Search HSPA6 in BRCA (Breast invasive carcinoma)

Nameheat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 6
Locus Groupprotein-coding gene
Entrez GeneID3310
External LinksEnsembl, HGNC, Uniprot

Differential expression

Boxplot of expression for HSPA6 in BRCA

CpGs located in HSPA6


 Group: different genomic regions, including TSS1500, TSS200, 5'UTR, 1stExon and 3'UTR
         TSS200: region from -200 nt upstream to the transcription start site (TSS) itself
         TSS1500: sequence region from -200 to -1,500 nt upstream of the TSS
         1stExon: the first exon
         Body: gene body region

 Relation To Island: CpG island, CpG island shores (2 kb regions upstream and downstream of the CpG islands) and shelves (2 kb regions upstream and downstream of the CpG island shores)
         CpG island (CGI): 200bp in length, GC percentage >50%, Observed/expected CpG ratio >60%
         Shore: Up to 2kb from CpG island, including N_shore (0-2 kb upstream from CGI) and S_shore (0-2 kb downstream from CGI)
         Shelf: 2-4 kb from CpG island, including N_shelf (2-4 kb upstream from CGI) and S_shelf (2-4 kb downstream from CGI)
         Open Sea: Isolated CpGs in the genome
 Differentially methylated genes (promoter region).

Boxplot for DMG

Boxplot of DNAm for HSPA6 in BRCA
 Pearson and Spearman correlation between methylation of gene promoter and FPKM is calculated.

Scatter plot

Scatter plot of Methylation-Expression for HSPA6 in BRCA

Pearson Correlation

Spearman Correlation

 Functional Epigenetic Modules (FEM) of protein-protein interactions (PPI) are calculated by FEM algorithm.

There is no modules found for gene HSPA6

 Functional Epigenetic Modules (FEM) of Co-Occurrence and Mutual Exclusive (COME) network for genes are calculated by FEM algorithm, and COME is detected by DISCOVER (Discrete Independence Statistic Controlling for Observations with Varying Event Rates) algorithm.

There is no modules found for gene HSPA6

 Kaplan-Meier survival analysis.

Website Compatibility: Google Chrome is recommended
Citation: [1] Ding, Wubin, Geng Chen, and Tieliu Shi. "Integrative analysis identifies potential DNA methylation biomarkers for pan-cancer diagnosis and prognosis." Epigenetics 14.1 (2019): 67-80.[ Full Text ]

Citation: [2] Wubin Ding, Jiwei Chen, Guoshuang Feng, Geng Chen, Jun Wu, Yongli Guo, Xin Ni, Tieliu Shi, DNMIVD: DNA methylation interactive visualization database, Nucleic Acids Research, 48(D1), D856-D862.[ Full Text ]

Citation: [3] Ding, W., Feng, G., Hu, Y., Chen, G., & Shi, T. (2020). Co-occurrence and mutual exclusivity analysis of DNA methylation reveals distinct subtypes in multiple cancers. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 8, 20.[ Full Text ]