|23043,C0018| QIN PI 秦皮 bark of Largeleaf Chinese Ash Cortex Fraxini Cold,Bitter Large Intestine,Liver,Gallbladder NA Treatment of acute dysentery and diarrhea, morbid leukorrhea, inflammation of the eye, nebula. 1. Inhibiting the growth of dysentery bacillus and staphylococcus.2. Antitussive and expectorant.3. Aesculin, one of its active components, prolongs the hypnotic effect of hexobarbital in mice.4. Aescuktin, another active component, exerts an antihistaminic effect and relaxes smooth muscles of guinea-pig's trachea in vitro.5. Analgesic. The effect of aescuktin is stronger than that of aspirin but weaker than codeine. 23857,M576|3635,M576|23843,M576|23783,M576|24009,M576|664,M576|23515,M576|23429,M576|7943,M576|24652,M576|23080,M576;C0364|7941,M576;C0519| LONG GU 龙骨 Dragon's bone, Fossilized bone Os Draconis Mild,Sweet,Punkery Large Intestine,Liver,Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of: 1. Deficient yin of the liver and kidneys with hyperactive yang of the liver manifested as dizziness, vertigo, blurred vision or irritability. Dragon's bone (Longgu) is used with Oyster shell (Muli), Red ochre (Daizheshi) and White peony root (Baishao) in the formula Zhengan Xifeng Tang. 2. Seminal emissions due to deficient kidneys. Dragon's bone (Longgu) is used with Oyster shell (Muli), Flattened milkvetch seed (Shayuanzi) and Euryale seed (Qianshi). 3. Palpitations and insomnia. Dragon's bone (Longgu) is used with Oyster shell (Muli), Polygala root (Yuanzhi) and Wild jujube seed (Suanzaoren). 4. Leukorrhea due to deficient kidneys. Dragon's bone (Longgu) is used with Oyster shell (Muli), Dioscorea (Shanyao) and Cuttlefish bone (Wuzeigu). 5. Spontaneous sweating and night sweating. Dragon's bone (Longgu) is used with Oyster shell (Muli) and Schisandra fruit (Wuweizi). NA 24902,M467|25060,M467|23378,M467| HUI ZHAN MAO REN DONG NA Largeflower-like Honeysuckle Lonicera macranthoides NA NA flower bud See Lonicera japonica . See Lonicera japonica . 13291,E|13292,E;T4247|13293,E;T4247|13294,E;T4247|13295,T4247| KUAN SHE TUO WU NA Broad-tongue Goldenray* Ligularia platyglossa NA NA NA NA NA 16319,E| SHAN YANG WU TOU NA Shanyang Monkshood* Aconitum sanyoense NA NA NA NA NA 15649,E| BO XI SHU LI NA Cascara Buckthorn Rhamnus purshiana NA NA NA NA NA 3615,E|17239,T3164|17237,E|3599,T3164|3598,E|3254,E|3275,T3164|30775,T3164| JIA PENG ZI YU PAN NA Gabon Uvaria* Uvaria klaineana NA NA NA NA NA 12228,E| WEN YU JIN NA Wengujin Culcuma* Curcuma wengujin NA NA tuberoid To quicken blood and relieve pain, move qi and relieve depression, clear heart and cool blood, course liver and disinhibit gallbladder. Pain in chest and abdomen and rib-side, dysmenorrhea, menstrual block, concretion and conglomeration with mass, febrile diseases clouded spirit, mania and withdrawal, fright epilepsy, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, blood strangury, sand strangury, jaundice. 4398,E|4399,E| ZHI GUI BAN 制龟板 Prepared Tortoise plastron Plastrum Testudinis Praparata Cold,Sweet,Salty Liver,Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of hyperactivity of liver yang due to deficient yin of the liver and kidneys manifested as dizziness, distension and pain in the head and blurred vision. Tortoise plastron (Guiban) is used with White peony root (Baishao), Cyathula root (Niuxi), Sea-ear sh NA 23532,M850|24903,M850|21326,M850|23378,M850|17079,M850|13816,M850|24709,M850| CU ZHUANG JIN JI NA NA Robust Cinchona* Cinchona robusta NA NA NA NA NA 18860,E|18861,E|18859,E|18858,E|18857,E|18856,E|18855,E|18854,E| TIAN KUI ZI 天葵子 Muskroot-like Semiaquilegia Root Radix Semiaquilegiae Cold,Sweet,Bitter Stomach,Liver NA Treatment of carbuncles, boils and sores, mastitis, scrofula, venomous snake bite. NA 23239,M690|24753,M690|24831,M690|14804,M690|23588,M690| DI YU 地榆 Garden Burnet Sanguisorba officinalis Minor cold,Sour,Bitter Large Intestine,Stomach,Liver root To cool blood and stanch bleeding, clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling and close sores. Blood ejection, hemoptysis, duodenal ulcer, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria, hematochezia, bleeding from hemorrhoids, blood dysentery, flooding and spotting, red and white vaginal discharge, swelling pain of welling abscess and sore, eczema, pudendal itch, burns and scalds, snake or insect bites. 19263,E|19262,E|19261,E|19260,E|19267,E|19266,E|19265,E|3594,E|21845,E|19268,E|24267,M216|19271,E|4450,E|22994,T3541|7656,E|12708,M216|31679,T3541|21848,E|24314,M216|32143,T3541|23585,M216|1588,E|8094,E|22993,E;T3541|22992,E|26077,T3541|1582,E|1583,E|1580,E|1581,E|1586,E|1587,E|1584,E|1585,E|19272,E|24543,M216|23749,M216|21939,E|20417,E|24435,M216|23215,C0566|31688,T3541|22254,M216|19264,E|25044,M216|19273,E;M216|19270,E|14738,E|19258,E|19259,E|3318,M216;C0435|10886,E|1589,E|1591,E|1590,E|25028,M216|24414,M216|21154,E|6175,E|24845,M216|17685,T3541|3595,T3541|14765,E|14764,E|24035,M216|24663,M216|24508,M216|23352,M216|24798,M216|25087,M216|25058,M216|16347,E|31586,T3541|31587,T3541|1579,E|17684,E|14286,E|14287,E|25071,M216|6054,E|14288,E|14289,T3541|18901,E|14766,T3541|17682,E| GAN CAO 甘草 Ural Licorice Equivalent plant: Glycyrrhiza inflata, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Glycyrrhiza kansuensis, Glycyrrhiza aspera, Glycyrrhiza yunnanensis , Glycyrrhiza squamulosa Glycyrrhiza uralensis Mild,Sweet Lung,Spleen,Stomach,Heart root and rhizome To supplement center and boost qi, relax tension and relieve pain, moisten lung and relieve cough, drain fire and resolve toxin, regulate function A, spleen-stomach vacuity, fatigue hypodynamia, palpitation and shortness of breath, cough with profuse phlegm, pain in stomach duct and abdomen, acute spasm in limbs, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore. 1. Its decoction can inhibit intestinal smooth muscles of rabbins in vitro, but glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetinic acid have no this effect.2. Possessing an adrenocorticomimetic effect.3. Its extract and glycyrrhizin exerts a detoxifying effect.4. Antitussive and antiasthmatic. 5. Glycyrrhizin has anti-inflammatory effect similar to hydrocortisone. 14178,E|12774,E|12776,E;T3785|12777,E|12771,E|12772,E|24040,M258;M0|13935,T3785|13934,E|12778,E|12779,E|15516,C0113|8862,T3785|23696,M258;M0|8861,E|8844,E;T3785|21061,T3785|9563,T3785|403,E|8499,E|23291,M258;M0;C0473;T3785|21678,E|8141,E;T3785|8142,E|19869,E|31438,T3785|15421,E|30901,T3785|31439,T3785|21578,E|11573,E|14505,T3785|6023,E|14500,E;T3785|6024,E|14466,E;T3785|14467,T3785|12789,E|12788,E;M258;M0;T3785|24912,M258;M0|12147,E|12146,E|23166,C0472|12781,E|12780,E|12783,E|12782,E|12785,E|12784,E|12787,E;M258;M0;T3785|12786,E|31195,T3785|12907,E;M258;M0;C0131;T3785|12906,E|12905,E|12902,E|8138,E;T3785|8139,E|8134,E;T3785|8135,E;T3785|8136,E;T3785|8137,E;T3785|25888,T3785|8133,E|19072,E;M258;M0;C0514|19075,T3785|22179,M258;M0|15280,T3785|23172,M258;M0;C0270|11442,T3785|11441,E|24907,M258;M0|6306,E|7884,E;T3785|11639,E;M258;M0|19448,E;M258;M0|22229,E|17035,E|17037,T3785|22225,E;T3785|22224,E;T3785|22227,E;T3785|22226,E;T3785|22223,E;T3785|22222,E|21059,E|15407,T3785|15406,E|1935,M258;M0|21053,E|23259,M258;M0;C0120|19967,E|21054,T3785|5404,E|11694,E;M258;M0|14458,E|23251,M258;M0;C0267;T3785|11640,T3785|8833,T3785|7421,E|9557,E;T3785|9556,E|2455,E|10148,E|22230,T3785|4108,E|27722,T3785|11743,E|11744,T3785|24351,M258;M0|11502,E;M258;M0;T3785|11503,T3785|11501,E|22228,E;T3785|29509,T3785|16108,T3785|23139,M258;M0;C0320|23134,T3785|15393,T3785|15462,E|15467,T3785|6401,E|6405,T3785|15257,E;M258;M0|14546,T3785|8839,T3785|8838,E;M258;M0;T3785|23092,C0474|31625,T3785|8580,T3785|8837,E|31429,T3785|8832,E|31440,T3785|22449,T3785|32116,T3785|14493,E|14499,E|11488,T3785|11487,E|14494,T3785|12758,E|12759,E|31430,T3785|31431,T3785|31433,T3785|31434,T3785|31435,T3785|31436,T3785|31437,T3785|8840,E|8841,E;T3785|8842,E;T3785|8843,E;T3785|13100,E|8845,E|8846,T3785|6027,T3785|31455,T3785|31453,T3785|8552,E|8794,E|15425,T3785|14767,T3785|14766,E|12760,T3785|12765,E|7882,E;M258;M0;C0340|8763,E|8853,E|8855,T3785|8854,E;M258;M0| BA JI TIAN 巴戟天 Medicinal Indianmulberry Morinda officinalis NA NA root To supplement kidney and invigorate yang , strengthen sinews and bones, eliminate wind-damp. Neurasthenia, impotence and emission, cold pain in abdomen, urinary incontinence, vacuity cold of uterus, wind-cold-damp impediment, aching in lumbus and knees. 19967,E|10192,E|14965,E|31705,T2941|16009,T2941|17233,E|23040,C0396|10466,E|31229,T2941|14925,E|9790,E|16004,E|23170,C0397|5960,E|9791,T2941|1893,E|25909,T2941|5817,E| MA BING LANG NA Masaikai Caper Capparis masaikai NA NA seed To clear heat and resolve toxin, engender liquid and allay thirst, hasten delivery or stop delivery. Cold damage febrile disease, summerheat-heat and thirst, laryngitis, throat pain, food stagnation distention and fullness, measles papules swelling toxin. 16275,E|10102,E| LI HE REN NA Japanese Plum Kernel Prunus salicina NA NA seed To dispel stasis, disinhibit water, moisten intestines. Knocks and falls, blood stasis swelling and pain, ascites, beriberi, intestinal dry and constipation. 1102,E;T4601| YE AI HAO NA Lavenderleaf Wormwood Artemisia lavandulaefolia NA NA leaf See Artemisia argyi. See Artemisia argyi. 17439,E| SHANG HAN CAO 伤寒草 Herba seu radix Vernoniae cinereae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23105,C0240| JI JIAN LONG SHE LAN NA Very-hard Agave* Agave rigidissima NA NA NA NA NA 14815,E| LIU LAN XIANG NA Spearmint Mentha spicata NA NA whole herb To resolve exterior, harmonize center, rectify qi. Common cold, cough, headache, sore pharynx, red eyes, nosebleed(epistaxis), stomachache, abdominal distention, cholera with vomiting and diarrhea, dysmenorrhea, numbness in limbs, painful swelling from knocks and falls, sore and boil, cracking. 3237,E|23412,T4677| REN SHEN SAN QI 人参三七 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9484,C0280| NAN TOU QIU HAI TANG NA Nantou Begonia* Begonia nantoensis NA NA NA NA NA 11027,E|2210,E|4316,E|15241,E|4319,E|4322,E|5573,E|5572,E|14465,E|27,E|2006,E|3309,E|5788,E| HU BEI SHI DA GONG LAO NA Confused Mahonia Equivalent plant: Mahonia gracilipes Mahonia confusa NA NA root and stem To clear heat and dry damp, drain fire and resolve toxin. Damp-heat dysentery, diarrhea, jaundice, red eyes with gall, swollen welling abscess and sores, wind-damp-heat impediment, taxation fever steaming bone, hemoptysis, dizzy head. 2303,E|16544,E|11848,E| TAI WAN SHU LI NA Taiwan Buckthorn* Rhamnus formosana NA NA NA NA NA 17238,E| HUA SHAN SONG NA Armand Pine Pinus armandii NA NA leaf See Pinus massoniana. See Pinus massoniana. 16305,E| BAI YE TENG NA Chinese Cryptolepis Cryptolepis sinensis NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, stanch bleeding, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Lung heat hemoptysis, tuberculosis and hemoptysis, stomach hemorrhage, swollen welling abscess, sore toxin, knife wound, knocks and falls, snake or insect bites. 31848,T3035|5762,E| DIAN BAI ZHI NA Scabrous Cowparsnip Heracleum scabridum NA NA root To dispel wind and effuse sweat, dissipate cold and dry damp. Wind-cold common cold, headache, cough and asthma, deep-source nasal congestion, cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, wind-cold-damp impediment, cold-damp vaginal discharge, dysmenorrhea, toxin swelling of sores, wind papule itching. 17361,E| YU LIAO NA Dockleaved Knotweed Polygonum lapathifolium NA NA whole herb To resolve toxin, eliminate damp, quicken blood. Swelling pain of sores, scrofula, diarrhea, dysentery, eczema, gan accumulation, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, menstrual disorder. 12503,E|12502,E|12501,E|12500,E|9736,E|12499,E|1187,E|14015,T6520|14010,E|13647,T6520|13646,E|12046,E|22314,E|18345,E|22293,E| ZHI MA HUANG 炙麻黄 Prepared Ephedra Herba Ephedrae Preparata Warm,Pungent,Slightly Bitter Lung,Bladder NA Treatment of common cold with wind-cold syndrome (marked by chilliness and mild fever, headache, stuffed and running nose, general aching, but no sweating), edema in acute nephritis, bronchial asthma.Herba Ephedrae (processed with honey) Cough in common cold at later stage when chilliness has been absent. 1. Its effects on cardiovascular system are similar to epinephrine in many aspects, but persist seven to ten times longer. The myocardial contractility and cardiac output are augmented and cardiac, cerebral and muscular blood flows are increased.2. Its bronchodilative effect is less prominent but more sustained than epinephrine.3. Mydriatic upon local application to the eye.4. Antipyretic, diaphoretic and diuretic. 6814,M858| HOU YE GOU TENG NA Thickleaf Gambirplant* Uncaria callophylla NA NA NA NA NA 5568,E|11676,E|2982,E|2981,E|11536,E|11429,E|18928,E|14881,E|23244,T4077|8126,E|18811,E|8124,E|9233,E| XIAO YE MAI MA TEMG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 25890,T6193|9539,T6193|6008,T6193| SHI NAN TENG 石南藤 photinia stem RamuIus Wallichii seu Puberulii NA NA NA To expel wind, dredge the meridians, activate the circulation of vital energy and blood, strengthen the tendons and bones, relieve pain. For arthralgia of wind-cold-dampness type, weakness and soreness of the waist and lower extremities, especially those with deficiency-cold syndrome, and also for trauma. Wallichii is also used for angina pectoris, cerebral thrombosis and embolism, and Puberulum for biliary colic and stomachache. NA 24225,M1039|24106,M1039|23975,M1039| LU DOU YE 绿豆叶 Folium Vignae radiatae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23163,C0421|23290,C0422| XUAN GOU ZI NA Avrons Rubus chamaemorus NA NA NA NA NA 19025,T6247|19024,E| WAN SHOU JU NA Aztec Marigold Tagetes erecta NA NA inflorescence To clear heat and resolve toxin, relieve cough and transform phlegm. Infection of upper respiratory tract, pertussis, conjunctivitis, stomatitis, toothache, dizziness, infant fright wind, amenorrhea, blood stasis and abdominal pain, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore. 7441,T5886|7440,E|9289,E|10272,E|2783,E|21002,E|17249,E|30691,T5886|31069,T5886|13126,T5886|20592,E|25203,T5886|14594,E|20596,T5886|17250,E|2017,E|7820,E|7826,T5886|13119,E|31664,T5886| HUI MAO DANG SHEN NA Greyhair Asiabell Codonopsis canescens NA NA root See Codonopsis pilosula. See Codonopsis pilosula . 13500,E|22827,E|32244,T4237|13501,T4237| XIAN YE BA DOU NA Linear Croton* Croton linearis NA NA NA NA NA 17895,E|31845,T6099|11084,E| XI YANG JIE GU MU NA Black Elder Sambucus nigra NA NA stem-branch See Sambucus williamsii. See Sambucus williamsii. 2288,E|10951,E|9589,E|5638,E|5639,E|17986,E|19211,E|8675,E|9839,E|22985,T6042|22984,E|412,E|8674,E|5640,E|7820,E|17395,E|7826,T6042|13633,E| QU YU CAO DI LAO GUAN CAO. NA NA Geranium pratense ssp. funitimum NA NA NA NA NA 15170,E|3550,E| SU MEN BAI JIU CAO. NA NA Erigeron sumatrensis NA NA whole herb To transform phlegm, free network vessels, stanch bleeding. Cough and abundant phlegm, wind-damp impediment pain, uterine bleeding. 7255,E|7095,E|13967,E|13918,E|8334,E|7503,E|1762,E|16146,E|16145,E|10245,E| TU QIANG HUO NA Coronarious Gingerlily Hedychium coronarium NA NA rhizome To dispel wind and dissipate cold, effuse sweat and resolve exterior. Headache, generalized pain, wind-damp pain in sinew and bone, knocks and falls. 4087,T5855|4081,E|4082,E;T5855|4083,E;T5855|4084,E;T5855|4085,E|4086,E|9277,E|9278,E|9279,E|7481,T5855|9281,E|9280,E|12405,E|15490,E|7480,E|10790,E|10156,E|9276,E| CHANG ZI MA QIAN NA Wallich Poisonnut Strychnos wallichiana NA NA seed See Strychnos nux-vomica . See Strychnos nux-vomica. 10458,E|10938,E|10733,E|31273,T3259| NONGO DA JI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 25815,T5121| YING ZHAO NA Sixpetal Tailgrape Artabotrys hexapetalus [Syn. Annona hexapetalus] NA NA root To interrupt malaria. Malaria. 1775,E;T6488|1777,E;T6488|1776,E|25406,T6488|12911,E|1778,E;T6488| RAN SE SANG NA Tinctorial Mulberry* Morus tinctoria NA NA NA NA NA 14963,E|14965,T5319| CHUN NA Common Watershield Brasenia schreberi NA NA stem-leaf To disinhibit water and disperse edema, clear heat and resolve toxin. Damp-heat dysentery, jaundice, edema, inhibited urination, heat toxin swollen welling abscess. 8078,T3342|22540,E|22541,T3342|8077,E|9567,E|9568,T3342| LIAO DONG SONG MU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1609,T4645|1608,T4645|20371,T4645|25246,T4645|1603,T4645|1605,T4645|1604,T4645|1607,T4645|1606,T4645|18528,T4645|14329,T4645|25490,T4645| ER GOU HUANG QI NA Bisulcate Milkvetch* Astragalus bisulcatus NA NA NA NA NA 25305,T3691|19676,E| XIANG RI KUI YE NA Sunflower Leaf Helianthus annuus NA NA leaf To lower blood pressure, interrupt malaria, resolve toxin. Hypertension, malaria, clove sore. 31463,T6129|8502,E|8508,T6129|30710,T6129|13126,E|19551,T6129|7556,E|13128,E|19530,E|2918,E|1336,E|15356,T6129|15355,E|25552,T6129|7786,T6129|7785,E|9292,E|9293,T6129|9290,E|9297,E|9298,E|13257,E| HUAI SHAN YAO 淮山药 rhizome of Biglcaf Yam Rhizoma Dioscoreae Mild,Sweet Lung,Spleen,Kidney NA Treatment of anorexia and chronic diarrhea due to diminished function of the spleen , cough and dyspnea due to diminished function of the lung, seminal emission, excessive leukorrhea, frequency of urination or diabetes due to deficiency condition of the kidney.Rhizoma Dioscoreae (stir-fried with bran) Diminished function of the spleen with anorexia, diarrhea and excessive leukorrhea. Its decoction (1:12800) can promote the phagocytosis of leukocyte in vitro. 6558,M362|3585,M362|24427,M362|24343,M362| SHA SHENG LA JU NA Yellow Everlasting Helichrysum arenarium NA NA inflorescence NA Cholecystitis, gallstones. 15271,E|15274,T5457| WU ZHU MAI DA JI. NA NA Euphorbia quinquecostata NA NA NA NA NA 1385,E| HEI ZHI MA 黑芝麻 Oriental Sesame (black seed) Sesamum indicum [Syn. Sesamum orientale ] Mild,Sweet Large Intestine,Liver,Kidney black seed To supplement liver and kidney, boost essence and blood, moisten intestines. Dizziness, tinnitus and deafness, premature graying in beard and hair, hair loss during convalescence, intestinal dry and constipation. 19762,E;M336;C0579|3776,T4019|3774,E|23125,C0500|16056,E|31763,T4019|7852,E|7853,T4019|19766,E;T4019|19767,T4019|19764,E;C0570;T4019|19765,E;C0059;T4019|3052,E|3053,T4019| YING SU KE 罂粟壳 Opium Poppy Pericarp Papaver somniferum Mild,Sour,Punkery Lung,Large Intestine,Kidney capsule To constrain lung, astringe intestines, relieve pain. Enduring cough, chronic diarrhea, prolapse of rectum, pain in stomach duct and abdomen. 5707,E|19269,E;M810|14973,E;M810;C0512|23183,C0044|15264,T6484|15784,E;M810|21276,E;M810;C0043|15260,E;T6484|13500,T6484|25440,T6484|4289,E;M810|23297,M810;C0308|24190,M810|16462,E|19280,T6484|24947,T6484|4279,T6484|23927,T6484|15790,T6484|16613,T6484|11082,E|16611,E;M810|11085,T6484|3885,E;M810;C0361|7336,T6484|15258,E|7333,E;M810|5711,T6484|15255,M810|19635,E;M810|13498,E;M810|21292,T6484| QIU SHUI XIAN 秋水仙 Meadow Saffron Colchicum autumnale NA NA corm NA NA 3915,T5295|3912,E;C0189;T5295|3909,E|3911,E;T5295|3910,E;T5295| DA HUA LUO XIN FU NA Largeflower Astilbe Astilbe macroflora NA NA NA NA NA 2312,E| YE ZI 椰子 Coconut Cocos nucifera NA NA sarcocarp To boost qi and fortify spleen, kill worms, disperse gan. Gan accumulation, fasciolopsiasis. 23125,C0500|7386,E| YE MU XU NA Sickle Alfalfa Medicago falcata NA NA whole herb To fortify spleen and supplement vacuity, disinhibit urine and abate jaundice, soothe sinews and quicken network vessels. Spleen vacuity and abdominal distention, indigestion, edema, jaundice, wind-damp impediment pain. 2017,E|7820,E| JI ZI HUANG 鸡子黄 Hen’s Egg Yo l k U s e d p a r t: egg yolk Gallus gallus domesticus Mild,Sweet Lung,Heart,Kidney NA To enrich yin and moisten dryness, nourish blood and extinguish wind. Insomnia and vexation, febrile diseases tetanic reversal, vacuity taxation blood ejection, retching counterflow, dysentery, scalds, heat sore, hepatitis, child indigestion. 1042,E|13126,T4294|23756,M385|3585,M385|23046,M385|23816,M385|15519,E|24136,M385|25606,T4294|13119,E|24619,M385| AI SHI 艾实 Fructus Artemiiae argyi NA NA NA NA NA NA 23289,C0374|11418,C0417|23175,C0470|3048,C0377|7520,C0416|23256,C0557|12843,C0305|17251,C0263|23279,C0236|23157,C0373| BAI HUA FENG DOU CAI NA White-flowerButterbur* Petasites albus NA NA NA NA NA 10093,E| ZHI BU LUO TUO CAI HU NA Gibraltar Thorowax* Bupleurum gibraltaricum NA NA NA NA NA 21125,E|21712,E| CHAO XIAN DA BAI LI XIANG NA Korean Big Thyme* Thymus magnus NA NA NA NA NA 4549,E|3048,E|21344,E|3231,E|20974,E| SONG YE QIAN LI GUANG NA Pineleaf Groundsel Senecio abrotanifolius NA NA NA NA NA 11805,T5699|11804,E| PIPER SPP. NA NA Piper spp. NA NA NA NA NA 10791,E| HUANG JING 黄精 Siberian Solomonseal Equivalent plant: Polygonatum kingianum , Polygonatum cyrtonema Polygonatum sibiricum Mild,Sweet Lung,Spleen,Kidney rhizome To nourish yin and moisten lung, supplement spleen and boost qi, enrich kidney and replenish essence. Yin vacuity taxation cough, lung heat dry cough, fatigue hypodynamia due to spleen vacuity, reduced food intake with dry mouth, diabetes mellitus, limp aching lumbus and knees due to kidney yin vacuity, impotence and emission, tinnitus and dim vision, premature graying in beard and hair, vacuity and marked emaciation, wind lai lichen. 23532,M367|23819,M367|23724,M367|24688,M367|15441,E|24594,M367|17665,E|25901,T4180|5895,E|13501,T4180|13500,E|17664,E|17667,E|17666,E|17663,E|17662,E| HUANG SE AO DING CAO NA Yellow Concave-top Alga* Laurencia nipponica NA NA NA NA NA 12560,E| DA BAI DING CAO NA Field Groundsel Senecio oryzetorum NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin. White mouth sore in children, clove sore. 19374,T3396|31875,T3396|12532,T3396|12530,E|18301,E|18652,E|19731,T3396|25302,T3396|17535,T3396|19697,E|18290,E|19691,E|18653,T3396|18302,T3396|7820,E|19373,E|7826,T3396|17532,E| YA JIAO AI NA Ghostplant Wormwood Artemisia lactiflora NA NA whole herb To quicken blood and dissipate stasis, rectify qi and transform damp. Dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, postpartum stasis stagnation abdominal pain, chronic hepatitis, liver spleen enlargement, food accumulation abdominal distention, cold-damp diarrhea, mounting qi , beriberi, knocks and falls, burns and scalds. 9455,T6273|12434,T6273|12433,E;T6273|9451,E|12432,E| XIA TIAN GAO NA Concentrated Beef Extract Bos taurus domesticus NA NA beef extract To fortify spleen and stomach, supplement qi and blood, moisten dryness and transform phlegm. Vacuity taxation with marked emaciation, wind stroke with hemiplegia, phlegm-rheum and glomus accumulation. 3206,T6070|3205,E|1350,E;T6070|32176,T6070|22237,T6070|22235,E|22230,E|10914,T6070|30827,T6070|10912,E|22740,E|22741,T6070|4221,E| SHAN ZHU YU 山茱萸 Asiatic Cornelian Cherry Cornus officinalis [Syn. Macrocarpium officinale ] Warm,Sweet,Sour,Punkery Liver,Kidney fruit To supplement liver and kidney, rough essence and stem desertion. Dizziness and tinnitus, aching in lumbus and knees, impotence and emission, enuresis and frequent urination, flooding and spotting with vaginal discharge, vacuity and profuse sweating, vacuity desertion due to great sweating, diabetes mellitus due to internal heat, dysmenorrhea. 21625,E|21626,E|2284,T5523|18641,E|14974,E|30809,T5523|20487,E;M626|31528,T5523|6745,T5523|6744,E|25061,T5523|23225,M626|11265,E|14599,E|5763,E|8010,E|1832,E|4063,E;T5523|4060,E|8094,E|4064,E;T5523|4065,E;T5523|4943,T5523|11266,T5523|957,E|7517,E|27163,T5523|12944,E|20489,T5523|4062,E|13842,E|30984,T5523|20895,T5523|21037,E|21039,T5523|31449,T5523|2282,E;T5523|12885,E|32181,T5523|16040,E|30995,T5523|5519,E|20699,E|25215,T5523|22538,T5523|13414,T5523|11215,E|22382,T5523|4061,T5523|22381,E|32109,T5523|32108,T5523|9485,E|13412,E|31665,T5523|14987,T5523|4942,E|1723,E|7522,E|7523,T5523|4958,T5523|9488,T5523|11733,T5523|11732,E|11216,T5523|4950,E|22254,E|30915,T5523| BAO GAI CAO NA Henbit Deadnettle Lamium amplexicaule NA NA whole herb To quicken blood and free network vessels, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Knocks and falls, pain in sinews and bones, numbness in limbs, hemiplegia, facial paralysis, jaundice, deep-source nasal congestion, scrofula, toxin swelling, yellow-water sore. 12454,T3064|12451,E|12453,E|12452,T3064|12459,E|12461,T3064|11125,E| WA WEI NA Thunberg’s Lepisorus Lepisorus thunbergianus NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit urine and free strangury, stanch bleeding. Infant ardent fever, fright wind, swelling pain in throat, swollen welling abscess and sores, poisonous snake bite, dribbling and inhibited voidings of urination, hematuria, cough and hemoptysis. 6678,E|30934,T5876| KUAN YE KUO BAO JU NA Broadleaf Pluchea* Baccharis latifolia NA NA NA NA NA 17795,E| ZHU HONG SHU WEI CAO. NA NA Salvia cinnabarina NA NA NA NA NA 19605,E| NI BO ER LAO GUAN CAO NA Nepal Cranesbill Geranium nepalense NA NA aerial parts See Geranium wilfordii. See Geranium wilfordii. 12015,E|12017,T5065| NNI BO ER DU HUO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 30112,T5064| WU HUA GUO YE 无花果叶 Fig Leaf Ficus carica NA NA leaf To clear damp heat, resolve sore toxin, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Damp-heat diarrhea, vaginal discharge, hemorrhoids, pain from swollen welling abscess, scrofula. 23764,T5941|13093,T5941|13091,E|1113,E|18072,C0467|9020,E|25627,T5941| MI HUA DOU NA Suberect Spatholobus Spatholobus suberectus NA NA stem To supplement blood, quicken blood, free network vessels. Septicemia, menstrual disorder, blood vacuity, anemia due to malnutrition, anemia due to bleeding, anemia with yellow complexion, numbness and paralysis, wind-damp impediment pain. 2779,E|10965,E|31303,T4952|676,E|2931,E|20421,E| LIU LI JU NA Common Borage Borago officinalis NA NA NA NA NA 21303,E|13228,E|5282,E|13229,T4678|30880,T4678| HUANG HUA CA I NA Citron Daylily Hemerocallis citrina NA NA bud To clear heat and disinhibit damp, loosen chest and resolve depression, cool blood and resolve toxin. Short voidings of reddish urine, jaundice, oppression in chest and vexation in heart, reduced sleep, hematochezia from hemorrhoids, sore and welling abscess. 3615,E| OU ZHOU YUN SHAN NA Common Spruce Picea abies NA NA NA NA NA 11670,E|11671,T5168|30820,T5168|4140,E|17264,E| DIAN XI WU TOU NA Yunnanwest Monkshood Aconitum bulleyanum NA NA NA NA NA 4211,E|22470,T3556|22466,E|27297,T3556|22922,E|22923,T3556| YA DONG WU TOU NA Yadong Monkshood Aconitum balfourii NA NA tuberoid See Aconitum carmichaeli . See Aconitum carmichaeli. 18005,T6271|18003,E| TAI DONG XI XIN NA Taiton Wildginger Asarum taitoense NA NA NA NA NA 30631,T5739|1841,E| JIN HUANG GE JUN NA Goldenyellow Thelephore* Thelephora aurantiotincta NA NA NA NA NA 21291,E|9817,E|21280,E|21282,E|21283,E|2000,E|21281,E|21277,E|8132,E|21284,E|21279,E|21278,E|8131,E|14143,E| ZONG KUI CAO SU. NA NA Phlomis brunneogaleata NA NA NA NA NA 7924,E|11192,E|580,E|3551,E|12910,E|2920,E|3609,E|2924,E|11125,E|18207,E|3166,E|9749,E|3674,E|2683,E| ROU MAO XIAO RU XIANG NA Hairy Peppertree* Schinus molle NA NA NA NA NA 11527,E|3462,E|6937,E| HONG SI XIAN NA Twoflower Red silkyarn Lycianthes biflora NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse phlegm and relieve cough. Cough, asthma, dysentery, heat strangury, rabid dog bite, red swelling of clove sore, bleeding due to external injury. 31773,T4066|3723,E|16953,T4066|2368,E| SHAO GUO WU ZHU YU 少果吴茱萸 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23264,C0158|12841,C0132|23284,C0201|7664,C0362|19066,C0346| SHAN LIAO 山蓼 Herba Oxyriae Digynae NA NA NA NA NA NA 21344,C0293|23059,C0568|13767,C0347|23142,C0318|23171,C0484|23191,C0160| YUAN XING YE GU KE NA Roundleaf Coca Shrub* Erythroxylon rotundifolium NA NA NA NA NA 21887,E| BAI JIE 白芥 Caulis et Folium Sinapis albae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23209,C0309| FAN SHI LIU ZI NA Guava Seed Psidium guajava NA NA seed To relieve pain, arrest diarrhea. Abdominal pain, diarrhea. 6284,E|6283,E| YAN SHENG JIA MU ZEI NA Saltliving Anabasis Anabasis salsa NA NA NA NA NA 8624,E|14168,E|10798,E| PING CHE QIAN NA Depressed Plantain Plantago depressa NA NA whole herb See Plantago asiatica. See Plantago asiatica. 3052,E|617,E;T5199|16040,E|2004,E|22254,E|3053,T5199| CHUAN XU DUAN 川续断 Himalayan Teasel Equivalent plant: Dipsacus japonicus Dipsacus asperoides Minor Warm,Pungent,Sweet,Bitter Liver,Kidney root To supplement liver and kidney, strengthen sinews and bones, joint bones, check flooding and spotting. Limp aching lumbus and knees, wind-damp impediment pain, flooding and spotting, profuse menstruation, fetal bleeding, knocks and falls. 9263,E|18702,E|20489,T3337|25157,M120|14173,E|30633,T3337|22815,E|20487,E;M120|30634,T3337|31908,T3337|25061,T3337|23951,M120|25688,T3337|23834,M120|22816,E|22817,E|4236,T3337|13291,E|23958,M120|22818,E|25036,M120|14592,E|1891,E|12944,E|24069,M120|24081,M120|5379,E|4679,E;M120|1890,E|24891,M120|818,E|323,E|25192,T3337|29509,T3337|21935,E|31781,T3337|31042,T3337|7474,E|7476,T3337|25004,M120|24589,M120|25000,M120|9259,E|24827,M120|30626,T3337|4684,T3337|25674,T3337|30896,T3337|25687,T3337|20430,E;M120|23960,M120|17075,E|19967,E;M120|4233,E;T3337|31065,T3337|4231,E|3103,M120|21534,E|8642,E|23579,M120|14593,T3337|24911,M120|24428,M120|20435,T3337|24583,M120|25031,M120|24060,M120|8722,E|1577,E|31581,T3337|8641,E| MU ZEI 木贼 Common Scouring Rush Equisetum hiemale Mild,Sweet,Bitter Lung,Liver aerial parts To dissipate wind-heat, eliminate screen. Wind-heat red eye, tearing in wind, eye screen. 13878,E|14794,E|13877,E|15782,T5031|20428,E|16563,E|31848,T5031|12039,E|2887,E|9814,E|9816,E|9817,E|6412,T5031|14390,T5031|9421,E|8961,E|25634,T5031|8966,T5031|8965,E|11639,E|18302,E|15737,T5031|14697,T5031|22320,E;M525|12040,E|9423,T5031|13414,T5031|31089,T5031|11235,E|23696,M525|16283,T5031|6407,E|2316,E;T5031|14463,E|18011,T5031|23381,T5031|7767,E|12083,E|31156,T5031|31155,T5031|31154,T5031|7768,T5031|12017,E| YU DA HUANG . NA NA Rheum sp. NA NA NA NA NA 18734,E|18732,E|18730,E|18731,E|17265,E|17264,E|17268,E|1951,E|21142,E| CHANG YE BO HE 长叶薄荷 Herba Menthae Piperitae NA NA NA NA NA NA 9457,C0338| TUO YUAN YE HUA JIAO NA Ellipticleaf Pricklyash* Zanthoxylum ovalifolium NA NA NA NA NA 3096,E|3103,T5870| JIANG CAN 僵蚕 Stiff Silkworm Bombyx Batryticatus Mild,Pungent,Salty Lung,Liver NA 1. Treatment of convulsions due to high fever and epileptic spasms. White-stiff silkworm (Baijiangcan) is used with Gastrodia tuber (Tianma), Arisaema tuber with bile (Dannanxing) and Ox gallstone (Niuhuang) in the formula Qianjin San. 2. Treatment of chronic convulsions with prolo NA 23363,M388|23976,M388|23851,M388|23175,M388| DA YE JIN HUA CAO NA Common Wedgelet Fern Stenoloma chusanum NA NA whole herb or rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp, stanch bleeding. Common cold with fever, cough, swelling pain in throat, enteritis, dysentery, hepatitis, damp-heat vaginal discharge, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, epidemic parotitis, mouth sore, burns and scalds, poisonous snake and rabid dog bite, eczema of skin, blood ejection, hematuria, hematochezia, bleeding due to external injury. 30330,T3463|20550,E| XI LA GANG LIU NA Grecian Silkvine Periploca graeca NA NA NA NA NA 7378,T6008|16887,E|16930,E|16946,E|663,E|4549,T6008|4548,E|7767,E|7768,T6008|31774,T6008| NIAN WEI LING CAI NA ViscoseCinquefoil* Potentilla viscosa NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, promote contraction and stem desertion. Enteritis, dysentery, pneumonia, prolapse of uterus. 17870,E| SE ZE YUN SHI NA Tinctorial Caesalpinia* Caesalpinia tinctoria NA NA NA NA NA 2108,E;T5451| HENG LI DI ER CAO NA Henry StJohn’swort Hypericum henryi NA NA NA NA NA 6183,E|2371,E|21136,E| YI ZHI HUANG HUA NA Common Goldenrod Solidago virgaurea var. leiocarpa [Syn. Solidago decurrens] NA NA whole herb To soothe wind and drain heat, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Wind-heat common cold, headache, swelling pain in throat, lung heat cough, jaundice, diarrhea, heat strangury, swollen welling abscess, sore and boil, poisonous snake bite. 13596,E|13850,E;T6438|31529,T6438|30846,T6438|2887,E|13846,E|2292,E|2283,E|4440,E|13828,T6438|14276,E|13821,E|14278,T6438|25493,T6438|23381,T6438|18396,E|18397,T6438| WEI NAO NA He dgehog Brain Erinaceus europaeus , Hemiechinus dauuricus, Hemiechinus auritus NA NA brain NA Wolf-fistula. 24743,T5908|9068,E|15699,E|26026,T5908|31721,T5908|653,E| YUAN YE SHAN WU GUI NA Roundleaf Corydalis* Corydalis rotundatour NA NA NA NA NA 3057,E|3059,T6559| NIAN ZHI LUO LIN NA Mucosa Rollinia* Rollinia mucosa NA NA NA NA NA 18891,E|18890,E|18888,E|18889,E|18885,E|18886,E|18887,E|13980,E|18882,E|16403,E| RI BEN NAN NA Japanese Machilus* Machilus japonica NA NA NA NA NA 8084,E|8090,T5346|13288,E| KU CAO NA Eelgrass Vallisneria spiralis NA NA whole herb To dry damp and check discharge, move qi and quicken blood . Vaginal discharge, postpartum persistent flow of lochia. 6721,E|20152,E| CAULIS PIPERIS KADSURAE NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23287,C0400| HUANG HUA HAI YING SU NA Yellowflower Hornpoppy* Glaucium davum NA NA NA NA NA 8512,E| QIAO GUI NA Bhutan Pine Pinus excelsa NA NA NA NA NA 3602,T5257|3600,E| DIAN QIE CAO 颠茄草 Belladonna Herb Herba Belladonnae Pungent,Slightly Bitter NA NA NA NA 10871,M218|23196,M218| GOU JU HE NA Trifoliate-orange Seed Poncirus trifoliata NA NA seed To stanch bleeding. Incessant intestinal wind bleeding. 13840,T3851|15626,C0582|9457,C0338|13839,E|9418,E|9419,T3851|28593,T3851|2010,E| ZHI QUAN XIE 炙全蝎 Prepared Scorpion Scorpio Preparata Mild,Pungent Liver NA Treatment of infantile convulsion, twitching, spasm, apoplectic hemiplegia, tetanus, chronic arthritis, headache or migraine, sores, scrofula. 1. Anti-convulsive and sedative.2. Exerting significant and prolong hypotensive effect.3. Buthotoxin can induce respiratory paralysis, salivation and convulsion. 23170,M866|23193,M866|23975,M866| DUAN SHI GAO 煅石膏 Calcined Gypsum Gypsum Fibrosum Preparata NA NA NA Treatment of chronic ulcer, eczema, itch, scalded by boiling water or fire,traumatic bleeding. NA 23426,M926| HUI QIN 茴芹 Pimpinella anisum Linn NA NA NA NA NA NA 9739,C0462|1186,T4238|9748,T4238|4236,T4238|23098,T4238| ZHAI TOU TUO WU NA Narrowhead Goldenray Ligularia stenocephala NA NA root To clear heat, resolve toxin, dissipate binds, disinhibit urine. Mammary welling abscess, edema, scrofula, tetrodon poisoning. 10774,E|7577,E|12804,E|12805,E|12802,E|12803,E|12800,E|12801,E|6254,E| DAN JUE CHUANG NA Simple Rostellularia Justicia simplex NA NA NA NA NA 11977,T3492|19887,E|11976,E|19892,T3492| HUA JIN DAN NA Tetragonal Crotalaria Crotalaria tetragona NA NA whole herb or root To transform stagnation and relieve pain. Abdominal pain, iron or wood intake . 21585,E|21586,T4119|32098,T4119|21544,E| CHANG YE QIAN LI GUANG NA Longleaf Groundsel* Senecio longifolius NA NA NA NA NA 17764,T3255|17762,E|11186,E|11187,T3255| HEI SHUI CUI QUE HUA BIAN ZHONG NA Potanin Larkspur Variety* Delphinium potaninii var. jiufengshanense NA NA root See Delphinium omeiense. See Delphinium omeiense . 1366,E|6731,E|11885,E|8510,E|11884,E| DAO CAO NA Rice Straw Oryza sativa NA NA stem-leaf To loosen center, precipitate qi, disperse food, resolve toxin. Dysphagia-occlusion, stomach reflux, food stagnation, abdominal pain, diarrhea, diabetes mellitus, jaundice, throat impediment, hemorrhoids, scalds. 22504,E|22505,T3509|7173,E|3162,E|16237,E|16236,E|7180,E|15476,T3509|7153,E|13126,T3509|4495,E|13120,E|17250,T3509|1358,E;T3509|15468,E|25217,T3509|13119,E|7120,E|7184,E|17247,E|17246,E|17245,E|17244,E|17243,E|7185,E| ZHU YE LAN NA Chinese Arundina Arundina chinensis NA NA whole herb and rooty stem To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel wind and disinhibit damp, dissipate stasis and relieve pain. Jaundice, heat strangury, edema, beriberi, mounting qi , wind-damp impediment pain, poisonous snake bite, swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, knocks and falls. 3041,T6714|3040,E|20353,E|23887,T6714| DENG TAI SHU NA Giant Dogwood Cornus controversa [Syn. Bothrocaryum controversum ] NA NA bark or root cortex, leaf To clear heat and calm liver, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Headache, dizziness, swelling pain in throat, aching pain in joints, painful swelling from knocks and falls. 2928,E|5512,E|8102,E| HU SHENG YE BAI QIAN CENG NA Alternateleaf Melaleuca* Melaleuca alternifolia NA NA NA NA NA 20976,E| HUANG QI 黄芪 Membranous Milkvetch Equivalent plant: Astragalus mongholicus, Astragalus chrysopterus, Astragalus ernestii Astragalus membranaceus Warm,Sweet Lung,Spleen root To boost qi and secure exterior, disinhibit urine and draw toxin, expel pus, close sores and engender flesh. Common cold, influenza, chronic wound ulcer, chronic glomerulonephritis, diabetes mellitus due to internal heat, qi vacuity edema, chronic gastritis, qi vacuity and hypodynamia, reduced food intake and sloppy stool, center qi fall, chronic diarrhea, prolapse of rectum, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, spontaneous sweating due to exterior vacuity. 20100,M370|23555,M370|9070,E|23519,M370|22236,E|18667,M370|6292,T4197|7852,E|3004,E;M370|7851,E|10456,T4197|3592,T4197|13091,M370;C0336|4475,E;M370|25563,T4197|19967,E|23992,M370|24416,M370|13631,E|1942,E;T4197|1943,E;T4197|1940,E;T4197|1941,E;T4197|1946,E|11240,E|1945,E|25079,M370|25667,T4197|326,E|23097,M370|30355,T4197|29509,T4197|7882,E|24630,M370|25063,M370|618,E|18302,E;M370|9488,T4197|3589,E|24424,M370|23051,M370;T4197|617,E|3070,T4197|11239,E|23549,M370|23690,M370|1937,E;T4197|1936,E;T4197|20430,E|31184,T4197|1939,E;T4197|1938,E;T4197|10030,E|9485,E|3063,E|2318,E|7853,T4197|11645,M370;C0299|23694,M370|30968,T4197|6290,E|24873,M370|24621,M370|20435,T4197|12327,E;M370|8760,E|24643,M370|23287,C0400|12017,E;M370;C0453|24426,M370| SHI JI NING NA Scabrous Mosla Mosla scabra [Syn. Mosla punctata] NA NA whole herb To course wind and resolve exterior, clear summerheat and eliminate damp, resolve toxin and relieve itch. Common cold with headache, cough, summerheat stroke, eczema, enteritis, dysentery, bleeding from hemorrhoids, flooding, prickly heat, wind papules, foot lichen, snake or insect bites. 14992,E|14993,E|15916,E|31709,T5580|2849,E|21335,T5580|1148,E;T5580|1835,E|31122,T5580|21334,E|13384,E|13385,T5580|11549,E|31708,T5580|9668,E| DA YUN SHI NA Large Caesalpinia* Caesalpinia major NA NA NA NA NA 2862,E| DUN XING AO DING ZAO NA Blunt Concave-top Alga* Laurencia obtusa NA NA NA NA NA 15886,E|15885,E|15884,E|15901,E|15889,E|16289,E| XI ZE LAN NA Gracile Eupatorium* Eupatorium gracile NA NA NA NA NA 19779,T6063|19776,E| DA YE ZI ZHU NA Bigleaf Beautyberry Callicarpa macrophylla NA NA root or leaf To stanch bleeding and relieve pain, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling. Hemoptysis, spontaneous external bleeding, bleeding due to external injury, bleeding from dental extraction, painful swelling from knocks and falls, wind-damp bone pain. 30616,T3480|2989,T3480|2979,E|1494,E|2980,E;T3480| DUAN BAI FAN 煅白矾 Calcined Alum Alumen Preparata Cold,Sour Lung,Spleen,Large Intestine,Liver NA External use for eczema, scabies, otits media with purulent discaharge, internal use for chronic diarrhea, hematochezia, abnormal uterine bleeding, epilepsy and mania.ALUMEN (CALCINED) - Eczema, discharge from ulcers otitis media with purulent discharge, excessive leukorrhea with pudendal itching, bleeding from the nose or gums, nasal polyp. 1. To astringe the intestine and relieve diarrhea (for prolonged diarrhea, used with Fructus Chebulae together). 2. To astringe and stop bleeding, hemoptysis and bleeding from the gum (both internal and external use). 3. To reduce exudation, relieve itching, clear toxic material and kill parasite: For burn, mixed with Borneolum Syntheticum and water for topical use; for skin infection, mixed with Realgar and tea for local application; for scabies and tinea, used together with Sulfur and Borneolum Syntheticum; for aphthae and suppurative ostitis media, used together with Borneolum Syntheticum and Borax, for eczema, 1% Alumen solution used as local compress. 4. To expel wind and eliminate phlegm: For apoplexy and epilepsy, used with Radix Curcumae together. In addation, also used hyperlipemia. Topical injection for mixture of 3-10% Alumen solution and 2% novocain may be used for prolapse of rectum, prolapse of uterus and hemorrhoids. 24983,M225| LIGNUM PAEONIAE RUBRA 赤芍 NA Lignum Paeoniae Rubra NA NA NA NA NA 16514,M455| XIAO MAI 小麦 Wheat Triticum aestivum [Syn. Triticum vulgare ] Cool,Sweet Spleen,Heart,Kidney seed To nourish heart, boost kidney, eliminate heat, allay thirst. Visceral agitation, heat vexation, diabetes mellitus, diarrhea, swollen welling abscess, bleeding due to external injury, scalds. 24757,M765|25073,M765|6218,T6175|2455,E|23487,M765|22449,T6175|32215,T6175|29509,T6175|6203,E|917,E;T6175|19967,E|21399,E|23193,C0504| SAN JIAO MA DOU LING NA Triangular Dutchmanspipe* Aristolochia triangularis NA NA fruit See Aristolochia debilis. See Aristolochia debilis. 8084,E|4309,T5411|12166,E|4305,E|8090,T5411| WENG CAI 蕹菜 Aquatic Morning Glory Ipomoea aquatica NA NA stem-leaf To cool blood and clear heat, disinhibit damp and resolve toxin. Nosebleed(epistaxis), hematochezia, hematuria, constipation, strangury-turbidity, hemorrhoids, swollen welling abscess, fracture, snake or insect bites. 14479,E|23125,C0500|13120,E| KA WA HU JIAO NA Kava Pepper Piper methysticum NA NA NA NA NA 2043,E|4935,E|4938,T4484|17448,E|13908,E|22866,E|32255,T4484|14812,E|5676,E|5677,T4484|14813,T4484|7187,E|12181,T4484|12180,E| DA YE AN YE NA Swamp Mahogany Leaf Eucalyptus robusta NA NA leaf To soothe wind and resolve exterior, relieve cough and dispel phlegm, clear heat and resolve toxin, kill worms and relieve itch. Common cold, ardent fever with headache, lung heat cough asthma, abdominal pain and diarrhea, malaria, wind-damp impediment pain, filariasis, leptospirosis, swelling pain in throat, red eyes, eye screen, welling abscess of ear, erysipelas, swollen welling abscess, mammary welling abscess, measles papules, wind papules, eczema, scab and lichen, scalds. 18848,E|18849,T3454|8094,E|18866,T3454|18853,E;T3454|18852,E|18847,E|30995,T3454|7481,T3454|7480,E| WAN NIAN QING GEN NA Omoto Nipponlily Root Rohdea japonica [Syn. Orontium japonicum] NA NA root, rhizome and eaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, strengthen heart and disinhibit urine, cool blood and stanch bleeding. Cardiac failure, swelling pain in throat, diphtheria, edema, ascites, hemoptysis, blood ejection, clove sore, erysipelas, snake bite, scalds, arrhythmia, dysentery. 18768,E|11672,E|11673,E|20204,E|18772,E;T5880|18773,E;T5880|18770,E|18771,E;T5880|18774,E|4006,E|4007,E|18767,E|2401,E|18775,T5880|7005,E|7004,E| TU ER QI XUE HUA LIAN NA Turkish Snowdrop* Galanthus plicatus ssp. byzantinus NA NA NA NA NA 19618,E|17546,E|8083,E| XIAO GUO YUN XIANG NA Smallfruit Rue* Ruta microcarpa NA NA NA NA NA 19412,E|19416,T6161| DI LONG 地龙 Earthworm Pheretima Cold,Salty Bladder,Spleen,Liver NA Treatment of high fever with impaired consciousness, convulsions, arthralgia, numbness of the limbs, hemiplegia, cough and asthma due to heat in the lung, edema ano oliguria, hypertension. 1. Relaxing bronchial spasm in rats or rabbits.2. Intravenous injection of alcoholic infusion (0.1g/kg) lowers blood pressure in anesthetized dogs.3. Sedative and anticonvulsive.4. Lumbrifebrine, one of its active components, is ab antipyretic. 23710,M214|24566,M214|23544,M214| FO ER CAO 佛耳草 all-grass of Cudweed Herba Gnaphalii Affinis Cold,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Kidney NA 1. To promote diuresis and relieve jaundice. For hemolytic disorders such as favism, acquired autoimmune hemolysis, lupus erythematosus hemolysis, drug-induced hemolysis ( primaquine, sulfamethoxypyridazine ( SMP ), etc. ), paroxysmal noctural hemoglobinuria, and some unknown causes, also for icteric hepatitis, usually used together with Herba Artemisae Scopariae, Herba Pteridis Multifidae and Herba Plantaginis. 2. To eliminate sputum, relieve cough and dyspnea. For productive cough and dyspnea of exogenous and endogenous origin. 3. To lower blood pressure. For hypertension. NA 24651,M248| ER QI GOU YA HUA NA Dichotomous Ervatamia* Ervatamia dichotoma NA NA NA NA NA 4080,E|4081,T3692| WANG GUA ZI NA Japanese Snakegourd Seed Trichosanthes cucumeroides NA NA seed To clear heat and disinhibit damp, cool blood and stanch bleeding. Lung wilting, jaundice, dysentery, intestinal wind bleeding. 31817,T5895|24743,T5895|5351,E|30894,T5895|9068,E|21560,E|17411,E| KANG LI YA DAN ZI NA Antidysenteric Brucea* Brucea antidysenterica NA NA NA NA NA 22859,E|2662,E;T4488|30683,T4488|2660,E;T4488|2661,E;T4488| WEI SHI DA FENG ZI NA Wightiana Chaulmoogratree Seed* Hydnocarpus wightiana NA NA NA NA NA 15401,E| NIU XUAN JIN HE HUAN NA Tortile Acacia* Acacia tortilis ssp. raddiana NA NA NA NA NA 18439,E|18440,E| QIE DI 茄蒂 Calyx Solani melongenae NA NA NA NA NA NA 617,C0403| HONG QI YE SHU NA Red Horsechestnut Aesculus carnea NA NA NA NA NA 6853,T4062|6852,E| MEI ZHOU NAN SHE TENG NA American Bittersweet Celastrus scandens NA NA NA NA NA 3368,E|3369,T4930| XI ZANG SANG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14963,C0311| MAN GE YING ZHAO NA Mainge Tailgrape* Artabotrys maingayi NA NA NA NA NA 15788,E| ZHONG YA QIN JIAO NA Central Asia Gentian Gentiana kaufmanniana NA NA dried root See Gentiana macrophylla. See Gentiana macrophylla. 8292,E|8294,T6693| DU BIAN DOU NA Deadly Calabarbean Physostigma venenosum NA NA NA NA NA 31804,T3598|7379,E;T3598|7378,E|23887,T3598|17239,E|25761,T3598|20353,E|7380,E| SHE ROU 蛇肉 Snake Muscle Musculus Bungari Warm,Sweet,Salty NA NA NA NA 23917,M631|24297,M631|23236,M631| CAO YUAN LAO GUAN CAO NA Meadow Cranesbill Geranium pratense NA NA aerial parts See Geranium wilfordii. See Geranium wilfordii. 5521,T3200|30999,T3200|23660,T3200|8094,E|1047,E|6853,T3200|6852,E|8108,E|3490,E|30995,T3200|5518,E|23076,T3200| MENG DA NA ZI JIN NA Montana Corydalis* Corydalis montana NA NA NA NA NA 3115,T4937|3114,E| RUAN RUO DU JING SHAN NA Slender Maesa Maesa tenera NA NA NA NA NA 13355,E|13356,E| SAN CI ZAO JIA NA Honeylocust Gleditsia triacanthos NA NA NA NA NA 32086,T5404|22106,E|21495,E|22107,T5404| ZONG ZHUANG TIE LI MU NA Racemose Mesua* Mesua racemosa NA NA NA NA NA 18499,E|13464,E| MO HAN LIAN 墨旱莲 Yerbadetajo Eclipta prostrata [Syn. Eclipta alba] Cold,Sweet,Sour Liver,Kidney aerial parts To supplement liver and kidney, cool blood and stanch bleeding. Tooth mobilizing, premature graying in beard and hair, dizziness and tinnitus, limp aching lumbus and knees, yin vacuity blood heat, hemoptysis, blood ejection, duodenal bleeding, nosebleed(epistaxis), hematuria, blood dysentery, flooding and spotting, bleeding due to external injury, eczema of skin, bleeding of skin, snake bite. 2779,T4988|9368,E|21002,E|21003,E|21004,E|2775,E|2776,E;T4988|15518,E|25202,T4988|25203,T4988|6701,E|23599,M512|6703,E|6702,E|6705,E;T4988|6704,E|23307,M512;C0381|6706,E|2785,T4988|2784,E|22640,M512;C0025|24021,M512|24160,M512|3558,E|6707,T4988|24733,M512|25145,M512|30769,T4988|23417,M512|21006,T4988|5103,T4988|5100,E|5101,E;T4988|23922,M512|11371,E|11372,T4988|23165,T4988| PING HUA FENG DOU CAI NA Smooth Butterbur* Petasites laevigatus NA NA NA NA NA 17535,T5204|17532,E| KUO GUO JI YING SU NA Platyangle Pricklepoppy* Argemone platyceras NA NA NA NA NA 4459,T4556|4458,E| DUN ZHUANG LI JU NA Matarique (in Mexico) Psacalium peltatum NA NA root NA wind-damp (rheumatis)[5509]. 16780,E| CHANG YE TIAN MING JING NA Longleaf Carpesium Carpesium longifolium NA NA NA NA NA 16663,E|19967,E|7146,E|191,E|11200,E|10019,E|5688,E|5497,E|14820,E|5647,E| KE DI SI WANG ZHE JUN NA Curtisi Paxillus* Paxillus curtisii NA NA NA NA NA 4412,E|4408,E|4409,E|4404,E|4405,E|4406,E|4407,E|4400,E|4401,E|4402,E|4403,E|4411,E|4410,E| SHI HU XIAO GU NA Dendrob Mycena Mycena dendrobii NA NA NA NA NA 7092,E| HUANG BAI HE NA Hanson Lily Lilium hansonii NA NA NA NA NA 30832,T4146|11839,E|22961,T4146|22960,E|4292,E| DUN BAO XUE LIAN NA Blacken Saussurea Saussurea nigrescens NA NA whole herb To quicken blood and regulate menstruation, clear heat and brighten eyes. Menstrual disorder, steaming bone taxation fever, liver heat and red eyes. 19072,E|20553,E| XIAO QING YANG NA False Simon Poplar Populus pseudo-simonii NA NA bark To resolve toxin. Stubborn lichen with sore toxin. 3600,E|19177,E|19169,E| LU ZHU XIANG CHA CAI NA Dew Rabdosia Isodon irrorata NA NA whole herb or root To clear heat and resolve toxin. Common cold, innominate toxin swelling, massive head scourge. 11182,E| ZHU X UANG NA Bamboo Yellow* Shiraia bambusicola NA NA stroma and spore To transform phlegm and relieve cough, quicken blood and dispel wind, disinhibit damp. Cough and abundant phlegm, pertussis, vaginal discharge, stomachache, wind-damp impediment pain, infant fright wind, knocks and falls. 19821,E|19819,E|19820,E| PU DI WU GONG NA Cernuous Clubmoss Lycopodium cernuum NA NA whole plant See Lycopodium japonicum. See Lycopodium japonicum. 3041,T5209|24040,T5209|15518,E|20353,E|7018,T5209|3040,E|7016,E|7017,E|1488,E|16316,E|3430,E|3431,E;T5209|3433,T5209|19760,T5209|13168,E|13169,E|13163,E|13166,E|13167,E|13164,E|13165,E|23887,T5209|16107,E|16366,E|13178,T5209|23165,T5209|19759,E|13170,E|19755,T5209|19753,E|13177,E| ZHI FU ZI 制附子 Prepared lateral root of Common Monkshood Radix Aconiti Lateralis Praeparata Extreme Hot,Pungent,Sweet Spleen,Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of collapse with cold limbs and faint pulse, impotence, frigidity, precordial and abdominal pain with cold sensation, vomiting and diarrhea or edema accompanied by aversion to cold and cold extremities, colds in patients with yang deficiency, chronic arthritis due to attack of cold and damp (marked by persistent severe joint pain, fixed in place and accompanied by heaviness sensation and numbness). 1. Aconitine is a physiologically active component, and becomes aconine after hydrolized. The toxicity of aconine is lower than aconitine.2. The prepared products may dilate the blood vessels of lower limbs and coronary artery, and increase coronary flow.3. Aconine and hypaconitine are analgesics and sedatives.4. Acclerating the metabolism of lipids and cholesterol.5. LD50 of aconitine is 0.295mg/kg in mice hypodermally and that of the decoction of prepared aconite is 17.42g/kg in mice orally.6. Its components, higenamine and coryneine chloride exert a significant cardiotonic effect. 554,M848|23264,M848|10874,M848|13787,M848|23791,M848| XIAN YE REN DONG NA Glaucousback Honeysuckle Lonicera hypoglauca NA NA flower bud See Lonicera japonica. See Lonicera japonica. 3552,T6103|3551,E| TE SI MAN NI HU TONG BIAN ZHONG NA Teysmanni Beautyleaf Variaty* Calophyllum teysmannii var. inophylloide NA NA NA NA NA 19552,E|21921,E|10804,E|10805,E|12602,E|3163,E|10756,E|21216,E| QU MAI CAI 苣荬菜 all - grass of Field sowthistle Herba Sonchi Arvensis Mild,Bitter Large Intestine,Stomach,Liver NA NA NA 24237,M589| DONG FANG GOU YA HUA NA Oriental Ervatamia* Ervatamia orientalis NA NA NA NA NA 20560,T3579|20559,E| MEI GUO ZI NA Southern Catalpa Catalpa bignonioides NA NA NA NA NA 3307,E|30753,T4906| YUN NAN NI DAN XING MU LAN NA Yunnan Parakmeria Parakmeria yunnanensis NA NA NA NA NA 16639,E| SI TE WEN HUANG TAN NA Stevenson Rosewood* Dalbergia stevensonii NA NA NA NA NA 31920,T5690|13631,E|12902,E|11501,E|4608,E|7882,E|4603,E| QIN LING DA HUANG NA Qinling Rhubarb* Rheum qinlingense NA NA NA NA NA 3621,E|3622,T5270| MENG GU XIU XIAN JU NA Mongolian Spiraea Spiraea mongolica NA NA NA NA NA 20180,E|20181,T4944| A FU HAN TANG JIE NA Afghanistan Erysimum* Erysimum perofskianum NA NA NA NA NA 8596,T2870|8595,E|7322,E|7323,T2870| OU ZHOU DU HUO NA European Cowparsnip* Heracleum pyrenaicum NA NA NA NA NA 30701,T5150|2833,E| NI LUO HE CHENG LIU NA Nilotic Tamarisk* Tamarix nilotica NA NA NA NA NA 15591,E|8094,E|30995,T5070| ZI XIAO RONG ZI NA Assam Crotalaria Seed Crotalaria assamica NA NA seed To dispel wind and eliminate damp, stanch bleeding and disperse swelling, kill worms. Wind-damp bone pain, knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, child gan accumulation. 1912,E|14915,E| XIAO RU XIANG NA Brazilian Peppertree Schinus terebinthifolius NA NA NA NA NA 25347,T6178|2380,E;T6178|3188,E|19086,E|3190,T6178| HUANG HUA MU NA Greenleaf Piptanthus, Evergreen Laburnum Piptanthus nepalensis NA NA seed To clear liver and brighten eyes, moisten intestines and free stool. Headache due to externally contracted wind-heat, conjunctivitis, hypertension, chronic constipation. 20085,T4167|20083,E|8285,T4167|8282,T4167|8281,E|8277,E|4604,T4167|4603,E| MEI GUO HAI MO JU NA Burro Bush Hymenoclea salsola NA NA NA NA NA 31290,T4902|30811,T4902|10842,E|1029,E;T4902|4087,E| JIANG ZI SHA JI NA Jiangzi Seabuckthorn* Hippophae rhamnoides subsp. gyantsensis NA NA NA NA NA 19072,E| HAI JIN BI XIE. NA NA Dioscorea spongiosa NA NA rhizome See Dioscorea futschauensis . See Dioscorea futschauensis . 20540,E|17767,E|17768,E|6455,E|6457,E|6456,E|20216,E|6436,E|20214,E|20215,E|20212,E|14690,E|4679,E|10895,E|17961,E|19763,E|15975,E|8967,E|20217,E|11553,E|6635,E|20213,E|23003,E| YU ER NA Incarnate Gloeostereum Gloeostereum incarnatum NA NA sporocarp To clear heat and disinhibit damp, cool blood and check diarrhea. Red and white dysentery. 8580,E|8588,T6510| MAN HUO XIANG. NA NA Teucrium viscidum var. miquelianum NA NA NA NA NA 21208,E| DUO XING JIN FA XIAN NA Polymorphism Gold-hair Moss* Polytrichum ohioense NA NA NA NA NA 16011,E|16010,E|16013,E|16009,E|16012,E| GAO BAO CHUN NA Oxlip Primula elatior NA NA NA NA NA 22592,T3807|22591,E|17848,T3807|17845,E|17844,T3807|17843,E| BI CHUAN JIU JIE MU. NA NA Psychotria beccaroides NA NA NA NA NA 18080,E| MANG SHE NA Indian Python Python molurus bivittatus NA NA meat To dispel wind and quicken network vessels, kill worms and relieve itch. Wind impediment, paralysis, leprosy, scab and lichen, malign sore. 25275,T4842|20022,E| FEN HONG SE XI FAN LIAN NA May-apple Passiflora incarnata NA NA NA NA NA 9234,T3737|9235,E|9231,E|9232,T3737|9233,E| MEI YUAN ZHI NA Senega Snakeroot Polygala senega NA NA NA NA NA 20152,E|23720,T4921|19713,E|19712,E|19711,E|19710,E|25301,T4921|19709,E|19700,E|19714,E|16094,E| YUE HUA NA Ermans Birch Betula ermanii NA NA bark To clear heat and resolve toxin. Swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore. 2330,E|12042,E|14150,E|14151,T6567| DUAN MAO JIN XIAN CAO GEN NA Shorthairy Antenoron Antenoron neofiliforme NA NA NA NA NA 17855,E|17867,E| LAO NIU JIN NA Junc-like Sandwort Arenaria juncea NA NA root See Gypsophila pacifica. See Gypsophila pacifica. 22807,E|1565,E|1566,E| SHA LI YE NA Sand Pear Leaf Pyrus pyrifolia NA NA leaf See Pyrus bretschneideri. See Pyrus bretschneideri. 1618,E;T5453| BAI TOU WENG 白头翁 Chinese Pulsatilla Equivalent plant: Pulsatilla cernua, Pulsatilla campanella, Pulsatilla dahurica Pulsatilla chinensis Cold,Bitter Large Intestine,Stomach,Liver root To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and check diarrhea, dry damp and kill worms. Amebic dysentery, nosebleed, flooding and spotting, bleeding from hemorrhoids, cold-heat warm malaria, vaginal discharge, pudendal itch, eczema, scrofula, welling abscess, painful red eyes, neurodermatitis. 18183,T3026|23997,M36|24362,M36|18176,T3026|18177,E|10673,E|18179,E|10674,E|31864,T3026|4430,E|4679,E;M36|25897,T3026|3340,E|26090,T3026|18178,E|31066,T3026|31065,T3026|16284,E|24925,M36|18671,E|9259,E|18180,E|1179,E|1178,E;M36;C0553;T3026|24762,M36|266,E|24131,M36|23453,M36|30625,T3026|5951,E|5950,E|4684,T3026|1182,E;M36;T3026|25896,T3026|1180,E;T3026|1181,E;M36;T3026|18530,E;M36|6105,E|24132,M36| XIANG ZHANG NA Yellow Cinnamon Cinnamomum parthenoxylum [Syn. Cinnamomum porrectum ] NA NA root, bark or leaf To dispel wind and dissipate cold, warm center and relieve pain, move qi and quicken blood. Wind-cold common cold, wind-damp impediment pain, stomach cold abdominal pain, diarrhea, dysentery, knocks and falls, menstrual disorder. 25185,T6149|7522,T6149|7520,E|20972,E| HAI SONG ZI 海松子 Korean Pine Seed Pinus koraiensis NA NA seed To moisten dryness, nourish blood, dispel wind. Dry cough due to lung dryness, vacuity constipation, joints wind, wind impediment. 31444,T3956|15726,E|15727,E|6293,T3956|15728,T3956|17425,T3956|12837,E|17412,E|16545,T3956|16544,E;C0098|15324,E|3385,E|3388,T3956|14281,T3956|11311,E|14278,E|30743,T3956|17377,T3956|17376,E|711,E;T3956|6936,E|25795,T3956|6481,E|25437,T3956|12451,T3956|12450,E|31649,T3956|14540,E|31724,T3956|6292,E|11314,T3956|3194,E|6484,T3956| CHOU MU DAN GEN 臭牡丹根 Radix Clerodendri bungei NA NA NA NA NA NA 3048,C0377|23256,C0557|15244,C0409|23175,C0470| WANG DI ZAO. NA NA Dictyota dichotoma NA NA NA NA NA 11576,E| YA ZHI CAO (YA TUO CAO) 鸭跖草 all-grass of Common Dayflower Herba Commelinae NA NA NA 1. For common cold of wind-heat type, seasonal febrile diseases, sorethroat, skin infections, erysipelas and dysentery; topical application of fresh juice may be used for hordeolum. 2. For stranguria of heat type, edema, jaundice of dampness-heat type. Also for common wart. Antipyretic. 7816,M784|5009,M784|24189,M784|23949,M784| WEI KONG CAO NA Sikkim Microula Microula sikkimensis NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood. NA 9913,E|9912,E|5711,T5904| YA PIAN 鸦片 Opium Papaver somniferum NA NA latex from unripe capsules To relieve pain, astringe intestines, suppress cough. Pain in heart and abdomen, chronic diarrhea, chronic dysentery, dry cough without phlegm. 26066,T6284|21292,T6284|16527,E|18041,T6284|19269,E|4502,E|30817,T6284|14973,E;C0512|7838,T6284|11345,E|19971,E|15264,T6284|25541,T6284|21276,E|14241,E|8523,T6284|8522,E|4473,E;T6284|4472,E|25440,T6284|18038,E|7836,E|4051,T6284|4129,E|15260,E;T6284|18640,T6284|4123,E|16622,T6284|4289,E|24511,T6284|4124,T6284|4474,T6284|9563,E|16613,E;T6284|9565,T6284|8904,T6284|22739,T6284|8901,E|31340,T6284|18639,E|19280,T6284|25277,T6284|25320,T6284|31419,T6284|15443,T6284|15440,E|19551,E|4279,T6284|19981,E|9708,E|16535,T6284|15259,E|22729,E|4503,E;T6284|12557,E|12558,E|16443,T6284|16611,E|15655,E|17719,T6284|16616,E|16615,E|16614,E;T6284|3885,E;C0361;T6284|3884,E|15258,E|13626,E|18801,E|18802,T6284|4050,E|31584,T6284|31938,T6284|15255,E|25441,T6284|12559,T6284|23927,T6284|14284,E|14242,T6284| DE LA MENG DE JIN SI TAO NA Drummond StJohn’swort Hypericum drummondii NA NA NA NA NA 6607,T3518|6605,E|848,E| XUE SHENG SHUI XIAN. NA NA Narcissus nivalis NA NA NA NA NA 15741,E| BI ZI CU FEI NA Oliver Plumyew Cephalotaxus oliveri NA NA Branchlet-leaf and seed Anticancer. Carcinoma. 9238,E|16076,E|9244,T3116| ZI YUN YING ZI NA Chinese Milkvetch Seed Astragalus sinicus NA NA seed To dispel wind and brighten eyes. Red eyes with gall. 9620,T6778|9803,E|25766,T6778|9619,E| TIAN RAN XIANG JIAO 天然橡胶 Natural Rubber Gummi Elasticum NA NA NA NA NA 24237,M694| SHE XING LIN SHENG JIAO GU CUI NA Lingual Forest-in Casearia* Casearia sylvestris var. lingua NA NA NA NA NA 3258,E|184,E| MEI LI XUAN FU HUA NA Beautiful Inula* Inula magnifica NA NA NA NA NA 25811,T4915|834,E| YUN NAN HUANG LIAN NA Yunnan Goldthread Coptis teetoides [Syn. Coptis teeta] NA NA rhizome See Coptis chinensis. See Coptis chinensis. 2303,E|13368,T6582|4032,E|11849,T6582|11848,E|16544,E|16545,T6582|13367,E| SAN FANG HUA XU HONG YUE GUI NA Corymb Rose-bay* Tabernaemontana corymbosa NA NA NA NA NA 7293,E|10094,E|4000,E|4001,E|4002,E|4003,E|9933,E|9932,E|3999,E|3998,E|3997,E|3996,E|3995,E|3994,E|3993,E|3992,E| MA SHAN QIAN HU NA Mashan Hogfennel Peucedanum mashanens NA NA NA NA NA 27873,T4808|9203,E| MIAN MA NA Male-fern Dryopteris filix- mas NA NA rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and stanch bleeding, expel worms, disinhibit water and disperse edema. Common cold with fever, encephalitis B, epidemic parotitis, measles papules, flooding and spotting, intestinal parasitic disease, edema, inhibited urination. 9384,E|7808,E|1897,E|7797,E|5401,E| XIAO JIE JIN CAO NA Selago-like Climbing Fern Huperzia selago [Syn. Lycopodium selago ] NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, disperse swelling and relieve pain, stanch bleeding. Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, urticaria. 15881,E|15891,T6170|13205,T6170|31734,T6170|10169,E|13216,E|15880,E|18048,E|18049,T6170|13217,T6170|567,E;T6170|13184,E|7768,T6170|7767,E|9685,E|19661,T6170|19660,E| PI PA YE 枇杷叶 Loquat Leaf Eriobotrya japonica Minor cold,Bitter Lung,Stomach leaf To clear lung and relieve cough, downbear counterflow and check vomiting. Lung heat cough, qi counterflow with rapid asthma , stomach heat vomiting, heat vexation and thirst. 3771,E|7287,E|7286,E|2849,E|22601,E|22600,E|14571,E|14573,T5193|7728,E|15495,E|30956,T5193|23658,M546|12037,E|12036,E|9522,T5193|7771,E|31103,T5193|7733,E;M546|7730,T5193|7734,T5193|17362,E|8049,T5193|17363,E|30705,T5193|9521,E|2857,E|9523,E|12848,T5193|23353,M546|21451,T5193|6631,E|6177,E|7784,E|19967,E|12847,E|15494,E|7729,E|27359,T5193|1102,E;M546;T5193|15492,E|15493,E|22254,E|18903,E| MA SANG GEN 马桑根 Radix Coriariae nepalensis NA NA NA NA NA NA 22129,C0032| KUN MING JI XUE TENG NA Diels Millettia Millettia dielsiana NA NA rattan To supplement blood and stanch bleeding, quicken blood and free network vessels. Blood vacuity and general weakness, taxation damage and sinew bone pain, menstrual disorder, amenorrhea, postpartum abdominal pain, persistent flow of lochia, wind-damp impediment pain, bleeding, knocks and falls. 10965,E|16795,T4554|31303,T4554|16791,E|676,E|14705,E|11693,E|3004,E|11540,E|15983,E| CI TONG NA Coral-tree Erythrina variegata [Syn. Erythrina indica ] NA NA dried bark or root cortex See Erythrina arborescens. See Erythrina arborescens. 7324,E|7351,E|7327,E|7331,E|993,E|16238,E|11014,E|30954,T3366|7316,E|7325,T3366|11013,E|6312,E|7350,E|22651,E|7352,E|21700,E|17818,E|5970,E|7349,E|5849,E|5848,E| NIAN ZHI JIN ZHI JU. NA NA Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus NA NA NA NA NA 416,E| BO LU DU SHU NA Boldo Peumus boldus NA NA NA NA NA 11256,T3154|2538,E;T3154|11253,E| SHI LIU ZHONG ZI NA Pomegranate Seed Punica granatum NA NA NA NA NA 6343,E|4679,E|3984,E|21939,E|19907,E|10947,E|17073,E| HONG DOU SHAN NA Chinese Yew Taxus chinensis NA NA NA NA NA 3714,E|3717,E|3716,E|3719,T4032|20779,E|20774,E|4704,E|2249,E|9959,E|25456,T4032|20762,E;T4032|20763,E;T4032|20760,E|20761,E;T4032|4736,E;T4032|4735,E|4738,T4032|6394,E|363,E;T4032|4979,E|2255,E|2253,E|2252,E|2250,E|31980,T4032|10738,E|32091,T4032|32090,T4032|20759,E;T4032|20758,E;T4032|20753,E;T4032|20752,E|6395,T4032|20757,E;T4032|20756,E;T4032|20755,E;T4032|20754,E;T4032|25197,T4032|25194,T4032|21500,E|5317,E|25198,T4032|20850,E|20851,E|368,E|20859,E|2265,E|20745,E|20748,E|20749,T4032|6933,E|5322,E|32000,T4032|32001,T4032|21517,T4032|21515,E|21513,E|21511,E|31977,T4032|31962,T4032|31963,T4032|6936,T4032|5330,E|30789,T4032|30788,T4032|31961,T4032|21688,E|21689,E|32088,T4032|20722,T4032|20720,E|20721,E;T4032|20727,E|20728,E|20729,T4032|9504,E|20860,T4032|4776,E;T4032|4777,E;T4032|4775,E|21518,T4032|4778,T4032|20795,E|26040,T4032|20803,T4032|20802,E;T4032|20801,E|156,E|5293,E|4763,E|9509,T4032|4764,T4032|21144,E|32119,T4032|9812,E|4848,E|32045,T4032|20781,E|20782,E;T4032|32120,T4032|20784,T4032|20786,E|30886,T4032|30884,T4032|30882,T4032|30888,T4032|31954,T4032|26105,T4032|4854,T4032|4853,E;T4032|4852,E| FU SANG YE NA Chinese Hibiscus Leaf Hibiscus rosa- sinensis NA NA leaf To clear heat and disinhibit damp, resolve toxin. Vaginal discharge, strangury syndrome, swelling toxin of clove sore, parotitis, mastitis, lymphrnoditis. 23784,T3775|20697,E| TAI WAN HUANG BO NA Taiwan Corktree* Phellodendron amurense var. wilsonii NA NA bark See Phellodendron amurense. See Phellodendron amurense . 32053,T5745|19527,E|19612,E|14247,E|21250,E|20018,E|17069,T5745|22179,E|15439,E|14198,E|14436,E|9814,E|874,E|9817,E|19967,E|16388,E|18302,E|19769,E|1091,E|14644,E|5062,E|17038,E|17039,E|14665,E|17054,E|17055,E|17053,E|1935,E|16246,E|12841,E|17058,E|17059,E|10194,E|17062,E|13090,E|11639,E|22316,E|12017,E|1764,E|21618,E| ZI SU YE YOU 紫苏叶油 perilla oil Oleum Folii Perillae Warm,Pungent Lung,Spleen NA NA NA 16917,M185|13767,M185;C0347| CHUN GEN PI 椿根皮 Ailanthus bark, Tree of heaven bark Cortex Toonae Sinensis Cool,Bitter,Punkery NA NA Treatment of morbid leukorrhea, diarrhea caused by damp-heat, chronic diarrhea, chronic dysentery, hematochezia, abnormal uterine bleeding. NA 774,M122|25132,M122|24646,M122| GE LUN BI YA MU BAN SHU NA Columbia Xylopia* Xylopia columbiana NA NA NA NA NA 13708,E|1770,E|15876,E|13627,E|21242,E|1459,E| SAN TAI HUA NA Amplexifolious Glorybower Clerodendrum serratum var. amplexifolium NA NA whole herb See Clerodendron serratum. See Clerodendron serratum. 19760,E|19761,T5426| ROU MAO QIE NA Pubescent Nightshade Solanum pubescens NA NA NA NA NA 16487,E|25383,T5373| BI CHENG QIE 毕澄茄 Cubeba Pepper Piper cubeba NA NA fruit To warm center and dissipate cold, move qi and relieve pain, warm kidney. Stomach cold with retching counterflow, distention fullness, cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, rumbling intestines and diarrhea, cold mounting with abdominal pain, cold-damp dribbling urination and turbid urine. 4303,E|17434,E|9342,E|4307,E|4306,E|4305,E|4304,E|4309,E|4308,E|7113,E|13633,E|1834,E|13891,E|5542,E|17433,E|5560,E|22973,E|13384,E|3851,E|9470,E|3760,M907;C0191|3761,E|3762,E|21912,E|7399,E|16329,E|14257,E|21329,E|1840,E|5571,E|9948,E|2357,E| MENG GU CE CAI SU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 30573,T4938|19768,T4938|6999,T4938| WU HUAN ZI YE 无患子叶 Chinese Soapberry Leaf Sapindus mukorossi NA NA branchlet-leaf To resolve toxin, suppress cough. Snake bite, pertussis. 19301,E|19302,E;T5944|19303,T5944|1476,E;C0378;T5944| HANG FAN 杭矾 Hangzhou Alum Alumen Cold,Sour,Punkery Lung,Spleen,Large Intestine,Liver NA External use for eczema, scabies, otits media with purulent discaharge, internal use for chronic diarrhea, hematochezia, abnormal uterine bleeding, epilepsy and mania.ALUMEN (CALCINED) - Eczema, discharge from ulcers otitis media with purulent discharge, excessive leukorrhea with pudendal itching, bleeding from the nose or gums, nasal polyp. 1. To astringe the intestine and relieve diarrhea (for prolonged diarrhea, used with Fructus Chebulae together). 2. To astringe and stop bleeding, hemoptysis and bleeding from the gum (both internal and external use). 3. To reduce exudation, relieve itching, clear toxic material and kill parasite: For burn, mixed with Borneolum Syntheticum and water for topical use; for skin infection, mixed with Realgar and tea for local application; for scabies and tinea, used together with Sulfur and Borneolum Syntheticum; for aphthae and suppurative ostitis media, used together with Borneolum Syntheticum and Borax, for eczema, 1% Alumen solution used as local compress. 4. To expel wind and eliminate phlegm: For apoplexy and epilepsy, used with Radix Curcumae together. In addation, also used hyperlipemia. Topical injection for mixture of 3-10% Alumen solution and 2% novocain may be used for prolapse of rectum, prolapse of uterus and hemorrhoids. 24909,M320| XIA XIE NAN WU WEI ZI NA Narrowleaf Kadsura* Kadsura angustifolia NA NA NA NA NA 1248,E|1247,E|1246,E| A LA BO PO PO NA NA Iran Speedwell Veronica persica NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, strengthen lumbus, interrupt malaria. Wind-damp impediment pain, kidney vacuity lumbago, enduring malaria. 22399,E|11192,E|1082,E|10352,E|12572,E|22376,E|580,E|2004,E|6631,E|3307,E|16980,E|22387,E|22403,E|30753,T2874| XIONG RUI ZHUANG SHU WEI CAO NA Staminate Sage* Salvia staminea NA NA NA NA NA 14838,E|4280,E|20121,E|19971,E|3243,E|20793,E|19205,E|16404,E|1492,E|1476,E|266,E|7763,E|19965,E|19967,E|13504,E|10023,E|13130,E| JIN GANG CI 金刚刺 Smilax scobinicaulis C.H. Wright NA NA NA NA NA NA 21344,C0293|23059,C0568|13767,C0347|15244,C0409|23191,C0160|23171,C0484|23142,C0318|21367,C0042|9484,C0280| SI YANG SHU YE BAI JIAN MU NA Poplar-leaf-like White Quebracho* Aspidosperma populifolium NA NA NA NA NA 22353,E|12264,E| ZI GUO WEI MAO NA Eastern Wahoo Euonymus atropurpureus NA NA NA NA NA 6631,E|6638,T6731| HEI BA LUO CAO NA Black Bui* Ballota nigra NA NA NA NA NA 2133,E| ZI YANG TI JIA NA Purple Bauhinia Bauhinia purpurea NA NA leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin. Sore and boil, burns and scalds, stasis swelling from knocks and falls. 18267,E| CHANG WEI FU YE ER JUE NA Simple Arachniodes Arachniodes simplicior NA NA rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin. Internal heat and abdominal pain. 11236,E|11237,E| DA HUANG 大黄 Medicinal Rhubarb Equivalent plant: Rheum palmatum, Rheum tanguticum Rheum officinale Cold,Bitter Spleen,Large Intestine,Stomach,Liver,Heart root and rhizome To drain heat and free intestines, cool blood and resolve toxin, expel stasis and free menstruation. Repletion heat constipation, accumulation with abdominal pain, damp-heat jaundice, acute icterohepatitis, red eyes, swollen throat, intestinal welling abscess and abdominal pain, bleeding of digestive tract, chronic diarrhea, indigestion, acute appendicitis, acute peritonitis, ileus, cholecystitis, gallstones, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, knocks and falls, burns and scalds. 10216,E|32135,T3429|5513,E|8096,E|8095,E|8094,E|31843,T3429|25514,T3429|31205,T3429|5519,T3429|14213,E;T3429|14212,E|5517,E|17085,E|17087,T3429|30999,T3429|10533,E|6853,E|30775,T3429|30777,T3429|30995,T3429|30996,T3429|25722,T3429|16549,T3429|30914,T3429|16547,E;T3429|23304,T3429|16545,E|3279,E|17863,E|26093,T3429|25805,T3429|423,E|25802,T3429|17236,E|17237,E|31241,T3429|17235,T3429|23190,T3429|17233,E;M138|31000,T3429|3315,E|3316,T3429|30570,T3429|6775,E;M138;C0449|6776,T3429|970,E|18747,T3429|18746,E|18745,T3429|18744,E;M138;C0562;T3429|18743,E;T3429|18742,E;T3429|18741,E|15124,E|15127,T3429|3615,E;M138;T3429|3619,E|18729,E|32078,T3429|31801,T3429|30786,T3429|3706,E;T3429|18751,E|18752,T3429|17882,E|17887,T3429|8107,E|18735,T3429|18733,E;C0078;T3429|8109,E;T3429|8108,E|25529,T3429|3173,E|3172,E|32109,T3429|3174,T3429|21437,E|967,E;M138|30947,T3429|21439,T3429|21438,E|18925,C0452|21626,E|6777,E|19735,E|19734,E;M138;T3429|19736,E;T3429|19731,E|19733,E;T3429|16546,E;T3429|18635,E|1363,E;T3429|31802,T3429|30740,T3429|23210,C0218|3620,E|3703,E|25361,T3429|6863,E|24877,M138| GAO LI SHEN 高丽参 Korea ginseng Radix Ginseng Korea Minor Warm,Sweet,Slightly Bitter Lung,Spleen,Heart NA NA NA 24757,M268|25002,M268|24767,M268|23975,M268|23234,M268|23225,M268| GAN LAN 橄榄 Cabbage Brassica oleracea var. capitata Mild,Sweet,Sour,Punkery Lung leaf To clear heat and disinhibit damp, dissipate binds and relieve pain, boost kidney and supplement vacuity. Damp-heat jaundice, pain from ulcer in digestive tract, stiffness in joints, vacuity detriment. 22548,E|9613,E|23046,M261;C0479|23228,M261;C0303|22501,E|23306,M261|3552,T3790|3551,E|2782,E|17889,E|8598,T3790|23175,M261;C0470|8597,E|8594,E|8595,T3790|32207,T3790|25671,T3790|8751,E|24136,M261|17890,T3790|11025,T3790|11024,E|2783,T3790|949,E;T3790|25084,M261|14720,E|14722,E;T3790|14724,T3790|25083,M261|8589,T3790|8588,E|23167,M261|32218,T3790|23145,C0478| XIN XI LAN MU JING NA Puriri Vitex lucens NA NA NA NA NA 22566,T6219|11778,T6219|2455,E|22565,E|22449,T6219|11770,E| DA YE CHOU HUA JIAO NA Manyspiny Pricklyash* Zanthoxylum myriacanthum NA NA stem and branch-leaf To dispel wind-damp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling, stanch bleeding and relieve pain. Wind-cold common cold, wind-damp impediment pain, fracture due to knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, burns and scalds, poisonous snake bite. 15624,T3458|15622,E| DA TU SI ZI NA Japanese Dodder Seed Cuscuta japonica NA NA ripe seed See Cuscuta chinensis. See Cuscuta chinensis . 13126,T3448|12017,E|13119,E|18302,E| GUANG XI BA JIAO LIAN NA Guangxi Many-flowered May-apple* Dysosma guangxiensis NA NA NA NA NA 5073,E|5092,E|17578,E| SHUI XIAM HUA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13234,C0335| KA LA BA DAN SHEN NA Karaba Sage* Salvia karabachensis NA NA NA NA NA 20669,E|23205,T4476| SHUI YANG MU BAI PI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 19171,T5667|11692,T5667|25345,T5667| KUAI JING MA DOU LING NA Tuberous Dutchmanspipe Aristolochia tuberosa NA NA tuberoid To clear heat and resolve toxin, rectify qi and relieve pain. Damp-heat dysentery, diarrhea, pain in stomach duct and abdomen, swelling pain in throat, tuberculosis, poisonous snake bite, swollen welling abscess. 1713,E|24175,T4539|31608,T4539|22067,E|1693,E|14363,E|31607,T4539| QING DAI 青黛 Natural Indigo Indigo Naturalis Cold,Salty Lung,Stomach,Liver NA Treatment of eruptive epidemic diseases, spitting of blood and epistaxis due to heat in the blood chest pain and hemoptysis, ulcers in the mouth, mumps, pharyngitis, karyngitis, infantile convulsion. 1. Inhibiting leukemia7212 and many other other tumors in experimental animals2. Enhancing the fuction of reticuloendothelial system in healthy mice and promoting phagocytosis of macrophage in mice with cancer.3. It may cause abdominal pain, diarrhea or bloody stools. 23223,C0035|11021,M577|11022,M577;C0295| SHE XIANG BAI HE NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1358,T5546| NIU RU 牛乳 Cow Milk Bos taurus domesticus, Bubalus bubalis Mild,Sweet Lung,Heart milk To supplement vacuity detriment, boost lung and stomach, nourish blood, engender liquid and moisten dryness, resolve toxin. Vacuity taxation detriment, stomach reflux and dysphagia-occlusion, diabetes mellitus, anemia and constipation, qi vacuity and dysentery, jaundice. 31315,T5108|15519,E|16203,E|31760,T5108|24368,M532|18248,T5108|23116,C0502|11085,T5108|7852,E|7853,T5108|12435,M532|31316,T5108|18247,E|11082,E|11081,E|11080,E|24297,M532|23224,M532| QUE SHE HUANG YANG NA Bodinier Box Buxus bodinieri NA NA root, leaf or flowe To clear heat and resolve toxin, suppress cough, stanch bleeding. Cough, coughing of blood, toxi n swelling of sores. 2820,E|2819,E|2818,E|2822,E|2821,E| JIE ZHI HONG DOU SHAN NA Media Yew Ta x u s m e d i a NA NA NA NA NA 20832,T4380|26023,T4380|4980,E|20795,E|4979,E|25935,T4380|25936,T4380|2077,E;T4380|4792,E|2074,E| FANG XIANG MU BAN SHU NA Aromatic Xylopia* Xylopia aromatica NA NA NA NA NA 22801,E|22800,E| LIU SHEN QU 六神曲 Medicated Leaven Massa Medicata Fermentata Warm,Pungent,Sweet Spleen,Stomach NA Treatment of retention of food manifested as epigastric and abdominal distension and fullness, no appetite, gurgling sound and diarrhea. Medicated leaven (Shenqu) is used with Hawthorn fruit (Shanzha) and Germinated barley (Maiya). NA 24237,M463| LU YI CI JU NA Louis Vepris* Vepris louisii NA NA stem cortex and root cortex NA Dermatitis[5509]. 22364,E| YUAN HUA FAN LI ZHI NA Glabrous Custardapple Annona glabra NA NA NA NA NA 17027,E|1307,E|1301,E|18640,E|18652,T6548|1318,E|8493,E|8494,E|3294,E|3295,T6548|15773,T6548|15772,E| LAN SHUI LIAN NA Blue Waterlily Nymphaea caerulea NA NA NA NA NA 5023,E|5022,E|491,E|15165,E| YING PI HE YE LAN NA Callose Agrostophyllum Agrostophyllum callosum NA NA NA NA NA 767,E| BAI GUO 白果 Ginkgo Nut Ginkgo biloba Mild,Sweet,Bitter,Punkery Lung nut To constrain lung and settle asthma, check turbid vaginal discharge, reduce urine. AD syndrome, primary degenerative dementia of Alzheimer disease, multi-infarct dementia, improving cognitive function in elderly dementia patients, stable intermittent claudication, cerebrovascular insufficiency diseases, cough with profuse phlegm, vaginal discharge, enuresis and frequent urination. 1128,E|1129,E|13851,E|9201,E|19503,T2965|6853,T2965|6852,E|15924,T2965|15925,E|31449,T2965|23040,T2965|30593,T2965|3140,E|13816,E|17920,T2965|19790,E|20353,E|3209,E|3308,E|8400,E|13817,T2965|8402,E|8403,E;C0180;T2965|8404,E;C0179;T2965|8406,E|23887,T2965|19072,E|15651,T2965|19967,E|25574,T2965|13854,T2965|30594,T2965|19075,T2965|9717,E|12017,E|3435,E|3436,T2965|2380,E;T2965|18819,E|29509,T2965|30595,T2965|7881,E|1030,E;T2965|7882,T2965|3188,E|18406,E|18407,T2965|8435,T2965|12885,E|8101,E|18302,E|25149,M20;T2965|30998,T2965|1130,E|6867,T2965|3318,T2965|22539,T2965|31133,T2965|17917,E|11647,T2965|6866,E|15655,E|3315,T2965|15650,E|3316,E|11645,E|1845,E|31034,T2965|31035,T2965|30733,T2965|2379,E;T2965|3190,T2965|30592,T2965|31878,T2965|19796,T2965| GAN CAO JIE 甘草节 Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch NA NA NA NA NA NA 19072,C0514|23092,C0474|23139,C0320|12907,C0131|23172,C0270|23251,C0267|23166,C0472|23259,C0120|7882,C0340|23291,C0473|15516,C0113| BAI TOU WENG JING YE 白头翁叶 leaf of Radix Pulsatillae Chinensis NA NA NA NA NA NA 1178,C0553| YI LI LI YA DA CHI JI NA Illyrian Cottonthistle* Onopordum illyricum NA NA NA NA NA 16109,E| LAN BO TE XIAO BO NA Lambert Barberry Berberis lambertii NA NA NA NA NA 16428,E| YU JIN XIANG NA Common Tulip Tulipa gesneriana NA NA flower To transform damp and repel foulness. Spleen-stomach damp turbidity, fullness and oppression in chest and stomach duct, retching counterflow and abdominal pain, bad breath and slimy tongue fur. 32167,T6513|32165,T6513|8375,T6513|8370,E|22086,E|19173,T6513|4450,E|4349,T6513|22088,E|22089,E;T6513|19172,E|15655,E| GUI JIN YU 鬼箭羽 twig of Winged Euonymus Ramulus Euonymi Cold,Bitter Liver NA NA NA 23534,M300| SI SHU JI GU CHANG SHAN NA Quaternary Alstonia* Alstonia quaternata NA NA NA NA NA 18288,E| HUI TE KE MAO GAO CAI NA Whittaker Sundew* Drosera whittakeri NA NA NA NA NA 3830,T4240|6604,E|10059,E| OU LANG DANG NA European Scopolia Scopolia carniolica NA NA NA NA NA 10871,T5133|10869,E| CAO MEI NA Common Strawberry Fragaria ananassa NA NA fruit To allay thirst, fortify stomach and disperse food. Thirst, inappetence, indigestion. 13254,E|21376,E|15672,E| HUANG SAI JIN LIAN MU NA Yellow Ouratea* Ouratea flava NA NA NA NA NA 7822,E|7821,E| BAI HE LING ZHI NA Bignose Rhiancanthus Rhinacanthus nasutus NA NA branch-leaf To clear heat and moisten lung, kill worms and relieve itch. Taxation cough, scab and lichen, eczema. 18761,E|18760,E|18763,E|18762,E|18753,E|18754,E|18755,E|18756,E|18757,E|18758,E|18759,E| BUI NA Phut kandu (local names) Ballota limbata NA NA NA NA NA 2132,E|2131,E| YIN BO 银箔 Silver sheet Silver sheet Cold,Pungent Liver,Heart NA NA NA 24237,M804| MO LI YU TENG NA Molly Jewelvine* Derris mollis NA NA NA NA NA 12159,E|12160,T4990| CHI A MI NA Tooth Ammi Ammi visnaga NA NA NA NA NA 19218,T3279|12218,T3279|19212,E|5706,E|5707,T3279|1960,E;T3279|12217,E|25833,T3279|22537,E;T3279|22536,E|22517,T3279|23236,T3279|22514,E| HU LU QI NA Kidneyleaf Goldenray Equivalent plant: Ligularia dentata, Ligularia intermedia , Ligularia sibirica Ligularia fischeri NA NA root and rhizome To dispel phlegm, relieve cough, rectify qi and quicken blood, relieve pain. Cough, abundant phlegm and asthma, pertussis, pain in lumbus and legs, taxation damage, knocks and falls. 10093,E|31441,T4097|3847,E|30988,T4097|12806,E|12807,E;T4097|12810,E;T4097|8019,E|3848,T4097|12808,E;T4097|12809,E;T4097| ZHI LI PO PO NA NA Common Speedwell Veronica arvensis NA NA whole herb To clear heat, interrupt malaria. Malaria. 2004,E;T6668| QUAN YUAN YE BO LUO MI NA Integrifolious Artocarpus* Artocarpus integrifolia NA NA NA NA NA 14963,E|14965,T5311| HUA SHU YE 桦树液 Sucus Betulae platyphyllae NA NA NA NA NA NA 16521,C0099| DA YE LUO FU MU NA Largeleaf Devilpepper* Rauwolfia macrophylla NA NA NA NA NA 18620,E|18608,E|18615,E|18617,T3465| LIANG MIAN ZHEN 两面针 Shinyleaf Pricklyash Root Radix Zanthoxyli Mild,Pungent,Bitter Stomach,Liver NA Treatment of traumatic injury, rheumatic arthralgia, stomach-ache, teethache, bitten by venomous snake, applied for burn caused by hot liquid or fire. NA 16443,M454|6453,M454|15622,M454| MA TI WEN TIAN ZHU KUI NA Zonal Geranium Pelargonium zonale NA NA NA NA NA 23138,T4814|16769,E| CHAO XIAN HUAI NA Amur Maackia Maackia amurensis NA NA flower To cool blood and stanch bleeding, clear heat and resolve toxin. Bleeding, sore toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess. 13274,E|12254,E|31466,T3262|6289,E|13894,E| ZI TAN XIANG 紫檀香 wood of Burmacoast padauk lignum pterocarpi indici Warm,Pungent Lung,Spleen,Stomach NA NA NA 19296,M187|23876,M187|19294,M187|19295,M187|23679,M187|23044,M187;C0070|23805,M187|24476,M187|23322,M187|23991,M187| HU SUI ZI NA Coriander Seed Coriandrum sativum NA NA dried ripe fruit To outthrust papules, fortify stomach. Food accumulation, inappetence, dysentery, hemorrhoids. 10004,E|3772,E|3771,E|10325,E|31444,T4102|3048,E|12837,E|9878,E|17515,T4102|17514,E|14416,E|14418,E|10603,E|30723,T4102|10604,E|10951,E|1596,E|10039,E|5896,E|10013,E|6481,E|10943,E|6484,T4102|25185,T4102|20972,E|5810,E|5811,E|5812,E|5813,E|17897,E| BAO PI GU NA Pardleather-like Mushroom Lentinus lepideus NA NA sporocarp To supplement qi and blood, boost heart and liver. Qi-blood depletion, heart-spleen vacuity, fatigue hypodynamia, palpitation and insomnia. 14758,E|14760,T3068|10317,E|14327,T3068|14326,E|12618,E|11484,E| AO LEI TONG QI MU NA Oregon Alder Alnus oregana NA NA NA NA NA 2331,E| ZHOU YE XIANG CHA CAI NA Rugose Rabdosia* Isodon rugosus [Syn. Rabdosia rugosa] NA NA NA NA NA 6709,E|12532,E|19046,E|5703,E|5649,E|16173,E|5553,E|19034,E|6713,E|6710,E| AN YOU 按油 Eucalyptus Oil Oleum Eucalypti NA NA NA Skin irritant. Used in nerval pain. NA 23170,M897|23193,M897| CHAN RAO HUANG TAN NA Voluble Rosewood* Dalbergia volubilis NA NA NA NA NA 2384,E;T3223| WU TONG ZI 梧桐子 Phoenix Tree Seed Firmiana simplex NA NA seed To lower cholesterol, clear heat and calm liver, normalize qi, harmonize stomach and disperse food. Hyperlipemia, food damage, stomachache, mounting qi, infant mouth sore. 20312,E|2318,E|23051,T5968|2893,T5968|2892,E;C0420|31942,T5968| FENG XIANG SHU YE 风箱树叶 Common Butterbush Cephalanthus occidentalis NA NA leaf or bud To clear heat and resolve toxin, contract damp and relieve itch. Itching sore of skin, heaven-borne sore, foot rot, knocks and falls, toothache, dysentery, enteritis. 25185,T3757|31444,T3757|25451,T3757|23301,C0219|18812,E|9552,E|1458,E|6484,T3757| LV TI GEN CAO NA Green Hellebore* Helleborus viridis NA NA NA NA NA 18311,E|18716,E|18303,E|18316,E|18715,E| HU BEI GUA IOU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 26238,T4081| JIA NA DA HONG DOU SHAN NA Canadian Yew Taxus canadensis NA NA NA NA NA 20733,E|20732,E|20735,E|6156,E|23048,T4314|20736,E|20847,E|5330,T4314|5137,E|4785,E|21587,E|4780,E|21507,E|20737,T4314|4725,E;T4314|4724,E|4726,T4314|5314,E|31957,T4314|20734,E|31959,T4314|367,E|31138,T4314|362,E;T4314|10741,E|20727,E|9762,E|5327,E|6849,E|6883,T4314|6880,E|3056,E|3057,T4314|5328,E;T4314|5329,E;T4314|5309,E|31956,T4314|5303,E|2237,E|2236,E|4743,E|31958,T4314|10780,E|10776,E|10777,E|9962,E|20807,T4314|20806,E| LUO FU MU 萝芙木 Common Devilpepper Equivalent plant: Rauvolfia verticillata var hainanensis , Rauwolfia latifrons, Rauwolfia perakensis, Rauvolfia vomitoria, Rauvolfia verticillata f rubrocarpa Rauvolfia verticillata NA NA root To clear heat, lower blood pressure, quiet spirit. Common cold with fever, headache and generalized pain, swelling pain in throat, hypertension, dizziness, insomnia, gan accumulation. 784,E;T4746|18618,E;C0469|22359,T4746|783,E;T4746|18844,E|18619,E|31902,T4746|22352,E|18847,T4746|22905,C0011|18537,E| TAO ZI 桃子 Fructus Amygdali persicae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23090,C0492|4048,C0360| JIN BO 金箔 Gold Sheet Aurum Cool,Pungent,Bitter Liver,Heart NA NA NA 24237,M400| LI QI HUAI NA Leachiana Sophora Sophora leachiana NA NA NA NA NA 16539,E|12590,E|12591,E| FAN MU GUA YE NA Papaya Leaf Carica papaya NA NA leaf To resolve toxin, joint bones. Toxin swelling of sores, fracture. 18008,E|18009,T3706| CHANG MAO ZI YUAN ZHI NA Longhair Milkwort Polygala wattersii NA NA root or leaf To resolve toxin, dissipate stasis. Mammary welling abscess, innominate toxin swelling, knocks and falls. 22632,E|22623,E|22631,E|22625,E|22624,E|22627,E|22626,E|22629,E|22628,E|22630,E| HUANG JIN SHU NA Northern Catalpa Catalpa speciosa NA NA NA NA NA 3307,E|30753,T4179| MAO GUO SHAO YAO 毛果芍药 Paeonia lactiflora Pall. var. trichocarpa (Bunge) Stern NA NA NA NA NA NA 16521,C0099|23057,C0438|16514,C0349|23115,C0342|23229,C0440|23248,C0436|3308,C0437|23190,C0439| BAI GUO ZI CAO 白果紫草 Common Gromwell Lithospermum officinale NA NA whole herb To resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Arthritis. 12921,T2969|12919,E|23254,C0130|19804,E;C0581|1745,E;T2969|19812,T2969| BANG ZHUANG ZI JIN NA Climbing Corydalis Corydalis claviculata NA NA NA NA NA 4349,E|12636,E|4350,E;T3061|4351,T3061|4352,E|4353,T3061| CHUAN PO SHI 穿破石 root of Tricuspid cudrania Radix Cudraniae Cool,Slightly Bitter,Neutral Liver,Heart NA 1. To remove blood stasis, alleviate pain, expel wind and dampness. For rheumatism and trauma. Recently , also for acute and chronic hepatitis, tumour of digestive tract, carcinoma of liver, pancreas and lung, etc .2. To relieve cough and eliminate sputum. For productive cough. NA 14963,M112|4337,M112|23901,M112|18628,M112|24763,M112| XING AN SHENG MA NA Dahurian Bugbane Cimicifuga dahurica NA NA rhizome See Cimicifuga foetida . See Cimicifuga foetida. 14174,E|14177,T6224|9458,T6224|9454,E|3654,E;T6224|3658,E|3670,E|3655,E|3672,E;T6224|3673,E;T6224|11328,E|3671,E;T6224|3656,E|3652,E|3653,E;T6224|2887,E|3675,T6224|1561,E|23236,T6224|3661,T6224|31336,T6224|10315,E|5751,E|9761,E|19785,E|22537,E|19967,E|22517,T6224|22514,E|5463,E|23381,T6224|7767,E|352,E|7768,T6224| TIAN SHAN DA HUANG NA Tianshan Mountain Rhubarb Rheum wittrocki NA NA NA NA NA 30775,T5797|3615,E|31802,T5797|17269,T5797|3619,E|6776,T5797|30777,T5797|5282,T5797|6359,E|6008,T5797|5205,E|17264,E|17237,E|18628,E|6775,E|25838,T5797| HE SE ZHONG HUA SHU. NA NA Tabebuia avellanedae NA NA NA NA NA 1284,E|11144,E|21911,E|9818,E|11143,E|6285,E|6286,E|9817,E|6280,E|13843,E|6204,E|6200,E|10617,E|10605,E|10620,E| SHUI MA TIAO NA Thunberg Knotweed Polygonum thunbergii NA NA herb To dispel wind and clear heat, quicken blood and relieve pain. Headache due to externally contracted wind-heat, cough, sand, dysentery, painful wound from knocks and falls, tuberculosis and hemoptysis. 16979,T5649|16977,E|4445,E|13233,E|18396,E|18397,T5649| CONG ZHU XUE LIAN. NA NA Saussurea tridactyla var. maidugonla NA NA NA NA NA 19987,E| BAI LUO BO QING GAO 白萝卜清膏 NA Extractum Rapae Cool,Pungent,Sweet Lung,Stomach NA NA NA 24237,M32| A JIANG LAN REN. NA NA Terminalia arjuna NA NA NA NA NA 1733,E|1734,E|3303,E| MA GEN 麻根 Hemp Fimble Root Cannabis sativa NA NA root To dissipate stasis, stanch bleeding, disinhibit urine. Knocks and falls, difficult delivery, retention of placenta, flooding, strangury syndrome, vaginal discharge. 20334,E|20337,E|20331,E|1262,E|20338,E|3079,C0376|23213,C0488|15507,E|23030,C0489| HEI CI CI TONG NA Blackstick Coralbean* Erythrina melanacantha NA NA NA NA NA 7324,T4001|25769,T4001|7330,E|7323,E| MEI LI HUA QIU NA Showy Mountainsah Sorbus decora NA NA NA NA NA 2005,E| SHE DAN ZHI 蛇胆汁 Snake bile Fel Serpentis Liquidum Cold,Sweet,Bitter NA NA NA NA 23866,M629| SU YE 苏叶 perilla leaf folium perillae Warm,Pungent Lung,Spleen NA NA NA 16880,M676|23910,M676|23775,M676|5403,M676|23184,M676|23717,M676|23880,M676|23421,M676|23695,M676|2222,M676|23150,M676|17251,M676;C0263|23119,M676|15489,M676|4549,M676|15138,M676|12843,M676|17076,M676|23438,M676|25127,M676|23545,M676|24037,M676|3689,M676|24384,M676|24748,M676|3244,M676|24465,M676|20976,M676|7520,M676|15968,M676| HONG JIA MI NA Red Viburnum* Viburnum erubescens NA NA NA NA NA 9258,E| LI JIANG HUANG QIN NA Likiang Skullcap Scutellaria likiangensis NA NA root See Scutellaria baicalensis. See Scutellaria baicalensis. 2102,E;T4603|22704,T4603|22702,E|16205,E|16240,T4603| MAO ZHU MA QIAN NA Hairstyle Poisonnut Strychnos nitida NA NA fruit and seed To dispel wind and quicken network vessels, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Wind stroke, numbness in limbs, hypertonicity, paralysis, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, swelling pain in throat. 21024,T4895|3114,T4895|3103,E|25241,T4895|12794,E|20394,E;C0495| YIN DU FANG JI. NA NA Anamirta paniculata NA NA NA NA NA 17333,E| ZHI SHOU WU 制首乌 Prepared FLeeceflower Root Radix Polygoni Multiflori Preparata Minor Warm,Sweet,Bitter,Punkery Liver,Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of anemia, dizziness and tinnitus, premature greying of the hair and beard, soreness and weakness of the loins and the knees, abnormal uterine bleeding and excessive leukorrhea, general debility in chronic malaria, hyperlipemia. NA 18744,M872| DONG BEI DUO ZU JUE NA North-east Polypody* Polypodium virginianum NA NA rhizome See Polypodium vulgare. See Polypodium vulgare. 15720,E|15721,E|19752,E| JIA KU GUA NA Balloonvine Heartseed Cardiospermum halicacabum NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit water, cool blood and resolve toxin. Jaundice, strangury, clove sore, vesicle sore, scab and lai, snake bite. 4453,E;T4305|4452,E|26076,T4305| AN HUI YIN LIAN HUA NA Anhui Anemone* Anemone anhuiensis NA NA NA NA NA 1256,E|1254,E|1255,E|1253,E| QIAO MU ZHUANG LAN REN NA Arboreous Terminalia* Terminalia arborea NA NA NA NA NA 18188,E| ZHU BAI NA Nagai Podocarpus Myrica nagi [Syn. Podocarpus nagi] NA NA leaf To stanch bleeding and joint bones. Bleeding due to external injury, fracture. 15223,E;T6698|15222,E;T6698|15221,E|15225,T6698|6853,T6698|15224,E;T6698|15162,E|6852,E|22602,T6698|25453,T6698|22599,E| TU LIAN QIAO NA Tall Hymenodictyon Hymenodictyon excelsum NA NA bark To clear heat and resolve toxin, suppress cough and interrupt malaria. Malaria, malign malaria, common cold, ardent fever, cough with profuse phlegm. 18985,T5850|18984,E;T5850|1359,E;T5850|31723,T5850|31706,T5850|14117,E|18983,E|15725,E|14118,T5850|664,E;T5850|2299,E;T5850|4621,E|4622,T5850|25560,T5850|13035,E|14966,E| ZHI JU ZI NA Japanese Raisin Tree Seed Hovenia dulcis NA NA fruit or seed To resolve liquor toxin, eliminate vexation and allay thirst, check vomiting, disinhibit urine and free stool. Drunkenness, vexation and thirst, vomiting, inhibited urine and stool. 25582,T6663|24425,T6663|1074,E|9651,E|16828,T6663|16834,E|1764,E| DA XUE TENG 大血藤 Sargentgloryvine Sargentodoxa cuneata Mild,Bitter,Punkery Large Intestine,Liver stem To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood, dispel wind. Intestinal welling abscess and abdominal pain, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, wind-damp impediment pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls. 4365,E|4364,E|19351,E|4361,E|3551,E|4363,E|4362,E|6775,M192|19352,T3453|24106,M192|23975,M192|24345,M192|22317,E|24225,M192|13827,E|16243,E| JU TAI XIANG CHA CAI NA Gesnerialike Rabdosia Isodon gesneroides NA NA NA NA NA 8369,E|8368,E|8365,E|8367,E|8366,E| SHUI KU MAI 水苦荬 Veronica anagallis-aquatica L. NA NA NA NA NA NA 23192,C0149| CI WU JIA PI NA Manyprickle Acanthopanax Root-bark Acanthopanax senticosus [Syn. Eleutherococcus senticosus ] NA NA root cortex See Acanthopanax gracilistylus. See Acanthopanax gracilistylus . 7440,T3368|7438,E| HUA JU HONG 化橘红 Pummelo Peel Exocarpium Citri grandis Mild,Bitter Liver NA Treatment of cough, itching of the throat and profuse expectoration in colds, nausea, vomiting and epigastric distension caused by improper diet or excessive drinking. NA 3760,M355;C0191|15278,M355;C0352|15626,C0582| KE MING XI LUO FU MU NA Cummins Devilpepper* Rauwolfia cumminsii NA NA NA NA NA 18196,E|18620,E|19371,E|19372,T4493| NI TAN XIAN 泥炭藓 Sphagnum girgensohnii Russ. NA NA NA NA NA NA 23130,C0355| MAO LIE FENG DOU CAI NA Hairylobed Butterbur Petasites tricholobus NA NA NA NA NA 18057,E|17005,E|2168,E|17004,E| HAN FANG JI 汉防己 Yellowmouth Dutchmanspipe Aristolochia heterophylla Cold,Pungent,Bitter Bladder,Spleen,Kidney root To dispel wind and relieve pain, clear heat and disinhibit water. Rheumatic pain in joints, damp-heat pain in limbs, edema, inhibited urination, beriberi with edema. 1713,E|7713,M315|4458,M315|24175,T3964|1729,E|21190,E;M315;C0317|21191,T3964|13368,T3964|24634,M315|9798,E|31152,T3964|13367,E| XI BAN WU TOU NA Geniculate Monkshood Aconitum geniculatum NA NA tuberoid To dispel wind and dissipate cold, quicken blood and relieve pain, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Wind-cold-damp impediment, reversal cold of limbs, knocks and falls, sore toxin. 22922,E|8269,E| GUANG DONG TU NIU XI 广东土牛膝 Achyranthes aspera Linn NA NA NA NA NA NA 3760,C0191|11418,C0417|7520,C0416|21344,C0293| MAO DI QIAN. NA NA Dumortiera hirsuta NA NA thallus To clear heat, draw out toxin, engender flesh. Heat toxin sore and welling abscess, enduring sores, wound, burns and scalds. 10539,E|6633,E|4489,E|7084,E| DAO FU XIANG CHA CAI NA Dawo Rabdosia Isodon dawoensis NA NA NA NA NA 4700,E| ER YI TUO BAO DI QIAN NA Twowing Palea Liverwort* Marchantia paleacea var. diptera NA NA NA NA NA 16529,E| NIU SHE CAO 牛舌草 Toothedfruit Dock Rumex dentatus NA NA leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, kill worms and relieve itch. Red swollen breast. 967,E|3615,E|17235,T5109|6775,E;C0449|6776,T5109|15480,E|17233,E|30775,T5109|23304,T5109|18925,C0452| XIAO MI CAO NA Meadow Eyebright Euphrasia officinalis NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit urine. Febrile diseases thirst, headache, lung heat cough, swelling pain in throat, heat strangury, inhibited urination, mouth sore, swollen welling abscess. 2004,E;T6176| DUAN BING HE YE LAN NA Short-stipe Agrostophyllum* Agrostophyllum brevipes NA NA NA NA NA 766,E|767,E| CI JI LI 刺蒺藜 Puncturevine Caltrap Tribulus terrestris Warm,Bitter Lung,Liver fruit To dissipate wind and brighten eyes, precipitate qi and move blood. Headache, itchy body, red eyes and eye screen, convulsion, fullness in chest, cough and counterflow, concretion and conglomeration, difficult lactation, welling abscess and flat abscess, scrofula. 25353,T3358|21000,E;T3358|21001,E;T3358|30873,T3358|9235,T3358|25204,T3358|25689,T3358|12109,T3358|25690,T3358|15516,E|6437,T3358|6436,E;M124|19055,E|17961,E|8459,T3358|20988,E|20989,E|20984,E|20985,E|8967,E|32097,T3358|8633,E|8632,E|8457,E;T3358|9234,E;M124;T3358|7787,E|8458,E|9233,E|5249,E|30960,T3358|20202,E|31852,T3358|21530,E;T3358|21531,E;T3358|21532,E|20999,E;T3358|20998,E;T3358|8970,T3358|20997,E;T3358| PAO PAO SHU NA Pawpaw Asimina triloba NA NA NA NA NA 1858,E|1859,E|16665,E| XIA CHUI TAI CAO NA Drooping Sedge* Carex pendula NA NA NA NA NA 14882,E|12236,E|14883,E| KU AO NA Chinese Thistle Cirsium chinense NA NA herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and quicken blood. Vexation and oppression due to summerheat-heat, flooding and spotting, blood ejection from knocks and falls, hemorrhoids, clove sore. 3744,E|3745,T4504|3742,E|3743,T4504| SI GUO XIANG CHA CAI NA Shiko Rabdosia* Rabdosia shikokiana NA NA NA NA NA 19802,E|18474,E|7201,E|18473,E|18472,E|19803,E|18445,E|19801,E|19800,E|19796,E|19799,E|19798,E| BAI LAI SHI JU NA Bailai’s Chrysanthemum Baileya multiradiata NA NA NA NA NA 15065,E|15064,T2991|15066,E|7740,T2991|15063,E|18511,T2991|17543,E|17544,T2991|7739,E;T2991|15068,T2991|2109,E;T2991|7738,E|15988,T2991|16722,T2991|18508,E|30084,T2991|30085,T2991|15981,E| NAN HE SHI 南鹤虱 Wild Carrot Fruit Daucus carota NA NA fruit To kill worms, disperse accumulation, relieve itch. Ascariasis, oxyuria disease, taeniasis, ancylostomiasis, abdominal pain due to worm accumulation, child gan accumulation, pudendal itch. 31444,T5044|31446,T5044|21355,E|21356,T5044|30843,T5044|3218,T5044|6745,T5044|6744,E|4389,E|12837,E|23249,C0002|30820,T5044|7709,T5044|3045,E|3046,T5044|25185,T5044|3216,E|3210,E|3211,E|4679,T5044|4678,E|22179,E;M1014|4674,E|7070,T5044|4140,E|7072,E|2306,E|25613,T5044|4836,T5044|23545,T5044|23037,C0003;T5044|30745,T5044|31775,T5044|3760,M1014;C0191|14523,E|17113,E|9087,E|25306,T5044|30749,T5044|13205,E|22180,T5044|30744,T5044|24982,T5044|12843,E|17014,E|14524,T5044|7706,E|15196,E|13215,T5044|25207,T5044|24070,T5044|1840,E;T5044|4834,E|3209,E|3208,E|20976,E|2412,E|20972,E|17362,E|24898,M1014;T5044|19672,E|26045,T5044|25449,T5044| ZI WEI YE NA Common Crapemyrtle Leaf Lagerstroemia indica NA NA leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp and stanch bleeding. Dysentery, eczema, bleeding due to external injury. 12445,E|4831,E|31413,T6769|4832,T6769|5735,E|5736,T6769|4848,T6769|4856,T6769|4855,E|4847,E| HUA NAN WU ZHU YU NA South China Evodia Evodia austrosinensis NA NA NA NA NA 5690,E|4034,E|2022,E|2023,E|10116,E|10942,E|7664,E| MAO GUO HAN XIAO NA Hairyfruit Michelia Michelia spaerantha NA NA NA NA NA 20133,E|20135,T4859| TUE YUAN MI ZI LAN NA Elliptic Aglaia* Aglaia elliptica NA NA NA NA NA 18873,E|6823,E|18874,E|307,E|18872,E|738,E|15992,E| JIAO YU NA Edible Canna Canna edulis NA NA Rhizome To clear heat, resolve toxin, disinhibit damp. Dysentery, diarrhea, jaundice, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore. 5440,E|4157,E| HUANG QIN ZI 黄芩子 Fructus Scutellariae baicalensis NA NA NA NA NA NA 2102,C0392|16205,C0103|23049,C0226| LU YING 陆英 flower of Chinese Elder Herba Sambuci Chinensis NA NA NA 1. To promote diuresis and relieve edema. For edema, beriberi, especially for cirrhotic ascites and nephritic edema, also for infectious hepatitis. 2. To promote blood circulation and remove stasis. For sprain, contusion, fracture, postoperative pain (oral or external use) , also for lochioeehea. 3. To clear heat and toxic material. For sorethroat, skin infection, dysentery, cough and dyspnea due to lung-heat. NA 24995,M999| RI BEN YU LIN SONG NA Yeddo Spruce Picea jezoensis NA NA NA NA NA 7168,E|7144,E|10701,E|7165,E|14084,E|17395,E| BEI MU LAN NA Common Coelogyne Coelogyne ovalis NA NA NA NA NA 30965,T3095|3893,T3095|3889,E|7810,E| KONG XIN LIAN ZI CAO 空心莲子草 Alligator Alternanthera Herb Herba Alternantherae NA NA NA To clear heat and toxic materials, promote diuresis. For heat-syndrome, intense heat-syndrome and dampness-heat syndrome. Recently, for preventing and treating encephalitis B, epidemic ho\emorrhagic fever, viral hepatitis, eyedrops for epidemic conjunctivitis and viral keratitis, local application for herpes zoster. Also for furuncle, snake bite, stranguria with turbid urine, etc. NA 12792,M951|24769,M951|23842,M951| SHAN WO JU NA Indian Lettuce Lactuca indica NA NA whole herb or root To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and stanch bleeding. Swelling pain in throat, intestinal welling abscess, swelling pain of sore and boil, postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, wart, flooding and spotting, bleeding from hemorrhoids. 13140,E|19072,E|13130,E|18302,E|3551,E|23764,T5504|12437,E|12436,E|1113,E|1476,E|11639,E|23887,T5504|8351,T5504|8350,E|20353,E|12439,E|12438,E| KE SHEN MI ER CUI QUE NA Kashmir Larkspur Delphinium cashmerianum NA NA NA NA NA 13162,E|13171,T4495|2042,E;T4495|12530,T4495|12505,E| YOU AN DI JIN NA Stygian Euphorbia* Euphorbia stygiana NA NA NA NA NA 7954,E|7953,E| HOU KE GUI NA Chinese Cryptocarya Cryptocarya chinensis NA NA NA NA NA 15351,E|11308,E|11309,E|10479,E|11305,E|11306,E|11307,E|6572,E|15067,E|2486,E|3238,E|3239,E|11349,E|4277,E|4276,E|5068,E|11214,E|7359,E|7358,E|14371,E|5089,E|5718,E|11254,E|3240,E|11253,E|9946,E|9947,E|1667,E|17896,E| ZA JIAO YOU(2) NA Hybrid Bluebeard* Caryopteris clandonensis NA NA NA NA NA 356,E|3786,E|3787,E|6817,E|3785,E| SHI YE 柿叶 Persimmon Leaf Diospyros kaki NA NA leaf To relieve cough and settle asthma, engender liquid and allay thirst, quicken blood and stanch bleeding. Cough and asthma, lung qi distention, internal bleeding. 15180,T5602|15176,E|23101,C0577|23043,C0018|16040,E|31751,T5602|23102,C0119|23258,C0019|22254,E|8011,E| DA HUA GE NA XIANG NA Bigflower Goniothalamus Goniothalamus griffithii NA NA NA NA NA 17389,E|9004,E|8946,E|9005,E|1049,E|8936,E|405,E|404,E;T3416|9003,E|6182,E|9001,E|9000,E|8945,T3416|25598,T3416| WANG GUO CUI QUE HUA NA Reticulatefru it Larkspur Delphinium dictyocarpum NA NA NA NA NA 5036,T5896|5035,E| BI SHI LUO FU MU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 19748,T3114| SI YANG PI ZHI RU GU NA Parchment-like Milky* Lactarius pergamenus NA NA NA NA NA 18259,E| WU GONG CAO NA Chinese Brake Pteris vittata NA NA whole herb or rhizome To dispel wind and eliminate damp, soothe sinews and quicken network vessels, resolve toxin and kill worms. Wind-damp pain in sinew and bone, lumbago, numbness in limbs, hemiplegia, knocks and falls, common cold, dysentery, mammary welling abscess, sore toxin, scab sore, ascariasis, snake or insect bites. 12520,E| XI HUA XIAN WEN XIANG CHA CAI NA Linearstripe Rabdosia Isodon lophanthoides NA NA whole herb See Rabdosia serra. See Rabdosia serra. 12990,E|12987,E|12991,E|12992,E|12989,E|12988,E| YUAN YE TIAN JIE CAI NA Roundleaf Heliotrope* Heliotropium rotundifolium NA NA NA NA NA 7636,T6560|7635,E| RI BEN CHANG PU NA Japanese Sweetflag* Acorus calamus var. angustatus NA NA NA NA NA 23158,T5329|1835,E| ZHU BAI GEN NA Nagai Podocarpus Root Myrica nagi [Syn. Podocarpus nagi ] NA NA root or bark To dispel wind and eliminate damp. Wind-damp impediment pain. 15229,E|15228,E|15227,E|21458,E| JIA LE BI CI TONG NA Caribbean Coralbean* Erythrina caribea NA NA NA NA NA 7324,T4307|25769,T4307|7330,E|7323,E| AO MAI DING GONG TENG NA Elliptical Erycibe Erycibe elliptilimba NA NA root and stem To dispel wind and relieve pain. NA 7298,E|7302,T2924| HU GU 虎骨 Tiger's bone Os Tigris Warm,Pungent,Sweet Liver,Kidney NA To expel wind and alleviate pain, strengthen the bones and muscles. For rheumatism and flaccidity of the back and lower extremities caused by deficiency of the cold of the liver and kidney. Recently, its preparation of wine and injection are used for rheumatic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Since the tiger bone is a precious drug, the dog and pig bones may be used as its substitutes. 1. Antiarthritic.2. Analgesic: Oral use of alcoholic infusion (21.18g/kg) and subcutaneous injection (42.36g/kg) can alleviate pain.3. Decreasing the capollary permeability. 24263,M345|25120,M345|24109,M345|23616,M345| TAI WAN XIAO BO NA Taiwan Barberry Berberis kawakamii NA NA root or leaf To clear heat and dry mouth sore, toxin swelling of sores. NA 13367,E| JIAN HAI LONG NA Acute Syngnathus* Syngnathus acus NA NA meat or whole fish To supplement kidney and invigorate yang , dissipate binds and disperse swelling. Impotence, emission, sterility, kidney vacuity asthma, concretion conglomeration accumulation and gathering, scrofula, goiter and carcinoma of neck, knocks and falls, swollen welling abscess and clove sores. 17113,E| GAO DANG GUI NA High Ligusticum* Ligusticum elatum NA NA NA NA NA 31780,T3813|2284,E|11831,E| DAN YE XIN YUE JUE NA Simple Pronephrium Pronephrium simplex [Syn. Meniscium simplex ] NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin. Swelling pain in throat, dysentery, poisonous snake bites. 17866,E| XIANG ROU NA Elephant Meat Elephas maximus NA NA meat NA Bald sores. 30827,T6131|4221,E| ZHI RU MO 制乳没 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 12435,M867|24297,M867|24368,M867| CI GUO SONG NA Bristlecone Pine Pinus aristata NA NA NA NA NA 3602,T3354|3600,E| GOU SHU NA Common Papermulberry Broussonetia papyrifera NA NA branch To dispel wind, brighten eyes, disinhibit urine. Wind papules, red eyes with gall, inhibited urination [=dysuria]. 14956,E|21100,E|14954,E|14953,E|2635,E|2651,E|2650,E|2630,E|5745,E|4108,E|11487,E|6087,E|20310,E|6000,E|12675,E|13564,E|21101,E|6102,E|6101,E|21070,E|2172,E|1397,E|1402,E|21112,E|8140,E|2629,E|14948,E|21135,E|7484,E|5893,E|10444,E|10505,E|8261,E|846,E|15271,E|51,E|5085,E|18628,E|1764,E| RI BEN WEN SHU LAN NA Japanese Crinum Crinum asiaticum var. japonicum NA NA NA NA NA 10402,E|4234,E|17755,E|15741,E|13234,E| LIU ZHI NA Babylon Weeping Willow Branch Salix babylonica NA NA branchlet To dispel wind, disinhibit urine, relieve pain, disperse swelling. Wind-damp impediment pain, strangury, white turbidity, urinary stoppage, infective hepatitis, wind swelling, clove sore, erysipelas, tooth decay, gum swelling. 17273,E|19171,T4688|19169,E| WU QING NA Turnip Brassica rapa NA NA root or leaf To disperse food and precipitate qi, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Indigestion of overnight food, cold pain in heart and abdomen, cough, swollen welling abscess and toxin of clove. 11652,E|2596,E| XI FANG CANG ER NA Occidental Cocklebur* Xanthium occidentale NA NA NA NA NA 32237,T5994|22764,E| QIAN MA NA Hempleaf Nettle Equivalent plant: Urtica dioica Urtica cannabina NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and free network vessels, calm liver and settle fright, disperse accumulation and free stool, resolve toxin. Wind-damp impediment pain, postpartum wind tetany, infant fright wind, sequel of poliomyelitis, hypertension, indigestion, fecal stoppage, urticaria, knocks and falls, snake or insect bites. 20238,E|20239,T5244|21324,E|9831,E|21327,E|21325,E|9623,E|6453,E|6454,T5244|7881,E|7882,T5244|19906,E|9624,E| YA ZHI TUO WU NA Elegant Goldenray* Ligularia elegans NA NA NA NA NA 12806,E|3848,T6287|3847,E| PU HUANG TAN 蒲黄炭 Prepared pollen of longbract cattail pollen typhae Preparata Cool,Pungent,Sweet Liver,Heart NA Treament of hematemesis, epistaxis, hemoptysis, abnormal uterine bleeding, traumatic bleeding, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, pricking pain in the epigastrium, traumatic swelling and pain, dysuria with difficult painful passage of bloody urine. 1. Strengthening the tone and promoting rhythmical contraction of uterus in animals and human. 2. Its decoction lowers blood pressure and shortens blood clotting time. 24928,M552|24226,M552|23988,M552|23586,M552| XIAO GUO YE JIAO NA Acuminate Banana Musa acuminata NA NA NA NA NA 6822,E|21821,E|8098,E|6865,E|17883,E|6923,E| SI KAO LE ZI JIN NA Scouler Corydalis* Corydalis scouleri NA NA NA NA NA 643,E;T5683| FENG CHAO CAO NA Rough Leucas Leucas aspera NA NA whole herb To resolve exterior, relieve cough, brighten eyes, free menstruation. Common cold, headache, asthma, pertussis, swelling pain in throat, toothache, indigestion, menstrual disorder [=menoxenia], menstrual block, night blindness, phlegmon. 13284,E|15194,E|10433,E|1466,E|3517,E| MAO YE FAN LI ZHI NA Cherimoya Annona cherimolia NA NA NA NA NA 1304,E|1305,E|1303,E|18884,E|16255,E|12447,E|3513,E|3512,E|18894,T4887|22083,E|3515,E|3514,E|1298,E;T4887|1299,E;T4887|1297,E|1317,E|18892,E|30766,T4887|6826,E|6827,E|14899,T4887|14898,E|11790,E| MU TI CENG KONG JUN. NA NA Fomes fomentarius NA NA sporocarp To disperse accumulation, transform stasis, anticancer. Food accumulation, carcinoma of esophagus, carcinoma of stomach, ovarian carcinoma. 7248,E| MAO GUO SUAN PAN ZI NA Hairypod Glochidion* Glochidion eriocarpum NA NA branch-leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel damp and relieve itch. Lacquer sore, paddy field dermatitis (water ulcer), itchy skin, urticaria, eczema, burns, mastitis, acute gastroenteritis, dysentery. 13085,E|13086,E|13091,E|8562,E|8569,E|8568,E| GUANG HUA DANG GUI NA Glabrate Angelica* Angelica glabra NA NA NA NA NA 17063,E|30701,T3899|1193,E|2833,E| HONG QIAN HU 红前胡 Radix Peucedani Rubricaudiiei NA NA NA NA NA NA 4140,C0430| CHAO SHAN JIA ZHU 炒山甲珠 Anteater scales Preparata Squama manitis Minor cold,Salty Stomach,Liver NA Treatment of amenorrhea with mass formation in the abdomen, galactostasis, carbuncles and sores, arthralgia with numbness and muscular contracture. Raising the level of white blood cells. 24237,M87| CUI DENG XIN LIU SHAN HU NA Gorgonian Junceella fragilis Junceella fragilis NA NA NA NA NA 11945,E|11944,E|5295,E|17741,E|11941,E| MIAN MAO MA DOU LING NA Wooly Dutchmanspipe Aristolochia mollissima NA NA rhizome or whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and free network vessels, relieve pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, numbness in limbs, hypertonicity of sinews and bones, pain in stomach duct and abdomen, painful wound from knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, mammary welling abscess, suppurative infection. 4188,E|13837,E|7394,E;T4974|14893,T4974|31527,T4974|13336,E|13340,E|13341,E|20353,E|13335,E|19965,E|22407,E;T4974|14890,E|13505,E|1713,E|1712,E|1711,E|22406,E|1716,E|1719,E|1697,E|1694,E|1692,E|1693,E|917,E|13333,E|1698,E|2550,E|7393,E|11666,E|13835,E|3408,E|19967,E|3723,E|1700,E|13339,E|13338,E|15333,T4974|1729,E|1726,E;T4974|1727,E|13337,E|6465,E|11250,E|13334,E|7162,E|25756,T4974|13332,E| YING GUO SHAN ZHA NA Hawthorn Crataegus oxyacantha NA NA NA NA NA 22566,T6476|3552,T6476|3551,E|22565,E|664,E;T6476|1102,E;T6476| SHI LI ZI NA Belgaum Walnut Seed Aleurites moluccana NA NA seed To quicken blood, moisten intestines. Amenorrhea, intestinal dry and constipation. 8807,E|8810,T5585| HAI FENG TENG 海风藤 Kadsura Pepper Piper kadsura [Syn. Piper futokadsura] Minor Warm,Pungent,Bitter Liver stem To dispel wind-damp, free channels and network vessels, relieve pain due to impediment. Wind-cold-damp impediment, aching sinews in limb joints, hypertonicity of sinews and vessels. 8035,E;M305;T3942|8034,E|8037,E|592,E|25070,M305|30991,T3942|8039,E;M305;T3942|8038,E|12010,E|6744,E|8036,E|20353,E;M305|13288,E|13286,E|5135,T3942|5134,E|8092,E|12005,E;T3942|23526,M305|3517,E|11266,E|12012,T3942|22367,E|23014,E|17251,E|8040,E;T3942|23880,M305|23887,T3942|17446,E|25174,M305|23097,M305|22044,E|24548,M305|19967,E|23545,M305|8085,E|8087,E|12009,T3942|12006,E;T3942|12007,E;M305;T3942|12004,E;T3942|1840,E|12002,E|12003,E;T3942|24708,M305|24216,M305|24555,M305|23287,C0400| AN HUI BEI MU NA Anhui Fritillary Fritillaria anhuiensis NA NA NA NA NA 26070,T2909|22620,E|618,E|22622,T2909|21343,E|6657,E|27383,T2909|12177,E| XIANG SI CAO NA Bona Conyza Conyza bonariensis NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, eliminate damp and relieve pain, stanch bleeding. Common cold, malaria, rheumatic arthritis, swelling and pus of sores, bleeding due to external injury. 3320,T6134|3318,E|2540,E|10669,E|10005,E| HUN TOU JI NA Fortune’s Holly Fern Cyrtomium fortunei NA NA rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and extinguish wind, stanch bleeding and dissipate stasis, expel worms. Common cold, febrile diseases, malaria, hepatitis, maculopapular eruption, sand foulness, liver yang dizziness, headache, blood ejection, flooding, vaginal discharge, mammary welling abscess, scrofula, knocks and falls. 4587,E|4588,T4249| JIU CENG FENG. NA NA Cladostachys amaranthoides NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and remove damp, clear heat and resolve toxin. Wind-damp impediment pain, dysentery, diarrhea. 18708,E|18707,E|18712,E| CHI AN NA Longbeak Eucalyptus Eucalyptus camaldulensis NA NA fruit To disperse accumulation and gan. Child gan accumulation. 19072,E| REN SHEN YE 人参叶 Ginseng Leaf Panax ginseng [Syn. Panax schinseng ] NA NA leaf To clear heat and resolve summerheat, engender liquid and allay thirst. Summerheat-heat and thirst, febrile diseases fluid damage, stomach yin insufficiency, diabetes mellitus, dry cough due to lung dryness, vacuity-fire toothache. 23085,C0172|8432,E|23129,C0173|16585,C0095|8439,E|23066,C0171|23181,C0178|23271,C0569|16586,C0094|24276,M1029|23117,C0168|8440,E|8441,E|8442,E|8443,E|16576,E|16583,C0096|23034,C0170|16582,C0097| CHOU MU DAN NA Rose Glorybower (Clerodendrum) Clerodendrum bungei NA NA stem-leaf To resolve toxin and disperse swelling, dispel wind-damp, lower blood pressure. Welling abscess and flat abscess, clove sore, effusion of back, mammary welling abscess, hemorrhoids, eczema, erysipelas, wind-damp impediment pain, hypertension. 30690,T3302|3838,E|2746,E| SHUI YANG SUAN JIA ZHI 水杨酸甲酯 Methyl Salicylatum Methyl Salicylatum NA NA NA NA NA 14710,M668| CHANG YUAN YE XIAO BO NA Oblong-leaved Barberry Berberis oblonga NA NA NA NA NA 16428,E| BAI GUO SHU PI NA Ginkgo Bark Ginkgo biloba NA NA bark To boost qi and supplement vacuity. Copper coin lichen, psoriasis. 2378,E;T2967| BAI CI 白刺 Nitraria* Nitraria tangutorum NA NA fruit To fortify spleen and assisting movement, promote lactation, quiet spirit. Reduced food intake due to spleen vacuity, indigestion, scant breast milk, neurasthenia. 23125,C0500|23288,C0508|22476,E| SANG YE ZHI 桑叶汁 Lac Mori albae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23297,C0308|14963,C0311|23078,C0137|617,C0403|6678,C0526| SHUI CHAO YANG NA Aquatic-sunflower Inula Inula helianthus- aquatica NA NA flower To dispel wind and downbear fire, eliminate inflammation and move water, resolve toxin. Common cold with headache, chest oppression with cough asthma, ascites, acute conjunctivitis, wind-fire toothache, mammary welling abscess. 7238,E|7239,T5635| XIAO HUA MU LAN GUO NA Smallflower Bruguiera Fruit* Bruguiera parviflora NA NA NA NA NA 2910,E|2911,E|13090,E|13091,E|6450,E|4168,E| DONG GUA PI 冬瓜皮 Chinese Waxgourd Peel Benincasa hispida Sweet,slightly cold Lung,small intestine exocarp To clear heat and disinhibit water, disperse swelling. Edema, inhibited urination [=dysuria], diarrhea, swelling of sores. 24413,M922|21646,M922|23125,M922|617,M922|19885,E|15519,E|23170,M922|11545,E|23193,M922| QIU YIN NA Earthworm Pheretima aspergillum NA NA body To clear heat, calm liver, calm asthma, free network vessels, lower blood pressure. Ardent fever and manic agitation, fright wind and convulsion, wind-heat headache, red eyes, wind stroke with hemiplegia, chronic bronchitis, asthma, bronchial asthma, hypertension, throat impediment, pain in joints, gum hemorrhage, urinary stoppage, scrofula, epidemic parotitis, sore. 3586,T5297|3585,E|9070,T5297|9066,E|9069,E|9067,T5297|10914,T5297|10912,E|22740,E|22741,T5297| JIN QIAN CAO 金钱草 Christina Loosestrife Herba Glechomae Longitubae Minor cold,Sweet,Neutral Bladder,Liver,Kidney,Gallbladder NA Treatment of acute urinary infection or urolithiasis with difficult painful urination, jaundice with dark urine, hepatic or biliary calculus, carbuncles, sores, venomous snake bite. Increasing biliary secretion. 13768,T4407|13769,T4407|13767,C0347|17387,T4407|24964,M408|11604,T4407|31865,T4407|24725,M408|25205,T4407|23546,M408| XI TE KA YUN SHAN NA Sitka Spruce Picea sitchensis NA NA NA NA NA 17442,E|17445,T6034| BAO JING KU MAI CAI NA Sowthistle-leaf Ixeris Ixeris sonchifolia NA NA whole herb To relieve pain and disperse swelling, clear heat and resolve toxin. Headache, toothache, stomachache, postoperative pain, painful wound from knocks and falls, appendicitis, enteritis, pulmonary abscess, sore swollen throat, swelling welling abscess and sore and boil. 618,E|11798,E|11797,E|11796,E|20687,E| YI WA JU NA Sumpweed Iva frutescens NA NA NA NA NA 30757,T6422|9563,E|9565,T6422|3388,E;C0199| SAN XING QU QU HUA NA Globe Candytuft Iberis umbellata NA NA NA NA NA 4318,E|4319,E;T5431|4317,T5431|4316,E|4320,T5431| KU DOU CAO 苦豆草 Herba Sophorae alopecuroidis NA NA NA NA NA NA 4593,C0281|20084,C0055|20061,C0053|13599,C0333|20078,C0054| MAO MAN TUO LUO ZI NA Hairy Datura Seed Datura innoxia NA NA seed or fruit See Datura metel. See Datura metel. 16056,E|12885,E|31449,T4874|31755,T4874|2001,E;T4874|10871,E|13812,E|10874,T4874|31519,T4874| LENG SHUI GAN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23289,C0374|21344,C0293|23157,C0373| JIAN YE ZAO NA Mucronated Jujube* Zizyphus mucronata NA NA NA NA NA 15012,E|15013,T4352| LV TANG SONG CAO NA Glaucous Meadowrue* Thalictrum glaucum NA NA NA NA NA 21241,E| XI BEI MU NA Crown Imperial Fritillaria imperialis NA NA NA NA NA 11003,E|7927,E|11000,E|31933,T5984|11002,E|6656,E|6660,E|11241,E|16762,T5984|16761,E|16975,E|4995,E|21450,E|4989,E|7793,E|5644,E|19813,E| YANG OU XIA ZHI CAO NA Peregrine Hoarhound Marrubium peregrinum NA NA NA NA NA 21186,E| HANG JU 杭菊 Chrysanthemum Flower Flos Chrysanthemi Minor cold,Sweet,Bitter Lung,Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of wind-heat type common cold, headache and dizziness, inflammation of the eye, blurred vision. NA 13119,M321|23625,M321|23975,M321|3209,M321|24462,M321| LU JIAO CAI NA Furcate Gloiopeltis Frond Gloiopeltis furcata NA NA frond To clear heat, disperse food, transform phlegm. Taxation fever, steaming bone, diarrhea, dysentery, wind-damp impediment pain, cough, goiter and tuberculosis, hemorrhoids. 1269,E;T4716|702,E;T4716|14812,T4716|14446,E|14447,T4716|14809,E| LUO MO NA Japanese Metaplexis Metaplexis japonica NA NA whole herb or root To supplement essence and boost qi, free milk, resolve toxin. Vacuity detriment and taxation damage, impotence, emission, vaginal discharge, scant breast milk, erysipelas, scrofula, clove sore, snake or insect bites. 12874,E|31448,T4760|8045,E|8046,T4760|16904,E|19346,E|25335,T4760|31769,T4760|30898,T4760|22272,T4760|2268,E;T4760|5383,E|11640,E|22269,E|4795,E|11643,T4760|13806,E|13812,T4760|4797,T4760| SANG BAI PI 桑柏皮 White Mulberry Root-bast Morus alba Cold,Sweet Lung root cortex To drain lung and calm asthma, disinhibit water and disperse edema. Lung heat cough asthma, water-rheum collecting lung, distention fullness and rapid asthma, edema, beriberi, inhibited urination. 14945,T5443|21646,M604|14944,T5443|19269,T5443|19527,M604|23040,C0396|25464,T5443|15041,T5443|22179,M604|14981,E|15042,T5443|14983,E|14982,E|14985,E|14984,E|14986,E|14989,T5443|23170,C0397|23297,C0308|14963,M604;C0311|21799,E|23078,C0137|617,M604;C0403|13947,T5443|15040,T5443|15043,T5443|6678,C0526|15039,T5443|26062,T5443|26061,T5443|15033,T5443|15056,T5443|15031,T5443|21800,E|1102,M604|6051,E|6053,E|6052,E| FAN XIE YE 番泻叶 Narrowleaf Senna Leaf Equivalent plant: Cassia acutifolia Cassia angustifolia Sweet, bitter,cold NA leaf To drain heat and move stagnation, free stool, disinhibit water. Heat bind and accumulation, constipation w ith abdominal pain, edema distention fullness. 23476,M930|30570,T3711|17235,T3711|23550,M930|3615,E;M930|19735,E|19734,E;M930|12017,E;M930;C0453|19736,E;T3711|968,E|17233,E|23304,M930;C0324|24967,M930|18745,T3711|18744,E;M930|24877,M930|30775,T3711|25574,T3711|23443,M930|19737,E|18925,C0452| NIU WEI CAI NA Oxtail Greenbrier Smilax riparia NA NA rhizome and root To dispel wind-damp, free channels and network vessels, dispel phlegm and relieve cough. Wind-damp impediment, taxation damage and lumbago, knocks and falls, cough and asthma. 15456,E|15457,E| ZI TENG GEN 紫藤根 Radix Wisteriae sinensis NA NA NA NA NA NA 4593,C0281| NAO SHA 硇砂 Sal ammoniaci Sal ammoniaci Warm,Pungent,Bitter,Salty Spleen,Stomach,Liver NA NA NA 24237,M526| YIN DU SI LI LAN KA YE XIA ZHU NA Indian-Sri-Lankan Leafflower* Phyllanthus myritifolius NA NA NA NA NA 18647,E| DU QI TENG NA Poison Ivy Toxicodendron radicans NA NA NA NA NA 22258,E|32182,T3608| JIE CAO GEN 缬草根 Valerian Radix Seu Rhizoma Valerianae pungent,sweet,warm heart,liver NA NA NA 22303,M1102|24658,M1102|24627,M1102|23862,M1102|24420,M1102| XI LUO HAN SONG NA Musengerra Podocarpus Podocarpus gracilior NA NA NA NA NA 17578,T6011|17577,E| TU ER SAN NA Syneilesis* Syneilesis palmata NA NA NA NA NA 20535,E| YANG SHI CAO 洋蓍草 Common Yarrow Achillea millefolium NA NA whole herb To dispel wind, quicken blood, relieve pain, resolve toxin. Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, amenorrhea due to blood stasis, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, bleeding from hemorrhoids. 30032,T6328|14851,T6328|30676,T6328|21646,E|8030,E|30751,T6328|23105,C0240|21334,E|21335,T6328|20353,E|32110,T6328|21315,E|21317,T6328|21602,E|7522,T6328|4748,E|2887,E|2325,E;T6328|8032,T6328|14751,T6328|26058,T6328|7880,E|2071,E;T6328|7556,E|23887,T6328|21605,T6328|1792,E|14846,E|19196,E|4549,E|22445,E|11311,T6328|11752,T6328|2550,E;T6328|24032,T6328|2555,E;T6328|11751,E|2557,E|3242,E|3241,E|4756,T6328|23381,T6328|7520,E|1476,E;T6328|14749,E|538,E;T6328| KUAI JING XI MEN FEI CAO NA Tuberous Comfrey Symphytum tuberosum NA NA NA NA NA 6683,E|23179,T4542| WU JU LOU DOU CAI NA Spurless Columbine Aquilegia ecalcarata NA NA whole herb with root To resolve exterior and abate fever, draw out toxin and engender flesh. Common cold with headache, putrefying sore, yellow-water sore. 11230,E|13130,E|1476,E|10023,E|1541,E| RI BEN CU FEI NA Japanese Plumyew Cephalotaxus harringtonia NA NA NA NA NA 5180,E|5186,T5331|25149,T5331|9608,E|9244,T5331|9238,E|3404,E|3407,T5331|22680,E|8400,E|11447,T5331|11446,E| XI TAI. NA NA Pellia epiphylla NA NA NA NA NA 16778,E|6998,E| HAN CHENG XI XIN NA Seoul Siebold Wildginger Asarum sieboldii var. seoulensis NA NA whole herb See Asarum sieboldii. See Asarum sieboldii. 1713,E|19762,E| MI SHI MA QIAN ZI NA Mittschelich Poisonnut* Strychnos mittschelichii NA NA NA NA NA 2976,T4963|4379,T4963|13608,E|4376,E|2959,E| DONG FANG TIAN XIAN ZI NA Oriental Henbane* Hyoscyamus orientalis NA NA NA NA NA 1526,E;T3581| XI JIN SHI DA GONG LAO NA Sikkim Mahonia Mahonia sikkimensis NA NA NA NA NA 16428,E| SI CHUAN XIANG CHA CAI NA Sichuna Rabdosia Isodon setschwanensis NA NA NA NA NA 18475,E|18477,E|18476,E|18478,E| BAN DIAN XIAO QIU QIANG JUN. NA NA Leptosphaeria maculans NA NA NA NA NA 17593,E|17592,E|17591,E|17590,E|17594,E|17166,E|17164,E|17165,E|17163,E| MU TONG GEN NA Fiveleaf Akebia Root Equivalent plant: Akebia trifoliata var australis, Akebia trifoliata Akebia quinata NA NA root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, move qi and quicken blood, disinhibit urine, resolve toxin. Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, amenorrhea, mounting qi , painful swollen testes, distention oppression in stomach duct, inhibited urination, vaginal discharge, snake or insect bites. 4684,T5024|4679,E|31938,T5024|819,E;T5024|19971,E|820,E;T5024| HUA NAN REN DONG NA Wild Honeysuckle Lonicera confusa NA NA flower bud See Lonicera japonica . See Lonicera japonica. 3551,E| JIA ZI CAO NA Common Arnebia Arnebia guttata NA NA root See Lithospermum erythrorhizon . See Lithospermum erythrorhizon . 309,E|10265,E|25169,T4330|20952,E|30867,T4330|5213,E|19804,E;C0581|10272,T4330|514,E;T4330|19812,T4330|6302,E| YUN LING 云苓 Indian Bread Sclerotium Poriae Cocos Mild,Sweet,Neutral Lung,Spleen,Heart NA Treatment of edema with oliguria, dizziness and palpitation caused by retained fluid, diminished function of the spleen marked by anorexia, loose stools or diarrhea, restlessness and insomnia. 1. An active component pachyman promotes macrophage phagocytosis in mice, and enhances lymphocyte-blastogensis rate in vitro.2. Preventing the formation of gastric ulcer under stress in rats3. Diuretic and liver-protective. 617,M823;C0403|25161,M823| SHU QU FENG MAO JU NA Cudweed-like Saussurea Saussurea gnaphaloides NA NA whole herb with root See Saussurea laniceps. See Saussurea laniceps. 19072,E|20553,E| HAI YANG DA JI NA Sea Euphorbia* Euphorbia paralias NA NA NA NA NA 19642,E|16640,E|16641,E|19638,E|19639,E|19641,E|19640,E|19637,E|11844,E|11843,E|11842,E|11841,E|11840,E| HUI HAO NA Chinese Seriphidium Seriphidium cinum [Syn. Artemisia cina] NA NA inflorescence and leaf To kill worms. Ascariasis, oxyuria disease. 3760,E|30792,T4230|19298,E|1798,E;T4230|25338,T4230| RUAN YIN BEI TENG NA Soft Argyreia* Argyreia mollis NA NA NA NA NA 18362,E| SHI JUE MING 石决明 Sea-ear Shell Concha Haliotidis Cold,Salty Liver NA Treatment of headache and dizziness, blurred vision due to nebula, optic atrophy and night blindness. 1. Improves eyesight.2. Haemostatic. 24903,M654|23823,M654|23378,M654|24342,M654| YANG BIAN 羊鞭 Sheep Penis Penis Caprae seu Ovis Warm,Sweet,Salty Kidney NA NA NA 23580,M790| HUO SUO MA NA Tortedfruit Screwtree Helicteres isora NA NA root To move qi and relieve pain. Chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, ileus, enteritis and diarrhea. 31381,T4252|31384,T4252|31383,T4252|13126,T4252|11710,T4252|11704,E|11705,E|11706,E|11707,E|31382,T4252|13119,E|11703,E| MENG MAI ROU DOU KOU NA Bombay Nutmeg* Myristica malabarica NA NA NA NA NA 5821,E|6242,E|10446,E|2384,E|17987,E| HUA XU GENG BAI MAI GEN NA Greater Bird’s-foot-trefoil Lotus pedunculatus NA NA NA NA NA 19380,T4134|19379,E| DING XIANG GEN 丁香根 Radix Syzygii aromatici NA NA NA NA NA NA 11418,C0417|3488,C0198|7520,C0416|12017,C0453| DA YE NIU NAI CAI NA Ko Condorvine Marsdenia koi NA NA NA NA NA 25546,T3470|13570,T3470|13568,E|13569,E| ZA JIAO BAI HEX NA Hybrid Lily* Lilium speciosum x L . nobilissimum NA NA NA NA NA 5039,E| RONG MAO MI ZI LAN NA Tomentose Aglaia* Aglaia tomentosa NA NA NA NA NA 742,E|743,E|744,E|745,E|746,E|747,E| SHAN HU GEN HAI TOU HONG. NA NA Plocamium corallorrhiza NA NA NA NA NA 17549,E|2625,E|21529,E|17551,E|17550,E|2619,E| SAN ZHONG JU ZA JIAO ZHONG . NA NA [Citrus unshiu x Citrus sinensis] x Citrus iyo NA NA NA NA NA 22178,E| DONG GUA ZI NA Chinese Waxgourd Seed Benincasa hispida NA NA seed To clear lung and transform phlegm, disperse welling abscess and expel pus, disinhibit damp. Phlegm-heat cough, pulmonary welling abscess, intestinal welling abscess, white turbidity, vaginal discharge, beriberi, edema, strangury syndrome. 21646,E|22230,E|19885,E|3774,E| BAI ZHI 白芷 Dahurian Angelica Angelica dahurica [Syn. Angelica porphyrocaulis] Warm,Pungent NA root To dispel wind and resolve exterior, dispel damp and relieve pain. Wind-cold common cold, nasal congestion, headache (especially in forehead and superciliary region), toothache, infections, acute mastitis, sores, excessive leukorrhea, stomachache. 16477,E|14918,T3038|14917,E;M39|16478,T3038|3048,M39;C0377|22179,E|14262,E|23614,M39|7454,E|7455,T3038|13564,E|13565,T3038|15687,T3038|15686,E|7695,T3038|933,E;M39|23295,C0237|934,E;T3038|9378,E|23279,C0236|2557,M39|15690,E|15691,T3038|23289,C0374|31743,T3038|31740,T3038|19690,T3038|24185,M39|15340,E|32012,T3038|32010,T3038|111,M39|15346,T3038|3045,M39|5097,E|30701,T3038|25613,T3038|30112,T3038|14263,T3038|15638,E|22208,T3038|9087,E|4549,M39|15138,M39|23256,C0557|21595,E|2833,E|9485,E|24138,M39|24037,M39|25127,M39|2041,E|31078,T3038|9488,T3038|11459,E;M39;C0148|6370,E|16521,C0099|14388,T3038|32174,T3038|15940,E;M39|24956,M39|15947,E|14384,E|23089,M39;C0049|17043,T3038|17042,E|21600,T3038|31714,T3038|10999,E;M39|19689,E|31499,T3038|15244,M39;C0409|7417,M39|23150,M39|23157,C0373|23880,M39|25159,T3038|22205,E|22204,E|25387,T3038|22180,T3038|4602,E|4600,E|4601,E|16820,E|24453,M39|23530,M39|21027,E|21025,E|19527,E|17063,E|16823,T3038|23184,M39|16450,T3038|19530,T3038|30856,T3038|23421,M39|7671,E|1191,E;M39;C0326|4596,E|4597,E|4598,E|4599,E|15674,M39|14648,E|14649,T3038|23545,M39|16449,E|23627,M39|16446,E|20976,M39|25837,T3038|15967,M39;C0425|24642,M39| YOU GAN LAN JIU JIE NA Olive Ninenode* Psychotria oleoides NA NA NA NA NA 18079,E| DAN SHEN 丹参 Danshen Equivalent plant: Salvia przewalskii, Salvia miltiorrhiza f alba Salvia miltiorrhiza Minor cold,Bitter Liver,Heart root To quicken blood and dispel stasis, regulate menstruation and relieve pain, nourish blood and quiet spirit, cool blood and disperse welling abscess. Angina pectoris, cerebral atherosclerosis, diffusive intravascular clotting, thrombophlebitis, hepatitis, acute surgical infection, mastitis, erysipelas, otitis media, tonsillitis, bone marrow infection, menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, postpartum stasis stagnation abdominal pain, pain in heart and abdomen, concretion conglomeration accumulation and gathering, heat impediment swelling and pain, knocks and falls, heat entering construction-blood, vexation and agitation, insomnia and vexation, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, zoster, neurodermatitis, psoriasis. 12920,E|14919,E|14857,E;T3496|14856,E;T3496|14855,E;T3496|14854,E|14858,T3496|19189,E|31275,T3496|6876,E|13363,E|20671,E|31848,T3496|20672,E;T3496|4679,E|15366,E|15367,E|31928,T3496|29509,T3496|14920,T3496|25343,T3496|25218,T3496|4641,T3496|23967,M199;T3496|17998,E|24123,M199|23168,C0071|4973,E|10738,T3496|10736,E|19203,E|10735,E|19204,E;M199|5733,T3496|5762,E|19072,M199;C0514|5659,T3496|19179,T3496|24475,M199|16062,E|16063,E|12918,E|23205,M199;C0254;T3496|21367,E|19190,E|19192,E|19196,T3496|4626,E|4627,E;T3496|4628,E|4629,E;C0538;T3496|19967,E|25435,T3496|23696,T3496|14728,E|11352,T3496|11351,E|4291,E;C0537|24526,M199|26047,T3496|4950,T3496|22254,E|19188,E|23324,M199|24958,M199|23254,T3496|19186,E|19187,E|14384,E|4633,E|4632,E|4631,E|4630,E;T3496|4634,E;T3496|2887,E|14730,T3496|4949,E|11626,E|18910,E|18911,T3496|25417,T3496|19202,E;M199|20665,E;T3496|32181,T3496|25418,T3496|23238,C0072|15792,E|31950,T3496|5652,E|14709,T3496|4684,T3496|17954,E|24587,M199|11731,T3496|10499,T3496|7763,E;M199;C0521|2106,E;T3496|10491,E|9458,T3496|9454,E|4975,T3496|31948,T3496|31949,T3496|15454,T3496|5722,E;T3496|5721,E;M199|11726,E;M199|11727,T3496|11728,E|23741,T3496|25166,T3496|20670,E;C0047|20669,E;M199;C0046;T3496|20668,E;T3496|23350,M199|20663,E|20667,E;T3496|20666,E;M199|23192,C0149|20664,E;T3496|12415,E|31727,T3496|23028,C0229|12200,E| YOU GEN 柚根 Radix Citri grandis NA NA NA NA NA NA 15626,C0582| SANG SHEN 桑椹 Mulberry Fruit Fructus Mori Cold,Sweet Liver,Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of vertigo and tinnitus, palpitation, insomnia, premature greying of hair and beard, thirst due to impairment of body fluid, diabetes caused by internal heat, constipation due to deficiency of blood. Its contains sugar, organic acid , vitamins B1, B2 and C and carotene. Its oleum contains oleic acid and linoleic acid. 14963,M607;C0311|23078,C0137|23745,M607|22179,M607|19527,M607|617,M607;C0403|24067,M607|24136,M607|23170,M607|1102,M607|22538,M607|23297,C0308|21646,M607|23572,M607|6678,C0526|23306,M607| XI QIN JIAO 西秦艽 root of Largeleaf Gentian Radix Gentianae macrophyllae NA NA NA Treatment of rheumatic or rheumatoid arthrits with muscular contracture and severe joint pain, fever recurring daily in the afternoon, fever in infants with malnutrition. 1. Inhibiting experimental arthritis in mice and decreasing capillary permeability.2. Anti-allergric.3. Inducing transient hypotensive effect. 8296,M742| GAN SU HUAI SHU NA Thickfruit Sophora Sophora pachycarpa NA NA NA NA NA 20061,E|20063,T3796| BAI ZHU 白术 Largehead Atractylodes Atractylodes macrocephala [Syn. Atractylis macrocephala ] Warm,Sweet,Bitter Spleen,Stomach root To boost qi and fortify spleen, dry damp and disinhibit water, check sweating, quiet fetus. Spleen qi vacuity, fatigue hypodynamia, reduced food intake with abdominal distention, sloppy stool, water-rheum collecting internally, inhibited urination, edema, phlegm-rheum dizziness, damp impediment, qi vacuity, spontaneous sweating, stirring fetus in pregnancy. 23533,M40|23867,M40|25523,T3040|25522,T3040|25521,T3040|25520,T3040|30637,T3040|24279,M40|1968,E|1969,M40|1965,E;T3040|1967,E|7494,E|24732,M40|25755,T3040|9541,M40|7395,E|24091,M40|30179,T3040|14183,E|14182,E|14185,E|14184,E|1971,E;M40|11963,E|11968,T3040| RI BEN CHI SONG 日本赤松 Pinus densiflora NA NA NA NA NA NA 23289,C0374|23157,C0373| LAN HU LU BA NA Blue Trigonella Trigonella caerulea NA NA seed To supplement kidney and disinhibit water, rectify qi and relieve pain. Kidney vacuity lumbago, edema, spasmodic abdominal pain of gastrointestinal tract, mounting qi (hernia), painful swollen testes. 18267,E| LANG DU DA JI NA Fischer Euphorbia Euphorbia fischeriana NA NA root See Euphorbia ebracteolata . See Euphorbia ebracteolata . 245,E|17944,E|12475,E| GOU TENG 钩藤 Sharpleaf Gambirplant Equivalent plant: Uncaria sinensis, Uncaria macrophylla Uncaria rhynchophylla [Syn. Nauclea rhynchophylla] Minor cold,Sweet Liver,Cardiovascular hooked stem-branch To extinguish wind and check tetany, clear heat and calm liver. Infant fright wind and night crying, exuberant heat stirring wind, epilepsy of pregnancy, liver yang dizziness, liver fire headache. 2845,T3863|23461,M279|21618,E;M279|9556,T3863|8251,T3863|8250,E|6852,E|2844,E;M279|23513,M279|31347,T3863|18809,E;M279|11344,E;M279;C0150|11345,T3863|11635,T3863|14449,T3863|24892,M279|30118,T3863|5549,E|5568,E|22480,E|22481,T3863|4120,M279|11681,T3863|20374,E;M279|20376,T3863|31377,T3863|1252,E;M279;T3863|18811,E;M279;C0077;T3863|4119,M279;T3863|23773,M279|21039,M279|23645,M279|23275,T3863|10886,E;M279|4115,T3863|18100,E|18102,T3863|14448,E|23829,M279|32191,T3863|4118,E;M279|9233,E|22194,E|31917,T3863|24248,T3863|11676,E;M279;C0076|11677,E|11374,E|3681,E|3680,E|4114,E;M279|5571,T3863|23683,M279|9234,T3863|22312,E;M279|1244,E;M279;T3863|9551,E;M279|22196,E|22195,E|9552,E;M279;T3863|22193,E|22192,E|823,E;T3863|11633,E| CHANG XIANG MAO NA Long Lemongrass* Cymbopogon procerus NA NA NA NA NA 6745,T3250|6744,E| GOU QI ZI 枸杞子 Chinese Wolfberry Fruit Equivalent plant: Lycium barbarum Lycium chinense Mild,Sweet Liver,Kidney fruit To nourish liver, brighten eyes, enrich kidney, moisten lung, lower blood pressure. Lassitude in lumbus and knees, emission, dizziness and dim vision, lung disease with cough, diabetes mellitus. 12483,E|14345,E|14343,E|14346,T3858|23042,T3858|15892,E|23040,C0396;T3858|15519,E|3041,T3858|30832,T3858|25503,T3858|15762,E|15763,E|12485,T3858|23114,C0038|18819,E|29509,T3858|23764,T3858|25214,T3858|25510,T3858|2318,E|13093,T3858|13091,E|23165,M277;C0426|3773,E|3774,T3858|17225,T3858|17224,E|10232,E|20353,E|3209,E|3040,E|14617,E|23572,M277|23170,M277;C0397|4491,T3858|4490,E|10871,E|10874,T3858|15520,T3858|3585,E|3586,T3858|11120,E|11125,T3858|19967,E|1845,E|4292,E|8817,T3858|8816,E|21929,E|15722,T3858|15720,E|14223,E|22540,T3858|14229,E|14381,T3858|14380,E|24894,M277|30783,T3858|31800,T3858|31654,T3858|3695,E|19530,T3858|23887,T3858|22045,T3858|22044,E|22539,T3858|22538,E;M277|14426,E|19106,T3858|19105,E|22960,E|22961,T3858|31621,T3858|20716,E|19527,E|31449,T3858|14550,E|1113,E|23037,C0003|25491,T3858|30744,T3858|23745,M277|12885,E|23051,M277;T3858|4468,T3858|4467,E|1048,E|2001,E;T3858|31603,T3858| AN SHI JIN SI TAO NA Ancher StJohn’swort* Hypericum ancherii NA NA NA NA NA 13474,E|31493,T2913| NEI FENG XIAO NA Black Magnoliavine* Schisandra nigra NA NA NA NA NA 19484,E|19461,E|15561,E| DONG FANG CANG ER NA Oriental Cocklebur* Xanthium orientale NA NA NA NA NA 22742,T3577|22741,E| MEI GUI HONG JIN NA Rose Corydalis* Corydalis rosea NA NA NA NA NA 643,E;T4897| ZI HUA DU JUAN 紫花杜鹃 flower of Mary rhododendron Folium et Cacumen Rhododendri Mariae NA NA NA To eliminate phlegm and relieve cough. For acute and chronic bronchitis. NA 18396,M1092|23975,M1092| ZHUO SE LIU LI CAO NA Picture Houndstongue* Cynoglossum pictum NA NA NA NA NA 9315,E| TAI WAN QIAN JIN TENG 台湾千金藤 Sasak Stephania* Stephania sasakii NA NA rhizome To settle pain, promote vomiting. Tuberculosis, bronchitis, pertussis, chronic sores, poisonous snake bite, malaria. 17027,E|3416,T5750|2300,E;T5750|14699,E|14282,E|3412,E;C0371|14702,T5750|14284,T5750|9446,E|19593,E| TIAO YE JI NA Linearleaf Thistle Cirsium lineare NA NA root or whole herb To quicken blood and dissipate stasis, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Menstrual disorder, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, mastitis, knocks and falls, urinary tract infection, welling abscess and boil, snake bite. 3744,T5810|3743,E| XI YE XIAO BO NA Poiret Barberry Berberis poiretii NA NA root, stem and bark To clear heat and dry damp, drain fire and resolve toxin. Bacillary dysentery, damp-heat dysentery, diarrhea, jaundice, infection of upper respiratory tract, sore pharynx, urinary tract infection, cholecystitis, leukopenic complications of carcinoma, eczema, sores, mouth sore,red eyes. 16544,E|11849,T6056|16545,T6056|11848,E| KU DING CHA 苦丁茶 Plumleaf Cratoxylum Cratoxylum prunifolium NA NA tender leaf To clear heat and resolve summerheat, transform damp and disperse stagnation. Common cold, summerheat stroke with fever, jaundice, acute gastroenteritis, bacillary dysentery, sore and boil. 15709,T4508|15706,E|2892,C0420| HUANG JIN FENG NA Incurvedspur Snapweed Impatiens siculifer NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and disperse swelling, clear heat and resolve toxin. Wind-damp bone pain, rheumatism numbness, knocks and falls, burns and scalds. 23720,T4177|20152,E|30820,T4177|4140,E| XIAO YE LIE LAN NA Elephant Tree Bursera microphylla NA NA NA NA NA 5203,T6192|1372,E|2775,T6192|2768,E| XI ZANG HU HUANG LIAN NA Figwortflower Picrorhiza Picrorhiza scrophulariiflora NA NA rhizome See Picrorhiza kurrooa . See Picrorhiza kurrooa. 9346,E|17470,E|17471,E|3306,E|3307,T6060|6080,E|17496,E|17497,E|30783,T6060|1162,E;T6060|3695,E|17273,E|7772,E|17333,T6060|17331,E;T6060|17330,E|19558,E|17469,E|19557,E|10441,E|13498,T6060|7767,E|2004,E;T6060|22316,E|7768,T6060|13497,E| LI SHU PI NA Chinese Chestnut Bast Castanea mollissima NA NA bast To resolve toxin and disperse swelling, promote astriction and stanch bleeding. Erysipelas, lai, mouth sore, lacquer sore, knocks and falls. 7441,T4614|7440,E|32176,T4614|22230,E|15364,E|22419,E|23615,T4614| CHUN BAI PI NA Chinese Toon Root-bast Toona sinensis NA NA bark or root cortex To eliminate heat and dry damp, astringe intestines and stanch bleeding, kill worms. Chronic dysentery, chronic diarrhea, intestinal wind bleeding, flooding and spotting, vaginal discharge, emission, white turbidity, gan accumulation, ascariasis, sore and lichen. 21436,T3343|21432,E| SALVIA SPP. NA NA Salvia spp. NA NA NA NA NA 10791,E| MEI HUA FENG MAO JU NA Beautiful-flowered Saussurea Saussurea pulchella NA NA whole herb To dispel wind, clear heat, eliminate damp, relieve pain. Common cold with fever, rheumatic arthritis, damp-heat diarrhea. 19072,E|19406,T4908|20553,E|19399,E| KA MAI LONG JIN LIAN MU NA Cameroon Ochna* Ochna calodendron NA NA NA NA NA 2987,E|2986,E| DUAN SHU NA Common Lime Tilia vulgaris NA NA NA NA NA 25259,T3622|20221,E| BU CHANG NAN MEI DENG MU NA Buchanan Mayten Maytenus buchananii NA NA NA NA NA 13614,E|13615,E|13612,E|13613,E| ZI SE BAN RUI DOU NA Purple Prairie-clover Petalostemon purpureus NA NA NA NA NA 16994,E| YE DI ZHU GEN 叶底珠根 herba flueggeae suffruticosae NA NA NA NA NA NA 19624,C0062| BAN JIU NA Rufous Turtle Dove Streptopelia orientalis NA NA meat To supplement kidney, boost qi, brighten eyes. Enduring illness qi vacuity, fatigue hypodynamia, hiccough, dim vision. 2101,E|30642,T3046| SHUANG SE JIN GUANG JU NA Pinewoods Coneflower Rudbeckia bicolor NA NA NA NA NA 20649,E| XI ZANG TIE XIAN LIAN NA Tibet Clematis* Clematis tibetana NA NA NA NA NA 9274,E|9275,E|3821,E|3820,E|3343,E|3819,E|819,E|17933,E|17932,E|17935,E|9572,E|9694,E| JIA HONG SHU NA White Mangrove Laguncularia racemosa NA NA NA NA NA 13291,T4301|13289,E| YA ZHI CAO NA Common Dayflower Commelina communis NA NA aerial parts To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit water and disperse edema. Common cold, wind-heat common cold, influenza, noninfectious fever, ardent fever incessant, ascites, edema, hordeolum, swelling pain in throat, scant urine with edema, heat strangury with inhibited pain, swollen welling abscess and toxin of clove. 7816,E|31482,T6286|5009,E|7818,T6286|13497,E|7950,E|13433,E|25930,T6286|12946,E| JI WU BING JIN SI TAO NA Subsessile StJohn’swort Hypericum subsessile NA NA NA NA NA 10886,E|18302,E|10882,E| DA HUA YAO WEN SHU LAN NA Macroanther Crinum* Crinum macrantherum NA NA NA NA NA 2219,E;T3425| XI FAN LIAN NA Passionflower Passiflora caerulea NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and relieve pain. Common cold with headache, nasal congestion and runny nose, pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, mounting qi , dysmenorrhea, neuralgia, insomnia, diarrhea. 3320,T5993|3318,E|8094,E|30995,T5993| XIANG CHUAN PI 香椽皮 Citron Bark Cortex Citri NA NA NA NA NA 24237,M754| QIU RUI WU WEI ZI NA Ballander Magnoliavine Schisandra sphaerandra NA NA NA NA NA 15561,E| YING SHUI HUANG LIAN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 21235,T6482|21226,T6482|21231,T6482|21227,T6482|9441,T6482|21238,T6482|21219,T6482|21247,T6482| GU KE 谷壳 Coca Shrub Erythroxylum coca NA NA NA NA NA 30783,T3871|4416,E|4420,T3871|3860,E;C0510|3695,E|8310,E|8311,T3871|3862,T3871|6682,E|6683,T3871| CHANG SHAN 常山 Antifebrile Dichroa Dichroa febrifuga Cold,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Liver,Heart root To dispel phlegm and interrupt malaria. Malaria, scrofula. 5439,T3248|5434,E|5435,E|10170,E|24017,M84|25992,T3248|24418,M84|7746,E|24282,M84|18405,E|30909,T3248|30908,T3248| FAN BAI CAO 翻白草 Discolor Cinquefoil Potentilla discolor NA NA whole herb with root To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and stanch bleeding. Cough and asthma due to lung heat, diarrhea dysentery, malaria, hacking of blood, blood ejection, bloody stool, flooding and spotting [=metrorrhagia and metrostaxis], swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, scrofula. 3209,M929|23975,M929|24462,M929|13119,M929|23625,M929|13367,E| HUI HUANG HUA NA Cinereous Thermopsis* Thermopsis cinerea NA NA NA NA NA 15962,E|15963,T4232| RU DI JIN NIU NA Shinyleaf Pricklyash Zanthoxylum nitidum NA NA root or branchlet-leaf To dispel wind and free network vessels, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Wind-damp bone pain, stomachache, toothache, throat impediment, scrofula, burns and scalds. 19525,E|1833,E|11090,E|16466,E|2523,E|3499,E|12911,E|30764,T5377|15624,T5377|15623,E|15622,E|19762,E|16432,E|6453,E|6454,T5377|14811,E|16443,E|11420,E|11234,E|16444,T5377| ZU YE CAO NA Peltate Milkwort* Polygala peltatum NA NA NA NA NA 5073,E|5078,T6786| FU NING TENG. NA NA Parepigynum funingense NA NA NA NA NA 8004,E|8005,E|8006,E|8007,E| GE YE 葛叶 Folium Puerariae lobatae NA NA NA NA NA NA 4605,C0282|4603,C0428| TAI WAN SHAN NA Cryptomeria-like Taiwania Taiwania cryptomerioides NA NA NA NA NA 20613,E|20616,E|20617,E|2848,E|20615,E|21823,E|4309,E|20619,E|10258,E|20622,E|16352,E|10455,E|10454,E|9322,E|15130,E|20614,E|20618,E|4928,E|15133,E|5316,E|16383,E|20620,E|12219,E|6366,E|2858,E|21663,E|20628,E|20627,E|20626,E|20625,E|20624,E|20623,E|10359,E|2857,E|2854,E|263,E|9745,E|5997,E|16405,E|20621,E|14066,E|2856,E|5999,E|5998,E|16406,E|1621,E|6098,E|11468,E|19412,E|19416,T5751| QIU SUI QIAN JIN BA NA Conespike Flemingia Flemingia strobilifera NA NA root or whole herb To clear heat and eliminate damp, dispel wind and free network vessels, relieve cough and transform phlegm. Wind-damp impediment pain, lassitude in lumbus and knees, phlegm-heat cough, asthma, pertussis, jaundice. 15278,E|15279,T5296|22028,E| XIANG SI ZI 相思子 Coralhead Plant Abrus precatorius NA NA ripe seed To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel phlegm, kill worms, check vomiting. Vomiting, welling abscess, parotitis, scab and lichen, wind-damp bone pain. 21962,E|31837,T6136|21646,E|9266,E|30995,T6136|20068,E|26080,T6136|20353,E|32110,T6136|3041,T6136|3040,E|4473,T6136|4472,E|24,E;T6136|25,E;T6136|27,E|21,E;T6136|23,E;T6136|3575,E|28,E;T6136|29,E;T6136|10879,T6136|1113,E|25927,T6136|8845,E|8846,T6136|10876,E|12110,E|23887,T6136|23764,T6136|20067,E|25259,T6136|17758,E|23251,C0267|8094,E|20221,E|3578,T6136|13,E;T6136|12,E|14421,E|31,E;T6136|30,E;T6136|36,E|31620,T6136| YI LANG QING LAN NA Iran Dragonhead* Dracocephalum kotschyi NA NA NA NA NA 3761,E|3762,E|4088,E|16040,E|13722,E|12836,E|12839,E|19967,E|22254,E|12840,E| DONG FANG FEI YAN CAO NA Oreintal Consolida* Consolida orientalis NA NA NA NA NA 518,E|10495,E|4898,E|5052,E|4997,E| XIA MA SANG NA Narrow Coriaria* Coriaria angustissima NA NA NA NA NA 22130,T6069|22129,E| XI A XU TANG SONG CAO NA Narrowraceme Meadowrue Thalictrum atriplex NA NA rhizome and root To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool liver, check dysentery. Swelling and toxin of sore and welling abscess, damp-heat jaundice, dysentery, conjunctivitis. 21237,E|17969,E|2300,E|2303,E|4289,E|9440,E|4032,E|16428,E|11733,E|11848,E|930,E|16544,E| BA XI QIAO AN MU NA Brazilian Joan-wood* Joannesia princeps NA NA NA NA NA 2440,E|17846,E|11212,E|11210,E|11211,E|11209,E|11609,E| ER SE HUA SHU WEI CAO NA Twocolor-flower Sage* Salvia dichroantha NA NA NA NA NA 5432,E|5433,E|5431,E| ZE QI NA Sun Euphorbia Euphorbia helioscopia NA NA whole herb To disinhibit water and disperse edema, relieve cough and transform phlegm, resolve toxin and kill worms. Edema and qi fullness, phlegm-rheum cough asthma, malaria, bacillary dysentery, scrofula, tuberculous fistula, medullitis. 9315,T6612|15925,E|18195,T6612|9308,E|9309,E|5768,T6612|9306,E|9307,E|5763,E|7618,E|7619,E|18327,T6612|10623,E|18189,E|18323,E|9314,E|9312,E|9311,E|9310,E|13606,T6612|7609,E|7608,E|7607,E|5616,T6612|5615,E|31258,T6612|13605,E| MU JIN HUA 木槿花 Shrubalthea Flower Hibiscus syriacus NA NA flower To clear heat and disinhibit damp, cool blood and resolve toxin. Intestinal wind bleeding, red and white dysentery, bleeding from hemorrhoids, lung heat cough, hemoptysis, vaginal discharge, swollen welling abscess, sore and boil, scalds. 25336,T5011|3831,E|3832,E|16888,E|19527,E|3829,E|19316,E|10785,E|10037,E|11080,C0458| XUAN MING 玄明 Sodium Sulfate Natrii Sulfas Cold,Bitter,Salty Large Intestine,Stomach NA Treatment of constipation with retention of dry feces and abdominal pain caused by excessive heat.External use of Natrii Sulfas Exsiccatus: Sore throat, ulcers of the mouth and tongue, swelling and pain of the gums, conjuctivitis, carbuncles, erysipelas. NA 23239,M781|24075,M781|19967,M781|24753,M781|23588,M781| FU MU. NA NA Garcinia subelliptica NA NA NA NA NA 8213,E|8212,E|8215,E|8214,E|8216,E| SHUANG YE XI XIN NA Caulescent Wildginger Equivalent plant: Asarum fukienense Asarum caulescens NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and dissipate cold, relieve pain, warm lung and transform rheum. Wind-cold common cold, headache, toothache, wind-damp impediment pain, phlegm-rheum cough asthma. 1832,E|2550,E;T5632|7494,E|6745,T5632|6744,E|1469,E|19669,E|9861,E| ZHU LUAN NA Pomelo Citrus decumana NA NA fruit See Citrus chachiensis. See Citrus chachiensis . 15278,E|15279,T6704|17815,E| MI LA NA Bee Wax Apis cerana NA NA bee wax To resolve toxin, engender flesh, check dysentery, stanch bleeding, settle pain. Effusion of back from welling abscess and flat abscess, enduring sores, acute heart pain, dysentery with pus and blood, chronic diarrhea, stirring fetus with bleeding, emission, Vaginal discharge. 15182,E|15183,E;T4958|16810,E|10897,T4958|10894,E|18082,E|18088,T4958|23167,T4958| KU SHEN SHI 苦参实 Lightyellow Sophora Seed Sophora flavescens [Syn. Sophora angustfolia] NA NA seed To clear heat and resolve toxin, free stool, kill worms. Acute bacillary dysentery, constipation, ascariasis. 16463,E|20061,C0053|23212,C0004|23252,C0109|20084,C0055|13599,C0333|4593,E|23228,C0303|26052,T4524|8311,C0304|23260,C0225|23194,C0005|23059,C0568|23233,C0006|12337,C0138| LING NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 61,T4665|7249,T4665|25918,T4665| RU NI WENG DAO MI ZHU YU NA Reunion-Island Melicope* Melicope coodeana NA NA NA NA NA 6217,E|21895,E|16850,E| CHI NAN NA Boxleaf Syzygium Syzygium buxifolium NA NA root or root cortex To boost kidney and settle asthma, fortify spleen and disinhibit damp, expel wind and quicken blood, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Edema, asthma, strangury-turbidity, urethral stone, dysentery, hepatitis, prolapse of uterus, wind-damp pain, testitis, hemorrhoids, swollen welling abscess, burns and scalds, painful swelling from knocks and falls. 32181,T3286|17685,T3286|22254,E|17682,E| SHUI XIAN HUA NA Chinese Narcissus Flower Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis NA NA flower To clear heart and quiet spirit, rectify qi and regulate menstruation, resolve toxin and repel foulness. Fatigued spirit and dizziness, menstrual disorder, dysentery, swelling of sores. 17099,T5663|2273,E;T5663|11023,E|3768,E|3769,T5663|24597,T5663|2222,E;T5663|15257,E|3696,E|17118,E|7522,T5663|7520,E|18036,E|17119,T5663|17097,E|15280,T5663|31309,T5663|13236,T5663|18038,T5663|13234,E| JIANG XIANG 降香 Odoriferous Rosewood Lignum Dalbergiae odoriferae Rosewood Warm,Pungent Spleen,Liver NA Treatment of epigastric pain, costal and hypochondriac pains due tostagnancy of qi of the liver, angina pectoris, traumatic injuries and bleeding. Shortening the plasma recalcification time in rabbits. 15903,M391|15724,M391|11362,M391|24398,M391|23884,M391|13130,M391;C0415|4608,M391| XI AO TANG SONG CAO NA Low Meadowrue Thalictrum minus NA NA NA NA NA 21221,E|21222,E|20633,E|21224,E|21227,E|14748,E|15872,E|21235,E|21219,E|21254,E|21244,E|21245,E|21250,E|21241,E|1667,E|21252,E|13367,E| KA ZHU BA DOU. NA NA Croton cajucara NA NA NA NA NA 4892,E|2932,E| HUA SHENG YI 花生衣 Semino-dermis Arachidis Testa Arachidis Hypogaeae Mild,Sweet,Punkery Lung,Stomach,Liver NA Treatment of various kinds of superficial and internal bleeding, such as hemoptysis, hematemesis, epistaxis, hemafecia, hematuria, traumatic bleeding and purpura, also for bleeding due to hemophilia , aplastic anemia and thrombopathy. Inhibiting fibrinolysis, promoting thrombocytopoiesis and shortening the bleeding time. 13130,M357;C0415| CHAO XIAN LIAN QIAO NA Korean Forsythia* Forsythia koreana NA NA NA NA NA 29370,T3263|7923,E| MU LAN(2) NA True Indigo Indigofera tinctoria NA NA stem-leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and stanch bleeding. Encephalitis B, parotitis, acute pharyngolaryngitis, red eyes, lymphrnoditis, mouth sore, swollen welling abscess, sore and boil, erysipelas, scab and lichen, snake or insect bites, blood ejection. 4897,E|11022,E|4871,E|11012,E|11021,E| PI XI DI GE SHE SHU NA Piscidi Cuttongue tree* Walsura piscidia NA NA NA NA NA 17466,E| NANG GAI SI GUA NA Buchinha (Brazil Herb) Luffa operculata NA NA aerial parts To disperse swelling and transform stasis, antiallergic. Anaphylactic diseases (hay fever, pollinosis, allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis). 15368,E|15369,E|1825,E|1827,E|16116,E|16117,E| SU FANG HUA NA Common White Jasmine Jasminum officinale NA NA NA NA NA 30104,T5702|11821,E| KUAN YE MAI MA TENG NA Broadleaf Jointfir Gnetum latifolium NA NA NA NA NA 12541,E| LIAN ZI CAO 莲子草 Alligator Alternanthera Herb Herba Alternantherae NA NA NA Its injection inhibits the growth of Asia influenza A virus, encephalitis B virus and rabies virus in vitro. NA 12792,M993|24769,M993|23842,M993| QIAN LI GUANG 千里光 Climbing Groundsel Senecio scandens [Syn. Senecio chinensis] Mild,Bitter NA aerial parts To clear heat and resolve toxin, eliminate screen and brighten eyes, kill worms and relieve itch. Wind-fire eye, conjunctivitis, eye screen, typhoid fever, acute bacillary dysentery, pneumonia, lobar pneumonia, tonsillitis, appendicitis, bronchitis, enteritis, jaundice, influenza, toxemia, hematosepsis, swelling toxin of welling abscess and boil, dry lichen, damp lichen, erysipelas, eczema, scalds, trichomoniasis. 3592,E;M566|23691,M566|9739,E;C0462|30772,T5243|24211,M566|10615,T5243|10607,E|19691,M566|7820,E;M566|9748,T5243|7826,T5243|8011,E| YI MU CAO 益母草 Wormwood-like Motherwort Equivalent plant: Leonurus sibiricus Leonurus heterophyllus [Syn. Leonurus artemisia] Minor cold,Pungent,Bitter Bladder,Liver,Heart aerial parts To quicken blood and regulate menstruation, disinhibit urine and disperse edema. Menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, postpartum bleeding, persistent flow of lochia, edema, scant urine with edema, acute nephritis with edema. 13640,E|23046,M799;C0479|12643,E|12631,E|12630,E|23228,M799|6943,E|6942,E|21376,E|6946,E|6945,E|6944,E|19072,E|20238,E;M799|20239,T6416|8091,E|19075,T6416|9467,E|23225,T6416|17799,T6416|9067,E|9068,E|17796,E|17793,E|25047,M799|12622,E|12623,E|12621,E|12626,E|12627,E|12624,E|12625,E|12628,E|12629,E|8288,E|12644,E|24743,T6416|12664,T6416|9559,E|9558,E|25620,T6416|23145,C0478|12641,E;M799| CAO GU NA Straw Mushroom Volvariella volvacea NA NA sporocarp To clear heat and resolve summerheat, supplement qi and blood, lower blood pressure. Summerheat-heat vexation and thirst, vacuity and hypodynamia, hypertension. 14222,E|25502,T3192|25511,T3192|14230,E| BAI SUI YE NA Longlived Leaf Welwitschia mirabilis NA NA NA NA NA 8880,E| YANG TAO 阳桃 Country Gooseberry Averrhoa carambola NA NA fruit To clear heat, engender liquid, disinhibit urine, resolve toxin. Wind-heat cough, sore pharynx, vexation and thirst, stone strangury, oral putrescence, toothache, malaria with splenomegaly, resolve liquor toxin. 17250,E|23130,C0355| LI MU NA Tibet Lyonia Lyonia ovalifolia NA NA branchlet-leaf and fruit To quicken blood and relieve pain, dispel wind and resolve toxin. Knocks and falls, fracture, lichen sore. 13240,E;T4612|2332,E;T4612|9912,T4612|7277,E|31465,T4612|19971,E|31938,T4612|13241,E|13239,E|1928,E;T4612|11082,E|7280,T4612|11085,T4612|9914,E| RI BEN WU JIA NA Japanese Acanthopanax* Acanthopanax japonicus NA NA NA NA NA 71,E|70,E|64,E|65,E|66,E|67,E|68,E|69,E|72,E| HONG ZHI ZHANG YA CAI NA Redspot Swertia Swertia erythrosticta NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp and abate jaundice, kill worms. Wind-heat cough, sore swollen throat, jaundice (icterus, ICT), syphilis, swelling and toxin of sore and welling abscess, scab and lichen. 20494,E|20487,E|8303,E|20493,E| MAO E MEI NA Hairysepal Raspberry Rubus chroosepalus NA NA NA NA NA 6169,E|25867,T4853| BA XI QI AN LI GUANG NA Brazilian Groundsel* Senecio brasiliensis NA NA NA NA NA 11088,E| YAN BAI CAI SU 岩白菜素 Bergenin Bergeninum NA NA NA Treatment of chronic bronchitis. NA 24304,M1075| SUAN CHOU MU JI CAO. NA NA Petiveria alliacea NA NA NA NA NA 5393,E|5392,E|5391,E|5390,E|5394,E|2293,E|8771,E|6500,E|8776,E|8777,E| LIAN XIANG SHU NA Katsura-tree Cercidiphyllum japonicum var. sinense NA NA NA NA NA 3320,T4631|3318,E| JIA DONG FANG QIAN LI GUANG NA Pseud-oriental Groundsel* Senecio pseudoorientalis NA NA NA NA NA 9317,E|31071,T4299| SHU JI GU CHANG SHAN NA Constricted Alstonia* Alstonia constricta NA NA NA NA NA 18608,E|1002,E;T5614| CHA XIONG 茶芎 Chaxiong Ligusticum Ligusticum sinense cv. chaxiong NA NA NA NA NA 23211,C0060|15362,E|15363,T3211|19725,T3211|19722,E;T3211|19723,E;T3211|7767,E|2791,E|7768,T3211| KU BAO NA Monarch-of-the-East Sauromatum guttatum NA NA NA NA NA 19173,T4505|19172,E|11023,E|31309,T4505| LA BA ZHUANG DUO GUO SHU. NA NA Pleiocarpa tubicina NA NA NA NA NA 12264,E|12116,E| SHE CHUANG ZI 蛇床子 Common Cnidium Cnidium monnieri Warm,Pungent,Bitter Kidney fruit To warm kidney and invigorate yang , dispel wind, dry damp, kill worms. Impotence, scrotal damp itch, vaginal discharge, pudendal itch, trichomoniasis, eczema, infertility due to uterus cold, wind-damp impediment pain, scab and lichen, damp sore. 23995,M628|23536,M628|22761,T5535|316,E;T5535|22759,E;M628|22758,E|16250,E;M628;C0102|2309,E|13718,E|1619,E;M628;T5535|30936,T5535|3857,E|3854,E;M628|3855,T5535|24590,M628|933,E|18428,E|22187,E|13719,T5535|3939,T5535|3935,E;M628|3937,E;T5535|3936,E;M628|23608,M628|23133,M628;C0101|23762,M628|11762,T5535|11297,T5535|24523,M628|23310,M628|30112,T5535|16253,T5535|11752,E|6708,E|10999,E|24022,M628|11758,E;T5535|24727,M628|24627,M628|24878,M628|11599,T5535|11598,E;M628;C0145|11294,E| XIN ZANG JIA ZI CAO NA Sinkiang-Tibet Arnebia Arnebia euchroma NA NA root See Lithospermum erythrorhizon . See Lithospermum erythrorhizon . 6494,E|10272,T6223|14113,E|20952,E|5213,E|20016,E|30919,T6223|1259,E|19812,T6223|5257,E|6301,E|6302,E|1234,E|309,E|30867,T6223|10265,E|25169,T6223|1233,E|15843,E|15842,E|15841,E|15845,E|15844,E|17733,E|244,E|19807,E|21451,T6223|19804,E;C0581|6177,E|19808,E|20020,E|909,E|514,E;T6223|1744,E|1746,E;T6223|1747,E;T6223|11297,E| WEN ROU ZHI XIE MU NA Suave Holarrhena* Holarrhena mitis NA NA NA NA NA 9583,E|32086,T5919|9586,E|3968,E|21495,E|3969,T5919| XIANG HE HUAN NA Fragrant Albizia* Albizzia odoratissima NA NA root and bark To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and relieve pain, quiet spirit. Rheumatic arthritis, fracture due to knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, sores, scab and lichen, insomnia. 6239,E|6263,E|21898,E| ZHEN NA Siberian Hazelnut Corylus heterophylla NA NA kernel To fortify spleen and harmonize stomach, moisten lung and relieve cough. weakness during convalescence, spleen vacuity diarrhea, inappetence, cough. 9468,E| XIANG QI JIA MI NA Sweet Viburnum* Viburnum odoratissimum NA NA Leaf, bark, root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, free channels and quicken network vessels. Common cold, wind-damp impediment pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls, fracture. 7218,E|882,E|881,E|22430,E|22431,E|7219,E|22433,E|14799,E|22444,E|22426,E|22434,E|22429,E|22428,E|7034,E|7035,E|10343,E|10342,E|22427,E|10822,E|22443,E|10344,E| CU XI MEN FEI CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31070,T3388|12532,T3388| HEI CHA BIAO NA Black Currant Ribes nigrum NA NA NA NA NA 15584,E|15585,E| QIAN RI HONG 千日红 Globeamaranth Gomphrena globosa NA NA inflorescence or herb To suppress cough and calm asthma, clear liver and brighten eyes, resolve toxin. Cough, asthma, pertussis, infant night crying, red eyes with gall, liver heat and dizziness, headache, dysentery, sore and boil. 24605,M1025|30445,T5249|24604,M1025|23393,M1025|25640,T5249|8927,E;T5249|8926,E|24607,M1025|24606,M1025|8930,E;T5249|11204,E|25639,T5249|11206,T5249|20418,E|1013,E;M1025;T5249|8929,E;T5249|8928,E| TANG TIAN CAI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 30819,T5760| YAO YONG GOU YA HUA 药用狗牙花 Officinal Ervatamia* Ervatamia officinalis NA NA root To clear heat, lower blood pressure, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Swelling pain in throat, hypertension, abdominal pain. 25959,T6347|30950,T6347|23105,C0240|6890,T6347|6884,E|6892,E| QIAN CAO TENG NA Indian Madder Stem Rubia cordifolia NA NA aerial parts To stanch bleeding, move stasis. Blood ejection, flooding, knocks and falls, wind impediment, lumbago, welling abscess toxin, swelling of clove. 19014,E|19013,E| JIN JI WEI BA CAO GEN NA Needle-hear Fern* Macrothelypteris oligophlebia NA NA rhizome To disinhibit water and disperse edema, clear heat and resolve toxin, stanch bleeding and kill worms. Edema, sore and boil, burns and scalds, bleeding due to external injury, ascariasis. 13445,E|10262,E|13447,T4399|5371,T4399|5370,E| SHE PAO JIN NA Snakebubble Raspberry Rubus cochinchinensis NA NA root To dispel wind and eliminate damp, move qi and relieve pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, painful wound from knocks and falls, pain in lumbus and leg. 516,E| CHANG YANG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31782,T3225|31780,T3225|21495,T3225| SHAN YING SU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15856,T5516| DOU SHU NA Wayaka Yambean Pachyrrhizus erosus NA NA tuberoid To clear lung and engender liquid, disinhibit urine and free milk, resolve liquor toxin. Lung heat cough, pulmonary welling abscess, summerheat stroke with vexation and thirst, diabetes mellitus, scant breast milk, inhibited urination [=dysuria]. 6550,E|16488,E|16489,E|10058,E|6631,E|18924,E| MI SI KE HUANG TAN NA Miscol Rosewood* Dalbergia miscolobium NA NA NA NA NA 17989,T4964|17987,E| DUAN E HUANG LIAN 短萼黄连 Shortsepal Goldthread Coptis chinensis var. brevisepala NA NA rhizome See Coptis chinensis . See Coptis chinensis . 2303,E;C0391|4032,E;C0534|16544,E;C0098|11848,E;C0141| CHUI ZHI CHI AN YE NA Pendulous Eucalyptus Leaf Eucalyptus camaldulensis var. pendula NA NA NA NA NA 30719,T3341|3023,E| XING REN 杏仁 Apricot Seed Equivalent plant: Prunus armeniaca var ansu Prunus armeniaca Bitter, slightly warm Lung,large intestine bitter seed To downbear qi and transform phlegm, relieve cough and calm asthma, moisten intestines and free stool. Cough, asthma and fullness due to external contraction cough, intestinal dry and constipation. 6819,E|6820,E|31446,T6227|31449,T6227|25205,T6227|25083,T6227|6539,E|17986,E|17987,T6227|15683,E|15684,T6227|7826,T6227|26058,T6227|30792,T6227|20982,E|20983,T6227|3760,E;M1069|6821,E|16550,E|16551,T6227|12888,T6227|12887,E|12885,E|4549,E|20265,T6227|20264,E|13471,E|13473,T6227|12843,E|7820,E|1598,E|9485,E|15195,E|11120,E|15196,T6227|4816,E|6540,T6227|4830,T6227|4834,E|4836,T6227|9488,T6227|1102,E;M1069;T6227|19025,T6227|19024,E|20979,E|11125,T6227| CI ZHUANG FAN LI ZHI NA Spined Custardapple* Annona spinescens NA NA NA NA NA 16992,E| LANG YU PI NA Chinese Elm Bark Ulmus parvifolia NA NA bark To disinhibit water and free strangury, eliminate welling abscess. NA 31496,T4581|23887,T4581|31546,T4581|13944,E|13508,E;T4581|20353,E|9867,E|12426,E|31165,T4581|13506,E|13510,E;T4581| YU LI REN 郁李仁 Dwarf Flowering Cherry Seed Equivalent plant: Prunus humilis, Prunus japonica var nakaii Prunus japonica [Syn. Cerasus japonica] Pungent, bitter,neutral Small intestine,large intestine ripe seed To moisten dryness and lubricate intestines, precipitate qi, disinhibit water. Desiccation of liquid and intestine dryness, food accumulation and qi stagnation, abdominal distention and constipation, edema, beriberi, inhibited urination. 15065,T6519|15064,E|15061,E;T6519|15060,E;T6519|15062,T6519|12015,E;M955|12017,T6519|31132,T6519|1102,E;T6519|9716,E| GUAN MU AO TUO SI TE CAO NA Shrubby Otostegia* Otostegia fruticosa NA NA NA NA NA 16261,E| AN JI BI LIN 氨基比林 Aminopyrine Aminopyrinum NA NA NA NA NA 24553,M4| SAN YE MU NA Trileaf Wood* Triphyophyllum peltatum NA NA NA NA NA 14318,E|14389,E|6895,E|6432,E| BIAN XU 萹蓄 Common Knotgrass Polygonum aviculare Minor cold,Bitter Bladder dried aerial parts To disinhibit urine and free strangury, kill worms, relieve itch. Urethritis, lithiasis, chyluria, dysentery, parotitis, heat strangury, short voidings of reddish urine, dripping with inhibited pain, eczema, pudendal itch, vaginal discharge, ascariasis. 8094,E|2040,E|3551,E|18665,E|19527,E|15173,E|30995,T3133|13947,T3133|23381,T3133|18396,E|18302,E|18397,T3133|3552,T3133|2039,E;M60;T3133|2887,E| XUN DAO NIU NA Heterostemonous Biebersteinia Biebersteinia heterostemon NA NA fruit To clear heat and settle fright, move qi and relieve pain. Warm heat disease with fever, common cold with fever, infant ardent fever convulsion, abdominal distention and pain, hemorrhoids. 22180,T6268|30091,T6268|14177,E|22179,E| MAN JING ZI 蔓荆子 Threeleaf Chastetree Fruit Equivalent plant: Vitex rotundifolia Vitex trifolia Minor cold,Pungent,Bitter Bladder,Stomach,Liver seed To dispel wind-heat, clear head and eyes. Externally contracted wind-heat, dizziness and headache, migraine, gum swelling and pain, red eyes with gall, delacrimation, wind-damp impediment pain, hypertonicity of limbs. 32220,T4827|22563,E|23996,M504|32219,T4827|22564,E|22565,E;M504;C0026|23486,M504|16056,E|31449,T4827|19971,E|25205,T4827|31156,T4827|32221,T4827|23184,M504|3244,M504|3045,M504|3300,E;M504;C0200|4205,E|30782,T4827|31755,T4827|23126,M504|31781,T4827|9817,E|23910,M504|15196,T4827|23134,M504;C0146|18943,T4827|24615,M504|19084,M504|4204,E|29509,T4827|6,E|22320,E;C0288|15973,M504|12843,M504|32146,T4827|20982,M504|20983,M504|26018,T4827|13130,M504;C0415|20265,T4827|23880,M504|22554,E|16550,E|16551,T4827|22558,E|22557,E|22556,E|22555,E|12885,E|22553,E|3624,E|22552,E|4549,M504|15968,M504|25129,M504|20264,E|22321,T4827|227,E|17075,E|19967,E|23097,M504|17837,E|15195,E|18940,E|3689,E;M504|24404,M504|24745,M504|5719,T4827|2557,M504|5717,E|24261,M504|31938,T4827|23119,M504|15138,M504|24037,M504|23545,M504|24956,M504|15969,M504|21398,E|20979,E| RI BEN BAI LA SHU NA Japanese Ash* Fraxinus japonica NA NA NA NA NA 31815,T5326|16070,E|17395,E|16074,T5326| SANG SHI NA White Mulberry Fruit Morus alba NA NA spicate fruit To enrish yin and nourish blood, engender liquid, moisten intestines. Dizzy head and vision due to insufficiency of liver-kidney and blood vacuity essence depletion,aching lumbus and tinnitus, premature graying in beard and hair, insomnia and frequent dreaming, fluid damage and thirst, diabetes mellitus, intestinal dry and constipation. 14981,E|21799,E|14983,E|14982,E|14985,E|14984,E|14986,E|21800,E|6051,E|6053,E|6052,E| ZONG BAO GE NI DI MU. NA NA Gnidia involucrata NA NA NA NA NA 21750,E|22919,E|16826,E| XIANG XUN 香蕈 Champignon Lentinus edodes NA NA sporocarp To fortify spleen and promote digestion, dispel wind and outthrust papules, rectify qi and transform phlegm, resolve toxin, anticancer. Weakness of rigth qi , fatigued spirit and hypodynamia, torpid intake, indigestion, blood vacuity, rickets, hypertension, hyperlipemia, chronic hepatitis, night sweating, urinary incontinence, edema, non-eruption of measles, urticaria, carcinoma. 624,E|21488,E|21489,E|12619,E|28505,T6140|11529,E|7249,E|32084,T6140|32083,T6140|31140,T6140|19090,E|617,E;C0403;T6140|109,E;T6140|8009,T6140|9765,E|21491,T6140|21490,E|8002,E|13602,T6140|13601,E|7251,T6140|31747,T6140|15969,E| CANG BAI BING ROU CHI JUN. NA NA Sarcodon glaucopus NA NA NA NA NA 8521,E|8520,E| HUANG YAN MU. NA NA Chlorophora tinctoria NA NA NA NA NA 17809,E|13289,E| HUANG YU SHAN DOU NA Yellow Lupin Lupinus luteus NA NA NA NA NA 23204,T4216|25267,T4216|13097,E|11511,E|8285,T4216|8282,E|8281,E|8277,E|20117,E|13100,E|13102,T4216| KE TENG ZI NA Climbing Entada Seed Entada phaseoloides [Syn. Lens phaseoloides] NA NA seed To move qi and relieve pain, disinhibit damp and disperse swelling. Hematochezia, blood dysentery, jaundice, prolapse of rectum, hemorrhoids, throat impediment. 6810,E|6812,T4498|17036,E| FEN ROU CENG KONG JUN. NA NA Fomes cajanderi NA NA NA NA NA 7875,E|7876,E|7877,E| PIAN JIANG HUANG 片姜黄 Wenyujin Concise Rhizome Rhizoma Wenyujin Concisum NA NA NA Treament of amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea due to blood stasis, pricking pain in the chest and hypochondriac regions arthralgia. NA 4397,M1019| JU GUO RONG NA Racemose Fig* Ficus racemosa NA NA NA NA NA 18498,E| LV GAN BAI NA Arizona Cypress Cupressus arizonica NA NA NA NA NA 4375,E| DONG FANG GOU JI NA Oriental Chain Fern Woodwardia orientalis NA NA rhizome To dispel wind-damp, supplement liver and kidney, strengthen lumbus and knees, resolve toxin, kill worms. Aching pain in lumbus and back, knee pain and legs weakness, dysentery, flooding and spotting, leukorrhea, child gan accumulation, concretion and conglomeration, snake bite. 25277,T3578|22716,T3578|32230,T3578|11065,E|31938,T3578|11074,T3578|22706,E|17686,E|19971,E|19981,E|22705,E|3041,T3578|3040,E|3043,E;T3578|3042,E|3045,T3578|3044,E;T3578|17689,T3578| NAN YA HAN XIAO NA South Asia Michelia Michelia doltsopa NA NA NA NA NA 4938,E|4941,T5059| JIA LAN NA Lovely Gloriosa Gloriosa superba NA NA rhizome NA Hemiplegia, general arthralgia, convulsion due to high fever, whole body swelling. 3912,T4306|3911,E| JIN MENG SHI 金礞石 Mica-schist Lapis Micae Aureus Mild,Sweet,Salty Lung,Liver,Heart NA Treatment of cough and dyspnea due to retention of sticky phlegm, irritability and oppressed feeling in the chest, epilepsy, mania, convulsions. NA 24237,M407| SAN QIU BO SI SHI SUAN NA Trisphare Ungernia* Ungernia trisphaera NA NA NA NA NA 22024,E| XUAN FU HUA 旋覆花 Inula Flower Flos Inulae Minor Warm,Pungent,Bitter,Salty Lung,Stomach NA Treatment of cough in common cold: cough with dyspnea copious expectoration due to accumulation of phlegm, belching, nausea and vomiting with stuffiness sensation in the epigastric region. 1. Its alcoholic extract is a diuretic in experimental rabbits.2. The decoction inhibits the growth Staphylococcus aureus and pneumococcus in vitro. 2615,M777;T6246|31878,T6246|30819,T6246|31884,T6246|16721,T6246|23243,M777;C0454|31848,T6246|2052,T6246|3552,T6246|11115,T6246|30330,T6246|19173,T6246|11640,T6246|19530,T6246|18302,T6246|8046,M777|23495,M777|30589,T6246|25216,T6246|25799,T6246|25550,T6246|25574,T6246|20688,M777|31836,T6246|23381,T6246|31156,T6246|7768,T6246|24468,M777| YI NIAN PENG NA Annual Fleabane Erigeron annuus NA NA root and whole herb To disperse food and check diarrhea, clear heat and resolve toxin, interrupt malaria. Indigestion, gastroenteritis, malaria, poisonous snake bite. 21091,E|13918,E|5887,E|10108,E|2802,E|5888,E|9870,E|14041,E|7095,E|30616,T6417|16146,E|16145,E|13967,E|31870,T6417|5891,E|1493,E|1494,E|8334,E|8691,E|10245,E|7255,E|7504,E|7505,E|18257,E|7503,E|1762,E| DA TOU HUANG HUA HAO 大头黄花蒿 Artemisia annua L. F. Macrocephala Pamp NA NA NA NA NA NA 3048,C0377|23113,C0142| RUAN SHI NA Soft Persimmon* Diospyros mollis NA NA NA NA NA 6459,E|25825,T5383| XIAO HUANG ZI JIN NA Small Ochotsk Corydalis Corydalis ochotensis var. raddeana NA NA NA NA NA 15907,E|18504,E|15908,E| HUI YE DU JING SHAN NA Greyleaf Maesa Maesa chisia NA NA NA NA NA 20153,E|20155,T4244| WO SHI ZHI XIE MU NA Waltsberg Holarrhena* Holarrhena waltsbergii NA NA NA NA NA 3968,E|3969,T5926| MEI LI HE BAO MU DAN NA Bleedingheart Dicentra formosa NA NA NA NA NA 4352,E|4353,T4911| HU CONG NA Shallot Allium ascalonicum NA NA bulb To resolve exterior, free yang , resolve toxin. Wind-cold common cold, yin cold abdominal pain, urinary stoppage, swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, painful swelling from knocks and falls. 20179,T4085|11501,E|18329,T4085|18328,E|31891,T4085|18332,T4085|18331,E|18395,E|18353,E| SHUI HUI XIANG NA Winked Marshweed Limnophila rugosa NA NA whole herb To fortify spleen and disinhibit damp, rectify qi and transform phlegm. Edema, stomachache, distention fullness in chest and abdomen, cough and asthma, child milk accumulation, sore and boil. 1284,E|1186,E;T5641|24377,T5641|13876,E|30609,T5641|7384,E|7385,T5641| SHUI NIU JIAO 水牛角 Buffalo Horn Bubalus bubalis NA NA horn To clear heat, resolve toxin, cool blood, settle fright. Headache due to febrile disease, ardent fever with clouded spirit, macular eruption and papules, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, stasis heat yellowing, infant fright wind, swelling pain in throat, mouth and tongue sores. 23532,M1043|3585,M1043|9067,T5653|9066,E;M1043|24533,M1043|25040,M1043| CI GUO GAN CAO NA Pricklyfruit Licorice Glycyrrhiza pallidiflora NA NA fruit To promote lactation. Postpartum scant milk. 16536,T3353|16534,E|16535,E|12756,E|12754,E|12755,E|12753,E|12750,E|7884,T3353|8849,E|8854,T3353|6253,E|25853,T3353|7882,E|31469,T3353|13279,E| SHAN TENG NA Common Anodendron Anodendron affine NA NA NA NA NA 22704,T5503|22702,E|1935,E;T5503|15484,E| XIAO YE TANG SONG CAO NA Small-leaf Meadowrue Thalictrum elegans NA NA NA NA NA 21171,E| CI YANG LI DOU NA Cowage Velvet-bean Mucuna pruriens NA NA NA NA NA 6419,E|6418,T3370|6417,E|10817,E|6420,T3370|3169,E|3170,E|10818,T3370|19745,E|19747,T3370| ZANG HONG HUA SE SHUI QIN NA Hemlock Waterdropwort Oenanthe crocata NA NA NA NA NA 16590,T6602|9362,E|9363,T6602| TIAN MING JING NA Common Carpesium Carpesium abrotanoides NA NA root, stem-leaf To clear heat, transform phlegm, resolve toxin, kill worms, break stasis, stanch bleeding. Nipple moth, throat impediment, acute fright wind, chronic fright wind, toothache, swelling toxin of clove sore, hemorrhoids and fistulas, Itchy papules, poisonous snake bite, worm accumulation, blood conglomeration, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, blood strangury, bleeding due to external injury. 20890,E|25185,T5788|25631,T5788|23887,T5788|30751,T5788|11793,E|2850,E|3241,E|3147,E|3221,T5788|3220,E|11465,E|8325,T5788|8981,E|20972,E|8312,E|3242,E|3148,T5788|20353,E|11311,T5788|28252,T5788| XIAN HUANG XIAO BO NA Reddrop Barberry Berberis diaphana NA NA endoderm root bark and branch bark To clear damp heat, resolve heat toxin. Damp-heat dysentery, jaundice, vaginal discharge, heat toxin swollen welling abscess. 2300,E|2303,E|16544,E|11848,E| HAI TANG GUO 海棠果 Kalofilum Calophyllum inophyllum NA NA root and leaf To dispel stasis and relieve pain. Wind-damp pain, knocks and falls, dysmenorrhea, bleeding due to external injury. 2590,E|11805,E|17704,E|3000,E|9856,E|7950,E|2945,E|2989,E|11079,T3957|11072,E|11073,E|11070,E|11071,E|11076,E|11077,E|11074,E|11075,E|11461,E|6180,E|11069,E|5183,E|11068,E|11083,E|13803,T3957|13802,E|2998,E|2999,E|2990,E;C0204;T3957|2991,E|11063,E|11062,E|11064,E|2996,T3957|2694,E|30092,T3957| MAO YE WEI MAO NA Sacred Spindle-tree Euonymus sacrosancta NA NA branch with wing or root To free menstruation, disperse swelling, relieve pain, kill worms. Concretion and conglomeration, chest impediment, amenorrhea, menstrual disorder, postpartum stasis stagnation abdominal pain, knocks and falls, swelling pain in joints, abdominal pain due to worm accumulation. 10886,E|10890,T4892| JU SE MAO RUI HUA NA Orange Mullein Verbascum phlomoides NA NA NA NA NA 4264,T4455|4248,E| CHUAN LONG SHU YU NA Nippon Yam Equivalent plant: Dioscorea nipponica ssp rosthornii Dioscorea nipponica NA NA rhizome To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and relieve pain, relieve cough and dispel phlegm. Pain in joints, rheumatic endocarditis, sciatica, chronic bronchitis, chronic trachitis, wind-cold-damp impediment, indigestion, taxation detriment and sprain, malaria, swollen welling abscess. 30868,T3328|6436,E|25263,T3328|20191,E|6440,T3328|17465,E|6444,T3328|6439,E|6437,T3328|7023,E|6447,E|20012,E|5215,E|6442,E|7026,T3328|1889,E|20013,T3328|5218,T3328| HAI MA 海马 Sea-horse Hippocampus Warm,Sweet,Salty Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of impotence, enuresis, dyspnea in deficiency syndrome of the kidney, mass in the abdomen, traumatic injuries, external use for carbuncles and boils. Exerting gonadotropic effect, ie., prolonging estruation and increasing the weight of ovary and uterus in female mice and that of prostate, seminal vesicl and musculi levator ani in male mice. 3210,M310|24203,M310|1921,M310|13652,M310|23430,M310|24521,M310|24226,M310| JU ćŠ˜ Fructus Citri reticulatae NA NA NA NA NA NA 20654,C0256|9457,C0338|12837,C0287|15396,C0117| PAI QIAN CAO NA Beautiful Phyllodium Desmodium pulchellum [Syn. Phyllodium pulchellum] NA NA aerial parts To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel wind and move water, quicken blood and disperse swelling. Common cold with fever, swelling pain in throat, gan of teeth and gum, wind-damp impediment pain, edema, ascites, liver spleen enlargement, knocks and falls, poisonous insect stings, malaria, bilharziosis. 14031,E|14033,T5171|6419,E|6418,T5171|6417,E|6370,T5171|6369,E|13913,E|6420,T5171|13914,T5171| CHENG KOU TANG SONG CAO NA Farges Meadowrue Thalictrum fargesii NA NA NA NA NA 21235,E| ER RUI ZI SU. NA NA Collinsonia canadensis NA NA NA NA NA 3927,E| JIU HUA DA E XIANG CHA CAI NA Jiuhua Largesepal Rabdosia Isodon macrocalyx var. jiuhua NA NA NA NA NA 11886,E| TONG CHUI YU DAI CAO NA Common Pratia Pratia nummularia NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood, resolve toxin. Wind-damp pain, knocks and falls, menstrual disorder [=menoxenia], red eyes with gall, mammary welling abscess, innominate toxin swelling. 17753,E|17752,E|12936,E|12937,E|12935,E| JU ZI JIN NA Gigantic Corydalis* Corydalis gigantea NA NA whole herb To settle pain and calm. Various pains. 2350,E|5707,E|5711,T4463| JI RUAN RONG TAI. NA NA Trichocolea mollissima NA NA NA NA NA 5921,E|10254,E| LA BA CHA NA Crystal Tea Ledum palustre NA NA NA NA NA 16566,E| TONG TUO MU NA Ricepaperplant Tetrapanax papyriferus NA NA stem marrow To clear heat and disinhibit water, free milk. Strangury with pain, inhibited urination, edema, jaundice, damp-heat disease, short voidings of reddish urine, postpartum scant milk, amenorrhea, Vaginal discharge. 1608,E;T5831|17903,E|17904,E|16634,E|16630,E|16635,E|17906,T5831|16628,E|16629,E|16626,E|16627,E|16624,E|16625,E|16631,E|16623,E|16633,E|16632,E| WEI SUI XIAN NA Love-lies-bleeding Amaranthus caudatus NA NA root To fortify spleen, disperse gan . Fatigue hypodynamia due to spleen-stomach vacuity, reduced food intake, child gan accumulation. 23051,T5911|2318,E|1013,E;T5911| JIAN JU ZI JIN NA Sharpspur Corydalis Corydalis suaveolens [Syn. Corydalis sheareri] NA NA whole herb or tuber To quicken blood and relieve pain, clear heat and resolve toxin. Stomachache, abdominal pain and diarrhea, knocks and falls, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, red eyes with gall. 6554,T4334|6551,E|17969,E|17970,T4334|4116,E|30814,T4334| YIN DU ZHI NA BAI BU NA Indochina Stemona* Stemona cochinchinensis NA NA NA NA NA 20288,E|17978,E|10730,E|20280,E| HU TAO REN 胡桃仁 English Walnut Seed Juglans regia Sweet,warm Kidney, lung,large intestine seed To supplement kidney and boost essence, warm lung and settle asthma, moisten intestines and free stool. Enduring cough and asthma, bronchitis, lumbago and limp leg, frequent urination, enuresis, impotence, emission, intestinal dry and constipation, stone strangury, sores and scrofula. 19262,E|8503,E|8505,E|10535,E|3774,E|31135,T4104|31136,T4104|5520,E|9719,E|9718,E|17740,E|3303,E|8504,E|3776,T4104|20373,E|15247,E|7517,E|3301,E|16753,E|618,E|20894,E|9501,E|617,E|14604,E|12844,E|12845,T4104|2331,E;T4104|31667,T4104|20294,E|20240,E|19041,E|11900,E;M969;C0300|11901,T4104| GAO HUANG LU SANG NA Iroko Fustic-tree Chlorophora excelsa NA NA NA NA NA 3569,T3818|10053,E|3567,E| SHENG JIANG 生姜 Fresh Common Ginger Zingiber officinale Warm,Pungent Lung,Spleen,Stomach fresh rhizome To dissipate cold and resolve exterior, downbear counterflow and check vomiting, relieve cough and transform phlegm. Wind-cold common cold, fever and aversion to wind, headache and nasal congestion, vomiting, phlegm-rheum cough asthma, distention fullness, diarrhea. 210,E|4304,E|8385,E|8384,E|8383,E|8382,E|8381,E|3048,E|10451,E|12837,E|135,E|7118,E|3045,E|5503,T5559|4029,E|4389,E|23697,M640|7453,E|10183,E|10182,E|11262,T5559|15683,T5559|8388,E;T5559|20974,E|7516,T5559|7513,E|5905,E|7751,E|30743,T5559|7752,T5559|3760,E;T5559|3761,E;T5559|3762,E|14104,E|7393,T5559|7392,E|3768,E|3769,E;T5559|31226,T5559|31579,T5559|4030,T5559|24982,T5559|17916,E|4305,T5559|10447,E|32147,T5559|2550,E;T5559|14469,T5559|31817,T5559|13736,E|3242,E|13735,E|7522,E|7729,E|2412,E|17362,E|5301,E|31508,T5559|3770,T5559|14467,E|14456,E;T5559|14455,E|15916,E|8325,T5559|23059,T5559|399,E|10435,E|14593,E|21583,T5559|17411,E|7728,E|2787,E|19836,E|7730,T5559|7523,T5559|5502,E|2788,T5559|2306,E|23173,T5559|7733,E|23006,E|23252,T5559|3046,T5559|20982,E|20983,T5559|7734,T5559|25530,T5559|30843,T5559|15489,E|15678,E|15481,T5559|31507,T5559|7454,T5559|14120,E|4549,E|3152,T5559|3151,E;T5559|3150,E|31081,T5559|12843,E|24562,T5559|23545,T5559|14522,T5559|14521,E|22987,E|22988,E;T5559|28358,T5559|14458,T5559|8310,T5559|23143,C0112|23899,T5559|336,E;T5559|16647,T5559|21334,T5559|21333,E|17043,T5559|17042,E|31846,T5559|31030,T5559|19292,E|19293,T5559|30782,T5559|11749,E|9407,E|7417,E|23015,T5559|7418,T5559|9408,E;T5559|31392,T5559|31028,T5559|25412,T5559|31027,T5559|31026,T5559|21959,E|16638,E|10010,E|30883,T5559|30792,T5559|6357,E|3689,E|19106,E|19107,T5559|25207,T5559|7161,E|19834,E|6359,T5559|25205,T5559|15490,E;T5559|15491,E;T5559|11436,T5559|24070,T5559|11435,E|31444,T5559|31446,T5559|13795,E|13796,T5559|928,E;T5559|30325,T5559|6745,E|19837,T5559|19833,E|19835,E|6741,E|6740,E|19831,E;C0058|23188,C0350|6746,T5559|17902,E|25014,M640|4922,T5559|4921,E;T5559|4920,E|28376,T5559|17904,T5559|30956,T5559|14594,T5559|7178,T5559|8848,E|23591,T5559|26058,T5559|15963,E|30723,T5559|675,E;T5559|31228,T5559|21582,E|7474,E|31633,T5559|7476,T5559|15674,E|15676,T5559|15677,E|8398,E|8399,E|8849,T5559|8394,E|23763,T5559|8389,E;T5559|8390,E;T5559|5287,E|8393,E|6744,T5559|3351,E|8311,E|8312,E;T5559|30750,T5559|8081,E|8082,T5559|11256,E|11257,E;T5559|16916,T5559|16913,E|20976,E|3194,E|15964,E;T5559|7749,E|20979,E| TAI BAI HUA NA Stellate Cladonia Cladonia stellaris [Syn. Cladonia alpestris] NA NA branch-like body To calm liver and brighten eyes, regulate menstruation and stanch bleeding. Wind yang harassing upper body, dizziness and dim vision, migraine, eye diseases, nosebleed(epistaxis), menstrual disorder, leukorrhea. 7950,E|7957,T5737|16954,E|16955,T5737|22267,T5737|22266,E|18077,T5737|18076,E| HENG ZHOU WU YAO NA Laurelleaf Snailseed Cocculus laurifolius NA NA root or whole herb To normalize qi and loosen chest, dispel wind and relieve pain. Hypertension, headache, mounting qi, abdominal pain, rheumatic pain in legs. 3878,E;T4023|7336,E|7337,T4023|21871,E|21873,T4023|18640,E|12568,T4023|3863,E;T4023|3862,E|18652,T4023|12566,E|11337,T4023|11334,E|14240,E|14241,T4023|3864,T4023| BAI SE BAI XIAN NA Burning Bush Dictamnus albus NA NA NA NA NA 31346,T3018|15873,E|11373,E|19986,E|19987,T3018|31731,T3018|17835,E| JU DA JI NA Enormous Euphorbia Euphorbia ingens NA NA NA NA NA 11061,E| BIAN YUAN LIN GAI JUE NA Marginate Microlepia Microlepia marginata NA NA tender leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel wind and quicken network vessels. Swollen sore of welling abscess and boil, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls. 18683,E|469,E|468,E|14831,T3135|14830,E|30983,T3135|13555,E;T3135|13554,E|7999,E;T3135|7998,E|8000,E;T3135|31497,T3135| DA YE YUN XIANG CAO NA Perforated Haplophyllum Haplophyllum perforatum NA NA NA NA NA 16897,E|30969,T3479|7853,E|6617,E|9225,T3479|6618,T3479|9223,E;T3479|9222,E| SI JI CONG TOU 四季葱头 Allium bulb, Wild scallion, Chinese green onion Bulbus Allii Fistulosi Warm,Pungent Lung,Stomach NA NA NA 920,M166;C0323| BAO BAN E GAO NA Leopard Leather Mushroom* Amanita pantherina NA NA NA NA NA 1052,E|10591,E|10743,E| KA LUO LAI NA CUI QUE NA Carolina Larkspur* Delphinium carolinianum NA NA NA NA NA 782,E;T4478| A LUN DUO QIE NA Arundo Nightshade* Solanum arundo NA NA NA NA NA 1822,E| AI JI JIA HU CI NA Egyptian Carissa Carissa edulis NA NA NA NA NA 15797,E| LIAN QIAO JING YE 连翘茎叶 Caulis et Folium Forsythiae suspensae NA NA NA NA NA NA 19072,C0514| YANG ER DUO YE 羊耳朵叶 Buddleia officinalis Maxim NA NA NA NA NA NA 56,C0348|23064,C0319|23182,C0127|1476,C0378|2004,C0260|3306,C0091|23179,C0525| GAO JIA SUO LAN PEN HUA NA Caucasian Scabious* Scabiosa caucasica NA NA NA NA NA 6453,E|6454,T3822| GAO SHAN HUANG HUA GEN 高山黄华根 Radix Thermopsis alpinae NA NA NA NA NA NA 4593,C0281| XIA GOU TENG NA Narrow Gambirplant* Uncaria attenuata NA NA NA NA NA 18538,E|9552,E|5568,E|907,E|11676,E|22188,E|14881,E|4120,E|19161,E|11344,E|22190,E|18928,E|16342,E|9551,E|906,E|18811,E|9233,E|4118,E|4119,E| BAI NIU XI NA Berry-bearing Campion Cucubalus baccifer NA NA root To quicken blood and settle pain, joint bones and engender flesh. Knocks and falls, fracture, wind-damp bone pain, menstrual disorder, scrofula, welling abscess and flat abscess. 13171,E|14064,E|11512,E| PANG DA HAI 胖大海 Boat-fruited Sterculia Seed Semen Sterculiae Lychnophorae Sweet,cold Lung,large intestine NA Treament of hoarseness of voice, dry cough, and sore, dry throat due to heat in the lung, constipation with headache and blood-shot eyes. NA 23740,M1018|23038,C0121|25059,M1018|13772,C0122| BAN GUAN MU MU JU NA Semi-frutex Mayweed* Matricaria suffruticosa NA NA NA NA NA 5235,E|5236,T3044| YUAN HUA 芫花 Lilac Daphne Daphne genkwa Warm,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Large Intestine,Kidney bud To drain water and expel rheum, relieve cough and dispel phlegm, resolve toxin and kill worms. Edema, ascites, hydrothorax, cough with profuse phlegm, chronic bronchitis, malaria, scalp infection, infection of skin, tinea capitis, neurodermatitis, induce abortion, toothache. 23750,M819|10147,T6547|31017,T6547|23485,M819|8119,M819|22917,E|22916,E|22915,E|22914,E|22913,E|23268,M819;C0023|24395,M819|23918,M819|21376,E|24900,M819|25015,M819|23456,M819|24716,M819|10136,E|24944,M819|8286,M819;C0517|8285,E;M819|8288,E;M819;T6547|15505,E|24262,M819|1476,E;M819;C0378;T6547|13130,E;M819|15980,E| CHANG LU GOU WEN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8256,T3244|31012,T3244|19683,T3244| JING DA JI 京大戟 Peking Euphorbia Root Radix Euphorbiae Pekinensis NA NA NA Treatment of anasarca, hydrothorax and ascites with dyspnea, constipation and oliguria. NA 23582,M985| KU DI DAN NA Scabrous Elephantfoot Elephantopus scaber NA NA whole herb To clear heat, cool blood, resolve toxin, disinhibit damp. Common cold, pertussis, tonsillitis, pharyngolaryngitis, conjunctivitis, jaundice, nephritis with edema, menstrual disorder, vaginal discharge, sore and boil, eczema, snake or insect bites. 5172,T4507|23887,T4507|5167,E|13097,T4507|13093,E;T4507|13091,E|6917,E|20353,E|25799,T4507| YI BI LI YA LI NA Iberian Oak* Quercus iberica NA NA NA NA NA 31878,T6404|18302,E| QIU SHUI XIAN CHANG CHUN TENG NA Colchicum Ivy* Hedera colchica NA NA NA NA NA 9256,E|9257,E|3914,E|3913,E| HE BEI YANG NA Hebei Poplar Populus hopeiensis NA NA NA NA NA 19177,E|19169,E| ZI SU BAO 紫苏苞 Calyx Perillae frutescentis NA NA NA NA NA NA 15683,C0398|13767,C0347|23171,C0484|23306,C0424| OU ZHOU LOU DOU CAI NA European Columbine Aquilegia vulgaris NA NA NA NA NA 1546,E|1547,E|1544,E|1545,E|1542,E|1543,E|1550,E|1548,E|1549,E|1551,E| CONG SHI 葱实 Semen Allii fistulosi NA NA NA NA NA NA 920,C0323| QUAN YUAN GUI MU NA Integerleaf Artocarpus Artocarpus integra NA NA NA NA NA 17827,E|13911,E|14176,E| DAN FAN 胆矾 Bluestone Chalcanthitum Cold,Pungent,Sour Liver,Gallbladder NA Induce vomiting. For eye diseases of wind-heat type such as conjunctivitis and blepharitis, its decoction is used for eye wash, for aphthae and ulcerative gingivitis, used with Catechu and Rhizoma Picrorhizae as powder for topical application, for unruptured abscess and pterygium, used as powder for external use. NA 25096,M197| OU ZHOU HUA QIU NA European Mountainash Sorbus aucuparia NA NA NA NA NA 16648,T5151|20088,E|8049,T5151|20092,T5151|16645,E|16646,E|2005,E;T5151|6631,E| MA YE 麻叶 Hemp Fimble Leaf Cannabis sativa NA NA leaf To interrupt malaria, expel roundworm, settle asthma. Malaria, asthma, ascariasis. 21044,E|23213,C0488|1262,E|32022,T4819|402,E|342,E|3084,T4819|3078,E|3079,C0376;T4819|3081,T4819|3080,E|3083,E|23030,C0489| JIA NA DA BAO CHUN NA Mistassini Primrose Primula mistassinica NA NA NA NA NA 17839,E|17843,T4312| MO PAN CAO 磨盘草 Indian Abutilon Abutilon indicum NA NA whole herb To course wind and clear heat, relieve cough and transform phlegm, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Common cold, fever, cough, diarrhea, otitis media, deafness, pharyngitis, parotitis, urinary tract infection, swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, knocks and falls. 8966,T4992|4446,T4992|4445,E|8965,E;T4992|8964,E;C0163| XIANG FU 香附 Nutgrass Galingale Cyperus rotundus Mild,Pungent,Slightly Sweet,Slightly Bitter Spleen,Liver,Three End rhizome To move qi and relieve depression, regulate menstruation and relieve pain. women’s diseases, menstrual disorder, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, liver depression and qi pain, distending pain in chest and rib-side, distending pain in stomach duct, indigestion, glomus and oppression in chest and stomach duct, cold mounting with abdominal pain, painful swollen breast. 20440,E|18666,E|24895,M755|23559,M755|15781,E|16276,E|4574,E|4576,E;M755|4577,E;M755|4578,E|4579,E|11361,E|4028,E|11683,E|6412,E|11469,E|12238,E|7101,E|16957,E|18945,E|18943,E|16697,E;M755|18944,E|16698,E|24409,M755|4573,E|4580,E| SI LIE HONG JING TIAN NA Foursplit Rhodiola Rhodiola quadrifida NA NA whole herb with root To boost kidney and nourish liver, regulate menstruation and quicken blood. Steaming bone taxation fever, dry blood tisis (consumptive disease due to blood disorders), dizzy head and vision, menstrual disorder [=menoxenia]. 18777,E| XUE LI PI 雪梨皮 pericarp of bretschneider Pear Exocarpium Pyrus Cool,Sweet,Slightly Sour Lung,Stomach NA NA NA 1618,M175| SHAN CI GU 山慈菇 Arrowhead-like Wildginger Asarum sagittarioides NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and dissipate cold, resolve toxin and relieve pain. Common cold, stomachache, toothache, knocks and falls, snake bite. 24003,M1036|3911,E|7701,E| ROU GUI 肉桂 Cassiabarktree Cinnamomum cassia [Syn. Cinnamomum aromaticum ] Hot,Pungent,Sweet Spleen,Liver,Heart,Kidney bark To supplement fire and reinforce yang, return fire to its source, dissipate cold and relieve pain, quicken blood and free menstruation. Impotence, uterus cold, cold pain in lumbus and knees, kidney vacuity asthma, yang vacuity dizziness, red eyes and sore pharynx, cold pain in heart and abdomen, vacuity cold vomiting and diarrhea, cold mounting, running piglet, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea. 6856,E|21907,E|4140,E|23246,C0572|30783,T5369|23856,M598|13672,T5369|3693,E;M598;C0369|13671,E|3695,E|17864,E|23114,C0038|24597,M598|25803,T5369|17874,E|17876,E|20414,C0490|3726,E;M598|3727,T5369|23095,M598;T5369|17879,E|1186,C0041|17855,E|17862,E|7429,E| ZE LAN YE 泽兰叶 Hirsute Shiny Bugleweed Herb Herba Lycopi Minor Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Liver NA Treatment of menstrual disorders, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, postpatum abdominal pain due to blood stasis, edema. NA 18511,M834|20239,M834|13217,M834| AN BEI JU NA Muricate Amberboa* Amberboa muricata NA NA NA NA NA 4568,T2901|4564,E| YA MAI JIA YING TAO NA Jamaica Cherry* Muntingia calabura NA NA NA NA NA 16851,E|1407,E|21902,E|11501,E|1419,E|1401,E|1414,E|1406,E| BA XI YE YAN NA Brazilian Wild Tobacco, Marianeira Acnistus arborescens NA NA NA NA NA 302,E|5323,E| HUANG YE HUAI NA Yellowleaf Sophora Sophora chrysophylla NA NA NA NA NA 13600,T4215|13599,E| TI MU CAO NA Timothy Phleum pratense NA NA whole herb NA Indigestion, diarrhea, dysentery, dribbling pain of urination. 7767,E|7768,T5777| CHENG LIU 柽柳 Chinese Tamarisk Equivalent plant: Tamarix ramosissima Tamarix chinensis Pungent,neutral Lung, stomach,heart tender branch-leaf To course wind and resolve exterior, disinhibit urine and resolve toxin. Non-eruption of measles, wind papule itching, common cold, cough and asthma, wind-damp bone pain. 8094,E|18302,E|11647,T3273|19169,M912|12012,E|12042,E|20648,T3273|20645,E;M912|18333,E|20647,E|20646,E|11645,E|25221,T3273|25222,T3273| JI NEI YA GE MU NA Red-water Tree Erythrophleum guineense NA NA NA NA NA 7367,T4272|3277,E|25763,T4272|7342,E|7343,E|7341,E|3284,T4272|3278,E;T4272| YI ZHU QIAN MA 异株荨麻 Dioecious Nettle Urtica dioica NA NA whole herb See Urtica cannabina. See Urtica cannabina. 22504,E|8078,T6441|31303,T6441|22505,T6441|15924,E|15431,E|13414,T6441|8077,E|31592,T6441|115,E;T6441|14302,E|14301,E|19530,T6441|15927,T6441|15433,E|14304,E|25569,T6441|31590,T6441|20429,T6441|20428,E|15516,E|19072,E|19901,T6441|25574,T6441|2887,E|3551,E|9814,E|9833,T6441|874,E|31593,T6441|19896,E|31591,T6441|5563,E|8805,E|8806,T6441|19981,E|13120,E|9567,E|22320,E|22321,T6441|16283,T6441|19745,E|18406,E|18407,T6441|30744,T6441|2912,E|19527,E|18302,E|3766,E|3767,T6441|31355,T6441|4684,T6441|2426,E|13947,T6441|13412,E|23037,C0003|14082,E|10202,E|1935,E|14088,T6441|19967,E|3552,T6441|14303,E|10965,E|31154,T6441|12109,T6441|4679,E|9568,T6441|16274,E|7768,T6441|3209,E|23381,T6441|9832,E|11474,E|7767,E|7996,T6441|7995,E|19747,T6441|31878,T6441|12017,E|3982,E| JIAO HAO NA Chinese Incarvillea Incarvillea sinensis NA NA whole herb To dispel wind-damp, resolve toxin, kill worms. Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, mouth sore, gingiva ulcerating, ear sore, eczema, scab and lichen, trichomonas vaginalis. 11007,E|11006,E|11005,E|11004,E|11009,E|11008,E| ZI HUA SONG GUO JU NA Purple Conedaisy Echinacea purpurea NA NA NA NA NA 6696,E| TU KU SHEN 土苦参 all-grass of Hooker winghead Herba Pterocephali Cold,Bitter Bladder,Large Intestine,Stomach,Liver,Heart NA NA NA 19967,M711|20353,M711| AI SHENG XIONG GUO NA Low Bearberry* Arctostaphylos pumila NA NA NA NA NA 5331,E|5332,E| NIU YAN MA QIAN NA Narrowflower Poisonnut Strychnos angustiflora NA NA seed To free channels and quicken network vessels, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, deadlimb, hemiplegia, swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, knocks and falls. 1250,E;T5119| JI YE 棘叶 Folium Ziziphi jujubae NA NA NA NA NA NA 11906,C0140| LUAN HUA NA Paniculate Goldraintree Flower Koelreuteria paniculata NA NA flower To clear liver and brighten eyes. Eye pain, eye swelling, red eyes and tearing. 12242,E|12243,T4731|3340,E|31405,T4731|14447,E|31624,T4731| FU MAO SHAN DOU GEN NA Hirsute Euchresta* Euchresta strigillosa NA NA root To rectify qi and relieve pain, clear heat and resolve toxin. Stomachache, enteritis and diarrhea, abdominal distention, abdominal pain, swelling pain in throat. 16238,E|20080,E| CI GUI NA Prickly Juniper Juniperus oxycedrus NA NA NA NA NA 22904,E|15696,E|22905,T3351| JI AN HONG SHEN 集安红参 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23181,C0178|23117,C0168|23129,C0173|23034,C0170|23085,C0172| YE PU TAO GEN 野葡萄根 root of Romanet grape radix vitis romanetii Salty Kidney NA NA NA 23745,M798|24342,M798|23487,M798|23170,M798|22538,M798|20430,M798|23572,M798|7970,M798|23224,M798| GOU TENG GEN 钩藤根 Radix Uncariae rhynchophyllae NA NA NA NA NA NA 11344,C0150|18811,C0077|11676,C0076| BAI SHOU SHEN NA European Gymnadenia Gymnadenia albida NA NA NA NA NA 16158,E|16159,T3020| XIA CAO NA Oldham Gypsophila Gypsophila oldhamiana NA NA root See Gypsophila pacifica. See Gypsophila pacifica. 21023,E|3927,E|16016,E| RI BEN HOU PO NA Whiteleaf Japanese Magnolia Magnolia obovata NA NA NA NA NA 7517,T5334|12492,E|12911,E|322,E|7516,E|31118,T5334|16428,T5334|532,E|13381,E|9630,E|13367,T5334|7893,E|13366,E|13383,T5334| FEI LU BIN LUO HAN SONG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15222,T3720| TU CHUANG HUA NA Slenderstalk Dicranostigma Dicranostigma franchetianum [Syn. Dicranostigma leptopodum] NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling and relieve pain, kill worms. Pain in throat, toothache, scrofula, bald sores, scab and lichen, welling abscess and boil, common wart. 13710,T5838|3502,E|13709,E|3504,T5838|15655,E| DA HUA XI XIN NA Largeflower Wildginger Asarum maximum NA NA whole herb with root To dispel wind and dissipate cold, relieve cough and dispel phlegm, quicken blood and resolve toxin, relieve pain. Wind-cold common cold, headache, cough and asthma, wind-damp pain, knocks and falls. 1832,E| YE QI SHU ZI NA Woods Lcaquertree Rhus sylvestris NA NA NA NA NA 18806,E|18807,E| GOU MAO QIAN CAO NA Hookedhair Madder Rubia oncotricha NA NA root See Rubia cordifolia . See Rubia cordifolia. 11231,E|19021,E| DOU BAN CAI NA Watercress Nasturtium officinale NA NA whole herb To clear lung, cool blood, resolve toxin, disinhibit urine. Lung heat dry cough, scurvy, infection of urinary system, painful swelling from clove sore, itchy skin. 17117,E|31683,T3592|14752,E|14753,E;T3592|25698,T3592|8598,E| DIAO ZHANG ZHI YE NA Largeleaf Spicebush Branch-leaf Lindera umbellata [Syn. Lindera erythrocarpa ] NA NA branch-leaf To dispel wind and kill worms, close sores and stanch bleeding. Scab and lichen with itching sores, bleeding due to external injury, cracking of hands and feet. 16685,E| TAO NAN GUA 桃南瓜 Peachliking Pumpkin Cucurbita pepo var. akoda NA NA NA NA NA 4336,T5768|4328,E|22959,E;C0010|32261,T5768| HUANG MAO WU TOU NA Yellowhair Monkshood Aconitum chrysotrichum NA NA NA NA NA 3483,E|3484,T4191| YI XING TANG SONG CAO NA Early Meadowrue Thalictrum dioicum NA NA NA NA NA 16803,E|21223,E|21224,T6425| HUO TAN MU CAO NA Chinese Knotweed Polygonum chinense NA NA herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, cool blood and resolve toxin, calm liver and brighten eyes, soothe sinews and quicken blood. Diarrhea, dysentery, swelling pain in throat, diphtheria, lung heat cough, pertussis, hepatitis, vaginal discharge, swollen welling abscess, otitis media, eczema, dizziness and tinnitus, corneal nephelium, knocks and falls. 12059,E|19779,E|19780,T4253| OU XI XIN NA Asarabacca Asarum europaeum NA NA NA NA NA 14523,E|1835,E|1840,E|23158,T5141|19896,E|19901,T5141|14524,T5141| JIA DU XIAN CAI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 25698,T4300|19901,T4300|3912,T4300| FEI ZHOU MAO ZHU MU NA African Mitragyna* Mitragyna africanus NA NA NA NA NA 14101,E| XIAO HUA LAO SHU LE NA Smallflower Acanthus* Acanthus ebracteatus NA NA fruit To resolve toxin and disperse swelling. sore and boil with swelling of clove. 6662,E|6663,E|6665,E|6664,E|3815,E| XUAN NIU XIE HAO NA Tortuous Seseli* Seseli tortuosum NA NA NA NA NA 19212,E|17750,E|19218,T6250|17751,T6250| XIA YE QING HAO NA Tarragon Artemisia dracunculus NA NA whole herb or root To dispel wind and dissipate cold, diffuse lung and suppress cough. Wind-cold common cold, cough and asthma. 15436,E|15437,E|15715,E|24377,T6077|13876,E| JIA MI NA Linden Viburnum Viburnum dilatatum NA NA stem-leaf To course wind and resolve exterior, clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood. Wind-heat common cold, clove sore with fever, postpartum wind tetany, fracture due to knocks and falls. 15855,E| XIAO TONG CAO 小通草 Stachyurus or Japanese Helwingia Pith Medulla Stachyuri Medulla Helwingiae NA NA NA Treatment of oliguria, urinary infection, galactostasis. NA 11080,M1067;C0458| GUI JIAN JIN JI ER 鬼箭锦鸡儿 Shagspine Peashrub Caragana jubata NA NA root, branch-leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, lower blood pressure. Mammary welling abscess, swelling toxin of sore and boil, hypertension. 25453,T3922|15180,T3922|11660,E|15176,E|15162,E|2843,E|11649,E|18364,E|31376,T3922|31372,T3922|31889,T3922|23102,C0119|31373,T3922|18392,E|31886,T3922| HONG BEI SHAN MA GAN NA Redback Christmashush Alchornea trewioides NA NA leaf and root To clear heat and disinhibit damp, cool blood and resolve toxin, kill worms and relieve itch. Dysentery, heat strangury, stone strangury, hematuria, flooding and spotting with vaginal discharge, wind papules, eczema, scab and lichen, decayed toothache, bedsore. 31481,T4025|13431,E| CANG BAI FEN TENG NA Pale Treebine* Cissus pallida NA NA NA NA NA 16539,E| GAO SHAN LUO HAN SONG NA Alpine Totara Podocarpus nivalis NA NA NA NA NA 15223,E|15224,T3833| WU JU YIN YANG HUO NA Spurless Barrenwort* Epimedium ecalcaratum NA NA NA NA NA 1275,E| SI TUO HOU BING HUA. NA NA Pachypodanthium staudii NA NA NA NA NA 16500,E| MI DIE XIANG YE QIAN LI GUANG NA Rosmarin-leaf Groundsel* Senecio rosmarinifolius NA NA NA NA NA 30834,T4947|31923,T4947|18911,E| XI OU YUAN WEI NA Orris Iris florentina NA NA NA NA NA 15195,E|11146,T6025|11180,E|11181,E|11150,E|11185,T6025|31323,T6025|15196,T6025|11138,E| HAI BIN LIU CHUAN YU NA Japanese Toadflax Linaria japonica NA NA NA NA NA 12851,E|12850,E|12853,E|12852,E| HUANG HUA JIA ZHU TAO 黄花夹竹桃 Yellow Oleander Thevetia neriifolia [Syn. Thevetia peruviana ] NA NA seed To strengthen heart, disinhibit urine and disperse edema. Cardiac failure, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, paroxysmal fibrillation. 32057,T4165|19082,T4165|30674,T4165|30758,T4165|32058,T4165|3416,E|3417,E;T4165|16989,E;T4165|16988,E;T4165|20132,E|17001,T4165|16982,E|16987,E|16986,E|16985,E|21308,E|20072,E|19075,E|21310,E;T4165|12016,E|21311,E;T4165|18380,E|16996,T4165|15487,T4165|16999,C0092|15485,E|12043,E|13411,E|18347,E|21306,E|16576,E|21309,E;T4165|18348,E|22410,E|22411,T4165|2556,E|13097,T4165|13093,E|32056,T4165|24622,T4165|18339,E|21307,E|23093,C0051|12089,E| TANG SONG CAO ZHUANG BIAN GUO CAO NA Meadowruelike Isopyrum Isopyrum thalictroides NA NA NA NA NA 11734,E|11637,E|11638,E| LV LI LU NA Green Falsehellebore Veratrum viride NA NA NA NA NA 15387,E|15443,E|22370,E|15388,E|11863,E|8352,E| DAO YA 稻芽 Rice-grain Sprout Fructus Oryzae Germinatus Warm,Sweet Spleen,Stomach NA Treatment of retention of undigested food with abdominal distension and foul breath, weakness of the spleen and the stomach with anorexia. Fructus Oryzae Germinatus (stir-fried):Anorexia.Fructus Oryzae Germinatus (charred): Retention of undigested food. NA 23696,M205| TANG JIE NA Diffuse Erysimum Erysimum diffusum NA NA seed To constrain lung and relieve cough. Vacuity taxation cough. 9335,T5757|9334,E|7320,T5757|7319,E| LUO LE ZI NA Basil Fruit Ocimum basilicum NA NA fruit To clear heat, brighten eyes, eliminate screens. Red eyes and profuse eye discharge, ingrown eyelash, eye screen, galloping gan of teeth and gum. 8078,T4759|17500,E|17501,T4759|8077,E|13502,E|13503,T4759| YAN HUANG LIAN NA Rockliving Corydalis Corydalis thalictrifolia NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp, stanch bleeding and relieve pain. Hepatitis, oral ulcer, acute conjunctivitis nephelium, dysentery, abdominal pain and diarrhea, bleeding from hemorrhoids. 21234,E|642,E;T6301| MA SANG YU MA SANG JI SHENG 马桑与马桑寄生 Folium seu Radix Coriariae Nepalensis , Herba Scurrulae Philippensis NA NA NA NA NA NA 22129,C0032| CHAI SHOU NA Chaishou Thorowax Bupleurum chaishoui NA NA root See Bupleurum chinense . See Bupleurum chinense. 16880,E|15696,E| TIAN GUA ZI 甜瓜子 muskmelon seed Semen Cucumis Cold,Bitter Liver,Heart NA NA NA 11770,C0144|12435,M688|4316,C0518|25176,M688|24488,M688| WU MU XIE NA Ceylon Persimmon Sawdust Diospyros ebenum NA NA sawdust To resolve toxin. Cholera with vomiting. 2331,E;T5961|15243,E|15244,T5961|23105,T5961|1111,E|2169,E;T5961| CHANG GUAN XIANG CHA CAI NA Longtube Rabdosia Rabdosia longituba NA NA root, leaf or whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Summerheat stroke with abdominal pain, urinary tract infection, mastitis, painful wound from knocks and falls, agkistrodon bite. 18453,E|18452,E|18451,E|18454,E|12969,E|12968,E|12965,E|12964,E|12967,E|12966,E|11508,E|12119,E|14709,T3239|18910,E|15978,E|12954,E|12955,E|12956,E|12957,E|12951,E|12952,E;T3239|12953,E|18462,E|31458,T3239|12970,E|12971,E| XIAN MAO 仙茅 Common Cruculigo Curculigo orchioides Hot,Pungent Spleen,Liver,Kidney rhizome To supplement kidney and invigorate yang , strengthen sinews and bones, dispel damp and dissipate cold. Impotence seminal cool, limp wilting sinew and bone, cold impediment in lumbus and knees, yang vacuity cold diarrhea. 23892,M752|4385,E;T6092|27537,T6092|345,E|4383,E;T6092|14473,E|4380,E|4387,T6092|4386,E|21187,E|4384,E;M752;T6092|16161,E|16160,E|16162,E;M752|31631,T6092|464,E|24568,M752|22920,E;M752|13828,E|20550,E|21077,T6092|21071,E|21072,E|21681,E|13829,T6092|6199,E|413,E|4381,E|13234,E| GOU QI GEN PI NA Chinese Wolfberry Root-bark Equivalent plant: Lycium barbarum Lycium chinense NA NA root cortex To eliminate heat in blood, lower vacuity heat. Diabetes mellitus, malaria, tidal fever with night sweat, child gan accumulation with fever, cough and hemoptysis or dyspnea, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding. 12323,E|30783,T3855|12885,E|16843,E|12888,T3855|12324,T3855|12887,E|9365,E|31449,T3855|1345,E|3695,E|5533,E|29509,T3855|9367,T3855|21578,E|19967,E|19527,E| MA WEI LIAN 马尾莲 Manyleaf Meadowrue Equivalent plant: Thalictrum baicalense, Thalictrum part : rhizome and root Thalictrum foliolosum NA NA NA To clear heat and dry damp, drain fire and resolve toxin. Influenza, fever in children, common cold with fever, measles papules, malaria, damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, jaundice, red eyes with gall. 21237,E|18640,E|13367,E|21238,E|21219,T4817|21218,E|16430,E|21253,E;T4817|21252,E|22755,E|16545,T4817|16544,E|17969,E|2300,E|2303,E|4289,E|23975,M497|25389,T4817|930,E|11849,T4817|18652,T4817|3935,T4817|3934,E|24462,M497|9441,T4817|9440,E|21247,E|4032,E|16428,E|15778,E|21241,T4817|23625,M497|21248,T4817|13368,T4817|21254,T4817|3209,M497|22756,T4817|11733,E|11848,E|13119,M497| AI LI SI DUO KONG JUN NA Ellisi Porous Agaric* Polyporus ellisii NA NA NA NA NA 3421,E|20138,E|6903,E| QING MING HUA 清明花 Easter Heraldtrumpet Beaumontia grandiflora NA NA root and leaf To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood, relieve pain. Wind-damp impediment pain, taxation damage in lumbar muscle, knocks and falls, swelling pain from fracture. 14710,E|22613,E|22614,T5279|2190,E;T5279|14712,T5279|2187,E;T5279|400,E|16021,E;C0575|16024,T5279| YOU 莸 Herba Caryopteridis neptaefoliae NA NA NA NA NA NA 32048,T6493|15626,C0582|31828,T6493|31732,T6493|14136,T6493|31731,T6493|22180,T6493|15279,T6493|15275,T6493|32139,T6493| BIAN BAO LIN MAO JUE NA Evergreen Wood Fern Dryopteris marginalis NA NA NA NA NA 13553,T3118|13552,E| JIN YAO NA Alternate-leaved Golden-saxifrage Chrysosplenium alternifolium NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp. Strangury syndrome, jaundice, bleeding. 3623,E|3625,T4418| LI QING GAO 梨清膏 NA Extractum Fructus Pyri Nivalis Liquidum NA NA NA NA NA 24237,M445| DA YE JING KOU BIAN CAO NA Cretan Brake Pteris cretica NA NA NA NA NA 18140,E| DA HEI 大黑 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23256,C0557| WU TONG GEN 梧桐根 Radix Firmianae plantanifoliae NA NA NA NA NA NA 2892,C0420| FEI LV BIN QIAN JIN BA NA Philippine Flemingia Moghania philippinensis NA NA root To dispel windand eliminate damp, strengthen sinews and bones, quicken blood and resolve toxin. Wind-damp impediment pain, taxation damage in lumbar muscle, wilting-weakness in limbs, knocks and falls, swelling pain in throat. 6304,E|21082,E|21702,E|21701,E|21780,E| YUN NAN SHA JI NA Yunnan Seabuckthorn* Hippophae rhamnoides subsp. yunnanensis NA NA fruit See Hippophae rhamnoides. See Hippophae rhamnoides. 19072,E| SI TA WEI CUI QUE HUA NA Stavisacre Delphinium staphisagria NA NA NA NA NA 20246,E|5032,T5689|20247,T5689|5031,E| BAI HUA YING SHAN HONG 白花映山红 Snow Azalea Rhododendron mucronatum NA NA flower, root and leaf To harmonize blood, dissipate stasis, relieve cough. Blood ejection, hematochezia, dysentery, flooding and spotting, cough, knocks and falls. 25453,T2982|2053,E;T2982|2052,E;T2982|31914,T2982|15162,E|25635,T2982|5699,T2982|23050,C0007|8958,E|18251,T2982|30330,T2982|20550,E|5698,E|18249,E|18781,E| DUO XIANG GUO NA Allspice Pimenta dioica NA NA NA NA NA 7522,T3658|7520,E|3559,E| YI ZHU AI MA HUANG NA Dioecious Small Ephedra Ephedra minuta var. dioeca NA NA NA NA NA 14388,E|14693,E|15736,E|6814,E|15780,E|18010,E| DI QIAN 地钱 Marchantia polymorpha L. NA NA NA NA NA NA 23130,C0355| BAN BIAN LIAN 半边莲 Chinese Lobelia Lobelia chinensis [Syn. Lobelia radicans] NA NA whole herb To disinhibit urine and disperse edema, clear heat and resolve toxin, lower blood pressure. Edema, edema and enlarged abdomen, edema in face and foot, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, snake or insect bites. 12932,E;M904;T3041|12933,E;M904;C0337;T3041|12931,E;M904|12934,E|31457,T3041|11504,T3041|9817,E|11503,E;M904|18510,E|12938,T3041|18509,E|31156,T3041|23022,C0258|20429,T3041|20428,E| QIAO MU ZI ZHU NA Tree Beautyberry Callicarpa arborea NA NA root and leaf To cool blood and stanch bleeding. Bleeding due to external injury, bleeding of digestive tract, spontaneous external bleeding, flooding and spotting. 30096,T5263|19978,E|2169,E;T5263|25279,T5263|14151,E| HUANG SE BAN RUI DOU NA Yellow Prairie-clover Petalostemum purpureum NA NA NA NA NA 16995,E| NAN TIAN ZHU GENG NA Common Nandina Stem Nandina domestica NA NA branchlet To clear damp heat, downbear counterflow qi. Damp-heat jaundice, diarrhea, heat strangury, red eyes with gall, cough and asthma, ge syndrome. 6554,T5057|21236,E|6551,E|15235,E|15237,T5057|14325,E|14326,T5057|15770,E| KUAI JING ZI JIN NA Tuberous Corydalis* Corydalis tuberosa NA NA NA NA NA 11341,E|11343,T4543| HA SHI LUO HAN SONG NA Hall Podocarpus* Podocarpus hallii NA NA NA NA NA 15223,E|31056,T3934|15224,T3934|9195,E|9196,E;T3934| WU CI GEN 无莿根 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15162,C0307|1074,C0556| DU YU SHU WEI CAO NA Salvia pisidica Salvia pisidica NA NA NA NA NA 17472,E| QING HAO 青蒿 Celery Wormwood Artemisia apiacea Bitter, pungent,cold Liver,bladder,kidney whole herb See Artemisia annua. See Artemisia annua. 30751,T5275|10538,E|18667,M1026|25139,M1026|24693,M1026|6890,M1026|21334,E|17442,M1026|23402,M1026|20540,E|23184,M1026|24547,M1026|14200,T5275|3045,M1026|3300,M1026;C0200|4029,E|24861,M1026|3230,E|3234,M1026|24677,M1026|24313,M1026|5377,E|19527,M1026|16789,M1026|4140,M1026|24535,M1026|7590,M1026|19762,E|24459,M1026|23113,M1026;C0142|23150,M1026|19768,E|2557,M1026|24284,M1026|23119,M1026|24926,M1026|3602,M1026|1799,M1026|23126,M1026|9488,T5275|18302,M1026|23726,M1026|21335,T5275|1792,E;M1026|3745,M1026|14198,E|10316,E|3743,M1026|23545,M1026|4030,T5275|24881,M1026|23584,M1026|10228,E|10229,E|24325,M1026|11311,T5275|25127,M1026|23418,M1026|9485,E|24616,M1026|2550,M1026|2044,M1026|24268,M1026|3229,E|3228,E|24222,M1026|3048,M1026|20641,M1026|3242,E|3241,E|1800,M1026|4647,E|3244,M1026|24870,M1026|15138,M1026|24618,M1026|24603,M1026|12017,M1026|24401,M1026|24760,M1026|3227,E|3689,M1026|23256,M1026| RI BEN XIAO HE YI NA Asian lichen Pyrenula japonica NA NA NA NA NA 21794,E|5992,E| YA RUI XIANG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14818,C0312| NIU DAN NA Ox Gall Bos taurus domesticus, Bubalus bubalis NA NA gall To clear liver and brighten eyes, disinhibit gallbladder and free intestines, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Wind-heat red eye, jaundice, cough with profuse phlegm, infant fright wind, swollen welling abscess, constipation, hemorrhoids. 8822,E|32176,T5094|22230,E|8825,T5094| ZHAO JU NA Common Enhydra Enhydra fluctuans NA NA NA NA NA 6803,T6638|6801,E| SU QIAO 粟壳 poppy capsule pericarpium papaveris Mild,Sour Lung,Large Intestine,Kidney NA For chronic diarrhea and dysentery, or those accompanied with ab dominal pain. For chronic cough with little expectoration 1. Slowing the rate of breathing and depressing the cough reflex, and exerting an antitussive effect. 2. Relaxing the smo9th muscles of gastrointestinal tract and trachea. 3. Being an analgesic acting on the central nervous system 16611,M674;C0423|14973,M674;C0512| RI BEN BIAN BAI NA Hinoki False Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa NA NA NA NA NA 9546,T5328|4309,E|9545,E;T5328|11350,E| QING ZI QIAN NIU NA Violet Morningglory* Ipomoea violacea NA NA NA NA NA 13248,E|3477,E|13250,T5288|962,T5288| LIU YI SAN 六一散 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 24237,M464| XI HU PO 西琥珀 Amber, Succinus Succinus Mild,Sweet Bladder,Liver,Heart NA 1. Treatment of infantile convulsions and epilepsy. Amber (Hupo) is used with Centipede (Wugong) and Scorpion (Quanxie). 2. Treatment of palpitations, insomnia and dream-disturbed sleep. Amber (Hupo) is used with Wild jujube seed (Suanzaoren) and Multiflower knotweed (Yejiaoteng). 3. Treatment of dysmenorrhea or amenorrhea due to blood stagnation. Amber (Hupo) is used with Chinese angelica root (Danggui), Zedoary (Ezhu) and Lindera root (Wuyao) in the formula Hupo San. 4. Treatment of urinary tract disorders manifested as frequent urination, painful urination, bloody urine or calculus formation in the urinary tract. Amber (Hupo) is used with Lysimachia (Jinqiancao), Clematis stem (Mutong) and Imperata rhizome (Baimaogen). Sedative and diuretic. 23649,M739|23475,M739|23498,M739|24010,M739|24833,M739|23799,M739|24217,M739| HAI NAN CU FEI 海南粗榧 Hainan Plumyew Cephalotaxus hainanensis [Syn. Cephalotaxus mannii ] NA NA branchlet and bark Anticancer. Carcinoma. 9611,T3945|9244,T3945|20796,T3945|20795,E|6607,E|7016,T3945|6609,T3945|7013,E|11447,T3945|11446,E|5065,E|5066,T3945|9608,E;C0278|9190,E|3403,T3945|3402,E|9238,E|3404,E|3407,T3945|5180,E|5186,T3945|9193,E|9195,T3945|9194,E;T3945| DONG BEI HUI HAO NA Northeast Seriphidium Seriphidium finitum [Syn. Artemisia finita] NA NA flower To expel worms. Ascariasis, oxyuria disease. 7801,T3570|7800,E|19300,T3570|19299,E| ZHAO WA JIA KE TAI NA Japanese liverwort Jackiella javanica NA NA NA NA NA 22414,E|4302,E|22413,E|7501,E|7217,E| AI DI CHA 矮地茶 Japanese Ardisia Herb Ardisiae japonicae Mild,Pungent,Bitter Lung,Liver NA 1. To eliminate phlegm and relieving cough (chronic cough, cough due to pulmonary tuberculosis, cough of lung-heat type and hemoptysis. Recently, used for chronic bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculous pleuritis, etc). 2. To promote diuresis to deprive dampness (jaundice of dampness-heat type and edema). 3. To activate blood circulation and stop bleeding (amenia and abdominal pain due to blood stasis, trauma, rheumatism and hematemesis). 1. Bergenin, an active comonent, is an expectorant. 2. Its volatile oil or flavone can relieve bronchospasm induced by histamine in vitro. 3. Its decoction inhibits the growth of Pneumococcus, Staphylococcus aureus and influenza virus in vitro. 23463,M2|23731,M2|23770,M2|14710,M2;C0313|3048,M2;C0377|24124,M2|12843,C0305|23716,M2|23631,M2|23630,M2|24670,M2|2550,M2|24394,M2|23790,M2|24699,M2|24352,M2|2222,M2|24759,M2|7417,M2|24859,M2|24653,M2|23520,M2|24134,M2|24301,M2|23566,M2|24789,M2|2275,M2|24274,M2|23867,M2|2312,M2|20976,M2|24445,M2|24449,M2| GUANG LIANG JIA LONG DAN NA Shining Gentianella* Gentianella nitida NA NA NA NA NA 4844,E|1019,E| XIAO XIAN AO DING ZAO NA Small-grand Concave-top Alga* Laurencia glandulifera NA NA NA NA NA 8501,E| BAI ZHI YE 白芷叶 Folium Angelicae duhuricae NA NA NA NA NA NA 16521,C0099|3048,C0377|1191,C0326|15244,C0409|23289,C0374|23256,C0557|23089,C0049|11459,C0148|15967,C0425|23279,C0236|23157,C0373| BIAN ZHU TANG SONG CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4467,T3137| DA BO SI JU NA Mexican Aster Cosmos bipinnata NA NA inflorescence, seedor whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, brighten eyes and transform damp. NA 1492,E;T3398|22019,E| ZHAN MAO XUN ZI NA Silverleaf Cotoneaster Cotoneaster pannosus NA NA NA NA NA 2384,E;T6624| DUN ZHUANG MAO GAO CAI NA Peltate Sundew* Drosera peltata NA NA NA NA NA 6604,E|6605,T3641| XIAO JIAN CAO NA Bulbiferous Stonecrop Sedum bulbiferum NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and stanch bleeding, interrupt malaria. Heat toxin swollen welling abscess, gum swelling and pain, poisonous snake bite, bleeding due to blood heat, bleeding due to external injury, malaria. 30578,T6168|1105,E|1108,E|30580,T6168| CHOU WEI HONG DOU NA Bean Trefoil Anagyris foetida NA NA NA NA NA 1134,E;T3304| XIAO JIAO ZHU HUA NA Creeping Ceratostigma, Creeping Bluesnow Ceratostigma minus NA NA root To dispel wind-damp, free channels and network vessels, relieve pain. Wind-damp numbness, pain in stomach duct, abdomen and rib-side, knocks and falls, fracture, angitis, parotitis. 17555,E| SHAN TONG ZI NA Manyfruit Idesia Idesia polycarpa NA NA leaf To clear heat and cool blood, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling. Fracture, burns and scalds, bleeding due to external injury, blood ejection. 5067,E| XIU XIAN JU NA Japanese Spiraea Spiraea japonica NA NA root See Spiraea japonica var. Fortunei. See Spiraea japonica var. Fortunei. 20178,E| GUANG YE FEN HUA XIU XIAN JU NA Fortune Japanese Spiraea Equivalent plant: Spiraea japonica Spiraea japonica var. fortunei NA NA root To dispel wind and clear heat, eliminate screen and brighten eyes. Cough, toothache, headache, red eyes and eye screen. 20189,T3912|20182,E;T3912|20183,E;T3912|20181,E| WU SHAN SHE MEI DENG MU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13614,T5963|13618,T5963|25543,T5963|13613,T5963| JI XING ZI 急性子 Garden Balsam Seed Impatiens balsamina Pungent,Bitter Liver,Heart ripe seed To break blood and soften hard, disperse accumulation. Concretion and conglomeration, lump glomus, amenorrhea, dysphagia-occlusion. 5199,E|16656,T4283|16655,E|9650,E|12575,E|5200,T4283|1500,E|24340,M382|20550,E|30330,T4283|24691,M382|24890,M382|12586,T4283| MAI MA TENG 买麻藤 Calis gneti NA NA NA NA NA NA 23264,C0158| LV SUN PIAN NA Oldham Bamboo Shoot Sinocalamus oldhami NA NA shoot To transform phlegm and calm asthma. Cough and asthma with abundant phlegm. 11029,E|2027,E|2028,E| XIA YE HONG JING TIAN NA Kirilow Rhodiola Rhodiola kirilowii NA NA rhizome and root To nourish heart and quiet spirit, quicken blood and transform stasis, stanch bleeding, clear heat and resolve toxin. Qi vacuity and general weakness, shortness of breath and hypodynamia, palpitation and insomnia, dizziness, chest oppression and pain, knocks and falls, menstrual disorder, flooding and spotting, blood ejection, dysentery, diarrhea. 32170,T6073|12997,E|18777,E|13004,T6073|22154,E|19176,T6073| HUANG LIAN 黄连 Chinese Goldthread Equivalent plant: Coptis deltoidea , Coptis omeiensis , Coptis teetoides, Coptis chinensis var brevisepala Coptis chinensis Cold,Bitter Large Intestine,Stomach,Small Intestine,Liver,Heart rhizome To clear heat and dry damp, drain fire and resolve toxin, lower blood pressure. Febrile infectious diseases, dysentery, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, diphtheria, infection of upper respiratory tract, scarlatina, typhoid fever, acute conjunctivitis, otitis media, acute surgical infection, septicemia, hepatitis, trichomoniasis, eruptive dermatitis, hypertension, vexation and agitation, clouded spirit with delirious speech, damp-heat glomus in chest, damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, insomnia and vexation due to effulgent fire, stomach heat vomiting, swift digestion with rapid hungering, red eyes with pain due to liver fire, heat toxin sores, clove sore running yellow, gum swelling and pain, mouth sore, tongue sores, genital swelling, bleeding from hemorrhoids, eczema, scalds. 6834,E;M369|15873,E|23122,M369|13368,T4183|32114,T4183|22716,M369|6080,E|16544,E;M369;C0098|23696,M369|24353,M369|2303,E;M369;C0391;T4183|31732,T4183|31731,T4183|16545,T4183|23494,M369|13367,E|30741,T4183|3935,T4183|3934,E;M369|21673,E|4032,E;M369;C0534|4036,T4183|12841,E|3174,E|25878,T4183|7767,E|23385,M369|11849,T4183|11848,E;M369;C0141|7768,T4183| ER XING LIU ZU JUE NA Auriform Plagiogyria Plagiogyria stenoptera NA NA rhizome or whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, effuse exterior and relieve cough. Common cold with headache, cough. 17487,E| GAO JIA SUO YING SU NA Caucasian Poppy* Papaver caucasicum NA NA NA NA NA 16613,E|1738,E;T3826| OU TAN 藕炭 Prepared node of lotus rhizome Nelumbinis rhizomatis Preparata NA NA NA NA NA 23125,M537|23170,M537|23193,M537| DI TU YI. NA NA Rhizocarpon geographicum NA NA NA NA NA 18764,E| BIAN YI FENG WEI JUE NA Unequal Brake Pteris inaequalis NA NA NA NA NA 18112,E|18113,E| WU JIA PI 五加皮 Slenderstyle Acanthopanax Root-bark Equivalent plant: Acanthopanax sessiliflorus , Acanthopanax senticosus Acanthopanax gracilistylus Warm,Pungent,Bitter Liver,Kidney root cortex To dispel wind-damp, supplement liver and kidney, strengthen sinews and bones, quicken blood and vessels. Wind-cold-damp impediment, pain in lumbus and knees, limp wilting sinew and bone, infant retardation of walking, vacuity and marked emaciation, knocks and falls, fracture, edema, beriberi, damp itchy in genitals. 14710,T5945|19764,T5945|12888,T5945|30944,T5945|6753,E|23806,M724|19762,E;C0579|20265,T5945|20264,E|29509,T5945|23286,M724;C0139|20553,E|12887,E|19967,E|6231,T5945|14709,E| YI ZHI REN 益智仁 Sharpleaf Galangal Alpinia oxyphylla Warm,Pungent Spleen,Kidney fruit To warm spleen, check diarrhea, warm kidney, reduce urine, secure essence. Spleen-stomach vacuity cold, vomiting and diarrhea, cold pain in abdomen, drooling, enuresis due to kidney vacuity, frequent urination, emission, white turbidity. 22860,E;C0012|20883,E|11803,E|16056,E|25053,M803|23329,M803|16451,E|16450,E|16453,E|16452,E|16455,E|16454,E|16457,E|16456,E|12398,E|11361,E|23125,C0500|23170,M803|15438,T6439|24773,M803|12794,E|24178,M803|16550,E|12887,E|12885,E|25386,T6439|7480,M803|15429,E|23193,M803|22988,M803|22861,E;C0013|14528,E|15696,E|20188,E|15695,E|31647,T6439|11611,E|19674,E| ZI CAO RONG NA Lac Laccifer lacca NA NA gum of lac insect To clear heat, cool blood, resolve toxin. Measles papules, non-eruption of measles, postpartum blood dizziness, vaginal discharge, swelling toxin of sore and scab. 887,E|30574,T6726| NIAN XING TU MU XIANG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31973,T5077| A FU HAN DING XIANG NA Afghanistan Lilac* Syringa afghanica NA NA NA NA NA 19102,E|19103,E|19100,E|19101,E|19098,E|19099,E|19104,E|19097,E|6916,E|20537,E| MAI YA 麦芽 Barley Germinating Fruit Hordeum vulgare Mild,Sweet Spleen,Stomach,Liver germinated fruit To disperse food and transform accumulation, terminate lactation. Food accumulation, abdominal distention and diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, inappetence, galactostasis, distending pain in breast. 23125,M501;C0500|18216,E|9652,T4824|24226,M501|20133,T4824|23223,T4824|20131,E|25011,M501|24795,M501|24928,M501|19316,M501|9466,E|9643,E|24290,M501|25140,M501|3589,M501|23051,M501|617,M501|23131,M501|23587,M501|23586,M501|23729,M501|23988,M501|3074,T4824|18241,T4824|20430,M501|22042,E|9645,E;M501;T4824|9644,E;M501;T4824|13432,E|13433,T4824|9481,T4824|22142,E;C0483|23193,M501;C0504|3070,E|24665,M501|22154,T4824|8970,E|8971,T4824| CAI SHI MU MA SANG NA Arboreous Coriaria* Coriaria arborea NA NA NA NA NA 13706,T3172|13704,E| YIN DU MIAN 印度棉 Bluntleaf Cotton Gossypium indicum NA NA NA NA NA 11235,E|8965,T6456|8964,E;C0163| GAN SONG 甘松 Chinese Nardostachys Equivalent plant: Nardostachys jatamansi Nardostachys chinensis Warm,Pungent,Sweet Spleen,Stomach root and rhizome To rectify qi and relieve pain, harmonize stomach and arouse spleen. Stomachache, distention fullness in chest and abdomen, headache, hysteria, beriberi. 25400,T3794|4815,T3794|23556,M265|24509,M265|23468,M265|23880,M265|15267,E|15266,E;T3794|15265,E|15264,E|15263,E|15262,E|15261,E|16722,T3794|23717,M265|2944,E;T3794|2943,E|24086,M265|15269,E;T3794|15268,E|11752,T3794|22297,E|23919,M265|7516,T3794|1191,E;C0326;T3794|23486,M265|7513,E|25614,T3794|12132,E|12130,E|12131,E|16202,E|21032,E|21035,T3794|30743,T3794|11839,T3794|16695,E|32187,T3794|11832,E|2946,T3794|11831,E|25469,T3794|11550,E|7480,M265|9482,E|23295,C0237|23545,M265|9484,T3794|1701,E|1704,E|1706,E|11751,E|1707,E;T3794|16699,E|4814,E|15256,E|12129,E|12128,E|3194,E|15271,T3794|30103,T3794|24364,M265|25470,T3794| CHUN E BO HE NA Pennyroyal Mint Mentha pulegium NA NA NA NA NA 18176,E| DIAN MU DAN NA Delavay Peony Paeonia delavayi NA NA root cortex See Paeonia moutan . See Paeonia moutan. 16514,E|16515,T3554| GUI YA NA GOU TENG NA Garabato,Unganangi, Cat’s Claw Uncaria guianensis NA NA NA NA NA 5568,E|11676,E|14881,E|11536,E|18417,E|18100,E|18424,E|22190,E|9551,E|18811,E|9552,E|18413,E|11633,E| AI JI ZHONG ZHI YUAN WEI NA Egypt Planted Iris Iris carthaliniae NA NA NA NA NA 6240,E|14732,E|11177,E|20887,E| LONG HAO 南蒿 Artemisia eriopoda NA NA NA NA NA NA 23084,C0564| CHANG YE DI YU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3318,C0435|23215,C0566| NIU BANG YE DU WU NA Dockleaf Goldenray Ligularia lapathifolia NA NA root, leaf To dissipate stasis and quicken blood, relieve pain. Knocks and falls, stasis swelling pain, wind-damp impediment pain. 1226,E|1224,E|1223,E|1221,E|1220,E|1219,E|1230,E| SANG LI 桑沥 Sucus Mori Ramulus NA NA NA NA NA NA 23297,C0308|14963,C0311|23078,C0137|617,C0403|6678,C0526| TAI WAN FENG DOU CAI NA Taiwan Butterbur* Petasites formosanus NA NA NA NA NA 2121,E|2120,E|2122,E|16998,E|13091,E|7767,E|17000,E|4988,E|20132,E| MENG DA NA SHAN XIAO JU NA Montana Glycosmis* Glycosmis montana NA NA NA NA NA 8821,E|10472,E|8803,E| NI GU LA SHI CHE JU NA Nicola Centaurea* Centaurea nicolai NA NA NA NA NA 504,E|19178,E|4711,E| HUANG GUA 黄瓜 Cucumber Cucumis sativus NA NA fruit To clear heat, disinhibit water, resolve toxin. Febrile diseases thirst, short voidings of reddish urine, burns and scalds, scant urine with edema, sweat macule, prickly heat. 9615,E|22565,E|14247,E|15668,E|23223,T4153|15670,E|25502,T4153|15667,E|30834,T4153|31715,T4153|31716,T4153|14230,E|4311,E|4312,E|4314,E|4316,E;C0518|4317,E;T4153|4318,E;T4153|4319,T4153|16185,E|22042,E|11698,E|11697,E|4135,E|11639,E|11771,E|11770,E|11773,E|11772,E| JI YE QIU HAI TANG NA Limpricht Begonia Begonia limprichtii NA NA whole herb with rhizome To cool blood and stanch bleeding, dispel stasis and relieve pain. Flooding and spotting with vaginal discharge, blood ejection, dysentery, stasis pain from knocks and falls, poisonous snake bite. 20362,E|25247,T4288| BAI YU SHAN DOU NA White Lupin Lupinus albus NA NA NA NA NA 13143,E|22651,E|22652,T3036|15062,E|13081,E|13090,T3036|13082,E|30086,T3036|13162,T3036| BAI LI XIANG YE CHUN XIN LIAN NA Andrographis* Andrographis serpyllifolia NA NA NA NA NA 19990,E|19989,E| DOU KOU 豆蔻 Round Cardamon Fruit Fructus Amomi Rotundus NA NA NA Treatment of loss of appetite due to accumulation of turbid damp in the spleen and stomach, feeling of suffocation in the chest with anorexia at the early stage of damp-warm syndromes, nausea, vomiting, distension and pain in the chest and abdomen caused by cold-dainp, indigestion with retention of food. NA 15196,M925|19106,M925|23167,M925|21964,M925|23101,M925|21968,M925|6744,M925|20974,M925|17362,M925|17363,M925|24921,M925|23838,M925|25001,M925| XI XI LI CAO MU XI NA Messania Sweetclover* Melilotus messanensis NA NA NA NA NA 13676,E|13677,E|13675,E| MEI WEI HONG GU NA Milk-white Russula Russula delica NA NA NA NA NA 19061,E|12429,E|8012,E|2497,E|19060,E| NIU BANG YE NA Great Burdock Leaf* Arctium lappa NA NA NA NA NA 16109,E| JU HUA 菊花 Florists Chrysanthemum Flower Chrysanthemum morifolium [Syn. Dendranthema morifolium] Minor cold,Pungent,Sweet,Bitter Lung,Liver capitulum To course wind and clear heat, calm liver and brighten eyes, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Angina pectoris, hypertension, externally contracted wind-heat, wind warmth, fever and headache, dizziness, common cold, red eyes, red eyes with gall, swelling toxin of clove sore. 3597,T4445|3596,E|3595,T4445|3594,E;M422|2843,E|1483,E|3048,M422|24042,M422|12981,E|5749,E|3045,M422|23421,M422|3674,E|21375,E|20238,M422|3551,E|19084,M422|3546,T4445|25033,M422|7733,M422|24431,M422|11285,E|11284,E|11286,E|23330,M422|23880,M422|21344,M422;C0293|9358,M422|617,E;T4445|4549,M422|1492,E|15138,M422|23256,M422|23412,M422|23545,M422|2550,E;M422;T4445|3545,E|3689,M422|3464,M422|56,E;M422;C0348|1064,E;T4445|23119,M422|24465,M422|13130,E;M422;C0415|30473,T4445|24728,M422| JIAN WEI YU NA Chinese Taro Alocasia cucullata [Syn. Arum cucullatum ] NA NA rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate binds and relieve pain. Influenza, leptospirosis, early stage of sores and welling abscess toxin, scrofula, phlegmon, chronic osteomyelitis, poisonous snake bites, poisonous bee stings. 8011,E| DI KE DONG NA Swamp Loosestrife Decodon verticillatus NA NA NA NA NA 4831,E|22417,E|4832,T3532|22418,T3532| ZI JIN YE TANG SONG CAO NA Corydalisleaf Meadowrue Thalictrum isopyroides NA NA NA NA NA 21247,E|21248,T6742| WAN CAN SHA 晚蚕砂 Silkworm excrement Excrementum Bombycis Mori Warm,Pungent,Sweet Spleen,Stomach,Liver NA 1. Treatment of damp-heat obstruction syndrome. Silkworm excrement (Cansha) is used with Tetrandra root (Fangji), Coix seed (Yiyiren) and Talc (Huashi) in the formula Xuanbi Tang .2. Eczema. The decoction of the herb is used for external washing. 3. Treatment of turbid dampness blocking the spleen and stomach manifested as vomiting, diarrhea, cramps and abdominal pain. Silkworm excrement (Cansha) is used with Scutellaria root (Huangqin), Chaenomeles fruit (Mugua) and Evodia fruit (Wuzhuyu) in the formula Canshi Tang. NA 23356,M715|24071,M715| HONG DA JI 红大戟 Knoxia Root Radix Knoxiae Cold,Bitter Lung,Spleen,Kidney NA Treatment of hydrothorax and ascites with constipation and oliguria, carbuncles, sores, scrofula. NA 9645,M341|24665,M341|24290,M341|23729,M341|24795,M341| ZHU YE JU NA Falsenettleleaf Pepper Piper boehmeriaefolium NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and dissipate cold, dispel damp and free network vessels, move qi and relieve pain. Common cold due to wind-cold, wind-damp impediment pain, stomachache, menstrual disorder [=menoxenia], knocks and falls, fracture. 17449,E|15716,E|17450,E|17451,E|17452,E| DUN XING BAI YE TENG NA Obtuse Cryptolepis* Cryptolepis obtusa NA NA NA NA NA 19971,E|15902,E|15900,E| HUA DONG LAN CI TOU 华东蓝刺头 East China Globethistle Echinops grijsii NA NA root See Rhaponticum uniflorum . See Rhaponticum uniflorum . 31444,T4112|18176,E|31865,T4112|12837,E|25341,T4112|13772,T4112|13680,E|4679,E|30956,T4112|2306,E|24476,T4112|29509,T4112|15938,T4112|14622,E|14623,T4112|12885,E|31122,T4112|9488,T4112|30900,T4112|24982,T4112|9042,T4112|9041,E|19967,E|9485,E|9668,E|4684,T4112|5403,E|13769,E;C0123|19287,E|19288,E|11531,T4112|11530,E|7729,E|21525,T4112| TIAO HU TAI. NA NA Enteromorpha clathrata NA NA frond To soften hardness and dissipate binds, transform phlegm and disperse accumulation, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Goiter and carcinoma of neck, scrofula, swollen welling abscess, sore and boil, food accumulation, worm accumulation, distention and oppression in stomach duct and abdomen, nosebleed(epistaxis). 9383,E| HUA HE KONG JUN NA Oblique Fuscoporia* Fuscoporia obliqua NA NA NA NA NA 30989,T4115|8032,E| GU CHENG MEI GUI SHU 古城玫瑰树 Elliptical Ochrosia Ochrosia elliptica NA NA NA NA NA 6758,E;C0367|6762,T3868| BAI CI HUA NA Vetchleaf Sophora Sophora viciifolia NA NA root To clear heat and disinhibit throat, cool blood and disperse swelling. Swelling pain in throat, cough, hepatitis, dysentery, strangury syndrome, edema, hematuria, nosebleed(epistaxis), hematochezia. 16463,E|10336,E|10337,E|20063,T2958|10335,E|16467,T2958|14884,E|13599,E|20079,T2958|6451,E|6453,E;T2958|13600,T2958|20078,E|20061,E|16440,E|25388,T2958|6454,T2958| DONG AN NA TUO LI YA SHI CHE JU NA East-Anatolia Centaurea* Centaurea pseudoscabiosa ssp. pseudoscabiosa NA NA NA NA NA 3601,E|17392,E|2105,E| GUANG SI SHI JU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31206,T3906|32016,T3906| GAO JIA SUO BAI XIAN NA Caucasian Pittany* Dictamnus caucasicus NA NA NA NA NA 18866,E|7705,T3821|7702,E|18878,T3821| KE KE 可可 Cocoa Theobroma cacao NA NA seed To warm yang, disinhibit urine, raise spirit. NA 8050,E|3552,T4491|3551,E|17862,E|21296,T4491|17874,E|23238,T4491|21294,E;C0294|19183,E|1562,E|1564,E|6862,E| REN GONG YONG CHONG CAO NA Cultivated Scarlet Caterpillar Fungus* Cordyceps militaris cv NA NA sclerotium and stroma To supplement lung and boost kidney. Tuberculosis, phlegm containing blood, night sweating, blood vaculty, lumbago. 618,E|4047,E|9070,E|9069,E|22221,E|4048,E|617,E|7249,E|25188,T5321|22236,E|11079,E|30808,T5321|343,E| YIN DU MA DOU LIN G NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 30628,T6455|1710,T6455|24175,T6455| CU SHENG HUA DUO GUO SHU. NA NA Pleiocarpa pycnantha var. tubicina NA NA NA NA NA 12264,E| BI MA YOU 蓖麻油 Castorbean Oil Ricinus communis NA NA oil expressed from seeds To lubricate intestines, moisten skin. Dry stool, sore and scab, burns. 24952,M908|32157,T3111|22012,E|14925,T3111|14924,E|18826,E|18827,T3111|23227,M908;C0393| TIAN PAO ZI NA Little Groundcherry Physalis minima NA NA whole herb or fruit To percolate damp and kill worms. Jaundice, inhibited urination, chronic cough and asthma, gan disease, scrofula, heaven-borne sore, damp sore. 25779,T5792|22702,T5792|22700,E|7186,E|22701,E;T5792| CHI SHAO YAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4684,T3287|857,T3287|24185,T3287|21039,T3287|16514,T3287|16515,T3287|17365,T3287|12435,T3287|16522,T3287|29509,T3287|5483,T3287|25360,T3287|7519,T3287| GAO HONG JIN NA Tall Hibiscus Hibiscus elatus NA NA NA NA NA 8862,E| CANG MAO JIN FA XUAN NA Dark-hair Gold-hair Moss* Polytrichum pollidisetum NA NA NA NA NA 16538,E|16537,E| YUAN HU SUO 元胡索 root of corydalis Rhizoma Corydalis Warm,Pungent,Bitter Spleen,Liver,Heart NA For stagnation of vital energy or blood stasis resulting in headache, chest pain, hypochondriac pain, epigastric pain, abdominal pain, backache, arthralgia, dysmenorrhea or trauma. Recently, alos used for angina pectoris, peptic ulcer and neuralgia. 1. Its components d-corydaline and d1-tetrahydropalmatine are analgesics.2. Decreasing the secretion of gastric juice and the amount of pepsin. 23558,M818|24048,M818| LUO E YE XIA ZHU NA Flexuose Leafflower* Phyllanthus flexuosus NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel wind and eliminate damp. Allergic dermatitis, infantile night crying, snake bite, wind-damp. 2331,E|13087,E|13091,E| MENG DA NA YUN XIANG NA Montana Rue* Ruta montana NA NA NA NA NA 15681,E|15680,E|15682,E|4835,E|19762,E;C0579|19764,T4936| XI YE YI MU CAO NA Siberian Motherwort Leonurus sibiricus NA NA aerial parts See Leonurus heterophyllus. See Leonurus heterophyllus. 12635,E|12634,E|7019,E|11485,E|15474,E|12658,E|20238,E|20239,T6057|13009,E|13008,E|19847,E|19846,E|19845,E|19844,E|19843,E|7020,E|12640,E|12641,E|8288,E|12664,T6057|12660,E|6616,E| SHAN JIN CHE NA Mountain Tobacco Arnica montana NA NA NA NA NA 30336,T5481|1748,E| BIAN DOU TENG 扁豆藤 Caulis Dolichoris lablab NA NA NA NA NA NA 18511,C0580| RONG MAO HU TONG NA Tomentose Calaba Calophyllum tomentosum NA NA NA NA NA 21427,T5365|21422,E|21423,E;T5365| WU YUE CHA NA Bignay Chinalaurel Antidesma bunius NA NA root, leaf and fruit To fortify spleen, engender liquid, quicken blood, resolve toxin. Reduced food intake and diarrhea, fluid damage and thirst, knocks and falls, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore. 26050,T5978|4615,E| CHANG HUA RUI MU NA Longflower Kopsia* Kopsia longiflora NA NA NA NA NA 12264,E| HONG QIU JIANG NA Zerumbet Ginger Zingiber zerumbet NA NA NA NA NA 22968,E|22969,E|22970,E|9670,E|9671,E|10833,E| HU MA GEN NA Oriental Sesame Root Sesamum indicum NA NA NA NA NA 14653,E|10708,E|14655,E|3572,E|1370,E|7199,E|1368,E|1369,E| LUO TUO PENG ZI NA Common Peganum Seed Peganum harmala NA NA seed To relieve cough and calm asthma, dispel wind-damp, resolve depression. Cough and asthma, inhibited urination, numbness in limbs, aching pain in joints. 21055,T4768|12483,E|16758,E|16759,T4768|5226,T4768|9232,T4768|9234,E|9235,E;T4768|22335,T4768|22334,E|31063,T4768|9231,E|5218,E|21054,E| CHA YU BIAN DI JIN NA Chayu StJohn’swort Hypericum wightianum subsp. axillare NA NA NA NA NA 10886,E| GOU ZAI HUA 狗仔花 NA NA Mild,Pungent,Slightly Bitter NA NA NA NA 24586,M280|25013,M280|17544,M280| KU MU 苦木 Indian Quassiawood Picrasma quassioides [Syn. Picrasma ailanthoides] NA NA wood To clear heat and resolve toxin, dry damp and kill worms. Infection of upper respiratory tract, pneumonia, acute gastroenteritis, dysentery, sore and boil, scab and lichen, eczema, burns and scalds, infection of biliary tract, poisonous insect stings. 15537,E;M989|15534,T4520|15533,E|15539,M989|15538,E;M989|15550,M989|15552,E;M989|7913,T4520|24990,M989|14611,T4520|18289,T4520|344,E|17313,E|15562,T4520|18285,E|15549,M989|12330,E|12331,E|12332,T4520|15445,E|15546,E;M989|15547,M989|15544,M989|15545,E;M989|15542,M989|15543,E;M989|15540,M989|15541,M989|3171,T4520|3158,E|15548,M989|7907,E|25187,T4520|17302,M989|17303,M989|17300,M989|17301,M989|3096,E|17324,T4520|3156,E| YAO YONG DAN SHEN NA Medicinal Sage Salvia officinalis NA NA NA NA NA 13702,E|19108,E|12415,E|3743,E|14572,E|3744,T6343|18911,T6343| LUAN YE HU JIAO NA Ovateleaf Pepper Piper attenuatum NA NA NA NA NA 17449,E|17452,E| GONG BU WU TOU NA Gongbo Monkshood Aconitum kongboense NA NA tuberoid To dispel wind and eliminate damp, relieve pain. Painful joints due to rheumatalgia, knocks and falls, poisonous insect stings. 12255,E|7935,E| AI JI CHE ZHOU CAO NA Egyptian Clover* Trifolium alexandrinum NA NA NA NA NA 21615,E|21617,E|21616,E| HUAI GEN 槐根 Ja panese Pagoda tree Root Sophora japonica NA NA root To dissipate stasis and disperse swelling, kill worms. Hemorrhoids, throat impediment, ascariasis. 19072,C0514|31467,T4140|31466,T4140|12017,C0453|13274,E|13275,E|8277,C0249|23303,C0471| ROU SE HUAN YANG SHEN NA Soft Hawksbeard Crepis mollis NA NA NA NA NA 10744,E| YIN ZHOU CHAI HU NA Yinchow Thorowax Bupleurum yinchowense NA NA root See Bupleurum chinense. See Bupleurum chinense. 19128,E|19133,E|19127,E| CHUAN GONG 川蚣 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23156,C0206| TIE SE JIAN NA Orange Lycoris Lycoris sanguinea NA NA NA NA NA 13229,E|13232,E;T5817|13230,T5817|13231,E|13234,T5817| ZAO YE 枣叶 Folium Ziziphi jujubae NA NA NA NA NA NA 11906,C0140| HONG HUI XIANG NA Henry Anisetree Illicium henryi NA NA fruit To quicken blood and relieve pain, dispel wind and eliminate damp. Knocks and falls, wind-cold-damp impediment, pain in lumbus and legs. 18004,E|5203,E|27216,T4049|1283,E;T4049| CHUAN SHAN JIA 穿山甲 Pangolin Manis pentadactyla Minor cold,Salty Stomach,Liver scale To quicken blood and dissipate stasis, free menstruation and milk, disperse welling abscess. Amenorrhea due to blood stasis, concretion and conglomeration, wind-damp impediment pain, galactostasis, swollen welling abscess, scrofula. 24358,M113|3585,M113|4534,E|4535,T3332|23171,M113|23396,M113| SHI WEI 石苇 Japanese Felt Fern Frond Equivalent plant: Pyrrosia sheareri, Pyrrosia davidii , Pyrrosia petiolosa Pyrrosia lingua Minor cold,Sweet,Bitter Lung,Bladder leaf To disinhibit urine and free strangury, clear heat and stanch bleeding. Heat strangury, blood strangury, stone strangury, urinary stoppage, dripping with inhibited pain, blood ejection, nosebleed(epistaxis), hematuria, flooding and spotting, lung heat cough asthma, urethral stone, urinary tract infection, bleeding. 7282,E|31878,T5599|11521,E;M659|23633,M659|31493,T5599|3552,T5599|3551,E|12017,E|29509,T5599|11640,T5599|11639,E|31358,T5599|18302,E|13474,E;C0334|20435,T5599|21618,E|20430,E|25574,T5599|19967,E|9641,T5599|9640,E|24248,T5599|8958,C0164|13130,C0415| JIN MAO ER CAO NA Goldhair Hedyotis Hedyotis chrysotricha [Syn. Oldenlandia chrysotricha] NA NA whole herb To clear heat, eliminate damp, soothe sinews and quicken blood. Jaundice, edema, chyluria, dysentery, diarrhea, knocks and falls, innominate toxin swelling, mastitis. 3629,E|9282,E|31068,T4405|325,E;T4405| REN SHEN HUA 人参花 Spica Panax ginseng NA NA NA NA NA NA 13772,C0122|23129,C0173|23066,C0171|23181,C0178|16586,C0094|16585,C0095|23117,C0168|16583,C0096|16582,C0097|23038,C0121|23271,C0569|23034,C0170|23085,C0172| JIAO SAN XIAN 焦三仙 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23125,M396|24167,M396| YUAN ZHUI HUA YE LUN MU NA Paniculate Ostodes* Ostodes paniculata NA NA NA NA NA 16251,E| PU TONG ZHANG YA CAI NA Common Swertia* Swertia swertiopsis NA NA NA NA NA 15791,T5228|15790,E| DAO DOU 刀豆 Sword Jackbean Equivalent plant: Canavalia ensiformis Canavalia gladiata NA NA seed To warm center, precipitate qi, check hiccups. Vacuity cold and hiccough, vomiting. 25592,T3510|18216,C0408|1054,E|1045,E|24008,M919|9619,E|3063,T3510|3062,E;T3510|3061,E;T3510|3059,E|9620,T3510| KU SHEN 苦参 Lightyellow Sophora Sophora flavescens [Syn. Sophora angustfolia] Cold,Bitter Bladder,Large Intestine,Stomach,Liver,Heart dried root To clear heat and dry damp, dispel wind and kill worms. Arrhythmia, otitis media, acute conjunctivitis, chronic conjunctivitis, trichomoniasis, septicemia, edema, damp-heat diarrhea, intestinal wind bleeding, acute jaundice, inhibited urination, vaginal discharge, pudendal itch, scab and lichen, leprosy, itchy skin, eczema, damp toxin sore, suppurative nest sore. 9360,E|3048,M431|11780,E|11781,T4523|15766,T4523|3045,M431|15760,E|15761,E|20076,E|20077,T4523|20074,E|20075,E|20073,E|20070,E|20078,E|13082,E|12279,E|12278,E|938,E|23119,M431|12277,E|12276,E|16463,E|26052,T4523|23194,M431;C0005|6719,M431|13600,T4523|13090,T4523|13456,T4523|2145,E;T4523|24466,M431|11470,E|11471,E;T4523|4832,M431|10733,T4523|23260,M431;C0225|20111,E|11474,T4523|24906,M431|7882,E|7884,T4523|12590,E|12592,E|30346,T4523|1134,E;T4523|4549,M431|23252,M431;C0109|15138,M431|12360,E;T4523|12843,M431|23707,M431|11219,E|23919,M431|14273,T4523|23787,M431|9390,E|16813,E|16817,M431|31365,T4523|8311,M431;C0304|13978,E|12600,E|15418,T4523|21607,E|15416,E|20079,T4523|10374,T4523|4947,E|20105,T4523|14539,T4523|24697,M431|14537,E|4949,T4523|11585,E|12338,E;T4523|12339,E;T4523|23150,M431|12336,E|12337,E;C0138|23880,M431|20084,E;C0055|20082,T4523|20081,E|20080,E|12363,E;T4523|23233,C0006|23438,M431|25388,T4523|3689,M431|20063,T4523|24506,M431|13455,E|13599,E;M431;C0333|12349,E|10713,E|12340,E;T4523|21622,E|19084,M431|24971,M431|16821,E|23228,M431;C0303|23184,M431|22752,T4523|11528,E|11529,T4523|15665,E|4593,E|12358,E;T4523|12359,E;T4523|12352,E;T4523|12353,E;T4523|12350,E;T4523|12351,E;T4523|12356,E;T4523|12357,E;T4523|12354,E;T4523|12355,E;T4523|23059,M431;C0568|23212,M431;C0004|23052,M431|12284,T4523|14272,E|12280,E|12281,E|12282,E|12283,E|23828,M431|16440,E;M431|32128,T4523|23454,M431|22745,E|12367,E;T4523|12366,E|12365,E|12364,E;T4523|20061,E;C0053|12362,E;T4523|12361,E;T4523|20062,E|24244,M431|20976,M431|13274,E|13275,E|9511,M431|11718,T4523|24729,M431| ZHU TAI SHU WEI CAO. NA NA Salvia candelabrum NA NA NA NA NA 20449,E|3067,E|3066,E|3065,E|3064,E|14203,E|3069,E|3068,E| OU ZHOU PING FENG CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 32061,T5158|5199,T5158| MANG NIU ER MIAO NA Common Heron’s Bill Erodium stephanianum NA NA aerial parts See Geranium wilfordii. See Geranium wilfordii. 31878,T4841|8311,E|8312,T4841|18302,E| YANG MEI SHU PI 杨梅树皮 Chinese Waxmyrtle Bark Myrica rubra NA NA bark To rectify qi and dissipate stasis, eliminate damp, relieve pain. Dysentery, knocks and falls, eye screen, toothache, burns and scalds, malign scab and lai sore. 22256,E|15146,E|15147,E|15160,E;T6324|23102,C0119|15148,E|15149,E|984,E|25544,T6324|10128,E|6920,E|8094,E|15180,T6324|20695,E|15176,E|3084,E|15162,E;C0307;T6324|17886,E|15151,E|15150,E|15153,E;T6324|15152,E;T6324|15155,E|15154,E;T6324|15157,E;T6324|15156,E|15158,E|25454,T6324|19967,E|15210,T6324|18803,E|18398,E|6058,E|3094,T6324|530,E|6250,E|22254,E|18396,E| BEI KE SHAN NA Amboina PitchTree Agathis dammara NA NA NA NA NA 710,E;T3083| HONG SONG NA Korean Pine Pinus koraiensis NA NA NA NA NA 17408,E| WU BING XIN WU TAN NA Sessile Neonauclea Neonauclea sessilifolia NA NA NA NA NA 8713,E|18717,E| ZHI SHENG MA 炙升麻 Prepared Largetrifoliolious Bugbane Rhizome Rhizoma Cimicifugae Praeparata Minor cold,Pungent Lung,Spleen,Large Intestine,Stomach NA Treatment of headache caused by wind-heat toothache, ulcers in themouth, sore throat, measles with inadequate eruption andother eruptive febrile diseases, prolapse of the rectum or the uterus. 1. Antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory. Gastric infusion of its extract (mainly containing ferulic acid) in a dosage of 1.0g/kg can lower the body temperature of normal rats and relieve the pain elicited by acetic acid in mice.2. Inhibiting myocardium, slowing heart rate and lowering heart rate and lowering blood pressure. 23696,M870| GUANG ZHI GOU ER CHA 光枝勾儿茶 Smoothbranched Supplejack Berchemia polyphylla var. leioclada NA NA stem vine or root To resolve toxin and disperse swelling, stanch bleeding and settle pain, dispel wind and eliminate damp. Welling abscess and flat abscess with clove sores, cough and hemoptysis, bleeding of digestive tract, knocks and falls, scalds, wind-damp bone pain, wind-fire toothache. 19072,E;C0514|19075,T3918| MU MIAN HUA 木棉花 Common Bombax Flower Bombax malabaricum [Syn. Gossampinus malabarica] Cool,Sweet Spleen,Large Intestine,Liver flower To clear heat, disinhibit damp, resolve toxin, stanch bleeding. Diarrhea, dysentery, hemoptysis, blood ejection, flooding, incised wound and bleeding, sore toxin, eczema. 7441,T5021|7440,E|15061,E|15060,T5021|8078,T5021|23125,C0500|23644,M521|8077,E|13474,E|9868,E|9876,T5021|11450,E|24286,M521| BAN YE DI JIN NA Spottedleaf Euphorbia Euphorbia supina NA NA NA NA NA 16351,E| XI ZANG ZHONG MA HUANG NA Tibet Intermediate Ephedra Ephedra intermedia var. tibetica NA NA NA NA NA 14388,E|14693,E|15736,E|6814,E|15780,E|18010,E| LIN PIAN XUAN SHEN NA Scale Figwort* Scrophularia lepidota NA NA NA NA NA 11145,E|19553,E|1241,E|19944,E|5674,E|2004,E|3306,E|14215,E|815,E|816,E| FEN LAI SHI HU NA Findley Dendrobium* Dendrobium findleyanum NA NA NA NA NA 5114,T3738|5107,E| MENG GU FENG MAO JU NA Mongolian Saussurea* Saussurea mongolica NA NA NA NA NA 1847,E|13976,E| DUI XIA 对虾 Acetes chinensis Hansen NA NA NA NA NA NA 23112,C0296| YIN JU CHUAN BEI HAI MIAN NA Burrowing sponge Cliona celata NA NA NA NA NA 17715,E| MAO DU XING CAI NA Hoary Pepperwort Lepidium draba NA NA NA NA NA 14720,E|20462,E|7323,T4852|7322,E|14722,T4852| YU HUA 榆花 Flos Ulmus pumilae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23046,C0479|23145,C0478| GAN SU HUANG QIN NA Rehder Skullcap Scutellaria rehderiana NA NA root See Scutellaria baicalensis. See Scutellaria baicalensis. 16205,E|21079,T3797|22704,T3797|22702,E|21078,E|2102,E;T3797|16240,T3797|2106,E;T3797| HUANG JIA HAI YING SU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8522,T4163| MO XIANG JING NA Cachalot Physeter catodon NA NA NA NA NA 1026,E| CHENG KOU SHI DA GONG LAO NA Chengkou Mahonia Mahonia shenii NA NA root and stem To clear heat, dry damp, resolve toxin. Damp-heat dysentery, diarrhea, jaundice (icterus, ICT), red eyes with gall, burns and scalds. 2303,E|16544,E|11848,E| BI ZHI TANG SONG CAO NA Strict Meadowrue* Thalictrum strictum NA NA NA NA NA 21230,E| ZHOU SHAN XIN MU JIANG ZI NA Sericeous Newlitse Neolitsea sericea NA NA NA NA NA 2538,E;T6694| SHI PI 柿皮 Pericarpium Diospyroris kaki NA NA NA NA NA NA 23258,C0019|23043,C0018| NIU QU SONG YE JU NA Tortuous Fig* Mesembryanthemum tortuosum NA NA NA NA NA 13791,E;T5107|13790,E;T5107|31515,T5107|13789,E| JIAN LIE HAI YING SU NA Acutelobed Hornpoppy Glaucium oxylobum NA NA NA NA NA 16368,T4335|16328,E| JU HUA SHI HU NA Thyrseflower Dendrobium Dendrobium thyrsiflorum NA NA NA NA NA 19525,E|19526,T4448| CHANG BAI SONG 长白松 Pinus sylvestris NA NA NA NA NA NA 23279,C0236|23256,C0557| LIU QIU SHE GEN CAO NA Liukiu Ophiorrhiza* Ophiorrhiza liukiuensis NA NA NA NA NA 13856,E|13857,E|19527,E|20487,E|12943,E|7039,E|12944,E|3551,E|20374,E|5096,E|20497,E|13161,E|16142,E|16141,E|18185,E|8757,E|10886,E|5204,E|5209,E|19967,E|3053,E|9233,E|4679,E|22254,E|18903,E| DUI YE JIN YAO NA Oppositeleaf Goldsaxifrage* Chrysosplenium oppositifolium NA NA NA NA NA 3623,E|3625,T3634| KA XI YA SONG NA Khasya Pine Pinus kesiya NA NA NA NA NA 17043,T4485|17042,E| LI BING JIN FEN JUE NA Lucidum Onychium Onychium lucidum NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, clear heat and resolve toxin, eliminate inflammation. Common cold, stomachache, wind-damp pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, cassava poisoning, arsenic poisoning. 13041,E|30664,T4595|25559,T4595| BO LIN JU NA Intermediate Chartolepis Chartolepis intermedia NA NA NA NA NA 9014,E|9020,T3153| SHAN XIANG KE KE NA Montane Germander* Teucrium montanum NA NA NA NA NA 524,E|14938,E| CU KANG CHAI NA Philippine Mallotus* Mallotus philippinensis NA NA pericarpial glandular hairs To kill worms and relieve diarrhea. Taeniasis, ascariasis, oxyuria disease. 13427,E|13426,E| YE HE TAO REN 野核桃仁 Semen Juglandis cathayensis NA NA NA NA NA NA 23193,C0504| BI YU SAN 碧玉散 Green Jade Powder Green Jade Powder NA NA NA NA NA 24237,M56| MU BAN SHU NA Common Xylopia Xylopia vielana NA NA NA NA NA 22453,E|22456,E|22457,E|22454,E|22455,E| MANG GUO 杧果 Mango Equivalent plant: Mangifera persiciformis Mangifera indica NA NA fruit To boost stomach, engender liquid, check vomiting, relieve cough. Thirst, vomiting, reduced food intake, cough. 22504,E|22505,T4836|25356,T4836|6965,E|7802,T4836|5509,E|30995,T4836|25641,T4836|7852,E|16414,E|7851,E|11522,E|7950,E|16370,E|3214,E|31493,T4836|9386,E|8094,E|11528,T4836|25645,T4836|9389,T4836|7957,T4836|13485,T4836|7801,E|30746,T4836|13474,E;C0334|13476,E|5510,T4836|16306,E|1025,E|1024,E|6758,T4836|7853,T4836|1824,E;T4836|6756,E|30968,T4836|19026,E|5798,E| WEN TE XIANG MAO NA Winter Lemongrass* Cymbopogon winterianus NA NA NA NA NA 3768,T5921|3767,E| KU XIANG SHU NA Cascarilla Croton eluteria NA NA NA NA NA 3249,E|3248,E|3250,E|3251,E|3252,E|3253,E|3254,T4530| DA TUAN NANG CHONG CAO NA Goldenthread Cordyceps Cordyceps ophioglossoides NA NA stroma To quicken blood, stanch bleeding, regulate menstruation. Flooding, menstrual disorder [= menoxenia]. 16120,E| JI ZHEN 棘针 Spina Ziziphi jujubae NA NA NA NA NA NA 11906,C0140| HU CI 虎刺 Indian Damnacanthus Damnacanthus indicus NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and disperse swelling. Pain wind, wind-damp impediment pain, cough of phlegm-rheum, pulmonary welling abscess, edema, lump glomus, jaundice, amenorrhea, child gan accumulation, urticaria, knocks and falls. 28177,T4084|11988,T4084|900,E|31723,T4084|5521,E|15725,E|2299,E;T4084|15756,E|11987,E|4621,E|4622,E;T4084|25770,T4084|4623,T4084|31141,T4084|23074,C0021|9770,E| BAI TU LING NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23059,C0568|23212,C0004|23252,C0109|23228,C0303|23250,C0220|23061,C0395|23233,C0006|23191,C0160| YU MI XU 玉米须 Maize Style Zea mays NA NA style and stigma To disinhibit urine and disperse edema, clear liver and disinhibit gallbladder. Edema, dribbling urination, jaundice, cholecystitis, gallstones, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, galactostasis. 23741,M956|31315,T6522|31316,T6522|24371,M956|23288,C0508|24121,M956|11082,E|11081,E|11080,E|11085,T6522| FEI LU BIN QIAN LI GUANG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 18653,T3721|19699,T3721| BAN ZI MA HUANG NA Scalyseed Ephedra Ephedra lepidosperma NA NA NA NA NA 15780,E|18010,E|6814,E|15736,E| ZI BEI TAI NA Argentine Liverwort Plagiochasma rupestre NA NA NA NA NA 19054,E| LV ZI SHAN XIAO JU. NA NA Glycosmis chlorosperma NA NA NA NA NA 10137,E|10138,E|10139,E|14707,E|19155,E|19154,E|8309,E|14708,E| LANG DANG YE 莨菪叶 Black Henbane Leaf Hyoscyamus niger NA NA leaf To settle pain and resolve tetany. Pain in stomach duct and abdomen, toothache, cough and asthma. 10871,E|2001,E;C0389|10869,E| DING XIANG ZHI 丁香枝 Ramulus Syzygii aromatici NA NA NA NA NA NA 11418,C0417|3488,C0198|7520,C0416|12017,C0453| DA DOU NA Soybean Glycine max NA NA yellow seed To loosen center and induce stagnation, fortify spleen and disinhibit water, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Food accumulation diarrhea, abdominal distention and torpid intake, swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, spleen vacuity edema, bleeding due to external injury. 398,E|18686,E|5579,E|5342,E|8818,E|18685,E|20113,E|5620,E|8817,E|20106,E|2384,E|8281,E|8277,E|4605,E|4603,E|20101,E|361,E| XIANG FENG HUA NA Bee Balm Melissa officinalis NA NA NA NA NA 3768,T6112|18911,T6112|12415,E|3767,E| SHI CHE JU NA Cornflower Centaurea cyanus NA NA whole herb, ray flower to clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and disperse swelling, brighten eyes (whole herb), disinhibit urine (flower). NA 3393,E|14991,E|26077,T5565|14990,E|3392,E|11324,E|4450,E| TAN MANG GUO. NA NA Tanghinia venenifera NA NA NA NA NA 20655,E| TAI DA SONG NA Loblolly Pine, Old Field Pine Pinus taeda NA NA NA NA NA 17874,E|17876,E|1655,E| JIAN QU 建曲 NA NA Warm,Pungent,Sweet Spleen,Stomach NA NA NA 23532,M387|24097,M387|24579,M387| CHU AI JU NA Feverfew Tanacetum parthenium NA NA NA NA NA 19297,E|3076,E|3077,T3307| MU BEI ZI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14903,T4999| BO YE WANG YI ZAO. NA NA Hydroclathrus tenuis NA NA NA NA NA 2436,E| TAI WAN GE NA XIANG NA Taiwan Goniothalamus Goniothalamus amuyon NA NA NA NA NA 5179,E|5178,E|20353,E|13936,E|3555,E|8947,E|8946,E|8949,E|8948,E|3695,E|1696,E|6200,E|12911,E|5531,E|19967,E|17395,E|8934,E|8935,E|8937,E|8931,E|8932,E|8933,E|13251,E| DONG FENG JU YE NA Boxleaf Atalantia Leaf Atalantia buxifolia [Syn. Severinia buxifolia ] NA NA root and leaf To dispel wind and resolve exterior, relieve cough and transform phlegm, move qi and quicken blood, relieve pain. Common cold with cough, malaria, stomachache, mounting qi , wind-damp impediment pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls. 5146,E|1954,E;T3587|14167,E|30090,T3587|12843,T3587| AO ER JIA TIAN JIE CAI NA Olga Heliotrope* Heliotropium olgae NA NA NA NA NA 9322,T2921|9319,E| FAN MU GUA 番木瓜 Papaya Fruit Carica papaya NA NA fruit To disperse food and promote lactation, dispel damp and free network vessels, resolve toxin and kill worms. Stomachache, dysentery, inhibited urine and stool, wind impediment, foot rot. 22504,E|4303,T3705|15127,E|22505,T3705|2294,E|30746,T3705|4293,E|30832,T3705|23303,T3705|3214,E|3215,E|3216,T3705|3210,E|25190,T3705|3218,E|23037,C0003|30744,T3705|1358,E;T3705|8759,E;C0167|30749,T3705|17250,E|25457,T3705|16613,T3705|3220,T3705|3209,E|4292,E|19635,E|17249,E| QIN HAO 秦蒿 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 24237,M573| YE ZI PI NA Coconut Root-bark Cocos nucifera NA NA root cortex To stanch bleeding, relieve pain. Nosebleed(epistaxis), stomachache, vomiting and diarrhea. 3880,E|30797,T6400| CHUN SHA HUA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23289,C0374|23098,C0552|3048,C0377|23256,C0557|23175,C0470|12843,C0305|9484,C0280|23279,C0236|23157,C0373| XIAN ZHOU MAI MA TENG NA Spinach Jointfir Gnetum gnemon NA NA NA NA NA 8866,E|8867,E|8873,E|8865,E|8875,E|8870,E|8879,E|20489,E|8868,E|8869,E|8872,E|9778,E|20492,T6107|8871,E| BAI LI LU NA White Falsehellebore Veratrum album NA NA NA NA NA 17981,E|17982,E;T2993|15387,E|15443,E|15388,T2993|4523,T2993|22379,E|4521,E|15445,T2993|11863,E|17983,T2993|11864,T2993|23017,E|18628,E|22380,T2993| JI YE SHU WEI CAO NA Hastateleaf Sage Salvia bulleyana NA NA NA NA NA 14728,E|20670,E|20671,E|5721,E|4291,E|17954,E|20669,E|17998,E|14384,E|5762,E| TU DANG GUI I NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 25898,T5839|31811,T5839|31265,T5839|31264,T5839|31122,T5839|17360,T5839|12217,T5839|31399,T5839|11311,T5839| MAN SUO NI YA XIN CAI NA Mansonia Heartwood Mansonia gagei NA NA NA NA NA 13514,E|13513,E|13512,E| YOU BING SHI WEI NA Petioled Pyrrosia Frond Pyrrosia petiolosa NA NA leaf See Pyrrosia lingua. See Pyrrosia lingua. 13474,E|7282,E|11521,E|3551,E|3552,T6494| DIAN ZANG MU LAN 滇藏木兰 Magnolia campbellii Thoms. NA NA NA NA NA NA 23289,C0374|3048,C0377|23157,C0373| SAN CHA KU NA Thin Evodia Evodia lepta [Syn. Ilex lepta ] NA NA leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispel wind and eliminate damp. Swelling pain in throat, malaria, icterohepatitis, wind-damp bone pain, eczema, dermatitis, sores. 7457,T5401|7455,E|31650,T5401|12667,E;T5401|12664,E|12672,T5401|11603,E|14543,E|18815,E| YIN BAI HUANG YANG NA Argentine Box* Buxus argentea NA NA NA NA NA 4543,T6442|4542,E| JI NEI YA HU JIAO NA Ashanti Pepper Piper guineense NA NA NA NA NA 16376,E|17437,E|17438,T4273|5571,E|5574,T4273| BIAN YUAN LIN MAO JUE NA Marginated Buckler-fern* Dryopteris marginata NA NA NA NA NA 13553,T3136|13552,E| SI LENG LA SHU NA Blue Ash Fraxinus quadrangulata NA NA NA NA NA 30806,T5684|3981,E| KUO YE LUO FU MU NA Broadleaf Devilpepper Rauwolfia latifrons NA NA root See Rauvolfia verticillata. See Rauvolfia verticillata . 18618,E|18621,T4558| YUN WU LUO HAN SONG NA Manio Podocarpus nubigenus NA NA NA NA NA 15223,E|15224,T6593| DU SONG SHI NA Stiffleaf Juniper Fruit Juniperus rigida NA NA fruit To dispel wind, settle pain, eliminate damp, disinhibit urine. Rheumatic arthritis, pain wind, nephritis, edema, urinary tract infection. 30718,T3611|26086,T3611|17575,T3611|13818,E|30751,T3611|555,E|31523,T3611|557,E|556,E|20449,E|5746,E|13819,E|22755,T3611|22754,E|17574,E|4280,E|4920,T3611|23696,T3611|4284,T3611|2936,E|26058,T3611|2412,E|3769,T3611|1030,E;T3611|7730,T3611|9542,E|31111,T3611|2935,E|30743,T3611|26084,T3611|3768,E|7411,T3611|562,E|563,E|31122,T3611|25855,T3611|4549,E|31270,T3611|15405,T3611|15404,E|25238,T3611|10687,E|11311,T3611|9668,E|2550,E;T3611|15698,T3611|1186,E;T3611|3242,E|3241,E|4915,E|26083,T3611|26082,T3611|7728,E|26085,T3611|31522,T3611|6197,E|7409,E|5747,T3611|7763,E|2937,T3611|24070,T3611|3194,E| BAN MAO 斑蟊 Blister Beetle Mylabris phalerata, Mylabris cichorii NA NA dried body To break blood and disperse concretion, attack toxin and cure sores. Concretion and conglomeration, intractable lichen, scrofula, wart, non-opened welling abscess and flat abscess, malign sore. 1050,E|1051,E|3095,T3050|3094,E;M905;C0375|6340,E| AN ZONG TAN TUAN JUN. NA NA Hypoxylon fuscum NA NA NA NA NA 4611,E|4610,E|4612,E|21067,E| GUAN HUA DANG SHEN NA Tubularflower Asiabell Codonopsis tubulosa NA NA root See Codonopsis pilosula. See Codonopsis pilosula . 13500,E|22827,E|32244,T3882|13501,T3882| AI SHI BAI MU NA Abrams Cypress* Cupressus abramsiana NA NA NA NA NA 32066,T2894|21332,E|21333,T2894|21331,E| LUO HUA SHENG ZHI YE 落花生枝叶 Peanut Branch-leaf Arachis hypogaea NA NA branchlet-leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, quiet heart and spirit, lower blood pressure. Knocks and falls, sore toxin. 16876,E|13130,C0415| CHANG JIAO DOU NA Carob Ceratonia siliqua NA NA NA NA NA 832,E;T3243|18251,E|27648,T3243| XI LAN ROU GUI NA Ceylon Cinnamon Cinnamomum zeylanicum NA NA NA NA NA 20098,E|15930,E|3693,E|8391,E|8392,E|20097,E|9489,E|23095,T6010| LIU ZHUANG DAN YE YUN XIANG NA Tuberculate Rue* Ruta tuberculata [Syn. Haplophyllum tuberculatum] NA NA NA NA NA 9227,E|17098,E|22061,E|9228,E| NAN MEI ZHOU GUI NA Southern Red-cedar Juniperus silicicola NA NA NA NA NA 5203,T5048|1372,E| SHUI YANG MEI I NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 32004,T5665|31014,T5665|8250,T5665|21451,T5665| HUI YE NA Purple Tephrosia Tephrosia purpurea NA NA whole herb To resolve exterior and clear heat, dry damp and resolve toxin. Wind-heat common cold, eczema, dermatitis. 1403,E|18204,E|18209,E|1404,E| LUO KE SI BAO MI ZI LAN NA Roxburg Aglaia* Aglaia roxburghiana NA NA NA NA NA 15993,E|15992,E| ZHE TANG 蔗糖 sucrose Sucrosum NA NA NA NA NA 20430,M181| YANG QI SHI 阳起石 Actinolite Actinolitum Minor Warm,Salty Kidney NA NA NA 23959,M791|24905,M791| YANG JIAO MIAN NA Maire Alstonia Alstonia mairei NA NA leaf To resolve toxin, stanch bleeding. Swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, bleeding due to external injury. 31858,T6318|19371,E|19372,T6318|21039,E|942,E;T6318|17361,E|18060,E|32018,T6318| SHENG GUA 生瓜 Cucumis meloL. Var. Flexuosus Naud NA NA NA NA NA NA 11770,C0144|4316,C0518| RUI DE QIAN LI GUANG NA Riddell Groundsel Senecio riddellii NA NA NA NA NA 18827,E|18828,T5385| JING SHENG HUA AI SUO LUO NA. NA NA Isolona cauliflora NA NA NA NA NA 3339,E|3338,E|3337,E|3336,E| XIA YE BAI XIAN NA Narrowleaf Dittary* Dictamnus angustifolius NA NA root cortex See Dictamnus dasycarpus . See Dictamnus dasycarpus. 5443,E|5442,E|11639,E|5455,E|11421,E| YING ZHI YE TAI. NA NA Lepidozia vitrea NA NA NA NA NA 22423,E|11251,E|6738,E|7510,E|177,E|7508,E|7509,E| FANG FENG 防风 Divaricate Saposhnikovia Saposhnikovia divaricata [Syn. Ledebouriella seseloides] Minor Warm,Pungent,Sweet Bladder,Spleen,Liver root To dispel wind and resolve exterior, overcome damp and relieve pain, resolve spasm, relieve itch. Migraine, headache and generalized pain, common cold, rheumatoid arthritis, externally contracted wind-cold, wind-damp impediment pain, aching pain in joints, abdominal pain and diarrhea, intestinal wind bleeding, tetanus, wind papule itching, sores. 23200,C0114|9204,E|9207,T3712|4366,E|14170,T3712|5038,E|16587,T3712|20435,T3712|25159,T3712|15964,T3712|17063,E|8683,E|16585,C0095|30852,T3712|17842,E|30837,T3712|3652,E|2309,E|7709,T3712|18072,E|24753,M239|21024,T3712|4679,E|10999,E|15245,T3712|15244,E|16863,E|407,E;T3712|7516,T3712|9975,E|15963,E|7513,E|30606,T3712|14804,E;M239|12794,E|29509,T3712|12596,E|25678,T3712|17362,E|31695,T3712|9374,E|9377,T3712|9376,E|23239,M239|17839,T3712|14169,E|31767,T3712|20430,E|6528,E|19967,E;M239|23545,T3712|23588,M239|7706,E|16872,E|4684,T3712|15973,T3712|16875,T3712|24030,M239|16586,C0094|24070,T3712|9518,T3712|12599,T3712|11000,T3712|24075,M239|2412,E|9511,E;C0115|9513,E;T3712|15967,E|15968,T3712|15974,E|31077,T3712| CA SAN JIA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23784,T3364| WAN QU TIAN NAN XING NA Curvatura Jackinthepulpit* Arisaema curvatum NA NA NA NA NA 3912,T5883|3911,E| PAO TONG HUA 泡桐花 Flos Paulowniae fortunei NA NA NA NA NA NA 23258,C0019|23043,C0018| CHUI MU FANG JI NA Drooping Snailseed* Cocculus pendulus NA NA NA NA NA 3884,T3339|4876,E|3881,E|3883,E|3882,E|12348,E|12347,E| SHUI HU LU NA Common Waterhyacinth Eichhornia crassipes NA NA whole herb or root To resolve toxin and eliminate damp, dispel wind-heat. Wind-heat common cold, edema, heat strangury, urethral stone, wind papules, damp sore, swollen boil. 5019,E|9620,E|17113,E|30849,T5638| JIA NA DA HUANG QI NA Canadian Milkvetch* Astragalus canadensis var. mortonii NA NA NA NA NA 3634,E|3635,T4315| HUA MAO NA Corniculate Spurgentian Halenia corniculata NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and stanch bleeding. Hepatitis, angiitis, gastroenteritis, infective fever due to external injury, bleeding due to external injury. 22590,E|31278,T4122|10769,T4122|10753,E|10754,E|10801,E|10803,T4122| SHA TANG 砂糖 granulated sugar NA Warm,Sweet Spleen,Stomach,Liver NA NA NA 24237,M616| AI ZI JIN NIU NA Low Ardisia* Ardisia humilis NA NA NA NA NA 6766,E| MAO DA DING CAO NA Pilose Gerbera Gerbera piloselloides NA NA root See Tylophora ovata . See Tylophora ovata . 5396,E|5395,E|30878,T4847|10645,E|4530,T4847|17353,E;T4847|5141,E|23276,T4847|4529,E|31810,T4847|10253,E|17352,E|31263,T4847| LV SONG GUO 吕宋果 Ignat Poisonnut Seed Strychnos ignatii NA NA ripe seed To resolve toxin, disperse swelling, kill worms, relieve pain. Stomachache, diarrhea, dysentery, malaria, worm accumulation, bleeding due to external injury, centipede bite. 25061,T4777|25241,T4777|17920,E|17921,T4777|7416,E|7417,T4777|14089,T4777|14088,E|2678,E;T4777|12944,E|20394,E;C0495| HE CAO XIANG WAN DOU NA Grass Vetchling Lathyrus nissolia NA NA NA NA NA 15620,E| QUAN YUAN CHU NA Integrifolious Ailanthus* Ailanthus integrifolia ssp. calycina NA NA NA NA NA 3481,E|3483,T5309| BAI BA JIAO LIAN NA White Dysosma* Dysosma majorensis NA NA root and rhizome To enrich yin and supplement kidney, clear lung and moisten dryness, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Taxation damage and sinew bone pain, impotence, stomachache, innominate toxin swelling, knife wound. 17578,E|5092,E|17580,E|5073,E|17323,E|17327,E| LI MENG GEN NA Lemonlike Citrus Root Citrus limonia NA NA root See Citrus limon. See Citrus limon. 10645,T4609|31021,T4609|4133,E|10641,E|8306,E|19896,E|10615,T4609|10607,E|19901,T4609|30818,T4609| FENG MI 蜂蜜 Honey Apis cerana Mild,Sweet Lung,Spleen,Large Intestine honey To supplement stomach and spleen, relax tension and relieve pain, moisten lung and relieve cough, moisten intestines and free stool, moisten skin and engender flesh, resolve toxin. Pain in stomach duct and abdomen, lung heat dry cough, intestinal dry and constipation, red eyes, mouth sore, enduring sores, wind papule itching, burns and scalds, cracking of hands and feet. 23288,C0508|20430,M244|23487,M244|13447,M244|23759,M244|7852,E|7853,T3750|23116,C0502|18247,E|351,E;T3750|23175,C0470|18248,T3750|7970,M244|9484,C0280| HU LU QI BIAN ZHONG NA Kidneyleaf Go ldenray Variety* Ligularia fischeri var. spiciformis NA NA NA NA NA 8019,E| DUAN CI HUA JIAO NA Shortspine Pricklyash* Zanthoxylum brachyacanthum NA NA NA NA NA 14202,E|3057,E|3059,T3618| JI MEI YUN SHI NA Prettiest Caesalpinia Caesalpinia pulcherrima NA NA NA NA NA 2861,E|11255,E|6262,E|2283,E|3244,E|10747,E|3708,E|2244,E|11775,E|11774,E|11777,E|11776,E| CHANGBIAN HUA DANG GUI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1619,T3228| ZHONG JIAN MAO GAO CAI NA Intermediate Sundew* Drosera intermedia NA NA NA NA NA 17555,E| DA QING YE 大青叶 Indigo-coloured Woad Leaf Equivalent plant: LU BIAN QING Isatis indigotica Extreme Cold,Bitter Lung,Stomach,Heart leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and disperse macula. Acute parotitis, encephalitis, hepatitis, lung abscess, acute gastroenteritis, infection of upper respiratory tract, warm evil in construction, ardent fever with clouded spirit, macular eruption and papules, jaundice, heat dysentery, epidemic parotitis, throat impediment, erysipelas, swollen welling abscess. 20430,E|25138,M147|21318,E|23638,M147|13091,M147;C0336|25427,T3443|26070,T3443|11016,T3443|11012,E|29509,T3443|23097,M147|13090,M147|8590,T3443|23662,M147|618,E|11186,T3443|32161,T3443|11185,E;M147|25282,T3443|23504,M147|22045,T3443|22044,E|20435,T3443|19968,E|22043,E|32062,T3443|15392,E;M147|19967,E|9485,E|2331,M147|11021,E|11022,E;M147;C0295;T3443|24038,M147|24501,M147|8589,E;T3443|8588,E;M147|9488,T3443|4588,M147|23287,C0400|18273,E|24857,M147| FU LING 茯苓 Indian Bread Poria cocos Mild,Sweet,Neutral Spleen,Heart,Kidney sclerotium To disinhibit water and percolate damp,fortify spleen and quiet heart. Neurasthenia, disquieted heart spirit, fright palpitation and insomnia, insomnia, pelvic inflammation, edema, scant urine with edema, phlegm-rheum dizziness, reduced food intake due to spleen vacuity, sloppy stool and diarrhea, chronic diarrhea. 3592,T3769|21486,E|17650,E|17713,E|24760,T3769|17712,E|10069,E|9757,E|9762,T3769|17708,E|17709,E|4908,E|31826,T3769|9832,T3769|16487,T3769|12564,E|7249,E;C0450|16486,E|1112,E|6888,E|22202,E|30359,T3769|22102,T3769|31128,T3769|10310,E|3589,E|16485,E|617,E;M250;C0403;T3769|25161,M250|17376,T3769|22203,T3769|17714,E|9488,T3769|17373,E|17710,E|6673,E|9822,E|23278,C0100|9485,E|3140,E|6543,E|7251,T3769|4873,E|6674,T3769|31830,T3769|31831,T3769|30926,T3769|22092,E|22093,E|30733,T3769|31420,T3769|17711,E|478,E|4977,E| JIN HUANG CHAI HU NA Goldenyellow Thorowax Bupleurum aureum NA NA root See Bupleurum chinense. See Bupleurum chinense. 23720,T4395|20152,E| YE LI ZHI YE NA Callery Pear Branch-leaf Pyrus calleryana NA NA branchlet-leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, moisten lung and relieve cough, move qi and fortify stomach. Incessant vomiting and diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramp, stomach reflux vomiting. 30709,T6376|9819,E|1618,E;T6376|17952,E|17957,T6376|17955,E|25913,T6376|5768,E|2894,E|31157,T6376|24992,T6376|22324,E|22330,T6376| HONG YUAN CENG KONG JUN NA Red Belt Polypore Fomitopsis pinicola NA NA sporocarp To dispel wind and eliminate damp. Wind-cold-damp impediment, pain in joints. 7874,E|7872,E|17259,E|7873,E|17375,E|17374,E|7867,E|7866,E|7865,E|7870,E|7871,E|7861,E|7860,E|7859,E|7869,E|7868,E| YI LYE GAN LAO JUN NA Easy-lobed Tyromyces* Tyromyces fissilis NA NA NA NA NA 21486,E|22152,E|22151,E|22150,E|22148,E|22149,E|22146,E|22147,E| HONG HAI LAN NA Stylose Mangrove Rhizophora stylosa NA NA NA NA NA 3193,E|3192,E| LV HAI KUI NA Green Anemone Anthopleura stell NA NA NA NA NA 14808,E| JU ZI XIANG JING 橘子香精 Aurantium Oil Oleum Aurantii NA NA NA NA NA 23170,M425|24413,M425|23193,M425| WU MAI BAI LI XIANG NA Fiveribbed Thyme Thymus quinquecostatus NA NA NA NA NA 4549,E|3048,E|21344,E|3231,E|20974,E| QIN LING ZHU ZI SHEN NA Largeleaf Japanese Ginseng Panax japonicus var. major NA NA rhizome To clear heat and nourish yin , stanch bleeding and dissipate stasis, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Febrile diseases with vexation and thirst, lung heat cough due to yin vacuity, hemoptysis, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, hematuria, flooding and spotting, bleeding due to external injury, wound swelling from knocks and falls, wind-damp impediment pain, stomachache, menstrual disorder, wind-fire toothache, swelling pain in throat, swelling pain of welling abscess and sore. 8426,E|13403,T5271|13401,E;T5271|13400,E|13397,E|25712,T5271|16038,E|27629,T5271|13399,T5271|13398,E| DI JIN CAO 地锦草 Humifuse Euphorbia Euphorbia humifusa Mild,Pungent,Bitter Large Intestine,Stomach,Liver whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and stanch bleeding. Dysentery, enteritis, hemoptysis, hematuria, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, swollen welling abscess, sore and boil. 25075,M213|23484,M213|19527,E|30995,T3530|23836,M213|22179,E|23444,M213|23225,M213|25092,M213|8094,E|4679,M213|12017,M213;C0453|23939,M213|31315,T3530|31316,T3530|18302,E;M213|2602,M213;C0210|24344,M213|8310,M213;C0516|24209,M213|11082,E|11081,E|11080,E|23547,M213|11085,T3530|4055,M213;C0535|11639,M213|24937,M213|12046,E| QIANG LANG 蜣螂 dung beetle catharsii molosii Cold,Salty Liver NA NA NA 24237,M571| GUANG DONG JIN QIAN CAO 广东金钱草 Snowbellleaf tickclover herb Herba Desmodii Styracifolii NA NA NA For stranguria cuased by urinary stone and stranguria of heat-type. Recently used most commonly for cases of infectious hepatitis, cholelithiasis and cholecystitis with dampness-heat syndrome, also for cases of coronary heart disease with dampness-heat syndrome. 1. Its flavones increase coronary, cerebral and renal blood flow, counteracting pituitrin-induced myocardial ischemia and arrhythmia and enhancing the anoxic tolerance under atmosphere in experimental animals. 2. Increasing biliary secretion. 3. Diuretic. 23975,M942|24043,M942|7818,M942|24342,M942|24020,M942| ER YE BAO YING SU NA Celandine Poppy Stylophorum diphyllum NA NA NA NA NA 3502,E|3504,T3695| HAI TONG NA Japanese Pittosporum Pittosporum tobira NA NA fruit NA mounting pain. 13948,E|13949,E|13950,E| TUN CAO QIAN LI GUANG NA Ragweed Groundsel* Senecio ambrosioides NA NA NA NA NA 18827,E|18828,T5865| ZHU DAN ZHI 猪胆汁 pig bile Bilis Porci Cold,Bitter Liver,Heart,Gallbladder NA NA NA 12435,M878|24297,M878|24368,M878| XIAN KE LAI NA Florists Cyclamen Cyclamen persicum NA NA NA NA NA 4456,E|26075,T6089| SAN LENG 三棱 Common Burreed Sparganium stoloniferum Mild,Bitter Spleen,Liver tuber To break blood, move qi and relieve pain, disperse accumulation. Concretion conglomeration accumulation and gathering, qi-blood stagnation, pain in heart and abdomen, distending pain in rib-side, amenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, knocks and falls, swelling of sores. 6797,E|2331,M601|24761,M601|19282,T5415|19280,E|12017,E|6799,T5415|30949,T5415|11500,E|13091,M601;C0336|24858,M601|21096,E|2333,M601|21097,T5415|6798,E|25574,T5415|19967,E|24437,M601| YIN DU MA DOU LING NA Indian Dutchmanspipe* Aristolochia indica NA NA fruit See Aristolochia debilis. See Aristolochia debilis. 1713,E|1710,E|12599,E| MAI JIAO 麦角 Ergot Claviceps purpurea NA NA sclerotium To contract uterus and stanch bleeding, relieve pain. Postpartum bleeding, migraine. 25524,T4823|9070,E|749,E;T4823|22542,E|25313,T4823|25314,T4823|25315,T4823|25312,T4823|7249,E|22154,T4823|30815,T4823|31612,T4823|14407,T4823|3477,E|7243,E;T4823|7242,E;T4823|7241,E;T4823|7240,E;T4823|6766,T4823|3480,T4823|6764,E|9568,T4823|7260,T4823|4125,E|25775,T4823|25776,T4823|11709,E|763,E;T4823|25619,T4823|13249,E|19590,E|25777,T4823|9529,E|3814,E|7238,T4823|14126,E|3818,T4823|9567,E|23131,C0016|7236,E;T4823|7237,E|7234,E;T4823|7235,E|7232,E;T4823|7233,E;T4823|7230,E|7231,E;T4823|23198,C0501|22142,E;C0483|7239,E|16796,T4823|16795,E|7251,E;T4823|7252,E;T4823|7253,E;T4823|14404,E;T4823|14405,E|14406,E|31613,T4823|11513,E|14403,E|32214,T4823|19774,E|351,E;T4823|24507,T4823|19586,E|19587,E|19584,E|19585,E| SAN CHU SHAN XIANG YUAN NA Threeleaf Turpinia Turpinia ternata NA NA NA NA NA 22109,E|22113,E|22112,E|22111,E|22110,E| SA HA LIN YUN SHAN NA Saghalin Spruce Picea glehnii NA NA NA NA NA 6008,T5393|18628,E|10582,E|17269,E|25027,T5393|17395,E| HUI HUI DOU 回回豆 Gram Chickpea Cicer arietinum NA NA seed To clear heat and resolve toxin. Diabetes mellitus. 23125,C0500|12902,E|8217,T4233|25540,T4233|20111,E|11502,T4233|11501,E|2384,E;T4233|2386,E;T4233|7882,E|7884,T4233|18267,E|9605,E|31453,T4233|9606,T4233|8201,E|14253,E|17751,E|20105,T4233|14259,T4233|31836,T4233|13629,E|4644,E|4645,T4233| MAO XIAN MAO NA Pilose Curculigo* Curculigo pilosa NA NA NA NA NA 15866,E|17355,E|4382,E|17356,E|21185,E|4384,E|17354,E| ZAN SHI LONG DAN NA Thunberg Gentian* Gentiana thunbergii NA NA NA NA NA 14974,E|20692,E|14987,T6600| JI YE MA BIAN CAO NA Hastate Verbena Verbena hastata NA NA NA NA NA 22382,T4287|9243,E|22381,E| BAI BEI YE NA Whitebackleaf Mallotus Mallotus apelta NA NA leaf To clear heat, resolve toxin, dispel damp, stanch bleeding. Phlegmon, suppurative tympanitis, goose-mouth sore, eczema, knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury. 5591,E|10048,E|5592,E|5597,E|10050,E|10810,E|10809,E| YIN DU MAI MA TENG NA India Jointfir Gnetum ula NA NA NA NA NA 8891,E|8877,E| HE SHI TANG SONG CAO NA Hernandez Meadowrue* Thalictrum hernandezii NA NA NA NA NA 9441,T3989|9440,E| BAI LIANG JIN NA Crispateleaf Ardisia Ardisia crispa NA NA root and rhizome To clear heat and disinhibit throat, dispel phlegm and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and resolve toxin. Swelling pain in throat, cough with inhibited phlegm, damp-heat jaundice, dribbling pain of urination, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, clove sore, innominate toxin swelling, snake bite. 2312,E;T2997| YUN NAN SHI NA Wilson Yarrow Achillea wilsoniana NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, dissipate stasis and relieve pain, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Wind-damp pain, stomachache, toothache, stasis swelling from knocks and falls, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, snake or insect bites. 538,E;T6586| BA XI MA DOU LING NA Brazilian Dutchmanspipe* Aristolochia chamissonis NA NA NA NA NA 6987,E|9730,E|2,E|10291,E|10290,E| YUE JIAN CAO 月见草 Radix oenotherae erythrosepalae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23099,C0339|23155,C0477| ZHONG FEI GOU ZHI TENG NA Central-African Ancistrocladus* Ancistrocladus likoko NA NA NA NA NA 1146,E| DUO MAI NAN MEI ROU DOU KOU. NA NA Virola multinervia NA NA NA NA NA 7882,E| XIAO HUA YUAN ZHI NA Smallflower Milkwort Polygala telephioides NA NA whole herb with root To dispel phlegm, relieve cough, dissipate stasis, resolve toxin. Cough, cough with inhibited phlegm, knocks and falls, menstrual disorder, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, poisonous snake bites. 20891,E|20892,E|20893,E| HUANG HUA XIANG CHA CAI NA Yellowflower Rabdosia Isodon sculponeata [Syn. Rabdosia sculponeata] NA NA whole herb To resolve toxin, disinhibit damp, rectify qi. Dysentery abdominal pain, foot lichen. 19559,E;T4170|25319,T4170|19560,E|19561,E|19562,E|19563,E| ZHI LI QIAN JIN TENG NA Erect Stephania* Stephania erecta NA NA NA NA NA 15730,E|15795,E|9596,E|15755,E| HUANG HUA YUAN ZHI NA Yellowflower Milkwort Polygala arillata NA NA root To dispel phlegm and eliminate damp, fortify spleen and supplement vacuity, quiet heart and quicken blood. Cough with profuse phlegm, wind-damp impediment pain, dribbling pain of urination, edema, beriberi, hepatitis, tuberculosis, postpartum vacuity weakness, inappetence, child gan accumulation, insomnia and frequent dreaming, menstrual disorder, knocks and falls. 20356,E|20353,E|18591,E|6008,E|31224,T4173|17622,E|17625,T4173|23887,T4173|10422,E|6014,T4173|20360,T4173|1681,E|1683,E|1682,E|1685,E|1684,E|1687,E|1686,E|1689,E|1688,E|6031,T4173|6030,E| YUAN YE LU TI CAO NA European Pyrola Pyrola rotundifolia NA NA whole herb See Pyrola calliantha. See Pyrola calliantha. 1618,E;T6556|11458,T6556|18605,E|31869,T6556|18255,E|18254,E|18256,E|9594,T6556|31903,T6556|9593,E|11453,E| JING YAO CAO 金腰草 all-grass of Goldsaxifrage Herba Chrysosplenii NA NA NA NA NA 23625,M414|24023,M414| SHU LI GEN 鼠李根 Rhamnus davurica Pall NA NA NA NA NA NA 6775,C0449|18925,C0452| CHANG YU YE LUO BO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2395,C0387| TAO HUA 桃花 Peach Flower Equivalent plant: SHAN TAO HUA Prunus persica NA NA flower To disinhibit water and free stool, quicken blood and transform stasis. Inhibited urination, edema, phlegm-rheum, sand strangury, stone strangury, beriberi, constipation, concretion and conglomeration, amenorrhea, mania and withdrawal, sore and papules. 15061,E|24248,T5764|15062,T5764|4048,C0360|15271,E|15274,T5764|21618,E| YU XIANG CAO NA Apple Mint Mentha rotundifolia NA NA whole herb To dispel wind, resolve toxin, harmonize stomach, moisten skin. Common cold, eye diseases, stomachache, sore and boil, cracking. 18940,T6529|17443,E|15916,E|3237,E|18176,E|19295,T6529|6458,T6529|18939,E|31865,T6529|19294,E|15407,E|6454,E|15405,E|23412,T6529|25423,T6529|15408,T6529| BIE ZHI LIU LI CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31070,T3138| YI BI LI YA SHUI XIAN NA Iberian Narcissus* Narcissus bujei NA NA NA NA NA 406,E|2733,E| YU ZHUANG HE HUAN NA Cape Leeuwin Wattle Albizzia lophantha NA NA NA NA NA 862,E;T6536|6532,E|30922,T6536| LU DE WEI HAO NA Western Sage Artemisia ludoviciana NA NA NA NA NA 25556,T4710|13066,E|20715,T4710|20714,E| YAO YONG SHE CHUANG 药用蛇床 Medicinal Ligusticum Cnidium officinale [Syn. Ligusticum officinale ] NA NA rhizome See Ligusticum chuanxiong . See Ligusticum chuanxiong. 31442,T6353|2799,T6353|12819,E|2797,E|23096,C0133| JI LIN YAN LING CAO NA Whiteflower Trillium* Trillium kamtschaticum NA NA rhizome See Trillium tschonoskii . See Trillium tschonoskii. 21857,E|21856,E|21859,E|21858,E|5216,E|5217,E| MEI LI BU KU NA Rutaceae Diosma Coleonema pulchellum NA NA NA NA NA 17763,E| ZHONG HUA JUAN BAI NA Chinese Spikemoss Selaginella sinensis NA NA whole herb To clear heat and disinhibit damp, stanch bleeding. Jaundice hepatitis, cholecystitis, nephritis, dysentery, eczema of lower limb, burns and scalds, bleeding due to external injury. 1030,E|4375,E| MAO LIAN HAO NA Hairy Wormwood Artemisia vestita NA NA whole herb To clear heat, resolve toxin, eliminate steam. Scourge epidemic with fever,steaming bone taxation fever. 4679,E|16746,E|9454,E|20715,E|20697,E|1110,E|21079,E|7950,E|10016,E|7555,E|22907,E| TIAN SHE CAO NA Sweet-tongue Lippia* Lippia dulcis NA NA NA NA NA 11192,E|12451,E|9449,E|580,E|4829,E|3745,E|12896,E|7590,E|10750,E|6929,E|6950,E|6147,E|6952,E|19196,E| ZHENG JI NA SHU NA Medicinal Cinchona Cinchona officinalis NA NA bark See Cinchona ledgeriana. See Cinchona ledgeriana . 9738,T6657|9737,E| DANG SHEN LU TOU 党参芦头 Rhizome of Pilose Asiabell Rhizoma Codonopsis pilosulae NA NA NA NA NA 23537,M204|23234,M204|25002,M204|23225,M204| MA LA BA JIAN MU NA Malaba Pencilwood* Dysoxylum malabaricum NA NA NA NA NA 7093,E|162,E| KU CAO I NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23720,T4506|30940,T4506| HU ER CAO YE HUI QIN NA Burnet-saxifrage Pimpinella saxifraga NA NA NA NA NA 23880,T4088|11246,E|17361,E| XUAN HU 玄胡 root of corydalis Rhizoma Corydalis Pungent,Slightly Bitter NA NA For stagnation of vital energy or blood stasis resulting in headache, chest pain, hypochondriac pain, epigastric pain, abdominal pain, backache, arthralgia, dysmenorrhea or trauma. Recently, alos used for angina pectoris, peptic ulcer and neuralgia. 1. Its components d-corydaline and d1-tetrahydropalmatine are analgesics.2. Decreasing the secretion of gastric juice and the amount of pepsin. 23558,M779|24048,M779| HE ZI 诃子 Medicine Terminalia Equivalent plant: Terminalia chebula var tomentella Terminalia chebula Mild,Sour,Bitter,Punkery Lung,Large Intestine fruit To constrain lung and astringe intestines, downbear fire and disinhibit throat. Chronic diarrhea and dysentery, hematochezia, prolapse of rectum, cough and asthma due to lung vacuity, incessant cough, aphonia due to throat pain. 20958,E|21627,E|19734,E|3494,T3996|19736,T3996|21628,T3996|3493,E|3490,E|3320,T3996|23228,M327;C0303|16823,E|23306,M327|8094,E|6758,T3996|23875,M327|25941,T3996|24166,M327|1732,E|20961,E|23171,M327;C0484|23175,M327|4967,E|18406,E|18407,T3996|24095,M327|8107,E|16896,T3996|30327,T3996|8109,T3996|23076,C0197;T3996|9377,M327|20954,E|30995,T3996|3318,E|18190,E|6719,M327|23828,M327|9484,M327;C0280|4057,T3996|7440,E|4055,E|24136,M327|25084,M327|7441,T3996|6756,E|25083,M327|23405,M327|23167,M327| BAI LAN GEN 白兰根 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23046,C0479|23228,C0303|23145,C0478|23175,C0470| HUANG HUA SHU WEI CAO NA Yellowflower Sage Salvia flava NA NA root To quicken blood and regulate menstruation, transform stasis and relieve pain. Menstrual disorder, menstrual pain, menstrual block, flooding and spotting, blood ejection, wind-damp bone pain, mammary welling abscess, swelling of sores. 14728,E|20670,E|20671,E|5721,E|4291,E|17954,E|20669,E|17998,E|14384,E|5762,E| WU ZHU YU 吴茱萸 Medicinal Evodia Equivalent plant: Evodia rutaecarpa var officinalis Evodia rutaecarpa Pungent, bitter, hot Liver, spleen,stomach fruit To dispel cold, dry damp, soothe liver, precipitate qi, relieve pain, check vomiting. Dysentery, cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, reverting yin headache, mounting qi , dysmenorrhea, beriberi with edema, hyperchlorhydria, cold-damp diarrhea. 31192,T5981|12837,E|23447,M1060|24969,M1060|10116,E|10117,E|19067,E|24046,M1060|31669,T5981|19068,T5981|19066,E;M1060;C0346|31210,T5981|23284,C0201|30101,T5981|25350,T5981|10324,E|21609,E|14325,T5981|114,E|23264,M1060|14617,T5981|14616,E|7878,T5981|21060,E|19072,T5981|23979,M1060|31675,T5981|8511,E|21608,E|6309,T5981|6307,E|20536,E;M1060|14128,E|24804,M1060|23944,M1060|7901,E|23541,M1060|12841,M1060;C0132|8956,E|8957,E|8955,E|24686,M1060|8958,T5981|21058,T5981|6370,T5981|6369,E|25874,T5981|31444,T5981|14136,E|14137,T5981|25403,T5981|179,E|24215,M1060|25351,T5981|14733,E|14737,E|180,E|11813,E|25637,T5981|25636,T5981|25630,T5981|23524,M1060|32105,T5981|14324,E|6690,E|24819,M1060|14651,E|14650,E|25402,T5981|14652,E;T5981|31687,T5981|14791,E|14792,E;T5981|14793,E|15873,E|14797,T5981|31946,T5981|7671,T5981|26887,T5981|31735,T5981|31732,T5981|31731,T5981|24862,M1060|10125,T5981|15915,E;M1060|14646,E|14647,T5981|14649,E|7668,E;M1060;T5981|7663,E;T5981|7662,E|7665,E|7664,E;M1060;C0362;T5981|7667,E;M1060;T5981|7666,E|23906,M1060|14763,E|1600,E;T5981|8990,E|24076,M1060|4911,E;M1060|25485,T5981|25486,T5981| SHAN KU GUA NA Mountain Balsampear Momordica dioica NA NA NA NA NA 8764,E|25666,T5484| DA HUA WU WEI ZI NA Bigflower Magnoliavine* Schisandra grandiflora NA NA NA NA NA 19457,E| MAN JIANG HONG NA Imbricate Mosquito Fern Azolla imbricata [Syn. Salvinia imbricata] NA NA leaf To resolve exterior and outthrust papules, dispel wind and overcome damp, resolve toxin. Common cold with cough, non-eruption of measles, wind-damp pain, inhibited urination, edema, urticaria, itchy of skin, sores, cinnabar toxin, burns and scalds. 13141,E| BEI YE JU NA Boreal Wild Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum boreale NA NA whole herb and root See Chrysanthemum indicum. See Chrysanthemum indicum. 3689,E|2547,E|5313,E|4135,E|61,E;T3100|21334,E|21335,T3100|1476,E;T3100|251,E| TIAN YE JI DOU NA Yellow Oxytropis Oxytropis campestris NA NA NA NA NA 22984,E|22985,T5805| YUN NAN SUI HUA SHAN NA Yunnan Amentotaxus Amentotaxus yunnanensis NA NA NA NA NA 5599,E|20091,E|19741,E|13119,E|19967,E|6198,E|19742,E| ROU JING XIANG CHA CAI NA Flexedstem Rabdosia Isodon flexicaulis NA NA NA NA NA 7827,E| MI HUAN JUN NA Armillary Mushroom* Armillaria mellea NA NA sporocarp To calm liver and extinguish wind, dispel wind and free network vessels, strengthen sinews and bones. Dizzy head, headache, sleepless, numbness in limbs, pain in lumbus and legs, coronary heart disease, hypertension, vascular headache, dizziness syndrome, epilepsy. 1739,E|1740,E|1741,E| FEI LI GUI LI NA Mocketprivet-like Oak Quercus phillyraeoides NA NA NA NA NA 17130,E| CU JING WU TOU NA Thickstem Monkshood Aconitum crassicaule NA NA NA NA NA 3483,E|15220,E|4210,E| HE SHI FENG 鹤虱风 Wild Carrot Daucus carota NA NA whole herb To kill worms, disperse swelling, disperse qi , transform phlegm. Worm accumulation, gan accumulation, distention fullness in stomach duct and abdomen, edema, jaundice, poison from smoke, damp itchy in sore and papules, alopecia areata. 7706,E|3760,C0191|3216,E|4679,T3988|207,E|4678,E;T3988|208,E|4675,E|1840,E;T3988|3218,T3988|218,E|31871,T3988|7766,E|24898,T3988|7755,E|18261,E| CHI SHAO WILD NA Common Peony (wild) Equivalent plant: Paeonia obovata, Paeonia veitchii Paeonia lactiflora wild NA NA root To clear heat and cool blood, quicken blood and dispel stasis. Warm toxin macular eruption, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, intestinal wind bleeding, red eyes with gall, swollen welling abscess and sores, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, flooding and vaginal discharge with strangury-turbidity, pain in rib-side due to stagnation, mounting-conglomeration accumulation-gathering, knocks and falls. 16521,E|17364,E|857,E|21037,E|4679,E|2224,E|16513,E|16514,E|7517,E|12434,E|19967,E|5482,E|16444,E| SHUI GAN CAO NA China Amsonia Amsonia sinensis NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin. Children wind-heat, erysipelas, sore toxin. 19900,E|1089,E|1088,E| ZANG HONG HUA 臧红花 Saffron Crocus Stigma Crocus sativus NA NA stigma To quicken blood and transform stasis, dissipate depression and open binds. Anxiety and depression, glomus and oppression in chest and diaphragm, blood ejection, cold damage mania, fright palpitation, amenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls. 4260,E|4261,E|4262,E|4263,E|18245,E|4249,E|4246,E|4247,E|4244,E|4245,E;T6601|14794,E|12059,E|8301,T6601|22154,E|8299,E|5762,E|13924,E|15517,E|9303,T6601|11665,E|20072,E|4248,T6601|9300,E|2224,E|9817,E|31808,T6601|12012,E|18819,E|5782,E|17316,E|17250,E|10625,E|22221,E|4259,E|4258,E|618,E|23021,C0357|10523,E|14644,E|21951,E|4251,E|4250,E|4253,E|4252,E|4255,E|4254,E|4257,E|4256,E|13474,T6601|9823,E|13473,E|12048,E|17959,T6601|19106,T6601|19105,E|17953,E|18822,T6601|17957,E|22960,E|22961,T6601|21942,E|10808,E|17249,E|11653,E|10806,E|10807,E|11656,E|12017,E| LU YU SHU NA Malabartree Euphorbia Euphorbia tirucalli NA NA whole herb To promote lactation, kill worms, resolve toxin. Postpartum scant milk, lichen sore, swelling pain in joints. 7615,E|31744,T4728|7617,T4728|15954,E| HEI JIE GENG LAN NA Black Dianella* Dianella nigra NA NA NA NA NA 5018,E|382,E|5025,E|5030,E| NI BO JIN YI ZHI 尼泊金乙酯 NA Ethylnipagin NA NA NA NA NA 23961,M528| MIAN BAO GUO NA Common Artocarpus* Artocarpus incisa [Syn. Artocarpus communis] NA NA NA NA NA 1814,E|1810,E|1811,E|1812,E|1813,E|4516,E|8329,E| LAI FU ZI 莱菔子 Garden Radish Seed Raphanus sativus Mild,Pungent,Sweet Lung,Spleen,Stomach seed To disperse food distention, downbear qi and transform phlegm. Food stagnation, distending pain in stomach duct, constipation, accumulation and diarrhea, phlegm congestion cough asthma. 7290,E|7291,T4571|25671,T4571|19893,E|8751,E|2395,C0387|8589,T4571|8588,E|7767,E|8813,T4571|8810,E|19902,E|14574,T4571|18532,E;M438|19901,E|7768,T4571|19894,T4571|14573,E| LU SHAN XIANG CHA CAI NA Lushan Rabdosia* Isodon rubescens var. lushanensis NA NA NA NA NA 17703,E|6974,E|13114,E|18484,E|18486,E|11391,E|12531,E|6807,E|18487,E|13110,E|13113,E|13112,E|13111,E|11053,E|13117,E|13109,E|13115,E|11389,E|16173,E|13116,E| CU SHENG SHAN XIANG NA Fascicled Bushmint* Hyptis fasciculata NA NA NA NA NA 13919,E|14034,E|13920,E| GUANG XI MEI DENG MU NA Guangxi Mayten* Maytenus guangsiensis NA NA NA NA NA 13614,E|25543,T3908| BO LUO MI NA Diversileaf Artocarpus Artocarpus heterophyllus NA NA fruit To engender liquid and eliminate vexation, resolve liquor and arouse spleen. NA 4494,E|1821,E|1345,E|15705,E| NAN SU GE LAN JIA SHAN LUO NA Southern- caledonian Tulipwood* Harpullia austro-caledonica NA NA NA NA NA 1553,E|1555,E|1554,E|8054,E|1559,E|1556,E|22819,E|18687,E| SHI HU(3) NA Officinal Evodia Evodia rutaecarpa var. officinalis NA NA fruit See Evodia rutaecarpa . See Evodia rutaecarpa. 19786,E|7664,E|19066,E| HEI SE MI PI KANG NA Black Rice Spermoderm* Oryza sativa cv NA NA NA To increase appetite, precipitate qi. Dysphagia-occlusion, stomach reflux, leg qi [=beriberi]. 16235,E| MA BIAN CAO 马鞭草 European Verbena Verbena officinalis NA NA aerial parts To quicken blood and dissipate stasis, interrupt malaria, resolve toxin, disinhibit water and disperse edema. Malaria, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, throat impediment, edema, heat strangury, diphtheria, bilharziosis, dysentery, concretion conglomeration accumulation and gathering. 26070,T4780|618,E|4061,T4780|22565,M1003;C0026|23134,M1003;C0146|1792,E|9243,E|24832,M1003|4060,E|5735,T4780|5734,E|16185,M1003;C0104|6122,E|22382,T4780|22381,E;M1003|22254,E|22255,E|10697,E| DUO ZHI CHENG LIU NA Branchy Tamarisk Tamarix ramosissima NA NA tender branch-leaf See Tamarix chinensis. See Tamarix chinensis. 18333,E| DONG DU HUI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 19107,T3576|19796,T3576| MA HUA JIAO NA Straw-coloured Gentian Gentiana straminea NA NA dried root See Gentiana macrophylla. See Gentiana macrophylla. 8303,E|31018,T4792|8296,E| LIAN PENG CAO NA Japanese Farfugium Farfugium japonicum NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, cool blood and stanch bleeding, dissipate binds and disperse swelling. Common cold, swelling pain in throat, cough and hemoptysis, hematochezia, hematuria, menstrual disorder, mastitis, scrofula, swelling toxin of welling abscess and boil, clove sore and eczema, knocks and falls, snake bite. 10135,T4628|10405,E|10132,E|7716,E|7718,T4628|19716,E|31220,T4628|7717,E;T4628|23211,T4628|8016,E|8017,T4628| HOU YE YAN BAI CAI NA Thickleaf Bergenia Bergenia crassifolia NA NA whole herb To supplement vacuity and stanch bleeding, relieve cough and settle asthma. Dizziness, cough, asthma, blood ejection, hemoptysis. 2312,E;T4078|1618,E;T4078| YA RONG GAI RU GU NA Subtomentose Milky* Lactarius subvellereus NA NA NA NA NA 3430,T6285|3422,E| KE TENG ZI REN 榼藤子仁 stem or seed of Taiwan Entada Semen Entadae Phaseoloidis NA NA NA NA NA 23994,M427|6578,M427|24105,M427| ZHU HONG LIU HUANG SE XUN KONG JUN NA Vermeil-sulphureous Laetiporus* Laetiporus sulphureus var. miniatus NA NA NA NA NA 13585,E|13586,E| KUAN YE CHONG LOU 宽叶重楼 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6439,C0330| LA BO HE NA Pepper Mint Mentha piperita NA NA leaf To course wind and dissipate heat, resolve toxin and dissipate binds. Wind-heat common cold, headache, red eyes, sore pharynx, epidemic parotitis. 13773,T4561|13772,E|22752,E|12415,E|18911,T4561| ZHI CHUAN WU 制川乌 Prepared Monkshood Mother Root Radix Aconiti Preparata NA NA NA Treatment of joint pain in rheumatic or rheumatoid arthritis, epigastric pain with cold sensation, or abdominal colic due to cold, also used as an analgesic in anaesthesis. is no white core in the relatively large and solid root and the taste becomes slightly numb. After removal, dry in the air appropriately, cut into slices, and dry. 554,M1085|20060,M1085| GUANG CI GU 光慈姑 Edible Tulip Tulipa edulis NA NA bulb To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate binds and disperse swelling. Swelling pain in throat, scrofula, welling abscess and flat abscess, swelling of sores, postpartum stasis stagnation. 3912,T3894|3911,E;C0443| QU QU HUA 屈曲花 Rocket Candytuft Iberis amara NA NA NA NA NA 8597,E|4323,T5302|4322,E;C0533|8598,T5302| WEI ER SHI LU RONG HAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8547,T5901|7985,T5901|25542,T5901| PU TONG TUN CAO NA Ragweed Ambrosia ambrosioids NA NA NA NA NA 26048,T5227|4623,E| ZI HUA GAO WU TOU NA Purpleflower High Monkshood Aconitum excelsum NA NA NA NA NA 14505,E|12530,T6736|12505,E|14790,E|31643,T6736|31655,T6736|31694,T6736|14562,E|5072,E|5073,T6736|7672,E| TONG JI LI 潼蒺藜 Flatstem Milkvetch Seed Semen Astragali Complanati Warm,Sweet Liver,Kidney NA Treatment of back pain, nocturnal emission and premature ejaculation in deficiency syndromes of the kidney, turbid discharge with urination, excessive leukorrhea, dribbling of urine after urination, dizziness and blurred vision. NA 24237,M706| JIN YING HUA 金樱花 Flos Rosae laevigatae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23234,C0368| WANG GUA NA Japanese Snakegourd Trichosanthes cucumeroides NA NA fruit To eliminate heat, engender liquid, dispel stasis, promote lactation. Diabetes mellitus, jaundice, dysphagia-occlusion and stomach reflux, amenorrhea, scant breast milk, swollen welling abscess, chronic pharyngolaryngitis. 12015,E|12017,T5894|20152,E|23720,T5894| DUAN BANG SHI HU NA Hairstalk Denrdobium Dendrobium capillipes NA NA NA NA NA 19525,E| GUANG HUO XIANG 广霍香 Cablin Potchouli Pogostemon cablin [Syn. Mentha cablin ] Minor Warm,Pungent Lung,Spleen,Stomach aerial parts To transform damp aromaticly, increase appetite and check vomiting, effuse exterior and resolve summerheat. Summerheat-damp lassitude, oppression in chest, vomiting diarrhea with abdominal pain, deep-source nasal congestion and headache. 25530,T3900|14170,E|30751,T3900|18664,E|18667,T3900|16697,T3900|9032,E|6744,T3900|9030,E|9031,E|6740,E|1485,E|23184,M290|22295,E|6927,E|2943,E|16700,E;T3900|7384,M290|16096,T3900|7522,T3900|17595,T3900|16922,T3900|30956,T3900|3693,E;M290;C0369|2222,E;T3900|30615,T3900|16722,T3900|3697,T3900|16916,E|25613,T3900|24717,M290|25614,T3900|23717,M290|9726,E|9727,E|14104,E|16692,E|9087,E|16487,E|9728,E|23098,M290;C0552|1492,E|25383,T3900|16082,E|9042,T3900|9041,E|9040,E|23095,T3900|11311,T3900|4874,E|17588,E;M290;T3900|16695,E|16694,E|1186,M290;C0041|3242,E|3241,E|17587,E|6930,T3900|22296,T3900|16707,T3900|928,E;T3900|7729,E|7520,E|1476,E;T3900|19778,E|25622,T3900|25955,T3900|16699,E|30093,T3900|30618,T3900| RONG BAI RU GU NA Fleecy Milk-cap Lactarius vellereus NA NA sporocarp To track wind and dissipate cold, soothe sinews and quicken network vessels. Numbness in limbs, hemiplegia. 22348,E|10308,E|10307,E|12430,E|22351,E|22350,E|18259,E|11472,E|22349,E|10821,E|12428,E|11765,E| JI XIAO XIAO YUN XIANG MU NA Minima Micromelum* Micromelum minutum NA NA NA NA NA 7148,E|5551,E|9997,E|10243,E| CHI YE CAO NA Lateripening Bartsia Odontites serotina NA NA whole herb To clear heat and dry damp, cool blood and relieve pain. Febrile infectious diseases, depressed liver-gallbladder heat, pain of blood stasis. 23877,T3289|15979,E|2004,E;T3289| XI BO JUE MING NA Sieber Senna Cassia sieberiana NA NA NA NA NA 6818,E|25806,T5988| LEI GUO SHA JI NA Veinfruit Seabuckthorn Hippophae neurocarpa NA NA NA NA NA 19072,E| MEI LI TENG HUANG NA Beautiful Garcinia* Garcinia speciosa NA NA NA NA NA 6852,E|274,E|14308,E|10570,E|10571,E|5946,E|5275,E|14510,E|14291,E|14292,E|14295,E|8222,E|8223,E|8224,E|8225,E|467,E|7126,E|7124,E|7125,E|14400,E|537,E|536,E| DUAN TING SHAN MAI DONG NA Short-stipe Liriope* Liriope muscari NA NA NA NA NA 4188,E|12913,E|22254,E|4298,E|16040,E| RI BEN XIANG RU NA Japanese Elsholtzia* Elsholtzia nipponica NA NA NA NA NA 31782,T5355|17075,E| DA HUA XUAN FU HUA 大花旋覆花 Flos Inulae Britanniae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23243,C0454| DAN JI ER YUAN WEI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 25812,T3491| ZI WEI JING YE 紫葳茎叶 Chinese Trumpetcreeper Stem-leaf Campsis grandiflora NA NA stem-leaf To clear heat, cool blood, dissipate stasis. Wind due to blood heat, itchy body, wind papules, limp aching numbness in limbs, swelling pain in throat. 2839,E|20881,E|2842,E|2840,E|2841,E|1476,C0378|15276,E|9877,E| PING BEI MU 平贝母 Ussuri Fritillary Fritillaria ussuriensis NA NA bulb To clear heat and moisten lung, relieve cough and transform phlegm. Dry cough due to lung dryness, dry cough, yin vacuity taxation cough, cough with phlegm and blood. 26070,T5198|618,E|17370,E;T5198|21343,E|31813,T5198|17372,T5198|17371,E;T5198|16764,E|16762,E|16761,E|25162,M1020|17365,E|17366,E|17367,E|27383,T5198|17368,E|17369,E|16765,T5198| HUA SANG NA Chinese Mulberry Morus cathayana NA NA leaf See Morus alba. See Morus alba. 19243,E|19255,E|19241,E|19240,E|15045,E|19242,E|13082,T4130|19244,E|3324,E|3325,E|19237,E|19253,E| TIAN PING SHAN YIN YANG HUO NA Tianpingshan Epimedium* Epimedium myrianthum NA NA NA NA NA 6960,E| QUAN XIE 全蝎 Scorpion Buthus martensi Mild,Pungent Liver body To calm, dispel wind and check tetany, free network vessels and relieve pain, attack toxin and dissipate binds. Infant fright wind, convulsion, spasm, wind stroke with deviated eyes and mouth, hemiplegia, tetanus, wind-damp impediment, migraine, headache, toothache, deafness, hypertension, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, scrofula with phlegm node, snake bite, burns, wind papules, intractable lichen. 3586,T5307|23751,M591|3585,E|9488,T5307|21924,T5307|20716,E|25214,T5307|20265,T5307|20264,E|21923,E|24085,M591|24837,M591|23613,M591|23376,M591|24656,M591|9485,E| CHAO XIAN LANG YA CI NA Korean Sophora Sophora koreensis NA NA NA NA NA 6693,E|6692,E|517,E| FEI CAI NA Aizoon St onecrop Sedum aizoon NA NA whole herb or root See Sedum kamtschaticum. See Sedum kamtschaticum. 15169,E|1618,E;T3716|19635,E|15171,E|19634,E|25452,T3716|25451,T3716| XIANG TIE KUAI ZI NA Odorous Hellebore* Helleborus odorus NA NA NA NA NA 9329,E|9330,T6138| XI ZHUI XIANG CHA CAI NA Littleconical Rabdosia Rabdosia coetsa NA NA aerial parts To effuse exterior and dissipate wind, transform damp and harmonize center, stanch bleeding. Wind-cold common cold, vomiting, diarrhea, wind-damp numbness pain, eczema titillation, leg qi damp-erosion, bleeding knife wound. 18444,E|18441,E|18442,E|18443,E|3896,E|3897,E|3895,E| JI XIANG YING ZHAO NA Extreme-fragrant Tailgrape* Artabotrys odoratissimus NA NA NA NA NA 15788,E| LONG BAI NA Dragon Juniper Juniperus chinensis var. kaizuka NA NA NA NA NA 9744,E|16407,E|7046,E|6475,E| MI MAI E ZHANG CHAI NA Densevein Schefflera Schefflera venulosa NA NA stem cortex To dispel wind and relieve pain, quicken blood and disperse swelling. Wind-damp impediment pain, pain in stomach duct, wound swelling from knocks and falls, fracture, bleeding due to external injury. 19443,E|3615,E|6203,E| YU LIANG SHI 禹粮石 Limonite Limonitum Mild,Sweet,Punkery Spleen,Large Intestine,Stomach NA Treatment of chronic diarrhea, chronic dysentery, abnormal uterine bleeding, morbid leukorrhea. NA 23482,M814| GUANG E ZHU SHI DOU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 22264,T3895|18653,T3895| XIAN SE LI NA Amaranthinecolor Goosefoot* Chenopodium amaranticolor NA NA NA NA NA 1013,E;T6094| CHUAN MU TONG 川木通 Armand Clematis Stem Caulis Clematidis Armandii NA NA NA Treatment of edema, stranguria oliguria, arthralgia, amenorrhea, lack of lactation. NA 23797,M916|24310,M916|24316,M916|23232,C0066|23097,M916|23287,C0400| FENG XIANG SHU PI 枫香树皮 Cortex Liquidambaris Formosanae NA NA NA NA NA NA 23301,C0219| QI YE LIAN 七叶莲 root of Scandent Schefflera Radix Schefflerae Arboricolae NA NA NA 1. Treatment of rheumatism, trauma, headache, and other pains. Recently, also used for abdominal and biliary colics, and trigeminal neuralgia. 2. Treatment of bronchial asthma and asthmatic bronchitis. 1. Analgeic. 2. Sedative. 3. Antispasmodic 16796,M1021|6439,M1021| NIAN YU. NA NA Parasilurus asotus NA NA meat or whole fish To enrich yin and supplement vacuity, fortify spleen and promote digestion, promote lactation, disinhibit urine. Vacuity detriment and emaciation weakness, spleen-stomach vacuity, indigestion, postpartum scant milk, edema, inhibited urination [=dysuria]. 16644,E| NIU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23222,C0486| MAO YE BA DOU NA Tomentose Caudate Croton Croton caudatus var. tomentosus NA NA whole herb To interrupt malaria and settle pain, soothe sinews and quicken blood. Malaria with ardent fever, fright epilepsy, convulsion, wind-damp impediment pain, fracture, knocks and falls. 1113,E|23764,T4886| XI PA JING TIAN NA Cepaea Stonecrop* Sedum cepaea NA NA NA NA NA 19366,T6026|19364,E| MA TONG HUA NA Sharptooth Incarvillea Incarvillea arguta NA NA whole herb with rhizome To fortify spleen and disinhibit damp, move qi and quicken blood. Diarrhea, dysentery, stomachache, pain in rib-side, wind-damp pain, menstrual disorder, swollen welling abscess, fracture. 1676,E|1677,E|1678,E;T4816|4994,E|5188,E| YE GU O QIE NA Leafy-fruited Nightshade Solanum sarrachoides NA NA NA NA NA 12066,E| KU SEN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8277,C0249|13599,C0333| ZHANG YE BAN XIA 掌叶半夏 Pedate Pinellia Pinellia pedatisecta NA NA tuber See Arisaema consanguineum. See Arisaema consanguineum. 21646,M1083|16747,E;M1083|16748,E|14794,E|10519,E|26070,T6633|14514,T6633|14772,E|4679,M1083|4509,E|10914,T6633|10912,E|11628,E|618,E|22221,E|31691,T6633|22222,T6633|32068,T6633|19967,E|4462,E|4463,E|7336,T6633|23786,M1083|7333,E|14745,T6633|14744,E|4525,E|17081,E|22313,E|17892,E|17893,E| DUN YE DA JI NA Obtuseleaf Euphorbia* Euphorbia obtusifolia var. obtusifolia NA NA NA NA NA 9397,E|6891,E|9395,E|9394,E|154,E|9396,E|9399,E|9398,E|5201,E|5475,E|9400,E| LOU LU 漏芦 Uniflower Swisscentaury Equivalent plant: Echinops grijsii , Echinops ritro Rhaponticum uniflorum Bitter,cold NA root To clear heat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and promote milk. Mammary welling abscess, effusion of back from welling abscess and flat abscess, scrofula, galactostasis, damp impediment and hypertonicity. 25134,M996|23551,M996|18176,M996|23105,C0240|23184,M996|21594,M996|23757,M996|23818,M996|25097,M996|23919,M996|30934,T4704|23150,M996|6682,T4704|6680,E|18736,E|18735,E|23746,M996|23338,M996|15938,M996|18738,T4704|23357,M996|24202,M996|24783,M996|24302,M996|6678,E|9484,M996;C0280|24037,M996|5403,M996|13769,M996;C0123|24506,M996|23867,M996|16817,M996|3244,M996|24707,M996|23025,C0384| CHU YE HUA JIAO PI NA Ailanthus-like Pricklyash Bark Zanthoxylum ailanthoides NA NA bark To dispel wind and eliminate damp, free network vessels and relieve pain, disinhibit urine. Wind-cold-damp impediment, pain in lumbus and knees, knocks and falls, abdominal pain and diarrhea, inhibited urination, toothache, eczema, scab and lichen. 12568,T3312|22765,E|22766,T3312|17558,E|15624,T3312|15622,E|12566,E|5457,T3312|19986,E|19987,T3312|5444,E| YANG CONG NA Common Onion Allium cepa NA NA bulb To fortify stomach and rectify qi, resolve toxin and kill worms, lower blood-fat. Reduced food intake with abdominal distention, wound, ulcer, trichomoniasis, hyperlipemia. 16889,E|4049,T6314|17167,E|4437,E|17160,E|18332,T6314|18331,E|6341,E|14272,T6314|6342,T6314|953,E;T6314|4048,E|19896,E|17899,E;T6314|3182,E|3183,E|17900,T6314|16890,E|618,E|18329,T6314|4441,E|14271,E;T6314|4443,E|23281,T6314|19901,T6314|14270,E|14682,E|948,E;T6314|18328,E|4134,E|4442,E|17898,E|7767,E|17180,T6314|921,E;T6314|7768,T6314| XUE CHA NA Vermiculate Thamnolia Thallus Thamnolia vermicularis NA NA lichen body To clear heat and allay thirst, arouse spirit. Summerheat stroke, vexation and thirst, lung heat cough, yin vacuity tidal fever, epilepsy, insomnia, eye diseases. 20222,E|20224,T6255|21256,E|21255,E|1596,E;T6255|22386,E|21263,T6255| YIN DU SHE GU NA Indian Balanophora Balanophora indica [Syn. Langodorffia indica] NA NA NA NA NA 11791,T6458|1122,E|13092,E|30589,T6458| DA JI(4) NA Japanese Thistle Cirsium japonicum NA NA aerial parts or root To cool blood and stanch bleeding, dispel stasis and disperse swelling. Spontaneous external bleeding, blood ejection, hematuria, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, bleeding due to external injury, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore. 16744,E|20690,E|20691,E|1110,E|1113,E|1112,E|20353,E|9496,E| RI BEN SU MU NA Japanese Caesalpinia* Caesalpinia japonica NA NA NA NA NA 17974,E| HONG QI 红芪 Manyinflorescenced Sweetvetch Root Radix Hedysari NA NA NA Treatment of deficiency of qi with lack of strength, anorexia and loose stools, sinking of the spleen qi marked by protracted diarrhea and prolapse of the rectum, hematochezia and abnormal uterine bleeding, spontaneous sweating due to weakened superficial resistance, edema due to deficiency of qi , abscess or boil difficult to burst, anemia, diabetes mellitus, albuminuria in chronic nephritis. to promote the drainage of pus and the growth of new tissue. 24146,M964|24383,M964|24387,M964|23287,C0400|23043,M964;C0018|23239,M964;C0134|23171,M964;C0484|23705,M964|23258,C0019|23097,M964|12795,M964| XUE LING HAO NA Schrenk Wormwood* Artemisia schrenkiana NA NA NA NA NA 19300,T6258|19299,E| LIAO SHI NA Red-knees Fruit Polygonum hydropiper NA NA fruit To transform damp and disinhibit water, break stasis and dissipate binds, resolve toxin. Vomiting diarrhea with abdominal pain, edema, inhibited urination [=dysuria], concretion and accumulation with glomus distention, swollen welling abscess and sores, scrofula. 17628,E|11400,E| SAN YE FANG FENG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14073,T5434| XIAO HUANG HUA CAI 小黄花菜 Hemerocallis minor Mill NA NA NA NA NA NA 3911,C0443| HUI BAI SHI CAN NA Narrowleaf Germander Teucrium polium NA NA NA NA NA 21211,E|486,E|30358,T4224|21210,E| QI BAI ZHI NA Qibaizhi Angelica* Angelica dahurica cv. qibaizhi NA NA root See Angelica taiwaniana. See Angelica taiwaniana. 618,E|10999,E|14197,E|17063,E|11459,E|14198,T5229| ZI RAN TONG 自然铜 Pyrite Pyritum Mild,Pungent Liver NA Treatment of traumatic swelling and pain, bone fracture. NA 24457,M896| MAO ZHANG YA CAI NA Pubescent Swertia Swertia pubescens NA NA NA NA NA 20487,E|8303,E|20493,E| XIN CHI 新豉 Fresh soybean Semen Sojae Cold,Pungent,Sweet,Slightly Bitter Lung,Stomach NA Treatment of chills, fever and headache in colds and influenza, vexation, oppressed feeling in the chest and insomnia. NA 24757,M771|23125,M771|24167,M771|24698,M771| FU AN NA Dives Eucalyptus* Eucalyptus dives NA NA NA NA NA 17442,E|17445,T3761| SAN TIAO JIN NA Tibet Cinnamon Bark Cinnamomum tamala NA NA bark or leaf To warm channels and free network vessels, move qi and relieve pain. Cold-damp impediment pain, pain in stomach duct and abdomen, dysmenorrhea, knocks and falls. 7522,T5427|7520,E|3693,E|23095,T5427| RUI SHI QIAN NIU NA Regnell Morningglory* Ipomoea regnellii NA NA NA NA NA 18391,E|18334,E| WU HE MI JU NA Satsuma Citrus unshiu NA NA fruit See Citrus chachiensis. See Citrus chachiensis . 11688,E|9455,E|9457,E|15271,E|15278,E|25426,T5937|15396,E| LANG DU WU TOU NA Badgersbane Aconitum lycoctonum NA NA NA NA NA 13162,E|13171,T4579|13184,T4579|13182,E| CHUAN XI YIN YANG HUO NA Elongate Barrenwort Epimedium elongatum NA NA aerial parts See Epimedium brevicornum . See Epimedium brevicornum. 1275,E| DUO YE BAI MAI GEN NA Leafy Trefoil* Lotus polyphyllos NA NA NA NA NA 18319,E|11650,E|12028,E| HUAN YANG SHEN YE TANG JIE NA Crepinl eaf Erysimum* Erysimum crepidifolium NA NA NA NA NA 7302,E|9334,E|7319,T4144|9335,T4144| ZHAO WA DAO DIAO BI NA Java Wrightia* Wrightia javanica NA NA NA NA NA 22720,E|22719,E| DUAN WA LENG 煅瓦楞 Calcined Arc Shell Concha Arcae Preparata Mild,Salty Lung,Stomach,Liver NA Treatment of retention of sticky phlegm difficult to expectorate, goitre, scrofula, masses in the abdomen, gastric pain with acid regurgitation. NA 25060,M231|23378,M231| BIAN SE MA DOU LING NA Versicolorous Dutchmanspipe Aristolochia versicolar NA NA tuberoid To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Enteritis and diarrhea, bacillary dysentery, swelling pain in throat, parotitis, scrofula, mammary welling abscess, eczema. 30628,T3127|15333,T3127|22409,E;T3127|22408,E;T3127|22407,E;T3127|22406,E|22410,T3127| SU GEN ZHANG YA CAI NA Alpine Bog-swertia Swertia perennis NA NA NA NA NA 20495,E|20496,T5705|15791,T5705|15790,E| BO SHI QIAN HU NA Bourgae Hogfennel* Peucedanum bourgaei NA NA NA NA NA 17022,E| HONG SHEN 红参 Red Ginseng Radix Ginseng Rubra Warm,Mild,Bitter Bladder,Large Intestine NA Treatment of collpase tendency due to asthenia, cool limbs and weak pulse. Qi cannot control blood, uterine bleeding, cardiac failure and cardiogenic shock. NA 23202,M157;C0175|23129,M157;C0173|25051,M157|23181,M157;C0178|23117,M157;C0168|23219,M157|23034,M157;C0170|23279,M157|23085,C0172| SHA REN KE NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23289,C0374|23098,C0552|23157,C0373| XI A LA HUANG TAN NA Cearen Rosewood* Dalbergia cearensis NA NA NA NA NA 4613,T5982|7882,E|7884,T5982|4608,E| XI ZI MA HUANG NA Regel Ephedra Ephedra regeliana NA NA NA NA NA 15780,E|18010,E|6814,E|15736,E| YE ZHU DAN NA Wild Boar Gall Sus scrofa NA NA gall To clear heat and resolve toxin. Clove sore, toxin swelling, scalds. 31246,T6399|10559,E| QIAN SHI JING 芡实茎 Caulis Euryales ferox NA NA NA NA NA NA 23170,C0397|23040,C0396| RI BEN SHU YU NA Japanese Yam Dioscorea japonica NA NA rhizome See Dioscorea batatas. See Dioscorea batatas. 6437,T5353|6436,E| A ER TAI ZI WAN NA Altai Heteropappus Heteropappus altaicus NA NA whole herb To clear heat and downbear fire, expel pus and relieve cough. Febrile diseases, liver gallbladder effulgent fire, pulmonary welling abscess, hacking of pus blood, cystitis, zoster, sore and boil. 5088,T2869|5087,E| NANG ZHUANG MAO RUI HUA NA Saccate Mullein* Verbascum saccatum NA NA NA NA NA 19089,E| ZI XIAO RONG 自消容 Caulis et Folium Crotalaria assamicae NA NA NA NA NA NA 14917,T6771|14915,C0413| PING PU YUAN BAI NA Creeping Juniper Juniperus horizontalis NA NA NA NA NA 4376,T5205|4375,E| DA WU PAO 大乌泡 Herba Rubi multibracteati NA NA NA NA NA NA 23125,C0500| JIAN ZI SU YE NA Acute Common Perilla Leaf Perilla frutescens var. acuta [Syn. Perilla frutescens var. purpurascens ] NA NA leaf See Perilla frutescens var. arguta . See Perilla frutescens var. arguta . 31349,T4357|32198,T4357|30751,T4357|2455,E|12415,E|6745,T4357|6744,E|23381,T4357|12837,E|25449,T4357|25444,T4357|3040,E|12838,T4357|3045,E|3046,T4357|13772,T4357|11403,E|2887,E|17986,E|16922,T4357|2222,E;T4357|31812,T4357|22449,E;T4357|26058,T4357|19573,T4357|19572,E|29509,T4357|18911,T4357|23887,T4357|4549,E|12843,E|19967,E|17987,T4357|23545,T4357|15196,E|13768,T4357|13769,E|3242,E|16916,E|13767,E|15230,E|7522,T4357|7520,E|3041,T4357|17362,E|17363,E|20353,E|12844,T4357| DA MA JIANG ZI NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8981,T3440| XIAO GUO XIANG CAO NA Smallfruit Loosestrife* Lysimachia microcarpa NA NA whole herb To diffuse lung and resolve exterior, relieve cough and calm asthma. Common cold, cough, asthma. 9499,E| BU YU HONG NA Yunnan Rabdosia Rabdosia yuennanensis NA NA rhizome or whole herb To dispel wind and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and free menstruation, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. Common cold, wind-damp bone pain, hemiplegia, food accumulation, pain in stomach duct, dysentery, jaundice, dysmenorrhea, menstrual block, flooding and spotting [=metrorrhagia and metrostaxis], scrofula, syphilis, sores, measles papules, wind papules, scab and lai, knocks and falls, rabid dog bite, poisonous snake bites. 18497,E|18496,E|18495,E| YU DAI GEN NA Tithymalus-like Pedilanthus Pedilanthus tithymaloides NA NA whole herb To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling, engender flesh and stanch bleeding. Toxin swelling of sores, painful swelling from knocks and falls, fracture, bleeding due to external injury. 6917,E|6918,E|6919,T6509|25799,T6509| XIAO BO 小檗 Amur Barberry Berberis amurensis NA NA root and branchlet To clear heat and dry damp, resolve toxin. Enteritis, dysentery, chronic cholecystitis, acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, bacillary dysentery, infection of upper respiratory tract, urinary tract infection, leukopenic complications of carcinoma, innominate toxin swelling, erysipelas, eczema, red eyes, mouth sore. 13368,T6153|16545,T6153|2301,E|3934,E|2303,C0391|2300,M1066|25390,T6153|3935,T6153|16430,E|16428,E|24513,M1066|11849,T6153|11848,E;C0141|16544,E|25389,T6153|13367,E| JIN WU MAO HUI YAN XIANG CHA CAI NA Calcicole Rabdosia Isodon calcicola NA NA NA NA NA 2947,E|2954,E|2951,E|2949,E|2953,E| YOU PU TAO YOU ZA JIAO ZHONG. NA NA Citrus grandis cv. x Citrus paradisi NA NA NA NA NA 7903,E| KU MA DOU NA Saline Swainsonia Swainsonia salsula [Syn. Sphaerophysa salsula ] NA NA fruit To disinhibit urine, disperse swelling. Edema, inhibited urination, ascites. 20136,E|20135,E|21744,E| NONG JI LI 农吉利 Purpleflower Crotalaria Herb Herba Crotalariae NA NA NA For carcinoma of skin and cervix. 1. Monocrotaline is an anticarcinogenic component which inhibits the synthesis of DNA and RNA. 2. Its extract relieves cough and dyspnea. 3. The metabolite of monocrotaline in liver has the toxic effect similar to alkylating agents, which impairs the digestive tract, liver, kidney and hematopoietic system. 14915,M1017;C0413| YUE HAN SI TONG SHAN MA CHA. NA NA Tabernaemontana johnstonii NA NA NA NA NA 16953,E|20560,E| CHANG TONG HAN HUA NA Cylinder Immortelle Xeranthemum cylindraceum NA NA NA NA NA 22768,E| SONG XUN 松蕈 Pine Mushroom Tricholoma matsutake [Syn. Armillaria matsutake] NA NA sporocarp To soothe channels and quicken network vessels, rectify qi and transform phlegm, disinhibit damp and transform turbidity. Pain in lumbus and legs, incessant urinary turbidity, numbness in limbs, hypertonicity of sinews and vessels, abundant phlegm and shortness of breath. 13602,T5697|13601,E|7251,T5697|32214,T5697|22542,E|11530,T5697|31748,T5697|7249,E|14238,E|15973,E|14240,T5697|21090,E|6899,E|23198,C0501|23131,C0016|11529,E| WU LONG CHA NA Oolong Tea Camellia sinensis var. viridis NA NA NA NA NA 16114,E|16115,E|21264,E| JING HUA HUA YE CAI NA Cauliflory Brassica* Brassica oleracea var. botrytis subvar. cauliflora NA NA NA NA NA 15392,E|25427,T4427| XIAO YE GUAN ZHONG 小叶贯众 Matteuccia Frond Matteuccia struthiopteris NA NA rhizome To clear heat and resolve toxin, kill worms, stanch bleeding. Febrile diseases macular eruption, parotitis, damp-heat sore toxin, abdominal pain due to ascariasis, oxyuria disease, red dysentery and bloody stool, hematuria, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, flooding and spotting [=metrorrhagia and metrostaxis]. 3551,E|18148,E|2909,E|30934,T6187|8076,E|18149,T6187|17686,E|6677,E|29509,T6187|23111,C0446;T6187|8667,E|19967,E|1599,E|6678,E;T6187|17689,T6187| DAN HUANG BA DOU NA Flavescent Croton* Croton flavens NA NA NA NA NA 32224,T3489|22642,E| JIA LIAN QIAO NA Creeping Skyflower Duranta repens NA NA fruit To quicken blood and relieve pain, interrupt malaria. Malaria, painful wound from knocks and falls. 5916,E|18611,E|19525,E|6903,E|6902,E|10749,E|5915,E|6243,E|18902,E| HAO BEN 蒿本 Ligusticum sinense Oliv NA NA NA NA NA NA 23289,C0374|23144,C0030|23284,C0201|23156,C0206|23157,C0373| DUO ZHI TIAN JIE CAO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9322,T3664| ER ZHUANG BAO CHUN HUA NA Auricula Primula auricula NA NA NA NA NA 16521,E|16522,T3697| QUN DAI CAI NA Undaria Undaria pinnatifida NA NA dried thallus See Laminaria japonica. See Laminaria japonica 21315,T5314|19352,E|25331,T5314|17255,T5314|22540,E|31668,T5314|11505,E|14610,E|11120,E|21314,E|12949,T5314|7979,T5314|7957,T5314|7950,E|15775,E|17251,E|7977,E|22541,T5314|16143,E|12946,E|935,E;T5314| CHUAN SHAN CHENG NA Hemsley Melodinus Melodinus hemsleyanus NA NA root or fruit To fortify spleen, supplement blood, clear heat (root), free menstruation and promote lactation, stanch bleeding, resolve toxin (fruit). Spleen-stomach vacuity, anemia and scant milk, mouth sore, tongue sores (root), menstrual disorder, galactostasis, bleeding from hemorrhoids, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, snake bite (fruit). 5098,E|10092,E|5099,T3331|31274,T3331|10823,E|31189,T3331| LIAN FANG 莲房 Lotus Receptacle Receptaculum Nelumbinis NA NA NA Treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding, hematurial hemorrhoidal bleeding, postpartum blood stasis, lochiorrhea. NA 12792,M991|15313,M991|23264,M991;C0158|1348,C0551|11488,C0147| GOU SHU GUO NA Common Papermulberry Fruit Broussonetia papyrifera NA NA fruit To enrich yin and supplement kidney, clear liver and brighten eyes, fortify spleen and disinhibit water. Limp aching lumbus and knees due to kidney vacuity, impotence, dim vision, eye screen, edema, scant urine. 2648,E|2649,E|30680,T3862|30681,T3862|2628,E;T3862|2647,E|17389,E|5894,T3862|30682,T3862| YU ZHU 玉竹 Fragrant Solomonseal Equivalent plant: Polygonatum prattii Polygonatum odoratum [Syn. Polygonatum officinale] Mild,Sweet Lung,Stomach rhizome To nourish yin and moisten dryness, engender liquid and allay thirst. Lung stomach yin damage, dry cough, dry throat, diabetes mellitus due to internal heat. 4008,T6535|22634,E|2057,E|10133,E|17610,E|17611,E|17612,E|17613,E|4005,E;M816|24712,M816|24287,M816|24688,T6535| SUI ZHUANG WU TOU NA Spiked Monkshood Aconitum spicatum NA NA NA NA NA 18005,T5730|2372,E;T5730|18003,E| FEN LIU JUN NA Wolfs-milk Slime Lycogala epidendrum NA NA sporocarp To eliminate inflammation and relieve pain. NA 2476,E|2475,E|2474,E|2473,E|1625,E|1624,E|13192,E|13191,E|13190,E|20262,E|13188,E|13189,E| WU XIN SHI NA Formosan Michelia* Michelia compressa var. formosana NA NA NA NA NA 19293,E|19294,T5972|14822,E;T5972|14820,E|14821,E;T5972|14827,T5972| JING HONG AN LUO NA Jinghong Greenstar Polyalthia cheliensis NA NA NA NA NA 246,E| CHAO FENG CAO NA Acuminate Swallowwort Cynanchum ascyrifolium NA NA root See Tylophora ovata . See Tylophora ovata . 4566,E|4565,E| MA SI TE SI DU YING NA Masters Elaeocarpus Elaeocarpus mastersii NA NA NA NA NA 14335,E|6345,E| DA YE JU MAI CAI 大叶苣荬菜 Herba seu radix Sonchi asperis NA NA NA NA NA NA 23105,C0240| FU ER JIA CE JIN ZHAN HUA NA Volga Adonis Adonis wolgensis NA NA NA NA NA 646,E| KU A MO YAO NA Kua Myrrhtree* Commiphora kua NA NA NA NA NA 10496,E|295,E|21074,E| LI SE SHU WEI CAO NA Chestnut Sage Salvia castanea NA NA NA NA NA 14728,E|20670,E|20671,E|5721,E|4291,E|17954,E|20669,E|17998,E|14384,E|5762,E| BAI LIAN 白蔹 Japanese Ampelopsis Ampelopsis japonica [Syn. Paullinia japonica] Minor cold,Pungent,Bitter Stomach,Heart tuberoid To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate binds and relieve pain, close sores and engender flesh. Swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, burns and scalds, scrofula, damp sore, warm malaria, frightepilepsy, blood dysentery, intestinal wind, hemorrhoids and fistulas, leukorrhea, knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury. 23460,M31|16823,E|24041,M31|23635,M31|23633,M31|23225,M31;C0418|25091,M31|8094,E|1074,E|26238,T2996|2687,E|23477,M31|23491,M31|23351,M31|24528,M31|23784,M31|25088,M31|24113,M31|23807,M31|24242,M31|25582,T2996|24624,M31| DOU FU CHAI NA Japanese Premna Premna microphylla NA NA stem-leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin. Malaria, diarrhea, dysentery, drunkenness, swollen welling abscess, clove sore, erysipelas, snake or insect bites, bleeding due to external injury. 21573,T3594|21562,E| TUO YUAN GOU TENG NA Elliptic Gambirplant* Uncaria elliptica NA NA NA NA NA 6852,E|21846,E|21847,E|19072,E|5568,E|18954,E|14881,E|22188,E|18426,E|11641,E|18811,E|10263,E|18540,E|9233,E|11676,E|783,E|11536,E|18538,E|18539,E|18928,E|6190,E|826,E| SAN JIAO YE HUANG LIAN NA Deltoid Goldthread Coptis deltoidea NA NA rhizome See Coptis chinensis . See Coptis chinensis. 6834,E|2303,E|13368,T5412|4032,E|11849,T5412|11848,E|16544,E|16545,T5412|13367,E| YAN SHENG ROU CONG RONG NA Saline Cistanche Cistanche salsa NA NA fleshy stem See Cistanche deserticola. See Cistanche deserticola. 3758,E;T6308|3762,T6308|580,E|18207,E|3753,E|3755,E;T6308|3754,E;T6308|3757,E|3756,T6308|6685,T6308| YI SHU SHU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23116,C0502| BO GE BAN JIU JU NA Manysperma Bitterleaf* Vernonia pogosperma NA NA NA NA NA 17586,E| HAI GUI 海龟 Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus) NA NA NA NA NA NA 23055,C0315| FEI LU BIN ROU DOU KOU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16267,T3722| NIU TI DOU NA Guamachil Apea-earring Pithecolobium dulce NA NA leaf To disperse swelling and dispel damp. NA 20153,E|20155,T5112| TU MAO DONG QING NA Glabrous Holly* Ilex pubescens var. glaber NA NA root See Ilex pubescens . See Ilex pubescens. 30473,T5852|5749,E|19530,T5852|19527,E| SHI SHUANG 石霜 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23258,C0019|23043,C0018| YU YE SAN QI NA Bipinnatifid Ginseng Panax japonicus var. bipinnatifidus NA NA rhizome To stanch bleeding and dissipate stasis, disperse swelling and settle pain. Blood ejection, hemoptysis, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, hematuria, blood dysentery, flooding and spotting, bleeding due to external injury, menstrual disorder, amenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls, taxation damage and lumbago, chest and rib-side pain, pain in stomach duct, sores. 8424,E|8422,E|25716,T6531|25714,T6531|13397,E|27629,T6531|13399,T6531|13398,E| YAO YONG NIU NAI CAI 药用牛奶菜 Marsdenia officinalis Tsiang et P. T. Li NA NA NA NA NA NA 23105,C0240| YAN YAN 岩盐 Halite Halitum Cold,Salty Bladder,Heart,Kidney NA NA NA 23879,M789| HUANG BAI 黄柏 Amur Corktree Equivalent plant: Phellodendron chinense , Phellodendron chinense var Glabriusculum, Phellodendron amurense var wilsonii Phellodendron amurense Cold,Bitter Bladder,Large Intestine,Kidney bark To drain fire, dispel damp and resolve toxin. Damp-heat dysentery, tuberculosis, epidemic meningitis, acute conjunctivitis, trachoma, fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, suppurative hematochezia, tenesmus, jaundice, yellow thick foul leukorrhagia, swelling pain in knees and feet, urinary tract infection, boil, sore, ulcer, eczema, mouth sore, hemorrhoids, burns, scalds, exuberance of fire with tidal fever, tidal fever with night sweat, emission. 23752,M973|25154,M973|13367,E;M973|15874,E|15875,E;T4145|15873,E|21238,M973|17063,T4145|17044,E;T4145|17043,E|17064,E|3041,T4145|3040,E;M973|17069,T4145|16545,T4145|16544,E;M973;C0098|3934,M973|23380,M973|23914,M973|13710,T4145|2303,E;M973;C0391;T4145|31732,T4145|31731,T4145|29509,T4145|23097,M973|4968,E|25940,T4145|15589,E|9427,E|24956,T4145|1091,E;T4145|9066,M973;C0475|17039,E|23494,M973|3070,E|23277,C0560|17052,E|17051,E;T4145|15752,E|19967,E|23563,M973|23702,M973|13368,T4145|13709,E|23921,M973|24353,M973|24441,M973|12222,E|25939,T4145|11849,T4145|11848,E;M973;C0141|3074,T4145|9435,T4145|4970,E;M973|23287,C0400| QIAN YU DA QING NA Unfortunate Glorybower Clerodendron infortunatum NA NA NA NA NA 3841,E|13184,T5251|5035,T5251|5007,T5251| SHAN YIN CHAI HU NA Pacific Gypsophila Equivalent plant: Silene jenisseensis , Arenaria juncea Gypsophila pacifica NA NA root To clear vacuity heat, cool blood. Yin vacuity tuberculosis, steaming bone tidalfever, night sweating, child gan fever, enduring malaria. 9182,E|9183,E;T5514|31055,T5514| LING ZHI CAO 灵芝草 Ganoderma lucidum seu japonicum NA NA NA NA NA NA 7249,C0450| SHAN LI DOU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 25339,T5485| CHANG GUO BI BA NA Petrofracted Pepper Piper retrofractum NA NA frult To warm center and fortify stomach, dispel cold and relieve pain. Stomach cold pain, distention fullness in stomach duct. 18644,E|18645,E|18642,E|2576,E|21891,E|17430,E| SAN QI HUA LEI NA Sanchi Buds Panax pseudo-ginseng var. notoginseng [Syn. Panax notoginseng ] NA NA flower To clear heat and engender liquid, calm liver and lower blood pressure. Fluid damage and thirst, aphonia due to throat pain, hypertension. 8426,E|9133,E|8424,E|8425,E|8422,E|8423,E|16586,E|9129,E|15832,E|15833,E|19971,E|15825,E|15824,E|20351,E|15826,E|20356,E|15812,E|15813,E| HE GUO ZHUANG BU GU ZHI NA Drupaceous Scurfpea* Psoralea drupacea NA NA NA NA NA 2081,E;T3981| MU LI ROU NA Oyster Meat Ostrea rivularis, Ostrea talienwhanensis, Ostrea gigas NA NA meat To nourish blood and quiet spirit, soften hardness and disperse swelling. Heat vexation and insomnia, disquieted heart spirit, scrofula. 14657,E|14660,T5018|14658,E|25654,T5018|25483,T5018|8784,E| HU LUO BO 胡萝卜 Carrot Daucus carota var. sativa NA NA root To fortify spleen and harmonize center, relieve cough and transform phlegm, clear heat and resolve toxin. Indigestion, chronic dysentery, cough. 30751,T4098|14578,E|23249,C0002|8325,T4098|3215,E|3216,T4098|3212,E|17250,E|18261,E|3760,E;C0191|3768,E|3769,T4098|30748,T4098|23037,T4098|8312,E|17251,T4098|11311,T4098|30792,T4098|31660,T4098|31871,T4098|3242,E|3241,E|3208,E| MENG GU CAO SU NA Mongolian Jerusalemsage Phlomis mongolica NA NA root or whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and relieve pain. Rheumatic arthritis, common cold, knocks and falls, vacuity and fever. 511,E|6996,E|19767,E| SHAN HE YE 山荷叶 Japanese Umbrellaleaf Diphylleia grayi NA NA rhizome See Diphylleia sinensis. See Diphylleia sinensis. 31822,T5477|6491,T5477|17324,E;T5477|12017,E|6489,E|17578,E;C0083|25574,T5477|25943,T5477|17323,E;C0264|17333,E|17335,T5477|4961,E|17330,T5477| HEI SHUI YE YING SU NA Amur Poppy Papaver nudicaule ssp. amurense NA NA fruit shell or whole herb with flower See Papaver nudicaule . See Papaver nudicaule . 1094,E;T4018|15074,T4018|1097,E;T4018|15071,E|1100,E|1101,E| GUAN GONG XU 关公须 Herba et Radix Salviae kiangsiensis NA NA NA NA NA NA 23246,C0572| BEI MEI E ZHANG QIU NA Yellow Poplar Liriodendron tulipifera NA NA bark To dispel wind and eliminate damp, dissipate cold and relieve cough. Wind-damp impediment pain, wind-cold cough. 19525,E|2844,T3088|12891,E|7030,E;T3088|16989,T3088|23187,T3088|7038,T3088|4922,E|11080,E|16960,E|22087,E;T3088|22088,T3088|19526,T3088|25946,T3088|31315,T3088|32166,T3088|12911,E|16328,E|16428,T3088|2838,E|7029,E|16368,T3088| HAI NAN GE NA XIANG NA Hainan Goniothalamus Goniothalamus howii NA NA NA NA NA 9653,E|31121,T3946|9654,E|9655,T3946| SI JIAO SHU NA Silk-rubber Tree Funtumia elastica NA NA NA NA NA 8009,E|8010,T5680| DA YE TANG SONG CAO NA Faber Meadowrue Equivalent plant: Thalictrum acutifolium , Thalictrum fortunei Thalictrum faberi NA NA root and rhizome To clear heat, drain fire, resolve toxin. Dysentery, diarrhea, red eyes with gall, damp-heat jaundice. 21237,E;T3474|21220,T3474|21235,E|21246,T3474|17969,E|2300,E|2303,E|4289,E|9440,E|21219,E|4032,E|16428,E|11733,E|11848,E|930,E|21245,E|16544,E| DUO HUA A WEI NA Manyflower Giantfennel* Ferula polyantha NA NA NA NA NA 17606,E| GUO XIANG JU NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15631,T3931| NIU SHE TOU NA Field Sowthistle Sonchus arvensis NA NA herb To clear heat and resolve toxin. Dysentery, appendicitis, mastitis, white turbidity, hemorrhoids, emission, swelling toxin of sore and boil, burns and scalds. 31315,T5110|31316,T5110|13498,T5110|13136,E|1476,E;T5110|11082,E|11081,E|11080,E|25549,T5110|13497,E|11085,T5110| PU TAO YOU DA HONG JU ZA JIAO ZHONG. NA NA Citrus paradisi x Citrus tangerina NA NA NA NA NA 3779,E|12996,E| CHAO XIAN WU JIA NA Korean Acanthopanax* Acanthopanax koreanum NA NA NA NA NA 75,E|74,E|73,E|82,E|83,E|20470,E|79,E| CI WU JIA 刺五加 Manypr ickle Acanthopana x Acanthopanax senticosus [Syn. Eleutherococcus senticosus ] Warm,Pungent,Bitter Liver,Kidney root and rhizome To boost qi and fortify spleen, supplement kidney and quiet spirit, increase appetite. Spleen-kidney yang vacuity, vacuity and hypodynamia, inappetence, aching in lumbus and knees, insomnia and frequent dreaming. 20553,E|9264,E|18719,E|13634,E|31909,T3367|4679,E|11500,E|19762,E;C0579|31351,T3367|29509,T3367|19764,T3367|6203,E|11425,E;M127|11426,E;T3367|15932,E|18302,E|25230,T3367|7440,T3367|12910,E|17398,E|20265,T3367|20264,E|20430,E|19967,E|17400,T3367|3782,E;T3367|3783,E;T3367|4684,T3367|3781,E|13646,T3367|6114,E|7438,E|3788,T3367|6755,E|20435,T3367|1102,E;T3367|6231,T3367|1576,E|6218,T3367| OU ZHOU BAI LA SHU NA European Ash Fraxinus excelsior NA NA NA NA NA 7943,E| XI ZANG QIN JIAO NA Tibet Gentian Gentiana tibetica NA NA dried root See Gentiana macrophylla. See Gentiana macrophylla. 8291,T6061|11516,T6061|31018,T6061|13314,E|13315,T6061|11514,E|10173,E|7434,E|8290,E|8296,E|11432,E|31203,T6061|23457,T6061| DUO HUA LAN GUO SHU NA Manyflower Tupelo* Nyssa sylvatica NA NA NA NA NA 2922,E| YIN FEN BAO CHUN NA Pulverulent Primrose Primula pulverulenta NA NA NA NA NA 30966,T6463|7818,E| DA GUO BAI MU NA Montery Cypress Cupressus macrocarpa NA NA NA NA NA 21332,E|21331,E| JU SHAN NA Giant Sequoia Sequoia gigantea NA NA NA NA NA 17180,T4456|17167,E| GAO GUI CHUN HUANG JU NA Common Chamomile Anthemis nobilis NA NA NA NA NA 23381,T3816|2887,E|15628,E|15631,T3816|1502,E;T3816|7767,E|22019,E|21160,E|7768,T3816| LI JUE NA Incised Histiopteris Histiopteris incisa NA NA NA NA NA 18138,E|18111,E| DA DA HE MIAN BAO GUO NA Dadah Artocarpus* Artocarpus dadah NA NA NA NA NA 1421,E|14954,E|20310,E|1765,E|4336,E|15705,E|18628,E|1444,E|1443,E|1442,E|5678,E|1412,E|1387,E|1417,E| AN HONG TUAN WANG JUN NA Carnival Candy Slime Arcyria denudata NA NA NA NA NA 2476,E| TIE PI SHI HU NA Iron-sheet Denrdobium Dendrobium officinale NA NA stem See Dendrobium nobile . See Dendrobium nobile . 3627,E| OU ZI QI NA Flowering Fern Osmunda ragalis NA NA NA NA NA 16245,E| XI HUA DIAN ZI CAO NA Hooker Onosma Onosma hookeri NA NA NA NA NA 514,E| ZI JIN LIAN NA Willmott Ceratostigma Equivalent plant: Ceratostigma plumbaginoides Ceratostigma willmottianum NA NA root To move qi , quicken blood, settle pain. Knocks and falls, fracture. 17556,T6739|17554,E| MA WEI SHAN NA Slender Phlegmariurus Phlegmariurus phlegmaria [Syn. Lycopodium phlegmaria ] NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and eliminate damp, clear heat and resolve toxin. Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, fever and sore pharynx, edema, urticaria. 13213,E|13214,E|17139,E|17138,E|13186,E|13181,E|19755,E|17135,E|17134,E|17137,E|17136,E| BING GUO HUA JIAO NA Stalkedfruit Pricklyash Zanthoxylum podocarpum NA NA bark To dispel cold, settle pain, course wind, fortify stomach. Wind-damp pain in sinew and bone, throat pain, summerheat stroke, knocks and falls, snake bite. 17573,E|17574,T3143|17558,E| FEI LV BIN QIAN LI GUANG NA Philippine Groundsel* Senecio phillipicus NA NA NA NA NA 19697,E|18652,E| YONG NING DU HUO NA Yungning Cowparsnip Heracleum yungningense NA NA root See Heracleum hemsleyanum. See Heracleum hemsleyanum . 20140,E|20141,T6492|31329,T6492|1191,E;T6492|11246,E|23880,T6492|11586,E|31366,T6492|20265,T6492|20264,E|22940,E|17361,E|22937,E|22939,E|22938,E|11599,T6492|11598,E| WEN JING NA Bottle-brush Equisetum arvense NA NA aerial parts To stanch bleeding, disinhibit urine, brighten eyes. Spontaneous external bleeding, blood ejection, hemoptysis, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, bleeding due to external injury, red eyes and eye screen. 32095,T5917|15923,E|7221,E|15518,E|8119,E|14074,E|21523,E|21522,E|31738,T5917|17960,E|11235,E|25778,T5917|8966,T5917|8965,E|31578,T5917|16088,E|32094,T5917|9423,T5917|8120,T5917|12040,E|23165,T5917|11639,E| SU LI NAN ROU DOU KOU NA Ucahub, Baboen Virola surinamensis NA NA NA NA NA 20476,E|14376,E|14374,E|10514,E|10515,E| SHI LIU PI 石榴皮 Pomegranate Peel Punica granatum Warm,Sour,Punkery Large Intestine,Stomach pericarp To astringe intestines and check diarrhea, stanch bleeding, expel worms. Chronic diarrhea, chronic dysentery, hematochezia, prolapse of rectum, flooding and spotting, leukorrhea, abdominal pain due to worm accumulation. 8094,E|14526,E|18187,E|18186,E|18192,E|30995,T5587|18190,E|16777,E;M658|7957,T5587|30335,T5587|23225,M658|16004,T5587|7950,E|21161,E|18191,E|14528,T5587|18188,E| WU JIA QIAN HU. NA NA Steganotaenia araliacea NA NA NA NA NA 15409,E|22157,E|20269,E|20268,E| SHAN DI LUO HAN SONG NA Mountain Podocarpus* Podocarpus montanus NA NA NA NA NA 1030,E;T5468| MU XU GEN NA Alfalfa Root Medicago sativa NA NA root To clear heat and disinhibit damp, free strangury and expel stone. Febrile diseases with vexation and fullness, jaundice, urethral stone. 25611,T5029|1040,E| LIN DI SHUI SU NA Whitespot Betony Stachys sylvatica NA NA NA NA NA 2325,E;T4658| GAO SHAN CHA BIAO NA Alpine Currant Ribes alpinum NA NA NA NA NA 15175,E|13620,E|18360,E| RAN LIAO SI SHI MU. NA NA Sickingia tinctoria NA NA NA NA NA 16142,E| HUANG HUA REN NA Acute Sida Sida acuta NA NA leaf or root To clear damp heat, resolve toxin and disperse swelling, quicken blood and relieve pain. Damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, mammary welling abscess, hemorrhoids, toxin swelling of sores, knocks and falls, fracture, bleeding due to external injury. 4281,E|1425,E|12947,E|22599,E|19527,E|6814,E|25808,T4168|7787,E|1386,E|1380,E|1381,E|85,E;T4168| DA ZHUI XIANG CHA CAI NA Bigthyrse Rabdosia Isodon megathyrsus NA NA NA NA NA 13643,E|13642,E| BAO RUI SHAN YOU GAN NA Bauer Acronychia Acronychia baueri NA NA NA NA NA 569,E;T3069|570,E;T3069| SI JI QING 四季青 Purpleflower Holly Ilex chinensis [Syn. Ilex purpurea ] Cold,Bitter,Punkery Lung,Heart leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, close sores and engender flesh, quicken blood and stanch bleeding. Angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, thrombophlebitis, thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger’s disease), lung heat cough, swelling pain in throat, dysentery, diarrhea, infection of biliary tract , urinary tract infection, burns and scalds, heat toxin swollen welling abscess, ulcer of lower limb, eczema, frostbite, cracking, wound, bleeding due to external injury. 24083,M167|23246,M167;C0572|24992,M167|5762,E|31848,T5679|2887,E|24005,M167|16756,T5679|16754,M167|16755,E|24786,M167|20553,E;M167|23231,M167|18927,E|23686,M167|10980,E|17955,T5679|17954,E|23381,T5679|18928,T5679|25912,T5679|6231,T5679| LUO XUAN JIN HE HUAN NA Spiral Acacia* Acacia spirorbis NA NA NA NA NA 9645,E|9652,T4772| SHI CAN XIANG KE KE NA Chamaedrys Germander Teucrium chamaedrys NA NA NA NA NA 21198,E|21199,E|7123,E| CHI YE MEI DENG MU NA Serrate-leaved Mayten Maytenus serrata NA NA NA NA NA 13614,E|25543,T3290|13611,E|13612,E;T3290|13613,T3290| BEI MA DOU LING GEN NA Northern Dutchmanspipe Root Aristolochia contorta NA NA root See Aristolochia debilis. See Aristolochia debilis. 1713,E|4684,T3086|13256,T3086|24175,T3086|4679,E|13368,T3086|29509,T3086|917,E;T3086|19967,E|13251,E|13367,E| LEI BO WU TOU NA Leabo Monkshood Aconitum pseudohuiliense NA NA NA NA NA 12662,E|12663,E|12661,E| DU JUAN HUA NA Indian Azalea Rhododendron simsii NA NA flower To harmonize blood, regulate menstruation, relieve cough, dispel wind-damp, resolve sore toxin. Blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, flooding and spotting, menstrual disorder, cough, wind-damp impediment pain, sore toxin of welling abscess and boil. 13603,E|16892,E|1161,E;T3605|13605,T3605|13604,E;T3605|14602,T3605|3594,E|13453,E|26077,T3605|3595,T3605|4450,E|31491,T3605|25866,T3605|30619,T3605|14601,E| NAO SHI 脑石 NA NA Mild,Sweet Kidney NA NA NA 14963,M527|18628,M527|24763,M527| HUANG LU NA Common Smoketree Cotinus coggygria NA NA wood To eliminate heat vexation, resolve liquor jaundice. Icterohepatitis, red eyes, lacquer sore, burns and scalds. 8094,E|30995,T4186|25236,T4186|1399,E|14447,E|1400,E|20465,E|20466,E;T4186| XIAO GUO NAN ZHU NA Littlefruit Lyonia Lyonia ovalifolia var. elliptica NA NA branch-leaf, root or fruit To supplement spleen and boost kidney, quicken blood and strengthen sinews. Spleen vacuity diarrhea, lassitude in lumbar and knees, knocks and falls. 13240,E;T6159|13241,E|13239,E|31465,T6159| XIANG LI NA Feathered Geranium Chenopodium botrys NA NA NA NA NA 1842,E;T6121|7751,T6121|7750,E| SANG HUANG NA Phellinus igniarius Phellinus igniarius NA NA sporocarp To stanch bleeding, quicken blood, transform rheum, check diarrhea. Flooding, blood strangury, prolapse of rectum with bleeding, vaginal discharge, amenorrhea. 11410,E|11078,E|2887,E|9814,E|17049,E|7251,T5445|700,E|17046,E|7249,E|17954,E|17045,E|17050,E|17047,E|6074,E|6200,E|15944,E|9566,E|5762,E|17048,E|25932,T5445|20550,E| CHANG CHUN TENG NA Chinese Ivy Equivalent plant: Hedera rhombea Hedera nepalensis var. sinensis NA NA stem-leaf To dispel wind and disinhibit damp, harmonize blood and resolve toxin. Wind-damp impediment pain, paralysis, deviated eyes and mouth, spontaneous external bleeding, menstrual disorder, knocks and falls, swelling pain in throat, clove boil and swollen welling abscess, hepatitis, snake or insect bites. 31315,T3232|31316,T3232|9275,E|11082,E|2973,E|11081,E|11080,E|11085,T3232| QU CHONG CAO. NA NA Spigelia anthelmia NA NA NA NA NA 7112,E|7111,E|7110,E|15785,E|19076,E|7090,E|7091,E|10080,E|4907,E|4906,E|5869,E|5868,E|10070,E|20146,E|20147,E|5168,E|10682,E|4930,E|4931,E|4932,E|1281,E|5214,E|4910,E|10714,E| GUI BAN JIAO 龟板胶 Gelatin of Tortoise plastron Colla carapacis et plastri testudinis Cold,Sweet,Salty Liver,Heart,Kidney NA Treatment of hyperactivity of liver yang due to deficient yin of the liver and kidneys manifested as dizziness, distension and pain in the head and blurred vision. Tortoise plastron (Guiban) is used with White peony root (Baishao), Cyathula root (Niuxi), Sea-ear sh NA 23532,M298|24903,M298|21326,M298|23378,M298|17079,M298|13816,M298|24709,M298| JIN JU NA Oval Kumquat Equivalent plant: Fortunella crassifolia , Fortunella japonica Fortunella margarita NA NA fruit To rectify qi and resolve depression, disperse food and transform phlegm, arouse liquor. Oppression and depression in chest, liquor damage with thirst, food stagnation in torpid stomach. 7936,T4402|7929,E|11713,E|11714,T4402|20656,T4402|20654,E| XIANG MAO NA Lemongrass Cymbopogon citratus NA NA whole herb To dispel wind and free network vessels, warm center and relieve pain, check diarrhea. Common cold with headache, diarrhea, wind-cold impediment pain, cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, knocks and falls. 3760,E|30792,T6123|3767,E|3768,T6123|15925,E|12981,E| WU MAO SHAN ZHA NA Hairless Chinese Hawthorn Crataegus pinnatifida var. psilosa NA NA NA NA NA 19072,E|10886,E|22565,E| JIN ZHONG HUA NA Greenstem Forsythia Forsythia viridissima NA NA proper exciple, root or leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate binds. Common cold with fever, red eyes with gall, welling abscess and sores, erysipelas, scrofula. 1623,E|1621,E|580,E|13588,E|11639,E|1935,E| TIAN JIAO BAN NA Chinese Aucuba Aucuba chinensis ssp. omeiensis NA NA leaf To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse swelling and relieve pain. Swelling toxin of welling abscess and flat abscess, scratch, knocks and falls, burns and scalds, hemorrhoids, frostbite. 2003,E;T5784|2004,E;T5784| CU SHENG HUANG REN SAN NA Sulfur Tuft Naematoloma fasciculare NA NA sporocarp Anticarcinoma. NA 7737,E|7736,E| GUAN CONG DONG QING NA Shrubby Holly* Ilex dumosa NA NA NA NA NA 19330,E|19328,E|19329,E|19327,E| XIAO LA BA NA Verticillate Cladonia Cladonia verticillata NA NA herb To cool blood and stanch bleeding. Cough, bleeding due to external injury, scalds. 20326,E|7660,E|7662,T6172|15789,E| HONG SE JIN JI NA SHU NA Redbark Cinchona Cinchona succirubra NA NA bark See Cinchona ledgeriana . See Cinchona ledgeriana . 31894,T4064|18410,E| GUANG CI BAO JU NA Glabrous Acanthospermum* Acanthospermum glabratum NA NA NA NA NA 10147,E|30119,T3893|25700,T3893|76,E;T3893|89,E;T3893|5536,E|31194,T3893|8488,E|90,E;T3893|84,E;T3893|78,E;T3893| YUN NAN YE SHAN HUA NA Yunnan Sarcococca Sarcococca coriacea [Syn. Sarcococca wallichii ] NA NA whole herb To quicken blood and move qi , disperse swelling and relieve pain. Pain in stomach duct, knocks and falls, innominate toxin swelling. 8008,E|14442,E|7176,E|7197,E| QING MEI NA Rassak Vatica* Vatica rassak NA NA NA NA NA 22489,E|22340,E|22341,E|18628,E|22339,E|22338,E|17269,E| TAO ER QI NA Common Sinopodophyllm Podophyllum emodii NA NA root and rhizome To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and relieve pain, relieve cough and dispel phlegm. Wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, pain in stomach duct and abdomen, cough. 5010,E|5011,T5762|30855,T5762|17579,E|17578,E|5073,E|19873,E|5077,E|31823,T5762|31822,T5762|5090,E|5091,E|5092,E|5093,E|19877,T5762|11605,E|1372,E|17096,E|14393,E|4961,E|17580,E;T5762|17581,E|17582,T5762|17323,E|17325,E|17326,E|17327,E| GUANG SI SHI JU NA Littleleaf Horsebrush Tetradymia glabrata NA NA NA NA NA 21035,E|10237,E| FEI ZHOU BAI ZI LIAN NA African Lily Agapanthus africanus NA NA NA NA NA 6194,E| AO ZHOU QIE NA Australian Nightshade Solanum aviculare [Syn. Solanum laciniatum] NA NA NA NA NA 20054,T2934|20053,E;T2934|20050,E|16777,E| SHE HAN WEI LING CAI NA Klein Cinquefoil Potentilla kleiniana NA NA whole herb with root To clear heat and settle fright, interrupt malaria, relieve cough and transform phlegm, quicken blood and resolve toxin. Ardent fever with fright wind, malaria, lung heat cough, pertussis, dysentery, toxin swelling of sores, swelling pain in throat, wind-fire toothache, zoster, red eyes with gall, snake or insect bites, rheumatism numbness, knocks and falls, menstrual disorder, bleeding due to external injury. 759,E;T5539|17736,E| KUI HAO NA First Wormwood Artemisia princeps NA NA leaf See Artemisia argyi. See Artemisia argyi. 14380,T4550|14379,E|17439,E| RU DI WU GONG NA Ceylan Helmint hostachys Helminthostachys zeylanica NA NA rhizome To clear lung and transform phlegm, dissipate stasis and resolve toxin. Cough, asthma, sore pharynx, painful swelling from knocks and falls, welling abscess, poisonous snake bite. 10396,E|22174,T5378|22172,E|22170,E|22166,E|22167,E|22164,E|22165,E|22162,E|22163,E|22160,E;T5378|22161,E;T5378|22171,E|22159,E;T5378|22158,E|22168,E|22169,E| XIA KU CAO 夏枯草 Common Selfheal Prunella vulgaris Cold,Pungent,Bitter Liver,Gallbladder spike To clear fire, brighten eyes, dissipate binds, disperse swelling. Red eyes with gall, eyeball night pain, headache and dizziness, scrofula, goiter and tuberculosis, mammary welling abscess, thyroid enlargement, scrofula, hyperplasia of mammary glands, hypertension. 5010,M748;C0332|9615,E|15531,E|15530,E|22607,T6067|22606,E;T6067|22605,E|24956,M748|14795,E|14571,M748|10349,E|14300,E|23954,M748|4433,M748;C0354|20350,E|25116,M748|25034,M748|24890,M748|3674,E;M748|14151,E|14776,E|14777,E|14775,E|23358,M748|23971,M748|4679,E|1733,E|21748,E|23043,M748|14778,E|14779,E|14391,E|22248,E|14299,E|19743,E|31751,T6067|7750,E|16026,E|10333,E|14626,E|16892,E|23764,M748|24249,M748|16040,E|14780,E|23545,M748|10886,E|15138,M748|23231,M748|12843,M748|12844,M748|24155,M748|14504,E|20333,E|17993,E|17992,E|23467,M748|24111,M748|7751,T6067|19072,M748|24320,M748|23288,C0508|23101,C0577|13130,E|24720,M748|23275,M748;C0273|22254,E|24856,M748| GE YE MI HOU TAO NA Coriaceousleaf Actinidia Actinidia rubricaulis var. coriacea NA NA fruit Anticarcinoma. Tumor. 9817,E|5762,E|2887,E|