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Pediatric Disease Annotations & Medicines

   respiratory syncytial virus infection

Disease ID 1275
Disease respiratory syncytial virus infection
Pneumovirus infections caused by the RESPIRATORY SYNCYTIAL VIRUSES. Humans and cattle are most affected but infections in goats and sheep have been reported.
infect respiratory syncytial virus
infection rsv
infections, respiratory syncytial virus
respiratory syncytial virus infect
respiratory syncytial virus infection (disorder)
respiratory syncytial virus infection, nos
respiratory syncytial virus infections
respiratory syncytial virus infections [disease/finding]
respiratory tract, syncytial virus infection
rsv - respiratory syncytial virus infection
rsv infection
rsv infections
UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:8)
C0010674  |  cystic fibrosis  |  4
C0152021  |  congenital heart disease  |  2
C0018799  |  heart disease  |  2
C0004096  |  asthma  |  1
C0006017  |  pertussis  |  1
C0085669  |  acute leukemia  |  1
C0006271  |  bronchiolitis  |  1
C0024115  |  lung disease  |  1
Curated Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:5)
ICAM1  |  3383  |  CTD_human
IFNG  |  3458  |  CTD_human
TICAM1  |  148022  |  CTD_human
PDE12  |  201626  |  CTD_human
SARM1  |  23098  |  CTD_human
Inferring Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:18)
653509  |  SFTPA1  |  infer
6441  |  SFTPD  |  infer
3429  |  IFI27  |  infer
10561  |  IFI44  |  infer
3442  |  IFNA5  |  infer
3454  |  IFNAR1  |  infer
3458  |  IFNG  |  infer
3459  |  IFNGR1  |  infer
3606  |  IL18  |  infer
9636  |  ISG15  |  infer
7096  |  TLR1  |  infer
81793  |  TLR10  |  infer
7097  |  TLR2  |  infer
7098  |  TLR3  |  infer
7099  |  TLR4  |  infer
7100  |  TLR5  |  infer
10333  |  TLR6  |  infer
54106  |  TLR9  |  infer
Text Mined Gene(Waiting for update.)
Locus(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 1275
Disease respiratory syncytial virus infection
Integrated Phenotype(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Phenotype
HPO | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Phenotypes:10)
HP:0030828  |  Wheezing  |  2
HP:0002373  |  Febrile convulsions  |  1
HP:0001663  |  Ventricular fibrillation  |  1
HP:0001250  |  Seizures  |  1
HP:0001298  |  Encephalopathy  |  1
HP:0011950  |  Bronchiolitis  |  1
HP:0006846  |  Acute encephalopathy  |  1
HP:0002488  |  Acute leukemias  |  1
HP:0005948  |  Cystic lung disease  |  1
HP:0002099  |  Asthma  |  1
Disease ID 1275
Disease respiratory syncytial virus infection
Manually Symptom(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Symptom
UMLS | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Symptoms:1)
C0006271  |  bronchiolitis  |  1
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
All Snps(Total Genotypes:14)
snpId pubmedId geneId geneSymbol diseaseId sourceId sentence score Year geneSymbol_dbSNP CHROMOSOME POS REF ALT
rs16850073205032876372CXCL6umls:C0035235GAD[Interleukin-9 polymorphism in infants with respiratory syncytial virus infection: an opposite effect in boys and girls.]0.0047340642010CXCL6473838282CT
rs2069885205032873578IL9umls:C0035235GAD[Interleukin-9 polymorphism in infants with respiratory syncytial virus infection: an opposite effect in boys and girls.]0.0050055062010IL95135892476GA
rs2229170205032876865TACR2umls:C0035235GAD[Interleukin-9 polymorphism in infants with respiratory syncytial virus infection: an opposite effect in boys and girls.]0.0047340642010TACR2;LOC1053783431069404899CT
rs2233406234874274792NFKBIAumls:C0035235BeFreeIn this study, we quantified the functional impact of NFKBIA promoter polymorphisms (rs3138053, rs2233406, and rs2233409) on promoter-driven protein expression, allele-specific and total NFKBIA mRNA expression, IκBα protein expression, and TLR responsiveness; mapped innate immune regulatory networks active during respiratory syncytial virus infection, asthma, and bronchopulmonary dysplasia; and genotyped and analyzed independent cohorts of children with respiratory syncytial virus infection, asthma, and bronchopulmonary dysplasia.0.0026384742013NFKBIA1435405593GA
rs2233409234874274792NFKBIAumls:C0035235BeFreeIn this study, we quantified the functional impact of NFKBIA promoter polymorphisms (rs3138053, rs2233406, and rs2233409) on promoter-driven protein expression, allele-specific and total NFKBIA mRNA expression, IκBα protein expression, and TLR responsiveness; mapped innate immune regulatory networks active during respiratory syncytial virus infection, asthma, and bronchopulmonary dysplasia; and genotyped and analyzed independent cohorts of children with respiratory syncytial virus infection, asthma, and bronchopulmonary dysplasia.0.0026384742013NFKBIA1435405064GA
rs2259292205032874585MUC4umls:C0035235GAD[Interleukin-9 polymorphism in infants with respiratory syncytial virus infection: an opposite effect in boys and girls.]0.0047340642010MUC43195774278CT
rs2293158205032876776STAT5Aumls:C0035235GAD[Interleukin-9 polymorphism in infants with respiratory syncytial virus infection: an opposite effect in boys and girls.]0.0047340642010STAT5A1742295540TC
rs3091251205032873001GZMAumls:C0035235GAD[Interleukin-9 polymorphism in infants with respiratory syncytial virus infection: an opposite effect in boys and girls.]0.0047340642010GZMA555109090GA
rs311649420503287940CD28umls:C0035235GAD[Interleukin-9 polymorphism in infants with respiratory syncytial virus infection: an opposite effect in boys and girls.]0.0047340642010CD282203727298GA
rs3138053234874274792NFKBIAumls:C0035235BeFreeIn this study, we quantified the functional impact of NFKBIA promoter polymorphisms (rs3138053, rs2233406, and rs2233409) on promoter-driven protein expression, allele-specific and total NFKBIA mRNA expression, IκBα protein expression, and TLR responsiveness; mapped innate immune regulatory networks active during respiratory syncytial virus infection, asthma, and bronchopulmonary dysplasia; and genotyped and analyzed independent cohorts of children with respiratory syncytial virus infection, asthma, and bronchopulmonary dysplasia.0.0026384742013NFKBIA1435405648TC
rs3741240205032877356SCGB1A1umls:C0035235GAD[Interleukin-9 polymorphism in infants with respiratory syncytial virus infection: an opposite effect in boys and girls.]0.0050055062010SCGB1A1;LOC1027237651162419070GA
rs4148880205032876890TAP1umls:C0035235GAD[Interleukin-9 polymorphism in infants with respiratory syncytial virus infection: an opposite effect in boys and girls.]0.0050055062010NANANANANA
rs42515452050328751135IRAK4umls:C0035235GAD[Interleukin-9 polymorphism in infants with respiratory syncytial virus infection: an opposite effect in boys and girls.]0.0047340642010IRAK41243786492GA
rs522616222677654314MMP3umls:C0035235BeFreeMMP-3 was confirmed as a marker of disease severity in a larger cohort and MMP3 gene polymorphism rs522616 was associated with severe RSV infection (OR 0.82, p<0.05).0.0002714422012MMP311102844317TC
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0)
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GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:0)
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Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:0)
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Chemical(Total Drugs:2)
CUI ChemicalName ChemicalID CasRN DiseaseName DiseaseID DirectEvidence PubMedIDs
C0035235bortezomibD000069286-respiratory syncytial virus infectionsMESH:D018357therapeutic19931343
C0035235ribavirinD01225436791-04-5respiratory syncytial virus infectionsMESH:D018357therapeutic11781627
FDA approved drug and dosage information(Total Drugs:0)
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FDA labeling changes(Total Drugs:0)
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