Search cg04883911 in KIRC (Kidney renal clear cell carcinoma)

Locationchr2 : 208977452
Entrez GeneID
Gene Symbol
Relation To IslandS_Shore
Genomic Group

Enhancers overlap with cg04883911


cis-meQTL for cg04883911 in KIRC


meQTL data were obtained from Pancan-meQTL database

trans-meQTL for cg04883911 in KIRC


meQTL data were obtained from Pancan-meQTL database

Differentially Variable and differentially Methylated CpGs (DVMCs) for cg04883911 in KIRC


Definition of differentially methylated CpGs: |difference|>0.2 & indepedent Student's t-test adjusted p-value <= 0.05

Definition of differentially variable CpGs: Bartlett's test adjusted p-value <= 0.05

Scatter plot for DVMC

Scatter plot of DNAm profile for cg04883911 in KIRC

pathway-meQTL for cg04883911 in KIRC


e-mQTL for cg04883911 in KIRC


Website Compatibility: Google Chrome is recommended
Citation: [1] Ding, Wubin, Geng Chen, and Tieliu Shi. "Integrative analysis identifies potential DNA methylation biomarkers for pan-cancer diagnosis and prognosis." Epigenetics 14.1 (2019): 67-80.[ Full Text ]

Citation: [2] Wubin Ding, Jiwei Chen, Guoshuang Feng, Geng Chen, Jun Wu, Yongli Guo, Xin Ni, Tieliu Shi, DNMIVD: DNA methylation interactive visualization database, Nucleic Acids Research, 48(D1), D856-D862.[ Full Text ]

Citation: [3] Ding, W., Feng, G., Hu, Y., Chen, G., & Shi, T. (2020). Co-occurrence and mutual exclusivity analysis of DNA methylation reveals distinct subtypes in multiple cancers. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 8, 20.[ Full Text ]