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Pediatric Disease Annotations & Medicines

   limbic encephalitis

Disease ID 1155
Disease limbic encephalitis
A paraneoplastic syndrome marked by degeneration of neurons in the LIMBIC SYSTEM. Clinical features include HALLUCINATIONS, loss of EPISODIC MEMORY; ANOSMIA; AGEUSIA; TEMPORAL LOBE EPILEPSY; DEMENTIA; and affective disturbance (depression). Circulating anti-neuronal antibodies (e.g., anti-Hu; anti-Yo; anti-Ri; and anti-Ma2) and small cell lung carcinomas or testicular carcinoma are frequently associated with this syndrome.
enceph limbic
encephalitides, paraneoplastic limbic
encephalitis limbic
encephalitis, limbic
encephalitis, paraneoplastic limbic
limbic enceph
limbic encephalitis (disorder)
limbic encephalitis [disease/finding]
limbic encephalitis, paraneoplastic
limbic encephalopathy
paraneopl limbic enceph
paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis
paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis (disorder)
UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:58)
C0242379  |  lung cancer  |  8
C0280131  |  ovarian teratoma  |  5
C0149925  |  small cell lung cancer  |  5
C0040100  |  thymoma  |  4
C0038220  |  status epilepticus  |  3
C0024299  |  lymphoma  |  3
C0019829  |  hodgkin lymphoma  |  3
C0014544  |  epilepsy  |  3
C0006142  |  breast cancer  |  2
C0014544  |  epileptic seizure  |  2
C0001418  |  adenocarcinoma  |  2
C0014544  |  epileptic seizures  |  2
C0004134  |  ataxia  |  2
C0037317  |  sleep disturbance  |  2
C0007758  |  cerebellar ataxia  |  2
C0039538  |  teratoma  |  2
C0013384  |  abnormal movement  |  1
C0011303  |  demyelinating disease  |  1
C0037317  |  sleep disturbances  |  1
C0021400  |  influenza  |  1
C0684249  |  lung carcinoma  |  1
C0036631  |  seminoma  |  1
C0026896  |  myasthenia gravis  |  1
C0699790  |  carcinoma of the colon  |  1
C0026769  |  multiple sclerosis  |  1
C0013384  |  abnormal movements  |  1
C0409974  |  lupus erythematosus  |  1
C0025202  |  melanoma  |  1
C0014544  |  seizure disorder  |  1
C0024141  |  systemic lupus erythematosus  |  1
C0855211  |  testicular seminoma  |  1
C0040147  |  thyroiditis  |  1
C0014038  |  encephalitis  |  1
C0013384  |  dyskinesias  |  1
C1096063  |  intractable epilepsy  |  1
C0007102  |  colon cancer  |  1
C0684249  |  carcinoma of lung  |  1
C0008497  |  choriocarcinoma  |  1
C0011303  |  demyelinating diseases  |  1
C0042769  |  viral infection  |  1
C0024299  |  malignant lymphoma  |  1
C0023467  |  acute myeloid leukemia  |  1
C0019348  |  herpes simplex  |  1
C0151313  |  sensory neuropathy  |  1
C0024305  |  non-hodgkin lymphoma  |  1
C0032453  |  relapsing polychondritis  |  1
C0233795  |  anterograde amnesia  |  1
C0014556  |  temporal lobe epilepsy  |  1
C0338106  |  adenocarcinoma of the colon  |  1
C0002871  |  anemia  |  1
C0027873  |  neuromyelitis optica  |  1
C0279628  |  oesophageal adenocarcinoma  |  1
C0004114  |  astrocytoma  |  1
C0677607  |  hashimoto thyroiditis  |  1
C0023470  |  myeloid leukemia  |  1
C0279628  |  esophageal adenocarcinoma  |  1
C0002874  |  aplastic anemia  |  1
C0149925  |  small cell lung carcinoma  |  1
Curated Gene(Waiting for update.)
Inferring Gene(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Gene(Waiting for update.)
Locus(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 1155
Disease limbic encephalitis
Integrated Phenotype(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Phenotype
HPO | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Phenotypes:39)
HP:0001250  |  Seizures  |  9
HP:0030357  |  Small cell lung carcinoma  |  6
HP:0009733  |  Glioma  |  5
HP:0012226  |  Ovarian teratoma  |  5
HP:0100522  |  Thymoma  |  4
HP:0012189  |  Hodgkin disease  |  3
HP:0002664  |  Neoplasia  |  3
HP:0002133  |  Status epilepticus  |  3
HP:0002665  |  Lymphoma  |  3
HP:0001251  |  Ataxia  |  2
HP:0003002  |  Breast carcinoma  |  2
HP:0002360  |  Sleep disturbance  |  2
HP:0009792  |  Teratoma  |  2
HP:0000872  |  Hashimoto's thyroiditis  |  1
HP:0002353  |  Abnormal EEG  |  1
HP:0040276  |  Adenocarcinoma of the colon  |  1
HP:0000127  |  Salt wasting  |  1
HP:0100617  |  Testicular seminoma  |  1
HP:0012539  |  Non-Hodgkin lymphoma  |  1
HP:0002902  |  Hyponatremia  |  1
HP:0003473  |  Fatigable weakness  |  1
HP:0002861  |  Melanoma  |  1
HP:0000763  |  Sensory neuropathy  |  1
HP:0012324  |  Myeloid leukemia  |  1
HP:0100646  |  Thyroiditis  |  1
HP:0100570  |  Carcinoid tumor  |  1
HP:0100768  |  Choriocarcinoma  |  1
HP:0002383  |  Encephalitis  |  1
HP:0004326  |  Cachexia  |  1
HP:0009592  |  Astrocytoma  |  1
HP:0001336  |  Myoclonic jerks  |  1
HP:0001903  |  Anemia  |  1
HP:0000975  |  Increased sweating  |  1
HP:0003003  |  Colon cancer  |  1
HP:0100543  |  Cognitive deficits  |  1
HP:0002725  |  Systemic lupus erythematosus  |  1
HP:0001915  |  Aplastic anemia  |  1
HP:0002354  |  Memory loss  |  1
HP:0004808  |  Acute myelogenous leukemia  |  1
Disease ID 1155
Disease limbic encephalitis
Manually Symptom
UMLS  | Name(Total Manually Symptoms:4)
C0855197  |  testicular cancer
C0796095  |  c syndrome
C0149925  |  small cell lung carcinoma
C0021141  |  syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone
Text Mined Symptom
UMLS | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Symptoms:1)
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
All Snps(Total Genotypes:0)
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GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0)
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GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0)
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Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Chemical(Total Drugs:0)
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FDA approved drug and dosage information(Total Drugs:0)
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FDA labeling changes(Total Drugs:0)
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