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Pediatric Disease Annotations & Medicines

   autoimmune enteropathy

Disease ID 1684
Disease autoimmune enteropathy
A rare disease in which certain cells in the intestine are destroyed by a patient's immune system. It causes severe, chronic, diarrhea and usually occurs in children.
autoimmune enteropathy (disorder)
UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:6)
C0011991  |  diarrhea  |  2
C0017178  |  gastrointestinal disorder  |  1
C0040053  |  thrombosis  |  1
C0040100  |  thymoma  |  1
C0021390  |  inflammatory bowel disease  |  1
C0011991  |  diarrhoea  |  1
Curated Gene(Waiting for update.)
Inferring Gene(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Gene(Waiting for update.)
Locus(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 1684
Disease autoimmune enteropathy
Integrated Phenotype(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Phenotype
HPO | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Phenotypes:7)
HP:0002014  |  Diarrhea  |  2
HP:0100522  |  Thymoma  |  1
HP:0011473  |  Villous atrophy  |  1
HP:0002901  |  Hypocalcemia  |  1
HP:0002028  |  Chronic diarrhea  |  1
HP:0004936  |  Blood clot in vein  |  1
HP:0005305  |  Cerebral vein thrombosis  |  1
Disease ID 1684
Disease autoimmune enteropathy
Manually Symptom
UMLS  | Name(Total Manually Symptoms:1)
C0151945  |  cerebral venous thrombosis
Text Mined Symptom
UMLS | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Symptoms:1)
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0)
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All Snps(Total Genotypes:0)
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GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0)
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GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0)
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Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:0)
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Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:0)
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Chemical(Total Drugs:0)
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FDA approved drug and dosage information(Total Drugs:0)
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FDA labeling changes(Total Drugs:0)
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