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Pediatric Disease Annotations & Medicines

   myeloid sarcoma

Disease ID 598
Disease myeloid sarcoma
An extramedullary tumor of immature MYELOID CELLS or MYELOBLASTS. Granulocytic sarcoma usually occurs with or follows the onset of ACUTE MYELOID LEUKEMIA.
[m]granulocytic sarcoma
[m]myeloid sarcoma
cancer, green
chloroma (disorder)
extramedullary myeloid cell tumor
extramedullary myeloid tumor
granulocytic sarcoma
granulocytic sarcoma (disorder)
granulocytic sarcomas
myeloid cell tumor, extramedullary
myeloid sarcoma nos
myeloid sarcoma nos (disorder)
myeloid sarcoma, disease
myeloid sarcoma, disease (disorder)
myeloid sarcoma, morphology
myeloid sarcoma, morphology (morphologic abnormality)
myeloid sarcomas
sarcoma granulocytic
sarcoma, granulocytic
sarcoma, granulocytic, malignant
sarcoma, myeloid
sarcoma, myeloid [disease/finding]
sarcoma, myeloid, malignant
sarcomas, granulocytic
sarcomas, myeloid
UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:20)
Curated Gene(Waiting for update.)
Inferring Gene(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Score | Resource(Total Genes:80)
973  |  CD79A  |  DISEASES
4353  |  MPO  |  DISEASES
2703  |  GJA8  |  DISEASES
2322  |  FLT3  |  DISEASES
3223  |  HOXC6  |  DISEASES
968  |  CD68  |  DISEASES
7837  |  PXDN  |  DISEASES
5914  |  RARA  |  DISEASES
10752  |  CHL1  |  DISEASES
5156  |  PDGFRA  |  DISEASES
9883  |  POM121  |  DISEASES
10113  |  PREB  |  DISEASES
4069  |  LYZ  |  DISEASES
4001  |  LMNB1  |  DISEASES
5687  |  PSMA6  |  DISEASES
3690  |  ITGB3  |  DISEASES
945  |  CD33  |  DISEASES
8178  |  ELL  |  DISEASES
9410  |  SNRNP40  |  DISEASES
943  |  TNFRSF8  |  DISEASES
2208  |  FCER2  |  DISEASES
64374  |  SIL1  |  DISEASES
150094  |  SIK1  |  DISEASES
7345  |  UCHL1  |  DISEASES
3815  |  KIT  |  DISEASES
3678  |  ITGA5  |  DISEASES
4869  |  NPM1  |  DISEASES
290  |  ANPEP  |  DISEASES
861  |  RUNX1  |  DISEASES
3221  |  HOXC4  |  DISEASES
8028  |  MLLT10  |  DISEASES
794  |  CALB2  |  DISEASES
3222  |  HOXC5  |  DISEASES
3265  |  HRAS  |  DISEASES
947  |  CD34  |  DISEASES
924  |  CD7  |  DISEASES
4684  |  NCAM1  |  DISEASES
3563  |  IL3RA  |  DISEASES
2811  |  GP1BA  |  DISEASES
7490  |  WT1  |  DISEASES
284361  |  EMC10  |  DISEASES
81608  |  FIP1L1  |  DISEASES
23583  |  SMUG1  |  DISEASES
921  |  CD5  |  DISEASES
9218  |  VAPA  |  DISEASES
3767  |  KCNJ11  |  DISEASES
3683  |  ITGAL  |  DISEASES
5079  |  PAX5  |  DISEASES
2526  |  FUT4  |  DISEASES
9332  |  CD163  |  DISEASES
6693  |  SPN  |  DISEASES
170482  |  CLEC4C  |  DISEASES
4311  |  MME  |  DISEASES
2993  |  GYPA  |  DISEASES
5788  |  PTPRC  |  DISEASES
962  |  CD48  |  DISEASES
6280  |  S100A9  |  DISEASES
2209  |  FCGR1A  |  DISEASES
914  |  CD2  |  DISEASES
5236  |  PGM1  |  DISEASES
1791  |  DNTT  |  DISEASES
25  |  ABL1  |  DISEASES
11040  |  PIM2  |  DISEASES
8418  |  CMAHP  |  DISEASES
5420  |  PODXL  |  DISEASES
6239  |  RREB1  |  DISEASES
54790  |  TET2  |  DISEASES
4300  |  MLLT3  |  DISEASES
4267  |  CD99  |  DISEASES
3717  |  JAK2  |  DISEASES
7750  |  ZMYM2  |  DISEASES
238  |  ALK  |  DISEASES
3239  |  HOXD13  |  DISEASES
8301  |  PICALM  |  DISEASES
55193  |  PBRM1  |  DISEASES
27040  |  LAT  |  DISEASES
4629  |  MYH11  |  DISEASES
862  |  RUNX1T1  |  DISEASES
196527  |  ANO6  |  DISEASES
930  |  CD19  |  DISEASES
Locus(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 598
Disease myeloid sarcoma
Integrated Phenotype(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Phenotype
HPO | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Phenotypes:13)
Disease ID 598
Disease myeloid sarcoma
Manually Symptom
UMLS  | Name(Total Manually Symptoms:2)
C0700594  |  radiculopathy
C0221383  |  phlegmonous gastritis
Text Mined Symptom(Waiting for update.)
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
All Snps(Total Genotypes:4)
snpId pubmedId geneId geneSymbol diseaseId sourceId sentence score Year geneSymbol_dbSNP CHROMOSOME POS REF ALT
rs386626619220413743717JAK2umls:C0152276BeFreeThis report describes the first case of myeloid sarcoma with JAK2 V617F mutation and implication of its progression to AML.0.0005428842011NANANANANA
rs386626619241183743717JAK2umls:C0152276BeFreeIn addition, homozygous JAK2 V617F mutation was detected from the myeloid sarcoma specimen.0.0005428842013NANANANANA
rs77375493241183743717JAK2umls:C0152276BeFreeIn addition, homozygous JAK2 V617F mutation was detected from the myeloid sarcoma specimen.0.0005428842013JAK2;INSL695073770GA,T
rs77375493220413743717JAK2umls:C0152276BeFreeThis report describes the first case of myeloid sarcoma with JAK2 V617F mutation and implication of its progression to AML.0.0005428842011JAK2;INSL695073770GA,T
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Chemical(Total Drugs:1)
CUI ChemicalName ChemicalID CasRN DiseaseName DiseaseID DirectEvidence PubMedIDs
C0152276melphalanD008558148-82-3sarcoma, myeloidMESH:D023981marker/mechanism11099330
FDA approved drug and dosage information(Total Drugs:0)
(Waiting for update.)
FDA labeling changes(Total Drugs:0)
(Waiting for update.)