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Pediatric Disease Annotations & Medicines

   pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis

Disease ID 196
Disease pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis
Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis (PAM) is a rare, inherited disorder of lung phosphate balance that is associated with small stone formation in the airspaces of the lung. Mutations in the gene SLC34A2[1][2] result in loss of a key sodium, phosphate co-transporter (called Npt2b), known to be expressed in distal airway epithelial alveolar type II cells, as well as in the mammary gland, and to a lesser extent in intestine, kidney, skin, prostate and testes. As the disease progresses, the lung fields become progressively more dense (white) on the chest xray, and low oxygen level, lung inflammation and fibrosis, elevated pressures in the lung blood vessels, and respiratory failure ensue, usually in middle age. The clinical course of PAM can be highly variable, with some patients remaining asymptomatic for decades, and others progressing more rapidly. There is no effective treatment, and the mechanisms of stone formation, inflammation and scarring are not known. - Wikipedia
Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis
alveolar microlithiasis
alveolar microlithiasis pulmonary
lung, alveolar microlithiasis
pam - pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis
pulm alveolar microlith
pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis (disorder)
UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:6)
C0034072  |  cor pulmonale  |  1
C0085786  |  diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis  |  1
C1527336  |  sjogren's syndrome  |  1
C0018801  |  heart failure  |  1
C1377913  |  pleural mesothelioma  |  1
C0034069  |  pulmonary fibrosis  |  1
Curated Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:1)
Inferring Gene(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Score | Resource(Total Genes:8)
8074  |  FGF23  |  DISEASES
5741  |  PTH  |  DISEASES
6569  |  SLC34A1  |  DISEASES
23583  |  SMUG1  |  DISEASES
93034  |  NT5C1B  |  DISEASES
142680  |  SLC34A3  |  DISEASES
6441  |  SFTPD  |  DISEASES
10568  |  SLC34A2  |  DISEASES
Symbol | Locus(Total Locus:1)
SLC34A2  |  4p15.2
Disease ID 196
Disease pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis
Integrated Phenotype
HPO | Name(Total Integrated Phenotypes:3)
HP:0006514  |  Intraalveolar nodular calcifications
HP:0006520  |  Progressive pulmonary function impairment
HP:0002111  |  Restrictive respiratory insufficiency'
Text Mined Phenotype
HPO | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Phenotypes:5)
Disease ID 196
Disease pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis
Manually Symptom
UMLS  | Name(Total Manually Symptoms:4)
C1963220  |  pulmonary hypertension
C1963215  |  pneumothorax
C0238074  |  chronic cor pulmonale
C0029412  |  hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy
Text Mined Symptom(Waiting for update.)
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0)
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All Snps(Total Genotypes:3)
snpId pubmedId geneId geneSymbol diseaseId sourceId sentence score Year geneSymbol_dbSNP CHROMOSOME POS REF ALT
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0)
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GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0)
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Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:0)
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Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:0)
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Chemical(Total Drugs:0)
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FDA approved drug and dosage information(Total Drugs:0)
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FDA labeling changes(Total Drugs:0)
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