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Pediatric Disease Annotations & Medicines

   carcinoid syndrome

Disease ID 312
Disease carcinoid syndrome
A symptom complex associated with CARCINOID TUMOR and characterized by attacks of severe flushing of the skin, diarrheal watery stools, bronchoconstriction, sudden drops in blood pressure, edema, and ascites. The carcinoid tumors are usually located in the gastrointestinal tract and metastasize to the liver. Symptoms are caused by tumor secretion of serotonin, prostaglandins, and other biologically active substances. Cardiac manifestations constitute CARCINOID HEART DISEASE. (Dorland, 27th ed; Stedman, 25th ed)
carcinoid syndrome (disorder)
carcinoid syndrome, malignant
carcinoid syndromes, malignant
carcinoids syndrome
excessive serotonin secretion
hormonal tumor
hormonal tumor (disorder)
hormonal tumour
hormone secretion by carcinoid tumor
hormone secretion by carcinoid tumors
hormone secretion by carcinoid tumour
malignant carcinoid syndrome
malignant carcinoid syndrome [disease/finding]
malignant carcinoid syndromes
serotonin syndrome
syndrome serotonin
syndrome, malignant carcinoid
syndromes, malignant carcinoid
UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:24)
C0011991  |  diarrhea  |  11
C0206754  |  neuroendocrine tumor  |  10
C0018799  |  heart disease  |  8
C0206754  |  neuroendocrine tumors  |  7
C0011991  |  diarrhoea  |  3
C0206754  |  neuroendocrine tumour  |  2
C0494165  |  liver metastases  |  2
C0018824  |  valvular heart disease  |  2
C0020538  |  hypertension  |  2
C0494165  |  hepatic metastases  |  1
C0020598  |  hypoglycaemia  |  1
C0031117  |  peripheral neuropathy  |  1
C0033975  |  psychosis  |  1
C0024586  |  malignant carcinoid syndrome  |  1
C0027849  |  neuroleptic malignant syndrome  |  1
C0242379  |  lung cancer  |  1
C0011570  |  depression  |  1
C0014117  |  endocardial fibroelastosis  |  1
C1384514  |  primary aldosteronism  |  1
C0267557  |  secretory diarrhea  |  1
C0020428  |  aldosteronism  |  1
C0149925  |  small cell lung cancer  |  1
C0004352  |  autism  |  1
C0541912  |  duodenal ca  |  1
Curated Gene(Waiting for update.)
Inferring Gene(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Gene(Waiting for update.)
Locus(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 312
Disease carcinoid syndrome
Integrated Phenotype(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Phenotype
HPO | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Phenotypes:28)
HP:0002014  |  Diarrhea  |  11
HP:0100570  |  Carcinoid tumor  |  11
HP:0002664  |  Neoplasia  |  9
HP:0010783  |  Erythema  |  7
HP:0001945  |  Fever  |  3
HP:0012531  |  Pain  |  2
HP:0000822  |  Hypertension  |  2
HP:0100543  |  Cognitive deficits  |  1
HP:0000969  |  Dropsy  |  1
HP:0000622  |  Blurred vision  |  1
HP:0000709  |  Psychosis  |  1
HP:0002013  |  Emesis  |  1
HP:0001649  |  Tachycardia  |  1
HP:0001347  |  Hyperreflexia  |  1
HP:0030357  |  Small cell lung carcinoma  |  1
HP:0002045  |  Abnormally low body temperature  |  1
HP:0000717  |  Autism  |  1
HP:0009830  |  Peripheral neuritis  |  1
HP:0007430  |  Generalized edema  |  1
HP:0012532  |  Chronic pain  |  1
HP:0000716  |  Depression  |  1
HP:0001289  |  Confusion  |  1
HP:0002169  |  Clonus  |  1
HP:0005208  |  Secretory diarrhea  |  1
HP:0002063  |  Muscle rigidity  |  1
HP:0001943  |  Hypoglycemia  |  1
HP:0001706  |  Endocardial fibroelastosis  |  1
HP:0001962  |  Palpitations  |  1
Disease ID 312
Disease carcinoid syndrome
Manually Symptom
UMLS  | Name(Total Manually Symptoms:31)
C2364050  |  hypothermia
C2039684  |  systemic symptoms
C2003861  |  flushing
C1963179  |  nausea
C1963123  |  valvular heart disease
C1963091  |  diarrhea
C1368041  |  pancreatic somatostatinoma
C1336705  |  testicular carcinoid tumor
C1027109  |  scleroderma
C0520679  |  obstructive sleep apnoea
C0494165  |  liver metastases
C0426576  |  gastrointestinal symptoms
C0267557  |  secretory diarrhoea
C0264545  |  pleural fibrosis
C0239182  |  watery diarrhea
C0235527  |  right-sided heart failure
C0234131  |  motor dysfunction
C0233401  |  psychiatric symptoms
C0221347  |  acrocyanosis
C0037285  |  skin manifestations
C0037284  |  skin lesions
C0034088  |  pulmonary regurgitation
C0034069  |  lung fibrosis
C0033975  |  psychosis
C0022660  |  acute renal failure
C0018801  |  heart failure
C0017086  |  gangrene
C0016978  |  tumor of the gallbladder
C0011991  |  diarrhoea
C0007121  |  carcinoma of bronchus
C0007095  |  carcinoid tumor
Text Mined Symptom
UMLS | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Symptoms:8)
C0011991  |  diarrhea  |  10
C0016382  |  flushing  |  7
C0007095  |  carcinoid tumor  |  4
C0011991  |  diarrhoea  |  3
C0018824  |  valvular heart disease  |  2
C0494165  |  liver metastases  |  2
C2039684  |  systemic symptoms  |  1
C0020672  |  hypothermia  |  1
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
All Snps(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0)
(Waiting for update.)
Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:1)
HP ID HP Name MP ID MP Name Annotation
HP:0001919Acute kidney injuryMP:0002135abnormal kidney morphology;HP:0001635Congestive heart failure
Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:1)
HP ID HP Name MP ID MP Name Annotation
HP:0001063AcrocyanosisMP:0009625abnormal abdominal lymph node morphology;HP:0001919Acute kidney injury
Chemical(Total Drugs:22)
CUI ChemicalName ChemicalID CasRN DiseaseName DiseaseID DirectEvidence PubMedIDs
C0024586amitriptylineD00063950-48-6serotonin syndromeMESH:D020230marker/mechanism8869767
C0024586buspironeD00206536505-84-7serotonin syndromeMESH:D020230marker/mechanism8681579
C0024586chlorpromazineD00274650-53-3serotonin syndromeMESH:D020230therapeutic8862337
C0024586ciprofloxacinD00293985721-33-1serotonin syndromeMESH:D020230marker/mechanism19996237
C0024586citalopramD01528359729-33-8serotonin syndromeMESH:D020230marker/mechanism11889332
C0024586cyclosporineD01657259865-13-3serotonin syndromeMESH:D020230marker/mechanism18243426
C0024586cyproheptadineD003533129-03-3serotonin syndromeMESH:D020230therapeutic17403991
C0024586dihydroergotamineD004087511-12-6serotonin syndromeMESH:D020230marker/mechanism8869767
C0024586fluconazoleD01572586386-73-4serotonin syndromeMESH:D020230marker/mechanism18585543
C0024586fluoxetineD00547354910-89-3serotonin syndromeMESH:D020230marker/mechanism11384912
C0024586fluvoxamineD01666654739-18-3serotonin syndromeMESH:D020230marker/mechanism12456895
C0024586imipramineD00709950-49-7serotonin syndromeMESH:D020230marker/mechanism8869767
C0024586linezolidD000069349-serotonin syndromeMESH:D020230marker/mechanism18624020
C0024586methadoneD00869176-99-3serotonin syndromeMESH:D020230marker/mechanism17187532
C0024586dextromethorphanD003915125-71-3serotonin syndromeMESH:D020230marker/mechanism12456895
C0024586methylphenidateD008774113-45-1serotonin syndromeMESH:D020230marker/mechanism20298736
C0024586methysergideD008784361-37-5serotonin syndromeMESH:D020230marker/mechanism8869767
C0024586methysergideD008784361-37-5serotonin syndromeMESH:D020230therapeutic3711372
C0024586propranololD011433525-66-6serotonin syndromeMESH:D020230therapeutic15707818
C0024586tramadolD01414727203-92-5serotonin syndromeMESH:D020230marker/mechanism11384912
C0024586cetirizineD01733283881-51-0malignant carcinoid syndromeMESH:D008303therapeutic18463367
C0024586octreotideD01528283150-76-9malignant carcinoid syndromeMESH:D008303therapeutic18463367
FDA approved drug and dosage information(Total Drugs:0)
(Waiting for update.)
FDA labeling changes(Total Drugs:0)
(Waiting for update.)